Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, June 26, 1843, Image 2

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    k! -racleriu
between Wood and Molt
JUNE 26. 1843
t r FINDLAY, Est.—On Setuiday last
the reaming of this lamented gentlema n
were consigned to the tomb, in presence of
an immense concourse of his fellow-citi•
IMO. It rarely falls to our lot to record
te death of one so universally beloved by
all within the range of his acquaintance,—
His equanimity of temper; his urbane and
gentlemanly deportment; his benevolence
his kindness, won all hearts; no one,
during his illness, spoke of him without
manifest concern, and the news of his de.
miss called forth,throughout the city,rnark
ed expressions of sorrow and regret.
Mr Findlay has always been distinguish..
red for his devotion to republican principles,
and was regarded by the democratic por•
Lion of his fellow citizens,as one of the most
Armand efficient supporters of their csusc•
In every situatioo, Mr Findlay faith•
fully and hnnnrab!y discharged the
devolved upon him, and we siuerely hope
that it may be long bef;ra we have to re •
cord the death of so valuable and useful a
nealre—Flynn'a Bentfit.—We sin
'c ely trust that this night may ' , rove a
rich one for the play house. It is sufficient
.that the jovial, mirth.excitinir,gentlemanly
'TONE FLYNN takes his Benefit this evening.
Ilia bill is the very best of the season.—
Let every person attend; and each man be
careful to have two ladies with him.
isrziaie is received at Berford's. The En
_ grin-lugs are, 'Coming to get Mat ried,' and
`The Mother.' There is a likeness of a
baguet, too, SO successfully dune, that i t
seems to emit a delightful fragrance.
. The principal features of the number
ere a biography of John Paul foxes. by J.
F. Cooper--a Tale by Jos. R. Chandler.
sad a story explanatofy of the first engra
, The June No. of Godey's Lady's Book
hee alto been received at the same place.—
it has two fine engravin2s, and a fashion
plate. It contains a number of excellval
articles, and equals in all respecti' the best
` — of us competitors.
Western University.—The examit.stion
of the Students in this excellent seminary
of learning commences to-day. See ad
vertisement in another column.
W 7 That very superior and successful
teacher of penmanship, Mr. J. J. Estee,
has returned to the city, and is giving in.
@tractions to a I..ry number of pupik.—
He is perfect in his prole sion and de
serves the extensive patronage he receives.,
REPEAL—The New York Sun says the
Repeatets of New Y. , rk sent over £5OO
sterling. and the It pealer' of Philadelphia
4too, by the steamer which left Boston on
MURDERED.-n. K, Manuel, of Clai..
borne. Louisiana, was murdered some time
wince by one his laborers n tined Bush.—
The assassin, during the night, entered the
room where Mr. Manuel was in bed with
bis wife, killed him in his sleep with a
a blow of an axe, and then escaped•
- many Df laying the corner stone of the new
Roan Catholic College of the Holy Cross,
at Worcester, Masa., will take place on
- 10edeOday. The Boston D dlv Adverti
ser understands that a nide funds are on
hand to complete the undertaking.
FATAL ACCIDENT —Elmira Kl.'tehUM, El -
zed 19 years, daughter of Joel Ketchum,
of South Danville, Livingston co., New
York, was k iled a tew days ago by a well
pole breaking and striking her on the
2aea d.
Astatars.—Genrge aleean, alias Thn•
was Perry, and S.irnuel 111 , •Canley, have
teen arrested in New Orh , ans, on the
•charge of murdering Mij Jr Royd, in St.
Louis, last summer.
The crop of Indian corn grown last year
iltathe Cuitcd States is estimated by Mr
Ellsworth, Con missioner of Patents, at a
-fraction less than 442,000 bushels.
The Commission store of Mr Swan, situ
lilted near the rail road depot, at Hancock,
14d.. was entirely consumed by fi-e on
'Thursday night last. Loss about $2500.
Colonel Maynard, of Seneca Falls, one
.of ate aides af General Warren, was at the
`orelehration at Buskin.
A Portland paper relates that a man
--in that city, during a moment of anger.
4eetared that he would not speak to his
wife for eight years, and kept his word.
Tbia, we are assured, is a fact.
When we are alone, we have our
thoughts to watch; in our faoliiies our tem
per, and in society our tongues.
.hlossop is playing is playing Charles
O'Malley is Buffalo.
The Natio.tal Intetlige-cer of Saturday
AlltdellCKS the death of Mr Birker Burnell, late
imentitet of Congress from Massachusetts. He
'Ant in Washington city, where he has been de-
Seeded by
. sieknese since the alournmant nt Con •
Item Bl
Wie.v e. wait a worthy citizen and a faithful
Pierre gamblers are plenty in Washington c' ty
:Seterel have been arrested.
• The Legislature of Rhode Island conve
:nod on Monday.
Usk Phillippi has offered Dunn s3oo.oooVor
lie Mimosa oottoction. Dana won't say done to
tin air.
RU:LDING LOTS, on Hind 4nreet, between Penn 2st,, and Duquesne WU', Pittsburgh, at Auction with
out reserve.
The above Lois will be sold on the premises, on Sal ur
day, June 2.4, al 3 o'clock, P. M.—Terms made known a
sale. WM. MeGOWAN:
June 15 ts•. JOHN D DAVIS, ...hirer
V HE stockholders of the Pittsburgh and Allegheny
Bridge Company are hereby notified that the annu•
al election for one President, ten Manager:, one Treas
urer. and a clerk to conduct the business of the Compa
ny for the ensuing year, will be held on Monday the 3d
of July next, at the hour of 3 o'clock P. M., at the
room:belonging to said Compauy,north end of t he Hand
Street Bridge, JOHN TASSEY,
Jane 17—te. Preritient.
9111 E underelened, neenta for the above celebrated
stamp of Sreel, will always keep on hand an as
cortn.ent or the ea me, consiettne In
Best Refined Cast Steel. equat ed, flai,round and Octagon
do do do do axe temper.
