_ -- - P. lloll ZlOrPriainT4 - - ITO THE GE trrr. 4 E MEN OF . • _ _. PITT I i Teepe S-. e fully offer myself as a candidate for the offitt BURGH. IcrPruHlunuirtrY, subject la the. action of !he Dettmermic . nriFIE subscriber moat respectfully informs llie gentle- Convention. NM .G. firyW K INS- I men of OP , city and vicinity that he has commenced will tie Wbiklnarewaship, Rine 27„..re: I the BOOT and SHOE making bummers in Fourth street, 1114 / 1114 itiierting . of the "Trades' Union" , opposite tilt Mayors office. Basins been foreman In Aretifere Friday evening at Liberty Hal!, corner of some of the mast fashionabteßont Shops in the Eastern Noliit and Fillb streets. ~. J'Ufkli:2§, 1843 The - fourth of July.—That spirited corps of volunteers, the Hibernia Greens. „propose to celebrate the approaching Anni keniary of our Independence in the orchard or Dr. E. D. Gazzam, bayond Soho Bridge, in Pitt township. A dinner, prepared by Mrs Murray, will Ale ready at half past one o'clock. The -.. areilaration will be read, and we believe, an addreaedelivered; With their prover. „hfal gallantry, the members of the corps have invited'rhe ladies, and made arrange , menue fot their comfort and amusement.-- A band of music is employed, and those ahe choose, may seek pleasure in a "dance an the green." In addition to the members of the com pany, many citizens will participate in the celebration, which, from the pains taken to have things properly arranged, can not fail to be of the most pleasant description. 'An omnibus will run all day between the corner of Fourth and ROSI streets and Mrs Murray's tavern. Correction Corrected.— The mistake Which theGazette,noticed in the Ordinance relative to Dtigue3ne Way, published iu our paper yesterday necurrrd in the "eiy" sent to us by the Councils. There is a sign before some C.mfection ary in town, on which is the following: "I SCREAM !" Ne can't see much wit in it, but it s^rves to show t,) what sch3.nes men are now compelled to resort in ord?r to earn a living. Every week brings forth some new ,plan of the multitude by signs. Metal • skips in the pavement are becoming quite CoMmon since first introduced into the city from New York by the proprietor of that Emporium of Fashicn, the "Three Big Doors." They no doubt serve a good put-. pose to catch the gaze of that port i"n of the population, who, weeping willow fash ion, :red the streets. without knowing what , is going on above or on either side.— There is another sign in A 14 , glieny, runs, as near as we can recollect, as follows: Good bordin can he hail here cheap Well it-can boss. What hungry man could pas. such a sign witiinut at least stopping to Hoire the Tray, these ate '•signs of the time, . 1 2 poor way to expro!ss disappvilmtim Diiring the . porforinsuce ut the Dead Shut, on Monday evening at the Theatre, being the last night of the season, and Fl%•r.u's benefit, sortie loafer threw from the Pit, liqukir keg upon the stage, which struck one of !he actors on the leg. This is rem tainly a n oval [nide of expressing disap;)ro batioa of.ihe conduct of the manager, A club was thrown at the Rev. C. B. Parsons, on the last night of his season, but there Was nothing novel in that, any more than biasing. flow the im bagination of tile 3-fellow could sugg. at a keg as an iristiu- Went of torture we can't ei.nci-iye, unless he S it ends it to roll over a few of the actors , ' ' _then on to the foot lights. We think upon the whole that who n pen ple believe that the company is not worth ihy price of a ticket, they should stay away. Thet Manager does not compel any one te:patrmise him. He announces the pie ' riefor the evening. the names of the actors Who appear, mid thus all ate able to judge Whir the performance will be woi th A 4ba,price asked for admission. This is all Sidi on-the part of the Mena ger, and those who are fools enough to attend when they think the bill will tot suit tEeir taste, should not complain. Where was the Editor of the Chronicle? --We are told that on last Sund:iy a mad ,dog ens seen in Ist street, biting and snlp *ling at every livinz animal he met; and one word has been said about it in ag - 4c.m. auf,„ Chronicle. Another was wren in the Barna street yesterday morning. , The Chronicle of this astifoing will no doubt have all the pat tic : alifit flier Robbery —A G3rinan, who h a trot line inthe Allegheny,haulcd out a big cat fish the other day, and found in its person a purse c ' lighting four dollars end fifty cents,in specie. Tlle fish muds cffutts to escape detection tmit aid not deny the charge of having stolen the money. We have not heard whether legal proceedings have hecn instituted against his fisinthip or not. " s l Bunged dawn. —Boucherville,sittiatcd on the Si Lawrence river, about ten miles below Mon.real. W population was about one thousand, and so great Iris the destruction that the Herald says •a list albs Sufferers will prove a census of the vil 'A very sweet lady' is to edit a new pairer short ly to make its appearance in New York. She is made bi some conkctioner, we presume. There will then be one candied writer in New York ste► . I —This se the title of a new in- bas been successfully tried by the a R. R