Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, June 13, 1843, Image 3
iiViiirmaginna RCM JT_TNt 12,1842. Trades? UlllOlll. o,!`"The•trernkrers of the Trades!. Union muet hot forget the sajourned meeting tot b?, held on Thured9y night. , Theatre.—The entertainments this ev ening are for the benefit of the obliginl !'tieptit keepers of the Ilox anti Pit. Don't forget them. , 4allenge.—The Manchester Barge club ban challenged the FaThon of ihis city for. a trial of speed, over the usual course, for `lO6 dollars, to come off on Saturday June'Zt 'Come on, Macduff,' as the say. ingia. :Tam Phelan, the Pugilist.—This notori' T ous personage, well known in this city. has got himself into trouble in New Orleans, : :by indulging in what would seem a pi 0. Tensity for putting his fingers into men's pockets. He escaped the Penitentiary here by thelngenuity of his lawyer (the Hon. W. W. Irwin.) and was, by the exertions !of some people in Cincinnati who took compassion on him, released from the 'Penitentiary at Coldmbus. We think Zlielf visit Jefferson, Mo., without doubt, for this last offence. 'Pray, Doctor Sk uitz, what on airt't is a ho-n roricoper . "Why, warm, you pervive I.lWt when the nor lamal tour lase far procrastinated by a supera bundant apples:inn of the oleagine ous, cid lions, piperine, mustardific, ovipur ions components of a erustacen-piscatory sttat, and its Orlon: and sli cohnlic aceidmits, an undue expansion of the steam achic integuinetas ensues, which, in the pregre , s of its, constipating influences, stigma Liz .3 :he ccr. ebrat functiws. confuses the nervepttesjstem,and gives a scope to the horrors." A man named Rubinson was arrested a tiny tjaissaince in Paysun precinct, Illinuis,on a charge cf passing counterfeit money. In searching hi n They fouud upon his pers,n letters from six waves, all living, that he has married in diti.:rent pirts al the country. He had a wife with him at the time of his apprehension. The St Catharine's, U. C. Journal says:—A sheet time ago, a steamb,,at, on her way from Kingston to Montreal, having on board a guy di. of soldiers, with thr .e deserters in custody, pot in to French Creek f,r wood, where the anard. pris. oners, and all, deliberately NI. a 'h..d tff, itioi.lt.t a lia'rge concourse of Yault.•e D.,cr'les• On the 17th u!t., the voili ty uI T.. 11 ttleza, lOatria, V'tot visi:ed by a hill storm, which utterly ilestriyed the e•opl. The ‘Valchinail ad is that 'the hail was as large as and !ell t depth of tvro and a half feet ir. low pacvs, and a , gainst the sides of fences and buildings.' The c;ty of New York owe 4 shoot S13,000,00(1. The Mayer recommend, the stdi,limeot (dal' ,offices oot strictly meeszary. Opposition Twelve tickers. each coons n (Iv hold, r too priasage l'rum Nea• Yerlt to Alvanv have bern sold for one doVar! Tbe, city of Brooklyi , ,L 1, must ra;- , , this y‘'in by taxation, $.117,11.50. of which $3 .?.,(11,M 1. 1.4 I:, toreot on loan, $5,1100 for tit v e.tcin tia. of d‘i. *4050 for ,m 1 re , :d ie, (F 4 0(10) the annu LI cost ni g ei•y . e kern item the Ch,rl othtsti , Pr—F• that oti Fridnv , a 0 Ln.11.:1 11 " .•ri242 . 1 0 wzn tried hz:fore the Exurnoo to ! Court...n the t h r,:t3 ulfor ging the name of the M .ster _Armor ral I rpeg's Ferry, and acquit'ed. t Beds and blankcns will b.• in drool t.l on the 17 h ('1 June. in Boston, in cou.cqo. !Ire ot 0:e a , ea , collection of pen•on: to witni , a, tin c f Bunker Hill. hiany peryon, w,ll be ohli;red to sleep 'as thick as two in a bvd ' IL is proposed to complete the tower or P ,u;' Church, at Louisville, which k n:Av ontinkl:ed,by raising it to a he'ght of .221 fret. The amount of canal lolls recnivPd in N. York during the month of May, woe $315,563 46. There is great excitement in F. , ,ex en.. N.. , snit especially in the town of Sti;lveat..r, in eln.sc. queneeof the appearance of hydioplinbia among She dog=. A Parisian florist. famed for hi; camelins. X5OO worth of that flower slime during the Pdri-- ian season, for ladies' iivets. The donation, and le , raeies Trade to hospitals end-other ehari'able institutions in Parity, donne: the year 1842, amounted to five milnrus of frn nrr. Tbelast relic of the 'Well' of London has been *obi by the zotporntion of that city, to I) , puled down. It won founded in the time of Cutiqtan. tine. The astronomers of India have calculated that the . recent efintet struck the orbit of the earth, and will become a second moon to us. All moo i - shine. The New York Pleh:ian state.. that Sheriff Hart had settled his d fricuities, and is again ex. emitting the duties of his office. As en evidence of hard rimes, st,me 200 bo:tioq Of Madeira win^, sold in New Y rk r on 1 uesddy, for three doll„r. a bottle. Tho Yearly Meeting of Friend+, in New Eng. land, will commence at Newport, R, 1., on Saint.- next, the 10th inst. There are now thirtv..two steamboats ... a ili ng out a Buffalo, N. Y., with an aggregate tonnage 0113,304 tons. Geo N Briggs, of Pi:lsfield, has hen nominated by the Whigs of Massachuvt's for Governor.— Davis (huneFt Johu) declined John Reed was Dominated for Lieut. Gov. A man named Poor, in Kent co , ;lid. has Lccri killed by lightning. NOTICE. The Regular Meeting of the Young !Urn's T. 4. A..sociallon will 'or, held on this (Thor , dn,) Evening nt NOTICE. 