1Z32121 11:: MEM PITBLISIIED BY 7 11108:"PHILLIPS & W. 11. SMITH, i„.a",f. CORNER OR WOOD 4. FIFTY STS. lirelltaill-41VE DOLLARS a year; payable in eshsa_ese..: Single copies TWO CENTS—for sale at the seumerelf tie office, and by News Bays. • Meteury and Manufacturer 8 plonstted WEEKLY, at the same office, on a double strediitin sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, In ad. evliteie. Slagle copies, SIX CENTS. . . , Terms of Advertising. -:-... PI 6I IBI3IISRE OF TWELVE LINRS OR LENS: 'Ann iismertion, 0,50 One month, #6,00 00 tom insertions, 0.75 Two monte, ...., nohnerlitstrrtions, 1,00 Three months, - 1 Chasavark 7,00 , . 1.50 Four months, rill* milielOw. 3.00 13,00 SIX months, rlaweemerelts. 4.00 10,00 One year, 15,00 'PEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. CHANGEABLE AT PEICASURIC. - Ons Sfmars. Ihr months, Two Spuires avi e13,00 Six months, 112.1,00 Ckratr, . 15,00 One year, 33,00 Ivriatraer advertisements In prorortlon. 'o7lll . lSof four lines SIX DOLLARS a year. - -- PUBLIC OFFICES,&C. PoeT Orrice.. Third between Market and Wood ill4reees,—.R.llll Riddle. Postmaster. 'Console Hawse, Water. 4th door from Wood at. Peter 1111bn's:bsdhlints--MaJor John W Block, Collector. iflperr Tectsunr, Wood between First and Second i treets—James A. Bantam, Treasurer. Coonir Titeinuity, Third street, next door to the 11'bird Presbyterian Church—S. R. Johnston, Treasurer. MAlrcrell 0/11C1, Fourth, between Market and Wood •ilt l reete—Alexander Hay, Mayor. Illtsiteattres Excaanos, Poorth, near Market st. RANK rk S. 'Arressostaa, between Maet and Wood streets, on titan, and a'ourth titreets.. illearmorre' LINO 114 • 11, 1FACTURtRs' lAD FARIttIIPO *T BANK, (fbraserly Saving Fund,) Fonrth, hetwten Arooil and• Market streets. M.senanee, Fiflb street. near Wood. HOTELS. Mormareassts. House. Water street, near the Ilrldge. Horan, corner of Penn and St. Chair. .411, &Kra' Horst., corner Of Third and Wood. AsnitleAn HoTzt,corner of Third and Smithfield, Unman SrATes, corner of Penn street and Canal. Selman &Awe, Liberty street. near Seventh. Mutates Maxims House,Liheriy St. opposite Wayne P.l•mstos Honer, Penn St. opposite Canal, ROBERT WOODS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW.—Office moo itif is %Rowell's offices on Grant at., neatly opposite .new Court douse, next rooms to John D. Mat staii .—first Boor. sop 10 fraß TONER, Alto, nev at Law, North EaQt currier .70C8akit h fleid and FOurih streets. sep 10-1 y Air 'CANDLE:3S dr. 111'CLURE, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law: Office in the Diamond, back of the old Court [louse, Pittsburgh. sep 10 ntrgx FINDLAY, Attorneys at Law. Fourthst above Wood, Fittsbnrgh. sep 10-Iy, lIIMOS. HA St I LTOS. A itorney at Law, Fifth, between Wood and Smithfield sts.,Plttabar,th. see, 10-1, O'HARA ROBINSON, Attorney at Law; Orrice on the north side uhhe Diamond.hetweee ilarket and Union streets, up stairs rep 10 A I. DURBORAW, Attorney at Law; tenders Ili • his professional services to tht. public . Office on PIMP Street. above Wood, Pittsburgh, seri 10 sTgn nucti %NAN, lornege at L ()M aw, ee Ey r„.