Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, June 03, 1843, Image 3

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    This evening the Whige and part of the
Antimaitma hold their primary meetings.
The Union Convention will be held next
''' Theatre.
I ro-isight the very interesting and amus
lutphry of "Joc-ko.sot" is td be repeated.
It iseeriainly one of the best new dramas
=hot bas been produced at our Theatre fur
sionse.• time. Another new drama entitled
"Daniel Boone" will be presented. It '
well spoken of by those who have seen .
Miss Cohen appears in two dances, which
'alone are worth the price of admisFion.--
Considering the variety of entertainments
for io-eight we anticipate a crowded house,
11:7" We are told that all applications for
licenses by persons not having the requi.
site accommodations for travellers, will be
rejected by the Court at this term. Many
is the city have been rejected already.
, opies of the Constitution of the
!'Trades' Union" can be had at our pub.
libation office, and at No. 91 Wood street,
twat Diamond Alley.
The Colonel of the 106th has found his
guns that were stolen from him about the
time of the late "trainin' " in Allegheny.—
They were carefully stowed away in a
acertain place. A great question is whoh
er the theft was committed for fun or for a
speculation. Time will tell, and then let
the vengeanceof the bloody Militia of Al•
Yeigheny_, fall upon the guilty, with sever
sty proportionate to the offence.
Jog orrying.—Tilui sport may be
_oaten all over the city, but the finept exhi.
bitione takes place in the sth ward.
• si e elon Found.—As some war kmen
were digging a well in the sth ward, at
the corner of Penn and O'Hara streets,they
•dug up a skeleton. It had apparently
been deposited without a coffin, in a hole
jest large enough to thrust the body i n .—'
It was about three feet below the surface. i
All th
le old night watch have been re.
appointed. We are glad our friend Scotc
will have leave to pay us his morning vis.
its as usual. He 's an unwelcome visitor
to some of our folks, but we couldn't well
, do without being blessed with the light of
tin countenance at about 3 o'clock A. M.
flitcellfore.—W e again risk a squib on
4 bet - subject of the weather. Yesterday
morning was cold, but the sun shone out
beautifully in the afternoon and soon
wirrnied up_r_lansiderably. Perhaps we
w , Aathv but
may nave a few days of dry
we can't speak positive'y as to-morr ow
Sunday, or, rainy day.
, itorial Chanue.—We were sorry to
'see the valedictory of Mr. Russell Errett
in the Sun of yesterday; and we doubt not
his retirement from the editorial chair will
be regretted by his brethreu of the pries
generally. lie has been successful as an
editor, and we wish him prosperity in
whatever pursuit he may hereafter en-
ome of our city merchants talk of clos
fitg their stores during the summer months
:It an earlier hour than they have hereto
!foto. been in the habit of doing. Sould the
rule be adopted by . all, it would be an ad
ventage to the merchants and their clerks,
but it would be a serious inconvenience to
tnaliy workingmen who have no other time
than at night to do their shopping
PrIO the Honorable the Judges nf the court of General
1. Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and for the county 1
of Allegheny.
The petition of H. 31. Moodie, of the 4th ward of the
city of Pittsburgh, in the county aforesaid, humbly chew ' / 'VIPORTANT TO OWNERS OF
That your petitioner has provided unwell with .
NeIDER'S unrivalled Self Sciters.forSawmills which
antiattie,erilarldswfoerilitnhg.iaioccultun to°
t d ;t o t io c n t of a t n ra d v w el a e r r d s nn , d r,, c: e ti ,, , ,, e!:: l,
i Shave been Si fully feted in di ff erent parts of the
, United Stales, an well as in the cities o f Pittsburghand
and prays that your honors will r
pleased to grant him
1 Allegheny can he seen In operation- at a number of
a license to keep a public house of cnreria ninent. And ! mill ;
i'n-tliis nrioltboiliood, viz: at lir Wickerslmni's
,far petilitmer as In duly bound will pray., mills on Penn st,; at Bowman 4- Chambers' milk, near
_dinersville must, indeed, be a great'
the upper - A
Ileghrny Brid,ge,and at Murrison's mills on
1 rfalailrebe's
obtained at
vi, T ai l i t a e , a e b ,s o s y i e wi n , .., i n n r i d , i
I :l , l , 2 t e v i I i s l l i e
place. We get more "items" from it than We, the subscribers, citizens of the dth ward of the
city of P i t tsburgh, do certify that the above petitioner 1 near Smithfield, where it Is fitting up. and where the
from any other town ofits size in the coun•
Is of good reptile for honesty and temperance, and are ! machine will be constantly kept 0 n hands. Apply to H.
try. Hardly a day pass es but some well provided with house room nnd conveniencies fur jF. Snyder or W. W. Wallace. may
a t cc ha o t m s m ai o d d t a a t v io e n rn a i n a ri n i e od ces gl . 7 ,, of st ra n ;ere and others, !
Thing uncommon turns up which throws alined
- the whole neighborhood agog. But the Dennis Leonard, Frederick Fluke,
latest item we are called upon to record b James McShane, James McK,
y V. Fehl, Richard Weldon,
far outstrips any thing that has ever agita • (3 ' 0 . W. Smith,
etu Robert Duffy,
'Phoma s S
red poor tnortel man before. "Perpal Dawson Downy, James Armstrong cott, ' I). Drenn2n.
motion" has been discovered by a num-
Nlay 31-3 t
'se , '- of the scientific natives of the above SHOT.