61 o'clock P, M., in Liherly Hnll corner of Wood and ALL persons indebted to the estate of Aaron Hart , Fifth streets, over Davis' Auction Poem. The public generally and young roc n especially, ale deetased. late of Pitt township, arc requested to ' state parnent to the undersigned Executor. and those Invited to attend. I Several addresses mac he expected. having claims or demands against said Estate are re gneated to present the Fame for settlement. By order of Com. on INl. , ctinvr, CEO. 15. June 8 J. rionsErt, Seer No. 2,; Wood st may 22-3wd4 w 20 SEAMS 'Cap" writing Paper. ruled, 10 gros3 Bonnet Roar , l4 on consignment, and (or Web, HAIL SIAN, June 6. 43 Wood st. STE33IBO3T AUCTION. yrigsgausambeatJaatert Rout. now lying at the wharf 'St Pittsburgh. her furniture, tackle and apparel, in aft respects in good condition and randy to take in a 'cargo, will be sold at public sale to the highettl bidder, ssu Thursday the 15th June next, at 3r:o'clock P. 111, The/antes Ross was built last fall, of the Itesrmaierla Is pd la the most substantial manner for low water; she 'Will carry 200 ions of freight, and Is well calculated for paissesgers. For strength and lightness of draught, she Is not 4geelitd by any boat on the western waters.— ?erste tams known at time of sale. SAW 30—d4 wtd F.OIIINEf 'TOC Aa- Co., SueOestors to 3. .Cuth !..7• rle, at the old stand corner of sth and Wood stR havlngeempliett with the requisitions of the new Aut. , lion _haw. , re prepared to mile advaucee rte t onsign ments and to sell Ott favorable terms. They hope by continuing to make ready tares and prompt tett rnv, to receive a fair portion of busineMt. In retiring from the Auction Lusineo. I lakegre t pleasure iti recommending to the public [desire. tamm•. Fahnesinck 4. Co.. who have comp:ied with the require ments of the new Auction Law and will do hii‘int-Rs at my oid stand. .I. B. GUTHRIE. auril 3 1;143. New is the time of year "ior persona attacked with Coughs, Coulds. Rheumatism, Gout, 4.c, 4-c. —To those attlicted,a speedy cure can be effected by using PEASE'S 110.912110 CND CANDY, Watch Is , allowed by all who have used Ii to he the best remedy ever offered r.r Corirrhs and Cords,and HEWES NERI E .R. VD BOJV'h: LIAMMEXT, an outward remedy. with the Tri - ETAB LE EL!XFR, nn inward application, la a certain and positive cure for the Ft lien mat ism. Gout, Contracted Cords and Limbs.— No one need , niTer from thez , e diseases If they will use the above medicines. The cenuine to he had only at TUTTLE'S Menu - At. Actars. • pritea i.te and Country merchants tvltl he paroled at Nicw YORK price.. PG Fourth Street. OWNED BY THE COll MON 5.% EALTII OF PENNSYLVANIA. 1N put snarler of the provisions of the 4111, silt and Gilt sections of an act of Assembly, passed the 11th day of April, 1843. eni it led •, Att Art to provide for the payment of the Domestic Creditors"( the Commonwealth, sale of State Stockmand :or other purposes," them will he ex posed In Fale,:lt the Merritant I: , c , •llam;r.. hi the city of Philadelphia. on TuL, , twAr. the 13th day corium, ne%t, at 11l o'clock, A, M., the 1 . 0110.1 , 1 g :docks Lwiteit by the Commonwealth, to wit: lira of shares. Companies. 5231 Philadelphia Bari., 3750 Batik of Pen nsylvania, 254)0 Union Canal Company. 1500 Prn'a. rind Ohio Canal Company, 500 Che-speake 4- [M'awa re Canal Co., 101)0 Navt2a:trin Company. 320 Bristol Stearn Tow float and Tran.porta ion Company. 2905 Danvire anti Poicsvele Railroad Company, 50 2000 Cnitilierland Valley Railroad, 60 Sr liu ylk I and Poll:town Br idze Co., 511 120 -teltittlk ill Bridge Coini any at Matsoli's Ford, 50 640 Downingtown, Ephra'a and liarrilditirg Turnpike Read ':ouipany 503 Sprlnghnitse, Northampton and Betlitellem Turnpike Road Com Pan)", 50 350 Belmont and Easton do., 511 500 Ride Road du . Stl 51) Phila. Brandywine and New London Jo , :10 253 Philadelphia and Great Bend do 1500 Delawwe anti Sr hirc 11611 l'on;11 do , 138 U Perkinitten and Its ailing Turnpike to., 11 328 Doylestown and 11. itlow Grove do., 933 Bald Eagle, and Spring Creek Navigatton Company A t.PO at the Capitol. in the liorntigh of flatrio,„„. on itiitrity the 19111 nflone at 10 o'clock. 41111 11:1,0, and r Rrid•,:e i'n 2111);1 !' , .1711.'1•1 'ntnpa v, 41111 IN (;,,11‘,1.tug do, COO Cndo s Nat - i..:ation Conipal,y . ( i.tr pa 1 , y 2123 it:irri , luirr, (Th rli•le 1.1(1 Clirt.hers . Gap /trot Newport tin•, - 2;0 %Vt - ty 11-4 I'd 1) 1 1 ,, •:!:11000.vn, l'lnirrldnvn 800 P.,CI Conin-doga and BAr f.:311 do 580 and D.,llVoid do . 10.1 1..111ra,,er. .!c• Nliddletown do, iUO 1:0011(• nnIK t-Itar , - )11 3.111 Vo.rt, 1i.w...1;11 401 V.lrk all 1 Cl:lly,'ltirq 110,, I1'; 111/11:1111i 110 pi,nl,,,l,urz and dn„ 1110 •••• 717 i:lrr 0.. ia an,i L^n 1.1,,,v (1,• 7711 dn., HU9 1 1 ,4t . Tis•mvz , M .1 and li inn,l_.l. , r , 2 0 tud . 1 " 1160 ren,C4t..e, nvddir . g and Von to2nl,lldms 0 1(11) ;L•,d • k 1 ,, t) P :01 :Zro,• , 11(le . 111 d 'Fur. pike I Tot rn;.14,1• I :AM V, out h ur . .4)! Sort hit.W.crtn,l, ~r .111r1 , , nt If) 0 . 01) - 1, rf er ' 4011 NwrIl.1 , 11,1! er tali! 7.r1 , 1 . 