Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, June 16, 1843, Image 3
Mier Setters R.. AWING hi - liii Peat Office, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June 15th, '1843. (lam Pe re sons cellist for letters *hose names are on th.• . above list, ,trill please say they are advertised. . Aber UM B Armstrong Francil Abbot mrs Ann R Armatronti Nancy Adams Clipt il A, U S NAuhor Win Arether Margot et Arthur Robert' A6le Isaac Arthur James 3 Adams John Arnold John Adams R L Atkimon George Alexander Elizabeth A ustin Samuel Alberger miss Jane Anderson Win Alberger Lawrence Ande:son Fanny %V Anshutz Capt Geo Anderson El zahelh Anderson Lhorms Ande.son R S A aidersOu Henry Ball Alooso C 2 Barker Sherdon C Barber A S Barrett Patrick Benoit Saud Barr Ellen A 2 Barlow Jo,cpla Bell ens Margaret an Bell Thomas S Beltzttoo►er Henry Barnet Capt A Beggs Andrew Heaney Mr Bonney Ichn Bears Henry Bishop Elisabeth Eliaha Brady ihigh Brady mrs Ma'y Brya.ut IVm Brailky Wm Bughee Lyman Carnahan David Conker Joseph Casnaban Alexander Conn e lly Peter Casslly James 2 Coyle Thomas D Casa'ly Melly Ann Connor David - . Carson James ('owl John Carr Elizabeth Cons Wm Cosset', Thomas Croll George Carnes Francis Ciainf.rrl Jsbn Casey Wm Cramer John (ahoe Michael Cra K e sei-s Lydia Curoibets Mr Curry John T 2 ca.,uoi, Ears Isabella Cun n ingham N%V Casey Win Ctomnisis A'exatidcr Calligarlie Clark Mr Camp:malt Abram Cioogl i William Campbell mrs Jane Clark Latvia A Campbell Col Sylvester RClapis Ree A ''' Campbell John Cooper Rohert Christian James Cochran John T Chadwick Joseph Cool A F Chadwick Thomas Cuillogwood Francis Cisarwers mrs Jane Collies R N f; Clark Thomas C.omell Laic R D D4vis James R Davis Etenj Davis Mary II Davis Joseph DaviA Silas D a vid joba 2 Davis J It Denise). James De Pere Mr Diver Debrirah Daary James Dewait 11l SS Margaret DercliellmAy er George. Div:it Mr E;b C D Elp lane Joh n Fa. vex Francis Falmestock Med rarreil & Grogg Fruw ck David Ferg.l3oll FclVl5Olll Ca. ohne Errgupoo J oh n Fla4l James 11; FitzaaAa NV al A F.siegan Eitzotock 111 , ,g1) J Fisher Geo q.. 11. ), Fanny Getty John Gamier George 3 Gallagher Joseph Gallagher William Gavotte Wm F Gates Menlo Gettig inn Jana Glvlrr Jacob Gilchrist James Gilmore James Glees; Bar t let Grousula John Hall miss Agues Haigh Joseph 2 ' Hsigtt Urialt .Haigh John , Hasalin Ephraim I laolia Michael! Haynes Ovaries Hammon. E W Hague Reuben flare Samuel Fiercer Wm Harris Sarah 11 Hart Geo W Thoiel tors Sucan Hity Dr G S Hays Rob Ila wens N Huffman Robert Hubley Samuel Hurry John Hunter Jas - Ingalls min II n let Irwin Boyle Israel .1- I' Jackann Nancy little Jackman inn; Mary Jenny Fled Serowe Hiram 2 Johnami B , Istlsna Fialik 2 Johnson Robe.t A Kennedy John Kerrigan Patrick Kelly C B King P Knox Min Mary Kissed Samuel Kirkbride J Labor Jeremiah D Lafferty Wm Latshaw John Lash el John La Rue Edward Laubangh Abraham Lewis Richd Levake Henry A f l ees Andrew Leech Chas, II Leister..Har riet. Mann vs Win C Marlin Treenail Marks Wtn 3 3iar4lall „John Mackey Timinsa Meehan J.ho A Mahony miss Margaret Mehin St.sam E M-ajor John C Meegan Richd Matters Sarah Mellon 5u ; ., ,, E Ilisakey Win P Mellon Arthur Mariann miss Marc Midegan Win Mann ants Sarah . E Mile Strout! Mseitse Copt John Mirer Farlishat MisheityThiin t as Mitchell James B Mirkfanis P J Mitier John M Biro ie Gen S Piglow E Biers John Black Bobt 81a. , :k Jame. • Nola n J E Bond Thomas Boyle %V Boyd W in Bogardo= tors Sara h Bogers Bridget Boyrs itolo Boyd in. s A Brae ❑ Eliz ibeth Mown Wiliam Brown Darid !Iron n George G Boc:iatian miss Jaiie Byerly Cant Jac ,b BuJobson Win Boiler Jamrs Bros James Do.tne'y Catherine Donalcktitt %Vu; Donne !v Ih.gli Patri, k I)..try Hugh I ) u. htaw 111 try I).l..nting ChAileS -1)01 Ditrhachet Rev 1i W Duatip Julia .11 Dub Ari v E S DAM; g DIJI , OI . b (3e arge acs Jen itse Forsyth J N Fnr Ch ai Ira l'ow'er F.r%v Sotto. I '2 Fia•mici Fi zinwus Tie , s Flruti tor: 11irgt Flew Win 1) I.`“wler E. z.i Foisyth Jas 11 ..\• Co Gress Lawren c Greerd a ves Sawn,' Greening Rebecca Gio• er Salmon Grt•em% ord Joseph Grifivvo!d John L Gray George Graham John Gordon Wm fI Gocher. George Gor!ds, (I Abraham S Gowdey Tam! a , Neil Ji,f i n ileslep R.lit Heasley Margaret Hera John Heavy Charlid Herron Juin) Henden.on James K Hyland El en Hill Win Hodge George Holmes; Charles nolbrook Isaac S Hortnn*Lewia Hoffer R.,.bt Hilam) 111r3 F Iluls John H. , ghey Wm Hull Robt 1111810 0 Rev A 12 Hoe:ion Win II Irwin usrs Mar vet Irwin Andrew ...