ed ouvai.e. fl is true I approved the bill foe the remits,. arks Delaware Canal Company, substan• ally therm. as this bill, but (di I that more in ac eordance wish the apparent wisees of the people, announced by the vote of their representatives in :tie Legislature than in accord iti , :e with my own prior . 4 4 0 , 0 , 0 , or these etiteiteioed at the time. Had 'Lathing occurred in the attempt of the Counnissiere -west proture subscriptions to that stock, to induce Ihisbeftef that it was not likely to operate to the ad sesamegi of Me public interest, I should probably have waived my scruples, and, In the same reaso n , h ave r apptmaid this bill also. But I shoula ill discharge rrair duty ifs should shut my eyes to that proceeding. When we see a most unexampled scramble for the stock-hired men forcing their way hvo the room of the Commissionert-not a man subscribing bona fide fol hiertesif,but all wearing the aspect of bold and ellytuthing speculation-persons who took ao active part in the passage of the Le lin the Lsgislatnre,cons gregating from remote parts of the State, and wit. , messing the transactions wilt more intense anxi _talttelll mere patriotis•n usually produces-ami the Uommlsiioners finally compelled to diadems hastily - and close the bookiewithnut completing the task cons fided in them by the Legislature-i t is aal I calcula ted to induce us to pause; to retrace our steps, it we have acted without due caution, and to proceed only upon the clearest convictions of duty and of, sound policy. In this condition do I find myself placed. 1 would moat gladly avoid it, but that is Impossible. I will discharge my duty as I under- i deed it, at all haatide. In my last annual message to the Legislature, I adverted to the subject of selling the public im provemeets, and as what I then slid still is, and has been tbvariabiy my o p inion, I beg Irate to refer you to the follnsving paragraph, to show taat I am assu ming tra wow position: `You will observe, by a report accompanying this message, that, in pursuance of the Act of As sembly passed for that purp tee, en the 27,a d a y of July last, proposals were invited for the see ul the public improvements u. i h..e el t. -orninunweialth•- Ne bid for the Beene, that can possibly' b: accep. tad, was received. T,:i3 tneasuri was soars , In ma last annual message, belo•ring that, in our enab.ir steed candition,it was on experime n t wh eh might be produce ive of relief worth tr) in .e, It has been tried, and has utterly tai cl. Tiu .truth ia, the amount' of money nuesslry fur the puri_hase of any considerable pont m I ~or imi•rovements, is far greater than any ewe no ut our couatry,ace able to raisa fur that purpose. Were they to be sold at all, they would necessarily, either direct.. ly'or indirectly, fall into th • lemds of renege cap italists. The people must in a great measure lose the control over their management, and they would necessarily become eriv )to monopulies.— This would Vein to be a measure as dang roue to tbs public Interest, as it would be humiliatin to the public pride.' g Whether this view of the subject is erroilenus or true, (cheerfully submit to the representatives of the people to decide. I Lase n, dou a about it myself. The income from the main line of improvements this year, will very coaaid rably exceed that of the last rear. During the two first mouths of the us. i trim season, under vest disadvantages, it is upe metes ot thirty thousand dollars beyoLd the cor responding months of last year. T lis is sum sly no Gum for desponding, but for confidence and hope ilk the future value of these improvement-. At all events, if they are to be sold or disposed Of, let it be on the most advantageous terms to the State. If, inst :ad of confining the Commissioners to taking subscriptions of stock on the terms mentioned, they were allowed to sell the stock at Pablo) diction to the highest and best bidders, in totem' to suit purchasers, an advance would prob.. ably be realized beyond the simple subscription. Had this power been given to the Commissioners to procure subscription to the Delaware Canal stock, much of the difficulty encoontered would i have been obviated, however ill it would have suited the wishes of those who seem to have hid a desire to monopolize the subseciptions. The power can be added hereafter, if you deem it ad- Wm. Karns, ,Esq.—The Democrat', vivid& to transfer the public improvements to pre.' ------ e , , e . HE LANAGANS.