Extra do do do for nail cuttr_kre,
Best (to Double and Single :,:near Siee ,
En 21 1 ,41 Rth.ter, Gertne..., Granite. Wedoe and Crawley
Steel, at whotes3', by the cake. or in smaller lots to snit
pureba-ers LYON, SHOR l ¢ CO.
--tl:3n4wf;in.• Pool of Wood Qt.
I All )1t Af!l•o.—Y.lllitts Kent nrky len( Tottacco.
ceived and (or gnie by J W. BUR BR FGF k O.
June 19. Water sl. between Wood it SwillOd.
JI'EE, Prof of ['elm iis'riu. its re-opened his
. W rit I Flu. I n,O ii for the season, rii his fur err room
corner of Wood and Third where I irze ctasseA are
now for min.!. Mr E's room is up In superior style
for the rerepi lon of his pupils. who will meet
lA , net ' Claw will he wailed upon at '2 o'clock, r. ar.
Gentlemen's Cia.s 4
In ail camel. a neat and fashionable style of Pentnan
ship in warranted to The att. - wive pupil.
Terms of toll ion for 12 lesions, $3.00
20 .• 5.00
Ladies can receive lemons at their reeidcx.rea f deal
co-NI rE. will C.lr 0/10. on the slimiest notice., all kinds
of Panes and Ornaments Penmanship, In the most neat
and fashionable manner.
The puloie are reeoecifutly lo call at lhe 1,,
sittute and esnmine Mr E 'et specimens of re.,,mal.r:lip
nod method 01 leachitut. J tie 19,-2w.
SACKS )tpo Feevners. t o prin e article) on C. 11,101
men), nod for by
4.3 Woo.l street
No. 99 Wood street,
prr - rslitiu.Gii.
ERNA N ]OX Ea are r•ccry!n:: constantly fregh
!au rwl 1.01 of Aeaollable Dry G. 1161 which they will
roti•inue to diert=e of al t•atrern he addition
or carrtagr.for cask, par *array. •nlq.
Ewery merchant making ourchaere in the city with
money,is reapectfully invited to call and examine our
2ond•, end the chances are ten to one against him that
ha will ilOt Coll 4 ifirq hie lime and tahor lout.
flavi,z . adopted till. iiyytein from n convict ,n that It
Fi.u,4 he 10 the advaittay. of Iturpre,chaser, we trupit it
may receive a fair trial, and be judged accordingly.
j..ne 16-41 m
t the old stand of YOUNG , ¢ MeCURDY. No. 43
Secand, heflossx Wood and Market streets.
ESP ECTPULLY informs the Wendt, of tile Mlr fi r m
and The nubile generally. that be Is prepaid to
fill :111 orders forCabinel Work, of am kind, with all
noseihle despatch, and warranted to be equal to any In
the city,
Every attention will be paid to Curnkhing rorFiN
te. when requi•rd. 'line 10, 11441.
~..- s TRAWBERRIEAand Cli F. %,%1 a( Washingt•n
(We residence of James Adams, decease I.)
tune 17.
‘V Alt 1.11 Sr HUNT, th...ti• el Liherl y
rp,v don. s Irin v apt 6 IR i 4.
coNvENIEVT and well finished t 'store non,
with k r nn the !round floor. and a good garao
attached. situate on Lacock, near Federal street, Atle
alien!, city . Enquire of
tit! 2! dry WM. COLEII.4N.
wREAMS' 'Cato" et/riling Pnoer. ruled,
10 rusts Bonnet Hoards, on consignment, and fur
sale by 11,111.51 AN, JENNINGS 4Cn.,
j, 6. 43 Wood et.
The uffire in Pittsburgh w loth was established lOC Ihe
purpose of crow,. wing agents in Cie west, having accam
Wished II at rdject, in now closed, and Mr. G. It LEE
i in the !Mimi larket street, appointed sly oce.it for
the sale of Pill. and Liniments All Dr. Brandelha acents
will therforemnders'and,thst 003. will rend a travelling
scent throrigh the country once a year to collect moneys
for sales made and re-supply agents. The said traveller
will he provided with a power of attorney, duty proved
before the Clerk ni the city nod coonty of New York,
together with all necessary vouchers and papers,
Mr. J, J. Yoe. is my travelling agent now In Penney?.
vanle, B. BR INDETII, M. Di
N, 8, Remem'ier Vr. G• fl. Loe, .5 rear of the Mar.
ker in now my only ;term in Pltishurch.
New York. Jone 14'h, 1843,
\n indtvidunl o to allow the right way
to pit retie It: and Cirrr are rune, were ii worry made
known how I.lvs ntlctit be prolnliged nod II ewes re
rosered. w: a would riot adopt the plan. Evidence j.l
regilirnd that the right wan is discovered. Thin is what
thn, sulrertnr, from sick ripen want to he adliefted about.
For whn in 1.0 filidlinh an not to raj )y ail the health his
body is rapsoile oil If Ito is there that would not live
when his rim rienre can so much benefit boil-elf nod
family? It Is a mrlanrho:y fart that a very large pro.
portion of the unrest IlSeti I inerniirts •iorietv die he-
tween toe age+ of thirty and forty. How many widowa
and helpless orphans have m. 4, the rninaeyneare i f rnah
kind nor having In their own power the mean: of reslor-
Dig health when lost,
, Now all them diners nod dlr,•aities ran he prevented
nod the ton_ and certain sickness, acid by assisting Na.
lure. In hr. outwit. wile a gond dose of Bra nil ret Pflig .
TIIII is a fact, wi Ii understood to be so hy thon , ands of
our citizens This medicine, if taken so as in puree
freely. will sorely rure any cur:;hle disease. There is
no firm or kitid of alekness that it does not exert a cur
alive influence upon. Thus, by their power I i resiiiting
putrefaction, they cure measles small pox, worms find
all eontarenunfeyern. There is not a medicine In the
world AO able to purify the nimis of blood and restore it
to healthy condition, as the grandrelb Pills.
