Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, June 03, 1843, Image 2
I. tee miles and a half, with Fashion on is quarter, and Blue Dick close at his !fuels. During this time there were seve rt.l splendid brushes between him and Fashion, which excited the feelings of all to the bighest pitch. But it was evident to e very c.iol observer, that his lady oppo- nent was. merely testing his speed and her own powers; fur as soon as Jos Laird (Fashion's jockey) gave her a louse rein on the third quarter of the fourth mile, she shot past him like a rocket, and was nev er pushed during the rest of the heat. - Second heat.—From a suspicion that, in the first heat, Blue Dick had been held up in order to struggle with Fashion for the second, much sport was still anticipa. ted before 'the affair' was over. All three started, Fashion on the lead, which she maintained throughout the heat, notwithstanding the severe brushes and unceasing struggles of the renowned Blue Dick. The most he could do was gallant ly to wait upon his lady.competitor—much to his own .credit as a horse of gentleman ly breeding, but not much to the satisfac tion of his friends, we suppose. The with is, however, that Fashion is far supe rior to both her opponents, in all the great qualities of a racer; and that in both speed and bottom, she appears to be unapproach able. The attendance, as we said before, was large; and we noticed among the specta tors some of the most distinguished gen. tlemen of our and the neighboring States. Below we give the result: Samuel Laird (Wro Gibbin's) chest. m. Fashion, out of Bonnets o'- Blue, by Trustee, 6 years old. Jos Laird. Col W R Johnston's g h Blue Dick out of imp Magrave, dam by Lance, 5 years old. Col F Thompson's g h Register, by Priam, out of Maria Louisa, by Tonson, 4 years old F(IR PRESIDENT, JAMES BUCIIINAN, SAWA to the decision of a National convention. DAILY MORNING PAST. TIC PWILLIPH 4. WM. H. SMITH,NDITORS PROPRIkTORS SATES DA Y,r JUNE 3, 1843 See First,PaCe• tlen. Jackson's Fine. ---The New Or- leans Herald says: "The resolutions pass ed our last legislature, declaring that " slice to thegreatest ongr-e: - duty, were ordered to beepii.ceent rovida u d Gen. Jackson. Our worthy and honored Executive has eviaun-d Et great deal of taste in the discharger of that pleasant iluty•— He has had the reeolutiatraLzlegantly writ_ tan upon parchment, a rid put in a beauti ful frame, If there is anything that can enhance the pleasure which will animate the bosom of the old chieftain upon the re ceipt of those resolutions, passed as they were by a Whig legislators and Represen4 tatives in Congress, it will be derived from the manner and form in which our Execu— tive has chosen to forward them." F' 111 _Tench ships have arrived at Point Pe- .q Curious Fact —The Indians are said trie, Guadeloupe, with a donation by the to tame wild horses by breathing smartly French Government of 2,500,000 francs, lin their nostrils. The buffalo calf, hid in the prairie grass, too weak to follow the together with abundance of provisions. The sufferers by the late Earthquak e have i herd, when the hunter has breathed fu nousty into his nostrik-will cr.-a— 1"---"" y thus been placed in a comparative) happy ; camp like a puppy. - 1 he other day we condition. Donations had also been re• had a yo . nag Durham ca'f hid or left by its ceived of ten thousand dollars from New mother in a distaot pasture. When found, York; four thousand from St Thomas, and '. we caught it remittances from Ttindad, the amount not it was wild, and retreated; :and breathed into its nostr ils the known. The supplies of provisions were second attempt, it followed us to the barn too large for the population. Beef was i a dog.—Gloucester Telegraph. $6; pork $9 per bbl, hams 10c per lb; rice h ike $3 per hundred. Lumber $2O a 825 per; Duel at Vi c k sbur g., l place M, in moderate request. A due at Vickburgh on the 17th ins: took : between William E Lake, a member of the bar, and Thomas E Robbins, formerly Presi. dent of the Commercial Railroad and Banking Company. They fought with yagers—distance, fifty paces. At the sec ond fire Lake was shot through the leg near the knee—Robbins escaped unin jured Great Flight of Birds.—The Baltimore. Patriot notices a storm of thunder • and lightning, which occurred in that city on Friday night and Saturday morning, and says that while it continued, and indeed for seieral hours, a vast number of birds passed overthe city. Several were caught. They are described as a very beautiful : bird, about the size of the robin, having a greyish plumage, and exceedicgly wild and restless. Sale of the Main Line of the Public Works.