VOL 1.-NO 251. PUBLISHED BY tOOB. PHILLIPS & W. H. SMITH, DIY. 11. CORNER OF WOOD 4 FIFTH STS ittiLMS , .—PIVE DOLLARS a year, payable In lidlentee. Ihnyte coples TWO CENTS—for sale at the loontor of the °Mee, and by New, B.us. The Mercury and Manufacturer 4 published WEEKLY, at the same office, on a double seediest duet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, In ad. value. dingle espies, SIX CENTS. Terms of Advertising, pmt SQUARE OF TWELVE LINES OR LESS: Oen Insertion. 0.50 One month, $5.00 -IrWolltsertimm 1 , , 0.75 Two monis, 6.00 Okras lasertloss, 1,00 Three months. 7.00 One week, 1.50 1 Four months, 11,90 ~...Faso weeks. 3.00 SI: months, 10,00 - 'frkree weeks. 4,00 One year, 15,00 .. YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. CHANORAIILI AT PIRASIIRR. . . Oars Square. nos Squaws: lie months, 413,00 Six months, $23.00 Das year. 2.5,00 One year. 35,00 Erlanger advertisements In prorortion. CARDSof four tines Six DOLLARS a year. PUBLIC OFFICES,&C. Post 01111 CI. Third between Market and Wood - -11*ets—At..* lliddle, Postmaster. *Num* !loom Water.4o door from Wood et. Peter -Major John WiHock, Conecior. Utyy Taistemtv, Wood between Fir. 4. and Second streets—Jaescs A. Bartram. Treasurer. (;eot?T TREssInT, Third street, next door to the !bird Pt.sbytermet Church—S. R. Johnston, Trensurer. lINAToI's °Trim Fourth, hetween Market and Wood siren.—Alexander Hay, Mayor. eisitess•wr's Excetartas. Fourth, near Market st. RANKS. Prresarraaa.betereen Market and Wood streets, on fluid and fourth street;. MemeetaitTa' ►RD MANOTACTORILIte ARD FARTICII9 ' De• digerr tugs, (formerly Saving Fund,) Fourth, hetwrett "rood and Market sit eets. Ita . fiftb street. near Wuod. HOTELS. Motriesnansua Housm, Water street, near the Brld:e. MsamanoE Horst., corner arena and L. Clair. Miescsearra' ilovra., corner of Third and Wood. 80Tti..e.7.7.1e.3:1aird and Smithfield. s, therstesSmaise, corner or Penn street and Canal. Caestx, Liberty street. near Seventh. Mecums." Masons Hover, Liberty St Opposite EVayne BROMNIENIAT Mansion Hones. Penn St. opposite Canal, IHLOBERT WOODS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT L W . —Offtee rein° el to Bakswelrs offices on Grant et., limit. , opposite tits sew Court House, next rooms to John 1). Mahon, ,—First door. s.i. 428 TONER. AttO. nev at Law, North Smithliekl and Fourth strreqp. 311rCANDOESS & YVCLIIRE, Attorneys and eatainsellnra at Law: Office in the Diamond. track of the old Court llouse,Pitishurgh. sett 10 SUUNIC. 4 FIADLAY, Attorneys Mt Law. Fourth et., above Wood. Pittsburgh. sep 10-1 y„ THOS. HAMILTON. Al turney at Law, Firth, between Wood and Smithfield sta., Pittsburgh. sep 10-1 y O'LIA.R4ROBINSON, .‘llOrney at Law; Office on the nor' dde of he Diatnnad.hetweei idatkat and Union streets, upstairs pep 10 AI. DURBORAW, Attorney at Law; tenders • his profesilional services to Om public. Officion Fifth Street. shove Wood . Pittsl.urch, sep EY4TER Duct' %NAN, Attorney.. at Late, office T.:Winged from the fltnuttortd,uo “Aitorney t .Row," Pady sile or Fourth street, between Market and Wood stresssett 10 BUC KM AST ER, AT , LIN EY AT LAW, IN• b.,: his other to It.eare's Law Build ogs. Fowl h street, above Smithfield, rot...burgh. sep 10 GEcatc•;E w. LAYNO. Attorney at Law, Office Ma. 54 Filth !area, near the Theat re, Pitintturth. sap 27—ly RIE,IIDE W ASIIINGI'ON, 4SITORNE r fir LAW. —Office in 11..tkewrirl ra at street, Pitishorgh. Nov . 5. 1812. JORN J. MITCHELL—Attorney at Law, office COMO or Smithfield and :it h Ms.. Pittsburgh. irr Collections made. A 1 nosiness entrusted to Ills are will be promptly attended to. fabl6--1r p EnovA.L.- It. Morrow, Alderman; cat e north O .lLr side of Fifth st,, between Wood and Smithfield Pittsburzh. sep 10 DR. B. L. 1:106M ES, Office in Second street, next door to M•lvany k Co's Glass Warehouse sep 10-1 y JOHNSPoN ¢ sTocic EON, BookseHers, Printers .111 Paper Manufacturers, No. 37. Market st. sep 10-19 JOHN ANDERSON , Smithfield Foundry, Water at.. near the Monongahela House, Pltisi ore h. sep 10-1 y 1 11111111419 I YOUNC. Fit a NcIS 1.. YOUNG. IrMOS. m 8. t... Hand st. 4- YOUNG & CO., Furniture Ware Boos, orner of Exchange Alley. rerosns wishing to purchase Fnrnitnre. will find it to helsarilvasstase to give as a call. being fully 'satisfied that we CllO please a.% In quality and price. sap 10 66 RIMS. PLAN PATION MOLASSES. received per Steamers Little Ben and Fulton, and for sale by J G. 4- A. GORDON mar 27. 12 Water street friBol4ll D. Col.!'" &P 1..... • • LOY DR. COLIC.% D COLSNAN4. CO.,6e , tera Agents, Forwarding and Commission Merchants Z..evee Street, Viekiburg Wye They respeelfullyso.teit concleements. WEBB CLOSMS Boot sod Shoe lttanufacto• ry, No. 83 Fourth St., chest door to the U. State/ ..ankt Ladies Prunelta, Kid nod Satin Shoes made in pe aeatestmanner, and by the newestiPrenc pttertis. asp 10. GARDEN TOOLS, consisting of Hoes, Fancy Spades Transplanting Trowels. Editing Tools, Budding iKaßfek Pruning Knives, Pruning Shears, etc., Just re flosiveil sad for sale by P. L. SNOW DEN. Stri,lo 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. /1.003 T IL A TES' BLANK 8, for proceedings In At tiodustat ander lb, late law,for sale at this Office BLANK PETITIONS, NOTICES, &C.