'. S. .N - " PUBLISHED BY THOS. PHILLIPS & W. H. SMITH, 4e. w. CORNER OF WOOD 4. FIFTH STS TARMS.--FIVE DOLLARS a year, payable in ... . liislOtte. -Single copies TWO CENTS--for sate at the ema , liter of the When, and by News Bays. - - • Itlo3 Vercury and Malaufactuirtr' fd published WEEKLY, at the same office, on'a double medium sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, ha its ranee. Single copies, SIX CENTS'. f , Terms of • . P . ZR Saf.TARE, OF TW D. 3ite• insertion, 0.50 Two insertions, 0.75 Thralls-sections, 1,00 tire week, 1.50 T wa .weeks. 340 Three, wreaks. 4.00 YEARLY ADVERTISENIE:vITS. - = CRANGSABLIC AT PI e►sce:. ORS Sgsare Two Squares ati Meath% .13.00 SI: months, OA. year, 25,00 One year. rrarriger adverlisementeln prorortion. CARD/10f four lines Six DoLcans a year. PUBLIC OFFI C Es, &C. eilk o roar 9FrICIC. l'ltlrd between Market and Wood M Riddle. Postmaster. lloorrrhst KIM Water, 4th door from Wood st. Feter• Ines bulliflov—tlajor John Wiflock, C.ullecior. ( dirt Tarsal - Int, Wood hetween First and Second treets...inmes A. Bartram, Treasurer. noolltit Tkirssaav, Third street, tiect door to the rffltdlrreshyter,on Church—S. R. Johnston, Treasurer. Mirot'arlrtres, Fourth, between Mllon:et and Wood strowg;— . ..Ale.rander flay, May Or. larcßotturr's Excitors's., Fourth, near Market it. BANKS . . Prrrsaartau,hetoreen Market and I'Vood streets, on ritird and Fourth streets. aaPnLars' PIP MAirortr:TOßMas' Aso FAR "[zits' De• mstr Bask, (formerly Saving Fund.) Fourth, betwten Mot Wand Market streets. Exclumar, Fifth street, near Wood. HOTELS. MottosoanstA. Horse, Water street, near the Itridge, Etersxmos Horst., corner of Penn and 3.. Clair. Maitcna.itea' Finritt., turner of Third and Wood. flt LIP HOT& Z., rd and Smithfield. Ilirnureiv raes4. turner Of Tenn street and Canal. gentian Cote, Liberty !tree'. near Seventh. IM LVIS M !Lamm; flouse, !Atwell , Si opposite Wayne - rtatiNtettinter Mair:noit Horse, Penn St. opposite Canal, tr i ZNITIS .I I. ( 1 ) .0 1 12 81 AT 'T i r e1 7"1 1 ' ,1, remo to nakesereli's Mitres on Grant st., neatly opposite toe new Court House, next rooms to John D. Mellon, deer P rst floor. sop 10 UGH TONCR, Alto , nev nt Lacy. North Last •arStulthlinid and roan h strreip. sep 10--1 y .StCANDLESS & M'CLIURE, Aitorne.,s and Counsellors at Law: (Mice In the litamoiaL back •r the Old Court ilouse,Pittshurzh. sep 10 1111.11pNK. F1:57111..A V, Attorneys at Law. Fouribet 6.7 above Wood. Plttsbnrzb. vet, 10-Iy. !Trims. HA MILTON. At torney at La w. 1 1 ,11111, between 'Wood and eltnitlifieid sts., Pitisttur.th, !'p 10-1 y WAR BITAR A. ROBINSON, Attorney ni Law: °trite on I tP nort h Aide al Übe niatnntaLltet wren aiatkel %*4 Union si rrets, tapsifft , R Sri+ 10 A• D.UttBCitAW, Attorney at Law; tender, • t a c iptored4ional svrvices to I lit Oftire on I.4ti nbove Wood, PittA.urgit, sr p H) VYRTV.i Well AN N. Alturneyr at tar. °like j pl' rtnilve.l from tlir! Diamond, In Itiornry'Airmv," kl leo( Portal' street, between :tlarket and Wood Pop 11l BUCKHASTER, AT'RN EY AT LAW, l'v ha 4 r«.tinveil bis office to Ituire,',, Law littild nga. Fourth street. above :Anti' , ,ep 10 gr . 7l t; 0 R E H'. L.T VA^ 0 . Attorney at Lase, Otfir N. 54 Fift't street, near the Thew ro, Pitiss'ourgit ar►t 27-Iy. REAI3F. ASIIINGTON, ATTORNEY AT LAZY. —Office in lialiewel's Grant street. Pittsburgh. Nov. 5. 