==Efi ..... .... . .. PRoIi4OI4OTAR.y; --" - - - - - fTO Iliraltrimtmgtiq ft Clear the for the VAtintisers. BURGH. WILLIAM .11. FOSTER, Esq. or Allegheny city will T HE sninicribir moat respectfultriarortne the gentle be a euaididata for the office of- PseUtonotary of A I leg he ti w I ' men of thiz city and vicinity that he has tommenced • county, *Vibe Octo b er otheetinti. june 4. the BOOT and SHOE making business in Fourth street. ~...e • wetrh the original copy of Dr. Lof‘l .._ _..,..% IFROIMIEONOTALIi . Ir• opposite the Mayors office. Having. been foreman in 2.. '' , ..: = l IL ..0 .-coni;-I,A, ..Vir In 'rot .„411" Wasn. s - • sonic of the moat fashionable Boot Shops In the Eastern .. . , i respectfully offer myself as a candidate for the office titian; and having furnished himself with the best French ingtO4'..' That's the criestion' that now of Pfotitonotary, subject to the action of the Democratic i and American Calf Skins, he hopes by lila attention to Convention. • . WM. G . ll.glA' I{ INS. business to merit a share of public patronage To those agitates and interests the - commun i ty , an da Wilkins Township. lupe 27.t e gentlemen who have kindly patronized him he returns has set three papers at loggerheads. The {fitter is cettainly of the greatest impor-' PROTHONOTARY'. i hissincere thanks and can with confidence appeal for the goodness of Ilk work and knowledge c f his business. RESPECTFUI YotTer tny.Qelf a candidate for the c dice L may 11. tense, and we trust will be thoroughly in- I ' P. KERIImAIJ of Prothonotary of Allegheny county ,subject to the ac• . vestigated, until no doubt exists in the lion unite Democratic county convention which logos public mint: as to whcm the honor belongs on,the 30th August next. GEO. R. RIDDLE. Allegheny City, May 31—le iiii-w. of 'basing the first copy of a mediocre - ,roim by a very indifferent author. n•me IiEMEM natre.—There will be a performance to•ajgbt for the benefit of the company which bas been performing here for some time past. The prices will be reduced, and the pieces well selected. ."Samuel McKee, Eaq., will deliver ...au Oration before the Birmingham Lite' tary o Institute on the evening of the Fours h. As we feared, the surmises we al _ Wiled to yesterday, that O'Connell's Abo.. I ,lltioo speech was a forgery, are not sup '-, ported by evidence. There is ton much reason to believe that the speech is a gen uine document, and the chiling effects it moat produce on Repeal, will, we appre , bend, be observable ere lung. The Philadelphia Spirit of the Times comes to us in a new dress, enlarged and improved. The Times is published by J S Du Solle,. a poet, punster, politician. and philosopher, and is certainly one of the best papers in tl e Union. With the improvements that have recently been made, it will stand A No. 1. We wish it every success, and hope k to - ty "live lUng and prosper." The Seven Millions Loan.—We under stand that the whole of the loan for seven pillions of the United Stares 5 per cent. stock, advertised by the Secretary of the Treasury, has been taken by John Ward Co. of New York, at one hundred and one dollars and one cent for every $lOO o f the stock.— Globe. ommtrcial 3 feet 3 inches water in the channel Ari Boats marked thus (t) ere provided w.t Evans's Safety Guard. Reported by SHERLA & Genf rat S Agents, Water street, Late Cuittwit II 'UM . I the Peterson's Building. ARRIVED. Eveline, Jack, Cincinnati, 'Pribrzahala, Parkinson. El nab O. *Mopurnery, Benner, Cir cinnari. DEPARTED. *Narragansett, Caldwell, St T..iuis, lq..:utti.r, Gains, Clue trtiati, May flov Cr, Hutchison, Lousotille, Zrnerville, Duval, kid up, Parkinson, Eliz,beth. Business in Saint Louis.—Tlic Orgxn of the jlBll the following:—"Our levee is trowded wish produce of all kinds, scarcely leasing a t rassige in snaSeritiaces for a single dray. The dray men have some funny scenes in crinttnding fur the gl wAy With The farmers who venture en the levee with their 'horned horses.' They make them perform ell kinds o!* gyrations, crack their whips, and say some moil tremendous bird words." Tbs Levee presented qui le a cull aspect yester— day. I There was but one arrival from below, (the Montgomery, from Cincinnati,) and she brought but 20 Barrels of Blue Lick Water, 1 bag Feath era, and 1 sac's Gift - cc, to Wa!lingford and. Taylor, and Hallman, Jennings and co. Ste had 30 Ci bin and 20 deck Passengers; and 60 way Cabin, and 40 Deck. Tho steamer Trapp-r, Durrt - ck, arrive d LADIES' WRITING SCHOOL, at our levee this morning, from the Yel - I B H. Fee, low Stone river, Winging a goodly diftplay From. 4 to 6 o'clock, P. ill., of the riches of the Rocky Mountains— riautnn house east of Wltittalo-rts Clothin g ectabib , h- Oto labors of the free trappers and bold i -1 ment,sr-comi mr,,,t,1...1., , ,,,, Giant and flu ssr emir,. r r ithose willin g to ewer, will please call dolin g class • June 21-wtf 200 packs En g lish, German ;Ind American pins; huntsmen of that region. The articles are hours. the property of the American Fur Corn- — FOR SALE. — 1 0 0 thousand Itt,tt needlts; piny, and consist of 1200 packs buffalo A FEW bocce Sarato g a lodine . 600 dozen tapes ; Water, juPt received low ~ , , :Id coiors spool cotton ; robes, 91 packs beaver do., with a quanti. and for sate by bIRMINGII ‘M ,i• CO. 160 1, 1;, patent thread; fline 2R. tii of bear d. 1., and 47 bags buffalo tongues. 