Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, June 30, 1843, Image 2

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Ro d eo. to the decision of a National Convention.
and four mills* fres* Elisabetk 'that I beard' s
. .
crying. severely: I _thought at:',:the Iliac it was
mine, and r a n down the - road.to-nee. I then saw
two men riding up carrying a child before them.
The clultl at that time, I think, ceased crying.
When they came up nigher to me, the child was
millin g a. stiffed sound. I noticed that Job Wheat
ley was holding it on the mouth.' The chqci eves
Thursday, June 28 --John Hall sworn,—l was
at Elizabeth on the 31st of October last..• 1
met sitting in front of the saddle leacing•back ou the
saddle. One of i a legs was lying err the horsa's
two men, one of whom was carrying a child and
neck. It was bare up to the knee, or perhaps •e
app to be riding very fast. The child art
peered to be in a great deal of distress. I would l i t tle hilartier• They then increased the speed 9f
have stopped then and asked what was the mat. the horses and wont on down tie road.. Thtty
ter with the child, but I thought the child had said ssmething while passing, bat I did not sin
derstand what. It was carried in a bad position
taken sickness or been hurt,and that they were on
at the rate the horses were going. I thought: 4 lst
'their way to a physician. I believe that is about
all I saw. I discovered that the child had nothing the time it IVa3 not carefully carried. The hand.
on its Ipad, and I thought it was not dre=sed suf kerchief had been thrown over the head. T#is
icient to bear exposure. The po-ition of the child was about sun down, or perhaps a little after:—
on the horse was crosswise. It was serdaming This is in Allegheny Co.
and in great agony. I did not know who the men John Brown sworn—On the night of the 31st
were. I think Job Wheatley was the person who of October last, I was called en to go with Airs
carried the child. This took place a little before Storer to Mr Norcross's. We left her at her laths
sun down. It wa< ab tut 3-4 mile from Mr Stn. I er's in company with her brother. We get to the
rer's house. The weather was somewhat cold house about 11 o'clock. Mr Etorer left us on the.
that evening, way to Mt Snyder's. The distance from Mr Ste.
James Watson affirmed. —I ant acqrairited with I rer's house to Norcross's is about two mars.—
the prisoners. On the 31st °fleet October, i maw I
When,we arrived at Norcross's Mr N. asked me
to come up stairs. I asked if Job Wheatley and
teop r ling down the streets of Elizabethtown.
One of them w;,: c irr)ina a Won I—Joh Wh.attey. C.ileh were there. He answered yes. We as ed
if he: child was there. He said she was. lie
The chill was crydna. see :rely, .'a u 1 the horaes
then said "what is the matter Betsy?" She told
Isere going at a aeon , smart gait. At this time,
him he knew very well what the matter was., Mrs
the sun was s.bont 25 mints! a high. The child
Store" at first said, "I hear the child frettinen- s --
wits setting on the sad Ile, Lice his yard., him.—
Mr Nurcross then introduced us and we westito
The child' hod no a flannel :res., and no over
the fire. We staid there about five minutes - I
clothes or bonnet, The we idler was quite eon! on
' then hinted the child. When Mr N. returned, we
that evening. Ima ,v them tit ah int the middle
of the town. l naked if Wheatley cus getting op. He said ho
was and would shortly he down. When he came
Itobt Wallace sworn—On rth 'tit the last of O e . ,
tober, [saw two m n pass through Elizaheih, in clown.;Mrs Storer asked him where her child was
the back street They were on horseback, tarry —asked for it. She asked bitn why he did nut 101 l
!her that lie was going to take it away . She told
ling a child. I think it was 'rah Wheatley who
carried the child. I was about 30 Poet from than hilt further that he knew lthe would riot part with
i when they passed me. I can't say whether the ' it. I had some conversation trill] Jib on the
porch. I think Mr Wilt. atley told her 0.2 .4 14 the
!child was on the sad t'e or not. I discovered no
appearance of any ill n 'lure. The street is not limo was whro a compromise might be made.—
generally travelled, but is :llama as near as the I told Mr Wheatley I thought he had pursued a
other. It was rather cold that evening. I wrong course. Ile said that Mr Storer lied ebarg
High Furgus sworn.--On tic evening Mrs ed too much for keepin g the child—one duffle per
wei k-a-and he would pay no such price. fie said
, Storer'., child was stolen, two men passed a short ;
distance from where I was. One of them had a further that he cu.u'd get it lie; tin respectable
I !child. I Would not have discovered them had it families for fifty cents per week, or he himself
wroth/ keep it for acntnty five per wink. I told
' not been for the shrieks of the child. I cannot
• , say who they were. C ue of them appeared t o b e him the pimple fart that llrey had charged too
intich for kreaieg the child, wank' not justify the
1 old and the other young. The elder was carry-
I . ing the chill. The sun was then a few minute: r'•rirse he b"( 1 token. Mr IV he'll'. V then told
iup. I saw them at the lamer err! of Elia a b, th. me that he hail taken the counsel of two or.,three.,
When I th a t saw th em , the child wan; Iv ;rig no the ant mentioning who.—lle returned into the house.