—The Inquirer says, "A gentle man of high character informed us yester day, that in several conversatinns recently held by him with Governor Porter, the Governor assured him of his determina tion to sign the Vain Line Bill before mtd• summer, and assigned reasons which he demed satisfactory for the delay." The General Assembly of the Presby terian Church of the United States, (old school,) in session in Philadelphia, after a discussion of several days, have adopted, by a vote of 122 to 8, a resolution decla ring it to be the judgment of the Assem• bly that neither the constitution nor prac- tice of the Church recognises the right, of rule %to impose hands the ordination of ministers. The same body has agreed to hold its next annual session at Louisville, Ky. ha' Pennsylvanian states that the secretary of war is about sending some ten or twelve young Indians—ver itable savages—to Easton Pa., for the pur pose of education. Ridley/out.—The assertion that F. P. Blair has 'tithed Gen. Jackson for the purpose of "propitia tion Ma me scheme of the hard money pollti. dans." etpinte Gelds of wheat in the Len easternmos tanatietria north Carolina, prescat a fine pros• poet of as abundant tweet t. • Prop edi t ..t • diculous dream story is _ from allsw Jer— sey paper:—"On the-night' of the massacre in Warren county, New Jensey, a few I weeks since, a highly respectable individ ; mil, residing within fifteen or twenty miles of the dreadful scene, had a dream, in , which all the particulars of the frightful tragedy were vividly pictured to his mind. It made such an impression upon him that he gave a detailed statement to several persons the next morning, and some time before the facts of the real occurrence be came known to him and his immediate neighbors. After the intelligence of the massacre was received, he still repeated the stoty of his dream, and on being asked if he could identify the murderers, as he saw them in his mind's.eye, he said 'yea,' and pointed to a young man of highly res pectable connexions, who was visible, not far oft', while the party were conversing, said, 'Yonder goes one of them.' " If this "dream" had been published in the days ofSalem Witchcraft (says the Boston Bulletin) this 'young man of highly respectable connexions' would, most prob. ably have lost his life. It is doubtful whether t h e 'highly respectable ever had such a •drearn: and if he had it ought never ;.*) have been communicated to any slue, certainly not to the press. 1 S. B. almost burnt.—The Buffalo Advertiser says:—"The steamboat Gen. Wayne which came in yesterday, narrow ly escaped destruction by fire on Wednes day night, while lying at the wharf at Sane dusky. About one o'clock the fire was discovered to issue from the upper part of the engine room, immediately under the gallows. It was extinguished without do ing any great damage. The passengers unite in saying that it was unquestionably the work of an incendiary. We have re ceived a long card of the passengers ex. culpating the officers and crew from all censure." More TVonderful Prophecies. —The Mil -1 ler theory is being confirmed, some think, daily by phenomena of all kitide,—celes tie!, terrestrial, and we may add, bestial— for instance, the Portland 1:1111etin says:— "We saw a dog trotting by our window just now, whose tail was curled up so as to form a perfect figure three. And inas much as the animal ran on four legs —cor responding to the numerous going to make out the requisite number we could not help thinking it a remarkable circumstance. The dog was a grey muzzled litte cur. looking as though he might be just about ei hteen Years old, a M were cidence in tiva another wonderful coin period is madamatter, and the prophetic ..... t _iFt4l2' _ To th ~__A—.vr.—The N. Y. Evening lierald of the 30th ult. says: "It is currently rumored about town this morning that John Jacob Astor, the mil Bonaire, is dead. From the last information we could oh. tain, the agent of Mr Astor arrived at the City Hall, and reported that he died ;pis morning at 5 o'clock. He is known tn. have been ill fur some weeks past, and his friends will not be surprised therefore to heat of Lis death." Outrage.