Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, June 16, 1843, Image 1
PUBLISHED BY THUS. PHILLIPS & W. H. SMITH, Jr. W. CORNER OF WOOD 4. FIFTH STS. TICRAIS.--FIVR DOLLARS a year, payable in +Winces. • !Single Copies TWO CENTS—for Ellie at the counter of the OMee, and by News Buys.. The Mercury and Manufacturer PahHalted WEEKLY, at the same othee, on n double medians sheet, at TWO DOLL IRS a year, in ad. Ir t ases. ,dingle copies, X VENTS. . Terms of PZII &WARE OF TW D Zhlt,ljuppr t I o n . 0.50 "' 1 wit fissertions, 0,75 Three lissiertloes, 1.00 oss weft. 1.50 I !INN) weeks., 3.00 ;Three weeks. 4.00 YEARLY A OVERTISEMENTS. cflanozi,szz AT rtz•sanz. One Spurr*. Ties Synarer Ott elktbe, $13.00 Biz months, 623.00 Oa. yitar, 25.00 One year. 35,00 trlarger Advertisements In prorortion. CAIt,D3 or four lines Stx DoLutes a year. PUBLIC OFFICES,&C. City rows* Orrick. Third between Market and Wood saiyeetd—R. M Biddle , Postmaster. •Coactim House, Witter.4:ll dour from Wood st. reler• Von's Major John Willock, cotteetur. VITT Taassorty, Wood between Pir.t and Second areets--Alatacs A. Bartrans, Treasurer. C:001111T Teajanay. Tt.ird street, lieSt door to the Tishri Psoshytersan Church—S. R. Johnston, Treasurer. Mairot'a 011/LCK, Fourth, between Market and Wood littsseht—Alexander flay, Mayor. - Allsaostssres Excesoacta. Fourth, near Market st. BANKS Prerssearsa,between Market and World streets, on rittrd and Fourth streets. lbista‘maars• ►RD M►Rn►►CTORICRS' AND FAR MIMS' Dr- Emir B►ra. (formerly Saying Fund,) Fourth, Itetwren and Market streets. Bsca►tot, Fifth street, near Wood. HOTELS. Monosouieo• [loose, Water street, near the Bridge Rsce►nes Horst., corner of Penn and St. Clair, Meaccurre flout., corner of Third and Wood. A nnittcan Iloirst.,eorner of Third 'kind Murals germs. corner of Penn street and Canal. Brecio &mt.', Liberty street, near Seventh. llttreas Mavonox HOOPIC, !Aber iy St opposite Wayne finOtottnityr M AARON House, Penn St. opposite Canal. OBERT WOODS, ATTORNEY AND . 11-11 , COUNSELLOR AT LA. W.—Offre mow stil to Bakeweirs offices on Grant st., neatly opposite VIM DOW Court House, next rooms to John D. Mallon, its4l.—Flrat floor. 19..1. 10 UGH TONER, Alto. net , at Law, North Ea,t corner of Amithfleld and Four h st reel!. sep 10-1 y MICANDLESS & lIPCLITRE, Ai torneys and Counsellors at Law: o;fice in the Diamond, hack tor the old Conn lloage, Pit shtirgh. Sep 10 SritrqK ¢ Ft:gm, AY, Attorneys at Law, Four th st., above Wood, Flitstnir2ll. sep 10-1 y. O. HAII I LT() N , Ai torney et Law, rinh, bet ween Wood and timilltfietd stet.,Pittsburzb. sep 10—ly WM. WEI 4RA ROBINSON, tiorrwv at Law; Office on the itort tt side "ft he Diatnond.het wee., elarl:et and Union st rects, up stairs Fen 10 A DURBCIRAW, Attorney at Lao.; tendert, profeAAionnli.ervices to the public. Office on FICtIt Street, above Wood, Piitsburrii, set, 10 EYSTER 4- RIJ,III i:s•1 15, iitterney., ut Lam. (Aire ff . 91 1 ,1 ?EA 6 , 011001 Donomad. In •• 4 Itnroey',Row," had, siJ4Of Fourth Slreel, I.4oweep Martel and Wood 'grapes rep 10 BIUCKMASTER, AT'IRN EY AT LAW, has rentosq,l itis office to Itcare'i. 1..71w Illittd— nto, FOll rill reet, above Stoll h fie!d , Put -burgh. xep It) W. LRIiYO, AttJrney at Law, ntlit . e Fi(i street, near the Theatre, P.ltiour:h, sep 17—ly READS AV ASIIINGTON, A 71'0 RNEr Ar Law. —Mee iA P3l(vwrlCA 11"414ing Grant street, Piltsburzh. Nxiv. .5. 184 3. JOHN J. MITCHELL —A torriey at I.4l¢..olfire corner of Southfield and sth eta . Pit ISl , Urgli • .1)3 Collections made. A I business entrusted to his are will be promptly attended to. reb 16—Ir RKNOVAL.— R. Morrow, Alderman; otri e mull] side Of Firth at., between Wood and Smithfield Ma. Pittsbu rah. sep 111 DR.B. R. HOLMES, Office in Second street, next door to Mutvany k Co's Was! Warehouse seri 10—ly JOHNS VON t I'OCKTON, Bookseller... Prlnterp an Paper Manufacturers, No. 37, Market Ft. pep 10-ly JOHN ANDERSON, Smithfield Foundry, Water st.. sear the Monongahela House, Flttlaursh. sep 10—ly TUllialt 1 VotING THOS. B. YOUNG Sr CO., Furniture Ware BOOMA, luorncr of Hand at. k Exchange Alley. Persons wishing to purchase Furniture. will find it to heir advantase to give um a call, being fully ,attsfied that we can please ad to quality and price. re p 10 66 ÜBLS. PLAN FATION MOLASSES. receiver; per Steamers Little Ren and Fulton. and for J G. 4* A. GORDON 12 Water street sale by star 27 NICBOLAII D. COLUIAM • • .....LOYD Q. COL[Y•N COLEMAN it CO.,Gene: - . 1 A gents, Forwarding and Commission Merchants Lc vee Street, Vithiburg alias They reepetfullyEOACl l 00II6I:IrMe1116 WEBS CLOSEY,B Bunt and Shoe Manufacto ry, No. 83 Fourth St., nest door to ihe U. St at cs .inict Ladies Prii.,eita, Kid and Satin Shoes made ;n fte meatiest magnet . , and by the uemestrrenc It patterns. alp le i gr:1_1,111.011N TOOLS, consisting of Hoes, Fancy Spades `VI . Transplanting Trowels, Eliding Tools, Budding Lairras, "'toning Knives, Pruning Shears, 'etc., just re• etched and for sale by F. L. SNOWDEN. sep 10 134 Liberty street, bead of N'ood. iI,GISTRATES'EILANKS, for proceedings In At lischweat under the late law, for sale at this Office BLANK PETITIONS, NOTICES, &C.