„,ed 41 from the Diamond, to -Attorney'•Row," may vide of Fourth street, between Market slid Wnnd reets sep 10 1% BUCKMASTER, ADRNEY AT LAW, has removed his °thee to Ftehre,'s Law Build ags.rourth street, above Smithfield, Pii tAtargh. -rep to ( . 2EORGE W. L.+l IWO, Attorney at Law, Office Na, 54 rifih Street, near the Theatre, Pitteourgh. lisp 27-1 y ftICALOO ASIIIVGTON, 4rroi.arer .er L. 4 w. %V —Office ia Bakeweli'l Bonding , elastatrieet, Patsbargh. Nur . 5, 1842. WIN J. MITC L. --Attorney at Law, office corner of amithkeld and sth ma., Pittsburgh. tr. Collections made. A I business entrusted to his are will be promptly attended to, lab 16--Iy. sREMOVAL.--g. Morrow, Alderman; oft e north side of Fifth at., between Wood and Smithfield els, Pittsburgh. scp 10 D R. R. It. HOLM ES, Office in Second street, next door to allulvany 4. Co's Glass Warehouse asp 10—ly ouNsruN 4- STOCKTON, Dativeltem Printers an Paper Manufacturers, N 0.37, Slarket at. sep 10:-1 J DUN ANDERSON, SmithlieLd Foundry, Water at. sear the Monongahela House, Pillsturah. sep 10—ly s TII3/4•13 i YoUNG. FltAlicll3 1., liotlPlo. B. YOUNG. & CO., Furniture Ware 11.00111 A, 4...orner of Hand al. ¢ Hichange Persons wishing to purchase Furniture, will find it to heir advantage to give us a call, being fully satisfied that We can please no to quality and price. sep 10 66 MILE. PLANTATION MOLASSES. received per Steamers Little Ben and Fallon, and for .1. C. 4' A. GORDON 12 Wmer street sale by roar 27 Noceotte D. Coteau,' ..... LOYD R. COLICKAN C OLEXSAO CO., l lene: t Agents, Forwarding and Commtnion Merchant" Z.( vee St rect, Vicksburg Miss They respect ft:llpm t conalgurnents. n 22- W EBB CLONEYOI Soot and Shoe Mant:facto• ry, No. 83 Fourth St., nest door tothe U. Sulk! -omits Ladies Prunella, It id and Satin Shoes wade in lee iteatcstruanner,attd by tkc newestrrcuch patierns. ie. NI G A KORN TOOLS, consisting of Hoes, Fancy Spades Transplanting Trowels, Edding Tools, Budding giives, Pruning Knives, Pruning Shears, etc., just re ceived and for tale by P. L. SNOWDEN. see IQ. 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. M ACtSTRAi'ESBL thetNtil.b;troceedi A ceiine.,inde; t:l:ornle at Iltia me ULANK PETITIONS, NOTICES, &C.- . l obe used in Bankruptcy proceedings, printed on good paper,and in the forms approved by the Courtfor sale title OMee of the Mercury and Democrat. sep M. HUBBARD, Ladies' fashionable boot and shoe Manufacturer, No. 101, Third c•reet, between Wootisudiihnithfield streets, Pittsburgh Sep 10 J AS, PATTERSON, Jr., Birmingham, near Pittsburgh, Pa., Manufacturer or Locks. Hinges and Bolts; To• 1 am, Faller. MITI and Timber Screws; Housen screws for Rolling Mills, 4.c. sep IG—ly f 02PCLIsKEy, Tailor and Clothier, Liber.v Sixth and Virgin alley, South side. ftet 10 G. 4. A. CORDON. Commission and Forwarding kr • Merchants, Water st., Pittsburgh sep 1111-- H i raiilighalil a; CO. atit ING CICZUPg. No. 60 W ate r s street, ORWAR Pitt D sburgh Pa. AMR rarasa—Receivlng and Shipping $ cents per 100 lbs Commiealai on Purebasea and sales 2i per eent. le rit '42 -ixu rscrukgß o • N. MORROW, f Tin, Copper and S I ror Were, No, 17, Fifth st., between Wood a nd t Id ar a,,,, - o = l el o sentantly on hand a good assortment of wares, •abase Or public frltrOnage. Also. on hand, "tillelest Shovels, Pokers, Tongs, Gridirons, Onalsimill, les, Pots, Grano, Collie USN *e. Net. eliaiNiblit *fare are Invited to call and examine for UNISSINIni, 14 he fa i litaradoalltoaellelisiplor cash or ""441fti4 . . : .. _ ..,_ _. . -.