Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, June 21, 1843, Image 1
~~~~__ ifft • ••JcA PUBLISHED BY Tppq. PHILLIPS & W. H. SMITH, dif.,.l/.OOHXHR OF WOOD .1. FIFTH STB ireauq.--rive DOLLARS a year, payslle in *devote. dingle copies TWO CENTS—for sale at the ti t oliee,-and by News Boys. Tht. Mercury and Manufacturer . 13,0fulaked w CEK LY, at the same office, on a double IttaadDrar — eheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, In ad. copies, SIX CENTS Terms of Advertising. IT4IIIIQOARE OF TWELVE LINES OR LESS: One Insertion. 0,50 I One month,; 00 'Toro insertions, 0.75 I Two moni !!, 6.00 nitglettleiertlOßS, 1.00 Three months, 7.00 Oem week. 1.50 Foar months, 0,00 rstgara weeks. 3.00 Sla months. 10,00 Three Weeks. 4.00 One year. 15,00 "EARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. CU AAAAAA Li AT Ptit&SURE. -Kik ;VP. BfSer:A. MA Still/TA/ $151.00 Six months, $23.00 0,114 fr , 25,00 One year, 35,00 !ger advertisements In prorortlon. . thSof foar , lines Fitz DoLtatts n year. ''F'U I, I OFFICES,&C. ...try Posi-OrYtev. Third between Market and Wood Riddle. Postmaster. iiterroat Vaasa, Water. 4th door from Wood st. Peter. minealeatidiegs.—ilajor John Willock, Collector. (Jury Tillt4jp7RT, Wood between Fir.t and Second rtaalisrsWaseli 1. Bartram, Treasurer. Contre . f TABASOILY, Tbird street, next door to the Tithe reoibitisme Chereh —S. R. Johnston, Treasurer. /4 &Tot', °snots, Fourth, hetween Market and Wood strests—Ajerander Hay, Mayor. MiskostaltaN . Fourth, near Market at. BANKS. Prrrsatream.hetwaen Market and Wood streets, on ruin( and Pottrth streets. 11 111011 - t ' ANTV AND MANUFACTDitirite AND FARMERS' Dr a !UNIT lIIMLIG (formerly Saving Fund,) Fourth, hetorten 1/00:1 and Market stteets. ,f4Fas.asa. Fifth street, near Wood. MOTELS. Illannanasect.t. lloosr, Water street. near the Rrld:e Ex Racist, earlier of Penn and di. Clair. •teacaatrra' tioTxt., corner nil — Third and Wood. AlritßlCql HOTEL,Corner of Third and Bmiihtield. ti l lnitie*raTt+. router or Pent' street and Canal. 8 Eacit.a. Liberty street. near Seventh. Nli4alratos iloust,Liheriy Si opan,ila Warne BRotoutpla - T AILPMO,I Pena St. opposite Canal LoneaT WOODS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW.—office reran red to Bakewell's offices on Grant st., neatly os l noglio 1114.11 , 7fireourt House, uezt rooms to John D . ,—First floor. nr•is 10 IHEUGU TONER, Atto , nev at 1.41 W. Nortts Ga-t corner Amitlsfield and Foor.ll strrete, cep 10—ly M.9C A LESS & 111'C LII R Attorneys and Ooonseilors at Law: O:hce in /he Diamond, hack Sfthe Old Count noose. Pit siturzh. 5 / % / 1 10 .11001 U VIC # FINDLA v, Attorneys at Law, Fourth st., .110 1 above Wood, Plttsbor;lt. ger. 10-Iy. liIO3.HAMILTON, Attorney at Law, rim., berw.en IL Wood and Smithfield sta., Pittshur:h. sep 10-1 y i.R. OW ARA. ROBINSON, Itiorney at Law; 016ee on the north side of the Diamond.hotwi,i Market and Union Streets, up 812 rs 'Pepin A DURBORA.W, Attorney at Law; Leiter* proces4ional service.. to the pa6lie. .(11 1 11er on ?*Ah Street, above Wood, ritiebureb, sepia) Eirsrgit N. Atherneys at ter. hale e alaitcrriael from the Diamond. in "Ailorney'sacw." lut!li tile of Fourth wee!. Mei wenn Markel and Wood atnwn• •rp IO I~ . BUCKMA-STER,AVItNEIC AT LAW, °nice In Law ltu sigo. FOll r al reel, above S 111 II Illie Id , f it t-hurg h. Arts 10 G.ORO E W. 1.. 011". Ara • Attorney at Law, Office NI , . 54 Fifth street, near the Theatre. Pittiaar:h, aen, 17 y READE ASIIINGTON, 41770R.1VE 3' AT LA W. —Office in Bakesveii`e Bonding Grant 'free, Piltsbur:h. Nov. 5. 1842. rcaillfgri• ISITCHELL—Aitorney at LiIIIV,UffICE ocner of Smithfield and Si h Eta • i'litalturgh. illf• Collections made. A I misittesa entrusted to his are will be promptly attended to. lab 16—ly• RIEMOVAI„- R. Morrow, Alderman; offi e north side of Fiflh et., heiween Wood and Smithfield t el Plitsborgh. sep 10 DR. 8. R. HOLM ES, Office In Second street, next door to Mulvany k Co's Glass Warehouse sep 10-1 y Ns-tiNf STOCKTON. Booksellers. Prinierti an Pkper Ma nu foci rers, No. 37. Ala! kelt it. SIPP 10-1 y TOHM ANDERSON, Smithfield Foundry, Weser st.. near the Monongahela House, Film ure h. sep 10-1 y 1111111A1 I YOUNG. FRANCIS 1.. YOUNG. Taos. H. YOUNG ac co., Furniture Ware ROOMS, t.urncr of Hand st. 4. Exchange Alley. resaba• wishing to purchase Furniture, will find it to balk advantage to give as a call, twiny fully satisfied that we Olt please as to quality and price. sep 10 /Ma BBLS. PLANTATION MOLASSES. received Wper Steamers Little Ben end Fallon, nnd for safe hp J G. A. GORDON ear rf. 12 Wilier street Stomas D. COLVILAN .• ...LOYD R. COLZY•N 40. 