Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, June 03, 1843, Image 1
• • • • VOL - 427 PPRJ,iiiSijED BY THOS.. PfiILLIS & W. H. SMITH , x, W. CORNER OF WOOD 4- FIFTH STS. Teaf.Ml3.--FIVE DOLLARS a year, payable in advirlecti. Single copies 'TWO CENTS—for sale at the 'ilisudilitief the office, and by News Boys. T e Mercury and Manufacturer a :,P4lllthed WEEKLY, at the same office, on a double Medium sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in ad. vAnee. Single copies, SIX CENTS. Terms of Advertising. PRL SQUARE OF TWELVE LINES OR LESS: fro In No -Insertion, 0,50 One month, EOO sertions, 0,751 Tyro montr, N])o three hislartions, 1,00 Three months, 7,00 Myer, 1,50 Four months, 0.00 rye *stake, 9,00 Six months, These weeks. 4,00 One year, 15,00 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. CSIAMOSariLis aT rtlcasuße. "' One Siitars. Tic. Squares gilt months, $19,00 1 Six months, 1123,00 OM. yoar, 125,00 One yeftr, $5,Q9 irrLtrger tatrerfisements in prothrtlon. .. ,. CAVIS Of four lines Six DOLLARS a year. PUBLIC .OFFICES,&C. :Ctirt Post Ornca. Third hetween Market and Woad st, 51 Riddle , tootmaker. Cosioullouse, Water,4tl, door from Wood st. Peter. pc.veit ilipHdings—Major John Willock, Collector. 'Caw Titteruity, Wood between Firit and Secured I.reete3ujamii A. Bartram, Treusiarer. Corroir TavasclßT, Third street, next door to the third Plesbyterian Church—S, R. Johnston, Treasurer, ' ati,eoCa Orrice, Fourth, between Market and Wood ilreels—Alexander Hay, Mayor. 1 Msseutarr'sExensser, Fourth, near Market st: BANKS. trii - ritstrarau, between Market and Wood streets, on alre and Fitarth streets, Matiats..mrs• ono MAlturscruetcas' Ann FB4,,prits.' B. Parr Maxi, (formerly Satin: eetirtlt, between a`9lo and Market streets, / ItsUgatroz, feel, near Wood. HOTELS. *Oiteinoongto. House, W 'ter street, near the Bridge. oarUrde Ho rat., corner of Penn and St. Clair, ateurarrs` Horn., turner of Third and Wood. Asiinttes.x Horte.,cortier of Third and gulp 4rsemt. corner of Penn street and rslau Eeer.g, Liberty Street, near Severrth. MLLLIULS Maros St opposite Wayne BloarillnitaT Maw:marl Iloesc , P .cntt f , t.oppcisite Canal, i9I3RRT WOODS, ATTORNEY AND &91TN$E'LLOR AT LAW.-offi,e remii red to Bakiwa's offices on Grant st., neatly opposite the nevi Court House, neat rooms to John D. Mahon, testi ,—Flrst floor. step 10 aUGH TONER, Attnr trey at Law, North East reruns, • Of SMithfield and Fourth street.. sep 10-If* WCANDLESS & 31 , CLURE, Attorneys and .LYJIL Counsellors at Law: Office in the Diamond, hock sr Ow 0141 Court House, Pittsburgh. r 0 1,0 1112 - fIUNK FINDLAy, Attorney s at :I,at 3 ' ~ Po.urthit.,l altroje Wood, Chtsbuzgh. • asp 111-Iy,, rrtloB. fl A MI LTON, Attorney at Law, Firth, between 1. Wood and Smithfield sta.. Pittsburgh. sep 10-1 y V --- (14 1 f.31, MR AM A ROBINSON, , licirrirkp.i w" Office on the uorthsida athe Dianiond,ltet wee.. silarirat and Union streets, upstairs sep 10 I. I)tritipm.4.ly,. *Gurney et Law; tenders .. s st •....nhtl o 443ari oast ten- ises ass- ttunalidhlin. - Mice on ' 4l Vl lllll trceL togve Wood, Pittsburgh, - cep hit - Ili EilrOZR 1N IN, Attorneys at Low • nab e fe w , '" rr "'"tiae fl,aniond, to • , Aitnrnry%llow„" flatly side of Fourth 'reef, bet wren Marl:et and Wood step, , . eNl , "frK,W it) W,_ -,7xvitst t Al' LA*, I uss. Fourth ra rest, ',bore Sink l '" w 13"ild --.141r411. .rap IQ itt". Att3tr.ry Cl Law. Orrt:: No. 54 Fifth "'tact, near (fie sip 27—ly REALDE WASHINGTON, A 770R.ArgY AT LAW. —Ofiice in Itakeweir: (bolding. 9 rPPt ieet, .P.it.ts l B;rgh• Nov.s, 1842. JUICY J. MITCHELL --Attorney at La*, office earner of Smithfield and sth Ms., Pittsburgh. to- Cetieetions made. A I business entrusted to Hs are will be promptly attended to. Cob 16—Ir neeNOVAYA—R. Morrow, Alderman; oifi e north side of Fifth et., between Wood and :Smithfield ,Plitsburgh. cep Hi MR. 8. R. HOLM ES, Office in Second street, next door Ilillolvany 4- Co's Gloss tVareliouse ser 10-1 y otiNdruN i'Quicrs)v, uswkgeilers, Printers an Paper Idapiaseterers, No. S 7. Mnrket•st.. sep 10-1 • JOHN ANDERSON , Smithfield Foundry, Water gt.. near the Monongahela House, Pflisturgh. seplo—ly IllirseMe a TOONG. FR A NCB L. YOUNG. r vvos. B. YOUNG St CO., Farnitore Ware 2., !Ea:4e, ',lnner of lipid et. 4. Exchange ratieDell 41alatit tr 7 prireita:e FRrnl li re, will rlnd it to thairedteantage to give um a call, brittE fully !stied that We es a please as to quality and price. sep 10 6a , BBLS. PLANTATION MOLASSES. received IV per Steamers Little Ben and Fulton, and sale ay I . t . GORDON NW it 12 Water street Mew Las D. CoLtli A g...... . LOYD R. COLDX•PI C OLARLah . CO.,Glenera Agenis, Forwarding and Commission Merchantk Levee Street, Vicksburg NMI They respectfully lo.ict t consignments. ti22:- w m e t?7 Ey a ßue, and Shoe M anscaclo te .