Company, for the protection and freight from sparks from the COUNTY TREASURER lam a candidate for the otry of ...tee or Coll nIY Trea" cities; and having furnished himself with the best French subject to the decision of the Democratic County Con_ ; and American Calf :Aka. he hopes by his attention to vention, The supp ort of my f ellow s la m ., will be duly business to nicrlt a share of public patronage To those eprreciated, JOHN FLEMING, gentli'men who have kindly patrunized him he returns June 26, Of Allegheny city, his sincere thanks and can with confidence appeal for the goodness of ilk work and knowledge cf his business. may 11, I . KERRIGA N. SHE RIFFA LTY . We ore authorized to announce Mr. rony 'Ai _ , TERSON, of the dry of Pittolurgh, as n candidate for , Farnis to Lease. I . rirDIE undersigned will lease two Farina situated In the office of Sheriff, at the ensuing election, subject _ill E:mt Derr townshitt, with the necessary tenements, the nomination of tire county Democratic Convention i jone:2 , 4--Ic and from 75 to 100 acres cleared on each. Also, one • : farm sPanted in We. , ,t Deer township Allegheny county irr At the solicitation ofa number of my democratic : with front 50 to 75 acres cleated. TI e above tit seri rd friends, 1 offer myself as a candidate fur the office of properly Is In reasonably good repair, laying ab nit 15 County Treasurer, subject to the derision of the demo. ' miles from Int city of Pittsburgh, and within two tittles erotic rounly convention. ROB P. GLASS. lof the Pron'a Canal, and with be leased on reasonable June 24. ' terms fur front Ito three yearn, to rood tenants. ' BA RTR A M MURRY, PROTHONOTARY. I RKSPECTRILYofrer myself a candidate fort he. r ffire , iof Prothonotary of Allegheny county subject to the ac ,I 1I PORTA NT TO OWNERS OF lion onto. Dernorratir county convent lon whirl) meets SA W•M I L LS. Allegheny City, Alay 3f—in ,1 4V. on the 301 h Aunts' next. GEC), n RIDDLE!. .yrDER'S 11116v:111rd Self Setters for Sawmills which , , : may tin rer fully I e,ted in ditrereirt parts of the : SHERIFFA LTV. . ur , ood st n i e ., ns ivy as iii flu` rifles of Pittsburgh and Ito Allegheny. ran he seen lit operation al a number of 1 111 , neighborhood, viz: at Mr Wirkersham's RE'rIPR,CTFIYI.I.,V present myself 1,1 the citizen. of n.ii, , Allegheny eminty, nun candidate for 'hi' She ritrah t r. mitt, nit retm =l.; at Bowman 4- Chambers' mill., near ' ihr ein.er A ile2lirny linage, and ni Mori ISOICR mills on subject to the action of the Democratic Convention,w I lc h meets on the :10111 of August 111,1. Dare's IrJand, and other.. The above named machine June B.—lid-vete. V.1 ' 1 . 11 " Tilr '" l ' l.n - ' rap he obtained at W. W. Wallace's shop on liberty mt. I COUNTY FRE AS URE R. trzin near I hfield. ‘vhere it Is tilling up. and where die ' ~,,hii, will I e coosi arrt ly kept on hands. Apply to B. We are au th orized io nominee Dr h\ I 1.1.!A AI KER R , K. Snyder or W. W. Wall:lee, mac .5 fl a CandifiFlL! fur the (all, or counly l'reasurrr, soh- ' ---- \\ I trzll TOl3 ‘C*l 0 --.l'; blies t 'tiler I eaf TuiVICUU Jell to the derision of the Democratic C, - )tinly Convention. ' S P ' -- - ' " ` i A this day received and fa r sale by _ine 19—h • J. C. ,tir A. CORDEN, 12 Water sweet. • PROTHONOTARY To the Voters of iltletyhery Corepty:--I rt Qp t , I fully of fer myself to your rotteirtei - ni ion :is aea iiiiiitaio (r/ofr-i,e,,. E CM l"'\ Li. low In Into In Fu(t and on oceornmoda dent of parties) fur the other ol 1'11(i1 IiONOT A Rl' u 1 ii. , 2 tV - 1119. for ratit or nand barter, or on time to Al le,tlteny county, at the rustling eli cli , it. As Ide not ''''' ''" ":"Thl--All doz risrot lid window sash anti gins!. Come heir.m yeti . ccuitotter.ilt-d to a C 0,,,, lip, I 1 ,„..,.. ~, I^ . tt ;I. if ii ;Hord . :30 it, tit= writ in: wrapping, and you to whom lam not nelson:o,r 'rums ii oPi pl. ;,,,„ ..x. . I,',tr rpa P'r. 1'.5 Ottz gent sick Irc 2.5 tioz eorri Itrooms antine into my coalmen tions; - 4 - e.: tind if so for - tuft:tie ie and o i--p-i. 1011 grn-s mate i,r ~. .2.50 F. coos suspender to olonin a in,ijoriiy o f your sfliflrnen= I ,leill r r . ....t•ax or ' w lea.. :Wt(l 'OCR Oh -1 and fur, douttle, purple and yel • by strict anent ion to ihe ant les of the offive, to -at i , ' ,. y yt ti '''' y '''' l '" r " '''• r'' ) '"" P. ' rli " 2l on stti''k'' ,l Her. it your choir,. ALFA. 11 11.1..1./Z. ritt7, A ;;nod ` II I , PIY ''i 1 • 0 11 ,, villt• I,ttoo, t,'o doz two may 10 —tEo ()I Pitt,.burch i '' z '' 11 " rkri '• NA \I /IA RIZ I:4. Jii,te 2-3 Atzettl ;It rl C,ltit \ler.. Nog, 5i It Ftl. . _ C(JEN TY CON! NI ISSI()N EH. , ' IT the solidi:Won or a tinnierr c,i li o gals (.1 - all pal.• I I (;- LE:I D. ; 1. .,.. L iiiral parr try, i res p ri i fully o flrr it ,11 - 1 II 4. 1 , .11 I, • ~ ...,01()F ,,,,, ~. .1 . PI 1::4 LEAD, not received and for sale by J JAM ES NI A Y. sliimation of try fellow I nizens or the intro r I (unite i . Cainnii , sioner. That pii i.ciiiiiiienis n .a, not hr n.i.mil 1)(01 ESTIC QTTE ENSWARE. ~ dristood, either as to political or priVnit• .ihr,,,. I 11ii.1 - ‘0 7.,,,,....... .4 ., .1„,a.4, a (1 ,, ,, , , , ity (0 . wo, ib,,,, w'a'r k free to say that I Ilawel , e , a a! , my I.! , a ~,,'"',,, r , '' imblican, in i 1 ,.11 p„.