01. EX•itir CO.,Genera Agents. Forwarding and Cawilaission Merchants Lriree Street, Vicksburg 4 011 , 211 • Tbey respectfully ro.tei l consignments. n 22- FROG PITTSBURGH TO BALTIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA WEBB CLOSEY,S Boat and Shoe Mattufacio- United States Express Vile or, No. 83 Fourth St., next dont' to the U. Slates Laves Pit istmrch dally, at 2 o'ciork, P x, via Steam. h‘,..t in thence In splendid new coaches to dabs .Ladies Pro .eiin, Kid omit - Satin Shoes made ;n Cunit,criand, ever the great National Road, and from lie,..eaLeatninoner, and by the newestlFreach patterns. 4freP 10 there by GARIAN TOOLS, consisting or does, Fancy Spades Transplanting Trowels, raiding Tools, Budding Knives, Pruning Knives, Pruning Shears, etc., just re. calved and Ciar sale by F. L. SNOW DEN. sip 10 194 Liberty street, head of Wood. AtiIIiSTRATCS'BL A NKS, for proceedioes fn At Lli. , teeArte‘il wader Ike late law, for tale at this Office &MK rETITIONS, NOTICES, &C.- 7o be used In Bankruptcy proceedings, printed on 11 104 11aPs4 1111 0 in Vie forms approved by the Con ri,for sale t IbmOliee of the Mercury and Democrat. sep It) - 1111IBBARD, LUAU" fashionable boot and 1 1 41. Ghee likaufacturer, No. tOl, third slreet, between Wood, mid 81111 ithield stratus. Pittsburgh sep 10 jrAtii. PA TTEII , 3OIII, Jr ., Birmingham, neat Pittsburgh, Pa., Manlifacturer of Locks. Hinges and Bolts; To• Menu, Fuller. Mai gad Timber Neraws; Houses Screws for **Wig Jillils4e. sep 107-lry 011:11 BPICLOSILEY, Tailor and Clothier, Liber.y 'street, between Sixth and Vir:in alley, South side. - se, /0 y G. it A. GOEMON. Commission xnd Forwarding taw• • Merchants, Water st..Pitisburgh. sep )O-1 y 8 CO. COMMISSION AND FORWARDING HER CHANTS. No. 60 Water street, Pittsburgh Pa. Tensia—lialeeivin; and Shipping 5 cents per JOO les GasmanWagon Purchases and sales 2i per sent. . 0 01/11, 13. '43 S. MORROW. 3 - li c k.untrAcruit ER of .Tin, Copper mod sheet tror AR Wore, No. 17, Fifth et., between Wood and Afar- Keep ooneiantly us hand a good anoottment of wares, nod 'Molts a share of penile. patronage. Atso.on hand, fisidowin Weiss: Shovels. Pokers., Tongs. Gridirons, Ihrahettlea, Pots. aenos. Coffee Mills 4e. Mar' camas sad others are invited to PH and ozaadeo for s4lllasialloao as he is issanaldod Waal Chair Aar. oaf Or .111411 _ . r X t • HAILMAN, JESis;INGS do Co Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Pro duce Merchants, And Dealers ir. Piffsisrik Mausfectitres No, 43 Wood street, PRishurgh. HAMM AN, JENNINGS &CO., Cotton Yarn Warehouse, No. 43 Wood street. Agents for the sale of the Eagle Cotton Factory. Yarns THOMPSON HANNA J•IllES TURNDUI L. HANNA 4- TURNBULL'S Paper Warehnnse. No. 104. Wood el., where may hs had a general surriY of writing wrapping. printing. wall paper, blank books. reboot books, 4-e, fe. sep 10—ly 1111 C. TOWNSEND 4. Co.. Wire Workers wed Afernifeerartre, No. 23 Market street, between 2tt and :3d streets, Sep 10--1 Y EXCHANGE HOTEL, Corner of Penn end rI. Clair strews, by MeKIBBIN ot meet 10-4 Y BROWNe.IVILLE JUNIATA IRON WORKS—Ed wa•d Hushes. Manufacturer of Iron and Nails Warehouse N 0.2.5, Wood st., Pittsburgh. sop 10 —ly NE Vir GOO DS. —rresinn 4 Mackey, whuiesole and carat' dealers fn English, French, ar d Domestic Dry roods, Vo. Xl , NI a rket , .ieri 10 JOTIN 111 9 DEVrrT, Wholegate Grocer Rertll%!ng Diet'!ler. And Dealer In Produce nod Pitishurzli Man , tractured Articles, No. 224 Liberty Street, Pit's sep ID WILLMAN H. WIL.f.IIII/1 Term S. nII.WOR11) ‘VILLIAMS & DILWORTH.--Wholegalr Grocer's Produce and Com ntirmon Merthante, not) dealers In Pittsburgh Manufactured article.,, No. 29, Wood street. cep It) /omit R.Stuenter iAn. N. KV.A.II SHERIFF & KEAN, manuNettirrrs of Copper. Ten, and Sheet Iron Ware, No Ro. Front et„ Fri's. hurgh. house Spouting and Steamboat work rothruty eyeuted, sep 10 n , AVID SANDS, ATCII dz . CLOCK ant KJ MAKER, No. 7 , St. street, Pitts. burgh, DEALER IX or.fircuEs,CLOCKs. BR E.. 1 STPINS FINGER RINGS, CHAINS, KEY'S, COMBS. i r e. sep 10 IJANDRETIPS GARDEN SEEDS.- A full supply of Landlvies Garden Seed!. always ou hand, and for sale al Ills agency the Dru;siore of F. L. SNOW 184 Liberty et reel. head of Wood ICMOVAL.Matthew Jone t t, Bartor and Hair Orews• IL er, bait removed to Fourth at ref.!, opposite' he May Ora office, where he will bn happy to:wan upon ,ierniai.ent ur transient ehstuniers. Ile solicits a shale of online mat. grip VI JOHN :11 , 1 , ' A RI, .I,N I), Upholsterer and C'obaoet ..if-ker. Third st. hetreesi Wood .41arLet streets. resreisiful Infisrass Ilia frienti• and i pul,4r that prepared to execute all oiderii Id , lion•d. ftn • reaus, Chairs. Tables, flair anA pr ink Mattrasses, Curtain.. Carpels, all *nris of Cohnisterth: wort:, whirh he still *variant equal .o any made In lie rite, and on reasonable iernis ItEArOPAL!--Thn tso.,riar, I..ive rein , ,v• d to ler hetw. o IVI,OII and Smohne , ol b , rr '•. I he,' will rorttlnue Ihr Vl,' ho!r GrOcer y xnrl l.utt,Mle ►ion Lu.ine.s and Would —it, it lir ,. r:orno Dan of their friends J 11 . . t: !sr: i 4. Co. Ilex 3 z . A. w. PAT PERS , iN. ?lire un 81.11011,1 d 1.7 nenr Si ttn. %cr, 11) 18.,,b1.11 43 F I:E Ft Eiwt)r.u. s I.INL: or , TAIIi, • 'it •11. 