Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, May 31, 1843, Image 2

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    ~~ ,1
i.iotrin, he would be haded with acelanaa
-• tiona by the entire population, while - thous_
would descend to an infamy his eels
ate fast hastening him towards.
:From all we can learn, Corn. Moore is
under sanction of Col. Morgan, one
llouiton's comtreissioners. who has even
written a letter to the effect that he is per : -
T e etly ,. i-satisfied with the Commodore s
'anbreinents. We also find the following
qetterr in the Texas Times of the 16th inst.,
'om. Com. Moot e himself, which shows
: that Col. Morgan fully sanctions the course
he has pursued:
N. E. Pass, Miss., April 19, '43.
In the event of being declared, by proc.
lamation of the President, as a pirate or out
law, you will please state, over my signa
, tune, that Igo down to attack the Mexican
,squadron with the consent and full concur.
• ranee of Col. James Morgan, who is on
board this ship as one of the commission
ers to carry into effect the secret act of
•Congress in relation to the navy, and who
is going with me, believing as he does that
• it is the best thing that could be done for
the country.
This ship and the brig have excellent
men on board, and the officers and men are
all eager for the contest. We go to make.
one desperate struggle to turn the tide of
ill luck that has so long been running
aginst Texas,
You shall hear from me a4itio as soon as
' posalible. Yours. truly.
-Mr F. PINCKIIARD, Editor of Texas Times,
Galveston, Texas.
We have not the room, at present. to say
as much upon this subject as we could de.,
sire, or enlarge upon its diffeient bearings.
At another time we shall dwell more at
length upon Houston's coeduct We can
- not close, however, without el atitla nu/ be.
lief that the indirect call inade by Houston
• upon foreign Governments, to st ize the
• vessels of Corn. Moore,will the respond
ed to. Even if they have the power to in
terfere in a matter of this kind, be'ore any
thing will he done, C,m . Moore will
ther have been himself destroyed by the
Mexican squadron, or else will bare taken
the latter and brought it safe into Texan
waters. Should the latter he the issue,
Sam Houston will ascertain his own impo-1
- fence, and the commander of the Texan
squadron will be hailed as one of the
greatest bener:actors of his country.
A party of Mexicans, numbering some
fifteen, were recently attacked by a small
company of Texan _ spies on the Isiiieces,
.and all were killed, The Texans were
commanded by Captain Wells. Out of a
party of eight Mexicans, who were deo-te
ed stealing horses near Seguin, a few d ivs
. since, two were killed, and two or three
mere wounded, by some Texans who went
in pursuit
Oregon Territory.
We have received from a Committee of
gentlemen ntCincinnati, a letter informing
us that it has been determined to hold a
Convention in that city on the 3d, 4th and
sth days of July next, for the purpose of
urging upon Congress the necessity of to
king imutediate possoission of Oregon Ter-'
ritory, by the Government, and 'to adopt
such measures as may seem most condu.
cive to its immediate and effectual occupa.
tion, whether the Government acts or not
in the matter.
This Oregon question is one that has
attracted much attention of late, and the
rapid en ,- roachments that have been made
by the our r in that guar..
ter, shod admonish the government to
attend to it at tor t e, and riot to postpone it
until a porti )n o f otir fairest territory is
stolen fr , m us by the same power that has
bullied or chidaelecl us out of so large a
slice of the eastern boundary. To Ore
gon the eyes of thousands of adventurous
men are now turned as a fair field in which
I to employ their:
,en terprize. but they are
reluctant to venture until they know that
the government wi l extent: its arm to pro
tect the settlers from the taggres,ions of
the subjects of England, who have already
taken possession of a portion of the terri
tory. We think that at the next session
of Congress this matter will be fully con
sidered, and such means ad ioted as will
pre elude the possibility of any:difficulties
arising as to the right of possession here
after .
For several sessions past, Senator Linn,
of Missouri, has,"with praiseworthy zeal,
called up kit's question, and endeavored to
induce Congre'ss to take some notice of
the movements of the British in that guar- ,
ter; hut there appeared to be a strange
feeling of reluctance to meddle with the
gradual encroachments of our old enemy,
and grave Senators seemed willing to let
England appropriate the /Aide territory
0 Ircr t , %{r U use, if she would only do SI)
The report of Capt. Cameron's safe ! wit hout molesting them in their comforta ,
retreat with a portion of the Mier prisoners i ble seats. But we hope that at the next
is still confidently believed in Texas. Ma• session the people will impress upon them
ny say
aches, b u t weat he
can hardly credit ia nnw safe amon the g the new Al.. It, l i tho necessity of action i r this matter, and
that speedy means will be taken to define
Gen. Lamar intends to make Austin his
permanent residence, lour rights in the territory.
