Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, July 08, 1843, Image 3

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Vow the einerse for the nlaittoirro. BURGH.
wit..t j t Afit B. FOST E R, Esq. ofAlleeurny city will , Trim E subscriber most reSpectfully informs the geniis-
Oon the nifi n of rrailiono t arr st Ann lie" IJI fliii- city and vie:lolly that he hos commenced
._..-------"ani----------- he a can/i t 4 f of g . men °
• county, tlie October election. suite 4. j the BOOT and SHOE making business in roust 4 street,
211;ei BAN'S. _ ___----- :opposite the Mayors o ffi ce. Haying been common lit
tre. —This evening N. H.
• PROTHONOTARY: 1 some of the most Rishionable Boot Shops in the Eastern'
11111., oh old favorite, gives err entertain.
v ,- I respectfully offer myself as a candidate for the office cities; and having furnished him-elf with the best French
mentat the Theatre. - The piece of "Rob- th
of Proonotary, subject tithe action (tithe Democratic j and American Calf Skins. he hopes by his attention to
WM .G. HAW K IN'S. b us i ness to merit a share of public. oat ronrue To those
ert-Emmet," is one ofthrilling interest, and 1 Vl. "nv,"!'";
Ilkinsl ownshlp, lune 27—lc gentlemen who have kindly patronised him he returns
the other portions of the entertainment are ,
PROTHONOTARY. g o odness of know s work and know ledge r f his business.
ore% interesting and amusing character.—
I To the Voters of Attegheny County: —I respectfully of
°"v 11 P. KEgRIGAN.
Those who so warmly 81.1 ppo rted Mr B. fer myself to your consideration es a candidate ( todepen- ; Farms to Lease.
dent of parties) fur the office of PROTHONOTARY of 1 ~, • • •
dating former visits, will doubtless give Allegheny county, at Ole ensuing elect Von, As I donut /1111 E undersigned will lease two farms situated its
East Deer towns with the necessary teitenents,
him.a hearty welcome this evening. i come before yen recommended by a Convention, I hose. of ,
, and from 75 to 100 acres cleared on each. Also, title
you to whom I ant not personally known will please et -
t. Westy
arm situated in Deer township Alleghen county
amine into my qualifications, 4• c.; and if so fortunate at
with front 50 to 75 acres cleated. TI e above 'desert ed
to obtain a majority of your suffrages, I shrill endertior J
i property is in reasonably good repair, laying ab tut 15
by strict attention to the ditties of the effice;to satisfy you I
es from the rite of Pitisburah, and within two 'mien
with your choke. ALEX, MIf.LAR,
i of the Penn'a ('anal, anti will be leased on reasonable
may 10 —tE' 0 i Pittsburgh: te,rms for from Ito ,hree years, to good tenants.
JULY 8, 1343.
r 7 We are requested to state that Mr.
Max Bohrer, at the requesvif a number of
w. 11 ;Ilya his sec 3 14 and last Con
cert-this evening at Concert Hall.
CORRECTION.—An error occurred yesterday
irtthispublicatioo of C.lpt Porter's reply to the let
ter ofthe Committee, requesting a copy of his ad
dress for publication• The first word in the 4th
riser should- read grateful, not Wiped,' as prin
• _ _
Block Vomit.
Agf says there were two case; ofblock vo
mit in this city I ‘st Thursday, both of which ter
tooriisated fstdily. May riot thia.be u lions? Ito•
lthiritAif new diseases are fl ing about ha,,vo in all
diiietiona. A few ti•iyi flan fur instance, we
heard that the 'black tongue' was raging in Coal
Litre. which of course, hurl * no foundAti,n in
eh - cities arc getting, plenty an.l cheap in our
Wakes.' Mulberries arc nearly done. Plum , .
clitttelteia. • •
'The Weigher it getting aLT4t. , . Since
Sit Id iy at - Oran,' it 1114 htien e‘i a an.l
notwithstanding we ha i very little rain. Yester
day; ho4user, sh 'wed ayiiiiitoini of anothe
secirehlpg spell.
Foutt:i there were seie , al fights and
petty rows in the city and vicinity, but we are
happy to say that drunkenness was not the cause
ofaltof thetn. Such scenes w:Il ht enacted in all
Citikelh, as long as niln is what ha is, and we inns ,
• eniect to hear with it; yet it is the duty of all to
40 what they can` in effecting - a reform uni‘ersat,it
possible,,but general_ at any rat:.
FLIM-7A very destructive Fire occu
red last evening, about 8 o'clock. The
smoke house of Messrs. McCutcheon and
Galway, on Irwin street, one dour f , om the
corner of Psnal way totally destroyed. It
was - filled uithPacon, not a p.,ttiicle 01
which -was saved. The I ouse itself was
owned by Mr Henry We have
nut heard the extent of the loss, but in rase,
the property was withr•ut insuratice,it must
be great. Much fear was entertained for
the safety of the block Of warehouses on
Liberty, stretching to Mat ket str et t,
the furniture was retnoved from the , dwt;l
ling houses adjoining on Penn street.
by-the intlehttigahle t xei lions of o ur
quallel Fireman, no
s further dt,mage
dune than the total destruction of the
ding in %which tl e tire originated, and the
plough manufActory of Nlr Ca hour)
. Tire sandwich talent:a.
From the ton , ! of the English press elan •
f t.t.l. •
live to the seizure of these islands, we are
led to suppose that England is afraid to le.
Lain ihetn; but she is evidently preparing ci.stri.,LL.No Oen, t .
for a negutiatory secessi , n ~t. them, and Ja,,,. 2 . 4 k 1 ,, 43
'unlett9 our goi,feriirneit-siirs _in the matter, AT„.l„`;iE„l,7'll'g b e en the Pe a t-ict 01 l' r
the Islands ale gimlet— - The Siibtile Lor -1,,,,
~r. .,
h, a ,
„ai l: .
e e
, 11 , 1 , . 1
I: :: I t
( 1 , 1 , 1 ;
n O o ll f . ,
. 1 i
i . ‘ 0 ,, 1 , 1 , r , f , . : : 1 1 1 :: : ,, t , t:r e, . ,, , 7 1 , 0 ;
don Times of 15th says of the seizure:— 1' , 7 c' ,. l 7 l ried i f , Y ,he I' , i',..ide:.l will he effected on or allot..
.Tite view whin has been t'dieit of this! lie :: - :4,:;f inariliii:iiYarnac::::ll,,lbs4:::,z':e-il:°l'.l;l'iltll'alt 11 l 1 "lr"l'lt'.. r
treaty-of cession in this courtly is not fa-1 ,1•COnli day of Onl , er 111..X.1, tiy the E[..l.llliv, prerlarna
rurAblv to its confirmation. Although no
lion l 'e 3 r l nr l "n the 3 ' h "''''' • w ''' '''' hell 31 Inn lime
prescril cd in the I tut ICI nit • f • ti.
' " ° " ' n
TliY2.llll.A I:E. cnE , 1 9 ( • 0 \I h, ti . d, ....‘,K 1., , , I , ANI) \-
°blame can be laid on Admiral Paulen for RIETY S l'Olt-:.
his ti
the -in the transactio we understand 1 :1""e 30-lawt 10 Cont. i s .intter.