11 0413C•elin. from rolq•hur2ll, et.t 16-.11.,11, I:naraheialtura, 113rri.Mar: and I.aura,oer, in ~Ir•f enano•rtin: with Ihr Mail i ram of N V. kr, Only 150 milra:ti?ii T and one oleit out. Al,m. for hired line to Italilaiorc. Farr In Philadelphia $9. Baltimore, y . dady at R o'r:c.o..k A. M, Odice !t' , ond door bef,rw rm. Merrhato; I\' ,, ud .l ENTIMI,L, CR All % WArGli Eel, 23,1343-le. Prorotrtors THE: GR E CENTRAI. ROU E. yin Nvrios \l. ROAD AND BALTIMORL •len 01110 RAIL no COMPANY • 1- 4 w I I D! or U. F. Mr If Coachnl for Was hiw item Cite, 1 Baltimare. Philadelphia and New York. This line Is in full operation end leavesPlttsbur;h daily at 6 o'clock A. ht., via Washington Pa. ■aA national road to Cumberland. connecting here with the rail mud COS. to nil the above places Travellers wilt find this a 'needy and comfortable route, It being a separate aril distinct riitshuigh and "um• , rrland line. facilities will he afforded which have not tern heretofore cojoyerl. Ex tra coaches furnl•hril at the shorlo.l notire, wito the priVilear of acing through direct. or taking cne night's resist their option. For lickets, app , y at our nflire ni Ihr Monongahela House. 1, . W. S'ITICKTON• Fen. 3d—dtf. President or N. R. Sta.?, Co. NEW ROUTE. ENTIRE NEW COACHES! RAILROAD, In superior new eight wheeled cars, to Baltimore, Washington city and Philadelphia. The show Line le rmresented to the traveling public as being unequalled between the Ohio River and Eastern cities for comfort and expeditlnn, having made arrange ments to convey passengers through )n two days, end no night travel, either by Stage or Railroad Curs.— Think of it! Only 75 miles Stage travelling, and 56 miles less than the Wheeling route, and that In superb new coaches. Fare to Baltimore, •]O. Office In the Monongahel a Boone. A. HENDEP SON Q• CO, Flags Proprleto ml d 3 JjIACTS SPEAR' FOR THEMSELVES—TRUTH IS CONVINCING:— Having been afflicted for nearly two yeare, with a hard swelling on the cap of my knee. widch produced much pain, and u.ed various applica lions recommended by the Fnenhy--ill in vain wa• cured completely by the use of one bottle 'of Dr . Brand• relh'sLinament, or External Remedy. Witness m' hand LAMES TAYLOR. Ohio in Allegheny co, Pa. Jan.loth,lB4o. Dr. Rrandreih's External Renirdy or LI onment; sold at hls office, No. 98 Wood street, Pittsburgh, PR I CE-- SO rents per boffin. feb 8. JUS7' RECEIVED, Twelve boxes of Oranges and R" 'Lemons, 01 the finest qualiiy. for sale wholesale and retail, fly W5l. THORN, feb 22—tr. 5:3 Mat ket at. 20,000 1e 03 .! Cotton Torun., assorted 2,000 Ibv. Batting, • 2,000 " Candle Wick, 1,000 " Carpet Chain, and 500 " Cotton Twine. From the Eagle Facto ry. For sale by •11AiLMAN, JENNING , z & Co , Cotton Yarn W.rrehouse, mar 17 No. 43 Wood street. 1 1,7 AIFC F0R1.111.11. 7 —A ntur Clinker built Yawl. (lleidaugtnen's build) for pale low- for cad!. A p ply to BIRIMIGOAM if Co, !plB >AsAQ Muer st 1011 EASE'S 1104RZIOUND CANDY.—TATTLE has received ibis day from New York. a Irish supply o. the above celebrated cure fur Coughs, Colds and Con remotion: and is reedy to supply cumomers at wholesale or retail, at Ills Modica/ welosicy, 86 Fou r th st . now 12 D AVID eI.ARH , easAiosta4le Bret Mahar; mai removed to No, 34 Market street. between Second and Third streets, where lie would be happy to see his old customers, and all others who feel display. cd to patronise him. He uses tiothtng but first rate stock, and employs the best of workmen; and as bi given ins constant personal attention tobusiness, he treststirat he will deserve autlncelve a fair share of patronage. sep 10 Match 17, '43 FRUITet, ICF CREAM, 4. CONFEUTIUNA ItY.— A Honkeriespeetfully informs his friends/mid t h e public that they can always find the bast quality ui IMP Creams. together with al: kinds of eonfactkmary sad fruits. to their •EP.11)11, at his estattlishtneat—No. 11. Fifth street, hetwe n Wood and Market. N. 11.—Pink.a supplied on the shortest notice. with eakee. or anything in his line. Also families Weighed min Bread. sep i 8 [MANS'S CAMOMILE PILL L £l.