• Johnsen' Copt %V Johnson miss Wary Jones A brilliant Jones Peer B Jones NOW S Jones John Jones Berjitnin Johnson Andrew Kinker!) , Jacob Kingan Samuel Knotrf M 4 re Anu Killgnre Robt Kirby J H Kirk Patrick Koontz Win Linepey 11r Logan Joh n B Lung mrs Rebecca Long Rachel Lowman Jacob Leonard Samuel 1 ,4'0 & Hooter tAringstou Josh Little ILnry Little Wilkam Marthens mra Mary Miller John D Martin Jc.hn B Miller Timothy Martin Chrietopher Miller Spencer Marti., Jahn Milii e . ga ga , Morris lot n Morison Wm T Morgan J I.' Morrow Rebecca Montague Wm Morrow• James Moyers Samuel Moor & Steiner Moon Samuel Months Mary Jane Nonagon John Munce Mra Moorhead James Mur rits George Moorhead Thomas Mr. McAfee Dau'l McCurdy Rehr. McA fee Owen McCune Mrs Sarah McAdams Sam! McCully Win McClure R, In McCollum 'Thus McClure James 2 McDonald David McCabe James McClelland A McCaskey James McFarlen Win McCauley datnea Mr:Garland Maria McCandless M argt McFarland MI'S R McCarty Denni McFarland George McClaren Robe McGill James McCandless John 13 AlcEllroy ‘Vin McCall Eliza Jane McCun e Catherine Mc — nlie Mary Alcliee It & Cu McCurdy J It McKee Tiu , s McCnrinAck Hugh 111clit au flub( McCoy Patrick :\l'cli - t•att Jae MrLa uglilin Sarah Auma„„, mks Mat gl 2 McLean David M Murry Al. x - r Mc (linen Mary J Mc Wil y,te Manus Al( Quail Canard McSsvr•gan AI 4 had N Nttble Ifettry N.trr.s Julie Ntxoti tars Jan., Ntirto3 I del„ v 2 Nt.i.v Alary 1! Ncilberry i..7lltistiatt 0 Oliver .J .',.h o'll . rtie Mr Nena.l Toomas New:ill Ni , hob; Win Thornas Ni.e F A Noble D T Ody John Orr buibd:a Ott Robert -P Parkinson Cap, Fritts 31. s Mary Page Tilolll4ll P tc>tly N P Paxton Doorman !high N Patterson John Power a Michael Patterson James 2 Pros-, AI orga II Pat , e,son I A !'oriel Robt r-t 1 ,3 Goo. ge Per:44.,4 Poht, Persin. , J 13 Phillip. G‘orge B Pryor S:1 t‘ P.umbr P. , ler .1. litt flakooh Rarittm,ii Tipmrvis R. Rankin Robe. t k Jamvs Uev:l Miry Rinehart ede ick A R. , :tynol Samuel R.ce George t?. R idd A Ebenezer Robson )tar;; trrt Raltry Andrew J A 31.ir RoFirbarg :7 4 .md.Irs I),tvid tcket Calvin scott ~,iss• 11a , y 11 ••(: , tit Irl El z S , OI 1101111 S 5 ,. /14eirt . 1 Scart, butt 11 Jdtur., Srloomi r Jac A) S•" 11 o , l Snrall SI, 'ler A...a It Shit IV 110 b. t Shal - ,./ Eine Y •l:ry In.-td A B SheN 1:4,' en. Sdeo•Cvl 1113- I 1.+11.,111 •13.kilE1 .11.)kil 51 j.,cob Ste, I J fm ' le .'e list'in Ste% rm; I:hz 11.t.,1 1 Ire!e Wm I DJllle Taggai I n l'Hy:or 111 A. Story .1 - 1 lit 12.1111,801/ Miss 31,, 14, S:tvwart Tl.omp s D Timm/is Gew.ge V Tbo.l'l4oli mist 11 n r; mirpsmi .11. rr' Antic (,'bin mist, A ena C T o d ,I Nlrs Elizabeth P To,ld Mrs 'Todd A ndrew Yuliz Chas L Iraiiiirssea James (. w. W sitars Wm White S S W ;lilacs Miss Mary Aim Wi.iti lIMI Wm if IV allace h n '2 Wthaops Thhr LI Wadsworth J..b.. William; Was'iieg.o i Walls Mis. El'eii Williams ttearge Wa idro Jrs.e M 2 Williams P N Wainer & 1:1V . illg WI I arcs firmiy Wi.t. n o Ruin ' Vi ils.ll It tifiri Willso n Aridw Lou Mrs John Ward Miss Marg.. Wileari Mark Ward Pa.k Wilson Wili Well. Jesse Wilson Jam,* G Wells Jou:wino W iagi as Amos ‘Vi a..rr Lewis . 'Williamson F..al Westby Jame:, B'2 IV, liam‘no Wm IC West AI rs. Civil rriiie W dkirs Joseph Whit,. Jelin Womi James W,,0 Iwo, M Wto \V IVortilioetaa V NV ,, oftwoo tit Zubhlori %V, fight James M .1. W..!1 J W Y.ider Chdri. It. M. ii I DDDE, 1. , ,u, June 15-3 t Il bel tl ow .NT L , C D F. c l 7 r i i tistd r,:y6 NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to the estate of Aaron Hart, deceased. late of Pitt township. me requested to make payment to the uudersigned Executor, and those having claims or demands against said Estate are re quested to present the same for cement. M. may 29 —3 wdkw 9(I REAMS 'Cap" writing Paper, ruled, ti 1,1 10 gloss Bonnet tioardS, on C oll siannienl, and fur sale by HAILMAN, JENNINGS 4-Co., June 6. 43 Wood st. , 50 Brigs Green St. /ago Coffee. just received, ntid for sale by HAILMAN, JENNINGS,. CO , No. 4.{ Wood a DANIEL M. CURRY, Allorney at Law. 01 fire on 5111 at Fetweeti Wot.d and Smithfield. do 110 the 110orattle 1 tie Judges of the con rt of General n Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and Or the county of Allegheny, The petition of Michael lireig, of the 4th v..ard of the city of Allegheny in the county afore said, humbly shew• etli, That your petitioner has provided Itimeell with materials for the a ccommodation of travelers and others, al his dwelling house in Cie city and ward aforesaid, ! and prays that your honors will be pleased to grant blot i a license to keep 0 public house of ern err a proem. And your petit lacer as In duty bound wilt pray, MICHAEL I{ REM. We, the FIIbSCI ibcrs, CiIiZPDS of the gilt ward of the city •;: Allegheny, do