VOL L-NO. 230 Ili • PtBLISHED BY • -"Plit,S. PHILLIPS & W. H. SMITH, Jr fr. CORNER OF WOOD 4 FIFTH STS. .-411 M iLMS.--FIVE DOLLARS a year, payshie in arbraitcel. single copies TWO CENTIS---for sale at the maisasitof tbos office, and ¢y News Boys. The Mercury and 'Manufacturer e published WEEKLY, at the seine office, on a double 'medium sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, In ad. vane. Single copies, SIX CENTS, Terms of Advertising. PER SQUARE OF TWELVE LINES OR LESS: one Insertion, 0,50 I One month,ls.oo Two 0.75 1 Two 010015, 6,00 Three Insertions, 1,00 Three months, 7,00 One week, . 1.50 Four months, ' 8,00 Two weeks, 3,00 I Slx months, 10,00 Three,weeks. 4.00 One year, 15,00 . ' YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. 611*NCIZABLE AT Pt ZASURZ. Out Square. Two Squares irk months, $13.00 I Si: months, $23.00 'OAP year, 25,00 One year, • 35,00 Yom -Larger adverlteements in prorortion. CARDS of four lines Su DOLLkittl a year. PUBLIC OFFICES,&C. CITY Post' Orncs. Third between Market and Wood M Riddle, Postmaster. "tkiliroia House, Water, 4th door rroin Wood at. Peter :6We belldings—Major John Willock, Collector. etre TIRKAIII3IIY, Wood between First and Second treeta—Janice A. Bartram, Treasurer. Coven TItICAIIIIRY, Third street, nest door to the Third riesbyterian Church—S. R. Johnston, Treasurer. Istros's Omer, Fourth, between Market and Wood aareeta—Alexander Hay, Mayor. • Idartowawr's Excassoc, Fourth, near Market st: BANKS 'Purrastraan,ttetween Market and Wood streets, on #llrd and Fonrth streets. IitILMERLMES' &MD Itl ANUFACTCRIRS' AND FARMERS' DE ?OEM Boit. (formerly Saving Panda Fourth, between Mat! and Market streets. grcluager, Firth streel, near Wood. HO r CLS lgoxotro►aet► TiOC4l, Water street,. near the Bridge 'tscsitsrate floret., corner of Penn and St. Chair. Ifititonatrrs' Tiorzt, turner of Third and Wood. 41arsitteLN floirec.corner of Third and Filth hfield. lllxtrao STILTZ3, corner of Penn street and Canal. •Seattao Eeoca, Liberty street. near Seventh. Mtweta Mariam; nouns, Lilieriy St. oppo.ite Wayne EttoAsouvarr Mansion Mom Penn St. opposite Canal ROBERT 'WOODS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW.—Office temo Mt to Bakewell's offices on Grant st., neatly opposite the new Court House, next rooms to John D. Hahne, dig e—First floor. set. 10 UGH TONER, AliOlnev et Law, North Eat corner ar Smithfield and Fourth streets. sep 10-1 y ANDLESS & M'CLURE, Altorney and OA Counsellors at Law: Office in the Diamond, back of Clio old Court liouge,PitishorZ ll . goo 10 SBUNK 4. FINDL AY, Attorneys at Law. Fourth st above Wood, Pittsburgh. sep TIOS.HAMILToN, Al totney at Law. Firth, between Wood and Smithfield stn., Pittsburgh. seplO—ly WM. O'HARA ROBINSON, Attorney at Law; Office on the uort Itside of the Diamond.hetweeu siirket and Union streets, upstairs • pep 10 AI. DITRBORAW, Attorney nt Law; tenders -; his professisloalservic,m to the puhtie. Ofiler an Fifth Street, above Wood, l'ittsbur,/b, EYsTER 4- Buell V , l AN, Attorneys at Lax. office removed from the Diamond, to •• A i torney% itow," r hady aide of Fourth street., _between Varlet and Wood IldiSetp sen 10 B h a s U e r R eolved hi E s othe A ; to R ll7a E r e l :4l: r a w L e A u l i Build ay. Fourth street, shove Smithfield, Pittsburgh. 4111 Pep 10 GEORGE W. LAY (O. Attorney at Low, Office No. $4 Fifth street, near the Theatre. Pitis;)urgh. sep 27—ly READE W ASHINGTON, oIi7TORXEY AT LAW. —Office in Bakewrirs Bhilding gruel. street, Pittsburgh. Nov. 5, 1642. JOHN J. mrrcuELL--_ A ttorney at Law, office OP _earner of Smithfield and Silt els., Ph tsliura h . IKpo Colleetiong made. A I nosiness entrusted to his are will be promptly attended to, fett 16-1 r RKNOVA.L.