Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, June 15, 1843, Image 3

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    L.L!.] :*
JUNE' 15. 1843.
N 6 t;of "Democritus" will appear to-
Fourierism.—The members of the
Trades' Union will have a grand meeting
to-night. All who feet an interest in the
'ect should not fail to attend.
Attempted Robbery.—On Tuesday
morning, at about two o'clock, an attempt I I
was 'made to enter the house of Mr Jame s
We, on Federal street, Allegheny, by raj•
sing the window, in which the scoundrels
did not succeed. They next tried the
window of Mr Hopewell, next door, am!
making some noise, the old man was awa
kened, and on coming to the acme of ac—
tion. the robbers decamped, leaving behin d
them only a hatchet.
Allegheny is now tufested with tome
eight or ten "Penitentiary Rats," as they
are called —perslns who have just hPen
eel at liberty, and whe loiter about the (icy,
watching every opportunity to rob. Oc..
casionally one goes away, but his place is
soon supplied by a new one fresh firm
the "big house," and thus a full hand is
kept up. regu'ar'y organized for plunder.
The only remedy for the evil is an efficient
Elghtiag —Trials of strength in the
tough old fashioned way are quite common
in Pittsburgh and vicinity just now. The
dullness that pervades the community e'en
wally. and the loafing part of them purtieu
larly,has made a vacuum which must neces
anriiy be filled up by that species of ex
citement most easily attained. It is no
great affair to kick up a fi lit, and a , " they
jet at it to while away the time or win a
The election of T I
tiasLiy 'WAS the first
within our knowledge where partisan pol
itics was entirely discarded. It was Dem
ocrats, Whigs and Blue Noses, against
Whigs, Blue Noses sod Democrats.—
Possibly we may never look upon its We
So:ue of oar morning cotemporaries o
Yesterday, made considerable a lo ab gut a
woman being throv, n from a horse in Smith
field street. According to (me of them the
horse was a very considerate animal, as he
held up 111.1 r, )1 for fear 'f honing her.
Froissaree Chronicles, of events in En-
P:atice, and Stain. This nire and
interesting old work, has been isiued by
-the publishers of the N. World, and is lor
Gale at Belford's. The reader of Stott':
poetry, will no doubt r ineril)er the inter
est created in lits mind by the numerous
notes from old Froissart' work, -Ai h
which the author explains at.d illustrates
his poems. The book is one of the cui
°allies of literature, and will 'no doubt be
eagerly sought after.
The False Heir, a new novel by Jaine.,.
is also for sale at Berford's. The fame of
the author will ensure readers for it.
.Daniel 11 , ,one' is creating e. niNeh rxeite-n , nt
on the Pittsburgh b-ourde, as the old Pioneer uas•l
of do among the red skin.. Pittsturgh is a great
pace.—Cin. Eng.
The Enquirer is mistaken again. Daniel has
tot been here at all to our knowledge.
Anus Royall is very much excited about the
'Ssiudivich Islands. She sic with the British.—
Who would have thought tt of Army?
tErporing the past yrar, up to Ed) 13 1943, the
failures in Quebec and Montrea',alone, amounted
to X 934,000.
Health of the Pres,:lent —The Madis onion
sa)a7—'•We learn that bis visit to his farm has re
store•' him to full health and vigor, from the ma
ny toils which his public duties have imposed up
on him for the lost two year.,"
liHE higlirst !Market Price paid for WOOL, delivered - -
tray 31 _ d4 ., i n ,
11l io the subscril er, at his warehnuse, No. 100 liberty
A young Man sixteen yeare,rii are lately died ' fr.., opposite the rum or SI h.WI - 1 noxill:: Ground Pepper,
at the bowie t , f correction in Nurilileach, Enz. Ail kinds of r: re...pries, and Pillebarlii Mantlfricl tires, at, 50 do. Chocolate, from l'he.gt:lx ractory, Pall
land. A coroner's jury sal on the case which re- atway. , on h ;rid, rind will he sold low foe CASH; .4(00, just tacelved and for !We try
turned a verdict of 'Died of hard la bor, and for 3000 yards 40 inch Burial's.
J. R.7llllflrtlY. June 5. 43 Wood street.
Want Of food, and no other cause!"—Ex payr .
• ! June 12—wit, Corner of Cecil's Alley 4. Liberty. - ---
Whoever heard of an American slave dy ing of
.bard labor and veva of food? Can the Aboltion-
rtrarriTußia WARD ROOMSL I
rIIIIE half of a very valuable and productive property
fir sale ro a good earl ner on von , low and arca Ir.
ALEXANDER McCURDY. modalinl germs. The property is in New Castle, on the
Pennsylvania and Ohio canal, Ir, Beaver and Mercer
At the old stand of YO ONG R• MeCURDY. Na. 13 l counties. and eonsigiu of a Saw-Mill, with Iwo ,aws
Second, between Wood and „Market streets.
that cut about '3OOO feet per At y and rents for 650 dol.
lIESPECTFULLY informs the friends of the late firm lars, A four story brick Four Mill wnli four run 01
and the public eerier:lily, that lie in prepared to Ito re, 4.• can manufacture about 116 bids g• od floor per
fill all orders for Cabin et Wert-, of any kind. with all day. '1 he Flour and Saw mills have all new works and
possible despatch, and warranted to be equal I o any in machinery and in first rate order. The mill rents for
the city 1500 itollare per annum. A Rollins .'Jill, Nall Factory
Every attention will be paid to furnithing Corn N 3 and Monnirry for making Charcoal bloortA, all of Morn 1
.f-e. when required. June 10, 1543. is worked:hy water power formed by rztrenango slid '
- Nm-liannock creek.. The Rolling Mill le drove by steam
WARD & HUNT, Dentists Liberty weer, n —22 incited cylinder and 51 feet stroke.
