JUNE 27. 1843 Washington Banner. "—We are glad to Isa're that the Washingtonians are sincessfully axerting.themseves in increasing the subscrip tion list of this inai.t. excellent Temperance paper. It has given entire satisfaction to the friends of 6s . cause since its first appearance, and we sin send/ trust that it may be made a source of profit Li the talented and enterprising editor. Ateturncti.—Vi'm. Bell, ommeroing w hom, infor mation was solicited through our paper some tpeeksrago, has, we are informed, ri.turned home to 'llllttekingiim county, Ohio. He has become com pletely insane. How he found his way home is not known, as he wandered alone and without pro teeters. During his absence his wife died. - Robberies.—Several robberies have oc. _ caned in and about the city, within a few days past. Mr. Childs, corner of 2nd st. end Cherry Alley, was robbed of a few pies; a dish of strawberries, and a few oth er sr at tiolas of the same nature. Mr. Peter Sheppard was also lobbed of several arti• ales of clothing. Mr. Carliss, who keeps 1 bakery on the bank of the river, was rob bed of about 200 dollars on Sunday, while at church. The robbers entered the house by the back window. This is rather an aggravated case. Mr. Carliss, had laid up 120 dollars for rent money and tr. remain. .der was for the payment of some smaller debts—all of which has been swept away sand left him in embarrassment. We are told that persons are suspected of having committed the robbery. Mr. Searle.—We were called upon yes_ terday by this gentlemanos ho guessed tha t we would not object to him looking at our paper, as he did not wish to carry it away. - Certainly; who could refuse! We think 'Vaster acted very strangely in his remarks to Mr. S. when requested to give hi n a copy of the Age. 01 course Mr. S. does not mean to make a practice of reading the papers without paying fur them lie will so doubt ask for his bill some fine day,and iasb it at sight. Remedy for the hifluenza.—The Influ enza, which is now an almost universal epidemic, is exciting the inventors of pit. .ent medicines to increased exertions in . thepuffing line, but owing to :he genera! .distrust entertained for the generality of such drugs, people fear taking them. The following, however, from a dis'inguished physician in New York. Dr. Nelson, we think may be relied on: "The ()Elkct of the present communica tion ill to recommend a single remedy, cheap and of easy access to the pour, arid -tecaution them against an injurious one in "this disease, namely, bleeding, , ither g' n erat or by leeches. In all those cases in which the first class of symptoms prevail, let the patient smell frequently at a corn , mon 'salts bottle,' or a vial of sprits of hartshorn or arum inia; they are all the lame; and by putting the vial to the mo oh, to draw a few deep inspirations of the -volatile matter into the lungs. Let this process be repeated two or three times in an hour, and it will give more speedy and greater relief, in all slight cases of the filet class, than any other remedy, and i will be sufficient for a cure. It will also by essentiallyuseful in the severe cases; sod in those of the class of prostration, a few drops of the ammonia, or hartehorn, ought to be taken internally. A neat way of, doing so is to take an old fashioned' called lac ammoniaci. However, it is as a local remedy, to act on the dia.- ordered surface, that its use is advised.— The principle will be recogonized by 1.11 physicians versed in molecular organization and those who are deficient in that know ledge, may do in this instance as they do in all..others—act upon the faith they im bibe. European .gency—We underbtand that. R. Keenan, Esq, European Agent, has arrived at New York, and will be in this city in a few days. iTtre.-00 Sunday evening, a fire was dis covered, in some part of the old Water Works, supposed to have caught from sparks from the chimney. It was extin— guished without doing any injury. No alarm was raised. T4ll. Conikstional, or an Exposition cf the Doc. tines orituricular Confession, as taught in the Standards of the Romish Church. By Rcv. J, F. Oln,Pasitor of the First Ger. Ref. Church, Phila. The above work bas been sent to us fftin the Methodist Book Store, wbe , e, it is for sale. Mr Berg strenuously advocates the viows he site• forth, and the book will be eagerly ruid by these who agree with him in opinion. Land Sales. We inv'te the attention of those who are think ing about a settlement in the West, or who wish to invest money in western land, to the asks ad vertised in We paper. The lands offered are generally situated in healthy and prosperous re giiina. and offer great inducements to settlers Char paper, to-morrow. will contain advertisements af landa in other Sate?. The Owensboro' Gazette (Kentucky) atipbs . tisat it woollen factory is just going intp.operation in that place. About 30,000 old Lutheran subjects of Prussia, from the borders of the Baltic, are shortly to come over and settle in this country. LOCUSLe • are plenty about Richmond Baltitainre and New York. They have sot appeared in any part of the weat, . A Ger Man girl named Harmon fell over. board from the S. B. Little Ben, a few days since below