The Brandreth MR are purely vesetaide, and so in
nocent that the infant of a mot th old may one them if
medieine is required, lint only with safety hnt with n car.
randy of reeeiviroz all the benefit medicine is capable of
imparting. Females may use I hem In all the critical
periods of their liven. The Brandrt.th f•itls will insure
their health, and produce regularity in n'i the functions
of life.
The same may be said of Brandretit's Rzternal Rem
edy, as an outward nautical lon In all cliental pains, or
swelling+. or 'ores, it greatly ax.ists the cure. When
used where the skin is very lender or broken. it should
be mixed with one or two pints or water.
sure Tester Gesuare Brandretle
the box of Pills. Then look at the certificate of agency,
whose eagraved date must he within the year. which
every authorised agent must nose's; if the three labels
on the box agree with the tbre• labels on the certificate,
the Pills are true—sr not, they are false.
Principal office, 2.41 Broadway, New York:
June 16.
393LR8. TITLY,T ITH %Mk WALKER'S trreen
a nd Tbreadj ..treceived sod for
sale, very mote, by JOHN KENNEDY 4 CO ,
je V.—w2l [l2t.. No. 68 Wood sired
FLOUR. -40 bbl. Family Flour, Intl received and (or
gale by J. W. ttuRBRIDGE 4• GO.,
Julie 22. Wateret. between Wood and Stained.
MANY are now end - cling whit tbeahova complaints.
and can Secured speedily by using Poloolre Balsams
of Jtaaissed, welch gives universal satisfaction to all.
To be had only at TUTTLE'S, 86 Fourth wrest.
. QM* es Vita ores
itreeiS, Pittsburgh.
Tms subscriber most respectfully ireihrms the gentle
men algal city and vicinity that he has commenced
the BOOT and SHOE making tnistoess in Fourth strew,
opposite the Mayors office. Having liven foreman lu
some of the most fashionable Boot Shops In the Eastern
cities; and having famished hingselfwith the best French
and American Calf Skint, he hopes by Ilia attention to
business to merit a share or public patronate To these
gentlemen who have kindly patronized him he returns
!designers thanks and can with confidence appeal for the
goodness of his work and knowledge cf his bulginess.
mny 11. P. KERRIGAN.
Thin is to certify that the aubscriber has been for soma
time afflicted with the Rheumatism very severely, from
which he could get no relief, until, being advised to pro.
cure some of Dr. Fitch's INDIAN VEG trtlll..
ELIXIR, which lie accordingly did. and from Wl**
after a few doses, he was entirely rettsved.
Columbia, April ti , 1752. BAWL rEARSR:
Near Rice Creek Sprlngs4
filenlead District S. C , A pill 30. 11138.
I certify, that tuy . son, Thomas 111tfeli , l, Jr., aged 15
years. hat been ,rout led for eight years last past with
:he Rheamatism,and for the last three years has been
unatle to help Itim,elf: his pain %vas very severe, so that
he could not lie moved without great agony; his limbs
w ere narallval nod drawn lip, and he presented an oh.
Pm hopeless to who knew him. I resorted to several
Physic: ins for re,lef for lam , without eff-ct. Dar Ina
heard of Dr. A, Fitch's Indian Veeetable Ehair, I prn.
cured the sante for my son. On taking It he was much
relieved, and by continutn;: it In the fourth bottle, has
entirely removed the own, his fl. it 1,, restored and he is
now riejoyt IP! 200 , i health. I would, in a rase of I:hau
nt:distil, earnestly resommend It to those wtio are ntr , e.
to with errrari tine pain, Tilt .S. rell ELL
ly twin» Fief:oolore and aequalntanew of air Titmna:i
Mitchell, and having often semi the st:trit ton of his eon,
Calle corroborate the above ease. and, at we believe nal ,
been cured by the Indian Vegetable Elfish..
The above, W Ih a 097 . 1/ large aßgOrtGliFti of other
oriloab'e medirtneg, have jo.t he en reeeiord and are for
.ale Ay the quantily or sin;le bottle, at TUTTLE'S, 86
Fourth at.
OO the 81h '2 (Lay of Nnyeinher lasi, a .on of the end
•rriber I:3TIWd .1 A 11 Er 4 KELLY, thenahnat9 year:,
of are. 1,-fl iii hunk; I, MIR Seell a few nays at er in
Slinrp•drnr , :li He Ii?, a fair cninplezlon and fair hair
and Io rather heavily halt,, On •he 341 th of the same
womb. Ili. tiro , her. a boy then nerr pl,aor ten nea re,klF.o
went away Pia name i. ED‘N Ann RELLv : he has
red "air and dark eyes, D li nrnhante Ihnt 1101111 hr boy,
ton % d, , nv thuir trite flour, rind neon me. in hero, Any In.
for mar inn roneernlns them will negro rfully reff•lV,i by
their afflicted parrer.ri, JOHN KELLY,
may 9 rrospeci reef,
THE undereleuedli liaise two Farina siinoled lu
E - ist Derr townatitir, with he nnemisary tenenen to,
and from 75 In 1(10 Beres cleared on each. Alm. one
farm situated in ICmet Deer tnwilyhip Alleizhany county
with from 50 to 75 acre, eemed. Tie lattice di err' ed
property is in remioenlity ?nod remit . . lay ine oh rut 15
mars from I lit city of Pit and wltLin two mde,‘
of the retin'a l'anni, and will he le:,eed on reasonable
terms for from 1 to ihree yrare, to fond iennnte.
YD R'S unrivalled Self eorSnierrilltersollich
LT/have lieen sn fully lested In different parts or the
Untied glnicp. as well as in the cities of Pilta l harr,h and
Alteritenv. rail he seen In operation at a nninlier or
min, neighiswhood, vie; nt Mr Wieker , dism's
mills on Pena a: Flowman ¢ Chamber.' mills, near
ihe upper A Ileatienv Bridge, a nil at Alm - ikon's wllia on
flare's Island, and Oilier-. The ..linve
ran he nidained at W. W. Walla , WS shop on l.lhrrty to.
near Soil fineld. where it is fining up. and where the
maeldne tin iv roma , aii::v k ept on hands. Apply to B.