- rt. Morrow, Alderman; offi,e north ' Bide of Fifth st,, between Wood and Smithfield allikPiltaburgh. gen 10 Da. $. R. lIOLM ES, Office in Second street, next door to Mutvany k Co's Gins! Warehouse sep 14-1 y 110EINSTON 4 STOCKTON. Bookeeoers, Printers aq a, Paper Manufacturers, No. 37, Market sr. sep 10-1 y TOHN ANDERSON, Southfield Foundry, Water at.. OP near the Monongahela House, Pittsturgh. sep 10-1 Y TIiaKAN it YOUNG f HOS. B. YOUNG & CO., Furniture Ware .ii Rooms, t.orncr of Hand st. ¢ Exchange Alley. Persona wishing to purchase Furniture, will find it to heigadvanlage to give us a call, being fully satisfied that we can please as to quality and price. seri 10 BBLS. PLAN RATION MOLASSES. received UP per Steamers Little Ben and Fulton, and fur J. G. 4 - A. GORDON 12 Water street idle by 'R9 NipaoLau 0. Comm.% COZ. ENAN CO.:gene:A Agents, Forwarding and Commission Merchants Levee Street, Vicksburg Mia T bey 'respectfully so t consignments. n 22- WEBB CLOSEY,S Boot and Shoe Ma tinfacto ry. No. 83 Fourth St., next door to the U. States Ladies Prunelia, Khl and Satin Shoes made ;n Ne mea ge,;;9XMOner, and by the newestlFrench patterns. Bey 10 GARDEN TOL:,f, consisting of Hoes. Fancy Spode! Transplanting Trowels, E . ,!Oing Ton's, Budding Knives, Pruning Knives, Pruning Shears, etc., ;Hsi re in:Wad and for dale by P. L. SNOWDEN. iser 1S Liberty street, head of Wood. AGISTEWIIES'BILANKIES, for proceedings In At taeiniest under tile late law,for sale at this Office SZLANK PETITIOKS, NOTKES, &C.— Ai! 'To be used in Bankruptcy proccedin,gs, printed on good paper,and in the forms approved by theeourt..for sale Itltbe Odlee of the Mercury and. Democrat. rep HUBBARD, Ladies fashionable boot.and Woe Manufacturer, No. 101, Third s. reet, betwoen *omit andßUtithaeld streets. Pittsburgh sep 10 TAB. PATTERBON, Jr., Birmingham, near Pittsburgh, Pa., Manufacturer of Locks, Hinges and Bolts; To "wafer, Mill and Timber Screws; Housen Screws for sep 10—ly at. Sacet jtallhig El( , Tailor and Clothier, Liher.y ranbetween NV •ti and Virgin alley, South side, ;tweet, imp TO Tqt.* A. GORDON. comm i s 2lon Arid Forwarding A Notthants, Water st.,Pittsteur:: ": l ' e P 14)-1Y . Birmingham ifir, Co: Co=o"wox AND FORWARDING C h/ER. MINIM. No. 60 Water etch% Pittsburgh rt:• Tehati—Receiving and Shipping 5 cents per 100 lbs. Commislons on Purchases and sales 2 per sent. S. MORROW ' MriIetiPACTURER of Tin, Copper and Sheet 'roc Wire, Na. 17, lift at., between Wood and iLar— .4.- WS Keep tninstantly on band a good assoitment of wares, sail NOM' a share of public patronage. Also, on hand, Sitaftstiostiag articles: Shovels, Pokers, Tongs, Gridirons, WsiNins, Tettettles, pots, 4a*en•, Coffee Mills ¢c. Bier* 01111111#11 itad others are in+lted to call and examine for theassetraa. u he is detertnined to sell cheap for cash or *145 0411 4.4 or.) • Mit-1i --If DAILY MORNING POST Wholesale Grocers, Commission .and Pro duce Merchants, ,And Dealers-in Pittsburgh hiasufectures mar 17 No, 43 Wood street. Pittsburgh. HAI( JENNINGS &CO., Cotton Yarn Warehouse, No. 43 Wood street. Agents for the sale of the Eagle. Cotton Factory Yarns THONNIONIII J• 1 .9 TURNBULL. HANNA 4- TURNBULL'S Paper Warehouse, No. 104, Wood st., where may be had a general supply art writing, wrapping., printing, wall paper, blank books, school books, 4-c, 4-c. Sep 10-17 C. TOWNSEND 4.