Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, June 17, 1843, Image 2
hanomixing, after the fashion of wealthier professors, who exult in laying in a stock, and securing the "cheapest in the enB." To pay double, however, is not'the ex. elusive affliction of the poor, nor is the at tainment of cheapness the easy privilege of the etch. The man of wealth, like the man of need. must almost necessarily pay dou ble. His wide-necked pose may distend or collapse at his will; bat he must gener ally. against his will, pay double. He may choose his servants, 'and change his trades. men; hat there 2tte invariably two to one against him; Ind the continual consequence Is, the abdtninable double payment. fie pays the highest premium for confi dential servante,who plunder him cum pri vilegio,and play the cankerworm sub tom. He gives the best vtages, that his trusty servitors may be beyond the reach of temptation; and they sell his wax-lights to his own chandler before they have burnt half way- This is surely burning the can die at both ends, or, in other words,paying doable. The only choice he has, is, not whether he will pay too much or enough,but wheth er the sum to be purloined from him shall be extracted from the right- hand pocket or the left. He may reduce his establish ment, and keep but a einele servant; yet a tingle servant is quite sufficient to make a man pay double. He may so watch the aol tary extortioner, so cramp in his sphere °faction, so bind him down upon the rack of ucdeviating honesty, as to prevent all ordinary inroads upon his own pocket; hut to do this,he must spend more in tim- thin be can save in cash; mote in labor than a statute fair could relieve him from; more in health than his physi-ian could restore him in fifty visits. He weuld rob himself of his pea's to save his purse. He would hang himself in a twelvemonth, through sheer anxiety to prevent another from in cursing the penalty. He must keep his eye open in sleep, and receive his guests by the kirchen.fire. He must be prepared to die the death of a martyr every di r•he lived; which would be paying the debt of nature—obt more than double, But without rendering himself a slave to servants or tradesmen, the rich man may exercise an ordinary sagacity, and forestal i the practicer of imposition. by striking off! as an overcharge one.half of the emnunt of every demand made upon him. Still,has he any security—grantin g that his deduc tion is Assested to—that he is not agreeing even to pay doublet 'Five hundred is ton much for the mare, Mr Sharpe; two hundred and firty is my max i mum."Ruinousrreturn s Mr Sharpe; `bet I must trouble your lordship to draw' the check.' And the rich man still pays double- Such is the tenor of every verse through out the chapter. An individual is seldom so cunning as the world; and the world is ever lying in ambush near the rich man's pocket. If to counteract the effect of his losses, and to retort the egg, e=sions which ; he cannot avoid, he sues his debtors, n:-, equeteaes his tenants without due secrecy and method, then the world pounces, not upon his pocket, but his reputation. He i& detneged in character, ruined in temper, hurt a little perhaps in conscience—and i thusmain,to avoid the evils of overcharge, hems double in another way. The rich know that they are expected to pay, not at an ad valorem rare , but according 'to their , own honor and ignity;' which exactly doubles that of the class halfway down in I the gulf of society: Then it must be this class of personal who seem to have just enough for their wants without a superabundance,by whom the penalty of paying double is felicitously avoided 1 We shouid judge hastily in so deciding. • They have their debts and diffi cultism, and consequently their double pay ments. like the notoriously rich and the , notoriously poor. They borrow money at k hundred per cent., for the purpose, as 1 they prettily phrase it,of settling with their i creditors and starting clear. They ex- I pect to reeeiVe cash in September, and, - buy upon trust in spring what they could get et'halt price with ready money in the autumn. They promise to pay, and really do pay—for the stamp on which the prom ise is written. Then follow law expenses, and these soon leave more double pay- mente far in the distance. When the prison' door is double locked upon them, they that have been paying in money and repute —destroying their credit for probity, by actually giving forty shillings for a sover. eign• If they can raise the wind high enough to blow them over the walls, they turn out to be rigid economists; and eall a hackney coach to drive to a cheap shop Iwo miles off for a half crown pair of gloves. 