few doors below St Clair apr 6 11114. The Rolling
Mill fa large Ind convenient and has a Sheet Mill. Par
Iron mill, Mummers and small Guide and Hoop mill I
Furnace, sufficient for doing a huge busing's. Boats
NOTICE. T pass up and down the race float the Works to the Canal
ALLpersons Indebted to the estate of Aaron Hart , and save expenses of all lraylng,hauling coal kc. ' there
deceased, late of Pitt township. are requested to are 11 dwelling houses and a number of shops and sta.
make payment to the undersigned Executor. and those meson the premises, and sales at New Cast!. for all the
having claims or demands against said Estate are re- iron. nails kr, manufactured and demand Increasing.—
quested to present the same for settlement. The Engine and most of the machinery and most of the
GEO. FOCFIR %N. improvements have run about six months only. The
No. 26 Wood st. Iron Works will rent for about 5000 dollars. The pro.
runty cost, two years ag0,42.000,and since that time 31,
20 REAMS 'Cap" writing Paper. ruled, 000 dollars have been laid nut in improvements. To a
I() gross Bonnet Boards, on consignment, and for ! good partner who can pay 15,000 dollars down and the
sale by If A 11,51 AN, JENNINGS Sroo., . balance in a year, a gond b,,rgain of one half of the above
Jane 6. 43 Wood st. 1 : will lie given.
Apply at ISAAC HARRIS' General Agency and In
dligence rare, 9 Fifth street. Jane 6.
rirThe New York Sun says it has paid $5OOO
lo Fettle the Bennett libel suit.
ETThe Directors of the Boston and Providence
Railroad, have passed a vute to reduce the price
el Cm tan the 17th, one third of the usual rate.
11:TIlere's an item for the Fourieriats:—There
111 man in Cambridge, Mass. who cultivates a
quarter of en acre of dandelions for the BJeton
market, and his crop, which is a rare one, yields
hien - two hundred dollars annual income!
WrMaj A Van Buren and Soho Vat, Buren
ere in the city of New York with their families.
Right.—A Bronson Alcott is going to flaming.
1171 to salt bas been made at Turk's island
this season.
03rThe Oregon negotiations aro steadily pro
greasing in London.
o:trA Mr Hinkle has abandoned the Mor—
gan/Is and left Nauvoo.
The President. —On Saturday morning
the President visited several of our public
institutions; at 12 o'clock, he was received
at the Hall of Independence by Mayor
Scott and several members of the City
Councils, in a short and appropriate speech
by the Mayor, to which the President
made a brief reply. The speech of the
President was repeatedly interrupted with
cheering, after which three loud cheers
were given for the President, and three
more fur Mayor Scott. The Pusident re.
mained st the Hall for more than an hour,
during which time he was waited upon and
congratulated by a large number of our
citizens, the Hall during the whole time
being densely crowded.
Between three and four o'clock, the
President left the city for Camden, where
he was received by the Mayor and citizens
in a handsowe manner. A group of young
ladies, twenty—six in number, all dressed in
white, with garlands, paid theft respects to
i him in a body, upon his landing, one of
whom put a wreath upon his head, while
the others strewed roses before him. After
a short delay the President departed for
Trenton and Princeton,—Penn'an.
All BoatA inarlte f thus (1) are provided with
Evans's Safety Guard.
Reported by SHT.BLE & MITCHEL, General S. B
Agents, No 5, NI irket street.
Lehigh, Price, Cm.
Mayflower, 11110,1woni, L
•Colombia.•••, innit, Wheeling,
Ziinsville, Duvall, Mnrintft.
Viida,Vsnii l griff, Sunfish.
Stviiisore, Bikrr,Cin.
B Immo, Poe. W lice inc.
•Clevelund, licrnph 11, Bcnver,
•Miehizan. Dries, Beaver,
eC , eveland, Flernphid, do.
Mox hahi, Parkin , . if, 11 il'ia•osp irt
Cockburn, brawnsvilie,
*C,lubian:i., rdiick,
St. Louie.
Lailo ,•I
eiornintrtiai Nekno.
NEIL .111 - 1117 iliEt". MUM_ •
8% feet water in the c
TO DR. BR trliDElirll , .4 AGI:NTS!
The iittire in Eittsour.lh which %%as roial.inii.ed tor the I
rinrinnn, of coma. ittina agents in the west, haying Ocean].
pi,sio4l that oil.•rt, no.v cined, and Mr, C. II LEE
in the Diam md, Market etreet, appointed wig at•e”t for
the sale of Pill+ aryl Liniments 411 Dr. Brandetit+ scents
will I nerfore, understand, that Dr. R. will !end a 113-
, vellinr, rizent the country Pore a sear 10 roller! twines' ,
for Fialei made and re, 33elili, b3ir lravioler
will he provided will] a p isver nt dilly Droved
hefore (be Clerk 01 the 4. y and ronnly of Kew York,
nil necr,siry %tour tters and nanets,
Mr . .. 1, I. Yoe, 1, my travniiiiir neent 00,V in l'enii.eL
N. 17, Ftemmn'n - r C 11. Lee. In rear "lilac Nl,r
-kni ja now toy only n.:olii in Piti n tiurt,..h.
New Yolic,iiine 14 h, 1,43,
ti F-11/X.E.F TOCK Ca , to 1 ri.G•ii
I_7 • ric, at the old corner 01 Tll %VW.' 411
hat•in~rom plied ,vil reruil:tii.,o4olilir Ile SY 117 •
IWO Law. ye preii•iffl 1.1 :11 , 111.1Cy+ 1.1
mew. and to 5&I: 1:11 r',lS e IeTTV‘. 11 , 1"!,'
i 0 lila ke• 1 . 1 - :1" . i V Fa 10 . • :1,1 i.r relo,ll,
CeiVe a fail pnri
rlll.llllfjll Aprtl 1,1 I , li
In roirin2 from IhP Itirti‘'.4,.. 1 idke:r
In frC.1111,,...5111,12 In 111.. v1j . .•1.•
F;llllle+lo,kl'o.,hAvo 11:1111-, ir II Wllll 'l,, r in
Meg', a lb,. newAlP - Inon Inn still do 1.11,06
111 ni l sinod.c.L. Et! 11.
