I manizalso pllgssW. l speak trumpoutongoed to thiren" me; tot ----- JUNE 14..1843. ithe cry of liberty was on the. wild winds of . i heaven, and Ireland wenld soon awakenßesult, , fr om her night of tyrant oppreassion (hear, ..._. .. • - . es er Tbs. Kallrastd eleition held y a t d y resulted hear, and tremendous cheering). The' as Collings: i waves came in 3,000 miles from America; i For Tax, Against. ' they washed against our Acres; but those 241 55 ! 125 waves, however mighty in themselves, 87 I only fell back as harmless spray upon the; 139 68 1 207 c waters, so powerful were those ruck a- 170 40 gainsttheir innovation (divers.); thase waves can e from the land of liberty, And bore, lip.' TO THE PUBLIC. qi. to certify , Om the subscriber hes been for some on th , it top the try offererlom to Ireland ; I "' I - , , , time afflicted with the Rheumatism very severely, from , arra upo n those wII VCR Whit:ll reeeued i whirl, lie could get nn relief, until, being ailvlss.d to pro. whence they came, would re-echo in A • i core NOME. of Dr. Pitch's INDIAN VEGETABLE merles the sound of Ireland and liberty r... ,n r. e r r x n i r tr ,, , , w il l o th: , ll ., l l l :, a w e:: r.fl d r i e t v e ,, n i d from which entirely iqrlY (cheers). The genius of Ireland o• tor a-1 calliadtht. April 8, 1752. , s.ssur. rEaner.: roused; the cry for legislative indepen. I dence filled the air, and the blessing's of Near Rice Creek Springs.i eleninod Ithirict. S. C , Aprll3o. 1838. God would he opt) their country and ' I eertify, that my son. Thomas Mitchel, Jr., aged 15 their people. (loud and protracted cheer, velrs. Is . heen .roubled for right beers last past with ifig),"_./V y .s.un the R liedintilism, and for the last three years has been Unable to help himsellf his pain was very severe, so that ... --T . lie rood lint lie moved without great agony; Ills limbs ' were I .arallzed and drawn up, and he presented an ob. Jr. hopeless to rot who knew him I resorted to several 'Ph v.ie.ami for relef lii tom, ultimo! eff..rt Having heard of lir, A • ritch's India.' Vegetable El air, I pro. cured the same for my son On Inking it he was much i ndieVod, and by cnnlinidn: it In the fonrill I .olllr, has entirely removed the pain, his flesh is restored and he is now enjoying good health. I would, in n case of I; lieu. i matistn, earnestly recommend it to those who are nffec. Fier' w'ilt this eacroci, tine pain. TOOF. MITCHELL I W being neighbors ;Ina arnitaimences of Mr Thomas Mitchell, and having often seen the si:uation of Ills son, fully corrobinate the above case, and, as we believe lino been cured by Our Indian Vegetable Elixir. SA St UEL MEEK, II %VII.) D. HAY, BR / TEON SPELLING, ROBERT TIIOM 1 SON, BUCKNER 0 NIGOOD, The above, will, n eery large assortment of other v;:luabiensediciiies, have just lit en received and are for sale by the, quantify or single bottle, at TUTTLE'S, 86 Pout 1 ii et. EAST WARD SOUTH WARD WEST WARD NORTH WARD 'FIFTH WARD Mijuricy, for lax Jezplosion and Loss of Life.—On Mon• day .at the steam boiler in Rogers' mill .in Fayette township, about 12 miles from tisia . citY, bursted, killing a man named W. !trier and a German, name not known. ovine again 1-4 airong Pull. —.A. grand trial of the strength and skill of &Wits came off on Monday, in the inter. gating and oft-heard of village of Miners villa. On a bet of $5O, three border, the property of Mr. Windlass, were attached to a wagon containing 95 bushels of coal_ • the weight of which is suppos e d to brt 7G. 00 lbs. They were to pull up hill, and .on a muddy road and they accomplished the feat with about as much ease as the r.a .4thiss of the aforesaid place started a per• .11etual motion machine. A large crowd - was iwattendance and a great excitement in the neighborhood. Again la us /bout qiurra for Minersville !" Mr. Pickering's Benefit. On this evening Mr Pickering, an ex atellent actor, and a meritorious man, takes aheoefit, and we hope the public will do "jastice to his worth by giving him a crowd. led house. He took ;a benefit some time Since, but the inclemency of the w”ather piwented a large number of his friends from attending, and the Manager has, with Li. "usual liberality," kindly conFenied to hit Mr. P. have another opportunity to test the kindness of his ft iet;ds. btra Flynn.—W e were gratified to see the large and fashionable audience that at tended the Theatre on the occasion of this lady's benefit. In every respi-ct she is deserving of the compliment paid her by our citizens, and their liberal turn ot,t on -the occasion shows that they have• a just estimate of professional merit and private worth. Circus.