- 'I • be used In Bankruptcy proceedings, printed on Rood paper and la the forms approved by t be Con rt,for ca le t the 011 ice of the Mercury and Democrat. Pep DI WDI.ItUBBARD, L2dies' fashionable boot and shoe anufacturer, No. 101, Third wreet, between Woad and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh seplo JAB. PATTERSON, Jr.. Birmingham, near Pittsburgh, Pa., Manufacturer of Locks, Hinges and Bolts; To• lease, hiller, Al ill and Timber Strews; Housen Screws for 111141154 c. sep 10—fy OHN WCLOSK_EY, Tailor and Clothier, Lilier.y street, between Sixth and Virgin alley, South side, sep 10 JG.4. A. GORDON. Commission and Forwarding • 'Sembilan', Water at, Pittsburgh. sep 10-1 y Birmingham & Co. C° MaLIBRON AND FOR WARDING N CHANTS, No. 60 Water street, Pittsbufgh Pa. Ternts—teeeiving and Shipping 5 cent.; per 100 lbs. Coaandatiotts on Purchases and sales 2i per eent. mar 21..'43 S. MORROW , MANUFACTURER •f Tin. Copper and Sheet Ivor Ware, So. I.7.ittfth wt., between Wood and Mar . Keeps CORSUIRtiI OR hand a good assollosent o f wares, aseitedleirs a share of pnblic patronage. Also, on hand, tlimfotketrlng snider Shovels, Pokers, Tongs, Gridirons, Skillites, Teakettles, Pots, Ovens, Coffee Mitts ke. Met. elandsomil Olken are invited to call and exandas for eAeaaaMal.as he is &itemised tosettelteap for cash or alsprevey..per. •or.l r dvertisiug. LYE LINES OR L One month, CAK) Two moms, fl.OO Three months, 7.00 Four months, 8,00 Six months, 10,00 One year, 15,01.1 YAWL FOR SALE:—A N.* Clinker built Yawl (McNaulibien's build) for eale low for tub. Ap ply to BIRMINGHAM 4- Co, ap IS' - No 60 Water at 11)-:411111 •11101KNINO - PAST. --- HALLMAN, JENNINCeS & Co Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Pro duce Merchants, And Deniers is Pittsburgh Atanufoctures No, 43 Wood streci, Pittsburgh. II 1.1. M AN, JF.NNINGS & Cotton Yarn 'Warehouse, No. 43 Wood street. Agents for the sale of the Eagle Cotton Factory Yarns THOMPSON HA NNA J•1111S TURNEIVI 1.. HANNAdr TURNBULL'S Paper Warehouse, No. 114, Wood st., where may be had a general supply of writing wrapping. printing. wall paper, blank books, school hooks, 4-c, 4-c. ecp 10--ly 11/ C. TOWNSEND 4. CO., Wire workers and IL. ManNfacturers , No. t 3 Market at rcet, between 2d and 3d streets. scp 10—IY v:HANG E HOTEL, Corner of Penn and `t. Clair L streets, by McI(IOOIN 4• SMITH. vep y BROWNSVILLE JUNI A TA. IRON WORKS.--Ed ward Hughes. Manufacturer or Iron and Naffs Warehouse N 0.25. W pod A.. Pittsburgh. sup 10 —1 y - E W GOODS.--rre2ton Si Mackey, wh4,:esale and retail dealers in P.nOistr. French, ar d Dornesilr Pry foods, No. I. Marker.t sen 10 TO fI N WDEVITT, Wholesale Grocer Rertif lug And Dealer In Produce and Pitishurch Manufacluied Articles, Xfi. 224 Liberty Street, Pitt, burgh. sell 19 'A/mutt* H. WILLI/04n JCIIN DILWORIII WILLIAMS & DILWORTH.--Wholesalr Grocers Producc und Gonimisslon Merchants, and Jesters in Pittsburgh Manufactured articles, No. 29, Wood street. sep 10 JOHN R.Sneuirr ht , . N. Kr•ii SIIERIFF dt K.EA.N, it tivifiietiirers of Cooper. Tin, and Sheet Iron Ware, No SU, Front st , hurgt. House Spouting and Sieanitioat work romptiv PSECUteIi. Pel , 10 DAVID SANDS, IV ATCH .3( CLOCK MAKER, No. 7 , St. Clair street, Pitts. .4. L . burgh, DEALER IN WATCHES.O LOCKS, BREASTPINS FINGER RINGS, CHAINS, KEYS, COMBS, .I.e. sep 10 LANDRETH'S G4RDEN SEEDS.- A Nit supply of Laudieih's Garden Seeds, always on hand, autt for sale at his a:ency the Drugstore of F. 1.. SNOWDEN, 184 Libcrty street, head or Wood EMOV AL—Mait hew lours, Rarler and Hair ()rese ll. er, has removed to Fond h street , opposilethe St ay ors office, where he will he havny to:wait upon ermanent ur transient cuslomers. He solicit% a share of public nat• nonage. sep 10 JOAN M'FARL ND, Upholsterer and Cabinet M-ker, Tkird et. bete-era Wood 4. Market streets. respectful informs his friends and the public Thal he is prepared to execute all orders for Sofas, Sideboards flu. rea us, Chairs, Tables, Bedsteads, Stands, ilnir and Spring Mattrasses, Curtain., Carpets, all sorts of Uptiolsterin: wort:, which lie wilt warrant equal .o any made to the city, and on reasonable terms. Frp 10 0 VA L! —The , have remov• d ter between Wood and Smithfield l trerlg, where they will continue the Wholr,nle Grocery and Corithier. sioti and would re-tte.lfully . o llcit the morn, a....te of their friend! J MY it lir, I 01: rS Co Dec 3 DP.. A.W. AT r ERSON. eon Soittlilleld qlrret near Bitth. sep 1 1 8 A .. - 44.