IN THE SUPREME Cot ST LlRTillf DISTRICT the ease of DAVID LEECH AND OTHERS. vs. TUB CANAL COMNIsdIoNERA Or PENN arrisatin, the Canal Commissioners make the following 'auto to the Writ of Mandamus which has been served up ow by the Honorable the Supreme Court of the Commonwealth if Pennsyl vania: 'cornet:tie. the 6116 Wing table, exhibiting the prices of i-*Wfrbts in the yearn 1840, '41,'42, and '43 shows We great fluctuations which invariably occurred .1011441? the old method of transportations, and the iredoOtien which has been brought aboLt by the in •LVeduttion of 'Kelton boats tnin-ported ovtr the Railroads on State trucks: -Mateo of Pretest between Philadelphia and 1 9 Ittaiturph for the years 1840, •41 9 42, 948. ... 4 .._; 7 fg?T7 r - 1 -, C I 7il7.s h ft G ^ i 4 1 P . . - P I P T i t lilt b.. PI . s x ..i 1, 8 I . , • - -P el a g 1 • a. i i........ ~, _ ...... NO it 'OCR[i le ~..,...-1 .4 .4 ..., ..., .4 ~ Q /4', i . ft. , ... ... 41 CON in , r , 00, .519 to 1 1Utr 63 JO 81 11 11 a.d0 11 1 .................-.......c.r........._.- --. 11 , , ‘, C., S . 17, t; a• t,- 0 ops I'A - qv 4is I. uo .... /. 1 ~:, C c: , = ..4 o'l C, .' = •O''Si • S''ii Jo NIS :1 , C.., 0 . ...............—.......-....-...-.....- ""-' 1 uos CA •-• ...... -.•-• 1:.13 Jo .1.3.11:1 C• 1 pill! t •,,,,/- i „ , / , 9 1 °.5 O . `.. . 4 _ K. ~..” C...... 1: . - . /tS I 0.. .......----........-.--- ---... G C.,, .t...:• CJI .4 ..0 ltl3l 'll. , dv 11 0 0 0 0 C., 'O. ---- CT ,, . , 1:1:2.4t6 1 t'dl. . 4 qii I______ 1 C. n,..1 .iup lioi ~I I . t.,..4 n r „N u , 141, ::.• Z.II Li GA ;:t C, .. , , 1 . I .'ll . 1114. , 10l 4 1 11..:1 - eb c th. f.r. m. c- , c" , stio,u, , Jo 1111.1 for , 0` t, 00. ` ' 1.... p•I‘l .. II r ‘i!ct I L0tit550,..4=6...,:..... i'l•;-:1 1 .- 0 .01 Gr , 0 :., = = :', 0 '0 i .0- `11:11137 JU Zullorlo I I K. ct 1.. cr, .1= 6 —, A. ...- - . i7l•kraltir 1 1 1 c1 oi , I t.. 0 .7.... 0. ,cl -4 VII .:JI .11.1/ . 1 ...-• 1......,.......-......... — —.-•-....-- 11 ....... ..., ..... 11 r.., .0 =, . - ......... • LI(141:44 Jo pla of li .. '' —''" . 4 •Inr tiV:i. "":" d _ . ....-.. .- - --. Vt .:I ' N' V ,-s 1,x,10n...dat t: , o) .4 r., 0 .... = - . r - .o .i , 1 , .•1411., ),,,1.1 “.-7 . =...... Gn '.. .:-. 1 , :.0 :! ~. .... •14111o!A 4.1 i P C 11 3 :. - -- - ;L: 3 ; .., .1z: ' , IL.' P,, Tt - 81 a -- '...."-, SI -..! 7 3 ' O . - .:T 2 6 i '.o:;i: Jo 1 ,, 1t.: 11 0 5 , .... , _..— I _ c.-• . ._. 'llreril the itu Apyl t., :het Nlay, we 1.1+.1A were 161 portable boats cleared at the l'i Out , eh rifle; the tonnage of which amount. to 8,626 646 he. More than (bottle this omount could have btenahipped, tf b ats w irld have Lean pr”cured But the extraordinary efrirts that were made io prevent the introduction or a artern of omie ti tian, had an influence in preventing a ri:ffi• lent number of section boats (ruin ta• ing built to take eastward the immense amount of western profit:lets which had accumulated at Pillbhurgb. The Stale tracks, fir the conveyance of section boat' over the Allegheny Po tage Railroad, have been in operation only thirty-seven days up to the let June, inat , during v hich time three thousand four hundred and forty-two tone of produce were transported eastward; and on which the State ha received, in tolls, 0,909 le, being within a frac lion ofoofiXourth of thearitire rece Oa. The cot lector at the Johns:own office revile, that during this thirty-seven days, there h is been an inc - ease of revenues over former years at t is office on pro duets passing eastward, during the same period,nf $11,04613, and that this is uviiiifeatly the result of the introduction of the competive or truck By.. tem. Thus it will be seen, that notwithstanding the navigation