4” 4110 6:ql Danytt!. t'o- . 200 N(Fct)p,rl; d r , 92 ' , fillet! irMj Ceithe Colupa oy, (('torn P. 1(1111..! 4(10 I.) cornina and Purer Turnpike :204 ne,rut own and You itgatatudown Ao., :At 9$ Lewiedurg ard Von rito own . - 0., ,;(1 128 IA in Weir?. and Jor.ey 1110 re 500 Towanda Prid - 2.•Coud , any, 20 328 3u-rptehanrin 11. irent Turnpike do. 1110 ALs'n—at Wiike4harie, Oft the 2001 day of June nevi. at 10 0 clock, A. M. .Vo. of share,. Componirx. 4.10 Wilkvo,arre Bridge Company, 250 15'ilke4i , arre Turnpike Co 5,111 Fil-qtieltanon and 1240 MOP - int and 0wn..79 3 0 0 Cayoaaa and Somnehanon 516 Bridgewater and Villkeenal re 160 Bethany ai,d lii ngroanr Cled. e 100 Ilthoont and Ogliqoae 154 (3101"drd and 11 - Oksharre 24 Catbendate and Inc:, awa nna 48 Laeknwanna 64 Sterling and Nnwroondland 96 Lenox and HaTmdny Purchasers will he required to pay fort he storks at the time, or immediately after sale. In certificates issued by the Auditor General. in pursuance unite resolution of 7th April 1842, notes issued by the Banks of ;hie Ciim monwenttli, under the art of 4th May, 1841, sped.. or the notesoffspecie pailieg Banks. The transfer of stock will tic made In a re:isotialde time niter sale. J ‘111:14 CLARKE, EV %NS tIOCEft.t , , 108 MANN, Corn's for sale of Stale Prock. bine 3 —ts. 50 Rags Green Si. Ja2o Coffee, just receivPd, and for sale by II 11 L7ll N, JEN N SCS 4. CO., 0 " SACKS Dhio hers, prise article) on consign e) mein, and fur sa lc by fiAIf.M.AN, JENNINGS 4 CO 4:3 Wood Street. rikANilil., M. CURACY, At.orneynt Law. 0 f flee on Stlist between and Sodihtiettl . i.p 8 GEO. COCHRAN. Es'r 4A Hart•s emle Auctleit. Pittghtirgh , A pril Ist 1843 COUGHS AND COLDS Sale of Stocks pif.r I'~nu p:mr Ilarri%httr.7, Slav 24 DISSOLUTION rrHEpart ncrittp herelofore ellFtlnz 111 , 1 tv , en the silt,. scriheri; under the firm of Young 4. Bradbury, In the Machine and Sclite btulitless, fc this day dry , nlverl by mutual J A M P,74 BR,%DHUKY, June 7. 01tS VOTING. BROOMS. i.) - 1 G,) DOZ. Corn Itrnorns, f~IJ '4O 20 '• • Bruslieg • reerdwed and C.T. pale by I. W. BURBRIDGE 4. CO Water mt, between Water k !Sinn It'd FOR SALE II T large and commodious warehouse N 0.61 Lih. erty rem, in the occupancy of the subseriher, 20 feet front, running through to Virgin z.hey 85 feet, substan tially built, with the unexpired grrund lease of six years. The above house Is in one of the heat hu.iness stands iu the city for a Grovel y, Clothing Store or FOUtuiry Warehouse, and he sold very tow and 110. , ..q.1 , M0ti given immediately. Enquire of R. M. DAWSON, on the premises. June 7, 'TD= THR-- GEN'TLICIIEN-OF PITTS BURG El., , rri RE subscriber most respectfully informs IbeldrVe ...l men oftltl , city and vicinity that he has connitewerd the BOOT and SHOE making bulginess in Pearl h street, opposite the Mayors office. Having been totems,' in some of the most fashionable Boot Shopa In the Eastern citier; and having furnished himself with the best French and American Calf Skins. Inc hopes by Ills attention to business to merit a share Orpublie pat rooms% To those gentlemen who have kindly patronized him be returns hiseincere thanks and can with confidence appeal for the goodness of his work and know ledge cf his business. may 11. KERRIGAN. This is to certify that the subscrlber has been fur some time afflicted with the Rheumatism very severely, from which he could get no relief, until, being nrivis,rl u pro cu re some or Dr. fitch', , INDIAN VEGETABLE ELIXIR, which he accordingly did, and from which after a few dose•, he was entirely relieved. Columbia., April IS, 1752. SA M'L PEA CBF.: Near Rire Creek springs, Rirnland Uistricl,t3. C , April 30, 1838, I certify, that my son, Thomas ?allelic!, Jr., aged 15 years. ha,, been Lroubled for eight years last pa. , t with the R tiromatism, and for the last three years has 'teen unable to help himself! Isis pain was very seVere, so that lie you'd tint be moved without great agony; Ills llntbs were naralized and drawn up, and he presented an oh- J..el hopeless to all who knew num, I resorted to several l'lty,.teinn.: for relief for him, without eff..rt. Having heard .if lir. A. Fiteh's Indian Vegetable Erzlr, I pro. cured the same for inv son, On inking it he was much relieved, and by continuing It to the fourth kettle, has rut kel y removed the path, his flesh Is restored and he la now enjoying good health. I would, in a rate of f; bea m:lllAm, earartdiy recommend it to those who are ntfer. ire Will this excrorl-ling pain. TUOB. MITCHELL 1V being nelehhors and acgnnintaneee of Mr 7 . 111111 Me j 111 jichell, and having often peen the situation of bin non, folly eotrtototate the above case, and, twi we believe hap Itern cured by the Indian Vegetable Elixir. SAMUEL. MEEK, %VW D. HAY, BRITEON SPELLING. ROBERT THOM I SON, BUCKNER H %IGOOD. Th e above, with a very large (wort men! of other far *aloe, $lOO 111111 100 20(1 ineilirierc, have prif In en received and are fir rate liy ilir quantity or single bottle, at TUTTL.rs, :;r, ! (IN Ihe qo, rhy of November a Fon of the snli- A- 07 .cilli2r t amed J.1%1E3 KELLY, 1 1 1..t1100111 9 year.