----_— NO 1.4.14, Min ket , I , 1,4, no -I' Li1 , e ,.11, .
that the- Sandwich Islands are not to; be; rot' St. Loris, Burlington & Galena. rrli I: .0-..ro , er ~ 1.. t 0. ., 1 .... - 1,-',l-101111'01 ..
-anneted to.the dominions o f the B r itish I a. The new and fight drato,•ltt Sleantlmat
~' In' l'" 1 " ;1' "; "" II- ' '''' ' ' ' n " r" (""”
Crown, but t 3 be restored to the indepan. I sonTti tit:ND Tnos C. llAy, AI ani„r ,in Ins ''''''' '''' '' '''' 1 ' ''' ''' - ''' '''''"'" °I. ' l '' ' ' "
• .. • will leave for
i t , li 6 p o t t li o nt r y
j e ,:i t y td ilnermeditile landing. on • ; i h'"n" to "h"h 1 ' "";" M ; . `r h ' h " ' l.l "'.." w h '
dent autherity of the native st verei.in.
E . Thursday n a, in &clock , A. NI. r , ii . 1. -1110 i turcita-e w heir...tie .;I' 1 , , 1ti11. ~ .., I \' 111,V f,,,,•:,0:.
Although these islands are unquestionably frei d ta or passage a pply 00 . 1,,,,,d or •to 'I he foliow tog ronort‘e- p.tt 01 hi- stnek, wai t h
a vet
jAm Es tt , t A y 1;1 , 11 , ..3...rirt1ent of fa er .i e t,0„1:, a nd t o ) A t
so peritir 1,0 al l the other groups of tie junP : i l .? -t .,, i' '
pn. l Gi l i,;, ,e d,t. e .. ottli Ike(' is furnished with Evan , ' i'ltf, ti
Polynesian archipelago, i i i•ize, arid in pteVf`lll 1' i t iloptoriq of Hollers.
sition, both as regards the whale fisheries; -- - _____ - 1141, K %% %% %%%
and refreshment of vessels crossing the l -LOON-S. %II . „ot i llu t I ‘ l l
Northern Pacific, it does not appear that ♦ 33 Toss. Juniata Plnorns, on hand and for sale by ,
. . I. W ,I4II`..BRIIiGE kCo
the possession of them wo uld ci „,f,
r upon * .'' ..• ,
3.nti JO Water a vec., het. Wood and Sin i litield -.•-.: a ';ilAt4ll9; • r -,.k,„:„..ei;,-1-t‘it.l #:
this country ally advantage ti , t equally to --_____ . -•,;-------::--5-, - _,.... „,_ - .,a -. _ •-•-
--. -
be attained by the:maintenalice ot :{,
ifidepef.delflee. That independence having .‘ l. tile ..11citat ion of a 1111011.er (11 m enet: 01 ail pot- 101 l liteet..l 1 01 be,t .tidies:
been ' tecogn zed by the United Stales, ,
1. 1.,, , , t: t riii pri f oipst cr•- i tect folly o ffer t r ) sclf ttII e con 600 dozen , •• I tec:
ellow-civzens orr the office t.i County 10110 • al, rob,- , e ntti r mind ;
andhavinglheeti pointedly ad vered to by the Cotrintil- I sLiter 'Y 1 hal soy sentiments may titd be nti-uit 161111 e, pat tint tit rend;
I epreventatives of this count' V upon aye- detslood, ei• her as in i mlllical of private affairs, I mute `2.5 Ilitt. comma -ilk,
cent-occasion, it was obviously our dut as s a y
i l , l j i e n:te n liet•ri ee f i i t , ll e tity I i d fc a
Aenitsaleni Re ' 70 P t,. hoot sho t. Ittioa d;
we ll as our interest to respect it. This Is somewhat eniltarri-.9tsed in its fie7nclal a ffni i r i s e , ;170 "I t i the Y e
l i C-1 ;0 1 l'ili'3,-;;-k::::1' fr.1)ftfloll'::101'17r:';'11;.1:
very transaction will have placed the 111- "due llon of ~i larieF ( 4 i"O'lir on . e' ts has received the 1617rttsa gilt ittitl tatinst mistonp:
approbation of hirer fllaj4lllll4'S of ilte pe rm it!, tile under l i t
peno -hlrl imitc,a. , ,
dependence of the Sand wich Islands 4)11
dependence of , stoned wonld not 91,01) 1 11 liP he -n Int-meaty a* in be Our • 1.9.0 "rot., 'ore !arcs;
itik!, s trongest possioie loutid.nion —fir we IP. - I• in any manner attempt to tesi..l this 1.31111a11 re 10 doe.. 10110 i, hell comb:;
may presume that no other Gale wll yen- f orp' ; "." ld " ''''' ' l 'C nilln"rt.""lY Crinnoss inner. 25 t inv. •
tor i riOr chrll, lurk and Buffalo combs;
;,pr ti: SAMUEL iIUBL.F.V. rSS ,1,,y.. tine Ivory eornint.;
lure to appropriate what England has con• - -_ —___—
Zan ,10% drex.t combs;
vinecd herself bound to restore, after it had PRESBYTERIAN BUOY."' 33()
1... -
been midi over to her with the consent rilitz , 1 . i 1
Fll 1.C.1'l /P 1 ha s rec , leer! a small na•Orlinent of li itrns , lamb heretic
'2O dtte, a.,•toried hair and clothes knishes;
L the publications of the Pre-Ityterian Board of Pith
cram reigning powers in the island." ~.- i '7'..", dta. iis,licnilr.S;
lication, nnd will sell them at till l'aialotdite price.(es
The follow rag ominous announc'ement 40 ~ r nss white d ilverrd hank. and ryes;
~p f.ne the Confession of Ptah, and the fest edition of 20 ...noia common hone , and e y e ,.
appears in the Parliamentary reports: be
Psalms anif.llyinns—on these a small adrance intl.( 50 (10Z. a.sorlett scissors;
'Sir. li, Peel has stated, in the House of be made to cover charges.) and on the same items, ii , at 310 ,„ 5i ,„,„ 1 ,.,,,
the Depotator yin P h oattclphla, for all a mounts re, Vitt v • ••„”
Commons, that the Salida ich Islands had:„, e rns. a ssort Minh:bone;
. _ Dollar , Or under. as below copied froth the terms of the 4 t
. t .i'M ttr y s , , t ,nrcti sizes:dtes;
a iren ceded to the British Crown.' terms of the flottrit, viz: 4O erns sut t ee
SO then they have been eedeelto the 1.4 t. .\II sates antonntirud to ten dollats. cash, .3 urn. , Woodsy:la,, celettrated Pen holders.;
Sate , . ahoy° 11. t ( 101%11'3, ailfl 11,1 e x eretliii , d, twenty, I
British Crown, and the Premier announ- „.: 2 1 d ,'
, with a di s count of ten per cent. par f unds. With a general as.tortment of ail kin& of variety ent.e,
p h i n ii L l
e a :,
. t, 4 , !l e l n s, iv .