—Wc und , ustitid that Mr A TURNER'S s plendid Owen s will be in town slimly. next week; it will remain but for a few days. For the Po-t. MEN-LE. Z %RAH COHEN. This a.linirrble - petite dtvireu.sr, th: d , light of all who have witnessed her Minelog, 'mike- a col , opal the liberality of tit: l',EtN!,urgil and vicinity far a Bmetit, on F. May evening neat. Her p.iwera to please an audience are too wel' known to require puffing. S has bet-nine an tin , favorite among all the patrons of lie lie. atrr, and independent her it yr. friar, to please. she offers in dependent new op riatie Ballet of Fairy [lac Lakes." whic'i met with HMI uubmg . eii typiati,te in gist it waa rr pchted fo u,trwards oft iry nights It will be brooght nu' here in style. with 11 1W a eo•ry, d cnratinn etc. su rfulling sly thing of the kind, w:tieh has been produced for many years. The piece is well in terappers.id wilt music, dancing, &c. "Kite Kea,' ny," which has always be •II a tayoritc, in every City where it has been represented, i, also to be produeed for this night only. Site now looks to the Ptah°, and hop's her endeavor s to please,will be rewarded with an overilowtng h 'use. "Give her a bumper." fre/arsd and Repeal.— Nt r ' OT.tnnell has repeatedly declared, that, in his opin.l, r• "lion, the Irish Parliament thust be restored N - by moral force alone, and that blood must ( lit not be spilled by the p-opl e of Ireland, in .15 their Contest for the rest.iration of their own a'aw ~_.. mar 27,-if Legislature. History has proved the wis- _________________ in this Pr the Honorable I lie Jud g es of the Coii.l of General ------- NIT . En /1E 1` 110 , , .IEI4. om of Mr O'Connell's position Quarter SeekiOnS of the Peace in and for Allegheny. .7. 7 - .:_ . „respect. Ireland has never gained any. 'county. .7 - TILE PROPRIET thing by the force of arms—the clo se 1 The petition of Matt hias Wibmii, of the 5i h.W a rd of Of ilii+ well k • nonand continoiliciiiiLlifeuse°i,nsfritoturaa:sedbaki county aforesaid, humbly the 1101111 end of the old A I le g tieny '.. piviitalty of the 'Green Isle' to E „ gla„11, ; „" h ',%:;," 1 1' erPJ "h u ' gh hi the 1, Thai foryouir petitione r bath provided liiiiitell rl ends and the public.. that he bus every thin.. in cont end the facility with which troops can h ' e . with materials the a Toitimodat ion or 'Fowler,: an d Mete order fur the reception lnd rule i• I i ; f others at his dwellin g hou=r in the tit - trot einsis an d permanent Int'ard, rs. 1 . t t li ' s7iiir o -e i s ra a n r s , --base been poured into that unhappy i h a , e :t i t:d i p p r u a l y ,l a t, t i t, i a o i n. : e iv e l , o , i , o rr, r „silll, gnarl fi ly. a lir, 11 , 1. moderate and no es,rtion s will lie raied ill make Fn. bat beautiful country precludes the pusai.:i o a And tour re _ . 1 0 , i i ii i iy i , ,, e; : s u c t:, i entfori :Ale a tol keep up ihe form er repaint wt. -bilk) , of ever achieving a lasiing independ- Wiener as in ditty hound, will I,ra v. "'. MATTHIAS Wi Lso ', Gocil stablin g for any nu nlier of horse.. once by a resort to physical force. _ -_. If any thing is to he gained for that I iv t thy o e ,. t h e p iltsbauurbscribers, cit izens of the fifth Ward, no lint Eiiiinel. kingdom by the present movement, it mus g h, do cm (Iry that the above reilllnrier le rilirC patrons of 1 his plea‘iiiit riA, eat and all ts lio seek -be by the powerful influence of public of ~o.s reptil e for honesty; rid temperance, and is well Ili, i ii;e . a- I tift• in I , lie pore air ../Ilie country, are In/01111rd . • , r ,__ provided wi t h dous e moth/ilia roil vi' iiien( les Icy the ac. Opinion, not by a resort to arms. The commodatton and lodging orbit:noels and travelers and A l n" ', i nn" I '''''''i ll''''''' 1' it''w ofali fur visiter• that said tavern is ii;ressar e . ' . ' csarr'n44o' will l ea" lhe :%ii• Clumet Hotel every day eery moment that the first blood is shed i til d hal. past .r.. arid hail pas. 3 o'clock. Sundays ca.cep -las Gosling. A tithotiv Kt atig!r /2. L. A g new, HMI WEENY. -fin there peal movern nt, that moment will ernard Puerkle John Kea; oe J t aeoh Hock i may 3i _ d ," 1 m. .' the fires of a c'vil war be kindled—a war :;..n Porter, 'Port Bloat - Y ' ilt'illtelin So'l v intidt, lit, j F ; ar ll sl u e g r il ' AW:dilk ES Ground Pe t iper, which will rage with fury and destruction. J'''''''b ''''flYikr, lau 5!1 do, Choralate, iron Phoenix Factory, Ball., ' The pit of the age is opposed to blood-. Jane 12 ' --- ____________ _ _________ I just teceived and for =air, b e shed. I wool.. 1 HAILMAN, JEN VINGS ,S. CO . Tile highest Marked Price paid for WOOL, delivered I At the great Sligo repeal meeting on the j e 5. 