9 , 11 1 o d s t , Ken i j lte l k v y . n I T I R Rri, Tobacco. j;r ,v ju (s. t o re- 14 7 1( 0 , 1 1 : .. , lts t sloe Ili 1 cad; The T. came from. Fort Si Pierre in nine r i ." ;e B t, A .,:tt " a " n ) ,l - 10 2 r s skein cotton thread ; days.—St Louis Gaz. ; I 1 j .... 19, Water st. between Wood & Sinillt'd. 750 Glow:and percussion caps: • - 160:gross g ill anti lastin g Itutton4 ; itt. I'3o g ross pearl shirt buttons, '‘‘) TIERCES RICE, on h.. 120 g ross shoe Ipep i 3 W' 1t,.. ' 100 doz. tortoise shell enrol, : 1 9 Water siteel be wren Woo,. 25 doz. lurlois.c shell, lock and Rnfillo rnmbk; NEW ESTABLISHMENT 136 doz. fine ivory c0m1..; 200 doz. dressin g combs; 350 doz, combs; Ciracianati iliarket.—There was a little itlcE. 2 , 7'IERCES RI C k:, on hand and for sale by show of animation in out door business I VV . nun PA? I Dr. E k ' - ' O. thFOUghi)Ut the day. In consequence o f jdne .29 Wooer elieri,be wren Wood and Smithfo Id some reports that got in circulation, that Moue in New Orleans on the evening of' FOSTER'S UNIVERSAL AGENCY. the 18th, had sprung up to $4.65 a $5 1 MAGAZINE DEPOT, Aare were some sales male at prices a AND GENERAL NEWS ROOM, shade*, advance of those of the closing of ST. CLAIR STI,EFT, PITTSBURGH,PENNSYL'A. , she week—say $4,12, at which rate 4 all OPPOSITE III,: exeIIANCE [WILDING, that . came in was taken. The market' lA' neat: con be had all the lat,; Pnblicni3Orit, reriodl_ ' cal=, Misceihroes fltgtory, Sic„ kr ni the ETl , i Boy be said to be in a very f1C0.0,. uctuating C p..n. A Inn, superio r c S o Spanish Utor , ;;;Id Tobacco, date. To-day Flour sella at 84,12, and french Perfumery, Fancy r.o.ps. Firtielirs etc.. etc. Ia;MINTOW it pay fall back to $1 or rise l'lS.[.Sli's iIoADIWL liD C•NDY, an excellent remedy for —lnfluenza.to- 64,25. 'Whiskey is sold at ISA-c and 1 ., ie publi c a - e rrque , ted .o glre him a call. June 29 dull.—Cie Message I We hear it stated upon competent au thority that during the present thunth ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOL. LAO have been paid out to the farmers pi Columbiana county in exchange for ' their wool. The funds which have been trtsburaed are of the beat kind—part in' specie, balance generally in Ohio specie paying paper. In addition to this, it is laippneed that since the middle of April, finesfrfly to ant hundred, thousand dollars have been paid to citizens . of our county halm purchase of their wheat and cattle. When thirteen Ohio , benking institctions wired in Sanitary lest, the federal panic Ctrs predicted that during the present yearaliere would not be enough of money inVolnebiana county to pay the itunu allarcty Lisbon Patriot. 'll ~-, r $lOO,OOO for Wool FOR ST. LOUIS. The steamer JAN ES ROSS, Carnac, ' master, will depart for the above and intermediate putts, Alonday, July 3d, al° &o'clock a. to. For freight ur passage apply on hoard or to je 30, .1.4.4 .3IA Y. BAROUCH, FOR SALE OR BARTER. March 13th_tf. GOOD Barouch, nearly new, together w ilt Harness, Fly n,•11. Saddle and Thidle. will he sold how fur cnAli IMPORTANT TO OWNERS OF A Cr gnod trade. Enquire at FaiterFon's Bazaar SAW-MILLS. Fourth at. jun , . 30— 41. I N YDER'S unrivrllydselfSettersforSawnilllswhich -• /771 - • liven so fully tested in ditTerent parts of the have .. , United States, as well a' in the cities of Pittsburgh and GEN -- :RAL LAND Or tee, 1 Allegheny. can be seen In operation at a number of II J une 2.3 , 1843 mills in this neighborhood, viz: at Mr Wickersham k mills on Venn et,; at Bowman 4- Chambers' nails, near ADS ICE having been received from Llie Reg ',ter of the , i the Limier Allvglieny Bridge, and at NI or, tt i4o's mills on Land Orliee at Lexington. NI is-otiri, that the re mit- Hare', 'slum', and oilier , . The above named machine vat of that office to the town of CliTaoti, in Henry county, . ' ran be obtained at I'll . W Wallace's Flinn W. allace's on Liberty st, as direried by the Fleshly'''. will he effecled on or ahont near Sail' lifteld, where it is fitting up, and where the the Btl flay of July next: , hi f is to give Lin: lee ilia( the pule I machine ill be roust an Cy kept On bands. Apply to B. tic sale of lands ordered to he held at Lexington on the F. Snyder or W . W. Wallace. may 5 second day of October next. iry the Executivf, proclama tion bearing date the Sill init. wi'l he lid I at the time ''it PA NISH TOB NCFO --1.- 1 41:1 1 es ruhtt Leaf Tobactu f prrscriled in the town of Clnitun ,iffirosaid. , 1,7 t his days received and Iftt sale by TIIO,II. (IL 1 E F.. J. G. Si - A. GORDEN. Commis:him, 12 Water street Land Office r moved from Lcz.ngton to Clinton. ..110 pine 30—lawn° For St. Lolls, Burlington & Galena. i - 17 1 ‘011 SALE, low In lots merit and on neroninincla pki rgt The new and 11.1111 draic.!la Sleanihoai ! Ling to , . for r , h or goo.l harirr, cr on tiwe to Noturii it UN I), Thos. C. MAY, Nlnnier,; ru It ronsigneen;(lo dozllQsOried window canh and :lags will leave for the niece and inlernwilc!le landings ,to wowed. :ill o ruing wrapping and Tlinrsilay nix!, hill of July. 111 o'clock „%. M. For Irncr paper,ln . 2s doz good sickle?. mkz ~,r e I rolloi` freight or passage apply on hoard or 10 i , Isl'!