- or ht. 11,, , ,: I n W;IP Free a fca days MA' In iNirp , hllft:ll Ito bac a fair tnnipleilon and lair hair and Is rather heavily built On 'he 30th of Ike same 'how h. his low or. boy then egezt shoot ten ycare,nl.n it away 111 , name is Ell‘l AR 11) KELLY: Itr lias hnir dark eyes, It is prolinlile that hoili the I. may tlenv their trne I.3lllPti and lIIMUME ar her?. Any ire_ Ihrit.nt ion C01.C,r11112 them Will be gra chilly received ti) , their Allicled Irllft te, PAIN KELLY, , may 9 Progprrt street, rum E undersigned will 11":IEP Iwo raring situaied is X Elst Deer township, with the necessary tenenenis, and R , tm 75 to UM Re HI cleared on rile h. A hin. mgr fill,. N 1 ,11,1.11 in t,V, t (her township A Re 2 heny county wit It rion• 71i to 7.3 a• rrii rivaled. TI e Blioye dr seri rd pr•ipeiti il•a-01,161V 2 , ed repair. la% •eg ah wit 1 mile., froth tin • And within two noir •• I of 1.1.! 1111%1 i•nd ant be or; reasohaide Terms kit from I to • i•I ee ycarr, to good truant.. um - Fri:Am MUR It Y. Mardi 131 11—.1 C. Par ra u. c.:0(1 -141 r... run! 1M POUTA NT TO OWNERS OF SA W-M11.1.5. 1 rn r Self : 4 4 iter. r.irS - awirtilll. , 100, h 011• 1 4ll (101% . 1,0/ . 11 to ditrertrlt Part'. of 111. :11)! 1 . 111 .1 , t 1 ri nest a . Pitr , hur:h aryl 11‘ 1111, s. ,n Irl clic! allon al a ngn,brr nl 511 nr Mr ~ 111, 1111 1. 11111 1/1,111 gilxvoi3ll (11:11•11,er.' ntlll , Nlorti.olC, , 1 111 11: . 1 ,, v , r mm l r.m I. • WA:111,11. , IC. W. N :,!la, is plop on Liter r,v <I 1111.•',1, i p. nnJ Wt , ..fl• 11170W1 . 1 AV:110,1 1:11711.. A ; , 11!. 10 F. v,'. •r or IV lOU •Is()X 11•CeIVI'd i .1! no' Y wn't• 11.‘1;,11.A N. JENNINCS r 4 wn 7:1 ”.1,1 MONO\(;AIi ELA NAVIGATION IMPROVEMENT. por , •r wail t , t,rricoli 1100 . the 10 , 1, for t.,,! , !i• I .1,1111. til=l Ili^n., rtij Iq r..1• , v0 1.11: ~f ht. t:, r %sr•r I. '1.11•1 r.l 1111.11EI , v it, atlonA prntn ptiy In I lip rohrrl ion or wertil t: y of o,ltll Nil prof, 1.1•1,1( . %• (I In 14, ',re in !hr ran rJ 1.•4 of 11arri, aft, .leffer..on, Br;m-rt Oseroren, Telpral afros, Ilatme,, C'eshorl on C , rro , l Slnrk n,,! tront, n Ir:cro•r 10: M. traq an, I.ctrinit, fl 1 7eIl 0.1 nett, In , : John 117iritor. 'l'. 111 e M'l'. MET HOT EL. 16. 1 .1±11 'FILE PROPRIETOR Par Value. 50 1104 well known end commodious house, iillutiled al Ike ••••rlll rlnl of the rilit /Ale:Menu hrid^e Infornix ri end. , and the pnlOir. that tie line every Chin?, in cool weir order fir inn r• ,•To,ol, arid •nlerlitloment of iraris carat and permanent Mardi nr. 1114 rlinrces art !node ra le and lin t NIA - vino,: will I. stored lo make en. journeys and keep rip the former reputation of lib Impute. Court elatolin:i for any nu Ober or harpeft, do., do„ d n,. du, I'ilfll 7 . patrons of (111 R pleasant retreat and all wboneek Weasnie ill the pure air of the country, are informed 111.. t Ihe NlOlllll is now open for vinllore A raffia?... will lenvethe Mt. Emmet Ilotel every day at half purl 2, nmi hal pas: 3 o'clock, Sunday. excep ted, HUGH FWEENI". may 31--,4v. 54j BOXF,S Ground Pepper, 1,1 51 dn. Clwr.olale, from Fltaer.lx Factory, (Solt., Ju, , t received and for sale by 13AILMAN.JP.NNINCS 4- CO., 93 Wood street. No. 43, Wood P f I 1111". half of a very valuable and productive !property for , ale to a cood partner on very low and accom. modal in, t, ms. The property is in New Castle, on the PettriFylvania and Ohm canal, to Beaver and Mercer countle+, and ~ 011.i., 1 of a Saw-Mill, with Iwo saws that cur about 3600 fret per day and rents for 650 dol. lars. A four story brick Poor Mill with four run of flu, re, k ran manufacture about 116 bids gnod flour per day. '1 hr Flour and rzaw mills have all new work+ and MAC ilinrry and in first rate order, The mlll rents for 1300 dollar per ;tannin. A Rolling Nail Factory and Rlonittery for making Charcoal blooms, all of which is workediby water power formed by Sbenango and Nashannock creek= . . The Rolling Mill Is drove by steam —22 itictre,,, cylinder and 51 feet stroke. The Rolling Mill's large trot convenient and has a Sheet Mill, Bar Icon mill, Hammers :Ind small Guide and Hoop mil Furnace, sufficient for doitts. a large business. LUala pass up and down the race from the Works to the Canal and saw" expenses of all Jraylng,hattllng coal ¢r . There are II dwelling houses and a number of shops and sta bles°. tho premise+, and sales at New Castle for all the iron. nails ke, manufactured and demand increasing.— The Englio; and ton , rl of the machinery and most of the imprevemrnts have run about six months only. The Iron %Yorke witi rent for about 5000 dollars, The pro. perry cost, two years agn,42,ooo,and since that time 31, 000 dollars have been laid out in Improvements. To a good partner who can pay 15,1100 dollars down and the hnla tire in a year, a good bargain of one half of the above will be given, Apply at ISAAC HARRIS' General Agency and In telligence office, 9 Pifilt Rtreet. June 6. JUST RECEIVED. about 50 bores of good Burlington . Herring, 25 reams of wrapping and writing paper, and a lot of good B ye Flour, for sale on accommodating terms; In lota to suit. eustomert. ISA AC HARRIS, June 3. Com. Mc7'bt No 9, sth et. J.W.Burbridge & Co. AGENTS for the We of Beattv's Powder.. Water at. between Wood and Smithfield. - • March 30, 1°43. TO IHE PUBLIC INFORMATION WANTED Farm% lo Lease. 