• ... . ~ ~ .._ 1... ••- --,- ~:.!;-.,•;, . •,- 1 ?:,-\_...: ..: ‘-‘_-... ,•••• • ~. - --,,,, ::: ', 1 at . t - .. ~,.. . :-.: • 1, / . . ~ t. ~ , . . . . . 0 , .. ~• . . - - BA/1111Ali, JENNINGS Sr. Co , Wholesale Oracers, Conaninnian and Pro-. duce Merchants, .4'sd Magri in PilfshisriA Alapujocpsres No, 43 Wootrt reel, Pittsburgh. AILMAN, JEN NILNGS,A.: Co., Cotton Yarn Warehouse, No. dd Wd reet. Agents for the sale of the Eagle Cotton Fact 00 0ry st Yarns March 17, '43. THONPRON H•NAA L. HANNA J• 1125 TURNE:, I. 4. TURNBULL'S Paper Warehouse, No. 104, Wood at., where away he had *general supply of writing, wrapping, printing, wall paper, blank books, school books, 4-c, 4-c. sep 10--ly C. TOWN.3ENDvr and R, -Van araefirrere, No. 23 Market s ir e d b e wean 2nl and 3d streets. sep 10-1 y E XCHANGE HOTEL, Corner of Penn and St. Clair streris,by /Relit FIBIN ¢ SMITH. rep 1 0--I y BROWNSVILLE JUNIATA IRON WORKS.--DI ward !highest. Manufacturer of Iron and Nails Warehouse N 0.25, Waorl NI., Pittsburgh. rep 10 —I y -------- N EW GOODS. —Preston ¢Mackey, w liutesale and retail tlealrrs io lii li 1,, French, aid Domestic Dry Goods, No. ILI, :111irkei sert 10 T OIIN 3 VDEVITT, Wholesale Crocur itectifOng Dist,ll,r, And Dealer in Produce and Pilishurgli Manufacture 4 Articles, N.. 224 Liberty Street, Pitt, burgh. RFT, Irl Wlt.r.,l43 t Jelin S. it VVIeLLIAMI.Sd&r n II i I C LIV(!R um . 11'11 oa ,i — „ — d w ianis, and !valets in Paintiorgli Manufactured tin. 29, Wood st.revt.. Fe n til /MIN ILSITICRIVE JA , . N. Kkme SHERIFF Marfaehirers of Copper, Tan, and Sheet Iron Ware, N o 30. Front sr., Fol.- burgh. !louse Spouting and Ste:Hotel: l i work p:ornoile eircuted. rep II) AV ID SIN Ds, 11 ATCII CLOCK KER, No. 7, st.ci.dr vats burgh, DEALER IX WiITCII S, C LOC S ,I 3 ItEA S7'PIXS FINGER RINGS, CHAINS, fr EFS, CO.VEIS, sep 10 LANDRETH'S GARDEN SEEDS.- A cull supply of Laodieill's Garden Sreds • always on hand, and for sale at lirsagrary the mu : Stor e of F. L SNOWDEN, IRJ Lilocris sirryt, bead of wood EMOVA L.—Mati hew Jowl:, Muir, and Halt ttre‘a er, has removed to Fourth ul reel , oppose el he May ors qffice, w here he will he hurler to:wait upon ,lermanent ur irauFieut costumers. fir sollrltca shale of poldir Dal Pei' 10 1 OLIN R I), VpArdstrrer and Cii.kincr TAird st, betrrra 11"oad .Alar Let strretr, respectful inf•Yrms his friends and the puldir that he is prepared to eteclite all orders for Sofa,. Std”boartl. Ito reaus, Chairs, Tablet, Ited , leads.Stands. Ital. anti Mattrasses, Curtain. Carpets, ail sur; s of IlrinoNtericis woric, which he will warrant equal .o any 111:11i1. In the city, and on reasonably! terms. "P ip _ RE. 4 IOFAL!