`e 43 %RE ne.nutlet). U MAIL. 1.1%1C Or , 'T•r:ESI A cu R•rt. COALW•RF. fr.int Itt•diord, Ctiailthetttlturg, 11.1rri-Itoro nod I atica•ter, to 1'11115(1.0 totinerting with the. Mail trim of cora to N r, (Hilt' 150 mil( Or.' night oat. .llttd. the Dircri Igoe In Italtininir. rare to Pliilatle'vhia Ba I,vavt, (hilly at 8 o'rlack A 'I, "nice second door IPeCnv Ihr Mcrrhattr: 110'..1 Wood It MENDELL. GI: All SI, W AUG II fro rel. 23, 1843-Iy. rroprirtors fliF: F; VP CENTRAL ROC E. VIA IVA . I lON Al. ROAD AND BALTIMORE "ID OHIO RAIL 1:011) COMPANY ,icsr t2 3 ', = *.fe. 41k ki- , E W line or C. C M. it Cnar 'l.'4 for Wan hin gton City. 1 BaltittaYa. Phi:adelphia and New York. This line i, ht full operation rind Ira vei.P ittsbn rgh daily at 6 o'clock A. M., via Washington Pa. aIA national road to Cumberland, connecting here with the rail road Co t s. in all the above places: Travellers will find this a speedy and comfortable route, ii being a revarale and distinct Pittsburgh and Cumliertand lure, farilil len will lie afforded which have not been heretofore enjoyed. Ex tra coaches forniniled at the shortest notice, wino the privilegr of acing through direct, or taking ene night's rest at their option. For tickets, apply at one office nt I heMonniigancla H ottl+c. L. W. STOCKTONI• Fe h. Preon,ut or N. R. SI:11:7,1" CO, NEW ROUTE. ENTIRE NEW COACHES! FROM PITTSBURGH TO BA LTIMO RE AND PHILADELPHIA. United States Express Line Leaves Pitisl,nrgh dai'y, at 2 o'clock. r. mr, via Steam. to Brownsville, thence in splendid new coaches to inno.erland, over the great National Road, and front there hy RAILROAD, In super or new eight wheeled cars, lo Baltimore Washington city and Philadelphia. The ahovi Line k rlpresented to the traveling public as being unequalled between the Ohio River and Eastern cities for comfort and expedition , having made arrange 'rents to convey passengers through in two days, and no night travel, either by Stage or Railroad Cars.— Think of it! Only 75 miles Stage travelling, and 56 miles less than the Wheeling route, and that in superb new coaches. Fare to Balihnme, $l O . Office in the Monongahela llonse. A. ❑ENDERSON 4• CO., ml d 3 Stage Propricto LiACTS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES—TRUTH IS CONVINCING:— Having been afflicted for nearly two years, with a hard swelling on the cap of my knee. which produced much pain, and used various applica, lions recommended by the Faculty—all in vain war cured completely by the use of one bottle of Dr . Brand relies Linament, or External Remedy. Witness my hand JAMES TAYLOR, Ohio tp Allegheny co, Pa. Jan. 10th, 1840. Dr. Brandreth's Extetual Rentrdy or Linameni; sold at hls office, N 0.98 Wood street, Pittsburgh, PRICE-- 50 cents per bottle. feb 8. JUST RECEIVED, Twelve boxes of Oranges and Lemons, of the finest quail! y , for sale wholesale and retail, by feb 22—tr. 20.2000 LBS Cotton Yarns, assorted lies. 2,000 tb.. flatting, 2,000 " Candle Wick, 1,000 " Carpet Chain, and 500 " Cotton Twine. From the Eagle Facto ry. For sale by HAILMAN. JENNING - -; & Co, Cotton Yarn Warehouse, No. 43 Wood street. mar 17 March 17, '43 F lllll'l 7 , ICE CI: EA11174- CONFECTIONA It Y.— A thinker respectfully informs his friends and the public that they ran always find the best quality of Ice , Creams. together with al: kinds of confectionary and fruits, in I heir *Pei on, at his establishment—No. 11, Fifth street, betv,e ti Wood and Market. N. B.—Parties supplied on the shortest notice, whit cakes, or anything to his line. Also families furnished with Bread. Sep 10 LVANS'S CAMOMILE PILL L OR it 11AM J. cLErtintt residing at 66 Mutt street, New York, was afflicted with DyspepAa in Its most aggravated form. The symptoms were violent head ache, grent debility, fever, costiveness, cough, heart• burn, pain in the chest and stomach always alter eating, impaired appetite, secs:llion of sinking at the stoniarh, furred tongue, nauaea, with frequent vomitings, dizziness towards night and lestleness. 7Fluese had continued up. ward of a twelvemonth, when, on consulting Dr. Wm. Evans.loo Chatham street, arid submitting to hill ever successful nnd agreeable mode of treatment, the patient was completely restored to health in the short spare of one mom h. and grateful for the Incalculable benefit deriv. etl. 2 la(fly came forward and volnnicered the above state Fur Kale Wholesale and Retail by R. R. SELI.FAS, Agent, sep 10 No 20. Wood street, below Second. Cheap for Cash. UNION COTTON FACTORY. Prices Reduced. Short noel Tam ! Long Reel Porn. No. 5 at 14 ctn. per lb I 500 at R rte prr dz 6at 14 ditto I 600 at 9 ditto 7 at 14 ditto 704) at 6 ditto ) at 14 ditto 804) at 5 ditto 9at I t ditto 900 at 41 ditto 10 nt 14 ditto 1000 at 4 ditto 11 a: 14 (11110 20 n , IR ditto !Cotton Warp. ntnd.• to order fry.