~ sea
(1/..nti;,..cl,,,laolirteld.c r i a n dle•t. market and offs r
tee the fact. The official Journal, in the , 3a. tzfil , in annottit float twenty to fir. y dollars, for pattletilar Inane the
meantime, would fain gloss the
over pe'::.ifrd6' ,,lein , n ,.l . , , i n c. d u il a , :i i i r a n a , ,, ,, a , a ,
added 3 per u t lent ton of the ladies to IllS fine and larce rtsartrilent. nr
and blind -fold the A Wei icans until the el. ' ri:e m o ' l " l ' P l l ' illiol ' el, ilia. as . 'lt s l l t t:l'll a s l t ' i ' i n n•i f ro t:i n I. , l a te" l t i i t in he t o tl ' itjt ' mo lw er i r i ''',, n o ‘ o l i lt ,",: i t t s , l ) :: c t o it ',',' l-s t ,.„ l . A ,: t .', ° lrt • i G e rl o i; :., a d m e ; *c p p r . ° ,,,,7,,, lrd l it'l i e l .
British have the Islands hard and fast in pllfrllil.o .0‘ Made. elta- , tta can retdrn it if mil ii. reurritpiiiNl Alan tile bra
1 That a fair experiment may be made in this branch ! mi ,,,,, drokil eVeti needles, Which natio : been I:lnch:lprd
their clutches. :Of one ttualness,thc cask systeni must be strictly adhered itt m eeiallv for retail, a nd fine A111[1(0811 flat and round
~.----------------- to; and on the terms flt1111:1" 1110p11...11, It in belleVril COll- ' 1 ,,,i pit :„ (may 24 1 C.Y E AG ER.
facfien .Method of Courtship.—Cailin in grecations and inditelduals will have no ean.e t o con,-
9 __--- _
itl. A share of P ublic patina:lse in rev peri 11111‘ soli
one of his lectures. exhibit , d a u s e d
g ;coed. I,f_TKF. 1.00 %%IS. .9 a ent , , ENCTIANGU 'HOTEL,
6outtlig.iitlie, Which lie said was used by k jcine 7.8--ir. -89 Wood i-treel.
Corner of Penn ,S- St. Clair :,Is. Pittsb'gh.
the Aedian lover in wooing the dark-es ed ! ------------------------------ '
vnaiiifrof the wilderness. For hours ileltil 64.1.0CKS made expressly for powder mae azincs, Ini S r i,E PI °Mi. tor.. of this f 11,V , 111 and I'olllo odious es
„ry s ullanle for York liourr.s. as tip: r i aterials of t tab'isiment, heti !c:ive to ri.,iimince iii their friends
heard the sounds of this simple flute, and ”
wh i c h t hey o re constructed will riot rust frorn iini .ieinni ;ilia 1! e public, that their pries for Board , fioni this dale,
he has seen the patient lovers silting una: of the salt, Will be sold low for cash, , it,
10 oN p. n ol.t. A tt f''.l2 II A V.
JAS. PATTERSON. ; From the locality of t hi. , 11101 , P, I,PIIITZ s ituated initl•
dere-tree by the bank of a river, or in mar 2-6 w _ • ivay between tite t'a nal and ^:r ' .1 2
tandnizs, at d on
Bunt o f a h e dge, and never has he heard a! tom =teat t
hat to tci•ltt ttv ru t . the p r o ff ie
word excliangrd •lietween the seemingly. icrsr . R EC . EfVF.:,D---11 fe v c apers of .. FIVeIIA in the
lore Itli-t, that with rontiottedelettion, on tht ir pint
'her win le' citable(' to afford every :Mention and fled .
jillarir pair. M an'y m arriages take place ledian History, on excellent late is ot k oht the Ab_
otl a inese country. Alan "The A trerienst
i t...liter," an-
ity rp o tiirt cl for . the c omfort and convenience of t'r
11 defy by•rhe c harms , 3 4
this flute, es h e 041wr spry
sexueelcleeirliuf.saa::dwLku.hamPritotift.insefte, Le iii p 1 01 9; n i t :, .
' attests. and hope to merit a c ontinuance of lie ffill , oll
alp -it to be a (act Oat 'a jingle word I a a9 9 . . m that has hitherto IlePll pp libettille extended I o thew
. .. FamUiltitellentsnd- Social WQyringhnill•Book.W.ll.l"sinit2:l,ennt,:icao'::: 1
_.'l.,.....peri_ororlitarelintiPort,el•ett offices. a
mo e c d onirtell
Issis over been spoked n'edner puty du. Temperance Lyres and Fl cas h . by 1 v.'", the li 1 . mid fo r t o n ter IaCCUM at on or
i t
.36,4610 perio d, : f rom .sourtAihip t o tett:ea reactor tar Palr.ke.; forierttl:cowii,Alniti. I their uen., an Osasibda will at all times ht la *ad,.
neat* la conVey thew to and frOteilkilt HOltse. • • _
• y 7. -• A;ent and Commission liter'ht, 8 Fifth rt. apt.s.---am. eIcKIBRIN t SMITH.
$ A %Arit a / a
10 !D O°
onazeiksralarr.e.r.a.i.s. ik,-
P WIN/ALVA N t .4. - 1 ;1
TRDl.eAL9i*ran:k.e.allaricuagesessal,rAtilms.o.7. 1
TRACTOR inestimable. .
It not nnti eu:rastiir'rker,lint j 800 3. OrelttibUT.:l,
gives no additional pain, nor leaves a scar. Fire is post l Merch, rt Man..bk.. par
Lively rervdcted harmless. ($lO has been offered .ix i k F. tchange bank, par
months to any person returning an empty box, and , aying , Ilk. of Germantowt. ••
that all agony on anointing is not extracted ir a few min ( EaztLii lank, .
utesoret not one from thousands of trials since ha' claim 1 Lancaster bank, die I
Pd the bonus.) Parents anxious to -guard againstsenera t hank of Chester CO. par
t hei r
off and save tiMe, fortune and life, and p.t :ent 1 FarmertOtk Bucks Co. ••
their offspring from tel disfigured by burns, or event Doylestown bk do ••
small pox pustules. (it po , sessing the enviable power to ' Ilk of N America Phil.
replace thecellninry organs destroyed.) can do so by oh. ilk of Northern Llbeitiel,,,
tnining 1.1. is inimitable sialve. Many deeply burnt cases i Commercial bk. of Pa. .'
1 u the city ran be seen, and One entire face hurnt over and Far. k Mechanics bk
wounded three distinct times intim sanibspOt willic heal Kensington bk. . o
ing, yet in no case can be traced the legit cleat rice or Philadelphia Ilk.
mark' For all kinds of hurts its rapid soothing effect s are Schuylkill lA. .
le ss important;even sore eyes, all inflamations and bro S Western outhwk
bk. ar bk. ••
ken breasts would he unknown. The toilet and nursery, .
for clearing the skin of pimples,removiug chafe, etc., w ilf , Bk. or Pennsylvania ,
nod it Indispensable. One 11.1117, only will forever dial •'Bk of Penu•Tr, '
Ilsh it thesovereign HEAL•.I.I,I. quality. After this no Man. , * Mechanics bk. par
lice, beads of families allowing torture for months, and 1 Mechanics bk. par
PROTICONOTARY. „, i , ~,, „ ultimaley dclorted features. ran never wipe away re• j Moyamensing bk.