-7'he subscriber. have remov.il t o ler between Wood and Smithfield streets. where they WIII rofttintie the Wholega le Grocery and emu mf , eion tratittees and would re.pe , ll)lll7 II milt mi. are of their friends J. W. BURR!: f Co. Dec X. A. W. PAT I'ERSON. on Sinnhilel.l stre4 , l near Skin. n 10 18 kr' 1 3 F \RE II EDUDED. •C. S. MAIL Line Ca 51A(.1,.. Asp RAIL r:OAD front I'd 1 ,, ,d1.1 rgll. Chanterslturt., Barri:bora and Lane:otter. to rit.l. o tm phia; connecting will, Mr Malt prate of rars to N 1. kr. Only 150 mtlesmattitt¢ end one 111;lot Dill. Also. the Direct tine to Baltimore. Fare to Philadelphia Baltimore, Leaves daily at 8 o'clock A. M. Office serood door I+ef”m, the hlcrchitni a lintel Wood st MENDELL,GRA !IA k Co. felt 23. 11313-Iy. Proprietors. THE ORE Vl' EENTR A L ROI/ E, vi. NATIoNA I ROAD AND BALI'IMORL•AU OHIO RAIL ROif COMPANY. cz 1 —per , ...z.. 451 , . M : 1 ' :. I=n, 1 73. ',.;•`,ot ; t,,i11.10. A r MEW line °ILL S. MI if enriches for Wasiii n glut: City, .1.11 Baltimore, Phi:adelpiia aad New York. This line Is In full operation and lenvearlttsburrOi daily at 6 o'clock A. M., via Washington ?a. aid national told to Cumberland, C oll lll'filllg herr with the rail road Co'a. to all the aliove place,: Travellers will find tin a speedy and comfortable route, it brine a separate tin d distinct Pitishargh and runiNeriand line, facilities will he atrorrvldelt have not been herrinfoir enjoyed. F.% Ira c aches furnished at Ills' shortest node r, wile, thr privilrgr of going through direct, or taking roe night's rest at i their option. tickets, app'y at our oilier at the Mononal,ela Ifni „ I. W. S'l'Orii'l'ON• Fell. 3 , 1--dif. r irsillt ist of N. R. :Maze Cy,, nzur .ROUTE. ENTIRE NE \V COACEIES, FROM PiTTSRURGII Tr) 11 . 1 1.77.11()RE AM) PHIL3I , ELPiII.I United States Express Line . Leaves Pitts' nre.lo dairy, at 2 o'clock, p. 31, via Shorn. hoot to Brownsville, thence In splendid new ;nicht, to Cumberland, over the great National Bead, and front there by ItAILROAD In superior new eight wheeled cars, to Baltimore. Waslitugion city and Bitiladelphia. The above Line Is r7presented IC the traveling pnblie as being unequalled between the Ohio River and Eastern Chips for comfort arid expedition , having made arrange mentsi to convey passengers through in two days, and no Hight travel, either by Stale or Railroad Cars.— Think or it! Only 75 miles Stage travelling„ and 56 miles less than the Wheeling route, and that in superb new coaches. Fare to Flaltimo e, $lll. Office In the Monongahel a II ou.e. A. II ENDEP FON k• St pee Proprieto ml-A3 LI.4C TS SPEAK FOR THENSF:L YES- -TRUTH IS CONVINCING:- havi ng been afflicted for nearly two years..wlth a bard swelling on the cap of my knee. which produced much pain, and , used various applica Lions recommended by the Faculty_ -all in vain cured completely by the use of one bottle of Dr. Brand relies Linamcnt, or External Remedy. Witness me hand JAMES TAYLOR, Ohio tp Allegheny co, Pa. Jan. 10th, 1840. Dr. Brandreth's External Remedy or Liaament ; sold at his office, No. 88 Wood street, Pittsburgh, PRICE— .SO cents per bottle. fehB. JUST RECEIVED, Twelve boxes of Oranges and Lemons, of the finest quality. for sale wholesale and recall, by WIC THORN, feb 22—tr. 53 Market st. 20,000 vs .. Cotton Yarns, assorted 2,0001 bi. Batting, 2,000 " Candle Wick, 1,000 " Carpet Chain, and 500 " Cotton Twine. From the Eagle Facto ry. For sale by HALLMAN, JENNINGS & Co . , Cotton Yarn Warehouse, No. 43 Wood street. mar 17 Y d "L FOR SJLZ.