Now i... 1., lime td . so: k r a k•er.okkA al stelst.ll v.
l'origl S. Could: It lien.ont ism, C. ut. A. c,/' 5.c —To Ino
a fflicted., a . n eedy ro t e c.‘ t i oe elf, rt.-di, kk.k r. l
l'lle r.,r, o- to fir ,
P'S I , OA fillo UN I) -9 .A . 1 1 Y.
• . .. , r
tv 'lir!: I , allowed I.ii all who have i.dii to hr the best.
rrnittrly ever of f ered f r l'attflt* ott f 'DLLs. Ind
.1/ E IVF S XF:RI E .A.VD PO.lth. LINA:VIE-VT, , 11 '
an out ward rernelf,
an Inward :ipolicalloo, is a eerlati and in..r
itive elite for I , L. lIA/2 P 12 li,
the R iIIMME.iFiIi, Colo, C.inirac.ed Cords nett 1,1n.i.
No doe
'toed and C'oun.scllor at Law,
'toed ...offer Icon the, dt-te,,tet. ll' thou 0 i.l t., 1
the above Medicines. Tile eeli ii Inoto hr had only 6 t ; CADIZ. HARI: Su N COUNTY, milli,
TU fTI.E'S Miratte•t. AGENCY. I Ct . "— 'VI' I at ;tool p.,..,:g. , 11, In the rol't Ilnll or .et ilf li
-Drogel•is and ('malty merchants Sc ill Ito R1111,1:rd at , of r , :k lots, an; nil loci% ,ti,ritil I ..Io rot.r ent trier, - it to It
I\7kW Tonic prices. • IC Fourth Si feCt . , rare in the rot' al tr-. of .11,:rrit ,rt. Jtict mo!, Balm's
Guernsey. Tupec,ctras, livlmeo, Coslioclon L'arr,,i
' Stark a to/ Way , e .
?ll° the flonorolde the Judges of the Con,t of General '
, lifer to: 111. trail mot I Dora is,
E Quarter Re-dons of the Pr..ice in arid fur Alle2lieto 11.1 7011 and rhmiiov. / 4 .
r , /rursh.
county. John !Jiro,., it
The petition of Matthias Wilson. of the 51 lt Word r,f IS
H. T. m 0,,,,,
the rite or ripm,., : t, 11, the county aforesaid. Mould , ,r,„ 27.—!f7.,r
6 1,0, 4 111, Thal your petitioner Mob provided 1.1,,,r0t •
with materials for the a:commod.rt rein of travelers and
others at his dwelling boom in the clty nod ward afore- ,-- _ itur. Ell NI 11' E 1,.
E "I' 110 .
said, and prays (rat your honors will gram hint a license =-, TILE PROPRIETOR
In her ker p a publie house of entertainment. And your pe- of tlik well known, and rontrionlion4 house, .-I,lto'
I dinner as in duty bound, will pros.. the north mut or the ofd / Ileghery totti:e, 'unhurt!.
MATTHIAS WILSON. rl veil- n' d the public, that he has every thing lit
owe order for lire recommit End entertainment of it
We the subscribers, co 17,e118 of the rico, w,,,1, 11 , 11 f... , l''' o" permanent """I'" Ill' n"' - '..!"
&V or - Piltphurgli, do rerlifv that the alinve yet It Inner it nonlerote and no eTertion, will lie .1. ared to Make en.
of eriml reptile for honest V rivd l , tninera ore. and Ix well it'llrtt , "'" rttntlllrlaitle and keel , MI lhe former rePtlliVlOr
of hie Moot,
provided with hot ffiiill' and ronvertleorleti tel the at
rommodation and Id of st•angets nod travelers. and Cord ,tolding for oily number of harrier,
that said tavern is neressare. --
. .
Jas Gosling. A nthortv Pfran:le, R. L. Agnew, rfieunt Entrnet.
flernard Iluerkie, John Kearney, Jacob Hoek,
rritir. pal tons of i his pleasant retreat and all tt lin seek
Ceo Porter. Cott Mosley. R. J. Rush, l,.ea.“l“c In the are air oft he country, are infuriated
Joseph Snyder, Wilhelm Sohrnidt, M. Forster. that the Mount Ern' et 'loose is now nor n for visitors
lone 12. ____ A carriage will lelive the !di. Emmet !tote' every doe
- - at half past 2, no,i ha' f pas: 3 o'clock. Stiod.o g exert,
may 29-3w.htw
50 Bags Green St. last) (toffee. just rerriv.4l.:ind for ; I le " -
sale by HAILSIAN, JEN‘INGS/c• CO , ITILTST RECEIVED. about 50 bores of Bond Burlington
No. 43, Wood P di Herring, 25 reams of wrapping r. nd writing paper,
and a lot of good Rya Flour. for sale on acrommodating
SACKS )hio Feathers, prime article) on consign. i term;
5 men!, and for sale by in lots to suit customers. ISAAC H ARR lilt,
1 June 3. Com. Illerlit No 9; sth at
43 Wood street. t
DANIEL N. CURRY, Attorney at Law. or
lies oh (obit tetwata Weadand Smithfield. ap 8
TAE subscriber most respectfully informs the genita
men of this city and vicinity that be has commenced
the BOOT and SHOE making busmessin Fourth street,
Opposite the Mayors office. Having been foreman In
some of the most fashionable Boot Shops in the Eastern
cities; and having furnished himselfwith the best French
and American Calf Skins. he hopes by his attention to
business to merit a share of public patronnze. To those
gentlemen who have kindly patronized him he returns
his sincere thanks and can with confidence appeal for the
goodness of his work and Imo% ledge cf his business.
may 11. P. KERRIGAN.
This is to certify that the subscriber has been for some
time afflicted with the Rheumatism very severely, front
which he could get no relief, until, being advist.d to pro
cure some of Dr. Fitch's INDIAN VEGETABLE
ELIXIR, which he accordingly did, and from which
after a few doses, he was entirely relieved.