—The Pawtucket Chronicle says that a woman by the, name of Taylor residing near Valley Falls, was seized in that village one day last week and rode on a rail. She was accused of mis-conduc in connexion with a .married man. We hardly credit this story. It is too outageous for be;ief, yet considering the spirit of the time and the high state of perfection to which the science of mobbing has been carried, we think it not improbable. The Boston American says, we under stand that an accident occured on board the U. S. Steamship Union. Several men being on the yard, the slings gave way and they were precipitated to the deck. One man had h a arm and ancle broken, the latter very badly, the bones protruding through the flesh. He was cart ied to the Hospital—we did not learn how much the others were injured. A letter.from N. York to the U. S. Ga- , zeta. dated. May 27th, saya:-..'Stocks were all up to-day, and closed firm. 875,000 - Government loan sold at the new board at . A Duel on the Ta ie —The N. Edi tors arc I Snow Banks in May!--The Northamp. a going to have a shot i , l fo . 115, and the 'fancies' have advanced from 1 ton Gazette says: 'One of our friends was one to three per cent, on yesterday's pri- of it from the Reoublicarnp'ast time. Here'. a halt out at Westhampton a week 'g oon Satur. ces. The was a sale of Stonington at 34. We cannot consent to be bandying personali. I ties in the newspaperl, I fyi,u imagine you have ! k d e ay d , a .l. t 3th instant, and, seeinga tree mar., buyer 60, at the Second Board, and the cause of guirrel with us, apply for such aatlah.c- ' a considerable height from the Linn al one gentleman ow es to another, anti .#oct same bid far more. It looks as though it , ground, inquired what it was fat. The would go higher, and if it does, Girard shall have it. c answer was, that it. was the exact height of Bank stock will advance vvith you. ta,ooo ' The Baltimore firemen had another fight on f r i en d , a snow bank two months previous, Our Tennessee 5 per cent. Bonds sold at 80. 1 Thursday might, during which a number of • then on a snow bank fourfeet deep, - -- e ' tole wer e fired off, nobody shot. BaltiosarslX; ' measured from its surface to the mark, and. Relit Coming.—Pantaloon . strap "ave getting out of fashion in New York,. , aptermined not to yield wilier claim to be e g g e d found it to be sixteen feet. So that the _ 4 'the thy of mobs.' I snow bank was originally twenty feet high! A • dcfritut in a fit at the Park>Tbeatrei New York, on Monday evening, white performing Hemega, in the "Apostate," and continued alarmingly ill at the last accounts. The Hon S Breesn, U S Senator from Illinois, came very near being shot by his brther-in-law, in Belleville, on Sun• day, 21st. The difficulty grew out of ill treatment of Breese's wife's sidter by her husband. Comnedicta.—The House of Represen. tatives of Connecticut, adopted an amend ment to a bank charter making the stock holders personally liable, by a vote of 92 to 79. An effort is making by a number of citi zens of lowa City, to bring into operation for manufacturing par poses, the great wa , , ter power of the lowa river, near that city. Twenty one Cows, two horses, and a large lot of stable fixtures, were destroyed by fire in Brooklyn N. Y., on Friday last. The Florida stay law has been declared unconstitutional. The Philadelphia Councils have passed a Bill entitled 'An act to provide funds for the constructipn of the Girard College.' The Philadelphia Gazette mentions a rumor that Mr Webster is in favor of Mr Calhoun for the Presidency. Fudge. Ji Strike.--The coalheavers of Bristol, Pa., have struck for higher wages. They have been receiving 75 cents per day, and they demand S7i cents. They should have it, and we hope they may. P. S. They've got their wages. Good. Mad'lle Calve has been very successful on the New York stage. She is said to be a charming actress, and all the young fel— lows are infected with "ca(f love" in con sequence. The Gubernatorial candidates in Ten• nessee are to visit every county in the State. They will be busy until the last of July. A stable was stahle was struck by light ning last Sunday, in Louisville, and burnt. A horse and mule perished in the flames. Noah ‘Vebeter died in New Haven, Conn., on Sunday last, in the 85th year of his age. It is estimated that the amount of reudi dieted Treasury notes in the s an d s o f iii Docent parties is $130,000. Mr Wise, aka ,_,lnaut, made his fortieth bau _—Liston from Carlisle, Pa., on the u t. Landsmen, particularly mechanics, for the United States naval service, are adver- tised for at the Norfolk rendezvous. Cretutrrt W. 41 .of Now Jos asay is consid ered in his state of health,beyond recovery, so as ever to be able to attend to public business. He has so far recovered his speech as to be able in some degree to dictate to his student s when writing for Musical Groves.