-'1 ne rtarriaburg U- ej vats companies. The whole matter is siubmi•ted l mon, tit neticing the appointmeht of Mr to vas.- It seems to me proper to correct a min t I nion of the 21st inst. has the following in , Karns to be Post master in Allegheny, taken opinion, which prevails to a great extent in • relation to these men:--'lt will be remem.. regard to the immediate operation of this meas. I says that "all of a sudden, he became met er*. It is taken for granted that to dispose of berod, that some months since, two broth.. ! amorphosed into a most &voted friend of sixteen or more millions of the pu'•lic debt, will ' ~ e.e, named Bernard and Patrick Flanagan. the Governor," and intimates that this et onee relieve the people from the burden o' tax. , alien under which they now fable Ttii's is not so. ! were convicted in Cambria county of the of fi ce is his reward. Justire to Mr K. re- After deducting $17,500.000 fur Delaware di. I murder of Trite an aged and highly respect quire" us to say that he never was an 00. vision, and the Main line, the balance of the/eau:l. set debt of the Comieon wealth would •ed lady. named Elizabeth Ho!den. Thoy : riginal enemy of Gov. Porter," as the U. be about $29 000,000 I were sereenced to be hung on Friday. 3dTo which add the other debts amount. i nion asserts, but has a krill's been ranked ing without 2,000,000 • March last,but a few days before the period among thefriends ofthat o cer. ffi '--- assigned for the execuriort had arrived, I _________________ $23 1 00,000 were respired by Governor Porter until Fr- Craniological. -A schoolmaster some The down east recommends The Inte res t serni.annualiy accruing on le bleb, : day, April 21, for the alleged reason that emit lie provided for ex , lusively by taxation; for I are a very fine edition of Combs on the new and important testimony, calculated to the toils on the remaining portions of the canal hear/ He says they have the rrgan of will not more than defray the repa.ra and in iden _ throw doubt upon the guilt of the accused, . ' - lid etpenees. The prospect of tee immediate re. • znhabitiveness very strongly developed. ;.., th ere - had been discovered. lief which is to grew out of this m esuro,• - --- - fore by no means so encouraging as has b•.:en ! Oa the sth of April an act passed both I Stop the Rascals!!—Our city has been generally supposed. thrown into some considerable excitement, bes of the Legislature,and was appro- I deem it right to remark that I ordered this branc ( mesinege to be fi.ed at an early period,in the office ved by the Governor, authorizing and re. says the J. ffers mien Republican, of the *film Secretary of the Commonwealth, for the' . . amble purpose of settling in the public mind the qetring the court of Oyer and Terminer of d 10th i ns t .. ) by the tingle; of the Peniten -o oeutee I have thought proper to pursue on the sue- Cambria county, if requested by the defen. nary alarm bell. C tiz is who have jest, and elan to give the people timid ) , notice or . hastened there and returned, report that ants, to enter a rile to shew rause why the tbe most interesting question that will probat ly c ants, s, 20 convicts have male th , it escape by come before the Legislature, so that thy can, if sentence of the court and verdict . .1 j the o tey see it, select their representatives with rea ' ference to its final disposition. Under any circum. , - ry should not be net aside and anew trial knocking down the gu rd arid passing out .. arteecesea subject of sich magnitude as this, ought granted. In case the court should,en hear- at the back gate. Among this number is net to be abselutely determined by any single Le. ingobe saris et that a new trialwas justly ' ti 1 the notorious Johnson. Optative. - You will thtre t ore take such action in relaiio i ; due the condemned, atithrn sty was confer- : Baird° Bill, who was wounded in at. to'tbis subject, as you in your NI isdom may think ;red u2on them to make the rule absolute; ; tempting to escape from the Missouri lb* beat interests of the people r quite:. DAVID R P I 'RTER. and if a new trial be thus granted, the case Penitentiary, is nut dead as was reported. I keret-wive Chamber. 20th June. 1843 . I wan to be again proceeded in to another The other rascals hive escaped c'ear. - trial and fi nal judgment. In consequence ----- How to 4 1 1csrnerize Yourself.