certify that the above petitioner is of gond repute for hoecsty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and conventencies fur the accmainudat ion and lodging of strangers and others, and that said tavern he necessary. G, S. Horton, Matthias Vocely, Louis Ottoman, O. Walter, Jacob Lehman, N • Steiner. F. Gamer. John Naavy, A bin. Hays, - Victot L.. Met, June 15—at. It 4 4.41 , 11 iorle 11.4).11A011 141116 11.41.111.,11 S;111.1/.4 it .41 i14... to A (i Po•bio.son ill.nl4s ( ) ger. , itogers Jaimis Rolm mi.n Mslililit It ss .) o , p h mrs Lififsi °. Win 81 "1"'y If M..:llA t ! S:J 1,141 I; 6: , 116k .5.1..111 Alit; Sun Wu) F lit , :ro nr rn I.tt Sin nit • ...I S;,11 h nu a Ann • 11,,r-u. ..%v,“ I i.l Ma.r,,lrrt .)1 4, II• I: ~, Tlio:11:1. Titl‘ Pr. .ot Trm , t I Immy I: T. ck,r E tml IVm e:t w:t.s El;tatte:!: 'l'n , Lei I Jame, r,r r( - ri l'woom-y Mr Tomatt 11'In 'r Toner miss s 'rah } Tophar❑ 164_11.1r1. Gruuml Primer, • JO stl do, Thor. Hall!, from Pliocr.ix 1' justjust 1;411 I suelVed and lor sale by 13 .111.11.1 N. JEN NiNG ; -: ,s. co., June - 0 . 4.3 IV othi attest. 'CO C APITA lASI'S. ri_ L viE half of a very valuable and productive property for sale '0 a good partner on very low and accom, modating terms. The prop riy is il/ New Castle, on the Pennsylvania and Ohio canal, In Beaver and Mercer counties, and consists of a Saw-Mill, with two NiillY9 that cut :Ilion( 3000 feet per day and rents for 650 11. d. Inns. A four story brick Flour Mill will' four run of 4 can niantifactitre about 116 Iris gold flour per day. he Floor and Saw milis have all new works and machinery and in first tate order The mill rents for 1500 dollars per annum. A Rollin= Factory and filoomery for making Charcoal bloom+, all of which iv workedilry water power formed by Shemin:o and Nrislinnnock creeks. The Rolling NI 111 is drove by steam —22 inche s cylinder and 51 feet stroke. The ROlllll7 Mill Is large Ind convenient and has a Sheet Mill. Bar lion mill Hammers :.»11 small Guide and !loop ttill Pomace, sufficient for doing a huge huslneAS. Boats pass up and down the rare from the %Yorks to the Canal and suvE cx peaSeii II! all Irayleg,hauling coal 4-r. There. are I I dwelling houses and a number of shops and eta. lees on the premises. and sales at New Caste,, for all the iron, nails 4-c. niamtfartiired and demand increasing_ The Engine arid most of the machinery and mod of the improvements have run about slx months only. The 1 Iron Vl'orks will rent for a tiont 5000 dollars, The pro- perty cost, two years agir42.l/00,a nil since that time :3 1 , 000 dollars have been laid nut In improvements. To a good partner who can pay 15,000 dollars down and the 1 , hnlance In a year, a good b..rgalii ofone half of the above will be given, Apply at ISAAC RIS' General Agency and In- , telligence office. 9 Fifth street GEO. COCti It A N . No. 2f; ood sl J UST RECEIVED, about $9 boxes of good Burlington Herring, 25 reaing of wrapping bnd writing paper, and a lot of good Rye Flour, for sale on acrommoilat 'rig terms; In lots to suit eustottter:,. EFIA AC HARRIS, Jong 3. Coin. Merlit No 9, ,5 1b st, A3ENI Z f o W . e abler B u dgeP4owCro.. Alf Mein Wood and Witte,rot, Ildit t eh . 3o; 1843: • TO THE GE - 141'14E14EN OP PIST , S: BURGH. T HE subscriber most respectfully informs the gelsite. men ofthir city and vicinity that he has commenced the HOOT and SHOE flaking business In Fourth street, opposite the Mayors Mike. Having been foreman in some of the most fashionable Boot Shops in the Eastern cities; and having furnished hilizself with the best French and Ainerictin Calf Skins. he hopes by hie attention to business to merit a share of pulilic patronace. To those gentlemen who have kindly patronized him be returns hisslncere thanks and can with confidence appeal fur the goodness of his work and know ledge cf his inisiness. may I I. P. KERRIGAN. TO THE PUBLIC. Tiii, is to certify that the subscriber has been for some time afflicted iv itli Ific Rheumatism very severely, from which he could get no relief, until, tieing ndvis, d to pro. cure some of Dr. Fitch's INDIAN VEGETA DIX EM XI ft, which be accordingly did , nod from which after a few dose., be was entirely relieved. Columbia. April 6, 1152. :SA SI'L EA 11SE: Near Rice Greek Stprings,i Rictilaud tiktrlct.S. C April 30. 