43 Wood street. p s o t s i i let te e i r h ll e .e r r ,o u t t o l ft is sl % h v a relit. use, No, 100 Libert y 1 __, n n 4th of May, Mr O'Connell said; 'He came ..0-e:'."0 1 7, To C. A PITA L ISTS. there to arouse them in the earned cause 411 kinds of Groceries, and Pittsburgh Matinfaciiir es j it ..,,.. alway, on band and will be roldTow for CASH ; 41s o , i lIIIIE hallo( a very valuable, and productive property 4.l.Lretana—to make her what she was be ..l. for sale , 0 a g ood partner on very low and accent,. 3000 yards 40 loch Bui laps. fore, an independent nation (cheers.) He J. R. munrilY, ~ n.oilatin g terms. The property Is in New Castle, on the , June 12 -w3l. Corner of Cecil's Alley* Liberty. i Pennsylvania and Olim canal, In Beaver and Mt-leer wield not conduct them in the ways of counties, and consists of a Saw-Mill, with two sans BriTtrain WARE noolas. , that cut about 3000 feet per day andll, rents for 650 dol. blood, or atrife, orslaughter—h e would not rya -------- ----- I "iiojore a human being—no one was more ALEXANDER McCURDY, 1 lars. A four story brick Flour Mill with four run 01 :it Ike old stand of YOUNG 4- .llfcC WWI', No, 43 "us' .1. can manufactur e about 116 Mils good dour per 'averse to such a Course than he was. He day. 7he Flour and Saw Or d have all new works and Second, between Wood and Mark et streets. I machinery and iii first rale order. The mill rents for would not sanction any violation of the ' REarccreuu.v informs th e friends of the Weill-In i n. ' and the public generally • that a n l i i y e 1 300 ,dR d i ollare per annum. A Rolling Mill, Nall Factory k is lit P d r ..w Pa l r l P ll d a l l7 l ' las ' work 7 d7l " iy rY w ro a r le fft r a i k o ing 1 0 11 6: j i b ! , orders d for Cabinet Work, of Charcoal . bloo m s, a ti of whi ch ~ 'And again: 'Yes, he came there to re. 1 ;neer Rolling . fuoiran,e?,dillilliSdirioevnetinbqoaenaumtl. rthe rity e caplet', and warranted to be mial to any In Nashannock creeks , ousel—he was there a recruiting.serjeant 22.hiched cylinder and 5k feet stroke. The y llolli - n g Every attention will be paid to furnishin g COFFINS sal kr the battle of blood, death, or des-1 - Mill ;a lar g e and convenien t and has a Sheet Mill, Bar ______ _June 10, 18 . 43_ : _ Iron mill, Hammers and small Guide and Hoop 110'1 ir*c. when required, ' truction; and did they know that if there , WARD dr, HUNT, Dentists Liberty street, a Furnace, sufficient for doin g a lar g e business. Boat's . qrs. any legitimate cause for beginning a few doors below &Choir npr 6 18.14. , pass up and down the race limn Inc Works to the Canal irer, he would not require a braver people . ..______________________ . and save expenses of all Jraylm , ,bitulin g coal 4-c. There to Ontinit than from amongst the honest I NOTICE. , are II dwellin g houses and a number of shops and sin the premises. and sales at New Castl e for till the I ALL persons indebted to the estate of Aaron Hart, : people of Sligo (hear, hear; and loud are requested to i LrOi , t;L:i:i , lr ,,, l- s c. nif ir: fl a o n , ii i fu o c r it iihred and demand I nerensi lig.— lisea on cheers). He was not disparaging their !make d r:l e y ea tZn ic t 1 () la i e the of u Pi d i t 117 a ri n e 's s d i t i 1 Executor , P ni Est a 1 e and ar :h r o e se , . 1 i l i ' x i nniez months s d o iri i t i a v t of the improvements have run ah e ot i t i t iac s bravety. but he wanted nut battle or blood.: havin g claims or deinaitrilseras,, - 1 Iron Works will rent for annul 5000 dollars. The pro_ present the came for settlement. There's was a peaceful conflict, in which quested t° , perty cost two years ag0,42,000,and since that time 31. GEO. COCHR k N. no reaa's property would he touched, no I innY 20 -3tvlif w• ~,,,. 0, Wood st. 000 dollars have bee n laid out In improvements. To a ._._________r_______"" ___'" _ , good partner who can pay 15,000 dollars down and the man's person harmed, nor a drop of blood -, 6 ! balance Ina year, a good bar g ain ofone half of the above 4 " REAMS 'Cap" writin g Paper, ruled, touseieh the sacred and mighty cause of I' 40 to gross Bonnet Boards, on consignment and for ' will be g i ven' .the Repeal (cheers). Oh,let them remember I sale by BAUMAN JENNINGS *CO., ! App/y at ISAAC HARRIS' General Agency and In -- - - , telllgence office, 9 Fifth street. June 6. June 6. - fie resources of prosperity their beauteous tonatry has—the best circumstances in the amid for foreign and domestic trade—with - i water power capable of turning any ma. 