— TeM In Bankruptcy proceedings, printed on seal paper ,and in the forms approved by the Cou rt,for sale tkie Wise of the Mercury and Democrat. sep 10 NVM. 11111BBLIID, Ladies' fashionable boot and sane Manaracto re r, No. WI, Third s , reet, between hood audsrattblield streets, Pittsburgh sep 10 TAIL PATTERSON, Jr.. Birmingham, near Pittsburgh, Pa., Manufacturer bf Locks, Hinges and Bolts; To wins, and Timber Screws; [loosen screws for Rolling Mills, 4-c. sep 10—fy 'TORN MINCLOSKEY. Tailor and Clothier, Liber.y West, between Sixth and Virgin alley, South side, Sep 10 I G. A, *CROON, Commission and Forwarding • J • liere,bases, Water st., Pittsburgh, sem IQ—ly Birmingham & Co. COMMUNION AND FORWARDING NEE mourn, No. 60 Water street, Pittsburgh Pa. litres—Receiving and Shipping 5 cents per 100 Ibs. Commissions on Purettsses and sales 21 per eent. ear 11114.43 - Se MORROW, M4I/VFACTURER of Tin. Copper and Sheet 'nor WAre, Ro. 17,, Fifth at, between Wood and Mar- kit: 01111418 toestantly on hand a good RlZOltment ofsataus, Is~seibeks a share of public patronage. A iso.on hand, " s- tallosrling s Wein: Shovels, Pokers, Tongs. Gridirons, 11116111146 Tsakasttlea, Pots, Owens, Coffee Mills 4c. Ater. cikkilk•assll .olbent are .Invited to call Red wades for 40**000gilsas he Is asternstand coati:Amp tar cash Ar Appnioress.4 mar.. —al DAILY . MORNING -Iw:fn. HALLMAN, JENNINGS & Co., Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Pro duce Merchants, Asi Degters it Pittsburgh klassifoctures No, 43 Wood !Ansel, Pittsburgh. 111 ILM .4 N, JILN NINO!) & Co., Cotton Yarn Warehouse, No. 4J Wood street. Agents for the Mkt of the Eagle Cotton Factory Yarns March 17, '43. I=l HANNA 4. TURNBULL'S Paper Warehouse. No. 104, Wood it., where may he had a eeneral supply of writing wrapping. printing. wall paper, blank books, school books, 4.c. 4c. scp 10-1 y RC. TOWN.4END 4. CO., Wire Workers asd .Mastafaeturers, No. 23 NI take' street, between 2d tnd 3d streets. sen 10—ly EXCHANGE HOTEL, Corner or Penn and I. Clair st reels, by 51cii t BBIN ¢ SMITH. rep 10--1 y BROWNSVI LLE JUNIATA IRON WORKS.--E 1 wa•d Hushes, Manufacturer of Iron and Nails Warehouse N 0.25, Wood at., Pittsburgh. sep 10 —ly EW GOODS.—PreAon ¢ Mackey. wfi.lesale and 1.. N retail dealers in Fr.tisti, French, ar. d Domestic. Dry Goods, No. 111, Market xt ,PfttsburOi. Pei) 10 JOIIN 11PDEVITT, Wholesale Grocer FtectifOng Distiller, And Dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactured Articles, No. 224 Liberty Street, Pitte• burik. sep 10 WR.LIP, hi CAIN S. Dit.wortl VvLLI AMS & DILWORTII.--whotesair Grocers Produce and Com MIA,OOII M erclia nI 4, and Jealers In Pittsburgh AI anitract tired aritcle,, No. 29. Wood street. sep Ili JOHN 11.81118 w J•s. N. K Jun Q.,IIERIFF & K EA.N, Manufacturers of copper. k-7 Tin, and Sheet Iron Ware, Nu AO. . Front st., Fitts burgh. House Spoutinq, and Steamboat work vornrittv xrcuted. seri 10 rb AVID SAN DS, NI ATCH. & CLOCK . .I—ir MAKER, No. 7 , St. Clair street, Pitigh burgh, DEALER IN WATCH ES,C LOCK S,B R E. 9 STPINS FINGER RINGS, CHAINS, KEYS, CO-SIBS. 4i.c. gep 10 LANDRETH'S GARDEN SEEDS.- A f a it supply of Landseih's Garden Seeds, always on hand, and for sale at his agency the Druz store of F. L. SNO%VI)E7sI, 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. RE4IOVAL —Matthew Jonrs, Bart , er and flair Dress er, has removed to Fourth street, of positet he May ors office, where he will he happy to:wait upon permanent ur transient customers. lie sUliritCB share of ptihiic nal • vep 10 Eat rorner sep 10-1 y JOHN 31 , 1PARL %ND, Upholsterer and Cabinet .M.sker, Third st. between. 14'ood sr MarAer streets, respectful informs his friends and the public that he la prepared to eNeente all orders for Sofas, reaus,Chalra, Tables, Beikteads, Stands. Ilalr and ' , print! friallrnases, Curtains. Carpets, all vorls of liphokterins work, which he will warrant equal .0 any made in the city, and on reasonable terms. rep 10 1111 I L P .9L:—The EMO still , crihers have remov• dtoll a Ter between Wood and Smithneld streets• whet, they will continue the Wholesale Grocery and Commis stop 11U4ne.n and would re:11,111111y snit. it the patron age of their friends J W. BUIIIIIIIDG E es. cu. Dec 3 D!. A. %V. P ATT ERSO N. ...tfice on Sinn II field streel near Sixth. Set, 1(1 ":11 ‘-1 3 8 ,--.:_a•asajo, F‘RE REDVDE.D. 1 1 .3 Matt. I.t.e or tors non Rut. itOAD CARP. rrtITTI Ptitssborgh, cimmbermmir,t. HarriAntrg and lattcarier, to 1'1,1:Iril phia, connecting with the Tait train of tats to N V. kr. Owe 130 ottlesst,gtol and one night out. Al*.t) the Direct tine to fialtintote. Fare to Ptlitadn'plita $9. 