niter MADE COFFIN WAREHOUSE, rsta) - . f - - -iittgot, UTE REAL A . 1,46. ' -:• - ._. 4 . lit St, two asses jets Uts U. B. dank. VFW Ts• 1 nna TRints, anti all lacieseM prove' . 411 14 17-suisrtstAse respectfully taunts. the paidle that Is VILFILrIII DAL.LErs AIdfiIICALPAIXE.I4 111 twasoved his eady made coffin walihouse to the • hariblieg recently Jccupied by Mr.ll. b. fierfoid,direetly TRACTOR Inestimable . It not only ea ea quicker , but Itpplaite his °Wet and, where be is always prepared to at- gives no additional pain, nor leaves a war. Fire is post tively rendered harmless. ($lO has been offered sin , sad promptly to any orders in his line, and by strict at. months to any person returning an empt y box, and saying klettera to all the details of the business of an Undertaker all agony on anointing is not extracted I , a few mln• ilkablOpes tomerit public onfidence! He will be prepared iLiai sites, yet not one from thousands of trials since has claim II it.tatoass to provide Hearses, Diem. C isges and ed the bonus.) Parents anxious to guard againstgenera am, renal-site on the most liberal terms. Colts from the Solnrie , s, and save time, fortune and life, and prevent seed Mill be promptly at tended to. their offspring from being disfigured by burns, or re-en 1311 insildence is in the same buildinq with his wars. small pox pustules, (it possessing the envialne power to house, where those who need his services Msy find him replace thecellutary organs destroyed.) can do so by ob. at say time. 4: mining t•tis inimitable salve. Many deeply burnt cases W.W. IRWIN, REV. POW( 1111.•CK.D• D. IU the city ran be seen, and one entire face burnt over and RIDDLE.. RYE. ROSICILT BRUCE, D. D. wounded three distinct times in the same spot while heal Jimmie IPETTOR, RIM SpRICRI, WIL.LI•PIP, T in:, yet in no case can be traced the least cleat rice or W. a. st'otmaa, acv. JORIPD KERR, mark! For all kinds of hurts its raird soothing effects are IsisiaeUJIALRIS, REV. 3•IIES R• D•VII, also itnportant ;even sore eyes, all intiamations and bro asp 10 RIPE. Z P. SWIPE. ken breasts would be unknown. Tire toilet and nursery, 'or clearing the shin of pimples, removing chafe, etc.os ill find it Indispensable. One using only will forever est al • lists it the sovereign HEAL-ALL quality. After this no tice, heads of families allowing torture for months, and ultimately distorted features, can never wipe away re proach. justly tittered by a disabled child, for neglecting to triumph over file. Entered according to art of Congress. A. D. 11141, by comsvick 4- Co , in the Clerk's office of the District Court of the United Stales for the Southern District of New York." rro Taos • WHOSE OCCUPATIONS TEND 0 PRODUCE OR -AGGRAVATE DIM; %;5p,.._71,i, Class of individuals Is very numerous. They are those who work In an unhealthy atmosphere. Printers, work men In feather stores, stone cullers, bakers, whit .t lead mannfactstrera, are all mire or less subject to disease ac. cording to the strenetlt of their constitution. The only method to prevent disease, Is the occasional use of a medicine-which abstracts from the ciremlat ion all delete rious &morn, and expel. them by the bowels. Tonics In any form are inlntions, as they only 7,11 elf the evil day to make it more Goal. The use of Brandreth's Pills wittistsnre health, becluse they take all Impure matter Ott!.of the blood; and the bolt , Is not weakened bill at moo hefted by their otteraC f r these valuable Pills do not force. lint they assist. nature, and are not opposed, but harmonize with her. "'Rohl at Dr. Prandrette , oMce, in the Diamond, Pittsburgh. Price 25 cents per box, with full directions. It ARK —The only place, in Pittsburgh where the GENUINE Pills ran be obtained,'s the Doctor's own (1, llin In (lie Diamond. sep 10/ La I what makvs your eeih so unusually while? Quoth Josh's duleinia lo him Co! her night, To make yours look so, with a grin, replied lost,. I've brought you a bottle of Thorns' Tooth ..rta the hest now to uie, 50 the gentlefolks say. And since they have tried this, cast all nt hers away !rut tagprovelt the hest, to make ilie tee' 11 Look again, my dear eat, at the lii=tre of mine, Then try II is great tooth wash, The Teaherry tooth wash, And sae if Om Tooth Wash or Thorn's is not fine easing tried 13r. -"rhorit'g Ten Berry Tooth ash,' Ind become ariiminled with the In2redients of its compo *Mon., cheerfully say, I eonsidei it one of the safest. it is one attic most pleasant Tooth Wash es now i n use. Pittsburgh Sep. 15,1842 DAVID HUNT, Dem i‹l. 1 tate pleasure in !nattily,. havins made use of-Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wash," 1h...1 It is one of the best den trifices in use. Bein, , , in a liquid form, It roinii - ne= neat • *en with convenience. While it cleanses the enamel andeemosee the tartar from the teeth, its perfume yelds a fragranee peculiarly desirable. J. P. TIBBETTS. M. D. The undersigned have tHeit "Tho•n's Compound Tea "leery Tooth Wash," and have found it to bean extreme• ly phsagant dentifrice, exercising a ninst salutary inflit. mice over the Teeth and Gum , ; preserving those indis pensable members from