—A BRA 2 '4 HAM J. CLEM ER , residing at 66 Mott stmt. New York, was afflicted with Dyspepsia in Its most nrzravated form. The symptoms were violent toad• ache. great debility, fever, costiveness, tough, horn. burn, pain In the chest end stomach always eller tali% impalred appetite, seesation of sinking at the ttontinth; furred tonstie, nausea. with frequent vomiting', dizziness towards night and restieness. These had continued up. ward of a twelvrmunth, when, on commlling Dr.9llm. Evans.looChatham street; and submitting to kit ever 'eet-a/fel snd agreeable mode of i reatnteat,the patient was completely restored to health in the short space of one mon' I), and grateful tor the incalculable benefit derly. ed. gladly came forward and volunteered the abovestale For sale Wholesale and Retail by Cheap for Cash. UNION COTTON F3CTORY. Prices Reduced. sA•nt Reel Yam Long Reel Yan”. No. 01 14 ci s . lb 500 at 8 cis pre' at at 14 ditto 600 at 9 ditto 7at 14 ditto 700 at 6 ditto 8 at 14 ditto 800 at 5 ditto 9at 11 ditto 900 at 4e ditto 10 at 14 ditto INX) at 4 ditto II a: 14 ditto 12 nt 14 ditto r.indlcwick al 15 cos wit lb, 13 at 141 ditio i' oto Bailin; • 8 ditto 14 at 15 ditto Family do. • 1:. ditto 15 •t 151 ditto Carp% Cl•Ain • 18 ditto 16 at 16 dill° Corn 1'141n.. 25 ditto 17 at I 6 ditto Stocking Yarn and IB at 17 ditto corcrict Tarn always on 19 ht 171 ditto hand 211 al 1H ditto Co, hno Warp made 10 order 11 rdrre :o. Irft at I. 4- C Paintrr',Logall Kenoro'., ar Pact nRIeC, add red frA 27. 3. K. morn ti FAD ¢ Co. retonv d lilt Fashionalde f:• , lal.llalintelit to lite SI onon:atiela hooln. 34 door flow tiro , t. an • nttl 104.1.1 at.yr bete litaold rllllonorlF and all miter. who nos' favor Wm with a rail may M.oetid On hay,: t het, onrk dour in a antaertnr Style. From oh ntt arterial,' In the titt.lne•te in 11114 city. any In many ol ril lea In Europe and ‘l,iertra, lie rt4oa inn hdrnl (l it tin fan sat n.fm - Ilon to an Villa 11 , 31 iilv 1,4 e to invor Alm wNb ihrlt rnatont. RV Slclrl 8(11 . 1111,111 to linironevi and •Uiliriiir Viirktinaldililp Imp hrp.F to owm and ro rive a Alter id - 1.104w pal I ona:e. If.triend kerping (In li.rnd a .11 pro ;;;Tr.l , and ir 'Cdr. fat Ilia r li lair a btrh .11114. all al Very rrdar /id pile... H. no icifv. ( I..I(,'STIC or the K+lle nn. lormerlt re•nr.erl Irt 114 An rats.. tit nor. • sr, 'tl• and wonlidd. triter.- 1110.Illir• tiv•to atoptettentlell . The nele•-tur l•, Tee Vain 1:‘ , tact. ri nut i'otttiitto k 71 m:od, r tit,- • fl r t , trittp., en n'e Of ittorl tfieltiluit I Itn ofi r' 'feint nr rat.. of lily, Tile application or IW. IlYo,lerito c to,pt. ttt ,d etli•oVrf 1111,11 11:11.al,ti if its, Irttlintt, •c. 11.1, bur n• Of Itrti., luit 11 Fired vial oi7an 441 In rt•nrlt.r ctlit. u•si , tle. I I id s re, y ,ecrt krt., t , f 1 111,e restore the [tart aft. fled to sett IC; 'rote ,ttl tt , t it itt.,,n 2 the ricitill l ..nitA This prrparnllon n'ttert n err , Ain lerti•ilV for 1 , 11 rmed elvs.t aitcprou...ors , , it cr.,. kronen I.resst and -ore nien'e and all chrs%teet, , d ern hin• of the tn. Il• ticres. n• a cure for 11, plea listed And fir rtinclsci• or Its e.trit live properties are fr the twat lespectradc and en. Itzldeced source. __llerntil F..r sal.. at ' l ' u't ' e ' s, NG rrurlh otteel: P /IEXWSIENO.V TA 1' East fed#a /fair lie hair and will not the skin This lit, r• in int he !wort of a Powder wit eh in Walt, mew% of t act may he applied in the hair over ni.to, the fito nt , 2llt I tirttiog the It2lttegt nr trey hair to dark brown; anti by it-prating a serOod or third nrpht , to a Jet Mark. Any terror, may. hen-fore. With the leant pmwthie keep hh 1131/ arty dark shade or a perfect black, with the positive assurance that ,ilte powder if nppiled to the akin riff trot color it. Tilerr is no coloring in this statement, as any one 1113 V easily test These Carts are warranted by the chemist who manuractures It. For .ale at TUTTLE'S,' lit; Fourth garret, where a inrce smoaritnent or Patent Nledtclnes may always be had nt either whole•a!e or retail AA/F3EAU ..414.V" Sr JOIIN JFX.VIXOS a/ have entered 1:on partnerrhip for the purpose or tranearting a WholevaleGroc , ry; riodare and Commie, sinn hu.ineva under the firm and style at II AlLal AN. JENNINGS k No 43 Wnod Creel, opposite the Me ',ha nie Hotel, Where a sunpiy of Groceries and Plus bure,h Ma,ufac,urrd Articles can alway.. he had on Ilbe RI terms. March 17 '43. 11.00 K 'AT THIS. TOBAC CO, SNUFF AND CIGAR STORE. J. FULLER TON, No 1146 W00d street, one door above Sixth. KEEPS mitt:loly on hand all kinds of the heat Bpanltli Cigars: Regalia*, Caecoioccs, Cosmoses, Traboras, rriscipes, Also, hail Snaniali and Common Cigars. 'Foliate° °Call the best brands ; Cavendish, $s lump; Bo:timers Plus , LIN and 16s. lump. Also, ihs. Miller's Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco. Snuffs: Rappee,Scotch, Alartaban, High Toast ; ft. fie hasalso, all other articles In hts line, which he offer., wholesale and retail at the lowest cash priers. CALL AND SEE. forte 8.-6 in. WILLIA, til DOHERTY, Li In' and Cap Manubeturer. 