9. Lenv , s doily at R ICr. , r.rk A NI Office ,eromi door I,rG,tr the Men hen!, 1101e1 Wood :t F.NDELL, GU All AM, WAUGII f'o. frb 23,1843-Iy. Proprietors. THE GREAT CENTRAL hull E. v'. NATIONAL ROAD AND BALTIMORE. •nn 01110 RAIL ROAD contrANV _ _ 17 -V"V•201"' -', E IC line of U. S. ISTI it Coaches for Washington City 1.1 Baltimore. Philadelphia and New York. • This Ike is In full opera son and kavesPittsburgh daily at 6 o'clock A. M., via Washington Pa. ato [tat ionai rout to Cumberland connecting here with the rail road Co's. to all the above places: Travellers will find this a speedy and comfortable route, it being a separate acd distinct Piitstruit.,th and Cumberland line, facilities will he afforded which have not been heretofore enjoyed. Ex tra coaches furni , hed at the shortest notice, 'wit° the privilegr of acing through direct, or taking cite night's rest al their option. For Tickets, apply at our office at titeMnimogribela House. L. W. STOcKTON . Feb. 3d—dtf. President of N. R. Stage Co. ENTIRE NEW COACHES FROM PITTSBURGH TO BAL7'LMORE .IND PHILADELPHIA United States Express Line Letrves Pitts' , nub daily, at 2 o'clock, r via Steam. boat to Brownsville, thence In splendid new coaches to Cumberland, over the great National Road, and from there by RAILROAD, in snperior new eight whceled cars, to Baltimore, Washington city and Philadelphia. The abovi Line is r+presented to the traveling public an being unequalled between the Ohio River and Eastern elites for comfort and expedition, having made arrange menu to convey passengers through in ltiva Slays, and no night travel, either by Stage or Railroad Cars.— Think of itl Only 75 miles Stage travelling, and 56 miles leas titan the W heeling route, and that in superb new coaches. Fare to Balilmo , e. $lO. Office In the Monongahel a House. A. HENDEP SON 4- CO., &age Proprlcto ml d 3 111 4 1 ACT S SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES—TRUTH IS .12 CONVINCING:- Having been afflicted for nearly two years, with a hard swelling on the cap of my knee, which produced much pain, and used various applica Lions recommended by the Faculty--all in vain wax cured completely by the use of one bottle of Dr. Brand• rellt's Linatuent, or External medy. Witness my Mod JAMES TAYLOR, Ohio tp Allegheny co, Pa. Jan.loth, HAD. Dr. Brandreth's External Remedy or Linament; sold at hisoffice, N 0.98 Wood street, Pittsburgh, PRICE-- 50 cents per bottle. feb 9. JUST RECEIVED, Twelve boxes of Oranges and Lemons, of she Arrest qualil y. for sale wholesale and retail, by WM. THORN, feb 53 Market st. 20,000 LBB COILDB Taros. assorted Nos. 2,000 Ib4. • 2,000 " Candle Wick, 1,000 " Carpet Chain, and ' 500 " Cotton Twine. From the Eagle Facto ry. For sate by HAILMAN. JENNiNGi dc Co., Conon Yarn Warehouse, No, 43 Wood street. YAWL FOR &Rik:LAraw Clinker huff Yawl (Illethughtea's build) for este low for cash; Ap. ply to BIRMINGHAM It Co, splB* ,tto Water at mar 17 JAMIS TIMM:IUL L NEW ROUTE. PITTSBURGH, JULY 1, 1843. riEASE'S ROARHOU,,VD CANDY.—Tortt,r has received tbis day from New York. a fr'nh supply o. the above celebrated cure for Coughs, Colds and Con gumption; and is ready to supply CU%IOIIICtSEIL wholesale or retail, at his Medical Agency, 86 Fourth st. nov 12 DAVIT) CLARK, Ag't, Ashionable Boot Maker,— tias removed to No, 34 Market street, between Second and Third streets, where be wou'd be happy to see his old customers, and all others who feel dispos. ed to patronize him. He uses nothing but first rate stock, and employs the best of workmen; and as he gives his constant personal attention to business, he truststitat he will deserve aid receive a fair share of patronage. set) 10 FREITS, ICE CREAM. tc CONFECTIONARY.— A Hunker respectfully Informs his friends and the public that they can always find the best quality of Ice Creams. together with al: kinds of confectionary and fruits, in their ere, on, at his estahlishment —No. 11, Fifth street, heiwc•h Wood and Market. N. B.—Pariiee bupplied on the shortest notice, with cakes, or anything in his line. Also families furnished with Bread. asp 10 L'VANS'S CAMOMILE PILL LS.—ABRA• HAM J. CLEM Eft, residing at 66 Mott street. New York, was afflicted with Dyspepsia in its most aggravated form. The symptoms were violent head• ache, great debility, fever, costiveness, cough, heart. burn, pain in the chest and stomach always after eating, impaired appetite, sensation of sinking at thestomach, furred tongue, nausea, with frequent vomitings, dizziness towards night and restieness. These had continued up. ward of a twelvemonth, when, on consultiug Dr. Wm. Evars.looChatham street, and submitting to his ever guccessfut end agreeable mode of treatment, the patient was completely restored to health in the short space of one month, and grateful for the incalculable benefit deriv. ed, sladly came forward and volunteered the abovestate For sale Wholesale and Retail by R. E. SELLERS, Agen,S, No 2.0. Wood street, below SecOnd Cheap for Cash. UNION COTTON KICTORY. Prices Reduced. Short Reel Yarn. Long Real Yarn. No. 5 nt 14 cta. per lb. 500 at 8 cis per dz. 6 at 14 ditto 600 at 9 ditto 7 at 14 ditto 700 at 6 ditto 8 at 14 ditto 800 at 5 ditto 9 at 14 ditto 900 at 41 ditto 10 nt 14 ditto 1000 at 4 ditto 11 at 14 ditto 12 at 14 ditto Candlewick at IS e ta p er lb. 13 at 141 ditto Corn Batting 8 ditto 14 nt 13 ditto Family do. r 12 ditto 15 at 155 ditto Carp% Chain r 18 ditto 16 at 16 ditto Corn To Ina 25 ditto 17 at 181 ditto Stocking Yarn and IR at 17 ditto Coverlet Yarn always on 19 :it 171 ditto hand. 20 a ditto ,Cotton Warp. made to order. in" Orders promptly attended 10, If left at J. 4. C. Painter's. Logan 4• Kenned)'s, or the Poid offire, address feh 37. J. K. MOOR EA D 4• co. Removal. /1111 E , nli , criber has rerunord hts Fashionable Tilt loring Z_ Establishment to the alonongahela house. 