_ iutioned place ! This is true; at least
a.. 0
l lf a Ff S of SHOT a a soate d,fnrEss.iii,4l/Avy
im says our informant, whom we have al.' JAMES
ways considered good. Let sceptics who
Alleyheny city on Sunday evenine ihe 2111 inst.
itave4contendethhat "a thing to go . all the I a Gold Pencil, Which the owner can have by calling
tiine•snd never stop," was an impossibility, at Smith k S pancler'sTailor Shop, Federal siieet, and
raid Paying expenses.
may 23 —3to
now giite in; their "negative theory" is .
done for. Hurra for Minersville !
‘....„ .. .........
.Txan Gold. The followiag article, relative
le the minera I wealth of the country, is from a
late number at the Red Lander:
party was recently conductel t i the silver
mitres attested between the stream s of Liana and
San Sabo, on the Liana. One of the party, Mr
Heiden, discovered and brought away specimens
of ore of gold, found in steal/ particles through a
owe of white quartz. They ware led to the
Anse by an oli Indian, who states that he was
with the party who massacred the Spaniards who
formerly warked these mines; as evidence of wh'ch
Attar, were seen three old furnaces.
ffrilleiden bas visited the gold region of Geor
arbi.am egpleeeee a belief that the country from
orttieh bail datety r btu reed was far moreprolific
time's") , portion of that Mate. The old men Pays
there are two large veins of pure silver ie th e bed
elf a mall DU earn chore Llano, and hag olleareitto
guide a party thither, and it appears they are a.
bait to set out on the trip, The silver. it is said
*bets seen projecting above the rocks, rod so
ilea as toyield to a knife like wood .'
_ -
anasuremeol, ;Lir the depth of mow
dot** falba Aft N,..rthamptes. Masa, ekes Nor.
makes oe a tarot, feet $ iacthee.
la Cs posy
MX i - -P.
Office, corner of Smithfield and Third Streets
may 25, 1843-Iy.*
At the Weetren Exchange, No 9, Man.(
ket street.
may 27
13 LOTMtvuitable for building, most eligibly situated,
and within two minutes walk of the &ea: Ferry
Boat Landing, wilt be sold at prices to stilt the times,
The terms of payment will be made easy, either * for entail
or such barter as can be made available. Apply to the
subscriber it) Birmingham, or Mr. P. Peterson, No. 4,
Ferry street, Pittsburgh. J AS. P ATTERSON, JR. I
June 1.
! , ...17 , - FOR ST. LOUIS AND
The new and splendid passenger stearnar Olive Branch,
will leave for The above and intermediate landings on
Monday meat - Sth inst at 10 o'clock .1. , M. For Freight
'or Pasaage having iminolliArAlepusigliodation, .91klY on or to
JAMES /1-11".
The Olive itraach la faraisbe4l__ Irilli VIVA' 84 407
%laird. In preowint
fangMappagiOn of Mollien•
This Evening wins pirAsiosied the Indian Drama
Or, The Banished _lndian.
Written by A. L. Pickering.
Alter which, the new Drama of
The Dark and Bloody Ground.
Two favorite Dances by
La Jeunne Canadieone Md'lle. ZARAH COHEN.
For particulars see Bills of the Day.
Doors open at 7 o'clock, Performance to com
mence at half past 7
Lower Boles, 50 cents Secona Tie, 37icents
Pit 25 " I Gallery 12i cells
Near Rice Creek Sprlngs4
Ricnland DiAtrlct. S. C, April 30, 1838. 5
I certify, that my eon, Thomas !Mitchel, Jr., aged )5
yors, has been troubled for eight years last past with
the Rheomatistn, and for the last three years has been
unable to help himself; lila pain was very severe, so that
he could not be moved without great agony; his limbs
-""1"0 were ritualized and drawn up, and he presented an oh.
~-,;.,.,.... feet hopeless to all who knew hint, I resorted to several
`-''''''''' 41 '' I P h ys icia nsforreli e f for
,„ 1 .
~.4.,,...,4- i him, without effect, Having
.14;_;!;.'• T
Iheard of Dr. A. Fitch's Indian Vegetable Elixir, I pro.
cured the same for my son. On taking it he was much
STEAVIIBOAT dT AUCTION. I relieved, and by continuing it to the fourth bottle lies
%NUE Steamboat James Ross, now lying at the wharf ' entirety removed the pain; his fl esh Is restored and he is
1 at Pittsburgh, her furniture, tackle and apparel. in ' now enJaying, good health. I would, In a cast of Rheu
all respects in good condition and ready to take in a i matlsm, earnestly recommend it told,
those who are a ffec.
cargo, will be sold at nubile sale to the highest bidder, tee with this excriteLting pain. THOS. MITCHELL
on Thursday the 15th June next, at 3 o'clock P. 111, W being neighbors and acquaintances of Mr Thomas
The James Roes was built last fall, of the liest'rnaterlals Mitchell, and having often seen the slination of his son,
and in the most suhitantml manne r for lop? water; she ' fully eorrohorate the above ease, and, as we believe has
wall carry 200 tons of freight, and Is well calculated for ' been cured by the Indian Veg.einble Elixir.
passegers. For strength and lightness or draught. she I
is not n excelled by any boat on the tn western waters.—
Terms made known at time of sale.
Ex'r of A Hart's estate ROBERT THOM! SON,
The above, with a very large assortment of oilier
valuable medicines, have Just been received and are for
sale by the quantity or single bottle, at 'TUTTL E'S, 86
Fourth st.
