Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, June 17, 1843, Image 3
• --- - • ___ _ _ _ ___ _____ -_------ WAFT . b r ' IMar thews 'isite Mary s ' ' r` in Feh r a, -, Pittaburgh,l Munn Jahn B. .. 1114-lon..TstV, 1843. ICFPere Martin altioui b r iler fm lid iii ebeie ' .••••••-, _tit_ ill netnelhare on th- Martin : l*n 4.llobcouli I '' ,iessef ley they are,advertised. Morris John "-• A Morgan .1 T Aber Wm B Armstrong Francis Montague Wm Moyers Samuel Abbot mrs Ann it '"Ar mstronn Nancy Moon Sealant Adams Caps ti A, U S NAithur Wm ' Monahan John Arelkez.ligargaset Arthur Robert Moorhead James Able bane Arthur James 2 Moorhead Thomas Anions Jebni Arnold John Adams ft L Atkinson George Atrunrodissr Elizabeth A %atilt Samuel Alberto miss Jane Anderson Wm /Oberlin' 'Lawrence Aude:son Fanny W Anglin% Copt Geo Anderson Elizabeth Anonyms Lhomrs Andelson R S Anderson Henry • - Bail Alonro C 2 Birnie Geo S Barker Sberdon C Pigtails E B au* AS Biers John Barrett Patrick Black Robt Barton Sand Black James Barr Ellen A 2 Bolima') J E Sul.nr Joseph Bond Thomas pll mrs Margaret Boyle W I - 7001 Thomas S Boyd Win Beltshonver Henry Bogardus mrs Sarah Barnet &A A Bogers Bridget ;Rego Andrew Boyea Robt Bonney'MT Boyd m . s A Bnney John Brown Elizabeth Brawn William Bears Henry Bishop Etizabeth Brown David Bishop Etisha Brown George. G Brady Hugh Buchanan miss Jane W Brady mrs Mal Byerly Copt Jac ib ryan Bt' Wm BuJettson Wm Bradley Wm Butler James !Libre Lyman Burns James C Carnahan David • Coulter Joseph Ca.nabart Alex-ander Connelly Peter Casslly James 2 Coyle Thomas D easelly Many Ann Connor David Carson James Cowl John Carr Elisabeth ' Corns Win Cassetly-Thomas Croll George Carnes Francis Craw fud John C Casey Wm onner John Cahoe Michael Crage miss Lydia CurbAters Mr Curry John 'l' :2 Oarberna mrs Isabella Cunningham N - W (May Wm Cuintnins Atexander Calligarlie Clault Mr CaMiendt _Abram Clough William Campbell mrs Jane Clark Lewis A Zemplielt Col Sylvester ItClapp Rev A 'Campbell John Cooper Robert Christian James Cochran John 7 Chadwick Joseph Coon A F Ctutdwich Thomas Collingemod Francis Chanters mrs Jane Collin; It N G Qark 'Thomas Connelly Isaac It Davis James it Davisßenj Davis Mary H Davis Joseph Davin fritas David loan '2 Davis J R Dental Junes De Foie Mr Diver Deborah Doary James Devratt rasa Margaret Derchellasayer George Divitt Mr Eilts C D Eviatte John Fa. Les Francis Fabius/stock Obed Fiume & Grim -- Feow ek David Fergrisnai Samuel rergosinn Ca. Mine Kere9*.A Jelin FlaTh ]ammo W Fitihnikh Win A. Fin*lii Hugh ri m p l arick WO Fisher Gnu C Getty Faulty Getty John Gardner George 3 Gallagher Joseph Gallagher William Garrow Wm F Gates Martin Gatti* mrs Jame Gisler Jacob Gilchrist James gilmore James Glean Mart is,. Grounds John Halt miss Agnes Haigh Joseph 2 Hugh 'HAIM Haigts John Main Ephraim Hata blushaet Blitzes Chyle" RentmonarE W Hogue Reuben Hare Samuel Harper • Win Hatiis Sarah H Hart Geo W Hume! awe Soren Hay Dr G S Hays Robs HarenaN Huffman Robert Harley 'Samuel • Hurry John Hooter Jae . Ingalls miss liar let Irwin Boyle Israel J P Jackson Nancy Jane fackman MIS Mary fenny Fled Jerome Hiram 2 Johnson It lobeeou Fula 2 lobo,on George (Anew Robert A Kenn/Ay-John Ki. r ri gat t Patrick *Air C B King P a Knox Miss nary Kianall• Samuel Kirkbriide Labor Jeremiah D Lindsey Mr Lafferty Win Logan John B Latshaw John Long mrs Rebecca Lashel John Long Rachel La Roe Edward Lowman Jacob Laubitagh Abraham Leonard S a muel Lewis Riehd Liggit dg.. Hunter (Awake HAW"' A Livingston Joseph Lees-Andrew Little Henry '.eras Chas H Little William Leister_Harriet Doane). Catherine Donaldson Win Donnely Hugh Donnely Facri k Duffy Hugh Pu.blaw Mary 2 Wirmiug Charles Dun Jahn Durhacliet Rey II \V Dnnlap Julia Ann Dubarry E S Dann Jam , ■ Dill mot Ge urge E.‘ arts Jervase Forsyth J N Fox Ch sties Fmor.l Sarah Ana Fow , er Mr Frew Samuel 2 Fraoeis Evan FiMini.MS Tire"' Fiellliog mrs Mary Flem:t Wm 1) Fowler ' El 7..1 Forsyth Jas 11 &Cu Green Lowren . e Greenleavcs Samuel Greening Rebecca Grover Greening Greenwood Joseph Griswold John L Gray George Graham John Gordon Wm II °ocher George Goddard Abraham S Gowdey Tholnas Neil John Heslep Roht Heasley Margaret Hero John Heany Charles Herron John Henderson James K Hyland El en Hill Wm Hodge George Holmes Charles Holbrook Isaac $I Horton Lea'is Hoffer Robt Musson mrs F Hula John Hughey Wm Hull Robt Huron Re• A J 2 Hueston Wm It Irwin mrs Margret IrWn Andrew J Johnson Capt W Johnson miss Mary Jones Abraham Jones Peter B Jones David S Jones John Jones tlenj on iu Johnson Anctrew Kinkerly Jacob Kingan Samuel Knout' friary Ann Killgore Robt Kirby H Kirk Patrick Koontz Win Mann ngg_ . v m c Martin Hannah Marks wm3 Marshall John Mackay Thomas Meehan John A Mahon) , miss Margaret Main Susan E Major Jobn C Meegan Richd flatters Sarah Mellon Susan E ilistekey Wet P Mellon Arthur Mariam miss Mary Millegan Wm Mann mile Sarah E Mite Samuel Meehan Capt John Mater