Columbia. April 6, 1752. SA WI, I'EARSE:
Near Rice Creek Springs.
Rirnta id 111.trict.S. C , April 311• 1838. i
I reit ify, that my son, Thomas Mitch. I, Jr.. aged 15
years. has been .roubled for eight yenrs last past with
the R heomatlotn, and for the last three years tins been
elm) Ic to help hiMirCif: his Palo Was very severe, so that
he rou'd not he moved withoot great agnny; his limbs
were naralized and drawn up, and he presented an ob
ject hopeless to all who knew him, I resorted to oeveral
Ph ..ierenp. far relief for him, without effect. lIIIVITIV,
heard o f hr. A. Shell's Indian Vegetable Et xir, I pro
cured the same for my son, On taking it he way much
relieved, and by continuing it to the (mirth bottle, has
entirely removed the pain, his flesh is restored anti he Is
now et,i)ying good health, I would, In a rase of Rheu
matism, earnestly recommend it to those who are nffee.
, Ice Willi this excritei_ling pain. TUC'S, MI I . CIIELL
I %V being neighbors and aeon:little:ices of Mr Thomas
Mitchell, and having often.'er , ii the situation or his son,
folly corroborate the above rase, and, as we believe bas
been cured by the Indian Ve;rtable Elixir.
tz %%IV El, MEEK,
It \ VII) li. II ‘r,
1 1
wifT.P, - r Tliom; SON,
The above, %viol a ere./ / ~,,:e a.r.r.r , tri—it Of other
calunice mediciero, have itiAl I,,eni rurrivet! :end are r"r
sale by the quatoßy or s,ry;le hoti!e, at TUTTLE'S, SI;
FOllllll n'„
1. V 0 0 I
ON ow-231h dav {{.l{rt , n .7{,{{ c..f ill( 6 ,1,
.14 vl CS KELLY. 11100 :1,01,1 9
of nvo. 1,11 Ina h o urs: he w.,e qr., It 1. '..
14211 in
r.`11:11.p,11111'111. He 12... i e"111111CX10,1 p /Ili I . ,{ir
and {4 al h er { { ,,a {{ ,{lv 1 0 .1 r, On 'lle 31011 0r the 0,101 j
11.1110 h, I,4l{r{ool,pr. a hoy {hell al{{-01 ora
went {l,, {. 111- Et) t" AI4 I phi,y lie I,.red •
hair 00.1 dank c, [Wt . 111 , 1 , . I 111 , 1.1 , 1 -
mot . d,•l{{ Ih, it tru , 14410,1•011{1 {{liters .e or.
go, ;,‘ 11./ ft It I I {4-'IV re,
their affllcteli {onr,{.l4. .14.)•1`:
{ rolny 9
Farms to Lease.
fruit: ondetstivwd will !ea=r Iwo Faroe, Fitt:roe rl it.
East 1
.ter.r low tilltitt, with I il , '. 11 , r!Pilry leertient. , ,
iand from 75 to 11:1) ar rea clekred on oar It. A I,n, ott t
1 farm si, nal f d in ‘Ve , t liner low 11.911i1 , %lie:belly county
writ loom 5(1 to 75 3CirS c'tra•rd. Tin ;,hi ve dr fCri I - 1!
prier I, la 111 1,3 , 01 . :11 ,1 % . Sill r ,. 1 , -ir. In% 11 , g at/ rut 1
f litfrom 1111 cil V of ril'`l'",,2ll, and wit Id tt Iwo tittles
of the r,..,%, C.:.fl,i, and ~,: be te• :c .1 on ren . ot ,tol,
' , ertni for front 1 l 0 .hire l (-;.1 - r, 10 :1 . 1.111 ll,T.ntc.
11 IRT 11 A 7tl NI 1.7 II it Y.
Mare!, I.llll—lc.
. _
tmi)t)it-rAN't"r() OWNERS OF
S'f, FP'S na r trallrd F r i( tz t
.117ve folly le-I/-d to d.ffrr rent pails of
:04 1,1 11 it .11 , hi• 1111, r.l Pat.i,0,`...,,t1
Is- st•rtl n 1 a iloolls r
; 1. VII: :St Mr 1‘'Irint••••?,111L%
1111 ,; ar Cu,.....4r
1V 1.1" 11
Of.:lf 'll I bf •• ;d. r it
or \ 1V X
*. t
',WAYc H I . „\L\ 11,7, ;
'l , l
1-)11•11'1 ••rtiv•(l c•••!: the IGO ,
.113 ,, r• nrsl. for r-,•,tz. c - 1, 1 . lamp Thr , ••• aIt•I rt,n , ,rI th, k. The • ••••••
ih•• • ,••e., ill-c",...1:.110•••• 1,, •• re , v.•
1,0 fr.rtn lhr 11),I4 l I/1. • lu k•,,11. r I.
1.,• 1. , ~ • ,
Iti r slCl I'II l' Pflol Inl
tivTIV 29-111,
J. W. Burbridge & Ca
AGENTS for the *aloof Beatty); Powder. Water st
between Wood and Smithfield.
I March MI, 184.1
LOCKS madeexpressly, foipciarder ioagasines, but
0-Nary suitable (Or Pori Bosses. ail the naterkals of
which they are wrest uitli•not rust from Mouth:to
of the salt, will be sold low for cash.
wuy 4-6 w JAS. PATTERSOfi.
DR I PRACHES.-50 bushels Dry Peaches, Net re"
eelved 4- for sale by HA I LBIA NJENNINGS 4. co.
may 11. 43 Wood street.
Corner of Penn is. St. Clair sta. Pitlsb'gh.
TE Proprietors of this elegant and commodious es—
tabilshment, beg leave to announce to their friends
and I !e public, that their price for Board, front this date,
is reduced to ONE DOLLAR PER DAY.