„,„i „„ it., (-. , ,,n, or Pitisicirli and v Irriiii v, o. !run PPII`I III f l II' II I I lira. 1I- I I'II „ICI '1 111,,, 1„ b•P OM& by PeOfl/ 1 1 1 Li' lII,IIIIPr, I take this is so'newlcll , Itil'am•"".l in its t-I"'II".IIIi I''''''' 'lr " 'l' , mei 1i0iri.r.H.,,,,,n, If, imliii e licw they may ,1,1,1 rednciirlll Of salaries of pit' lie On, I. 1-,, rei i tv. 0 I lit , t , i.i, iwr,„ _ ,,,,,, r.,,iii,- r,,,r _ . , ~ ..ti v(•,., It and Itre 's appralial ion of lari. : e inThrii its illlic pi r..,Cc, Icc tiriCei nOlll 51e ; ;,, ;1; ,„ . „ r .,, ~; ;, „; , ,.,1 , ,,, , h ,, 1 „,,,,,,, r „ chi di ,, h /. P. r"..,,,, 111 1 `,/ 111101 01 , 11ili k V I P , O Inri ii it. I e iis le I e i le , , c . p r , ; 1,,,,ii poi (Jilin...and all O are nut of a cornyform; s {eft, in any manner al ,, mal to I 1 • 44, 4 1 111, ' I lII ' a , ' C kI I 0 i 112 111/ I ' liv l , I , lt vi ii di-Ces are 1,,,1 Ce 1.16,,, Sold should it reach the office oft 1'.1.•I, I'l-1111111111. i'''''r. • ' ,a , ,, , ,,,i, l i .1 r; ta 'I: Cc Thos flo;z2an. Po , io , oll 1, 1. .nr,r iiiir 6: S‘ \ I I:1 I. 111 liI,EV ,tr iiiael.siiii i‘'.. Celine ['aria. y, A ilet.7lien• city. who i , , iiii• ... JOHN (2A [2.1 - 11' IZ I(; FIT, . ~ , ,, , ,tr,,, • the II 11.11,111/PT-. ;11 1, 2-1- itn:w 1,,,t. _ C rrl.En and Surziral f n,i, n mmt klinnia,- , r, .1' AKE NOTICE. ; corner 016111am' talierty stri.ets. l'ittsbni •Ii i'ii ra NH r; i ; ,„,,,,, ,-, vrT,,„ ~,,,f Slai i .i n er'i m • 1, liner i.er•i, N R.—Always on hand an extensiv e iNsortitieni Of stir , 2. I, ii Ica 011 e far rooei iion. .1 I pc: s k 11,,W11 - ^ jr heal anl D,,,,,/ ipst,urir,.:,. 17, 1., r'c. rci'l,' , . :,,,,,,,, 1v,,, ~.,1,,,,,,...1 ~, 'l,, wiil i,7,,, , ,, tall and ?f . l Ir - e "'" ir ers' l i a'r D 'e . '''''''' "" 1 .r, """' .. i ''''' ' , el.irC the ';ii or J uly „..v. and ,- .1,., r„,i , . Shears. Saddlers' 7 ciol,, Trusses, 4r. k .21- i _ __ ____ WESTERN LI N IVEItSITY (1F P A . a!lnual „ow, „f•, IiI The 11)-.H..“ wi , t I, •,1.1 v OrllliN n 1.1;111 co.trecnce no* n‘,2• J. D. mcIT.RoI . Junc 26.1 and coutAtitivti a. tnllu 11onthy, A. M. 9 to 10 o'c'.oek,—.llg•el.,re. • 1)) it 11 " co. II to 1 . 2 " rlo. P. • _ 11. 3ln 4 G o tt'y & Trir \ FURNITURE WAIVE .11X0014ES. .4 ,o .i '• Finxion'sNal A LEX NI)ER :\1c( 7 111i1)1'. Tocs.hy, A. M. 910 111 " 1, c 1,11 , Win• l) i f l int' the 01./ fry •.1 of YOUXG t 1•• .URP Y. 4.1 10 to 103. ril.l rhilo-n hv Se-roorl, brrvrr tr If or it , t 1 ifurt rt strre to I Lai in (t I-1 Cori., Ihe frien.f. fix !al, 114 rn to 10. " • it anti tee .•: , •ncrany, ihnit to-riel i tud io I'. M. 3to 4 " A..g•ehra rw ordcr, et if cr4 - , 01 au" , 4.0 5 " Citron tI. ,!,-.1,11, It. tut.,l %,:ltr.tt,it - ti to I.e .qnntt 10 :try i. Wednoy, A. M 11 . 0 10 " Litir, ),. the rily. ttl 1.0,1 Mo• Sri •rc 10 ti I'l ' 1111-n1'2.3 " I.iiI In, ((), 1•'.; P. NI. 310 1 (I, 1 t, 5 Nt l ,:oeicc Thuns'y, A. %1. oto I/ " Gree!:, ((; H a ' , r. Ii) . o II I ol II to P. m. 3 to •1 "il,.ern !, On F iday, • A. AI., tho Im ,, na I n.n int " mcot dill he Ii Id in the flan of ihn iffier iii usti/1 :rc SCR of the grado-dir eta s !: and dec l 4rnations, and the Readif. or 14, eiltat Esquv. , , by rn •rnhers of the 011 er Arldre be ddivrril by WALT. It 11. L it1;II. E . the PI ”fussor of In c. GEORGI: OPFOLD, D. 11. RIDDLE, Ir. PLACA", J. ROGERS, 7710.11..1.S E. .1).11.E, Cott miller nn Edurain, june 36--Ji I)11. EL A:c.ll E. 71, rfili Iwiween and rmin hfiFld sire. Ts. 10-Ir. V 11111 E stockholder. s the l'llbAdi,2l, and AHreld . n . t . X firid2P Cumpauy are Ilereby . 1101 urd 11,1 I ha. ann.- :1i clorl 1911 fur on, Pr« Ir❑ 11:aua_r•r+.nnr 'I'rra.- nrer. a',.• clerk In condor' ire 1 ., 11111r1 nv for the en.n.oz r win he trial 11,1 ‘loll'.y of Jail y nevi. at the hum 01 I' ;fir I, IOIIIF Ilf . 11):It1 ill" 10 said .nroon and rd 1 [land JOHN T.ISSEY, Pr epn!ont. SI let t /Sr idgr• jiine 17--i NAYLOR & CO.'S filet path., 'con!), Grimed and American pine; EST A REFINED ( ST sTEE L. I T UE tindernizurd, for nhove Y (~, brated 1(11)(1 ••. color , annul c 0110.,; Flaitip of Steel, will :. I, vav+ an a '. 1 611 Ps, 0110 01 Forlo.rol of the nanie, rialisii4lll2 in rhlra J; 25 scs‘l,ll En:ti do rant SI er .quat ;u - .d rftra•-icti ;711 , hroad: an do do n axe temper. EX Itl do do do lot trail roltrr,, Ifltl ib., ckrin coital, thread; Beni 00 Double and Simile Shrar rr 7.51) per( ii.cion rano; , E 1 60 •7rtt Lt 'lt and 111-t: I lig I.llllolle, Siee 11.211,11 Getman. (3tnuile Wril,,r• and Cra, ley arp,,,, pearl .rhio b ulip Sleet,ol whotenoie, by the case, or ill iliminer Firil 120 lair_;LYON, Slllfli It 4. ck). 16(1 doe. lor , m, rto.:; F9Ol of %%.0,1 co ,167 and Retrain combs. riti7.•titiii Ivory rood , s, .2(1:1 doz. drv,ini 2 351) M. 7., pu rc ju.• —ll3fild-wB,ll • • C IICAI' MEDICINE , lor Sick.--For o f tot, to suit all classes, Dr Brodie's iml.kdlimls and Ap -0 dem Pills: Dr Evans' Camnmile P11R• Wards' cure for Cul ns; Balm of Life. Castor Oil and a variety of cheap Family Medicines for sa , erlikiro. ISAAC A rent and Com. Mer'l,3 Ftfl h st. ti ero=s tooth h r u...-h e .., 20 don ag-ortoll hair and clothes hritshes; 7.; (107. , 11,IOCIIIII, II; 40 , rocs While ,lIIVIIIOII honks and ryes;' ;20 :•,o:•rnrninno hook= arid eye=. ESTEE'S WRITING INSTITUTE. 