-A Ri.* ()Maker •beilt Yawl taleN airs Ittee's ARNO I'o, rah IoW for_earb: Ap. pry to, , • BIRMINctI#I4I &Co t , ,pp is. • No 6) Water D ANIEL u. cußivi, Attorney at Law. 0 1 . ace on sth at between Wm.dand Smithfield. ay /1. 131EASki hoAkiiS6U.F.WIP.7.7iT77I-7-17W7a received this day from New York. a fresh supply*. the above celebrated cure fur Coughs, Cotds and Co% sumption; and is ready to supply cmaomcisat wholesale uov 12 orretall; at hie JUrdiug Ritacy, 86 Punta & at. ". D AVID 07Akk, Itas remove to No, 39 Market street, between Second and Third streets, where he worth be happy to see his old eustomers,and all others who feel dams*. cd to patronise him. He uses nothing but Stet's ` stock, andel:ll)Nya the beat of workmen; and es be give( lug constant personal attention to business, he trestathat, he will deserve and receive a fair abase of pationage. .sen 10 it;E: UItBAAt, A llnolter respectfully informs his friends and the public that they can always find the best gustily of • Ice Creams. together With al: kinds of confectionary and fruits, in their iiesJon„ at his es tablishment—No. 11, Fifth street, lietwer it Wood antiatasket. N. B.—Parties supplied on the shortest notice, with cakes. or anything in his line. Also families fornishii with Bread. wen 10 'OVAAWM CAMOMILE PlisE L 1_74 lIAM J. CLEAIER, residing ,'fit 66hiott street, New York, was afflicted with Oysnertslo in its moil ac2ravaied form. The symploms were violent head ache, erect deldlity, fever, rostirenevs, eruct , heart. burn, pain tnthe chest and stomach always after eating, impaired appetite, accsalion of sinking at the sionottb, - i furred tonvie, nausea, with imperil vomiting', diatioess towards nlyht and resttoncvs. l'hosie had confirmed ep. ward of a I welvemunth, when, on consulliug Dr. Wm. Evans. UM Chatpaut tra;el, and salimillinc to Iris ever surces„fulandagrceal,lemode of ireattnetil, the patient was completely restored to health in the short space of, ottentoutti. and zratertt I for the Inca leulahle benefit tlerhr. j ed. 2latl ly came forward and volunteered the above slate For !ale Whole:Ale anti Retatt by E FELLERS, Agent., No 20, Word at reel ,irelow Second. Cheap for Cash. COT.TON 1•11C'TOI?1'. Prices Reduced. Sinrl Pert Yarn. Lung .11te cis per di l \o.sat 14 rig. per lb I 500 at ft Yarn. 6at I I ditto 600 at 9 ditto 1: 7at 11 ditto 709 at 6 ditto t 1-I ditto ROO al % ditto 111 9 /4 at 14 at ditto 9110 at 41 ditto ditto 1009 at 4 ditto II a: 14 auto 12 at 14 ditto 11ditilleisick 1 at al ci.e pe dill r It., 141 ditto Cool Rattle); • 14 at ri ditto family du. •12 ditto nt 15e ditto Cardt Chainllll ditto ei at ICldm. Cot • n file • 2.; 17 at 161 ditto an ° storkinv Yaro d 18 at 17 diito roverlel. Yarn