From the locality of this house, being situated mid•
way between the Canal and Steamboat landings, at d on
the great thoroughfare to Allegheny city, the proprie•
tors trust, that with continued exertions on their part.
they will he enabled to afford every attention and facil.
Ity required for the comfort and convenience of their
guests, and hope to merit a continuance of the patron•
age that has hitherto been se liberally extended to them.
The prittopal Sine and Packet offices, ate connected
with the Hotel, and for the Witter accommodation of
their guests, an Omsibus will at all times be in read,.
urns to convey them to and from the House.
No. 108, Market street, ne , t• Liberty.
FrF. villisrritier roniertfully rtii.lnniers and
the tintilic gr rivratly. the? he reinrited (root
the erist whit a large and uletrint arirtorl mein or goods
In his line to which he invites ftlerchaniii and oi heist who
wl-h to tiurrlis-e nr retail, very low for rash.
The rohnwiltz comilrkes part of lit! Flock. with a ve,y
large tu-soriment .1 - fancy g' odi and toys.
~ . 1 111 NI an 1.11.1% 11 1, • 11/1
r 01.11 r•t, vlt, ft
itp aud w !..•fl• i h.'
It 1.1 of un,,,
:on pal Iss EnzliQh, (I,rman ;Intl 4n,criran plu
I• .11111, Mil
0- , P.-.
71) I . pine thread:
10.1 '1... roi:on thre:tel
perr,pz.inn rap , :
16:1• . :ro.s gin and 13-ling I,lllsnio.
I.'o gro•e pr;i 011,1 I UllOTa.
120 e 2, 0.. !are
Ino COZ. torlol-r shell conii...;
.25 der. iortoi.e Olen. Turk ?nd
doz. fine Ivor!, rernln;
210 dui.. dre,n•in:f tun.' 1=;
111 .•61, rono.•
at 1,1 hair :11.d clot hr!
,t. 7 ..tt•:•,,tt. - •
aOvere,l hook. and rye.
h-oka a oi ryr%;
.f ~rOrP;
.11 1',11.111
th,z ncenrltd
,r ft.+ ...I. I Vriin
L7r... rele.raittl pr n 1101.1er•;
‘v ~• 4110 111Prit of NU I, indi of eariel y Co.
„ • , (+Air, r radlP., market and t.I
Y. won!.l In pa. iirn'ar Inv , :.'
fad", 1,1 filln:11111 il•Ze melt
“illl P. -1 C
0110 1 . lIP hett Ail{r'r II! "le; IMP ♦.lllip
• I rrltL !el I' II It II 10! I VIII ("P , .1.1,1. A lun.
fl'l, TV it.rtl hnvo rrrtt rtir , l.
~,!!‘ aroi Iran f!:11
( . 1,1 24) C. VP.ACIA
• S..' rec,,ved
e,ruvr FIE , and for ,1•• hr
G, G:rli 11 , .N
I:1 t; t I . 1 IZLA P
~.'',- 7 t- A - 4 yli FT'S,
A .
F'( - )12 NCINN
Th• r, loaves evrry
:11 111 o'r!,.11: 111
Cu!lr.:, 11 Ire, t•:tve.r every Friday nt
10 o',!ork
le; , ve,: every Sat
tit 11" IV :1' 10 o'r k
r, leave+ r 10.1 y Sun
lay at 10 o'rlut k n
1' M 12 I 11E ., ;CE FOR liE
1:1.1. tor, i:lred I,lr k t on4e, wll . l It writ ntll iva•
led rower Centro of about half an acre, and pi 't
vided wilt) all ri tare sla..lett :rod mit eitildrid:s, is of
fered (or 1 , 11 from the pre-rot time .11• fi el of .‘riril
nett. on the I.lnu , of the Ohio
a short dicta tire from tie rite, nod for r rmven it lire and
and romiorl is not egrelled t.y nov oilier in
of r 0 ,„1,„,,i,. r or n wn.nll famtic nho will lake
good' rare of Inci lellr.e 0111 m mord rirsir
ri'de !oration.. I Itot et u'r I r oldered, For forth, I thf0r
,,,,w0,, amde at r I.i.t try v, or to M. Isar,e, Jr., Liberty
or (!--1 iv.
tr Pair, k Kenitv or Altrattant Hi, cliley will call al
at I h.. orfire of thr Poo, they ma, , perhaps, !war of
That Mite of Interest to one or boll, of them.
pine 7.
it .
'‘ft )nil received Irons New rock and PAiialeiphia
n inr2e and crucial lwrcriti.ciit of vahrahle
Femi/i/ Medicines. and he i, now trail y to stippi y Dtog.
Oslo and Cog tit ty Met r hen's, nt thr teeter 0 wholesale
pi ices— , rensonn'ile disrannl far ea.h--among which
air the following, Indian Vegetable F.llxir, Ile wee'
Nerve and 80111. Liniment, Linn'. It.din of ('hina, Liiin's
Tem!•renter Bitter., Oldridge'. 4 R.iloi 0l Pow.
elf's or A iinlesceii, It own lid', To, Mixture;
Conoitnck's Sarvannrilln, nat•a' Liniment Isar Piles;)
Sonio,.. 111'11(111E11C Remedy, Gridley' A Toner 01111111,ot,
East India Ilnle D3e, Esrence of re, liarriero Oil,
Overstreet's Liniment, ilarthotomew'a rink r.cneciorant,
Taylor's nalsam of I.lvetwott, Seittldi is Eve Water,
Covert's Bnlm of Life, Duntphrey's Pile Ointment,
Poudrrs Sulu Ile., Pla , ters. Pills (cen
iline;) WI son'.4 Dyspeptic rine, Fatinestnek's, Drodis's,
Evans'. See's, tlitibett's nod various other PILLS !--
Iso, Fahnemorles Vermifor,e, Depuret lye Sc top, 0 po.
deltloc. Cough Lozenges, Pneismatic or Coati) Balsam.
etc., etc. A good and general assortment of A LI. the
valuable Patent _Medicines always on hand, and for sale
wholesale and retail•
Don't forgel 86 Fourth street
par' rirrship heretofore exist Ir: between the sub.