'Misfortunes never come single,' and if there be people, as some think there are, who deem the payment of debts a misfor. tune, they must of course, pay 'double.— We have heard of persona who pay before- and who, being looked upon as the! worst of paymasters, are made to pay a-I gait": This species of liquidation ii fast dwindling away, and wilt soon be as ex tinct as Old Double himself, who died in the time of Shallow. But money (Heaven be praised) is not the only aubstantial thing in this world of debtor and creditor. There is such an an , title as love; but with the desperate deter. initiation of securing it, men, corrupted by habit in pecuniary affairs, will nut scruple now and then to pay double—paying their addresses, that is to say, to two ladies at a tiate—or to one rapidly after the other.-- Then there is the social principle, which Involves the paying of visits; and these are sometimes paid double, by guests who lin ger with the door in their hand an uncon scionable time; promising when they do go, to return speedily and spend a long day with you. So, too, there are other purchases than those s3ads in the cheap suarkeus, which rich sad poor have much difficulty in fil fi nd - , - en bay fame, awl glory . pparently at alteraiAeetilLebers,„ P rlttli* itl‘l4.* ~ , :Ilait 34 . 41DN1N11v ' eXplebditiiii•of Witty yeametketir lieessver JAMES BUtIFIANAN at rte total cost of ,thair &maw i hg•es L ' 3 " ,- ""•C " 1 4• Pi" Subjeettoilio decision of a National Convention. . fleas and qtiret. Dot wben they have bott . fame and glory, they find themselves irne , DAILY MORNING POST. peratively obliged to expend whatever may remain of liver or intetlect,i!of worldly ease --- -- or moral energy in protecting their purcha ses from the libeller, the retractor, the as- Bassin. What a painful, what a sickening exhibition have we here, of the common lot—to pay double! I Libel Suits. Self love, no less than enmity, often en. The proprietors of the Philadelphia forces and th the obsti n doubate p . for exam ple, le ayment. Theinflict irascible the Ledger have lately been sentenced to pay evil uan themselves. The hasty unjust a fine of twenty dollars for publishing a fin p e , , net on the editors of the Phila. Chronicle exweeston, at once recalled, seldom reacts with fearful echoes in the breast of the tit- The system adopted by some printers and terer. But he has spoken it, and pride for. editors of applying to Courts to patch up bid s him to retract; the summons to unsay their damaged reputations, we think should it only irritates him to a fiercer extent; the be abandoned by to a revolution to make bad worse; and the the fraternity, and leave consciousness that his wrong galls him in the decision of all such questions to public little word, the honorable admission, which opinion. It not only evinces a craven spir- frankly offered at first, would have been it in those who resort to such means of received as an atonement, and have pus-' punishing an adversary, but it leads the chased him peace, deeper:s into the abject public to suppose that the libelled parties apology, a jury's verdict against a slander- • think in their own minds that the rectitude er, or the dying groan of a duelist, To obviate a gloomy ending, (which our of their course has,heen so quest ionnble that littl e essay needs not,) we shall offer a it requires the solemn evidence of twelve simple sugeest"'ll The serest way to pro - men to make it even passable with their pare. ourselves tor a ju,t and necessary re., fellow citizens. An editor who will pur- I sent root of inj 1 ries. is to cultivate a faith in kind iness, an to yield to instir.cts of sue an honorable, upright course, uninflu- , genero,ey, There ',at least one situation ienced by the patronage or advice of the in life—and it is by no means of' rare oc.