always on 19 at 171 hand 411 at 18 ditto ,cotton Warp; M N made lo order. fittlers promptly „ii. nerd to, if al J. 4- C. rainter'..l.mp II 4. Ktr,,,p,1%, 'he firt,:t office, addrp.s.: felt aT, J. K. moon!! RAI) 4- co. Itentoval. i!,er ha. reitinv, dF ~s hi nna h le T.aloglng io the Motiorizalwla .3.1 &Jur from firm H. on %mil latch, at.w herr hisioil etiOrmiera and all other. who may fityor Min with a rail may tferwilif on having I heir work done in a anyerinr Style. P. um h,e;:e't aer cure In the hiyone.. iu Ihi. r uy, nn.: In many row( fe>hion a Ft c i Ow. In Ritrope and A inerir.., lie feels eiiiitiilent that lin ran gher. Sait 3 l;l,ltoll 10 all who 11/3h iihn-eto favor him wit Orb' v Alt iri attenlion to htt.ihee• and .91perier workehte.thip he hope, In merit and receive a ' , harem plihfir pat mnaga. Ile friend keeying on hand a "PPIYof zood, and Itit htrtier.cella',h. fur the ra.other tra.le whirl, will he !told at terry reilityr.lprlemi, H. HONActsv. dri,/rsTir rt, rr , rurrirrl loin all r •,• • of Ord , and ivrlnnd4. Where mor ~lie;,, ,lie ;, tf Thy ,11 .u, It ,11/11tp prat. I 've Ir`l, , ltt no lon.:er. The 1 1 1a7dral Pain Clitarlor, from 't,,toA ttr I; 71 Muhl,' Lane Is u far purr,. II Ire of norrtsfir alto, 11.41, cOhl plod or rapture of Over The llpirtlfal ttl W 011,4.11.111 (J1%1 , 011114 inflattily 4. lrirtV, it the brat IfiLo 14,011f1d, scald, burns nr hru•er 1,. rant ,I , lff• vital ar:aa SO a to model rum' inn us.l t de, I 1 vlll is a very space of time ore the par, ritr,r red to a poll flit and heat, by ,talt wahorp leavine. the cira , rit feflind. This pmpa ration In :1130 a terrain I rmrdy for 11 03ITIell ryes, carifPrtnlll cent. hrnkru bread and -ore stipple and all el/rnemn? and erupt or Slit •krro. Ile surer.. as a cure for the pllem is unparalleled and the rvourln.r• for 11, ['frill' lIVC prnprrllre are I': 'it, I Ile rile Pt Ittlket tattle ar i d e a 117htenrd sourer* For sale at Tin tic's, PG Ft. t/r:11 Y//air I.‘" CHEMISTRY—East Im,ha 111aH Dir.-4:01m l + the hair and will not the skin This Dye's in the form of a Powder winch in Medi MP! ip. of tact may be :Invited to the hair over trizlit, the first night turning the 1121itest or fret' Awl . , is dark brown; and by repeatin2 a second or third night, to a jet Mack. Any person may, therefore. with the least pondblc trotildr. (rep his halt any dark shade or a perfect black, with the punitive assurartre that the powder ir mintier! to the skin will wet color it. There is no colorinz in this statement. tre any one may easily test. These Carts are wart anted by the chemist n Ito manufactures It. l'or , ale at TUTTLE'S.' ltt.; Fourth strtet, where a hirze airmrtmetit of Patent Medicines ;nay always be had at either wholesab , nr retail 'Don't.l o, :et 1 Sti Ft , wrlh strew CO PA R FIRS!) IP. 11 - 4.41 ES /V /I..M.Af4.Ar 4- JOHN OP have entered ialo partnership for -the purpose of trans:loin:: Wiirderralet:roc..ry; Produce and Crmnb, sinn business tinder the Mtn and style af 11,111. MAN. JENNLNGS 4- I '0.,a1 No 43 Wood rtl reel, opposite i he Merchari where a supply of Grocerie.q and Vitt. burgh 141 