~ : ~r OL 1.-NO. 229 PUBLISHED BY THOS. , PHILLIPS & W. H. SMITH, 481:W. CORNER OF WOOD or FIFTH STS VINSLAIIIS.—FIVE DOLLARS a year, payable in ietvolice. gingko copies TWO CENTS—for sate at the ibiaiver (be office, and by News Boys. eke 'tertiary and Manufacturer 14101110.21. WEEKLY, at the same office, Oct a double sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in ad. '4lllee. Slagle copies, s CSNTS. Terms of • • PSI SQUARE OF TWE 3nri'lleirtlen, 0,50 Two lesertlons, 0.75 Three Insertions, IMO One rock, 1,50 I Vice Weeks, 3,00 three weeks. 4,00 , • .. YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. , CFLAXOSABLIS AT PIRASORZ. ,•• One Squire. Two Squarer Ste Tombs, 1113,00 Six months, $23,00 OAP 'ear, 3.1.00 One year. 35.00 ircLarger advertisements in prororilon. CAIROS of four Haas SIT DOLLARS 2 year. PUI3I.IC OFF C ES, &C. '• "OW Pew Orme'. Third between Market athi Wood Riddle, Postmaster. thralwat BlOwaa, Water, 4th door from Wood et. Peter. IMO* Imildings--Majet John Wiliock, Collector. 'Veer Tatum:me, Wood between Firit and Second tweets—James A. Bartram, Treasurer. Illausrry Tackier/. Third street, nest door to the Third Plesbytertan Church—S. R. Johnston, Treasurer. ' MATIOVII Orptce, Fourth, between Market and Wood staset*--Alexander Flay, Mayor. ideatitawes liscuatrut. Fourth, near Market st; BANKS. Pt-marraos,between Market and Wood streets, on rnirdlend fourth streets. SilmecuaNTs' swo M•surscTrtees` Alto FARMERS . DE POSIT BILIIK. (formerly Saving Fond,) Fourth, betwcen good and Market streets. • Elea/ogee, Fifth street, near Wood. HOTELS. • MoNoesanst.• novas, Water street, near the Brldge Cimarron nom., corner of Penn and St. Clair. neactrairra' norm, corner of Third and Wood. Aintittealf How.,corner of Third and Smithfield Ihrt - rao S [ATM, corner or Penn street and Canal S Earms, Liberty street, near Seventh. Nlttaarits M LIMON Horst, Liberty St. opposite Wayne 'Ritoaesturtirr M /LIMON Sousa, Penn St. opposite Canal. U°BERT W OODS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW.—Office retno red to Bakewelrs • offices on Grant st., neatly opposite Mitra.lMMN Coart House, next rooms to John D: Mahon, ,—lMrst door. Imp 10 GH Ta NEB, Atm nay at Law, North East corner Or Snitthfleld and Fourth street,. step 10-1 v NTC AIMLESS & M'CLURE, Attorneys and Connsethirs a( Law: Office in the Diamond, back of the old Coed Ilonse,Pittsburgh. scp 10 StIUNK 4 FINDLAY. Attorneys at Law , Fourthst., above Wood; Pittsburgh. sep 104 y, THOS. HAMILTON, Attorney at Law, Fifth, between Wood and Smithfield sts., Pittsburgh. sep 10-1 y WM. O'HA,It A. ROBINSON, Attorney at Law; Office on.the northstdesir the Diantond.lietween ilarket and Onion streets, up stairs. rep 10 DURBORAW, Attorney at Law; tenders A. hlaiirofessional services to the public. Office on Fifth Street, above Wood, Tittsliurgh, scp 10 EIISTER k DUCH A N AN, Attorneys at Law, office .rnannorert from the Diamond, to .rAttorney'sßow,” Itady aidenf Feartli street, between Market and Wood streets nen 10 BLCKMASTEIit, AT'RNEY AT LAW, has removed his orrice Reares's Law Build nvi. Fourth street, above Smithfield, Pit tsburgh. Pep 10 GPOROE W. LAYArO, Attorney at Law, Office Nn. 54 Fifth street, near the Theatre, Pittsburgh, sep 17-11 y REALM WASHINGTON, ATTORNEY . AT LAP". —Office in ftakewelli's Bulidinn, gra!kt street. Pittsburgh. Nuv . 5, 1842. TWIN 1. MITCHELL—Attorney at Law, office air earlier of Smithfield and sth Els., Pittsburgh. Colieetioas made. A 1 business entrusted to his are will be promptly attended to. fel 16--Ir nEMOVAL. —R. Morrow, Alderman; offire north side of Filth st,, between 'Wood and Smithfield .•w Pittsburgh. rep 10 DR. 8. R. HOLM ES, Office In Second street, next door tolvaoy 4- Co's Glass Warehouse sep 10—ly Jottrs - run it STOCKTON, Booloelterg, Printers an Paper Manufacturers, No. 37, Market wt. sep 104 y TOUR ANDERSON, Smithfield Foundry, Water nt.. MR wear the Monongahela House, Pittaturgh. imp 10-1 y TIIIMAS I. YOUNG TIM& B. YOUNG & CO., Furniture Ware Rooms, turner of Hand st.k Exchange Alley. Persons wishing to purchase Furniture, will find It to heir advantage to give U 3 a call, being fully satisfied that we can please as to quality and price. Pep 10 Bin.s. PLANTATION MOLASSES. received 6UP per Steamers Little Ben and Fulton, and for J. G. 4. A. GORDON 12 Water street sate by warn liiceoLLs D.. Cocntis - . COLgJIMN CO.,Genera Agents, Forwarding and Commission