May 30--d4-wld
4 - Suecessois to J. II .cot
• rie, at the old stand corner of 511) and Wood sts ti•
having complied with the requisitions of the new A oc•
lion Law, ' , re prepared to make advances on Consign•
ments and to sell on favorable terms. They !lope by
continuing to make ready sales and prompt returns, to
receive a fair portion of business.
Pittsburgh, April Ist 1::43
In reiirinz from the Auction tudineo. 1 ia ke
Wei:mire recommending in the public Messrs Sumo...
Patine , ' irk Co., who have comp.ied wlih the require
nientu of the clew Auction Law and will do husinecs at
my old stand.
sprit 3134:1.
P HILIP ROSS has returned from the Eastern cities
and Is now receiving a splendid assortment of Fancy
and Staple Dry Roods, to which the attention of pur.
chasers is respectfully invited.
These Goods will be sold at very low prices, the most
of them at a great sacrifice. Persons wishing, to par.
chase will find It to their advantage to call at N 0.59
North-west corner of Market and Fourth streets, where
betterit,rgains will'he offered than can be afforded by
any other establishment I n the city. limy 19.
Carriages for Sale.
A eIRST rate lot of Eastern and Pittsh rgh made
Carriages—for one or two horses—for sale Iv
may 22-1 w:
St. Clair street, •
itto - Atso. for sale, a few bales of Spanish Moss.
A NOTE of hand for rirTT DOLLAR. 3. The owner
can have it again by describinz it and payinz for
this advertisement. Enquire at the office of the l'osT.
may 22—tf.
The Swifisirre, Robitt,on, Master, leaves every
Thursday at 10 o'clock
The Cater, Collins, Master, Laves every Friday at
10 o'clock a, m
The Montgomery, Bennett, Master, leaves every Sat
artlay at 10 o'clock a, in.
The Ex presa, Parkinson, Marti,. r, leaves every Sun.
day at To a. in.
may 20.
Rept Ihe Morning, Prtchet
- The fast running and well known
jHART RICIKTHILL, Master, will depart daily from Pitts
burgh at 9 o'clock, A. tit„ and Beaver at 1 o'clock P.lll,
For freight or pass.ige, apply on board, or to
N. o.—The rent lar canal No 60 Wifler street.
Greenville and Meadville Pa p ;
anet to d
At aralllon d,Ohio
o the
Ohio Canal, conneet:na with steamer Cleveland at n
verovill he in operation immediatrly on opening of nay.
mar 'G—tf.
- .
HE s ubscriber MOSI tentectfully informs the gentle
men °fith city and vicinity that he has commenced
the BOOT and SHOE making business in Fourth street,
opposite the Mayors office. Having been foreman in
sonic of the most fashionable Boot Shops In the Eastern
cities; and having furnished himself with the best French
and American Calf Skins. he hopes by his attention to
business to merit a share °limb& patronage. To those
gentlemen who have kindly patronized him he returns
his sincere thanks and can with confidence appeal for the
goodness of his work and knowledge cf his business.
may 11. P. KERRIGAN.
This is to certify that the subscriber has been for some
time afflicted with the Rheumatism very severely, front
which he could get no relief, until, being advised to pro.
cure some of Dr. Fitch's, INDIAN VEGETABLE
ELIXIR, which he accordingly did, and from which
after a few doses, he was entirely relieved.
Columbia, Aprll 6, 1752. SA PEA RSE:
N the 28th Mir of November Ins!, n sun of the snh-
N—Yerriber mimed JA M KELLY, then about 9 years
of age, leR Inns house: lie was seen a fec days after inn
Slinrmdmrx h. Ile has a fair complexion and fair hair
and is rather !wavily built On 'he 30111 of the same
month, his Mother. a boy then aged about ten 3ea rs, also
went away Nis name ix EDI% AHD KELLY: he boa
red hair arid dark eyes. It is probable that loth the boy,
may deny their true . names and assume others ..dny
formation concerning them will he gra efirtly received by
their afflicted parent,.
may 9
Prospect street.
A T the solicitation or a cornier of fa red. of all poi
.Clviral padres, I re•prrt fully offer f/r If I / the con
sideration of my fellow -citizens tor the office ci County
Commissioner. That Viy ecntin,ruts may not be nilsun
del - stood, eiiber as to political or pril, ale affairs. I cnitze
free to say that I have I ern all my life a consistent fie
publiean, in the true sense of the word. ; A. the wanly
is somewhat embarrassed in Its financial affairs. and the
reduction of salaries of public officers has received the
approbation of larce majorities °rifle people, the under
signed would not should he be so fortunat e as to heeler
led, in any manner attempt to resi s t this salutary re
form; should It reach the office of County Crmmissioner.
L. & J. I). WICK , Joax D WICK.
Vholesale Grocers Si. Dealers in Produce,
116 Wood Street. 4 doors abuse Filth Ft.
Farms to Lase.
rrIIE undersiemed will lease two Farms situated id
East Deer township, with the necessary teneariti is,
and from 75 to MD acres rlrarrd on each. A Isn, one
farm situated In West Deer township A Iletzheny county
with from .50 to 75 acres cleated. T 1 e 91, ore di srrl
property 13 In reasonahly 2ned rep:hr. lacing al, rot 15
miles from thin city of Piiisborzh, null within two miles
or h lip Petio'n Canal. and wits he leased on reasonable
term.; for from I to •liree yea re. to 20011 tenant,.
BA (ITN.% ft! MURRY.