, sada: with its feet 'lll the horses ' 111,in. I tlionO i l Mr Sd'oer again appealed to liiin for the child.—
'it was some drunk futher, 'Nil') was care ing his They itemise I earth other with tinj:lict conthiat .
town child. li was carried in a remarkable careless Mrs S complained to Mr W. of having charged
' and rouali mann •r. It had heen a clear day an d 300 dollars for having settled the estate. I don't
was very cool in the evening, and frosty. He hod recnl'ect his answer—it wag something disc -
his right arm round th e child's d•eist. The, ten prebatory of the couroe she had takes. Mrs
, it e m ~v , .; b e t ween me an d the c hild., h e ad, Th e , Storer was in great diatress, and appealed to eve-
Poland Guilty, —lsaac Leavit, haS been were riding very fast. Whatever clothes were en ry member ortlre family for the child, She told
found guilty of the mar let of Mrs Knapp, it were thrown up by the tissieg, of till horse, so Mr Wheatley she had always taken him to be a
that it might be called naked, frier d He told lo r that he though( he would take
before-the Supreme C•oirt cf . Plymouth,
the child with him. She an , wered it peon do I
M trgaret Wilean a wor n.—l was at my eon in, Mass. Ho vvas a resident t f the town of ,
will go with you—l'll aet on your titeVs. " At one
law'el on the day that tiths took nli cc, rear Elizia ,
Scituate, and from Some domestic diffieUl- ' b,•if t , 1. was coming, hom , ', and my a tendon was !line he turned round to leer and. askril, "are coo
1 . /r , i „ ! really in u arrues.?'' I thought he :palm' in an in.
ty bad been induced to leave his home and , arrested by the sercamieg o f the child.
take up his residence with Mrs Kl ympp, !pert and saw two hoesom Come in sight. The " I ' ir s." man ner- lie ( lien went in aa;;thar de,
I aq , act , lain , na•tment .fl the tomse. Airs Storer asks me to
younaer Wheatley haa the chit I.
with whom he had intercourse. An un.
. ted with the m b a th, Tie c hili was 5 ,.,.,. a ,,, i0 , en again and are if 1 enald not get the child, i
derstanding was had between the said wo •
~, ~, 1, d!inig it • • found him in coeveraat .11 with Mrs Narernsa —.and flvina up on the mailla. fl •
man and the prisoner, that at some future and it appeared as if it wanted to oft lioto ton'', I told !aro it we'd I n d do to have 'Mrs S. in the
period the two individuals should both The child kept h'rilOWinZ 'let in , g, to Inv mo th• `i cation she was in—that if she did not :et the
commit suicide, and by that act ri I them- rr " I understood Irina t I sly "ill aeon b
child, she must have some assurance of getting
"wee '
aelvee of a life of which bob had become Ihe"•" They were at a tolerable smart speed it in a short time and that ir she did no'
net it,
the nak
[cool l aor ha v e some assuram e of getting • it,
I 11.0't situ'
gotaver. coulP - ac. e d kin
weary, On the 25th of J•ine, 1342, the and then•
of the child. After thief got oft' the n irrow p ar t "'maid go craze. I asked Mr Nte
if he wouldatley what
prisoner had forbid the woman to go to the
of the road they put spurs to their horses and went would be his feelings in such a espe-L
door as' she desired to go with tb.: view of as (ant as they coutiEn. T hpv h ad the • not be miserable. He said !redid not lowa , wha t
op and down, mu do under such eirennivtames. Ile complained
awing his own wife, threatening at .the child or, the saddle looaely, flying
t e
lute lime, if she shoul I go, to destroy her It was sitting up leaning farward. Irvin; in get o f the m h a yim Orme lii.o injasti r. Ile said Mr,.
, s.•torer had went to Eitioulawn to examine nos
from them, it hid on a flannel I tick and a cheek
iv is a pleasant I i Win atley's will tor the purprae et - overhauling it
lib. No over clathera-•
I drat'
She djaregarded the declaration of the. •
• ' ' He said they ht. d talked harsh' yof him thro' the
cool averring, and frosty.
prisoner and went, at which being enraged, .
he-glii.orlioed That some persons had solo d
; John W estbav Swum—O n the evening Ono child
him why he did not take the child away from Mr
he committed the crime of murder upon was taken, I had been in Elizah; th Returning
, I storet's. He finally said he would go ern and ask
the woman, with a scythe; having done home, I heard the curiae of a child c-ying.