- corrupt, vicious orate ma currence to any man—in whin'', with im. p , y expect thus- whose misdeeds he rebukes will mense advantage to ourselves, we may liquidate a debt, as , it were, by double en • do all in their power to injure him. But try, and savingly discharge a claim twice if he is co , scious of his own rectitude; if over. Reader, as often as you may ex- he knows that his life would not give perience that invaluable blessing—a lib,r- a coloring of truth to the bass charges of al and timely opportnnity of returning a, hie enetnies,he would commit an act of the kindness—pay double! / greatest folly to take his case from before _ his fellow citizens and submit it to a Court of Law, which some who have lately brought such prosecutions have discovered is not al ways a Court of justice. Public opinion will always do justice to aa upright man, and the honest indignation of his neighbors against the base slanderer will be more effective in repelling a cal. umny than all the judgments that can Se obtained by the touching appeals of gentle men learned in the law. If editors will give bard knocks in the course of their business, they must expect to receive similar, treatment from their ad.- versaries, and if they are unable to defend themselves agai nst the assaults of black., eller& or slanderers, it would be better for them to abandon the pinfession and take to some other e nployment that is n-it so likely to attract public scrutiny to their conduct. FROM BUENOSAYRES - - The N Y Post has received intelligence that Gov Roses has expelled the clergy of the order of Jesuits from Buenos Ayres, in consequence of their having refused to hang up his portrait over the altar of their church.as has been d toe by all other friars in the city. Latet intelligence confirms the fact of their expu'sion, but ase.gris a different cause for it. On the 20th ult., the Rev. Cabezas, of the company of 'Jesuits, addressed a memorial to His Ex cellency the Governor,in tenor that the as socisttug of the Rev. Fraucisco Mageste, with them, to perform service in the church of San Ignacio, in their city, had materially altered their aituation;inasm uc h as the said I Mageste, no longer belonging to the com pany afJesuits,of which they are members, they could not act with the unanimity so necessary amongst individuals of the same religious family, uniformity of action be, ing impossible. His duty, therefore. cool pelted him to solicit His Excellency to be removed from the charge of the church of San Ignacio, which he could not fulfil in company with Mageste; but he was ready Ito continue his official duties, alone, or as sociated with any other clergymen of the same profession, or in any service of his ministty which might be deemed us fuL— Adding, that in whatever part of the world Divine Providence might places him, he should ever feel grateful for the many kind nesses he had received train His Excellen cy, and from the generous people over whom he so worthily presides. On the 22nd, the Governor issued an order to the Chief of Police, to inform the Rev. Jesuit, Cabeza, and the other Jesuits in the Pro ' vinces,who are not secularised clergymen similar to the Rev. Francisco Megeste and lldeftnso Garcia, they that must,on or be fore the 31st inclusive, quit the territory of the Republic; and that, in making this communicated, he was to read to each of them, the memorial of the present decree. In pursuance of the above resolution, the Jesuits,sixteen in number, left Buenos Ay res on the 29th ult..in the packet schooner Orestes, for Monteviieo, whence we hear it is their intention to proceed to Brazil Another oWrage in the streets of New York. ---On last Friday a man named Reynolds, was committed to prison in N. Y.4rk, charged with stabbing, his wife Mary with a knife, under the following circum stances. It appeared that the parties hive been living separately fur some time, in conse quence of the jealous disposition of the husband. The wife, who has been living as servant with Mr John P Stag, in Broad street, came down town in the evening to visit an accquaintance in City Hall Place. While she was there, her husband, who had gained a knowledge of the fact, came and cilled her outside, and on her coming, he stabbed her near the region of the heart in five different places, once in the back arid also in the right arin. She was con veyed to the City hospital, "here she lies dangerously ill, although hopes were en tertained 01 her recovery on Saturday e vening. IStepper! ry: , Ilear Him!