„ urt tne td ortoitie ustates sti Ladies Pianella, Kid and Satin Shoes made in aestestmenner, and by the newestlrrencit patterns. IMP.IO AL° Nt TOOLS, corrsist i lig of floes, Fancy Spades 'NI • Tfiltniplaullog Trowels, Edtling Tools, Budding it styes, Pruning Knives, Pruning Shears, etc., jest re. Olintinrigil female by F. L. SNOWDEN. &pl. 494 Libecky street, ile4 of Wood. 4131EITRATES'BLANKS, for proceeding in At tsekateat under the late law, for sale at this Office inpIUIIITIC PETITIONS, NOTICES, &C.— Jur robe used le Bankruptcy proceedings, printed on Apalkihkalaer,aad In the forms approved by the Cou ri,for sale like grimes( tbe Mercury and Democrat. pep 10 111W1.1111111VA.RD, Ladies' fashionable boot and sloe Manufacturer, No.lol, Third reet, between Wool and BraithkeQ sweets, Pittsburgh sep 10 IirAILPAT7III,3O*, it..iiirmln:nam, near Pirrtimrgb, IMP EL, Manufacturer of Locks, Hinges and Bohr; To. ittot, Puller, !linnet Timber Screws; Houten Screws for MuMhat-Iltilltott. rep 10-1 y 01 1 1 r3PCLOS.KEY,'I'allor and Clothier, Litter. y artfitat; between Sixth and Virgin ,alley, South side. jro. 4. A . GORDON. Commission and Forwarding Fasettiota, Water at., Pittsburgh. sep 10-1 y • & Co. CI7IBION AND FORWARDING -VER. 151 Water street, Pittsburgh Pa. "ainim.-R•eehring end &tilpping 5 ceras per 100 lbs. OPeuristfoes on Purchases sad sales 2.4 per seat. mar S. NIORROW I 41fUPACTURER of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iror • Witf C. So. 17, FiflM et., between Wood and Mar— ... Wm go a antly um hand a good assoitment of wares, And eildeksa share of public patronage. Also;on hand. lillahltiOvriag setklee! Shovels, Pokers, Tongs. Gridirons, 0 11 ettem. remagnig t , Pots, Ovens, Coffee Mills kc. Bier eillandeand odors we invited to call and examine for tbenaninak. as he le iketeridned woe Ow for Fame or . 10111~1144.111 100.34A/.""4/ • - : - . . 144 e -.0- .„. • .*!,• Orr - 0 • . 0. • HAILMAtI, JENNINGS & Co, Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Pro -olnd e duce Merchants, .Pittsburgh Massfortures No, 43 Wood street. Pittsburg('. A IGNIAN, JENNINGS Sc. Co., Cotton Vats Warehouse Agents for the sale of:.tpe Eagle No. 43 Wood stre e t. Callen Factory Yarns March 17, '43. HTliOlf,r.SON • . ... . . •• • raters TIIRXRU;•. A igNA 4- TURNBTIGLI3 raper Warehouse, No. 104, Wood st., where may be had ` a repent' supply of writing,, wrapping:, printing, Wall paper, blank books, school books, 4-c, 4-c. sop 1 . (1- 7 1y 111111111 C. TOWN. 4ElsiD ,fCO., trire Workr.re sod Man 'fact seers, No. `3 Ma:rket '1;1 rer between 2.1 and 3d streets. cep F 6--1 y C orm ,- of rellfl end St Clair Ett ff•CIA, Alclfll3l3llll k SMITH. scp 10-1 Y 7.ard Hughes. Manufacturer or Iron and NallS Warehouse N 0.25. Wood Pitishurgh. sep 10 —ly E GOODS.—Preston 4- mitekey, wthArsate `L retail dealers In English. French, as d Domestic Dry Goods, No. Sl , Market st Pittsburgh. Fen 10 TOILS APDEVITT, Wholesale (1' r rorr Reci if% ing Ut Distiller, And Dealer in Produce and Pitishuro l Manufactured Articles, Xe. 224 Liberty Street, Pttr.r• Intrirk. act) 10 aLLI4IIt ti. WILLIaYR JOHN S. Dit.wortin WI LLIAMS DILIVORTFL--%Yhotesale Grocers Produce and Com :101 14erchac.,to, and dealers in PO isburgli filanuradiurea articles, No. -1 4 ,?, Wood street. sep 10 _______ _ 01114 1 3.Surttier JAS. N. ReAm SHERIFF & KEAN, Nit' tittrarturers of Copper. and Sheet Iron LVarP, N.) 80. Front st Pots. burgh. Flumce. Spouting and Steamboat work promptly executed, Cep IQ ** ArliArt."p!s_., ATCII & CLOCK EII, No. 7, St. Clair st roe!, Pitts- 1111 DE-91,1*!? IX IVATCHIS,CLOCKS,BREASTPLVS FIX(' ER RINGS, KEYS, C 0•11132, sep 11.1 y ANDRETIVs GARDEN sEEDs.- A full supply of La thiteth's Garden Seeds, always ou hand, and for sale at his acenry the Ding cure of RC.MOVAL—MattiIP9 innrs, flarber and llttir Ilress er. has rernovei} to l'eurl_htl r.c!, ottrtasitrtrrt!3lay ors office, Where Iteloll he happy tu:wait upon oermanrnt ur transient ettstonters. Ile suliriwa shat. or pq.fk Mnas li^p 1(,) JOHN 211 PFARLAND, Upholsterer and Cu: net Tkird st.beticeen. Wood 4 Va rlet ate reslieleirtiljnrqrnl9llllll friend! and the pubi c that t prepared loexeente all ordert tor Sn+ne, Side.hnard% Tahlesdiedelendr,Stanns, Hatt' and Snr: ll, Mattraases, Curtains, Carneta, all , Or;a of ITnitok.:eila z work, which he will warrant equal ,o any made in the city, and on reaxonable terms. Sep 10 rue:Tribe,: hove rentov-cl ler between %Voo.l and Stnilluicla :le. - I.:. where they Will continue the Wholegale Grocery anti Controtx• sion nntl would re-re- Cu Ile ll,e nu. • ;- friends . i. h . r.tTrLiZSAN. ittrr•et near Sixth. lief , 10 ty A L u. F IIIE RCDCDGD. U. S. MAii. 1,,p: ov STAr:tr. SD R AIL I :o.tormia, Irqra 11,, , arg11, I:rdford. rtiathbars,m,z. 11.irri,kora and Lato•ardcr. to ennnerling wIII Jr M,ll trano of Cara 10 001 y ;;.-4,;; uffirr:l:lViaf! 