18:311 realty, that my son, l'hotitan Mitchel, Jr., aged 13 ! years, has been ,rouhlesl for eight years last past with the Itheottiatism, arid for tile beat three years has been unal.le in help himself; his pain was very severe, so that he row,' not be moved without gre.tt agony; his limbs were naralizell and drawn up, and he preseiii,d an j , erd hopeless to all who knew him I resorted to e=everal l'lty-iedins fur re`lef for hint, without eller! IlilVlll2 heard of hr. A. Fetch's Indian Vegetable Rl.xir, I pro. cured lire same for my sun. On taking it he was touch relieved, and by continuing it In the fourth bottle , b an mei irely removed the pain, his flesh k restored aril he is now elifilyie4 _nod he ;tit h I wont& in a case of 1; heti , that ism, earnestly recommend it to I hose who are afr o ,. ire this exc flirt ting pain. 04, MITCHELL lV being neighbors and arquaintaileea of Mr rtininan nod ha vim: often ;:eeri the sit/141;0n of Ills son, (filly corroborate the above rase, and, an we belie ve I, a , been cured by the Indian Ve^ctable SAMUEL MEEK, DAVID fk Hay, BR SPELLING, ROBERT TIMm I SON, IIUcKNIER H tIGOOH . The above, with a erre! Ivry, 4,•0 , tne,,e of oilier valu:.loe medicines , harp juil bet' n rue, l VPli and are for sale try the quantity or siti4le bottle, It t;t; Fourth Ht. • N F'OlZ A TI( )N \VA N E I). I W. 28;11 11.1 y of NOVraqhel • .nn the Jwrribrr i a tiled J1 11 E: 4 9 rrnrs or ay., 1 ., • I fi rm in :`14:11 1 1-1 .11 , 2Ii• lia• a fair and 41.1 14 )ri .hr 311 t!, Of ihr h,r,,h.•r, n 1 .1)1 then :11.111, 11'11 Wrl.l nwav it. Ell.‘ AIM K ELIA" r d hair awl &ft k II 14 lilt Lnlh 111 a.), I/ 0 ,1 Iha Ir !ruse nan.rw and q.snmr of her, dfoiy Iwwal riiiirprithif l6rnr )51 1 1 L. i:ra MCI! articled par.lll,. JUAN Kr. 1.1.1% twiny 4 f ` rws;wri ClPri l'artak% lo 114c:ist'. TIE will Jr s.r. 'WO rargoe if. 110,, u.W ill, Ih. nerrAl=ar, fiCt,lll., Iron/ 75 to 1114) arms, I' l l'arrel Oil enl.ll. A 1,0. on, farm I.i• wit in Weri 10.k.0•111p y (nun's, wait I•on, !AI In 7.i arrein (lea. Tl f• :0.1 ar 11,1 K-1•1 p n.p.tt, a In rea.co•olllV re11..11 . . la, I,: al. nal 1 , tud, I'o f Nod IWo lOC, • of Ike nn'n 'nuni. and a.ul I. t.n.rd un fC•,),o:4hit bona In, 1 , 1111 I Io .firte tt !taro.. BA 11 Is1:..1 SI Ml' EI: V. Nl:,rch 1.3 i! _ii 1 \I POUTA NT TO () \V NEltti : 4 A 1V l't rp 1..• .•• to t!.!rt.“ ••••i In "'it a Ullll,, • , H t ,,,, .1 I r ~. .~~. ~1...i • .10 b.' 01/ ‘l5. .01.d . ,1 111 1.1,1111. ,rre II ii 111: II 1 ,1111• N. I 11. (111 I 5 , .1•!, 1/t VY - • .40 ri r•••• %!t..4! IN, 11% Nt.S twit 27. MONUNI ; A 111.2 I. A N.l VII.;r1lIt N M I'ROV E M prr , l ,‘,.! f „~. ~,~ k MIME inl% .9 -lip L. zutnrErt, Atterary and C'oultatllar cAmz II lilt inV curNT V. 1)111,1, .r 01 . 1,, cri , !p.t. , .10.1s 10 Ow • .1 :n.!:01 plt er ott; rat,. ill 114 e rouol 4,1 /ru-rie ,n, IJefrr /W•,l Chserogory, ruienr , .m. Stark _4,1 tray neler 10 at,d I u:. r! , '111 John ) . way 27 . _ I j 1111 T. L' 11111 E 114) TEt.. "I'l!E ()mi., well k off wi. nod rooofforflou< ri rt.rit cod of tiro rtlll ile2foo,y irifor•srri 111 rr :1,1 rule public, tie Ili, rvrrV 11011: 1 , 1/1 1110 i urrlvr I lir. :r u:1 itivit.trrizirr•rit bill, ur Alp 10,111.111,0 board N. Ili. 1. w ,11:11.r4 at, 1111/dPf 111.1110 I'lo,lloo. ,% 111 1 ?•111( . 11 10 iff,l,o journers /.1/111fOriable 111111 kerpllllllll.l rorirrur 111011:1110/. of big boiler. COoti Flablin; fur ally 111110 , 1'f of Iforee-. :Ito tail t Liuuiet. 11/1 E palrans of I him ple•a‘a nl ri•ireat and all n no Fri . ', pleasa it, in ;he purr air of 111.• rnnnlrr. are irilotined kitslit“ E11171,,•1 1, , tilittv 1.0.1 i for Vliollerel A ear wiii ihr Ml . U:1;11111:1 110101 even' day al it. hair pa,' 2, i n, ,., hal pas: .3 k . , v. (Ire' may :3 d It St VEEN V. m• I • I • V 1 h. ui.• "I" ii ~ 11. 11 ~. 6~.,.n.n ; HI: 11 . U. PrFai -- , . WLI ILAAI DOUGLASS L[AT AND CAP MANUFACTURER. Every rie.rri, thin of Ilalq and Cap on hand, andfor sale, whole. F:1Ir and re tail.ainriex!s In p.nit. the limes, at the old stand .gitg-c 1 of Di:m.l;lg 4. Ma*. 73 Wood P tree% 1 . 800 000 "S. Of Bacon, .- - . 5TE. , 1318 0...17 . .17' AUCTION. rate by 5. 1": "r JACKSON, rim r Slteamboal James Ross, now tying at the wharf : ma .„ 30____ Im. 4th xi.. near Liberty 2. tit Plitshiireli, her furniture, tackle and apparel. in all reaperi.: in 2ond condition and ready In take til a ealgo, will he sold at piddle sale lo the highest bidder on 'Flair-day ihe 1511 i June next, at 3 o'Clock P. M. The James Russ was built last fall, oft he best'inaterl; and in . ~:e manner fur low water; she carry 2.00 oils of freight, and is well calculated for paFscrizers. For strength and lightnen of draught, she i, not excelled Ity any boat on the western waters.— Terms made known at time ofralr, . 3041LIING. 