Athrcli I.3lll—if.
, ul,4rrti er ha, jasi received from Philadelphia and
New York, with a Er nera I and ex , f`r,iVe assort.
, meal of DfrUGS. CIIE.MICJILS. PF:RFC-lIERY, and
1 every ti.iirle iii hi. HOC of business, whirl) lick drier.
'trilled In sell on the most reasonable terms for cash.—
He believes he can offer stronger Inducements than 3113•
simile establishment in this city to country Physicians
land Aferchauts, who wish to supply themselves vWI
Drugs and Medicines, flis articles have been selected
! with the utmost care, and are warranted' °Mir! best qua!_
it) , and uniform streneth. Orders w.il he filled with ac
curacy and elegance. Pamir' s can be supplied with Fine
and Fancy Soaps of every conceivable variety, and of
the most exquisite perfumes; likewise with Perfumery
and Cosmetics of every description.
The tindersiglied returns his thanks for the fiber:lls , llp.
, port heretofore extended to Min, and hopes by a ronsta el
di , position to please and accommodate—a rare In pro—
curing and selling only what is excellnnt and genuine—a
close supervision of sales and transaction of the estab_
lis hment—precaution and accuracy in compounding, med
icines—and by industry and perseverance, to merit an in
crease of public patronage.
may 25. Viii
i .LA. A DAMS CO. respectfully anneurce to the Pittsburgh
public,t hit hav log efferted an env:men , with the
''Pioneer and Express Packet Line," hay will start an
EXPRCHS for the above cities on Monday the 29:11 of IMaY,
which will run through to Philadelphia in three days I
and a half
R. G. BERFORD, 85 Fourth street, will act a s lie
iagent of Adams 4' Co, in Pittsburgh. Packsges and
parcels should br left at his office before 6 o'clock p , 01.
ADA MS 4- CO. will receive and forward eitlwr by their
I own Express, orby eonnexinn with other ExpreFseA,
' I packages and parc, , ls for Philadelphia, New
.1 - otk - , Bal
tinure, Washiwton, Albany, Troy, and every city and
town in New England.
ADAMS AND CO. posseQs great facilities for making
Collections, and will pay particular attention to collecting
jor paying Notes, Drafts, Bills, ctc. Competent persons
are always employed to attend to orders of goods, etc.
Boxes or bales of go Ms too large for transportation in
Expreve Chests, may be left at D. Leech and Cob of
fice, Pern st. marked Adams and Ca's Express, They
will he handed over to .%dams and l'o. at poilacelpilia,
and forwarded to •beir destination with the utmost des.
( patch, and at ace!, low rates.
ADAMS AND CO. will endeaor maneo transact all bsin•
ens entrusted to them in such a ner as shall givesal..
! isfaction to their employers, and obtain for themselves ,
the canlidence of the community.
may 26—dlw
IML. ELDEit , r o,ney tee Lare.-office in
Vond elreer,2nd door above lhc corner of Smithfield
noith side.
20 BOXES Soong Hymn Tea. just received and for
sate by fIAILMAN, JEN'NINGS 4- CO.
mey 27.
43 Wood
dc HUN, Demists Liberty street. a
ioleorr Letew StClair. atm C. 1R:34.
nreoPosALs will be received until the 10th day of
1 June next, for completing locks and dents nuintwrs
Three and Pour of lido Work. The contractors to flnd
the necessary tnstevials, !abet 21. c., and to receive pay_
meat front the tolls of the locks alter the Work Is finished
The proposals to he aildrcised to the rubscrlber,
EICHRMIIif President
may lig—/Ot. of Board of Manayers.
Corner of Penn 4. St, C'lair sts. Pittsb'gh.
V 11111 7 , Proprietors of this elegant and comn.odions es
tah'ishment, he. leave to announce to their friends
and t !e pubtir , that their price for Board, front tins date,
Is reduced to ONE DOLLAR PER DAY.
From the locality of this house, being situated mid•
way between the Canal and Steamboat landings, at d on
the great thoroughfare to Ailegheity city, the proprie.
tors trust, that with continued exertions on their part.
they will be enabled to afford every attention and (aril.
Ity required for the comfort and convenience of their
guests, and hope to merit a continuance of the patron•
age that has hitherto been so liberally extended to them.
The principal Stage ;Ind Pad, et offices, a•e connected
with the Hotel, and for the better accommodation of
their guests, an Omnibus will at all times be in readi.
nest to convey them to and front the Douse.
aft 25-3 m. le/(11111IN
! CI - lE.-1 P c 0 NIB, B T ! ASKE AND VAD i .. ;74 ,-*, .. PACKET.
RIEY STORE. The canal packet F.RIE, J. M. Phaw master, will ran
I ass re , ll r triweekly packet between the AO ~e named
Nv. 108, , 11arket street, near Liberty.
ports, leaves Reaver on Mondays, Wednesdays, Frida In
rinill3 sultseritter tespectfully igaibrifis:his customers and returning, leaves Warren on Tuesdays, Tharadaya and
_lll_ (lie public geeeally, Met lie has jw.t returned from ; aturdays; connecting with the Stage Lines to Cleveland
the evit with a large and elceatit assortment of goods direct. For frnight or Passage apply nn board or to
In his line to which he invites Merchants and others who
RIR M ING Fr A M & CO., Pittsburgh.
wish to purchase whelesale nr retail, very low for rash,
3. S. DICKEY, Beaver.
The ful'owile2 comprises port of Ills stock, with a vet y 1
large assortment Of fancy gyods and toys.