—The Edito of the Dansville (N V) Republican, speaks as follows;—"We have, since our last pa per was issued, launched our bark upon the matrimonial sea—sown our wild oats, and bid farewell to our boyish freaks and follies. The poetry of love no more for us shall chaunt the praises of the spring—the summer flowers shall bloom for other young, lovesick admirers! We're in the prose of this, our brief existence, and the frail and transitory things of life, we'll call ' Whenever a Russian meets a funeral by their true names. procession, he takes off his hat and stands We have a wife, dear reader!—and like uncovered until it passes, a mark of re. ten thousand married men whom you wot spect for the dead, which is becoming and of—it is our serious intention .to settle worthy of imitation. down, and devote our• whole time and ---- mind to your service.. We shall endeavor THEATRA. Mr. .T. H. Kirby, the celebratedhdllTLra. to make-enr paper more worthy oLyour gedian ,appears tonig ht ye as R' patronage—and when you have soy husi• Great curiosity has be en manifested by our ur ness in mil. line, )ou will always be able play-goers td witness this gentleman, who to find us "at home." --- appears tobe a 'bright particular star," and we hope he may be greeted by a good bodge.. Money is still abundant in New York. ■L PHILLIPS 4• WY. H. SMITH, ZDITORM SRI) PHOPRIICTORS SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 18%3 Tie exposure ue gave yesterday of the course pursued by several leading anti. masons in 1842, towards the "Union Tick et," has placed the Gazette in a unpleasant position, and to call public attention from the fact that many of their leaders, I fter tricking the whigs into a union, voted against such of that party as were on the ticket, it attempts to get Jp a controversy about the printing of a handbill! Deacon White certainly does not suppose that the pub'ic attach any importance to the privet ing of the bill; the treachery consisted in circulating it, and we are told that this was dc no by several of the prominent an timasons in Wilkins township. If out neighbor wants names, let him inquire of Messrs J and B Kelly and Mr C Snively; we think they can satisfy him that our state. men; is correct. The Dentin's mode of getting out of the difficulty would be very amusing if it were not so outrageously impudent. In. stead of denying the charge that leading antimasons circulated documents against the whigs and voted against them in 1842, lie gets into a furious passion about the printing of a handbill, and calls on us to re.. ply to a string of interrogatories which the public believe could be tnore readily an swered by himself. We have no disposi tion to humor his impertinence by replying to his questions, but if Deacon White will solemnly aver that he does not believe that any antimason circulated the handbill r•o• ferred to, or that any of them voted against the whigs on the ticket last fall, and pro. duce any respectable evidence that he spook s th e truth, we may then think of an. swering his queries. This we consider a fair offer, and easily complied with; if the Deacon and his patty are as honest as Ile wishes to make the public believe they are. Jue Smith, the Mormon prophet has ap plied fur the benefit of the Bankrupt law, and is not yet discharged I Is he entitled to his "certificate and discharge," if he ne• glected to put down in his schedule of as sets the golden plates of his Bible. The Cleveland Herald says that several of his creditors holding notes of the Kirtland Bank wait seriously a solution of the diffi culty. lee First Page. For the Messrs Enrrotts:—On Wednesday Poet. a Revolutionary soldier, Mr Brown, was bu ried, and to the shame of our city be it spoken, not a single citizen was seen fol. lowing him to his last home. True, the military presented an imposing and solemn appearance, but that should not prevent the community from paying the last tribute of respect to one who fought and bled to achieve the liberties they now enjoy. But few of these heroes at present remain, and to permit them to be committed "dust to dust and ashes to ashes" in this shameful mannerispeaks but little for either the head or heart of the present generation. O. - 414. eoritifr.4firip an y toren leg in Pittabergh for Oregon, have pub , . Hilted a list of the articles whidh each per. son !nun furnish. They amount in the aggregate to 885. Among the articles deemed indispensable, is a mom Under such a rule, there will be no barbarian de geoeracy.