opened a month earlier la -t year th n it did this, yet the receipts for Tull at Johi.stown, on western products passing eastward over the Portage Railroad,are a ithin a few do!lars of being double, for ti,e same period, what they were up to the let June lest year. From the foregoing, it is very clear that busi ness and revenues ale increasing greatly upon our public' works; and, in the opinion of the Canal Conamissioners,this increase is ascribable entirely to the competition which has been brought upon our improvements by the facilities afforded to in dividnal enterprize, by the use of trucks upon the railroads. But the Canal Commissioners contend, that if these allegetians et' the Relators be true, th reso lotions imp ising the tolls complained of. are fully sustained by all the laws conferring upon ihe Bard the power to fix rates ()flung. The second section of the Act of the Ist Jolt', 1542, (petnpli.laws. p. 305,) x , ressly invests the cotnitiiisicnr:s wish full houier to adopt sueh rules and regulations, and t o e.d.bhsh such rats., an , / charger for the use of said tracks, as they Indy dcetnjust and equitable. It is a chscr• tionaty power vested by the Legislature ie the Croa' Commissioners The char net :Or the aye of Ole trucks are to be such as the Board near d t to ju t and equitable. If the law conferring this power be con,tit-iiimi-.1, th m is the B, tiod of lir; B lard under it, cv(ii Use a ti of the lators to he tru h loin)! and within the letter and •n of die The Legislature' very wisely fl iresnw tillt the flecluations of trade, and °film prices of freights on t'in seanorrcl. and' the unc.rtainty ui tLe permanency oh' the rat-s toll OD rival routes, NI could renter it impos ibi••• for Wit body,with a proper rear ! to the puldie ests, to rei,in the p..wer of fixinz i'te rates of tolls on the canals end railroads of the Comm hwealth. They saw that it was not only pn.p..r, but rit.ces sary, that that pox( r should he dt v.lwerl upon that department of the Gov, rnincnt particular charge of the public works, and which, from be ing constantly in session, could o th•, tuations of trade, the change of coastwise fr and the rale. of toll on rival route., and which would thereby be the beder qualad to zilard !he interests of the Commonwealth, by fixing such rates of toll aq small bring the largest aiimunt oft rev-nue-iu•o the Trenster”, and et the seine time ensura to the pe pie of fenn.ylvania the enjoy. went qf all the advantages legaima'ely anticipa led from a great pubic enterprx‘. For these reagon., thl Legislature invested the Canal Commissioners with the power to irnpos, sock tolls as they might deem ju-t and equitable. They have exerci-ed that power, an base estab• Balled rates of toll, which in the exercise of their beet jodgement, and of the discreion with which they hoe b"cn invested, Meg deem fast, rearnia Alt, end equitable. In so-doing, they have aced in 'Wet nottformity to the law. If they erred in their jadretinnktite Loginlature s and not thin court,l lis the proper tribunal to which the Relators oboe Id apply rot it redress of grievances, by aeapiiiittation tor a rite s ! of the laws 40111 , 1--#avr apeetti - eeom 6 us istiontii ,t. ifiscrefiima.7y puwer-ove r tge 'Object, I and for_thlk'stablbibmetit.-by, the Legislature, ore 'Led rale of tole. I f the Vvisliture hue the fil'i ,- - br ' Li 3 C kve •n th ior r revs of the pnl) it! a . ge an t thr HI., a y.o y fow c .n . r ict cocryd nvo from pui)- jri inco,l by rie Nib! .!: • , s 1 wI in p rhe I ~0 iiyd o it r,,io e:nby h coot.l Lai or tIo• , a ‘v I I 111 • ( re, kn.! 1r. , . , ell , • 11•• tat n 1,/• e• If ,41% ~• ,ht• c ; In m e.i too Or, r. I , • ,7 too,c , to ec. ry o• n • r ri' tvr t.nt excce d 't•c r post , •,s 111 kiog •h• alryldv C •I ' Illy he UM • ,ft, fl ny Yi d , u 4.0 not UrIl•• , 1 i/1/ that ,he nnierc.d & C tele•lel • I e , ❑ y ~,r re.....rif,l"y er ] P a opt I'luie ,;,11• ref -, rr, .1 le. 411 rrh, •eit .111 di., 0'i• , . 