Mere.hants. Levee Street, Vicksburg Miss They respeetrullyso.kt t consignments. n 22- IATEBB CLOSEYO Boot and Shoe bianufacto- IF IF • ry, No. 83 Fourth St., next door to the U. States -Anita Ladies Prunella, KW and Satin Shoes made .in ,e le.:test manner , and by the newestrre et. h patterns. asp 10 d iI_I_ARDEN TOOLS, consisting of Hoes, Fancy Spades VI Transplanting Trowels. Edding Tools, Budding Knives, Pruning Knives, Pruning Shears, etc., just re ceived and for sale by F. L. SNOWDEN. sec 10 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. MI 4CISTRATEarBLANKS, for proceedings In Art /T 1 esefiartort undee the late law, for sale at this Office BLANK PETITIONS, NOTICES, 1 o be used in Bankruptcy proceedings, printed on good paper,and is the forms approved by the Couri,for sale t the Office of the Mercury and Democrat. rep 10 - 13(7M. HITBBARD, L3dtei fashionable boot and shoe Manufacturer, No. 101, Third tr reet, between Wood nod Smithfield streets, Pittsburghsep 10 TAIL PATTERSON, Jr., Birmingham, near Pittsburgh, Pa., Manufacturer of Locks, Hinges and Bolts; To. 'mum, Faller, Mill and Timber Screws; Housen Screws for Rollin RHIN, ire. sep 10—Iv JOHN WICLOSKEY, Tailor and Clothier, Liber.y street, between Sixth and Virgin alley, South side, nep 10 J 6. 4. A. GORDON. Commission and Forwarding klekrehants, Water st., Pittsburgh sap 10-1 y Birmingham & Co. COMMISSION AND FORWARDING XER. CHANTS, No. 60 Water street, Pittsburgh Pa. Terom—aseelving and Shipping 5 cents per 100 lbs. Cootasholoos os Porcheses and sales 2i per cent. mar *L.•43 Se MORROW, MANUFACTURER of Tin. Copper and Sheet Iron. Ware, N 0,17, Fifth st., between Wood and Mar— Seeps constantly on hand a good also; tment of wares, asidswiteita a share of public patronage. A iso. on hand, ttss ADP/owing articles: Shovels. Pokers, Tonga. Gridirons, SOWS, Teakettles, Pots, Ovens, GOtree ,tc. 111 et atilt awl others are invite! to call and examine for thearodoeo , as he is dote/WOO Covell cheap foe ea* or oproroirso ere 111.1r.1.1.4 dVrtising. LVE LINPA OR LESS: One month, 45,00 Two mopte, 6,00 Three months, 700 Four months, 114,110 Slx months, 10,00 One year, 15,00 ..Loyd R. COLLY•r • 1 y z . a RNI S =EMM=M Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Pro- duce Merchants, And Dealers ir. Pittsburgh Manafectures Mar 17 No, 43 Wood street, Pittsburgh HAIL:NAN, JENNI_NCS Sr. Co., Cotton Yarn Warehonse ) N 0.43 Wood street. Agents for the sale of the Eagle Cotton Factory Yarns March 17,'43. THOMPSON HANNA , TURNBULL. HANNA 4. TURNBULL'S Paper IVatehouse, No. 104, Wood st., where may be had a general supply of wrrting, wrapping„ printing., wall paper, blank books, school books, itc, 4.c. sep 1.4--1 y ICIP C. TOWN.SENO 4. CO.. Wire Workers ant Xanofactorers, No. 23 Market street, between 211 and 3d streets. sep ,xcriANtt HOTEL, Cornor of Penn and SI. Clair alretin,tiy McKIBBIN 4 SMITH. KT 10-4 y BRO WNSVILLE JUNIA 'A IRON NVORKS.--Ed ward nnelies. Mnnurnrinrer or I'on and Nails Warehouse N 0.25, Wood AL Pittsburgh. sell 10 -ly NEW G.oolo3.—Preston Mnckev, whi,lentle and retail dealer!, in Enzlish, French, ard Donwelle Dry Goods, No. 81, Market st ['Maim tgli. F.l. p 111 JOIIIN 311PDEVILIV, %Vitolneale artccr Rectifing Distiller, And Deafer in rtnAitte and Pittstilltgh Manta:A:lured Artielt. Jiro. 224 Liberty Street, Pitte• burgh. sep 10 WILLIAM 11. WILLIAMS 3MIN S. DILWORI II IVVILLIA3IS & DILWORTIL--Wholesale Grocers Produce andCommla>lon lerrhants, and dealers; In Pitlithurgh Manuraciured article,,, No. 29, Wood Wert. sep 10 Joan R.Suunirs t. N. Klux hatIERIFF & AFAN, Manufacturers of entnnir, $.7," Tin, and Sheet Iran Ware, No. 80, Front st., Flits burgh. tiouiie Spouting and Steamboat work promptly extkented seplo b . D AVID SANDS, IV ATCH & CLOCK MAKER, No. 7, St. Clair street, Pitts. burgh, DEALER IN WA TCH ES,CLOCKS,BE EASTP INS FINGER RINGS, CHAINS, K ErS,COMBS, sep 10 LANDRETH'S GARDEN SEEDS.- A Nil supply or Sandie I's Garden Seed', always on hand., and for sale al 105a:stir) , the Drulstore of P. 1.. SNOWDEN. sep 10 in-' Liberty 0,1.0. head of Wood RESIOVAL.—Mai thew Jones, Pmrl.er and Hair Dress. er, has removed to Fourth si rem, opposnet he :%lay ors office, where he will be happy lU . wait upon ,ICritlaneni ur transient cuslumers. Ile solicits a share of public lint. ronage, rep 10 JOAN M'FARLAND, Uphol.lcrer and Cabinet .M.acer, Third st. betareen Wand 4- Market streets. respectful informs his friends and L ire public that he is prepared to execute all orders for Sofas, Sideboards. flu reaus, Chairs, Tables, Bedsteads, Sta nds, flair and Spring Mattrasses, Curtain., Carpets, all sorts of Uplyalsterin: work, which he will warrant equal ,o ally made In the city, and on reasonable terms, sup 10 REMOVAL!