tun „„„11.A., rilll
-00 packs English, German and American phis
100 thousand hest needles;
600 dozen tapes;
1000 • • all colors spool cotton;
160 Its, patent thread;
25 lb , . sewing silk,
70 lbs, best shoe thread;
100 tbs. skein cotton thread;
750 thrin-and-tiercussion raps;
160. gross gilt and lasting buttotv;
1: - ..0 gross pearl shirt buttons,
120 gross shoe laces;
100 doz, tortoise shell combs:
25 doz. tor (Oise ellen, luck and Buffalo combs
136 doz. fine Ivory combs;
200 doz. dressing combs:
350 doz, combs;
6 gross tooth brushes;
20 doz. assorted hair and clothes blushes;
73 duz. suspendets;
40 arc's, white silvered hooka and eyes;
20 gross common hooks and eyes; ,
.50 doz. assorted scissors;
30 doz spectacles;
50 grows assorted whalebone;
250 doz. assorted sizesslates;
40 gross steel pens;
AA min of F itta4.o-Caps on hand.
salt. wholes
3 gross Woodward's celebrated pen holders;
, wile and reJ aiLailPriees to sails the times, Cl the old gland
.r 63LIP LIM ir / 10 01FO• IS Wood streets
With a general assortment of all kinds of varielygoods, ,
ma) 5.
suet as willow wagons, chairs cradles, market and other.l 1 - "
article wade;
Pe"°plinSrchar:d. itt:-..i11-0------------ -
baskets. dre. 4-c. C. V. would in particular Inytte the
. n Bacon, or F3iP
' 809 000 LoP
r r by
attention of the ladles to ids lineand large assortment or '
shell and Ruffalo tombs, A Iso, Crai:ana's ceicltratEd - slx 1 ~
." 41list near Liberty.
cord spool cotton, the
chasing ran rota refit ir not as represented, A Iso„the hest i ~,, - FRESH HERRINGS.
counter drilled eyed needles,'which havkbeeg
Flfit,S Fresh Herrings, just recelyed and for
especially for retail, and fine American fiat and round ' sal e by HA 1L31.1 N, 3 ENNENOS if. Co..
sad pins , (maY.24l C. YEAGER. i 27.
43 Wood street
_____ ;
6 Ty3KS Rat?
ruoilfloadass, FIRE
I _
- SA LE.
1,, Shealdere, Kentycky eared, received, this day ' TUST neceared. 3006 Freeman's beat Fire Briar. Which
per steamer Bridgewater, and for sate by kr wn, hereafter be Issptceactaatiy oe bead sad sot/
war 27
J. G . 4 . A ..GoRDoN, low for CAM, by
Water street. say 21-
11111 t 1 IINQUALSI # CO.
No. 60 Water lc,
Tit LA:scpqr.i. *:},a7m.airr.,kstlY R., • 1 3, . Ift litfrrilt y , 4111110 ittelf A ELI
1N a descriptive fist of Treaattry, Notes. Ctiftelil Olin ,
~,,, 1 mtreseaso oill.l kr Arusi kikaillelt. tiri nAikot alikkal
1 pat:ose tirade up at Mai, I.'usiora Mon s e•:!' •tiew- "". f • •' ' • .
- -. ______
intim, and alledged to have imirti transmitted to the Fug i P n'iti.Bl - I.A" a ;17.1.
dindltor of the Treasury, .putiljahed on tbe 224 tilt. the 1 fiirat, of Plusher:lL pu
following errors exist: . • 1 Illercb. ¢ Man. bk. Fir
No ece, R. 2d May, 1341, slictutd he 23d May, 1841. , Exchantc bank, r
No 3489, C. should be 3490, and 'No 57, A. sbOuld he ! Elt, of.Germarnowz.
N 0,67.
the papers mat wore authorized t ormb:lsh i
the owl- ' La Easton ncaster bank, dia
ginel list will make tills enrrectmo, , i Flank of eitesier Cp.
J. C. SPENCER. Secretary of the Trcir.>ury. 1 Partners' bk Bucks
_..... -__----------
_______________L__— , Doyfestown bk do ••
3 LOCKS made expressly for powder magatit,c,r, lot ' Bk of N America Phil.
sery suitable for,Pork Houses, as the materials of ( Bk of Northern Liberties,"
which they are constructed will not rust from the . .ictiUn. Commercial bk. of Pa.
of the salt, will be cold low for cash. IMechanics bk "
may 2-6 w
JAS. PATTERSON. Kensington bk.
DRY PR 4 CHES.-50 bushels Dry Peaches, lust re
for sale by fl A ILMA N,J ENNINGS 4. Co.
may 11.
43 Wood street.
AGENTLEMAN belonging to of the most ancient
and wealthy families of this city , who must be well
known to numerous friends, having since the year 1818
up to recently, been bent nearly double, and for several
1 -years continued In his bed, has been restored to good
health—has regained his natural erect position—and has
quilted his carriage, and now walks with ease I We
believe this is the gentleman's own description and there
lls no exaggeration In U. We will give enquirers his
1 address, and doubt not his humane feelings will excuse
1 the liberty; so that any one doubting may know there
facts —though he requests ills name may not appear in
print. Among other simi ar Instances, Mr James G.Rey•
nolds, 144 Chrystle-street, has been restored, and will
give personal assurances of I hegacts of the ease, Roth
were rheitmatigni, and contracted cords and sinews.
flow has this been done?