148 Liberty at, between a... 1 Market and Sixth. up 10— 6m. J. M. Sanderson & Son, FRANKLIN HOUSE, PHILADELPHIA. r rills elegant estnhlisitment has been lo operation du r. ing the last nine months, and notwithstanding the eenernl depression of business, it has met and sustain ed the approbation of the public and yielded to the pro prietors a.full compensation for their labor and atten lion Its location being in Chestnut street, in the im• mediate neighborhood of the Post office, the Exchange, Banks, the Steamboat landing, the most business part of Mat ket street and the places of amusement. it presenter to ;he business community or I ituse visiting the City on pleasure. all the facilities and comforts so desirable to the travelling public. Its arrangment. also, enables the sues! to regulate his expenses. and to live in a style of elegance or economy Frilled to his not {censor disposition. The facility of proc,ring meals at any hour, and of gel. ling that whirl) the appetite craves, is also a saver of time which the business portion of the guests know how to appreciate.. The proprietors, therefore, solicit Ilia custom of their old fri-nels,and promise a continuance of their exertions to make them comfortable. np 25-3 m. For Rent. FORn term of years. Two building lots on the bank of the Allegheny river, adjoining the (Sly line. Apply at the house Agency, Penn street. sth Ward, mar 2. JAMES BLAKELY 70.6 T It ZO El 17412, a large atipply_pf Dr Bwayne. a syrup of Wild Cherry,aad for ails Ilradaidili .aind retail by *: Wii:111011/4 , i ap , 11, No Sollaiksgsg , R. E. SELLERS, A gen!, No. 20. Wood street, below geeond Hemovnl. Don't forget $6 Fourth al, set 1 COPARiNEUSIIIP DR. GOODE'S Celebrated Fessats Pills. These Pills are strongly recommended to the notice the ladles as a safe and efficient remedy le reniosimr those complaints peculiar to their sex, from want of ex ercise. or general debility of the system. They obviate mattiveness, and counteract all Hysterical And Nervous elections. These Pills have gained the sanction and approbation of the most eminent Physicians in the Vol. Slates, and many Kothers. For sale Wholesale and °Wail, by R. E. SELLERS, Agent. aep 10 No.lo. Wood Street, below Second. R. ADAIR, 'Brntrt aid nos Adair, Liberty st., opposite the heed of !With/10d st., Pittshergh.— :the subtretther having boded' out the stock of the late 1 6 11Ornas itaferxy, deceased, ins commenced WHIN**, the old stanii‘of Mr. R.. and Is prepared to execute *descriptions of work In Ills line, In the hest manner nei the abet , evt entice. Rr kern% rum .tant ly on hand rte fi.oll”e, of ntl ilrzerlpliOnll and . he he-. v. 11, ' , lt. the Imo 0. the nub. 'hand nil 1. ...pit. • vum Alt.‘lß, :Imp 10 pITTNIIITTiciI t 1 1 .VIT FA C,TOTt y.—sprisdr, ..4flos far enrriareit at Easter, Pried*. Irhe setharrfh•ra rnnnnir4rinr.• and kerpa roncaantly on rtilad CXich." and Ellptir tznrln:s (warranted.) Juniata Mon Axles, Pliver and Brass plated Bash Frames. Brass aril plated Huh Bands. Plains Joints, Parent Leather, Mire, and Brass Lamps, Three fold Pteps, Malleable trim, Door Bandit's and Mors. ke •d e. ' !ONE* k COLEMAN. St. Clalr near el e ‘lleffhPar Oridao'. D. SELLERS, M. D., office and dwellint in Fonrih, • near Ferry rtreet. rep 13—Ir LOOK AT THIS. Tbeattentinn ••ftho.e who have been tmmewhat seen ilea! In rehrenee In the numerous certificate■ Tnthilehed In ei •or ortlr. 14 MI ego's Componnd Peron of Wild Cher re,an neeennt nf he perennz help. nnkvown In this 1.0. t ling of the crate, I. rfilppettstil, directed 10 the follow Intl rertielr:o•,ih e writer of whirl, line heen a eltinen of ttrle honniolli Co nt vonre nod i> knov‘ n :entieman of Ins e;:risy and rrey,on.tbltb v. re the _lsn't, Mt. J. Kiev( f have nird Dr Stvat,e's enn.p nod Syrup of Wt!.l Cherry for a COPIAII, wIIh which I have been severely n 1 Anted for shoot fon, months, and I have no hesitation In ravine that It finite MOP, effective medicine that I have teen aide to prnenre. It commute all uneasiness. and aerie.. nett with my diet.--a od toriniatne a regular and ermd appetite. I can freely rernmmrnd II in all either. almltariv afflicted. J.Mtrixicx, Borough ofCltamherst.'e. March 9. 11411. " n 2:1 For .are he WILLIAM THOR NI No. 53 Market street. FRUIT, SHADE. AND ORNAMFNTAL TRF,E,4. P F:R?ON! 4 deeiroua or proeorloe Prof?. Shade. and Ornamental Tree.. or Shrohberv, from Thiladel olio or New York, are retreated In make •pplical Coo aF .nnn a• rnaafkle. at Ilt. Dm? and Seed Store of the nub. erriher, where ran he had ratalozoeo, T.Fatollovelr„ of the most eerellont .ariet F. 1.. SNOWDF.N, aro 21 No IFI4 I , lltorte street, head of Won, 11 , 1711.1.1 A M r. WALL. Hain awl Fancy Portrait an 4 T • 'are Prams Afanafactorrr, So.' 87, curet Pllft&lerArk.—Convnes ftrttshrs Varnish Fc . far A rtisls, 'alms V. nn hand. LOnkinz Clat.4eS• kr. ivnmptir Panted In order. Repairing done at the short ratqi,ittar attention to re:tiding and fobbing ()rev rr• deteritrion. nor.nne rot n Boat • or hnulLes wit! find it t. lu•it' arl voint- qr In trill NI. STEELE. lgetecestor to H. 111'Clmtkey, Pligh in.ia dr Flom Maker, Liberty xi.. 2d door from VI - . in I lee Thr •tiltpertl.er regneel frilly informs I Ile public that he hay rommeneed IT, a hove hii•inmr• in the dioa formerly ore tinied 11r. tienry 11 '1'7100:Pe. and ibat hr 1, now prepared In - .vend in All nuleo* in hi* and" 11 the 711n.i reaunnahle term.