—The stileribers have ren)v.-41 lo %Va. ter between Wood and Smithfield street.. where they will continue tic Wholesale Grocery and Commis. pion inisine.s, and would re4pect fully solicit the patron. age °illicit friends. J. W. DU ft Rti DG E .N• Co. Dec 3 DR. A. W. PATTERSON..7fIice on Smillitlekt street near Milli'. Fen lU 18 :mil ; • 4:3 - FARE REDUDELI. U. S. MAIL Line or ST A MIS AND it AIL It OLD C• RD. from P h, via 11,•i1 forth Chanibembit i rg, llarrishorg and Latica•ler, to Phil:l,lM connecting with the Mail train of Cars to N kr. Only 150 and one night out. Alfa). the Direct line to Baltimore. Fare to Philadelphia $9. Baltimore, 9. Leave. daily nt R o'rlork ,‘, 11, (Mire second door below the Men-ham , firer, MENDP,I,I R A 11.% SI, IV .115011 c", ('I 23, 1843 —ly. I'rupr it•tor7l THE. GREAT CENTRAL ROTC C., Vn NATIONAL ROAD AND BALTIMORE AND MOO RAIL ROAD COMPANY. ! --- - r t 1.••••.41..4.70 - : r - s . • NEW line of U.S. Mail l7naellea for Washi ngton Baltimore, Phi/ade/phia and New York. This line is in full operation and leavesPitisborgli tinily at 6 o'clock A: M., via Washington Pa. and national road to Cumberland, connecting 'here with the rail road Co's. to all the above places: Travellers will find this a speedy and comfortable route. it being a separate and distinct Pittsburgh and ruin!ierland line, facilities will be afforded which have not been heretofore enjoyed. En tra coaches furnHted at the shortest notice, wito the privilege of acing, through direct, or taking ens night's rest al ' heir option. For tickets, apply at our ince at ilieMonongabela Mouse. L. W. o•vreCKTON • Feb. President of N. It. Staze Co. NEW ROUTE. ENTIRE NE W COACIIESI FROM PITTSBURGH 7'O BALTIMORE AXI) PBILADELPIIIA. United States Express Line Leaves Plltslairgh daily, at 2 o'clock. e. m, via Strain. boat to Brownsville, thence In splendid new roaches to Cumberland, over the great Nnlional Bond, and from there by RAILROAD, In superior new eight wheeled cars, to Italtiniore, Washington city and. Philadelphia. The Om Line Is uliresented to the traveling public as being unequalled between the Ohio River and Enstern cities for comfort and expedition, having made arrange menus to convey passengers through In two days, arid no night travel, either by Stage or Railroad Cars.— Think of RI Only 75 miles Singe travelling, and 56 miles less titan the Wheeling route, and that In superb new coaches. Fare to itallimme, $lO. Office in the Monongahela House. A. HENDERSON ,`• CO., m I A 3 StAge Proprieto Tp4o7'S SPEAK FOR THEJIISF:LVES--TRUTII IS CONVINCING:- !laving been afflicted for nearly two years, with a hard swelling on the cap of my knee, which produced much pain, and used various applica tiona recommended by the Faculty—all in vain wa, cured completely by the use of one bottle of Dr . Rrand• reties Linament, or External Remedy. Witness my hand JAMES TAYLOR, ' Ohio tp Alleglieuy co, Pa. Jan. 100,1840. Dr. Brandreth's External Remedy or Lin:intent; sold at his office, No. 9B Wood street, Pittsburgh, PRI FE -50 cents per bottle. fch 8. JUST RECEIVED, Twelve boxes of Oranges and Lemons, of the finestquality, for salt wholesale and retail. by feb 20-000 LBS Cotton learns, assorted Nos. 2,000 Ibm. Batting, 2,000 " Candle Wick, 1,000 " Carpet Chain, and 500 " Cotton Twine. From the Eagle Facto ry. For sale by HAILMAN, JENNING Cotton Yarn Warehouse, war 17 No. 43 Wood street. YOWL FOR SALE.—A new Clinker built Yawl (111cNaughton's build) for sale low for cub: A l ,. Ply to NGH et 41. co, ap 111 t No 60 Water d DANIEL hl . CURRY, Allorney at Law. or. fiee on 5111 st between W MAI and Smithfield. ap PEAS 8 110 A RHO UND CAND Y.—TnTrut has received this day from New York. a fresh supply o. the above celebrated cure fur Coughs, Colds and Con suniption: and is ready to tamp!) , cuttomercat wholesale or retail, at his Medical Ageactr, Sti Fnartli It. nov 12 DAVID eldink - ', A el, titshisttaLle hoot Jiialt - cr,— nes removed to Not 34 Market street, between Second and Third streets, where he would be WO to see his old customers, end all others who feel dispos• ed to patronite him. he uses nothing hnt first rate stock., add employs the best of workmen; and as he gives his constant personal attention to business, he truststhat be will deserve aral receive a fait share of patronage. sep 10 FRUITe, tek: CREAM, It CONFECTIONARY.