—Philu Chron. - Trails*" Usten. The fi-et regular meeting for the mutineer:it or ganizing an Industrial Association, to be called the TRADES' .UNION, was held on Thursday evening. It was very large, and a determination was evinced by all present to persevere in the great work of the resorganizatin n of Society. On motion, Mr. E. I. HIGBY was called to the chair, and James D. THORNBURGH appointed Sec retary. On motion of Mr. Van Amringe, it was Resolved, That the chairman and two others be a committee to revise the Constitution of the Trades' Union, and report to next meeting. The following gentlemen were chosen said coin mittee, viz: E I. Rigby, 11. H. Van Am:inge and Jaa D. Thornburgh. On motion, it wee Resolved, That a committee of foto- be appointed to make report on the subject of a location, who shall have power to correspond with land holders, and who may, if they deem it expedient, appoint on agent to visit such tract or tracts about which they may desire accurate information. The following gentlemen were chosen said com• mittee,—E. 1. Rigby, iidw Norton, S. Feppard and J. Heron Foster. The chair then laid before the Meeting some in formation in relation to certain lands, *bleb gave rise to some discussion among the members. H e alsn introduced to the meeting Mr. JOIINSON, of Tennessee, an extensive land holder in that state, who in a few words gave a detailed description of the quality, price &c of his lands on the Ten nesece river, which he recommended to the As sociation, A discussion here arose on the pro , priety of locating in a slave state, which was con dueled in a remarkably good temper. The rub jest of .livery beine incidentally introduced, a resolittiot. was finally unanimously adopted, de. elating that it was, in the present opinion of the members, impracticable to locate in a slave state. The following resolution, offered by Mr. J. H. Foster, was unanimously adopted. Resolved, That we this evening make a prov's innal organization by choosing a President, Vice President. Recording ar.d Corresponding Secreta ry, and a:cutnmittee of election of seven per.ous, who shall act until the Association is organized wider the Constitution, and that hereafter no one whose name is not on the list of the Recording Secretary, shall he permitted to vote in the Socie ty; and that the President and Vice President shall shall have power to call future meetings. The fallowing are the officers elected under the fo•egoing resolution: President—E. I Higby. Vice President—H• H. Van Amringe. Corresponding Secretary—J. Heron Foster. The messenger whir visited the Presi- Recording Secietary—J. D. Thornburgh. Executive Committee t -A_. Bradley, Ellt!t. Nor dent in such li.rt h rate a day or two ago, l on, Luther Ballard, Otis oung, IV dlsktne, IV, was merely an office hunter . i Sharp, Ephraim Jones. Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting John Holden, a trmlat to, has been tried Re be published in the Spirit of the Age, Post, Chioni at Waynesboro, Ga., for the murder of , de Sun, Gazette and Advocate, Pittsburgh; Ban George Harbert, on the 2d April, found I tier, States Allegheny; a and J ournal, guilty, and and sentenced to be hung on the 3d , bug. 0 ; Cincinnati pape m rs, n rribune an i Pathfind- July, proximo. J er, New York. On m tion. the men ad, to Do it.—The Philadelphia Me rcury Monday evening next,eti g at the dj sameourne plate. that on threatens to expose the pretensions ofi faApplication for membership must be made Madame Adolph. For a text, we would ito the Executive Committee. mention that she fleeced some five hun. i The St Louis Organ says: ''Our Mil dred dollars from the factory girls at Lo•mouri farmers have turned their attention well, by her infamous tricker Ru s ton Bee, entirely to the cultivation of Tobacco. The warehouse is not large enough to hold the 'rite planet Mars now shows his fiery immense quantities which are daily arri - face c inspictiously every evening in the ving in the city, The Inspectors have heay. ns, being neatly in opposition to the therefore been obliged to erect a tempo. sun. rary shed warehouse on the west side of Second street, corner of Laurel. There will be storage enough to fill another, and the staple must be improving in