— They have a Berea year old child in Providence, named Groves, who plays the fiddle surprisingly. The Chronicle puffs him. Children are made much superior now to what they used to was. —Richmond Star. The Crops.—From all sections of the country we have the most cheering 'lc. counts of the prospect of a most abun—• harvest.—N V mall steamboats, with Ericsson's Propellers, are running now from Montt es al In Kingston, up the rapids of the St. Lawrence Cul. Robert C N , cholas, et New Orleans, who was said to have came in possession of an im mense fortune, it appears has not been so loeky. The Charlottesville Jeffersonian states that be ta a native of Albemarle, and that his friend.+ and re• lalives in that county give 'no credit' to the 5 tate meat. A musician in givinz notice of ars intended cnncert al Cleveland, o.siu, soya—`A variety of other sung% may be expected, too tedious to men • lion." The New Orleans Picayune tells a Mary of a person who went into a tailor's shop and asked if they had a jcws•harp. 'No,' replied the Yankee tailor boy, .but wo will take the m'asure of your mouth and make you one!' Seventy-five parsons of' the Moroi faith pas. sod throuzli klbany u;) the Erie Canal on Salm.. day, destined f*. r tha cif , . of Nauvo.., 111. They wore prineipaly Iron New llatnphtre , ,Sono twenty of them were from Lowell, Mass• Dr. Hitchcock the famous 11).541111 DeiltiSt, has just completed a splendid Net of tcciti for the Ent. cror Nicholas, of Rossi]. • Toe steamer 'Eagle' broke her cylinder head, near St. Louis, on th 3 231 inst., while on her way from Alton to that city, The . Boston Bay State Democrat, slates that Robert Rantoul, jr., hue declined another notni. nation for coogross, and that it is understood he is to be appointed Collector of the Port of Hos- These were 108 per sons confined in the City Prison, New York, un Saturday. nz"-The state:nen t that the Siamese Twins are married, is contradicted by the Worcester Pella • diu n. Or. Crossman, of Philad. somewhat celebra. ted as an operater for strabismus, etc., was at St. Afo., on the 17th inst., in the exercise of his profession. The late Mr.Lorallard, of New York, is tv.id to have left Rn estate of $1,000,003. The National flank established in Venezuela a few years since, is very unpopular in that noun, try. We have had some strangtvisitations in these parts of late. It was but the other day that One Whig brethren were almost soared out of their 'remaining senses,' because of a shower of brim• 'tenet—they thought their time had come, and that they were to get their rem:tat d for all the false pro mises they Made in IMO. Now again, there are "strange noises 4ard in the air." Some say it is the ghost of whiggery shrieking in very agony; others attribute It to a flock of birds which have been passing over onr city, and we incline to the latter belief, and hope our Whig friends will quiet their nerves and not be further alarmed. The birds in question were first heard on Friday night last during a most violent storm of rain, when the lightnings flashed with fearful •ividness and the thunders "Broke as if Heaven's high masonry were crumb ling." Two of these strangers took refuge in the watch house, where— Many birds of different feather Were often found to flock together! But as the new comers have obstinitely refused to givd either their names, or tell whence they came, police officers, ornithologists, learned m.n and guessers, have all been puzzled to discover where they came from, what they are or what they want .—Balt. Rep. , Cardinal Mazarin and the Duke of Grammonl.—The cardinal, who was prime minister of France in the region of Louis XII, and during the minority of Louis XIV, was jumping against the wall in his study, for amusement and exercise. The duke, entering suddenly, surprised his em•' inence in an occupation which solemn stupidity would consider very undignified for a cardinal and a prime minister; and in those days, and at the French court, when a wink from a prime minister might cost a man his liberty, if not his life, and certainly blight all his hopes of political preferment, a surprise of a prime minister that wounded hi 4 vanity or pride, might be dangerous. Under such circumstances, any courtier 'less skillful thin the duke' would have been disconcer:ed, would have stammered excuses, retired, and been ' hated and