— A. Hunker respectfully Informs his frieuds and the public that they can always find the best quality of ice Crewass. together with al; kinds of confeetlonary and fruits, in tatty. •eeron, at his estalilishotent—itio. 11, Pifth street, bctwe - n Wood and Market. N. B.—Parties supplied on the shortest notice, Alth cakes. or anything in his line. Also families futaished mill Bread. Sep 10 Flri' ANS . 'S CAMOMILE PILL I S HAM J. CLEM ER , residing at 66 Molt street, New York, was alitiebed with Oyspepla In iii most aggravated form. The symptoms were Violent head• nelte, great debility. fever, tostiveness, cough, heart. burn, pain In the chew and stonntx.h always after eating, irnotted appetite, treesattO'n or !Sinking at the stomach, rita inktnt, ntinsea, with frequent vomiting", d Iszlnese Inwards night and restleness. These had continued up. ward of a twelvemonth, when, on' consulting Di.Wrn. Eva ns. 100 Chatham street; and submitting, 10 big ever successful and agreeable mode of treatment, the patient W7ts completely restored to health in the short apace of one month, and A , nitcru I for the incalonlalde benefit deriv. ed. gladly came forward and vont nteered the above state rot' sale Wholesale and Retail by Cheap for Cash. UNION COTTON 11 , 1CTORY. rriceS Reduced. Sheer reel nen. Lope Reel Fare. No. 5 at 14 eta. per lh 500 at It cis per dz. 6at 14 ditto I 600 at 9 ditto 7 nt 14 ditto 700 At G ditto It at 14 ditto BTh) at 5 ditto 9 at 1.1 ditto 900 at 41 ditto 10 at 14 ditto 1000 at 4 ditto 11 at 14 ditto 12 at 14 ditto Candlewick at 15 cto per It, 1.3 at 141 ditto ,Coin Batting i• 8 ditto 14 at 15 ditto Faultily do. • 12 ditto 15 at 154 ditto Carp't Chnin i 18 ditto 16 at 16 ditto Coen Tvi Ine i 25 ditto 17 at 16 ditto .Stnekiniy, Yarn and 18 at 17 ditto Coverlet Yarn always on 19 at 17; ditto hand. 211 at 18 ditto 'Cotton Warovtnatle to order. tip corder 9 promptly Ir loft at C Paintor's..Logriti 4- Konnerl':r. or 'lir Post °Rim, ml.lres. fch 27. J. K. Al OOR II EA I) k Co. frill E hue removrid his Faiihionahle Tinlorine Estaldishinent io the klonotignhela house. 3d door from firm %Lon Sniiihnetil st.W herr Lisohl citatnniers and all others who may favor hhn with a call may depend on having their work done in a superior Style. From his long expei tenet In the litiviness in this thy, and in many other tediinualile cities in Europe and Atiteriri, lie ferlS confident that in ran giv,• aatisfarlion to all who may please to favor him with did, custom. Ry strict attention to business nod cnperior workmanship lie hnIH•,; to merit and receive a xliare of public patronage. Ile irtend kertilne, on hand a supply of,oats unit trimming. siiitaide for the customer lrn.te which wilt he cold at very redurnil DONAGIIY. 11-IUS7IC or tie Knife wao formerly resorted Inlet nll N...../eninat of liort , s, sr :INN rind wounds. When. mnrlitica was apprehended. The nereFislty for sown Flinrp prar tier exkis no lemer. The Staxlcal Pain Extractor, (corn Comstock 71 Malden Lane Is a far more efficient preven tire of nput ilirBllnoll,m cold steel or nitrate of Pilvcr. 'rite a ppl irat inn or I hi: wonderful rmmpiiiiiid Instantly removes. the local paimaml if the Wound, scald. burns or hrttf , r has pm iiiMied some vital organ so a: to render cure int? 11l in a very iinert !Tarr of lime rf. , 01, the part affected to a Retied arid bean hy state without lea ti in/ the el , :mix teilind. This preparation is a',o a certain tutordy for Milano,' eyes. I :ulcerous Sore', Wirers, ',taken ',react and snre nipple arid all ehratann. 11111 rrtlplioll, of the skin. Its success an n CUM for the 1.11e5 I. unparalleled and the wool., rl,r it+ cora rive propi`rtil, are from the ton sl rreprcluble and en. 11711triied snorer. —Herald. For sale at Tattle's, 813 Fctirdt street: 130I1EXO-MEXUX IX CIIE.MISTRY—FouI Iflohn Heir Dir—roloi -+ the hair and will not the skin This Dye is in the form of a Powder which In plaih matte. of tart may be spelled to the hair over night, the lit.t night turtling the lightest or zee!, hair to dark brown: and by repeating a second or third night, to a jet Mack. Any person may, therefore, with the least possible trouble. keep his halt any dark shade or n perfect Mark, will, the