.inswor.—By the Indian Vezetable Elixir internally,
and Hewes' Nerve and Bone Liniment externally, from
Comstork. For sale wholesale and s etal' at TUTTLE'S
86 Fourth st.
may 20
RIE NOTICE, that I linve applied to the Court of
Common Pleas of A rms•rong county, for the bene
fit of the laws of this Commonwealth, for the relief of
Insolvent Demurs, and that the said Court have ap
pointed the 3d Monday, the 19th day ul June. next for
the hearine of me nnd my credilors, at i Court house
In the lairough of Kinanning, when and where
- mend l: von think O< props-. CHAS,HANDEP
soar 23, Grano Dens.
mu ititisirritier world respert fully Inform his rust°
mere and the public generally. that not withstanding
the unprecedented sales at the Three Big Doors, durin7
Ihe present Reason; he has still on hand the lamest and
most varied assortment of elegant (MOTE! INC that can
he bought west of the mountains. The public easy rest
a•eui red that all artiefes ()tiered at his. store are Matti) fac•
lured floor FRESH GOODS, purchased in the Eastern
markers this Spring and made into garments by Pitts
burgh workmen
In cons, quence of the n ultiplicalion of slop shops in
our rite, filed with pawn•brokers.clot hes and the musty,
cast oil garments or former seasons. from thr eastern cL
ties, the public should he cautions to ascertain the char.
arter of !lie egtatdißtinteni. in which they are invited to
parr ha se, Ferme they part with their money. The ar
ticles offered at several of the concerns in title city, are
the mere offal,, of New York and Philadelphia slop
shops, and sol out here to he palmed off on the Pitts.
burgh public. Purchasers should he on their guard a.
gatnst these Impositions, and they may rely on the fact
t hat no establishment t hat advertises eastern wade Clot , -
ing, can give as good an article or as advantageous bar.
gains as can be had at the "Three Big Doors."
The public will please remember that all the subscri.
her's g irments are made in this city, by competent work.
men, and not gathered n p like the goods now offered by
the -birds of passage" front the shreds and patches of
eastern slop shops. It will always be his endeavor to
maintain the re,intation that the "Three Big Doors'
have u t .taiiiro for furnishing t superior style of CLOTH•
INC; in every respect, and at prices below those of nny
other establishment.
Ile would asain return his thanks to his friends and
the public for the unprecedented patronage Lestowed
n non his establish ment, and believing Hint they ' , aye
rotted it to their advantage to deal with him, he would
repent his invitation to all those who wish to purchase
luthing o f every description at the lowest prier to call
at. No 151, I , IIIIERIY Sr. JOHN M'CLOSK Y.
1 - - Observe Metal Plate in the pavernont a;.• 26.
Philadelphia bk. .1
Schuylkill bk.
Southwark bk.
Western bk.
Bk. of Pennsylvania, 1
Bk of Penn Tr.. par
Man..- Mechanics bk. par
Mechanics bk. par
Moyamensing bk. 3
Girard ba.ilt, 95
U. States hank, 50
Lumbermena', Warren, --
Frank. bk Washington, par
Miners bk of Pot hivile, 5
Bk of Montzomery Co. par
Mon. bk Brownsville,
Erie Bank, 5
Harrisbnrgh bank. 4
Far. bk Lancaster,
Bk of Middletown, 4
Bk. of Chambersburgh,
Carlisle hank, 4
Bk of Northumberland,
Columbia bk ¢ Bridge co. 2
Bk Susquehanna Co- 15,
Bkof Delaware Co.. pat'
Lebanon bit.
Cetlyslinrah bk. 4
York bank, 4
Far. 4. Drovers bk. of
Currency notes. 5
Wynmina hank,
Pittsb'eh State scrip
Country do do
Barks Co. bane
Munn trdeasant bk ~, ALABAMA
Par. 4- Mech. hk of Sten- 'Good Ranks, 20
benville. 11 TENNESSEE.
Belmont bk of St. mfr.,. 1 ,111 Banks.
vine, 1+ MICHIGAN
Marietta bk. Demand Flk. or St. Clair,
notes. 11 Do. drt..l Sr H. Smilh
do Currency notes, /i CANADA
Columbiana bk New Lis Good hanks. 84;10
bon Demand, 11 Eastern Exchange.
do Post notes, j 1 Philadelphia.
Cincinnati specie pay. New York: 1
Joe banks, 1 Baltimore,
Mech. ¢ Traders ilk or Boston,
Cincinnati. Si 'Western i
citntuni.k of Columbita, Cincinnati,
Demand note,. 1+ Louisville.
Circleville, cll. Lawrence Cleveland, par
Cashier) 11 Wlieclins. 1
Zanesville hk. Ii,DOLD AND SILVER, par
aim......... 1.
rrinE 3d story of the building occupied by R. A.
Hausman as an Auction store—heretofore known
as “Nestnith's Long Room," cornervof Wood and Slit
streets. Inquire of R. Morrow, sth st. jan 23.
ors FOR SALE,.—Four Lots in Manche ter, One
_124. and a front) Acres of Laid on Holmes' Hill. Lots
nos. 41, 42,52. 53, 54.181, 182 and 184, In Cook's plan
of Lots, on Holmes Hill. Also, Lots nos. 36 and 27, In
rook's plan ofLots on High street, near the new Court
House. For terms apply to Z. W. REMINGTON
ANDposkession given on the Ist of April next; a
brick house on the bank of the AlklitenY rixer•
two stories hixb. 4 comfortable rooms, besides cellar and
kitchen. It In very Me:molly aitunted.just out side the
city tine, with a full view of the city of Allegheny, and
within 20 minutes' walk of the heart of the city—rent
very low. JAMES BLAKELY,
mar 3 House Agent, Sth Ward. ,
0 E Wick dtvelling house, containing a large
SHE hall, two parlours, 4 rooms upstairs, with 8n• • 11
fished garret.dining room and kilchen, with car.
