Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, June 29, 1843, Image 2
Vat V2.OOIDIINT. , BITCHA.NAIN illutdactto the decision of a National Convention. AILYMORNING POST. 4tIIURSDAY,3UNE 29, 1843 iee Fir st Page. " O'CONNELL AND ABOLITION. The untiring efforts of Daniel O'Connell to relieve his country from the thraldom in which it is held by its British oppressors, base always met with the warmest encour agement from the honest republicroans of the United States, and on every pper occa , lien, they have e vinced a willingness to,fur trials the Irish people with the most efficient aid, in their struggle for freedom. Since tireiagitation of the Repeal questi•m, there is scircely a city, town or village in the L' Won, that has not volt forth public express ions of encouragement to Ireland,and most attiteM have contributed liberally to a food to advance the object of the Repralers. r - Tfiere are some; however:who call them , • fiire*.republicand—whp style thernselvee tilbwiliecates of equal privileges wall mite that have regarded the. efforts of ;he . , trialifeople with an uutrien.lly eye,and who never have and never will contribute a word of encouragement to ail the cause of Irish freedom. We refer to the Anietican and British Abolitionists who i ifest portions Of 'the United States, and who have,for years , •r• been advocating a system fraught v,ith the must dangerous consegoeuees,h al for which they wou'd not incur the s'ig'oot pet F•otial • or pceuniAry responsibility. Although these men profess to be such t utiv•.rell friend.: of - - Irevlom, we -have yet to see aoy pression from them in fay..r ..f. oppressed 'lreland. The goatee from which these M olition projects emanate forbids them to en tertain any sympathy for the Irish people. England is the fountai n whit h spring " r all the schemes of Abolitionism, and it is a j the source of all the slavery and wrong endured by Iceland. Our Abolitionists en ter weakly into the negro phitanthrophy of guglattd,and most loyally hate and contemn the Irish peopl:6- . -..:Jcbs . conduct o f the Pittsburgh Abolition . At is a fair illustration of the feelings of she Whole party throughout the country.— . • **bile no word of ennouragoment is given to.4te -cause of Repeal; white not the slight- eat.Condisnnatinn of the tyranny of England isiti be, found in the columns of their organ., the leaders insidi' 144 endeavoring to weaken American . syrieratlav for Ireland's wrongs, by culling estracts from the speeches of O'Connell , calculated to irritate the people of theUni tesktfitates against him, and to injure the ancr eof Repeal. The countrymen of O'Connell have al ways been the object o' Gazette's to )st bitter revilings. and it is but a few weeks since they and other foreicrn.rs were de . flounced in the cola tin; of that paper as the leaders in all the Tints and lawless out.. • . brptits that occut in this country. Irishmen here, wall understand the' abol itionists, and although they are the foes of slavery in every form, they c ontemn and scorn the professions of those pseudo phi lanthropists whose notions of freedom ex . tend not beyond the colored portion of - mankind, and who would throw every ob &tante in the way of relieving the Irish nation foam wrongs more grievous than any endured by the objects of their misdi rected seal. if Mr O'Connell knew the leaders of Abolitionism in America as well as his countrymen in the United States do, he • would k tow them to be the hitter foes of thtobject most dear to his heart, and the ribald revilers of things that he holds roost rlnsfrong County.—The Amenean Mato some days p•Ast been pu blishing sto riesvf dissensions among our Perrocratte. friends in Armstrong county. Meeting a gentleman from that county, day before yesterday, we asked him if there was any truth in the statements of the American , au he.infortred us that they were totally without foundation. He said that the 4)000r -rids were never in better spirits or • war, harmoniously dulled, and that there was itst the slightest doubt but they wauld elect their ticket this fall. Mr Hill, who was last year elected as a volunteer, bad but five votes in the Convention, and no Democrat appeareo to favor him, or any other one who had a disposition to distract the party by opposing the regularly nom:, natad ticket. So much for - the truth of the "travelling aketchear of the editor of the American. Irish Repeal Lt France.—The question oflriab Repeal ie already being agitated in France and the Nallona/ has come out • ••very decidedly in favor of the movement. A From all appearances, this agitation prom isee soon to involve the whole of western Paropi. The Courier and Enquirer. of N Y, is about to corns into the cub plan. Price 3 ceou. --- . -- • . ' , • . . .. . ..--- .. - - . . --___ - - . , ckwit ----,""1• . 4 flrrr l •x.- - ,,. sektottat: -, ... at i lt ie. ~ 1 • , s .„ . worse-e-itt -. 'a f: :,• ; , ."-'--'''.:- -' ': ''' - For the Poet. - ''' "". "re `-: ce-sV'. Berets Junes.. r. tervitit, Posvairusen .