—Take a of' the passage of this act, the Flans ens I piece of charcoal and make a d lack were again reptioved, we believe, until , spot on a white wall, then take roun your b seat sometime next fall. It is now stated in the , lin a chair about six feet off, and fix your papers, that Judge Woodwird refuses to eyes steadfastly on the spot. If you are of ! i , le , you will take cognizance of the act of Assembly re- , fall intonervous whatexcitais cballed tem thp eramente mesmeric sleep ferred to, on the ground of unconstitution.' in about the same time that a magnetizer ality. What the next step will be in this I would require to produce the same effect. unpleasant case, involving the lives of two —Es. Paper. human beings, it is difficult to say. Most W e give the above for the benefit of probably the Governor will grant them a- those who are fond of novelties. It may Bother respite.' be that a black inetk on the wall will put a person into a mesmeric slumber, but how they are to wake up is the question. Try it, any how. Making as aggregate of FRENCH OPINION OF THE REPEAL AGIN TATIOL—The National, publi&bes a stvi‘ wary of the proceedings of a late meeting orthe Repeal Association, in Dublin, and observes that though Mr O'Connell is pa. eiecelly inclined, the enemies of Ireland are not so. England is a jealous conqueror, which will tot cuff r that her victims should break her chain. She conquered Ireland, and she holds her oppresses poor, attached to her power by the heaviest Ai l ing, She has imposed an Ireland her laws, her aristocracy, her territorial conga intim and the dominion of her clergy...— It fain this atmosphere, without air, and without sun, that Ireland is condemned to edit, always destitute, aLd always indi gent; and if her heart revolts, if her valiant population endeavor to break their thins, the cannon are ready, and the war of extermination will not tong be 'delayed. each at present is her situation. It must laid, sooner or later, to a dreadful crisis.— Let Ireland prepare for it! Jus'ice, right. and Europe are on her side. Nations will rig in the contest, and wherever humanity respected, ardent prayers will be offered for the success of the cause of Ireland, which is the cause of all oppressed people. Such is the opinion of Frenchmen. A - SXRIOUS AFFAllL—Between twelve said twenty laborers have been shot, sod dotty or forty wounded to the canal riots bear Montreal. The cost of •ntertainiog the President. and his snit• at Howard's Hotel, is N. Y. seannated to slsoo. • sgbiect to the deelesoo of a National- Commotion. DAILY HORNING POST T2S. PHILLIPS `• WM- H. SMITH, 21:11202.11ALP1D I.SOPRISTORS MONDAY, JUNE 2 - 67 1843 THE VETO. It will no doubt be gratifying to every friend of the interests of Pennsylvania to learn that the Governor has vetoed the bill passed at the last session, for the sale of the Main Line of our State improvements. His reasons for declining to sign the bill, will be found in our paper this morning. When the bill was first brought forward in the Legislature, we expressed our strong disapprobation of the measure, and have since, on al! prop-r occasione, condemned it. We thought that it would be the means of delivering into the hands of speculators, all the vast improvements of Pennsylvania, just at a time when they are becoming prof itable, (i rot hut - w'ist is cost the 1)f-opte to con,tru, t thorn, a'Ri t,i peirrit thet.e speculatots to pay f,r the works in, state stock at i spar Value, witch they have purchased at a dis-onnt of from fifty to six ty per cent. !courtesy at our hands, than the persons Besides the manifest iniquity of taking from the state the main line of improve employed them. If the Aurora had e... 1 been started on the just and fair principles merits, at a time when they are becoming! a source of revenue, their sale to a comp of compelition,we would have received anda. ny would establish a monopoly in our state welcomed it as we do all our cotempora more dangerous, and wieldingmore power ri se ; but knowing the, facts stated above, than any with which we have heretofore we could not, from a feeling of self re spect, commend to honorable notice a jour. been burthened. The twenty-first section of the bill confers almostnal that was backed by the 'Toney purse' , unlimited povrers ofa few discontented individuals who did on the company,and the twentysthird gives II not find us as pliable as they desired, and it a total immunity from all responsibility, who boasted that they would "trip us up." and places it beyond the reach of legiala- Added to this, the suspicious character pears to have been framed with a special Lion. In fact, every