uuractured A rh/cles can a:way. be had on life •ii terms,. March ._....... __ R. M. i)ANVSON, Marnffacturer of Tire, Copper and Sheet Iron if are, Nn IA Liberty, between Mal ket and 6th streets AV icf"-li":,r,l::liielictl, r;: i l t l i . , v; ie in i f e or ., t e n n.it l il or ler iihr a .e t n h s e r e eT.,m f lie Pitta_ e ~ ihrarr y rriiih•• above briars, in all Its vaiion,, branches lithe al% eve stand; where be wilt always keep a Seiler al assortment . of all ariiclus in his line, oil of which will he made in the same inn liner and of good materials, and will he disposed 01 on the most moderate and 2C eommodat Ins termn • Country Mercnants alldellier dealers will find it lo their:advantage 10 call aud examine his stuck before par. chasing elsewecre. Sicainhoals,tifonse s and roil icees roofed with copper, zinczbie, lend and iron on the shortest trotter; Cutters and Conductotsmade and put up With despatch ter usual, apr 5. IV I LTA .4 )1 DO 41 ERT Y, I -I rirand Cap Manutreturer. 148 Liberty M, between Market and Sixth. an 10— 6m. J. M. Sanderson & Son, FRANKLIN -HOUSE, PHILADELPHIA. T HIS elegant establishment has been in operation Mir ing the last nine months, and notwithstanding the general depression of business, It has met and sustain ed the approbation of the public and yielded to the pro. prietors a,full compensation for their lahor and alien lion. Its location being In Chestnut street, In the !m• mediate neighborhood of the Poet °Rice, the Exchange, Banks, the Steamboat landing, the most business part of Market street and the places of amusement, it presents to :he business community or those visiting the city on pleasure, all the facilities and comforts so desirable to the travelling public. Its arrangment, also, enables the guest to regulate his expenses, and to live in a style of elegance or economy suited to his notions or disposition. The facility of procuring meals at any hour, and of gel• ling that which the appetite craves, is also a saver of time which the business portion of the guests know how to appreciate. The proprietors, therefore, solicit the custom of their old frinnds.and promise a continuance of their exertions to make them comfortable. aP 25-3 m. For Rent. OR a term of pars: Two building lots on the bank of thei:river, adjoininithe City ' Apia!, at Agency, Penn street, sth Ward, mar t t JAMES BLAKELY TSBURGII, luourr , 4kircf: R TiNr: NI) nrxr.rt ENCE LIRE A RN' of Reilsom.,llnom ical.and c..llnneotis Work. • will I.e teen ever V day. Sa:.bai it ex. eepied. "inn. 7 o'clock. A 111„nnt il 9. P. M.. In the Ei• change PAllMlnz.enrm. r of Clair •Ireer:if I•xchange alley. Vorperertlnctual attendance aill be giver, I. gep 10 J. nEmmii.. NEW YORK DI ER. Ank`SEE MMES. would reApertfully Inform hie friends! Il.JFand the public In general,t lint be dies Ladies' dremes. IlabiN and Mantels of Every description, black—and warrant, II ein rif I io 1.44 equal to new 20011.. I. - dies 1:111( . 1 . i i,r+ .if ell desttripliaa• on ft/1k and earc , el taro. Al-n, r l.au ,re•iores the colors .n a., t o ie....1,1We new gacalA . Air. ii. flatlets liCitcsrli 'lntl he