Pr rillers under the firm of Yount , . 4. Bradbury, in the
Machine and Seale tutFittess, is this day diraolved by
mut o•I cons , nt. JAMES RR A [)RUBY,
jone 7. CiT I S YOUNG.
r 1
Sicambi)ai James Ros., now lying nt the wharf
at Pittsburgh, her furniture, tackle and apparel, In
all respects in good condition and ready to lake iR a
cargo, will he SOW at mildic salt to the bidder,
on Thursday the 15th June next, at o'clot•N P. M.
The J:inies Koss was built lasi fail, of the hest materials
and in the most substantial manner for loW Water; she
will carry WO tons of freight, and Is well calculated for
passengers. For strength and lightness of draught., she
la not excelled by any boat on the Western waters.—
Terms made known at time of We,
Ex'r of A Bart's estate.
May 30—d4-wtd
MRft. MOODY, having adopted her present residence
on Liberty, opposite the end of Perry , at., for the
reception of boarders, *lll be phased to accommodate
a few gentlemen with board and loolging t ar board atone.
Jute 10-41.
oalurcTarl palm sr •114111 NM Mir*. arCtiaillai NUM
Boni: of Pittabur.th. par
Metch. 4- Man. bk. par'
Exchange bank, par
Bk. of Germantown. tt
Easton tank,
Lancaster bank, din 1
Bank of Chester Co. part
Farmers' bk Bucks Co. tt
Doylestown bk do
Bk of N America Phil. "
Bk of Northern Liberties,
Commercial bk. of Pa. "
Far. 4. Mechanics bk "
Kensington Irk.
Philadelphia irk.
Schuylkill bk.
Southwark bk.
Western bk.
Bk. of Pennsylvania.
Bic of Penn Ti. par
Man. ril• Mechanics bk. par
Mechanics bk. par
Moyamensing Irk.
Girard hark, 151
U. States hank, 48,
Lumbermens', Warren, -I
Frank. bk Washinzton. par
Miners bk of Pot isvile, 4, ,
Bk of Mont , zome.ry Co. par •
Mon.l4c Brownsville,
Erie Bank, 5
Darrlslitirgh bank.
Far. Irk Lancaster, I j
tik of Middletown, 41 ,
Bk. of Chamlershurgh,
Carlisle hank. 4
Bk of Northumberland, par
Columbia Irk Bridge co. ill
Rk Susquehanna Co- 401
Vika Delaware Co. par
Lebanon bk.
fictlystrurgh bk.
York hank, 4
Far 4. Drovers bk. of
Wayne.shurgh, 4 1
Currency notes, 4
Wyoming bank. 10
Prttsh'gli State Scrip 202
Country do do 4
Berks to hare, 70,
1.P1% honwn.
O 1111).
Fa r...t Mech. hk of Siett.
, \II Hark.,
I -}' 1 11 I CH IC. .-1 N
ni, of It. Clair, 10
II no. d0..1 c• 11. smith 31
.._ _ .
do Correnr y mom It C‘N.tpi.
Columbiana l.k New Li• iC ond I,,tik., gin 10
hon Demand, 11 Eastern Exchange.
do rota noi.o, It t'ioludelplita.
. 1 .
Cincinnati specie 'my- INew York: A
Belmont of St. Clalrx
Marietta bk. Demand
hi! hanks, 1 Baltimore, I
Merit. 4. Traders IA of Boston. 4
Cincleinntl, 3 1 we.tern Exchange.
ClittlUn I.k or C.,lumbus, it 7incinnnii, pa'
Demand notes. 11. Louisville, par
Cirel,vllle, [IL Lawrence ICl...veined, 4 dip
CaAtiler) 13 Wheeling.. par
Zanesville I.k. I.I,COLD ...ND SILVER, par
Tl/E 3d story of the building orrunied by R. A.
Bailsman as an Auction store.—heretofore known
as nNesrnitit's Lon! Room,' corner - of Wood and 51h
recut Inquire of R. Morrow. 5 , 11 st. jnn 23.
O 1 FUR SALF..—Four Lots In Manrneonr. One
and a fourth Acres of Land on Holmes' 11111. Lot
non. 41. 42.52. 53. 54.121.132 and 18L in Octik's plan
of Lnts,Z i on Iltilme's Hit! Also, Lots nos Di tied 27. In
Cook's ptnn of Lots on High street. near the new ("noel
tlnuse. For terms ;1,1 vto Z. W 81111 NGTON
gen Itt
'f'" I VVI) po:armAino ;:iv , 9l 04 the I:1. of .t 1.61 next; .
.., .1 brick tionsti on the I ilnk °rine Alleizlienv river
ii'd i 1,,,,,,,,rie. itezli, 4 comfortable rooms, besides cellar and
• korner'. It Is •ery pleasantly rituuted just out side the
rtiv line. with et Ail view or inertly or A ile7hPny, n ill!
win hin 20 minntes' walk of the luir.rt of the riev—ruhe
Jar vrry In.' • 3‘M C. , . FIL A g cr,v
- . ...
ONF.ltrick dwelllot; houtte, retlatttin. , s Inr! ,
hall, two parlours, 4 I Onfll4 np sl tirs, with fin
. f . jaislted csrret.titnlne room and kitchen. with car
11011 4 e. kr. This noose Is pleasantly located h
fl in front and rear, on the ranal hank. corner of
17h,..00t rI roet. lending to H over Itridsr. now in the or
ror t anrr r. McClnre.. rent to .nit the times—Enquire
ni Dr. Whittaker, A Ile:heity City. war ft.
A CONVENIENT three story brick I lweltinz
witnate..m ro) , R , lrert near Fourth. Rent 0125.
nn. In. A n n t,.. to I it M r, .