'chink—a population temperate, brave, gen .ereest and religious (cheers). Oh who tereti`it . told him they were, to continue fiseesi— he would eetbeheve it—he would ( Comintrrial NSW MAL It 'UT al 7 feet water in the channel, All Boats market thus (') are provid e d with Eva rlsi Sa fery Guard. Reported by SH BLE & Mtccurt., General S. B Agents, No 5, Market street. ARRIVED. Mozahala, Parkinson, %A Cockburn, Brownsville, Mingo Chiet, Ekvinny, %t heeling, Fulton, Forsyth, St Louk, 'Raritan, Stickle, Cincinnati, •Cleveland, Hemphill, Beaver, • Michigan, l!nies Bearer DEPARTED. •Michigan, Riles, 1.12 at er, *teveland, Hemphill, do. Arcade, Brunet:, do. Allegheny, bear, rin New York, Grei idle, St Lotfig, i ßriderwater, Phhett . North Queen, 31e1•ain, Allegheny Belle, Hanna, Frank' n, B..wman, ttrown•ville. Visiier, Roger•, Hanging Hoek, Montezum a , Alamo, Loilisvire, TuEA I'IIE. Last week but the Seasmt. Farewell Benefit of MR. PICKER ING 'tik Evening will be preFented the ihr Wing, 1t ish Mt 10 D, awl adapted from 11. e ceirb,ated tale of the RP:PI.:ALF:NS. called TIIE EIIEII.ILD ISLE. A great vari,ty of SONG7', DA cCES, &c ro,, w:111 7h, Drama (tithe DRUNK A RD'S FATE 111 P() ItT A N TO () \V NE RS OF SA \v .N 1 I I, I.S. IQf NW) v. re • s S. Iters forSnwnillbe whirl. 0 , 4,1 In ditf.,rent r , arla of the (~..,/,.I as well as rn Ihr Aura of P , lishurnli and Al. cur to si•.•.. In or., at Jot, ot a 0111111,r of vi 7; ; - 0 r irkersOslll.F rbr..n r 1•1111 ; n, I 'llain , nva r ______ _ _ ,r • %111 , 21,r n% Pr./1,7e ',ell at Mor,lson'.l nib.. on A fiction. Ila I s'a nd. rn eer • 'I e ahoy.. ti.lll,lrl 6;;In TOC if 4. Cu , R Cot I, I ran be . \V. 11 5h..11 Libr. 51 . rir, at lite old sl d rorner o. sth anti IVoo t t ttti ore, Snd hfield. Worle it la (Alit:LT no, and %vb.. Inning complied will. the /rip' /ell ',rt. ol" 111 e .knr• mar hine I n 1: v f , pl on a nt:s. pitiy tion Law, 're ' , roared 1./ Itrike advatireq 'onsign• nr ‘V. Vrallare. 111:1 V 5 merit,. a In sell f....,0rn1ne term... They linor by , XI:S Y Laing !Iv-on Teo. .1111 t rry i•Pcl and for ; row motor. to Il4ahe re. 1.1) salt, id ['ramp. it . ..lin,, To 11A I 1.31 N, ENNINCS r, CCIVY a fait pOrlibn 1.1.•10.,.. 11. V 27. 4:3 I, ra. Doors open at 7 r,'crock, Pcrt:;rmance. c rn tnence at I.lVict-1 Lower 11.:sc=, ei•tt ! Sec , l,l Tier 37i Cent'. "2,5 f; !Ivry I:2t rosr,N. • r. ,, ..hur,ti,A m i t 1 , 1 1:•:.; 110 NONGAIIELA NA ‘'IGATION hi retirinz from 11, Auction I Itit•te s q. I lake .tr • I Measure In I, ( 7 olllll , Pfidife i r 10 'lle 111ruir l lnssr- :,...,,..i.• 1111)ROVEN1ENT. rah...fo r k ei- Co.. who Into mOnil, led With the tellllll,' ) .110' , P( , :.; %LS will he ,ert,., .1 moll Ito. 10 1 1, oav 01 ments or ihe new Auction Lair and will do lois nit, al . Jil 1 , tlo•%?, for romotetir 2 Inc 4.., ,n 4 rki,i. nuti)..., my OH stand. J. R. (11' t'll p, j . E. Three nod Pour ol ilits work. The row raeror l or find April:llsAl the tweet:sore nevelt:o4.l:omi 4 -, , and to rtmetve pry _ - - meet f roo t the lons of the lock , oft. r the werlt t• finished COUGHS AN 1) COLDS. The rrop.,t, to be a'itrir,. , ..ift.. lia. enb-crilter, W. 51 Eli•ll RA I.!Nt. Prrst 'ent Now, is Vie time of s ',tr . for por.onq Zillarl.ed with Coil2lis, CoUlds. lilirll , l,al iglu. Caul, kr, km. —T o those I"' ' l9-111 '• ot honed of 11anat",.. ---- which fa •meetly en,. ran be effected by usin g L . HARPER PEASE'S 1104RIIOU.VD CA.VDY. which id allowed by all who have tind it tot, the be,.! Attorney and Counsellor at Law, remedy ever offered f •r Coesrhe and Unt.fs , and CADIZ. 111/111.tiON COUNTY, Olt to, HF:if" ES NERI F: ..f.VD BONE 1.1.4".9111F:XT, C- 'A' ill alien!! promptly In the rollectton Sr set urn! an outward rellirtiV, with the of claim. , ifi S all IworepTsirmai ' , odor,' entrusted I'm tim 1.11 ^ 1)I.1-Y VE 017TA11 LE F:1, /XF:E, care in the counties of IlarrisJn, Jefferson, Belmont an inward apalicai ion, hi a eerlaD and no-oleo cure for I filwrnlc!f• Tremor eras, !Mimes, Coshocton Carroll the R betimalitm. Gout, ContraCted Cords and Limbs . — Stark and frayse. No one n'end ~u trcr Iron. ihele disea Rye Whiskey on consignment, and fay soh! by J. W. BUR.BRIDOE. A WELL turf hilted brick house , with a Well cultiva ted ! Waler bet ween Wood and Srulth'd • FlonerGarde n of ahout half an acre, and pro i .