• - It• --- 1 • - .. - .... - - . - d . - . - _ ..1. ~ ar s My_ °pintoes Char tne intawspre on the horse can- - 4- 114e(4C-464jeg ..'''.lhil'ileadi-: °f ' -. " 7 ‘91:1411"1"1".'•D .----'''' ' C --- ''''' . ' li.inaibW'.: Me luttaniesi,'.iiittijele ried Mr tegati has rittited ft,sh A:tee-0410ns -.. _. ~ Off tbe cbillit '::. Mesare:tilitoree-Lt have seen a .comatent*tien !, ' t ...._. as .e.. , 1 ‘.16L. . ~ , ~ . ..r., . tn your valuable journal some time sir ce sloe d tit the' Cabinet - t pumnionweinth as, Job Whettley ited (Web , a i, ~0 , 3 death of the' child, I.expreased v iri-nsde,,lf,„.r, Jefferson, rccomme dine; Diet Edward D Gezzem -, - _ ShOU 1 ate Mlfgalliaat.loo .. . • 'W• hostley. . I • ' - '. When heard of use:pos.lra. The-ch_ ild diee .-...- as the mor.t deserving oi ., any as midnight on the 2ied of Nov. yet before the BY THE ?RESIDENT or THE U srATEs. One rumor gives Co Nit Upshot' the Snore- '. Ferthe Common wealth--Eyster, Panekin and Judson. For the Defeederite-Bitklieand'Leseris. By Mr Eyster-I have a recolreetion of the public fur a nomination for o o neress. I cheerful - IN pent .stice of law, I, J'lB4lTvarat, Peesidetst . taryship of State. This wculd leave va- , ---- ly concur in sentiment with Teffer- on and can add JI. of tie United States of Americe, do hereby de - cant, three important ofice. viz:-Secre- . Indictment for manslaughter, committed on the e ei v re n u i m ug s . It was very cold. When 1 heard of the tance I said it would cause a relapse. The that the Democrats of Allegheny county owe clare tine meke k own the( seiblic sales will be held' person of a child 4 years old, the niece of Job cold and the exposure cau sed• . the death of the child. Duct Gazzam a high debt of gratitude for the ma- ... t. th . e....toid .r mentioned Land Offices. in the Sitwell taryship of the Navy-the of fi ce of Atta r- Wheatley, one of the det'las by cruel traitiftent, as t ar Biddle was also celled in to aleist me. . . n t y yi s e ig g n e a re l ,sergrv.ieceeys;hblelet;%ei nidieertweldestheelwmayine ovary MlessOU I, at the periods hereinafter designated, to wit ney General-and the post of Minister at is alleged in the indictment. AT-PLATTSBURG, io Ciini on county,. the eset The elk() was opened by Mr. Judson, en the Nev. I found it laboring sin chi y d r. on ßi t d h d e le sworn-I was called in to visit the i s ,. to serve the party eiticteney. ..e was the Sena the French Coutt. All cOrts of rumors it toriel candidate in 1841, when very few would be inflammation of the lung:. i did rint suppose , ~ ' part of the Commonwealth, in a speech of some , „• rig conemencing on Monday, the ninth day et ; Ocaa. . are of course in circulation respecting the length, in which he gave a full and detailed histo- would recov . er• From the information received , willing to jeopard their political prospects, and st • of the. Land Office for the Platte district of Micron- I should suppose candidates for these offices. ry of the case. The reporter did not deem it nee , the exposure had produiced the may b • remembered that at that time many of our her next, for the disposal of the public Weis ial.f.W . I eessary to take notes of his remark., as the infure re ' tP ae ' I have no doubt . • h that the i m mediate cause would be leading Bank Democrats, used their ut. the nndeer,t,re.m..tinned towuships, and fractional tespeill mason Storeris given by the witnesses. ships, t it. North of the base line rad teed of th e .fifth Fr* A Murderer it who 1 I Rd. sworn -On the. - 31st oflast Petolier, orbs death was intlamation. 'I eking t e statements / most endeavours to either have nu ticket that dory (have heard to be true, I thitik it extremely proba- year or compromise with the Whigs. But th Pal meridian, and west of the former western bele wee indicted at Rit limond for the murder about nA M, the delta came to my IsiMse. Wo ble that the exposure Was the e.aive or its death, honest Democrats spooled such management, and .. dary of the State. Eliz ibeth Storer sworn -She made a statement with Gazzana at the head of the ticket, were tri. rt ut their horses up. Joh Wheatley was as uncle • of Melzar Gardner late editor of the "Old ,in relation to the taking of the child .from her by elephant. It is is to be hoped that such claims T,rociwwnnasthttippsSsixixtfty"o",,,eofaridtansgieartblrefer 0 4 , . ran i of rho deceased child, and its ens rdian. Cal" Job Wheatly and his son, s ubstantially the same es will not be overlooked . Dominion," has been acquitted. Why Wheatley is the son of Josh Wheatley. From thirty fire that given by her liti•bawl. JUSTICE. . -1.,...