0 5 V eoppnr diontlbni Monornzahela
.1) Rye rt 11 1 .. hey on ronsiffnntnnt, and for nfl . f! by
nn 1 hnto.non Wond and Ftnith'd
9 / 0 LOX P,oberi4on's NO. 5 I.C'SIP TO
noft lrro.
20 Hnx ert n•enrirrl dn.
.111.1 received• tn.:tether wit I t a 4:rnPral art.nrintent of
every 'hire In the Grnrery Ilse, nnd for sate an the mn,l
;ter ommodnt inr, term•
- -
he r anal parker FR lE. 3, M. Shaw toaster, w 111 run
r l,Lweekly par , ket between the aho - re named
ports. leaves rearer 111 ,, ndave, Wednesdays, Frida
returnlne, leaves Warren on Tue.dave, Thursdays and
Saturdays; connectins Veith the Sitter Lines to Cleveland
direr , . For (retell or nassay.e apply on hoard or tn .
nißmlSa fi \M & CO , Pit tiblu
J. S. DICKEY, Beaver.
ni a v 10.
The old stand of Sinitlorw Patrlrk,
(Lately otexpied by Joke Irons.)
Winn trutr-r Ober wishe, to Inform the citizens of Pills.
A. bur:A, and the travellins public, that he.lias I.cas.cd
the shove well known stand, (silt:laird or; Firth Street,
between Market Wood.) where he . will be happy to
accommodate nil his old friends. and as many new ones
as will he pleased to acknowledge him as t . ..eir host.—
Ilk terms will he moderate. suited to the times. Hle
table will he supplied with the hest that the :llarket af
ford*. Tile bar mill i.e ftirnlshecl with the choicest of
liquors, both domeittle. and f•irelvn. Hit stahles are spa
Mons and commodious, conducted by exper!enced sad
attentive ostlers.
tcr tie worild inform the citizens that he Is prennred
to accommodate a !Moat's of Weekly, Monthly or Year.
ly hoarders at reducsd prices.
Sinee _Veal, 25 cents. Lodging, 124 ets
Boni d ner Week, 32.50.
11U1OR SALE.—Lois on Inn North East, corner of Coa
U Line and Illah street. Apply to
pep 10 RF,NJ, DARLINGTON, Market, nen r 44k.
T ANT) CAP M A NUF ACTU R ER. Every deserip
1.1, lion of fials and Caps on bond, andror sa lr, Iv hole.
sale and retall,al prices to snit the times, at the old stand
o f Eon:lns Q Mooro. 73 Wood s treet, ma} 5.
SOO 000 Bac". l'!” Pale
ma: SO-1m
E,ELS Frrsh Herrin - 2e. jtio rerrived for
'UP ka I by H %HA AN, JENNINGS 4 CO..
may 27. 43 Wnoll
TUFT received, 5000 Freeman's hest Fire Brick, which
will hereafter he kept constantly on hand and weld
low for cash, I y EIRNINGFIA it CO.
may 27' No. 60 Water se;
9 Calf Okla; we've@ on ferptrimertt,aed
for sate by J W BURBRIDGE 4- co:
In tie 3, "les it, between Mod and Smithfield
!Woos' s,.
31a4,14. u . ,
Post notes,
Fran. hk Columbus.
' La.'caster,
' Hamilton,
' Crnovlite,
'1 Com. bk. Lake Erie,
' Far. bk:of Canton,
' Urbana
State bk..t Branches I;
iSiaie Scrip, 27
MI banks.,
7?1 ate bk 4 Branches, 50
Shawneetown, 65
hank of Virginia,
do Valley,
i Fnr. bk. of Virginia,
(Rxritanpe bank,
Wein, bank
Mer. frMgc• do. •
inanimate Ranks.
Country Rank,. ,
All Banks,
lAIt Hanks, par and
Irby !Liar. PI
(safely fund.) 4 a
Red nark, to
Goston Banks,
Countrr t•
,Ortran. flank.. ?nod. 3
Bank , . 2 4
,Bar.ke. ,
Good Rool“.
lIOI4P Alent. sth Ward
For Rent.
43 Wood st.
4th si.. nellr Liberty
001 ii:onygi OS
N. W. Corner of Wood 4 Fifth
Tar prciprletmeof the. Mon'prirra POST and Idtncuel
Leh MArorazreatit respectfully Inform their friends
and the palronsof those papers, that they have a largf
and well choren ainnw_tment
arillElo3l3ll of
&TM) AIM (DUX:CAM REA 1 1 15,12.21,41301
Necessary to a lob Printing Offire, and that they are pre
pared to exezuto
Books, BM. of Lading, eilcula,g,
Pamphlet!, I Dill Headg, Card!,
Blank Checks, Hat Tips•
ILL Was of Slantts,
priate Cuts,
rimed on the .horiest notice and , most reasonabletermik
We respectfully ask the patronage or our friends as
to nithlto in rerteroi in till. branch of our loottnees.
Pltiebureh, Sep!. 89.1842. PHILLIPS 4. SMITH.
WE wonld invite the alienllon of our friends ned
the public tenerally to our assortment of Goode..
wh!ch we have Just teceivcd from the East, all of which
we arc determined to sell at a small advance mu eost.
Cfinnifietn may rely on havlne client), dorel, made
and handsome articles, warranted to fit, which is a very
desirable errobinal
persons who visit this establishment can depend on
finding an entirety new nrenrtm . ent of Sprint., and summer
: m i t e; we do not say one thing and mean another; .when
we say our as9ortment Is lame, fashionable, bandeau'a
and cheap. wt mean that it Is so, and cannot be sue.
passed In this or any other city.
may 31— tr. ALOE() k Slat TIRE,
N p. is
....Steam Boat 010Veri —The £llllPerilltl. In
corm/Invite of the difliruhv of *l* iln Ps has teete
red the peen of his Safer! Guard for the pernention of
the fZp/OtiOn fiLi r *learn Goilero,to $l5O net hoot.
.1 t hoped that 011 h. at owners will avail ix-madame
of these reasonable terms, not only on neenunt of the i r
perf ec t pare' y They afford, hut Mr° In point of erennmy.