5o doz. .assofll.ll scissors; ' J ESTEE. Prof or room.oshid.t.l3 re-nprned hiq 30 tine spectacles; al .Writing hist ii til e for ihe season, at hi- former room 50 gross avgorred whalchone; corner. of Wood and Third stv where larfe ela:ves a r e 250 doz asvorturi size= slates; now COI ruins. Mr F.'s room is fitted up In All w!rior AI ylo 40 grits", steel pens; for the recent ton of his pupils, who will meet daily. 3 grog.. Woodward's celebrated pen holders; Ladies' Class will he wailed upon at 2 o'clock, r. M. With a general assortment of all kinds of variety g. 001114, Gentlemen's Class 4 - AI IFI/e'l tie is. ii lOW wagons, CIIOOA.CrAd/eS. market arid Oilier In all casts. a neat and fashionable style of Penman. l' , l 'k etc. kr. kr. C. Y. would in particular Invite the ship is warranted to the attentive pupil. alien! inn of the larlie= to his line and large assortment of Terms of tuition for 12 lessons, s beil and lltt Ira to combs, Also, Grn. , ant's celebrated six 83,00 20 , i 5.00 cord -eon! cotton, the best :flitch; wide; persons pur_ La dies can receive lessons at their residence: tf devi. chn.wc ran return it if not as represented Also, illi , best red. counter drilled eyed needle., which hare been purchased 01,..M r E. will execute. on the shortest notice, all kinds evocrially for retail, and fine American flat and round of Fancy and Ornatnenta Penmanship, In the most seat head ping, I way 24.1 C. YEAGER. and fashionable manner. _ _ - - The public are respectfully invited lo call at lie fn. ' EXCHANGE HOTEL, statute and examine hi r E 's specimens of Pet, ma nship . ner of Pen , - n 4,. Si. air sls. Pillsb' al and method ul teaching. j .ne 19,-2w. , cO3 Cl z, l• II E Proprietors of this elegant and commodious es_ NEW WHOLESALE CASH. STORE -----' r r tah'ishment, beg leave to announce to their friends , and I!e public, that their price for Board, from this date, No. 99 'Food street, i= reduced to °\i.; DOLLAR PER DAY. PITTSBURGH.' From the locality of t bin house, being situated mid• 1 V TERNAN k JONES are receiv!nz (lest:tally fresh • way between the Canal and Steamboat landings, ar d on ; JI supplies of seasonable Dry Goods whi c h th e y will Ille great thorouelifare to Allegheny city, the proprie.l con'inue to dispose (Witt eastern prices,with lire addition torn trust, that with continued exertions on their part of carrtage, for casA, par money, only i they will be enabled to afford every attention and (aril Every merchant making purchases in the city with Ry required for the comfort and convenience of their money. ht respectfully invited to eat! and examine our guest.. and hope mo merit a contintivoce of the patron goods, And the chances are ten to one against him that age that has hitherto been se liberally extender: to them. Us will not consider his time and labor lost. iThe principal Stare and Packet offices, are_ connected Having adopted this system from a convict' to that it with the Hotel, and for the haler accommodation mast be to the advantage or theyu:ctaser, we trust it their guests. an osasibus will at all times be In readi. may receive a fair trial, aad be judged accordingly. nesiyio convey them to and from the House. )uatol6--dlin• 1 925--3 m. bIegIBION +AINITI3. jn ne 27, 7;-rr•ro-z- NoTILE 11nrc11 13111—In Al, t X 11 • I.L . Alderman . d3~ u 3 , Srl,ol,fi, Id, lir a r id I l ly , LIT; __4o lid.. trcriv. 41 and for J. %v. I IT I: !:12 I DC: I: %Valor .1. 11., tvePti ooil ;toil Stull i;:d I , he p:.:4110 unrris In, I 8 lA.. yvii.• , t rrqu, rr, I; !I:- I (:1:1.:1)I Iru , rhincrou //,//t • ri•.1t1.111, 1.1 1 . 11111 . . Ad:1111 4 , Itr ra 1, 11..1 .11111, 17. I‘ 7 l, t) A.• 14 i - vr, rrti,t s I.llerly ,;re Vle s. it op , 13 4 CIIE A P ;1 R. BASIc ET A N \ T A.. 111. E . l - S'l't/RE. Nv Market steet, 'leg). Liber'y. THE 111 costniner , and li,, noldir gr herally.lll: t he Las jos! rrlurnrvl from the t...st mi l krt.:gnu...to of good. In 10. line In wh , rl, I.e Inv ilea Nlerrlinnis and °there who wish to no, whelesole Or retail, very low for rack, The forniving comurier.. part of his Flock, with a Are, forge aesio - . meld of fa ore geniis and toy. . .. °. Olt 'l!.'lwoo.',oo\ 'MIRTH' OF JUL Y% Iwia -0414PIte Washington T. A. SWIM, Of I'lltabrtrab, will 0111111 87111111•10 . i wir.i.sii lirta.mtp, marsu sgab sacraevaluate the approaching 4th ofJoly,alont [dainties up the Monongahela, on West's plaire, where the Methodists 4._ P ENNSYLVANIA.V . • WOninerr lf Rank of Pittsbrgh. par Mass lien, do held their camp meeting last fall. The conveyance by 1 1 Merch.* Man. ha, par Sandusky, do the steamboats will be cor venlent and expeditious. The Exchange bank. par Getrga, do total abalinenceso , !riles of Pittsburgh and vicinity, are I of Cermantoirr. ~ No respectfully invited to join In the celeb:atron. The so. Bk, dc defy will start from the Hall precisely at 8 o'clock A. M, Easicn lank , ‘• Xe rwalk. nia, dr By order of the Executive Corn je 27. !Lancaster bank, dip j D ayton, ch Bank of Chester Co. pariSeimo, Farmerebk Bucks Co. " Post soles, I Doylestown Irk do ~ chithenth,, 1 Bk of N America Phil. " Fran. hk Columbus, I Bk of Northern Liberties," La.,ca,ter, Commercial bk. of Pa. " iHamliton, Far. 4. Mechanics bk " Granville, '.' . Kensington bk. " Cont. Irk. Lake Erie, Philadelphia bk. " Far. bk:of Carßon, Schnylkill bk. " Urbana Southwark bk. INDIANA. Western bk. %State bk. 4. Branches Ilk. of Pennsylvania, "'State Scrip. Ilk of Penn Tl. par KENTUCKY. Man. 4. Mechanics bk. par All banks. Mechanics bk. par ILLINOIS. Moyamensing Irk. ~, ,tare bk 4. Branches, Girard ha.,k, larSimwneetown, U. States hank. 48 i VIRGINIA Lumbermen .