Cincinnati, and was drowned. The Cincinnati papers tried to make a bit of romance out of the affair by stating that she leaped over in consequence of the rejection, by her pa rents, of her lover. But the truth soon spoiled all. 1/R. DANIEL Arc/WEAL, Office on Fifth street between Wood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh. dee. 11}-Iy. NOTICE MINE stockholders of the Pittsburgh and Allegheny 1 Bridge Company are hereby notified that the mina • al election for one President, ten Managers, one Treas tirer. and a clerk to conduct the business of the Compa ny for the ensuing year, will be held ou Monday tlie 3d of July next, at the hour of 3 o'clock P. M., nt the roomsbelonging to said Company,north end of the Hand Street Bridge, JOHN TASSEL, June 17—te. President. NAYLOR di. CO.'S BEST REFINED CAST STEEL THE undersigned, agents for the above celebrated stamp of Steel, will always keep on hand an as sortment of the same, consisting In Best Refined Cast Sirs', squated, fiat,round and Octagon do do do do axe temper, Extra do do do for nail cutlers, Beat do Double and Single Shear Sire, English Blister, German. Granite. Wedge and Crawley Steel, at wholesale, by the case, or In smaller lots to suit purchasers, LYON, SHORB 4- CO, June 24--d3rmt wfini • Font of IN'ood VIIIOR ACCO.-2 Hlul Kentucky leaf Tobacco, jttst re ceived and for sale by J %V.IURBRIPGE CO, June 19. fraier sl. between Wood d• Swith'd. ESTEE'S WRITING INSTITUTE. JEzAT Er., Prof of Penmanship, ha. re-opened its .Writing lustiutte for the SPHSOII, at hi: former roam corner of Wood and Third at., where, I.lrge classes are now fot min!. Ali F..": room is titled up In superior style for the reception of his pupils, who will meet daily, Ladies' Chan. will be waited upon at 2 o'clock, r M. Gentlemen's Cla.ts L. In alt cases, n neat and fashionable .tyle of Penman ship in warranted to the alit wive pupil. Terms of mullion fur 12 lessons, $3,00 20 5,00 Ladies can receive le sons at their residei.ce,:f de3i red. ;Kr rE. will exrrute, on the shnrie, notice, all kind of Fancy and 0 rnamenta Pon ma the moat neat and fa..hiortable manner. The ptitvic arc re•r!•ectriittv invilrd In at 111. In. athute and examine Mr E rtpecirnens ”r and method ol teaching. J ne 19.-2 w. 5 SACKS )100 Fewl)to,, Article) on con , on rnent, and for 'ale by 11.11I.1tAN, JENNINGS j ( 0 .Irrrt NEW WHOLESALE CASHH STORE, No. 99 !Food street, P11"FS1U'IGII. 7 111 E R NS- are rect.,' nz enito,o supplies of seasariatOe Dry (1.,,,b4 tvli icl. they is in COW intl.! to 11 IS 1 , 09 e of at vas prire , .With the addil ion of ran iatze, for casA, par money , only. Every inerrhant ritakiri2 porrliasei in Ihr rile mirk money, is reitneetfolly iuvitrJ to call anti ex - Iloile oar goods, and the elia ores are hen to one A 2.1, 'IA. hut, 11, , ltv will not rolit.iiter kis little and la' or lust Ilanintt ss .1. 11 from a ronvirti Jrn that ii ma-t he to the ad•onia T p tile pa - chaser wr trust it may roreive a fair t nu! ,aad he jad-,:rd arrunlif,;!n• June 16—dl FURNITURE WARE .11.001145. ALEXANDER Mce U RD Y. .it t he old stand of YOC.VG -11cC CR Xo. 4 . Second, beftecen nand and Mard a strees. RESPECTFULLY informs the frirndi t 1l he lat. and the roti.he ,niv• ta 'iv. that he 1. prepared id rill all orders inrc.ai.d: of any kind. wiiti a!! oviiiide despatch, and tsairal trd to he equal to any in /the rily, - Every at ?rotten Will he paid to rarpi-t, c r OFFI ;4.r. when requirid. Jane In. 1! ;3 r: A W BER R I E,'• and CRE 151 at Was!,l“,gt,” 11",1 .7 (late I , Pidence of James AlialllP, June 17. %TA It 11 St iII:NT, Drhti•Li Lita•ri y ...t . • V re', dnory taqoa, rt ClL.ir oor fi I CO LET CONVENIENT and well nutshell two story Uno., :IL with kiirit,n oil the around floor, and a vottl _ardi attached. situate on Larork, near Federal SI reef, A Ile• ;teeny city. Enquire of j t••• 2 1 , ft WM . E AN. titi 'BEAMS 'Cap . ' writing Paper. ruled, lir 10 giuss Bodorm Boards, on ron:Tanineni, and for salt , by 17A11,MAN, JENNINGS rr)., June 6. 43 Womi NOTICE TO DR BRAIIIDRETIL'S AGICNTS! The Wire in Pi't•i'dirgli whirh was established (or the purpose of const kitting agents in the went, having scram plished that &Jett, is now and Mr. G. H. LEE in the Diam tnd, Nlarket street, appointed sly agent for the sale of Pills and Liniments -111 Dr. Bra ndelltit agents will t herforedintlers'and,that Dr. It. will i end a travelling agent through the country once a year to e,iffe e i, moneys for sales made and re-supply agrets. The traveller will he provided with a power of attorney, duty proved before the Clerk of the city and county of New York together with all necessary vouchers and papers, M r.'J, J. Yoe, Is my travelling agent how in Pennsvl. R. DR ANDETII, M Ut N. R, Remember Mr. G• It, Ler, in rear of the Mar. kel is now my only agent in Pittsburgh. New York,Jone 14Th, 1043, THE MU: WAY TO RECOVER HEALTH. frr An individual only wishes to know ;be right way to pursue it; and there are none, were it score r made known how Lux tolgtit be prolonged and ileAtru re• covered. w: o would not adopt the plan. Evidence required that the right way is discovered. Till. la what tho , e suffering from sickness want to he gaiisfied about. For who