F. Se velar or W W. Wallace. nay 5
ine• :wend promo. ly In she rot lertlon or 'eruct , y
of entiton,.to 1 all ornfeamlonnt i :inf. ent rusted to hi+
rare in hue ennnties of Harrison, iriferroa. Btharat
Oarrvery, rascal arcs, Hams., Caskocten Carrel!.
Stark and ff•yee.
Refer lc.: St,tr:a and 1.c. , 110.,
n..!Er`l Fleming, pifieb„,s,
Jnhn 11..rner,
1.). T. llc Ivan,
may 27,—1f
NIT. E TIIEI' 1110 T El..
fqiiiis well known and commodious house, situated at
the north end of the old Glledhenv hedge, informs hit"
fiend , " and the pulthe, that lip hae every 1111.2 In rum
[!rte order for the recent ton ;nil entertainment of trans
trill Rants and permanent Itottrders. fits Hui rtzea aft
moderate and no exertion.' will hue stared to make so.
jonrnert comfortable and keep up the former reputation
of tilt house.
Good ttalnin:fbr any nu - niter of hones
gout; patrons oft his pleasant retreat nod all who seek
wearnire in the pure air 0(1110 ronntry,are informed
that the Nlouni FlonFo is now open for visiic‘ra
A eArriAtte will len•P the Nit CIIIIIIeI Hceel every flay
RI If part 2, nod hal pas. 3 o'clock. S.ltelly. evett
ttd, :3%VEENY.
n•av 31 --,l,i.‘vln).
.. o fl Gr..11.1d Prpoef,
5.1 r orn I'h 3.1. r. Ix Factlry, Bolt.,
Just I prelveil arid lor sn , ft by
r, half of a vi!ry valuVite and iirodnet ire property
for Vale , o a good partner on v ,, ry low and acco•n.
mod stint terms. The proncrty is in New Castle, on the
Petisylyant.t and Ohio renal, tr Braver and Mercer
counties, and to - insists of a Saw-Mill, willi two saws
that cut nhont 3000 feet per tiny and rents for 650
bars, A four story brick Floor Mill with four run of
Ito rs, can manor:v:llre about 1 1 6 bids g , ol flour per
day. 'I he Flint r nri.l Saw mills have all new works and
inaehinery anti in first rate order The mill tents for
1500 dollars per annum. A Rolling Nail Factory
nod filoommy for making Charcoal binnma, all of whirli
is worked'hv water power formed by riliensogo and
Nashaiinock creek•. The Rolling MITI is drove by steam
—22 inches cylinder and Si fret stroke. The Rolling
Mill large Ind convenient and has a Sheet Mill, Bar
Iron mill, Hammers and small Guide and Hoop mill
Furnace, sufficient for doing a large hunine•o. Roars
pass up and down the rare from t Mirka to the Canal
and save csnenses of all Iraylng,hanling coal 4-r. There
are II dwelling houses and a number of shone and sta
blest". the premises. and sales at New ramie for all the
iron. nails ke, manufactured and demand inrreasing,_
The Envine and most of the machinery and most of the
improVemcnts have ruin Omni Fir months only. The
Iron Works wlil rent for !thou' 500(1 dollars. The pro.
nerty cost, two v►arn am1,42.000.and since that time 31,
0011 dollar,. hallo been laid not in improvements. To a
gond partner who can nay 15.000 dollaredown and the
balance In a year, a good bsrgain of one half of the above
will he given.
Apply at ISA Ail 11 1 1 R WS' General Agency and In.
telli?enre ndir,.. 9 Jane 6.
3. W. Burbridge & Co.
A CENTS for the sale of Beau v's Powder. Water st
hetween Wnod and Smithfield.
March 10. 1943.
SFA AXES TOCK ,S• Co., Suecessors to J. B.Guth•
• fie, at the old stand corner taf St h and Wood sts
having complied with the requisitions of the new Auc•
tiun Law, "re prepared to make advances on Consien•
rnents and In sell on favorable terms. They hope by
continuing to make ready sales and prompt returns, to
receive a fair portion 011,11011 PM
to retfrinz from the Auction tuaint+ r e • I take .Tr ,
pleasure in recommend Ins to the ptihiietertrrs. Samne
rahnettotk 4. CO.. who have romp ietl with the require.
mentaorthenew Adelion Law and win do barium's a
my oidatand. J. B. GUTHRIE.
an►ii 31,343.
111ANIEL M. CURRY, Atiorneyat 1.4 w. or
fire no &hot tetween W• 4 am. Smithaet d. an a
5 , ear frees st. Jags Coaia, Jedt feeeive.a.and for
safe by HAtLIIAIS. JElfi 1 l 4 CO.,
Pc 43, Wood s
El Iv CTIN. Meru:,
'1,91) D. H Y,
Far•mns So Lease.
March 13th—tr.
Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
CADIZ 1-14111111oN COUNTY, 01110,
rfirrunt Emmet.
41 W0,)4 street
Piliqhurch, AOII lit 1843
exforaiiii • pairdiliP , lot
• alma 1114*.ms, is tla4 imalerials o
a/Heft (hey sietoliktfrocted W4O not Tliw'trom Ost action
Will Ilse sold low lot '
istlyl.-81, IAFT. PATTERSON.
bustle's Dry Pe:ache*, lust re-
De r :b/4.11 - 4 - for tale by HA I Lid AN.I ENN I NGB Co.
43 wood street.
Corner of Penn 4. St. Clair its, Pittsb'gh.
f IR C Proprietors of this elegant and commodious
tub'ishment, beg leave to announce to their friends
and t!e public. that their price for Board, front this date,
Is refilletd to ON i DOLLAR PER DAY.
f min the locality of this house, being situated mid•
way between the Canal and Steamboat landings, ai d on
the great thoroughfare to Allegheny city, the proprie•
tors trust, that with contlnned exertion■ on their part.
they will he enabled to afford every attention and fad!.
