Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, June 12, 1843, Image 2

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    --• . .
hiring proved, only pretended on the most 1H espanit is .
_ aers um - es
E rivolous pretexts. Demands were made Ira eitOison therrrettebiTittatektiriskagaf.
for the immediate payment of damages still teran arnaguni, when.; rims red *lran
pending before the courts, and under the Autfo, assadOr bad gone to Etijope to stai tie
nrevious protest to H. B. Majesty. I will I their differences.
instance one case as a specimen. Mt
Skriater, agent for Mr Charlton, as he pr e .
tended put in a clairr. fur damages,in con
sequence of the alleged reservation of
$lO,OOO, made for the purpose of bidding
in Mr Charlton's property, whet. it should
be sold at auction under the attachment,in
order that it might not be sacrificed. For
this act of generous fidelity to the interest =
of his emploer, Mr Skrimer, with equal
generosity, 'waving heavy damages,' pro. '
milted to content himself with $3,000 or
intermtet 66 per centum, and with un-
"roc a urora.”
bounded liberality agreed to wait ten days The editors of the proposed new paper
for the payment of the cash. This demand, have published a reply to our notice con
and others like it, were supported by his cerning them, in which they assert that
Lordship with threats of immediate forc e .
When Mr Skrimer was asked to show his t " e puff of the forthcoming journal, which
authority as agent, the request was cansid. appeared in the Gazette, was not "author
ered quite impertinent. . Demands for ized from them or eithet of their so-called
proofs of the damages were disregarded, backers," and add some remarks, from
phca quibblebles
the altogetcase her Wh en tion
it was asked s and loaf"- which we infer that they do not now in
tend to publish a paper which shall perse
what peculiar foresight had endowed Mr
cute a particular religious denomination.
Simpson with the sight to assume that the
property would be sacrificed at auction, or We are by no means sorry to see this dist.,
how there could be any just demand for claimer—w e are Ti
the immediate payment of damages, groun ad that the font article s
of •'J, fferson" arid "Ua'rin," and the edi.
ded on a case winch had already been re_ "J+
id th e Gdz• tie in praise of the new
ferred to H. B. Majesty for decision, his
Lordship flew into a passion, ard w i t h paper, are so much labor lust. It is grat
considerable animation,threat, , r e d t o 'lois! tryin g to us that Our notice s.hot,lif have
the British flag forthwith.
One circumstance which more fury broughtsets forth a denial by Messrs Flinn and
; ". i
forth - his own consciousness of itju tics in r(
"'".' f or themselves and their "backers,"
urging these measures, remains to be in. it that they are in favor of religious per -
tioned. His Lordship p•oitively refused secution; and that this bts?. attempt of the
to discuss the subject in writing, insisting Gazette and its correspondents show that
• on canvassing it only veiballv, in private any
. ti
on pot on of the D.•inocratic party hr (d
interview with the Kin ,, , andbeaides with
th,2, into erant principles of that sheet, is
. holding roof, even copies of the claims :
preferred were denied, :old ref eree • e to thus pe.mptly rebuked.
the records of the Coin l pri•Vehted. The , IWhile, however, we Etcl b , ,0!1 110 be
lling was to choose b. t a ten j,i.oi, dioe i liege the soltement of Messrs F. & K., that
ilmission and payment, of itnieediate hos- !
Wait's. they do riot mean to take loot zerairist a
particular body of C:-risti ins in their new
One deinami followed at,, until it .'
became apparent teat tit- t, ue o! jest was paper, justice to ourselves compels os to
to find some p etence fur taking possession a iv, that the li.•lief that such was their io.
of the islands, on the refus a l or inabiiity of risinal intention, was and is fixed upon our
the Government to comply with the exae-
~i „ 1 . i ,
lions. The spit it c•I the Kin g was at last ' ) Y ' e ' t ' ff "' y stron g and SU flicient.