3d door from first st.on %milhficld st.where hisold customers and ail others who mar favor him with a rail may depend on having their work done in a superior Style. From big rape, ienre In the business In 11t14 city. and in many other fashionable cities in Europe and A inerlen. he feels roitfitirlti that lin con vve satisfaction to all who may plrn.rio favor him w''th dirt r rll,lOOl. Hy strict attention to I,ll.inegg and superior ;vorkmanship he h;;pes to merit and receive a statue ot !while patronage. Ile irtend keeping on hand a supply of znods and trimmlngssulta'ile for itte rimonirr trade whirl; will he sold at very reduced prices. It DONAGHY. GIUSTICor the Knife was formerly recoiled to in all cases of Wm.,. scalds and wounds, where thortilica wa• apprehended. The necessity far coull chary prac tire ...sic!! no The Nia:lral Pain Extraclor. from Coilionrk 71 n Lane is a far more tlicieni ',even Tire of mos t iii, al ion il.an cold steel or nil rale of silver. anpltrai ion n 1 wonderitil c impound inslanlly i.el lilt, I p. 1111,111 it'll...timid, /cold, burns or tiro iNO nut al oi Liao =o lo render C ore .I I it /I very ,nert of time re,ore the pan i hit ied In a !word and Ii all liv ,late wuhogi leav in: 11,. H. This behind. This iireparaiicin Rhin a rertain 'env dv for I. in lined Pucci IteetOil% FOre , . Wrersi, liroken In rail and .iore filer'e and all eliraiirinne and ii.• I • it I re.r as a lire for live 1 1 "1 1 i "l are a, en' e.: —llc..iiii Fur sal ul Tolllr r rev': CII F . .111 , TH 1 . 1: e.. 0 ludic YI/rir It .tr ,tiln dLr 81E1,11 This I)) I ,4f. PI 111 i• nit ch to plash matte. or tart may he apt lied to the hair over night, the first night turning the retlitest or L tres hair to dark brown; and by repeating a Istrond or third night, In a jet Work. Any person atay. therefore. with the lea , t possible trouble Leep his hail any dark shade or a perfect black, with the positive assurance that Ilse powder If applied to the skin will not color it. There Is no coloring in Ilia statement. as any one may easily test These facts are warranted by the chemist who manufactures it. For sale at TIJI"FLE'S,i 86 Fourth street, where a large assortment of Patent Medicines Islay always be had at either wholettate or retail Don 4 l orget 86 Fourth strert I.OOK AT 'I 1111?:_a TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIC; AR STORE. .1 FULLER TON, So I 1 4fi 11 - 00(1 street, one door above Sixth. KEEPS con,wintly on hand all kinds of the hest Spariii Cigars: Regalias, Casadores,Coormaxes, Trabdcas, Principes. Also, half Banish and Contemn Cigars. Tobacco of all the best brands; Cavendish, 5s lump; Baltinore Plug, 125 and 16.5, lump. Also, ills. Miller's Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco, Snuffs: Rappee, Scotch, Mercantil', High Toast, kc. Be has also, all other articles in his line, which he *Kers, wholesale and retail at the lowest cash prices. CALL AND SEE. June fl.—Con, WILLIA I DOHERTY, HAT and Cap Manutw-turcr. I 4 Liberty st, between Market and Sixth. op 10— 6m. J. M. Sanderson & SoiN FRANKLIN HOUSE, PHILADELPHIA. r 11 as elegant establishment has been In operation dur. JL ing the last nine months, and notwithstanding the general depression of business, it has met and sustain ed the approbation of the public and yielded to the pro. prietors s,lutl compensation for their labor and alien lion. Its location being In CAtestitut street. In the im• mediate neighborhood of the Post office, the Exchange, Banks, the Steamboat landing, the most business part 01 Market street and the places of amusement, it presents to :he business community or those visiting the city on pleasure, all the facilities and comforts so desirable to the travelling public. Its arrangotent, also, enables lbs guest to regulate his expenses, and to live in a style of elegance or economy suited to his notions or disposition. The facility of procuring meals or any hour, and of get ting that s:hirh the appetite crave., is also a sayer of time which the business portion of the guests know hoer to appreciate. The proprietors, therefore, solicit the custom of their old fri.nds, and promise a confluence of their exertions to make them comfortable. ap 25-3 m. For Rent. L - 1 OR a term of years. Two building Zots.oz tbgt i bank of the Allegheny river, adjoining the City line. Apply at the house Agency, Penn street, sth Ward, mar 3. JAMES BLAKELY .7bl BEAVER AND WARREN ; PACKET. The canal packet