persecuted ur neglected by his eminence. But such an ul l soldier in courts as the duke was not easily caught.' He at once joined in the amusement with all his might. saying. "I'll bet a hundred crowns that I jump higher than your emi nence." Both p - oceeded to jump higher with great vigor; but the duke was care• ful to jump about six inches lower than the cardinal, admitted that he had last the wager, sent the hundred crowns to his em• i inence on the same day, and was appoint— a marshal of France within six months.' I N pursuance of the provisions of the 4th, sth and 6th Jl_ sections of an act of Assembly, passed the Bth day of i April, 184.3. entitled , An Act to provide fur the payment of the Domestic Creditors of the Commonwealth, sale of Flight of Birds.—The Philadelphia pai.,l State Stocks,and ior other purposes," there will be ex r posed to sale, at the Merchant, Exchange, In the city of ja-.T4 state that on Friday night flocks ca ' Philadelphia. on TUESDAY, the 13th day of June next, bird . owned over that city, at about the; c at o i I n t i w o o 'c n loc e k a . it A h, to ~t A. hi.,t . l i te ; following stocks owned by the . same time, -..t ,andi.- like circumstances, attending their flight over this city. On ' ~,,,„ trak,,,„,. Cowponies. 5233 Philadelphia Dal k. Sunday night, between ten and eleven o'- 3759 Bank of Pennsylvania, Clock, the same whistling of birds in flocks '2 l -: , n ,., 1 Union anl , Ca n al o 1 ooca Company, nii coinriny, was observed here. We learn from the sno che.aneake k D.''a warn Canal Patriot that that some of these birds, taken in Naviea. ion company, , 320 Bristol Steam Tow Boat and Transporta ' 1000 Schuyilmil Baltimore, have been examined by nrni- . ' lion Co - npan:i, lhologists, and pronounced to bet the Tate- i 2905 Danville and Poim,ville Railroad Company, ny Thrush, the Turdua Ines° nii of the 2000 sCruh"iiih;kri,ati"ad n l d ra P li o e rtist ß o a w ih n " B d rldge Co , ornithologists. They are a migratory ' 12n -irelinokiii Bridge Company at Mats Mi's Ford, bird, and extend their flight from as far. 640 Downingtown, Ephrata and Harrisburg as the northern part of Mexico (where Turnpike Road ' :ompany 500 Springhouse, Northampton and Bethlehem yLneon A-. Turnpike Road Compa ny, they live in winter to Nova Scotia, where they live and breed in eummer. They 350 Belmont and Easton do., Sots Phil e . R B o ra a nd d lord Great Bend ~.. , are now on their passage from the south- - , /t) ' - , , west to the non ieast; and, a, their flight i 235 Plas'whre and e,, , b...rxiit Canal do., 5 always at night, and they generally haycr.l-1'311) mrerkietosttnoewunuand Rlclaidillon,gv Grove e ril d k o e do., St 2.5 along the apex of the mountairT n i" 985 Bald Eagle ad Spring Creek do. , 25 pustil, most reasonshl n -m on - nig ht , Company Company 50 Friday ALSO at the Capitol, In the borough of Harrisburg, overtaken h - 4.odtds this city, to which the on MONDAY the 19th ofJune at 10 o'clock, arl 4 h tte more attracted by the light of the -ar a. et, __r Sk ores. Companies, lamps, and the fire which took place that'2(o:)sno Columbia a ll a a i n ir k oa a d nd c ß om rid pga e ny Co , ~ night. They are a perching bird, ex-1 00 wriatuerine York a nd Gettysburg do. ceedingly shy, and naturalists find great 4 6 . 01 C if orio l i u i s r Na ß viltion c Company, difficulty in taking them. They are abou:, 2;34 Harrisbur:,Carif e sle 4. C P liami 3 b . e - shurg Turn. equal to the woodrobin as a songster, i t o Company, when settled in their buries; but, when ' 4 5 :3 1 1 2 0 c c a han a lbe ne n"u " Newp o rt d d o o " migrating, have no oth r song than a sharp' whistle—such as was herd that night.— ' 250 Wa p ynesburg, reen Castle and Mercersimrg do 100 ! 0 :: 1 0 ) '; .. l i o t I r l g e a i c i t o n w i n n , , m C c. h a u r a c . h d i o ß w i do., 50 They are now on their way, as we say, to , nuekßaßllludeo.Ba" to the northeast, whither they are going to I 5310 Berks and Danp r hin do., 50 breed.— Bal. lime, icon. ! 100 Lancaster, Elizabethtown it. Middletown do., 50 I 400 Centre and Kishaeoquillas do*, 50 1 50 Susquehanna and York Borough do., 100 i 400 York and Gettysburg do., 100 116 New Holland do., 14,10 680 Philipsburg and Susquehanna do,, 25 100 Hanover and Carlisle do„ 100 717 M illerstown and Lewistown do., 50 770 Bellefonte and Philipsburg do., .50 8119 Harrisburg and Millerstown do , 50 930 Lewistown and Huntingdon do., 50 240 Middletown and Harrisburg do., 50 1160 seneronie, Aatonsburg and Youngmantown do., 2,5 1610 Millersburg and Smith ford do-, 20 408 To k Haven and M1 , 11111)11 gßridge Co., 50 200 Snowshoe and Packervilie Turnpike Co., 25 64 Bald Eagle fi. Nittany Valley Turnpike Co., 25 500 Mouth of Juniata Bridge do., 20 A LSO-at the borough of Northumberland, on the 24111 of June, al 10 o'clock, Xo. of shares, Companies. 