- Circler.; promptly attended to. Ir left at J. q• C. Painter's. Logan q• Kennedy', or the Port otrire, ;Mitres. lib 27. J. K. MOOR II EA D co. rrifiE enbeerilier has remov• d his Fashionalde Tla torst Establi•lorrent to the Monomratieta house. drit door from first et. no hind , hfield st.where hisold customers and all others who may fa . vor Win with a call may depend on havinz their work done in a supertnr Style. From his r slier leave in the lot ernes+ in this city, and In marry niber fa:Ilion:11de enter In Enrol...and nieriea, he 'feels confident that lin can :ire satisfaction 10 all nun 1113 V Wiier• to favor hint with tin it rnsinm. Bvstriet atteroinn to and en perror workmanehip he hope, to merit and receive a stia re rit prolific patrtnlnar. lie it lend keepirit nn hand a ...it iiaiy of and trirunitrizseintia'ile fur the iteininer tiade tc iii him lie S'sht al very redo, ed B DON %CHI'. 11T:ST/Cor t Ko fir ,%71 , foro•rrly rr ,, c.r , rd to llt :II: flf nod ,vounds, lo•to Ilre 1 ‘t a d . Tio• r I, 101.14 110 lelti.:l•r. Thf` \kr.: IC al P. 6111 rvlart,r, f nnu r,iti , Sitsck i I Nl:ltd.n fang i. o fa r 1,0,•• I (LC 1..111 1 , 1rV,11 I IVe of now ill, :Ohm o rold st,ri ar 1,11,:op ol set rr TIo• npplicatio" 111:+ lorn/ 1,.111.11Cd 111 tic Wnlind. Kr.slll. 1M rt, or rotor huts allot irillf..il wt:rre Vil3l ui V.lll sip :14 in It nap, la I is a VPI y oror re or tithe rector,- the parr air, ried to ri s:rund aped stair, Without Ir, vin; the rlrnmt IX 1 rhind Thir preparallon also a crrlain trio. rly for tJ.11,4 ppe . ..1,1111 .. ..11,M. sore-. brea:i -ore culpp'e and all marl eroprloris of the skin. It. ,a, r e.. a: a rip, for the plies and the vllllrlocr4 for Oa rtra Iv". properl it, are fr. +in 'lie Op •I Vre,tal,le and eir• lezlttenerl solutes --Ilerald. F.r sale nt Et 6 Fir.urth ntrro: 11311Y.V0,4f.F.,%"()JV ellk:-VISTRY—Enor I Hui, Dtc--colo, l lie hair and will not the skin Thbr Ilcr 1. in he loan of a Powder which in plaih matte. of tart may he :wilied lo the hair over nil hi, the 11,1 n 1.2111 tllrnnrg the li..thir,t or ffrrir hair to dark brown, and by repealing a befOlid or third mall', In a fet black. Any person may. tilers ere, With I lie lea:I po.itthic trouble I•frp 11, hair any dark .bade or a iterft ft Hack. with line positive a<ittiratice l lint the powder if ',plied In ihe Akin rill not color It. There is no roliarina in Ihi. sfairalral. nit any nor may ra4ily tent ,Theme Carts are warranted by the rheallst who manufacture', 11. Firr sale at 117'171.E'S,' a 6 Fourth street, where n large as,ortmrnt of Medicines may always he had al either whole , ale or retail JI .9 31 F. S 11.1 I / JOHN P.l PAWING s .9.1/FS have entered imo partnership for the purpose of tr - msactin , 2 a «•M - Mutate Groc , ry; El oduce and ( . .“11111in. tzit,n under the firm and style of II AII.SIAN JENNINGS 4- Eo.,nt No 43 Wood street, opposite the Nterchan tri, where a supply of Groceries and Pitts In rzli red A rticies can alway' he had on !Me al terms. March 17 '43- TORM uo, SNUFF AND (1 AR STORE. J. FULLER'CON, No 1146 If "ood Street, one door above Sixth. conttantly on lined all kinds of the two Spanish Cigar n: Regattas, Casadores, Coormaoes, Trabucas, Principes. Also, half Spanish and Common Cigars. Toliarro °fall the bent brands: Cavendish, 55 lump; Baltimore P/u,g,l-2q and 16•, lump. Also, tilts. Miller's Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco. Snuffs: flappre, Scotch, Marcahnu, High Toast, 4.. c. Ile has also, all other articles in his line, which he offers, wholcrale and retail at the lowest cash prirr,z. CALL AND SEE. June 8.---6 m. WILLI A DOHERTY, HAT and Cap Manut,eturer. 148 Liberty st, between Market and Sixth. up 10— 6m. J. M. Sanderson & Son, FRANKLIN 110 USE, PHILADELPHIA. as Elegant establishment has been In operation dur. 1 ing the last nine months, and notwithstanding the general depression of business, it has met and sustain ed the approbation of lite public and yielded to the pro. prietors adult compensation for their labor and alien lion. Its location being In Chestnut stieet, in the im mediate neighborhood of the Post office, the Exchange. Banks, the Steamboat landing, the most business part of Market street and the placer of amusement, It presents to :he busine:s community or those visiting the city on pleasure, all the facilities and comforts so desirable to the travelling public. Its arrang merit, also, enables the guest to regulate his expenses, and to live in a style of elegance or economy suited to his notions or disposition. The facility of procuring meals at any hour, and of gel. ling that which the appetite craves, is also a saver of time which the business portion of the guests I,oow how to appreciate. The proprietors, therefore, solicit the custom of their old fri"nds„ and promise a continuance of their exertions to make them comfortable. ap 25-3 m. WM. THORN, 53 Market st For Rent. L - NORa term of years. Two building lots on the bank of the A Ilegheny river, adjoining the City line. Apply at the house Agency, Penn street, sth Ward, mar 2. JAMES BLAKELY y t/ST RECEDED, a large apply of In Swayer al Syrup of Wild Cherry ,and for sale wholesale and retail by WM. THORN, ao 21. So 53, Market st. PEASE'S HOARHOUND CANDY.