Fattish* Millatalr YTbriums Mitchell James MOO* I Millet John at ?Alger 143bii D Miller Timothy ]~ill~►:.Bpsnoe► Miner saw, Morison Wm T Morrow Rebecca Morrow James Moor & Steiner Mundis Mary Jane Alunce Mrs Murrits George McAfee Milli McAfee Owen McAdams Saml McClure Rt bt McClure James?, McCabe James McCaskey James McCauley James McCandless Mar . gt McCarty De m McClaren R ()ht. McCendlefs John B McCall Elias Jane McCull v Mary McCurdy J R McCormack Hugh McCoy Patrick McLaughlin Sarah McLean David McMillen Mary 1 McQuaid Edward Newail Tnomas Newa I Nichols Won Nor riQ Thomas Nice FA Noble D Orly John Orr Isabella Os r Robert ParkinEon Capt J Page Thomas Paxton J C Patterson John P a tter-on James 2 Peterson I A Patterson Roht W Perkins Wtliiim Perkio% .1 B 'Mrs George B Plumbe Richd Ralston Wm Robiosou nos Eliza Rathborn Thomas R Rubinson Elizabeth Rankin Robert Robitomir Samuel G Rankin James Robinson A G Revil Mary I.lobitts.on Thomas Rinehart Frederick A Rogers Josiah 2 Reynol.lB Samuel Rogers lames Rice George 2 R ,) 88 mis.s Matilda Riddle Ebenezer R. , ss Joseph Robson Margaret Russell mrs Louisa Rattry Andrew 2 Itoluog James Roebling J A Rowley Tins S Robins May Rouse mrs Raigare Roseburg We' Robinson Mary Sanders David ' Sherd in Wm Sanders G •o-ge 2 Shepley D M SAcket Calvin S'hinabargar Nlichael Scott miss-Mary A M :glling El ode..ck Scott mrs El;za Sniirev Nehe - niali n Senn Tlintuas Shork Esq Schaeffer J mob F Sims in,lis Sa Ali Scarblrough James Smithey Ann Sch.mm‘r Jae,ib Slit Wilier A II i Se , h mks Sarah Sin,ili \Vitt F I iiiiriiiir Asa RSitii'h 6,iirge S r nh A”g, , l.ort S)litaatry„RF„h°tely Gait' , mi-s Fear ,-;heriiick Jam. Suit nos Ann Sheplta./1 Henry Soli.h nu s Sarah :•;:iieflielii A II Spew s lineal in Shell Ito!iertSpar , y Res' (7ha• lea Spencer nis: Hannah Stew irl finis 3laigaret ...tumbaugit Jam, M Stc A apt James S.anfor , i Jacob Stockman Jatoctt N 1 . ) . Steel John Strode Frat•cte. Ste,enei Win Strati Thomas St evens 'n is Elivibe,ll Striae Chas M. Steele Win Sutch D Stewart Daniel II Taggart John Troy 114‘ i.I Taylor miss Mary ism! Trny Pr. sum Thompson miss Maria T Truett Ilenry E 13 Toompson Stewart ucker W m TI onirtscin D Tornimit Win Thompson George %V Turbett miss Elizabeth Thompson miss Martha Tut bett James Thompson Mary Anne Tenter Aaron Tobin miss Anna G Twooney Mr Todd Mrs Elizabeth P 'roman Wm it Todd Mrs Elizabeth 'Toner miss Sarah E Todd Andrew Topham It tei , ard. ,'Cued Robt , Voltz Chas L W allace NilJo White S S Wallace Was Mary Ann`iiitemaii Wat II Wallace John 2 &lams Tilos D W dsworth Joh Williams Waslii”g, , o o n Mrs. El:en Williams George Walls Walden J es , e M 2 Williams P N Warner & Ewing W awns Henry Roht W i Item Rucos Wation Waumn Andw Wilson Mr: John Ward Miss Margl Wils in Mark Ward Patk Wilson Win Wells Jesse W ilson James G Wells Jonathan Wiggins Amos Weaver Lewis Williamson Esq Westby James B 2 Wi liany , in Wtll R \Vest Mrs. Catherine Wilkins JOSeph i Whitt. John NV th, I .lames I NVoo iworth Wm \V Worthington V ' W , indwo. th Zebtihn W. fight Junes !11. 1V,.1f 3 W Yodel . Chas , R. NI. RIDDLE, P M Jane 15-3 t WARD Sr UN Dentists Liberty i :tree , , few dams below St ChAr ours 6 1s A. .; NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the estate of Aainn Hart, deceased, late of Pitt towasti,o, ate reottested to tnake payment to the undersigned Extcntor, and those having claims or demands against said Entate are re quested to-present the tame fur settleno tit. GEo,cot3flß N . may 29-3Avddrw. No. 2t3 Wood st. 2 0 RI: A gr h o l n B ' Cap" oil n e t Boards,writing and for sale by li All.Nl AN, JENNINGS 4-Co., jape 6. 43 Wood at. --- 50 Bugs G reen St. .1u7.0 Coffee, just received.aud for gale by MAILMAN, JENNINGSk e 0 No. 43, Wood s 11../ANIEL AU CURRY, Attorney at Law. Of nee on sth st between Wood and Smithfield. a t t 8 rim the Honorable the Judges of the court of Gcnerni 1. Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and for the county of Allegheny , The petition of Michael Kreig, of the 4th ward of the city of Allegheny in the county afore said, humbly shew• eth, That your petitioner has provided himself with materials for the accommodation of travelers and others, at his dwelling house in tae city and ward afordsaid, and prays that your honors will be pleased to grant him it license to keep a public house of enterta nment. .And your petitioner as In duty bound will pray. MEL. KREIG. We, the subscribers, citizens of the 4th ward of the I city of Allegheny, do certify that the above petitioner Is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house MOM and conveniencies for the accommodation and lodging of strangers and others, and that said tavern is necessary. G, S. Horton, Matthias Voegtly, H. Bollje, Louis Ottoman, G, Walter, iamb Lehman N. , Steiner, F. Gaoler. John Hooey, Abet, Biqa. Victor Scribe., L. Miner. Jane 15---31, McCurdy Roht McCune Mrs Sarah McCollti• Win McCollum 'rims McDonald