01.1 one night 001. Wrect tier to Bat, i more. Et:). L,ivt.. daily ;11.4 A. Office serood door below the Melrilalkl, tlyr._ ENDELL, GR.111,%M. WAUGH 4- cm' , t feb 2?, 1843-Iy. Proprietor, Toe C R F.A7' CENTR.A VIA NATI')N I. ROAD AND BALTIMORE. A ri,l 01110 RAI 1. IZO t 1) COMPANY. ia,e4114 NW line a 1.1;, S. Mt 11 Coaches for Irns hind ton city. Bohai:lo7'Z, PAjZadelp Alia ard .Yety This line is in Rill operation and IrßVQSl'lttOn.i daily at n o'clock A. M., via Nn Pa. aIA natio nal told to Cumberland, eon m cling herewi t h the r:111 road Co's. to all the above places: Travellers will find this a speedy and cornfortahle route, it 14 log a reparaie and distinct PRlshuigh and Cumberland line, facilities %11l he afforded which hose not been heretofore enjoyed. P..x tra roaches furnlted at the shortest nollre, wito the privilege of acing throng?' direct, or taking cne night's rest at shelf. option. For octets, apply at our race at the Monongahela Douse. L. W. STOCKTON• Feb. 3d—dif. President of N. R. Stags Co. NEW ROUTE. EN TiRE NEW COACHES! 'RP-II PITTSBURGH TO BALTIAIORI: PHIL.IDELPHI.I. United States Express Line , Leaves Pitisl , nralt daft'', at 2 o'clock. P. If via Steam. boat to Brownsville, thence in splendid new coaches to tAtmlierland, over ti.e great National Road, and from there by RAILROAD, in superior new eight wheeled cars, to Baltimore. Washington city and Philadelphia. The ahoy , Line I rpresented to the traveling, public as being unequalled between the Ohio River and Eastern clt,tes for comfort and expedition, having made arrange• tntnts to convey passengers through in two days, mid no night travel, either by Stage or Railroad Cats.— Think of it! Only 75 tulles Stage travelling, and 56 mites less than the W heeling route, and that In superb new coach( P. Pare to Baltimore, 1311). Office In the Alonongahel a llonse. A. 111 7, NbEflfON 4• Co., Singe Proprketo m I - 113 1110.8CTS SPE.4IC" FOR THE , IISELVRS--TRUTIT IS CONVIJVC7.VO:— Having been afflicted t u r nearly two years, with a hard swelling oil the cap of my knee. which produced much ,rain, and . oQed Yarldus applica lions recommended by .the tacults7...a.ll in cured completely by the use ot one borne of Dr. Brand reth's Linament, or ,External Remedy. Witness my hand JAMES TAYLOR, Ohio ip Allegheny co, Pa. Lan. VAth"lB-10. Dr. Brandreth's Event:ll RentsdY or Lliiament; sold at his office, N 0.98 Wood street, Pytalmrgh, PRICE-- 50 rents per bottle. ;eh 8. JUST' RECEIVED, Twelve boxes of drones and Lemons, of the finest quallly, for sale wholesale and retail. by WM. THORN, feb 2.2—t f. SS Mike?. et. 20;000 LES Cotton Yarns, assorted No=. 2,000 Ib4. flatting, 2,000 " Candle Wick, 1,000 " Carpet Chain, and 500 " Cotton Twine. From the Eagle Facto- ry. For sate by BA/LIMAN, JF,PiNING , t & Cotton Yarn Warehouse, No. 43 Wood street, YAWL 1 - PO slit --A' - otw ,Illefflaurtteit's bead) tbr tide low for cub: Ap.. PIY to stamitiegatis * co: at is. So 00 watt 4 ft mar 17 F. L. SNOWDEN, IS4 Libcriv street, head or Wood - • 1, PITTS IEL M. CURRY, A tforney at Ltiv. Of. .IDI jN fit e on' Sth st between Wad and SmithEod. up tr, 131Z.423 ROl.fa/VOC7,ArD iirr received this 15y from Now York. n fresh SoP h as ply 0.. the above eeMitraled cure for Coughs, Colds and Co n , stimptimititd b ready to supply I.IOIIICIIIOI. wholesale or retill. at h i s .111Sdkr4 now jg • -7eexcy, St f'ou'rth et. p I iViii - ci, d ilk, „,1 I"r ah 0 1 , iee,gbi, --- ! —4" joror,-- 1 sq removed to No, 34 Market street, between Second and Third streets, where He Weald be hippy to see Ars old customers, and all others who feel dlspos. ed to patronize him. Ho uses notlittq Ant first rate stork, a nd employs the heel of workmen; and se be gives Ills constant personal attention to bummers, he trustmthel lie will deserve and rccelve a Mr allure 14...p01tr00n5.. Fen 10 ....._ ~.....—.---. .....—.. Fit UlTcl. ICE cit EA N. .t. CON l o rc . 1•10N Ait Y,-- A I lunkerrespeetßilly Intorno, his friends and the public that they ran alwnye llntl the best quality or Ice Crean's, together with all kinds of entileetionar, and fruits. in their Pennon, at his e l t lS l lliehlttent -- No. 11. Fifth street, helwr tt Wood and Martini. N. B.—Fames •opolied on the shiniest ttotire, with cake, or :nut Mug le' Ills line. A I:m families lormelsoul wit II Breed. 114 5 V A Ngii --- iii iili iat III.I.:' 11 '11.1.1,W.-- Aft R A _A 11 ANI J. Cl.lol tat, trKbling at iii Molt went. Nnw Yuck, was ultllcted will' Ityepcip.te to lie i n n,' arttrltsatrtl 1111111. The symptoms wet' , Yittictit bred, tielto, e'en! debility, fryer, $ millet - me 'r.. ,r,rotsti.. itnall , horn, Thin lit tile che.l and stil.toncli oho oys Ole' 4%10'11. impaired uporlilC. NV 1' Mal 1011 or sinking It tlo slums' li, f orred tone tle, nausea, with ne g itror vomit too, died ~,, ,n1.1., night and unmet;-.. Thess_had continued op. w .t.i or a t u .,- Ivcninti llj. i% fire', ott roortiii' oyi n , F.setw. 100 Climlnon ,ire t, mid pitlinii it . 