quality, for we have been informed by an experi enced gentleman that it is taking the pre cedence of all other :ear Tobacco in the manufacture of Segars at the East. We think the above is a mistake. N o company is forming in Pittsburgh, to go to Oregon; those who once talked of it hav ing all turned Fouriei ists. Association is all the agony now. In Lancaster county antimasonty is be coming an "obsolete idea." The Exami ner and Herald, at one time foremost among the advocates for a distinct antima• soote organizatioi, now goes for "union and harmony," and to show its si naerity,it bas hoisted the name of HENRY CLAY as the anlimasonic candidate for the Presi• dency. The party in that county approve ofihe course pursued by the Examiner, as at a late convention of the pure blue noses, which was called to organize on disiinct anti masonic grounds, they could scarcely mus ter a corporal's guard. The fact is, that all the signs of the times indicate that an. timasonry is on its last legs; Lancaster and Allegheny were their last otrong holds, acd on the 10th of October they will be a s completely routed in tvith these places as wore the Mexicans at San Jacinta. Boyer in Jamaica.—A Kingston, Ja maica, paper of the 19,h, says: 11r Boy. er, Ex-President of Hayti, accompanied by tl.e Hon Dowell O'Reilly, her Mejes. ty's Attorney General, arrived in Spanish Town, yesterday, and was to dine with his Exclllency the Governor, last evening.— We learn that the President of the Council, the Speaker of the Assembly, and other distinguished characters, were invited to meet Mr Boyer on Cie occasion." The Smaller! Hmteenpolhic Dose Ever Known. -0 9 Thursday last we read that Sir Robert Peel took The sense of the House.—Punch, I The New Jersey Pilo's brought in:' New York, (luring the month of May, 43 veFr, eels from sea, rf which 31 were ho oded out of sight of land, arid pilotted nut 27. It is worthy of notice, that these indefati. gable pilots cruise for vessels 120 mike Pram Sandy Hook, Capt. Elliot, Consul Genera! of Eng land, to Tera 3, left New Orleans on the 2nd instant, for Galveston. 'A fair French Duchess recently eloped from Paris, with a Nepolitart '!'hey wete leaders of ton; and one left a husband and two children behind—the other, a wife and ditto. They went to Naples. A newspaper say•, the question "may man marry his wife's sister?" can only be properly answered by the sister herself, when the widower pops the question. The Oil Trade.—There were import• ed into the United States, during the month of May, 37,881 burets of sperm oil; 36,268 barrels of whale oil, and 362,280 pounds of whalebone. Pick Pockets! Pick Pockets!! —These scoundrels will be as thick among the crowd today as blackberries on the briar bushes in August. Look out for your pocket books.—N Y Surt. The Secretary of the Treasury of the U. S., through the Madison ian, acknowl edges the receipt of two hundred dollars for the use of the government, in an an onymous letter, dated June 7 184 , and post-marked, "New York," Look out.---A fellow calling himself J. Winchester, has been palming himself off in different parts of the Union, as agent for the N Y Sun. There are many other children, females particularly, strolling the streets begging, who are laying for themselves the founds. tion for a life of infamy. Pity but we had a house ofrefuge for them.—Ballimore Sun. The same may be seen in every city in the union. Can Legislators do nothing to arrest the growth of this evil. INS i "-nu Strawberries.—O ur thank s to Mr Hern for the fine strawberries he 'sent us. See advertisement. THEATRE. First appearance of MR KIRBY This evening tile Tragedy of • RICHARD 111. Richard, Mr. Kirby, A variety of Songs, Dance■ t &c. To conclude with KATE KEARNEY. Doors open at 7 o'clock, Performance to elm mence et Lnir pool 7 I.ovrer Buxes, .50 cent; Secona Tier, 374 cents it. 25 " Gallery 12i cents er om inertial NettuY. AM_ IC - 111 7- 11 , MEAL • 6 feet water in the channel. All Boats marked thus (*) are, provided with Evans's Safety Guard. Reported by SII ELLE & MITCHEL, General B Agents, No 5, Market street. ARRIVED. North Queen, McLain, - Wells% ille, Republic, Johnson, N Orleans, Mingo Chief, Dcrinny, Wheeling. * Montgomery, Bennet, Cin. *Colunhiana, Murdock, 4% heeling. • Bridgewater, Ebbert, do. North Queen, :McClain; Wellsville. Oelia, Barnard, Brownsville. Moxahala, Parkison, Monongahela