The Texan papers contain a list of the I The Cincinnati Committee desire that
propositions made b . ) Santa Aanna, to the ; the citizens orPitttburgh will app.;int
people of that country. The Houston
Telegraph intimates that Judge Robinson, agates to attend the Convention, at the
time above stated, and as many take an
the-bearer of these proposi:ions, first ad-i
ilressed a note to S a nt a Anna.assumin g f or j interest in this matter, we hope a meeting
himself the right of making peace,and that ! will be called, and a proper number of del
ta did it solely for the nurpose of attain i
appointed tor . •.
ing his own liberation. We give the 4th pro - -e "r *y to
position of Santa Anna, premising that the ;the Conventi on.
Dictator says that, unless it is agreed to, The "b Aeinoses" expect that the Con.
none of tbe others will be entertained, or
'even listened to: vention i:ty will recommend the ne
) cessary and proper means to to used in
'4th. That the inhabitants (of Texas
will lay aside their arms; and it is one es. compelling the whigs to fall into the true
sential and positive condition that they re., , blue anti-masonic track, and to toil and
cognise in Mexico her right of property to sweat for the glory of the hold alliance of
theterritory, am] acknowledge the sover
oignty of the nation, her laws, ordinances, I antt . masonry and abolitionism. We do not
and ghtteral orders.'
I know what means may he recommended,
will be same time, we imaeine, before I but as the, bine noes still regard their
Texas agrees to this.
whig brethren as "whippable articles," we
Houston has issued a proclamation cal. I suppose they will, as heretofore, be corns
ling upon all the armed bands in the \Vest
mended to a liberal application of the lash,
to disperse, with the exception of that un
der Major John C. Hays, of Baxar. !arid that Deacon White and brother Smith
will be appointe 1 th e whipping committee,
to score the whigs until they pull gently
in the traces.
Crime in England.—According to a
work recently published by M Grey, late
member of Parliament firm Manchester,
etimes against property, such as theft, rob
bery, &e., have for a long time constantly
increased in England. In this class of
crime, that country is seven times ❑lore
vicious than Sp;.in, and three times more
vicious than France, and still growing
worse. The aristocracy propose to remi
edy the evil by a more extensive moral
and religious education. This may have
some effect, but a Starving people will not
listen very attentively to moral lectures.
The real remedy is to b! fuind in the
universal diffusion cf the rudiovnts of lit-
cfsary and scientific education, in equality
of political rights, the reduction of the ex
penses of the government, the taxation of!
wealth rather than consumption, ard the
repeal of (the corn laws and other restric
tions on trade, as well as of the law of pi i
nsogeniture. There are few countries in the
. -
world which produce a greater amount in
proportion to population than England.—
The curse of the country is the gross ine
(polity of distribution, arid a government
en organized that the preponderating in--1
fineries is generally favorable to the per
pet cation of that inequality.
117'.There is a boy in New Orleans, SO
lazy that he Writes Andrew Jerson thus—
&rew !atom.
That's equal to the. way the fellow spelt
Psalm Boplcs. It was thus—Sam flux—
.,Lowell Courier.
But this is not eval to the way a young
Inan spelt. funds, It was thus—Ptithunz
-New Bedford Bulletin.
. Nor the lad who spelt fidget—Phidgt—
\' 'he new Theatre so much talked of ;11
'Louisville. will he bailt now, since the
Dodd boe bus been burnt down.
• Pa patstosprr,
Subject to the decision of a" Nittlinal Cotiventio n.
More Relief Notes burnt.—Last Writ
nesday, fifty thousand dollars wore of the
relief issues, cancelled by the Stare Trea
surer, were burnt at Ihe Auditor General's
Office. This is the best way to reform the
currency, Destroy all the depreciated
paper, and the vacuum creat e d in the c:r
rulation by its withdrawal, will Form h e
filled up with a currency for which the
h , l'ders can realize sum-thing like the a
mount for which they receive it. With
draw the relief issues; let the unsound
banks -sink as th it charters expire, and
the St4te will 5.):,0 he relieved from the
curse of a had currency that has afflicted
her fur some years past.
Daniel O'Connell, it is stated in the
London papers, has declared it as his de.
termination not to obey the call of the
House of Commons, and that he will not
`come over,' unless forced to do so in the
custody of the Sergant at Arms.
Oregon.—The St Louis Reporter thinks
that there are indications of Oregon soon
containing numerous settlements, whether
the li States Government extend over it
the laws or not.
Bi?oted by half. —;ln lady hp
, longing to the established church, lately re :used
to lave her children , nnoculatel by vuee:nm taken
fri,,n a Aothoiia''s &ult.'. She waa afraid they
wool] b.:come conv.2rta to the
OrColorie I Mien, the Mayor of Brian/or. is
improving in health.
See First Page.