4 1, t1 p, successful nod ogr,k , ahle mesh( or irt4ithilim, ' lent MIA ,coni:oletely restored to health In 11, 4101 rt." ro of ottemooth. end grateful tor the incalculable benefit derly. ed. gladly came forward and volo nieered . the, s Imre state For sale Wholesale and netnll by B. E. SEI.I.Eits. Agent. .1 1 No 20, Wood street, belo w Second. ' 1 Cheap for Cash. UNION COTTON F.9CTOITY. Prices Reduced. Short Rea rare. No. Long Reef Yarn. at 1/ cts. per 500 at R cts per dz. 11 at 14 diuo ; 600 t 9 d itto 7at 14 ditto 700 alt 6 ditto Rat 14 ditto 1100 at ditto 9at 1.1 ditto 900 at 4/ 10 a , 14 dittoio 1000 at 4 dwo thtto 11 a: 1) 12 at 14 ' (into Ca lid;nr. - iek at 15 et. 4 rwr P. 13 at 141 d , tio COM / 4 3 1 1t117. • C 14 :11 15 (I.ito ranitly do. . 12 (PJ 1 5 at 15/ dills Carn't Chain • 18 ditto ditto 1..3 at 16 ditto Vot'n 'l'n Ina •23 ditto 17 at WI ditto Stockinq Yarn and 18 at 17 Otto , Coverlet Yarn always on 19 at 17t ditto hand ...:.:; aI 1t ditto .I'nt lon Warps Ina de to order. ig:r Ordnr. nro . .np; 1 . ,,. ~tit ridt,,i to, i: le-fl at J - C. l'a.ntrr' , . Logan 4' i:e.i.rc:.•::, or 'he Post tinier, rirlikes, 'eh 27.__ .F. 8 N 1 00 it tIEA 1) 4- rn. ______ i?enaoral. • i; r. i!mr bag retilOved rathiotinh'e Tittlnring in. Slonon:aluqa from 3d door firm -tic, .trniitt(irlir stirtritiore hiw Ittfly I,or Lhn wfth A call may .14 . . P.• itritdone in a *liver:tit om It• n: rxrriiirlice Mly, anti 10 ninny niltor i . titinitaltii• clip, In Europe and ot io•rfrit, he rte!. Ocot I,a 'inn give .rilionrtion in •ff Who mat ' Pita:rta I,:vor him w Ihrir co.tort.. if 111.0.40,, andvrrkmnu.7•'•rhe hope o,i4p-r:r l k o ref/4v.. abi,...ol'o"!•oe ir lent, tl o olslor 11:11.11 a ...until,. 1,1 _end, and rfor ro,r.r,tr r I I .I,IV 0 24. I. x Or at very re,llo-ed pr D. Irrl.tor; ;iv. C_J AUSTIC . ' er the Itilefel loinRI( en nlhor, and won I" . to tonr " 3- 3 OPrei , ellll , 4l. The 17., 0,4i7v , t:c It prat. list' k1•11,11:1,. (%);11.410• - • 7! 11,id. 1-nt, 1.. 1r1,••• I Is•f. 11( •••I 11.;,) A. ITit^ 11 0 v ,,, 1er , %/1 I •thp,.•ll % 0 .111 I til•• I' .1 , :I 111 or ~11,,` • . ! JI,!.111 , ,ore 'I id II vet s . • tor I I f.lNsrl. .itne r‘ , 7l 4 11. 1.4 it' , 4 4. `111 , d and brll, %14IP 15.11110t11 Ir 4 I lii,. . Two, rrrparniirn IA I 1,1") a rartain remrd If for infllllo.ll. en, ranrerons irore•. I eiiisaYen brea , i and •nrc nlrple and ail thration• 11:4, i s ull7F“lat rk , n. li,. riircr:+,‘ n care'for live proprrlier are fr .- un -- rut_ the iriur for it. r.tra lichtent.ll .otlc/nr. f1.1 . :11d. • en•rel and eft For 4•,114• al Tull reurili ea IT et: P I f E.PCOM E.V ON /X Cll l : mirs TR ). E rr ,r Here the hair and will not the skin This Dye i 4 in (lie form of a Powder wh.rh in plait) tonne. tartof rm,v he apr lied to the hair ricer tc:.,:ht, !tic rirgt og the i —I or zrrr.iii lir to dark iirOWn; and b. hi: a S•'irotiii or riff,' nizht, ton jet hack. Any Pre en may, therefore, with the lea.t pm - .llile trouldo.:, his hair nap dark shade or a perfeet i trek. with the positive assurance Ihnt the powder if applied to the akin wil/ not color it, There to nn colorinz in this statement, AP any one may eaqily teat. These (acts are warranted by the elienilsi who manufacture', It, For Fate at TUTTI.E . B,', 36 fourth street, where a larze assortment of Patent Atedielnes may always be had at either who'r...ale or retail DLN't Janet S G FultreA street COPAIti ERSIIIP. FAMES tr. /LIU -I 'A A" ti• JOHN F" J ENNIX(7 have entered Iwo partnership (or the purpose of tranfarling a Wltotentle merry; Produce and Commis, .non Itio‘gs u nder the firm and ptyteof II A,11.11A N. JENNINGS" tc• 1.*0.,nt No 43 Wood street, oppoilte the s' II lel, warren supply of rorertes and Pitts burgh M nufaettrrNl t ides rrn aiwar he had on lII* ;LI I' ray , . March 17 m. D.tw SON, Manufacturer of Tin, Copper and Sheet iron ware, No 61 Liberty, between Mai-ket and Coth slreola WOULD re.ipecififily iniolm lheritii:ens of Plus burelt, and the niNic In tieneral that he rontlnsets tnrarr y on th , ahove Imeliime In all ,Itsvarlciu s branches ilie ;IF ova s , tind; where he will always keep a goner al nvortmeni of all nriirles in his line, all of whirl] in niadn ip the same manner and of good innierlats, iand will he dl.ptae t l of on the most moderato and tic eoiniiiodatin2 Irma. Country Mercounts and oilirr dralerg will fiuri it to their:tidy:int:lee to call:toil eramlnc Ilip stock before our. cliasio; cl-ewerre. Steatuloat2yl.toitses and rorticres roofed with copper. tend and Iron on the shortest. notice; Canes trt Cutiductot sniade and put up ‘y it it despatch as avr 5. WILLI A)1 DO fIE RTY, r i Aram! Cap Mannt.eturer. 