ERIE, J. M. Shaw master, win run as regut r tri.weekly packet between the lawn, owed boats, leaves Beaver on Mondays, Wednesdays., Frida s; Morning, leaves Warren on Tuesdays, Thursday!, and Saturdays; connecting with the Stage Lines to Cleesiaad three, For freight or passage apply on board or 40 BIRMINGHAM & CO.; Piltsbargh. J. S. DICKEY ) !Beaver. may 10. DR. I t °ODE'S Celebrated Female Pills. These P Is arestrongly recommended to the notice of the ladle( aia safe and efficient remedy in removine those eoneplaints peculiar to their sex, from want of ex tie erase, o neral debility of the system. They obviate' costiven , and counteract all Hysterical and Nervous affection These Pills have gained the sanction and l approbat it of the most eminent Physicians in the UM. led Etta( and many Mothers. For sale Wholesale and aetall., It. E. SELLERS, Agent. sea.] No. 20. Wood Street, below Second. WM ADAIR, Boot and Shoo Maker, Liberty St., °site the head of Smithfield St., Pittsburgh.— Tke su%her having bought out the stock of the late Thomas nfferty, deceased, has commenced business in th e al stand of MC . R., and Is prepared to execute all defter lions of work In his line, In the best manner and on t shrillest novice. He keeps cm stnntly on hand a large ortment ofshoA findings of all descriptions and of the quality. tie sn,l-Ite the patronage of the pub lic and of Le croft. tVM. ADAIR. imp 101 porn* B GTYMA.NU IF A crorty.—Springs II mai Arias for Carriages at Ealier , ' Prices. The anhimriberA maniii.a , titre and keeps ann.tantly on hand Coach. c and 1 7 :Untie Sprints (warranted,) Juniata Iron Axles, Silver and' Brass plated Daah Frames, Brass and platad Bub Rano. Stump Joints, Patent Leather, Silver add Bras* Lamps. Three fold Flaps, Malleable Iron, Doer Dandles and Magas. ¢c , JONES & COLEMAN. Ft. Clair st., near tl a A Ilearieny Bridge. D.PELLERS, M. 11 office and dweltinr In Fourth 1 a near Ferry street, sep 13-1 y LOOK AT THIS The attention ‘ftho•e who have been Somewhat seep. (teal In reference to the nntnermis certificate• pliblished In favor of Dr. Swavne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cher ry, on :1C1 . 0111.1 of the person: helve unknown in this see Lion of the etafr, to respectfully (Wetted to the followlne certificate, the writer of which has hern a ellizen of this horoneh for several years, and IF known as a gentleman of Inte.,:rity and responsibility. .41K. To the Agent, M r. ) . ner I have used Br Swavne's Como and Syrup of Wild Cherry for a Colliii, with which I have been severely RI flicied for about four months. and 1 have no hesitation In saying that it isthe most effective medicine that I have been able to procure. It composes all uneasiness, and RVPP4 well with my diet,—and mantalns a regular and good appetite. 1 can freely recommend It to all others similarly afflicted. J. MINNICK, Borough of Chambersb'f. March 9. 14411. seri 23 ror gale by WILLIAM THORN No. 53 Market street WILLI A M C. WALL, Plain and Fancy Portrait and Picture Frame Manufacturer, NO? 87, Antra Strode Pittsburfk.—Canvani Brushes. Varnish ke., for Arlists, always on hand. Looking Glasses. kr, promptly framed to order. Repairing done at the short eat not ire. Particular attention paid to re:tiding and Jobbing ofev cry description. Persona fittina up Steam Boats or houses will find It ti• heirativantateio call. pep 10 WM : STEELE. (successor to H. M'Closkey; rash to.w . ‘le Boot Maker, Liberty, st., 2d door from VI--1n Alley. The subscriber respectfully Informs the public that he has commenced the shove business in the shop formerly occupied by Mr. Henry M'Closkey. and that he Is now prepared to attend to all orders In his line of baldness with despatch andonthe most reasonable terms. Pion) his long experience In the mantifactore of Fashionable Boots, he feels eonndent that all articles from his establishment will give satisfaction to his pa trona. A ishareof public patronage is respect folly solicit. ed. P.P p 10 fl 'RD SEEDS A ir can AU of Bsril Seeds, con 1, Ostia: of Canar) mn and R ape: PIO received by ref, 3. P 1. SNOWDEN, 14S Liberty st. WM . E. AUSTIN, Attorney nt Law. Pittsburgh. NI Office In 4th street, opposite Burke's Building. WILL(I It P. A Illrllll. Esq., will 21ve hlsnttentton to my unfinished business, and 1 recommend him to t he patron nze 01 my friends. WALTER FORWARD •ep 10—Iv 101115ITTIOtt.Ttlfl EIRCULA'I'ING ASII REEL:RENCK r.t nR AR V of Religion,ll isi fly Ical,Polltlcal.and M celloneoris Works. will be open every day, Se:that') rx. rented. ' . ront 7 o'clock, A M..nntil 9. P. M., In the Ex change RitiLttny..corner of St 'pair street and Exchange alley snore tnectual attendance will lie.giyen by NEW YORK DYER. El; 11 \I KS. would re Ftw,ifully lam in his friends /211 t he nubile in g. ncray hat he dies Ladi , s' dregges, flabitg and Mantels of very. degcription, black—and warrants tl em not to trout, and to look equal 10 new °ode. Ile dyes fancy col . :rg of nil drib-riot iati+ on silk and carpet vgro. Algo, clran,, aid re•toreg the colors of 