1 RESPECTFULYoffer myself a candidate for the afire .....""." ""---.. 1,010,,j,cr1y u ttered by a disabled child, for itegtrcting t Girrirdba.,k, 151
I. or Prothonotary of Allegheny count y.sublect tosilie tic- INIPORI'ANT TO OWNERS OF ; t° trin'lllr"ver I"
U. Stales hank, 48
thin of the Democratic county convention which meets ..Entered according to art of C0ng0.... A. D. 1 tl4l ,by Lundiermros', %Verret:, -- i
on the 30th August next. GEO. R. RIDDLE. SAW-MILLS. c o mg-:.(1, cCo ,In the rim It', offir alio , ni;driet Court Frank. bk Washington. pat
Allegheny City, May 3;-ie d& w. Qik..VDEfI.S 11nrivalled Self Setters forFavniills w hirl; iof the Called Sta l, s cantle soull.ei tt District of New Nt triers lik of Pottsvile, 4,
/-.._..• have been so fully te.,teil in different parts of 'lie , York." Elk of Montgomery Co. Pa
l l
SHERIFFALTY. mot, d Stales, an well as in the cities of pat:burgh and ' Warrnm ,- . l ' I -, nrtiv llenilln"• .., ~,. . .. Mon. bk Brownsviite,
We are authorized to annotinre Mr. PODY PAT. Allegheny. can he seen In operation al n naid.er of ' r oim oir... a; , 'ii., is lottenAle 11(11:!;!,31.,1-N. inf.. ~a,.• be Erie Rank,
TEBSON, or the city of Pittsburgh, as n candidate for milk io la. , oeight,olhood, Vl7, at li r Ar i ,;i.,,,,,ti j r, I c 5,,,,, ii,,....,, , ,,, w or i oie...aii• ,i2..iiis for Mr Dalley, in A rnsti liarrielmrgh ha nk• 51
the afire ofiliterlif, at the efooting eternal, subject to mills' on Peen st,; Si fir - mm:ln 4- I'llnotio'r ,' flelil , , near ea for 211 i cars• All orders must 1,4 , addre , erti to them. Far. bk Lancaster, I i
the it 3rniitation of the county Democratic tonveut ion 11,1111 0 er Aileghr Ity Brolge.iled at Morrison's mills on l The. gr nasi.e only to he had at TUTTLE'S Medtcat llk of Middletown, 41
June -2.4---te Nov 15 j Bk. of Chamlersburgh, 4,
flare% isliintLand oilier-. The lil,ovi . named In:1 , 11111e , Agenev, .X r , , rlll Octet .
-- - '
I ron he obtained at . AV. Wallare's shop on Libert‘ st l —
------------..- ' Carlisle hank, 4
' )1 Fs I•F "ASR ST IR
. near Soil hfield. Where 11 Is fining op. and where the . NEW "H ( --" ' 4 lE, Ilk of Northumberland, par
Ift C,7.PEt'TFULLtr• present titySed . to the CIIIZrOA Of machine will be roost anl;,y id 01l bands. A p l oy io R. No. 99 Trood street. roltonhinhk 4- Bridge co. 8
Allegheny county, as a candidate for the 14114riflalty, ;F. Snyder or WW. W. Wallace. nnis 5 PITTSBURGH. 1 flk Susquehanna Co• 40
subject to the:teflon ot the Drmoctatic Conventton,wl ich -- , nor Delaware Co. par
SPANISH TO'l AGCO --lit h..les Tuba Leaf T ri t i , i eci,, ', IVI Er. N.l '`: 4 40 \ F-.' are receiving constants-' fresh I
meet.: on the Stith of August next, I. till , day received and I'm ...i bv Lebanon bk. 4
pine 9.- d 4 wtc. F. 1.1.1 \II TB OVILLO. I ',unpile,' of ieasonnbte Dry floods which they will I
Gellvsluirgh bk. 4
_ i J. G. ,‘• A. GORDEN, I, con' inns to dispn, of al easeern priceswlth the addition
I York bank, 4\
inns. 22. 12 Water street. lor cart ins' , r''r " 54 . P.,. monty. only.
I Every merchant ,nskin , . purchases in the city with F" 3 1 . r"" ve " l ' k • 01
Wivtimitourgh, 4
nioney,ts re,pe:tfults invited to call and examine our •- •
" •• Cnrrency note , , 4
zomt-. and the rleinees are ten to one against hito that
11onendate. T.
ho will leo .•on-idur liin time art la' or lost. l Wyomine bank
1A- o lopted 1 its Cyst em from n r ail/inn at that It ; p , , - • 1()
NAL 1 1A- !olln• 11,1 , 1 , 1 4
, 1.7 A O' ' I ''' PicrAds,,. we Irli'l 0 I . "14.'..2" (,tank .3" l r
1 conntry do do
nay t. crivr .. j..,i- ti,nl,:tmlbilmt.:ed aecordingli, 1 flecks I o bans. 701
1,,,,, lb . di ~,
_. . - . -- Letvloovvt. 2
- I 1 - , 4 I' CE. Prof of Peom trt oon. hie r e-no; ;led his
; 11i,uotplennatil MA 1* ALABAMA
*IP ~ NV re in-:1n5t . ...1 e ft., the searon, at his f o imer rnon,
Far. 4 Mech bk of Sten rood Pa , k • .
corns. of W. 10.1 3 inl 'lr !ma .14. W 1 1, ,,. I ,r 7. eta. ,,, e• Art` 1 1. in , , ' ' ll ' 1 : 1:1 ' .., 0 — c, ,, EF..
„„w 1,,,t,.1,,,. !kit C,•ii .00m e. tined WI In sunerier st I, i ' " .
Belmont bk uf St. Gl.rirn i All Ranks.
for toe recepi ion of bin pitons. who svlll meet daily.
wrl ' e w aited upon at 20 - clork, r.a . i ; vile ' it NM-MOAN
. Marietta bk. Demand nit. of St. Clair, 10
Gentlemen's Class 4 ~ I
In ail cas ,, . a 1,.•.it ond fastilonalde style of Penman- ' nifi". •; Do. d,.. IS- D. gibith 34
do Crirren , y notes. 1 i CINt ri ‘
:Ito 10
-1,,, , I. Worrllo,l in the :turn; iv e p 11: , !i. Colombians 1k New I. t - '..• ,- ..1 iliti - ....
Tern , of too lon for 12 Ivs,lns, tk 1510 I bon Demand,
5.001 1; Ens.tern Fit lin nge.
11 1 Pho.. , trInn L.
1 .1.11. • can receive le - sons at ihei , retflet ces .1 deal- C ,:l o , r " 1 , n.“": 4
. Ineinnati speve pay-A:evr; yr. r k,
re ,I
, , Inv banks, 1 rtaltiniore I
ferric E will r A rni A. on thr ;dm; test notice, all kiwis
Mech. 4 Traders bk of Roston
of 1 - 4111 V anti nrllllll,rt.i r. timanslip, In Theo:oat neat I
, Cincinnati. 3 Western Exchange.
~,i r‘.10.,.11.1e. man or' ; ( - 11,,i0n hit of Columbus. Irinclonati. par
Tb, o.lll' , ore rer-PrqiClA invited In roll at the 1,, ,
L Demand norm,. 1* Lowsvitle. - PR!
molls :lea rvrio t” , .. Mr E'., •porlitien. of 1,,,,,,,An01p ,
Circleville, (11. Lawrence i'levelarni. A die
:and 111et1,,0 .I'.• ~,,,,, no 19.-2 w.
_._ I Ca.dtiert 11 Noreling.