* 'root.* ht. , lon- Ptn•rienre in im•facitsrp ra-11101101.1• Pnoi•. he ronodo.nt than all article, from hi, e , i..l , livimmm n iii ejs, saii4.,llon In hi. pa iron, A shn,eni !while pal rona::, •roirif. r i - /RD SEEDS A f +an .0 .111 v nr Psrll4teds, enn .141 in:: •ito an•} r: 11.01 received hy fet•Z. F I P\Ow )rV. 1.11 I.tl•rrt v.l. W m Fl. A I:STIN. A torn.' y Imrv.riltsiturrh, Pa. OR in 4th street, nnpnrire Burke a Podding. W 11 11 • 11 1 E. 1 1•4'1111. E•q , iviri live 11111 Slirentinn t.t mt unfinished iuminorer, and I recmnmend him in the patron are of my f finds. WALTER FORWARD. •.t 10DITTSRUIIGH ("IR ^VI, ATI Nf: Nn RF.PERENCR !AAR ARV or Rellarlon..illaing leal.and Mi.. cellaneous Work•, will be open ever♦ day. Sa4haili ex. rerded. "rnm 7 o'clock. A M..nnilt 9. P. M., In the Es• change Rulhling.corner 01 la I 'Clair atrcet and Exchange alley arnereplinclnal attendant. will beelven he .plO NEW YORK DYER. jr-vii:F: HlME , wnoldrespectfullyinform his friends Van the nubile In genera I,that he dies Ladies' dresses, 1-NM's and Mantels of every drserloilun. black—and warrants tlemnollnamut , aril to look Paulal to new mood•. tle dyes Caney 11 . 01.3 f II of all deaeriptian• on silk and carpet yarn. Alen. Heaps and restore. the colors o r 2enttennen'aelothlne. on as In resemble new rood., Mr. H. falters himself flirt he ran otenwe the public., as he has done an extentive Imatnesa In New York for 'went!, veers. All work done nn mniferlie terms at hhi establishment in sth st. between Wood and Smithfield neir the Theatre. CERTIFICATE fr7-Thi, is tn certify that OSEE HIMEB hos done work for us, which ha. ILIly answered our exptclatiuns, and *e consider him a competent dyer. S. Hemphill, Wm. Barnes, J. B. Shuttleff, David Hall, B. F. Mann, Davi Seim Joseph French, jr., Andrew Purdy, W. B. Boleti, Wm Porter, H H. Smith, Henry Javens, A. Shnckey,. jr., Joseph Vera, (Jeorge Barnee. ap 20th. JOHNSON & DINA BOOK BINDERS AND PdPER RULERS, CIONTI NUE business at the wand !me of McCandleve Johnson. Every deserlotion or work in their lin neatly and promptly esecuted. may 8— ly Err ER BARGAINS AT Till PIIREE RIG bOORS. T HE rubseriber wonld respectfully Inform his rust° mere and thepuhl le generally, that notwithstanding the unprecedented sales at ties Three BI( Doors, darts; the present season; he has ittll Oh hood the largest ■nd most varied assortment of elegant CLOTH INC that can be bought west of the mountains. The pulite may rest assured that all articles offered at his stout are mannfac• Lured from FRESH coons, purchased in the Eastern markets this Swing , and made Into ;vandals by Pitts burgh workateb In consequent's of the n.ultipileallon of slop shops In oar city. filled with pa wn•brokers.elot hes and the musty, cast off garments of former seasons, from the eastern el. ties, the piihtic should Detentions to ascertain this char. actor of thli establishments In which they are Invited to purchase, before ihey part with their money. The an tides offered at Nayaritl of the concerns in this city, ere the mere offal' of New York and Philadelphia slop shops, and sent out hereto he palmed of on the Pitts. burgh pulitir. Purchai era should he on their guy s "! a. pins! these Impositions. and they m Opay rely on fact that no estabhahment that adverting eastern weds D'lot• log, can givens good an artleta eras advantage/iota bar. gains ea can he bail at the °Three Mg Doom' , The public will please tethenther that all the subitri• bertsgirmer ts are made in this city, by competent work. men, and not gathered up like the roods now offered by the "birds of passage" from the shreds avid patches of eerier,' slop shops. It will always be hit endeavor to maintain the rexitallon that the "Thrill Big Doors' have obtainre for tarnishing % superior style of CLfiTR ING in rapeet, and et prices below those of any other establishment. He would again return hie thanks to 140 friends and the public for the unprecedented patronege Lestowa upon his ortnblishment, aid believing tlint they have found it to their advantage ti deal with Mot, be would repeat his 1171 , 110t0n to all Ipose *be w4ll to patches* Clothing of evegy deveriptiew at the lowa% price to all at Re. 151. Lnrs . trrr Or. ' JOHN NICLOSICV. rwiDiaerre WetetPtat• in the-patretsont, ap 26. w....4F....4 at law ea is Lees ll* t *KW. the corner ilmitigieldi et. - For publishing a 7,1117 Daily Pap** to fits City of pm. TESnbseribers having made arrangements to merge .II the American Manufacturer and Pittsburgh ?tierce. ry Into one Joarteal, have concluded to publish • daily paper with the title of the Deily dltrrrivz Post. - The leading object of In... Post" w ill be t he dlaremina. Lion and defence of the political principles that have here tofore been maintained by the Editors. I n their respective papers, and their best efforts will still he devoted to the advancement and success of those doe! fines. 