Dt , id McClelland A McFaden Win McFarland Maria McFarland Mrs R McFarland George McGill James NlcEllrny Win McCune Catherine McKee R & Co McKee Tie , s McKean R obt McKean Jas McManu Miss Margt M Murry Alex' r M cWayue Mantis McSwegan Michael N.,1)1e Ilenry Norr.s J ono N ixon 110 , Jane Norton Hem v Neil) , Mary M Neilberry Cbtisbun 0 Oliver J =rph 0413 rw Mr ['vitt!: Mi.c Maly N P Powers Mirliii , l Proser Morgan P, rve l Ciclui George Poland 11.0 Phillip , . Win Pryor Filne D Pellet V Vandessen James G TO THE GENTLEMEN OF PErN BURGH. THE s ubscriber most respeetfully informs the gentle men ofthi , city and vicinity that he ban commenced the BOOT and SHOE making business in Fourth 'tweet, opposite the Mayors office. Having been foreman In some of the most fashionable Boot Shops in the Eastern cities; and having furnished himself with the best French and American Calf Skins. he hopes by his attention To tho t o to business to merit a share of public ri a tronage. gentlemen who have kindly patronized him he returns his sincere thanks and can with confidence appeal for the goodness of his work and knowledge cf P. KERRIGAN. in business. may 11. TO THE PUBLIC. This is to certify that the subscriber hasteen for some time a ffl icted with the ItheUmatism very erely , from which he could get no relief, until. belngadvlsA to pro cure some of Dr. Fitch's INDIAN VEGETABLE ELIXIR, which he accordingly did, and from which \ after a few doses, he was entirely reli A eved. PEARSE: \ Columbia. April 6, 1751 SM'L ... i -- i Near Rice Creek Sprlngs,Z I Ilienland District.3o. 18313. i I certify, that my - son. Thomas Mitchel, Jr., aged IS jyelN. has been ‘roubled for eight years last past with the Rheiimnlism, and for the last three years has been unable to help himself; his puin was very severe. co that lie c °it'd not he moved withont great agony; his limbs j were oaralized and drawn up, and he presented an oh. joel hopeless to all who knew him. I resorted to several Physicians for relief for him, without effect. Having heard of Dr. A. Fitch's Indian Vegetable Elixir. I pro. cored the came fur my son, On taking it he was much i relieved, and by continuing it to the fourth bottle, has \entirely 11.1110VP11 the, pain, his flesh Is restored anti he is n ow enjoying good health. I would. In a case of Rheu matism, earnestly recommend it to those who are LL ffee. Ice whit this exernri_ting pain. THOS. MITCHE W being neighbors and acquaintances of Mr Thomas Mitchell, and having often itiett the si:nation of believeion, ilirec by the Indian VegeStable Elixir. AMUEL 111 EFS: , DVVID D. HAY, BRIT Eft N SPELLING , ROBERT THOVII SON, BUCKNER H %WOOD. Tl,, ; ,i,ovr, with a eery Pirgf assortment of other valualtte medicines, have jtit been received and are for male by the quantity or single belle, at TUTTLE'S, ;16 Fowl!' sI. .. --- - - - ..., ._ _ INFORMATION \\TAINTED. N the 2911 i (1.4 v of November last, a sun of the sub scriber rained JAMES KELLY. then shout 9 year.. O of age, l e ft his how; be wan seen a fev, days after in Sharp.borgh. He has a faircomplexion and the fair name hair and Is rather heavily built. On the 30111 of month, bis brother. a boy Own aged about ten years, also \went away Pi. name Is EDWARD KELLY: he has red hair and dark eyes. It I; probable that both the boys may dens their true names anti assume others. Any in formation concerning, them will be gra ecnity received by their afflicted parent.. JOHN KELLY, Prospect street, — farm , to Lease. Ti,Ewill lease two Farms situated in Eat It township, with I he necessary tenenen and from 75 to 100 acres cleared on each. POPO, nue farm sltuatcd In Nest Deer township A Ilestieny county with front 50 to 75 acres cleated. Ti e above drscr mti ed property Is In reaconnlttv snod repair, laying oh 15 miles front Itir city of rittstmrsh, and within two miles peon`.' thpeon`.' Canal, and wiii be leased on teoa reasonable nt terms for from 1 to tree years, to Good 11ARTII ASI ItiURRY. March 13th—tf. -- _ IMPORTANT TO . OWNERS OF SAW-MILLS. Q.AryDETZ'S,lnrivalted Self Setters for Sawmills which 117,1inve I,ern ?t , i fully tested in different parte or lio , trio,cll State, as well ay in the cities of PittAturnh and Allettlit nv, eau I. Fern In operation nt n number of mint in titi4 netzliboil.ontl, vi 7.: at %I r r,... Wickertham's milt, nn r e on st.; at Bowman b' t'llambe ntiilti, near \ I to• upoer 111,211 , it y Bridge, and at lilortkon'tt mills on 11,tre% 10;11111. 31111 ol leer-. The tibove named machine Iran W. old:lined di %V. W. Wrillnee'l pimp nn Llbetty Bt. near tzmi 'Mehl. where it it Going up, and where the marhine will i e ro,oo :n• ly Kept on ha trdß. Apply to 5 B F. Snyder or W . W .Wallace. may Oldi BON r. z.r. V° BB:Brin Ten. 0 , 1 rrreiveit and far .-./1-7 sale I,y 11.111..11.1:S• .11.1!