which, he Made the attempt to destroy rid and loa4ced back, saw two men curry a child • ,
! l c:
e r two or
let i i
in l the
r t h i e equevta
ius. llet
then askedher it
himself..He had prepared himself for the These are the men (Job ai f Cul di W ) r court , . f t would get hert ether's • ' IStlmorn
right. She an
ill there till they pasaad lie Ii tw them r,,r. rig
i 'IV
aet by the partaking of intoxicating liquor, a awered, "Jab, I will go home with ye n , iry„ it t a k e
some dist ince. When I fir,[ sit vth _in they were
the child." She at !rot told him she would give
And all the other circumstances connected : :
rreung at a slow trot, but w'len they et
pis - -.. 111,
levying tan chit I be.
sister, (Mrs Norer i•a,) to tiring the child to its
nature premeditated, and deliberate. : fore him, and it seemed to he ti•Juirig. Toe Chill
mother, She did so. 'When 1 took the child in
seemed to be strug gli ng a good deal. It was ap
17`Settlers are crowding into Florida -' my arms, there ass it srusation produced similar
in.great numbers. The last St Augustine
patently down
yet off th i saddle. It .'i vi on a flannel
frock and no ° c tithes.
to that of rolling up leather. I earth d the child
Mrs ‘ltorer's father's It sat up tolerably for
News of the 10th instant, states that there Jeremiah Walker s , .vorrt—lt was ahout one and to
o u - Mt ode Ii If the distance. It ti.en rested urs•
have been five hundred and fif een permits a half' miles from Elizabeth, no the Elia ibetwown easy and hung heavily on my arm.
granted to settlers at the Land Office, in road, about sun set I heard a child crying, and
Mr Wheat:es and his son cillA the next moro
se et two marl °n horseback in sight, carrying a
Newnsnaville, and at the same Office there
in for the child, as agreed in the night before Them. Tory lapeared to '''
are two hundred applcatinns pendinp. child. 1 did not know the
I told Mr W. n e had culled some friantla in to ace
be in great ha e. The child was; si: ti . g nr ral h
; e
er lying on the saddle, atraig'itene I oat, with its it a c mpromise could rot be t freer (I. H said
face towards me. The child appeared to be
he was willing to have a eonvers di in on the aub
atruggl:ng very hard with its feet and hands. Its -"I' but that it was not worth while, for a c come .
clothes were rotund its body. Its le gs were bare. I promise would not stand mat c than a year. He
seemed not to have confidence in Mr Storer, IreHe once jammed it down or the saddle, and threw
his leg over its feet, ratite- h!rainy fur a child of then demanded the child, Mrs Storer told him
its age. he enald not give it tip. Alen. staying some time
lie went away, leaving the child. Mrs Storer at
this time, appeared much exhausted. The ohild
appeared stiff and looked delicate .
Ex— I live about 14 miles from Elia ibethtown.
I live :,bout 2 miles from Mr Norcross. It is about
the same distance to her father's house. It was
about 11 o'clock when we left fur Mr Norcross's.
The child was brought f;(111) bed. It teas a frosty
meriting. I think we were ahout a half an hour go.
ing to her father's house. I carried it on horseback.
Direct resoin —The child was well protected
I think, against the weather. It had a cloak over
a flanticl (reek.
Tiut. rigicLum aj. w .n. BRITS, ZDITOR oaD rioiRIXTOKB
THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1843.
See First Faze.
O'Connell and Abolition.
In conversation with an ardent Repeal
er,'who seems to have paid much attention
to lade events in Ireland, he expressed the
opinion that the Abolition speech paraded
witheo much triumph and satisfaction by the
Ciasette and kindred prints, is a wholesale
, iergery, concocted by the British tories for
the purpose of injuring the Repeal move
meet in the Northern portions of tl e U.
nion, and raising an uncouquet able preju
„dice against it at the South. Our inform-
'apt thinks that - Mt O'Connell would
--. l4Stoittr of the gross inconsistency of ut-
A ; ) „ - *Jag such sentiments in the face of his
t ikse laration, a few months ago, when his
Ibis . end-Mr Steel were coming to this
ieountry on a Repeal mission, that they
_-isonld not and ought not to touch the ques..
Linn of Abolition while in this country.—
iiiethinics. ton, Wet the call upon his coml.,
trynien to come out of the United States
isiesiuse slavery prevails in som parts of
Ihemis at yeti nice with his practices and
feelings, and cann t ba with the
I .lletihat Mr saC, is a friend art patron of
Il lie'Emigration Society, which was rirrned
for the purpose of assisting emigration to
this 41.ountry. He thinks th rt the forger
Nlts.been eininentlysue••winfol in e tching
• the bold, dashing, and (Invent style of Mr
O'Connell, and has used it to give curren
_ 4 to-what, he thinks a inoustrods fraud.
While we most earnestly wish that the
ittirmises this gentlem in has put forth
are {rue, we Most express our apprehen•
sionAst the speech is mainly genuine,
it may, to be sure, have obtained no small
share of its vehemence and warm coloring
from the fart that it was given to the pub
fie by Abolition reporters, and an Abolition
firsse. But we fear that Mr O'Connell
did make some such a speech as the one
the Abolition fanatics of this country are
now gloating over with ghastly grins of
_ -
/ridnapping.— Two constables of Law.
renceburg, la. kidnapped two negro men
frosu that place—carried them over to Ken
tasks and lodged them in jail, one of the
oonatables filing an aflidarit that they
wire ronawey slaves. The good people
ofLtivi✓rencebure were Bo incensed at the
proeeedinz, that the constables were comb
pelted to fly, and $3O reward have been
Offered fur their art est.