‘l. I. __ . . . sided wilt, nit n,e,,,..,-Ary maids, and nut i , nittlinzs Is of. 120 RoxEs Russel and Robertson's No, 5 LUMP TO fered for rent from the prevent line until the ti si of April 1 RA eco. a next. It Is pleasantly situated on the banks of the Ohio r 20 Boxes a , sorted do. a short dicta use from the city, arid for COIIVeII hose and Just received. together with a crneral assortment of and comfort Is not excelled hy any other in the neighbor_ : ever,' thine In the Grocery line, and for sale on the most hood of I'llisliti;i ror n ainall family who will take accommodating terms, good rare or the premises, this Is one of ihe most desk- ' ahle locations that sown be offered • ror further infor- i a y 29 GA ILII/ AN. JENNINGS (' o , million apply at this office, or to AL Kane, Jr., Liberty street. J .ne 6—lts. - 43 Wood at, ' . .........-== BEAVER AND WARREN _ ._ ~. _ . PACKET. NOTICE. . he canal packet ER lE. J. M. Shaw master, will run IF Patnek Keagy or Abraham Itih•rk ley will call at : regal r tri-weekly packet betwee n the afore named at 1 b„dice of the Post, they may, perhaps hear of I ports, leaves Beaver oi Mondays, Wednesdays; Frida s; s omething that will he of interest to one or boll' of them. 1 returning, leaves Warren on Toesdays, Thursdays and June. 7. Staturdayv; connecting with the Singe Lines to Cleveland ......._--- 7,7 ,,,.---_____ direct. For freight or nassase apply on board fir to TU I I 1.. E, 86 FOURTH STREET, MR ,lIING'H ANI & CO.; Pit tsbil(grl' PITTSBURG/I, ' H AS just received from New York and Philadelphia ur I m --J. S. DICKEY, heaver. a large and general arrortent of valuable -- . Family Alsdieiass, and he is now ready to supply Drug. i gists and Cr/entry Mei:titan's, al the eastern wholeeale .: IRON CITY HOTEL; prices— , reasonable discount fur caste—among which 11:11 .. The old stand ortlatihew ral.flrk, are the followiug, via: Indian Vegetable Elixir, Dcweb' ....:----= •-.-, (Lerte/yoecupied by John 1,., ,, ...) Nerve and Bone Liniment, Linn's Balm of China. Linn's Temperaree Biller., Oldridge's Miler, of rotn i ,,br a . P ow. rim c subsrriber wishesin infortn I lib chigetis of Pitts JL hurgh, and the travelling wittily, that he has leased eil l e Balsam of AfilliAlleell. Rowand's Toilic el ixtine: Comstock's Sarsaparilla, Hays' Liniment (for Film) the above well knower stand, nituait don Fifth street, between Ma rkel hn dwhere he will he happy lo :41•0111CA Headache Remedy Gruiley's Teller Ointment, accommodate all Inv old friends, and as many new ones East Wilt Hair Dye, Essence of Tyre, Haarlem Oil, Overstreet's Liniment, Bartholomew's Pink Expectorant as will bc pleaged to acknowledge him as timer host.— To lor's Balsam of Liverwort, Scaddt is Eye Water', Hts terms will hp moderate, culled to Ihe times. his Covert's Bala" of Life, Humphrey's Plle Ointment, table will he supplied with the best that the Market at 1 Poudres &Outlay Linn's Plasters. Brandreth's Pills (gen- fords. His her will he finnislied with the cresteho of: lilac) WI son's Dyspeptic Pills, Fahnestock's, Brodie's, liquors, balk dornestie and foreign. His stattles respa Evans', Set's, Blithered and various other PILLS.__ clews and:commodiottg, conducted by experienced and anent i'Ve ostlers. A Ism, Fabnestock's Vernilfuge. Depurat lye Syrup, 0 po. . deldo'c, Cottgh Lozenges, .pneumatic or Cough Balsam, l KFHe wonld Infornythe citizens that he is prepared etc., etc. A good and general sasorlinent of ALL the to accommodate a number of Weekly, Monthly or Year: valuable Palest Jtedickei always on hand, and for sale ly boarders at reduced prices. wholesale and retail. .. Rites or eosin; June 'l2. Single *eel, 25 cents. I LOligille, - Don't forget 86 Fourth atreet. Boat d per Week, may R-3111. DISSOLUTION, partnership heretofore existing brtween the sub_ scribers wider the firm of Young k Bradbury, In the Machine and Scale business, Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. JAMES BRADBURY, June?: OTIA YOUNG. WILLIAM DOUGLASS IV T AND CAP MANUFACTURER . Every desCrlp .11 t lion or Dats rind Chps on band, andror sale. wholes sale and ,etail.stprices tomtit the times, at the old stand of Douglas 4, Mooro, 73 Wood street. may 5. STE✓.II MB OdIT dIT AUCTION. UCT/ON. 800 000 Lthit. of Baton, for sale hy G. W. JACKSON, /FIRE Steamboat James Ross, now lying at the wharf may 30—=-Tm. 4th si,, near I.lhertv .1. at Pittsburgh, her furniture, tackle and apparel, In --------------------------- all respects In good condition and ready to take lit a FRESH HERRINGS. a ll re be sold at public sale to the highest ladder, ~.,Po'gri MILS Fresh Flerrln.s, just received and for on Thursday the 15th June next, at 3 o'clock P. Rt. CP 1.1 OM le by HAILvi AN, JENNINGS 4 CO.. The James Roes was built last fall, of the Leseinaterla Is inky 27, 43 Wood street. and In the most subtlantial manlier for lbw water ; she ~. - BRICK __________ a nd curt 200lons of freight, and 14 well calculated for vREE NI AN'S FIRE FOR passengers. For strength stud lightness of draught, she SA LE. is not excelled hy any boat on the western waters.