--Tome has received this day from New York. a fresh supply o. the above celebrated cure fur Coughs, Colds and Con aumpt ion; and is ready to supply cie.roinctsal wholesale or retail, at his Medical Agency, 36 Fourth it. nov 12 1 1 - 111 C, :Yet, ‘dashiortable Boot Maker,— Has removed to No, 34 Market street, between Second and Third streetit z where he would be happy to see his old customers, arid all others who feel dkipos_ ed to patronise him. He uses nothing but first rate steel,. and employs the best of workmen; and as he glvco Ins constant personal attention tobusinetLq, he truststhat be will deserve aid receive a fair share of patronage. vep 10 12 at 14 ditto ratidiewi v k at 15 ci• per 11., 13 at 141 ditto coin flatting • 8 ditto 14 at 15 ditto ratitily do. • 1.! ditto 15 at 151 ditto Cart Chain • 18 ditto 16 at 16 ditto Cot•n Tv% Ine • 25 ditto 17 at 16e ditto Stocking Yarn and IR at 17 ditto Coverlet Yarn always on 19 at 171 ditto hand Removal. Don't forh , ef . RG Foirth erect 7 COPAR LOOK 'AT THIS D R. GOODE'S Celebrated Female Pills. These Pills are strongly recommended to the notice of the ladles as a safe and efficient remedy In removing t hose complaints peculiar to their ites, from want of ex ercise. or general debility of the system. They obviate costiveness, and counteract all Hysterical and Nervous affections: These Pills have gained the sanction and approbation of the most eminent Physicians in the Ifni. ted States, and many Mothers. For sale Wholesale and by R. E. SELLERS, Agent. sep 10 No. 20. Wood St reet. below Second. W M. ADAIR, Boot and Shoe Maker, Libo.ty St., opposite the Aead of Smithfield st., Pittsborgh.— 'rho suhp.eriber having bought out the stock of the iate Thomas Rafferty, deceased, has commenced business in the aid stand of Mr. R., and 19 prepared to execute all deneriptlons of work in his line, in the manner and on the .linrinet malice. tie keeps earslantly an hand rt la me :, ,,, nritt, t o n.,,isr t , , of 111 de=relptfonr , and 11. , pa , roont., of the nub. 11e. and %V AI ADAtrt. .pep 10 pirrsirrncli M Vvlrr teTorty.--Spr/ll ff / Mid .IrleA r.,,,41 f P. al E:nocrrr Prices. The anti,r-ri1.•1:2 unit reii , tantly on hand Conell •• ;warranted.) lily - data Iron A airs, Sliver and Brass plairil Dash prantrp, Braga and pUtled Huh Rands, Slump loin's, Patent Leather, Silver and Brava Lamp.. Three fold Ptepa, Malleable Iron, Door Dandles and flinger'. ke JO:CEP COLEMAN. sl.C.Nair lir:lr ii e '1 1 1releviy Uric* H .D.Ser.LERs, M. D., office and dwelling in Fonrlh, pear rerry strelet. sep 13-1 y LOOK AT THIS Thrt attention •ftho•e who have been somewhat seen. ilea! In reference in the numerous certiticaten published In favor of Hr. Pwsvne's cnmponne Flynn!, of Wild Cher re, on account ontoe liprsnna twin_ unknown in this xer tion of Ili. Slate direried to the followlia certificate, the Writer of which tipsy horn a eh 'zero of Hits hnronyll forveveral tear. tied i. known a eeniteman of and rtir.,gonsildfli v. r,7 the ~I,ifewt. Mr. J. KIRI,'" Inane n.rd fir cttacne, Comp not Strap of Wild Cherry for a Cottrii, with which I have been severely a( flirted for about four niontlin, and I have no 'levitation in 0 , 30111 that It isthe most effective medicine that I have been able in procure It rinmonvev all unesvinevc and recfire , i well with my diet.—and mantalny n ronenlar and gond anftritte. Iran freely recommend It to all othwre vimilitrly afrirtrd. J. Borough oreliamberrh'ff. Mar;ll9. PAW nep 23 For 40. by WI f.I.IAM THORN No. 33 Market street. --- FRUIT, SHADE. AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. 100FIRSONS derirouv or proeurlnu Fruit. Shade. and Ornamental Treer. or Phrtlbberv, from rhiladel. phin or New York, are requested to snake application as noon nr nor':tide, at the Dm, and Seed Store or the soh. nrribr r, wht re ran he had rata lognes, :1 , 111110111,0v, of the woo ,s , ,.itent uarielire. F. L. SNOWDEN, aro 21 No 144 Liberty turret, head of Wont . AV' I. LI A M t'. WALL. Praia sad Fancy Portrait an't r , rigre Frame -Varsatfactrrer, No.' 87 j Fewer& 5t...., rt,itrittsrArk. —Canvass Artuther. Varntrh k c.. for A t rots, alwa vr on hand. Conlin: Ciarrea, kr, prom tutu framed to order. Ft epairin: done LI the short nott not ire, I'qrt6 . lllnr nri'enlion paid to re,tilding angl johblng °lry Per , ort• tilling tip ' , lrani Foal. or house's will find It ti heira,lvan , 7/. to rail. Pep 1 0 M t I'EEI.E. mirtervor to H. Rl'Clorkry . , Faph 5 tou t •Ir now Maker. I,lherly nL , 211 hoar from VI .?11, Ilex vuharriber requeelfullv informs , the pull ill h:11 I, Its. cont , nr nerd the above end neva in the ‘hr,' foriorrlv orrnrird by Mr. Henry M'Clo4krv. a pall,' he iF new prepared in attend In all orilery in Mr' !fur ,I••=pairl, Anti nil the Most reasonable lola,. Front •vorrleure ht the niannfueinre of Fa-litenat,lr flow.. he feels ronrldenl that all :Wick., fro, salirfar, ion to hiss pa fre e :. A olive of plod,: pal rona7e 1,1 re.peelr,illT ,oielt, d. .ep to l f - 1 I hi') SE iS A f ra“ 'ply of Rvr Featly, eon in:" of Vannr nip and Cave; rrrelved f,,!, I F 1, S'NeIINDE! , :, 1411 !Ars., v rt. AvM. E. AUSTIN, Attorney at w, Piilohnrgh, Pa. (Mire in ..1111 ct re et, appcoeltr floirke's Balloting. nE. ccale,E=q.,wtggivehiaalleniiontomy onfinivhed In, ,, nev., and I reromruend him in the patron nee of nor foir torho WALTER FORWARD •ep I(1_-1v P lTTStttlt:Gli R ATI lt:f; AND REFERE N CE [JIM AR Y of Religion..ll leal.and Mia. cdlaneous Works, will be men every day. Sa:,halh rx. rented. 