My required for the comfort and convenience of their
pests, and hope to merit a continusnee of the patron•
a:e that has hitherto been so liberally extended to them.
The. principal Stage and racbet offices, age connected
with the lintel, and for the better accommodation of
their guests, an Oinsibus will at al I times be In read'.
nese to convey them to and from the House.
au 25-3 m. bIeKIRRIN d• SMITH.
N. 108, Marfret street, nee r Liberty.
sith.Triher resr«ct fully tofornis:bis cuAntoers and
.1 the pu blic 2 i,ern Iy. Chet he has just retort. ed front
the ,'..et lii :1 Inree elt7anl assortment of goods
In h is Hue to which he invites Merchant, and others who
wl=h to rurrhn*e whelesak or retail, very low for rash.
The fol'owitt2' cow prises part of his stock. with n very
large lit..3oTlment of fancy goods and toys.
With a g.erier,ol assortment of all kinds of variety roods,
611.-9 tiP willow wa2one, r haimeredlett. market and other
t,a 4-r. h•r. Y. would In particular Invite the
ol om of the ladh. , t‘i his One nod laree nnor'ment of
shell and I , tillalo comb,. A No. Graoarn's celebrated Fir
c or d Qponl cotton, he hest article 'Tilde; persons pur.
rhe•tng con rel:irn h If 1101 OP ',presented, Also, the hest
rouotrr drilled eyed needles, whieh have been purchased
e.perweily for retail, and fine A tnerlean Rat and round
head puny 24 ) C. YEAGER.
P. FA ; 12 LA R.k.k• r , P Ar'KETS,
1. 1 ,, tz.:‘vinflire, nolkiii•011, Master, leaves every
Thai,l..y at lit o'clock n, m
The g:twer, Colltm.t. Master. Laved every Friday at
10 a'rlock a. ni
Tise 1141 , 11.nmrry. tienneit, Master. leaver every Sat_
iirday a' 10 o'rlark a. ia.
Tho raare.,,.4, Parkin-on, Ilastcr, leaves t very Son
,!ti y at 10 o'r lot k a m.
mar :0. Agents.
F Patrkk Kenn , or Abraham Porekley will call at
at the office or the l'o.a, they matt, perhart4, hear of
sonotil, ,, g drat %i101a; of interest to one or both of them.
'Jane 7.
IT AS just received from New reek and Pittlade/pAia
. IL a Pirze and renriul assortmeut of vaMabie
Funt:ly Ate Ili:intl. and Inc is now really to supply Drug.
(:01 try ta the ra-tern wholesale
prices— , 1,,,./11:t fir which
i.et the fqlittiyi,,g, viz. Indian Vegetable Eli.cir. Hewes'
Trinnti. ce Oid , ttlze'a R.tlnr ni Columbia.. Pow.
ell's lit, s.arn of A ttowand's Tonic 11111ture:
Comstock•s Sarsaparilla. {bets'Litilment (for Piics;)
h e Remedy, Gridlyv'.4 Tet , er
E nua ;lair lire, Tt re. Harrtern Oil,
Over,trrei's Liniment, 11.1rttiomini,v'. Pitt Expectorant,
Taylor's Pals.' ni of Llverwolt, Scudd, is Eve Water,
royal - Cs Balm of Life, Humphrey's Pile Ointment,
p„,,dre, sum i s era .Pine; (gen-
WI son's Dyspeptic line, Falinestock's, Brodie's,
Evans', S,e's, and various other PILLS !--
Fah neap(' k's Vermifuge, Depnrat iwe Syrup, 0 po„
deldoe. Cough Lozenges, Pneumatic or Cotten Balsam.
err., etc. A good and Rimers, assortment of ALL the
valuable Patent -41edicines always Yri hand, and for sale
wholesale. and retail.
\M 8011.Elt EXPLOSIONS—The Board a 5.775.77
.77 pointed by the :- , ect ,, tary of the Navy ..to make ex.
rierimental of such inveniln; and plane, desien,d
to prevent the explosion of steam !a nller4 and eollnpuiLe
flues, as thew may deem worthy of rxamination," re
quest that those persons who have apparatus to present
for trial. will forward them to the Navy Yard, at %Vasil.
Itigton, without delay, as the hoard will he prepared lc
proceed with the experimental tridha by the 15th inst.
The Instruments sent must lie on a practical Peale, and be.
ready to be attache? to their boilers; that which has been
prepared for the experiments is twenty tee lone, three
net in diameter, and has two twelve inch flues passing
throne') it.
Now is time of cear for persona attacked with
Coushi, Coulds. Rheumatism, Gout. apc, .te. —To those
afnleteti.a . apepal7 rare CRII Ite etr.•rted by using
which Ie allowed by all who have tined It to he the best
remedy ever offered f r Cone%• and Colds.and
an Outward remedy. with the
an Inward uppllentton, la a eertais and muitlre cure for
the Rheumatism, Gout, Contracted Cord• and Limbs,
No one need suffer front these diseases if they will use
the above medielneti. The eenuine to he had only at
• Drut;gl.ta and Country merchants will be supplied a
ITRW YORK ptire.. 86 Fourth Street.
The office In Pitt, burgh, which was established for
the ouirmse or rongtirdiiii;: axecnta In the west. 'meing
accomplished t hat olkct, now closed, and Mr. G, H.
LEE. In tie Diamond, Market street. appointed my
anent for the sale of my Pills and Liniments. All Dr,
Brandreth's agents will, therefore, understand that Dr.
R, Wlli Send a travelDna agent through the country once
a year totalled! motleys for sales made and re impply
agents. The said traveler will be provided with
power of attorney.duly proved before the Clerk of the
city and county of.. New York, together with all the ne.
ceavary vnueitera and papers,
Mr. J. J. Yoe Is my traveling agent now In Peso.
wealth'. B. BRANDRETU, M. D.