1 101 , ch h , , .1 'on • ti n I- Ah r w b p ~r it • ph IC : a , tl 111.-r .or . I .lr \‘' d J 21, 11-13 From the _Vete York Journal of Comoacrece frd.m steueo. By the brig Peiershurgh, Capt. Lar— kin, we have Vera Cruz papers to the 4th instant, •-,r) 1 City of Mexic to the :2)th Tsie P••ters'lurgh brings 822,303 in spu cie and 190 don. loons. T ie news of the conclusion of hostrl.ties in Yucatan had not re•iched There was an evident apprehension ►hat the expedition would prove a failure. A spirited discuision was going on in the Mt xic,in capital, on a question of an ar.ang-meat with Texas on the plan of a goal fled independence on the part of • the tatter, a ith a prov.ricial Legislature. &c., agreeably to the propositions conveyed to Texas fir consideration by Judge Robin son, one of the Bexar prisoners, who was reie +sod for the purpose. The Saglo and Estandarte are tannest for a pacific agree ment, while the Diara del Gobierno,Ciep usculo, and other papers, are furious for war. The dispute is carried on with great bitterness. The disturbances in Michoacan had been b-rininated.for the prezent, by the capture (lithe ringle4derB. MEmco, May 2701,-13v letters from variou s ii , partmetas, and even by nfri ial c urimunic.ition, the supreme govern rent is apprised that the sediti .ns of this capital, by ratans of handbills and letters, are dif. fusi , tg try Anti unary sentiments among men I ke molded with themselves, ti hu unfor tunately are not w Intl ig in s urpi places. Low to (he Ulited Stales. —The pro posals for a loan, pursuant to the recent notice of the Seer , Lary I the Trea , nrtv, w er p open° lasi night afrr-r the arrival ~ f the malls. The number of compe:itors was great, anal a 'torch larger amount was etTered th a n lhat rCI aired. Thet 111 9 t 'f'St was 8102 371 ho- 8100 of five per cent. rick• Another was ina.le at 8101 55. Th • residue were taken at 8101,01 by sev.'ral insti , trions and individuals / but chirfl. by John Wald Co.,1)1 New York, wil ) an option to convect a portion of the amount intro four per cent. stock at an es Trivalent rate. This evidence of the high cridit of the Government is very go atilying, and affbrds a pleasing contrast to the state of things, which existed wit in eighteen months when a -ix per eu ht. stock was with culty twa.gia!ed at a discount of two dad a ti;i!f per cent. Oar aratifivaiimi is enhanced by the consideration that the whole severe milliqns has been taken by our a apitalists, without aid from those re siding abroad. Tne laver will discover sooner or later, that any eff errs to coerce this Government into measures which it has no authority to adopt, if any shall have been or shall be made, will he fruizless.- 211adisonifin Sacrilege. —T „e Catholic Church at Newca-tle, Me., was entered by some prow) lrels, afe si g ht s ai nre, and utensils, &c., of cons'derable value destroyed. A beautiful hap isms' vase, presented to the soriety by Bishop enevereaux, was de• au , r c ed. JOAN fl l'rest. of lloar-i of CJIII 3,1 Empty Jail.