% Warren, -- Rank of Virginia, Prank. bk Washington, par do Valley, Miners Irk of Potisvile, 4 Far. bk. of Virginia, i r Rk of Montgomery Co. par •.,xehaiige bank, Mon. Irk Brownsville, IN. West. hank Erie Bank. 5 Mer. i• Mee. do. ilarrisburah bank, 41 MARYLAND . Far. bk Lancaster, I Mali iniore Banks, Bk of al iildletown, 41Counil fl ry anks, Pk. of Chamhersburgh, 4 1 DEL 1 WAR E. Carlisle hank, 41Al1 Banks, Ilk of Nor; hnniberland, par NIAA' JERSEY. roltimhia bk 4- 'triage ec. BlAii Ranks, par and 1 Ilk Susquehanna Cu• 40 1 NEW I'ORK. ilkof Delaware Co. par CI, j 11.,1ik 8, par Lehannn Irk. 4 Coin, ry banks, am Ltshargh bk. 4 (..rlrers nine.) ia 1 York hank, 4 Red Bark, Ito 1 Far 4. Drovers bk. of NEW ENGLAND . Wavneshu rah, 4 ,floston Banks, pr r ~ ~ Currency notes. 4 Country r i linne ,, drtle, i' LOUISIANA W‘oining bank. 10 Orleans Rank.. gond. fl Pitish`ali Slate , lcrip 2113 NoRTEi CAROLINA Country dri do 41Bank, 2.1 Berk. i o leanK, 701 SOUTH CAROLINA ry Lei , lown, 2!Banks, 11 Towanda. --1 ('IS. coLumlll A AN ORDINANCE RELATIVE TO D QUESNE WAY. _ - Sec-riots Ist. Be it o:dained and enacted by the cit'zens of Pittsburgh in &Art and Common Coun cil assembled, That within ten days after the passage of this ordionnce, Councils shall proceed jointly to et lest one sui.able person as Wharf Master for Du quesne Way, to serve until the next annual election, or until his successor shall have been appointed, and annually hereafter at the usual time of electing city office. e. 2d. The parse so selected And!his successors shall have the .same powers and he subject to the same obligations and requirements as the present Wharf Master is, by ordinances or otherwise, and the same r:Oes of wlta, rage as is e.tahl •bed by an or!ii.ance passed, tin rl,, 18 1:2 r. t red no ~gnlAti ng the vt and I, d n e n• !he env ‘.lPit..httrgh, shall n, i- hort-bv d‘c!.l d Itt. t;tt. i trs ~1,, age foor D Twine \V a. d z .:, t : , nd all ordinar:, sub- Ilk thereto, re. ',lnt are he, eb, .1. 1,1 a I •i , i, Cl' I fr.., I ;IS to Dogma. AlOl 01 it li inn '0 acielvg t'.krein 11,1-0 -tituve tao tk Ittsanii shittgl,s, r ttytt , It 'tic iv! •11 lye it•lttltz, or two thou 11,0 p the vote its !Intl f;•et of hoards. k llj S !Wed %,,,fr 10 he es. lintel by hoard rti••l•llr,•ment, and all logo, hewn or otherwi,, to pay 1,0 rem: per M, board mea smem. 3 t. A I h , and mea , orers shall, previous to their rolleetin.; tt ei, r.21a1 izt•S f , r !live-,llr mr. e., return to the Who, f Mas'er art areourit r.f sorti tueastir 'pent, With the flame or names 01 such pers .11 or persons Kilo are to pay for so d pe , a'n or pet - sous are lier,by de, Id red li. , ble to pay tb • wharfs ago sth. I n ;0,11 i to th" dones ;to ont' , ent on the prime .leroe as Wh:of ll:orter f r Pnrine.ne wav, he ill :ice per , on-il ale lion to the grading and keening tl.r .wise in o der, and. t..gether w kit the S.,'- e t C,•vit r, s. Inv*. power , 0 rentove all nni oli.t. in tines th at ma y he I ,l a e e d thereon. awl, ie eeojop-iion with the COlllll,i , tee. on Wen 1. iiidd tithe wi,y or 'coed. 1) ,,, v , to dvi (drawl a'ot the idffeterit pnrtn•net Dnqnt , srie way, toi to dee.mllllo'!ale the hoot, led other e-a't 5. The. entripen.rati.m of 'he I Vharl 3tt,zer. for the fth pet foroorne e of all dioir's incumbent upon him erdootere, b' the rate of three l , tpoereci dellars parable in like manticr Ci , ‘ fnee 5 are me, paid I )r. e.-arted into alga' in Coimeik, thi' . .2.(1111 i!ay n 1 Jo• c, A. n 1,43 \\ALIJA 11 FIGIIBII7II, Attest: President Ciillllll , lt etiflC . l• E. J. IteriEcTi.., Ct , ni t i t ri n ro n „,-, 1. JOHN SHERIFF, F' T., Select Council. `'elect Council. Jitite 29-3 t R i't R.'d I' Al Alt E (;i.t , i1311 . 1"1 - 70. ---- ' The ILirke: Committee to whom was referred the ',clot tit of 11r Glenn, weightnas'er at th hay ,o• llt s, ash; °g th it the gross w eight may be aim!. ;shed co hay, aati to have his weights -oljusted de , ordingly. would submit the following Imit the I,egislatute of Pennsylvania did, by a 'aw, passed en the 15th day of April, 1534, (F'u-- rdm's D-ge-i, Rage sec 17, 6!h edition) ab d ish all gross weight in this state, which law has hccr: ohser%ed hv all state authorities, and ought by r v ry corporation and citiz - n, as it is a tiler oif nn possible interest to either hover or but of convenience to hoth. 'fhat the e , t) Ceti:tells pace no authority to in-tru,2t their agents t! , .! any tither weights than the nett weight, Si'! ensturn has eroninued to weigh 11 , ,ur and ha v by the a ncir.nt we would offer the fol 'owing resoltnioc: hieMrlted— Ist. That all woighini-ter4 at city Scares Le, an.