Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, June 02, 1843, Image 3

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    01MitiII- the writer or “Dernocritus"
favor to `iirith an interview?
"Keep the Ball Rolliag.il
The Anti-masons have taken up for Cor
onet, an old gentleman who has attended
billiard room for many years, in the ea
pack , of marker. He will quit rolling
the billiard balls, now, we suppose, to roll
thn bell of Anti-masonry.
Tba bill for to night is good. The new
. pieceofJosko-sot is to be repeated.
itt Mimi Cohen, who is fast becoming a fa.
write; also appears in two new dean,
being her last night but two. The enter
taiuments to commence with the amusing
farce of 'ltaisitt the Wind.
New Publications
Berford has received a new novel from
the press of. D. Appleton, N. Y., entitled
Fortunes of Hector O'Halloran, and
kit man Mark dintony O'Toole, by W.
R Maxwell, Author of Stories of Water
km' The author has a large reputation as
viler of fiction, which is well sustained
by his new work.
' ilefiseellweics, by T. Babingtoa Macau
ley, s.distinguished author and member of
f l arliament. Many of his -pieces are well
IMMO in• this country, where they have
bin extensively published. ' The present
work contains his best productions, and
VFW doubtless be greatly s3ught after. It
is (Or sale at Bet ford's in 4 nos., 25 cents
Vial of perpetual day.—N; thing
made so deep an impression on our senses
as the change from alternate day and
night, to which we bad been habituated
from our infancy, to the continued day.
light to which we were subjected as soon
as we en:rifted the arctic circle. Where
the ground is -but little trodden, even tri
fles are interesting; and I do not, there
fore, hesitate to describe the feelings with
which we regarded this change. The
ittrelty, it must be admitted, was very
agreeable; and the advantage of constant
. daylight, in an unexplored and naturally
boisterous sea, was too great to allow us
seen to wish for a rat ern efthu alternattons
shove alluded to; but the reluctance we
hit. td leaVe the deck when-the sun wen
Shibing bright upon Our sails, and to retire
to our cabins to sleep, often deprived us
of naany hours of necessary rest; and when
we returned to the deck to keep our night
watch, (if it may be so called,) and still
round the sun gilding the sky, it seemed
as ifthe day wood queer finish. Wha.,
therefore, at first, penalise to lie sii eras if i -
NI, soon itreatelied to become extreme
ly irksome, and w o uld, ind et% h ive been
IS seriods itteinit i etlience, had we not fol
iniwed the eiamlik of the feathery tribe,
which we daily oleo ry, cl a inning their
way to roost,with a clock work regularity,
and retir, d to our cabin at the proper
heur s where, shutting out the rays of th e
ann. we obtained that repose which the ex
"Hee of our duties required. At first
eight it will, no doubt, appear to man,.
persons that constant daylight must be a
valuable aequisition in every creep ry; bat
a little reflection will, I think, be sufficient
to Vimw that the rev-rse is really the
.... , -
case, and to satisfy a reflecting mind that
we cannot Overrate the blesiings we de.
rive from the wholesome alternations of la
bor and rest, which is in a manner forced
upon till by the succession of d ay an d
night. It is impossible, bt removing to a
high latitude, to witness the difficulty there
is in the regulation of time, the pron-ness
that is felt by the indefatigable and zeal- Iteeuree Nroeio
nue to rivet themselves to their occtipa- FUR BEArig eacket
tione, and by the indolent and procrasii- The fast runniim and wcli known
Dating to postpone their (Julie', without b$: .1-e': Steamer
an' g truly thankful for that allwise and I CLEVELAND,
merciful provision with which nature has h e , o , ..e a fi t rrizu. k . filas pi i. l .r , will depart daily from rie,
r r d a t or !
t o o 'clock P. ai,
endowed the more habitable portions Of For rg
freight or p c as ' s.: l :e, Zp a ly nd o lle n b a o v a
the globe.—Beecheli's Narrative of Buch-t BIRMINOII 'II & CO.
man's Expedition towards the North' Nn 60 Water street.
Pole. N. B.—The re2u tar canal packet to Cleveland. Ohio
Greenville and Meadville PR ; and Al a‘sullon on the
—______ —i
Ohio Canal, connert:ne with steamer Cleveland at Rea•
Fatal Arcident.—Yesterday wew.;
f.- verovill tie in operation immediately on openiim of nav•
mar , G—tf.
tressed a most painful accident resulting in igrition,
the loss of life. An apparently happy 0 the Honorable the Judges of the court of General
Quarter Session! , of the Peace In and for the county
I: A,,
("mil s , that aright be coveted by a king, .
and which seemed to attract the attention To,.
of 11. M. Moodie, of the 4th ward of the
of many a passer by, as they gambolled city of Pittsburgh, in the county afore arid, humbly ieliew•
*loot in youthful innocence,
unconscious eti l l: h
atyour petitioner has provided himself with
of the admiration they excited, heedlessly materials for It, aceommodltion of travelers and others, I
attempted to cross the street just as a cart at their dwelli n g house In Ito city and ward aforesaid,
arakpassing. The horse struck one. ap-
a and lice p d raz to prays
la k t ee y p a uur p h d o hur
honors will l o w s. pleased
l io e g n ra t. m.
. 8 1) n h a n
patently the youngest, knocked it do .vn, your petitioneras In duty bound will pray
and befote the cartman bad discovered it,! 11 M h100..1E.
the wheel of the cart had passed over its I
We, the sohserihere,shiizers of the 4th ward of the I
bead. It was taken up, and after' uttering city or eine aro, diteariiry oral the alr.ve petitioner I
a -few cries, which seemed to pierce the is or good reptile for bone , ty and tempernore, and are
heart of its mother, who witnessed the ac-
t w i e ed li d provided e with 'muse room and einiventenrles for
onoortaiio n and iod 2 i;,.. of stranters and others, I
admit. expired. The cannon evinced and th at said tavern is necessary.
deep sorrow at having been the means, Dennis Leonard, Freder;ek Fluke, !
though unintentionally, of taking the life James McShane, James McKenna, i
0(0118 of the finest sucking pigs we ever V. Fehl, Riehard Weld,m,G 0. %V. Smith, Robert Duffy,
saw.—Brook?in News.