—The prison of Mont county is without a tenant. The people of .Montgomery Inuit be s moral, orderly colimuroty. We think it is an unprecedented circumstance that in a county containing a p( polation of more than fifty thousen , l, not one should be con. fined in prison. We wish we could say, hal/ as much for Allegheny. rag. PHILLIP' 46 WY. Sl. /NITA, EDITORS iklID Urroltt Mi DN DAY, JULY 3, 1843 iee First Page. That most impudent and reckless of all papers, the Gazette, has the boldness to de ny that it is the constant defamer of Irish— men—the contemner of their efforts to ob— tain freedom, and the religious per3ecutor of a large number of them. But even with these false professions on its lips,thecloven foot shows out from beneath the hyporrit— ;cal garb its editor has donned;!itid he pub— lishes from the Boston Atlas, an attar k on the Repealers and Robert Tyler, which for bitterness and bestiality, could not be out— done by an English Tory j Whatever Robert Tyler may he to others, he is held by the Repealers of the [Lilted States in high estimation. As a politician he may he denounced, because of his con section with his father, w' o has come in fur quite his full share of abuse. As an author, he has beet: criticised without rr ercy.if not with.nit justice—but as a Repealer, his course has met the warm commend Ilion oft every man who has a heart to feel lor the wrongs of an oppressed and down trodden people. How, then, will they like to hear th it ardent ehampina, termed the '/tall; willed object of fulsome eul gt ?' Fl ow will they like to be told that 'Reveal' is a politic 1 I.ohlv-horse, mounted for 'home effect,' by the leaders ..fa certain part).— How will they relish the taunt a thrown nut against the Boston Pi! t and other news papers whirh are advocating Repeal, and the sneering tone of defiance, in which they are asked to pnblish O'Conttelrs speech?— How will the f. iends of Irish liberty like: t 1 , .1d that the p.lir,lrs ~ f their warns to this remarry, are 'I vt.oc.Heal pretenders.' Gazette publishes with approval the insodiog anti- le contai n in g all these HI tingsgate epithets, and yet has the i:Epti denre to prereurl that it is not hostile to Ireland. and the monstrous presumpt.on to attempt to lessen their confidenc e in those who are f.v real le to r. rause. .4 ,11 Thr , o).14 att. 11.11 , •ri , g t' e!nielves thPte Hill be a Harm and an2.v -iti.2gle in the dcm cralic poly F.) Use Pre , -idential nomi ti ,tier, and ;hat in our dissensions they may again be able to g(t the Govetn merit into their hands. Never were men more m'staken, then the coons who plac , any hope on such a contingency. The nomination will, no doubt, be warmly sought by the friends of the several tin : uished men who have been named in the democratic party for the offi••e, but whoever may be selected by the National Convention, on him the whole democracy of the country will rally with the best of feeling. All that h , ve been spoken of are emi nently qualified, and are deserving of the utmost confidence of the people. No one entertains a doubt but either of them will rigidly maintain the great principles of the democratic party, and although the local preferences of some will be dissappointed. Asother Race.—Faskion, Blue Dick, that will not deter them from giting a „. and "register, will have a contest over the hearty support to the nominee of the Con- Mount Vernon C e, at Alexandria, on ur . vention. We believe that all the midi.. the sth day of October next, for a joint dates regard the nominarir n in the liberal stake of 32500 . Four mile heats. light that has born expressed by Mr. Bu.