TAM INPLITENZ k.- A medical friend of
owe, whose o?inion is greatly respec'ed,
mambo enjoys extensive means of know-.
IV the character of the prevailing epidem•
ie, 'assures us that the remedy for it given
by a New York doctor, and published in
the i Tost," a day or two since, is a piece I
eaten and sheer humbug. He says that!
in urgent cases, he relies on prompt bleed.
ing and salts. If the case be not an ur
gent one, or in other words, if it be of
such a nature as not to require medical
Prescription, the patient may snuff Ammo.
nia, or any thing else he likes best; but if
the ease be serious, the lancet must be '
Ihe eut ANarin(;jy obaCco in 5 , 3111. t.
time of - i. pour i.
'Any 'thing' is the name or a nee d:iLL:
Pbtlaidelphis. It is said to be tictLir than nolii
---- - - -
• laitarise ligssfois
*ass ?kir 2f Pigyrgit AND'in,;lln)EN
- •
CornmbOvealrfi vs, Job' Wheattry anl•.Cgleb
For 1.1:c COMMOIIN cal h--Eyster, Ranekin and
Judson. For the Defendantr— Biddle and Loomis.
j James Scott sworn—l ba w then above Eliza.
bethtown, on the 31st of October. I have no re
collection of the y btr , I think the elder
1 Wheatley was one of thern. I met two men care
tying a child. Before they came to me the per.
i son carrying the child, threw a handkerchief river
its face, which it tore off. They were corning at
a very fast trot. I stepped down to the road to
ask what was the matter with the child. Just as
they gill,: up to me, the person carrying the child,
said 'Oh hush,hush,now We'll soon be down.' They
passed so quick that I did not a.k the question
He appeared to have the &lilt] drawn up close to
hie body and the child kick'ng and twisting. I
think-about sun down.
Elisha Pierce sworn—About the last of Octo.
ber, I was passing up the road leading from E
lizabethtown to Uniontown, called the state road,
about three and a half miles from Eltzzbethtown.
I heard behind me the voice of child crying. I
saw two men riding up behind me, apparently in
a great hurry, The child appeared to rave.—
They passed on ar about the same gait. I can't
Ca!eb. Aftcr they passed I get a view
of the leet on i , „, ether side of the hnrsa
triS 11:d the child's heed from rue. This api.
•,: , oarc•:1 ac.a.
Harvey Warner sworn—it was between three
F. Ayres, affirmed—l heard C deb Wheally tel
ling how they link the child, Ile said that they
went to Mr Storer's arid paid him for the keeping of
the child, trnd that they m tie no objection to the
price ofits boarding. He said when they went to
start, his father was following the child around to
I get hold it. lie sai I the child appeared to have a
know ledge of what they were going to do before
the mother. that the mother told it to go to uncle Joh
and ride a piece. With that ho picked iip the cldid and
carried it out t , Caleb 201 on
He silid that he an.; role oil with thu
towards the 11;o, and ;he❑ J. b told 11, - ..r that she
might h:rl bre-veil to her chit.l . Ho said he 'laid
whip to :its mittur ana rule off like the old
when lie got off. He said the child kicked and
Or," ML A ik
tierettnied t Istl ardlj x 01° Whe n‘ 74.ll- 74 4 wiiiing iLirookotaPf# l o.oo3 a°
when Order. -
Gan, Shinor rf elt , - 41geted — tTni'lltiiitiern1. of ; Benjamin Gilnioie awsrn f i•Alri the - next Sabbath
this witness dpi tutiliffer materially .-Ixotnyflit after the traarattli tn , as -,,,,, liasr.log'-Mit.
t M ur r b
Ayres', beitiett4tatement oflhisante ata.k.ilink.t 4 ; reels gouge, the little came out and walked
J° ". k tined—lsaw Storm when ne re=..two or three rode to the wagon, and.ahe climed up
turned 141,w,
with a little assistance. I could not see that there
; .Thursday. The child
wee anything the matter. I observed to my wire,
(nuke unWeit ilooked. tit it partlictitirly.
Isaac Pangburn,Sworn I saw the chill on Fri- that it was an uncommon fresh child. I fre
fluently passed Mr Storer's house. I saw noth,
day. Mytelf and wife called and remained till
ing the matter any thing more than it looked fresh
bed time. I took notice to the child. Mr Storer
set it on its feet. It appeared eifficuli for the child to me.
Cross Ex—l ant confident the child looked fresh.
to walk, Itappeared fretful and riff.
John Irwin sworn—The Dr. had just leftattend-
Teatimeny on the part of the corn. closed,
irg the child before these men took it away.—
It was in a weakly state when they took it away.