• co., Wire Workers and Manufacturer*, No. 23 Market street, between 2d and 3d streets. sep 10—ly 1-11XCHANGE HOTEL, Corner of Penn and Ft. Clair streeis, by McKIBBIN ,:j• SMITH. sep 10-1 y BROWNBVILLE JUNIATA IRON WORKS.--Ed ward flushes. Manufacturer of Iron and Sans Warehouse N 0.25, Wood st., Pittsburgh. sep 10 —ly NE W GOO DS.—Presinti 4- Mackey, wit,,lesale and retail dealers In Enslislt, French, ar.d Domestle Dry floods, No. 21, Market et ,Pittslairgh. sep 10 31 9 DEVITT, Wholesale Grocer Electif ius Distiller, And Dealer in Produce and Pitishurgh Manufactured Ankles, .Vo. 22-1 Liberty Street, Pitts burgh. ger 10 Wtl.l,wit 11. Wil.f.:,vs JCIIN DII.WORIH NAILLIAMS Sr Dur.wortyn.--Wholesair Grocers P rod tier and Conn mission Mere ni , and Jealers in Pitt sl.o rgli Mannraci u red art icle„ No. 29, Wood street. nviv It) JOHN B.S.IIICRITF... .141., N. Kw! QUERIFF K FAN, Manufacturers of Copper. S Tin, and Sheet Iron Ware, No. RU. Front et., Fitt. burgh. Mouse S110{11111; 31111 SIC:1100in WOrIC executed. sep 10 DAVIDSAVI)S, ATCiI& CLOCK MA K ER, No. 7 , St. Clair street, Pitts. burgh, DEALER IX WATCH F:S,C LOC K 5.1112 EASTPIXS FIXOF.R RINDS, CRAIN'S, KEYS, COMBS, fir. sep LANDIVETIES GARDEN SEEDS.— A full supply of fdlodtroli'mk Gurden Perdp, nh,vays ou hand.and for saleut I.ls the o , u7sittre of F. I, SNOWDEN, sop 10 IS4 Liberty stre.d,kiPad of Wood. REIM/VAL.—Mailhew Joni s, Barrrr and mi r I), er, has removed to Fotirtn strert, oppusurthe Slay ors office, where lie will h, nappy to:wait upon oermanent ur transient custunirrs. He solicits a share of public pat r [Maize. Pep 10 110IIN %NI), Up/oar/ire,- and Cahirer .M..ker, Third at. between If ood Markel sterna, reflrclfill informs his friends and I lir punkr that he is prepared to execute all orders for Sofas, ride h 0a .,14 reatis, Chairs, Tahles, IledAteads,Slaitils, Ilalr and Iprln2 Mattrnsses, Curtain•. Carpels, all sorts of rtilloisterinz wora,whirli he will warrant equal .o any made in city, and on reasonalde I Sins. rip 111 RE.MOVAL!--The Ant.criber; have reill,)V , d to %‘ ter between ‘l7noti arta Stnithfield FlreriA, they will rontinne llle Whole,ale Grocery and COMMO S'On ItU.inr,g. and would re-pert Cully ' , adult the pat run. ar,e of heir friends J W. BUR 13111 DG 4. Co. Dec 3 D.. A. N. PATTERSON. :lake on Smithfield ,dread near Sixth. F.eii 10 FA P. E 1 EDUDED. -IL S. MAtt. ratan or Sr. tara .tan RAIL nriAD (*Ana. front rdt , .atiit rglt. via itedfo Cita niberalturg, Ilarri-tiorg and I-any:l..oer, to Pliitadel. Tibia, connecting with the Mail train or tiara to N V. 4-r. Only 150 nole,:taging and one night out. Also, the Direct line to Valtininie. Fare to Philadelphia $9. Baliimore, Lenv., dad). at R 0 . . 11,1, A M. Oflice sernudtlot)r frel - wv Ilan! Wood MENerELL., GI: A A NI, WAUGH co. frb 23,184:3-Iy. Vropri,tor, • THE GREAT CENTRAL ROE E. VIA NATIONAL HOAD ANL/ BALTIMonL AND WHO RAIL ROAD COMPANY. NNE 0' line or IL S. i I CoaCilf!S for Was Alai ton City Baltimore, Philadelphia end New York . This line Is in fall operation and IravesPittsburgh daily at 6 o'clock A. M., via Washington ?a. ant 4 national road in Cumberland, connecting here with the rail road Co's. to nu the above places: Traveller■ will find this speedy and comfortable route, It bring a separate and ilktlnct PiliFhllrgh and Cu m!erland line,farilities will Ito afforded which have not been heretofore enjoyed. En• tra coacitC3 furnished at the shortest nolire, wit() the privilegr of going through direct, or taking toe night's rest at their option. Par tirktug, :Ipp'y :It our