( It is stated in the last number of the Missis.ippian, that the precise amount of chanan, and with such a feeling of defer ence to the will of the people, the federal- the dertiratt"" of R S Graves is ahout i'ts have no grounds to hope that a n y 314.000, auhj..c.l to a deduction of $4,. schism will take place in the democratic 000, for the purchase of furniture for the party re4atding the Presidential nomina, executive mansion. (ion. _ _ Pardwiect —Au order was received in New Orleans on the 15th inst., directed to A. Sidney Itobtirtson, U. S. Mvshal, fr. , rn the President, announcing the pardon and directing the release of Raphael Casanova, under sentence of three y e:IrS knpriSMlMPllt in the parish prison and a fine of $lOOO, and imprisonoieni till the fine be paid, fur intrudueing aiid selling a slave in c,intra vel tiiin of the laws of Louisiana —Casan (Iv a was impliloned ablut two years since He 1):.s been se: ar liberty. The Chicago (M.) Receiver.—The late Receiver at Chicago, !Mums, Mr. Prescott, has recently been tried before the U. S. Circuit Court at Springfield. He was ebrifed with having einb , zz'ed some 10 or :312.000 of public monies. The trial commenced on the 15th inst. and the ex• amination of witnesses was continued un til tt e following noon. In the afternoon Judge Nl'Leart charged the jury—(the case having been submitted to them without ar• gument;) and the jury dec;ded the prison er not guilty. wi'hout leaving their seats. Thet,,stxt Xreeigreseiioe-Siec.Wlla" already been held in see l l 3l q 4l * . l" Ineln beM of the'neit ilouve i tti Repreeentatives. The remaining ,Statts held thtir gentians as follows: Louisiana, first Monday in July. 4 .North Carolina. first Monday in August, 9 Alabama, first MonL!ay in August, 7 Mississippi. first Monday in August, 4 Kentucky, first Monday in August, 10 Indiana, first Monday in August, , 10 Illinois. first Monday in August, 7 Tennessee, first Thdreday in August, 11 Vermont, first Tuesday in September, 4 Maine. second Tuesday in September, 7 Maryland. first Monday i" October, 6 Michigan, first Monday in October, 3 New Jersey. second Tuesday in Oct., 5 Pennsylvania, second Tuesday in Oct., 24 Ohio, second Tuesday in October, 21 Rhode Island, undeterrcined, 2 Rescued from Slavery. —The Charles— ton (S C.) Mercury of the 221 says: "Pri vate information having come to certain gentlemen in this city which led them to believe that a colored woman exposed here for sale, was in tru:h a free person, and the same that was abducted a year ago, a cautious and active iaves:igation was instituted, which resulted in establishin g the truth flr tlit , e suspicions beyond doubt, and she was 01 Wedn.'s lay evening s. nt hack to her friends. The min w!o brow4ht. her here, has, we understand, made • himself itivisilde from the first. The name of the colored woman is Mary Loudon. Repeal .fleeting in Plettcldelphia.—On Muhdiy evening a hoit , .etou , :neeting of the R-pealers was hel lin Phi'adelphia, in which the course of,ll r O'Connell was ful)! ;Aid fr ely discussed. The meeting ad. , pled r,e ing resulutiuti, which -vas offered as a gub-brute for a r.-purt of the e.imroitiee appointed t.•.) deliberate ',T on tb - Wh. , reas, certain documents have aps peared in several of our ct , y pApers, from freland, purporting to he a reply to the anti-aim very ~ o cietv of Pennsylvani sign ed J arnei Fl au to n , chairman. and it speech said to have been delivered by Diniel o'. C onell, tela , ive to s'avery in this cottony, Wherea., the Consti , n- ion of I nth coon. t its -eco2nize the right of rh.eight, ;in.! th pr vi f it. Is e hold eursel , e9 i I n , ner4mt,l,il 1,-, nor 111 MIV .' , .titli•ch-d %%III) the, ex,:r•sso wa o f Daniel O'Connell. or any other per-or:, on any sul•ject apart from the ReFeal of the Union between Great Britain and I.e -lard, as i. expressed fully in nor Con •tini tion; and in ihe following re-oiution, adopt ed by the National Repeal Convention of the Friends of Ireland, held in this city, on the anniver.ary of the birth of th mortal Washington. 