is so foolish as not to enjoy all the health his body is capable of? Of Ito is there that would not live when his expnripnee can so much benefit hiniself and family? It is a melancholy fact that a very large pro portion of the otos! ti , efi I meinhers of society' die be tween tire ages of litriy and fort-y. flow many widows and helpless orphans have been the consequence of :nan. kind not having In their own power the means of restor. lug health when lost. Now all these dangers and difficulties can he prevented arid the long and certain sickness, and lie aRSiSi Na lute. In the outset, with a good dose of Brantireth's This Is a fact, will understood to be so by thousands of our cilizens This medicine. If taken so as to purge freely. will surely rare any cur;bie disease. There is no form or kind M . sickness that it does not exert a cur alive influence upon. Thus, by their power ht resisting putrefaction, they cure measles small pox, worms and all contageous fevers. There 19 not a medicine In the world so able to purify the iria=sof blood rind restore it to healthy condition, as the Braudreili The Brandreth Pills are purely vegetable, and so in nocent that the infant of a ntot.th old may nse them If medicine iv required, not only with safety but will' a cur. tainty of receiving all the benefit medicine is callable of imparting. Females may use them in all the critical periods of their lives. The Brand:l.th Fills will insure their health, and produce regularity in a'l the functions of life. The same may I .e said of Arandreth's External Rem edy, amen outward application In all external pains, or swellings, or sores, it greatly assists the cure. When used where the skin is very tender or broken. it should he mixed with one or two pints of water, A sure Tester (7enaine Brandrea Pills,—Examino the box of Pills, Then look at the certificate of agency, whose engraved date must be within the year, which, every authorised agent must f10.93C29; if the three labels on the box agree with the ;bre.. labels on the certificate, the Pills are true—if not, they arc fake. Principal office, 24t Proadway, New York: June 16. FLOUR. --40 We Family Flour, Just received and (or gale by J. W. 111JRBRIDCE 4. Co., June 22. Water st. between Woodand Smitli'd. COUGHS AND COLDS MANY are now puttering with theabove coraptairne, and can be cared speedlly thy IPortoetrs Baleen of Anneseed, which given,p n to an. To be had only at TUTTLE'S. ourtb street. Jane 22. TO THE GENtLIIMF.N OF pftrs- BURGH. TBE sufiscrlber tnost respectfully informs the gentle men of thl! city and vicinity that he has commenced the BOOT and SHOE making business in Fourth street, opposite the Mayors office. Having been foreman In some of the most fashionable Boot Shops in the Eastern cities; and having furnished himself with the best French and American Calf Skins. he hopes by his attention to business to merit a share of rm bile patronage Tu those gentlemen who have kindly patronized him he returns his sincere thanks and can with confidence appeal for the goodness of his work and knowledge c r his business. may 11. P. KERRIGAN. TO THE PUBLIC This is to certify that the subscriber has been for some lime afflicted with the Rheumatism very severely, from which he could get no relief, until, being advised to pro. cure some of Dr. Pitch's INDIAN VEGETABLE ELIXIR, whiett he accordingly did, and from which after a few doses, he was entirely relieved. Columbia, April 6, 1752. SA PEARSE: Near Rice Creek Springs,/ ,Ricnlaod Districi,S. C, April 30, 1838. certify, that my son, Thomas Mitchel, Jr., aged 15 yors, has been vroubled for eight years last past with the Rhedmatism, and for the last three years has been unalle to help himself: his pain was very severe., so that lie could not be moved without great agony; his limbs were onralized and drawn up, and lie presented an ob. jert hopeless to nil who knew him. T resorted to several Physicians fur relief for him, without effect. Having heard of Dr. A. Pitch's Indian Vegetable Elixir, I pro. rured the. same for m V son. On taking it he was much relieved, and by continuing it to the fourth hottle, has entirely removed the pain, his flesh is restored and he is now enjoying good health. I would, in a rase of Rheu matism, earnestly recommend it to those who are ;lifer. tee with this excrnci_ting pain. THOS. MITCHELL. %V being neighbors arm acquaintances of Mr Thomas Mitchell, and having often "teen the. situation of his son, fully cm-robot ate the above case, and. as we believe has been cured by the Indian Vegetable Elixir. The above, with a very Mr,r.re assortment or Other valuable nirdi r ineg, h a v e j0.,1 been received and are for sale by the quantity or sitiqlc brittle. at TUTTLE'S, SG Fourth so. INFORMATION WANTED. OVii the :2131h day , a son of the sob_ N.-Ist - Ober ranted J.INIEo KELLY, lien aaonl 9 years 4.. r 11 7 ,e, lell his lie was seen n fey nay! , alter in the has a fair complexion and fair hair and is rather heavily built On the 30th of the same month. hi: trot her. ahoy then aced nlinut ten yea rs, alao 'vent away !lin came in MON ARDKELLY: he has red hair and .lark eye•. ft fa proiintile that hot Ti the boys may dent their true names and an/olive re hers. Any In. formation rolicerntliz them wilt Iteva eitillv received by I heir affl tried pa ret,O. JOIIN KELLY, e 9 Prospect street, Farms lo Lease. E untletsizticd will lease Iwo Faith, Sill1:11,1 in East loner tewlitthip, wtl It I lie necrAeary tette nen te, 3lid front 71, to 100 acres r l nared on each. Also, ()tie fan,. ~, . 