„: thi y arc hereby, instructed, to keep nod rep. der all their ace '11,04 al, to the laik‘'. pi.i-ed April 15, 1834, viz-8 dr.iiims pike one curler•, 16 ounce, ripe p etc quirter. 4 qu rters one hundred, or 101) 2009 priouds ono ton; and in it the in nr ket i...inirnittee Ire authorize,' ti, can e he city o‘, ai.d -c to he . At the C am , r , i11111)Pnif ti Z and virmity, In xd tpt the nett tve , allt it! ail their I rans,c;:ori- in Holm-. Icier in n and .1 I !rho- arlie't‘ , , a, :I vi rof gr.,t Venience. '‘c.ll aV , 11)-CiV lig '(UT sl:ite I iaF. an , ! which cann..t in any pos.; bit; contin,,o, y, t the reCiitiiur). itilerestA of cittr r patty. iZesolved— 3i, That we al., recommend to our I.:Mow-cit. izrna Ikt, a 'notion of w i2lits instead of mea , tires for the Ltle, and porchase of [Train, t:s est I'll-lied by the same I.,ws of °fir slate, V z: Whe,i at CO the per bushel, Corn sod R.e at 5.3 Ihs per bushel, Bar ev ;,t 47 Ih••• p r Puck 11' . at at •H bs rer I•ushel, Oats at 3:2 Ib. p. r I u-hel. It esolv-d .I'll. Th.lt the mark ‘t c onwillec be instructed to repo-t some rior VOlliCfit plan for woighing all [11i... , al i• .al so!; r de!ko•red in toe city, and that it be sold by the to Or, if the bushel we;ght be continued. that 80 pounds be established for a bushel, or 2.5 bushels for a tut. Your committee would furthrr report— Th.a our city and county have not any weights th4t is known to agree with the United States Government standard, although our government has at a great expense and some fifteen year's la bor of an eminent scientific man, Mr Hassle-, matured a 11111 a..d well adins'ed sett olstantiords of weights and measures,which they have furnish ed I.J ea , h stale. eu,torn h ,u,te tut ' arsenal—with a view tii hive each s!atc film's!) i:s coi.nlier= The ehaii man or cur cornrn tiee asked the at- I”! lion atone of our repre , t.n!atives (N B Craig Esq.` to thi4 subject kat wintcr, who ascertained that !he Secretary of this Commonwealth had roc: ive I a complete set of standards from Wash. in2t.w, but they will ren Bitted pat ked up in his office fl,r the want nflegislvion and appropriation to furnish stannards tar distribution, Mr Craig irntncd:atvly introduced a bill for the purpose, whit:'t however was an far down on the list that it could not he reached the last session without attaching it to the general appropriation bill,which was dune and passed, but we believe was never wzned by the Governor. We then applied to rapt. Harding. Comm tndunt at the Arsenal, for.permissiun for one of our experienced scale makers to adjmt a few standard is eights by his government standards for the city use, which was politely granted. Your committee advise that the city procure a few weights in that way fur present use, until a complete sett can be precu• red limn our state for the me of the county and would offer the following resolution. Resolved-- sth. That the Market Committee be end arc, heridiy ituttiorized to cause to be adjusted, a sett of weights, fi urn 50 pounds downwards, for pres. ent city use; provided the expense dues not ex. ceed twenty dollars. Your committee would further report, that the city hay Feales nre in a very bad condition, arid thet they cannot be adjusted to weigh with any accuracy, and would recommend tlic followirig reso:ito inn Resolved 6th. That the Market Cornrn'ttee be end are hereby au , horiaed to procure fir the use of the city, a new hay scales at a cost not exceeding one hundred dollars. June 23-3 t THREE BIG DOORS, NO. 151. Liberty street, Pittsburgh, S now in the eastern markets purchasinz the largest and most var fed Fitiek of seasonable Goods that hae ever been brought to this City, and in a few days he will he attie to furnish Ips customers, and the nuhlle at large, with every article in the Plot Mu,: line, of a qualify and eh he ithennalled by any miter establiehn.ent in the thy, The oubita are respectfully invited to ca!!, as ahoVe. and examine hill splendid stock. Jane 24-31 JOHN ftirCLOSIC EY, • Washington Examiner and Beaver Patriot copy 'nye. times and charge advertkser. W. J.TOTT EN, S STONER. M. BORLAND. ar.14 1 .41 NDALICCR OWE - UST- 4 lountalee , •aat IA 11 Par. 4. Nlpeli. bk of Slcu. lirtivi,le. I} Flplinnnt Lk cf St. Claim vffie, Marietta bk. Demand notes, If do Cry rrenr y nolra, 1# Columbiana I.k New Lis hon Demand, do Post notes, , 3inclonati specie pay- In; honks, ►tech. Traders Ilk or Clnelennti, Clinton I.k of Columbus, Demand note, 1+ eirclr•vi Ile, (IL Lawrence Ca.bler) lil 7.rinegville Irk. I,+ FOR SALE OR TO It ENT. T 0 'I'S FIJI S %I.E.—Four Leas In Ilanrile-trr, floe 1 I fon ry II Acres or Laid on Entinf,' Ulu. Lot, linp..ll, 42, 52. 53. 54, 131. 152 and 184. in enoL'a plan of I.rfts, on Bolton's Hllt Also, lots nos 26 and 27, in Cook's plan of Lots on High street, near the nets Conti tlons , ”. For terms apply to Z. W. REMINGTON sell 111 • For Rent. CONVENIENT three story brick dwelling lionge AL situate on Roar street near Foortb. Rent $125, apr 10. Apply to JAMESMAY. TO LET - - . CON CiiSl ENT and well finished two 'story noo.. A with k trio, no the gt iiti Vor. and a good garden alta. tied. -home on Unlink, near 'Federal St reet„4, Ile '2 c• Enquire of 2 , . df w WM. COLEII AN. WILLIAM DOUGLASS AT AND C MA NUFAETUR ER. Every iteserip lion olltat: and Caps on hand. andfor sale. 