•;NISCS.t vt o. cli• I may 2?. J 3 tt. MONONC4 AItELA NAVIGATION • 1M PROV EM EN'l'. p 71: (. L9.,.ll.,Sf,vvillobeldrecielvengidrtlicio.ll,iilirdi a l Ot 1. , On v 1 :1 r 'niter nod Poor of thin work. Thertfo eon lo ! rarioreceivers to payfind thefie:v.:lry rolt"rial4,lohot kr • l • ale..t frcoottir tolls of the lockQ :afro the work 4,. , ti imbed The pi oposals to tie al!dr(i.i.oot in the roli4critirr• NVAI BICH B ItI7SI• Presi,'rtit Board of Mtnagrr 'mai.. 29—ini. (.1 , L. 11.6.1tPER, Attorney and C o unsellor at Law, CADIZ. HARR'SON COUNTY, 01110, 'V 111 attend romp , ly toy he collection or security of claim., att.: all profensional fullness entrusted to ill? Care In the. coanDes of Barrios'', Jefferson, Belnotit astern:en. Tuscarawas, Holmes, Coskoclon Carrot, Stark dad Mayne. R.efer to: 111ticalt and Looonis, Datzpil and Flem ing ,pit tslaryk John HArper. D. • ?do win, may 27.—1 f ker4, mrr. ElllllE'r gaol's EL. TEE PROPRIETOR elf Ihi ' . well known and Commodious house, situated al the north rod of the old Ileglieny bridge, In Iris rl ends and the public, that he has every thing in com plete order for the recent:on and entertainment of trans tent gileslS arid pernianefft boarders. Hls rharlP3 air moderate and no eif.ttiOns will be sr ;tied to make so. journefs comfortable and keep up the former reputalion of hi* house. Good stabling fur any nu . oller of hornet.. E unt E Trlf, patrons of I Ms pleasant rel.; cat and all ts ho srek pleasnte in the pure ir of tire rounti y, are visii informed that the Mount Emmet House in now open for erg A carriate will leave the Mt. Emmet Ilmel eve ry ry day at half pall 2.ami half pas'. 3 o'clock. sooday4 HUGH SWEENY. tud. way 31—d •% 50 fltlXE7z (:mood Pepper, Butt 50 do, l'lmt Phoenix Factory, just lecetved and for II!We I,v All.llArk:, JENNISUS k CO., 43 Wood street. To C A P 1 T A LISTS. r, half of a very valu Otte and productive property A_ for t‘alit to a good partner uo vore low and acco,o. nonlattlez terms. The properly is in New Catitle, mt the Veintsylvattla and Ohio canal, it, Beaver and Mercer cotintie , , and consists of a Saw-Mill, with two ,aws that cut about 3000 feet per day and rents for 050 lam A four story brick Flour Mill with d four r u n per 01 Bu.rs, 4. cart manufacture about 11G blds ro day. '1 he Floor and Saw mills have all new works and machinery and in first rate order. The mill I ClItA (or 1500 dollar , . per annum. A Rolling Mill. Nail Factory and Bloomery for making Charcoal blooms, p a of which is worked:by water power formed by Slienango nod tinshannock creeks. The Rolling Mill is drove by steam —2l inches cylinder and 5/ feet stroke. The Mill to large ind convenient and has a Sheet Mill, Bar Iron mtil, 11ammers and small Guide ant: Hoop mill Furnace, sufficient for doing a large business. Boats pass up and down the race from the Wnrka to the Canal and save expenses of all Iraying,lmuling coal kc.e arc 11 divelling houses and a number of shops and sta bles°. the premises, and sales at New Castle for all the iron, nails 4-c, manufactured and demand increasing.— The Engine and most of the machinery and most of he the improvements have run about six months only. T Iron Works will rent for about 5000 dollars. The pro perty cost, two years atto,42,ooo,and since that time 31, 000 dollars have been laid out in improvements. To a good partner who can pay 15,000 dollarsdown and the balance in a year, a goixd ~rgain of one half of the above will he given. Apply at ISAAC HARRIS` General Agency lune and 6 . n I telligence office. 9 Fifth street. ST RECEIVED, about 50 boxes of good Burlington JHerring, 25 rearms of wrapping bad writing paper, and a lot of good Rqe Flour, for sale on accommodating terms; In kits to suit customers. ISAAC 'Mattis, Con. Ideeht No 9, stb st. June 3. 3*: W. By:bridge & COI GiltiT6 fot the sale of scenes Polder. Waist at Abetween Wood and Smithfield. March 30, 1343. el LOCKS made ezWeisely, Oilier ilosiasiees, Lot e'very Sultalde for "Pork armee. is the writitiAlo of which they ere coostrected will mit rust ROM the ietion or the salt, will be sold low for cash. JAS. PATTERSON• mu y 2-6 w RI PEACHES.-50 bushels Dry Peaches, lust re ceived lg for sale by II AILMANJENNINGS Co. may 11. 43 Wood street. EXCHANGE HOTEL, Corner of Penn 4' St. Clair its. Pitlab'gh. 1 FOSE Proprietors of this elegant and commodious m i, tab'ishment, beg leave to announce to their friends and t e public, that their price for Board , from this date , is reduced to ONE DOLLAR PER DAY. Prom the locality of this house, being situated mid. way between the Canal and Steamboat landings, don the great thoroughfare to Allegheny city, the proprie. tors mid, that with continued exertions on their part. they will be enabled to afford every attention and facil ity required for the comfort and convenience of their guests. and hope to merit a continusnee of the patron• age that has hitherto been so liberally extended to them. The principal Stage and Pael.et offices, are connected with the lintel, and for the better accommodation of uests, an °mei/u will at all times be In read'. their g ness to convey thcm to and fro IticKIBRIN the House. a it EMITS. p inammo± • - • CLIEAP COMB, BASKET AM) VAD RI.:TY STORE. No. 105,31 rket street, near Liberty. v] E sult.