positive assurance l lint the powder If applied to the skin still HO color I. There is no coloring in this statement. ns any our may easily test. These facts are warranted by the chemist who manufael ores it. For gale nt Turri,E's.t, 86 Fourilt street, where a assortmehi ofralent Nletticlnes !nay always be had at either Wholer.ale or ref all 11.A.MES JOHN EXTIINOS tl have entered into partnership for the purpose of transacting a VVholesniellrocery; Produce and C4llllllO, sion business under the firm and style al 11A1 Lal AN. JENNING B Co—al No 43 Wood street, opposite the aterehan s'll tel, where a supply of Crorertes and Pitts burgh M nufartured Art icles ran always be had on libe al terms. March 17 '43- 11, 7 .2je_,.. 7 , 7.1 ., - Illautifacturer of Tin, Copper and Slice! Iron IT'are. No GI Liberty, between Market and 6th streets WOULI) revertfolly inform the citizens of Pitts— burgh, and the public In general that he continges inrarr y on the above busines in all Its vat Mug branches at the alr ova stand; where he will always keep a p.,ener. al assortment of all articles in his tiny, all of which will he made in the same manner and of good materials, and will be diSPUSCd of on the most moderate and ac. eommodating terma. Country ftlerchants and other dealers will find it to their:advantage to call and examine his stock before our. chasing elsewerre. Steamboats,•llonses and ror feces roofed with copper, zinczi.le, lead and iron on the K liortest notice; Gutters and runductotsmade and put up with despatch as usual. apr 5. WILLIt U DOHERTY, .RT and Cap Maunt.vturcr. 148 Liberty st. between .1 Market and Sixth. ap 10— 6m. J, fl. Sanderson ilk, Son, FRANKLIN HOUSE, 'PHILADELPHIA. V I/IS ele g ant establishment has been in operation dur. ing the last nine months, and notwithstanding the general depression of business, it has met and sustain ed the approbation of the public and yielded to the pro. priciors ;1,1 . 101 compensation for their labor and at ten lion. Its location being In Chestnut street, in the im mediate neighborhood of the Post office, the Exchange. Ranks, the Steamboat landing, the most business part of Market street and the places of amusement, it presents to :he business community . or those visiting the city on pleasure, all the facilities and comforts so desirable to the travelling public. Its arrangment, also, enables the guest to regulate his expenses, and to live In a style of elegance or economy suited to his notions or disposition. The facility of procuring meals at any hour, and of get• Ling that which the appetite:craves, is also a saver of time which the business portion of the guests know how to appreciate. The proprietors, therefore, solicit the custom of their old frisnds,nnd eremise a continuance of their exertions to make them et urfortable. ao WM. TtIORN, 53 Market Sr For Rent. - V0.12a term of years. Two building lots on the bank of the Allegheny river, adjoining tbe City line. Apply at the house Agency, Penn greet. sth Ward, roar 2. JAMES BLAILMY PITTSBURGH, JUNE 6, 1843: R. E. SELLERS, A Ken , No 20, Wood street, twdow Second R emova I. Doo'lJorget RE; Fourth street COPAR i NERSHIP. R. M. DA WSON, DR. GOODE'S Celebrated Female Pills. These Pills arestrongly recommended to the notice of the ladles as A stre and efficient remedy in removing those complaints peculiar to their sex, from Want of ex ercise. or general debility of the system. They obviate costiveness, and counteract all Hysterical and Nervous aloctions; These Pills have gained the sanction and approbation of the most eminent Physicians In the Uns. lid Stales, and many Mothers. -For sale Wholesale and Retail, by R. E. SELLERS, Agent. sep 10 No. 20. Wood Strrat.bnlovv Setond. WM. ADAIRy Boot and Shoe Maker, Liberty St., oppOofte the Aced of Smithfield at., Pittl4hrtilt.— TPc subscriber having bought out the stbtk Of the late Thomas Rafferty, deceased, has commtnctel loudness 1941te old stand of Mr: It., and in plepared to execute all descriptions of work In Ma lint, In the best manner and on the shortest notice. llu keetts constantly on band a large assertroent oration lindlnes of all dereMptions and orthe hest euallty. tie solicits the patronage or the pub. lie and of the eret. WM. ADAIR. rep 10 1110ITTSMIRGH MA MITFACTORY.—gprings and Axles for Carriages at Eastern Pries*. the snitactibers manufacture and keeps constantly on hand Coach, C and El!pile Springs (warranted,) Juniata !roll Axles,'Silver and Brass plated Dash Frames, Brass and plated flub Bands, Stamp Joints. Patent Leather, Ailver and Brass Lamps, Three fold Steps, Malleable Tron, Dour Handles and Binges. he, (•e. JON'ES d VOT.EMA N. St_ Clair st.. year t! e lllitumy Orldio HD. S ELLERS, M. D., office and dwelling In Fourth, , near Ferry street. sep 13—ly LOOK AT. THIS The attention *ftlio , e who have been Fnmrwhat seep. tient In reference to the rminermis certilleateat published in favor of Dr. Swayne's Compotind Syrup of Wild Chrr ry,on account oft he persona being nnknown in this are lion of the Simi e,is respectfully directed to the following eertlfleale, the writer of which has been a citizen of Ibis borough foraeveral yearS.and Ip knoqh as a gentlernah of integrity and teaponadidlity. To /AP ...Igewt, Mr. J. kinalr. T have lined Swavne'. COMP tint' Syrup of Wild Cherry for n rough. with which i have been severely al flirted for :Mont four month•, and I have no healtation in paving that it lathe mo.t effective medicine that 1 have been Able in procure. It rnmpo•r. ail unensineaa. and nnree4 well with my diet.—and mantains a regular and Bond appetite. 1 ear freely recommend It to all other. Rintilariv a Mined. J. hiticantle, lloretigh ofehamberalOg. March 9. 13411. pep 21 rot.rite Wr %LI AM THORN No. 53 Market street. FRUIT, SHADE, AND ORNAIWNTAI, TREES ronnsws.'s drAirona of procorine Fruit, Rhode. and Ornamrnta I Tree., or Shrubbery, from Philadel phia or ',slew York, are reorterted In make application ell goon ag polo , ildr. at the DruT and Seed Store of ille .utt. .rriber, where can he had entalortne., erotttli otirlx„ of the most excellent varletiem. F. L. SNOW gr . o 21 No IR-I Liberty a r reef brad of Wont' AVI lAA ANI C. WALT., Plain and Fancy Portrait and Pirture Prone Atannsfnettirer, FnuerrA Strrrt Pittsbargh.—Conao.a Tiroshes. A'artlisit ke., for A rtists,olwors on hood. Lortkimr Clas.es, promptly frnmed loonier. Repairing done at the short rat not Ire. rntlicti far anent ion paid to regliding ana inhhing ofcv rry rlestriteinn. per. nu s forins op s'team Boats or houses will rind It to heirmlynnt,le to tall. nip 10 WM. STEELE. (successor to 11. M'Cioskey; Fmth lo.in lr Boot Maker, Liberty st., 2,1 door from Vioin Alley. The subscriber respectfully Informs the puldie bat lie has commented the shove business In the shoo formerly orrnpird by Mr. itenry 111 . 1rinskey, and i bat he is now prepared to attend to nil orders In his I hie 0 flm.ine.s with desontrlt end on the most reasonable terns. Fro nt his Ion? exnerlenre in the minivfortnre of rn•Mion:11.10 Boots, he feels confident that all :Mick' fro in his net hlishniret will nave satisfaction to his rtn irons. A share of public palronaze is rceperlorlly solirit. sep I 0 ,RI)SFEPS A r esi. •li,ply of ftsrl Seeds, inn sisl in:: of 'lnert mp and r: ape: Just received by feb 1 . F 1. SNIciIA'IIES. 1411 Liberty st. [' Ulla'''. PI i i loin' t 4 t. alc- ..1 , ti. Hs, In ivr.42 1 , 1 :1.5(10 11,, ut $55 tin do do di, do 2.005 at 1.15 00 do In ill. do i,500 at 35 00 do do do do 1 .1)4 10 at 30 (10 do do .1. do 5110 at :25 00 Wiili i.n , 0,.! h. ye. s an addition of 83 to Pae it scale. Dormam seal., for lII.' o•e of Warehouses, Flouring Mills, kr—ilie same prices as 'thrive. A !so:White's Patent Counter Seale, with 0. Yonne?' improvements, and a variety of other counter scales, which they will sell for flout fl to $l5. They also manufacture Steam Engines for Flouring Mills, Saw Mills, Balt Works, ke,, double and sing'e :Tared glide lattirs,foot and other lathes for wood turning machines for tenanting chairs, planing machines, door and sash machines. Ilall's patent horse power, with or vvlltintit thrashing 1 / 7 3Cilines, a superior article; chku tar saw shads, machines ibr sawing lath, Tinner's ma chine, and tools °frill descriptions,a !so for making black ing boxes,a superior article; governors for strati engine• storkA, laps and dies, coffee mills, bedstead or Joint hots and machinery for making the 811111 e. cotton factory ma chinery made or repaired; printing preys plaitene turned and priming presses repaired. JAMES M A Y, A gen... cep 22—if vou s c ¢ BR A DRURY W -- M. E. AUSTIN, Attorney at Law, I'iitshur;h, V. Office in 4th street, opposite Burke's Building. VVtt.titsit E. AUSTIN, Esq., will give hisattentlon to my unfinished business, and 1 recommend him to the patron- age of my friends. WALTER FORWARD. sett) 0-1 y . _ ijoirrstiußa