— • ILIST received. 5000 Freeman's hest Fire Brick. whist . Terms made known at time of sale. GEO. COCHRAN, al will hereafter he kept constantly on hand and sold Es'r of A Hart's estate. low for cash, by LIRMINGHAIII may 27 * 4. Co. No. GO Water at. I I ' , gra" •- , ' May 36—clkwid noalt.iniett. Maeo MOODY, hOt,l adopted her prevent residence l HIDES. tiherty, dpporita amend of Perry sf., for the ' DRIED liirms, reception. of Warders, will ha plaased to accommodate Frit/ 9 •• - Calf Skins, received en eoesignininw.aad a taw gentienate with board and lodging, or board alone. , for sale by J W BURSRLIGt# Co. Jana 10-4 t. ) June 3, Alter st,bctoten Weed and Smithfield Loctl exPlesilY rbr Lat Ilk BARPTIR AND sexcua er very suitable Ratmeir. 'be the materials of ostarcratobasayrualaa maces' millets they are eonstroeted will not vast from the action _ of he ult. will be sold low for cosh. may 2--Sw JAB. PATTERSON. DRY. PIC4 CRES.-50 bushels Dry Peaches. Just re r.eived 4. for sale by 11 AILMANJENNINGS 4- Co. may 11. 43 Wood street. Corner of Penn 4• St. Clair its. Pittab'gh. f HE Proprietorg of this elegant and commodious ee l. tabgehmeng, beg leave to announce to their friends and I !e public, that their price for Board, front ibis date, Is reduced to ONE DOLLAR PER DAY. From the locality of this house, being situated mid• way between the Canal and Steamboat landings, at d on the great thoroughfare to Alleghr ny city, the proprie. tors trust, that with continued exertions on their part. they will be enabled to afford every attention and faril. ity required for the comfort and convenience of their guests, and hope to merit a continuance of the patron• age that has hitherto been so liberally extended to them. The principal Stage and Pac.l.et offices, are connected with the Hotel, and for the better accommodation of their guests. an Omnibus will at all times be in reads. neu to convey them to and from the House • an 25-3 m. McKIBRIN 4- SMITH. r\: - CHEAP COMB, BASKET AN!) VA. , RIETY STORE. N 9. 108, Market street, near Liberty. TTHE , WI/Wilber respectfully illi911115)11$ customers and the public generally, thet he has Just returned from the east with a large arid elegant assortment of goods In his line to which lie invites Merchants and others who wish to purchase whetesale or retail, very low for rash, The fol'owing comprises part of his stock, with a veiy large assortment of fancy goods and toys. < 0 ® 200 parka English, German and American pin*, 101) thousand best needles; 1300 dozen tapes; 100)) • • all entOrS NE,OOI rot ton; 160 lb., parent thread; 25 lbs. sewing silk, 70 On. hest shoe thread; 101 l tbs. skein cotton thread; 750 thousand percussion caps; 160.:ross gilt and luting buttons; VO gross pearl shirt buttons; 120 frogs shoe laces; 100 doz, tortoise shell comb.• 25 doz. tortoise shell, tuck and Buffalo combs; 136 doz. fine Ivory combs; 210 doz. dressing combs; 3541 enz, combs; PENNSYLVANIA. /Wooster. Bank of Pittabur : h. par Ma o•dton, Merck. 4' Man. bk. par Sandusky, Etchange bank. par Graßya, Ilk, of Gennantowc. • Norwalk Easton tank, " Xenia, , Lancaster bank, dist 1 Dayton, Bank of Chester Co. par P ost n bk Bucks Co. '• Post notes, Doylestown bk do " unilli col o o, Bk of N America Phil. " Fran. hk Columbus, Bk of Northern Liberties," La„ oator, Commercial bk. of Pa. •• Ha m il ton, Far.* Mechanics bk • " Granville. Kensington bk. " both.bk. Lake Erie, Philadelphia bk. 'i Par. bit:ot (anton, Schuylkill bk. " Etibini Southwark bk. INDIANA. Western bk. • State bk.,* Branches Bk. of Pennsylvania, " State Scrip, Bk of Penn Ti.. par KENTUCKY. Man. 4. Mechanics bk. Par Ail 611)14. Mechanics bk. par ILLINOIS. Moyamensing bk. " Slate bk 4. Branches. , Girard baak, 15iShawneetown, U. Stales hank, 48! V(RGINIA. Lumbermens', Warren, -- Rank of Virginia, Frank, bk Washington, par( do Valley, Aliners bk of Pot Invite, 4 Far. bk. of Virginia, Bk of Monizomery Co. par Cxrbange bank, Mon. bk Rrownsvllle, Erie Rank, 1 N. West ban,: Ilarrisiturgh bank. 5 Mer. *Mee. dn. 4l MARYLAND. Far. hk Lancaster, I Malt imore Batiks, ' Bk of Middletown. 