$ 'SAD! MADE corns WAILIERIMM, et. hes &tyre from as U. S. Beak. Wet Tr stile. I/whereto. respectfully Informs the public that es relleowed his eady made canto warehouse to the miliointr e ccuily accepted by Mr. R. 0. Berford,dlreetly Opposite his old 'Auld , where he Is always prepared to at• eied promptly to any orders in his line, and by strict at trition to all the detaila of the business of an Undertaker his hopes to merit pabileconfideoce. tie will he prepared at 4,i,ligonti to provide Hearses, tiers, C lutes and ovary requisite en the most liberal terms. Calls from the eoestry win be promptly attended to. His reildence is in f tlw same building with his wan, Soave. where those who need his services may find him litany time. a: W.W. [KWIC .10001[11lIDDLX. :NOON PATTON W. N. lee t. 13112, NW, 11141tIlLIP, WOP 10 ThIC/SK HOdE t GCUP TE. D 0 PRODUCE OR. AGGRAVATE DISEASE.—This ekes of Individualels very numerous. They are those who work in an unhealthy atmosphere. Printers, work- Me a in feather stores, stone cutters, bakers, white lead uslitenfactorere, are all mmr, or lees subject to disease ac• cording to the strength of their constitution. The only method to prevent disease, Is the occasional use of a ssedlcloe which abstracts from the circulation all delete rioes humors. and expels them by the bowels. Tonics hil any form are injurious, as they only -et off the evil day to make it more fatal. The use of Brandretia's Pills will Insure health, because they take all Impure matter Out of the blood; and the body Is not weakened but Strengthened by their operation; for these valuable Pills de wet force, but they eaglet nature, and are not opposed, bet harmonize with her. !Mold at Dr. Drandrath'i Office, in the Diamond, PiDebargn, Price 25 cents per box, with full directions. lILARII—The only place in Pittsburgh where the astrruine Pills can be obtained o ls the Doctor's own cif. Siete Ithe Diamond. sep 1011 La I whit makes your teeth so unusually white? Quoth Josh's dulcinia to him thather night, To sake yours look so, with a grin, replied tush. riesitrought you a bottle of Thorns' Tooth Wash, 'The the beat now in use, so the gentlefolks say, And since they have triad this, cast all others away. Sat to prove It the best; to make the teeth shine, Look again, my dear sal. at the lustre of mine, Then try t! is great tooth wash, The Teaberry tooth wash, Aid see If this Tooth Wash of Thorn's is not tine. Having tried Dr. "Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wish,' alba lateome acquainted with the Ingredients of its compo• ebtlost,,l ehewrfelly say, I consider it one of the safest, as It le nee of the most pleasant Tooth Washes now In use. Pittsburgh Sep. 15, 1842 DAVID HUNT, Dentist. take pleasure in stating, having made use oftiThorn's Tee Berry Tooth Wash." thid it is one of the best deu Litaces In ass. Being in a liquid form, It comb:nes neat sass with convenience. While it cleanses the enamel and removes the tartar from the teeth, its perfume voids a fragranee peculiarly desirable. .1. P. TIBB CTTS. M. D. The undersigned have used tiThoin's Compound Tea Berry Tooth Wash," and have found It to bean extreme. ly pleasant dentifrice, exercising a most salutary toils. isms over the Teeth and Gums; preserving those Indis pensable niemhers from premature decay. preventing the steeuniulation of Tartar, and purifying the Breath. flay. leg thoroughly tested Its virtues, we take pleasure In re. commending It to the public, belteeing it to be the best ar• title of the kind now in use, Si BOBER rsox, JANES P JACK. aorrii PEEBLES, CHAS R scuLLF. C DAERAGIA IFAI Arad ND I. ESS, J E MOORHEAD, JAS S CRAFT. EL RINE FFAL r. L S JOHNS, Prtpared and sold by WILLI .1 M THORN. Apotheca• ry tad Chemist, No. 53 Market Creel,' Pittsburgh; and al all the prineipa Druggists', and Tuttle's Medical Agen. ny, Fourth street. sep PCfERESTING CURE perfored byDr.Swayss's m rapterid Syrop of P Virgin lona, or Wild Clier yr. Having made use of th is Invaluable Syrup in my family, which entirely eared my child. The symptoms were wheezing and choking of phlegm, difficulty of breathing, attended with constant cough, spasms, convulsions, 4-c, afwhkh I had given u pall hopes of its recovery until was advised to make trial of this invaluahle medicine. After-seeing the effects it had upon my child, and con• eluding to make the same trial upon myself, which en lrely relieved me ofa cough that I was afflicted with for atmy years. Any person wishing to see me can ra at my house in Beach Otreet, above the Market, Kensington. 