'WEI. MOODY. having adopted her present residence .Ijl. ob Liberty, opposite the end or Ferry et, for the reteerititie Of tAaders, wilt 1* 01.1aeed to. accommodate ti rot - it% tleaseiiiilth freak and todgt ni, or b'aird atone. itine LOCEEfesede -sietwoof powddr7ilboo,- Let eatery seitable tbr Park ses the materials of which they are eoestrimed will Not rest fres thelicthis °Otte sall,will be sold low for eash. muy 2—Kw JAS. PA TTPREION. DRr PE 4 CHES.-50 bushels Dry Peaches, just re e Ind 4- for Pale by 11 A 1 LVA ENN INDS Co. may 11. 43 Wood street. EXCHANGE HOTEL, Corner of Penn St. Clair sts. Pittsb'glz. ri-11.11IE Proprietors of this elegant and commodious ea— ! tah'ishment, beg leave to announce to their friends I and I e public, that their price for Board, from this dale, is reduced to ONE DOLLAR PER DAY. • Front Cie locality of this house, being situated mid• way between the Canal and Steamboat landings, ar d on the great thoromtlifare to Allegheny city, the proprie. tors trust, that with continued exertions on their part. they will be enabled to afford every attention and facil. Ity required for the comfort and convenience of their guests, and hope to merit a continustice of iite patron age that has hitherto been so liberally extended to them. The principal Stage and Part:•et offices, are connected will] the lintel, and for the better accommodation of their guests, an Omnibus will at alt times be In r ea d,. liens to convey ihCITI to awl from the 'louse. no 25-3 m. MrKIBtt,N SMITH. CLIEAI) C().‘113, BASKET AND VA.. IZIE"I'Y 5'1 . 0121.:. to s, murk,/ guret, '1• Huh.., Infrrian'htz rit -tome r. , ntid ilig• p nhllc;;enerally, flirt has Jost refun d d from the 1 . ..Q1 Wit lar2f• and asi , ortmeiti or goods in urn line to is Filch hr iuvitrs Merchant., and others who NVI-h to iitirrha-e wheles,k nr retail, very low for rash. The fullowiog comprise. part of hi , htriCk, n ith a vely largo a...sort:neat of fancy gouda and toys. .:01) pit kN Enclich, C..rman 4nd Anu•l ican ptu 1.41;1,,i-Jud 1,!, I .14,..1 ❑r, 1.100 =BM 70 n-_L.a ,611.•1 iiirad 7. - A , • !I e !.,11(111 1 . (I v.., vr et) .141,1 I ti! 1...• 11'0 dt , 7, I.ir!•vi•e• .1;4,1 comi ~.1.111i,c 11. I ISCS, :t; tr4.,....,,-!Vhf rr.ml.,. 11=11M1 i.:01 1'4,1. I 0f,v1., -II z , 4.i h.O .I.d 11,1, ht. ivrro.! I, irk. aid cif • a. 1.1 , Urt • Z • -,r't ! , •erlyr •• 4 , r vi v..;;;c;) 7t, • v m im•m•m.m, rma,1 5.2 . snap Yrl and nliior I , mmmi,ml p.m' mm war lim vmmm:fm liv r.m• 1,, t'mt • hm• r vmm•l e.l r lIrP I mmmm r 1111.1 mm mmmr I • 1;• 4 1, Crn. anC.mmm, m m mmtimmmm imr im."•t am pm.r. lto. !mmm , 101.1 11 rot • loch 1,4 .1 (1 l' . . i ~,... , r f•• I; , z l'()1; I'INCINtiITI. • r‘. Ill' zC, k +lli, • , 111 o 1,••11 rrda4 1(1 o't 10,,k l a y a , HI o•coo, JW;:\ %TING(' ANT • c•n _....._—•-. WIIISIC.FIY. .-• • .—it nr.L.: 5 rears rile corner distilled Nlnnonzahela 41, Rye %I . liiAry on ronsiconoint. and r,,, c,le by ‘ l l .l l‘l l'.1: 10..'s11)1.:".(1: l' . 1):Z II 6.NT. J. tV 1111,11FIRITW7R.. A v% ELI, In r i [shed lqui I. roue. ss WI a %veil riehiva tV-iier her ‘‘ re. Rood rind Sinit h'd :‘,. ii ii E trii er I; ',len of .ii•iiiii 11 .01.111 ~,,, and Pio ~..:" 7 ;Med wnr, all iv ...•• - tr, ~.,. it.. -tad "iri ~ r., ,. f rn.:' 4 . I , or- . !APO NI X F., P.toi,el arid Ilidieri,,,m' s No . 5 r.ump To 1, , , , ,,r iit I erg! 1r.., I', ( ! -...11 ( 1.1 I' 11•111 I 111 ,. II ( , I of ‘ pril "le H WC(' I. ow 0. II ii. iii. , •.iiiii; • ~ 1 1 ci•il iii. ii., I. u, \.'l I hi. 111,,,, .'... O nox es 3 ,i,111.-.11 dn. .., ,11(If 1 di, f , ~, .. f,„„, , i ~ r„,., and fr „. , „, ..,.„„ „,., 01,1 ill I received, top.] her uitli a crincral airiiminient of lit :11 ro,/1.111 'll tint rNt elle•of I.v ,ii, lii lir! 1/. I Ile Pe•IiI.IPOr . r 1.1,1 thine In I Ile (11,11 ery line, a nit for Naie as the 1110,1 1111.1 0 1 .11,11 .1 , 11,,:h l'or A -0,11 oil svill lake 3 " ° "'ll'"dal lot; I Cynic 'moil rani of the preolii.c., 'lilt 1, olle of tire rior-it tut nit -11.11L31 Vsl. JET IN co nide 10r:ow,. 1o il ruler he orrerril l'o i Cot ill., illinr- :',' :(n ) . -13 Wood at. 111 :4 11 .111.1,lily al 11,4 I 'fire ol 10 M . E.:toe Jr. , 1.1 11 111111 ,11 ter I ) vr• I; —1 Ix . . Vrk vomtuA u Jll' V Elt AN 1) ‘V,I It REN . . PArKr.T. i I, . 1.. .riro k E r ale or NuTICI.:. ire can:o itm . km Elt lE. J. M. Shaw mailter, will run ' Abraham lin, r Ale- 11111 Call 11l r.' nil rir Lwerklv packet between the aboie named iii i lic Wrier. of the l'o.t, they inn , f o.eriir thilig i bat nin lie of nom, at io our. or limo of iiirii i . •e•tirniiic. hoc, ll'arrrn on Ti, silays, Thursdays and _June 7. favitrilirviii: roonecilne with ttor Staec Lines to Cleveland _ direct. For frebitit nr nnissrce apple nn board or to Turri,E, SG FOITHTII. STI?EET, . • BER3IIN(VI Alt AL. C.) , Pittsburgh. PIT rsitt . itr:u. J. S. DICKPY, Bouvet-. II .A. , •; j l t , is r t .,, reci- 1 : b , ' ,i cd c 1111 1 , 0 ~. .i V rw ~):‘, i rl. ii:1 1 .1 iPih.io4,ritt'pli:r4 m _ ay 10 . 