section of the bill ap -1 given to the Aurora in advance by the Ga. z view to placing the state in the power of l ette and its correspondents, and the fart t the company, and if the people should everhat one or the editors used the argnmenta ! wish to regain control of the works, it was of Deacon White to commend his journal only to be accom fished i to the democratic party, we did not consid by permitting the ! er it entitled to any favor from us, and we pornpany to realize nine or ten millions on I gave it such a welt as we believed it what the works actually cost them. des The reader will find the infamous char- I ! erved. With this notice we will let the Aurora acter of the bill clearly set forth in the pass. We have twice distinctly stated Gevernor's Veto, and, whatever difference that we were willing to take the word of may exist on other questions between him , t he edi tors that they do not now intend to ! and the democratic party, we ahmtld all , assist the Gazette in religious persecution. approve the decided manner in which the i Knowing what we do of the mo • Executive has condemned this schem e religiousders. sell the state and her works to rascally rives and feelings of its foun on. we thinr l a ' speculators. that this no slight cones s T F- --- Dull Times at New Orleans, --Th e Pic. ayune complaint dreadfully of the sterility of the good city of New Orleans, in local news and says: —Will no one kick up a shine here, just for the fun of the thine— The Recorders have a perfect sinecure of it . Police-men might be put to planting cab— bage, for all they have to do in their own immediate line, and the workhouses may be turned into a menageries, unless they supply of inmates be increased. The times i are dull, and that's a fact." St. Louis is full of great men. Benton, Ctittenden, J. Philips Phenix, and otb- era are there. Who raised the report.thst Marshall, of the Kentuckian, bad been appointed P. M. of Louisville? It's eot true, any bow: iee Pest Page. An Alligator 14 fag beg was recently seen eight miles below Cincinnati. , The Aurora conaplains that we .? not notice its "debut" in a ithut manlier, and attributes our conduct to lerlouty," or a "contemptible idolatry of afip." It is en. tirely mistaken in its conjectures; we can not believe that-there is any ground for us to be jealous of the Aurora, and if a "fip" was what it realized at its "debut," the ed itors may enjoy all the luxuries it can pur chase without any fear that we will envy their magnificent success. But we have the best teason to believe that Messrs. Flinn and Maine's paper was not started for the honorable purpose of fair competition. We know that one of the editors snatched up the misrepresen tations of the Gazette against our paper, and held there up as an inducement to members of the party to bestow patronage on the Aurora. When their paper vas first spoken of, we were stopped en the street by their principal backers, and in. formed that we were about to he "tripped up." We were told at the same time, that personal hostility to one of the editors of the Post was the motive that induced him to desire another paper, and of course we could only infer from such remarks that those who would sell themselves for such a purpose, were entitled to no more The wertith of Antiquity. W e find in antiquity some instances o splendid wealth. While writing magnifi , cent treatises upon th e contempt for riches, Seneca had contrived to accumula'e a lit tle fortune of 65.000,000 francs. An as trologer named Lentillus was conte n t with 56,000'000 ("lanes. When Tiberius dies, 6 42,000.000 francs were found in his cof fers—n.-it a franc less. In less than a year _nod Caligula spent the whole of it; there remoinel not an as—not a quadrans. The debts of Milo amounted to 120.000,, 000 francs. Cm.tar had not 49.000.000 francs, 49,000,000 ere htors, befor e he ob tained any publi c office; the poor fellow was soon enabled to present Curi o uith 12 000.000 franca, and Lucius Paulu s with 7 500 000, in order to detach them from the party opposed to him; he one (lay bea ged Servillia (the mother of Brutus) to ac cept a trifle in the shape of a pearl worth 550 000.000 frances. Mark Atitons's ho u s e wig sold to Messalla for the auto of 10,000 0(0 francs. A fire destroyed Scau ros's villa; the loss was reckoned 2122 000,- 000 francs. When Crossos supped with Lucullus, the cost or a sane rerrnannie meal amounted to betwe en 90.000 arid 100,000 francs! and, after the death