'Although, In politic•, the paper will he thoroughly democratic. yet the Editors hope. hygivieg an honcat, candid history of pacing Political events. Foreign and Domestic Intelligence,and brief notices of all mat tem and occurrence* that come properly within the sphere ora Public Journal, to make their paper sufficiently In• cresting to entitle It to the patronage of the public, Ir• reaped lee of party considerations. In addition to the political and general news that will be found is the “Aformisz Post," the Editors will take pains to furnish the businesss community with the latest and most Interesting Conturectat Drvitt.tt osares from all partsof the conntry, and to have prepa• red such accounts of the blarkeis and the Stair of Trade es will beadvanlageous to our Merchants and Business Men In their several callings. rovni.—„The POST will be published en a large amperi• al sheet of tins paper, (maiinfact red especially for Utis Journ%l) at the unusually low rate of RIVE DOLLARS I per annum,ptyable In advance. It wilt also be sold by newsboys at the IoW rate of TWO CENTS n copy. Airertitemnittat will he inserted at the lowest rates charged by the other daily papers of the city. I:I4rTW !MTV' active lads are wanted to sell the Post, who will be engaged on the most liberal terms THOS. PHILLIPS, W.H. SMITH. Aunts, 31. 18412. BY Morrison 4 Co. London, for rale only by S. P. Wickersham, comm. of Wood street and Virgin alley Pittsburgh Pa. and H. Harwood, Beaver Pa. who Is sole 'gem for Western Pennsylvania. sap 10 Travelers should select Boats provided with Fran's Safety Guards, for preventing Explosion of Steams Boilers. IT would he well for the traveling community to beat In mind that their security depends entirely upon their own encouragement of nuts that have or may he at the cirteme of procuring the above apparatus. And ti ,at every Individual making such pelec ion is cool r:tou ling towards a general Introduction of ail Invention ad mitted by all men who understand the principles °rale steam Engine, to be a sure preventative against those dreadful disasters You hese em lately, in the hundreds of tespinsinns that have already taken plane, their almost daily occurrence, and the thousands of lives that have already M.en inst, a sufficient warning, and intincernent to make inquiry for a Safety guard float, and In every Ca.,. to give it the preference. They have went to an ~ddttlonal et pease that your lives may be secure Ought von not therefore to meet I 11M witty a- eorrestrohdims degree of doetality, and Ity your preference show that yt.o appreciate thew laudable endeavors to stop this aw fit parrifir., of Ittimaa life They do not charge more . than othes boats; their accommodations in other respects ale roust, and in many rases superior; and as there Is nee leaving Pittsburgh every day, why will you run any rbk, when It is so coin letely in your own rower to avoid thus,. dtaastets. An hosts marked thus [to] in the List of Arrivals and Del &Mires. in another part-- of this paper, are supplied with the Safety Guar t. List of Boats proeiied with, the Safety Guard. ALPS. MENTOR. AG N F.S. MICHIGAN, AMARANTH, MARIETTA. BRILLIANT, MARQUETTE, EIREAKwATF.R MUNGO PARK. CASPIAN, MESSENGER. CECILIA, MONTGOMEY CANTOS, NORTH BEND, CICERO, NEPTUNE, CADDO.. NA II AGANSF.TT, DUKE of ORLEANS, NIAGARA, DUQUESNE, OSPREY. EXPREss MAIL.; ORPHAN BOY, F.cLlpsE Oullo. FOR MOSA, OR LEANS, FORT PITT, PENELOPE, GALLANT, PANAMA. GALENA. QUEEN of the SOUTH, J. H. BILLS, 110WINA, JEWESS, RARITAN. IDA, SARAH ANN, INDIAN QUE:EN, SARATOGA, ILLINOIS, Sil - ANN:A i LADY OF LYONS, 'r LLEYRAND, VICTRE S. ALLEY Foitaß, WEsT WIND. ASHLAND, BRIDGEwATER MIsSOURI MAIL, CLEVELAND, OLIVE BRANCH. COLUMBUS. ('UTTER EDWIN HICKMAN, EMM A, GEN L. BROOK, TOBACCO PI ANT JAMES ROSS, ADELAIDE. BR UN F:T rE, coLum Bit% N 1 CLLI PPM/ MINSTREL, EVELINE FOW L ER'S PATENT BED STEAD. ttAN EVEit ANUFACTiJii rUit Ebat WA. Ltrisuart's Cabinet Shop 1.7.1N0. 69-Second st reet, between Wood Ant Smithfield, where a general assortment of Furniture may be had at reduced Pete" for "11" The superiority or these ued.teads, consist In the lost. ening", which for durability and ease in milting np and taking down. it not equ died by any other now In use —and to all such as would consult their own comfort in their ntOttly slambars,4l, shohld he remembered that all clasves of the bug family are J . /WOW cc by these fastenings. iir4rltigh s for Counties, Histrlcts or States for sale bY JOHN FOWLER, Patentee. We, the undersigned, do certify that we have exam. Med the above Sedstend Fastenjngs, and have nn hesita• tion in pronouncing them he beat now In nse. —tomtits tip fully to the representation in the above adveltise. MEAL Wm. Graham, Jr ir Ad. John A. CM. aP 21.