1l U 1.11 iIA r: . PI( 11Ell L. LIARPER, Attornefi and Counsellor at Law, CADIZ HAIM S(wN COVNTY, 0111(, Mount Emmet. TO CAPITALISTS. expreesly . far powder trutibudner, tot Cl/very suitable fieeiftriciiesseect'ips, the materials of which they are constructed will ,nofrest from the action of the salt, will be sold low for cash: - muy 2-6 w JAS. PATTBREION. DRY PR.dCRES.-50 bushels Dry ?ruches, just rz eelvrd for rale by H. ILMAN,JENNINGS 4" Co. may 11. 43 Wood street. Corner of Penn 4• St. Clair sts. PittsVgh. MIRE Proprietors of ibis elegant and commodious es laWiFhtneni, beg leave to announce to their friends and t!e public, that their price for Board, from this dale, is reduced to ONE DOLLAR PER DAY. Front the locality of this house, being situated mid• way between the Canal and Steamboat landings, don the great thoroughfare to Allegheny city, the proprie. torn trust, thot with continued exertions on their part. they will lie enabled to afford every attention and (aril Icy required for the comfort and convenience of their guests, and hope to merit a continuance of the patron• age that has hitherto been so liberally extended to them. The principal Stage and Packet offices, age connected with the lintel, and for the better accommodation of their guests, an Otaxibiss will at all times be In read,. ness to convey them to and from the House. an 25—.3ni. McKIRIIIN 4. SMITH. CHEAP COMB, BASKET AN!) VAD RIETY STORE. No. 108, Market streef, ?Wu?' Liberi y t: rrertecifuliy tnformslll. customers and 1 the public generally, flirt lie hat, Inst returr,ed from the emat with a IFIT:e and elegant 11 4 .0riffirill of goods In lily line to which he Invitee Merchatott and otlteto who wi , th to purcitn.e evhrlesnte or retail, very low for rash. fultowlng comprise. part of stock, with a vet y large tmsortment of fancy goods and boys. 2110 Vneks English, Clii•rman Anwriran Nil thousand I.nst needle?; 110 , 1 tape=: z." , olorq 4 ,(1o1 rnli on 160 1' p:il ent wren;; 2.1 Few in: si' k, i• 1.4 t 5110 e t 10 1 ,34!! 104) rOIRIII threat{ 7. - t0 IterruF , dutt rap.: 11;1) Flit tu..ttutz 1. It .ro-c pearl .hire Iluitott".. I 2..1 gto•4 shot , lure.; 100 doz. iortoi-r shell roar'-+; I. z torioi , e tuck and Ilufralo cond.. I:i6 doz. fin. Ivory ren,ltf; .200 doz. dref,ilig rum), 3;11 eoz, combs; f: ro—g ;troth I , rn4lle-; 20 d. 12 zosni led hair and tIW Ilrn•ltr ,•, --n - trti :1(1,1,4 ,perlarlt-F; Sil :1 - 0,4 a-•orrd whalebone 2" , ,loz.B,..nrird .i7.PS111:111.f; Itl.rrn+,lrrll p.•ns; IX, 0,1 oa rd's rviel•ral.-d prn linlder XV na:nr , (11r111 oral) ill(k or Va 6(1 y rad:r.c. in,rket and (.1 her o • A. , . h•r. WOlOOl in part War In vt:e Ilir I . 14e. ladle- , 1,1 hi. , fine :1,1(1 tarzr aN.ort anent of •Leif rufl:On ti n.Es f.n, Gr6..ani's re:t•I.1:Ort1 cit r. •d roilon.ll.k el lif le !Wick; 11'1 , 4M. !my., r:on ff l llllll a if 11111 114 frpre‘oll..l I r• twrfll, , ,t, whlrh hprn rtie4 ~-; • rr•3 1 :‘ rnr f(•1:13i, and fin. innrirnn Ott and round on.ky - 2 ! ,P. 1G En. - - X) rom.ll, 111.1er , cored, tr..r.-tvcd Wiy I t:171;1 . 1, krZ i A IkEts, rfintr:,..nv :0 10 T: Cll. ur. Nla-trr, y F r Ll av at 10 I) 111 Tl' nr•fltlelf rvery Sat Imlay al 10 u'rlock n. The 11Naress. • yln-•r s, leaves Cy, v SII day .0 111 k In. VIER REsIDE";CE I'OR RENT. Aw ELL, fur, ished krirk t,oum., wit!) a well cultiva led Flower I:mien ,d'abonl half an acre, and pro cided with QI:Odc: and lit is of. fend r , dat their.'. ' title wail the fist of April """ • It - tro , d nn the hank, of the Ohio Whorl dicta ore frOin Ito oil v, and for voriVVllirlier and and comfort is not rx,-,•lled by a ny oilier In the to 1210.00. hood ror a ot.nall iatnilt , who will lake gOOd care or 11, peen i.ee, llds tune of it, m0,.1 drsir nide locatillll9 I il:1 con - , he oll'erril. r Itirthrr infor mation 3i,jily at refire, or to :11. Kane, Jr.. Ltherty J •ele ti-Iw. NOTICE. bur r Pat ri , lc Keary or Abraham lito-rider will call at t he office of the Pocr, they Mal', perhaps, hear of so met Ill.; that h ill be of Interest tootle or both of them. ekIr'NERS OF PLANING AIACIIINFS TAKE NJ , NOTICE. That f have purchased the extension of %Voodworth's Patent for his Planing Machine. for seven years from the 271 b day of December lase, for Allegheny county. All perions infringing will be held accountable, Those who have 'limiter dressed, carry it to or lake It from the machine, are Mole to proreu. ;lon, ne. well ex those who own or run the machine. tone '._3t WILLIAM LIPPINCOTT. PRocI.A NIATION CITY OP PITTSPITRGII, ss IN conformity with the provisions of an Ordinance ra ,, cd by the Select and Conlin nn Conoclls of Ilie city f Piltshtir:.h, on the 29th May. 1843, providing for or E'er' fon to be held in sold city, to ascertain the wishes of the citizens ac to the Imposition of an additional lax of 82.5,000 per annum, In pay the Interest on $300,000 proposed to be subscribed to the capital stork of the Pitts• burgh and Connellsville flail Road company, I, ALEN% ANDER Mayor of the said city, do issue this my Proclamation, declaring that on the Second Tuesday lu June, A, D., 1843, being the 131.11 day of sold month, tie freemen of each ward of said city, qualifies to vote for ;Bator and members of Counctisof sold city, and who shalt morenVer. have paid a tax to the said city, within !We've months next preceding the 29th day of May, A. D.. 1843, Will acct together at their usual maces of holding elections in their respective wards and derlee by ballot whether the gild additional lax of 823 000 per annum, for the a orementioned purpose, shall be as. sussed, or not. And each person Voting at Cite said elec tion, sled: depOsile a Written or printed ballot, having on WILLIAM DOUGLASS It the words, .•For the Tax of $25 000 per annum," to ti a A tni T do nr A ,ot N ni. infila:li:paPrinrside.CAlnoNpsUsnr thehand, tim it a c E s n , R d ' a fo t E r t v i t: e a:l ' e o . . ,: d i w e s s h t e n a r i n i e P ; which he shall sign his pQer name, If he approve ores it sessing the said tax; or. if he disapprove of the sante, ho I sale shall deposlie a written or printed ballot, having on it ior Douglas ?doom Wood 73 street. ma) 5. the words, “Agaiost the Tax of $25,000 per annum' _ to which in• shall sign his pruner Mime, as nforesatd -- The said election shall he held at tile usual places, ann 800 000 LB? of Bacon, for sale by . W. JACKRON. at the usual titne, in each ward, by the Judges and In- moo 30-Irn. 4th st„ near Liberty •Tectots of other elections, and shalt be conducted as near as may he, like other elections. But if the said Judges I FRESH HERRINGS. and Inspectors shall refuse or neglect to attend at the 5111 fiRLS Fresh flerritiss, Just received and for proper time and Ware, their respective wards, for th I/ sale by LIAILM AN, JENNINGS if CO,. 111 Ir pcve of holding said election, then the taxah!c: inhab• (nay 27, 43 Wood street. ita ale Our the ground shall proceed to elect other Judges -- Inspectors, whose duty it shall be to conduct said FREEMAN'S FIRE BRICK FOR election. SAL.E. Given tinder my hand and the seal of the said city of c IUST received, 5000 Freeman's best Fire Brick. which Pittsburgh, this second day of June, A. D. 1843. will hereafter be kept constantly on bend and sold ALEXANDER HAY, Mt4or, I low for root,. i y liIRMINGDAM ee CO, Mayor's Office, June 2tl, 1843. may 2I• No. 60 Water sk . june 3 .—die, r - Thrmingiuun dr. Co.._ HIDES. AG'TS.FoR STEAME CLE VE 11, 25 DR lED HIDES k S , Calf ins reccive4 nit eons! nment n And Cleveland Line. for PAP " BURBIZ I E - do a l Mardi 22, '43. I pone 3, Winer s4,lieineen Woniiand Smithfield EXCHA.NG E HOTEL, Its ,Ivernd hooka and ry. omoo hooks and ryr,; ll= FOlt rINCINNATI. I.Very JOHN BIRMINGHAM 'Sr CO. ORRICTSD IRO jar,jllrt ALUM 1101 raiJIGX Brtitat r FraYLvTiiii Rank .if Plitebor,;li In r Met; h. 8; !Ilan. bk. p;; ; I Exchange bank, part Bk, of Germantowr " Easton I ank, Lancaster hank, die Bank of Chester Co. Farmers' Lk MICAS Co Doylestown bk Bk of N America Phil. Bk or Northern Libeitics, Commercial bk. of Pa. Far.* Mechanics bk Kensington I.li. Philadelphia IA Selmylk 111 1.11 Sonibwark bk Western bk. Bk. or Pennsylvania, Bk of Penn par Man. 4 Mechanics bk. par Mechanics bk. par Moyamensing bk. Girard t,a.,k. 15 1 U. Stales bank. 41:1, Lumbermens', Warren, -- Frank. hk Washington, par Miners bk of Polisvile, 4 Bk of Monicomery Co. pnr Mon. hit Brownsville, Erie Batik, 5 Harrisliti rah bank. 41 Far. hk Lancaster, Bk of Middletown, Bk. of Chambersburo. 4 1 Carlisle bank, 4 Bk of Northumberland, par rolornbla bk.* ilrlden co. 8 Bk Susquehanna Co. 40 flkof Delaware Co, par Lebanon bk. - Geltyaburgh bk. 4 York bank, 4 Far. ¢ Drovers bk. of Waynrabureb, 4 •• Currency notes. 4 Honesdale, 2 Wyoming hank, 10 Pittab•gh State ~ t erip Country do do 4 Berk. ( n bans, 7 1 ) Lewistown. 2 Tuwanda. Monnlp,r3 , ant bk 4 Par. 4- Mech. hlc of Flea. brnvillr, 1: Belmont I.k of St. Chairs. vi!le. Mariettn I.lc. Demand note•. do Correor y nutem, 4 Colomldano l,k d ew Lie bon Demand, 11 do Post roles, If 'inch nazi specie pay• banks, Merit. 4. 'Traders bk of Cincto on 1. Clinton bk of Colombo!, Drmand nofrv. it irelPville, (11. Lawrence Ca+llier) Zanesvitle I,lc FORiSALE OR TO RENT. 3d etory of the building occupied by R. A, Rati.iinrin an Auction etore--beretof.re known as "Nrainith'a Lon7.Room.' corner - of Wood and sth turret* Inquire of R. Morrow. sth at. jan 23. y OTS Fon SA LE,—Four Lois In Manclis•dsr. One I and A (north Arrrn of Land on H01m...N . fi ill. T,nt. , 41, 42,52. 53. 54,181. 182 and 184. In Cook's plan of Lfds. on flolms'A HIII Also, Lola nos 2.3 and 27. in p'an of I.ola on High NI rPPI. near Illy lIPNV '10n... For t Prnn. apply to Z. W. REMINGTON . o p in xi) 2lv en 00 the 14 of April nexi; brirk hone nil The honk of the AlletTlirnv river iwn 4 comfort:o , e ronmv, besides rel!nr and k lichen. IT Vert' WeIn:MIIV .411111eli ins, mit side the city tine. with n firl view of theeftp Of Allegheny, and within .!fl inintitei . walk or t he heart of the ei:v—rcpt t'a'il' low. r I I=l ONE hrick houzo, coutnioin? n !aro t77t hall, two it:Woo,. 