18-12. JOHN J. MITCHELL--Altori,ey at Law. o ffi ce corner of Eintthfteld and siti sts . Pittsburgh. CIO" Collections trade. A 1 iill3llle-33 entrustvd to 111- ore will he promptly attended to. tebl6-1y• REMOVAL. -R. Morrow, Alderman; offi o north side of Fifth st., between Wood and Smithfield rilisteitth. • xp 10 DR. S. R. 1101,M ES, Office in Second street, next door to Mile:Any et Co's Glass Warehouse sep 10t1NeSTI , N ¢ S rOCKTON, llookgel:ers,Prinien , an Paper Manufaeturero, So. 37. Markel St. Pep 10-1 y ANDERSON, Smithfield Foundry, tVater st ibe Monongaiwia floosie, Piltslllr2 h. sep 10-19 Ti{ rallits 0 YOUNG. FitANCIS 1.. YOUNG. triffoB. B. YOUN(... & CO., Furniture Ware Rooms, r,orner of Hand st. it Exchange Alley. Persona wishing to purclia,e, Furniture, will find It to heir advantaue to give us a call, heing fully ;.atisfied that we can please as to quality and price. sep 10 66 uRLs- LA N rti MOLASSES.: r ::: IVCC per Ste amers Little and uIo„ dro .1 G. 4 A GORDON 12 Water atrrel sale hy war 27 101110 LA 8 D. COLIMAig...... • LOYD U. COLZMAN COLEMAX k CO.,Ge , ter.t Annals, Forwarding and Commission Merchants Levee Street, Vicksburg Miss They respeetfullysolet t consignments. 1.22.- -WEBB CLOSEY,S Boot and Shoe Manuring°. Ni 7. 83 Fourth St., next door to the U. States 44 LadiCA Prunella, Kid and Satin Shoes made ;n .he neatest manner, and by the newestirrench patterns. sip 10 GARDEN TOOLS, tonsisting of Hoes. Fancy Spades Transplanting Trowels, &tiling Tools, Budding Knives; Pruning Knives, Pruning Shears, etc., Just re• beirsti.and for sale by F. L. SNOWDEN. op 10 164 Liberty street, bead of Wood. 111111GII.8TgATES'IMANKS, for procceclltm In At 4schment tinder Lite late law, for tale at this Office BLANK PETITIONS, NOTICES, St C. . 'le be used In Bankruptcy proceedings, printed on nod pitper,and In the forme approved by the Courtior sale Übe 9Mee or the Mercury and Democrat. sep 10 t 31: HUBBARD, ladies` fashionable boot and shoe Manufacturer, No.lol, Third s'reet, between (Pod aud Maolthtleld streets, Pittsburgh scplo lAA. PATTERSON, Jr., Birmingham, near Niliburalt. Manufacturer of hocks, Hinges and Bolts; To. silldoo,7'initer. Mill and Timber Screws; Housen Screws for - sep 10—fy JTORN 11PCLOSIREY. Tailor and MI hier, Dawn! , effi -direct, between Stith and Virgin alley, South side, W , 4- A. GORDON, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, Water st., Pittsburgh. sep y • liktrmingham & Co. • Can ON ON AND FORWARDING NER LWANDS. No. 60 Water street, Pittsburgh Pa. Ter.ms—Sec'elving and Shipping 5 cents per 100 lbs. CamtktetiOns on Purchases and sales 2 per eent. Noir 1R,'43 S. MORROW , 11LJUITIFACTEIR ER of Tan, copper and Sheet Iror zu. w an , No. 17. Flfth at., between Wood and Mar— Keep! Masten!lyoa hand a good assortment of wares, a lielldlichs althorn of public patronage. Also, on band, the raki , / 014 article': Shovels, Pokers, Tongs, Gridirons, Skillets, Teakettles, Pots, Ovens, Coffee Mitts ke. Mer e/01U awl "bttiera 'are Welted to call and examine for themeshrth.ai be is determined torah cheap for cash or Aeneas t . .." • if* ••41 . • , ayertising. .• LVE LINES OR LESS: One month, $5.00 Two monts, 6,00 Three monthr; 7,00 Four months, 8,90 St: months, 10,00 One year, 15,00 *t. • . . . . . .. . .. - . . . . , . . F, ' '... ,_ . • . , V , . ... , • - , - 0 . . .. . . . . , -- -- 414./LMAN, JENNINGS & 60., . _ WII4III&I 11111 Grocers, Commission and Pro ' . :- t ..."