't% - - ale and mitt - ire. to 5 , 14 the at Cie oid stand 01 Mooro 73 Wood street. Ina, 5. FREE \IAN'S FIRE BRICK FOR .LE rerewed. 5000 Frrenian'slwst Fire Prirk, whirl will lirrearier lie kepi cou:tantly on hand and go'd low fstr cosh, ly LIRMINGIIAII 11- co mar 27. No. GO Water of.. uction SFJIFINES 7'OC K tc• Ca, tlzuec,cgni R • He, nt ha old Rll , rl corner of 5111 and Wood Os havinceontplied %vial the requisitions of the new Alic• lion Law. re prepared to make advances on.consign- Merl!, and In oefl on favorable ternvi. They hope 1,3, conttnutng to make ready S 3 lea aid prompt returns, to receive a fidt portio n ort.usine, Pittsburgh, Apr! Ist 1843 In retirlnz front the Auction tusinno. I take zr! pleasure In recumniending to the pudic Messrs. Sawn,. Fahlinstnek rn.. who have coinwiett with the require ments of the new Auction Law and will do business a mp ni.i stand. J. B. GUTHRIE. sprit :11843. COUGHS AN D COLDS 1 . 1 NY are now ,utfering wUh the al,ove complaints. using Porell's Balsam and can he ciirrd i y of -Booiseed, wale!' gives universal satisfaction to all. To he had only al 'll.l rT LE'S, 36 Fourth street. june2:2. COUGHS AND COLDS Now ;At the time of year for persona attacked with Coot; Ls, Coutds. I:lleum:it ism, Gout, 4-c, e. —To those :dittoed. a <pretty cure can he effected by using PEASE'S 110 A R 110 UND CAXDY, which it allowed by all who have used it to he the Les remedy ever otTered I , r Coae.ks wed Cob/s, and //E rrrP.S NE RI E AND BONE LINA-VENT an outward remedy. wil Ii I he INDI.LVVFGETABLE ELIXER an inward appllralion, k a eortaic and positive cure for the R licuma' km. Gone, Cou track ed Cords and 1,1111b5. No One need suffer from these diseases if they will nee the above medicines. The cent' ine to he had only at TUTTLE'S , ' MEDICAL Ant acv. •Drne.eilds and Country merchants wlll i'n enpplled a NEW YORK prices. R 6 Potlrilt Stryrt ANIEL M. CUR Rl, Attar ney at Law. Of. floc on 5 , 1: cf let wren W.. e and Smithflotd. an 8 111 T. EIIiTIET 110'1' E 1.. THE PROPRIETOR or thli well known and commodious house, cltitated al the north end (tithe old Allegheny bridge, Informs his !lends and the public, that lie has every thing In corn- Mete order for the reception and entertainment of trans lent attests and permanent boarders. His charaes art moderate and no exertions will be sraired to make so. jourtiers comfortable and keep lip the former reputatlot, of his house. , Good stabling for any number of horses, lite tint Emmet. E patrons of t Ids pleasant retreat and all who seek ptea,m t e in the pure alr of the country, are informed Itmt the Mou n t Fin awl House is now open for visitors A rnrriar will leave the Mt. Emmet Hotel every day at half past 2, ami half pas:. 3 o'clock, Sundays excep ted. HUGH SWEENY. may Si —d4,vlto • Co.. Itri dr. A G for the gale urbdge of Beatty's Powder. Water st. hetween Wood and Smithfield. March 30. 134.3. NEW GOODS COM! N ! THE PROPRLETOR OF THE ALABAMA Good Ranks, TENNESSEE NB Bank. 'll I CFI IC AN Rk. of St. Clair, 10 no. do. J S• H. pridth 31 CAN.AfI.\ Good hank... gto I Eastern Exchange.. Phi~elelphia. ,{ Nevr York: 1 I Ralf more, Roston. rtre‘t ern Faclinnze. pa , Logi fAViI no r ('lour la na par .noLn sifxr:n. par 3104 K AND it 03 PRINTING OFFICE ) N. W. Corner of Wok, 4- IffiA &In Tat prtiprletotsor the Mons's° POi+ and kittaeitll AND AkUiACTCRER reSpeCtrUiiy I nroriii and the oaf so:lNa those paper', that - thir hide to kite and wets chosen assortment of lIIEIC rmr - iteilemitEa /B.ND All (MEW% =Alum-ammo Necessary to a Job Printing Office, and that ihey ire Ohs pared to ezcznie LETTER PRESS_ PRINTING, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Books. I Bills of Lading, Circulars, Pamphlets, Bill Heads, Cards, Handbills, , !Bank Checks. Hat Tips' alt nibs of Blanks, Stare, Steamboat, and Canal Boat Bills, spin eproo. Printed o prittre Cuts. n the shorten notice and moat restonabletertua. We respectfully ask the patronage of our frlabdiflaid tie ' , Wilk in eeneral In ihls hronrb of our busluesa. Pitishu rgh , SeD% 39. 1R42. PHILLIPS 4. 81111171 t. ........________ FASHIONABLE TIE A t) QUARTERS Nn. 251, LIBERTY STREEt: W E .vould invite the attention of our friends and The ruble zenerally In our rtratirtment of Goode, which we have Just iceelvcd front the East, alio(' which we arc determined to sell at a small advance cia cost. Customers may rely on lumina cheap, goon, well made and handsonie rt Nes, warranted to tit, which IS desirable cc mbinalien„ averyr - - Per , ons who visit this establishment can depend bp finding an entirely new insnrtment of spring ands:seem mods; we do not say one thing and mean another:When we sae oar assortment is large, fashionable, handsenin and cheap. w :mean I lint 11 is so, and canhot be atm passed in this or any other city. may if. ALC F.O dr hIcCI TIRE, TV T r: P. tk Steels' Seat Owners —The rubseriher, In IN consequence of like difficulty or the titres, hos redu• red the pr!re of hie Safety Guard for the perorating 14, the explesier or *teem hoiters,to $l5O per hoot. • Fl 19 hoped !hal alit ,, at owners will avail themsellreo of IheAt reasonable forma, not olds , UR Recount of the perfect rarefy they afford, but RIPO in point of economy. !loiter, wtlh the apparatus punched trill wear oboe were as low! OR fliose - not provided with Chem. Morrill-3m C. EVANS WANTEn. - ► $4BOO OR 1.000 on Mpit!race On real vitiate, thli prooorty »mon! the beet freeholds re ilne HI v. and the arlverticer - Is willing , to give- 8 handsome premidm for the above corn. For fort her pantry arsapa p vat ihe office of the Morninz root. • Joni. 9 —4151 v. LENICrti. WICK. Join b cites L. az J. D. WICK, - svhqkmalecrncerg & Deniers in Produce. IG Wood Street. 