°oilers with the annaretns cunt-lied win wear obeli
wire as Inns as those not m o rlded with them
t 6 do shoo:ders, tins day rreodord and (Ott
reinovod Ida nffice to No 63 Fifth street, be.
,vrenWood and Smitlifichi sts. nrxr door to Atdermad
eilr, 7.
I.SBOO OR 1,000 on Mortgage on real evtate, Th
property is among the best freeholds hi the
city. nod the advertiser Is willing In g.lve a h a adaama
prerni,lrn ior'theabovennm. re..further rartita.antip:
rp vat the nfriee of the Morning i'osn.
jun, 9 —(ls,v.
L. & J. D. WICK,
‘Vhole.mile Grnerv+ & Denier:4 in Produce;
116 Wood Sirret, 4 doors nbuve Flab st
Standart, Ingraham di. Co.
CLIVSL•Nn i 92 /04
A G EXTS for t la! MerriontsTiansporintioneonnpasit
11l Composed of the Merelmtits Line. Erie Canal.
Washington Line. .
!limier, Pa!tner 4- Co'.e Line nr Siren] c oat, a--'trot
c.f1.,..ii Ilif! T,olivi. .
rig veland I.i ,a• renr:tivivani;t :,,K1 Ohio va ni il.
Proncietnr3 nr the o ,lErchants Line Ohio Cana'.
I: ET En TO— .
Wit ME 4. Cor..TiVes Bitp, K.
C. finsTra 4. co. Albany.
0-r7s Cu.sr, Boston.
PA.2.11t.R 11" CO. 111E110. .
T. tVlLLtsms 4. Dow, Cleveland.
Box Sons; NI. ALt.xx, do.
o,LKI.Es Gin:Nos, do.'
j. 9. DICEEV. Beiver .
MINGII kt 4 4 Co.; ril;s!.uqh
1 13-43-Iv.
EAGLE '.• -le '' ' .
k ? ' '`` ' • .:-.. iv- ,
1 , 4 3 -- G ROCERY .t. • i.
i --,
k -A... ~,r,*-_. STORE.
0.. TACT LLOYD, Jr.. wholesale nud Retalt Giiiiei.
and Fruiterer, No 140 Liherty street, Pitlshoerh:
ma,. 20.
E p l iklndher in.l received from the Ndrsery
I,:.ndreth and Fulton hear Philadelo4l. lot Of
the rhnice:t varirtV , e of Peach Trees. In whirl' he would
call the attettlien of the pulnee. F. T.. EiNOWIAN.
11 , 111' $ No 181. Liberty st bend of Wood.
Ofrice, cut of Smithfield. and Thifd Sirests,
riTTsiscnon, Prxin.
may 21 . , 1R437 -Iy..
lll.,OTS,.uii able for buntline, most pltuntelL
3 and within two minutrs walk of tbe tea Ferri
Boat Landing. will Le sold at prices to salt the times,
The ternis of payment will he made envy, either fin rntlij
or ..11.11 barter al can be made available. Apply to lb*
stilivcriber in Birmingham, or Mr. P. Pelervo.n, No. 41.
Perry street, Pittsburgh. JAS. PATTERSON, JR.
june 1.
Regular,. Alarnlng
l'hr futi runnlnz end well known
• - •
Bnaar Ilcikirinct,. Mester, will depart daily from Pitlv.
batch et 9 o'clock, A. /.1„ and l3cacer at 1 o'clock P. M.
For ficight er craw., ce, am,ly on hoard, or to
No 60 Water street
rc R . __T he rr:tu lar.canal parte! to Cleveland, Ohfol
Gripointle and Meadville Pa ; and Monition ofi Wei
Ohio Canal, connect:ne with steamer Clevalaad at itsii
ver.wril he in operation immediately on openint ot nag' ,
iaation, mar !ii—tr.
THE , ul,fter Pier haspiio received from Phillidelphisittni
New York, with a er neral and axidniiis assail: .
meld of DRUGS. cirturt 04 I,S, PERPI7.MICRI limit
every article in his line of tinsinisoiovilleh bets dein , .
mined to sell on the most reasonnlite terms for
lie believes he can direr stronger Indticementa . thin say
similar establishment in this chy to country Pliyeleisna
and Merchants, who wish to supply themFelyes is lei
Drug* and Medicines. Ills articles have been 'elected
with the utmost cert., and are wnrratited of 1 he hex) gush.
sty and uniform strength. Orders witt be filled with se
riirsey and eleg.ance. Fa atilt s can he supplied with Fine
and Fancy Soaps of every conceivable vari.ily, and of
the mind exquisite pert h ues; tikevrise with Pella:my
end Cormetieg of every deterip'ion.
The undersigned . returns his thanks for the liberal sup.
port heretofore emended to him, and hopes by a fondant
disposition lo please and accommodate—a, tarok) pro
curing and selling only what it excellent and tumulus—a
close supervision of the sales and t ra mmei ton of tbe Saab.
Ilatintent—orecnullon and accuracy So congsrandlno mod
icums—and by Indus:ry and perterccremcs. to merit an in
erease of public pal ronat., , e
may 25
Birrlinghant - d 4 Coo
And Cleveland Line.
21. noz. Corn nr...,
40 20 • 0 Druct.en, rnerlwed and An rnln hy
)ane 8. 'water es, between fratPr
THAT lune and commodious 'warehouse No,6t
arty stress, In the oceopancs ofthe cni , geritter, 20 Pet
front, running throngh to Virgin Llley 85 rept, pnhstan.-
?laity built , with the onesrptn'd grr unit Ipase of pit years.
The Own house Is In one of the hest buAneviptnettstrt
the shy far a ntdcell. Clothing yture or Foundry •
Wareham*, and will be mold very low mod pneinnindoa k
glvan Inintedlately. Smythe of LM. DAWSON.
cm the premises, joss T.
e. EV A Nft
12 fratort