2eTeilrlll..ll . o clothing. go as to re,,ernide new good•. Mr. li. flattery himself thrt he can pleage the public, at he hag done an extensive business in New York for !went v years. All work done on moderate terms: at his estnblishment in sth st, between Wood and Smithfield ne tr the Theatre. CERTIFICATE Th is to certify that OSEE HIMES has done work fur us, which has fully answered our expectations., and we consider him a competent dyer. S. Hemphill, Wm. Barn. s, J. B. Shurtlrff, David Hall, B. F. Mann, Dani BOiss, Joseph Frenrh, jr., Andrew Purdy, W. B. Boies, Wm Porter, II IT. Smith, Henry Javens, A. Shockey,. jr., Joseph Vrra, Gcorpc Barnes. ap 201 h. JOHNSON & DUVAL. ROOK BINDERS AND PAPER RULERS, CONTINUE bo=tness at the stand late of McCandleye Jobnyon. Every degerlotion of work in their lin neatly and prompti y erxecnted. may 8— 1 y BETTER BARGAINS THAN EVER THREE BIG DOORS. THE subscriber would respectfully inform his two° mere and the public generally, that notwithstanding the unprecedented sales at the Three Big Doors, during the present season; he has Filll on hand the largest and most varied assortment of elegant CLOTH ING that can he bought west of the mountains. The public may rest assured that all articles offered at his store are manufac tured from FRESH GOODS. purchased in the Eastern markets this Rp-ing and made into garments by Fitts burgh workmen, In consequence of the multiplication of slop shops In our city. filled with pa wmbrokers.clothes and the musty, cast off forawnts of former seasons. from the eastern ci. ties, Ike public should be cautious to ascertain the char. arter of the establishments in which they are Invited to purchase, before they part with their money. The ar• titles offered at several of the concerns in this city, are the mere offals of New York and PhikieletrAtla slop shops, and sent out hereto be palmed off on the Pitts. burgh public. Purcharers should be on their guard a. gainat these impositions, and they may rely on the fact that no nstablistiment that advertises eastern wade Clot"- ing, can give la gowi an article eras advantageous bar. gains as can he had at the "Three Elly Doors:" The public will please remember that all the subscri• ber's girments are made in t Air city, by competent work men, and not gathered up like the goods now offered by the •birds of postage" from the shreds and patches or eastern slop shops. It will always be his endeavor to maintain the reoutation that the "Three Big Doors' have ottlainet. for furnishing a. superior style of CLOTH• ING in eatry respect, and at prices below tkoae Oran."' miter establishment. He would again return his thanks to his friends and the public for the unprecedented patronage Lestowed upon his establishment, and believing that they have foond It to their advantage to deal with him, he would repeat his invitation to all those who wish to purchase Clothing of every description at the lowest price to caii at No. 151. LIBiIITY ST. JOHN M'CLOSKY. rrObserve Metal Plate In the pavement, a; 26. WM. ELDER, Attorney at L an.—Office in Sec. and ttreet,2nd door above the corner of Stuithfleld, north side. aP. 29, COPARTNERSHIP. LANES W. SAE JUIN k JOHN JENNINGS ell have entered Ito partnership for the Wpme of trammeling a Wholesale Grocery; PiAimee and Comma* elon bovinese under the Arm and style of HARMAN. .bENI44OGB 4Co.,at No 43 Wood street, opposite the Merchants Hotel, where* supply of °lnterim and Phis burgh M snifsetured A rtielescan always be bad on law al terms. Mnrch 17 '43. For publishing a new Daily Paper in the City of Pitts DAILY MORNING POST. THE Subscribers having made arrangements to merge the American Manufacturer and Pittsburgh Mercu ry into one Journal, have concluded to publish a daily paper with the title of the Daily Jihrraisg Pest. The leading object of the "Pore will be the dissemina. lion and defence of the political principles that have here tore been maintained by the Editors, in their respective papers, and their best efforts will still he devoted to the advancement and success of those doctrines. Although, In politics, the paper will he thoroughly democratic, yet Abe 'Editors hope, by giving an ilonfit , candid history of passing Political events. Foreign and Domestic intelligence, and brief notices of all mat ters and occurrences that come properly within the sphere ofa Public Journal, to make their papel sufficiently In cresting to entitle It to the patronage of the public, it respective of party considerations. In addition to the political and general news that will be could in thwJiferthing Prtst,"the Editors will take pains to fur .h the Misinerss community with the latest and most Interesting Conn:neut. lirretta caeca from all parts of the country, and to have prepa red such accounts of the Markets and the State of Trade as will bEadvantageous to our Merchants and Business Men in their several callinga. Terms.