01.(1 in ‘Ve,t (leer loss oship 111c , zheny county with (toot 0 to 73 acres ciao d. n above do red ed prop, In rea,nt !Otte co•td lc r. JUI t . nnh~ tram tl,, nits of tsl nr:h. and within two tnitelt of the rrnICA Canal. and o It! he 11,5,11 or rea,uoaltle tern, , 1 , •5 from 1 to diree le;trw,lo pn,;d lewitils. II SRI': A3l NICTRY. 1 1M PORTA N'f' SAW MILLS worts' Allrd Self Setters forFnwinlll. which en fully le-t,,1 In thtirrent pßris of rtliJe t t a• %%ell a+ :n the rulesof P,l l -hurc!! and \ !teghen, tie peen In or, railon at a non, , ,er of \ I r kttrtil Wilk Ott VOW! St,;nt R.lttVll , lll mitt n, a , its 61,r1 r111:14 thee'- itttl.l I he,- T 1..• alive n., n,rd mar hit t• raft In Inured ni W . W. IVa , fare', ,11.tp rtn rrlt ni near 11111`ttl, Itttlitrft It to rllllll2 up and whet, the marlline 14 thl Ir roes , nu 1:v kepi on ploy 10 it F'. Snyder or W W. IA . :ill:1re. era o 5 L. HARPER, Attorney and Cow - or/tor at Law, CADIZ lIARR'SON COUNTY, Milo rorec,.o” or security . , if C.tinto., any ' Ali. Ile';11te, rrnuustl,l to It, ciirr.lll Ihi. rnt ur , r . of narr.,ol, .I , 4ertoa. Brlmont Garr. i, ca. 1101,11 I. Cr g h 0 ( ... , 1 Carroll. Stork it'd If r. Crlet to: V I). /.• 'I ,1,1 rtl I shor t , John /I..trier. I. T. NIG I LUTI, E.llll ET 1107' El,. TIIE PROPRIETOR ()it'd. , well knnwn and c••••••••cot f•••••• lom••••, %boat( d illy n••rtli cod of lhe oldlllrgh tie brittle, 1111•• r ma 1•••• Heads nod ll,r 11111,1 if, 111:11he e ha. r very I in COlL "flier fur the rccepl ion and ellleltaiornvi.l of il•nt 7.llirgts a nd 1.,111M11 . 1111.11:IrderA Hi. Charzes unit 111 , 41 C Tale ;111.1 rhino; be sr tiled to make ff•o. Flo riots comfortable inn keep up the former reputal or. of lii. boom.. Goccl .4,0,110 z for any nulthcr of how:. unt Emmet. rip E pat rap% of Wea.apt roreai and all %% ho meek plea.ure in ihr pare air of ?he enantry, are hat/In - Ird !hat the Maur! Earpei iToii r i 9 now open lor vl,ltorr A rartlaze will leave the klt. Etnthet Hotel every d.,y at half part 2, anti half pas: 3 o'clock. Sitedav• exettp 1112CII SWEE]Y. may 31 —ll,i,‘ lin . o 'll It(I7CF:4 (;),11nd l'Ppper, ausl) 1,, Choc flaw. from Phoenix Factory, halt., Just lacmved and for male by 11A11.51AN, JENNINGS 4. CO. 43 Wow! sirem I'o CAPITALISTS half of a very valuator and productive property JL for sale '0 a cool partner oil von, low and accom. inodating terms. The property Is in New Castle, on the Pennsylvania and Ohio canal, ir. 'Beaver and Mercer counties, and consists of a Saw-Mili, willt Iwo ,:aws that cut about 3000 feet per ;It y and rents for 650 dol. lam A four story brick Flour Mill with four ruin of Bares, 4- can manufacture about 116 Ills good dour per day. The Flour and SAW otitis have all new works and machinery and in first rate order, The mill rents for 1500 dollars per annum. A Rolling Nail Factory and Elooniery for making Charcoal blooms, all of which 'is wor'ked`iy water power formed by Shenango and Nnshannoc.k creeks. The Rolling Mill is drove by steam —22 inches cylinder and 51 feet stroke. The Rolling Mill Is large and convenient and has a Sheet 111111, Bar Iron mill, Hammers and small Guide and sloop mill Furnace, suflicient fur doing n large business. Boats pries up and down the rare from the Works to the Canal nod save expenses or all Irnying,tmuling coal There arc 11 dwelling houses and a number of shops and sta biles on the premises. and sales at New Castle for all the iron, nails he. manufactured and demand inereasing.— The Engine and most of the machinery and most of the improvements have run about six months only. The Iron Works will rent for ghoul 5000 dollars. The pro_ perty cost, two years ag0,.42,000,and since that time 31, 000 dollars have been laid out In Improvements. To a good partner who can pay 15,000 dollars down and the balance in a year, a good bargain of one Italia the above will be given, Apply at ISAAC; II A RIMS` General Agency and In teliieence office, 9 Fifth street. June 6. I. W. Burbridge di, Co• AGENTS for the sale of Lteattv's Powder. Water st between Wood and Smithfield. March 30, 1843. Auction SFR ELVES TOC IC 4- co , Snece,mrs to J. R .Guth• • rie, at the old stand corner of Sih and Wood sts having contplied with the requisitions of the new Auc• lion Law, , re prepared to make advances on Consign• menls and to sell on favorable terms. They hope by continuing to make ready sales and prompt returns, to receive a fair portion of business. In retiring from the Auction business. I take 4re.i pleasure in recommending to time public Messrs. Samue Fahntslock 4- Co.. who have complied with the require ments of tbe new Auction Law and will do business a my oid stand. J. B. GUTHRIE. sprit 31843. DANIEL 31. CURRY, Attorney at Law. Of dee on Sib st between litrot.d seat Beeithfietti. itn H I 5 WIWI Green St. Ja:o Coffee, just received. and' sale by HAILMAN, JENNINGS 4- CO., No. 43, Wood a SAMUEL MEEK, I/ %VIE; D, HAY, BRITEON SPELLING, ROBERT THOMISON, iwoRNEn H lIGOOD. OWNERS OF Pittsburgh , A pril Ist 1843 - --- 3LOCKBmade esprenly far pewter tnarightiss, but ery suitable for Pork Rouses, es the materials o which they are emworaeted will not rust from the action of the salt, will be gold low for cosh. mug 2-liw JAS. PATTERSON. DRI PF-ACIIES.