=eriber respectfully informs:llW cuetniners and Ithe public generally. Wet he has just returned from the east with a large and elegant assortment of goods In his line to which he invites Merchants and others who wish to purchase whrlesule or retail, very low for each. The fol`owitig comprises part of big stock, with a vet y large assortment of fancy goods and toys. 200 packs English, German and Amer. 100 thousand best needles; 600 dozen tapes; 1000 all Colors 9(1001 COIIOM 1611 nr, patent thread; 2.5 Ilts. sewing silk, 70 lbs. he!t shoe I bread; 10)) Ito. skein cotton thread; 750 thawand percussion raps; 160-:rosy gill and lasting buttons; 130 gross pearl shirt buttons: 120 gross shoe laces; 100 doz. tortoise shell comtiv; 25 doz. tortoise shell, i uek and flulTalo emnbs; 136 doz. fine Ivory combs; 2110 doz. dressing combs; 350 day, combs; 6 gross tooth brushes; 20 dor. 11350 t led hair and clothes brushes: 7.", doe stispendet 40 _ r o ;, lOC silvered hooks and eyes; 20 o,iiiiion honks and eyes; 50 doz. assorted scissors; 30 doz. spectacles; 50 cross assorted whatelione; 250 dos assorted sizes slates; - 1 - 07'13 FOR SALE.—Four Lots In Menelimiter. Onr 41) _rotes steel pens; .I. I and a fourth Acres of Land on Holmes' Hill. Lots 3 ?Jost Woodward's celebrated pen holders; Wu. 41.42, and 189, in Cook's plan With a general assortment of all kinds of variety goods, of Lots. on Holmes Hill Also, Lots nos. 26 and 27. in suet wittow w agon=. chairseradies, market and other Cook's Wan of Lots on High street, near the new Court I.a -kets, ke. C. Y. would in particular Invite the dom.. For terms apply to Z. W. REMINGTON %Meld 100 of the Indie; 10 his line:lnd large assortment or \ seplll shell and II ultato roods, Also, Greaam's celebrated six cord spool roeton„ the hest stlicle mule; persons pus_ el,a..ing ran Fell To it if pot as represent rd, Also, the heti connter drilled eyed nreilles, which have been purchased especially lot retail, anti tine ilnicrican flat and round head pins, (may 24 ) C. YEAGER. CrAslts - pncon 5 • 1u , 2 round, Stu &dent, Kentucky eared. received tills day per Fie:utter Btldgewater, and fur Fate tov G. c3IIFMN, Water street. It FA; R AfIKETS, FOR CINCINNA.T I . The Soirtsorr, ituhioramt, Master, leaves every Thursday al 10 o'clock n, in The Cuter, Collins, Master, 'raves every Friday at 10 o'clock a; ni The Ntontsoniery, Bennett, Master. leaves every Sat. urday at 10 D'CiOck s. m. The Expros - s, Parkinson, ‘itteter, leaves every Baa -1 day at 10 o'clock a. in. JOHN BIRMINGHAM & CO. m 215511. ay 20. min- SUMMER RESIDENCE FOR RENT. A WELL turf shed brick house, with a well eultiva. tS.. teal Flower Garden of about half an nese, and pro vided with all neces.tary stables and out buildings, Is of fered for rent from the present time until the flat of April next. It is pleasantly 1011331 rd on the banks oT the Ohio a short lli3la nee from the city, and for conven and comfort is not excelled by any oth ience er in the neighbor and . hood of Irttishurgh. For a small family who will take good ea re of the premises. this Is one of the most desir able locations that cou'd be offered. For further infor rimi ton apply lit this office, or to SI. Kane, Jr., Liberty street, j •nr. 15-Iw. - - - - NOTICE. rani. k Kelley or Abraham Ilneckley will call at at the office of the Post, they may, perhaps, hear of fomenting that will le of Interest to one or both of them. TU'rTLE, 86 FOURTH STREET, PITTSBURGH , ti AS just received from New York and Plidadelphia n large and general assortment of valuable Family Medicines, and he is now ready to supply Drug. gists and Country Merril:ties, at the eastern wholesale prices—A reasonable discount for cash--amongwh ich nue the following, viz: Indian Vegetable Elixir, Hewes' Nerve and Bone Liulwen t ,Li n t's Balm of Chins, Linn's Temperance Bitters, Oldridge's Balm of Columbia. Pow. ell's Balsam of A umsseed, Rowand's Tonic M attire; Conistoek's Sarsaparilla. flays' Liiiimeitt (for Pllesl) Spoil WS Headache 'lewdly, Gridley's Teller Oielnienl, East India (lair Dye, Essence of Tyre, Meilen), Oil, Overt:peel's Liniment. Bartholomew's Pink Expectorant, Taylor's; Entrant of Liverwort, Scudeltr's Eve Water, ('overt',, Balm of Life, Ilutiipttrey's Pile Ointment, Pond res Sul hies, Lino's Pt Isters, Erandri•th's Pills (gen nine;) \VI snit's Dyspeptic Pills, Falincstnek's, Brodie's, Evans', See's, llibbert's and various other PILLS !