broken, and declaring that he bad no means : Apait front the fact that the first hint of the
of meeting the payme n ts or belch heavy ill.: now pier co me thro ug h 'he (.3:lZere, arid
demnities, and that he would not violate ' that it had been strongly pared by that
the laws and constitution of the country by Print, we ha,. other reasons for our con_
complying with other demands, he accep
ted the only peaceful alternative left, to
`fiction that religiou s prejudic es were de
throw himself on the generosity of the Brit• l""bi'Ll upon procur e support f•r the en
ish nation, and cede the island) pri.ei,i on - terprise. Indeed its friend s (anten t; who m
ally and abide the final decision of her Bri- ' we class "Jefferson" and "Calvin" (,I the
tonic Majesty. In the proclamation which ; Gazette) have a s Yet assig ned no other Eta
he read to his people, with his eyes stream- ' •
which ' build ':
, SIS OU to it up, t h an oppo , i'ion
ing with tears, he thus declares his situa-
lion: "I make known - to you that I am in , to a certain denominatio n of christiars and
perplexity, by reas 3n of diffieulties Into person a l hostility of a few individual to
which I hare been brought without a cause 1 the editors of the "Post."
Therefore, I have given assay the life of l
the land." But it is jmo that the car dof Messrs
Flinn and Kaine should he admitted as ev-
If his Lordship was sent here to take
possession of these islands, and had with : idence that all "idea of disturbing the
manliness and promptness carried his de- ! peace and arousing the prejudices of any
sign into executio n by force, h e would still christian denomination," if ever entertains
have committed an act of unjustifiabl e ra- i ed by them or their "hackers," has been
pacify and robbery. Theta is no British
interest in the islands which requires a step I abandoned We repeat that we make this
of this kind. On the contrary, the lied. I announcement with pleasure—w e should
son Bay Company are decidedly avers e to I much rather (though we are not in want or
its occupation under the English flag, and : help just non) have the new paper for an
Sir Geo Sampson, governor of that compa
ny, has accepted the of ally than that it should assist the Gaz e tt e
office of Envoy fro m
the Sandwich Island to th e Court of St. li n its persecutin g enterprises,
James, fur the express pnrpose of securin g i There is one point in Messrs Flynn and
the independenceof the islands. But Lord i Kaine's article, on which their declaratio n
Paulet, after closing every avenue to cor
rect information, has put himself under the I
fine their position in the most firm, fearless,
sole direction of the acting Consul, wit
has long borne the reputation of being a tat I and unequivocal manner; and leave no
ented and desperate designer against th e room to doubt that they ate in favor of the
Governor. The adroitness of his;Lorclship Constitutions of the State and untie Union!
and his advisers has only served to throw If any have doubted the permanency of our
additional odium upon the usurpation they
republican institutions, will gather
have effected. They have committed the they
r - fidenc•_. arid coei age. All must
common fault of unprincipled cuneing, of fresh co
finessing too much; for they have involved rejoice ir, the delightful certainty that the
themselves in the support of' fraudulent Constitution is secure. The widge t fir a
claims, by the threats of open violence, and long time, have tried to make the country
have thus converted what, under the best
of circumstances, would have been actual believe that the whole weight of the fed°.
rat constitution rested on the ample shots'.
robbery into a piece of contemptible swind
I ders of Daniel Webster. But now We
The interests of the United States will i shall divide the glory with them—Flinn
chiefly suffer from the occupati on by the I and Webster will henceforth battle side
English of these islands. Two hundred I,y side in its cause. Who can fear for
vessels, under the American flag, arrived i
here annually, There is now upon the
the result? Flinn and the Constitution !
islands a large amount of American pros , will hereafter he the watchword in times
petty. In case the canal uniting the tw 0,1 of peril.
oceans is completed, the future importance I W e must here ask to b e excused for de.
of the islands will be immense. The As
dining to republish Messrs Flinn and
mericans have civilized and planted the
commercial interest . of the group. I t re ., Kettle's article. We are not illiberd, b u t
mains to be seen whether the United States cannot help thinking it impudent to ask us
Government will acquiesce in a usurpationi , and that too,
&retry. to retail abuse of ourselves
an destructive to the ft uir, of American in-1 at second haul. It would have been bad
1 1 enough if the original had been brought us
for publication. We surely have no wish
to throw a straw in the way of the new pa.
per—w e desire it to have a "fair field"—
but are not disposed to grant it such "fa
vors" as these.