„ their arrival at our house until dinner,-we had this assassin is permitted to run at large I went to the house where the child was, about --------------- Townships sixty two and sixty four, of range ..,,,s 7 considerable c o nversation about tlie s ickness ia NOTICE. six . we have not heard. At the time the deed the child. We told them that we child had had a twelve o'clock at night. Mr. Brown v, as with Townships sixty one and sixty three, of rap me. While Mending on the porch I heard my The next regular meeting of the Young Men's was committed it excited the greatest ex- severe se ell of the catarrhal fever, We told them • child crying and coughing. I seid to Mr Brown T A A-socia' ion onhis city, will be held at Libtehr.-a thirty seven. how l ong it had been sick; that it bad been con• 1 own ships sixty two and sixty four, colfrawahly-'' "Sis le here, for I hear her • " Mr Norcross came t y Han, corner of Fifth end Wood stre.ts,on 1. ty eight. e it e rrient at Richmond, and the strongest . sidered dangerous, but was then recovering. The I - . down to the door, arid I asked if my child was ( Thursday) evening the 29th lust, at 8 o'clock, P The west half of township 'sixty otie, ef sane indi oration was evinced against the per., pbysician had geit attending it, but it svas still there. He said yes H.! asked me "what in the M. Sevei-al young speakere will address the • . . taking medicine, They seemed to be astonished Fra , tional tov.mship sixty two and towns* sixty petrator by the citizens, but it seems Mr world was the matter-what was opt" I tidd hlin 1 electing. tt aehiegtonians, ladies and gentlemen at the child being • eo bad as il had been. They I thought he uught to know what Was the matter; I are respectfully invited to attend. By order, , four, of range forty. Cooke has found I. eans to soften public told us they heard that the child was sick, aedthirty nine. W H KINCAID. Secs I Fraettonal Keens**. rely. two and sixty dirts,af es tnotiehtilley most come down and ere it. They Ca t c h and Job had taken toy child off, almost na I —_----------- ' opinion, and.to convince a wourt anti Jury :mid IMF thought it•theit detty to curse and CO A it.' C . i 1 1 . ' ked, and it was sick. I told him to tell Job a nd I acted illness, in the Fraci ,„„al town ships s ixty daree t> e' eier,iof yr • , . that it is no crime to assasilinate a fellow By the time 'dinner was ready w.6"-- set down,' ~a e i wan e.' my Chile'. Job eagle down, 31111 . DIED -Yesterday, of prot, e -....-. range fo-ty one. . - -- ._,..1 ..._ ... .., he (.10‘ , Wheatley) acted the part of Christian. ofthe M n ' itch Hoose. The being. esked him for my child He said he Was going to , ,i3rteea c t , lt year of his age, JAMES, youngest son of I t keep, it himself. I ttild him 1 mu l l have it, for I \Jaiii:.s oossati .an nga ~ . d i t , ars. , of Le , a, line a of ranee I°lrL f v / "L f; ° ;• a a'rest of - the fifth irvisidiloti by asking u blessing, with as 'mu eolemnity friends or the family are respectfully ----------e-------_ perhaps, as you ever witnessed. W . ltt were much : I never (toted give it up. I then asked the aunt to the State RIonT.-The peopltl of Chambersburgh pleased with every appearance of frieet)ehip. Af• I asked her why? asked i •r again g I get me my child. S l he t,iltl l ine tele again no a t a g e o ci i t fr ei= " r..)r"lg rl ‘ I• f I I •at 10 o'clock. Townsh'iss sixty one and sixty two, 0441titge : • have tesolved to close all their stores on ter dinner we commenced crmvcritation again. He ' get it. She told me Ale could not. I told her I er onntterciai Ncluo. twenty seven. . asked me how lung the child had betireTowtiehips sixty. &xty one and sixty two, of tense the 4th of July. 'Chia is rigl t; that dry is [stated to hinethe time it came there' Said he I . w ith me ' I heard the ...Mid fret. She told me I did not ear 'h _ __________ , mew ei ht. 1111BIR-111.11fer. sm... y g the great hOltday r 1 n. Lie nation; it is het. how many weeks will that be? ,, A . t. • i it-that there was an old lady in the house who , Y V4 ? '''""“ `" e ' had a bad cough. I asked the Uncle to gt it. I, 'l'..witship sixty one. of range twenty n • li e , and found the number. e Well, -----------,--- ' Also at the same place, commencing on Monday, loreed by the.most glorious ev..tit recorded 3 feet 5 inches water in the channel. lie, what are y Within oing sad ,He slid he would have nothins to do with It. I I the thirteenth day of November next, fir i n s. edisposal in the history of the world, and Americ.ans told him I had n g different Co s it on that i they might to charge PerNweek? I I then asked 'Senire Brown b ur s f o r 1 iho't 31 AN IF ESTS. of the public lands witein the limits re the un derrneri. subject than what I told him in recotisation be give it to him, they would not. Norma Queen, MeLllain, from Wheeling- 38 should always regard it as a great. nationalti•ne.t t ownshipe and fractional townshios, fore. (The witness here h WA gave tel stenee of i again asked Job Wheatly fur it; he said he I Illids 'l' dicer), 12 bins scorchinee, 17 seeks wool, North of the base line and west of the APIs pnirettatal Sabbath. We hope the business men of • the cruiversation referred to, as follorrs ecru the ' would keep . % himself. I told him he would have I ' 2 casks bacon, 