'tom lock, A M 9, P. M., In the En chan;eßuilJina,eornrr of St Clair eruct:lnd Exchange alley. n more ?tinctual attendance will be 2lven by "'P 10 J. G EN M NEW YORK DYER. elks E E 111 MES, would respectfully Inform his friends N..../an the public In gencrtil,that lie dles Ladies' dresses, Mishits and Mantels of every description, black—and warrants Item not t o smut. ani to look equal to new goods. Ile dyes fancy colors of all desermi tans on silk and carpet y arn. Also, drain: and restores the colors of gentlemen's clot !ling. so ns to reemllle new gond., Mr. 11. flatters himself Ihi t he ran Wen, the public, as he has done an extensive business In New York for twenty years. All work done on moderate terms at his establishment in sth st, between Wood and Smithfield De tr the Theai re. CERTIFICATE Thi + is to certify that OSEE lIIMES has (loos work for us, which has fully answered our cip,:etatiuns, and we consider him a competent dyer. S. Hemphill, Wm. Barnes, J. B. Shurtleff, David Hall, B. F. Mann, Davi &lies, Joseph French, jr.. Andrew Puri'v, W. B. Boie e , Wm Porter, H H. Smith, Henry Javens, A. Shockey,. jr., Joseph Vera, George Barnes. ap --- JOHNSON & DUVAL, ROOK BINDERS AND PAPER RULERS, C ONTI NUE hu.iness at the atand late of MeCantlicr r tfr .1011nm:in. Every rie‘coript ion of work in their lin neatly and prommi y executed. may R— ly BETTER BARGAINS THAN EVER •T THE THREE BIG DOORS. rpliE :übseriber wonld respectfully Inform his rust° _L mere and the puhlic generally, that notwithstanding the unprecedented sales at the Three RI; Mors, durin g the present season; he has FUR on hand Hie Hirsch and most varied assortment of elegant CLOTHING that can he bought west of the mountains. The public may rest assured that all articles offered at ltt store are mann fic• tured front FRESH GOODS, purchased In the Eastern markets this Bring ,and made into garments by Pitts burgh workmen. In consequence of the n.ultiplication of slop shops in our city, tilled with pa wn•brokers,clothes and the musty, cast off garments of former seasons, from the eastern ci. lies, the public should be cautious to ;cotenant the char. atter of theestablishments in which they are invited to purchase, before they part with their money. The ar• titles offered at several of the concerns in this city, are the mere offal of New York and Philadelphia slop shops, and sent out here to be palmed off on the Pitts. burgh public. Purcha'ers should he on their guard a. gains) these impositions, and I hey may rely on the fact that no establishment that advertises eastern used. Clot.i• in:, can give as good an article or as advantageous bar. gains as can be had at the "Three Big Doors." The public will please remember that all the subscri ber's g trments are made In (Al. city, by competent work men, and not gathered up like the goods now offered by the iibirds of passage" from the shreds and patches of eastern ■lop shops. It will always be his endeavor to maintain the re,mtatlon that the oThree Big Doors' have obtal rice for furnishing's superior style of eLf ING in every respect, and at prices below those of any other establishment. He would again return his thanks to his friends and the public for the unprecedented patronage Lestowed upon his establishment, and believing that they have found it to their advantage to deal with him, hewould repeat his invitation to all those who wish to purchase Clothing of every description at the lowest price to call at N 0.151. LIIIMITT JOHN hITLOSKY. Li . Oheerve Metal Plate in the pavement. ap 26. - V‘7Al• ELDER, itterxsy et Levv.-0111ice in See. oM ctreetAnd door above the corner or Saab /lead. north side. tn. 23. PROSPECTUS! For publishing a nelo Daily Palmr ix the City of Pitti =MMI DAILY MORNING POST. THESubscrlbers having made arrangements to merge the American Manufacturer and Pittsburgh Mercu ry into one Journal, have concluded to publish a daily paper with the title of the Deify Marais/ Poat. The leading object of the “Porr" will be the dissemina- tion and defence of the political principles that have here tofore been maintained by the Editors, in their respective papers, and t heir best efforts will still he devoted to the advancement and success of those doctrines. Although, in politics, the paper will be thoroughly democratic, yet the Editors hope, by giving an honest, candid history of passing Political evenly, Foreign and Domestic Intelligence, and brief notices of all mat ten and occurrences that come properly within the sphere ore Public Journal, to make their papet sufficiently In cresting to entitle it to the patronage of the . public, ir respective of party considerations. -- In addition to the political and general news that will be found in the “Jtforoiog Post," the Editors will take pains to furnish the businesas community with the latest and most Interesting Commtactkr, DaTCLLt• ccarc from all parts of the country, and to have prepa red such accounts of the Markets and the State of Trade as will beadvantageous to our Merchants and Business Men In their several callings. Terns.