_ par
kJ illirLol l . de. CO.'s 7.snecville ilk il COLD ~.) St IN I:R . par
; ----------------"""'"'--
rill 11-; nt..1e....,,,ed, ,gents for Ilin ttl "V.. C11'1,14011,1 FOIL SALE Olt Ti) Rif: \T,
I• .., ~ ,t - 5:• , .-T. will alwacs keep on 1..t0d an .1+- -:.-------- -----__— ---------
~.,„ , „. a ,l, . i mp. eotiskt tog In
T OTS For, SA 1.E.-Pour Lotn in Manchester. Oro
fle-i Ilet - t..ett c iii 5,11. ,qiittoerl, nal.round and Octaztm ,I i ~,t , , a fo urth S en ,,, ~,,. 1 . ,, , , no , in , r ,,,,, ilin. Lots
do d , .I• 1 ale ten.oer, ' ne'l• 41. 42.52. 53. 5-4, 191. 152 and 184. in r'ook's plan
Cl , l, 1..1 41.1 11 , tor itai' rottern. of t.,t, MI 1101.1 it: 111:1 Also. Lots nos 26 and 27. In
Pcst 0 , i'rll' 'ea, it Slroste Shear Sre . ciods`s iiiait Of Lids On High .1 ere;- near the new roar
t , .., ~.. h ,•,.• r.e•o sa G. f“ , he 'reticle and c..... 1 ., don, For terms apply to 7.. W. REMINGTOR
' ,i wlm v.; ite. I,i, the rase or In ninal'er 'Ol4 1.1•11j 1
',VON, StIOR It g r . I'. I.
Fnot of IS end ;
1 P1( - ;,- LEAD.
C:IIEAP FOR CASII. , 1 i)fidi i'll:S I.f:A D. in in received a.ul for Fair I
le-.0131.7 ilia, 21• 1A NI E.:3 NI A Y
10 8, FIF7 If Si'tir.ET.
Two ddors Iron .'Markel street. \ 01/c E.__ VC nee( ;co, a quantity
palmed on i lir i il.zet, of Piiii.i.n. gli Avii V Irint . y.
1 pirporit: , r I, be made ('A'Pennet cS ! Pr . ' l !e r . I 1a1.. , ii,i.
J\'L ATES ittiriiii• in man II fall' ill re a lien ei .1. i.i le ,PI oaitlind of Incririnite! the 'lntuit , 11. , V ti' y mar 0,1,11
. alliefe,
Child. ems all .11 ii“ , .. S hp , ' and Sr .! I! CIII I 5..1 . 1. ilinio.iiirin for !he lir are. 1 , 1 Pen. tilt and Itr. .'"!
cheaper I.lr call ilinit II cy fa,' lit, i , ,Ught ~ lie toy . — ' iiiiiiie,a re O.:01111'd nn !he t.triolli of earlPltt 4, 1 . dii.n. a
f 4
l • Peon. it
lie wall keep cinieo antly i.t. nand nod .... .ke in nriler 1.,. ;fi Vro !Av. , rticit, vit. ' , 'land
._r , i .•li Ware NM
diva r'lior i ii Of all kinds and colors al the veto lost prin.. , i ticeitrea i• - i
ilf Ina (iii.iiwiimi lii.i:
Ladles' I. inn Foxed fl.tiler Boril,,
i i brio quality Kid or Morocco Gaiters
I....dietr Calf,kin Boole.
'• Fused Half Gaiters. all colors,
. i• best kid and Morocco Bu Rine.
ii Double:tined L.-tippers, (Seri )
•iline Kid Stainer, and 1 liens, !it coal
Sprite:, heavy, • nine. : - .11 ,
i i ... Slippc r-,
All =de lwre war ran' d. and ClillJte,C,
in the scone pr 01111r1
tißernember the plate, al the yi n 0( the Red 110 x
g. Pith s rrei.
J udy
7 - ) ItaliPlS 114,(4t4^4r.
rousiglm.rtit nrd (..r 9714 141 V 11, hy
1 11F:VINEFf Mr1',11:1.1
11710 L E 5.3 LE GROCER,
Denier in Grain. G (iv rui rar..unir.lizr and Cnrn
rni. rent, .11 , r , !urn t. t..
• .'•
114; 11.1, ,
1 z'a'e, al he I:Cr
Phila.-1 4 . \V 11.,y Cur rt-11. P. i.roch (...
ti,tt,more Wi ‘A. 11” , r. Eft! ,
linr,..strurg - k NI liols!en.;ln.
Ladd Office removed from Lczoirg/0 , 1 to Chvyn..l74,
jlflit S low in Ines to ,01 and on tircntntunda
rash or cro.l hatir , , or on time to
—3OO do? a , our‘ril windk.o.v 51411 nuti class
wnni,•4 30 ,ano w 'Hinz wripnin; , . and
letter ropol. 2a tinz ,zon.l n I
I and wicv.F.. 1,10 traiOn A. 250 : ,;1 , 11. ,1 ‘ ,14 r
, •111 tun:. :W01,11501 •1 and five 0,.(n0e, purple , - 11141 Vet -
ca,pri rd) I o%ii
zool • •.0 doz two
; huts.li: \ : \ I•IINRRtr .
Jump 21 A 2,11 nrd Corn 11,, No 9 L'.ll .1.
•••• I% ,a,tl 11,.1 tr.
1.1 .1 a1r ft , 11 rvi:11 1 ! , 1. 114 ,
I.tr tory , t' , .
for mmtltin, I,d.
- -
$1 75
1 371 I --
1 371
I ri_lLm-1E
, 11.0 WWI frf. for !Pi IlOn.
I ill Ihrmericr<ltotelited I o io ,all and sr 411
1 Ilefo;e 21,1 of .111'1. I,[l. •:11,
A LLS Nl' LL IR. t
Shill Iv ar
j..tly 2 xv.t
TIC. I II- I 14 - , ro,.Hir u, tnr 1)111 i•v
J. li, Mr11.1:“Y
j , 2..
J y .% T FP
rtraNmunin wABLE 11. 00 M S
ALEX N 1)Elt Mc(' (WV.
if o:4r i , • r• Yrcr . It I , 1 . ;
11111:,41'FC.I'Fl"1,1.\ tiv m i. of 1 iqt fir r
a•ifi the pli!•;, •zr 11,tI f Pl. al. tl I
:01 r't b ai l . IR Oh 3
• .• tf• ov, I
an , t
•• —.1 ,11.1• 10..1 L: • 1.1 J
jllus . 17.
VV ; %'12 .. 11 -N.;• 1: i'NT, I , • rt. •
• • . rti''.. r
nohlo Nlrrrov all Sluozl.'“, I. 11% ,
A i.r,...0n• 6roWn
' t il', 1 .10 nor kvlll 3,1
J I l•P.:;111 04: I: 0..
• ,
.2 . 19t.S. Is 6., •
E`x E-Li'.‘l3L,lSlllll:ti I
. 1 l I r; AZ/NE DEI'OT.