513 hhls flour, 3 bags rags; J A meridiem., and carat of the former weit rei bosmdary of ito keen Tile too, I never would return nntil Iff Pittsburgh will follow the example of the I 15th of last June, 08/2) he (Job W) *le to my jmy child. Afler h , a gin in this way for two or e et i Roe, W Ilinghant. D Leech, S Church, Hannah & the Stale. i house-said he hid come for the purpose of make I Gordon, John McFadden, J Atern, J Mc- ' Fractinnel townshipififtg, 6ily one, fifty three, - people of Chamhersburgh, and close their ing some arrangement ahotit keepine t s child He ', ' t h ree hours , Joh rotted me if (wou ld give it t 'P Lean, T k reeeman• fif'y five and fifty Be, en, of Mtge 'fiery three. . the next day: I told him I would give it , p, hut Townships fety twe. fifty four, fifty sit, fifty eight stores nn next Tuesday. I ask id me and my wife what we would charge fir --------------- keeping the child. I told him I did not know the' wherever it went I must go. He asked me if I I was in earnest -if I wanted the child. 41 Cabin and 5 Deck passenger. West l'oint, Grace, Iran Locis‘Te-97 hhde and sixty, of ranee h rip fc'etr-' He then toteicen, 36 caelt.s bacon. 11 bales cett 8 tiles P. F. artional town-hip fitly one, tolveships fifty three, • • - custom in this matter, but told him we wented teld his sister to bring the child to tree She went nothine but what was ju t. Hs insisti;d that I should sly ie hat I w ,old keep it I.r. erst for it and the d a eghier that ha lit breught it to i wool. 1 eackage fur.; J G h• A Gordon, LI & P shin fly nine, of range they five. brainy, ' 9 bbls hams, 10 sacks featherl-, 1 sack fifty five, f actionai trsenship fifty seven and town- I waeted th at IA te grime other pet. / He him ' me. When the child was brouglit,l Pad , ' ume ' Graff John McFadden 'eV ;lei nu ford & Taylor, Fractional townships fif'Y fe"r, r e six., end my lie still to tnother " lie did nnt aperar to know me. 1 ' i Robertsm & Reppett, Atwood. Jettes & Co.. W sey-ri Red lotto top sixty. of range thirty six , ha'‘eti that I should e"Y• 1. told hi' did OIL asked her if she wooled to come hnme with. me; , Fractio ad townships fifty five, fifty six, fifty eight Bingham, Devine & MeAnu'ty, 0 Bleckhurn,Ba think it was my place to say-that it • mild be e appeer. an tou. o . she el xe e t get off . H e rcnt a yi r n n c~l , cnovin help- t .1. •,thirty seven., tied fifly owe, of range . es. left to some disinterested person. I prefer-mid th a t' . ed me to dress her, I had her cloak and bonnet & Cu. galey ev., Smelt, Blackstnek, B II& C0.,C0•, D Leech Fractional townships fitty five a n d sixty of range we should pick three or loin men, as 1.., thought - \ with ;ne. W . hen she WAR dressed 1 asked for a . tier v eieht• that the most prudent any for us both Ile would I 43 cabin, t 5 way cabin, and 25 deck paesen- Ai the Land office at LEXINGTON; commend handkerchief to put round her head, Job Wheel- I ieg opt Monday the screed day of ()weber ;rat fbr not tierce to it, and still ;missed that I should say gers• ly gays m one. I then took her to my father ' s. iya , myself. I promised to him that the better way - rite chile was poorly before she was taken from \ rrae, I. 41.. I i . 0 . ... , rise* Kennedy, from St Loth s. 135 the disposal or the wo n, lan is within the waits would he to submit the matter to the Orphans' toe undermentemed townships, to n it.- home. Ile next day I took her over. to 'Squire e s, a u ee bt s ,, b . I l ion, 3 rids tobacco, i .ox. /3 g ass% ar , i Court. Ile Of noted 10 rise in n p t s.ion, and slid . North of the base line and west of the fifth principal new you want to gl to the extremes of law. A - mn,,,,,,,. she leaned about me and sa id she . .., 10 lif bbls lard oil. 7 bales and I bite int ridian C .ul i not sit down. She was ton pore. I asked skins, t ()Les soap, 60 haze c dee, 3 ploughs , to saving seen,. more epee the subject. he paid Townships thirty s 4, thirty seven and thi.ty - eight, her where she was sore, and sl.e put lisr heads tit a little 'looney toward.. the keeping of the2l bh's melaeses, 2 hhds and 1 bbl sogar, with otli. ler small lets-Poindexter, Riley & Co. 11 ant P of rany,e fourteen. _ on her hips and said she woe sore there. I ex- , Graff G.mr re K.° and lleltries„e Laughlin Townships thirty five and thirty sevei t . o r wig chili. When h • was a hem to start away, he told ~,, i , ,e 3 h „ , ~,,,t , ,,,k eri me to think of tile mater till he would name back. purple and red. I kept .S. H anna A e 'il ' V L IP ' g and co. Forsyth and c , . fifteen, her at Brown'suntil the next morrortg, and then an - -' ' a - , lie cline hack on the 3 lst 01'0 iteher.l Toe "ship thirty fee of rang. • s sixteen and nineteen , ' took her to my father's. That evening we went W Btneharn• Here the Court took a recess Zones-rale, Hutchison , from Mai iirtt a-17 casks Townships thirty five. thirty 1111 i, thirty settee and :to Mr Snyder's. The nest morning we started ' . 