B.—tesiember Mr. D. R. LEE. In tan seer of tam
Market lir now my oaf, agent In Pittsburgh.
Jim 14.
2110 narks English, German and American On.;
100 thousand lest needles;
6111, &Men tapes;
1000 •• an colors st.ool cotton;
160 0 11, patent thread;
2.5 sewine k,
70 1 1 ,o • best shoe Ii 0,010:
ino "kein cotton thread;
750 !Onto - and percussion eaowt
1611.7 r,).; gilt and !noting billions;
1. 0 sruss pearl shirr buttons.
120 gross shoe !seer;
100 doz. tortoise ohm! conchs;
25 dos. tot toi.e shell, tuck and Buffalo combs:
136 doz. fine Ivory combs;
200 dot. dressing combs;
350 ems, combs;
6 !rose tenth bru.hp.;
20 dos assorted hair and clothes brushes;
7:, doz. ouspendel
40 • ro e s white slivered hooks and eyes;
20 z, OAS coninton hooks and eyes;
?;t0 dot. assorted seiSsoen:
300ttz spertaeit`F;
51) _roes assorted whalebone:
2:7.0 doz assorted sizesslates;
40 erns steel pens;
3 crow WoodNenrd's eelettraled pen holder.;
Don' t foraet 86 Fourth street
jrtne 12
N3vy Ynre,WßOlincton impß IP4'i._ rlunrl 211
111141 CAL 111€1r11111114tatilWIttillf..
ciamica. itatiuxor MGM
oNsirrien.s4u.4.,l, ♦csis
Pittainu. s•; , r
n 4. Men. U. pa:
Etenange bank. par
Bk. of Gernientonm
Flatten tank,
Lancaster bank, dl.
Bank of Chester Co.
Farmerebk Bucks Co
Doyle town bk do
Bk of N America Phil.
Bk of Northern Liberties,"
Commercial bk. of Pa.
Par. 4. Meehanies bk
Philadelphia bk
Schuylkill hk
Southwark bk
Weiler', bk.
Bk. of Pennsylvania,
Bk of Penn l'p. par
Man.." Mechanics bk. par
alethanles bk. par
Mayamensing bk.
Girard ha.,k,
U. Stales hank
Lumbermen.% Warren,
Frank. hk Washlnston, par
Miners hk of Pottsvoe, 4
Rk of Montgomery Co. Pari
Mon. hk Brownsville,
Erie Rank, 5i
Flarrislinrsh hank, 4I
Far. hk Lancaster,
Rh of Middletown, 41
Rh. of Charnuersturgh, 4 1
Carlisle hank, 4
Rk of Nnrthuniliertand, par
Columbia hk k Bridee co. 8
Rk Susquehanna Co- 40
Rknf Delaware Co. par
Lebanon hk.
Ceityalinreh bk. 4
York hank, 4
Far k Drovers bk. of
Waynesbursh, 4
Currency note,. 4
Wvonllnr hank, FR
Pitish'elt State Scrip 2eB
Country do do 41
lierks Co. hang, 70
Leivisiown, 2'
?Sluuntiileasant hk
Far. sr M.Th. Mr of Step.
Belmont I.k c.( St. Clair*. 111'
Marietta Lk.. Demand
do enrreiv-y notes. 1*
eniambienn I.k New Lis
hon Demand, 11
tin Post !Intro, 1}
Cincinnati specie pay-
In= hanks, 1
Mech. fe Traders hk of
Cllnton hk of Columbus,
Demand notes.
Cireleville, Lawrence
Cichler) 1+
Stanevville hk. 1+
Irpf/F: 3d atnry of the hultdinc occupied by R. A.
Ratynnan mien Anction store.__►eretofore.known
as •'Neentlth's Lone Room,' corner of Wood and sth
streets Inquire of R. Morrow. sth st. Jan 23.
T O'l'S FOR SALE.—Four Lots in Manchester. One
/ and a fourth Acres of Laud on Holmes' Hill. Lot,
nos. C. 42.52, 53.54,181, 182 and 184. In Cook'si plan
of Lou, on Holmes Hill Alen, Lola nos 28 and 27. in
rook's plan alms on High rarest, neor the new Court
floors. For terms apply to Z. W. REMINGTON
net , 111
=L VD possession liven on the Ist of April nextla
brick house on the bank Grille Allegheny river.
two stories hizh, 4 comfortable rooms, besides cellar and
kitchen. It Is very pleasantly *Unwed just out aide the
eiry tine, with a full view of the city of Alleeheny, and
within 20 minutes' walk of the heart of the city—rent
very low. JAMES BLAKELY%
mar 13. House Aeent, sth Ward.
OVEttrlck dwelling 110114 P, eontalninv alar
hall, two parlours. 4 rooms $t Ors, with tin
rjaHshed EarrPt,d,nine room and kitchen. with car.
dace This noose Is plea•antty located with
yard in front and rear, on the canal hawk, corner of
ettomot Ft reel. leadine to tipper hrid2c, now In the oc
cupancy ( Mr. McChirz. rent to suit the times-- Enquire
of Dr. Whittaker, Allegheny City. . mar R,
For Rent.
ACONVENIENT three story brick dwelling ilnlltte
situate on Row; street near Fourth. Rent $123,
nor 1(1, Apply to JAMES MAY.
Inrk MILS' 5 years old copper distilled Monongah ela 4tir Rye Whi.key on consignment, and for Pa'e by
Wnter het wpett Wood and Smlth'd
..lEtt;rin nom, BEAVER AN n WARREN .
lie cal t. pa rkel ERIE.J. M. show master, will run
r 1-1. weekly packet between the aho 7e named
lg. leav , .4 Re aver nn 51 ,, n(Inve, Wedneedeye, Frida e;
itrolo 7 , lenveg Wnrren on Tne.devs, Tharedava and
nl r I ey.; connectine with the Striae Linea to Cleveland
rect. For fr.•i^ht or totiwttee npnly nn hoard or to
BIRMINGHAM & CO., Pittsburgh
3. S. DICKEY, - Beaver.
may 10.