nftlrs. nt thrthmon.vacla House. L. W. a'l'/•t'K'I . ON Feb. 3d—(II1. rres,,lPnt of N. IL sine ca. ENTIRE NE \V COACHES! LOYD B. COLZM•M FROM PITTSPURGII TO RE AND PIDIADEr PIII.I United States Express Line Leaves Pitis'mrglt daily, at 2 o'clock, r. M, via Steam. boat to Brownsville, thence in splendid new coaches to Cumberland, over thereat Nntional 'load, and from there by In snperlor new eight wheeled eery, to Baltimore, Washington rite and Philadelphia. The ahoy( Line Is I—resented lo The travelin. , public ai being unequalled between the Ohio River and Eastern cities for co,ufort and expedition, having made arrange merits to convey passengers through in Iwo days, and no night travel, either by Stage or Railroad Cats.— Think of it! Only 75 miles Singe travelling, and 56 miles less than the Wheeling route, and that in stiverb new coaches. Fare lo P.allimote, $lO. Office In the Monongahel a A. lIENDEPSON CO., ml d 3 St;.ge Proprleto FACTS SPE.9K FOR THEMSELVES—TRU - THIS CONVINCING:- Having been afflicted for nearly two years, with a hard swelling on the cap of my knee. which produced much pain, and used various applica (ions recommended by the Faculty--all in vain wa, cured completely by the uee of one bottle of Dr. Brand reties Linament, or External Remedy. Witness my hand JAMES TAYLOR, Ohio tp Allegheny co, Pa. Jan.ll3th,lB4o. Or. Brandreth's External Rcmrdy or Linament; sold at his office, N 0.98 Wood street, Pittsburgh, PRI CE -50 cents per bottle. feb 8. JUST RECEIVED, Twelve boxes of Oranges and Lemons, of the finest quality, for sate wholesale and by feb •2: -if a ff 06 (Llis Cotton Yarns, assorted os. 2,000 tbs. Batting. _ 2,000 " Candle \Vick, 1,000 " Carpet Cbait:, and 500 " Cotton Tvring. From O'e Eagle Facto ry.. For sale by lIAILMAN , JENNINGS & Co., Cotton Yarn Warehouse, mar 17 No. 43 Wood street. YAWL FORSALE.—A now Clinker built Yawl . (14cleaughten's build). for tale low for calk: Ap. ply to 81RUIPIGH All 4 Co, ef 18' No 00 Water et HALLMAN, JENNINGS & Co "4. 1 NEW ROUTE. RAILROAD, WM, TIIORN, 53 Market at ANI EL M. CURRY, Attorney at Law. of. 1/Ike on 5t It st between Wimd and Smithfield. ape, PEASE'S HOARHOUND CANDY.—TtYrrLic has received this day Weir New York. a fresh supply o. the above celebrated cure fur Coughs. Colds and Con sumpt ion; and is ready to supply cutdomergat wholesale orretail, at his .Medical Agency, 36 Fourthitt. nov 12 . - DAVID CLARK, Jlet, geaskionabis Beet .Maker,— tlas removed to No, 34 Market street, between Second and Third streets, where he would be happy to see his old customers. and all others who feel dispos. ed to patronize him.' ❑e uses nothing but first rate stock, and employs the best of workmen; and as he give; ins constant personal attention tobusinevs, he truststhat he will deserve and.rczeive a .fair share of patronage. tell 10 March 17,'43, CIt.EA Id, 4- CONFELITIONA Ety.— A !Wittier respectfully informs his friends and the public that they can always rind the best quality of Ice Creams. together with al: kinds of confectionary and fruits, In their •PP, on, at his establishment—No. 11, Pifth street, betwc . e. Wood :11111 Market. N. B.—Parties supplied on the shortest notire, with cakes. or anything in his tine. Also families furnished with Bread. sett 10 I'VANS'S CAMOMILE PILL L s.