The French 'Courier des Etats Unis,'
of New York, call attention to the English
seizure and occupation of the Sandwich
Islands. It analyses the charges alledged
ainst the King, and rebuts them at lengthT
he Courier justly adds, thereis a great
difference between Admiral Dupetit
Thours's occupation of the Marquesas and
the Society Islands,—'uncultivated, almost
uninhabited, upon which has not yet gene ;
Crated the civilization of Europe,' and
this seizure of the Sandwich Islands which
have so long been open to civilization, and
which have made such rapid progress.—
The Sand wich Islands,lit adds, like France,
the United States and Great Britain, have
their churches, their schools, their juri es
and their parliamentary government, which
the English have seized upon,while France
. only taken rocks which she is trans
forming into asylums fur all the navies of
the world. Thu Courier also calls atten
tion to the fart, that the French Captain
Mallet is the French Corvette, the Embus
cede, whO presented himself in the pcitt of
Subject to the decision or a National Convention.
MONQAY, JUNE 12,1813
Vivid Combustion under water.—(Dal.
ton's Experiments.)—Plac e a small piece
of phosphorus and a few grains of chlu
rate of pqtaali in a tumbler or other vessel,
and pour on them, gently, some hot wa
ter. This will inflame the phosphorus,.
and its combustion, being supported by the
chlorate of potash, a very pleasing and
vivid light will be witnessed under the
water. If a little oil be placed on the top
of the water in the vessel, it will be in..
(17`. The journeymen printers of Cin•
ciunati are in commotion. They complain
that they are makiog less than boys.
ice First Page.
The editor of the. Gazette meanly en
deavors to dritw publie attention from his
gross misrepresebtations concerning the
Delaware Division, and insinuated that we
have not regarded "truth" in the state
ments we have made concerning that
work. Such a weak subterfuge will not
, avail him, nor can the public fail to see
its object, which is to conceal the fact that
he asserted that the Delaware Division had
sunk in "repairs" alone, 'from 8 to $900,-
000 more than its income." We "prod
ded" him t 3 produce the figures, and be
hold, instead of $900,000, the whole a
mount was $32,947,70. The Gazette
can not and will not deny this—no corns
ment on such reckless falsehood is neces.
More Reonclntions of Masonry.
We observed a paragraph in one of the
neutral papers, a few days since, insinuas
ting that the editor of the Gazette had in
his possesion the confessions of a renounc.
ing mason, made a few days before the
meeting of the Blue Nose Convention.—
When we first read the paragraph we did
suppose that there was any truth in it, but
that it was written for the purpose of ma
king up a .local itern;' but we have since
been informed that it is really a fact, and
se are much astonished to find Deacon
White refusing to even refer to the matter.
H:s silence on this subjects gives) good
ground to doubt his loud professions of
hos'ility to tare lodge, and Hite still persists
is his etTuts to suppress the 'awful disclos
sure' of this renouncing mason, the blue
noses should call him to an account for
se-ret efforts to conceal the aho!nina.
lions of the society to u hick he formerly
belon e
But if the Dea , or. ii tuo much devoted
to th e 1 , 11.:, to qive this impottant oiere
of infurmatiort to the antitnaßons, there is
lo.,th ur ge.ttlem do who has heard the coos
"f WI. repent i• t ina- , 00, who wiil
t rnakf it publi,t it properly called
upon by his blue nosed lTethren. This
geatleman is no less a pet sonag,e than Nev.
ille 11,Craig, the antim isur,i . candidate for
Congress. e understand that it was to
him the disclosures were first made, and in
addition to tho rev , l itio.is f the unholy
proceedings in the !wiz-% the renouncer in-
f (rm e d him oc many ((f . the tnests, songs.
c.5.: , ,!. 1. dia.. were cointn,(n at their se.:ret ea
rus (Is, Mr Craig wa4----very natur.lly,
shoulieri at the (liselnsnres, alit! has, in his
zeal fur the c.(us,! of a-timaseinry...l)l4 Jte
substance of the confe•sinii—including the
toasts--:to several g. , ntlemen of hi s ac.