n CIRCULATING AND R EP ERENG E LI BRA RY of Religious,llistoricaLPolilical,and Mis. e. Ilniteous Works, will lie open every day, Sabbath ex. cepted, "role I o'clock, A. M,,entil 9. P. M., in the Ex change Bulliling,corner of Stlelair streetand Exchange alley, wnerepunctual attendance will be given by sep 10 OFIMMIL. _ _ NEW YORK. DYER. O SEE 111 NI HiA, would respectfully inform his friends and the nubile ht genernl,that he dies Ladies' dresses. Habits and Mantels of every description, black—and warrants IPein not t o smut, and to look equal to new goods. lie dyes fancy colors of all deseriptians on silk and carpet yarn. Also, cleans and restores the colors of gentlemen's clothing, so as to re,iemble new goods, Mr. ii. flatters Itioiself ihrt he can please the public, OA he has done an extensive business in New York fop twenty years: All work done on moderate terms at his establishment in Lit) sr. between Wood and Smithfield netr Ilia Theatre, CERTIFICATE Thii is to ccrtify that OSEE HIMES has done work for us, which has fully answered our expectations, and we consider him a competent dyer. S. Hemphill, Wm, Barnes, J. B. Shurtleff, David Hall, B. F. Mann, Davi Boles, Joseph French, jr., Andrew Purdy, W. B. Nies, Wm Porter, H H. Smith. Henry JaVQIIS, A. Shockey,. J r , s ,-ph Vera, George Barnes. ap 20th. JOHNSON & DUVAL. BOOKBINDERS AND PAPER RULERR, CONTINUE business at the eland late of tileCaniliee 4 Johnson. Every description of work in their tin anti, sod prompt! y iseentad. may 8— 17 For publishing a *VW Daily Paper is the City of Pitts burgh, to be entitled the !DAILY MORNING POST. TliESubscribers having made a rrangments to merge the American Manufacturer Mid Pittsburgh Mercu ry Into one Journal, have concluded. to publish a daily paper with the title of the Daily Afermiwg Pest. The trading object of the 6 , P0/re' will be the dlssemlna lion and defence of the political principles that babe lisle tofore been maintained by the Editors, In their roMletliVe papers, and their bmst etTorts will still he devoted to the advancement a nd success of those doctrines. Although, in politics, the paper will be thoroughly democratic, yet the Editors hope, by giving an honest, candid history of passing Political events, Fbreign and Domestic Intelligence, and brief holices of all mat lets nd occurrences that come properly within the inhere of a Public Journal, to make their pane, sufficiently in• cresting to entitle it to the patronage atilt public, ir• respecthe of party considerations. fn addition to the political and general hews that will be tonsil In the "Morning Post," the Fditora will take pains to furnish the business community. with the latest and most hittresting Cogialriteist salma. from all partsof the country. and to have hrepa• red such accounts of I he Markets and the State or Trade as will he advantageous to out Merchants and itusiness Melt In their several callings. Penna.—The Port will b pahlished On a large Impart. al sheet of fine paper, (manufactured especially for this Journal) at the unusually low rate of FIVE DOLLARS per annum,payable In advance. It will also *sold by news.hoys at the low rate of TWO CENTS a copy. Advertisement• will be inserted at the lowest rates charged by the other daily payiera of the city. in-TWENTY active lads nre wanted to sell the Post, who will be engaged on the most liberal terms THOS. PHILLIPS, August 31, 1R42. W.H. SM BY Morrison 4. Co. LendOn, ibr sale only by S. N Wickersham, corner of Wood street and Virgin alley rittsbur g li Pa. and H. Harwood, Beaver Pa. who is sole anent for Western Pennsylvania. seri 10 ‘4‘ \ .0 Travelers shoold select Beats provided frith Dime , * Safely Overdo, for prevesainj!yaws o f Bittern Einf f cr s. I 7' would be well for the traveling community to beat In mind that their security depends entirely upon their own encouragement of boats that have or may be at the expen , e of procuring the above apparatus. And that every individual making such Pelee ion is (ante:bu tton towards a general introduction or an Invention ad• milted by all men who understand the principles of the steam Engine, to be a sure preVentatitit against those dieadfill disasters Von have ete tautly , Is the hundreds of eX plosions that have already taken plare, their almost daily occurrence, and the thousands of lives that hake already been lost, a sufficient warning, and Inducement to make inquiry for a Safely guard Boat, and In