—ABR I liAtif J. CLEMER, residing at 66 Molt street, New York, was afflicted with Uyspepria in its most aggravated form. The symptoms were violent head ache, great debility, fever, costiveness, cough, heart. barn, pain in the chest and stomach always after eating, impaired appetite, sensation of sinking at the stomach, furred longue, nausea, with frequent vomitings, dizziness towards night and restieness. These had continued up. ward of a 1 welventutilli, when, on consulting Evans.looChatham street; and submitting to his ever auccessful Ind agreeable mode of treatment. the patient was completely restored to healiii in the short apace of onemont It_ rind grateful for the inealculable benefit &nit". ed. gladly canie forward and yeti% nicered the above stale Fur sale Wholesale and Ileia it by IL Aern.. sep lit No 21). Wood street. lietow Second. Chen!) for Cash. 'll7 ON COTTON' F.ICTOR Prices Reduced. Short 1?trl Furs. Long. Reel Turn. No. 5 at 14 rig. per II :411.1 at 8 its per dz. t; at 11 ditto 600 at 9 ditto 7 at 11 ditto 700 at fi ditto ft at 11 ditto 8011 at 5 ditto 9 at 11 ditto 1 . 1011 at 41 ditto 10 at 14 ditto 1000 al 4 ditto II at 14 oitto 12 at 14 ditto Caudtrty, irk at 15 ctri per 11 at 141 ditto root liattin7, • 8 ditto 14 at 15 ditto randly do. • 12 ditto 15 at 1 ditto Carp% ditto It; at 1F i'itto Trs . ditto 17 at 111 ditto Storkiitz Yarn arid 18 at 17 ditto roverlet Yarn always on 19 at 171 ditto hand at 111 jilt . I'ollo4l Warp.. mach- to order. VP (orders pion.pity ..11.•ndfd la. 1: 14-11 at J. 4. C. k '4. Of the fel)27, J. R. N1(11)1211EAD 4 Co. TIIE ii•er renioV , d lux raalliOnalde TialOritnr: G=l:t: , li.hmrr.l In Ihr Mononzahrla hones. :Id door from tl nl 0.(1,1 emit Vivid stye here losold rmontners and all other: who may (Ivor him wilt. a call may depend on hdringtto it rvr,k dolor in cup, inr St yle. From lenz experience In the business in thio , fily. am: in mans• other fa.ltiottalde etiter in Europe and A hirrlCA. hr frels rontident that lin cdn give satisfaction to sit who o n , Idea -4.10 lavor hitt, W.lll Ihrfrc.istmu. Ry Mitch attention to itustrietut and superior n•orkmanship hr hopes..lo merit and receive a share of public patronage. neirtrntl keeping on hand F 1 Atpply or ;nodsand trimmin:.3,ailif „Val. in, h rm.:ln:tier trade whir it « tlltifhttold at very rrdliretl pt E. DONAGIIY. I.9V.STIC er t tf e , fort' ly resorted to in nil 1_,./rtt I , nr. nod wounds, ti 4 apprel,einl. , 4l Tine jt,e,...jty f ar sue h Tharp prnr tier exists 1,11 Inn; ,. r. The Mto2lrat PAto Es,troctor, from rototttotli iI 41otd.n I.nne Is a for !nor, r ffirieot prrven lice of motet iii, tilioli I lion cold 11551 or role of rilver. The a pplicol lnn..r Hok toroMOIRY fnl r Aniototot it,trott ty ,t,to,t, , re the loco! pt.; o.ats,l 'row strold, barns or lortn.o oot ottird t-ott o vital to z,to 10 tender iut• 41...i' Ir. .1 m ill rt Vet y thLrl flinee of lime re.lore lie part :Oh of In a rn , iii.ll and h,allhv Nair leavin2lhr ,I,olllhtino,f. Tln.pupa ell iou j, also a ~lAIII 16-111,ily (Or to Cc. :ineeront, sore - . 10,0,, broken to r. 4-1 :toti - ore uti plc and all chrosiotot and t-roptiontt of 10, lie cures.. AM Ctlre for Ihr plies iidtds TO HELEN IN A HUFF. kir N. 1 1 . WiLLfil. Nay, lady, one frown is enough In a life as soon over as this— And though minutes seem long in a huff They're minutes 'tie pity to miss! The smile; you imprison so lightly Are reckon'd like Bays in eclipse; And though you may smile again brightlyv You've lost so much light from your lips{ Pray, ladyi entile! The top that is longest Unfolded May be with our bliss tinning u s er, And, lave when we will, we hate Wasted An age in nbt loVing before! Perchance Cupid's forging a fetter To tie us together some day, And, just for the chance ; we had belle Be laying up love, I shoUld