-- A Igo, Fahnestork's Vermifuge, Depurative Syrup, 0 po. deldoe. Cough Lozenges, Pneumatm or Cough Balsam, Mc., etc. A good and general avortment of ALL the valuable Patent Medicines always on hand, and for sale wholesale and retail. Don'tforget SG Fourth street. jnne 12. __ DR. STARI(W'PHER'S HEPATIC ELIXIR. Case of Liver Complaint Of 25 years eianding. This may certify that feritwenty dye years . I was aeo f• iflicted with pain in my side, tAhlch Was frequently 'severe as to entirely Incapacitate me from labor. I have been under the care and treatment of various physicians without any permanent benefit. nearing of the many cures effected by the hepatic Elixir prepared by Dr• litarl.weather,l was induced toigive it a trial, and am happy to xty that it has entirely removed• I hare jilt i wo symptoms of it for more than a year past. Northbridte, June 30, 1341 AMOS WHITE. 1 \ may 30—i al . The genuine to he had at TUTTLF.'S hledical Agency, FRESH HERRINGS. 86 Fourth A rret. _ 1-1 BBLS Fresh Fierrlnse. just received and for i fully sale by MAILMAN, JENNINGS 4. CO, may 27. 43 Wood street, QTE %NI BOILER EXPLOSIONS,—The Boarmake exd en. 1:7 pointed by the Secretary of the Navy ',to - perimental trial. of such invention; and plans, designed to prevent the exploAion br steam boilers and y 04194411 flues, as they may deem worthy of eiamination," re. quest that those persons who have apparntus to present for trial, will forward them to the Navy Yard, at Wash. ington, without delay, as the board will be prepared to proceed with Inc experimental trials by the 15th tnst. The instruments sent mum be on a pnicticel scale, and he ready to be attache? to their boilers; that which has bee n Prepared for the experiments le twenty test long; three feet to distikter, and has two twelde inch fines passing thrcint,b l f , YardiWarliliegton,Juae 8 1843'.—U1ane134311 4011 LINT onascras "'LILT. we Amiga 1.4.20 PENNSYLNAN I A. Bank of PittshurLii. par Merck. 4. Man. bk. par Eichange bank, Par 1 flit. of Germantown " 1 Easton tank. ~ Lancaster bank, die 1 1 Bank of Chester Co. par Farmers'bir Bucks Co. Doylestown bk do Bk of N America Phil. .. Bk of Northern Liberties," Commercial bk. of Pa. Far. k Mechanics bk lr' Kensington bk. Philadelphia hk. Schuylkill bk. Southwark bk. Western bk. Bk. of Pennsylvania, " Bk of Penn Tv. par Man. 4. Mechanics bk. par Mechanics bk. par Moyamensing bk. " Girard ba.,k, 15 U. States bank. Lumbermene„ Warren, Frank. hk Washington, par \ Miners bk of Pottsvlte, 4 , Bk of Montgomery Co. par Mon. IA Brownsville, Erie Bank, $\ Harrisburgh bank. 4 I Far. hk Lancaster. li 13k of Middletown, 4 Bk. of Chamberst , urgh , 4 Carlisle bank. Bk of Northumberland, par Columbiabk 4. Bridge co. il Bk Susquehanna Co. 40 Bkof Delaware Co. par Lebanon bk. Gel tyshurgh bk. 41 York bank, Far. 4. Drovers bk. of Waynesburgh , - 4 .• Currency notes. 4 Honesdale. 2 Wyoming bank. Pittebrith Slate Scrip 2a 5 Country do do 104\ Berke CO bane, 701 Lewistown. 2 —.l Towanda OHIO. Banks. su , . Mountpleasant bk li ALABAMA ank Far.* Mech. bit of Sten. Good Rs, 20 in:ovine, 1: TENNESEE. Belmont hi or St. Clairs-i All Ranks GAN , H C vvile, l i Marietta bk. Demand notes. II Do. dn. 10 do Currency notes, It MII H. Smith 3i 3 .I k Rk. of St. Clair, CANADA 80.10 I Columbiana bk New Lis Good shanks' Eich"V i bon Demand, do Post notes. New York: I Baltimore, Cincinnati specie pay' i II F V. lti a larieiphia. ins banks, Mech.* Traders' bk of Boston. ~ Cincinnati. 3CWinceilintnet!ti,ltil i i par ElCltalne ,, ' Clinton bit of Columbus, 1 Demand notes, It Louisville, par Circleville, (H.Lawrence Cleveland, i dlr. Cashier) 1* Wlteelint. parr. Zanesville bk. Ii.GOLD AND SILVER, par I - immkE1iM.............."16 FORkSALE OR TO RENT. TO LET. HE 3d story of the building occupied by R. A. TReusmen seen AUCIIOII stYeretofore known as "Nestulth's Lona Room,' corner - of Wood and 511. streets Inquire of R. 'Morrow. sth st. jan 23. FOR RENT. AND onswission riyen on the Ist of April next; n brick house on the hnnk ()film Allesheny river. Iwo stories Wall, 4 comfortable rooms, besides cellar the city It Is very pleasantly altumecl.jutit out tilde the city line. with • foil view of the ell y of Alleiheny, and wlihin 20 minutes' walk of the heart of the eh v—rent very low. AlllgB BLA FILY. 3 Rouse Arent. sth Ward mar 1 - - - TO LET. E 'trick dwelling house, enntaining a tame sittE hall, two parlours. 4 rooms with fin ished garret.dinine room and kitchen. with ear tinge house. are. This !muse is pleasantly located with I yard in front and rear, on the canal bank. corner of Chesnut street. leading to upper hridse. now in *heat• eupanev of Mr. McClurg. rent Insult the times_- ma q u i re n ni Dr. Whittaker, Allegheny cot. For Rent. CONVENIENT three gory brick dwelling harm Asituate on Rose street near Fourth. ReEßnt IMIAT. enrllll. Annie in .1.114 WHISKEY. r Toms 5 veers old topper distilled Mononeahele ;ju nye Whtskey on consignment. and Inc men by J. W. ISTIRRIUDGE. Water between Wood and Emitted., - 20 Box ER Russel and Robertson's No. 5 LUMP TO BACCO. do. '2O Roles aieort ed Jun received. totether with a ceneral assortment of every thine In the a rorery line, and for sale on the most aecommodatine terms. HAMM AN. JENNINOE ro. 43 Wood at ny 29 ---- ..., BEAVER ACKET ANT) WARREN '.'"