4 Anors above Fifth et. - PITTSDURGEL 1843: Standart. Ingraham d Cor FO R IVA RDISC AXD COM. AIERCHAVAIL A CL VE/. Anfle G ENTS for j)e MereinnisTinnenorE nCri tatioalpaay Composed of the Merchants Line. Erie Canal. WdO,lndlon Line. '4 4 Hunter, Palmer ¢ Co'.. Line of Strom Boats_re vett 'cis nn the Lakes. vela nd Line Pen nst Iva nia and Cm in Canal. PraorletnN: of the rclinnts Line Ohio Cand'. Baru: k rnSnOnTn, N 0.9. Coenred Slip, LC. V R. FluNTen ¢ co. Albany. ar:sl rnAfT, Boston. DUNTER, PAT.PothR 4 . • Co. Burtaln. M.9'. LVILLIANIS it Dow, Cleveland. Box PIM.; M. At.t.aN, CfIARLES M.Cirnlycs. do: J. S. DICKI.V, Heaver RIRMINOIRM 4- ('o.; Pittsburgh an 1 1843-1 v. • I. `, . EAGLE .--.v.ii i i : , 1..\. s k,, , , , , • i't'''' - Y'•-• ' ' 0' GROCERY '•' --- - 4 l ' - ' _'. _ . STORE. .' STACY LLOYD, Jr.. Whole.nle and Retail aroadt and Fruiterer, No 140 Liberty street, Piiistkurrh, ml r 211. PEACH TREE.I. soh,:edher ia , just received from the Nursery 1 of I,a hdret h and Fulton rrar Philadelphia, a lOC ON ule rl,‘ Cat letl^a of Peach "I'reeq. to which he wouhlf cult it ruilo.l "1 the polOst F. L. SNOWDEN, ma: 8 No 184. Liberty st Ileadsur 'WOO& J. D. C HEIGH ! , .ITTORNEY AT LIFF. Cairo, corm! , of So.ltlifirld and Third three* Perrsnuiton, rimy 25. 1C4.3--1.v.. BUILDING LOTS IN BIRMINGHAM . 4 - 1 LOTS,=unalile for building, most eligibly Attune& ti and within two minutes walk of tile Steen Far, Boat Landing. will be gold at priceslo suit the than. The terme of pnyment will be made easy, eit her for eaelii nr =urh barter ne ran be made available. Apply toga sum.eribrr iii Itirminglians, or Mr. P. Petereon, fro. 4, Ferry street, Pittsburgh. JAS. PATTERSON, IR. June 1. Birmingham & CO., AG'TS Part STEAM ER CLEVELAND, end Cleveland Line. Itlarrh 22, '43. 00 MS 91l DOZ. Corti Droonig, rvio 20 - .. B rilgl• e • , rcerivcrl and forsalebp J W. BURBRIDGE 4. CO. pine 8. Water rd. bpi Veen wait, 4. smithw, -- ip OR s BALE.—Lots on the North East corner of Call Lane and 1117,11 street. Apply to • 10 RRN.I . PARLING'ION, Market,near4th , H A M PTON'3 lEGEI.'A BLE TINCTIIRE.- 1 ;111 , .. must Far. and cerini remedy ever knows to the world for various chronic diseases, after hey - bare reached a state, and a•sulited a character, hitherto ma sidered desperate and incurable. Scrofula; Itimes Evil, attended wills swellings, sat uire-g, Sore Eyes and Lose of Sight, to a Crightfiul extort has been coved. Fema'es pining away by rea.o4 crel lone, broken ( . 11(11311one, and obstructed Mewifel. (monthly eour.ire , even when al tended by spurns St air have been readily Z ell. vest, DyFurpsia yields without a struggle to paurcrful action upon the Nionmcii. In Catarrh, nr Cough. R hem trati.rn and FlRt o uta it never faits to cam. aq we have fully p•ovr.d. The tincture tend; (Vier ly to excite a hielahy attiott Ihe stomach, liver, longs and kidneys—ln purify 1 hdl blond and miler fluids, by expelling every partkla et innrhid matter from the system, and therefore: never &Ile, (with its arcnmpaninients,) to prove a valuable remedy fur the di,eares for n. hich calomel has been Invariably used. Old sores or ulcers.or any chronic affection; Mktg for the calomel disease It Is de Infallible, remedy. This remedy is perfectly Vmetehle. agreeeldo, and sale far persons of any age, either ier,or In dr.lr condition; acknowledged by those who have tried U, to be the best known fatuity medicine. • • The justly celebrated Tincture ereetes eraviaag ap. petite. and the patient Is tea at liberty to indulge Indeed he is particularly requested to do so. The awe of this medicine wilt change lt , n complexion from a pond to a 6ne titoominc one. A Iler oning chip Tineture, Apt week:, a person of any age may eat any thing that"s child of tr n ) ea rn ze. in full health, - rould ea% with.. oat the leasl inconventenre., •. A large number of certificates from the eitiaena of Lexington. Ky,,witose respectability la vouched rot by ffong..iti J N hnrou and Henry Clay, as well ee number taken in A lec nriria and Washington, D. C. east tx „ en on application to the room of the proprletor Exchange Hotel. Price, One Dollar pet bottle. lune 21--d2w ' L. HARPER, Attorney and Counsellor at taw, CADIZ. HARErsoN COUNTY, Olin, 'Vitt aueoJ promptly 1.0 the coneci lon or arxtutfty or claim., 81,1 all profrasionet boAin,R. elantstr4 to; Ms' ramie the eauntles of Harrison, Jergraing, Belutesit, Guerngdy, Tajcararair, Noises, Caslstraik Carroll, Stark and fray.e. Refer 10: Metcalf and Loomis, Da lz.q fled Pieta irsg. John liorpokr, Mirth, D. T. Moine, wa,l7,._it.. COI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers