Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, June 12, 1843, Image 3

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• ,e at the old of sthlnYoodits
having complied with the requisitions of the new Atm.
tion Law.. re prepared to make advance* on Consign.
• • Tirades , . Üblon . ments and to sell on favorable terms. They hope by
Thaimembers of the Trades' Union continuing to make ready sales and prompt returns, to
receive a Mir portion of business.
must not• forget the adjourned meeting to
be held on Thursday night.
JUKE 12,1843.
07" We had concluded to publish the
communication of "Democri'us", although,
he declined to comply with our request to
call npon us. Upon a reconsideration of
the Matter, we have determined that it is
necessary we should eee him before it can
To-[right the bill is a rich one, for the
b.w4t of the star of the season, Mrs.
Flynn. We hope that the admirers of
ehaste acting will not allow any trifling
isiametasee to keel) them from the Theatre,
this evening. Nut one of the company
ins, labored so diligently to please as Mrs
F., for which she deserves a crowded house
is-night. She presents a bill that, in
dependent of her personal claims, it wor
tv of patronage, A .favorite Comedy, a
Farce, two Songs and two Dances.
Span/F.—The editor of the Gazette as
sailed the proptietors of the Monongahela
House and the Exchange Hotel, in a fu
rious article on Saturday, because they do
'not think proper to take his paper. The
other - gentlemen who may have discontinu
ed that journal had better look out, for the
-Deacon will most ceitainly give them a
t.urstikewise, ia proper time. About the
!looniest" idea we have ever heard, is the
editor's appeal to the abolitionists not to
patronize Mr Crcasan and Messrs. McKib
bin asd Smith, because they have Failed
to appreciate the interesting character of
Deacon White's paper.
Oar rivera are again rising. During Slt ,
oiday afternoon and evening it rained vet.%
heavily, and high water will of course be
the consequence. Business still holds out
good—remarkably gai.d rot this hereto
f•re dull gallant) of the year.
Another Row in .11Iegheny.—Allegheny
has been disgraced by another row—sup
p 05.41 to be a prix.' fight—which carne off
on . the eat common on Friday night last.
It appears that the inmates of the "Crow's
Nest," or a portion 31thel‘, have located
in our si'ter city, where they i xpeet that
• safety and provetion which whs denied
them here, on account of the inefficiency
of the Allegheny police. It is sup
posecithe Me.as orLinatett with then. In
justice to Allegheny we state that the rc.v
'idles were from this side. None of them
have been ar rested.
Steamer Westi , n Burnt,
The' Si Louis Gazette of the 2od Alf
"The steamer Weston, Cal.t W. Littleton, on
her passage from Weston Mu. to thip place, took
fire in bet hold, when about four miles above St
ebarler. She was immediately run ashore at
Taylor's wood yard. and every attempt made on
tie part of the boat's crew and pa=sengers to save
tharsrgo, but without lilac c, , s. The boat and
swim consisting of hemp, vt hcat and tob,,cco,u• ill
be a total loss.
.`The cause of the fire is not known, nor was it
dins° vered until smoke vas seen issuing from the
r 41, wheel box. There waq no cvmhuatible meter
•iiittle the hold, and the hatches had not been nu.
coed from leaving Lexington. There were 70
passengers on board,not one of whom were injur
ed. The cabin furniture, baggage &c. were all
sawed. The boat belonged to Capt. Littleton, and
MU insured in Pitt-burgh.
Missouri River. —Latest dates from St.
Louis says: The officers of boats froth
the Missouri river report it rapidly falling,
end much difficulty is encountered in na.
vigating it upon account of the change in
its channel. A number of boats have been
detained by running aground;
The Upper Mississippi is repotted ris.
Collision.—The St Louis Gazette, of
the Ist inst. says—`The steamer alto, on
hat passage from Galena, and a hen just
*bore the mouth of the Illinois liver, last
night, was in , and run into by the Boteas
...the B. struck tie starboard side of the
Ohio, just forward of the wheel house,
carrying away the same, and bi caking the
shall. which was lost. No other damage
was sustained.
Massachusetts. —No elPctiiin in any of
the diatticfs,except Rantoul's, where King
(wbig) has succeeded.
The Boston Mail says:—lt is imimated that
although the Tremont theatre hls been
Sold, it has riot yet been bone k"
cleared Eastward let week in June.
1843 184?.
"hour, 9,108 11114 5 046 1,',1s
'Woo, 1,281,038 ibs 243 1146 Ibs
1.•• rd. 71x10 - 34 032 "
Cotton, 125.211 6 ' 21 688
Hemp, 94.670 " 11.510 ,‘
Totim3o, 1,174 679 " 504.797 "
Jrnount of Tolls received at ritisburghfor
came time:
In 1843 $3087 64,
1111842 2144 27,
In fool' of 3843
114 name haying beep mentioned both for Pro
thonotary and for Congress—a diversity obvious
ly injurious--I take the liberty, under advice of
omny friends, to "define my position," and to
Mate in this public manner, that I shall be a can
dilate before the Democratic convention, only for
the rumination to
Pittsburgh, April let 1843
In retiring from the Auction business, I takegret
pleasure In recommending to the public Messrs, Samue.
Fahnesiock t Co., who have comp.led with the require
ments of the new Auction haw and will do business nt
my old stand.
april 3 1843
Now is the time of year for persons attacked with
Coughs, Coulds. Rheumatism, Gout, tc, ire. —To those
nffiicted,a speedy cure can be effected by using
which is allowed by all who have used it to be the hest
remedy ever ofered for Cosede arid Coids,and
an outward remedy. with the
an inward application, k a eertals and positive cure for
the RIICLIMIVinIn. Colo, Contracted Cords and Limbs.—
No one need suffcr front these diseases If they 119 e
the above medicines. The cenuine to be had only at
.D 01131146 and Country merchants will be supplied at
New Yoe& prices. S 6 Fourth Street.
Sale of Sloelis
I.N iintotinner of the provisions of the 4th, sth and 6th
sections of an art of Assembly. passed the Bth day of
April, 11143. entitled t•A II Am to provide for the payntent
of the Domestic Credltofs of Inc Conimonwealth, sale of
Stair Stockcand 'or other purposes," theta will ea
pni.eri to salt'. at the Merchant Exelions,e, in the ally of
Philadelphia. on TUESDAY. lie 13th day of June next.
at 10 o'clock, A. M., the following stocks owned by the
Commonwealth, to wit:
No of skives Cowponies.
5233 Philadelphia 8ai.1,,
3750 Bank of Petinstivania,
2500 Union Canal Company.
1500 Penna. and Olio Canal Company,
500 Chesapeake A. De'aware Canal CO.,
1000 Schuylkill Navlaation Company,
320 Bristol Steam Tow Boat and Transpnria•
t ion Company,
2905 Danville and Pottsville Railroad Company,
2000 Cumberland Valley nonfood,
60 Schuylkill and Pottstown Brid=e Co.,
120 Schuylkill Bridge Com! any at Malsoit'A Ford
640 Downinstown, Ephrata and Harrisbuig
Turnpike Road '.7onionny
500 Sprintliou.a, Northampton and Bethlehem
Tinrnpike Road Company,
350 Belmont and Easton do.,
500 Ridge Road do ,
50 Philn, lhandywlrn. lititl New London i n ,
255 Plitholciphio Ce.o Bend tic,
1500 Delawa.c and SellUnlkill Canal do.,
1360 Ferkionten and Rending Tut npike do.,
328 Doylestown and t'. 1110 W Grove 110.,
935 Bald Eagle and Spring Creek Navigation
ALSO at the l'apitol, in the '..niough of Ilarri,burg
nn Mosn.•v the 19th ofJune at 10 o'clock.
.Vo. if Shares. Companies.
9110 Columhia Rank and Britt.!e 4 : 0 ,
2000 Franklin fial'road Comeanv,
300 %V Vo,l, and th ,
6011 CodoillP NUVI/ution coin pa r.y.
4500 Mani-berg hitdge Co.p.+ny.
2124 Harri,boro, Carlisle 4- Chankhe - sburg Turn
undersicited will Wane two Farms situated it,
.1 East Deer township, with the necessary teurnerits,
and from 75 1 0 WO sierra cleared on Also, one
farm simated in West Deer township Allealieny county
with Item 511 to 73 acres cleated. TI e abt Ye di seri rd
property in In seasonality ,sood repair, laving Rh out l'i
Mlles Irma int clic of Potslturah, and within two miles
I ni toe count, and witl he leastal on reasonable I
' terms fur I rum 1 to three years, In eflOd leenele,
811 BA RTr: Am MURRY.
Cl° March 13111—if.
111P0111'A N'l' TO ()W NE RS OF I.
S..yrDEn•s untiv,illedtzell'Sytiers forFnwntills which
100 tuner 1, in sta fully tested lit different parts or the
50 United States. as well rts in the cities of POthburah and
Tot : Vo l :toms. ran In! sern In operation at a nunthrr of
511 1. mill,: In tteithlatthood, viz: at 11r
50 milt: tat l'r rtn at.: at Itowmait 4- I 'fino,her.' mar
Sit the nfi,"r 111e...hr uv Iltatlac,:tml at !dart ison's nil
Ilgi II a I-l a nd., nil The named line
100 ran'be tilmitard al IV. IN, It ;Oat is:Moo oil liberty
Ito ',par F. 11.1 W is Pliit , g tip, and where lite
Y 5 i [woad., witt It• inept on I, no, Apply In Ii
100 r. 14..yf'er or W . W. N E ;ll l , , re. may
44 / 11 O()NEs YOtilej !Iy.oo Ten. rereiVed , 11 ' 0F
nekl sole by 11,111,NIAN, JENNISCS
51.1 mar :27. 43 I` mai
a .
•INI 1 1 It( EML' N T.
lyttraFltr: l ll..F. will he tecriy, 11 'troll iii- 10th rtai 01
MirerAlmra and S do ,
June eml,pd,tin,2 110101,..r.
401 k Maven and 11.1 o Ishii a Bridge Co , to flint
Snocvsltoe and Packeryilie Turttpit,e• 515 Three and Four IlOg work. 'lie row rv.tor:
o ro,-,,lry mll.l whom .
64 Ear& vaireY - I'.l,”piLe co., • • k •
, 20 new from tin , lolls Inc lurk- irr the o l' II , 1-1, , d
500 Mouth or Blid7e do.,
Toe proposals to be ifo'llrf WWII 10 Prlt!erTi . Wl.
ALSO—at the mu rtorti t INorthumberland, on the 24ili ‘,VM [I. I Fill ACM, rtrai 'eat
or Jun., at 10 o'clock, 0.,, t r i l of M annasr..
No, of shares, Cympartics.
401) Northumberland Bridge Company,
400 I.e*lshurg do.,
600 Danville do.,
201. Nest:opeck do.,
92 Nihon do.,
1601 Cen'ire Turnpike Company, /cram Reading
to Sunbury,
,o,e Company,
-1.110 Chamber.' urg dn•,
512 Can and Newpnrt 1111.,
250 ‘l'aynesburg,Ure , ..n Castleand Nlercr nig
1•".0 111or2atilown. Chun .Wotan f. 13.1 1,
00 1.11110 Coon...toga Rod 111 u,• Bail do.,
500 Berk,: and Mani,hill 110
101) Lancasaer.Eltz , i , elloou 0 4- ‘1 i,i4lloow n do.,
41111 Cold re an.l do•,
511 So-quclianna and York Borou,•,1,
400 York and CeliyAbor; do.,
111) Now IlulFand do..
6'ol Ploopol.ore, and du,
100 Ilanover and Cirl . s'o do.,
717 la itlereilow n and Le , t it‘ own do ,
771) )3e•llecorde Rod Pilillp:lttire do.,
Rtle ilarrigtmr•Z and u ri du.,
9;0 1.•1Volown and 11111/111111dar
2.0 SI Iddle , own and Ilarriooird. do.,
1160 Kelirfoole, A:ll“l,.l , urg and Youngnia ,Anwn
404) Lytoming and Potter Turnpike Co,. 50
204 Derrstowit and Voungtuanstown do., 50
96 Lewisburg at d tionngmanstown do., 50
128 Lewisburg and Jersey shore do., 25
500 Towanda Brot•le C o n.pnity, 20
328 Susquehanna 4. Tioga Turnpike do., 100
ALSO—at tVlikeshirre, on the 29th day of June
next, at 10 0 clock, A. M,
Ns. of shares, 'Companies.
430 Wilketbarreßridae Company,
250 )21a3ton 4. Wllkecharre Turnpike Co
51;0 littiitielianna and Lehigh do., 00
1240 Milford and Owego du , 25
300 Cayu.ala and Susquehanna do., 20
516 .Bridgewater and Will.eslia rre do„ 50
160 Bethany and thneman:4 Choice do„ 50
100 Belmont and Ogliguge do., 50
154 Clifford and Wilksharre do., 50
24 Catbendale and Lackawanna do , 544
4ft Lackawanna do;, 50
64 Sterling and Newfoundland do., 2;
i 96 Lenox and Harmony do, 25
Purchasers wit) lie recoil , d to pay fort he storks nt
the time, or immediately alter stile. In certificates issued
by the Auditor Gomm!, in pursuance of the resolution of
lilt A pril 1842, notes Issued by the Banka of tliir Com
monwealth. under the aei of 4ili May, 1841, specie or
the noteAnUspecie to Ore Banks. The transfer of stock
will be made in a reasonable time after sale.
Cum's for tale of State. Storks.
Ilarrishurg, May 24. June 3 —ts
50 Bags Green Si. into) CotTPe. jutO reer•lvr.O. tot for
No. 43, %Woo
5 SACKS )Ino Feather:4, prime article) on consign
men', and fur sale by
DDANIEL. M . CURRY, Attorney at Law. Of
flee on 5111 Ed Let Vf/CCII Wtii,d and Snothfidid, ;,p 8
/Kr The Regular Meeting of the Yining 51 , n'. T. A.
Associa,tion will be held on tills (Thursdai) Evening at
61 o'clock P. M., in Liberty flail earner of Wood aid
Fifth at reel., over Davie' Auction ROOlll.
The inthllc 2rnerully and you n; nie.n especially, arc
Invited to
Several addresses may he cxprcled.
By order of Cony. nn Meetings,
J. HORNER, Sec'y.
THE par' nriship heretofore exlstinz between the sub.
scribers under the firm of Young q• Bradbury, in the
Machine and Scale business, is this day dissolved by
mutual consent. JAMES BRADBURY,
pine?. OTIS YOUNG.
21 0 DOZ. Corn Brooms,
20 Brushes, received and for sale by
$943 37
June 8. Water at, between Water 4- Smtth'd
Tll AT large and commodious warehouse N 0.61 Lib.
arty street, in the occupancy of the subscriber, n fret
front, running through to Virgin r.lley 85 feet. ruhstan
tinny built, with the unexpired grr and tense of six year?.
The above house la in one of tile hest business !dateda in
the city for a Grocery, Clothing Store or Foundry
Warehouse, and will be sold very low and possession
given immediately. Enquire of R. N. DAWSON.
on the premises. Jane 7.
Par ratio.
Pur `.-olue
Par Vedas.
43 Wood street
. . BURGH.
Tsubecrlbm most respectfully informs the geMle
it alma of this city and Vicinity that he has commenced
the BOOT and SHOE making business In Fourth street,
opposite the Mayors office. flaying been foreman in
some of the most fashionable Boot Shops In the Eastern
cities; and haying furnished himself with the best French,
and American Calf Skins. he hopes by his attention to
business to merit a share of public patronage. To those
gentlemen who hive kindly patronized him he returns
hlssincere thanks and can with confidence appeal for the
goodness of his work and knots ledge cf bia business.
may 11. P. KERRIGAN.
This is to cerilfy Thal the subscriber has been for some
time afflicted with the Rheumatism very severely, from
which he could get no relief, until. being advisad to pro.
cure some of Pr. Fitch's , INDIAN VEGETABLE
ELIXIR, which he accordingly did. and from which
alter a few doses, he was entirely relieved.
Columbia. April 6, 1751 SAM% I'EA ESE:
Near Rke Creek Elprlnga,?
Richland Diaklet.S. C , Aprll3o. 1833 S
I certify, that my son, Thomas Mitchel, Jr., aged IS
year.. has been *roulfled for eight sears last past with
the Rheornatism, and for the last thre., years has been
unable to help himself: his pain was very severe, so that
lie cou'd not be moved without great agony; his limbs
were nornlized and drawn up, and he presented an oh.
jeer hopeless to all who knew hint, I resorted to several
rti ysiciano for relief for hits, without [laving
beard of Or. A, Fitch's Indian Vegetable El.xlr, I pro.
cured the same for nit. son, On inking it he was much
relieved, and by continuing it to the fourth bottle, has
entirely removed the psi., his flesh Is restored and he Is
now enjoying, good health, r would, inn rase of filleu
umism, earnestly recommend it 10 those who are nffec.
tee who this eirritri. tine pain, T nos, M riVII ELL
W being neighbors and antimlnissices of Mr Thomas
Mitchell, and having often semi thettliuttion of his son,
folly corroborate the *hove case, and, RP we believe has
been cured by the Indian Vegetable Efixlr,
The shove, wtilt n very tarp/ assortment of ether
valual.'e unedieinca, have ju•t hien received and are, for
rule by the quantity or sinlle bottle, at TUTTLE'S, 86
Fourth at.
Crl the 2811 day of November last, a son of the soh-
A—Fscriber inured JAMES KELLY. then aliont 9 year+
of are. left Ilia house: lie was peril a fey days after in
Sliartwlinr2li fie has a fair complexion and fair hair
and is tallier heavily built. On :he $lllll of the ' , nine
month, ilia hrni do r. a boy then nett nlinnt ten )earii.also
went away name is Ell lt MID KELLY: he fins
red hair and dark eves. II Is probable that both the hoys
may deny their true names and 0:0011111€ ui here, Any in_
formal inn ronrernieti them wilt he grit tinily reeetved
their riffiirled parer 1 4 . JOIIN KEI:LY,
A. V 4 rm.:pert street.
Farm• lo Lcasc.
Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
IVIII attend prninotiv to the collection or nernrity
of ciaint•, at,: all profe•esinnal I 114 . 111PR0 rat rusted to Itl4
rare In the mantle, of Harrison, Jriferson, Brlnsont.
Guernsey, Tunes, Mead, Holmes, Coshocton Carroll.
Stark and Wayne.
Refer to: Metcalf and Loninls,
flatted and firming, ) Pf .
John Harper.
D. ?do 1;1111,
may 27.--IC
01.014 well known and einurriodinns house, situated
the n•irill rod of Ilse old Allegheny bridge, Informs Ilk
Hon& ni.d the pulffir, ulna he lion every thing In rum-
p'r'e order far the rucepl , oli and ralerinlnnp•ol of
tent menu• and pr rnifinrel boarders. Hie chnr:ieit nit
moderate and no exertiona wail Le .+r a eil in make •o.
.I.lorliets condonable and keep up the refiner repulpl
of lila house.
Good stabling for any number of liorsee,
Mount Emmet.
ri Jll.lli E patrons of t los pleasant retreat and all ho seek
pteasniti in roe pure air of the country, are informed
that thP Emalei HOU-e ip now open for visitors
A cart iaar will leave the Mt. Emmet Hotel every day
at half past 2, no,l haq pas: 3 o'clock. Soorlays ex,ep
ts. (1. HUGH SWEENY.
may 31—d4-wlm.
BOXES Ground Pruner,
4.-PLY Su do, CliocJiate, from Phoenix Faclory, Halt
just iseelved and for !sale by
june 5. 43 Wood tit reel.
flit] G half of a very valii.thie and productive ',royalty
for sale oco a gond partner ou very tow and ACCOIII.
inuilaiing terms. The property is in New Castle, on the
Pennsylvania and Ohio canal, Ir. Beaver and Mercer
counties, and consists of a Saw-Mitt, with two saws
that cut about 30(10 fret per dry and rents for 650 dol.
tars. A four story brick Flour Mill web four run of
13m re, t can manufacture ,bout 116 hills g , 01l flour per
day. Ihe Flour and Saw milis have 101 l new works and
machinery and in first rate order. The mill rents for
1500 dollar!. hoer annum. A Roiling Mill. Nail Factory
and ftloomcry for making Charcoal bloom., all of which
to workeditty water power formed by Shenango and
Nashantiock creek.. The Rollin!. Mill Is drove by steam
—22 inches cylinder and 54 feet strobe. The Rolling
Mitt fa large Ind convenient and has a Sheet Mill, Bar
Iron milt, Hammers and small Guide and Hoop inill
Furnace, sufficient fur doing a large hu.iness. Rents
pass up and down the race fioni the Works to the Canal
and save expenses of all Jraylng,lmuling. coal 4'r. There
are 11 dwelling houses and a number of shops and sta.
Ines no the premises. and sales at New Castle for all the
iron, natis kc, manufactured and demand increasing.—
The Engine and most of the machinery and most of the
improvements have run about six months only. The
Iron Works will rent for atonal 5000 dollars, The pro.
party cost, two years ag0,42,000,and since that time 31,
000 dollars have been laid out in improvements. To a
good partner who can pay 15,000 dollarsdown and the
balance In a year, a good bdrgaln of one half of the above
will ba given.
Apply at ISAAC HARRIS' General Agency and In
t teillgenee office. 9 Fifth sireet,
OM' RECEIVED, about SO boxes of good Burlington
Derring, 25 reams or *rapping bnd writing paper,
and a lot of good Rye Flour, for sale on accommodating
wow; in lots to stilt costomern, IBA AC /I AEDI F,
Jane 3. Cum. Me-'ht No 9, to it.
3. W. Burbridge & Co.
AGENTS for the sate of Beatty's Powde:. Water at
between Wood and Smithfield.
March 30. 1243.
3 .
LOCKS amide * et keill3i for poiler inagasines. Let
rery suitable for Pork Ileitses; re tae materials of
which Ow/ ire constructed will not rust from the action
of the salt, will be sold low for rash.
mu y 2—Ew J AB. PATTERSON.
ThRI PRACIIES.-50 bushels Dry Peaches. just re
it for !ale by BA I LMANJENNINGS Co.
spay 11. 43 Wood street.
Corner of Penn .4. St, Clair sta. Pittsb'gh.
frOE Proprietors of this elegant and commodious es
taL'ishment, beg leave to announce to their friends
and t !e public, that their price for Board, from this dale ,
is reduced to ONE DOLLAR PER DAY.
From the locality of this house, being situated mid•
way between the (lanai and Steamboat landings, at d on
the great thorouglifhre to 'Allegheny 'city, the proprie.
tors trust, that with continned exertions on their part.
they will be enabled to afford every attention and fart!.
ity required for the comfort and convenience of their
g uests, and hope to merit a continuance of the patron•
a;e that has hitherto been so liberally extended to them.
The principal iiiace and Pati , et offices, aie connected
with the lintel, and for the better accommodation of
their guests, an Onawibus will at ail times be In reads.
new to convey them to and from the Souse.
op 25—Sm. McKIBRIN 4. SMITH.
N 9. 108, Ma; ket hlreet, ne,r Libet:p
fIE foilt.trrlh,r re•prrtroliy I
iris [11.1 , 111,t9 011 d
I.the public gt , nerally, !het lip liu• Jtikt retotoed from
the east willt a large and r lr,anl sevortment of goods
In his Ilne to which to illVile4 Merrtialliil and others who
wl , ll to i•ureita... whelectle or Wail, very low for rash.
The fol'owlngoontorioe , t port of stock, with a vary
large as,tortment of fancy g Mltil and tops.
- 200 racks Enelisli, Ccrman and American pin
In•wt needles;
CAM lopes;
11017 i• all viilor, spool
1 f',o 11s, nal rut thread;
2.111“. silk,
7.t silo.: thread
100 61, In cotton thre,ot:
750 nd lirrCilfooll fa: `;
.011 anti tottlons;
g 141,4 11e.1,1 shirt. luttigint,
120 gross ,Iloe
100 dug,_ t ortui-e shell contl.•;
doz. tot toles shell, tuck and combs
1:36 doz. lino Ivory condo;
- 2(4) doz. drrA , ing t cunilt;
350 • oz, contlo.;
fi cro.- tto , 11
20 ,1,, z o,:oried hair and cloth brushy*
.10 .ro,
iOverrd hooks and eyee,
e071,0,n0 aid eyes;
0 doz. 3. -, , , 0 , trd scissoN;
Sli)doz spertar I. =;
t 2 rosa a.xor'ell whalebone
2":) doz assorted rizeslates;
41) _rn•a 9teel
3 nroc. , Wrodw:Ard': , telei.r:ol.4l pen hold. r,
n went of all kiodoolvartety ro , 3ck,
wiiipw wit 2.1 , 1 , . chat rn.c radles. market and oilier
C V. would in partiru'ar invde the
um pi lop of the ladies to 104 tint and tar=e n,uori meld of
hell and l'utTolo rintoto, Ai a,l:nt.•am'are!rlrrai^d six
riont ',rout r nit on. II .4 atticte amt..; perpons put..
Cl;;..O.•1 ran relaril 11 if hot as roiprParnied. Also. Ire,
roomer drill, .1 eyed ureJlrs, which have hPfttl 1 , 41C11:1F1.1i.
er tally for retail, awl fin , . A Inerican flat and mount!
1.4 tut pica, ()nay ) C. YEAGER.
1 ,• S.Trnltiv•rs, Ko , ritirky rar..l. rerrivtil day
per - , cnorr I:ri:l.4t,ya!ri, and for .: . 0e hv
J. C: . r. - rtnrls,
‘‘'Wer .9:rect.
U E'U LA ft
Tha Swiltstire, flohinsoti, illuster, leaves every
TlO. cgda v at 10 o'clock a. ot
The it.l,ler. ColUul, Nla.ster, Nave•; every Friday at.
10 o'clock a, hi
The MortlfOrnerV, Rennet!, N!osier. leavrF aVery Sal
urday at 10 Welorlc
The Esooes., Pork %lacer, leaves every
day af 10 o'clock a. to.
A IVKI.I. fuel i , hed brick house, with a well eu itiva -
tit.. tell Flower ttotdett of ft!,oui hall an acre, and pro
vided with all necce,ary stn' de , and ituildinv, is of
fered for trill from the pr—teni time unlll I he ti si of April
neat. It is ple4sontly , rit no led nn the Itant. , of ihe Ohio
a short Moaner, from the to y, and for Cl/llVPlllehee ar•d
and comfort is not excelled by any other io the todOthor.
hood ofrillet.nr.gn. I'or n 4., ail hirnitv who will take
good rare of the prrmires, tins I. o u r or I lie 0,0 , 1 dr cir.
nltle Incatiopt 111,11 offered,ro r rtirlirrr iolor
mnimo apply at this (Ace, or to M. Kane, Jr., Liberty
j tie ti— Iw.
EF Pam, k Kelm , / or Abraham nucckley will call nt
at tilt. other of the l'ogt, they may, netball., hear of
i , orn e ihln g that v. ill he of interest to one or both of them.
Jane 7.
NO I'ICE. Thai I have purchased the eveninon
of Woodworth's Patent for Ilk Planing Machine, for
seven years from the '27111 day of December last, for
Allegheny county. All pertain; infringing will he held
accountable. Those nho have lumber dressed. carry
it to or lake it from the machine, are liable to nroqccii.
lion, fl. well Doi those who own or run the machine.
June I Ll.l A M LI rig NCOTI'.
( - Try op P1'1"1s1.1.7G1 1 , ca
conformity w titli provi.ions of an Ordinance
rve , cd by the Seleri :.td Common Councils or the city
f Pittsburgh, on the 28th May, 1843, movldieg for ar
Election to he held in said city, to ascertain the wishes
of the citizen, as to the imposition of an additimul tax nt
$25,000 per annum, to pay the interest on 1300,000
proposed to be subscribed to the capital stock of the Plits•
burgh and eonnelltiville Rail Road company, 1, A LEX•
ANDER 11 AY, Mayor of the said city, do Issue this my
Proclamation, iiyclaring that on the Second Tuesday
In June, A, D., 1843, heing the 1311, day of said month,
the freemen of each ward of said city, qualifies to vote
for Mayor and members of Councils of said co y, and who
shall moreover. have paid a tag to the said city, within
twelve months next preceding the 29th day of May, A.
' D,. 1843, will meet together at their usual places of
holding elections in their respective wards and de , tile
by ballot whether the said additional tax of 123000
per annum, for the a orementioncri purpose, shall be as
sessed, or not. And each person voting at the said elec
tion, shall derin.ite a written or printed hallo', having on
it the words, ..For the Tax of $25 000 per annum," to
which lie shall sign hiNitroper name, if lie aelprove of as
sessing the said tax; or. 'Me disapprove of the same, he
shall deposite a written or printed bulb , ,, having on it
the words, •'.4 gainst he Tax of $23,000 per annum •
to which he shall sign his prover name, as aforesaid
The said election shall be held at the usual places, ana
at the usual time, in each ward, by the Judges and In.
spertors of other elections. and shall be conducted as near
as may be, like other elections. But II the said Judges
and Inspectors shall refuse or neglect to attend at the
proper time and place, in their respective wards, forth
purpose of holding said election, then tire taxable inhab
itants on the ground shall proceed to elect other Judges
and Inspectors, whose duty it shall be to conduct said
Given under my hand nod the seal of the said city of
Pittsburgh, this second day of June, A. D. 1443.
Mayor's Office, June 2d, 1843.
Jane 3
Birmingham & Co.,
A•d Cleveland Line.
Mareb 12, W.
IraNIL -SOTS *ND, eXClif ASO. 1.11 , 1"
okßivrip wait. *t MAIO KlUillilts iucta.rii MGM
Bank of Pittsburgh. par
Merck. 4. Man. bk. par
Exchange bank, par
Bk. of Cermantowt. "
Easton tank,
Lancaster bank, dls I
Bank of Cheater CO. par
Farmers' bk Bucks Co.
Doylestown bk do "
Bk of N America Phil. "I
Bk of Northern Liberties,"
Cothmerclal bk. of Pa. "
Far. 4. Mechanics bk "
Kensington bk. ..
Philadelphia bk.
Schuylkill hit. ~
Southwark bk. "
Western bk.
Bk. of Pennsylvania, '
Bk of Penn T. pal
Man. 4. Mechanics bk. par
Mechanics bk.
Aloyamensing bk.
Girard ba.,k,
U. States hank. 48
Lumbermente, Warren, --- I
Frank. bk Washington, pad
Miners Ilk of Poltsylle, 4
nk of MenlV)Mery CO. par
Mon. bit Brownsville,
Erie Bank, 5
Itarrisburgh bank. 4
' Far. bk Lancaster, 1
Bk of Middletown. 4
Bk. of Chamberebnrgh, 4 1
Carlisle bank. 4
Bk of Northumberland, par
Colombia bit 4 Bridge co. 8
Bk Susquehanna Co- 40 ,
nor Delaware Co. part
Lebanon bk.
Col t Ishii itch bk. 4
York hank,
Far. 4. Drovers bk. of
Waynesbursh, 4 ,
•, .. Currency notes. 4
tionerdaia. 11
Wyoming bank. 10
Pitlsh'plt State Scrip 20 1
Country do do 4
Rerky 1 o. bans, 79
Towanda. —I
'll.ontpleapant bk
Far.* SiPelt. bk of Steu
Belmont Mt of M. Claim
Marietta bk. ()emu nd
dn.) F A.Smflh3l
do Cnrrf.twy noir., 41 CANADA
Columbian:ilk New Lie lannd honk.. Rtvlt
hon Deninn.l, 1: E'nstern Exchange
do Post n”lrs.
t;invionati specie pay
In, banks,
Nle( h. a r Traders bk of
Cincinnntl. 3
Clinton Irk of Columbus,
Demand notes, 11
elrch,vllle, (H. Lawrence
Zanesville I,k. 11
91111 F: 3d ginry of the buildin2 occupied by R. A
Flatt=man as an Auction store_-tteretofore know
“Nestulth's Lon 2 Room,' corner - of Wood and 51.
streets Inquire of R. Morrow. sth st. jan 23.
OTS FoR S. A LE.—Four Lots in lionrlte-ter. One
II ands fonrth Arrec or Livid on Holmes' 11111. Lot.
nns. ql. 4152, 53. 34,181,182 and 184, in Ceok's plan
or 1, , .t•, on Holtre's Hill Also, Tots nos 2( nod 27. In
fool's p!ati or f.nt. on - High stree:. near the new Court
donee. For terms apply to Z. W. RESIINGTON
set. It)
ND po , s,aston .t.topn on Lite 1.4 of April next;
hrirk linume on the lank ofilie Allegheny river
Iwo 'lodes high, 4 eornfortable rooms, besides cells r and
kitchen. It revery' pleasantly :flouted Just oulside the
city line, with a full view of the rit e of Allegheny, and
within 2n 'ninnies' walk of the heart of the rite—rt nt
vcry low. inmEizsrAKr.tv.
mar 13 Tlouae Agent. $lll Ward
oNghrirk dwelling house, containin2 a tar?,
hall, two parlonrs. 4 tonms nnst..irs, w.th fin
garret..lining room and kitchen. with car.
ringe house. c. This house is pleasantly located with
tad In front and rear, on the canal hank, corner of
Chesnut street. leading to ripper bridge, now in the or.
f Mr. McClurg. rent Insult the limes-- Enquire
al Dr. Whittaker. Allegheny City. mar R,
For Rent.
4 CANIVE!..:IENT three etory hrlrk dwelllne hnnze
nltnnteon Rose etreet near Fourth flint p 125,
anr 10, An t ,lv Io 11141 F" AY.
50 r n , 1 5 ;k e e R v " 71 1 o e '"
e n
'i n
A " f n n n r " v 2 n a : e b l av
VaUr bet WPPII Wood and FnOth'cl
2n PDXES RII3.SCI and 119bert•qmt ' s No, 5 LUMP TO
20 Box es au.snrred
.111 , 1 rpeoived, inc.lher with a cenoral as ,, nri moot o
every thine In the Grocery Ilne, end for sale JO the MO3
accornmodatlnz terms.
he rano' po'ket ERIE, J. M.Shaw master, will run
rentl r t , l-weekly pocket between the et,o7e named
ports, leaves Reaver on Mondays. Wednesdays, Pride
returninff, leaves Warren on Tur , Anyi., ThurFday, and
Saturdays; concertina with the Singe Lines to Cleveland
direct. For cr.lsht or nasylfre apply no board or to
ril R M INC; U Pittsburgh
J. S. DICKEY, Beaver.
may 10
• 1111 The old !I:Inc! of Matthew Patrick,
(Lately occupied by John bone.)
riNH E enb,•rriher wishes to inform the citizens of Pitts
hur=h, and the travelling public, that he hag leased
;he shove well known eland, (eituaird on Vlfth street,
between Markel and Wood,) where he will he lin ppy to
accommodate all his old friends, and as many new ones
as will be pleased to acknowledge him as t:lcir host.—
IPrins iv ill be moderate, stilted to the times. Ills
tattle will he supplied with the best that the Markel of.
His hoc will be furnished with the choicest or
liquors, both domestic and torcien. His ;tables are spa
clone and commodious, conducted by experienced aaJ
attentive ostlers.
-He weeld Inform the cltinenn thnt he le prepared
to accommodate a number of Weekly, Monthly or Year•
ly hoa Hera at reduced prices
JOni, 25 cents. Lodging, 124 CI.
Rontrl nor Work. $2.50.
lioll. SALE.—Lots on the North east etarner of Coa
Lnne and Ilizh street. Apply to
.en 10 R 1 7 : NI 1. ()ARLINGTON, Market, no:1r 40
WILLIAM noud-LAssi
tion of Tints and Caps on hand, andfor sale, whole.
snit , and retnii.stprice4 to snit the times, at the old stand
of Douglas ¢ Mooro. 73 Wood street. may 5.
00 000
LBS. of Bacon, for Fa I by
4th al., near liberty
may n-4 m
BRLS Fresh liPrrlngs. jdat rerelved and for
a sa le by HAILMAN, JENNINGS 4 Co..
may 27. 43 Worari street.
TusT received. 5000 Freeman'. beet Fire Brick. whict.
1.1/ will Wearier be kept constantly on hand and sold
low for rash, I.y MRMINGHAM it CO.
may 27 No. 60 Water at.
9 - Calf Skits, raetivad at eatslEtalcil, and
An .a 1 by
Jane 3,
I ilam.cvn. do
Sandusky. do
ficaup, do
INorwalk, do
Xenia, do
Dayton, do
Scioto, 35
Post notes, 1*
Chillicothe, It
Fran. hk Columbus, If
La ~caste r, 30
• Hamilton, 30
.iGtonville. 78
Cow. bk. Lake EriC 1!5
• Far. bk: of Caaton. 48
Urbana 60
State bk.* Brancheil
Slate Scrip,
Ail banks, I
Slate hk 4- Bray:Wick. 50
Shawoeetow•n, 6.5
I Hank of Virginia, 1
do Valley, 1
Far. bk. of Virginia, I
`Exchange bank, 1
V. West. bank I
Met. 4•Mon. do
Rallin , orP Ranks,
Count ry , Bank,
AR Banal!,
An Banks, par and
(31•!: par
Gantry hauLe,
(enfety fand.) f a 1
Red Rack, Ito 1
Boston Banks, pr T
Orleans Rank; . . rood. :3
Bank!. o •
Good Brinks,
AU Banks.
iRk. of EM. Clair
7 , levr
I•talt iinore, ;
I llusion, I
Western exchange.
lCineinnali, par
Louisville. r
43 Wood st.
After st,between Wood and Smithfield
• soon gaaraacm
N. W. Corner of Wood ¢ EJM Su.
THE proprietots or the alonetaa PONT aDd MARCUS/
AND Minoracrvala respectfully Inform their Wend'
and the paironsof those papers, that they have a 'argil
and well cboepn assortment of
jr4111:1,11311 , 311r*V.1LT" 1 .11 120 9
Necessary to a Job Print Inc' Office, and that they are pro
pared to exf.tutc
Bilk of Lading, eircularg,
Bill HendF, Card.
Blank !necks , . flat Tips•
- 2'll itinbs of Blanits,
prials Cuts
Printed on the shortest notice and most rcasonahloterupt.
We respectfully ask the patronage or our friends and
Ite public in general in 1111 Y branch or our business.
Pith'lmraht Sep!. 89. 1842. PHILLIPS ¢ SMITH.
WE wonid Invite the attention of nur friends-anal
the pohlietenerativ to our assortment of Goods,
we have Pat teeeived from the. East, all of which
we are• deqrrnlned to sell at n small advance ov Coat:
Customers fray rely on !main!! cheap, good, well !Ladd
and handsomeartleles„ warranted to fit, nhleh is a Yeti
desirable ecmhinat ion.
Per:Alas who visit this rstnhlishment ran depend on
tindine an entirely new msnrtment or spring and summeit
VlCitilk; %VP do not can one thing and mean another; when
we sar our assorienent is larrP, fasttionnhle, handsome'
and cheap, w! mean that it k so, and cannot be stir:
passed In it'll; or any other city.
too v t C. Mcr:' TIRE.
N"'('E to Steam Boat Otenere.—The 510 , srriber, in
consequence of the difficulty of the time=. lins.redu•
red the pr!ee orbit , Safety Guard for the prresstign
the explosiot , of steam boilers, to $l5O per host.
hopod that an lulu, owners will avail themselves
or I Nye roligonable terms, not oily 00 account of the
Perfect safety they afford, hit also In point PC economy.
Bolters With the apparatus attached will - wear abaci
Wire as Inn! a* those not provided with them.
Itiarehl-Sm E. EV ANS
*P G uo MARl!dem, thts day r , ctived and foe'
aIP Ily
may 8
„t3L„, rvaiinved bin oflice to No r. 3 Fifth 'ahret, be -
avrenWood aitd Sraillifloid ntit door to Aidermatt
Ittorro'cv. art 7.
$BOO OR 1 . 000 mort 2 nv. on real ebtale. Thsl
property is armee the hest freeholds lo
city, and the adverbs 1s willtn2. to :Iva a hondsomil
premldin for the altnee sum. For fort Itt:r parlicivarionpa
IVY at the office of the hrorning
June 9 —41.5 m.
L.'& J. 11. WICK,
Whnlegnie Grocers Sr. Deniers in Produceij
116 Wood Strp.t. 4 door? above Fifth st.
may 15.
Standart, Inaraham & Co.
Ctrs' LIMP. Ornd.
AGENTS for t he Mprrhn nlsTiansoortat ion Complus"
Composed of the 51erehnots line. Erie Canal.
‘VnAltington Line.
!tu t or,. ratmer k Co's. Llite 'SO ant Saabs it -t' yet
sots nn the La 1, ca.
Citveland Penn,. t !vat& and Ohio Cnnat.
Proprietor. of the tilerchnnts Line Ohio Cana:.
Baran To—
ENsWORTII, N 0.9, Coentlet Slip, 5. y
R. HUNTER 4. co. Albany.
Ora CHAFE, Boelon.
PALMER CO. 130:1';tlo.
NI. T. WILLIAMS 4. Dow, Cievelaad.
HON JonN M. ALLEN, do.
riIARLES M.Gintacs, do/
J. S. Dreary . , resver .
1 1 ,IRMINoilms 4. Co.; Plit51,or;;11
ap 1 1843-Iy.
STORE: • • •
Qr.hcr LLOYD. Jr.. Whorw , aTe not! Retnil'Grosee
1.7 nod PrOitcrer, No 140 Litcrty ttrect, rittsbarrti.'
to:iv 20.
T" na , . just rere.irel (tom the Nursery
of Landreth nocilton near Phl'ailolr.l.la. a lot at
the chr.iFeA varieti'n of Tench Trees, to whirl] he would
call the littcullue of ihe pebbly. F. 1.. SNOWDEN.'
a• 8 No 184. Liberty st head of ;Yowl.
J. D. CREIGII . i,
Odiee, corner of Stitl34o,l nndlid Sitettlit
rirrssuaan, riaiNk•
may 25, 1843-Iy.•
LOTS.vuilable for bulldial, most elisibly althated.
CP arid within two minutes walk of the Steam Ferry
Bvat :Landing. will be sold at prires to suit the timer.
The 'rum= of payment will he made rasp, eilhcr foi cosh
or tart. Latter n? ran be made available. Apply to the
sulwcritter iii Birmingham, Or Mr. P. Petersnn, No. 4.
Ferry street, Pittsburgh. JAS. PATTERSON, JR.
June 1.
Regular Morning Packet
- = Thr fast runniwz and well known
- Strainer
SHARP theNtriilLL, Mosier, will depart flatly from NIA
"WI n i 9 o'clock, A. M„ add Beaver at I o'clock P.M.
For frel2hl nitoly on hoard, or lo
No 60 Water street:.
N he revy ler ravel pat Let to Cleveland, Ob)n
Greenville and Meadville Pa ; and M aestllon on the
Ohio Canal, connecting with steamer Cleveland at See.
ver,will I.e io operation lintnediatcly on opening Cir TlNV
iga too, mar !G—tr.
V IIH r.Funseriner haslusi received from Philadelphia and
New York, with a et nernl and extensive maw,
meat of bitt.TOS, CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY; and
every nitirle in his line of business. whirl) heis deter.
mined to sell on the most reasonable terms for cash.—.
He helieires he can JlTer stronger inducements than any
simile- establishment in this city to couutry Physicians
and Merchants, who wish to supply themselves v lot
Drov and Medicines, His' rticles have heen :elected
with the utmost care, and are warranted ofihe best qual.
icy and uniform strength. Orders will be filled with !m
-ew:ley and etezince. Famill s can be supplied with Tine
and Pancy Snaps of every conreivatile variety, and of
the must exquisite perfumes; likewise with recratnerf
anti Cosmetics of every descrip.inn.
The undersi:ned returns Mit t ha n'ts for the liberal FUN
port heretofore extended to him, and hopes by a eQualunt
disposition to please and accontrno ddle— a care in pro,
curio! and selling , only what exceilitnt and aenaine—a
close .tt pery 'sten of the sales and t ra nsact ion of the eltilb.
lisinnent —precaution and accuracy In row pounding med.
leinee—and by Industry and perseverance, to merit an in
crease of public palroua4e
may 25.
FVO the Honorable the Fluters' ortlie Court of Geftriiti
Quarter Seralone °Me Peace, In and for the eono.
ty ef A Ile2hen}:
The petition of gamine! Haling. or Indiana towns*,
In the courtly aforesaid. humbly she.wei h
That your path toner bath provided himself with math.
Hale fir the aecoaimodatton of travelers aad others., at
his dwelling house, in the city and ward aforesaid. and
prays that your two
, -awill grant him a license to keen
a public houseof enisrtatnment. And he wilt nray. ke„
We. the subseribenr, citizens of Indiana tip, do cern&
that theabove path loner Fact !oral repots for Swim' , and
temperance. and is well provided with hrtme room and
convenience* for the aceommoda lion and indon I pr s gAi m ,
tees and travelers. and that said rave l : I la neeear, v . .
lames Wiiscn, Ales. PTrer. B. Power
It_ B. Bell. John Mc.ttk.e*, total Claus,
James Halstrad. Jobe Crt•ndy, flits power- '' . •
Mime tower, Wa. Armstrong, James Arltit
Jane 9.
.1. CORMS N,
12 Wrtter E.t