“ 180 nunl ill -, 2511 trosi niinpender jone,lll Fultons. 5110 cols 01 as :tn,i five dnohle, purple and cel -1 ,'The North Bei,l i fornislird nonsr cam het ciiaiii. sir C ur l mg t nu w nnkr d Cu:intik, piect "! explosion , of Boilers. ring A gond supply ill line two BM' kl.ls . \ B LO 03/S. TONS Juni❑la and for le by .1 15', 111 If It RI I4;F, k Co , ~ „...• 0 P1G5 .2. 1 1 ..1: A 11. just reo.-rd a std for sale by \Vater straw. bet Wood .nit Sell' tifield. 1.)0 ce J.A 7.1 CS M .0 V. COI:N TY COM NI I S . ,';ION E IR. I)( )N1 EST IC QV" F, ENS W A ItE. AT the solirit allot, of p 1,011.1 Cr of I. O nth: 01 .1111 ,0 -• ' ! uTh .. .F . : . __vi 1,,,,,,., ,1(1„.1, Bit' „i ‘,.(„ii,,r5,,,,,, I. itical partir.,, 1 rasp', 1 toll o ffer tn. tell t . ilia con 0 „, I 11 ,„„. „„ 11 ,,, ~,,,,,:,,,„ of im . ,,, ~,,, dO, mi ,,. , aileTalioh or o y fellow cil , z,a, or Ihe t , ll . er 1 I Cruier) ' ~,, ~,,,,,„.:. ~, ~,, ~,,,,,,,, by 'tee no , A . rrn ,,,,, r, I ~,..., ii ,,,, COftwhinslotter. That to. •r 11110 • !151111 pi I 11. 110-1111 ! im , hod of u , c ,,,,,,,, ~,,,, 1 ,„ 1 ,,, i ,„„. t h ey ~,, 0,., e ,., drrstood, en her tot 10 ooliti, al or private .lII.I' - I "n''.' 1 flitch bon, o too 1.., ilia lin ore . All 1ti0..., it and Ito.', free 10 Fay that I have I.et'n all P.) : 0, it "itt.-'''l'll' I :'' ! tli-ltr,:t re -I.kn!ia.ll on !he luoluta of novll dl-11, •• Fennell Publit'an, in the !rue con , ' , ! I,l ‘ , ',',.!• A' 'l''' rcttr:t k lira. Lir.- pool, Oho, " awl all warr not of a rorirs to so•Twwhro rtnltarr: - .. , :a1l in Its l'i :PP 0- : '''''''''' '“ ' 1 "'" 1 1"...di0: ,111 3:,1 1 WII h ,:1 , 11 iti4ec are nro :aniline. reduction of salaries l'fpu' , lir Olin rs bits err, Iced 1 l'.l . 1 ‘,.. , ,1•.,,,, /1 1 ,0 , 1.11111v.V111,, 110,.:2f1f,. POI jIISM, St. ~.. :Ipilrollni ion of large tt,;,j,”llhS 001,e i‘e , ph., 11m under ' RI, I, a • p h . . 1',.11,,„ r,1.1, y, A ile;;Imot , rily, vet.rt i: foie signed weallii not ,h, alit lin. Ie -o l'!.r!iii , ..l ,-: :'',,, lol,i li .. ~,,,,,, I f ,,, ~,,, ~,:,,,,,,,,,,,,n„,,,. fa ae 24- anew fwd. led, ill any manner atintupt to tesi s t Ibis ...lit'a. v re ' -- -- form; should it reach the office of Con nit . Crntuthwioto . r. TA 1 \... (; N ( )TI C E . tt pr 6: SA %11: V.I. 111.1131,EY. II 11l 1 . -: I“m'., o \lt I 4lmi a irl Stairtreerhn.l. have ; re° I h ler 1 , llr e IP/ ro'le, 11,,r1. A I perpOtot 1.,„,,,, I ) RES131"1.1111:1N 11()Oli:S. . 111,11,....iv... 0,d,d.t,.,1 1,, ir,o. %in ~, . o.,:o can nod fle Iv , ri I IIIE ,tl'.•cilllcr I,a-iii -1 roe. wad a -.matt a'.-art moo ~1 , l'"i" , " :°' ...id or ill 1 . 051 . nod , eve v.-I - . . ilia publications. oftio Pre-I.) lart..,, Ita,t,d , ii I',o Al ` ! , twat :Po, and wllt fell there at !lot Catolit,,,te t oo,: ! jun" - rrpri,,,4 , /lt Cerabrrsta.. of Via 1,, and the li'-! ,icie , ../- , ' Fix hu . rtli It, j'satms and Ilyoenc —on these li sm.li ulna, C , MN , t Le made to corer .:.21...r, t fra ) and on . t e : nut' Iran,. 0 ... ; .5 . -- - - - 'll,' Depository to l'loladatiditit. for all .111 nolo. o t vb.,. . - 1 4 11. i I:it . Dollar:or nodal - .it. bolo,' copied front the let I,s 01 - 1111 i 1 r; ,1,. I y irons of ,1:e Board. v 5: I jell.. 22 . Ist. Ail ita'as atuntiatiott to tan dollar., ca• h. I 311. 5...04,3),0,n. 1,. • dni , .i, .: and n 1 ecrordin,z,twen, . ) ;FURNITURE WARE ROOMS. 'I ra• 11, woh a dit.count ol tan per cant par f Unl., A I.EX \ NI)ER NIt•CERI)1 " . $ , l. Salt, in 31001110 flOiri I kseil , y In life! i!..11;,-. for I ' I .it the ..d . f,,d o. It) t'. VG .5 - .11rCr i leit NO, -1.3 par funds, to whirl) not :111 nun) volt Io: allllOll :1 pet tir,, ,,, . 1,01. , , , i II 0,..i00d .11,, r , Atrr es., Cent ennlink , iofl and the Iran ~ It tation from, nil the r\ - :- i . 1, rhah:e on Philndel; hid. a+ I , •hai I ,1.111 lat tile ton. tba , lII' rFrI . I . 1 . 1.l. : 1 - ~,r orn•i 11 , kit . .. , ol ii.o ial• fie to hit rrlia.r. .. made_ 11L nuil ihr 1 ,,,14,, ~1 - I . . er:ltty. 111,:t I c TriAyar .. ..l lo Tnat a lair r line , intrn l may i.e matte in 11,ie bra twit i fill all nod, r- ..-,- ,C,. hi e! !fork , of ;1117F - liind. 90. rib all or our I ,usiness.t it c c ash ' ,w e . ~,,,,„, 1,, O r ie,'y udter,,i ~,,,,1,1, ee.:ll,:cli, 'O,l IS .111,11 , 1111 lo Ie 1 4411;0 IL) any 111 Is; and nn the 'era. above rn ofh,F.ed, II I. helnwed rot, I. Me oily. !Tr:3;in.. and 'n'l'vnilints.tai&. hnve no ~ , n -e t o ram- I, Every 0 ter.lin, e, ,'I he p...d to lot of. , lllng r()FI'IN a plain. A -hare of public patron-lea i. to .toart (WI t ..01I• , I. I, !!'' . ! ..'!i'...• i- lung 11,, II;4.1. riled. LUK E LOO \lir-% .12,t 11' . jung. t2R--"f. . 89 Wood ,-1,.....,,,,. DISSOLUTION , IrW The f •iiss lieretnif,ire owl, 10' door , I , the firm IThies and I:es , . rl l ". l, eli by mutual consent. 1 lir husi 71,1 Ctl I firm , - ill he Smiled by Jattirs Vales id the old Sna,l, No Pit 1..1 YATES, SAI'L KEYS. 'rile subscriber lenders hi , ;11,1tAS In lit 1.. r the vino liberal share of paitoita..:e I estowed 'lode (lie e;lnl , islinie t and resinrcifolly intones them that the 6n witless will he carried on as berrluf..re at the old sla No 8, FIFTH ST near Market, where a full slimily of Ladies'. Jilts/tee and Children's 'Shoes of /I II kinds and co. lore, will tic kept constantly on hand. and sold very low for Cash. .1 sI.IIFS Y.'ITFS June 29--St Clili'AP ('0 NIB. BASK Er AN I) VA'. RIET I' STORE, Ls made exit/ r..:ty for powilei ritagazier , . !u! IY'r. 111.