2 Crceocxe- s. M. ; for home in a cerriare,and arrived there onThers ,ha 0 121 Wel- teleieca, 61 sacks wool, 6 bids pi ,t thirty eight. of range twenty one. - co. hi fl .sr ° bale cotton 1 erste 1 bex, Township th.rty eight, ot range twenty thief,. ; Richard Storer resseneed.-The were day . t , , nig i ,but the was counted op He 1 coated, . "--4:' i 6 sacks r o cs D Leech and co. 3 forbcot, oto is • .p- .. 'Township thirty nine, armies tw enty, eight, -. ..,-:-.--,'-' .Titesday aftetrio-n folowing she was taken bad. Ile headed me silence to tire atenant of Welnllat 1 g ' dexter,Bile , and me W Bingham, Williams and Township , thirty eight and thirty eine, °lroise . sent for the &mint the next day. The doctor „ . ---- - twenty nine. . " a week. withnet saying any thief abetiCit beingiti,ixii Dickey an i co D T Morgan, II tV Levine , Forty Dayton ' al cr . - said she had taken a relapse, and wins sinking vet y '-'ll""ii,t, Township forty, of mere thirty one, thirty tWes .a A n "h l i 4 „ -much Or to little. and in the hest of money,' Gust . he sti I got worse an d morose, ui i she sS •1 d Cland P (sniff, J, hn A Roe. ~ an d (id, ty three. ete • - twin is new living upon Staten Island (N I and spite - teed very pleesen . . . t Some erten 'tells for died. ' 14 Cabin Passengere. ~ Smith west frgetinual quarter of sectiort twenty ; :,‘ 1 d.thiml* fur 'hit' cll we handed him Itieel- which i Cross Examined. -When Mr.: Wheatley paid - ---. 17,) who has devoted himself tct the r'g"-* lie received pleesantly and paid, wialetteolletikialf 1L • • 4. 1 e 4ed did ek, to I Id% - , -...-” ' • - i An Bea ri rktei thus (V) are retitled with- .-Nie...-e-nd the , ovillealtat 4 and 'folerrirevt;r#t" 1 - rat tee-went le .211 06 Mee . - P r • qtr.. ters reflection twenty four in toeinsb" •Willitts. Feans'a Safety Guard. south of Missouri river, orrand treaty sir: -,... ..:: . , and solitary life of a hermit. He has built. any olicntloir. We AheL, I tliiiik istartee for E. le t h '44- h -- 4 .,1 the ‘,.to,,pint.,.„„t, a e s „ - , - a a ys t,.., ore. ' - a mud hot in the - lomat where re - viii - iles . 11l ' c h - ' - it t - town toge'ller to settle a bill with the . they to o, her awa y . Whril the 110etar left off Re,torted by Femme Sr WIT:RIAL, General 5. B. South west reterte. ose t 01seven, e f et', in 'teermatle. .. ~ ~ , given to her. doctor, When w e ' arm ' t " h e " ma ` k" ' tut I t a ttending, her, he - gsse - me 801110 medicine to be A,„.-•tits, Water -tree', Lat.. Cosion , Muse iffie , forty nine, of . once t wenty se‘eii, . 4 away his hours, refusing to commune w ith was a very reasonable hill, It was from Dr. Swat ts. , Peterson' ,, Beilding. Lauds : T oren. iated by taw, for the tiae of mehiteli e We were but a few minutes: we returned home a • a eingte human being, and living atangethe Cour: adjourned tilt eight o'clock tails morning. , ARRIVED. military or 0 her perposes, will be exclu:ed testa half an hour hernre sundown. I lirmieet ..nt heir' l , er on cold water. He was formerly a ear I-or Fee. About the tone of- Martine he •beok . _-- .- --". •L'..1 , 1 lan Ina, M irdoel; , Whee'ing. 41aAsaehttselts Election -ofrial Re.. 11.411, 4 9 with us all, and 411 larew. 11. In hi tiling • Mexahala. Parkinson, el s itionisah ela City I lor; and the only reason he can give for farewell with my w ife ho was partioulsidy friend 11011 S.-11.18 t.ffiCial returns of . the se.ei in North Que. n, McClain, Wheeling f Massa his curious delusion is, that he was very ty. and invited her prirliculer - y te eat' an ' wee lone ‘ the four Ging] essiottal distriets o . West Point, G. tire, Louisville wild and wicked in his youth, and that Chin was tit- second time he took her by the hand. cliiisetts at e as follows: -ln the secraid i • ' *Narrtizans,n, Caldwell, St Ltinis. Aver tri , king very strwlionetely in her f re he dish , irt, Z tri , ..svil.e, Duval. M tri.dt I. God. in order to pdnish him, his no vcor • s 'id, "B oty, I know yrM can't come to see me . whele number of V•lteß 7311 : Dan • • DEPARTE . D. tel P. 1i . .. rr (virl i's) 3711. J. C. Sticknev , f.r a little while." Tn.'s , the 1 tilov , dto start Omit ', , in ' 1 - Lehigh, Price, Ctn. mended him to live upon water for the of the hnu Myself - and wife went oat with' tclf'll'•) 2854, alllothers 675. Majority f -or Arcade, fle,,r,c, do space of forty days. Ftturteen of these them. On g eei ng 0 the tore my wt e pie eup , King9l. ". .- If h 1' •k d the child, and Cal..b Milleatle, ant of apparent Morcott:l'a, Part-totem, Nlonongehela City days of penance have already paved, yetln the third district, whole norr.her friendship, took it from her arms We wonted 5809; L•tile Mail, Gaskill. I. ulseele. he persists in ad:tering to his simple diet. throneh the yard, out of the gaie, an t Caleb eV ' Jeseph W. Monsur, dam.) 2419, *C• lumhiana, Murdock, Whreling. the child upon its feet. Caleb lensed his horse' Amu s Abiiot, (whig) 2513; all others Sl7. Nor (j ice 3leCeen do He is s trne what pale and emariat.