- duce Merchants, drDealers in Pittsburgh Mankfocturee -... No, 4.3 Wood street, Pittsburgh. - - `'.:" - ,4111.4.14V1 shN, JEN NINGS &Co., ColtiVi Yarn Warehouse, No. 43 Wood street. blimdstor the sate of the Eagle . potton Factory Yarns March 17, 43. TITONPSON . •• • ... a•ster vv iac LL. HANNA 4- TURNBULL'S Paper Warebou.c, No. 104, Wood Eta/where may bn bad a general su pply of writing. wrapping, printing, wall paper, blank books, school books, 4-c.„ tc. scp 10--1 y C. TOWN.SEND 4% CO., Wire Workers awd R hlanwfacturert,No. 23 Market street, between 21.1 and Jd streets. • sep 10—ly EXCHANGE FIOTEL, Corner or Nan and St. Ciair streets, by McICIBBIN a SMITH. Faplo--ly BROWNSVILLE .ILI:VIATA IRON WORKS.--Ed ward Fluehes. Manufacturer of Iron and Nails Warehouse N 0.2.5. Wood M., Pittsburgh. sep 10 -t y NEW GOODS. —r re “on k Mackey, wlik,:esale and retail dealers French, at d Domestic nry coodl, No %I, Markel wt. ,POtr..boreli. Fen 10 'MIN 3PDEVITT, ‘rhoiPgale Crater Reelif.l NI Dim Hien.; A nil Deaier in Produce and Piii..n rg Mann faregurttelru, No. 221 Liberty Street, Pititt• iurgh. se!) 10 WILLI ns Jens S. 11ILWOR.111 %VI LLI AMS & • DILIVORTII.--IVhoir,ii, v Croci•rs Product'. unil Cumin M ercha nig, and lealrrq in Pittsburgh Manufactured article, No. 29, Wood street. srp It) JOHN B.SIIERIFF JAS. N. Kk•f: QIIERIFF & ICE ALN, N r Imlti :trailers of Copper. 1.-7 Tin. and S.Tet Iron Ware. No llti, Front et., Ftits• hurgli. noose spoof in; and tileamboat work th - onllitly executed. sep If) iniDAVID SANDS, II ATCII & CLOt'K :II A. ItER, No. 7, S. Clair str.!ei, Pals. 04' burgh, DR:J.II,ER IX O ., ,ITCIIES,CLOCKS,RRE_ISTPLIES FINGER RINGS, C 11-91NA', K EIS. CO-WE-S. .v. Rep 10 LANDRETIES I:IRDEN SEEDS.- A 101 l supply of I.aorlleiles Garden Seed., always on hand. and for sale at los accory the 11.11:: ' , MI. of F'. I. S:sittl.VoEN, sep 10 184 i.ll,crly suet 1. Itm n t I EMOVAL.—Maithew 3w,ec , Pat tar and flatr rtre. s . er, has removed in I'oorlh at rem ?" - nppucttf. t he May orsqthee. where Ite will he happy t o:urn it a pvnta nen t or tran:lent rustunters. I.l:arr 'bile pat. rnitar.e., ?ill 0 1 11'FARL D, r 10/ 31.1.er, st. beracerts Wood 4. .11.,..ct streets, resp , cr NI informs his friends and the ptilitir that lie is prepared to eyernte all tit der,. for So'ne. : 4 1dt-board. Hu - reauP, Chlirs, Valdes, itettsteada, anti, , , Ilalrand `l„ ink Mallraxttes, Curtain.. Ca ritoc, allftorie wort:, which lie will VellTrahl COllOl .0 ;toy Math. in Ihr fily, and tin reasonaltle.,terms. Fr it 111 tEMOVALt--The .10.4crihet. have rernoa• d to 11 a ter net wern Wood and Smithfield lilreela. wi+pre they will .•unijlttle 'tie Grnrery and Corium* .inn Ini-itte-, and would re-pc, Itullc the paint, age of l heir if it'Ude J IV. It t TIIIS It IDC k Dec 3 I)1:. A. W. PAT VERSON. .7'ffice on SIOI tIiIIMA Airrel neor Sixth. Iwo 10 r. nErwor.D. U r. m•ii. LINW BRILLIANT, MARQUETTE. BREAKWATER MUNG'O PARK, CASPIAN, MESSENGER. CECILIA, MONTGOMEY CANTON, NORTH BEND, CICERO, NEPTUNE, C A D DO. N A R AGANSETT, DUKE of ORLEANS, NIAGARA, Dt'QUESNE, OSPREY. EXPRESS MAII„ ORPHAN BOY, ECLIPSE, O!IIO. FORMOSA, OIZ LEANS, FORT PITT, PENELOPE, GALLANT, PANAMA. GALENA, QUEEN of the SOUTH J. H. BILLS, ROIVI NA, JEWESS, RA RITAN, IDA, SARAH ANN, INDIAN QUEEN, SARATOGA, ILLINOIS, BP - "ANNA, LADY OF LYONS, " LLE Y R AND, VICTRE S, ALLEY FORGE, WEST WIND. ASHLAND, BI.IDGEWATER MISSOURI MAIL, CLEVELAND, OLIVE BRANCH, COLUMBUS, CUTTER EDWIN HICKMAN, EMMA, GENL. BROOK, TPBACCO P 1 ANT. JAMES ROSS, ADELAIDE. BRUNETTE, COLOMBIAN 1. CLLIPPER, MINSTREL, EVELINE mai 2:2 NOTICE ______ TO DR. BRAN DRETHIS AGENTS. The office in