say! Nay, lady, smile: From the New Orieana Tropic of May 28 FROM TEXAS. The steamship Neptune, Captain Rollins, atrt' tied yesterday from GilVeston , bringing na not files of Texas papers. We find nothing otirel great interest. A slip froin the office of the Galveston Civilian,. dated the 2.1 i inst., contains the following actuaniP of a public meeting held in that city: At a large and general meeting of the CRUM* of Galveston, purahant to public notice, held it bhaw's Hotel, May 9.0th,1843 His honor, John M. Allen, mayor of the Oily / was called to the chair, and Geb. B. Innetrappoims ted secretary. The objects ofthe meeting were stated b Dr Levi Junes; aat;, on motion; a committee of three were appointed to draught resolutions apreselve of the sense of this community on the action or Col James Morgan, navy commissionerond Coma E W Moore, now in command of the navy of Texas; on the coast of Yucatan. • The chairman, in accordance with the abotif motion, appointed Dr Levi Jones, James P Coles and A J Yates, who reported through their chair: man the following preamble and resolutions,Whia were unanimously adopted: • Whereas, in all lime and ileVery clvilited Wuxi.; try, it has been deemed alike the duty, the pitate4 ure, and the pride of communities of rreeirtkiw,t* distinguish by beery proper demonstration of at teem and regard those Who have signalized thins: selves in acts of bercic patriotism for the itztbiliat: safety, and honor of their totintryi wherefokei, it hi by this meeting, Resolved, :hat the late chivalrous condtict almost reckless self-devotinn of Coln E W Moots, and the brave officers and men Under his totiP mend, on the coast of Yucatan, in cotifliet i with * greatly superior naval force of Mexico, while 111. calculated to elevate our national character abroad and at home to elicit our urmingled admirationt has justly entitled him and them to the Whist measure of their country's gratitude. Reargued, That; in the existing circumstatibes our country, a blow struck for Yucatan is a Lilo* struck for the safety and in defence of Texas; atiii that the good faith and firm spirit constantly alariz-• Wasted by the people of Yucatan under varlottil discotiragements during a protracted struggle fof life, liberty, and the pursuit of happinels, againO fearful odds in numbers and resources of a peliet4 ful and viddictive foe, have gilren them high and just claims upon our respect, and that of all ers of freedom thetmghout the world; and, collie- quently,that we hold them as brethren with *Mitt we shall always cheerfully Unite and prest foriisfri shoulder to shodider, in the great and halle*e4 - cause of mutual emancipation from the tyrandii of Mexico. mai 2 2 lifsolted, That the probable results of the laid gallant action and spirited bearing ufour little nilt vy may be justly held as Of scarcely love Impotta ante to the national . weal and independence tfiett the victory of San Jacinto in 1836; and, cones. qttently. that, in Mir opinion, Col Jame 4 Morgan. by giving big previously avowed sandlotf to the naval cipedition. by way of Yucatan, hat acted nobly for his country, honarably for hiltiselcjoetly towards a brave and meritorious tafftber, and, itt fine, in such a way as to secure for himself tier deep and luting gratitude of his country. Retoloed, That we, in continue . with ditny of our fellow•c;ttaens througheut Repttblic,ficelr ly deplore tjle ulkitittnnste Miseteetteptipo othibet and miareptesentation of r.: o :ettalallaCelli 2 14 4 11 1 14 4 ptollipted t() the ie11129 01 late the t it gelantattes.