1. . .I:ntio -11 , 1r.larv, anti Ile' I' , 110 W only i t . ~,,.1 ) , li t n g eo.is and Coviitry Itleivirams, at the eastern tt liole , ale lION CITY fIOTEL; pi ices—, reason:a Ple discount Err varili__aii mm: u iii, I; . Ili' 'Ube obi Bland of %labew Patrick. ale the followliio. vie: Indian Ve2etable E'ixir, Heuer,' . - . (I,ntrly rronpi•d by John Iron, ) .._' Nerve arid Bone Liniment. Lion ' s liiilin ol l'Olna. Lion . .. . ' - -.'" Tempel :ter.. shier,, rildrolv.'s Milo, of i'oliiiiiliia, row. , ri l lfi I: •11 h - erilier wishes to inform the citizens of Pli ts i. ell's Ha Liiii i „f A iii,i, tr ,i, nn,.„,„1., •1•„„;,. 31,x1„,., Imre!), and the traveltine public., that be hag lensed Coliistnek*A Sarsaparilla. flare' Liniment (for Piles;) the above well known stand, (+homed on Fifth st,ipel, filmoliii'i, Benda, be Ilmnerly, (7ridlcy': 'Tinier Ointimint, between Markel idol Wood,) where he will Ile hanky to E.,4 India Hair (lye. Eiisence of T . ‘ rc, Harriett, Oil, are 'mniodate all lint old friend.., and as many. new Ones overstreei's l.iiiiiiieni, fl aitholoniew ' ,. Pink Expectorani, as will be pleased to acknowledge him as Cleir host._ Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort, Scurldcr's Eve Water, Fli, terms will he moderate, salted 10l the tines, tits, Covert's Balm of Life, Ilumotirey ' s Pile Ointment, i table will be supplied with the beat runt the Market al Pond res Solitlles, 11.1iiii's Pliislers, Hrantircilt's Pills (zen- fords. His bar will be furnished wit h the choicest of: trim';) WI son'..l Dyspeptic Pills, Falinristrick's Brodie's, liquors, bush domestic and foreign. His slalilcis Rre Spa Evans'. See's, ilibberi's and V 3 rioll, ether PILLS!__ I cious and commodious, cumin Pled by exper:cnced and Alma, Fahnesinck's Verinifuge, Eleporat km S, rap, 0 po. attentive ostlers. dr3dac, Couilh I.nzrioges, pneumatic or enti4ll Balsam, 'frflie wonld inform the citizens that he is prepared etc., etc. A dood and general atisortaient of ALL, the to a ccommodate a nits of Weekly, Monthly or Years valuable Patent Aledicines always un hand, and fur sale ly boarders at reduced price, w ho l e and retail. IllaTta or nOARD• Sinsie Meal. 2.5 cents, ; Lodging, 124.418. Don'tforget 86 l'ottrth street. Board ore %% r eek, • 11 - 2,50 : . j , lllll 12. ninv R—Ara. M fell. PORtSER 1) ISSOLU'llON. /TIDE parineishin herrlolbre exislinz between !besot.- Jll Feriliers under ilie firm of Yminz Bradlinry, in the Ma , hiue and Scale nosiness, in Ihi . a day ilinsolveil by mutual eminent. JAMES BRADBURY pine 7. OTIS vr)risr:. Mov 30—Owtil - 11 , II , I I . I: AC KR ~. r ~\r rv.~r\ lad 11,r r. Ica% ry v , ry Sun FRESH HERRINGS. 50 EtRt.S. Fresh IJerrin.a, plc received and for Aale tly 11.111,11 AN, JENNINGS C(l . . • 'nay 43 Wood street. FREE %lAN'S FIRE BRICK FOR SALE.. re.-eived. Joon Freeman's, best Fire Brick, tvlltcli will bereaner he kepi catistantly on baud and sold lew for rRSII. I'3; LIRMINGHAIII , . CO. mayy No. 60Walet st. Geo. cornBAN Ker or A flarra r6c; --- ILIS* *ma Amakluccasigaz itiutr onIItICTID DayLz, at R LLU gamomt,saviumni /1461 ' • • PENNSYLVA N/A. !Wooster. Brink of Pittsburub par Itinwii. ii, Merck. 4' Man. bk, par Sandusky, Exchange hank, par Craugn. Bk. of Carina arowt ••• Norwalk. Easton bank... Xenia, Lancaster bank, die I,Daylon. I Rank of Chester Co. parlscim o, Farmers' bk Bucks Co. " Post nines, Doylestown bk do " Chillicothe, Ilk of N America Phil. " Fran. kk Columbus, Bk of Northern Libeities,.. I.,,a„ca.,t er, Commercial bk. of Pa. " Hamilton, Far, 4. Mechanics bk "'Granville. Kensington bk. " Corn. bk. Lake Erie, Philadelphia bk. " Far. bk:of Canton, Schuylkill irk. " Urbana Southwark bk. INDIANA. Western bk. • State bk.* Branches 11 Pk. oi - Pehnsylvailla, ••, Stale Recto, 27 Rk of Penn 'Pt.. par KENTUCKY. Man. 4- Mechanics bk. par All banks. I klechanlcs bk. par , , !WAND'S. Moyamenslng bk. .... i itiare bk 4 - Branches, 50 Girard ba.,k, loiShawneelown. 65 U. Cztares hank, . 481 VIRGINIA. Lumhermens', Warren, -- [tank of Virginia, Frank. Ilk Washington, Parl di, Valley, Miners bk of Fottsylle, 4 Far. bk. of Virginia, Rk of Montgomery Co. par Exchange bank, Mon. lik Eli ownsville, IN. West bank Erie Bank, 5 kler. 4-Mec. do. Hatrlslmrzh bank. 41 MARYLAND . Far. hk Lancaster, 1 iflati imore Batiks, Ric of Middletown, 4 Connlry Banks, Rk. of Chamliersburgli, 4 DELI WARE. Carlisle batik, 4 All Banks.. Bk of North parumberland, par NEW JERAEY. Columbia bk 4- Rridee cu. 6AR thinks, oar and I Bk Susquehanna PIP 40 NEW 310Rk. Ilkof Delaware Co. par CilY Muhl , . LeNanon bk. 4 Cmintry banks. • par co I yshurgh bk. 4 (safety fund.) ia 1 York batik. 