••••'"' .11=1: 1 ''''...-7..t...---.:- P. . he renal packet ERIF. J. id, Shaw master, will run Trent r tti-weekly packet between theatre named netts, leaves Renter on Mondays, Wednesday". Pride e; re , ttrning, 'envy.% Wnrrrn on Tnerdnys, Thursdays and Salurdays; connecting with the Stage Lines to Cleveland direct. For freight or manes minty on hoard or to BIR MINGR AM & CO., Pittsbmgh J. S. DICKEY, - Beaver. jet ay 10. ---------------. IRON CITY HOTEL , The old stand of Matthew Patrick, (Lately occupied by Jolla looms.) riNHE suiv,e fiber wishes to inform the citizens of Pills. .11_ burgh, and the travelling public, that he Itas leased the above well known stand, (Situated on Fifth strret, between Market and Wood.) where be will he happy tt accommodate all his old friends, and as many ones ansi,wil termst tte will l as h ed e mtoodaeckrantoew, Iseudigietedhtiomi.ahse I:X i :l e t' s ! ost i ; tattle will he supplied with the heel that. the Marl"! at fords. His bar will he furniebed with the choireelprl liquors, both domestic and foreign.. Fite etahles are Mous and commodious, conducted by experienced and attentive ostlers., . . , Onr He worth! inform.the gitizens tttat be. Isprentired to accommodate a number of Weekly,Monthly or Years ly boarders at reduced prices. _ _ AATICII OF 1110filD• , • • Single Neal, 25 cents. I Lodgin g. l 2 4 ci.. I Rom d per Week, MICH. PORTSER. may 11-3 m, F"BALM—Lots on the North Bast corner of Con l e sne and nigh street. Apply to igen ill RW4.I. DARLINGTON, Market. near 4th r WILLIAM Dcitqt,Ass — AT ANDC AP MAMTPACTUREIL Every deeetip tton of flats and Caps . on hand, andfor sale. Inhofe. sate and retnil. itpriees to s ilt the times, at the m OA sta s nd a Don::lns t Moore, i 3 Wood street. a) . 800 000 "IS °l-13"m a u. W r 31 1 0E 1' 10N. 4th st near Liberty FREEMAN'S FIRE BRICK FOR SALE. C ST received, 5000 Freeman's best Fire Brick, which Jwill hereafter be kept constantly on hand and sold low for cash, 'y IiIBMINGBII.in it CO. may 21 Ao. 60 Water et. FOR SALE. THAT tante and commodious warehouse N 0.61 Lie. erty street, In the occupancy of the sulweriber,2 o Eva front, running through to Virgin ;iffy 85 feet. suleeetr. tinily built, with the Unexpired ar+ and trace of 6 , 1 - Yo HIDES. Iim • The oboie hln one of the heel. buidoetou glitOdi la DRIEiIBIDE • the chi, for a Grorery. Ciothing Fiore or foundry Calf Masi; received on eonsignineet,and w i rehair.", anti vdl be er.ad very mew and hoeluto ll %reale Irjr J W BURBRIDGE 4 , Co; given immediately. Enquire of *E. M. DAW SON. June 3, Water st , between Wood and SinitttSeld on the pHoloto. jn t, Woos' er, Mwri l 4 , lt, 'Sandusky, Cetus, Norwalk, Xenia, Dayton, Scioto, Post notes, Chillicothe, Fran. IA Columbus, Laocaster, Hamilton, Glanville, \ Com . bk. Lake Erie, Far. bk: of Canton, Urbana INDIANA. 30i ao 78 25 pate bk.t Branches II Mate Scrip, 21 \ KENTUCKY. I All banks. ILLINOIS. ,Slale bk s r Brooches, 50 IShawneetown, 65 48 1 VIRGINIA. Rank of Virginia. do Valley, Par. bk. of Virginia Exchange bank, IN. West, tank Mer. 4-Men. dn, MARYLAND Baltimore Banks. iCountry Banks, DEL A WARE All Banks, par NEW JERSEY. Alt Hanka. Pat and 1 NEW YORK. ly R:ulr.t. par I Country banks. (purely fond.) i a . 1 Red Park, it° , 1 NEW ENGLAND. Boston Ranks, p; Country .; LOUISIANA Orleans flanks. 2 0 0,1 • NORTH CA ROLINs Banks, 2 i eak 5n0,17,111 CAROLINA I NS. COLUMBIA . TING AND aes • _ PRINTING OFFIO3 AT. 14 7 . borne,. of Wood 4 Piftis Ai& . . . Tux proprietois of the tilottattro PosT and m e giostit AND I,4•I3IPACTORiiI respect f tronsof those papers ! ly Inform their MINIM and the pa , that they have a WO and wellsboren assortment ol ara7lo3lB. rmrme"* AND Alb OifialTO ZdA1eM33142.21 Necessary to a Job rrintinit Office, and that they alert* pared to exttule LETTER PRESS PRINTING! OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Books, Bills of Lading, Circolat,s, Pamphlets, Hill Heads, Cards, . , Handbills, .. . Blank. Checks. flat Tips . . af It Uinta.; of Wants, Slip, ste ir ib o at, aw d Cana Boni Rini, with epji4: priaie Curs, . . . . Printed On tim slinite;l notice and magi reasonableterins, We reepeci fully ask the patronage of our friends isd be nubile in e s eneral in Oils: branch of our business., Plitsbur:ll, Sept: 39. Olt z. purt.l.lrB ,!$• §iIIITH•. FASHIONABLE HEAD QUARTERS . No 251, LIBERTY STREET. WE .v Oil invite the attention of cur friends anti the puhlle2enerally to our assortment of Gonda. svblci) we have just teecived from the East. all of which 'iv!, are determined to sell at a small advance 01 CM. Customers may rely on having cheap. pond, well madq and liandsome,articies, warranted to lit, %Mel Is a very destratoi cr mbinat ion. Pet-on= who visit this evinblisliment can depend oil, findine an entirely new assortment of sprin: and manner :nod.; we do not cav one thing and mean anothen.when we say our assortment in lame, fashionable. .handaort and cheap. w mean that it is so, and cannoi be sur passed in this.or any other city. may 31— Se, A LGEO Meiji RE. VOTICE to Steals Boat Glowers.