of that refined coim.ul, the fishes that swain in the pot I of' his country-house were sold fur the trifle of 700,000 francs. Otho spent 26,000.000 francs on the finishing of a tyin g of a palace commenced by Nero. One of Coliatila's dinne-s cost - 1.900,000 frances. Heliogabalus was WESTERN UNIVERSITY OF PA. more parsimor loos, one of his breakfasts r this annu a l- o rhe b ti iiitutibl,ine willec a m commencei u at ioo of r t h h i the D a t u only reqoired 500.000 francs—a gastron,n. dente (14on , thv, June 264 and he continued as tulloAs? rnin example also set by Cleopatra. Ths aopus we advert to (his son, b the-b hlunday, A. M. 9 to 10 o'clock,—Algebra. cl .:Ey-y, Itll ". do. melt- precious stones to drink at his ens 11 0 to o 12 " do. P. M. 3to 4 " G om'y & Trigon'y. tertainment-!) was not, as you may well 4to .5 " Final on'sNat Phil`y. suppose, the jolly fabulist and Greek Ciri.loOrat.) Di hunchback whom every body is acquainted Tueaday,A. M. 9to 10 "Latta, ( Ph 10 to In' .. Mental sophy. with;but Claudius YEoopus, an actor on the 101 to 11 a it , Latin (Clew() 0:a ) Roman stage, very intimate with Cicero; 11 ito 12 " 0 , (Virgil.) P. M. 3to 4 " Algebra. th a opulent hsitortan earned, in one day, 4to s " Chian .I,w, &ilisey. It is said to be quite common in N.York i more then eight hundred Stoic, Pythago., Wedney, A, M. 9to 10 " Latin (L Rea'rCtesai) or Peripateticien philosophers could for gentlemen to smoke 'long nines' while ric. 10 to 102 " Moral Science. / pocket in a year. A picius, the most rale- 102 to 112 " Greek, (Homer.) in the company of ladies. 1 brated gourmand of the "eternal city," de. 114 to 124 " Latin, (Otod.) The Ravel Family are in Providence. ivoured (we use the proper word) 14,000.- P. M. 3to 4 " do. (1.. Reads.) 4to 5 " Arithmetic. Horace Greedy , editor of the New York ' 000 francs; he then examined his financial I • • y, A. M. 9to 10 " Greek, (G Reader.) Thurs' Tribune, has been named by several Whig sttuation, when the poor creature found 10 to 11 "Ev Chritc& Pol. Ec. , y that all that remained was 1,650,000 francs; r 11 to 12 " Greek,(G.Re'r.Ex'n) papers as a candidate fur Vice Preaident. I foreseeing that he must die of hunger, be P. M, 3to 4 " Modern Languages. We hope lie may not be nominated, for we 4to 54 " Rhe'ic,Logie,N.Ph'y. , ' committer suicide. Crassus, when he should be sorry to see him defeated, as he , inevitably would be. , went tofight the Parthians and he killed moot On Fide!, at 9 A. M., the annual commence will be held in the Hall of the University; Iby them, was the possessor of landed e‘.l and after the usual eru.eises or the graduatin g states worth 40.000,000 francs; his slaves, , class. and declamations, and ye Readior of On furniture, and trinkets were, fortunately, of Anal Essays, by nuouteqs alba otter S'a . ""ls: an a little more value.—Sears' Family Ma I Address will be delivered by WALTIII H. LOW& I Z, gazette.i Esq., the Professor of Law. GEORGE 17PPOLD, ID. H. RIDDLE, AL iii SLICK, J. ROGERS, 17,0.141111 P. AILS, • Cox 'does ou Useattou Poisonous Cheese.—Several cases of Bud, den illness have been occasioned in Phila delphia, by eating cheese which contained some poisonous ingredient. - - - - The eternise—A LOndou correspondent of the New• York Commercial w 'The Ministers do not deny that the repeal question is fraught with danger to the pub lie peace, and the immense numbers who attend these meetings give an air of univer. sality to the movement which is is very o minous. The removal and resignation a l magistrates, both Protestant and Catholic, Is another indication of ihe general feeling in Ireland, and it is possible that the Irish arms bill passed on Tuesday in the House , of Commons, may by the enforcement of its provision, bring about the dreadful col lision,' QUEER TASTES.- Geo. Selwyn, 9 man of fashion of the last century in London and Paris, whose memoirs have just been published, had a morbid taste to see death or the dead. Not an exception escaped him, and be is said to have made a journey !o Paris to see Damien broken on the wheel. This last propensity was the subs ject of many a joke among his intimates; of which the first Lord ll' lland's was the best. When on his deatli.bed, he was told that Selwyn had called to inquire after him: 'The next time Mr Selwyn calls,' said he, 'show him up: if I am alive I shall be de lighted to nee him, and if i am dead he will be glad to see me.' A MAN Ursa tv MISTAKE. --An anony mous correspondent of the Macon (Geo,) Messenger says that some time since a geetleman from Alabama, who put up at the Union Hotel, in Forsyth, said that a negto was recently arrested for an outrage, when he confessed that he some time since nearly killed and then hung a white female near Milledgeville. He said that lie choked her first, and finding she was so near gone, he concluded to hang her, in which situation the body was discovered. The negro also stated, that Mr Johnston was executed for the supposed murder, and that he was an innocent man: that he himself had committed the murder, and that no person was concerned with him. DEATHS BY LIGHTNING.