221 of February, 181?; and which i. declaratory of the views no entertained by us, to wit:— Resolved. That the only subject of the Repeal Convention of the U ittd Stays is to aid, by moral mean•, the eace able effirts of the peeplo of Ireland to re gain their ancient legis alive independence; and din they have no design or d sire to interfere, either in action nr opinion, in any matter of religi•in, politics or aboli., tion, connected with the social condition or governmental institutions of this coun try. School Warrants.—Th e State Treas urer has published en advertisement in the Harrisburgh papers, stating that ow ing to the cancellation of the relief issues at the State Treasury, the School War. rants issued dor 1844, can only he paid by the respective County Treasurers, whens ever they may he in R , ssession of mato funds. Gov. Darr,—lt is expected (says the New York Plebnian) that this gentleman will return to Pr ,, viienee in a few days to resume the practh-e 41:1w Ile has no in,. vn , ion of disturhmg the existing authoti., ties of the State, and if they molest hi,n they will pursue a cnuise ealcu'ated on!y to hurt themselves and aid the liberal party in that State. Firrs.—The Louisville Kentuckian says in that city a very destructive fire occur red on the morning of th" 25th ult. It commenced in the frame warehouse be t%een 3d and 4th and Main and Water streets, and soon levelling them, extended to the brick warehouses on Pearl street, tately occupied by,Kennedy, Smiths & Co. The! destruction of hump and hate rope and I ,, gjciz a- vt- , y i.;r"at. In noe of the ce-Ilits were wowed 327 hh Sugar, hut its fete is not known. If destroyed, the loss will oveed $50,000. Three hundred and seventy-five hands are engaged in fitting oat the Raritan in- =ate at the Philadelphia Navy Yard. - 'Mr Moirenienti. : —The Liman OMR , - tator of the 3d saya:..- I •Very vigorous ef forts have been made to sang mare forces •foirell - rids." The (10014, steamer, lyink dismantled at Woolwich, was hastily sow missioned.on Sunday morning, made ready for sea in 36 hours, and sailed with the Woolwich division of royal marines; ma ceeding to take up attbeerness, a detache s meet of marines film Chatham. 'The steam frigate Alban, with stores and smog munition, sailed for Irel.nd on Monday..... The Rhadamanthus steamer arrival tit Pot tsmouth on Tuesday;_and embarheti party of sixty gunners, with four Br ;sodas ers, and two howitzers, sailing immediate.. ly for Dublin. A clAachment of marines was put undtr orders for embarkation„ It is said that Roar Admiral Bowles will heist his flag in the Malabar (74) at Ply mouth and proceed to Cork. The secoo4l drapon guards at !Clime, in Lacastrire, marched for Liver pool and Ireland en Monday." The corner atone of ,11 new Baptht Church wee laid in Washington,. D. 0., on the 23th ult. It was laid with much sere.. m. , ny in the presence of a large concourse of citizens and the Gri,nd Lodge of the In dependent Order of Odd Fellows. An id. dres3 was ie:ivered by the Rey. Mr Mil— ler. Death of Dr. Hagan—The Natchez . Free Trailer pays the following merited tribute to the mern.)ry of this warm-heart ed Irishman and much esteemed and whirl:S. ed mm. 'ln the death this distinguished gen. tieqien the Skte has sustained a great I s. lie vv 'Et dpi idetily a friend of the penile, arid ever - ready to expose corruption in pvpry shape, hP sr r. d neither political." friend f., Bch art f mod arr4yed against the p ( T ip and their tights. Like most of his I' Urrlrvin n, lie p iisSesSed an ardent temper amen!, and thiA, as an editor. fro quetitly led hi n to the use of virulent guage in the conduct of his paper— and. to this rause prohaldy may he traced his pram store death. As a citizen, he was without. Hem sh, beiner punctilious in that di ,, charg- of all his duties to his felkivrneD, and with a hand always open to. the 'aims of charity. May his departed spirit find in aweh r and hetter world . , that peace and rest e hi h whe denied to it in this. The Ci, , •imiatiati. are great distretis Amit e 11, 01.1 k. 1,?" El IC- lar METZ .1 • 3 feet 3 inches water in the channel. All BO ILi narkedl ll (*) are provided tv":4l Evanb'a Safety Guard. Ile:artutl by SHY lILE & MITCH/St, General S. B Agrnta, Water •treo, Late Custom !Luse tae! . PetrrEon'r. ARRIVED. Mingo Chief; D,vinnew, Wheeling "teu:uathiana, Mu due:, Wive ing Nur,h Quern, 11, L are. Wh e i g Multauata, ParkiNson, El z beat Orpheue, Drive, Sb-p Ya d 1 .1158 Ross, Catalan, do Pints, Vani!ergriff Sunfish •Clipper, Crooks Cominnati . Belmont, i'oe, Wheeling *Cecilia, Clark, Wabash, *Alps, Tad '„ Cincinnati Hanging Rock DEPARI ED. 'Evelinc, Jack, Cincinnat4, M-zahula, Parkinson, Et-zabeth. Aloll'goniery, Bennet, Cincinnati. in 2o Devinney, Wheeling *Columbiana Murdock, Wheals . % Nor h Que. n, McLean, Whirling •Bri 'grisrater, Clark, Whe.. ling Vigilant, Rene, Cu einnati, West Puin , , Grace, C !minimal Herschel, Allen , laid up Ccektm.n, la id un Nozahaia, Purainsun, Elizabeth Visiier. -, Hanging Rock Pinta, V ‘ndergi: ff. Suefi h TTENTION Duquese Gray*, You will meet at the Airs trittry at 3 o'clock (to place of 4,) this d v, Kniro day, equiped for the excuraicn lo Steubenatlle, By order, GEO. HAYS, Captain. COUNTY COMMISSIONE R. We nue alai uuorized to announce WILLIAM KARNS, of Lower St (lair T. wnship. as n can Miele for the of. fire of County I :7ornoti.usioner, sullst to the drastic* of lily tlenlnrr uu Ic etuunly convent roll. puly 3 —lr. stTuA rioN WAN I'ED 4 NI DDI,E AGED L DV of respeelabiltty. desirninii ur..blaiDinr, a situ dlon as kinivickfeper in a. Ilslimeni where servant , are employed. File feels cunt. den! ofbeing able to render entire , aik , facitott In the su• pe , iniendance of a well r.... , u'rved household. The appil ea 11 t WOllld ort object to go a • bort dlitanee from the caps For further information epply at Ibis office. r in he 1 - 10nOrable 11111ZPS of The Court of Genera/ 1 flo,rier Sessions cf he Pedice,in and for the counts Of AHvgien v. T!, r p...t0 on of chiba'll McLees, of M Ifflln township, hum! I +Lowy• h: Tiro your politioncr hath provided hitnSell • . trriiik for the arroinniodation of I raveters and Othera. at: • Ids ilwniling hnuac in the township a foretaiii, and pray* Pin' your honor- will he pleased to gran' hint a Ikea/tie keep n Nil,lie lli.use of E.lei taivotent. And yew pip.'; litioner, as in duty bound, will pray. ARCIIIRALD We, the •:u'iserihers, citizen:: of Mifflin tovvaship. de re , lay.11):11 tliP above pelt inner is of good repute rug I.nnesiy nil lemwranne. and is welt provided with hnit:e room and cunt eniehern for the anconimodalliait Or sirapvirs and travelemand tout said tavern is yeoman'. John Curry, So niuslTA. Wilson, Isaac Whitaker Wm Megogney Saint Cunningham David Meitortey Roads Andrew Kirkland Francis !Velure Jag rtrral Jas Cunningham E. D. Curry. July 3-3 t. IVIDEND. Office of the Ai leaheni Bake Co.l Pi , Winyah, July Ist, 1243. President and Manarera o 1 the "company for 1 e PClii•g a Bridar over the 41 portly raver, oppoolla Pm -her; h. county of 411. thei,v," have this (ay de varee a dividend of Five pat cent, oil the e • !vital block Or cad company. out of the ['mills of the 1t I tux atoulhr which wit 14! pall to the it, et holders,. a: their Legal repreaehtativcs, on or after the I lilt i.e. Idly 3--433 t w3t RICE. 00' 791ERCES RIOS, on Mad and ter rase by IW4i, J. W. RUItBBIDGE4 10. June 19 Water eueet,be wean Wood and flatttbllaid JOHN LfAUPER, Treesareh