There was medicine left fur it there. I heard
Mrs Storer say nothing on the sulject.
Cross Ex—l saw it the day after it was brongl t
home. It appeared very stiff and sore, and ap.
peered to shy riff from me It could not sit well,
nor rest well. 'lt was uneasy: -
Gen J fl Watson, sworn—On Monday evening
I first saw the child. It was nut at the stable door
with Mr Storer's other children, ft came to
wards me in a fast walk, and I thought it might
go too nett the wagon and so I stopped. I let
the team pass on, and I spoke to the child. It did
not speak very plain. I was apprised to see the
child out from-ahw reports.- I took notice of it—
It appeared pretty well.
Cross-Ex.—l would know Mr Storer's children
any place.
Pus Patterso i , sworn —At the March term of
this court, when this rase was before the Grand J fury
I heard the case talked of. I had a rotweriatiott
with Mr Storer in front of the July room. I asked
Mr S. about the death of the child and about it be
ing carried away. He said it was just out of afe
vrr ohm' it was taken away. I said "I suppose it
relapsed in the fever whet, brought home again."
"No, it took the whooping caugh," I think he said.
Chas Narcrcss, armed —A bola the last of Octo
ber., oh and Ca'eb Wheatly entire to my house with
a child. ;Wy daughter brought it ;en the room
win . re I was. It was wrapped to an over stAt. 11.
knew our family and seemed io he plcas . id with is.
It was about 7or 8 o'clock The child asked for
peace and eat it It came to me, sat on my knee.
and went to sloop. We went to bed rather late.
I did hot hear it cough at all. In theiatter part of
the night ;tits Singer. 'quire Brown &c came to my
house, and asked if Job and Caleb Wheat'y wero
there. I said yes. She said "give the my chili
then waked up Job and brought him down. Altar
some consultation he gav e tip the Child nn condition
that she gas to give it up the next morning. Job
and my wife insi-ted on her going to bed with the
child and not to take it out. The day was moder
ato, 1 husked rota, omfortahly in my shirt siee‘ ec.
I did not n . ttire anything the matter uith the child,
Cross-Ex Wheatly told me about that too
Hey that he would pay Mr S.oner a &liar itt' week
and some other hills , and said lie would not stand it.
Ile cool.) get it done f ur ihe money. I did not
ex irrotie the chili) to At:.. if it was injured. I did not
knew that Whea (iv Wen! for the child idoti't re
ct at. to Mr. Ai in;ir mg that I witti'd like
h's=,te Jo') the chi d ant 11.-ty hanging on to
coat tail.
For the Defence.
John Richards sworn—l live in Elizabethtown.
On that time (the 31st Oel) I was walking at the
Round IlilrChurch. We saw two men peke along
the road 200 yards from where we were at work.
This was about 3 miles from Elizabethtown.—
They were going at a common trot I saw a
child, but could not see its situation. I did not
observe a Buffalo robe. It was a fine pleasant day.
They passed sometime before sundown.
John Keshler sworn—l saw the child on Sun.
day following at Mr Storer's house. Tire child
came out to the wagon wheel and got on the box
It seemed very. smart. It came out alone, the
other children were on the wagon before. The
wagon was sor 6 rode from :he h ;use. I noticed
nu difficulty in the weking of thq eh Id.
Crose•Ex—l never was in Mr Storera house
before. I knew all his children when I saw them
There were girls there of the same size. 1 had
seen Mr Storer's child before that girl came there.
Wm 1) Mullen sworn—On the morning of the
let of Nov I fist saw the child. The way I come
to ace it, 'Squire Brown had been called un to
silt Mrs Starer to get her child. Mr Storer came
to cnc and asked if Mr Booker could come arid
make some compromise about the child. I went
to Mrs Storer's father's. W e went into the house
and the child met its at the d .or. We were then
invited to another part of the Iviu,4e, where Mrs.
Storer wits lying in bed. She then related the
hardships she had liaised through the night before.
I nhse ved b her that the child hooked pale, she
said it had I e:n sick with the 3:arLt or c4tarra I
fever. Sbc a.,id she was afraid the exposure might
have injured it l meaning the cap ~.ure in bringing,
it from Elizabethtown to her father's. The 31=a.
of Oct. was pleasant, the evening was coat and
ti-s*ty, and the next morning was quit o sul
When Mrs Storer saw Mr Whe tily coin ilia, she
called the child to come to bed to lier,ond it went,
We encouraged her not to give li i S.Vhea tly the
child. About this time Mr lrlii.atly and Isis sin
arrived. We t . en endesvorLd to per euade Mr
Wheatly to leave the child until Mrs Storer would
he better. fie said he would drtn.snd the child.
but wou'd not take it unk-s she wi-old give it up
freely. e reused to give i• to him. Sh 9 asked
him whit were hot reasons tor taking- a way the
child. Mr Storer said it' he was , haiging too
much for keeping it lie Was within, to leave it to
us. Mr Wheatly did not take up the proposal.—
The child 'coked pale. I noticed nothing- else the
matter with it.