—In 1842 there were 183 n ,, raons struck by lizloning, in the U.S. This is a fact of painful interest, when we contemplate th-it for a very tri fling expense nine tenths of this number might have averted their fearful doom, and been forever secure from lightning. !fan equal number are struck in 1843, accord ing to the &tett ine of chances, several of nor readers will be among the sufferers.-- Delat• not, then, in having your dw •Ilings supplied with conductors. The next thun der storm will, in all human probability, number several among its victims, and the fated seal of destiny may be upon those who least anticipate it. "Hope, although indigenous to England' were little attended tn, and never employ" ed in brewing until the sixteenth century; an then, when they began to be more re'd, the citizens f London petitioned Parliament to prevent rhem as a nui"ance. •It is not rniny years says Walter With, writing in the year 1653. 'the famous city of London petitioned alainst two nui sance•, and these were Newcastle coals, in regard to their stench. &c., and hoop., in regard they wows spoil the taste of drink and endanger the people." Ths water in the Hudson has for save. sal days been four or five feet above high water mark. So says ate Albany Citizen. during his sojourn in New York, receivei the ladies,who formed the celebrated in dignatiun proces-ion last fall. He shook hands with each lady and expressed his gratification at the pleasure of making her acquaintance. Long Imprisonment.—A I man named Mulford, in Goshon, N. Y., has been sen tenced to 2.5 years imprisonment, on five indictments for burglary. An attempt was made last week, accord ing to the Tompkins Democrat to rob the Farmers and Mechanics Bank of Ithica. The robbers were alarmed at seeing a light inside, and raa off, leaving their tools be hind them. White lead is made in Buffalo, N. Y., equal to the best Enulish. • ✓i!nother Border Outrage.—Th e Calais (Me.) Journal records a recent outrage at St: Stephen. A young man named Tobin, falsely suepectsd of having informed at the Custom House against some leather belongin g to W. E. Colwe'l, a shoemaker in Milltown, was seized, carried across the border into New Brunswick, strapped of his clothing, and tarred and feathered.— The Journal says the probabilities are that the outrag e was perpetrated by citizens of the Province. No grounds fur this belief are sated. er ommeriial 24Teing. _ eet water in the tl , annel. AU Bunts marked thus ( 6 ) are provided with Ev.intra Safety Guard. Reported by SHIM,/ & MITCHIL, General S. B Agents, Water street, Late Custom /louse tele • Peterson's Building. ARRIVED. "Michigan. Buies, Beaver, se7ieveland, Hemphill, do. •Columbiatia, Murdock, Wheeling North Qu-en, .I.lcLuin, Wllhatd, Parkinson, Monong City "Vul'ey Bawl, S Lint! Little Mail, Gaskill, Louisville Belmont, Puu, Wheel i.g, Clipper, Crooks, Cincinnati tar rschel, Allen, Cincinnati Belle of Nashville, Newenrab, Cincinnati DEPARTED. 'Cleveland, Hemphill, Beaver. "Michigan, lloies, Beaver "Cutter. Cullus , Cint innati. • Mantgomery, Bennet, Cincinnati, A Ipine, Cockburn, Brownsville, *Columbiana, Murdock, Wheeling North, Qu..eo McLean , Wellsville Tinge, 14 113071, st Lo ou Mozahala, Parkinson, Monongahela City • Iviessenger, Baldwin, St Louis Manhattan, King, St Louie Lancaster. Klmeteller, Louisville 'l' H E A 'l' 1{ E E. Oa- LAST NIGHT OF THE SEASON..a BENEFIT OF MR.FLINN. This evening, June 26.5vi1l be presented the Nautili eel Drhuri4 nrti•e OLD oft, TIIE SA IGOR'S FIRESIDE. Jack Junk, . FLYNN SONGS AND DANCES AriPr w' , ich!h. Drawl of THE DAUGHTER, Caroline, To conclude wi,h the DEAD SH O T. [lector Timid, MR. FLINN Dome open at 7 o'clock, Performance to corn mence at totli past 7 Lower Boseo, 50 cents Secants Tier, 37i cents I Pit. 25 " G 12i cents. TYPE Al' REDUCED PRICES. GEORGIE BRUCE 4- CO, AT No 13, VOA :413E1{8 STREET, near Post 11l Office, New York have on hand an untisua:ly lore,* stork or thrir well k !mown Printing Type, Ornaments, Runlets, Kirke, kr, of the hest metal, cast on original Matrices. and very accurately finished, alt or which they have deter mined bo ac II at G“EATLY REDUCED PRICES. Placing the Rook and Newspaper Fonts as follow 8: Pica, at 3: cents a ib. Smell Plea, 34 Long Primer, " Pourerok, 40 " Brasier, 96Altnion .