James Armstrong, Thomas Scott,
Davison Downy, D. Drennen,
Mae 31--3 t !'
Great excitement continues to prevail
in Warren N. S. in relation to the pet pe
trators of the late horrid murders. Nothing
satisfactory has yet been developed. Many
believe it will fall upon some person or per- i
mans least suspected. And although it may, FOUND.
foraeitne.be concea'ed,yet the blood of the TN Allegheny city on Sunday evening the 21tt Inst.
unfortunate victims will cry aloud to H,a— G '4 , . n P7ll :, wll , ir ., ll , tbe . owne r cn
. have hv
Wen fur v.ngeance , until the authors are'! t 2 ; " ,
' . 1
41111011 ed to thp )f the
Outraged iavt.
117.- The Vickabtireh Sewinel aa', s: "fil"
OVE MENT.. We see hendt eds of thous:ind s of acres may 25, la43—iy.* pROPOSALS*III : . receive d anti) the
e 701 hday o! junenext,ror,o pietini oekanddamsnuuber.
I Three and Fear oil this work. The cosi ractors to find
ef hind athfritised to be sold for taxes in SHELL OYSTERS 1 the necessary entArials, tabor *e., and to receive ear:
4h*leikrite, e hete the tax amounts to tfil At the Westren Exchaxge, Jibo 9, )W ar .. : client from the tallier the forks after i beano( is &doled
(Iligisied the printer's fee for advertising ket street. I The proposals to be a :dr. seed tt , the trabveriber,
tbs - sans to fourteen dollars." We.. MCA BAUM. Pfeil:cent
of - Board otalauaierr.
Fourth Mot. orJOO-KO SOT,
Last Night of the great INDIAN ACTOR
On Friday Evening, June 2, the performance wil
RAISING commence
Jemmy Didler , Mr Flynn,
Mille Cohen, will perform the celebrated PAS
COSSAQUE, Costume a la Polooaise,
Second Night nt"the entire new Drama entitled
Or, The Banished Indian.
Written by A. L. Pickering.
To conclude with Greek Dance called the Romaika
by La Jeunne Canadienne.
For particulars see Bills of the Day
Doors open at 7 o'clock, Performance to cnm
mence at Lair past 7
Lower Boxes, 50 cents Secono Tie, 374ecnts
Pat 25 " ! Gallery cens
jai ls
_ ,
. .
rrIFIE Steamboat James Ross, now lying at the wharf
_L at Pittsburgh, her furniture, tackle and apparel, in
alt respects In good condition and ready to lake in a
Carlo, will be sold at public sale to the highest bidder,
on Thursday the 151.11 June next, at 3 o'clock P. M.
The James Ross was built last fall, of the best'materials,
and in the most substantial manner for low water; she
will carry 200 tons of freight, and Is well calculated for
passengers. For strength ar.d lightness oh' draught, she
is not excelled by any boat on the western waters
Terms made known at time of sale,
May 30-owid
/..7• FA AXES. TOCK ¢ Cc, Sneers:4o(g to J B .G4th•
rip, at the old stand corner ofjth and Wood sH
having complied ;kith the requisition/rot the new Auc•
tion Law. re prepared to make advances on Consign.
ments and in sell an favorable terms. They hope by
ennutnnin2 10 make ready paler and prompt returns, to
receive a C.iir portion of
rittshur:h, April Ist 1243
Lt retirin: from the Auction I take ..:re t.
pleasure in recommending to the pubic Ittes,ts,
Fahnesiewk 4- Co., who have romp - led with the require
menus of the new Auction Law and will do business at
my oid stand. J. R. GUTHRIE.
april 31843.
P HILIP ROSS has returned from the Eastern cities
and is now receivine a splendid nhsortment of Fancy
and Stapp• Dry Goods. to %Iticlt the attention of pot.-
chasers is respectfully Invited.
These Goodie s will he sold at very /me prices, the most
of them at a rrsat Sacrifice. Pe.sons whininz o int r
chase! Willi find it to their advantale to call at No - 59
North—west corner of Market and Fourth street', where
better bargains will he offered than can be afforded by
any other establishment i n the city. may 19.
Carriages for Sale.
r" HIST rate lot ut Eastern and rota!, rgh made
Carriages—for one or too horree—for =ale by
may St. Clair
irrA 'co. for Ante, aft w lii, of Spanigh
A NOTE or hand for I'trt v Dott rot,. The owner can have It armin by dr,crildn: and 1.30.1 1q
nte ad vert ',amen I. Eriquir, at ,he office ni the Farr.
mao 22--if.
Hasler, leaves evert
Thursday at 111 o'clock n, ni
The Cii er, Collins, Master, Isaves every Pi iday at
10 o'clock a. fn
The Ilontenmery, Bennett, Master, leaves every Sal
urday at 10 o'clock p. in.
The Expres , e l'arkirmon, Nlasirr, Irate, every
day at 10 o'clock :I. ni.
may 20, :tfehry.
PTO THE Jo you not f elWiVe
t hataurlf . lllllllla hair you hay.. upvo yonr ale
itimer tip ? Re eliding at Theme's. F"urtn at., and
obtaining bottle of Gouraud'', Ire- Salab e. whirh
will rennire it at once withoitt affect inv. the ekio Voll
obtain Goorautr4 truly t rlM•ralcd Eon dr B , aure.