F, NE B AT, NEWS 11l )OM
nT ci,Airz , Ti El T Pirrifußou.rr.v,+.,-5r1,...i
Orrottltlt ,1:1' '11,•11‘,41: 11:711
v p i „,.„ , .ii 1,11.10 11 . lit In , / 1'1: 1 .11ro , o 0, ftrlil.o , .
t .C... 0, 1•1‘11`1 ,, , II .iiirv. if r. Ai iii.. ...1 Mr F; , -I .
i.. 1 ft p• 1,. k t..,. t.tl ..,,n, F• tr. , ' 11.' , . arid Toharrn. . •
H t,4.rit ri'rt , rl r,k1,,.1,4.1'.10 , i• • I Tr. c'r . . WI t .11 ANT DOITCr 1, ASS
I'VOlif. 1100,11,1,y rt ,I , i :in i A , ' ;Iro , tristr.ly for I . IVr %SR CAP M ‘Nt'F NrTITH P.R. Every Rrrrn,
1 r nil.' Y..: I 11. firm nit - Iniii and Cnrer nn lined. nnitior sale. ta hid,
Tin. tilt r 1 r , Atlr-Ird •.' Vt rh.rt ,' ,9 ' .1.1 ,, r :9 . `ilk' and retail 1111trIcet 1,. citil 1110 I itnec, nt Vie rdri idand
---- --- - - ------- „r Dow.tn. k M 0,-0 73 v l / 4 - , , ,i .t rect. inat r•- •
LADIES' \A' Run NO :SC I-100L, . _
tit' R. r.'l'.
Fr , ,rn I to 6 n'rlork. v. 31., SII.E.
, fil m :` t) hn,,,. p 3 ,t .4 \ ri,,,ia!t , r' , .. Clothillz r.tl;.h'itll- jr,z . r rr,,.‘,,-,1 :,noo pree,,,,,,,=.1,,,. Fire Brick, wiii.'',
! I iii-iii
. .i• _.^.i,- it rtreiii i eta , I,i G 13.0 at II Po c,l 1 -^in al will ili.f , i
, ner 1.1. 101 0 CLI:IZi.II.IR.I MI NO C (11‘ hand
11 Zy C :Ind O
1 Ir'r 1. , —• •stliot' to 6.llliitri r 1 ., t. 111 10,:i rail dm in: rt.:l4s 1 , ., f.ur r.Ol. N., 60 I,Ami.r s r
y I I TI .1
inn , 23 —la it i may 27-
npr 6 1:1.t
0 h tr.\ - -I.Ve E ..,‘" 'I 'I; E fi L
, • stir.... k:
ri,opt \Ls re ^ wed at ,s Ptt , .
VT, 1.10 3 o'r . , , cfi. P. un of (t 11 0 Julg •1$11111n:, for fur
hi d,'oll aml lirliv.timz, 1 , 1 theprmorllrm., rth , l ;II I he ph
,- herein ‘l,pit•tutied, th• I,lllo l er and dear rip.
..1,11 of CAIIIIOII for the nuvilliervice oflh 00 , 1 r4;au
CMG HS kN O COLIYS ori ,9 1 f) 07 . Coro ',Dorms. • - _
V,7.. N ow ly the time of year to.- paean. atract.ed ,Itit ' est. a -.0 -20 .. • Crushes, received and toittalelif
'4l Sac 7.<f ll ' h " . ' Net ' r°" '" or be f ore t ' le lar o f comxtei. Cmods. Illientteittrit, G„„t, kr, d-c. -To t 11°, 1
- I I. W. BITRBRIngrit . C(1.- .-
De-en Orr next, :Oft teleit.ll .4,0441... , roar Clo lie itiferied bv uni,,a 1 June tt. Want, id, between Water d• Smith,l-..
DI eizie_M - It Paixhan guns PFASD'S ItOAftIIOC.VD CANDY.
25 ;hitt, _two mim' , I gun, wtti, it if rillowed I.v all who have tird it to Ite i tie boil ; /4 l‘ ' lt S ' L C ' -1 -'"K " Itte N' , l't Gaul Corner of ewe .
■. la, it- a ~.I Ill,: It st ~tet Apply to
.ht Boff./., Nei , rArk• n" or b'r , "" , ( "I'' "f 1) """ . 'rowdy aver ollered f•r Co , yht and c0!.15 , awl 1
her nett. II Eft' I.:S ..‘" 1.: ft fTt AND P ONE LINA .NIENT - p lit I:I:N1. DAR! INGToN, Market near iith a
i ,
10 eight-inell 1%61'm:z00.. --------------
t an out ,hard temede. with
hr i
I Zit t ido v-i wo pinvid• t :zoos. 1N1.11.1.\- VF(3I.-."..ißf.F.' F:/./XF:R, li Ail PTON''
1 .li. }trio, Penn s!itit.i.n.l. en or befo , c the 'et of Decenn• ao inward appticat ion, is n certair and positive cure for VEGETA in L E
ber rnit,
lilei2,tl-inrll P a ishan tune the It tit untatiital,Colll. Coi,tracied Cords and Limbs. 1' II `HE must -al- sad Certal remedy ever ammo to the
No one need suffer from these di<ea.r. if they will es , .
, a I:4 , r,r'd for various chrottie dlsenses,'afier they have
1 a 25 tit h 1 e -t wo polinder guns,
Tin: Proattn,l, 'mint stare distinctly tiro rata 1 ,,,, ton of the above medicines.. The sennine to he had only atr. a lied a .1a c, and assumed a character,. hittterteetat-
TUTTLE'S McDtcat. AtaliNcil. sisiered desperate and incurable. •
I went t .two litinatc , l and forte reiteds. deliverable as 5-
.11,,1 , /,.iots and Country merchants will l'e titbit!'" a Scrofula; King's Evil, at lettiled %vitt, swelllttel, Ithl
liovr; 10 1,4' • - •0'1 , CI l". and II n,lergo ettiell prOof and trittpec. N is ,. - y on K heiress St; Fourth ' , lntel. i nice-rt, Sore Eyes and Loss of Sight. to a frightfilleateat
lion as this /Wean HMV deem proper to authorize. and - _____—__.--------------.—_
i.e I ,
none will he paid for limn Al t all nag tvt- ,
such in.pectlon lib it N IEI2 M. CU It By, Attorney Law. Of- '
e 1 ,.,,i, !: , , ,.., - . e,i r , ,, , ,,,, , ,,,,
c r ... , ,, , ,, :i
j a :a7.7s:: ., a g ii a d wa n y i ,,b l y n - i r r eti;n d n me o r f mi t,e; . ,
ll 1 fire on nth 41 haver_ %N..... and snotbhent, .. o H
1 as may lie entirely sall. , c,ci no'. ___
___ , (MOlO idy elltlrF.Cs, even when attended by worn, or fits,
h.-out , milt Iwo are toreties wilt b•• requited in nur. EILIIET noir EL. have been - readily tellived.
nor third the estintared amount lathe contract, and ten ~.,.,.. Dyspepsia viehis without a struggle to ha milli v.,t
pl'r Crltlitillt nettle. amount of all hills wit' t i retained as i „.. THE PROPRIETOR powerful action upon the stomach. Id Catarrh.
i collateral sec u rity for the ritthful performanee thereof of thi; well known mid cammodions house, ',Olt:Oct! a l or Cough, Rheuinatistn and Fistuht it never fulls to core.