-50 bushels Dry Peaches , Jost re— celved 4- for sale by II A I LNI ENN I NGS k Co. may 11. 43 IV ooJ si met. :CHANGE HOTEL, Corner of Penn 4• St. Clair sts. Pittsb'gli. TUB E Proprietors of this elegant and commodious es tabitehment, beg leave to announce to their friends and t!e public, that their price for Board, from this date, Is reduced to ONE DOLLAR PER DAY. From the locality of this house, being situated mid. way between the Canal and Steamboat landings, as d on the great thoroughfare to Allegheny city, the proprie. tors trust, that with continued exertions on their part. they will be enabled to afford eve , v attention and (aril sty required for the comfort a,nd convenience of their guests, and hope to merit a continuance of the patron age that hoe hitherto hero so liberally extended to them. The principal Stage and Packet offices, a e connected with the Hotel, and for the better arconrmodatlon of their guests, an Omnibus will at all times be In reads. ness to Convey them to and from the House. ap 25-3 m. MeKIBRIN .1. SMITH. t om . I CHEAP COMB, BASKET AND VAP It lET S'l'o E. No. 108, Mark rl Street, Liberty. THE vii'.,rll,vr n , reris:triscmiorners and the public !zi`,Wrally. that he has just returned from the east With a large and • rr::ser assortment of goods In Iris line to which he invires Nlereha ors and others who tvlsh lo purchase wlrerei:.li or retail, very low for cash. The fol'owir2 comprise: part of hi, ith a ver y large assrvrinent of fancy zmols and toys'. 200 pn.k. En:lish, f7rrmau ❑nd A mericatt plu 100 lion.al.l 1,4 nredre•; CM, 11)1)0 r < rolicw; :25 11, APvL int! 7f) IL. !met skm , thread: 1(141 11, 1 1 .00,11 rrolnn thrrad; p , rrii..:(o, rap.; till and 1 3 , 1ilig 1 .11110nP; [rO•■ 1.(1110r19, 1 2il g10!..54 Shur larr 100 )OZ. rnufl:• ,1, z. In, toki, -hell, luck and nntralo combs; 131; doe, fine Ivory cornl.s; 200 dos.. drt ,, inz cOnlbs; 35 11 enz, court,.; f; erns. tooth hru.lie.; 10 dux a, , sorted hair and clothes hru.hes; ri , t ,ros. n, hoe Rilvcr , l hook. and eyes; .2tt .2,oss cntorront hooks and eye.; 511 dor. n.xocted scissors; 31140 z xpectarlnF; 54) ?foto neftorlroi trhn 1, bone; /!or. au•ortctl •fizc:f stair.; 4(1 2 S I prlls: ,1,054 W.,o,kvar,rs tr1ei , 1311 . 4 pen holders; %V rth ; , c-ortmr.nt of all kinds of variety roods, ";,, t.wo , :nti4, chaff' a.r radles, market and other t• Y. would in particular Invite the att. !o , nrl ,'f the latliPS t , l his fine ;old large assort mem. of S.L , ll and PH rftc. rend's. Grn:',ams re'ehrated six curd -pool cotton, the nest nut fele nride; persons pur. gun ret nn, it if not as represented. A inn, ihr be s t roomer dralledeved needle.. wh irlt have hero purchased ..Ine/oally for retail, and tine .1 rucriran flat and round head tdo., flr' , Y ) C . Yr. r.v . KErs, FOR C'INCINNAI'I. The Ah.,er. ;eaves every Thar:4l3v 31 111 o'clock 3. in I '4 'r, Copula, Ma.ter. Lave. every Friday at is 3. 111 The N:tiflrzonierv, Bennett, Mister, leaves every sat. :It 10 trl.rrk a. In. The rur%,.,,nn, %facer, leaves every Sun Jay:, lii 11 . r kn . m. Jo-N if INGHAM & CO. NUT ICE. P.,1 k K, rir 41•ra tn will call al al Ihi n4i nf, he mar. bear or Thal vt IJI be of interest Illogic or boil, of them. jut,. 7. I'UTTLE, SG FOURTH STREET, MT isec Ra • 1.5 jitAt received (Tom .A - ,10 York nod Phaadelphia a larce and griirral mamrin:ent of vaatal , ir Family .11r.fiereei and h.‘ is now ready In gitrply thug gists and Uriaotry Ntrrririii'.. at the ra , tern wholesale riirtc.loa It f ra-h--ninortz which ale viz. I n.liart Vrl!rtablo Ilene'' N.•rvri and Roue L11111)1,11, Halm of china. Linn', Trriii , marre Hlll ry r )1,1r1,1:o'n fl,t t i, of i'"lninitikt. Vow of Volvalurs Tottir Slizthre; h's Sat - n:1112,11a. Liniment (for Piles;) Spolln ,,, Ur-Rd., lin RrmrJi, Crtollrv's l'etier Ointment, East India Hair Dye. Essence of l'yre. Barrie:la Oil, OVl,l , lrre! ' n Liniment. flartholomew's Pink Ex pertorant, Hats:, in of Live r woll Seudd, is Eye Water, roveri's 13.11111 of Life linniphrey's Pile Ointment, Pou&r.s Lion's ph,tera, lirandreth's Pills (gen ninr;) WI son', Dyspeptic Pills, Fahnortock's, Ecans . , h,en, hi ibbert's and various other PI LLS I , I Also, Falinestork's Vermiluge.Depurative Sy nip, Opt). deldoc, Cough Lozenge., Pneumatic or Cough Balsam. etc., etr. A good and general assortment of A 1.1, Ihr valuable Patent 3feelieines always on hand, and for sale wholesale and retail. Don't forget 86 Fourth street June 12. QTF, M 11011,Eft EXPLOSIONS.