4 Inntni Itp Ftnirs, tvtth tin khed carrnt.ilolitte room and kitchen, with car Till. Oo11 , 1• i pinagantiv located with aril in fro", and rear. on ilie canal hank. corner of =tiol ctrnet, tnortlntt to uptirr now it, the oc cltirtnen f Mr. McClure. rent to ',tit Iho inte.F-- I:l , qUirf of pr . Whittalsnr. Alle;:hrov rit v. war ft, For Rent. A cry\iN'ENTF.NiT th,PO .t.nry brick riwpilinT hmtm .ifnateon 1:1=4 iiireet near Fourth. Rent ::2125. ritir ln. An l )lv to JAME 4 M AY. WHISKEY. Tifit.q 5 rears old eol.ner JirIIIIeA Moni»lT.Rheln 4lrf!,ye. WhiAry on consirnment. and for sn'e by au I ‘Vri ter het tVP•II ‘VOnd nd Smitled • 20 lION Rudd and Rnbe , !• - on'..F No. 5 LUMP TO PArco. 20 RnY 11,1tnri,,d tn f ellior will n rrnernl n. , nrlment of ..vrry thin! , In ihn Grnrrry Our, and for gale on the mn,“ neenmmndnt term., lI.IILM JENNTNGS 43 Wood st. 4. .emmt,VEß • -•A • BE AND WARREN PACKET. he ranal pa , ket r.nrc.l. M. Shaw rangier, will run rev)! r tri_weeklv packet between the ato/enamed ports, leaves- Reaver on 510ndave, Wednesdays, Frida s; returning, leaves Warren on Tnn , liny!, Tfilimlilys and Saurdays; connecting with the Stage Lines to eleveictlni direct. For freight nr nasmage aunty on hoard or io m ay 10 IRON CITY HOTEL; The old stand of M.o. hew Patrick, ••• (Lately occupied by John Irons.) 11\ HP stib.rrlber wtshe, to Inform the eltizens of Pitts. 1. burgh, and the travelling public, that he line leased the above well known stand, (Aituated on nni, street, between Market :,1111 Wood,) where he will he ha pm to accommodate all his old mends, and as many new ones nit will lie pleased to acknowledge him es t:;rlr host.— Itr , terms will he moderate, strived to the tines. ills tattle will he supplied with the best that the Market at fords. Hip bar will he furnished with the choicest of liquors, both domostle. and forelyn. Rio stables are spa clans and commodious, conducted by exper!enced ani attentive ostlers. wonld Inform the citizens that he is prepared to nceommodate n number of Weekly, Monthly Of Years ly hoarders at reduced prices. fATCSor 130ARD . Sinee Meal. 25 cents. Lodging, 12& ci s Tiontrl ner Week. S 2 r R-3m. MICH. PORTSER - inft SALE.—Lois on Ihe North East corner of Coa Lane and lll4h street. Apply to . e p ill Rr.v.l. 11A R N(ITON, Market, n ear 41h a A2II.O..II.ILCIIANGE_LisT %foam ss. . _ . .1} Illa S-. ,n, du :Int,t..zky. do Cealiaa, do Norwalk, do Xenia, do Dayton, do Scioto, :35 Poet notes, Chillicothe, Fran. 14t Columbus, 1* II I; ! : GI; : au. i n I: v [ 1 1 11 . 1 : 4 ! °l k i eine . 1. ..' L Lake Erie, :33 2 7 s °Bo ' Car. bk:of Canton, \ 48 Urbana 60 INDIANA. State bk. 4. Branthex n Slate Ferip. 'l7 KENTUCKY. All banks, Si ale bk 4- Grandma. 50 Sim weieelown. 65 Punk of VlPgibia. 1 do Valley, 1 Far. bk. of Virginia, Exchange hank, 1 N. IVesi. bank 1 11cr. In. 1 .MARYLAND Baltimore Banks, Country Bank,. DELA WARE. All Bank,. NEW JERSEY All !hill* par and 1 I NEW YORK. My Ranks. par ecarntiy varety 1 rßosi N e ß n e ed t u V a n n 3 E i r ,, N k. Ito I . O LA N D. or !Country rt LOUISIANA [OrTrans Psnkp, !nod. 3 NORTH CAROLINA 13311 if SOUTH CAROLINA 113ankv. I'IS. COLUMN A Ranks. {al ALA BA M rood rnnk., 20 TENNESSEE. All Bankp, 3 MICHIGAN Ilk. of St. Clair. 10 Do. dn. J fl. Smith 31 lEaMill Conti lon nkc Eastern Exchange. Ennadrlpnia, 4 Now York: J. Ilaitimore, 4 Boston. ii we.4t ern ! Exchange. 'Cincinnati, par Louisville, (IA r Cleveland, i din Wileelins. par .(OLD AND SILVER, par TO LET. FOR RENT. 11t E' Ht. !lolly! A zri , . sth Ward TO LET. J. W. RITRBRIDGE, MiNntl Sz: Cn., Pitighnteh J. S. DICKEY, Beaver. .4picapiorzwa,„ PRINTING OFFIel f X W. Cone?. of Wood .5- Irk fib. Tar prOprlelois Or thr Monsint Port and ltorrtctrit ♦ND MAxtro.4.c.rcaka respectfully Interco their friendn and the patrancir those papers, that they have a large and well ehneen assortment of aralimit frimr - Virgimpiisas ANN) Atir9/4 @MZE. ard MAlVRatgeatEte Necegsary to a Job Printing Offirg, and that they ire pre pared to ex LETTER PRESS PRINTING, OP EVERY DESCRIPTIOki. Bills of Liullng, Circniars, Rill fiend:, Card', I Blank Checkß, not Tips* Books. Pamphlets, handbills, SU Mobs of Blanks, sear.. StOsaboat. sad Canal Boat Bills, with awbo•O prictle Cottit, Primed on the shortest notice and mast roasonsitinteress. We respectfully ask the patronuse of our friends NM be ,r,Uhlic in teneral fliiQ hranell of our business. - " 1114 " Sh• Sere— 39.1842. LLIPS k SMITH. PASHIONARLE HEAT) QUARTERS No. 251. LIBERTY STREET. W E .vould invite the attention of nor friends and the puhlitTzenerally to our assortment of GOOda• which we have just teceivcd from the East, all of andel we are determined to sell at n small advance ou cost. Customers may rely on Navin, cheap, good. well made) and handsome article", warranted to fit,sldcb i s *vex,: desirable crm6lnat lon. Pere.onis WM) Yihit this etnabllshment can depend on nndine an ehilrety new nr.sortment orsprln% and stiartmef soodS; we do not qty one thing"and mean anOthmwhett WP par OUT ainwirithent is Inroe, fashionnhle, hand/mad and cheap. w! mean that it Is so, and cannoLbe passed In this or any other city. may 31— If, ALC EO k MeC ATovire to Steam Boat Owners.