—The Porr will be pnblished en a large limperb al sheet of fine paper, (manufactured especially for this Journal) at the unusually low rale of FIVE DOLLARS per annum,payable In advance. It will alscr be sold by newsboys at the low rate of TWO CENTS a copy. Sdvertisements will be inserted at the lowest rates charged by the other daily papers of the city. Crl-TW ENT'S?' active lads are wanted to sell the Post, who will be engaged on the most liberal terms THOS. PHILLIPS, W.H. SMITH. Anf.',ust 31, 1842. B y 110, - rison it Co. London, for sale only by S. Pi Wickersham, corner of Wood street and Virgin alley Pittsburgh Pa. and H. Harwood, Beaver Pa. who Is sole agent for Western Pennsylvania. cep 10 Travelers allonld select Boats provided with Foos , / Safety Guards, for preventing Explosion of Steam Boilers. IT would be well for the traveling community to heal In mind that their security deprds entire* upon their own encouragement of boats that have ortmay be at the expense of procuring the above apparatus. And that every individual making such selee Is emir:Du nne towards a general introduction of an Invention ad mitted by all men who tindetstand the principttes of tht Steam Engine, to he a sure preventative °piny, those dreadful disasters You have cei t Only, is the hundreds of explosions that have already taken Place, their almost daily occurrence, and the thousands of lives that have already been lost, a sufficient warning, and Inducement to make inquiry for a Safety guard Post, and In every ease to give it the preference. They have went to an additional expense that your lives may be secure. Ought you not therefore to meet them with a corresponding degree of linei•lity, and by your preference show that yt.o appreciate their laudable endeavors to stop this aw• (ul sacrifice of human life. They do not Omer more than whet boats; their accommodations in other respects ate rgull, and in niany cases superior; and as there is one leaving Pittsburgh every day. why will you run any Hilt. when it is so corn tetchy in your own power to avoid those disasters. Alt boats marked thus in the List of Arrivals and Det artiires. in anal her part or this paper, are supplied with I lie Safety Guar'. Met of Boats provided with the Safety Girard. ALPS,• MENTOR. AGNES,' MICHIGAN, AMARANTH, MARIETTA. BRILLIANT, M A R QUETTE, BREAKWATER MUNGO PARK, CASPIAN, MESSENGER, CECILIA, MONTGOMEY CANTON, NORTH BEND, CICERO, NEPTUNE, CADDO, NA R AGAN SETT, DUKE of ORLEANS, NIAGARA, DUQUESNE., OSPREY. EXPRESS MAIL, ORPHAN BOY, ECLIPSE OHIO, FOR MOSA. ORLEANS, FORT PITT, PENELOPE, GALLANT, PANAMA, GALENA, QUEEN of the SOUTH J. H. BILLS, ROWINA, JEWESS, RARITAN, IDA, SARAH ANN, INDIAN QUEEN, s A RATOG A, ILLINOIS, SA — ANNA, LADY OF LYONS, LLEYRAND, VICTRE S, ALLEY FORGE, WEST WIND. ASHLAND, IDGEWATER MISSOURI MAIL, CLEVELAND, OLIVE BRANCH, COLUMBUS. CUTTER EDWIN HICKMAN, EMMA, GEN L. BROOK, TOBACCO PI ANT JAMES ROSS, ADELAIDE. BRUNETTE, COLUMBIAN CLLIPPF.R. MINSTREL, EVELINE J. cEMMIT Nance, - TO DR. BR ANDRETH'S AGENTS The office in Pittsburgh, which was established for I the purpose of constituting secants in the west. having accomplished that oleo, is now closed, and Mr. D. H. LEE. in the Diamond, Market muted, rippoluied my agent for the sale of my Palls and Liniments. All Dr, Reandreth's agents will, therefore, understand that Dr. B. will send a travelling agent through the country once a year to collect moneys for sales made and re supply agents. The said traveler will be provided with posver of attorney. duly proved before the Clerk of the city and county of New York, together mit/tail the ne, cessary vouchers and papers, Mr.]. J. Yoe is my traveling merit now In Penn. Sylvania. B. BRANDRETII, M . D. N Q —Remember Mr, C, H. LEE, In the rear of the Market is now my only agent In Pittsburgh:, Pane 14. REGULAR Jai n PAPJCETS, FOR CINCINNATI. The Swillsure, Robinson, Blaster, leaves ever,y Thursday at 10 o'clook a. in TM Cutter, .00Mu!, Master, Naves every Friday at 10 o'clock a. All The Montgomery, ilearte‘t, Master, 'eaves every Sat. arday at 10 o'clock a. m. The Express, Parkinson, Master, leaves every Sun day at 10 o'clock a. m. JOHN BIRMINGHAM & CO. may 20. .dgents„ DR. STARKWETHER'S HEPATIC Case Of Liver Complaint of QS gears standing. This may certify that for:twenty Ore years I water• flitted with pain In my side, which was frequently s o severe as to entirely Incapacitate me from ',bor. 1 have been under the care and treatment of various physicians without any permanent benefit. Hearin/ .or the many cures effected by the Hepatic 'Elixir prepared by Dr. Starkweather.l was Induced Wiese it a trial, and am happy to say that It has entirely removed. I Agee fen se ,'opts. , of st for sees than a year pen. Northbridge. June 90. 