148 Liberty st, between CA Market and Sixth. ap 10— 6m. - . .7. Pil. Sander/4On & Son, FRANKLIN HOUSE, PHILADELPHIA. %In/stirs:int e ntahlishment has been in operation dor log-the last nine months, and notwithstanding the tenaral depression of business, it has met and sustain ed the approbation attic. public and yielded to the pro. tetors a.full compensation for thit r labor and alien Hon Its locamicii lining In Chestnut street, in the Im mediate neighborhood el . the. Post office, the C,: change, Banks, the S;eatalitiat lariain7, the most business part 01 Martret street and piaces of amusement, It presents to the hosiers community or those .virtitin the city on plea , tire, L: ;P sod comforts so desirable to he trayell,n,l . ;,..,like. :is nr7, , ,,n2 Kent, also, enables the guest ,lo regulate his expensr-i, and to Ike In a style 01 elegance or economy suited to his notions or disposition. The facility of procariug locals at any hour, and of gets ling that which the appetite craven, is also a. saver of !line which the business portion of the guests know how to appreciate. The proprietors, therefore, solicit the custom of their old friends,and promise a continuance of their exertions to make them comfortable. op 25-3 m, For Bent. FORa term of years. . lots on Omitted of the Atlegdeny river, adjalplag tbe aty lice. Apply , at 4de home Neniy;Pian greet, sth Ward - PAT 2. ;AIM .81.,ANALY URgif, Dn. GOODE'S Celebrated Irene:: 7'iat.. These Pills arestrongly recommended in . the nonce of the ladies rota safe and efficient remedy ft rcniaving • those emnalalnts peculiar to their sex, from want of ex ereiSe,-tu• general debility of the syeterri: They obviate costiveeess, and counteract an ilysteilcal and Nervous alfectkme; These Pfiis haye gained the sanction and itonfelt.iiton of the most eminent Physicians In thelJn). fill a ilt lnisti, and many kiatheiii. For sale Wholesale and 5. E. SELLERS, Agent. sep te No. 20. Wood Street, below Second, WAD,IIR, Boot and Shoe Maker, Liberty St., pesite t As head of Smithfield et., Pirrehurch.— Tins sitigcriberhaving bought out the stock of fbe late Thomas Rafferty, deceased, has commenced business In the Old stand of Mr. R., and Is prepared to exemte nil desoffm lone of work In his line, In tti . e . yeat hit*hcr and oath° shortest notice. kenos eocate o fyliptand ' ft Ince neworinieni ofshoe Andingn trll dencr,iptions and oftr hest quality. He ionelis the patronage nf the.pu,b fir and of the ere!. nein it ADAtR. I IfirTTIMURt;II, NI/FACTORy•—tspri"e• gag .4.tlna far Cart*its at Eastern Pr*ei. The stihgrrinria mniiuinrittre , and keeps constantly on hand en.ieh,ll and EOM!" Bpi inzp (warranted,) Juniata Iran A:llr*, trityrr and Drops plated Mist, Prawn., Brass Huth Rands , Pinmp Join 44; Patent Lenthir, 141 1Vor and Mgr. Lamp". Throe fold Bleps. Matte:ole !inn, Nor Fla tidies and 1.1 Inge*. 4 - e.. Jr)NF.ff cnt.EA l, !‘N • qt.. near Ile A Ilegheny Hader. Pl. 10 I I 1 , • IiELLERS, M. D., °Mee and4welllng In Fourth, •• • near rrrry street. " Rep 13-1 y LOOK AT THIS) TI attention , ftlio.e who havefi►en somewhat 'rep. I Ir3l In ref.rener to the numerous errlitleates published In fnvnr of Dr. Swsvne's I.Minpound Syrup or wild Cher rv, on arrettio of the persons being unknown in this see 11011 or the iNtate, Is remprct fully directed to I hn follow lag, rerlinrnle, the writer of whirl) has been a eitizem of this !inrotirli inr.everal year,. and is known AN a gentleman of lot y nod responsibility. T o the ditowt, Mr. 3. KIRBY f hay, used Dr. Sttrayne.'a Comp and syrup of Wild Cherry for a romylt, with which 1 have been OP vrroly of CICIP(i for aliont fripr month., and I hiv e no ti , iiitntion In ..iying that it ixij t e mo.t effective medicine that I have here able in prort t re. ft rompo.e. nil tinenvineee. and .7, 7 r00 a ivr , / whit my diet.—n,rt et:lnt:tin, a rezatar and can frerty rerommend It in nll o: It•r• , Inltlar!t , trlrtrd. J. It r , cs.z, z. florontth ofCharnherKh'c. March 9. I't4l). acp 2.1 1 7 nr.m'e by AM TIJO 9 N No. 53 Market SIIA1)E, AND ORNAMFNTAL TRE.F.:•% Ensr;;, - . s de,i,nng of prnru,i,,, prnit, ?Lack. 304 Orokmentol Tree., or Etftrolitterv, from Phllattel. TO in or Sew York, ore regorged In make opltrot lon al Ireton ott en.odt.le, 31 the Itru r nod ford Ptu,e of the r&,. oterilter, %N. ft, I` ran he had ratatormea, eretuhrowt-, of the mart r xrell,ll. .arlet SNOW DEN, wn 191 I .ll,ertv erre!. hr,.! AA' lA /11.1.1A 11 r. a „ f j und Pier are F*aist• Atfaxottfort otter, „tro.• F.,.•( Siren' Pittsntteß4.—CanwttPt Brotthes. Voroirh kc.,fon Art!•111 ---w "• on hand. I.nnkinz Gtn,pa. p - t rnmrkily ~,Ined to ord•r . tt.nndirinz done Li t!, eimrl - ti!ntstlon p.uct rev rnt , .n. !it! „., , ~. ,1 o Ft , a , r) P• , it. , or bon tel wit? rt,.... li cirldvaro--;rp r•• 4 ,11. rapt, 16 1 1l NI. S I'Ef:I.P. r,,, PPepr to H. FlrClry•kPr, Ploh• i V 0.13 11 le Root Maker, I..erly el., 241 door rrntei VI --..., .... el' . The sti!” ,. r.'..et . rent•ret noir Inform. the t , r. 7-1 1'. '.. ' ..1, , ” - : I:, 1 . , r, 1. 11 , ine1.1 in tit- A 1 ,, .. 1%.. ;pPriyGr. - ppopti by 11r. !leery irCick.k.....- , ~ ,1 . 1, .cl I'f . I• •••• ••••,- - rarrfrim 'MITI': to Ali 01. et. In IAiA li,, • /,‘ , A. , ,•••••% TV I : 111 i . l t• .ro AII' il and OM I fro 7100 rrn.opzilkP ''',,,.. r ,, .. , h , ~', ' .