Webstes sap in his lac* veedi
that his — neighbors telt him govern
ment should adhere to;iOlne course of pole
icy, and that if our rulers determine, either
to "cool us, warm us, freeze us, or scorch
us," they should declare their intentions
and abide by it. Stability in the policy
of our government, is unquestionably of
the last importance to national prosperity,
' but we are utterly unable to learn how
the course of the vital currents of busi-
ness can be made to depend upon the acs
tion of the government. It, is a doctrine
of federalism which we hoped to have seen
- exploded ere this, that these currents are
to be "warmed" or "frozen" at the pleas
ure of the President and Congress. The
opinion cannot he too wide!y spread; that
the prospects and success of individuals
in business, depend upon themselves
alone, and not upon the whims and ca.
prices of the National Legielature, which
is often controlled iy men incapable of
managiog their own business concerns, and
much less those of the whole nation. We
w.iuld -wish to see business and politics
separated at once and forever. Congress
should not presume to exercise the tree
mendous and dangerous power of legisla
luring with the view to unsettle nr change
the occupations of the people. Nor should
the people nurse the fallacious idea that
government alone can withhold or dispense
"good times."
Don't believe it.—A whig paper says that
a democratic orator in Tennessee, is in the
habit of assailing the character of Gen
Washington, denying him the possession
of qualities as a soldier and a statesman,
and calling him a federalist! What can
he mote absurd than zo suppose that, were
there a man to be found entertaining such
opinions', he would deda re them publicly.
Tie Susquehanna Coal Trade.—The
Sunbu, y American says: 'We have observ.
ed a number of boats passing, laden with
coal from the Wyoming region, and boats
are daily freighted at our whar, , cs with
coal From the Shamokin mines, for the
Southern market. From present indica.
tines, the trade of the Susquehanna will be
prosecuted with vigor during the present
The Philadelphia weavers havo been
arraigned for tic ring. and an attack upon
the Sheriff. They plead not guilty,—
They have keen limpid flyer !ill next
Prophecy Frtlfille(l.--Dr. Hitcher once
said that he should live tn sPe the Tre,
mint Theatre's , :hiirch. and to) he has.—
He will also, no d , tibt, live to Fen another
one built in its place.
Great Fire in Quincy. —0 last Weil,
nesday a fire broke out in Quincy pillage
Mass., near the ( rtho.iox church whi^h
consumed three large dwellings before it
wa,4 eminguishrd,
_ cam/.—'l'rr e t , avelet must ti h ird
pleas e indcieil. who kill not be suite) wide
incl of the m , ny conveyances offered to
his choice goin2 vast or west. On the lake
are our magnificent steamers—new pro-'
perors. ships, brigs and schooners; or the
canal pickets surpas-iaz anything before
wit icd and carrying at such a low rate
that in these tittles it is almost a piece
of ex'ravagance it a man to stay at home;
and on the railroad run three daily trains
by 'chick one can go from hero to Rochester the hull 91the ill-fa'ed alcainty - iat
Lin four or five hours, for one dollar if he
, xnigton, hunt in Long Island Sound. has been Chooses.—Cars, packets, steamboats and
recovered by Mark 1%. Davin, of Newark. N J . vessels, all appear to he doing good bu-i
-with a diving bell. On the 2'2 inst. he succeeded ness. The amount of steerage passage
in raising a piece weighing ahcut six tons. money paid last Saturday to the Con,ti
(7-.1 diving hell fin the purpo , e orbeinz used tution, hound for Chicago, was over twen•
in raising the wreck of the ill fated Erie,h as been ty-one hundred dollars.—Buff. Ado.
constructed at Frcdoilia.
()TY - The linos , of the E hvard
Cttletnan,tl,l in Are] street shove
T nth, was sold nn Thursday, tat privlt) sal( , for
18.000 dolls. This property cost or . ginally 50 000
0-.—The trade on Lake Ere h3* opened, this Quccr,—The Skaneateles Democrat, in
noticing a Temperance in euting which was
sprin g ., with quite o heavy run of buriiriess There
i• an irnineniiie quantity of produce for tramporta-
lately holden in that village, says:
brio lyin7 at the western ports., and the prospect 'We trust out friends will, on the next
evening, leave their tobacco at home; it is
rill' an excellent basineas icnaon is very cheering
shameful 10 soil amt spoil the carpeting, by
o_:,' . ',--Tw o men, named FrancisFavard and T.
Henry Green, have been arrested in Niiw Ye,rl( saliva contaminated by this execrable
charced with picking the pocket of ilti Wiltlank ' weed I.
of the Atlantic [lntel at the Posit ()like, on Sun'
day la•t, of WO
n 13-iston, on Tuesday evening, a quantity inst
ofcottnti waste, in bags, which were landed the
[naming. of that rhy from a canal bait, and 1)4-
eed in a attire, over havin, been wet by (he rain,
tank fire, by which two Liles were nearly corm'
t;r:The wheat an I rye crops in Carroll coiii,ty,
ltd , it i said, will be indifFerenr,owing to the ra
toig.a of tli•• flegaian fly.