—The Parr will be published en a large imperi• al sheet of fine paper, (manufactured especially for this Journil) at the unusually low rate of FIVE DOLLARS per annum,payable In advance. It will also be sold by newsboys at the low rate of TWO CENTS a copy. Advert', ements wilt be inserted at the lowest rates charged by the other daily papers of the city. fr3-TVVENTY active lads are wanted to Fell the Post, who will be engaged on the most liberal terms THOS. PHILLIPS, W.F. SMITH. Aumsl 31, 1842. MORISON'S PILLS BY Morrison 4. Co. London, for sale only by S. ft Wickersham, corner of Wood street and Virght alley Pittsburgh Pa. and H. Harwood, Beaver Pa. who is sole agent for Western Pennsylvania. sep 10 FOR SAFETY. Travelers should select Boats provided with Evav's Safety °wards, for preventing. Exptosson of Steam Boilers 1T would he well for the traveling community to beat In mind that their security depends entirely upon their own encouragement of boats that have or may be al the expen‘e of procuring the above apparatus. And that every Individual making such selee ion Is eoniettu tin: towards a general introduction of an invention ad• milted by all men who undetstand the principles of the stpRID EflOne, to be a Cure preventative against those dreadful d wavers You have cc tainty, la the handlHs of explosions that have already taken place, their almost daily oeeu'renre, and the thousands of lives that have already been Inst, a sufficient warning, and inducement to make inquiry for a Safety guard Boat, and In every ease to give it the preference. They have went to an additional expense that your lives may be secure Ought you not therefore to meet them with a corresponding degree of Hoe, ality. and by your preference show that yt.o appreciate their laudable endeavors to stop this aw• ful sacrifico of human life They do not charge more than othci boats; their accommodations in other respects ate equal, and In many cases superior; and as there is one leaving Pittsburgh every day:lihtly, will you run any risk, when it Is so tom letely In your own power to avoid those disasters. Alt boats marked thus [lt] in the List of Arrivals and Del allure*. in another part of this pat.er, are supplied with the Fairly Guar . List of Boats provided with the Wei' Oaard. ALPS. MENTOR, AG N ES. MICHIGAN, AMARANTH, MARIETTA. BRILLIANT, MARQUETTE, BREAKWATER. MUNGO PARK, CASPIAN, MEsSENGER, CECILIA, MONTGOMEY CANTON, NORTH BEND, CICERO, NEPTUNE, CADDO, - NARAGANSETT, DUKE of ORLEANS, NIAGARA, DUQUESNE. ' OSPREY, EXPRESS MAIL, ORPHAN BOY, ECLIPSE. OHIO, FORMOSA, ORLEANS, FORT PITT, PENELOPE, GALLANT, PANAMA, GALENA, QUEEN of the SOUTH J. H. BILLS, ROWINA, JEWESS, RARITAN, IDA, SARAH ANN, INDIAN QUEEN, SARATOGA, ILLINOIS, 8,4 — ANNA, LADY OF LYONS, " LLEYRAND,. VICTRE S, ALLEY FORGE ; IVEsT WIND. ASHLAND, BkIDGEWATER MISSOURI MAIL, CLEVELAND, OLIVE BRANCH, COLUMBUS. CUTTER EDWIN HICKMAN, EMMA, GENL. BROOK, TOBACCO PI ANT JAMES ROSS, ADELAIDE. BRUNETTE, COLUMBIANA CLLIPPER, MINSTREL, EVELINF, i OW LEA'S PATEN' REP . STE/it). M ANUFACTURED at Wm. Ltrystmses Cabinet Shop No. 69 Second street, between Wood ant Smithfield, where a general assortment of Furniture may be had at reduced prictms for 'cash, The superiority of these Red.teads,cotorist in the Dist. enings, which for durability and ease In putting up and taking down. Ir not equ illed by any other now In use —and to all such as would consult their own comfort In their nightly alumburs, It should be remembered that all classes of the bug family are fastened is by these fastenings. rßigh s for Counties, Districts or States for sale by JOHN FOWLER, Patentee: We, the Undersi:tned. do certify that we it.,, eiasn. fined the above Bedstead Fastenjags, and have no hesita tion In pronouncing them the best now in use. -coming up fully to the reprosentatJon in the above tdlPrgilie. Mat. Wm., Gmhirm, Jr., Joieph !Cohan, Wm. trte, Juteob 4 ireiplat, Jollm A. 416: LColargeehtm. - ap 27. —Zit THE LITERARY POST. origin of Words and Phrases. 'He's cut a Dido.'