City. *Michigan. Boles, Boaver, s.7.lcveland, Hemphill, do. DEP.ARTED. *Cleveland, Hemphill, Beaver, *Michig. m Nines, Beaver. Muskingdon Valley, Thompson, Zanesville, *Cotter, Collins, Cin., Moxahala, Parkinson, Monongahela city Utica, Elinefelter, St Louis. Alpine, Cockburn, Brownsville. *Raritan, Sheble, Galena. * Neptune, Decamps, N. 0. Ming. Chief, D.:vinny, Wheeling *Bridgewater,Ebbert, do, River at Cincinnati—after having risen 25 feet, was falling slowly on the 13th inst. O"At Louisville-7 feet water in the Falls. la" The Mississippi is in a good stage at all points above Vicksburgh. The market for Western Produce in N Orleans on the sth inst., was dull. STRAWBERRIEEIand CREAM at Washington Hall (late residence or James Adams, deceased.) June 17. WHISKEY WANTED. TEBbscribers will give the highest market price subscribers cash, for good Whiskey. W. 4. N. 111 rCHELTREE, 160 Liberty @feet. June 17.-4tal4*w DIED—At Brownrville, Pa., on oda'', if.* 12th inst„ in the twenty.sk veld,' year hrr age, AlraSusex Ilvotric4. c onsort of ELIA Alb HtrObirle proprietor of the Ehewhevllie Iron Works. DIED—On Prissy mining, 16th inst., Mr. NICHOLAS FiTzimmotts, in the 95th year of his' age. His funeral will take place this aftternoon, at 3 ceclork, from his late residence, in Strawberry al ley. His friends and acquaintaucca are requested to attend. DIED-.on Wctinesday evening, about 9 o'ehetk i , the Rev. loosen Keen, of this city. June 17. azrAn adjourned meeting of the Duquesne Greys Ida be held this eveting, (Saturday,) at their armory. Peso— tual auendanee is requested, as business of ImportaJoe is to be transacted; By order of CHAS. GLENN. "FIRE WARDENS." it:r A meeting ef the Fire Wardens of the city of Pittsburgh will be held on thin evening (Saturday the 171, inst.) at the Hail of the Duqueane Fire Company. at 7f o'clock,for the adoption of a Constitution and the eder lion of officers. JAMES A. BARTItAIit, June 17. President. NOTICE. T HE stockholders of the Pittsburgh and Ailegbe* Bridge Company are hereby notified that the sow al elecir on for one President, ten Managers, nee Tram. trrer. and a clerk to conduct the business of the Cooper ny for the enduing year, will he held on Monday 'bent' of July next, at the boor of 3 o'clock P. M.. at Hoe room.= belonging to said Companyosnrth end of the Haad Street Bridgr, JOHN TANEY, June 17—te, - President. PROTHONOTARY. To the Voters of Allegheny COll7ll y --I respectfully o(. fer myself to your consideration as a candidate (ioidepett dent of parties) for the office of PROTHONOTARY •e' Allegheny county, at the ensuing election. All do not coupe before you recommended by a Courtrai's, those 01 you to whom I am not personally known will please ex, amine into my qualifications, ite.; and if so fortenale at to obtain a majority of your suffrages, I shall autism°, by strict attention to the ditties of lime office: to satisfy see with your CTIOICP. ALEX. MILLAR, may 10 --tE• 01 Pittsburgh: COUNTY COMMISSIONER. /lA T the solicitation of a number of Pleads of all pot aical parties, 1 respectfully offer myself to the eon. alderation of my fellow•citizens for the office el County Commissioner. That fly sentiments may not be mistld. derstood, either as to political or private affairs. I roe free to say that I have been all my life a eons:sleet Re. publlean, In the true sense of the word. At the county is somewhat embarrassed In Its financial affairs. and the reduction of salaries of public officers has received the approbation oflarge majorities oft he people, tale endow-, signed would not should he be so fortunate as to Melee. ted, in any manner attempt to reslo this salutary re form; should It reach the office of County Crmmisaloner. apr 6: SAM UEL HU BLF.:Y. PROTHONOTARY. Clear the course for the :masers, WILLI AM B. FOSTER, Esq. of A Ileeliany c ity w be a candidate for the fame of Prothonotary of A Ilegheny county, al the Ocioher election. june 4. Fr BU:LDING LOTS. on Hand street, between Pena SC., and Duquesne way, Pittsburgh, at Auction will out reserve. The above Lots will be sold on ihe p. - emiaes, on Sale r; day, June 24, n 1 3 o'clock, P. M.