Cross Examin d —She did n.,t appear t o be
p!e ase d at th e , xposore. Under the circumstances
we o;1 agreed that Mr Wheatly should trot take
the child. I did not examin •it partiadatlz. Mr
Wiar:st'y alleged no bad treatment of the uhrld 011
Pun of the mother At one time wh n Mr
Wheatly and myself were talking , he gene roe
reallol,l frr faking the child away. lie skt. d that
Mr Storer dad a child of his clan by his first wife,
Ind mord r pr.,br'ily place his afFerti.mi more
upon it than upon the one taken away. Ile Flat rd
that the ch;ld's father had left him guardian and
there was con. , ider ahle money that would he in his
hands, the interest of which was to be. d ruled to
raisinz the child, and if he had it at Lie own
house he would he able to take inr, re c are o f
Dr. Upfuld Sworn.-1 have beer. in the habit
of noticing th^ state of the weather ra• several
years past. On the 31st, I have it down, clear
and pleasant The nex! o.ry was clear and pleas_
Cross Examined.—.l hi vu not TEC Tdi or the
night. I put down the datel about 12 o'clock a
Aaron B . her affirmed —When I went to the
door (of Mrs St, rer's IL 1I Cr) lbe child ear re to us
—walking—and apps; red to be gl hi to see Mr
Sarah Norcross Sw,rn —Mr Wh-atly and his
son arrived about half past seven at my father's
with the child. The child, at the tine thry arri
ved, was very comfortably clothed. It had two
or three handkerchiefs round its head—there was
an ovrecnat round it, and it was very comfortable.
F received it Gum Caleb Wheatly, A buffalo rubs
was r..unil the crii!d in corns way. The chill ap.
peered warm and comfortable and made no com
plaint. It was a very pleasant evening—the child
ran about the ruorn and rppeared pleased to see
the family. It ate a hearty supper. It did not
cry while I was there—it went to bed at 10 oVock
and slept with me. She slept prettf well. Sue
had on a flannel dress, shoes arid etockiiigs. The
child, previous to the marriage of its mother with
Storer, lived wilh its grandfather.
Cross Examined.
I eid not examine for any injuries or bruises--
the child was awake two or three times The child
was not crying when its mother came—l was not
asleep until after the mother went away.
2 o'cLocx, P. M
Christian Erin's b worn-1 saw the child on
Tuesday er Wednesday morning utSquire Brow.'a
It was walking about. I thought the chld look
ed well enough only a little pale. Mrs Stt.rer
started out with the child to her father's. As
was going home, at the forks of the roads, I
looked across from the road where 1 was to her,
and the child was walking, and she was holding
its hand. After walking along rir 150 yards
I looked again, and it was still walking. It must
hare walked 150 or 200 yards at least.
Crqss Examined—When 1 firA. saw the child I
did not know whose it was. I did not examine it.
She walked near a quarter of a mile.
Win Robbins sworn-1 first saw the child on the
7th of November. 1 wort to Mr Storer's with
Mr S'orer's sister. When we got to the gate, w c
met the child. I enquired why se it it was? She
answered !hat it was Margaret Wheecy. The
cl , fld:appcitred pleased to see walkin4.
about. Mrs Storer !.aid she was feeble and . 4iad
the whooping cough.
Casa! , Examined—l did 1101 exam ne the chid.
I made no enquiric. concerning It. W11,:t1 a el:11.d
is sick it is naturally not so well as when well.—
ontmcrrial Nretuo.
Morey' is very abundant in all ihe eastern eiti s,
and the rates. have been and Cu itinue to be low,_
A great tevc!utii.n has ta hen place in the moneta•
ry H nrla, alien puzzles capitaliFts. The loan
wiliest Col Roton4-st was sent if. Europe to nig')
ate ori N:I; en in this country,and “fmr ware's scold
to Gom 19 in 15 rr rent. a bore par. The loan or
$7,000 000, for wtjch nrnpostils have Oren iss•ued,
it tx said a or ininin will he, given for by some for
reign at .5 per ~.ent per annum. All things
to .1c chum-rill, and indicate that the country is re
cornering firm the paralysis into which swindling
and r. ttcn corp4srations had thrown her.
Orteaiis 31int.—rite Crescent City of the
say•: 'oiir mint in this city IS now in a
flourishing conditian, and has in deposite at the
present time, nearly V 2,000100, most of which is
cold. It is not gcnerafY known that our monied
men, who arc iii the habit of receiving large gnaw
tities of foieigel gold, send most of it to this estab
lishment to have it melted and recoined into A
merican money. The premium c ou this is sufficient
to affar..i them a handsome profit. For the infbr
mation of those who don't know the fuel, we may
also state that old silver and gold plate, and in fart !
any artiee composed 0 1 these toof.recious metals,
can be sent to 11 M:establishment and coined tree of
all charge."