‘ ,, ti^t.." , In 11. , mItIIIfaCIIII, Of 1 ', “1.1..,i I'd, Poole, I.p fprl... coarideaf 'ha: all arliclet fr. , otl Iv. p. , 1%,,i,At,0r n 4 11 - :!, 2 i . ..e limi,fartina in Inc pa Irwl.. 1 '.tAtAui . it.C.lit - p .:0 , 3:4•• i. rr-ar.no GOIA , illetto ''' t iJI • ,,, :1,.. ,1 . Vona • (hi do 00 On I. ,tni a , t lo do ~“ OH) :It : lilt no do .1.. :mu of 25 00 IVOh .1.11: /011 0 to each Dormant 'rale, for the nee of Wet rchotise ,, , Flouring Scr..l tie earn,. lade,' a. above. A tan, %,Vhite's Valent l'ounter Scale, with 0. Young's improvements. and 1 variety of other roomer scales, which they wilt sell for from 8 in $1.5, They atm) manufacture Steam Engines for Flouring Mills. ;gait, Mille.rall Works, doul•le and sine's geared elide laihei;,foot aml other lathes fur wood turning tonehlue3 Cor tenanting chairs, planing 11111C11111e1‘, door and sash machines. patr ol Morse power, with Or without hra...hin; machines, a ritpe,ior article; then tar saw thane. machines for inwing lath, Tinner's mit• chine , and tools of all deseriptions.also for making Mack In; hozes,a stiperfor article; governors for steam engine• sioch p. 1111.1 titer, coffee milk s Ird,:ead or joint hots and mar h , nery for making the same. roilon factory eta Cilincr V etude Or repaired; printing pre, platiens turned and printm,7 J , • • sett 22—i f Jr/l'\1; 4. BR %DRURY W . E. AUSTIN, Attorney at Law, Pittsburg.,. Fa. Office in 411) street, opposite Burkee Building. WILLIAM E. A esTrr, Esq., will give hisattent lon to my unfinished huainess, and 1 recnmmend him to the patron age of my friends. :WALTER FOB wAnD. ~ en 10-I,y 1911 117 TTSBURGIICIRCULATING AND REFERENCE LIBRA AY of,Religlons,iliptcnleal,pokltieztl,and 81 is• Works, will be open every t:ay, .Salihaih ex. copied. 'torn 7 o'clock, A. M„iintil 9, P. M., In the Ex change Bulldlng,corner of St IClalr streetand Er v r.Aange alley, where done:mai at‘eridance 4te aktren by Pep )0 J. gni mit,. NEW YORK DYER. O SEE MIMES, would respectfully Inform his friends 11 . -land the public In general,that he dies Ladles' dresses. Habits and Mantels of fiery siescr.ipt,lon, black—and warrants Item not to smut, and to look trine! io new goods. ,Me dyes fancy colors of all deseriptians oh silk and carpet yarn. Also, cleans and restores the colors of zentlemen'eclothing, so alto resemble new good.. Mr. H. flatters hlmself Ihrt he can please the public, as he has done an extensive business in New Yolk for twenty years. MI work done on moderate trrms at his establishmeht i,n sth st, between Wood end Sm,W,etd ne tr the Theatre. CERTIFICATE. ftr Thi a is to certify that OSEE HIMES has done work for us, which has fully answered our expectations, and we consider Lim a competent dyer. S. Hemphill, Wm. Barnes, J. B. Shurtleff, David Hall, B. F. Mann, Davi Boles, Joseph French, jr.. Andrew Purdy, W. B. Boics, Wm Porter, H H. Smith, Ilenrylaventi, A. Shookey„ jr., Joseph Vera, George Barnes. ap 20th. JOHNSON & DUVAL, ROO% BOWERS AND PAPER RULERS, CIONTINITeMeimems at the stead late of Medullae. Mama- - Meer . " desolation of work In their lie neatly and prompt' fixeeeted. may 8-- ly -. And t,I,TON . (11 ritl 1 Fe1 : 1 4 4. on r n ft r r 1 SN,"AV'ff.A. 14R EihrOv.t. to proved r 13e tnnfeetnred be boir !n y(Titint , i•etwteti Ma th street, two tee Holt, pitttt nothetnre and etd the follow scalesm no!. mmi need of No. I. Port hie dite• Oil Nil Ito, 1% C 1 .4 II JJuU ' - , I)4F .1.,,;,1 PSPgCUSr For publishing a isg P to O Daily P T aper in the Cllrof Pitts , to, he entitled the , • . ;DAIL bs ;DAILYNOIINPIO POST. . . ITTESucrthershaYing made arrangement s merge Ji the America', Z.inneliciarer and giuebargh Moren o tato one Journal, haveconcluded to publish. a daily paper with the title of the Daily Morning Post: The leading object cline "Poor" vellthe the dissemina itoioronraenheed np e t oLt ed he b p y ol t i h tl e ct p it r om inclp in les „ t ei hn 7 t have k.goct h i e v r e e paperhiiirlOeti ' best efforts will still he'deyoiedlo the advancement and success of those doctrines. • . 11.1hanglr,"lit politics, the paper will' be thorotrehly democratic. yel t the Editors hope, by giving 'in Phloem, candid history of passing Political events, POtalith and Domestic Inteiligence, and brief notices of all mat tersandoccurrences that come properly within the sphere aft Public Journal, to itittke their'paper sufficiently in es'estlng to entitle it to the patronage of the public, it respective of party considerations. In addition to the political and general news that wilt be found in the "Atomis e Post," the Editors will take paint to furnish the Itualnews community with the latest and most interesting comemact•t. arxrie from nil parts of the country, and to 'have ()Fenn. red shch accounts of the Markets and the State of Trade tie will be advantegeoes to our Merchants and Business Men In their several coffin:R. Terms.