—The Board ap K. pointed by the. Se, retnry of the Navy ~ 10 make ex. perlinental trial, of slieh invention, and plans, designed to prevent the ex plasdon of steam 'Joliet , and collapsing at, they may deem worthy of examination," re quest that limie persons who have apparatus 10 present for trial, will forward them lo the Navy Yard, at Wash. Inflon, without delay, as the board will be prepared tc proceed with the experimental trials by the 15th Inst, The Instruments sent must he on a practical scale, and he ready to he attache(' to their boilers; that which has been prepared for the experiments is twenty feel lung, three feet in diameter, and has two twelve loch flues passing throikelt it. Navy Yard,WashinutonJutte $ If 1iti110.1.311 COUGHS AND COLDS. Now is the time of year for persons attacked with Omaha, Coulds. Rheumatism, Gout, i•c, .•c. —To those afflicted, a speedy cure can he effected by using PEASE'S lIOARIIOOND CANDY. which Is allowed by all who have used it to he the beet remedy ever offered for Coughs and Colds, and HEWES NERTE AND BONE LIXAMENT an outward remedy, with the INDIAN VEGETABLE. ELIXER. an Inward application, in a eertais and positive cure for the Rheumatism. Gout, Contracted Cords and Limbs, one need suffer from thrse diseases if they wilt one abcve medicines The aenuine to he had only at TrI"F LE'S hltutcm. AGENCY. 'Druzgihts and Country merchants will he eupplied a NEW YORK prire.. 36 Fourth Street. NOTICE TO DR. DRANDRETEI'S AGENTS. The office in Pittsburgh, which was established for the purpose of constituting agernis in the west, having accomplished chat object, is now closed, and Mr. D. H. LEE, in the Diamond, Market street, appoittied my agent for the sale of my Pills and Liniments. All Dr, Brandreth's agenas will, therefore, understand that Dr, B. willsend a travelling agent through the country once a year to collect moneys for sales made and re supply agents. The said traveler will be 'proilded with power of 'attorney.dniy proved before the Clerk of the city and county of New York,togel her with all the ne cessary vouchers and papers. Mr.l. J. Yoe is sny traveling agent now in Penn .gilettalas O. BRA NDRETD, M. D. N B , —Remember Mr, C, H. LEE, In the rear of the Market is now my only agent In Pittsburgh. Jane It BANA NOTE AN I ORISCTSD DAILY. ST S'LLSS r EMPISYLVi Bank of Pitt-share h. par Merril. 4- Man. bk. par Exchange bank, par Bk, of Germantown. •• Easton lank, Lancaster hank, die 1 Bank of Chester Co. par Farmers'bk Bucks Co. i• Doylestown bk do Bk of N America Phil. " Rk of Northern Liberties," Commercial bk. of Pa. " For. 4. Mechanics bk "i Kensingion Irk. Philadelphia bk. Schuylkill bk. Southwark bk. Western bk. Rk. of Pennsylvania. " Bk of Penn T. par Man. 4- Mechanics bk. par Mechanics bk. par Moyamensing bk. Girard ba.ilr, 151 U. States bank. 48, Lumbermens', Warren, -- Frank. bk Washington, par Miners bk of Poi tsvile, 4 Bk of Montgomery Co. par Mon. hk Brownsville, Erie Bank, 5 ltarrisburgh bank, 41 Far. bk Lancaster, 11 Ilk of Middleiown, 41 ilk. of Chambersburgh, 4 1 Carlisle hank, 4 Bk of Northumberland, par Columbia bk 4• Bridge co. 8 Rk Susquehanna Co- 40 Rkof Delaware Co. par Lebanon bk. 4 Cel tysburgh bk. 4 York bank, 4 Far. ti• Drovers bk. of Wayneshil reit. 4 •' •• Currency notes. 4 flonesda To, 2 Wvnmin,• hank, 10 Pittsh'elt State 4crip 2a3 Country do do 4 Rerkß o bank, 70 Lewistown, 2 Towanda. Alountulel.uht bk Far. k Mech. lilt of Steu. benville. 11 Rclntnut hlt of St. Claim vi!le, 1I Marietta bk. Demand notes. 1-; do Currency notes, 1} Columbiana I.k New Lis hon Demand, do Post notes. It Cincinnati specie pay- log kooks, 1 Mech. 4- Traders bk of Cincinnati. 3 Clinton I.k of Columbus. Demand nOtep, Circleville, (D. Law more CaAliler) Zanesville bk. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. TO LET. 3d Iry of the building occupied by R. A . Bausrnanccen Auction store.keretofore known as “Sesmit It's Long Room,' corner - of Wood and 51h streets inquire or R. Morrow. sth st. Jan 23. T (rs ALE.—Four Lois In 'Manchester. Onr and a ("mirth Arres of Land nn Holmes' Hill. Lot, rm.. V. 42.52. 53. 54.181, 182 and 184, In Cook's plan of 1.. t., on Hill A kin, Lola no. 26 and 27. in Cook's plan of Lots on High strre;, near the new Court duet. For terms apply to Z. VV. RE%IINGTON step 111 FOR RENT. 4XD ho=session given on the Ist of April next; a brick house on the hank of the Allegheny river two stories high. 4 comfortable rooms, besides cellar and kitchen. It in very pleasantly rilluutedjuat out side the rity tine, with a full view of tiredly of Allegheny, and wilhin 20 minutes' walk or the heart of the city—rent vrry low. AMES BLAKELY, mar 11 House Agent, sth Ward TO LET. ril l ONE brick dwelling house, enitlaininz a lar?n hall, two parlours, 4 looms upstairs, with (In 'shed garret. dining room and kitchen, with ear riage house. Scr. This house is pleasantly located with raid in• front and rear, on tt•e ranal hank, rumor of inferno street. leading to upper bridge, now In the or. runanre . f Mr Mertorg. rent to suit the times-Enquire of Dr 2__________ Whittaker, Allegheny City. mar 8, ______ ----- For Rent. A CONVENIENT three Rtory brick dwellinz house situate on Ross street near Fourth• Rent $12.5. ape 10, Apply to JAMES MAY. WHISKEY. sfi MIT' 5 vears oh! copper distilled Monongahela N.Yllye Whi,key on consignment, and for .a'e by J. W. BURRIZITY:E. Wei er bet wren Wont! and Stnit • ~,,,,BEAVER AND WARREN _ PACKET. The canal packet ERIE. J. M. Shaw master, will run at regul r triweekly oar km between the at.