premature decay. prevent In the accumulation of Tartar, and purifythe the Breath. Hay lag Moron:My. tested its virtues. We take pleasure in re cemmendiri It to the public, twin - ming it to be the best ar. title of the kind now in use. . Jil ROBERTSON, ROB'T H PEEBLES, C DARRAGH, W.ll 31'CAND LESS, .11-M MOORHEAD, JAS S CRAFT. HL RING WALT, L S JOHNS, prepared and sold l.y W lAA M THORN. A pot heca ry Sad Chemist, No 53 Market street,' Pittsburgh; and at all the principa Druggists', and Tuti le's Medical A gen ey, Tourth street. sep INTERESTING CURE performed byDr.Sreayne's Cimpound Syrup Of Prit oafs Virginiana,or Wild Cher •/. Baying made use of this Invaluable Syrup in my family, which entirely cared my child. The symptoms were wheesing and choking of phlegm, difficulty of breathing, attended with constant cough, spasms, COIIVIIIFiOnS, d c. of which I had given u pall hopes of its recovery until I was advised to make trial of this invaluable medicine. Alter seeing theetTects it had upon my child, and con. Chiding to make the same trial upon myself, which en irely relieved me of a cough that t was afflicted with for m•ny years Any person wishing to see nie can ra at my souse in Beach Street, above the Market. Kensington. J. Wit.coz. Dd. SWAYNE'S SYRUP OF WILDCIIERTIN. Wt call the attention of the public to the numerous certificates which have been In circulation in our paper and lOW others of thls city, highly recommending Dr. eviassa's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry .—Wc have mesa the original certiflrates, and have no doubt but they Wei ifeelth truly grateful Means, expressive of the benefits Whkh the? have received from that valuable compound. We have acquaintances who have frequently used the above medicine. who ran speak with confidence of its Wirt& e3.—Safairday Chronicle. Fatd.ow Ct-rtzetts:—With sincerity 1 would advise you, one and all, both sick and well, always to have a ►sttleot Dr SwAyrres Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry In ynar house—it is invaluable in cases of emergency, each u Spittine, of Blood, Asthma, attack, of violent Coughing, which is often the cause of spitting of blooa. Violent Nervous Affections, which occasionally come from fright, and various other causes, producinggreat alarm, sudden colds from improper exposure. which are often let run to an alarming extent, for want of means being "ready at hand;—and ns I have used Dr. SWATII2 . II Compound Strut) of Wild Cherry repeatedly In my family, and always with marked success—l can recommend it with confidence. as living one of the best family medicines which has ever been offered to the pablie.—Satarday Ckroniele. Sold by Wm. Thorn. Wholesale 4• Retail, only :teen' torrlttaburgh. N 0.53 Markel Street. sep 10 DENNING'S FIRE PROOF IRON CH ESTS. Pmr•'rsautton, Ocr. 22, 1842. J. OCRmart—On Friday, the3oth of last month. about o'clock at aleht,the Flaning.Grooving and Snqh Man IlraelorY, owned by Gay, Dilworth /1- Co, with a large quantity of dressed and undressed lumber, was a ll consu. Red by fire. The Iron_ Safe which !bought of you some time back was in the most exposed Situation doting the fire, and eras entliely red hot —1 am pleased to inform you it WAS opened et the close of the fire,and all the books, papers, ite.eaved;—this is the heat rcemnaseodation I can give of the utility of your safes 0et.24..-3 f PILICINGTON'S Vnrivalled UPACTURED and sold wholesale and retail *rant. one door - below Smithfield. Oct 21—tY TOON BUTTERWORTH, Aactioncer avid COMMIS/. lien Mirsyskaat, hostievitle • KY.. will attend to the ode oriel! Estate, Dry Goods,G , oceries, Furniture, 4e. Reattlarsates cyst y Tuesday, Thursday, and Fri day mornings. atilt) o'clock, A. V . Cash advances made on rcp 10 pC-SWir/ELD has removed his marble Eqtablish• smug to Wood st. opposite Fahnestock's Diu: BO It hate be will keep constantly on hind Tomb liAlfilles, Mel3lll etc. ap 19-Iyr PORTRAIT PAINTING ogioaxg. Arrtrisit Piriptcr, Pourti 5t...3t1 story 41". Bate', ibatielay. J. Othetwe would solicit a call melt awls - Arial desire retire. Ht. Precis/anis can be era& Ma resew. may 5. J.B.IIIES P JACK . . CHAS 8 SCULL) THOMAS an COTT REMOVAL Warranted the only rentline. t'mnatock 4- co., wholesale Druggist s. N. York, have he eanne the sole wholesale aceoes for DI r. trolley, in Amer) ea for 20 yea's. All orders most he 3110 1 1 11' 1 1 , 11 10 I Item, The genuine only to lie hnd at TUI'TI.F.'S Medical Agency, 8I Fowl!' street, Nov 15 rittaburrth _Lard Oil 'Manufactory. .7,_•. --, ,- ..... -•-• `-:.-:. ia ~:•-_;:._ ' ' .:'," ; _ . --,----- .le .4 .ve -‘ _ =----- ...„., 1 ----.. - - . l ti . ' '- -; : t .*. . tW .._. : • . ' C " - .ilt3 ' ' ---.... 1 - ---7 ' ' - "WM .. v '. - --., ~ q-7 ~...... •., • - :....... 4k - CONST.INTL " hand a superior article of Lard t 1 Oil, warranted to burn at any tritioerature• and equal to the best ssittier strained Sperm Otl, without itt offensive qua'il les, and one third cheaper. wit. ulactured by the subscriber at the old stand, Thirdlit., nearly opposite the Post Office• M. C. EDGY. Jan .1.183.; BIRMINGHAM LOCK AND SCREW F %croRY. riVIR suhscriher having onenNi a