400 Northumberland Bridge Company, 400 Letvkburg do., 600 Danville do„ 200 Nraropeck du., 92 Milton do., 1600 Centre Turnpike Company, (front Reading to Sunbury, 50 400 Lycoming and Potter Turnpike Co., 50 204 Derratown and Yaungmanstown do., .50 96 Lewisburg and Youngmanstown do., 50 128 Lewisburg and Jersey shore do., 25 500 Towanda Bridge Con,PanY, 20 328 Susquehanna 4- Tioga Turnpike do., 100 ALSO -at Wilkesharic, on the 29th day of June next, at 10 o clock, A. M, No. of Shares. Compaxico, 4:30 Wilkesbarre Bridge Company. 250 Easton 4. Wilkesbarre Turnpike CO.. 500 Susquehanna and Lehigh dodo „ 100, 25 1240 Milford and Owego 300 Cayuaga and Susquehanna do., 20 516 Bridgewater and Wilkesbarre do„ 50 160 Bethany and Magma ns Choice do„ .50 100 Belmont and Oghguge do,, 50 154 Clifford and Wilksharre do., 50 24 Carbondale and Lackawanna do., 50 48 Lackawanna , 64 Sterling and Newfoundland do. 50doo, 25 ~ 25 rs 96 Lenox and Harmony Purchase wiz! be required to pay fort do , mocks at ' the time, or immediately after sale, in certificates issued by the Auditor General, in pursuance ()rule resolution of. 7th April. 1842, notes Issued by the Banks of Ole Com monwealth, under the act of 4th May, 1841, epecleor the notes offspecie paying Banks. The transfer of stock will be made in a reasonable time after sale. JAMES CLARKE, EVANS ROGERS, JOB MANN, Coin's for sale of State Stocks. Harrisburg, May 24. June 3-ta, Pennsylvania Bible Society.—Thei uiversary of this society was celebrated last evening:in St. Andrew's Church, Eighth street above Spruce. The report of the operations of the society was of the most interesting character, and exhibited several facts showing the importance of the great work of supplying destitute families with! the Word of God, and the wonderful el . -I fect produced by its di tribution in places! and communities where the peop'e were • starving ror spiritual food, Three years ago this society resolved to resupply every destitute family in the State; at which lime it was computed that there were not less than ten thousand families without the Bi• ble, Subsequent events proved that there could not be leis than twenty thousand; and still further disclosures made it evi dent that there were not far short of thirty thousand. In the year four thousand fam ilies have baen supplied in the city and county. Nineteen counties have made full explorations of destitu:e families; and four others have nearly completed the work. During the past year 22,788 bibles and testaments have been distributed;' and it is confidently hoped that, in the coming, year, the supply will be complete. The amount of funds received has, beeit 10,774 dollars; and the society is indebted to the American Bible Society nearly $6,000. Eight auxilliaties have been added; and the service of another agent has been se cured,—Pentatt.Smerican. Visitert. eminntaiat ti 1304 3811 - 1 1EISTMECI MEIL• 7 feet water in the channel. AU Boats marked thus (*) are provided wi Evans's Safety Guard. Reported by STIEBLZ & MITCHIL, G eneral S. B Agents, No 5, Market street. ARRIVED. 'Cleveland, Hemphill, Beaver, 'Michigan, Boles, Beaver. Oella, Bowman, 'Brov, nsville, • Bridgewater, Ebbert, Wheeling, Neptune, Decamp, Wellsburgh, Mingo Chief, Devinny, Wheeling. *Valley Forge, Beard, St Louis. 'Tarraganaett. Caldwell, do. 'Montgomery, Gregg, Cin. Zanesville, Duvall, Marietta. DEPARTED. 'Cleveland, Hemphill, Beaver, 'Michigan, Boies, de •Cutter, Col:ins, Cin„ Mingo Chief; Devenny, Wheeling, Alpine, Cockburn, Brownsville, 'Bridgewater, Ebbert, Wheeling _. Monongahela, Stone, St Louis. Ilurrisburg Smith, Louisville. Mozahala, Thompson Zanesville. River riccident,—On Saturday night, in the Delaware river; opposite Brandywine light, 'he eteambeat Robert Morris run foul of a schooner, when the latter imme. diately sunk, and a short time afterwards a sloop lan foul of the sunken schooner, and sunk also. No lives lost. The water is very low in the Hudson at Albany. The river at Cincinnati was rising at last accounts. a:3?'