1841 ADIOS wEIITE., The genuine to be had at TUTTLE'S Medical Agency, 86 Fourth sticet. PROSPECT'U'S( burgh, to be ewtit/si the FOR SAFETY. ELIXIR PRICE TWO CENTS• DAILY MORNING POST HAYTI. The following remarks upon the revolue tion in Hayti are ft om the . Paris Prom, which journal represents the recent revolu tion in St. Dumingo as the triumph of the black race over the .nulattot Herald, the leader of the insurrection, and bis brother, are negroes; whilst Boyer, his secretary Ingram and the chief of hie party, are all mulattoes. The negro rice, according to the writer, entertains a predi lection for the Europeaneespecially for the French, whilst the mulattoes are viewed by them withithe extreme of detestation.. It was,, indeed, the negroes who raised the great in,urreetion and insured its triumph, Whilst they and Toussaint prevailed, the French colors continued to float; but when the mulattoes prevailed, then commenced that system of hatred to the French name which is well known. But we must let the writer in the Prcsse elate his story; 'ln 1806 Petion founded at Port au Prince the. Republic of Hayti. Dying in 1818, Gen. Boyer became his successor; , In 1820 Christophe killed himself to escape from his soldiers in mutiny, sad his king+ dom was united to the republic of Fedora; In 1822 Boy et conquered and united to hie Government the Spanish portion of the if • land, which had sought to separate and do. clared itself part of the Columbian Repub. lic. The relations of France with the re-- public are well known, as well as . the treaty of 1825, which acknowledged its in' nependeuce on condition of an indemnity being paid to the old colonists. On the aq. cession of the present King of the French, I the Hayden Government, which had pati but thirty of the one hundred and fifty mil lions stipulated, though fit not to recognise the monarchy of July. When this teentiit. Lion was demanded, the answer came in language "wanting the politeness of nivilie zed nations.' In such a situation diets were but two ways of proceeding—one, to blockade and bombard; the other, to ne, gotiate. The latter was preferred; and, contrary to the treaty of 1816, that of Mil reduced to sixty iniliions the one hundred and twenty. inillinns due, and recognised purely and simply the independence of Hayti, without imposing any longer the payment of the indemnity a as condition, ;. The Presee goes on to show that ioae mense advantage can be derived from the late revolution, which substituted negroes, friends of France, in the Governmentvto the jealous mulattoes. There ts age probability that the next instalment.; due in July, will be paid. A pretext will be,_tbat Boyer has carried ofr the money. k ritaeS can take every advantage of so fi ne a arum: try in the state of an insolvent debtor; it can force a treaty of commerce upon Hay. ti, as Er:gland has done upon China; and it ought so to Manage ;natters, that in belt at century France could reseize the Pro, tectorete of St. D. mingo,:as it has acquiv red that of the Society Ishinds. r Boston Advertiser, A Mareilite .Shot.—A notorious scoutt° drel, by the name o! Goings, who has been guilty of almost every species of crime, was shot last week near the Stone Gap, Lea county, Va. The circumstances attending this affair are these: A company of gently! men were congregated in the Three Forks neighborhod—a few of them were engagod apart, listening to one of the number reads ing a newspaper. In the paper was au id. vertisemera offering a reward for the ap. prehension of Goings. Whilst the adver-. tisement was being read, Goings passed by. One of tke company recognized him; having seen him before—and accosted him by name. Goings denied his name, but the gentleman being satisfied that he was the individual 'set forth' in the advertise,. ment, pursued him—ane.of them having gun. After being overtaken he was or, dered to surrender, which he refused to do—at the same time drawing a pistol and threatening to shoot the first that should attempt to arrest him. None of the com pany wishing to take his life, let him pass without further molestation. A seeong soon started in pursuit. When overtake*, thinking there would be more safety in flight, than" resistance, •he took to the woods; leaving his horse, The same eve ning Goings employed a boy to go for his horse, promising him 5.5 for his trouble,-, The boy succeeded is finding his horse; and in the meantime gave notice where Goings was. He received a counters feit note. The company armed themselves and Look a stand, where they knew he aortal pass. As soon as be came up, he was called upon to surrender, which he pier emptorily refused to dn.—again drawing his pistol and endeavoring to intimidate them. But this time doings was mists. ken. His pursuers gave him his choice of surrenderihg or being shot—upon hearing which he told thenvo 'isioot and be dam, *NV—which was soon done. Three guns were fired, and in less than two minutes. this wretched man was in the presence of his God with all his crimes upon him. Goings, we are informed, has been quits notorious for his crimes—and those of the deepest dye—in several States, such murder, robbery, counterfeiting, Are, [Abingdon Virg. oc7:.MarAwcuoLy News.—John Clayton a citizen of the magnificent alai, of Delaware, he, written a letter announ cing that he wilt not be a candidate for the Vice Presidency, on honor which the coons of his great state conremplated eon - eriag on him. What will b?come of t'ip ,country now 7