I which oh, at nitre remove all f ref poop.e:, stop_
lion. °elite ekut, and lit•tke y our fare, look [wrier-11y fit.;
and to those who wien !‘) a.mit nature by ::riding mor e
color to their ritecka, they rau obtain some ol Couraal,a
celebrated Liquid Ron2e, which cannot be rubbed off evertby a wel cloth, Also may be found a good nesnri merit r
Perfumery, inch a 4 Cangite, Rears' Oil, A !mond, PLl:r,
Windsor; and of her clomps.
Remember, at Tuttle's Medical Agency, 86 4th !street('
prnggiste and others can Resupplied atWho'eaale
retail terms.
51i KEGS of SHOT aasoated, for sale by
D. C n G
_are. ThEtri 9Ereets,
may 27
Ex'r of A Hart's estate
Ilrarmo. fo
frig lelor IWO Farms ritll,l,t it
I)..rr Inwomhio, with Ili. ntr.•s•ary trorrsonis,
and Iron. 7.5 id MI acre. rir,red 011 r: , rli. Al>43. not
farm Alin:tied in 1% . ...t llrer Ali..zhenv tour.,
With f.oto 50 to 7,5,er.• Ttr ohcve 111 pert 1,1
In rirnQo. n 1•11. .01E :it ,
'nitro (ram for rite 11l r 1 ,10.1 rzli, nod tvic.lo !o-n
of the I'. Ml'', Cann]. and trnl In h. or rca.oo:.hlt
term , lor horn 1 10 .nree
.7ro tt
/13111:-.10.., er I,,,inst rthiot 1 . 1:1 ; a•lelt , 11 in a
X- Now York, ivnl, aal floral :401 o{ , c
0.,01 CGS C/ITE-WC.V.S, PERFUMER )", nod
every II!: title of ho.t t ‘ t •<, which
mined to Felt on the 100111( reasonable Witins nor rash.—
Ile liclieVeti hr ran Jlrec ittrooser indueenienin I fish alit
11/101111 extal.lteltrytent In this city to country Physicians
and Merchants, who wlith to •tools themselves v ith
Druitt anti alt . dirliies. liii articleut have been telerird
with the 111010,1 rn e, and are warralded of the Is., gust
ily and taniforiii renizth. ardor, w with se
co they rind rani, i p ror. Ito toonlied trill, Foie.
and Furies .9 1,, npn of fivers rot...qv:o.lr virlA v, and of
the nitro eaqii , nite perfnioes; ;ulcers we with Perthtnery
and 'o+ml , tr- of r l / 4 IV ee•el , p
'l' ou,lerkie, fled frill, on 'bank, (or lite liberal Net,.
putt 1)4 , 1.144 . 0re Pllllthrlrd 10 1 , 140, and hones by n
tiiiihowithhi 40 Oen,• nod lirrOnllDodnle—n ear. in pro
curing: mod selling only wind I, exeol)'int arid genuine—a
[Anse impart/whin of the sales and tranctellon of the &doh.
lixh mrnl —prtxanl lon and nceurney la rornpoundios toed_
lanes—and by Industry and perseverance. to merit an In
crease of pnbl;c nal runace
may 25. .41.1.111
./YYDP.I2'.S unrivalled Self Setters forSnwmills which
L have In en so fully tented in different parts of the
United t. 4 tates, as well e• in the cities of Pittsburgh and
Allegheny, cati be seen In operation at a number of
milk in thin neighborhood, viz; at !tir %Virkerstrim's
milk on renn st,t at Bowman 4. Chambers' milk. near
the antler Allegheny Bridge,and at Morrison's mills on
flare's Wand, and other•. The above named machine
ran bo obtained at W. W. Wallare's shop on Liberty El.
near Sind lifield. where it is fitting up. and where the
machine will be.yonstan fly kept on hands. Apply to B.
F. Snyder or W. W. Wallace. ma 5
pIIv 2ti 11142
A DAMS 4• CO. respectfully annciii ce toihe Pitteburcli
pulillc,thAt having etTerted an en , zar.crnrnt with the
oProneer and Ezrress Parka Line."illey will wait nit
Exeassm for the above cities on Monday the 29t h of May,
which will run throuch to PIM:n:1010)1a in three days
and a half
I R. G. BER POP D. 85 Pt - meth street will act a s itic
;mot of Adams Co. in Pittsburgh. Parkeges anti
parcels should hr IA at his office before 6 o•rtoek p, ni.
AD I NIS 4. CO. will receive and forward either by their
own Express, or by eonnexlon vilth other Expresses,
packages and parct.ls for Philadelphia, New York, Ral
time re. Washington, Albany, Troy, and crery city and
tows in New England,
AD kMS AND CO. possess great facilities (or making
Collections, and will pay particular attention to collecting
or paying Notes, Drafts, Bills, etc. Competent persons
are always employed to attend to orders of goods, etc.
Boxes or bales, of go HER too large for transportation in
the Exprese Chests, may be left at D. Leech and Co's of
Tice, Penn et, marked Adonis sad Co's Express, They
will h,• handed Over to ' , darns and Co. at Polite/ elphia,
and forwaided to •heir destination with the utmost des.
patch, and at very low rates.
ADAMS AND CO. will endeamr to transact all busin
ess ant tuned to Ihew litellch a mn nner as shall give pat -
iPfacilon to their employers, and obtain for themselves
the confidence of the community.
may 26—.4 l iv
..rtarary at Lam.—OfTice in Sc.c.
Wand rtreet,2nd door above the corner or Smithfield.
north side.
2,, BOXEd Young fiy.on Tea, putt reretvPd nod for
ill sale by FIAILMAN. JENNINCS ¢c o.
Ruhr 27. 4:3 1i nod .71.