—Ttip .'ulmrribtt, Id LII ciinovitneevr, dr the dlfile it It r or 11, !irreg. ling reen cod the pee* orbit. Safely buard f." the prereption of tke expleeitty of steam boilers, to $l5O pe r boat. 1t ta hoped that Mtn. at owners wilt avall liIPnIiU.II7PP. Or theft reattimahte temp, not ottlY un .steentint of thif perfect Lindy they afford, but nl , m In point ttf economy. Boilers with the apparatna attached wilt wear abort w too AR tone as those not provide dith them. M a rchl -Sm ' ' e. EV A ttall _____ 5 CASKS BACON BANS 6 do shookletft, thou dot , rewired and rof gale by I. o. croßnnN, nivaler Ft REMOVAL., 'J DURRORAW, ATTORNEY AT t ViV has rex remnvPd hle office to No 63 Firth street, he. ween Wood and Smithfield sts. next door In Aldermad Morro*. apr WANTBb $BOO 01it . 1,000 on Mortenee on real erinte. Tit property Is atnone the heat frrOhnlrit in t bd city, end the adverther to wirline to rive a bartelsotne prerntorn kir the &holmium. Far further partiet ars ap: py at he office of the Mullin!! fort. Jnne'§ merle WICK. JOHN D WICK L. eic J. D. WICK, Wholeitnleroceri & Dealers in ProllTlctp 116 Wood Street. 4 doors above Fifth st. PITTSBURGH. may 184t_at iltandart, Ingtahain At. do. RiVal RD INC .AND Cb.H. CLEvnLotn. ORIO - G EXTS for the AierrharostranaportaiionCompany Composed of the Merehanis Line, Erie Canal. VS'ashington Line. fluster. Patmer 4. Co's, Line of Steam BOWS ^f' .elf. en the 'Laken. Ch veland Line Pennnylvanin and Ohio (anal. Proprietors of the Aftretntols Lihe Ohio Cana'. ttrFse. To— rt-mug 4- Enswbßi.u, SO. 1, Coentics slip. N. V It. MINTZ'S. 4- Co. AI ba ny. rtrts ro.rs. Roston. Ps.cianit 4 co.nunio. I.T. WILLIAMS 4. Dow, Cleveland. lion Jams M. ALLEN, do. ("if t111.6:9 M. If:MINI:S. J. nIcISSY, Renver. Ries:int - mos 4- Co.; Pitinhurgll an 1 1813-Iv. • EAGLE • 40141 11011 : " : • GROCERY - STORE. STACY LLOYD, Jr:, Wholt..ee and Relait Groter nod Fruiterer, No 140 Met!) , et met, Fittsbarrk may 20. PEACH TREES. Tlll - .: sabacrlher has just receiiied (ram the 'Novelty nf Landreth and FaWon near Philadelphia, a lin of the chnlee.t vatieliN ofPench Trues, to which he venqd call the attenthin or rite piihlsc P. L. §NOWirgiNr: in HI # 17 0 16.4. Liberty et head of rrond. J. 1). CREIGII .9 47'TORNEY L3TV. Office, corner of Smithfield and Third Streets. i',l7llBClia7l, rEPINI4 mac 25, 1843—:-1y... BUILDING LOTS IN BIRNIINGHANI. 3LOTS,pnitable for buildins, most eligibly situated. and within two minutes walk of the Srearn,Feery Boat Lardiujr, will be sold at prices to suit the. tunes. The terms of payment will be lands easy, either for rash or suet' rafter as ran he made available. Apply to the subscriber in slratinEhain, or Sr. P. Peterson, No. 4. Perry st . itet, Pittsburp. JAS. I.ITTEMSON, JR. june 1. • llectilnr Morning Pnektl FOR 13tAVER. tn fast runnina and well known 4-4 t; Simmer C LEVE LAND,' Su.ne ligarrnim., blaster, will depart daily from flitt,, , z burgh at 9 o'clock, A. 111,, and Beaver at 1 o'clock r • For freight er pasti.ge, dppsy on hoard, or to , iIIRMINGH AM & CO. No 6D Water street: N. n.—The rely tar canal parte; to Cleiretand. Ohs Greenville and Meadville Pa ; an& Prf tisaillon en the Ohio Canal, connect:n.4 with aleantet ttrretnilli St Ilett. ver.will be in operation immediately on epeninenrinte ittation, Mar !Gr--tr.• I:sultseritter hasjitst received from Philadeiptatteed New York, with a general and extenstvo.froork men! of DRUGS, CHEMICILS. PERP(74ERr, te nd every n•tiele in his tine of bukinges, %Thick Ifeis deter. mined to felt on the most reasonable terms for. Cash.— Ile ttelleies he can offer stronger In diteenienta thin anY sindla eviahlishment in 'Meetly to country Physicians_ nod Merchants, who Wish to supply themselves n ills Drucv and Medicines. Nis articles have heen with the utmost rare•, and are warranted oft he twin qual ity and uniform strength. Orders w;tl he filled with ac. enracy and elertnee. Pstnilh a can he ptipiOted with rfnes and Fancy Soaps-of every coneeliahle Variety, and of the moat exquisite perfumes; likewise with Perfumery and Comnetics of every deserliV inn. The undersigned returns his t ha nka for the litters I nip_ port heretofore extended to him, and hopes by a ronpont disposition to please and accommodate—a rare in pid— curing and netting only what is excellent and genulne--a close supervision of the sales and t ranadel lon of the estate_ listionent—preenttilon and accuracy in com poundte t ! nod icines—and by Industry and perseierance. to nwrh an in crease of public patronage may 25. WO the Honorable the Judzt.s of the Court of Cetberef Quarter Serrions of the Peace, In and for thocono. ty or A Itefhpny: The petition df Samuel Flutings of Indianan t0W411 , 14p. In the county atiirctla Id. humbly shcweth— Thai your petitioner bath provided himseN*with mate flat* for the accommodation of travtlers and others. at 1%4(1%14411mi house, In the city and waid aforesaid. and ;Mays that your boring' will grant hint a license In Seep a public house taentertammenl . A nd he will nr3v. SA M'L 11 ULTNGt 4 . Ifrr, the enberribe re. cithiens Of Indiana I'p, do reentry that the above petitioner lief !rind rertof for honem 5 , and temperance. and la Well provided with hense roam and conveniences for the accommodation and fort:3l,lg orgas. !rec. and travelers, and that said tavern in nceess.ti y. lamps Wilson, A lex. 1. B. Power, B. Bell. John lleAiees , John fla ses, James Halstead, John freadr. Pion l'ot•ec. .IZII3 VA Power, Wm Armen*, Alleia*tee inne 9. XILLIAM TROnN