Cincinnati, June 26—Flour selling at i4,06,in-
Ppected, and Whiskey, IBc.
Othans, June 18—Flour, Ohio sup. was
.11' . 11inz at $1 50, but vubsequently advanced to
$4.62. and most holdvr, were asking $4,75.
er frt . —prices continue firm with - a good de_
mand. We (pole Rio at 7aBc, Ha vans 9 3-4 a
70, St Doin:rig.o 64 a 'lie.
Sugar—Transactions on a limited stale, and
no change in prices. On plantation it is held at
5 a si.
Molasses—a better enquiry f r this article has
son sprung up. We quote at l7i a 18} eta per gal
Whiskey—tho market remains firm, and saps
are readily made at 17} alB c. The receipts are
se=w 1111E0 NEIL al
eet 4 inches water in the channel.
•ur ‘iver news, &c. are deferred for to-day, in
order to make room for the interesting trial, and
other imp , ;rtaNt matters, which occupy oar Cot-
BORIS marked thus (o) are provided with
Evans's Safety Guard.
Reported by SHERILt & MITCHEL, Getlerat S• B•
Agents, Water street, Late Custom House office,
Peterson's Building.
*Swiftsure, Robinson, (jincinnati
Mexuhala, Parkinson, Eiizibetti
Holman?, Poe, Wheeli ng
*Bridgowater, Clark, Marietta
*Cutter, Cr.ilins , Cincinnati
Minstrel, Ingriiw, Cincinnati
R,,binson, Cincionnli
Juniatta, Thacker, St Louis
9i xaiini:r, Park;ns ,n, E!,bribe , h
Delmont, Per, ‘Vhceliaz
R Clayton, iletwb, Lucille
For: - ST. LOUIS.
„I" Try , JAMESs ROSS. Ca mac,
3 , rArt for the.nloye and
fille.truea ,ifonelaY, July ad, 19 < 1 . ,• .:16c11 . 4._
Fir frelght In' passage apply on hoard nr 10
Je 30. J 4 .1113t3
June 23, 184itt:
: A DVICE having been received from die Segistr*failt
rt. Land °Mee at textilelily. Stisconri, that the ream&
vat that office ra the town of Clinton, in Henry west/.
as directed by the President. will be effected on or 111 1 1
the Sd day of July next; this is to give notice thet ibepelh
tic sate of lands ordered to beheld at Lexington Ott tam
second day'of October next, by the Executive proelallll
- bearing date the Silt Ins% Will he held at this SOO
prescribed iu the town of Clinton tiraremid .
Por St. Zunis, Burlington 4114
The new and light draught Btilliaihgoal
NORTO BEND, Tnos C. Mar, Satter,
will leave for the above and iniermstilate landfall! all
Thursday nett, gib of July, at lO'o'clock, A. For
freight or patutage apply on h oard or to
jone:3o -61. JASIES MAY.
. 1 17 -I The North Pend IS furnlahed with Evans' Safety
Gnird. to prerent , ai!usinns• of heifer.;
BL 0 0411 , Y.
33 TONS Jutriata
WaTrr sarefr VV , D , tinnit Rfnif hood-.
J.,TelcSn.Ar BL(JES.
T u cn :); xre r C ara. pt. y oplebtale..boi
4th f take. with the Witshiegtoutaer.
Jane 30.
J. White, advez . i+es in the ft pkinimille,
Ky , papers hr'r hn,baml. I'lpm tsi C.
S. White. On the 9ch aprjl last, he lefk,
Nashville on the Sterner ~ 1 14 ssenger,"
intending to se y an. from
tiler , walk home. The Messenger peeled
Clarksville without keying Mr W.inihst
place, nor is it certainly known that be weir
ou board, though it is believed be
His disiressed family have heard nuthietuf
him since that period, and Mrs -W. is
able to pr3sectite a search As the 4 11114.
senger' is engaged in the Pittsburgh trade s
this is published with a view of oticitiet
informatio n , if possible, as to his viler's,
bouts. He was subject to spells of mantel
abet ration. Mrs W. resides in Hopkins—
vine Ky
'HE BENTON Humnuu•--4112,1M-,
arrived in New °titans on the 12th iost.
end $73, 9GI on the 16th from Tampico.
From a recent official statement, we learn that
the Nati , mal debt is over V 27,000.0011, moot of
in the shape of Treasury owe-.
Clear tAe course for. the t fx, litaftterg S S ~. • '
t1.1.1A B, FOSTER, Esqi:Of Mlll , 2lotoy eIFjMUI
be a candidate for the afire of rrothoocoary of
.tllt bevy
county, at the Orioher efretion. jute 4• .