`, liiirket xteorr, rie.qr Libei fo. *fiery suita`th• for Polk flousrs. a.i the min meths tn . In E sultseritter rrbitertfullt tel“rths • ttis customer, and which they are roost rinuell will not lust from the Arl ion I the public genet ally. tic t I e has ,lOst retorted front of rite !tali, wilt he ~Id low far cash. ty JAS. PATTERSON. the e:O4 with a large ohd ttt ::,e1 are-ortntent of goods may 2—ti In hi. , line to n hich he invites ',lett-hauls and others who - B „C 0 N , —ll C.sli, Prune (lams. ; wish to purrlto-e whelesale or retail. very low for rash. 5 do ~ Shoulders. , The fol'oiying comprise. , part of Irk stock, with a eer y ft (-Cul per ''Little Mail," nn enn , iamnm , t, and fo r ::ucc large asso't went of fancy gr.ods and toys. by HAILNIAN,JE.7s:NINGS 4. CO. 43, IVond street 6 gross tooth brushes; 20 dot, assorted hair and clothes tom-hes. doz. suspendels; 40 cross white xilverell hooks and ryes; 20 g•oss common hook, and eye-; 50 doz. assorted scisgors; 30 doz spectacles; SO gross assorted whalebone; 250 doz assorted sizes sidles; 40 =roes steel pens; 3 gross Woodward's celebrated pen holder,.; With a general assortment of all kinds of variety govdt, suet as willow wagons, chairs,cradles, market and other ba Orsts, If C. kc. C. V. would in particular invite the - JOHN CART WRIGHT, ' attention of the ladies to his fine and IA r shell and r ' e assortment of C.ll— ri,Ert and Surgical Instrument Manufacturer. tfT.,lO I Also, Gra;mm s celebrated sis sorrier or Lilt and Liberty streets, Pittslittigh, Pa. cord spool r °twin, the best at title nettle; persons nor- N. l ways on hand an extensive assortment of Sur• chasing can return it if not an represented, Also, the best fical and Dental instruments, Bartels, Tailor's, counter drilled eyed needles, which have been purchased /tatters', Hair Dressers' and Tanners' Patent especially for retail, and fine American flat and round Shears, Saddlers' Tools, Trusses, kr. je 24 . , heart pins, (may 24.) C. Y EAGER. DR. AIeMEAL, Office on Ftflh strrei I.Nottveen Wood and Stublifield streets, Pittsburgh. der. 10-1 y• EXCHANGE HOTEL, 1 ___-- Corner of Penn 4 . St. Clair sts. Pitlsb'gh. NOTICE. riin E Proprietors of this elegant and commodious /TIRE stockholders of the Pittsburgh and Allegheny I. tablishment, beg leave to announce to their friends j 1 Bridge Company are hereby notified that the norm. and I!e public, that their price for Board, front this dale, al election for one President, ten Managers, one Treas. is reduced to ONE DOLLAR I'ER DAY. nrer-aud a clerk to conduct the business of the Compa• I From the locality of this house, being situated mid• ny for the ensuing year, will he held on Mon& y the 3d i wag' beivreen the Canal and Steamboat landings, al don 1 of July nest, et the hour of 3 o'clock P. M., at the the great thoroughfare to Allegheny city. the proprie. rooms belonging to said Company ,north end of the (land tors trust, that with continued exertions on their part. Street Bridge. JOHN TASSEY, they will be enabled to afford every attention and [aril. One 17—te. . •d' President. ity required for the comfort and convenience of their C guests, and hope to merit a continusnre of the patron CHEAP MEDICINES for the Sick.—For sale, in lots age that has hitherto been sci liberally extenelcdto them. to salt all clarses. Dr Brodie's Anti-bilious and Ap- PHIL Dr Evans' Camomile Pills; Wards' cure The principal Stage and Pact et offices, ate connected for Corns; Balrti of Life, Cantor Oil and a variety of , with the Hotel, and for the better accommodation of cheap Forniti Medicines for sale cheap. I their guests, an Omnibus will al ill times be In readi- ISAAC HARRIS, i nem to convey them to mid from the House. Awn sad Com. Iter'l,sFitthst. sP 25-Im. NeXIBIWI t 11111113. . June IT; Farms lo Lease. E undersigned will lease two Farms situated in 1 East Deer township, with the necessary tenenents, and from 75 to 100 acres cleared on each. Also, one farm situated in West Deer township Allegheny county with from 50 to 75 acres cleated. TI e above &seri ed property ha to reasonably good repair, laying ahmt 15 tulles from tire city of Pittsburgh, and within two miles of the rentr'a ('anal, and will he teased on reasonable terms for from 1 to three years, to good tenants. ,Netll al 11 Cron Nog 511. 41 jii a 2 PIG LEAD I! 1,141.'11, :,I!hr "'a -',t11,1 , .lil'll,lloll :11 L 11:. ri•rfliil 111 J. Ipy. 1.1 . I: roll I DC I. A- I \ Vat, - O. tint \Venn \VIP,' and ' , mi. . R El% It I E . - , .ind (It E ehirrton /bat ,I-kie TPAitittlfr a a mei A dung, di el I z g. 41, • fity-The Washington T. A. Society of Pittainwelt, will eelehwe the approaching 4th of July, about ell miles up the Monongahela, on Weies phasic, wheroihe Methodists held tin ir campineeting last fall. The conveyance by the stectnboats will be cor venient and expeditious. The lotai abut nence 'oriel les of Pitt:3 urah and viclhlty, arc respectfully invited tojoin In the celelwation. The so ciety will start from tie Hall precisely at $ o'clock A. M. By order of the Executive Com. Je 27. AN ORDINANCE RELATIVE TO DU QUESNE WAY. Sgc-rtnet Ist. Be it ordained and enacted by the citizens of Pittsburgh in Sale t and Common Coun cil assembled, That within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, Coutteils shall proceed jointly to select one suitable person as Wharf Master for Du quesne Way, to serve until the next annual election. or until his swccessor shall have been appointed, and annually hereafter at the usual time of electing city office's. 2d. The person so selected monis successors shall i have the same powers and be subject to the same l ohligations and requirements as the present Wharf Master is, by ordinances or mherwise, and the same'', r ,,te* of wits' fag" a ls roatil , hmi by so ordinance Massed, Ma oh, 1812 eld 1101 WI Or di,,rtn,.. egoist- , tog the a h.' ,, e , anti landme , ol lie city of Pittsburgh, shalt a , d i hereby d, chn dto he the rat er I , f wharf , age for I). rptesue Way, and said e,liormee, and all ()idiom' , es r , •,`l,fi s , bS q wr•ilv therein, tire, and are b ete l ) , d...•,ared to he in 6 , 0 fo•l`r and eff•et as to Duqu, s r Way. And in hii•ir , n *0 a t h ere in riameo, ,,,, ' Wharf Nis:l.. , stall r , litwor 1.0 .kolisand ‘.l tst i , , or het linr.r. or two {thousand ho,;, ~''l's. Ote snore as 1010 feet of boards All scant hug„ or a I wed sniff to he es , tima'ed by board na..amrrineid, and all toga, hewn or otherwise, to pay to o cents per M, board mea- BA RTRANI MURRY+ Stnoi 1. tic Id, nr 3,1 Lilwrt ” tu 6 ';4. gUielllcw. 3 A I braid lorii , hrcrs shall, previou4 to their r.llectin4 theii chat ars 1.,r 111P3S , Ir rig. kr., return to the W I Mosier an iicr mint , f .tirh menstircrnrint, with the name or names of such peraan or persons uho are to nay far said meauiriag, which Do-sr n or persons are her.:hy de , tared li ible to pay th • wharf• 3g..• 511‘. 11 to tlic iimhent on the per ,,, n • lec , e'l as Vin I Taste, f r D•ainettne \Vat', he 'll hi , per •1:11 ;Went - Inn ti the gra , lint/: and It , t' .e name io n.der, and, t ,, eether with r, 5 1 411' hate I mwer In remove al! es and obstructions Char may he placed Fltt'l. in C , ,J.1”-tillll With t he ciammiltre nn %V Flat wl , O or'ered• shallnn'c power In d,vitte rll r a ni ant the ,14Teient of Dripesine ray, SO acc,:inmo.iate lie tvs,,ts al d C afl r,. The compon44tc , n of the Wharf 1114-ter, for 11 , 4 of all dulirst jacan befit upon him t,y this ord.ca”ce, shall be at the roe of three ;onoir,d t ,, linrs vcr ann,nn. payable in I:ke manner apt , he ei:t ,(licers are loW paid (Ir , :ained arta enacted iroo a la.: in ColTricils, this 26111 cav 01 J::. c, A. 1) I"4:1 WILLIANI PICIII3 \ A President C, sum a Council. E. J. IZr 131 - .ltTs, Crk C.111(11,111', , onril. J011:4 SifERIFT, Press-'non, 1"Ir., Select Counrd A: r:::t ll'k Select Council. TYPE AT REDUCED PRICES GEORGE: BRUCE. k CO 4 T No li. IIIA SIIIF.IIS S'PREET, near Ili- Pori Miler. New York have on hand an untirtially large oro k of their well known Printing Type. Ornament:, 24e, of the best metril, cast on original and very accurately finished, all of which they L a e, oele, fele, d (:;;E.kTEY REDUCED PRICES. g the honk and Newspaper Fouls as followl: Pii 0. at 3.: cents a Small 34 Long Primer. 3t; gourc,ok, 40 Brevier, 46 Minion 54 Nonpareil f;G Aeste - -- 120 pLad F3r approved paps at 6 or 6 per rent lea. for Typo". Print in: Ink, Utetutell,Cal , ee,Galleys. Itraee Rule*. Camposl ,, x Mirka. Clist.te.•nd Othr , Print - I in: inaleriallifarni.b . rd with inomptiinde, and at the low est :triers Print.•rs of NPwgpaper. who politish this advertise ment w i lh Mi. note tlit.r tinteP, anti wild one of the pa. 10 the fntiority, will he rottilitt to payment of their hilt nn hot tn^ fi , tir lime. the •totatiiit or it. jnne 26, 1843. A 13SOLUTE HEAL ALL. 101000 TRIALS and all eucetneful prove DALLEY'S .11AG ICA L PAIN K.X• 7'R:9t - 7t/It tnestintalt It m t onti Eno s quicker , gives no adds onal pain, till leaves a drat. Fire 15 post lively remit ed harmless,. (SlO has been offered six months to nny person returning an empty box, and .aying that all Ignite on anointing is not exit:l,lml i a few min tiles, yet not one from thou-ands of trials since has f lalui ed the bonus ) Parents anoints to guard against genera injnrie•, and cave bite, (001111 e and life, and prevent their offspring from being disfigured by burns, or t yen small pox pustules, (It possessing the enviable power to replare the cellutary organs destroyed.) can do so by oh• inining Ctis inimitable salve. Many dee; ly burnt cases iu the city ran `.O seen, and one entire face bunt over and I I wounded three did i net limes Mille same spot while heal int:, yet in no case call be I raced the I,•usl cleat rice or mark' For all kinds of hurts - its rap d to - balling effects:ire it so onttortant ; even sore ryes. all in darnations atd bro ken ' , reacts would be link not% n. The toilet nod nursery, for taring the skin of pimples removing chafe, etc., ail fi ti r., it i n ,1;,p,,,a1,1e, (the ti iog only will forever P ,, ai • 1.110 the sovereign HEAL -ILL quality. After this no tier, heads of families allow tog torture for months. and ulittn itety dttoorted featitrett, can never wipe away re• preach. judly uttered by a disabled child, for neglecting to trio opli aver fill', e. Entered according to aet of Congress. A. D. 1841, by rain.t-wk 4- co , in the Clerk's other of the District Court of the Untied stales