'IAR ar kit: NT, r),,,tios Lthorty ,t:eft;. ft
ffr , doors below St CIL.r. nor 6. Itlss4.
may 3$ _fl
9111:1E subscriber most respectfully Informs the gentle
men ofcliii city and vicinity that he has commenced
the BOOT and SHOE making hominess in Fourth street,
opposite the Mayors office. Having been loreman
some Of the Most fashionable Boot Shops in the Eastern
cities; and having furnished himself with the best French
and American Calf Skins, he hopes by his attention to
butane's to merit a share of pubne patronage. To those
gentlemen who have kindly patronized him he returns
his sincere thanks and can with confidence appeal for the
goodness of his work and knowledge rf his business.
may 11. P. KERRIGAN.
TO l' HE
This is to certify that the subscriber has
has been for acme
time afflicted with the Rheumatism very severely, from
which be could get no relief, until, being adyiaLd to pro.
cure some of Dr. Fitch's, INDIAN VEGETABLE
ELIXIR, which he accordingly did, and from which
after a few doses, he was entirely relieved.
Columbia, April B, 17.52 SASI'L PEA RSE:
Near Rice reek Sprlngs,l
!lienland Distrlct.S. C, A p C rII3O. 1838. 5
I certify, that my son, Thomas Mitchnl, Jr., aged 15
years, has been ,roubled for eight years last past with
the Rheumatism, and for the lam three years has been
unable to help himself! Ills pain was very severe, so that
he could not be moved without great agony; Ills limbs
were naratized and drawn up, and he presented an oh.
feet hopeless in all who knew him. I resorted to several
Physicians for relief for him, without effect Having
heard of Dr. A. Flich's Indian Vegetable Elixir, I pro.
cured the same for my son, On taking it he was much
relieved, and by continuing It to the fourth bottle, ties
I entirely removed the pain, his flesh Is restored and he Is
now enjoying good health, I would, in a case of nniu
matism, earnestly recommend it to those who are affee.
tee w'th this exentel.ting pain. THOS. MITCHELL
IV being neighbors and acquaintances of Mr Thomas
Mitchell, and having often seen the siination of his son,
fully corroborate the above ease, and, as we believe has
been cured by the Indian Vegetable
The above, wish a eery large assortment of other
valuable medicines, have just been received and are for i
gale by the quantity or single bottle, at TUTTLE'S, 86
Fourth at,
CliN the 29th day of November lam, a son of the rah
lgiteriber rained J MEtz KELLY, ; hen altout 9 years
of age, left Ins honer: he was seen a fey. days after in
Sharpshurgli. lie has a fair complexion and lair hair
and Is rather heavily built, On !he 30th of the came
month, tilt. brit; her. a boy then aged alma, ten st ea rs.alro
went away His name is 1:0tA AEI) KELLY: be has
red hair and dark eye,. It Is pro'tahle that both the boys
may dent their true names and a.stro e others, isny In.
format inn concerning them wilt hegrn ninny reecteed
heir afflicted parer.tQ. JOIN KELLY,
may 9 rerlpeet Street.
A T the anlichallon of a ntimeer of ft tend' of all poi
It ital patios, I re,pecifully oiTer tu)ttelf It the [On
pieleral ion of my fellow cittzeng .nr the ottre r I County
Commkrloner. Thai my a...win-nip may not be mioan
derstood, et' her am to politiral or 1311 Vole 4d r :lifl4, I make
lire to say that I hare been all my life n cottc:xient Re
puttliean. in t rue fl nre nf ihe word. A., the rotiri)
Ir rrinetrlint ruil,irrarreit In Its fire I ti*
reduction of salaries of pit' lie Gfficcri liar rerrivrtt the
ttnProhMlnn of lure majorltiel ofthelAeople. the Wilde,-
signed vt °old not eto old he he an forititnit r rir to le fief'
teti, In any manner attempt to reri.t this ealutary re
form; should It reach the office of 'onto y Crmmi , etioner.
opr 6: S111(71-1,
I.I[NCEL. *ir !ORD D %WK.
/.. & J. H. WICK,
w le Grover,. Deitler% in Produce,
116 W”cod ! , 1 reel. 4 do", no , t,•(.
mar 13.
1311. 1.
Ile would stain reiorn bit 1113.0, to hit. crlettelt .tnel
ibr puhltr for trtti.r..rettcrited patronaze Ir.towed
ttpoo 10. ro,f-,ll'.iottnertr. aid betirtitortz that ibty I , av•
rn ! ,„,l it 1., Ibr dral WWI !lirll 4. lle antlgt
rproat Itt. i.. V11* , 4011 to 1.11 l'itytto Wllll 11r1.1, In pilrellagr,
1,117tn2 rtVerV Invert prI , I• to fail
No ILA. itrAtit: Pr JOHN M'CLOSK Y.
Fr- 0h.0., to! 11,1111 i 5•• n v, ,none .
Corner of !'teen .Y• St. Clair sls.
1111 l i Pt unrictor• of ilia. e1r23111 and cont. ndiou,
tat.'l.l.tur, or, hex :cave to annontice to their fr.ends
and t!e pub:le, that I toti r mat e for Itaarit from this dale
i, reduced to O' I•: DOLL AR PER DAY.
/*root the loca!tiy of this 1100.00 , being situated mid•
way let two the Canal and Steamboat landinva, ar don
the neat thornily Itiare to Allegheny city. the proptie.
tor. tru.t. tint with eontinued exeutleing on their putt.
to F trill lat enabled to afford every attention and (aril.
the r. golfed fur the comfort and convenience of their
rur.i.. and Lope to merit * continuance of the patron•
axe that has hitherto been re literally extended to them.
The principal slaTe and ,Par! el Caere, ate connerted
with the 11,.tr1, and far Ihr letter accommodation of
their Enema, an Detail*" will at all times In rradl.
ne•s to convey them to and (lent th.
an 25-3 m. McKIPHIN i r SMITH.