• 54 Nonpareil 66 " A.2.31f1 R 6 " arl 120 tt Far approve! paprr at 6 month... or 6 per rent ler' for cash. Wood 'NT,. Pruning Ink, 1- resseg,Ca+(s,Gall Rre-s Roles. C.l,llnth.g evs, end olio, l'tint• ing materials furnished mil] pt omptil ndr, and at the low est priers. Priutvrs of Newspapers who publish this advertise. meet R itb this note three limes, and vend one of the pa pen to the foundry, will he eolith d to payment of their bill on bit) int: four times the amount of it. jnite 26. 1843. j see 26.-0. TAKE NOTICE Ma. Erns will Ointai au evening eta.. at his WtWy r mit Itule, on 14014114 v, to neron.rt odf.te s nuntl.tr of F.. Hamra who rannof re:rive le-sona at any ether beet. Gentlemen, will you rive Mr, F. a call I kites ------- COUNTY I'RE ISURER. ant n candidate for the office of County Treannine. vut.fret to tite - drelsi••n of the Democratic County Con vention. The fiupport of shy fellow citizen. will be gel, eptreciuted • JOHN FLEAIING, June 26, Of Allegheny city. SHERIFFA LTY. We are authorized to announce Mr. EDDY PAT. TERSON, of the city of Piiishurgh. as a candidate MK the office oh Sheriff', at the ensuing election, subject I. the n3mlnallon of the county Democratic Convenikte. pine 24—fe __-- 1:1;:r• At the solicitation of a number of my dentocratie friends, I offer myself ns a candidate for the ones le County Treasurer, subject to the dee Winn of the dew>. trade county convention. ROBT. GLASS. June 24. P ROTHONOTARY. RUSPECTFULyotTer invent(' a candidate for !betake of Prothonotary of A I loc heny county subject to the it• !inn of the Democratic county convention which the on t Ise 30t it A itcuett ner, GEO. IL RIDDLE. Allegheny City, May 3f—te dew. SHERIFFALTY. T R csrdrrrruLLY present myself to the etas:ease 1 Allegheny county, as a candidate for the Sherltrally. subject to the act lon of the Democtatic ConsontkontitLitth nnetl. on mite 30th of August next, June 3.—Owte. ELIJAH TROVILLO. COUN'J'y TREASURER. • We are authorized to announce Dr WILLIAM KERR a. a candidate for the office of County Treasurer, sub— Jen to t he decimon of the Democratic County ConzeaMaa, June 19 P ROTHONOTARY. To the Voter , of 41 te:heng County:—l rropectlltllyof• fer myself to your convilleratio n ay a candidate (tiorlepea• dent of parties) for the office of PRoTtiONOTARY of Allegheny county, at the entmln: el, minn. Ao Ido hot come before yru recommended by a Corms* t in, those at you to whom I oni rnt personally known will-mem et. amine into my rmliticationg, and ifs° fortunate at to obtain a maturity of your stiffrogey, I Mall eadmot by stria attention to the (twits of t Ire office. to Filial). yes with your choice. ALEX. MILLAR. Ina v 10 --tE• Of Pittsburgh: COUNTY COMMISSION ER. A T the solicitation of a number of frtends of all pol ofeal parties, I respectfully offer myself to the Ceti. sideration of my fellow -citizens ;or the °Mee of Collet) , Commissioner. That ny sentiments may not be Wien. derstood, either as to political or private affairs. I make free to say that I have been all my fife a committal Rs pohilvan, in the true sense Grille word. I As the COaldy IS somewhat ernhameeed In lie financial a dallll. and IN *r ediuclinn of salaries of pu'4lc - officers has received the :ipprobei ion oflar2e majorities ofthe people, toe ander - signed would not stu,old he be s+l3 fortanatp as to he elee • led, In any manner attempt to rest g t this sahtary re form; should It reach the office of County Crmtnteslollet. upr 6: SA m UEL HUBLEY. PR'OTH()NOTA RY. Clear ne course for the Plasutteero. WILLIAM 11 "OSTF:Ft. Eaq. of A Ilettheny city aniti he a rotund:iv Ihr the ntlire of Prothonotary of A netball, county. at thebrioher election. ja oe- OHN CARTWRIGFIT, gritril,Eß and Bulgiest Instrument INlansfaetsrErs cornerar6th and Liberty streets, Pittsbuith, Pa. N 13.----Ativayson hand an extensive assortment or der. 