It is h ,, ped that if Dc v2oil White proves
so falQo to the cause of atittmas int y, :14 to
persist In suppres-ing these impoitant de.
velopments, Mr Craig will gite th e f u ll
particulars to the pubic in handbill form,
with a lucid explanation of the toast.
Another Paper.
W e were told on Sat urdiy ?hit a well
I known and very influential leader among
the antimasons, will shortly commence the
publication of a poliUral paper, to be de—
voted t o th e dis=em in in of antimvonie
doctrines. It is very necessary that. the
blue no,es should have some one p , ssess.
ed of more decency, truth and courtesy,
to advocate their cause, than the present
editor of the Gazette. The course of that
paper late, has greatly inj ure d th e stand
ing of their party, and we have no doubt
that th e result of the fall elec:ion w,ll show
that Detcon White's follies have an disv
gusted the des, nt portion of the party as
to drive many of them into the ranks of
the Whigs. If the gentleman to whom
we refer should start a paper to advocate
his peculiar political notions, We have no
doubt but lie %%ill he well supported by
his political brethren.
At D-' •
In this happy condition the British find 1
nig Promises to the farmer, in 1840 1
them. They conceive that the post will ! were high
prices (or his produce. Here
be one of great ilt portance In them, mid ', is a specimen of the manner in which they
b e
as it be irv"e" t heir Ciii " e4 "' c. "" have been fulfilled. In the interior of Con
quests and the Oregon, and without right Inecticuu the fresh butter brings 6 cents per
o r the pretenee.of right, proceed to appro- i ih; veal, I cent per lb; calves, ready for
priate it. Under color of proceedings to; market, 75 cents each; wigs, 8 cents a do
obtain redress for some imaginary griey..l
zen; sheep, with fleece on, from 75 cents
/in ce th e y dethrone the lawful king,destroy! to 61; the best of cows $lO to $l5, and evs
the national character, set up British a t e.!
thority as supreme, and mark the territory . ery thing in proportion. The w higspremised theta what the knew could no
as hel mging to 'her most gracious and be, and which nothing short of miraculous t
elaristian majesty.' And this outrage is powet could fulfil. The peopie will anon
perpetrated by a nation claiming to take learn that the laws of trade are one thing,
the lead in the spread of civilization, and
and political pledges made for selfish par
boasting of its attachment to the high and
boy principles of Christianity. Well may
poses anoth
t her
t t —Boston Post. and quite a difFeret
the trampled upon and insulted natives ex.
claim: ilf this is a simple of your civili
zation and religion, give us no more of it;
but allow us to return to a state of a hat
you call heathen barbarism, where we
may have more equal justice; where we
may understand at the outset that the weak
er are to fall victims to the stronger,and be
prepared to act accordingly.'
Some papers are charitabl e enough to
, suppose that the British government will
Republicans judos of aristocracy by the blush at the conduct of their own agent,
amount of cash a man can command, or, ; and will promptly disavow his acts and re
by the amount his indebteduese,(whi c h is ; store the islands to their rightful masters.
eonsitle7ed Frpially gents;et); while the As We wish we could also find reason to
think so. Point us to an instance in which
ribs judge by the hollow under the instep.
If water will run under the risked foot while ' seizure of territory , howe Great Britain has recently disavowed any
ver lawess and
on marble, the ancestors of the owner monstrous, and we nkay hope that l she will
could not have borne burdens. Strange do so in this case. Such an instance is
and ridiculous are all these tests. not within our recollection ; tied we have
not a doubt that the wanton and piratical
Greenough, the. Painter, is selling his seizure of these islands, instead of being
stock of landscapes at auction in Boston. ' disavowed, will turn out to have been di
db th Governm, and that w
Steamers and larger craft cannot p us i berecte hailed y
in e
that countreynt it
as another glori ill
the St. Lawrence canal. As soon as the.ous conquest of British power, and will
water exceeds cwu feet in depth a breacho to swell the long catalogue of similar
crimes that will yet bring down the wens
geance of Earth and Heaven upon that ra
_ee eccentric Lorenzo Dow, in the pacious nation. —N. Y. Sun.
f ear 1830, prophccied that in the year 1 The convicts escaped from the Peuiten
-1843 there would be no King in England, tisry at Milledgville, Gen on the evening
no President in the United States, and that of the 29th ult., and a reward of five hum.
there would be snow in June. His pre. dyed dollars for their apprehension; or fifty
diction has been fulfilled to the very Boer. dollars for either of them.
_t , etroit, on the 29th May, ihe Sixth
Ward Public SAool H 'use was struck
with lightning, and two of the scholars, a
daughter of Mr Hopkins, Died about 12
years, and a daughter o! . Mr Eckliff, the
city sextwn, aged ab nit eight years, were
instantly killed. Several others were
slightly, and two severely injured.
4eiswo• pivwps.
Pittlad 11110000.
There were two arrivals at New Or.
leans on the 29th ultimo from Mexican
ports—Metamoraa and Vera Cruz. In
both cities every thing was viet.
The conducts, with the $270,000 for
the United States reached Vera Cruz in
safety on The 20th instant. The Dolphiq
was to take it on board, and was expected
to set sail with it on the 23d, bound for
New Orleans.
The Mexican Government has freighted
a vessel at Vera Cruz to take to Cam.
peachy the reply of Santa Anna to the con
ditions of the Campeachanos, which was
sent to him by Ampudia for his approval.
There was much speculation at Vera Cruz
as to its nature; some say he has accepted
the terms upou which they offer him peace
while others feel assured that he is deter.-
mined to carry on the war as long as he
can raise a dollar with which to do so.
A letter dated at Vera Cruz on the 21st
of May states that the Texan prisoners to
the number of sixty.tw.), who were con
fined in the Castle of Pernte, wire t be
released on the 13th of June. They corn
prise all the San Antonia prisoners, with
Col Fisher and Gen Green, and sixteen
others taken taken at Mier. Santa Ar,na
had retired to his seat at Taoubaya.
A letter to the editor of the New Or
leans Bulletin from a friend at Vela Cruz,
says—" The Perote prisioners will, I think
all be released on the 13th June. So say
those that know. They co uprise all the
San Antonia prisoners, with Generals
Fisher and Green, and 16 others taken at
“Elie Robber of World.”
Great Britain appears determined to jus
tify the appeila i n %hid" Gen Jackson
once gave her of 'Robber of the World.'—
She goes en from one scene of rapa•ity
and phi rto another, in a manner which
cannot fit to shock the morral sense of
the whole human fin il y. As we remark,
ed on Satuidav, simultaneous arrival. from
the East arid \Vest have brought US intel
ligence of new• depredations in b.ith hem
In the East, the region of the Scind-,
alt e r u horrid butchery of Cie natives, has
been added to the vast Empire under Brit
ish sway in India. It has fallitn as hums
dreds have fallen before. Thus, one by
one, ad the nations and principalities
that quarter cf the globe are drawn within
the t ver expanding circle of that haughty
maelstrom, whose whirling waters are
kept in fearful commotion by the elements
of British rapacity. injustice, and
died ambition. The fist step has also
been taken. as our readers well knew,
and the first blow struck, with a view of
making a similar s icrifi a ot the great Em
pyre of China, and laying it. bound hand
and f nt, and-r rod of British power.
But touch as the outrages of that nation
in the east have exited the just indigna
tion of all mankind, tiny have none or
them exhibited such aa instance of wanton
robbery—such high handed national pira
cy—as we find in the recent si-izir re of the
Sandwich Islands. There was not the
thadow of LA excuse for it; on the ciintra
ry, there are many circumstances to render
it the most odiou, anti infamous. A few
years since these beautiful Islands were
buried in the darkto ss of heathenism; hut.
American missi tniiries found their way
there, and after yelrii of patient toil and
endurance, of suffering and privation inci
dent to such a work, they have succeeded
eivi:igin g and christianizing the natives
Who inhabit there. They now support
schools and churches, have, (or hail before
the recent outrage) a regular government,
with courts, juries, and all the institutions
of civilized nations. The whole world
could not produce a more successful or
more interesting field of missionary enters
For ftes
Messina.- Entsislm:—tptinr ceivitOilnix—
ing with the citizens, ;mit a / 1 1%1min' g. with
them on the subject of the election, to be
held next Tuesday, relative to the Rail
Road bonds, that a very erronecualimprea•
sion prevails. In the proclamation of the
Mayor, every person intending to vote at
that election, is directed to deposit a writ
ten or printed ballot, for or against the
proposed tax of $25 000; to which ballot.
he must a ffi x his proper name. Now,
many people suppose, that the affixing of ,
the name to the ballot, is intended as a I
means to ascertain who voted for or a
gainst the tax, that the city may tax those
who voted for, and leave untaxed those
who voted against the tax. Such is not
the case. The necessity of attaching the
name of the person voting to the ballot, is
caused by a provision in the act of Assem
bly, chartering the borough of Pittsburgh,
which is as follows:
"No tax should he laid in any one year
"on the valuation of taxable !property, ex.
"ceeding half a cent on the dollar, unless
"some object of general utility shall be
"thought necessary, in which case a ma
"jority of the taxable inhabitants of said
"borough, by writing under their hands,
"shall approve of. and certify the same to
"the town councils, who shall proceed to
assess the same aecordingly."—Vid e , 4.
Smith, 144.
The fifth section of the act of March 18,
1.816, 6 Smith, 375, ante 13, ineorpirating
the City f Pitttsburgh, vests in the Select &.
Common Councils of the cit y, all the powers
vested in the borough of Pittsburgh. So,
in accordan c e with these two acts, the
Councils of Pi tshurgh have no power to
assess a tax exceeding five mills on the
untess some ohject of general toil.
ity shall be thought necessary, in which
case the majority of the taxable inhabi
tants of the city, must certify over their
proper signatures, to the councils, that they
consider an addilonal tax necessary for
some object of general otility. The con
structii or of the Pittsburgh and Connells•
vile Rail Road, is considered an object of
4 , .neral utility. The city vtoshes to sub..
scribe $300.000 to its capital stock, to pay
the interest and provide f r the redemp
tion of which, an additional tax of $25.-
000 is necessary. In order to authorize
the Coulicils to assess this, a majority of
her taxalle inhabitants, over their proper
signatures, must certify to the Councils that
they consider the Rail Road an object of
general oldity, arid are willing to incur
the levy cf an additional tax 23,000 per an
num. For this purpose, the election of the
I3iii is to be held, and fi r thi s purpose, it
will ho necessary for the voters to sign
their names to their ballots, aid if. on
counting the ballots, a majority of the tax
able inhaldtatits have voted in favor of the
tax, the tax will be levied, indiscriminate•
Iv r n all, arid not rndy on those who voted
fir it.
?.iEssfis. EDITORS: —1 wi Fur Ire Post.s greatly sur
prised on reading an editorial in your val
uable paper a few evenings since, ree
commending the question of Association
fur cliscumsion by our Literary Srn
that th e names of the Tillthman and Bald
win wer e rnentior e d alter those of the
Wirt and Philo; this to you may seem to
be an unimportant oversight, but to those
who know- the real merits of the Baldwin
and Tilghman Institut, 8 it is otherwise,
their reputation is .far spread, and great
surprise was expressed at the order in
which they appeared in your paper.
Knowing, gentlemen, that you could not
intentionally injure the fair fame of any
Institute whose reputation is built on the
solid basis of merit,-1 respectfully, request
yo u to publish this notice in your paper,
in order that you may substantially benefit
"the rising goteratiols." D. P. P.
The G , wertior of Alaryland itas commit/-
I ted the ptv)ishm:.nt of Fredrick Fri:z.con
victed or the murder of Mrs E!eannr Davis
'it the Point if Rocks. sentenced to be
hung. to confinement in the penitentiary
for life• Doubts are entertained as to the
sanity of Fritz at the tine of the commis—
aion'of the murder.
Seven'een year Locusts have appeared
on Staten Island. The trees are swarming
with them and they are still issuing from
the ground.
Burke once mentionedto Fox that be
had written a tragedy. 'Did you let Gar
rick see it?' inquired his friend. 'No,' re,
plied Burke; .1 indeed had the fully to
write it, but to wit but to keep it to my
Among the passenge•s by the ship Nat
chez, at New York, from Canon, is the
Rev William J Brown, missionary from
There was a very large repeal meeting
at Washington Hall, in New York, on
Monday night. Jr
Some one in Mobile, in writing a play,
in which Corn. Moore is to figure as the
hero. An artist is at work painting the
scenery to be used in its production.
The cars on the Buffalo Railroad run
into a flock of sheep on Thursday evening
last, at Pittsford, and wade mutton of ten
or twelve of thew.:
John C Calhoun, of South Carolina, ha
been invited to visit Cir.einnati, by it INN*
number of the "Democracy" of that city.
et ominertia I 2,4Tebm.
10 feet water in the channel.
All Boats marked thus (*) are provided wits
Evena's Safety Guard.
Reported by Simms & Mircust, General S.
Agents, No 5, Market dtreet.
Mail, Logan, Cincinnati
Arcade, Bennett, do.
Tioga, Blashford,
Pinta, Vandergrift;Sunfivh
Belmont, Pivi, Wheeling
Cella, Bowman, Brownsville
Alpine, Cockburn, do.
*Clipper, Crooke, Cincinnati
Forrest, Hazlett. do
Harrisburgh, Mills, Cincinnati
*Cleveland, Hemphill, Beaver,
*Michigan ' Holes, Beaver
*Michigan, Boies, Beaver,
eCleVeland, Hemphill, do.
Montgomery, Rented, Cincinnati
Lancaster, Klinefelier, Louisville
Charlotte, Irwin, St Lot/id
Indian Queen, McDonald, Cincinnati
Alpine, Cockburn, Brownsville,
Moxahola, Parkinson, VI illiainspnrt 4
North Queen, McLain, Wellsville
*Co.umbiana, Murdock, Wheeling
Mail. Loden. Cincinnati
ist week but one of the Season. For the Benefit
of Mrs. FLYNN.
Monday, June 12, 'o commence with the comedy of
THE WILL; Or, The School for Deo:Ater&
In which Mews. Flynn, F•oter, Pickering ami Mrs.
Flynn will appear.
Mr. Plumer will Eing a amtg, written by hi/no t %
Mr. CONNOR wilt sing the FIREMAN'S CALL.
The wh..te to condwie with the favorite fares of
Beauchamp, .111 r. Yynn 1 The 4 Sitionkftfiellytio.
Doors !yen at 7 Wets ek, Performance to cow.
merino at Lai: . plat 7
Lower Bole., 50 cants I Second Tier, 37i omit,.
Pei. 25 " 1G diary centp.
To the Voters of 411egAtag CV/WV —I respectfully's/1i
fer myself to your consideration as a candidate (iedsirsa•
dent of parties) for the office of PROTHONOTARY of
Allegheny county, al the enstaing ekct lon. As Ido Rot
come before you recommended by a Cosatation, Mosta'
you to whom I am not personally known will please et.
amine into my qualifications, and if so fortunate at
to obtain a iniijority of your suffragmi, I *hall endeasor
by atrictan etaion to the duties oft be office. to sat ialry yeti
with your choice A LEX. MILLAR,
Ins 10 -1 E• Of Pittpburgh:
A T the sulichation of a nnmoer of friends oral? pot
fficul mimes., I respectfully offer myself to the gee,
sideration of my fellow citicens tor the office if Cooly
Commissioner. That my sentiments may not be nikian.
derstood, either as to political ur private affairs, I we ice
free to say that I have been all my life a consistent Re.
Imbileatt, in the true cerise of the word. I A. the copeiy
is somewhat embarrassed in its financial antra, wail the
reduction of salaries ofpuidic ottcers has received-the
approbation of lar•ze majorities of the people, tae under
siened would not slualltt he be so fortunate as In he eke
fed, in any manner attempt to resit this 'salutary hs k .
form; should it reach the °thee ofCouoty Crmtnissloiair.
Clear tke course for the Vs:K*lBllra.
WILLIAM B, FOSTER, Esq. of Aller.liany elly,wlll
he a candidate for the office of Prothonotary of All/ilea)
moot v, at the October efeelion. Jane 4:
H .AS just received from Now York and Pkatadripkis
a large and general anrortment of valltikle
Falsify Medicines, and he is now ready to soup!, Dti
!Isis and Country Merchan*ft, at the eastern wboteriltit
prices_s retutonahle dleconnt fbr cash--amon g gylkh
are the following, viz: Indian Vegetable Elixir, Hestlea'
Nerve and none Liniment, Litin'a Balm of China, Liles
Temperance Bitters, Oldridge's Dalin of Colombic*F
ell's Balsam of A n nisseed, Rowand's Tonic lillirtwitat
Comstock's Sarsaparilla, Hays' Liniment (for Pik)
Heohn's Headache Remedy, Gridley's Teller Ointatillit
East India Hair (lye, Essence of Tyre. Paerfasn ,
Overstreet': Liniment. Bartholomew's Pink Expect t
Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort, Eteaddres Eye 114' , ,
Covert's Balm of Life, Humphrey's PRe olntaseet,
Poudres Sulnlle., Linn's Plastery, Rrandrnth'a PHIS Wig
ufne;) WI soil's Dyspeptic Pills, Fahnestncies, itrodiels,
Evans', See's, ilitthert's and various other
Alm, Pa h nestor k's Vermlfuge. Depu wive Syrup,. •fte.,
deldoc, Cough Lozenges, iPneumilic or Cough Alo6.
etc., etc. A good and general assortment of ALL the
valuable Patent Medicines always on hand, sad format
wholesale and retail.
Datetforget 86 Fourth street.
jnne 12.
r NO the Honorable the Judges of the Col,i of Comilla,
Quarter Sessions of the Peace In and for Al weeny
The petition of Matthias Wilson, of the sth. Wtti 4st
the city of Pittsburgh in the county aforesaid, lamb),
shewith, That your petitioner path proudest Miamilf
with materials for the nzcornmodatron of traiwtataatte
others at his dwelilng hou=e in the city and wardAfaze
said, and prays that your honors wilt grant a hem*
to kerp a put tic house of antertainsnont, rind yoast rt.
titioner as in duty bound, will pray.
We the snbscrihers, citizens of the ma, vr4ra.
city oe' (Inshore), do eertify that the shove NNW** la
of goad repute for honestly and temperanee, mad Mr well
provided With house room and conveniencies (*.theta.
enmmodation and lodging ofstranget a and lravSerlit,iilld
that said tavern Is necessary.
Jos Gosling. Anthony Pfrangle, R, L. Agnew,.
Bernard 'locale, John Kcarasy, Jaen', Book,
Geo Porter. Reit Mulder. R. .1 Bogh„
J J un e erth Sn
12,yder, Wilhelm Sobruidt, Farmer.
L T HE highest Market Price'WOO paid for WOOL, delbra
to the wonted:Tr, at his warehouse, Xs. 100 Ustase fed
stre.n. opposite I he foot of sth.
All kinds of Groceries, and Pittsburgh Maaufaetures,
always on hand, and will he said law for CASIO:. saw.
5000 yards 40 inch Burlaps.
Corner of Cecil R. IIIURPH 's A Ile 7 Ltherke
Jane 12-7/31,
MRS,MOODY II , having adAnDllllloopted her present roe/denim
on Liberty, oppoelie the end of Ferry at., for the
reception of boarders, Will he pleated to accommodate
a few gentlemen with board and lodgiagotr beard aloie.
June 10-4 t.
rirrivazi vir.azzi amonah
.it eke old stand kf YOUNG # mecußor. X. 43
Second, between Fr•od and Meeker streets.
P ECTPULLY informs the friends of the let!
R ES and the public eeneratiy. that he is prepared to
fill all orders foresail/ft Work, of any kind. with a 4 .
Possible:espatch. and warranted to be equal
the ell teeny IS
Every attention will be paid to furnishing COPTIMI
when required. /nee 10. 1843:
Amu a; BUNT, Aret44 re Liberty " -
Am deer* below &Clair apr ie