—lt is often told hi history that ado, a queen of Tyre ) about eight hundred and seventy years before Christ, fled from that place upon the blur • der of her husband, told with a colony set. tled upon the northern coast of Africa, where she built Carthage. Being in want of land, she bargained with the natives for as much as she could sbtround with a bull's hide. Having made the aggreement, she cut a bull's hide into fine strings, and ty. ing them together, claimed as touch land; as she could surround with the long line she had thus made. The natives allowed the cunning queen to have het Way, but when any boy played off a sharp trick, they said he has cut a Dido;'—and the phrase has come down to our day. 'He's tenet a Tartar.'—ln Ponie battle bet*een the Rusaians and tartars, who are a wild sort of people in the north of . Asia, a private soldier called out, 'Captain, hollo there! I've 'caught a tartar!' 'Fetch him along then!' said the - captain. 'Ay, but he won't let me!' said the man; and the fact was, the Tartar had caught him. So when a man thinks to take another in, and gets bit himself, they say—'He's caught a Tartar!' 'Carrying this war into Africa.'--In ode of the famous wars between Carthage and Rome, Hannibal, Carthaginian leader, and one of the most wonderful meh of antiqui ty, led bin army into Italy, and for several years continued to 'threaten the city and lay waste the surrounding country.— Scipio, a Roman general, saw the necesti. ty of getting rid of Hannibal, and his for— ces; so he determined to lead an army into Africa, and threaten Carthage, and thus make it necessary for Hannibal to return home for its defence. This scheme had its intehded effect; and in all times, this retaliating upon an enemy, by adopting his own tactics, is called 'carrying the war iehi to Africa.' The term ,Yankee,'is supposed to have orivinated with the Indians, who calla the Eng:ish, Yongees ; which bathe at length to be Yankees. 'Hoosiers.'—The people of Indiana all called Hoosiers, and it is said to be an ab. hreviation of 'Who's here?'—a question . which used to be shouted aloud by the traveler in that quarter, when, amid the tall grass of the prairies, he heard voices, or saw the smoke of a log cabin, but could see nobody. 'Suckers,' is the designa , ion of the pee. ple of Illinois; because, as it said, the Ga. - lens miners used to appear in spring about , the time the sackers., a large fish of the West ascended tLe rivers. .Wolverine,' is the . titie of a citizen Of Michigan, because an animal of that. name, often balled the Glutton, and somewbsiO're seinbling the rarcoon, is common in that stale. 'Buckeye,' is a tree resembling the cat. alpa, and it is common in Ohio; so Ohio is galled Ihe buckeye state, and the citizens buckeyes. 'Corn-Crackers,' is the nicknaine'of the Ketituckiaus, as a compliment to the soil and climate Which furnishes the people with abundance or corn and appetite to devour it. 'Sohn is the title given to Ear land and Englishmen, because it is faniied that there is a surly, grumbling manner - sa bout the people of that country, which te minds one of a hull, 'Empire State,' is the name , given , le New York, beca'use of its great extent% population and wealth Pennsylvania is called the 'Key Siono S!ate,' because of its central position. Georg's. IDemocratic Republican Convenlion.--: , This body met at Milledgeville on the • sth inst. On the first day, about two lm. ' dred were present, On motion of Dr Daniell of Hall encoty i Dr Tomlinson Fort, of Baldwin, Was: elf , pointed President, and F. H. Sanford Secretary, and Davenport P. Ellis, ands- __ taht Secretary. On taking the Chair, tbri" . President responded to the call of the Con. vention in a short and appropriate address,. A committee of 21 was appointed to cons eider and recommend a fit and proper candidate for the Presidency. Mr. Cohenl from that conamittee, offered on Tuesday, a preamble and resolutions, recommend ing Mr. Calhoun for the Presidency; re appointing the delegates appointed during the last Legislature, and instructing them to vote for Mr. Calhoun; recommending, the National Convention to assemble et Baltimore, in May, 1844, and that the del• egates vote per capita, so as to assimilate its action to that of the Electoral College. all of which were adopted by the Conven tion, after a few remarks from Hon Howell - Cobb, and Mr Hunter, against them, and Mr McLaws, of Augusta, in favor.. Mr . Cobb was mild and conicliatory, ekpreir , sing a preference for Mr Van Ruren. but each and all avowed a determination to sae._ dike private predilietion to the voice of tber National Convention. After six or seven . billottiogs, Mark A. Cooper received the nomination for Governor, and Mr Jame s H. Stark, of Butts, was nominated for Con. glees in the place of Mr Cooper. • _ A committee, consisting of 11. R. Jack. son, Dr Daniell. Jos. Day. Irby Hudson, and Solomon Cohen, was appointed to draft an address to the the Democratic party. • in animated discussion arose on the question to appoint the committee of 21, but the utmnst firrnOn, 4 feeling preaeit. J **MUM Cotiteutioa adjourned on 110.1! eaday afternoqn; about era o'crorit,