1. WlLcoz. D. WAYNE'S SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY ----- - • • . We call the attention of the public to the numerous earittlimates which have been in circulation In our paper &adman others of this city, highly recommending Dr. Swarerale Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry.—Wu have sees tut original certificates, and have no doubt but they come from truly grateful hearts, expressly° of the benefits vrittch they have received from that valuable compound. We have acquaintances who have frequently used the above medicine, who can speak with confidence of Its virtt el.—Saturday Chronicle. Fax.t.ow Crnisur.—With sincerity I would advise you, one and all, both sick and well, always to have bottled' Dr Swentr'sCompound Syrup of Wild Cherry Ia )nor house—lt is invatnabie In cases of emergency, such as Spitting of Blood, Asthma, attacks of violent Cougblng, which is often the cause of spitting of blooe, Violent Nervous Affections, which occasionally come holm fright, and various other causes, producing great alarm, sodden colds from improper exposure, which are often let run to an alarming extent, for want of mesas being ready at hand;—and as I have used Dr. Swavisa's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry repeatedly In my family, and always with moulted success—l can recommend it with confidence, as being one of the heat family medicines which has ever been offered to the public.—Satxrday CAroniele. Sold by Wm. Thorn, Wholesale k Retail, only Deeni for Pittsburgh. Nu. 53 Markel. street. sep 10 DENNING'S FIRE PROOF IRON CHESTS. Prrrsanacti, OCT. 22, 1842. 3. Damao —On Friday, stie3oth of last month, about 9 o'clock at nithi.the rianing,Groovine and Sash Man a factory, owned by Day, Dilworth k Co, with a large quantity of dressed and Judressed lumber, was all consu. meth, fire. Tba Iron Safe 'which f bought of you some time back was to the most exposed situation to the tire, and waientltely red hot —I am pleased to inform you it Wag *pitied at the close of the fire. and all the books, papers, itie,aittred;—thials the best recommendation I can give of the utility of your safes. oet24—tf THOMAS re COTT PI7rEINGTON'S Wnrivalled Blacking, 1114ANUFACTURED and sold wholesale and retail I.IMI. Sim entigt, one door below Smithfield. bet 21-17. OHN BUTTERWORTH. Aactionettr and Commis. seen Merchant, beaus:tine. KY., will attend to the sahrefliteal Estate, Dry Goods,Gioceriaa, Fu rnli are, fa. 4e lesalarsales every Tuesday, Thursday. and Fri day ~.rains, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Cash advance, ma d e oa eotivtamen t . sep 10 REMOVAL CAWPIELD bits removed his warble Establish 0001 to WOOd at. opposite rebnessock's Dm; 11110*.wlsere be will keep constantly on band Tomb illpilee.ilesueseeteete. ap PORTRAIT PAINTING• ellsollNit. Portrait Foists.. Fourth at., 3d Wary iffslMirteoplltidhts. 3. ooborgi would oolleica call than! *to ton Put%Mts. Speciwom can bit AIM Ilk Mho. . - ti 17 4 &CV. Jon* •LACK. D. D. MM. swim? rears. D. D lit. lIANICILL WILLIAM!. I RIM JOatla Well. all. I&Kll X. DAvil, all. I. P. •tvtl7. 11111 C Subscriber having rim; lord hie nrrangements JL at hie err staxd, is now prepared to offer to his friends, and the public., a large and complete assortment of Looking Glasses. and House furnts.hing Hardware, (at prises to suit the rinses.) Pier and Mantel Glassm In Gilt ■od Mnhogany Frames, of the most apprcved and supertur norkman. ship. Toils Glasses with 1. 7., 3..4 and 5 drawers. Common, stained, flitted, and p liar framed Glasses - sultlrbie for Merchants. (or those wanting cheap ;lasers.) Japanned Waitersand Trays of all colors and patterns. Ivory handle Knives and Forks, In treys or dozens, Buck cad Bone handle Table Cutlery. Carving Knives and Forks, do. Dixon's Brittaula Metal lea and Coerce. Setts ow Fire Shovels ■nd Tongs, !land lions, 4.e., With a variety of other articles too numerous to men tion, all of which will he offered it the lowest cash pri ces. N,B. Portrait,Mlnlatare,and other Franking done at the shortest notice, repairing of all kinds attended to. Look. In:Glass plates.hy tne box or !Ingle light. Prints for Pra. min: ronitantly on hand feb 23 Headache! Headache! Dr. BRODIE'S ANTI DYSPEPTIC PILLS. AP.E now known to thousands as a most est raordiaa. ry remedy for this affliction as well as the incon , trovertible fact of their curing DYSPEPSIA . Will those suffering only ask among their friends if they have not known of the positive effects of said Pills, and if they do not hear them more warmly praised (and deservedly too) titan any other, then let them net buy them. In these few remarks, all fancy or