W 1.1.1A41 THORN
No. SOS, Ilarket street, nene Liberty.
T HE sah•rriher respectfully informs:his customers and
the mitillc :enerally, the, he hos jiist returned from
the ram with a large and cic:snt assortment of goods
In his line to which he Invites Merchants and others who
with to vurclia.e whele, , ale nr retail, very low for rash.
Ito following comprlveg part Of his •iock, with a voi y
rigSOriment 01'ra ecy groilt and tm a.
200 packs English, German and 3n.2rican phis;
1110IlioliFand kept needles;
600 dozen tapes;
1000 •• all colors soool en, in.;
160 Ms, patent (broad;
25 lb.. sewing silk,
70 Its.. best •Itoe thread;
100 nit. skein cotton thread;
750 i bonen nd percussion raps;
160-gross gilt and lasting buttons;
1:10 gross pearl shirt 'milting;
120 gross shoe laces;
100 doz, tortoise shell Combs:
25 doz. tortoise shell, luck and Bliffilo combs;
136 doz. tine Ivory combs;
200 doz. dressing combs;
350 doz, combs;
6 gross tooth brushes;
20 doz. assorted hair and clothes brushes;
2.; duz. suspendeis;
40 ~ .trosia white silvered hooka and eyes;
20 gross common hooks and eyes;
50 doz.assorted Etispors;
30 do z spectacles;
50 gross assorted whalebone;
250 doz. assorted sties slates;
90 gross steel pens;
3 zrorki Woodward's celebrated pen holders;
With a general nworiment of all kind,. of variety goods.
mu'. n. winos Wa2llllF, Olaf rs.eradb , s, market and th , r
I.a.kela. fr.% Sv. C. Y. would in particular inv:ie the
nT,,, Jon ~ r .1!r 1., la his line I t%e tnr , tnt
rdte!l and t:utia In combs. Also, Gra.larn's relebented Fir
cord spool 'soon the best article made; persons pur
rhasing can rep. ra . o. if not as represented, Also, the best
counter d Wird eyed needles, which have heen purchased
especially for retail. and fine American flat and, round
head pins, r,mrly 24) C. YEAGER.
t ensiles Bacon Dam!:
5" hue round,
Simulders, Kentucky cured. received Chid day
per steamer Bridgewater, and for sate by
J. 0.- A . GORDON,
Water street.
Tespiirgy Dirwatint4lo 8 ' JSa
11 N a descriptive Ilia or Tikitary Net 60111141 in
A. package shade Up at the Custoui puu?e, Nei , 0
leans, and ntledged to have been transmitted to the Ftrg
dfndltor of the Treasury, published on the 22d ult. the
following errors exist:
- .
No 602, 8.2,1 May, 1841, should he 23d May, 1841.
No 3489. C. should he 3490, and No 57, A, should be
N 0.67.
The papers that were authorised topublisb the ori
ginal list will cneke this correction.
J. C. SPENCER. Secretary of the Treasury.
3LOCHS made expressly for powder magazines, Lut
very sultahle for Pork Houses, as the materials of
which they are constructed will not rust from the action
of the salt, will be sold low for cash.
may 2-6 w
inkßl PEACHES.-50 bushels Dry Peaches, just re
.JUlrcelved 4- for sale by HA I LAI A . N,J ENNINGS 4- Co,
may IL
43 Wood street,
A GENTLEMAN belonging to one ofThe Most ancient
and wealthy families of this city, who must be well
known to num.trous friends, having since the year 1818
up to recently, beet, bent nearly double, and for several
years continued In his bed, has been restored to good
health—has regained his natural etect position—and has
quitted his carriage, and now walks with ease I We
believe this is the gentleman's own description and there
is no exaggeration In it. We will give enquirers hi's
address. and doubt not his humane feelings will excuse
the liberty; so that any one doubting may know these
facts—though he requests his name may not appear In
print. Among other shill ar instances, Mr James G.Rey•
colds, 144 Chrystle-street, has been restored, and will
give personal assuraneew ad I helfaets of the case. Both
were rheumatism, and contracted cor.is and sinews.
Huw has this been done,
.insatee.—ily the Indian reretable Elixir internally,
■nd Hewes' -Verve and Ilona bin/neat externally, from
Contitoek. For sale wholesale an f retal' at TVTTLF,'3
86 Fourth st.
T AKE NOTICE, that I have applied to the Court of
Common Pleat, of A rmidrong county...for the bene
fit rif the laws of this Commonwealth, for the relief of
In.olvent Demme., and that the said Court have ap
pointed ,hr 3d Monday, the 19th day ulJunr, nest for
the lirarine of me and my rreditnri., at the Court helper!
In the Imroneh of Kittanning, when and where yott ma
-0 lend ' ynti think propc - . CH .1 S, S.‘NCIERS.
mar 2.1,--Crair new.
1p El E tutwerdier would renpertfally Inform his ruito
1. Inere a nd the public generally. ilia! not wit 11 , 1 nutting
thr unpreeedrnied gales at the Three Rig Door., during
he present season; lie hart ntlil on hand the lawn and
mutt s• ailed af.llllrlinelit 01 elegant CLOTHING that rah
I e hourttt went of the mountains . Tile pulthr ruav rro
n , ,t, re] Iliat all ari icier offered at ti. more are mann fac•
lured from FR C: 4 11 GOODS. purchased in the Eastern
warhets thin Sp• ins and made Into garrnentn by rim'
burgh workmen.
In ronuquenre of the n ulliplication of slop shape in
our cite. tilled with pa wa-brokers.clot hag and the mush,
can cff earmento of former searons. from the eastern O.
Iles • the public should he cautious to ascertain the char.
:trier of itteertaliliqinients In which they are lllViled 10
niiirtmse, Irf,re tiler putt with their money. The at.