—The POST Willbe published en a large imperi al sheet of fine paper, (manufactured especially' Sur this Journal) at the unusually low rate efEIVE DOLLARS per a nnum,payable In advance. It will also he sold by newmhoys at the low rate of TWO CENTS a copy. .4dnerlis erne, lit will be inserted at the lovycLA rates charged by the other dairy nafieis 8f the city. le - TWENTY active lads are ;;,anted to sell the Post. who will be engaged on the moll l a teral terms • Thos. PM I,T,IPR, SMITH. Au:thit 31. 1842. ELE. ntomson c- Co. London , vale only by S. N /JP Wickersham, coiner of Wood street and Virgin alley Pittsburgh Is. and IL Barbi:nod, Beaver Pa. vvlio Is vole seen) for ‘rcsfern l'ende% Ivan Fen Ili Sarneyeelfre , eAoald select Boors provided wit 7f- Fro • ... , all -8 H ' ilers ' - -'. - ""'"Alltlim r at Tpicer,,o g r d• su a . 1 T would he welt for the nitre 1 ,ii,; , -7.---- • - . a cornprem leis of the difficu , _e_ In mind that their security depend e d . . ' . '. .commander o t.;, olvw-r,our:+ c emo nt of hosts timt hare or may he ,t!es between Com Moore, the comm . m . totes of. the 16th ine i t_i i'il!'`;•v r, 'lrro,t";;rth i l'a r iVl,W,` ,, ":7! l i.l', l "":' - ^"d 1 of tine towards' t rnerrti intr0d0,..,,,, of d1•:t1+1 111 °USW!), !corn woleit tv43 glean .the follow milled by all men who undei stand the principles of the tiara Texan .quadr.M,- arity:ll rtsshlitroi ing facts: It appears that Corn.M.iore. ! e;irain Enine, to be a sure preventative ening' Ulnae whilst at Now Orleans with his fteet hp:. & mire) swami's You have cm tainly, is the hundred, of explosions that nave already taken Mare, their almost volved in debt contracted on the faith of daily occurrencr, and the thousands of lives i ha` have already twen list, a sufficient warning, anti 11111{:CrIllont • his Government, received mders to pin'to to make inqu.ty for a Fafety guard Bost: end In every sea and proceed to Galveston ; hut it was rase to :ive it the preference. They have went. to all not in his power to obey these orders., be additional expense that your lives may be secnre. Ou:ht 1 cause his Government had not fulfilled its you apt therefore to meet them with a rorrespondins degree of nodality, and by your preference Chow thnt 4 proinises to afford him the means required, r , . , 1 appreciate their laudable endeavors to slop title ow ito pay the de its incurred on account Of" fat sacrifice of human life They do not char:, more the s uadr3n. Rel ins on the faith of hie than nt het boats; their accommodations In other respects 1 y _ q ire rqual, and in many cases superior; and as there is 1 Governmt ot, Com Moore had pledged , one Marin: hoshurch every day. wily will you run bitneeif ant to leave New Orleans, until he. any risk, when it is so con: letcly in your own power to avoid those disasters. could pay for prMrisfons 1/hielt kept hitt . _ ~. ...... _ All boats 'narked thus [a] In the List of Arrivals And De ferturta, to another part of this pal.er, are supplied pith the Safely Guar List of Bedtppre”ided witA tii e Safety Gua r d. ALPS, MENTOR. AMARAI-111, MA Hi ETVA. BRILLIANT, M A RQUETTE, BREAKWATER. WING() PARK. CASPIAN, MESSENGER, CECILIA, MONTGQ M Ey CANTON. NORTH REND, CICERO, NEPTUNE. C A I)DO, • NA II A GAN S . ETT, DUKE .1( ORLEANS, NIAGARA, DUUESNE. OSPREY. EX P Q R ESS MAI L, ORPHAN BOY. ECLIPSE. DUD), FORMOSA, ORLEANS, FORT Prrr, PENELOPE, GALLANT, PANAMA. GALENA. QUEEN of the SOUTH, J. H. BILLS, ROWINA, JEWESS. RARITAN, INDIAN QUEEN, ANY, INDIAN QUEEN, SARA H LTQG A, ILLINOIS, I SA — ANNA, LADY OF LYONS, '' LLEYRAND. vicTRE 5, ALLEY FORGE, WEST 11 7 IN D. ASHLAND, . ph IDG EWATER MisSOUR I MAIL, CLEVELAND, OLIVE BR ANrII, COLUM B Ls CUTTER EDWIN HICK MAN, EMMA, ( GEN L.j) rzoox, TOBACCO, pi ANT. JAMES Ross, ADELAIDE.. BRUNETTE, COLUMBIA 1. CLLIPPF.R, MINSTREL, , ONVLEg'S PATENT jED .STEAP: IiArANtEACTUREbat.W.n. lartiteiti'S Cabinet Shop .1-YlNth VD Second street, between Wood ant Smithfield, e;heic a general assortment of Furniture may be had at reduced PriCestor,cash. The superiority of these Bedsteads, consist in tbn cut. enings,,witich for durability and ease in uniting up and taking down. it not equaled by any other now In use —and to oil such u would consult their own comfprt in their nightly alumburs. It should be remembered ilmt all classes or the bug family are fattened en by these fasteitings. Otr Itlgh's for Counties, Distrirts . or SAates.fm• sale by JOON kOWLER. Patentee. We, the undersigned. do certify that we have exam. hied the aturve *attend Fastenings, and have nn hesita tion in prononneisg them the beet now in use.—coming op fully to the representation In the:above adventse. meet. Wm. 45 ra Jr.. Wm. Irwin, John A. ap 27. -ln. SA.FETY. n)4l 6)2 Joseph Collett, ;arab Verdes George Bleier ',. 'Tuglcrir 1r - Tf - • ' • - ----,--==,_ - --. -, :filniPitik, 'kin :;`.,„ ebtipli.o - . A, in' Vii gat . .- ,r •ta . Our Noutl*nappesSAß l n • ' - I ' 0 1. ' . , g ,,tiPTl. - rtt Texas, and 1444ELtli,e,strort o? , gri9 .. .h4 ' Santa Fe,expeditlkirtvi' riped7fihtipenneowrowsbps,!,4l.l,7o.6,,`..4—..ait_i):*thy;, /:: • . ~ f - ~.... , . • . - y Z . : ~ I 'leans it.Camt'i;e4' . o . 