imagination is excluded, and nothing will be said of their merits at sire time but what can he fairly proved by respectable memters of our community. Read the following certificate zlven by a respectable citizen or Alloglieny city, and attested by 0.. e of the Jude. es of the Court of Common Pleas of A lieglienY ro. Atutotuate Cl-rT, January 9,1943. Dear Sir —I have for a number of year. post been af flicted with a severe and almost constant Headache, a rising from derangement of stomach and bowels and al. though I have taken nearly every kind of Medicine re• commended for Its cure, have never derived any mate. rial benefit until I used conic of your truly valuable An. tl Dyspeptic PUN. I have not taken quite two boxes and consider myself perfectly relieved from that distressing complaint. I have no hesitation in recommending. your Pills as the best medicine I have ever used. Yours, Respectfully, J R. TURNER. I am arqua.nted with Mr, Turns-, I have no hesita tion In certifying that I consider the statements of Mr, T. respecting Dr. Brodie' P.lls, as entitled to tne most perfect and entire confldence. HUGE' DAVIS. For sale, Wholesale and Retail at the 9 rodonian PHI Establishment Pittsburgh Pa ; and by all authorised a gents throughout the Union Alley city Jan 9 1845 Adams' Patent "Eaughphy"lls. HAPE now been before the public 3 years du ring which time several thousands have been sold and In daily use, We are confident of being sustained In saying they are the but Coffee Mills at the United States, any way you 'fix it.' Several modifications are madelo suit the fancy of wives and the purses of husbands Sold by the gross or dozer; at the manufactory.— Malleable Castings made to order. Platform Scales. These genuine articles, of all sizes. and most improved varieties, constantly on hand and for sale nt very reduced prices by the marufacturer, L. It. LIVINGSTON. mar 2. —lf Front between Ross and Grant sts. NEW ESTABLISHMENT Upholstery Furnishings. THE subscriber respectfully informs hie Friends and the Public that he has just opened the store No. 30 Fifth street. near the Exchange Bank, and adjoining Mr. I D. Williams' Grocery—where he intends to manu facture In the hest style, and have ready for sale a full assortment of the first quality of Upeslsferyr .Pstrniek imp, suet) as Hair, Shack and Straw Manassas, Feath er BedliMaching*. ke.wkleh he win sell tbs Creak et nose ly 100 per cent lees than fettles prices. 4L80; Sofas, Chairsottc. Upholstered, carpets malt, and Cut tales arranged aller the newest fashions—Alg of widen he *Mors to execute to a manner ioseeptislet In t#lroraaaurparsedi•anyaher city, wit 20 ly JOON 1% 31VIVAILT. keOLUM H CAL' ALL.` :.:::. 10,000 Tli n ti L LL. r an s d 1111 11 01 11 CAL P.SIX Elr• TRACTOR rilfstimanie. It not onlg euteequicker,bnl gives no additional pain, nor leaves a scar. Fare Is p os h lively rendered hannlew. ($lO has been offered six months to any person returning an empty box, and saying Ibat all agony on anointing is not extracted 1 a few min utes, yet nut one from thousands of mats since has claim ed the bonus.) Parents anxious to guard againatgenera lnJnrtea, and save time, fortune and life, and prevent their offspring from being disfigured by burns, or (yen small pox pustules, (it possessing the enviable power to replace thecellutary organs destroyed,) can do so by ob• tnining this Inimitable salve. Many deeply burnt cases in the city can seen, and oneeialre face burnt over and wounded three distinct alines In the same spot while Heal ing, yet in no case can be traced the least cicatrlce or mark! For all kinds of hurts its rapid soothing effects are also important:even sore eyes, all infiamations and bro ken breasts would be unknown. The toilet and nursery, ( or clearing the skin of pimples, removing chafe, etc., w iii find it indispensable. One using only will forever este.. !Milk the sovereign HEAL-ALL quality. After this no lice, heads of families allowing torture for months, and ultimately distorted features, can never wipe away re. proach. justly uttered by a disabled child, for neglecting to triumph over Mei t• Entered according to act of Congress. A. D. 1 841, 1 1 Conistwk 4. Co, In the Clerk's arks of the District Court of the Ignited Stalea for the Southern District of New York." Warranted the only genutne. Comstock it. co., w hotesa le Druggims, N. York, have be come the sole wholesale agents for Mr. Dailey, in A [told ea for 20 yeals. All orders must he addressed to them. The gennine only to be had at TUTTLE'S Medical Agency, 86 Fourth street. Nov 15 Pittabarrh Lard Oil Manufactory • - 4 6 " f