I le!esi niTered al several of the eoneeras in I hid rids. are
the rut re otTabi of New York and I' biiarleiphia slop
•liors, and 9:111 Iriit hrrrio he vitiated MT on the nits
rurgh pu6tir . Purchtvers should he on their guard a
gnimi three Impositions. and they may rely on the fart
that no roaiiiishrdeot that advert 10,4 eastern wade irkiit •
in:. can :lye as 2,00 d an article or as advantaaenushar.
7. 3 , efil a., ran Is. had .11 I he , •Thrce the Doors."
The public is 11l pli ar,p remember that all the siihreri
irmer tr are made la :kit lily, totriptient work•
men, and not Lathered up like the amnia now otreree be
Ihr tiirds of passa2e" from the shreds and patches of
, n , t.‘rn arms. It will always he his endeavor to
Itialrillitt the redidiiion that the -Three nig Door,'
Live 11 . • I ir . for furnishing 1 superior style of CLOTH
I .u; in rrf, r re•pert. and at price* ',slow those orally
utircr r.1:11.11.1:rt rot.
iN : :
11 I 1 r
ion* !i 1
( Basic - ti - Tir.
- -
reNssyLv A ViA
. .
Pant. w Pittsburg!). par
Merck. 4. Man. bk. par'
Exchange bank, Par
Bk. ofGermantowr.
Barton rank.
Lancaster bank,
Bank of Chester Co
Farmers' bk Bucks Co.
Doylestown bk do
Bk or N America Phil.
BkorNorthern Liberties,"
Commercial bk. of Pa. •4
Par. 4. Mechanics bk
Kensington bk.
Philadelphia hk
Sebuyikill ht.
Southwark bk. '•
Western bk. "
Bk. of Pennsylvania, 1
Bk of Penn Tl. par
Nan.* Mechanics bk. par
Methanics bk. par
Noyamensing bk. 3
Girard baok, 45
LT. Stales hank. 50
Lumbermen?, Warren, --
Frank. bk Washluaton, par
Miners bk of Poi tivile, 5
Bk of btont:omery Co. par
Mon. bk Brownsville,
Erie Bank, 5
Flarrlsburgh tank. 4i
Far. hk Lancaster, lj
Bk of Middletown, 4
Bk. of Chainbersburgh, 4 1
Carlisle bank, 4
Bk of Northumberland, 5
Colimbliabk 4 Bridtteco. 2
Bk BusquelanDa Co- 15
altof Delmore Co. par
Lebanon Wk. 4
Cat t Tabu rah bk. 4
V•Nrk bank, 4
Far. 4. Drovers bk. of
Wayneshurth, 5
•• Carrency notorr. 5
Wyontlnit bank, 111
Pfitotegli Slate Scrip 41
Country do do 4,1a5
Berko I o Lan., 74)
Towanda. glt
Nlountoleavaoi bk
Far..t Meth. bk ofSteu.
Belmont bit cr St. Clair,.
+Otte. 1.1
Marietta bk. Demand
do Currency notes, 14
columblana bk New Lis
bon Demand, I/I
do Pat notes. If
'Nacional) specie pap
Al 113.i111A
ICood Pa n 1: 20
x.lll Batiks. 4
Bk. of Et. Clair, 111
Do. do. JS. H. Smith 2
nit .A . ::lA DA
tti 0 10
Eastern Exchange.
Phila,felphla, 1
I New York: i
Inc I.n n Ss, 'Baltimore, i
Mech. 4 Traders bk of Plosion. i
Cincinnati. 3:l,vestern Exchange.
cam um 1k of Columbus, ,cloolnnail, par
Demand norer. It Louisville. nar
circfrville. (0. Lawrence Cleveland, i dl,
Ca....histr) 1} VVltcranr. par
Zanexville Ik. If,COLD AND 1311.17 FR, par
rrirw 31 tnry of the building occupied by R. A.
Rau4tonn as an Auction store.--bereinfore known
n,, "Namith'e Lon: ROOM.' eOrner`of Wood and 5Th
street. Inquire of R. Morrow, sth ttt , jan 23.
Ts ron s.‘i.P..—Four Lois In Illanctiem.r. Ont.
.lends fourth Acres of Land on Hrilnu•s' Hill. Lotn
nos. 41. 42.52..53, 54.181. 182 and 184. in Ccok's plan
of hots, on !tonne's Hill Also, Loin ow 26 and 27. to
Cook's plan of Lois on High street, near ine new Court
stmt.,. Fur lernin apply to Z. IV. REMINGTON
nett 111
4 YD noeseesinn 'MPH 011 the .1.4. of-April -rwswfw
EL brick house on the bank °title Allegheny river
two stories high. 4 convinriebre roams. besides cellar and
kitchen. It le very pleasantly Nituatedjust out side the
rily line. with fill view of the rit yof Allesheny.abd
within 20 minutes' walk of the heart of the eitr—rtnt
very low. JAldErl RLA ELY.
Mar 13 'loose Agent. sth Ward
OV e :)rielc dwelling bottle, containing a larre
evhall, two parlonry.4 moron unlit ,tra, with an
kilted garret.d,ning rant,* and klichen. with ear
rlage 114•111.. te. Tills finnan. hi pleasantly 'nested wit h
card in front and rear, on the canal hank. corner of
Chesnut ntreet.leading to upper bridge, now in the oe
tontine' , f Mr. Meettirg. rent tooth Ihe lintel,. Enquire
01.1)r . Whittaker, Allegheny City. mar 8,
For Rent.
4 CONVENIENT three %tort , brick dorellinz hou.e
situatet.n Rnssrdreel near Fourth. Rena $125.
anr 10. A NOV In J \IF? !/AY.
nnu.-1 5 ream old copper distilled Monongahela
) IM/Itse Whiskey on consignment, and for late by
an 1. Water between Wood Snilth'd •
2 .