4 Red Bark, fto 1 Far 4- Drovers bk. of NEW ENGLAND. Waynesburg!), 41Roston Ranks, Fur •• •• Currency notes. 4 Cuuniry r, I Iln:inf./tale. 2 LOUISIANA Wynmlns bank. Di Orleans flanks. fo011• 3 P , tisb•slr Slate scrip 223 NORTH CAROLINA Country do do 4 Bank& It 2, nrk. to bane. 7qi SOUTH CA ROLINA Low.towil. 2 •Ranks. it Towanda. —I VIS. COLIPtIIII A Thounintel , rint bk 1 i Par. 4- M..cli. bk of Situ. Iwnviiiv, 11 lielmotit bk ,f St. 5,71,1 r.. vi!ir. Marirtin bk. Derwind nl - flea. An l'orr•ney note., 14 robimboana I.k New Lis boo Demand. 1; Ao ro.l not P. ' Rpec,e pay. banks. 11”clo Traarrs l.k of 'lnctnnn I eli of nn hk of C,Jumbas Demand note,. I} CirriPvlllo. (11. lAta rent,' ('a.thler) 11 Zanevirille hit 1; FOR S.t i. E OR TO R INT. To LET. IT' i/E 3,1 •Tory of the hulidinz forritinied 1y R. A Peu•tlt.i n a= an A OCT lon xi nrri °fore know, tonz Room: corner-of Wood and sth lotiu;ro. of R. Mn, row 'oh xt. jan 23. y fl'i'p tn, Lore (),,, I 3 44orth % , r0•1 of I.3nd (In II olo,' Hilt. I.ol• 41 . -U. 52. St. it . 1;31, IAZ a nd 18-I. In 1 :r0k . 4 plan not 26 nod 27. in rsnot,'s p!4n of LOT. , on II isol str.-.;, near the n.q ('noel tr..- For l ier l ll.npply Io Z. W FOR RENT. 9n..1 , 4•1nn 2i v,ll tho 1 , 1 of April twit; nbrick 1.4., th, lank of th, Alle2larny rivrr 1-rn h . : 1 1. 4 ,omr,,riatv, collar and Itlt,h,n It I•vrry plriclntly •ihtta4etl . lwt oue ai,lr th, with A lull tritrvr of lll.rlly or A IF.:llmy. I I walk of the 11,;r1 of th, vt-,$ TO /,ET. vt:',iett enot3i ;do^ te;17,1111 kill, two p Wool ra. 4 I rVIIII% np gf , with fin jiaaidltrd rat rrt.ii.tt ronto and kitchen. with ear rin7rl.oo.o. Ttik nnu a,i4 piracantly InCnled With nr"! rrar, 13!) ran hank. corner nt I•.i. 4ntil tr n. ti p. TO ''purr I.rici.:l`. now In the or r Ay, r, rrni to , nit ihr Econite of Dr_ ritt:. _ b rny citv. why' R. For Rent. cr,•;vENI lilt,. *tory h,irk dwolllnT hott, .itolto un EZo.• .treet mnr Fourth. Rrnl 3 025, n”r 111. An,,lv ,o F.,4 V. (OR SALE.—Lots on Inc North Bast Lane and 1117,11 street. corner of Coo APO's , to .pn 10 REV!. nA RL I NGI'ON. Market. nonr 41h s . AIDES, X , DRIED HIDES . formate bx 2e,Jd Calf alkins, received as umelemmeat ;end J WBI7I IBRIDGES Co: /lon e 3, Miter st,between Wood and Smithfield ALABAMA Good Ranks. TENNESSEE: %II Rank. MICHIGAN Ilk. of Rt. rink, Do. do. D. Smith 3 CANADA nneid Dank. , 81011 Er‘tern Fxehangr, rhowfriphia. New York: naltornore, Avemern Fxchanze. irinelnnall, par oar Cleveland, ¢ clip link. par COLD AND sii.v ER. par J 111 ES M. 1 Ft 1:1.1". rleute .I;:ent . r4l BUILDING 1.01'6 IN BIRMINGHAM: LOTS, Fuitahle for building, moss eligihty ed„. Lemii,zoeljt lie sold at prices to ;Mt the times. The, term! .(payment will br , ,ipade i•astr. either For malt ortatter atenii be made available. ANI, to this silliscriter iu ttirteingliatn, or Mr, P. Petersen, Ne. 4. Ferry ta met, Pittsburgh. PATTERSOII, J. Jour 1. Regular !Warning Packet FOR BEAVER. The fast ru‘ rink^ and well known , _ , ,di r a - me r CLEVELAND. r. Slle ft P tivarint.c. Flatter, will depart dolly from Pltild lnot!lt al 9 o'clock, A. Pt,, and Beaver at 1 o'clock P. M. For freight or pass..go, apply op board, or In BIRMINGHAM & co. No 60 Water street. -9 ne term far canal pacl.rt to Cleveland, 011uo! Gree,w,L e and. Itleadvilic Pa ; and Massillon on On Gino calla conneci:ng with siramer Cleveland at. Bea veroviil be in operation immediately on openine.of nay mar !6—tr. lirua JOsireceived from Phlladetphla and Nvw YOll, with a trrneral and evetislye. assort, meta of /MUGS. CHEMICALS, PERF(7.NERY, and every :article in his, line of business. which, heir delef - mined to sell on the most reasonable limns for cash.—. He believes he can sailer stronger inducements than any similar establishment Ittthiscity In country Physicians and Merrhants, who wish to ripply themselyes filth Drugs mad Medicines. , His articles have heen reigned with the utmost rare, and ate warranted of thebVt (Legal ity and uniform Strength- Qrders will be filled er.ith-qm curacy and elegance. Falun s can he SU PP lie d Filth ripe and Fancy Soaps of every conceivable ,yarlety. and of he most exquisite perfumes; likewise with Perfumery and Cosmetics of every descrip'lon. The undersigned returns his thanks for the liberalaup, port heretofore extended lo Lim, and hopes by a roastaal divosit ion to please : and accommodate—a . Care in prq, curing anti selling only what 1: excellent and geoulna-a close a.upervi.ion of the sales and transaction of Um sego, lishment,—precautlon and accuracy in conapoundingpso.. Ica nes—a nd by Industry and perseverance. to merit aa crease of public pall unage may 23 AG'TS FOR STEAMER CLEVELAND; starch And Cleveland Line. BROOMS, ..