• 11 TIIP old eland of Matthew Patrick,
(Lately occupied by John Irons;)
111 ii auh.r ribar wishes to Inform the citizens ante
JL burgh, and the travelling pith:tr., that he has lerieed
the above well known stand, (Alitraird on .Firth 'tree!,
between Market :And Wood.) where he will be happy to
accommodate all Ws old friend!, and as many new ones
es will he plea!ed to acknowledge. him an t:.eir host.—
terma will be moderate. Fulled to the times. Ills
table will he Fuppilecl with the be!? that the Market at
Cords. ilia liar will be fornkilied will, the elmieest of
liquors. holh domestic and foreign. His stables are spa
Mous and commodious, conducted by exper!enced aed
attentive ostler!.
0:10-He irontrl Inform the citizens that he la prepared
to nrcommodate a numbrr of Weekly, Monthly or Year.
ly hoarders at reduced prices.
SlnVe Meal. 25 cents. Lodging, 124 eta
Roaid per Week, 12.50
filllM 51-3 m. PORTSER
"FIAT AND C ‘P MANUFArTURPR. prers deserip
a lion of tints and Carts on bend. and(or sale. *holes
sale and retail. atnriees to snit the limes, al the old stand
of Donizlas ¢ lifooro. 73 Wood street, ma) S.
800000 LBS. of Baco a n . . w fo . r
j 4 ra1 4 7 71 g 0m,
may y3O-Im. 41h0.,, noar Liberty
JURT referred, 5000 Freeman's twit Fire Brick. whirl,
will hereafter be kept eonstantiy nn hand and sold
tow for rash, by EIIt.MINGHAM *
may 27* . No. 60 Water M..
9 Calfreivivid on conaignmeni,and
for scalp by W PURBRIDGE,I Co.
June 3, Ikat er at.betivef.n Wood and Stnrchfield
Case of Lirer Complaint of 25 years atawdtnq.
.'Phis may certify that far twenty five years I was af
dined with pain In my side, which was frequently en
severe as to entirely Incapacitate me from labor I have
been under the care and treatment cf various physician
without any permanent twang% Hearing of the mans
cures effected by the Hepatic 188.iir prepared by Dr.
Starkwetrther,l was induced toffies It a mot, and not
happy to soy that it has entirety removed. 1 has fat
as ssapeass o f it Armors tau a year peat.
Nallthrhite..l a a 30. 1841. AtloB MUTE.
Thermal's* to be fad ,at TtITTLI'S *Oleo Agent,.
if !oath stuns
: 'Worm c-r. 11
t 4 .7, .4.• •,
et aiqa, do
Norwalk. do
Rettig', du
Dayton, do
&foto, 35
Post notes, lk
Chillicothe, lk
Fran. hk Colo ultras. 1}
La..earder, 90
Ramotoo, SO
•Granville, 78.
tn. bk. Lake Eris. 65
Par. bk:of Cameo, 48
Urbana 60
Stat. bk.lt Crane*, I}
State Strip, EY
All bank!
Rime bk ¢ Branches, SO
iShawneotown, 65
Rank of Virginia, 1
do Valley, 1
Far. bk. of Virginia, I
\ Exehange hank, 1
si. Weal. hank I
Mer. k MM, de
Rnlilmaro Banks.
Conniry Rank.,
All Bankil,
AU Hanks
par and 1
Chy Rhnkr,
Coini ry banks,
(marty find.) a 1
R►d Bark, Ito)
Ramon Bank!,
N OTICE to Steams Boat Otevert.—The subseriher. In
c00,,,,0n0 0t0 of the diffiniltv orthe times. has redo:
red the Wee orbit , Safety °nerd for eke preen/Urn of
tie cipros for of si east bailer:, to $l5O per boat.
It fe !toperl that all t,at owners will tivali themseleri
of theee reavonaide term,. not only on aennunt of the
Perfect ntrety they afford, hut also In point of eronomy.
Rollers with the apparatus attorhert will wear abou
wire as long as those not provided vidth . them.
dal I Starrtl -gm C. El? A!C P
Orlea oft M in i m . p , 004 1. 3
Ranks, 24
Ranks, I i
Good flankg
MI Dank.
Rk. of Rt. Clair, 10
no. dn. J * R. Imola! 3;
(Inri hank". 81.)10
RnAtern ttehenge.
Piilla.feirdos. i
New Vnrk: 4
Baltimore, a
Rcaann, 6
,We‘tern Eithange•
WinelrEqlll, par
Lanlaottle. PR?
Cleveland, 1 (fir
VVll.l•liar„ par
BOON ANA e 4,143
N. IP. Corner of Wood 4. Ayth
Ton proprletens or the Aloaffrteff Pim+ ard Mt " Val
tan htawsvarnrcarn respectfully Inform th dr friend/
am the pit rlattSer 'hose papers, that they have a largii
and well ehoven assortment of
4\ um eit.ll4l ©WET HavELCAVIETBSk4t
Necessary to a Job Printing Ofilre, and thy they are pr/i
pared to ezrzute
Rooks. Bills of taint's, circulars,
Pamphlets, Bill Beide, I Cards.
Handbills, Blank Checks. Bat Tips•
111 tifttbs of 131anfto,
&go. Stsanhagt, gad Canal Boat nits
',Hats Cats,
Printed on the shortest not Ice and most rrasonabletera4.
We respectfully ask the patronnie of our friends mid
he public to general In this hrench of our hostneett.
Pitudereh, Sep:. 39.1942. PHILLIPS 4. SMITH.