Pituburgh, which was established for the purpose ofeonstituting ❑;cents in the west, having acromplishedlhat objrct, is now closed and Mr. G. H. LEE. in the Ditmond, Market street, aspoloted my agent for the sale of my Pills and Liniments. All Dr. Brandretit's agents will, therefore, understand that. Dr, R. will semi a travelling agent through the country once a year toroileet moneys for sales made and re supply agent.. The said traveler will be provided with power of attorney. duly proved before the Clerk of the city and county of New York, together with all the ne cessary vouchers and papers, Mr. I. J. Yoe Is my traveling agent now In Penn sylvanla. R. RRANDRETD, M. D. N It —Remember Mr. C. R. LEE, !tithe rear of the Market is now my only agent in Pittsburgh. June 1,1 . • PA I IICETS, REGULAR -.•: •. FOR CINCINNATI. The Swiftsure, Rohlrisou, Master, leaves every Thursday at 10 o'clock a. to The Cutter, Collins, Muter, loaves every Friday at 10 o'clock a. to The Monteomery, Bennett, Master, leaves every Ear. urday at 10 o'clock e. to, The Express, Parkinson, Master, leaves every Sun day at 10 o'clock a. in. JOHN BIRMINGHAM dr. CO. may 20. Agents. DR. STARKWETHER'S HEPATIC ELIXIR Case of Liver Complaint of 25 years standing. This may certify that for:twenty five years 1 wasaf• flitted with pain in my side, which was frequently so severe to , entirely Ineartneltare me from labor. I have been under the rare and treatment of various physicians without art permanent benefit. Hearing of the many cures effected by the Hepatic Elixir prepared by Dr. Start: weaffier, 1 was induced tagive it a trial, and am happy to imy that it has entirely removed. i hoot felt a• Lymptssis of it for wars than a raw past. " Northbridge. June 30. 1841 AMOS rPHiTE . - Zheerennine to be had at TIMMS'S Medical Agency. aid ?north atrcet. DAILY MORNING POST From Mexico.—.By the arrival of the scr. Belie. we have wPceivacl a file of Ha. vana papers to the Bth inst., inclusive.-- They contain, as usual, little of interest as respects events In the Island of Cuba; but we find in them a few items of Mexican intelligence of a somewhat later data thaw our last advices. In the Faro Industrial of the 3d, ap. pears a proclamation dated Mexico. 20th May, and addressed by Tomei, Ministet of War, to the Governor of the province Zacatecas, informing that fcnctionary that sthegovernment is well advised of se ditious designs and insurrectionary move ments in the southern part of the depart. inept, and extending thence to Michoacan and Jalisco. The proclamation charges the 'Governor of Zacatecas to employ the utmost vigilance in discovering the authors of the conspiracy, and the utmost severity and promptitude in punishing them. It says further that no means will be spared by the general government to arrest sedi tion and preserve the peace of the nation. The Mexican press teem with imaginary victories achieved by Ampudia and the Mexican steam ships in Yucatan. Heavy, rumbling and:dull noises were heard in the city of Mexico oh the 16,h inst. They were supposed to proceed from an eruption in the volcanO of *Popo catapet.l- The mercury in the thermome r3se suddenly several degi•eis, and the heat was intense. A number of valuable copper mines have been discovered in the dellartrpent at Jaslisco, The papers confirm the informittiortlef the robbery of the coamissinners sent by Ampulla and the Yuratanese to make arrangements with Santa Anna for a per. manent treaty of peace. The diligerfee