° te named boat!, 'ram, Brayer on Miinda vs, Wed nesdays, Frida Morning, leaves Warren on Tuimdays, Thursdays and Saturdays; connecting with the Stage Lines to Cleveland direct. For freight or nasitage apply on hoard or to BM 11 INC; If CV( & CO., Pittsbuzgli. J. S. DICKEY, Beaver. may 10. IRON CITY HOTEL; The old stand of Mali hew Patrick, (Lately occupied by John franc) 1111 HE rutcbrriber wishes to inform the citizens orpiffit i burgh, and the travelling public, that he has leased the above well known stand. (situstrd on Fifth street, between Market hnd Wood.) where he will he happy to accommodate all his old friends, anti as many new ones as will he pleased to acknowledge hint as t:ieir host.— lii: terms will he moderate, suited to Ihe times. His table will he supplied with the best that the Market af fords. His liar will he furnished with the choicest of liquors, hot h domestic and foreign. His stables are spa eious and commodious, conducted by experienced and attentive ostlers. would Inform the citizen. that he In prepared to accommodate a !lumber of Weekly, Monthly or Year. ly boarders at reduced prices. RATES OF HOAR D ' Single Meal, 25 caws. Lodging, 121 cts flow d per Week, 82.50. may 8-3 m . MICH. PORTSER WILLIAM DOUGLASS' H AT AND CAP MANUFACTURER. Every deserip lion of finis and Cape on hand. andfor WI!, whole. sale and retail. at prieee to stilt the times, at the old stand of Douglas Mooro, 73 Wood street. mss 5. 800 000 of BacoLl . , W. J t AK aI e fII ZO N , may 30-1 m . 4th st.. near Liberty REE NIAN'S FIRE BRICK FOR SALE. - • J UST rercivPll, 5000 Freeman's hest Fife tiek, wh ich wIU hereafter he kept magically on hand and sold low for rash, I.y EIRMINGHA 4.• may 27' No. 60 Water St. HIDES. 2 po DRIED HIDES, 9 Calf Skins, remised on consignmenl,and for sale hi, J W BURBII E Cu. June 3, Water st, be tween Wood and Smithfield DR. STARKWETHER'S HEPATIC ELIXIR Care of Liver Complaint of 25 years standing. This, may certify that forltwenty five years I was af flicted with pain in my side, which was frequently so severe as to entirely incapacitate me from labor, I have been under the rate and treatment of various physician: without any permanent benefit. Hearing of the many cures effected by the Hepatic Elixir prepared by Dr. Starkwealber.l. was induced tevgive it a ilia', and am happy to say that it hasenrirely removed. if have f e l t leo ortnPsova* of it for WTI them a year part. ATerthbr false, illne 30, 1341. AMOS MD urn, Thegenuint to be had at TUTTLE'S Medical . Izeney, 86 Fourthstreet. excasivan LIST viAmilt,lll(llanek sic L! ___..„ 11'nost,r. If klassiii,,n, do Sandusky. do ficauga, do Norwalk. do Xenia, do Dayton, do Scioto, 35 Post (total,. 14 Chillicothe, If Fran. hk Columbus, If La,.emter, 30 Hamilton, 30 Granville, 73 Com. bk. Lake Erie, 25 Far. bk:of Canton, 98 Urbana 60 INDIANA. State bk. - Branches State &rip, 27 KENTUCKY. All lanky, ILLINOIS. Mate bk 4- Branches 50 Shawoeetow•n, 65 VIRGINIA Bank of Virginia, do Valley, Far. bk. of Virginia, Exchange bank, N. West. hank Mer. kktec. do, MARYLAND Baltimore Banks, Country Banks DEL A WARE All Banks, par NEW JERSEY. All Banks, par and 1 NEW YORK. Citzßh tar. par Country hanks, (safety fund.) a 1 Red Back, J to 1 NEW ENGLAND. ,Boston Ranh!, psr Country .; 3 LOUISIANA Orleanq Rnnka , ;mud, l NORTH CAROLINA Banks, SOUTH CAROLINA ,Banks, 13 PM COLUMBIA Ranks. Sal ALABAMA Good Rankg, 'I'ENNESSEE All Banks MICIIInAN Bk. of Bt. Clair, 10 Do. do.J h Fl.Soilth 3 CANADA Good bank%. Btolo Engler!) Exchange. Philadelphia. i INew York: 4 Retimore, 4 Rogton. 3 ,Western nlChallfZe. lrineln nal I, par Louisville. oar Cleveland. 3 di! AYheelln' • par GOLD , FIF.VF.R, par - - . /Intl AT large and commodious warehouse No. 61 Litt. erty street, in the occupancy oft he enbseriher, 20 fest front, running through to Virgin :.tle.y B,i feet, subs - tan ? tinily built, %Oh the unexpired ;Juan& lease of Etti yenta. The above house IN in one of the hest busing. ?lards in the city for a Grocery, Clothing Store ar Foundry Warehouse, anti hill be sold very Tow and poseeeektu given immediately, rintrire of 11.. Al, DAWSON. no I he preiliftel. June 7. • r i NUtt. S %1.E.-1-01s the Norto Fa3i corner of 11.".-4 1. Lyme and Dig!' street. Apply to Sep 1U ue.N.I. DARLINGTON, Market, neat 4ths 3100311 C AND OS 1, PRINTING OFFICE , N. W. Corner of Wood 4- Fifth' Sta. Tits proprielms of the Monti's° Post and •Pfto Msset,se-resmit respectfully Inform thelv frletida and the paironsof those papers, that they have a Nie . and well chosen assortment at .11412 . 1 Eit 4.E172) 0=71t3Wei\TM3111,4333 Necessary to a Job rrlnting Other, and i hat they are pre pared to ex, LETTER PRESS PRINTING, OF EVERY DEFCRIPTIOtti, Books, Bills of Lading, Clermont, Pamphlets, Bill Bends, I Cards, Handbills, Blank Cheeks, Bat Tips• ti Units of Blanks, Stage, Steamboat, gild Canal Boat Bills, miti appro. priate Cuts, Printed on the shortest notice and most reasons►le terms . We respectfully ask the patronage of Our Wends and lie public, in ge neral in this branch of our business. Pittsburgh, Sep:. 