•d, but • and got nn. Ills fatly r then picked up the, child No choice. . Hu th 'newt+ ValieV. 11557. 1 .1' , Zanesville. quite vigorous and active.- Deting the en d h a nded it up to him to ride a little. Ile In the Ws district, whole nom er -7 , —_—_____ h q° 4. ' eess...••••• ' '..es __ started off slowly at ricer, and the child began to last summer, he took the same notion intoW PROVISO NOT.A.B.T. o..imyn Baker, (wbig) 4416; Chester W. fret. He begun to inereas- hi. , gatt and t his head, but, after eleven days' fa,ting," into I Chapin,(,rem.) 4167; all others 691. No DR. JAMES C. M'CULLEY. aunt -the child began in cry pr. tt y hard. But , , found out that his punishment was remit. still we had no , the least sii•pieon of himsti , • 11 , ctiotee. We are aitthorizen to nen 'unee the above name . her ed eentleman as a Candidate for the off or Pro expected he would return When it le to rry In the ' sle \teeth district, whole num . the . . _ . thenotary, subject to nem_inetionot the use" led for ati lie. It is again laid upon him, hard his father loosod 11 , s horse, got on end et a rt.ss9l, 'Henry W. Bishop, ( dam ) 3302; and he thinks he will be able to endure ) cd after him -rteeltonin 7to him, in . akine us believe I .. Tulius Rocliwell, (whig) 4154; all others neratLe ronyentioo. Jit0ri:',...3044 at that he wished hiss n to return ' 'with the child. the end. 11°5. No choice. -.------ M rode fast till lie got up t-, him-aheut fifteen i rods from the toelse. II a frillier then turned I round and trotted a little let towards us, and tot i my wife that he was gninx to t ,ke the child end I sho tweet bid farewell to it. lie wheeled then arid pursued Caleh, who was still golly/ en, with the child; it was screaming arid looking back to i's m ther. The mother ran as hard as she entild, callieg for the child, and clapping her hands, I followed her and tried to stop and ten utcile her. I told her that elle was not in a situation to run. I told her tht we could not catch them fot. e went on a till we came to a part of th s hil l 18 ro W ds front the house, when wo enuld see the distance of half a mile on the road. When we eerie in sight we saw them going out of sight, the;r horses going as fast as they could go. I prevailed with my wife to return to the house; I told her I would get a horse and leeßlie them, and there was nn doubt I could catch them before they could get to the Routit Hill Meeting House, but site would not be restone led. I gut two horses and took her along We started about duds. We went to Elizabeth town, when we made inquiries, and they were Bain passing along. We went on and inquired along the read, -they were sceneind the child was cry into. 'We reached my wile's father's about nine o'clock. This is in the neighborhood of where they stopped that night with the child. We Rent for 'Squire Brost/rt. lie and my with and heti •ro'h er started to the house of Charles Norcross, whet° the c',ild was, (this was in Fayette county),-- They succeeded in getting the child before day light. The child se‘med is Ad, and did not know ale. We gut the child home on Thursday even ing-we went in a carriage, as the child was un able to sit on a horse. It stood upon its feet, lean ing upon its mother's lap. The night of the first of November was very cold-barely comfortable with over el 'tiles on. The child continued to bo very feeb'e and had no appetite. It would moan all night. It still continued to get worse and w ese, until it died, It was lost three weeks from the time it was taken till it died. This happened in Elizabeth township, about a mile above Eliza beth. The child had on a flannel frock, a small check bth, shres and stockings; nothing on its head. The record in the bible says the child was born in November, 183). It was entered by Mr. SA• heatley himself. A physician was called in on Monday or Tuesday atter-the child was bro't home. I saw bruises in the child's body. ' D.- Swatts sworn -I am a practising physician. I was atteniing the child on the 14th of October.- It was sick about Bor 9 days. It was dangerous forahout 36 hours. 1 left medicine for it to take after I ceased my visits_ Its disease was the ea-. tarral hilieus fever. It. took the whooping cough about the time I left it. It was a delicate child.- The effect of fatigue would-throw the child into fever again An affection of the lungs would most like be the cOU'ettnettee'Or being expiated to cold.-. I called- on the 11th of November and found it had a Cure for the bfluenza.--A writer In a New York paper recommends as a Bert: in cure for the prevailing infli enzs. the ap plicatittn:nf a common 'Salts b .tale,' or, a vial4l:,tils of Hattsitoroe' to the m.luth or nose. gmell it two or three times an hour, and inhale it as often. In severe eases a few drops of the hartshorne taken internally is necessary. Tr, it. ___. slppointmenlB.