for the Southern District of New York." Warranted the only genuine. Comstock 4- Co., wholes.V Druggists, N. York, have he come the sole wholesale agents for Mr. Dailey, in A mstri ra for 20 yea's. All orders must be addre,:srd to thetn. The gennitte only to be had at TUTTLE'S Medical I Agency, 11 1 ; Fourth street. Nov 15 NEW WHOLESALE CASH STORE, No. 99 !food street. r 111E11N CV k JOKE= are rrcetv'mg canstantly fresh :applies of seasonable Dry floods which they will ron!inue to dispose ant easlern prices,wlth the addition of carriage, for cash, par money, only. Every merchant making purchases in the city with money, is respectfully invited to call and examine our goods, and the chances are ten to one against him that Its will not consider his time and lal.or lost. flaying adopted this system from is convicti in that it rnti4 he to the advantage o f the pu.!chaser, eve trust it I may efeelye a fair trial, and be judged accordingly. June 16—dlm ESTEE'S WRITING INSTITUTE. T ESTEE. Prof of Penmanship, has re-opened his sl • Writing institute fort he season, at his former room corner of Wood and Third sts, where large classes are now forming. Mr E's room is fitted up In superior style for the reception of bis . puplls, who will meet daily. Ladies' Class will be waited upon at 2 o'clock, P. M. Gentlemen's Class 4 tt it Ili All cases, a neat and fashionable style of Penman ship is warranted to the aticniive pupil. Terms of tuition for 12 lessons, 20 tt 5,00 Ladies CITI receive lessons at their residences :f desi red. E. will 'iv - T011...0n the shortest notice, all kinds of Fancy and 0 rnamenta Penmanship, in the most neat and fashionable manlier. The public are respectfully invited lo call at the. In. =Otitis and examine Mr E specimens of Penmanship and method of teaching. J ine 19,-2w. NAYLOR di. C 0.113 BEST REFINED CAST STEEL 'VISE undersigned, agents for the ribose celebrated I. stamp of Steel, will always keep on hand an as sortment of the same, consisting in Best Refined Cast Steel, squared, fiat„round and Octagon do do do do axe temper, &ILI& do do do for nail cutters. Best do Double and Steele Shaw Bee ENtilsb Blister, German. GranittO Wedge and Crawley Steel, at wholesale, by thetas*, or in assailer tots to telt parehesenr, LYON, eIBOBB it CO. ,Brite 24—d3re4wew., root qt Wood at, 'CIE retr 10 _ST All." PCNNEIfLVANiA. R;lak df Plttsbtlrah. par Much. 4. Man. bk. par Etchange bank, par Bk. of Germantowt. Pastan lank. Lancaster hank, rii• 1 Bank of Chester Co. par ParmersObk Bucks Co. Doylestown bk do •• Bk of N America IN of Northern Libel ties," Commercial bk. of Pa. Far. 4. Mechanics bk Kensington bk. Philadelphia bk. Schuylkill bk. Southwark bk. Western tik. Bk. of Pennsylvania, "• Bk of Penn T. par Man. 4. Mechanics bk. par Mechanics bk. par Moyamensing bk. Girard ba..k, 15 1 U.Stales bank. 4 Lumhermeme, Warren, - 8 Frank. bk Washington, pad Miners bk of Pottrwlle, 91 Bk of Montgomery Co. par Mon. bk Brownsville, I Erie Bank, 5 Harrisiturgh hank. 4 Far. bk Lancaster, 1 Bk of Middletown, 4 Bk. of Chambersburch, Carlisle hank, 4 Bk of Northumberland, par Columbia bk h Bridge co. B Rk Susquehanna Co• 40 Ftkof Delaware Co. par Lebanon bk. Celt yrborg h bk. 4 York hank, 4 Far ¢ Drovers bk. of Waynesburg h, 4 •• Currency notes. 4 Ilonesdale -IFynming Plitsh'ol State i(crip Country do do Perks ( Lana. Lewl.l ow 11 ov‘autrla 111‘,11ntalenant bk Far.* Nlrch. bk or Sten MI Rank•, 3 If mimic:AN Rk. of St. Clair, 10 1; Do. dn..l IL Stnii It 3# do Co rrenc y notcß, 4 CANADA Cotunthianct bk New Lis C.onti hank•, [OOlO hon Demand, 1.1 Eastern F.Schnnge• do Pnto notes. 1# Phila•lelleh la. Cincinnati ,pecie pay- New York. Belmont t.k of St. Clalrs vi!le, Marietta Lk. Demand in: hanks. Vl•!ch. Trocierp hk of florin not Clinton lik of Coloinho. Demand norr%. oar eirclr•vitir, (11. Law renry di , ('a Alter) 1 par 7.Rneavillp Irk. 1-4 Cf)1.11 \ID SII,Vrn, par -FOR SALE OR TO RENT. T oTs roil ti LE.—rotir Lots in 51 Finrile , tnr. Ono. / and a fonrtli Acres of Laid on Holrarte Hill. lam. nor. 41. 42.52. 53. 54.181. 182 and 184, in Ccok's plan of Lots, on lloltne'4 Hill Also, Lets nod. 26 and 27. In Cook's p:an of 1,0 on High at reei. near the new Court tiOUIM For terms apply to Z. W. REMINGTON sett 16 For Rent. A CONVENIENT three story brick dwellinr boi.r sitoite Ro , ,s el reel near Fourth• Rent $.125, apt. 10, Apply to JAMES I A/A Y. TO LET: St CONVENIENT ;:r hen on I ite Trn•I.IA d"of. ands rood "PM" ;warned. 01 nate on Laeork, near Federal st reet, Alle- Enquire of Eheny 1 , 1 ftr,v WILLIAM DOUGLASS ir AT AND C ‘fl NUFAI 1 - 17 11 ER . Every de.crio 1 t ion of Ilat c and Ca pv nn hand, andfor vale, wholea slle and ~tall atprlre• in sniff The limes, al time old eland o f Don2lav 111norn 73 Wood street FREEMAN'S FIRE BRICK FOR JrereivPit 5000 Frneninn's 1,0 Fire Brick, whir', will hereafter he kept conv-tnntly nn bend and Sold - _ _ Ina• for rtlRll, SFAFINE; . TOCK 4- co , Suecemszt got° J B.Guth • He, at lire old stand corner of sth and Wood etc having complied with the requisitions of the new Auc. tion Law. - re prepared to make adeancce on ronsirjm mento and In 101 l on favorable terms. They hope by r nntinninr to make ready oak,' and prompt returno, to recolvo a fair portion of host:less. In retiring from the Auction Imaineo. I