—Terms wade anoint a 1 sale. WM. MCCOWAN: june 15 ts., JOHN D DAVIS, NOTICE TO DR. DRANDRETHIS AGENTS. The office In littiburgh, which was established far the purpose of constinnin•. ascents in the West. having accomplished that ol Jett, 13 now closed, and Mr. G. ff. LEE, in the Diamond, Market street, appointed my agent for the sale of my Pills and Liniments. All Dr. 13 randrelh'sagr•.r,ts will, therefore, understand that Dr. 8. will send a travelling agent through the country OM a year to collect moneys rot sales made and re supply agents. The said traveler will be provided wlib power of aitorrey.duly proved behore the Clerk of Mat thy arid county of New York, together Wilhaltlhowe_. tessary vouchers and pantre. Mr. J. J. Yoe is my traveling agent now In Pei's. sy R. BRANDRETD, N. D. N B —Remetnber Mr, C. H. LEE. In the rear of the Market is now my only agent in Pittsburgh. June 14. Auction. SFAIINEE rT3C/f it Cs , Ettiecenots to .1 B . Guth • rie, the old stand corner of sth and Wood Obi._ havingcomplied with the requisitions of the new illicit tion Law, •re prepared to make advances on Coosigo meat...and to sell oh favorable terms. They hope by continuing to make ready sales and prompt retinas, receive a fair portion of business. Pittsburgh, A prll Ht 43 In retiring from the Auction businees. I takegeet:- pleasure in _recommending to tile nubile Messrs. flensise. Pahnestock 4- Co.. who have complied with the requfre mats or the new Auction Law and will do business-a my old stand. B. GUTHRIE. sprit 31843. COUGHS AND_COLDS. Now is the time of year for persons attacked whit Coughs, Coulds. Rheumatism, Gout., 4c, fc. —To those afflicted, a speedy cure can he effected by using PEASE'S AO- RIfOCAN'D C4I..YD which be allowed by all who have used it to be Um bast remedy ever offered for Congas cord Colds, and HE WES XERT E 4.11rD DONE Moir.d;VE,lleT, an outward remedy, with the INDIAN VEGETABLE ELIXEB. an Inward application, is a minis and positive cure far the Rheumatism. Gout, Contracted Cords and Limbo: No one need Puffer from these diseases if they alit . Win the above medicines. The eenufne to he had only It r TUTTLE'S hfsme.t.t. AGINCY. , Drueeists and Country merchants will he supplied a NM YORK prices. 86 Fou rth Street. J r SACKS Ohio Feathers, Ca prime article) on consign ment, and for sale by HA fI.MAN, JENNINGS 4. CO 43 Wood street NEW WHOLESALE- CASH. STORE, No. 99 Wood street, R. /VlM ei :NAN 4 - JONES are recvin PITTSBU ta GH g consntly (mph iipplies of seasonable Dry Goods which they will confinue to dispose of at eastern priees,with Iheaddition of Carriage, fur cash, par money, only. Every merchant making purchases in the city wish money, Is respectfully invitell to call and examine our zoods, and the chances are ten to one against him that hu will not consider his time and lalmr lust. - Davin: adopted this system from a convict' in Ist h must tre to the advantage c* the pu:cdaser we trust It may rccrive altar triql, and he Judged accordingly. June 16—dint r o the Honorable the Judges otthe Cona of General' Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and ibr Alisgliony county. The petition or Matthias Wilhelm, of the NI. Wang of n r . the city of Pittsburgh in the county atbresald, Notably aheweib, That your petitioner bath provided itiosoli with materials fbr the a:commodatron of travelers's* others at his dwarfing holm In the city and ward afores ; said, and prays th at your honors will grant him license to keep a public house of entertainment, And your pe, titioner as in duty hound, will pray. MATTHIAS W1L1121141. We the subscribers, citizens of the Fifth 'Ward, cily of Pittsburg h,"do certify that the above petitioner it of gond repute for honesty and temperance, and la wet, provided with house moat and. convenieneks for the ac— commodation and lodging ofstrangera and traveler*, aa4 that said tavern Is neeetmary. Jae Gosling. Anthony Mangle, Jt.L: Agnew % Bernard Soluble, John Kearney, Jacob Hoek ., Geo Porter. Holt /Ansley, R. Fogli a Joseph Snyder, Wilhelm Bobasidt, M. 3. Fanner. Jule 12. rtrz.nrsTuals Wes}] it.OOlMll6 ALEXANDER McCURDY. .it at old stand of YOUNG 4- XeCURDY, No. 43 Second, ietiocen Woodard Markin streets. RESPECTFULLY Informs the friends of the Wean* and the public generally. that he la prepared to All all orders forCeliest Work, of any kind, with are' Possible despatch, and warranted to be equal to any.% the ehy c Every attention will be paid to furnishing COPIPIIII6' when regaired. Juno Rt. litt. FOR SALE. Bee. D. G..