•The new St Charles Theatre at New Orleans, was closed for the season on the 7th inst. PROTHONOTARY To as Voters of AllegsAeny Connly:—.l respectfully of fer myself to 3 our c onsideration as a candidate (isdepen• dent of parties) for the (Ace of PROTHONOTARY of A Ileglieny county, at the ensuing election. As I donut rome before you tecommen ded by a Convention, !host 01 you to whom I am not personally known will please en amine into my qualifications, .4.c.: and ifso fortunate as to obtain a majority of your suffrages, I shall endea•or by strict attention to the ditties of tile office4to satisfy you with your choirs. ALEX. MILLAR. may 10 —tE' 01 Pittsburgh: Sale of Stocks OWNED BY THE cOMMONWEALTII OF PENNSYLVANIA. VIST RECEIVED, *boa 50 born of good Bothollt,olt. Herring, 25 vegans Herring , of wribing sad lariat( paper " , and a tof good Rea Plow, co , for gala on accommodate ( lint; hi tote to oat customers. ISAAC HARRIS, June 3. Cont.. Marla No 9, sth st. A meeting of the Old Orgauizatiott Vigilant Ina company, will be held at the Allegheny 'tun, on Saturday evenink, June 3, 1841 rut - fettle! alien. dance is requested. PROCLAMATION. CITY OF PITTSBURGH, ss. IN conformity with the provisions of an Ordinance passed by the Select and Common Councils of the city rf Pittsburgh, on the 29th May, 1843, providing for al Election to be held in said city, to ascertain the whites of t h e mi mes Into the imposition of an additional tax of *2.5,000 per annum, to pay the interest on $300400 • ropes • ed to be subscribed to the capital stock of the PEW" • burgh and Connellsvllle Rail Road company, 1, ALRlfie ANDER HAY, Mayor of the said city, do issue this wy Proclamation, declaring that on the Second Wednestbr le June, A. D.,1843, being the 13th day of sale mouth, tbe freemen of each ward of gala city, qualllied to Mil for Mayor and members of Councils of said eity,adteho shall moreover, have paid a tax to the said city, with,* twelve months next preceding the 29th day of May, A. D.. 1843, will Inert together at their usual places of holding elections In their respective wards and deed* by ballot whether the said additional tax of SUMP per annum, for the aforementioned purpose, shall ha in sewed, or not. And each person voting at the lion, shall deposite a written or printed ballot, ballot ow it the words, 'Tor the 'IV of $25.000 per annum." ten which he shall sign his prdaer name, if he approve au sensing the said tax; or, If he disapprove of the same, be shall deposits a written or printed ballot, having ea it the words, •'Against the Tax of $25,000 per annum." to which he shall sign his proper name, as aforesaid.. The said election shall be held at the usual Wittekind at the usual time, In each ward, by the Judges ausf Spector, of other elect ions, and shall be conductedaa user as may he, like other elections. Rut If the said Judo". and Inspectors shall refuse or neglect to attend ak Ibeproper time and place, in their respective wards, fee Or purpose, of holding said election, then the taxable Whale. Itants on the ground shall proceed to elect other Judgel and Inspectors, whose duly it shall be to conduct at election, Given under my band and the anal or the said city of Pittsburgh, this second day ofJune. A. D. 1343. ALEXANDER HAY, Mityeses Mayor's Oct,ffi June 2d, 1343. June 3 —die, HIDES. 25 DRIED HIDES, 9 Calf Skins, received on consignment, for sale by J W BURBRfa7GE4.Oau june 3, Water st, between Wood and SinithlSWl COUGHS AND COLDS. Now is the time of year for persona attacked with Coughs, Goulds. Rheumatism, Gout. 4tc, fc. —To thee afflicted, a speedy cure can be effected by mans PEASE'S HOARHOUND CANDY., which is allowed by all who have used it to be the best remedy ever offered fl.r Coughs and Colds,and HEWES NEM F AND LONE Lrx.s.vx.Arr, an outward remedy, with the INDIAN VEGF.77:BBLE ELIXER, an inward application, la a certail and positive cure for the itheu , natimLGouL Contracted Corila and Limbs, No one TIPP,' suffer From these di4en ,. es if they will yin the above medicines. The cewt ine Ia he had only at TUTTLE'S alleoteAL AOINCT. •Driteditts and Country merchants will he eupplied at Nicw YORK priee.. t 6 Fonrth Street. AIT. E ME'r HOTEL. THE PROPRIETOR • (Willis well known and commodious house, tlittllatelltaill the north end of the old Allegheny bridge, informs bil riends and the public, that he has every thing In Com plete order for the reception and entertainment of Um., lent guests and permanent boarders. His charges NE moderate and no exertions will be spared to make ars.' journers comfortable and keep up the former repulaOrask of his house. Good stabling, for any number of horses, Mount Emmet. lIIHE patrons of this