—Levi inco n, has been disrwesel from the Collectorship of Boston, and Robert Rantoul, Dam. ap pointed in his place. Mr Gordon, Post master at Blston, has been appointed to a foreign C, - )Usul tte,and Nathaniel Greene, Dem., math Po3tutaster in his place. The Crops in Virginia.—The Rich mond Compiler says—" Harvest has com menced on the river below, upon several plantations. The crop is said to be unu sually good. One of the most extensive wheat growers says he never had such a fine crop of wheat before. The crop in tl is region is first rate." The grippe, as the French call the influ enza, has reached 'as far South as Wash ingtnn, and as far North as the flkes. The Cincinnati Enquirer says: —A great Temperance Celebratintt is to take place at McConnellsville, Morgan county. on the Foutth of July. All right. . John IV Baer, the vagabond, and swindler, is to he the champion speaker. That is not only disgraceful, but insulting to honesty and decency. ... O Two thousand nine hundred and eighty seven strangers put up at the prin• cipal hotels in Boston, on the 15th, 16th, and 17th inst. (:7•By packing eggs in salt, with the small end downwards, they may he kept perfectly good for eight or nine months. Look out for "Corn Doctors."—People should not trust these itinerant loafers who pretend to curs corns. Several cases of dangerous illness have resulted in Essex, Conn. from the application of powerful acids by these scamps• The 'Gold Bug' is the title of a new talc in the Dollar Newspaper,which appears to create consitivi erable sensation. It takes well with the big bugs• The Italian Opera Company, consisting of 33 performers, arrived in this city yesterday, on the Steamer West Point Geo El Clayton,hae been nominated by the whip of Mississippi for Governor; and L Gallaway for secretary of State. COUNTY 'TR E A SURER. - ......•• •"....M '''''''• We ore nothorked to annonare JOAN MURR I,Y, Saturday lbrning, Julie 17,1843 r.,-,., or Lower St. Clair towtrahip, as a candidwie for the office of County Tteasorer, suldnct to the decision of a Dunne the greater portion ur, 1 1 e tilne Democraticeountt Convention. June'2B-41dwic which has elapsed since our previous re- • DISSOLUTION: port, the weather lots beet so unfasora ble as to ilitelfere greatly with out door rillhe Co.partnevatip, heretofore exiet;ng under JL the firm of Yates and Key., is this day dissolved ' by mutual consent. The business of the Sent will be operations. and we have consegitent'y only motes by lames Yates at the old stand, No.B Fifth at. a limited business to notice. On refer. JAMES YATES, ring to our political remark.: below, it Willi s.sr•L KEYS, be perceived that scarcely any changes' The rubscrlber lenders his thanks to the public for have occurred within the past few days.— the very liberal share of patronnee bestowed upon the The receipts of Western Produce are be - estab'isirmeo. and respectfully informs them that the bu• mi l e,. will he parried on a A heretofore at the old sta ui, ginning to fall off greatly, those of Cotton No 8, FIFTH ST near Market, where a full supply of to cleatly indicates the close of the season.— Ladies', ...Misses and Children's Shines of nil kinds and co- N 0 Tropic. lors, will be kept constantly on hand. rind sold very low for Cash. JA YATES. jone 29--3 i• Kenitichian Office, k Looisvir.r.a, Julie 23, 1843. j _ 'rho weather this week has been warm, and business goo 1 for this season of the : " sTFR Z ITGANLE,ERD"I DEPOT, :E year. The river is falling, though still : AND GENERAL NEWS ROOM, to ST. cLAnt STREET. PITTSBURGILPF:NNSYI)4., sufficiently high for all class of boats nast,lPheersiotit pass uninterupted in every direction. Our w_fiven, c P S., P io ::: 1: 1: l idi r e e ßsl f.. i CitiCh::l:l,NarOty: 4aptirbtioi,47lo, large boats still find freight, and a good business in the New Orleans trade. We :pou prices. Moo, superior SpaniFli Clears and . Tobacco, French Perfumery , Fancy r-oaps, Brushes. etc,. etc. haul this week a great many boats at our , ' PEASE'S iIPASIIOUND CANDY, an excellent remedy for landing, destined for every point; freight' influ „,„, and passage uncommonly low. Freight \ The public are regue.ted 'o give him a call. June 29 TaRCES RTCE, on hand and fbr sale by ' to Pittsburgh, 12A a 15c per 100 lba. Our 1 ,42 RICE. city is still in in population, and I 4 -. we see daily new manufactories commen— I J W - BURBRIDGEk CO. • I I June 29, Water etleel,be weep Wood and Smithfield clog, We have auuother extensive lard or _______ manufactory established with ua; we also \ EUROPEAN AGENCY. u*: notice a varnish manufactory has gone into /Wilt undersigned European Agent, h: s again operation since out last . report. We are arrived in the United States, at the regular glad to notice some of onr-rtiortied men are time, and will leave Pittsburgh, Pa. in September going to manufacturing, and have already \ next, and sail from No.', York about the first of commenced in that way. Our banks have I °letrcrri„mlaankding .4 a cti S tl e a r n e i rit N e ‘ e r n a t 1 / i . Tour throu t g , h En gland, plentyed money