which- conveyed them was plundered a,. short distance from Puebla. • A communication from Geii. Rpre, _Governor of Puella, mentions his being attacked on the 14ih May by a band of reb IS. He adds that, after vainly seeking succor from Matamoras and other places. he fought the insurgents and beat them oft The schr. Dover arrived here yesterday from Sisal, having left that place on: the 10th inst. The enly . news we can learn is that the in Dposals of peace between Yes - eaten and Mexico, had either been ratified, nr would certainly be accepted.— N. O. Bee. The Catiada Riots. The Montreal Herald' gives further par tiealars of.the riots at Beauharnoii. The excitement was as strong as ever, ankh the vigorous measures aJopted to quell the rioters had not the desired elf el: They threaten to have the blood of ail the contractors, and state their intention of attacking the mill to night (Wednesday, 13th). The post is a strung one, and, if they are daring enough to attempt it, they will surely be defeated. An attempt was made on Tuesday -to I decoy a party of troops ; and destroy them, which happily was frustrated by the pru— dence of the commanding officer, Major Campbell. A woman, barefooted, came to the mill at near midnight, and stated that she was the sister in law ofMr - Bt owi, one of the contractors: that. she had dis— guised herself like one of the laborer's wives, to pass through film, and. give warning that Mr Brow - teahouse was ibciut to be attacked, atid the lives orthe family. would be sacrificed if - a body -of troops • were n , t sent to defend the house. Major Campbell offered the shelter of the mill, but refused to divide his farce. It was asce - rtained to day, from the men themselves, that 147 men, all armed with guns, lay in wait in the bush, on both sides of the road, ready to rush upon the men, had they been sent. The men who were taken, say it was their intention, when the soldiers fired - the first volley of blank; to have rushed in and surrounded them, which could easily have • been done; but the first round fired was ball, and the discharges succeeded each other so quickly that they had nor a chance. Mr Crawford, the contractor, will leave here at once and for good—the men have sworn to kill him, and to stay were but to await, certain death. The works of the Canal are suspended until the first of Ju. ly. It is some comfort to think that the Uni ted States is not alone the scenes cf such disturbance. The Canadian papers are so much in the habit of attributing our riots to the republican character of our govern• went, that they could hardly realize them as likely to occur in another state of soci• ety. They have been taught now a les. son. O: DEMOCRATIC REFORM.—We are glad to learn that that inveterate Whig and Clay man, Levi Lincoln,hae been lit- - perseded in the collectorship of floaton by Robert Rantoul, Esq., and also that Mr Gordon, Postmaster in the same city has been appointed to a foreign consulate. and Nathaniel Greene, Es(wh e former post— master undet General ff , A 6 kson and Mr Van Buren, has been rehinstated. We s need not remind our readers that Messrs. Rantoul and Greene are - both veteran cham pions of the Democratic creed and that they have contended for its principles in 'Massachusetts, doting a period when an alliance with that party wits no pass— port to official honors or popularity. Robinson,the tpurderer of Helen Jew itt it dying a mercautliti hasiness about - live mites from Hous ton Texas.