0 ROXEi; Russel and Rnberliion's Nn, 5 LUMP TO
20 Roses at.sort,Nl do.
Juq retelved. together with a general as.ortment of
every thlng In the Grocety Item. and for sale oa the most
accommodating, terms.
43 Wood at.
The canal packet ERIE..I. M,Phaw master, will rnn
as a rettul r t•l.weekle packet between the atm so named
porta. leaves Beaver on Mondo)a, Wedpeadsys, Frida e;
returning, leaves Warren on Torodayr, ThorPairr. and
Sal urdaye; connecting with the Pinar Lines to I,7leveland
direct. For frelabt or namaee apply on board or to
PI Rilkl I Nt; H AM & Cil., Pittsburgh.
J. 8. DICKEY, &aver.
may 10
• • 111 Ii 1
The old stand of Mali hew Patrick,
(Lately occupied by John Irons.)
r 1 .HC Puth,r rihor wisbes to Inform the citizens urput,
IL burgh, and the travelling 004, that he has leased
Inc above, well .known stand,(cuptpii on Fifth street,
between Ma rket.kod Wood,) where he will he happy to
aceOmniodaie all his old frielids, and as many mew ones
as will lie pleased to acknowledge blue as K.eir best.—
Hts terms <vitt he moderate, gulled ru t he times. His
table will he supplied with the best that the Markel of
librds. His bar will he furnished with the choicest of
1 1 liquors. both domestic and foreir n. His i.talticri are spa
clans arid commodious, conducted by eiper!cneed
attentive ostlers.
inr He would Inform the cititen< that he is prepared
ionrcommoditte a number of Weekly, Monthly of Year<
ly boarders at reduced prices
.ingie Meal. 25 tents. I Lodging; 12% Os
Boat d per Week, • $2.50.
may 8-3 m. ;Item. ➢ARTSER.
10 Roses Lour Sugar;
5 Rile. Crushed do.; just received and ror ftle
43 Vl7ood s,.
sA L 11.—Loly on i Ire North East corner or Una
Lane and ❑lqh street. Apply to.
"Pp 10 DR.N.I, DARLINGTON, Mar ket. neor 4,h.
AT AND CAP MA Ni;TFAI TUNER. Every descrin
Lion of Noy and Cap" on band, andror ra tom, xi Lot,
sale and rviaiLatprieep tn mutt the timex„ at the ofd d
or 11qm:ins m 73 Wond.,.t ro . in, •
0 000 LU G, of
Nr;cnn, for saehy •
In.p. 80_1 4tlrsi., near
a o - Ent; Freah Just rep rfvrd and fat
sate by
43 Wood t rent,
TINT reraWed. 5000 Freeman's hest Fire ltrirk. tahre,n
OF will hereafter he kept coastantly an hand and soi
low for cash, by ltillettNattkal 4 CO;
may 21- No. 61) Water st.
j VI ormvr; I}
A 1144.10 , 11.
Sandusky, do
Genova, do
Norwalk, do
Xenfe, do
Dayton, do
Scioto, 35
Post notes.
Chillicothe, 3fa4 I
Fran. hk Colon/bus, If
La..ceeter, 30
. Hamilton, 95
Gmnsllle, so
Com. bk. Lake Erie, 30
Far. bk:of Canton, ' 45
Urbana 6
Biala bk. 4. Branches 11
Slate Scrip, 35
All banks, 1
Stale hk ¢ Branches, 60
Shavineetown, 70
Rank of Virginia,
do Valley,
Far. bk. of Virginia.
Exchange bank,
N. Welt , hank
Mer. do.
'Baltimore Ranks,
Country Bunke,
1 All Ranks, par
All Banks, par and 1
ellY Rank,. par
Country bonito,
(safety fund.) i II 1
Red Bark, Ito 1
Poston Banks. prr
Country ~
Ortran, Ran kg.gookl. 3
House Agency.
No. t 3 wst.tt of this 3larketlnrise, Penn at.
Sth Wnrd, pittsbarah Pa.
sohtscriber Itnyinz for n nninber ofyears been en•
eared In rent Inc elty proiperiy,.ecitleetinz rents ke,`
. Inrt wlshinx Me:tend hls bits; neis In this way. respeet.
fully offers his seklmaLo tnnse persons mo'nitltt Or who
may hare eltnrxe of propesty as Executors. Adminlslra•
tors or Coa•dlans. In tile efiit or subttrbs,nnrl who may
not hnvelelsure to :wend to it , benselres% to rent Awe!.
Ines, %Varebonses. Farms, Lots, 4.e. Atisi, lb collect
rents. Illyjdentls, Ground rents .fie. A register Is kept
where a clesi4lpt lon of all_ prop; Wes for rent *III he en•
tete,' free of eharen, reference Is respectrutlr ()tiered for
tollnwine 7enllenten for when: the fintoseriber has
'teen :meet f. , r some t,ears,past_Mespret Michael Allen,
P. McCormick antLJ:tmes fi. Oran, Esq.. Sittsburuh;
Stuart. Esti Ettreipea'n• A trent. ; !Pep.. Infra Rrown . ..
McLertnn.• elTlClnnati; Daniel 'Potter
Steubenyilte;LO.enli Millar. Lawrenceyilte: PinieJ"Jotwo
East Liberty; Lhtnlel Rasher, Mifflin toW rtr nshi °Odle
Depntron, Sewickley.
J ugr ARA/PPP—A fresh nupply of
r elehrnierl-rnthotteno ,
r ' Phell mat to I)reortion.
's Rtr4reparilla filtrod
Mrs nerd's Frmo!e Elixir, Al th.storP
E. rErcnenien, D•o6:ho i -,
—", or ilo N't I I r
Jr7sr RECrIVED.n Norge rupply rf lir Sway re's
:; , vrivi) ot Wild Cl:'rry,and for site. WiTliffilie pI. d
retail by
- WNI 1 - 1101?":, .