—The sulisr, riher, In consequence, of the dlffreuliv of the llmee. has redo:. red the afire ofhir Safety Guard for the prevention of the typiosion of steam boilers, to sl:in per it rp hoped ihei n it b, at owners will avail themselves ortttePereaFonable terms, not only on account of. Oil Per feet Wei y they atTord, but alyo In mini of. eeonomv,. Boilers with ihr, apparatus ininrhed will wear abou wire as lona as those not provided with_ Marehl-3m C. EVANS C.OSKS BACON /TAMS. el! 6. do ihonidere, thug day received and foi sale .1. G. .a• GORION, 13 Water ft REMOV AL. . J DURBORJJW, AI"fORSEY ATT.VW bag re; ai.. removed his office to No 63 street. he. tween Wood and Smithfield sts. next door to Attietaisei Morroei. aor 1, WANTED. $BO% , fk OR 1.1140 oalkfortgage nu real estate.. predreft, is ninon! the best freeholds i n IN; city, aid iho advertiser is willing to save a bandanas"; premium for the above om. For further partlen creep- Or at the office of the Morning Post, u ne 9 --45 w• LIZIIICICI. NICK..- JOST D WICK • L. Sr- .t. D. WICK, . . Wholesale c racer% 34 . Dealers in Produce 4 _ fie, Wood Streei..4 .doors .above Filth st. etrisuuncti. may 15. 1843 i standart, Ingraham. dit, FOR WARDING AND COL M LITELAwrh•IERCHANTS: • Cireit for the MerchantsTraneportarioneompany C onrposed of the Merchants Line, Erie Canal. Weritington Line. Ranter. Palmer it Co':!. Line of Strum Poets a -e ye!" mfe on, the Lakes.. Ch..Veland Line Penns} Iv:min and 01,10 Proprietors of the Merchants Line Ohio Cana'. rEYER. TO— WILXIt EmswonTii , No. 9, Coent ee 514 1 , A. E. lintrrea ro Albany. 0110 rff•FF, 1,08100. BUSTeII, PAtirett dr C. Buffalo. . M.T.WiLmAsts 4.• Dow, Cleveland. Row .lonn M. A 14,EN, rfILREIS M. Grotwos, do: 3. S. Drewry. Beaver . Prwstivicidsst 4 Co.; Pittshurgh 843-Iv. •.' aryl. EAGLE -• GROCERY STORE. TAO . LLOYD. Jr.. Wholesale and Retsil Proerir' andiruiterer, No 140 Liberty street. Pittsburgh. - may 20. PEACH TREES. ser has Just received front the Nursery Tu b of Landret h and Fulton, neacPhPadeinhia a lot .0.1 the. chancel varieties of Peach 'Premix. watch he.would call the alteution of the prise. F. h. SNOWDEN. I mar tNo 184. Liberty st head of Wood. J. D..CREIG II 9 ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, corner of Smithfield ond Thild Sireti, PiTioncnom may 23, 1843-1 y BLIII;DING LOTS IN BIRMINGHAM.. 3 and ithin : o fo m r i b n u o i t ld f s in: lk most r t e l l , le: Steams e m l ed Boat ;Audits', Witt be sold at peters to ault the times cosh The terms ocpaythent vyAll, L he ;lade • for sh or s u ch u suchbarter as can 1, toads • 7te" lathe" subscriber itt flirrotOghain, or .101r..P, ', x ;;; No. 4; Ferry street, PittsburglL' JAS. ••, Ja • Jon , 1. - neguinr Morning Vag FOR BEAVER. , ''al":"., - .lb a.:---r...,a.:---r...,, -r The fast runnin,z and well known ' —.., ..--, 0.... s ex . Steamer CLEVELAND. , Fuser FlammLt., Mahe r, will depart dolly from rm.,- hilr7.h at 9 o'clock. A. ti„ and Deaver at 1 o'clock P. M. For frcleit er pon,ge, apply on board, or to BIRMINGII 'O.l & CO. . No 60 Water sure(., N g • _ The reoe lar canal porter to Cleveland, Obit.; Greenville and Meadville Pa . and Massillon on .the Ohio Canal, connectai; with steamer Cleveland at Rea ver.will be in operation iminedlatrly on opentnr, of nov• 0 tgation. mar I G—tt. -- . .. __ ___-_-.------ rini is AU!, 5 criber has jo-i received from Philadelphia on. ..l.e New York, with n erneral and extensive assort, 'Pent of DRUGS. CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY , and every article in his line of business, which heist deter mined to sell on the most reasonable terms s'or cash.— He believes he can .itTer stronger Inducements than ally similar establishment in this city to country rilylideni and Merchants, who wish to supply themselves lON Drugs and Medicines. His articles have been ed/ with the utmost care, and are warranted of the he°leter-qual ity and uniform strength. Orders will be filled with ac curacy and elegance. Fatniti s can be FUpplied with Pine and Fancy Soaps, of every conceivable w vtic's. and of the most exquisite perfumes; likewise ith Perfumery and Cosainties of every descrip•lon. The undersigned returns..bis thanks for the liberal sup port heretofore extended tsahlm,and hopes by a constant disposition to please and accornmod-a care in pro curing and selling only what is exc elatle e- nt and are —4 close supervision of the sales and transaction of the esiab ed., .. lishment—preenntpws and accuracy in maroPonpding qi icines---and by industry and perseverance. to merit an in crease of public patronage , may 25. Birmingham & Co., AG'TS volt STEAMER CLEVELAND. And Cleveland Line. March 23. '43 21 2 ; 3 .3 7 . • C : 3," B il t r u oo stTe s s , , reserved and for vale by 1. W. BLIABP.IDGE ¢ CO. Water st, between Rater § smitb.a. WILLIAM TWIN BROOMS.