every rang to give it the preference. They have went to an additional expense that your lives may be secure. Ought you not therefore to meet them with a corresponding degree of aneiality, and by your preference shoW that yt.o appreciate their laudable endeavors to stop this avv• Cul sacrince of bunion lift They do not Charge more than whet boats; their accommodations in other respects ate mina!, and in many eases superiuri and as there is one leaving Pittsburgh every clay, why will you run any OA, when It is so con: lately in your own power to avoid those disasters. !thinner,' flay anti fart red be their Marittnt Ma in', Orem, two Inca I all , Pitie ianitrarture and anti the follow ~ c olotqwhol ,y composed of Ali boats marked thus ts] in the List of Arrivals and Derartures, in another part of this pat.er, are supplied with the Farety Guar ;. List of Boats preeri/cd vela the Safety Gaard. ALPS, MENTOR, AGNES. MICHIGAN, AMARANTH, MARIETTA. BRILLIANT, MARQUETTE, BREAKWATER. MUNGO PARK, CASPIAN, MESSENGERt CECILIA, MONTGOMEY CANTON, NORTH BEND, CICERO, NEPTUNE, CADDO, - NARAGANSETT, DUKE of ORLEANS, NIAGARA, DUQUESNE, OSPREY, EXPRESS MAII , ORPHAN BOY, ECLIPSE, OHIO, FOR MOSA, ORLEANS, FORT PITT, PENELOPE, GALLANT, PANAMA, GALENA, QUEEN of the SOUTH, .1. H. BILLS, ROWINA, JEWESS, RARITAN, IDA, SARAH ANN, INDIAN QUEEN, SA RATOG A, ILLINOIS, .I SA — ANNA, LADY OF LYONS, " LLEYRAND, VICTRE S, ALLEY FORGE, WEST WIND. ASHLAND, BRIDGEWATER MISSOURI MAIL, CLEVELAND, OLIVE BRANCH, COLUMBUS, CUTTER EDWIN HICKMAN, EMMA, GENL. BROOK, TOBACCO PI AWl'. JAMES ROSS, ADELAIDE. BRUNETTE, COLUMBIAN %. CLLIPPER, MINSTREL, No. I. Port able Platform tiralcs .11 w t ogii 35(10 imutals,ut JILL); 00. FOWLER'S PATENT BED STEAD. M A NUFACTUREDat Wm. Lsrasrages Cabinet Shop No. 69 Second street, between Wood ant Smithfield, where a genera( assortment of Furniture may be had 'at reduced prices far cash. The superiority of these Beasteads, consist in the fast. enings, which for dttrability and ease in putting up and taking down. it not equ tiled by any other now in use —and to all such as would consult their own comfort in their nightly stumbling., It should he remembered that alt classes of the bug family are faotexed en by these fastenings. Dtr Righ s for Counties. Hlstricts nr States for sale by JOHN FOWLER, Patentee_ We. the undertdened, do rertify that. have /ta n. ined tbe above Bedstead, Fa.tenjnr,•, and tram n 0 hF,4ita• (ion in eh• h.st now in —rn.nTrtz up fully to the repre.SeulailOn in the fahore advettige. wen WWI. G raham, Jr., Joseob Golfed, ir rls, /auk Vogrier, John A. Gill, George Sinter; ap PROSPECTUS? FOR SAFETY. PRICE TWO CENTS. VOREIGN NEWSI .- ARRIVAL OF THE ACADtA:L TEEN DAYS LATER FROM -tilita Very Important from. Ireland-- The "tea peal movement, @.—Later from Chia nu and India. The steamship Acadia arrived at het wharf in Boston on Thursday moreifig at five o'clock. She left Liverpool on. dui 19th ult. at two o'clock—she has that* fore made het passage in twelve days rind a half, including about 7 hours stoppage at Halifax. The steamship Britannia, Capt &Mitt; arrived in Liverpool on the 13th or May after an 'extremely t.spid passage or ten days and a half from Halifax. The funeral of the Duke of Sussex took plate on the Morning of Thursday week. He was buried in Kensal Green CeMeteryt near London. the cavalcade extended upwards of a mile. The day was °beers •ed as a holiday in most part§ of ton.% don. This year a million and a quarter is th be paid to the owners of the opium 'mite(' in Chinn, £BOO,OOO, to the East Indi* Colnpahy, towards the ekpenses tht# war. The doVernmelat ati not secteelect 133 t the concessions it has made in the schenad for educating the children of the poor id tho manufacturing district& The Dissen ter's look upon it with jealousy, and it id clear the bill must be abandoned' The corn laws there debated for twit s nights consecutively, When it was finally broken off by an indefinite postponement: An impottant Debate took place ih the House of Comthons on the Bth instant *hen the annual Budget was laid before the House by the Chancellor of the Ek4 chequer. Sir Robert Peel, who dettela oped the financial scheme last year; had been sadly oet In his calculations, aS Mr Colburn demchstrated: every branch of the revenue, with the ekception or the Posi office, having fallen off. In the Custoted there has been a deficiency of .£7.50,0001 in the Excise it is even greater—