41Count ry hanks. Bk. of Chambersburgh, 4, DEL WARE. 1 Carlisle hank, 4 All Banks, Bk of Northumberland, par NCW JERSEY. ' Columbia bk 4. Bridge cu, 8 All Banks, t ,uar and Bk Susquehanna Cu. 40 NEW YORK. Ilkof Delaware Co. par Chy. Ranks. ' Lebanon bk. 4 Country hanks, ' Get tyslinrgh bk. 4 (safety Bind.) ia 1 York hank, - 4 Red Bark. Ito I For Drovers bk. of NEW ENGLA Nii. Waynesburg!), 4 0loston Banks, ... • Currency notes. 4 Country t• Honesdale. 2 LODISIA NA Wyoming bank, 10 Orleans Ranks. rood.. Pittslegli State Scrip 253 NORTH CAROLINA. Country do do ti 4 Banks, 24 ans erkg ( 0 b, 701 SOUTH CAROLINA Lewistown. 21Bunks. Towanda. ['IS. COLLI3IIQI 1.1 OHIO. Banks. al, ti nt pleasant IA jot 11 ALABAMA Far. ~* Mech. hk of Stet,. Good Rank.. I,,nville, 1; 'TENNESSEE, Belmont bk of St. Claire. / All Banks, 3 Wit.. 14 MiCHIGAN Marietta bk. Demand Rk. of Si, Clair, 10 notes, 1; Do. dn. JB. 11. S do Currency notes, li CANA DAmit h 31 Columbiana bk New Lis IGnod banks. R igs, 10 bon Demand, 11 Eantern Excha. do Post moss, If Philadelphia. a Cincinnati speeie pay• New York: t l , lug banks, I Baltimore, i Mech.* Traders bk of Boston, i Cincinnati. 3, Western Exchange. canton bk of Columbus, !Cincinnati, par Demand notes, la. Louisville. DRI eirdeViire, (H. Lawrence 'Cleveland. a dis Cashier) 11 Wheel/rte. par Zanesville. bk. If ,GOLD AND SILVER. par ...........„„..............._ ._________ FORLSALE OR TO 'RENT • TO LET. T" 3d diary of the building occupied by R. A. Bailsman/14 an A 11C1i0f1 store.--6ereiofure knOWii RR “Nesrolih's Long Room,' corner"of Wood and 3ili streets Inquire of R. Morrow. 5111 at. jnn 2.3. oTs FOR SA LE.—Four Lois in Mancger.One JI and a fourth Acres of Laid on Holmelis'e O Hill. Lot. nn.. 41, 42.52. 53. 54. 181, 182 and 184, in Cook's plan of Lots, Hohne's Hill Alan, Lois nos. 26 and 27. in Cook's plan of Lots on High creel, near the new Court, For tering apply to Z. W. REMINGTON ut OR L I. l.—Lote on the North East IL' Lane end /11:11 itreet. Anply to corner of Caa Mn 10 BF:NJ. DA it F. I NGTONt ihricet, none 4th, BUILDING I.OTS riv BIRMINGHAM 7 , . EN IF) LOT'S, 'tillable for building, room eligibly stivsiej. and within two minhtes walk of the kieadt kerr 7 Boat Zandioi, will be aold at prieeti to still the tined. The 'prune of payment iv ill he made ensy, ell luer ibi rash or surh ' , steer eecan be made avahlaM e . Apniy lathe subscriber lit Birinlitgliain, or Mr. P. Peieriton, No, 4. Ferry turret, Pittsburgh. JAS. PAtTERSON, JR. juice 1. Regular Morning Packet • FOR BEAVER. -.; 71. r fast running and well knoWit Simmer , • C LEVELAND. bttrFtt snARi Masirr, will depart dhlly from Pitt, _ at 9 o'clock, A. 14I„ and Beaver at 1 o'clock P. M. For (rright rh p , is.•t.ige, apply on board, br to BIRMINGJS CO. N No 60 Water greet. lie rcto Inc canal No to Cleveland. NO* Greenville and Meadi•ille. assillon Ohio Canal ; and M connect:fix with steaer Cleveland aini- tti ver,wlll be in operation I m media tely m ely on opening ot mar !b•-.4 IMlErnbreriter has Pist received f•rt)a Phu feiphii id.* , New York, with a gcneral and exlculiirt Sft. merit of DRUGS. CHEAIIC4LS, PkR.PtIALZART. and eVeri , article in his line of business. which hehi deter mined tq sell on the most rezinonable textile for cash.-- He believes he can after stronger intinismenta than anya simile:. establishment in lhiicity to country Physician*. and Merchttnte, who wlsi to rupply themselves' • itho Lirup and Medicines. His articles have been relectele with the utmost care', and are warranted of the heat quit_ iry and uniform strength• Orders will be tined with ne. curacy and elegance. Falun( s can be supplied with Fine and Fancy §nalis or every conceivable variay, and of the most exquisite perfumer; likewise with resfUllineyy and tosmetlca of every deaerip•lon, The Undersigned returns his thanks for the Nberal sup. port heretofore extended to him, and bones by ■ ronntaat disposition to please and aecommudat•—a can in pro— curing and aching only what la caret:eat and genuine.—s close supervision of the sales and transaction of the ewe.. llshinent—precaution and accuracy in compounding med lones—and by industry and perseveratite, to merit an is crease of public patronwo may 25. 124 et. $2.50. MICR. PORTER Ninftinghain dr. Co., AG'TS Fox STEAMER. CLEVELAND, god Cleveland Line. March 2-2. 