pleasant retreat and all wboaelk pleasure In the pure air of the coontry, are idurfftell that the Mount Emmet House is now open forlristionl A carringe will leave the Mr, Emmet Wel ever/ der at half part 2. and half pas: 3 o'clock. Zemke. illit ted. m.ati SWEENY.: may 31—dtwIrn. - wit Par value. .100 400 100 1 00 200 50 _ AIISSOURI HIDEa- 4 ND 42 . - Massacbusetts, a lot of Max N O W 14 {}fi rodi hides. • a lot of dreascd Deer Skim Apply to may 29-4 t. A. BEELER; • L. HABP EBr Attorney and Counsellor at Law, • CADIZ. HARRISON COUNTY, 0/1110,„ 03- Will attend promptly to the collection or eseUtilF of claims, and all professional business entrusted to Itlti care in the counties of Harrison, Jefferson, litshmost e agerwteY. Tascarartast, Holmes, Coshocton, Careen, Stark and if'ayste, Refer to: Metcalf and Loomis, Dalzell and Fleming, lobo Harper, Pittsitrzi, D. T. Morgan, Par value. $lOO .50 50 50 20 may 27.—1 f. AN ORDINANCE In reference to the Pittsburgh aid. Con nelisvllle Railroad. Be It ordained 4. enacted.by the citizens ofPittslgh, in Eld. lecla ¢ Common Council assembled,That an electionahaß be held for the purpose of ascertaining the %wishes of tits °taxable inhabitants" of the city of Pittsburgh. on 164 subject of an additional tax of twentylive thousand dol. lan per annum, proposed to be assessed to pay the inlet , est on the subscription of three hundred thousand 'lathe! to the capital stock of said Company, by the city afore: said. 2nd. That the Mayor shall issue his proclamation Mar such election, as in other cases, giving at least ten days notice thereof, and such election shall be held on the thirteenth day of June, at the renal places In the vevstitk wards of said city; and shall be conducted as nearly id may be, like other elections, by the Judges and laymen— tors of said wards; and be opened and closed at the same hours, And in case of the neglect or refusal of said• Judges and Inspectors to attend at the proper time %p their respective wards for the purpose of holding MO electlon,then the taxable inhabitants on the ground shad - , proceedlo elect other Judges and Inspectors whose deft It shall bko conduct said election. 3d. That all persons shalt In entitled to vote at siseb election who may be legally authorised to vote for May. or anti Councils of the city, and shell moreover have - paid a tax to the said city within the last twelve months; and the tickets or ballots shall he in the following form and subscribed with the proper signatures of the persons presenting tha same, viz Par DiliMc 25 .50 2.5 100 For the Tat of f 25,000 Pita wiltUAt Signed, 4 `algainst the Tax 0f25,1X10 per esteem Signed, And the Mayor is authorized and required to have wee* tickets printed n o good writing paper, and distrffiatizill in sufficient numbers amongst the several war& in equal proportions. 4th. Duplicate returns of said election shall be aunts within twenty-four hours from the closing of ibis paw, by the office a alortisaid, to the Presidents of the Selesii and Common Councils respectlvrely,and said President* shall call a meeting of their respective councils In joie( cot vention to be held on the sixteenth day of June, /1-_- D.11843,1n the room of the Common Council, whet, and where said returns shall be opened and read, after which the result shall be entered on the records Of the rte. pooh', Council.. sth. ft shall likewise be the duty of said Judges and- Inspector., immediately after counting the ballots and making up the returns as aforesaid, to return the ballots to their boxes, which shall be sealed up, and deposited with one or other of the Clerks of Councils, who shall produce the same at the said meetings of the Councils in - joint convention as aforesaid, at which time said bailout may again be counted, should any doubt exist of the ac, curacy or fairness of the returns, or a majority of the - convention should deem It expedient. 6th. The sum of Ffty Dollars, or Ten Dollars fur each ward, Is hereby appropriated to defray the expenses of said e'ection, and [ha Mayor is authorised to draw hies_ warranton the Treasury for the same, to be paid out of any money not otherwise appropriated,and be charged _ to the contingent fund, Ordained and Enacted into a Law In Councils this, 39th day of May, A, D. 1843. Par Pal lilf. 50 Attest; E. J. Resew», Clerk A. WULAI. Clerk 50 Bap Green S. logo Cake. lust wean!. nib by rVid SAILA AfT, GNMINGS-4. Ca) By Order, D. REANY, Secty w. I mitt 4 t7M, President Common Couneil. JIN 1301 PTON, Beret Colleen: tinaY 3% T.--