Hasa house. 4.c. This house is pleasantly located with
yard In front and rear, on the canal bank, corner of
Chesnut street, leading to upper bridge, now in the oc
cupancy of Mr. McClurg. rent to snit the times.— Enquire
ni Dr, Whittaker, Allegheny City. mar 8,
For Rent.
CONVENIENT three story brick dwelling house
situate on Rose street near Fourth• Rent VIM
apr Ifl. Apply to JAMES MAY.
50 MILS , : 5 years old cooper distilled brononzahela
flye Whiskey on consignment, and for sea by
al, 1.
J. W. nurtaßrDnF:.
%Voter bet ween Wood:anti Smltn'd•
20 BOXES Russel and Robertson's No 5 LUMP TO,
R 4 CCO.
20 Rox es assorted
.111 , 4 received, together with do.
a L•eneral assorment of
every thing In the Grocery line, and for sale on t the roost
accommodating termß.
43 Wood at.
may 10
The old stand of:Matthew Patrick,
- - (Lately occupied by John Irons.)
T HE ~u l),r !Aber wishes to inform the citizens of Pitts.
linruh, and the travelling pubitc, that he has teased
the above well known stand, (situated on rimi street,
hetween Market and Wood,) where he wy he happy to
accommodate all his old friends. and as many new ones
as will he meamil to acknowledge him as Civic host.—
Ill;terrns will lie moderate, suited to I lie times.rabic Ws
will 14, suPPlled with the best flint the Market al
fords. His liar will he furnished with the choices, of
liquors, both domestic and foreign. His st ables are spa
clous and commodious, condo cted by exper:enced and
attentive ostler*.
irfße wontd inform the citizens that he Is prepared
to accommodate a number of Weekly, Monthly 01 Year.
ly boarders at reduced prices.
Single Areal, 25 cents. LodgEng,
Board per Reek,
10 Rocca Loa r suza r
5 BHP. Crushed do.; Jost received and rot. pale
43 Wockl
L'oß SALE , —Lois on the North East corner of Coa
a: La ne nd Digh street. A pots to
gen 10 DEN/, DA DLINCTON, Mar ket, near 4th.
ma; fq-...Tai
(1 1 d.........h.•ii,
Post notes,
Fran. hk Columbus
Grant/10e. 80,
Coln. bk. Lake Erle, 30
Far. bk: of Canton, 45
State bk. 4. Branches I}
State Scrip,
All banks, I
iState bk 4. Branches, 60
IShawneetown, 70
'Bank of Virginia, 1
do Valley, 1
Far. bk. of Virginia, I
Exchange bank, 1
N. West. hank I
Mer. *Mee.. do, 1
'Baltimore Banks, I,a r
'Country Banks, 1a 2 .
All Banks,
AU Banks, par and I
City Bank,.
Country banks,
(Safety fund.) i a
Red Back, f t,
itloston Banks, I
Country .:
Orleans Ranks, amt.
Banks, 2,
House A genev.
No. a wept Of thp MarkPt Firta.ap, peat, ar, ,
sth Ward, PittPhargh Pa.
Ir aubsrriber bovine fora number ofyearsiump
Rated In renting ei'v property, collecting reins ite r •
nud wishins to extend his huslnees In this way. respect.
fully offers his services 10 those persons owning, oiwb4
may have charge of nrope•ty as Everntors. Admhdara•
torn or CURNilann. In the city or ruhrtrhr, and who mar'
not have teipure to mend to 11 ,hrmxelvo..io rent dwell.
fines, Warehouses. Farms, Lots. *c. Also. to collet"
retire. dividend', Ground rents kc. A register Is kepi
vr here a
fetedreription of nll properties' for tent will he ,.
free o defcharre, reference la respectfully offered el le
the following 2etitlemen for whom the sehrterlber hies
been neent far come venrs post—Messrs Michaet Allen,
P. McCormick and James S. ("raft. Erg.. Pitoshorgh; Jar.
tinrt. Paq Eo•Opean Agent, Phliad.; MPFB. John Brown,
Plrmingham; B. MeLonan. elnelnnatf; Dnnird Potter:
Steubenville:J(l'4mb Millar, Lawrencevllle; James Jones
Masi Liberty; Daniel Rasher, NIIMin township; thiaiet.
neputron, Sewickley.
freleh supply of
O'Nell's relehraled Catholieno,
" Phenmalie Decoction,
Leiev's Rar.np,rilM Mood Pills,
Agra Reed's Female afizir, at the afore of
'curt or t 6► VOI rirt PoIIIP,
am 1 9-12 v,
RIPED, a large soppily of by Rwaynea
a Syrup of Wild Cl'erry.and for rate wholesale att4
retail by
ap 21. WM. THORN.
No 5.3, Illertet sr.
51k0 BEL'S X. O. .I.OI,.ISSES.
7 Casks- Ramon Hams this day received and too:.
J, G. 4. A. CORDON. 4
12 Wares at.
123 cts
1 5PIGS LEAD for Izoe by
Mr may 18 JAMES MAY,
EAGLE - • •
1116- STOIIE. 1)
Qr4cr LLOYD, Jr,. Wholdenie end tr e , so strorii ,
and Frniierrr, No 140 Liberty Ftreei. F them rrh.
may 20.