14:1. BROOMS. Brooms, 2, Corn Brest,te, retelVed and for lab' b J. W. RORBRIDGE y 4 Co. Water et, between Water 4- ttinitb'd, FOR SALE. rinfiAT large and commodious warehouse No. LC. ertv street, In the occupettcy of the Eubscriberllo., feet front, running throe lo Vire, clity flaGeot, suestott. tinily /HAD, Ith the unexptred ttrratedlnaistof ya& The ahoy. bottee Iw In one ofthe htst hhibitionavies the city fora Grocery. Clothing its cp Ihsitaig.v Warehouse, and teat be gold We!) , !tir tad_Pateessr.ou given humedlatCy. Eolutre of It 'M. on the premiers, DA.MON. iPRINTzo IN zAssa G aeli ... P. ;P: Corner of W OFFIQS ood 4- n/21i 4.11% true proprletof aof the Mclnnis° Pon awl Maitellii Alit. blasuracTottea respectfully (nforte their Mama and the awn:ingot' those papers, that thij, hie+ I illirli and well chosen tienortwent of wel l Maid@ F ACIIIC I IP' Mi di Ait-yb Ak/teg.AMI4II3REAMUr aitaall Necessary to a Job rrint Inn Office, and that they traps* pared to extzule LETTER PRESS PRI,NTINGI OF EVERY DESCRIP+II3I.I, Rooks, Sills of Lading, Pamphlets, Rill Reads, cardst, Handbills, , Blank , Clietki. El* !no: fa 11 Itinbs of ISlaltits, Sage, :Strasteditar, itsd Casa/ Batt Bills, 10iji 01.4; priats bias, Printed on the shortest notice and most resionableti We respeetfitily,ask the patronage of air fated. amilngsg. he public in general in ibis firaneirof oitir husluesi. Pittsburgh, Sep' 39,1842. PIIILLIPA 4111711. _ _ _ FASHIONABLE HEAD QUARTERS No 251, LIBERTY STREET. E would invite the attention of our friends and WE public :enerally in our nesortment of Goods. Which we have Just received from the East, all of whole's par we are determined to sell at a small advance oil ear, 1 a 2 Customers may rely on having cheap, good, well roadie and handsoioearticlee, Warranted to fit, which la a very pa desirable combination,. per.ons who visit this establishment can depend on fiod(rtgah entirely new msortment of iprin: anti manner !food's; we do not say one thing and mean another; whew par we Far' our assortment la large, fashionable, hander and cheap , w+ mean that it Is so, and cannel Oa or som : passed in Ihin or any oiher City. may 31-j f, A LaEO ¢ &lief:P.7lkt - • • Ptl OtICEt6 Steam Bog: .dioneri.—The rirbsertiter% Nettu • tp or lir difficulty of the three. lies.reau end the price hly :Safety Girard for the preventiirit of 3 the eXplesiew 'el' steam boilers,to $l5O pe r hear. , It is Woped that all I,,,rit owners, will avail I henni.ivesk - 7 , of thus r fasonoble terms, not only on aciount nerfeet safety they afford, but else, in.isciint of econcttifj. Rollers with the apparatus attached 'Will wear *bore '6 , P 55 Innlf . as t hose dot protrided with them. Marchl-Sm r. EV ARP 20 . CASKS BACON 11.4JUS. • . • • 6JO shotederr, tilts day received and (of sale by may 8 M 6, 4. CORM - . 12 Water Si REMOVAL. J DURBORJIW. ATTORNEY AT LAN? hare, ZIL, removed hie office to No 63 Piro street. he. ween Wood aid f3iaith6Nd sie. heatlibbi to Aideriosii Mo . troev. apr 7. WANTED.- $BOO OR Let;lo on llfortanee onyeel estate: TL property is among the hest freeholds In the elly. and the atlvert!per Is willing to give a hestasoasti premidm for the above eum. For furthe-r pattreis.erelp.; n't at the offiee of the &toroth; rbst: June 9.--415 - - LE/INCL. WICK. JOILII D MiCk L. .sr, J. D. WICK, Wholesale Grnerrs dr. Dealers in PredtiCe. 116 IVood 4..10ars above Fifth st. PITTSBURGH. . _lB4B s Standart, ingrattarn di. Clo. FORWARDING AND CON. .IIX'RCIDILIViit CLevrcairo, A ".'v TS Cori ke Meielm:us Ttansportnlion Composed or Merebanis Line. Brie aiiy Cahill. Comp . . Wasliingion Line. rlnntor. rainier 4- Co's. Line of Siciiin Boat. ine Reis nn the Lakes. VeJ ClLVeland Lino Pen nsol van in And 011io Pronrlotnrs of the ifirehrints Lihe Ohlo Come: Biirn T4)— titlM 4- ENSWORTM. N 0.9, Coin! "t.t, R. HUNTS% 4- ro. A nrIS ens rr, Boston. FltisTelt, PATAtrit 4. CO. Buffalo. M, T. WILLIAMS 4- Dow, Clevelana. Ho, =Jon?, M. A LT.1211, (:11ARLICS Ginzlqns, do: J. St. bleary, Beaver. MINGIIOI 4- CO., Pill rpli an 1 1843-Iy. - EAGLE ---- ;" -- '' 7------ k . sr . 1101 1 -• G ROC E R Y i: •Ai - ' • Vt. STORE: .-. . • , . .. _ Q TACT LLOYD, Jr., Who,lesalf and litelM Gloier 1.7 and Fruiterer, No 140 rosy 20. Liberty siren. Pitiliblirtb, ..____ . , . PEACH TREES. firli,E anhrecrlher haft fast received from pi Ifiarrery 1 of Laindreth and Nihon. near Philadelphia.' lot of the rhoirom varlet ies,of Peach Trees, to Whit . * he, wnold call the attention or the public. F. L. SN,OWDEN. map 8 No 184, Liberty at Iliad of Wood. J. E or .... . I TTORNEY AT 1,3117. c'tiriter oi" Su - 161)16W and Third atieets• nmy PITTSBURGH, 1843-Iy.. WILLtAM TUORK