We are aothorizro to ano.oinee the rapitre - viam,
td t•entlernan as a eundichtle for the °Mere of Pro•
timeorury, subject to the nomination of jhe Dew.
ocratie convention. June 29—d41 wte
1 respectfully offer myeolf as a eandWato for the °Nee
GI Prothonotary, sulvjurt tu the action of the Detryeeratie
Covvvial ion . /VV. C.ll.4WRlffig
Townshin. lone 27-1 e
R VSPECTFULToffer niyself a candid:oe for onsikes
or Prothonotary of .iltrgherty county n4jecl to the et,
'lon of the Denweralir conniy e•niyAfillon which
on the 30'11 A ii2usi nos , . GEO. C. RIDDLE'
All , 2llenv City, Mar rht.x.
To tAe Voters ctfAiteffftenti resnarlftllyof
fer myself to your consulerai ion /inn randklak tlifitarpn -
deaf of parties)" for the office iif PfLOTI„IOfiI:MA kr of
Allegheny county, he ensuing . Allan, Aa I iooot
ronie Refute yin,' iernminended oy 0 career:too, 'boa of
you to whom unt not -pesFrotilly known trill please its
amine Into dry qualifications, <tr.; and ifs° forsuilmaa
to obtain a majority of your suffrages, ,1 shalt imilliolamt
by strict attention to the Malts of I be office. to satisfy yemg
with vont' choice. ALEX. Mti.LA,ll4:.
met. II) —fEy • 01 Pitti•bnrgb:
Tye are aothoriztd to announce J NATH AN LA RIM
of Mitli,rl AV a ramiirla se for the oftfce of Slier.
stihjet to the decision oftlie DtmocratiaConireiStion.
Juno SO—le.
We ere authorized to nunottnee Mr. 110111/.P.0.
TERSON, of the city of Plitst.urzh, as a candid Ate
lie care of Sheriff, at the eusuiiir, election, atilleet to
the n puluation of the county Demorratie Cenvvoillo
j , inc 2-I—te
RESPCc:TFULLV piesent ISI VFP; r to the cirtield
Allegheny connly, fia r ranglid3re for lbe sllriftlY.
siiliket In !Inaction of the ['emaciate Conventlonioitich
meet- , on the SOili of A tigost neat,
June 9 . — awte• 17..14J TROVILLO.
Vt'e nre aittitorieed to anrinoneo . 1 0141 4 1 INURVIY,
r. 9., or Lower St. Ctair township. as a tandidete for the
offire of roomy Ttenrotrer, sulp•ri to rt.e kviaion a
Democrat - Ft-County Contrentine. inne'23-41Wwle
I am a candidate for the office of County TreaserCl''
til . friet in the decision or the Democratic Coital,' COI.
Velli ion, T lie Support of my fet!Gtt Cif {Zell. will he",
apt reeated. JOHN FLEW (NG, 4 , 5
June '2G.
Of A ilea bony
Ii E Laclic s and Gearemen, a nd oie jokti e
gettwal. or Pittsburgh nttd its ic;nitY,
De416.11y infttrtned that the Ita i tit Opera Coilsrin)
f rtm the ii , i , anua, are art ieert in this eity, ans WIT
ha, e the h tttor of makine their fist alp o'c raaKr_aglika .
, 41 FRI D p.o.h JUNE, 1841,wbert
he rep, esenteri Belltai-Grand Opera of
.. ..
9 , gliare E.:ter rorziar ?
A. IM:I . H Pllom Duane., -chi i
Signer C. Auttigni n i ?
1.. Pa. ozzi 5 .• i
Prime Tettati,• .'''.*:"
" A. Va I telt ina ?
‘• F. Unive p, .Hni.."sa.
tti 8
Sizbore H Marrzzi
A.bet tazzi Donne
5 Seconde
S.er B. Tim me., Second Th rone. Sir T. Ris* - .
mer, Second Bit—to, with a toll and efficicut iNO
.- .. ..
Mr Haffner, I , t Vinl:n ; Mr Zittprbaeh, 2d VON %.
s i Tm r Paiett,i, Vinlineelio ; Mr Schottheit, tr y
BA SA1); Mt C art iere, Flute; Mr Trost, liats.:
Cirtfe, Trombone.
Director of the Music . Mr Muellar.
Between the let and 21 a-t; of the Opera, there MP
be an intermission of 15 mintitets• A
Prit . ys--;.DreFs Circle and Pit, 75 cents; Betiondii. e
60 cents; Gallery 25 refit.. .
Tickets In be had at the Exchange flash 11 04 1 4 -
th e Box office of the Tifratr , , where places MVOs.
Mixes may be taken frum 10 till.' A M. 11 4411601
till 5 P M.
Doors .vill be opened at 7, and the performs
to c-rnmence at 1.2 past 8
13CrThe Ftee List, with the exception of tbePtess.
Enlist be suspended (twin; the engagement or Iv.
A EOM Barouch, hearty new, eozether with-fiarnei.
Fly rteti, Saddle and Bridle. will he sold tow rot ea*
or good trade. Enquire at Patterson's Bazaar iskebblit.
Fourth at.
Jo me 30-40,
Land Office r emoved/raw Leziny tox to the
~` ..