. ..... -.
)0 ,
THE sithlertber MII Jell ',eeeived from the : * t't ,, r4 '
-I- of Landreth and Paton, near Phliadeiphia, a loi of
the choicest v edette' , of Peach Trees. to which he wiled'
ta m
altheist/I'ton*. r 44.• the whir, -P. L, 01410119bLve,' •
ID 8
.....No I . Liberty st head of JlMeli: '
O'CiIi,INELL*B HlVrollY - OE , --iii
. L AND; zintv
Cop or ; bh. highly iam:min were hlae ,
M:eh received, and are for plc or 80.. ratfleint
PI hi tile Samoa.
p ity 29..4!
sooz Airiaosi -- • ~ -
du N. Fv. Corner of Wood +/ph Sys,
do Tar proprietots of the Nommen Parr and Illerterlea
'fp AND MANTOPACTPRIR respectfully inform their Merida
N and the patronsof those papers, that they have a larva
and well chosen assortment ol
AMID tZ/oleamurzrAmmagiurm
Necessary to a Job Printing OfEtre, and that they are pr
pared io execute
Books, Bills of Lading, Circulars,
Pamphlets, Bill Heads,
Handbills, Cards,
I Blank Checks, Hat Tips'
411 Mobs of Monts,
Stage, Steamboat, sad Csacti Boat Bills, migA (pre.
priate Cats,
Printed o n the shortest notice and mast reasonable tereila•
We respectfully ask the patronage of our friends wart
he public in general in this branch of our fatalness.
Pittsburgh, Sep:. 29, 1842. ?SMUT'S
_ .........".....,................._
W E would invite the attention of our friend* and
the public generally to our assortment of Good*.
which we have Just received from the East. all of which
we are determined to sell at a small advance 01 coat.
and han
Customersdsome artieles, may rely on warranted to tit , havin g , cheap, gwhich ood, well made
desirable combination. a Tery
Persons who visit this establishment can depend 011
findin g an entirely new assortment of sprin7, and 1141111111111
roods ; we de not gay one thin / fend mean another; when
we say our assortment is lame, fashionable, bandsosne
and cheap, w t mean that it is so, and cannot Ix stkr,
pasted in 11118 or any other c i ty.
may 31-IC,
Pr r NOTICE to Meese Boat Oloatra.— The subseriber, le
i 1, consequence of the difficulty of the times, has redu
ced the price of his Safety Guard for the provontioa of
3 tke exprosia of aeon: boilers, to $l5O Per hoot- '4,
f t fs hoped that all turn owners wilt avail themselves
I. of these remnable terms, not only on account of the
Perfect safety they afford, but ako in polnt of economy,
13° Hrirs with file anntrntos attached will wear abou
tufts an lone as those not provided with them.
17. EVA NP
E. R. Ileastingm,
liapo Eeonni REGULATOR and Survpvor. O.
-MAL.tit 4th street, nett door to the Renk,orPiitshurgh,
RP 24-1 m
91 6de ghon!dem, this day rrePlyed and foe
sale hp
may Et JC, 4. CORDON,
12 7 ValerAt.
4 r.l DORBOIIFV. ATTORNEY AT L 4 W"bar re,
LIL. removed his office to No Cl Fifth
atria„ be,
I wpenWood and Smithfield sts. next door 10 Alderman
alsr 7.
Ana Cleveland I,ine.
March 22,'43-.
A. 7 . W. I
sa hirbridre dr.
Powder. Co.
GEN TS fttr the le oY nes tt s's W•likwst
between Wnod and Smithfield.
Ma nth 30 . 1843.
SO Mans Cro , rin; Just rrerived Anil for rile*,
43 Wood at.
FfßEgli jzorm --gg hhls just received for mite Is*
or r3elt , Al (M
a p_24, AN, JENNINGS 4- Os.
43 Wood et.
ROLINA MI tousle
. on ,
Thent,aod for Rate low for caqi.
43 Wood et.
GO Dave, Tmperlal and Can poll dar; Jain renew*.
tap for eaph.
43 Wood at,
10 881.8. ALIJ%I.
2 Caslks 151.14flpt:Inftt received and for ante by
ap 29 11A ILM A M., JENNVNGS 4- Ca.
43 WoOd
standart 1 848 :. zngrahani at Co.
ra a yre ;iv r„ivg 4XD COX'. MERCE4X7'S.
Ciever.san, Offin.
A ORNTSfor th e 711esehantinanspostationComPani
Composed of the Merchants Line. Erie Canal.
Washington Line.
Iln Wier, Pal mer 4. Washington
of Steam Bashi a"? yes
'Os on the. Lnkes.
ClLSehmd Line Pennseivanin and Ohio Canal.
Pronstetots or the , derehants Line Ohio Cana'.
Rtista to
R'HaxrWILKIE it ENSOVORTII, N 0.9, Coentiet Slip, It V
4. ro. Albany.
nits ro,,ry, Roston.
flex - ren, r ALIIIIM 4 C. IN tralo.
M. T. Witt.T.ama 4. Dow, Cleveland.
Hoff Jon, 74. A cr.'s, do.
rsr,ta LES M. Ir.:looms, do.,
3. S. thestv. Reaves.
:in 1 1
1843 —lnaAmy 4. Co.; Milian/Pei