'feat ezUd Dental isstrinnests, Ba-ker's, Hatters', Heir D ' and Tattarrs' Patna Skeerrs, ftadillsvo' Toots, Trusses, 4te. Je 24. TAKE NOTICE. riptlF: hooks ol 1111elitoy and Slaughterhaelt him h 1.1. fen With me for collection. All persons Itnowhig themeetves indebted to them,. wilt please earl and sedle before the 23d of July next, and save collie. ALEX. id , LL t R, .ildermen. June 24—d3t w3'. Smithfield, near 3d, ti ONIESTIC QUEENSWARE. Ivo c E.— W tiereas, a quantity of wotthi e ware • Palmed on the citizens Pltistiorsh mid vicinity, nti , norilne In he made by Bennet., # Brother, I take Ole method or Infortnine the public how they may Allege eeei, Imposition forth*. Intere. All Bennett and Bro.li dishes are stamped nn the bottom of each dish, ~ B enionit. 4- Bro.. Liverpool, Onin."and alt Ware nOt of • Clbent• onndin: quality with said dkhes are not genuine. saki wit °level.. and retail by 'rhos flogenn, Robinson at. .1111111 r BlackliioV+ Conon Faclory, Allegheny city, who is sole to the ma nnrarinrers. jone24- 3mw Iwd. NEW GOODS COM I N:11 THE PROPRIETOR OF THE TIIREE BIG DOORS, No. 151, Lae? ty street, Pittsburgh, 1 8 now in the eastern markets, purchasing the !argot and most varied sock of seasonable Goods that hag ever been hrotight to this city, and In a few days ha Will he able to furnish lus rtestomere, and the public at tarp, with every article In the Clothing Ilne, of a gustily aura sty le onegnalled by any other establishment in the thy. The nubric are respverfully invited to call, as abort, and examine hi, splendid stock.. ne 24-3 t JOHN McCIOSKEY, Washington Examiner and Beaver Patriot copy thine Limes and charge advertiser. MRS. FLINN NISH, TOBACCO—IR bales Cuba Leaf Tobsete, ►7 this day received and rot sale by LADIES' WRITING SCHOOL, Ely R. Fee, From 4 to 6 o'clock, P. M., jj Ul FR D hoti.e east of Whittaker's Clothing mitahlleb rnerit,Serond street ,helween Grant and Rossi igeta, it:r.l'hose willing to enter. will Weave call dal Int dais hours. Jane low i n lot, tosutt and on accomda• nh) for or good harirr, or on titre 10 rnrielsneee;-300 dog asr.oried window trash and ens I° suit. if wanted. 30 clime writinz wrapping and letter paper, 25 doz rend sickles. 25 dig corn !Tornio and wisps. 11)0 grn..s niatrizes. 250 Lions suspender &ID cute oi 4 nod five doable, purple and yel low cal pet chain. 50 'Oxen Burlington smoked Her. rho , . A good supply of Louisviiie Lime. :0 doe iw• sizi-s Rockets. ISAAC HAR RIR. June 23 Agent and C %ler. ,No 9, sth sti PIG LEAD. 1200 PIGS LEAD, Just received and for pate by Julie 21. JAMES MAT. VEGETABLE TINCTIPRE. g Nile moat sal , and certal- remedy ever knownitStall world for various chronic dineases, after they bass reached a mate, and assumed a character, hitherto coat sidered dettperate and Incurable. Scrofula; King's Evil, attended with swellingn, and: ulrenr, Sure Eyes and Loss of Bight, to a frightfhl eztsst has been cured. Females pining away be reason of wo e retionp, broken calculations, and obstructed meneeek, (monthly courses, even when attended by epeame Of fib, have been re‘toliytell-red. Dyspepsia yields without a tornsele to its mild yet powerful action upon the stomach. In Catarrh, or Cough, Rheumatism and Fistula it never halite CON, an we have fully proved, The tinrm e tends direct Iy to excite a healthy action In the stomach, liver, lunge and kidneys—to partly the blood and other fluids, by espellinv every particle tail morbid matter from the system, and therefore never IMO, (with its accompaniments,) to prove a valuable risesoly fur the diseases for which calomel by been Invariably used. Old sores or uicers.or any chronic steeliest: Mal for the calomel disease it Is an infallible remedy. This remedy Is perfectly vegetable, ,utild, agreeable. and safe for persona of any age, either sex,or in say condition; acknowledged by theft who have tried It, le be the best known family medicine. The justly celebrated Tincture create. a craving sp, penile. and the patient is lei at innerly to iridnlgaity—, indeed he in particularly requested to do so. The am et this medicine wilt change it complexion from a pallid to a tine bloomine one. After using this Tincture fen weeks, a person crab) , age May eat any thing that a child of ttn years of P tte. in full health, could eat with. out the least inconvenience, 117 A large number of certificates from the citizens of Lexington, Ky..whose respectability is conchal fisr by Fiona. it X Ahem" and Hoary Clay, as wan as natotow taken in Alex 'ldris and Washington, D. hoses* on application to the min of the ki prep Packing. Hotel. . . rietat - Price. pas Deter per bottle. tun 21,-4br J. G. 4- A. GORDEN, 12 Water sired HAMPTON'.;