- •
W E bold invite the attention of nor friends and
the nahtleeeneraltv to oar atenriment of Gonda,
which we have Joel 'reelect' from the Enid, all of which
we are determined to sell at a mall ndvanre m cost;
01.1/mere may reit , on bovine ehettn. Rood, welt n ade
and handsome:M(l , les, warranted to fit, a hleit Is a very
dentrahle ermltinatinn,
Who opt !hip establishment eon depend on
tintfinenn entirety new at trirtment orepeln: and summer
enothi; we do not tam one thing and mean another, when
we sar nor avenrtment Is tarae, fatltionahle, bandana,.
and cheap. w mean that It to so, nod cannot b e war;
panted in this or any other etre.
may 31— tf, A LGEO ¢ !tier TIRE.
. removed blv melee to No 63 Firth street. be.
tweonWood and Elmithheld sta.' next door to Alderread
litbrrn*. apr
$BOO OR 1.600 on Mnriyarre on rent Nome, The
property In mone the best freehold," in the
ells, end the ndtrerther he wilting to use • hantlanme
premium for the nhnve enm. Far further partka.ain sp.
p y pl the Offlee or the Morning Font.
June 9 —4s*.
Lewtt. wrcs.,. .10iN Ilt 'lei
• . & jr. wtcir,
Wboletnie Grocers k Deniers in ProdilCia
118 Wood Street. 4, don's above Filth it.
my 15.
Standart. Ingraham lIG Co.
• • . CurvetAnn, OVA
. .
A GENTS fort he Mereha ntsTrattsporreo lon Coevals,
Composed of the Merchants Line, Erie Canal.
Washington tine.
Hunter. Palmer 4. Co's. Lint of Steam ititais jr( ; v i a
sets on the Lakes. . .
Cleyeland Line Pennsrl►anta nod Ohio Canal.
Proprietors of the Merchant's Line Ohio Cana:.
Ram go— .
WILEIR* EOIWORTII. 1 , 1029, Cointiea aiip, A. r
R. Flwrrve *Co. Albany.
Orra en.rs, Boston.
Poarsa♦ RALIERR 4 Co. Roffalo.
M.T. Wit.utssrs 4• Do*,
ROM Joao M. ALcan, do.
cnkoja:s M.GtoloOs, as
3.8. Diet's. Mealier.
art 1 1843-19.
.-k "v . GROCERY
.. .STOKE .
STlAndCßTrutitLeOrerrptio. Jr.4 0
W Libe h ty ir i tree nu t d P it t e l l t l ab li a 4 rr s e ei.
may 20.
Tt!E sultscrlher ha. just received from ttie ftfursery
of Litndreth and Fulton, nett! Phllad,dphia, n lot or
the chniceld varleil.a of Peach Trees, to lirhteh he tvoitld
call the atteautoli of the ptiblse P. L. sNowne.N.
mar No 184, Liberty at head of Woad.
J. 1). CItEIGIII, .
TTOR Y AT L. 9 11 7 ,
°Mee, corner of Smithfield, and Third Street!.
Pirsinmaan, rxxx,,, •
may 25, 1843--1 y.*
3 L0T5,.,„.). for building. moat eligibly situated,.
and within two minute* walk of the Mean r447,-,
Boat Landinf, will be sold at prtres t o suit the
The terms of payment will he made rosy, either for noir
or such barter as ean be made avarlable. Apply to the
subscriber m Birmingham, or Mr. P. Peterson, No. 4.
Ferry street, Pittsburgh. JAS. PATTEREON, JR,
June I.
negriTar Mitrning Packet
The fastrannine and well known
SB A ', flawrmr.L. Master, will depart daily from Mts.
burgh at 9 o'clock, A. M„ and Beeler at 1 o'clock P. 111.
For freight or passage, apply on hoard. or to
No 60 Water atteeL
N. B.—The ratty Far canal part.ct to (Nevi/Ara Ohla
Greenville and Meadville Pt ; and rat common On 114
Ohio Canal, connecting with steamer Clevotand at pep
ver.will he in operation Immediately on opening or Dee.
mar 16--tf,
rrin E subscriber has Just reprised from hiiitadetphlaand
JI„ New York, %sun aa( nerat and extensive assort,
every attirle in his line of business, which he is e. tee,
mined to sell on the most realsonable 'sum for testi....
He believes he can offer stronger inducements than any'
almila establishment In this eity to country Physician,
and Merchants, who wish to supply themselves sir..
Druz. and Medicines, His art icleg.have been nekVed
with the utmost care, and are warranted of the he:signal:
ily and nniform strength. Orders wit be tilled with see
ruraey and elevince. Famill a can be supplied with Pine
and fesncy Soaps of every conceivable variety. and of
the most extiuleite perfumes; likewise with Perfumery
and Ciarnbei les of evr ry descrisr inn.
The nndersigned relines his t banks for the liberal/rap.
port heretofore isiten&ed to him, and hopes by a ronstaut
disposition to please and accommodate—s raw In pro_
coring and selling only what Is excellent and eSnuine.—is
driest supervision of the ales and transaction of the
I ishment—preenns ion and accuracy to rompoundi m g t.
'eines—and by Industry and perseverance, to marl o n
crease of public ;Natrona:o
may 25.
Birmingham di.. Co.,
Audi Cleveland Line.
lihreh 22.'43
212 DOZ Corn Brooms,
20 • .; Brusher, retwived
,Arna for isle it*
June 8. Water et, !XI went Rater 4 Bntith'd:
FOR • SA Lg.
Tg AT large and commodious; warehouse Nil. 61 kft
env strew. In the occupancy elite enhserthet, l 2o
front, running thrtough to Virgin they 85 feel, salndaa•
httlit, with the usseinirrd .trrt and loose awl rears.
The ahoy, hones k in tine of the hest heal nose saa,,ie
the .11, far a Ciorery, Clothing Moro or roonstry
warehoisn, and will he sold eery low Sad prk , awiee
Owen leknodhlielY. Enquire of Z. M. DAWFON.
on the prevalent, ;amp T.
11Q%011. BALE.—Lots on the Nano East coma at foe
Leash, Dish street. Apphr to
pep le {SQ. DARLING rwt, %fake*. Mniblik •