4y aturi44oll - -, k ; Ems : ~ .., I - f P - d- # tip - ' ' -- - 141 '': " amation Q Fesi_ent got*, %.- .-•,. ; , ,_.-_. "•.---,' the Cent modem as a.piroalai4. - -,..,,,'- -- , ',;-',:: - ,i_; for reasoUs•whirch are-DiAiiir4 ci; - ..' '—'-",;:', :,-' - -4: '':' ~. . . . - .• ..c.”( si proclamtniiin.andwb# - --Prlli3lt'at" . .'. Con den spr - .1 4 ,' force, ..se r o llk , iiing - ;-:' , A _. ~,1 1 1l • l '' : :' " That Cofir °Gore 'Arnow w.414#04 •• .' . al tinnes,lifr,oki .29th October u p ".,....4,,; N l .,ele, ngicially oiderols43y the ` . : - .. - l uir t ,'. p ,, of War. to eat s iris iris 'ygiyoo.l;) %My i . 00 1) ,: and fiPa 11)44 go- thPthet4 '4,4 ,: - " 2 ., . •. • ; t - ws rtiviactrQrmaialil.r,eharitikof 14 (''''',..,,, - '-:-",, .. 2, 'command; - ..,tbarforther,Nge, n • -. 17 1 -'.•- .''.., regarded all these 0 41111100144414'''''' t., - . inissionera had been seat EtysfAse "; ' of Congres,s, 'to distfitte44l*...'ft; ' i '. mood and take chargekyfi ';' ptifr - - .i*" ., ~.. that these he liad'setsL4:: . :_: e - ~: -:•„,, ,„,_;:-- Sail-for F)arnpeachy, thougff!,.,- r :., - ... '' - 1,.,,ai L . bidden to do so; that, in -eclair' •, . 1:- . is suspended from command;:, ',.phsil --- '' Goardiveer.ssioattiulh-nirrialpitsitzietso h div ina:::l 4 elt , ': ::., ~,,,,., ~..‘,:i,.).:..... he ordered,fOrth with to ref0r_.0W0444411;:•4/..., If be disobeya,-(as Neis no;v 7 sltti'sin44litill',..:- , done) it.. IP. deciSted tilat3,,qitrlW meet wiiii , oo Jollier il F *. xl s ti ll 4 ll 4le- .! , ~.....-;".... his acts, arid alniationipt-ai vez.V.',-::..,,..> as are re questo'lleiase , ,ititT4tint i , ~ V''.. ,- „,*"....3 , -''' :- they may be arraignetl;.antl'pun- i . -'..i l ' - 4, ,, , , ,1ti7" This proclanastion itillated-Jon,!4. /-4.044.-?-4?L'''' Ma rch, t vie tit,iirree „days 1.. krfer e _OA: ,4...?,;,,,.`'‘,--.Z, lilt !Aloore set sail -(4.lNT.UsolliTearls:*. .rkiii!,--..-.A,r:-!. ICommrdoi e being _ "nit tr-teirwrifc ';• 4 '.."," .., , the President might ;I: nit him, . . .../,,, •2. 4dressed to the Editor of tie Ciab*lngt" 1 Times, binder in ki , hich he states that he' sailetd;,l - giiinat' the Mexicans with the conperitef Gyl. Moe- -, tap rigi, - gan, one of the Secret Corriiiisionerir, now on board of his ship, who judged that course to be the best for the interests of thd Republic. • It now appears that as far back as 144.--' December, President Houston denoniicol and disavowed all co , operation with 4 catan. . _ officers and men (torn starving; and cloth; ing, which concealed thek His cfficers had also pledged themselves not to leave with him until the , debak, which the deplokable situai ion to whickt they were reduced forced them to incur; should be provided for. Whilst thus circumstanced; the GoVern- . meet of Yucatan proffered him the pecenie ary aid he was so, much in need of, yritt:. the eFpress understanding that he should repair at once to the port of Campeachy t where the Mexican squadron had concert- . • trated, itself. Conscious that whilst he would be enabled to afford relief to the besieged Yucataaese, he would also pro= mote the interests of his own 'country; Commodore Moore accepted the overtures. of the Government of Yucatan, and the result hair already been made known to our. readers. When news reached Texas of the proffered aid of Yucatan,.; commission., lets were sent over to watch the course _of, ,events. They consulted with the Come caodore, and approved of his course. .A better, dated at Campeachy on ,the 4t4 inst. has been received at New Orleans frorn Col Morten, the Texan commission: er who had accompanied Commodore Moore to Yucatan, stating positively his acquiescence in all the movements of the'. latter officer, who (Col M says) evinced no disposition, after their departure from• New Orleans, to pursue any course coot. , trary, to the wishes of the .commiesitiper on board, and would have proceeded direct to Galveston if the cruise to Yucatan bad . 961 been sanctioned. • From the Philadelphia Inquirer ofSaturda; THE GREAT RACE. The attendance at the Camden course yesterday to see this event, so lung talked of, was ,very great, and the excitement vvan tremendous. It was generally supposed that Fashion would be obliged to run against both the other horses—that is, that they would iii turn try her speed, and thus ultimately wear her out. But the 'Champion' (ifa mare can pron 7 erly so called) fully justified the ecoen . iyati of her admirers and the expectatio.pe of her friends, and showed concluaLtrelY,that, in point of both speed and bottom, she could not be approached by either of her opponents. At about two o'clock, the three splendid animals, Fashion, Blue Dick, and Regis. ter, started at the tap of the drum . ; Rog* ter having slightly the start, thereby gaW., ing the lea& which he maintained foe: .' -~~~-~