and find some difficu'ty • returning to America in Hay 1844, France in lending it on good paper. Our stocks ] geniy, Legacies, Debts, Hereditary Property and By this no A of goods are large for the season, both of Enliitaiteumaite,yrechreeceko:eartedotehntdiopeavideroyver; partm oonce, Greatre groceries and dry goods; and teceipts of Britain. Ireland &c.; eearchcs of all kinds made; all kinds of produce continue large, with a copies of Deeds, Wills and Documents procured; good demand. and Execution and witnesaing same, and tranaac titing of A s e u n c c h u f t o h r er se b v u e s r in i ess as has appertained to __—_--- % The Tallahassee Star says that place was visited by a very refreshing shower informationyears Innumerablegiven. Apply on personally, or address , post paid, ierencegs an y d every a on the sth inst. the first that had occurred since the last week in March last. a .KEENAN, Attorney & Counsellor l et Lrw, and European Agent, Pits'b, Pittabirgh, June_2B, 1843. Madam'lle Castlllaniihe celebrated vo. calist, who has been pronounced equal to Malibran, is now in New York• NEW ESTABLISH nENT TOBACCO. -4 Me Kentucky lest:Tobacco. suit r e- Weed and reroute by J. W. BUKIIB3DGE it CO. Sane 19. Water st. between Wood 4 Omitted. ale . 'rile sales will ea. hbe kei.t open f or twossestit!, (unless the lands are sooner disposed 143 n 8.44dt , nnger; mot tr‘ pris ate entries of land io trioi tit -410 so offered will be admi , ted, until niter tilt ¢r . pira , inn of the I wo wee k,. , ' -..., . . t ; iven nad.r my harts at the City of Wa.4blnn. this eighth day of June Anon Domini, 1114.3.. JOHNTYLER. .. By 'hum President: Tun. ti. Bt.+lcs; Cumm'r of the General Land Office --- NOTICE TO PRE-EMPTION CLAIMANTS. 1.1 , e y peeso,i claiming the right of pre-emPrhin to any lands within the limits of the etionieraicd, is required to es , ahlish the same to the_ satisfaction nf the Register and Receiver of the proper 1,-41:d Office. and to make payment therillos, as slots as practicable after arcing this notice,' Ind ba rge the day appointed ftt thecommencement otitis pub k of the ton nsitid, embracing the track.. olainird. above designat,d: otherwise such ciai*. t will b.• fa. f d. T 1.1 O. IT 11 Comrni sioner of (he Grve , al Land Cgtrer." he a9—ors. PRESBYTERIAN BOOKS. ' '-.; /VHF. steisciilier hasps.; received a small assortmeetnt 1. the publications of tile Presbyterian dosed of PO: lication, and wilt sell them at the Catatogne price., (ri., c ept in f the Confession of Faith, and ttiv Aral althea-et_ h e Psalms and Hymns—on these a small tutelaries totate- „ to made to cover charges.) end on the same tenns,-is-IC,-r-- ihe Depositasy In Philadelphia , for all arrounts of Oft :- ' Dollars or under, ns below copied from the terms Of-INIII terms i3t o A r i t i t Board, in v i iz i . inv to ten dollars, sash. - 4!.. - - 2d. Sales above ten dot la rs, and nvt exceeding, iwretie_ ,- cash, with a discount of ten per cent. par faith. , 4 3d. Bales in amount from twenty to Bf'y dollars, f a r. iiar funds, to which -nett amount will be added 3 - Pills cent cominiselon and the trait/ilt - lotion from, and the exv change on Philadelphia. as it shrill stand at the Mute tll4 purchase 's made. That a lair experiment may he made in this tireatifir nf olir tiuslness,ths cash system mast be airiEtly adhuarli to; and on the terms above pioriosed, it ,is believed oda , eregationsand individuals will have no eause to eull0; plain. A share of public patronage is respecifulls soils cited. June 23-4 C LUKE LOOM IS. Atellt.. • • 89 Wood atteelP • iII.OOKS made expressly for powder megesines;Aill Very sultw•le for Pork Houses, as the 'omelets' of which they are constructed will not rust ftOltitheal lfil of the sett, will be sold low for cash. • • muy JAS.PATTERPON: STRAY COW. STRAYED from the prmniseanf the Rev Mr, Ams#l l : 4 * l • hying In Allegheny ea y. on the 2fith Inst. A DUN COW, With the.tops of both horns sawed off, She is now gtor.,, Ing milk and Is about eight years old, A liberal. reward will be given for the retorningof animal, or for Information which will lead to hirEvee ery. Information rimy be left at the house'of Ildr, Avery, or at the factory of Avery, Arbuckle if Co. une 28 THOS CALLIGHAN. FOR SALE. 4 PEW boxes Saratoga lodine Water, jail recelvti ill and for sate by BIRMINGHAM 4 , CO. June 2R. PROTHONOTARY. Clear the course for the V.rtesteres, WILLIAM B. FOSTER. Esq. or Aileeway city will ben candidate for the office of Frothonotary of Alletbeey county, at the October election. Jane 4. B ACON, -11 Casks Pilule Hams. 5 do ti Shoulders. Reed per “Llitle Mall." on consignment, and far Lei by fl AI LMA N, JENNINGS it CO. June 27. 43, Wood street. LADIES' WRITING SCHUU[., By R. Fee, FfOin 4 to 6 o'clock, P. AI.. •, it want» house east of Wbitielsee's Clothing setithiada..L.,'!; ,- 1 inent,Sexond street,betwern Grant end Re a ateigiiilfs . : irr Those willing to enter, will please call ohm's, ailir '. hours. Am 23—wtf.