-2 rel 24) 1161P,15 Russel and Robertcon'a N 0.5 LUMP TO ACCO. 20 Rosa acvutad do, Jut received. together *Oh a reneral anori moot or every thing In the Oratory Inc,. ad for itabt ea the most utisisoodatlits time. Co. ar . • 4 !Plod at. PROSPECTUS! teba itaitied LAie DAILY MORNING POST. FOR SAFETY. intreph Collar? lacob Vogdep, Geo , ge Singer. I i DAILY MORNING POST- the Mt. Verson Renner. What It Oros the people: The whig bankers are anxious to fist s . 'nish the people with a curreric'y that !save them the trouble of toting about the l'hard.' That is. they will keep the sheSce ;for themselves. kind a?ttial and give the people the sat rags w hich . are much lighter to handle, and more _easily carried ahowll They remind us of 'id Irishman who meeting a friend wir " 11 ef ar' .„,, * a i=• tees it the shell noon his litelir, , ,lbeftoMl4:: unteered 'l4tll' them to lighlAt#ll4oll4lc-, So with these whig haokers, people so much when hey are at}- down with specie, and kindly 'gut it.' for them. The. Chitt:,l:, • vertiser gives, in the followingi , that operation, f , r a sl ort periodir:ttf Enormous Lo‘ses 1,, Banks..,..These.t.: who think that the c-mintry is enriched by bank notes, which are mere'y evidences of debt, will do tell to examine the rdth,4 , - ing statistical table, ikhich i 4 taken frees! the United States almanac, for 1843, a - work of sterling rneritt Lows by Dank: from the year 1832'10 1842• ,'• Bank circulation and depoa- its• ►54,000,000 - Bank capital railed and depre ciated. 284,000.000 State stock - depreciated, 100,000.000 Company stock, 80.000.000 RPal estate, $00,000,000 $818;000.000 ttHT HPNDRED AND EIGHTEEN Mitts lONS OF unta.aas lost in five years by the bursting of the paper bubbles! IP itanvt wonder that the people ate complaining oil herd times? - - O'NOT DEAD ItET.—ThiS:BoStOD POSel sera that a Millerite at Pittsbitch impatia, l a lively effect to his annunciation tespeet•., ing the second advent, by blowing a tin horn between the pauses in his ser m on.; to represent the sound of thy- 1491 trurngert" The Syracuse Journal contains the ihg advertise ment: Burning of the warld.—At the ;7000 1 ., gregational church, on Sabbath eyinirig j next, at 7 o'clock, Rev. P. Castleton will deliver a lecture on the relation the -ficts• conflagration sustairs to the general del• ifge—offering the Most important rnythe.: logical and geological proofs of the lattetc,: and exhibiting the most 'prominent chem . ': 'cat and pyrological phenomena invoitreeU in the former. He will show that flair whole globe is but a stare of_ fire, awaiting the day of judgment and the perdition of, ungodly men.—Skeptical persons especial. ly invited to attend: - r New Counterfeitx; Look nut.—indirma twenties, with no difference from the gee: nine, eitrepi printed with brownish bisek ink. Alecs ones on the Bank of Wonstrr , srp po.ed to he notes stolen from the Bark of Cincinnati; with Cincinnati eic . racte.d, nn ir l Wonmer inserted. Letter 3 dated Innis and September. 36. signed J S Lake Cesb.4 and lames Coulter Pt est. Theist are titan in circulation altered' sa notes on Parmers; -- Bank of Genneasee co, at Batavia, N'Y ' i w.. 11 executed. Spurious Bl'sr on La Fayette Bank, Cincinnati, Bank'nf %Nisei!. lon and Bank of Sandusky, anti counter feit s2's on Exchange Bank of Pittsbittg% are plet<y.—Cleveland Pl a i n he a l er . „ . The Killed nod Wonaderll The Bostun Atlas is indebted to a f f iend for the following return trade to General Gage. of the killed and wounded or 04 British troops, at the Battle of Bunke* Hill, June 17, 1775, (return made lunb 29th.) 753 Rank and file. . . 102 Sergeants. 100 Corporals. • 92 Commissioned officerrr. 1047 killed. 447 wounded mai 22 1494 Total IcrThe mechanics of Bechestet latto Struck against the 'order eyelets.' The democrats have carried Cana& daigua, N. Y. This is a gain. iltZPStrawberries have been selling is Baltimore fnr 6 cents a quart, and in Phila. , de!phia for 50 cents. Some censideraide difference. PCP . Et-President Boyer will reside in Paris hereafter. He has invested largely in French funds. 07""The crops in some sections of the country look bad, but upon the whole the prospect of abundance is cheering. Another attempt was made by a comet to escape Sing Sing prison on Tueadai evening last. He got out, was seen, shot at, missed, pursued and taken. A whale of the hump haCk species. jilt!. ited WiseasFet. Maine, a few days sine . and after remaining a short time, left um cetimoniougly. • The activity which now prevails. in BOSL ton,in beilding,has advanced the price orla hnr. Masons now command from $2 t) 02/ pet day, an] carpenters SU; tender 31. ilnather Candidate fur Canal Comriia sioefer....A correepeadent of the Donee critic Union, suggests /axes Woß*Aix: Esq• as a imitable candidate fir N 641 .aL_ lEMEEM