• DOZ. Corn ilroomg. . . iv/ 20 .• recoivrtl and. rfRIP tate 4* 1.. W. RtIRREtInGE * Water it, between Water 4 Smith.d. I;''OR SALE. • _, . . rprIAT isree and commodious warehouse No. 61 L 4. .11. erly yireei, in the occupancy of She suhseriber, 20 01/4 front., run L ning through lo t Virgin hey 115 feei...suhniall- The above ttal ty httil, 11.11e„tiliPpplired :rt ;Hut Mase of ez years. Pause it.le.one of Ike hem busbies' 1 31 1 " 18 1/ 0 the city for, a Grocery, Clot bins Pture or A'ou Warehouse, and wall be sold very low oaf given Imaneertatery. Enquire of it. N, DA :: * on the premises. 3110 9 ,11 1M14:1413 OFFICE W. Corner of Food , . plorir . iittoin of the MORNING Poity and Iliskonti AND MANIITACT Jell ORER petlfUlly frirOflNl their Illenda and the paironsof those papers, that this] bi;• . e and well r bonen tornortment of r aIIEvIEC7I-iirq ANZ &AI 01 1 33.1 i. ra =Au Necessary to a Job Prinpared ting Oihre, and that they are pee to excaute LETTER PRESS PRINTING! OF EVERY DEF,CRipTION, Rooks, Bills of Lading, circular's, Pamphlets, Bill Heads, Cards, Handbills, Black Checks. Hat Time all tints of 33, 1 / a nts, Biagi, Sissaboat, gad s egagi /k . i.ett Bills, wick ("l's. "elate • Prinled on the shortest notice and most reasonableterea We respecifully ask the patronage of our friend* a lie Public in general in this branch of our busfnesa. Pittsburgh. Sep;, 39, 1842 7 PHILLIPS , FAS lONA FILE HEAD QtJAFtTER No 251, LIBERTY STREET. WE &mild invite the attention of nor friends public, generally to our assortment of Goods, which we have just iecelvcd from the East, all or.Ribith We are determined to sell at a small advance 01 tout Customers may rely on having cheap , good, well ma w and handsome articles, warranted to ill, which desirable errnbination.. retir /lemons who visit this establishment can depend di finding an entirely new assortment of spring and routing ! goods; we do not say one thing and mean another; gawp! yee !ear our.assoriment is lance, fashionable, hand/eye and cheap, wa Tr II that h Is so, and cannot passed in this or any other city. mny 37 tf , ALOE() ¢ McG.IIRE: NOTlt'E to Steapt, Bett.Atcners.—Tho F;lllllr.fiheir, 1:4 ennsoloonen of the difficulty of the titres, boa Pahl:. red the price othilSgraly Guard fee ,fhe *Jr f C7,48/011 of sleep sl,so.per boat.. It in hoped tit, all b.tat owners will avail hearnven, of these reasonable teethe, not only tan .aer-ottt of the oetrert safety they afford, but also In moist of ee. onoutr. !loner/I%olh Ifin,nppqratuf! alilehe4 gjji_war abuu "ireaw 1 0 ,, t as those net provided with threat . . Marchl et EVANS ~.aw • CASKS BACONHANS. •./ 6 Flo shou:ders, •thia day received ad (or : ',air,by Q. A. CORI/9N. n mrty 12 w:At•ist REMOVAL. , DURBORIII", ATTORNEY AT LAW bas.re removed his office lo No 63 Fifth stre e t. b e. I,,,, enVVood and Smithfield sis. neit dOOr to Alderinati Morrow. . - apr 7. WANTED. 038011 OR Logo onMortga,ye on real estate,. 'tiro pintrillr!..4 a InOne the hest freeholds in 114 and flee advertiser b ivitlfor in give 4 buresowee premium for„ the ahpve RIM. For further partici' devap: p y at iheolßce of the lifornIO: ruM: June 9 --415 w. LE.III'EL, JO/1111D in s cx —' L. do J. D. WICK, . wholesale Grocers J Dealers in Pradilleil 116 Wood Styes'. 4 oborsaboire Fifth st. PITTzzRIJRGII. v 15. 1 543! Standart, Inzrattam dt. Co.. FOR WARDI.VG .9.ICD CON. it RC111:81/173: • ri.rizt AND. 14162. A 0 P.:l - TS for the MerelmotaTtanaportati?neanqiiiit (*ompotrell of the sterrlipms Line, Erie Canal'. %Valiingtort Line. • Palmer 4- Co',g Line of Steam Boats a-e ves :fox on 1 1 , 0! 11, veland Liu,, Penn#vivallia and Ohio Canal. Proprietora of the Merchants Line Ohio Cana. RE/ ER To— • • T.Wit EN:IWORTif, NO. 9, Coenres It. Ilaterea *co. A Many. Arta Cu*re, It t - s - rett . Par. wt 4- Co. Entrain. M. T. WI 1.L1A)13 4- Dow, Cleveland. Pox Jena M. Att.RN, do. cia.te Lea %I. GID.MGS, J. : I .M:rsk:7. Brower Pla . NinonCo ; PH I,O4II IEI on 1 I:N3-Iv. EAGLE t - • GROCERY • az . STORE. ' 46: STACY LLOYD. Jr.. Whole.dle and Retail tbrOtat ; nd Fruiterer, No 140 Liberty street, rittisharch. maY .;(1. PEACEI "I'llEEB. Kr hip ;Iva • receilorl (rod the Norse/pit I of Landreth and Felton near Philartetribla,a lot et the ettnirro varlet of Peach TreeA.l whirh he woold coil the 'Mention of the, publite F . L . BNOWDRIL. 11111 V d No 134. Liberty at head of Wood. - - • CREIGH, • . I .TTORNE P i 1 T 1.3 W. corner of Smithflet.l ,and Thlid i't T - rs a UROB, Intent*. innY 23, 1843_1v.. WILLI Ail ?non N