take ttre t plen.nre in recommendin! to the pubic Mesirtt. Samue Falinesiock k Co.. who have complied with the require ments of the new Auction Law and will do hardness a en v old eland. J. B. GUTHRIE. a mil 3 1343. COUGHS AND COLDS i ANY are iinw suffer iog with the z ahove complaints, and can he cured speedily by using Powell's Boleyn of A nniseed, which ;Ives universal satisfaction To he had only al TUTTLE'S, SG Fourth street. — COUGHS AND COLDS. Now is the lime of year for persons attacked with Cou2l , s. Rheumatism, Gout, kc, ice. —To those afflicted. a speedy cure con he effected by using PEASE'S TIOARHOCND CANDY. whirl, in allowed by all who have used It to he the hest I remedy ever offered fir Con4 , hs and Caids,and II E YS NEE!' F AND BONE LINA.MENT an outward remedy, with the VF(?FTABLE ELI ER, inward a ppllcat ion, Is a rentals and positive cure for R hcurna , ism.Coul, Contracted Cords and Lind , s, one need sutler front these diseases they will use above medicines. The cellulite to he had only at TUTTLE'S 4lcotut. ACIISNCT• Dritegists and Country merchants will be supplied a Yost% prices. R 6 Fourth Street. s/. k .NIET, M. CU tt Ul, Attorney at Law. or fire on 5 , 11 sl lei wren Wo, d and Smithfield. an 14 ItIT.EIINIET IaoTEL. TEE PROPRIETOR or thls well known and commodious house, situated al the north cod of the old Allegheny bridge, informs his riends and the public, that lie has every thing in com pteie order for the reception and entertainment of trans tent guests and permanent boarders. His ait moderate and no exertions will lie grated to make so. journeys comfortable and keep up the former reputallOc of his house. Good stabling for any nuniter of horses. - Ile lint Emmet. rritiC pat runs of Ills plea‘ant retreat and all who seek pteasni.t in the pure air of the country, are informed that the Mount Ematel House is now open for visitors A tarring ,- will leave the Mt. Emmet Hotel every day at half post 2. am{ frit( past. 3 o'clock. Sundays est-op ttitd. 1.11.:E.:1 SWEENY. may 31—dirwlm. Burbridge 0. Co. A GENT:it for the sale of Oeatty'a Powder. Water et AL between Wood and Smithfield. March 30. 1843. NEW GOODS COM I N a! TIIE PROPRIETOR ftl , THE rrl-IREE BIG DOORS, No. 151, Libel ty street, Pittsburgh, 1S (lOW in the eastern markets march:wing the largest land most varied stock nfaennonahle Goods that has ever been brought to this city, and in a few days he will he able to furnieli los•eustoaaers, and the public at large, with every article In the Clothing line, of a quality and stvie unequalled by any other establishmem Ist the city. The public are respectfully invited to call, as above. and ataartne his sptendid stock. /OEN McCLOSE EY. Suns 24-3 t Washington Ezarninar and Bauer Patriot:Apr Ikea time" and charge advgrititer, M2M luaigla. *Amason sumps U:.°4YPII• 11 - lifiairhoi, do Si'indasky. do Geadan, do Norwalk, do Xenia, do Dayton, Scinto, Post notes. Cb iiiitot Fran. bk Columbus, La..easter, tßamilion, 'Granville, Com. bk. Lake Erie, Par. bk: of Canton, Urbana INDIANA. State bk.¢ Branches 11 State Scrip, 27 KENTUCKY. All banks, 1 ILLINOIS. Slate bk .4. Branches, 50 iShawneetown, 65 VIRGINIA. ( Rank of Virginia. do Valley, Far. bk. of Virginia, Exchange bank, N. West, hank Mer. ii• Mee. do, I MARYLAND. ißaltimore Banks, (Count ry Banks, DEL•I WARE All Ranks, p. NEW JERSEY. All Ranks, par and NEW YORK. Cly Rank*. Country banks, (safety fund.) a Rad Rack. 3 to NEW ENGLAND Boston Banks, Country LOUISIANA itt Orleans Rank., 233 NORTH CAROLINA 4 Bank 7(11 SOUTH CAROLINA 2 Bankg, —I PIS. COLUM BIA !iauke_ Good R a A n R A . it BA M A TENNESSEE P,alitmore Fln.t nil 3,tVe!.tern rxe w m • cnLEM A N SALE FIRM; NC:IIA kco No Go Writer st Auction Pitihtmrzli, April Ist 1;143 PRINTING • 0 Iv. w. bointr of Mod nth Sts. i'utt priSpriA'otedr the 111 ii naa •ND M •ITTITACTUR MilleatlYfinfro their Nelda and the pat rons of those papers , tbsi basis 'a flip and well chosen assortment of .311 . 4101031111 i — Jr v iltrilP'ili s C 41)117 : 1D AM' ©WETJElll,Ana l g i Nitaditlgia Necessary to a Job Printing Office, and that the'' , Ire pia pared to execute LETTER PRESS PRINTING; OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Books, Bills of Lading, I Circulars, Pamphlets, Bill Heade. Cards. Handbills, , Blank Checks. Hat Tips . All itittbs of Wanks, Stage, Steamboat, and Casa: Beat Bilta, aottli welt priats Cote, Printed on the shortest notke and most reasonabloferau. We respectfully snit the patronage of our MORO 104 lac nubile in general in this branch of oar Wakes& Pittsburgh, Sep:. 39.1844. PHILLIPS 8111 W. FASHIONABLE HEAD QUARTERS No. 251,. LIBERTY STREET. WE mould invite the attention of our Mends and the publictenerally to our assortment of Good". which we have Just received from the East, all of which we are - determined to sell at a small advance ost coat Customers may rely on havlne cheap. good, Sten niacin and handsome articles, warranted to fit, Which is a very desirable combination. Persona who visit ihisimiablishment cae depend on finding an entirely new assortment of wring and soommat goods; we do not say one thiniand meanatothing +when we say our assortment ix large, fashionable, handsome and cheap, w r mean that it is so, and cannot be car. paced in this or any other city may 31— If, NOTKIE Is Steam Best Onytters.