. _
ap 2t.
No 53,
Pr '
BEI , 'S.V. 0, JMOL....?StR:S.
It./13 7 Casty Pacon Hams tills day reePivpd NMI fo r
Kale by J, G. 4- A. connorz.
may is 12 IVatei 81,.
0 PIGS LEAD for g ale hy
mar 18 j A1117'; :WAX
• EAGLE •• •
. • ..
Q. C Y LLOYD. Jr.. Wlintcmare and Rrtni/ G lifer
anti Fruile , cr. No 140 1... , r• • •I•r
-ma; O.
PE .\'(! I I EFS, •
Lnndrot. r,,r! o.tllll tlnzlr P1,! , ,:90pt i t 7,
• • -
at• 'h.' •14Nr,1'1"ffrv.
1. TA , Orly he ,41
.1 1 t )a 1.11/11
The 'came!' 111,I5.,11:11ETSETTS. Renn, Mstrnor,
for th• aiNnvo. andtp riroAlktte, polt• on
We,l,:vg,v. 31.1 fnci (I or.t, a, n. For' Mitt
or praratze apply on boor 4, or io 04;
69 IPll`etiltr
' - supigAinraost
N. W. Corner of WoOd .Flijkft Sta.
TAX proprietors of the Mortaixo POET nod lipteaate
AND at•xuracTuttart respectfully Inform their friend*
and the palronsonhOse papers, that they have a Large
and well chosen assortment of
arecarmie PairmiciiPpiimg
AND AVAI 0 2 2MT121 MAUD? 51.32E,23.3
Necessary to a RAI Printing Office, and that they are pre
pared to ezczule
Books. Bills of Lading, Circular!;
Pamphlet!, Bill Heads, Card!,
Bandbilla, Blank Checks, flat Tips•
kinbs of Blanks,
Stags, Steamboat, and Canal Boat Bills, with app4:
priate Cute,
Printed on the shortest notice and mast reasonable terms,
We respectfully ask the patronage of our friends and
he public in eencral in this branch of oor business.
Pittsburgh. Sep!. :39. 1R42. PHILLIPS A- SMITH.
To the Voters of Allegl!eny,C;mniy:—T respecifullypr:
fer mvoelf to your consideration asa candidate.(imfepon
dem' of parties) for the eller. of PROTHONOTARY
Allegheny county, at the ensuing election. As Ido not
tome before yru recommended by a Conventio n , those 01
you VI whom f am not personally known will plcatte et
amine into my qualifications, ike.; and ifso fortonate
to obtain a majority of your suffrages, I shall endeavor
by otriot.ots.ention to the duileo orate once: to satisfy you
with your choler- ALEX. iNILLAR.
May 10-IE, iOl Pittsburnh:
gTIC:V ln
to Steam Boat o,oners.—The substriber ,
Nconsequelice of the difficulty of the !lame. has ?eau.
red the pr'ce 'the Safety Guard for the prevention at
the trplotion of ottani boiltre, to $l5O per boat.
It la hoped that ail hunt owners will avail themselves
of them reasonable terms, not oily on account of the
power! safel y they afford, but ciao in point of eeonomv.
Boilers with the apparatus. attained will wear abou
wice as humps Ovule not provided with them.
Marebl-an - - C. EV A NEt
E. IL lieasting9,
tin Alt, gtrect, next door to the sank of Piltet•or:h.
np :-M—lrn
. i do shon!derY, " 19 dap rrceford and (or
gale I'!" - J. C. A. CORT)011.
may 8
..., 12 lacy 54.
—____________ ....
temnyed his alien to No 63 Fifth- street., he.
t mean WoOd and Smithfield sta. next dooi to Mittman
. ape 1.
. Birmingham & Co.
, Atod Clevetft and
reir22c '43.
3". W..l3tirbridg . e d‘ Co.
A a ENT:" for the snit , of Beaus. 4 Powder. Waterat
.A. lintareen 11'nnd and Smithfield.
...hare!) :WI. 1R43.
50 Box.B r, 1 1ISINg.
50 Bulb, rn<siszkist n cpived and for saleby
11. i 11. M Y, ESN INC'S Ce.
-13 WOod st.
F RESH FLOOR —96 Lhip j11.,1 for late tow
a p 24.
- CS NORTH CA ROLA 'CA TA.k on eons
meillamit lot P.M
J 6 3 • 4 :
HA !JAI A !I, .1 N 1N435 Co. .
43 Wcoli
.. .
ii ir %ix. ci I FSTS YOVNG lIVSON TE ______.
4N, $ 0 itnNeP Imperial am! GllArp..l.ldi; just rereireo
an 3 far sale luw rvi. r: , %h.
43 Wood at.
O!SIMS. A 1.1731.
1J 2 ('croons. tuti.go.
Cake Ala . tlgler; plc( received ond rot Fate by
43 Wood et
• . 1543; - -,-
Standart. Irkraharn_ . 41e.. Co.
. .
4- try - kr...ton,
A E,A^TS for the VerrhantaTtansoortatigiiCompanf
Coinpos.ed of the Mershanis Llne. Erie Canal.
tinnier, Ps'iner 4- Cob. Line of St( an;(?pats a. t'
Fels no the Lakes,
Ckveland Line Pennsylvania and Ohio
Propsietors of the klerehanis Line Ohio Cana'.
ni7CR TO— ,
Wayat EltivroP.TlS, No. Coent. r
R. iforrtsa 4- c . Albany.
Pltrwrze, rALYIER # Co. Putrqlo.
M• T. Wita.t•sts k Dow, Ct•volonC,
How Joan M. ALLicsr,
• ' •
g.M , X;rI. !leaver-
Pirtmixotts.l . 4. Co.; Pittsbur g h
nnl 1R43-17.