with' ft 101 hr paid only on the otisixelory rompletinn of
lite north it,tl of the old "Ilegheny bridge', informs hi , as we have fully proved, _
the c ontrOCtlatot ninety pro (tenth in of all deliveries wtil then," seal ii e riodie, th at lie has every thin , : ii,. ton- The rinerwe ituds t. ,. y
I to skid a healthy activate
,be paid an till Mlle, orniCrlV Al ltlttlAtlelliel. l are 10 oleic order for the reception .itt.l entertainment of trans the stomach, liver, kings and neys-to (Aar* VIA
th,• wovi.in up. of the rotor:let. wit din th inns Alt's after p-ni g imes a nd periliAllel,l liOnr,leri. It
rttarles art hlood and other fluids, by expelling every particle of
111 , Ar nre-eitt at Me to the N:tav Agent, moderate and nn else Minn: will be t"rated to make s^• tw`rbitl tutu ,'r from the system, and therefore never rani,
I The taTers mast lir A 0d0,.../..l lOtTill'A 10 furnish Ar.IOIIICP
punters romfurt able atd keep up the (miner reptitallol, (Willl Its at
eaniments,) to prove a yoltiebte - famed,
on the Northern I.lkrs,' and stale at what agetley pay. 01 ~,r, donor. for the diseases for o Inch eniorect has brim Intrarleibly -
j g 1•111 will be req .nerd, "te
Coed stahlin for any nit &Tr of horses. used. Old sores or ulcers. or any chronic affection; 054
Drawing* of the eons will he f t irni.liell the surcessfel
bidder by this lotreen, and they must be cast and fluildted
to conform to them in every torahect. Na hot.lasst meta ....„,
:grunt Etiimet. . for the calomel diseaki it 1.- an Infallible - remedy. -'''•
This remedy is perfectly vegetal:le, nth& aaTeseatde,
and safe for persons of any are, either sei,or In. ae
i ill or ttFelt. jury T. 18.43.-td. fiinr. patrons of t his pleasant ret feat end all who seek condition; acknowledted by those who have tried it, •10
it weasn, in the nitre air of the country, are Informed be the heal known family medicine. _ .
L AN DS. that the Mount Fanmet !louse is now open for visltOrs..
A carting , ' . wiry t eat
Ihe Mt, Pantnet Rotel every day
131ITIISUANT to a decretal order of the Circuit Su at half pa.st 2, and half pas. 3 o'clock. Sundays eirep.
.1. pr aloe Court of the Law and Chancery for Mason tett.The Justly celebrated Tincture creates A craving all
petite. and the patient is len at liberty- to indutze 11,-.
indeed he is part icu'arly requestril to do so. The one of
InJall SW EENY•' this medicine wilt change ft's gOniplesion nem n pallid
1 county. pronoenced the llith day of April, 11343, in •
the may 31--414-wInL.
weeks, a person Many age May eat any thing . that a e
1 cause depending t herein of Henry Stotler` Pit., against
James W. Rrukcnritigeand others, Dens, the unite. 3.1 V , II tirbridge di. Co. (lota of ten years of ege, in :1111 health. (05 td eat wi th - -
I signed special commis.-loner, all! sell al public auction to A.GbEeNtwTeSenfo‘tvlohoentieldorsitineitail,lnse•'st:owder. Water st 1
lout the least inconVeittence.
the highest bidder, Si the court house in Mason county. 1 WY' A large number of cc rtificales from the ousii.
on the It Jay of September, 1843. (beim: the first day
__March ... 3o . ! I!l'.._l__•?:._________--------____________ of Lexington, Kv..wipw.e respectability is vouched Oar
of the Cie Sup'r Court of said county.) that Well known
body of land commonly called "Graham's illation," lying
In Mason county,Va., On the Ohio river, cottistinitta by NEW GOODS COM 1 N by
Tar. PROPRIETOR OF THE by finite. Ix 34'..fehasex and Deere Cray. a s: wetlallia.a
nnmiter taken in Atex ndriaand Washiegton, D. C , Cie
b..., „ en on Ro ojegoien to the room of the proprietor. at
1 survey four thousand one hundred inn iwent7.three TIIRUIR BIG DOORS, Exelmege Floret.
1 , ACIAII, ill two titlk11111,1;, )13 - fell., A large proportion of rite One Dollar per bottle..
No. 151, Libel ty street, Pittsburgh,
i v w..., fa over bottom land. The above lands previous lone 2.1--di2ty
to the clay of :tale will be laid off by the surveyor of the 11 . 8 now . In the eastern near purchaslng the largest
'and most varied stock of seasonable Goods that has
I a ntral ly itt lots of convenient size fel farms and plats
fEllfll, and so many theteof will be sold as may he ever been hrotight teiqtfiis cite., and in n few days he wilt
iteressary fo r rodue the SIMI of money required by said he able. to furnish his rustooters, and the public at large,
derretal orde The sales will be made on a credit of with every entitle in the Clothing lisle, of a qualify and
nine months fat one-t hird part of lite purchase moilev, ' sit le unequalled try ally other estahlislinient in the city.
of twelve months for :1110111er third part, and of ei•litteen The nuloic are tespettrol;, invited to eau, as above.
months for the residue, the purchaser or purchasers mid csaitilne his splendid sleek.
Ovlng, hands w,th •xouti iterurity for the pavrneut of ine inns 2.1---3 t JOHN" ttlreL OAK ft: V .
different itotruatelds, brat lug intere , a from the day of . WaAingtoii Exemther and Leaver Patriot copy three
sale. tile W/11l I
tO be retained as 111111 , er security for • I'M" a" charge adverliner•
the payment. ,if iitireltasc money. and liabie to resale : - - --------- -------
at the risk of rite purchaser ce purchasers fat'lng to make' . JOH N CARTW [UGH f,
punctual pa c went*. 1:11,Ell, and Fut Oral last, meetly Mannfarterer
CEO, W. ET Il I RLI NG, Special Com 'r.
corner of 6th and 1..0,eri, :•.r•-• Is, Potshot
• ftle.,Aant.Va.. June-26, 18-1.3- [le 6.-2m.1 N. It -- Alwa vs nit hand a, rx I to-..,1VP rt-tsmt mem or Srn
t giro/ and Dental instrunients, Ba - Isl.'s, Tailor'',
falters' Flair Dressers' and Tanners' Patent
Shears, Saddlers' Toots, Trusses, ..tc. ie 24.
BACON ,-11 C.,-k+ Prime Home.
S do ~ Slinnidcrs,
I:ee'd pet .Lithe Moil," on con,lenment, a nd for Role
45; Wood sircpt.
, --------------
TIR R. DANf FL .3.!,,VE3L, Otfiee on Fifth street
15 botwren itt'ou4l and intihfield Attests, rittabur:b.
. ; der. 10--IY.
FEW boles Saratoga lodloe Water just I.eceivrd TINO RAGCCt.-2 411141sKentucky leaf Tobarso. Just re.
.M 4 sale BIRMINGEI Atli 4. co. i 1. eelved and for sale by J. W. 131,1RBR1DGEtt CO.
1. by jnne 19. Water Ft. bt.tWerft Worn it
June 2 Smlth'd.
and for
k -l4] C#l.* Wait 16IST
Aga kiinqiiipta ait asuraai
• iiii?"o, ti, ,
I Seioto,
Poet notot‘,
F ra n. I,k Columba. ,
• Ginnviile,
• Coin. bk. Lake Erin. 2.
' Far. bk:of Cantos, 48
Urbana 6o
.._ . . _. .
Stare bk. 4" ernnclies
State Scrip, `27
All batiks'.
State bk 8r Branches. 50
iSlia wneelown, 65
I vsncisin.
rank of Viralnia,
do • Varny,
I •
Far bk. of Virginia.