—The subscriber. In consequence of the diffiroity of the times. bas redlo• rod the price ofhir Safely Guard for the prevention of the explosion of steam boilers, to $l5O per host. It is hoped thni all host owners will avail themselves or these reasonshlc forme, not only qv seronnt of aha perfect safety they afford, but also In point of eeonomy, Boilers whh tho, apparatus attached will wear slam ire as Inns as those not provided with thitim Slsrchl-Sm WANTED. $BOO OR 1,000 on Mortgage on real estate. The property is among the best freeholds In the city, and the advertiser Is willing to give a handsome premldm for the above sum. For farther wilco ars ap. p v at the office of the Morning Post. junr 9 —.A5w. L. dr J. D. WICK, whnies,ale Grocer' do Dealer. in Produce. 116 Wood Strppi. 4 doors shove Fifth st PITTSBURGH. 1543: Standart. Ingraham & Co. FORWARDING AND CoX. MERCHAN7*. CLIVZLAJD, ORM AG ENTS for the Mere hn ntsTi anaportretboCumpany Composed of the Merchants Line, Erie Canal • Washington Line. Punter, Palmer 4- CO's. Line of Steant Boat. a-t' yes gels on the Lal.es. Cleveland Line Pennsylvania and (thin Canal. Proprietor. , of the A!ercllanis Line Ohlo Cana'. REFER TO— WITACIT. Exswor.vu, N 0.9, Coentiet, Blip, K. Y R. HUNTER Co. Albany, OTIe CA • Tr. Boston. XTRR. PAT.mna f ro. at .T. WILLIAMS Dow, Cleveland. !lox Jonx M. Ara.en, do. enAittits !M. CID: NG!, do: .1. S. DICKEY, 11CaVer . BIRMINGHAM 4• Co.; Pittsburgh II 1 1843-Iv. - EAGLE 11, , \‘‘' ": GROCERY STORE. • QTACY LLOYD, Jr.. Wholesale end iiefall tittles, 1.7 and Fruiterer, No 140 Liberty street, Plittitttirrh, may 20. PEACH TREES. T"E subscriber has just received from the Norriery of Landreth and Fulton near PhiladElphia, a Rd 01 the chr.iseo vnrleties of Peach Trees. to which bet,ssollshi rail the alteution of the priblse F. L. SNOWDEN. mar 8 No 134. Liberty fit head of Woad. J. D. CREIGII, .ITTORNEY AT L.W. Other, corner of Smithfield and Thla d Streets. rirrrant an, Paws ak , may 25, 1243-Iy.* BUILDING LOTS IN BIRMINGHAM, 1.3 LOTS, suitable for building, most eligibly situated, and within two minutes walk ofthe Steen Army Beat Landis:, will be cold at priers to suit the trail, The terms of payment will be made eatiy, either for ell.* or such barter tw can be made aSailable. ApplY totbe subscriber in Birmingham, or Mr. P. Peterson, - No. 4, Ferry street, Pittsburgh. JAB. PATTERSON, JR, June 1. Birmingham at. Co., AG'TS FOR STEAMER CLEVELAIM And Cleveland Line. March 22,'43. 2IDOZ. Corn Brooms, 410 Brushes, retained and for sate by I W. BURBRIDGE co water et, between Water # Snlltb'd I,OR BALE. —Lots on the North Eist corner Or COS Lane and Ili2h street. Apply to .P PlO BENJ. DARLINGTON, Market, nenr 4th fir HAMPTON'S _ VEGETABLE TINCTITUre I All E most Elf, and cruel. remedy ever knowa io kbei world for various chronic diseases, slier they have reached a state, and assumed a charatLer, hitbertistbli; Were(' desperateand incurablt. Scrofula; King's Evil, attended Willi 'medial", Mid ulre.s, Sore Eyes and Lois of Sight, to a Crightfhleateot has been cured. Females pining away by reason doe• cretions, broken calculations, and obstructed !nearly (monthly courses, even when attended by splonnsor At., have been readily relieved. Dyspepsia yields without a stritggie to lit mild yet powerful action upon the stomach. In • Catarrh, or Cough, Rheumatism and Fistula ft never fait% to Mini as we have fully proved, The tincture tends directly to excirg a healthy action la the stomach, liver, tune and kidneys—to purify the blood and other fluids, by expelling every particle of morbid matter from the system, and therefore never Hate, (with its accompaniments,) to prove a valuable reeled/ fur the diseases for which calomel has bean tavarlabJy need. Old sores or nlcers.or anjsze.hronlc sifecttert; Ind for the calomel disease It Is ao Infallible remedy. This remedy is perfectly vegetalde. mild, agfedabklr and safe for persons bf any age, either amok . In airy condition; acknowledged by those who have tried It, to be the best known family medicine. The justly celebrated Tincture creates a muting ap., petite. and the patient is left at liberty to indolge N.-- indeed he Is particularly requested to do so. The use of this medicine wilt change his complexion from a pallid to a fine hloomirte one. After using this Tincture f . ll weeks, a person (.1 any age may eat any thing thai child of tin years of MO, in full health, could eat ivrth out the least inconvenience. fa. A large nember of ecralleates from the eltizerif of Lexington, Ky..whose respectability is vouched for . by Hons. A AI Misses end Heavy Clay. as wed as o number taken in Alex odria and Washington, D. C. rusq be seen on application to the room of We propricior ps, Exchange Hotel. Price. One Dollar per bottle. jrine 21--d2er L. mtarza, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, CADIZ. HARRISON COUNTY, 01110, J Will attend prompt!y to the collection J r seen rtti of Maim!, and all professional business entrusted to his earn In the counties of Harrison, Jefferson, Belnunt. Ottarnsay. Totscarenrai, Ranee, Cooking's. Carrot,. &irk wad Mayas. Refer to: Vegan arid Leboris. Datipell arid Fleming, Pi ttstourer, /alit Rarpor. • D. T. Mervin, MY - 21L.--tr. iiMil ALCEO ¢ McG-MRE C. EVAN'S =CEO BROOMS.