39, 1842. PHILLIPS 4- SMITH, - - FASHIONABLE HEAD QUARTERS No. 251, LIBERTY STREET. E would invite the attention of nor friends and W the public generally to our annrtment of Goods. which we have just received from the East, alto( which we are determined to sell at a small advance ov cost. Customers may rely on having cheap. nand, well made and handsome articles; warranted to fit, which is a very desirable combination. Persons who visit this establishment can depend on finding an entirely neiv assortment of spring and summer goods; we do not say one thing and mean another; when we sae our assortment Is large, fashionable, handsome and cheap, w' mean that it is so, and cannot be sae. Passed In this or any other city. maY 31— tr, N OTICE to Steam Boat Owners —The subscriber, In conteonence of the (Millen v of the titres. has redn• Cod the price of hio - Sofeto Guard Jar the preeention of the explosion of steam boilers.to $l5O pen boot . It lo hoped that all hoar owners will avail themscivro of these reasonable terms. not only on account of the perfect safely they afford, hot also in point of economy. Bolters with the apparatus :lunched will wear abort Wire AR lona as those not provided with thorn. Merrill-3m C. EVANR REMOVAL. ArJ DURBORAFV, ATTORNEY AT LAW bay re /1. removed his office to No 63 firth afreel. be weonWood and Smithfield sta.:neat dnor to Alderman Morrow. *Pr 7. WANTED.. 4448011. n OR 1,(4)0 . on Mortgage on nint estate. The , property among the hest freeholds in the city. and the advertiser Is wilting to give a handsome premlam for the above slim. For further partite/4r, ap p' v at the office of the Morning Post. June 9 --(lsva. LcmrEr. WICK. JOHN D HICK L. & J. D. WICK, NV holean le Grocery & Denier, in Prndltee. US Wood Sirget. 4 doorg above MOIL PITTSBURGH. may 15. I 543: Standart, Ingraham & CO. FOR 1F.,4 R D INC AND COX. XERCILEINTS: CLIVIEL A No. 0/110. A GENTS for Mercho ntsTransportation Company Composed of the Merchants Line. Erie OSAMU. Washington Line. Hunter, Palmer 4 CO's. Line of Strum Roars a"? yew seta nn the Lakes. Cli.veland Line Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal. Proprietors of the Merchants Line Ohio Canal. rt erER TO WitElp. 4 . ENIMOTITO. N 0.9, CoenCes Slip, N.Y R. lIIIXTER s r Co. Albany. OTT, CrrArr, Roston, PALNELR k CO. tin Er2lo. • . T. Wtt.cisms 4• Dow, Cleveland. bolt Jona M. Armies., . do. CHARLES M.GIDINTOS, do: .1. S. DICRICY, !leaver. RiamiNotioi co.; Pittsburgh np 1 1843-Iv. EAGLE •• • k‘. • • s GROCERY V . ,. STORE. : ST.ICY LLOYD, Jr., Wholesale and Retail Grocer and Fruiterer, No 140 Liberty street, ritisburek. may 20. PEACH TREES. rpflE subscriber has just received from the Nursery of Landreth and Fulton near Philadelphia, a lot of the choicest varieties of Peach Trees, to which he would call the attcution of the !whist: F. L. SNOWDEN, to ap 8 No 184, Liberty at head of W. J. I). CREIGII, fiTTORiVEY AT L3W. Office, corner of Smithfield' and Third Streets, Prrrsatmon, PENNA. mny 25, 1843-Iy.* BUILDING LOTS IN BIRMINGHAM. lc) LoTs,guitable for building. most eligibly dueled, *JP and within two !ninnies walk of the Steam Ferry Roo Landinz. will be sold at prieew in snit the The terms of payment will lw made easy, either for rash or sm.!! rainier Its can be made available. Apply to the subscriber ill Birmlngham, or Mr. P. Peterson, No. 4, Ferry street, Pittsburgh. JAS. PATTERSON, JR. June 1. ft opt lar Morning Packet FOR BEAVER. The Nat r unning and well known "-; Steamer CLEVELAND, SHARP .I{ICNTITILL, MFISIFT, will depart daily from nu" nuro. et 9 o'clock, A. M„ and Feaver at 1 o'clock P.M. For freight or'pass.ice, apply on hoard, or to BIRNIINGIIAM & CO. No 60 Water greet. N. IL—The ranai parl.rt to Cleveland - Ohl° Greenville and Meadville Pa ; and 1M ;mignon on the Ohio Ca nal, connectinc with sieamer Cleveland at Elea ver,witi lie in operation Immediately op opening orate mar !6 -tf. frIHE subscriber basins' received from Philadetphineind New York, with a tic neral end extensive assort, sent of DRUGS, CEE.VICALS, PERFUMER S', tad every article in his line of business, which he is deter. mined to sell on the most reasonable terms for eash.—. He 'relieves he can offer stronger inducements than any simile.' establishment In this city to country Physicians and Merchants, who •wish to supply themselves w ilk Drug. and Medicines, His articles have been selected with the utmost care, and are warranted of the best gust ily and Uniform strength. Orders will be filled with ac. curacy and elegance. Paulin a can be supplied with rine and panty Soaps of every conceivable variety, and of the most exquisite perfumes; likewise with Perfumery and Cosmetics of Mit ry descrip' ion. The undersigned returns his thanks for the iiberatettp. port heretofore extended to him, 004 hopes by a "natal , ' disposition to please and accommodate—a care In pro— curing and selling only what 1: excellent and genoine—a close supervision of the sales and transaction of the Isiah.. lishment—precaution and accuracy In rompoundi med. Mines—and by industry and perseverance, to meri alit crease of public pntronays may 23. WILLA A6l TH N. Birmingham Oa, AG'TS FOR STEAMER CIVIVZ-VAND. end Cleveland Line. • March 24.'43. BROOMS, 210 noz. Corn Brooths, ._ 4, 20 , k .. firti3teP, Tr ePived and fur Pale Iti I W. BUR Rill IME 4 co. IVeler st, between Water 4- Smith'd. FOR. SALE A I .CI7 , OCOME