F,xchance bank,
1 , ;. Wes', bank
'Ater. A. Met. do,
jilaltimore Ftankg,
Ironniry Rankm.
Ail Banhs.
Atl Banks, par and
`Gontry hani.s,
(..arcty food.) a 1
red thrk, to 1
Roston Ranks, P.
Country 4-
Ortrn nc Rank...Jona. 3 I
For Rent.
CONN,' ENIFAT three .tory hdek dWPIIII
1.011,11 , Url r, <WWI 111'1(Fourth- ftet $127)
•1 111 1 . nPply tn 1_»/E 71 M
I r:Nl' and well !latched Iwo story hou-e
r no I ti.‘C‘r, U nr.4
•Ll!a , ' , e4t -r. , tate on Larork, near Federal PI reel,
~:t•ray cif v, Carpalre or
• . Al.r lC . F.%1 AN.
Vl%sr . 3, now .tt,ror,:t with the rOinve Birrninghnm & an..
.vll. and ran lin 4necittly Picen's Ba/sati At, Ts FoR STEAMER CLEVELAS/1),,
Aunisteci, 11,,tv.rq11 i4.10,0Ti 4 Illy Cleveland Line.
T ., he 1 ,.„1 one}' et Ti: rr 36 Fourth gtrrei, Mari:1022.'43.
3111MIE ► abaa
N. TV. Corner of Wood krifih93o.
Tux proprietors of theMonrrna rowr and, Alicapcoitt
♦nn - MANerAcaTaxa rm.ctfully inform thelr fetpladii
and the patronsof those papers, that they have a large
and Well cliaPen as.(,rtmeot of
Mr. 'AC - 111( 3111 3 ° MED 9
n rn,Ltalli3 C)TS:311::!-'0.R.Zik,UM2 1 . 11 4 431 4 11
Necessary to a Job rrintlnv, Ofiire, and that they are pie
pa:ed to est :tate
Bilis of lading, circulate,
fill Reads. Cards,
I Blank Cheri:it, Ilat Tips .
Kinits of Blanks,
Stage, Stsataboat, and Cana! Brat Bill', with appro.
priatc Curs,
Printed on the shortest notice and most seasonable terms.
We respectfully ask the patronage of our friends geld
he public in ttenera{ in tirnueli of nut liusittens.
Pitt.itiutoi. Sept. 39.1842. PHILLIPS tr smyrn.
WE A-mild invite the auennott of row friends nine
the i nh'ic.zenrrally lo nor assortment of Reba; '
which we have jO4 t eceived from the East. toll of whiiii
we are determined to sell at n Small a dvance ne ene r .
Coglomers may rely on having cheap, good. Well esde
and handsome:lo irics, warranted to ISt, Whieil 1* a feet
desirable errobinatirn.
POI,OIIF tV tlO visa this estr,hlisliment cals• dipend on
finding an entirely new R. sotto - wet a groin tend sumtnei
?.nods; 'WI' do not gay one thing'and mean another:v:44u
; we n a, our an nartment in large, fashionable, tiandsoeni
and cheap. w' mean that it 1 , - , so, and cannot be (Ur.
pos‘ed in this or any other city.
me, ;11_ tr, A f.fl F.O k MCC .TIRE.
lAr, 11 . 1 4 .: E to Stets* Beat Owhers.—Tl;e subserihnv, in
cnn.,qtieire of the difficulty of the lines. hasredu
red the price of &eely Guard for the 7,r/replies' If
the eTplosien of mem hoiters,to $l5O per host.
It is hoped that all tl, at IIWTIPI"C will avali themselves
of there reasonable tering, not only ten.neenunt of 114
perfect rarely they afford, lint also in fieqnl of pentium.
Rollers with. the apparatus attached witi:.!toir abov
1 wire n.-lone as those not provided_with ihord.
!Unveil --.3m____.— ..
- - - ....
OR IsOR on Tiloruinge on rent reme. Th
v.. proproy t; brnon^ the best freeholds In the
city. and the advertiser Is to give tt,brodsitos
prelfildrn for the atinveenot. For further Wileu ersep:,
p v nt the nitre of the Mornine
le n, 9 —,tsw. •
1/• dc.J. D. WICK, -
bnieqnte C.'rncoso fleiittors in Prodnne.
1)6 Wood Ftno.t 4 darn( above ?Mb st.
1813 s
Standart. Ingraham at CO.
O S.
A G EXTS for the Merdinnti:Tiangoorletoneernmany •
:Ti_ COlll posed of the Morella:os lice. Erie Candi-.
Wa.liin2km Linr.
P. rarer Line of Steno 1 Rda' ts a -e Yea
e;b:nn ilie
velamiLine Peruiovivnni; , it Ohio rant'.
rrarorlPtoN ofthe '‘lerchapla•ina-Ca4.o-e,,r.-."
tNsvronTil. Ne. 9. Ceeoret• Sllp. S. ir
R.HHVTf:n 4 , Co. Albany.
lIENTER , PAIMLE SE CO. flueralo.
M, %VILA:IA:4e k now. Cleveland.
p r o/ 3ntiv M. ALLEN. do.
J. 11:CKEY. Beaver
Pin:4l74Cll M Co.; Pitishur4f
nn 1 1843-Iv.
___ . ________
. 1.. '. EAGLE ..
ii,li ~
•".•%t - :•,
~- . -."
,GROCERY 4, - ~_ u ::, • , %
‘i...--,- STORE. .‘,.: -•-
.., . ~
Q.TA C Y LLOYD, Jr., Wtiote.ale and Retail Groat
and Fruiterer, No 140 Liberty street, Ilitsburrit,
ui,, , . •2t).
PEACH 'l'll EES.
nr, sto,,,rier re ,F•tve,l Rota the - NatrFery
Ta Landreth nt.tl Fulton near Phtia,fp'phiri.st 161
the cl. ice•l variel is Q$ v.ieh Tre,a. to Whirl; he would
r,ll thr nuit'ac F. 1.. ssownior,
Mal 8 No 184. Lihortv head of Wood.
.I . D. C 11 E I
corn, c.,; Smithfield and Third Slr . cric
Pit -Dm -Ran,
Attorney and Coaniellor at Law,
fty. 'VIII nit ciid pronin4 ly If, t hr, collection Or Isternlrkr
oano,,io ult von sFlonal r ntronlefilo
rare In the con n les or Harrison, JarerseA, .14einsnit„
01,erre!cy. rusca? aro*, HOIRIOS, Co*h 71
eeto, .
Stark anti
Refer In. Ntelralf situ] I,ortnl.",
Dalzetlan•l rh,ning,
John Harter.
D. •P. 570,gan.
may 27.—1 f
offi,a of the ..(ntazltelly dn r !WV" CO.
Plnsl.oreli, July Ist.' 1643. S,•
rtir. Prrii.leut anti Nv a na...4.r9 or the ....01nrintly f.e'
e. eel ta g a S. ;chic ever tore /Jr ofth.ry. wuwweie
PlitAiirc h. county of Ali y," th* 4 4 oir
&are? n illYldetul of rive pc, evil, on I heicit4iivtott or .
.04 ralupatty.'nut of the Pratt! of, ilic lost Oa isiontliq l / 4
which wit trot is the strekbnldara, et.
reproissotillvf.s.fin.or*alb... ll th
JOHN . 11 AftrEnti ,,
pity 3--d3'