The last cen s us shows that the Whites o
Virginia had increaser!, and the Blacks had de
(:;:- . :`—i-The new steamer Massachusetts lately
made a trip from New York to Sionington in 7 h.
7 minutes, which is said to be the shortest time
on record.
Os-There will be an abundance of fruit the
coming season, especially peaches. In the neigh
berhoud of Salem, N. J., they v. ill shortly be obli..
ged to strip the trees of l? . alf the fruit to prevent
them breaking down.
0 , —.11r. Simmons is about to remove his ex
tenßive axe manufactory from Cahocs Falls, to
Trenton, N. J.
(Jr-Thr , receipts of the fair in Baltimore for the
benefit of the Male Orphan Ass}lum, attached to
SI Vincent of Paul's Church, amount to 2,300
kt a sale on the 18th inst, in Person co., N
C., und:.r u v„ lid deed of lust, sheep went off at S
cents a head, and hogs at 10 cents; other property
In proportion
kndrew Jackson Campbell,a lawyer at Van
flurt‘n, Miss., was recently murdered in returning
to that place from his circuit.
Alt* stabe4l4rPlititdriend.-0.1 Thursday
fright Wm. Turpin; a colored man residing in
Orange street, New York, came home and Com
menced abusing and beating his wife, Who is a
steady, industrious woman, when she, in a mo
ment of high excitement, seized a knife and gave
her husband two very severe wounds one over the
right eye axd the other directly down the face,—
He was taken to the City Hospital, whtre he lies
is rather a precarious state. She was committed
to answer.
African Trade.—We nr tice a statement in a
London paper, says the New York Snn, that a
singe house realized a few months since on a
single voyage to the West Coast, a profit of about
fifteen thousand pounds sterling: Ihe outward
cargo was assorted goods, which were tinkered
by the aid (Ira couplu of tenders on the coast, and
palm oil received in pay. This article, palm oil,
constituted the entire return cargo of the ship and
tenders. Do the largehnuinber VCSBOI4 employ
ed from Salem in this trade with the West Coes
of Africa, do as well as this?
Counterfeits.—One dollar notes of the
Lancaster county Bank, altered to tens.
and notes of the same denomination on the
Harrisburg Bank, altered to fives, are in
circulati,n in Philadelphia and othertnwns
in the east part of the state. Thoy'll be
out this way a bomb/.
We will give any person a column of the Post,
who will agree to explain satisfadorily the means
ing of the following from Brownson:
"The evil there is in society and individues
does not erring from an 0 - iginal Duality, but
from aat condary duality. It consists in our loss
of unity, and attempting to live in duality,
that is to sty, in multiplicity alone. Its remedy
is in at ainiog to unite, which shall convert the
duality into n Trinity; that is, in attaining to unify
In multiplicity, and multiplicity in unity, which
gives us at once unity and universality. That is
toy d ;etrine, and I do ni.t see that you suggest
anyhing that goes beyond it."
Ungrateful. —Poor Harry, 'the mill-boy of the
slashes,' is sinking from the favor of New England
Whiggery, with a rapidity almost friglithil.
Tip. New Bedford Pa!lcon, a 'ceding Federal pa
per in Massachusetts, says that the defeat M its
party, las November. was a measure on mg to
the munination of Mr Clay for the Prasidecey, by
the Whig state Convention in r=eptein her, and says
it avaks what it knows, when it predicts., that
the neat Conventi on will absolve the State EN in
th rt nomination. It says further, that 'the very
mover of the resolutions ominat,ug 11.5riry 4 7Iay
for President, to a s'renuorts , Idvorate of this
coon se' Arid an he is to be •whistled down by the
wind, a prey lo l'ortone:' W.ls ever ro.n thus
treated by his 'friends.'—C o l. Reg.
Escape of a Cana:la Patriot
° from Bot
any Bay.—M r Louis Butt rbon,(son-in law
of the Major Papineau so well known in
Canada,) ho was one., of the Canada pa
triots of 1839, and was sent in o exile at
New South kVales has mad- his eseane,and
,arrived in New York in the brig Russia,
limn Rio Janeiro. The Aurora e,ys that
M r B u tt bon v, ry property decline; to
state the manner of his escape, as it would
irnplir:ate other persin , . 11 • immediate.
ly proceeded to the frontier, whet e he ex ,
pets to meet his family, after an absent
of four year:. to was a 'let k for the
governme n t in New South Wales, closely
confined, fir two years At th e expiration
of thi , per io i, tie was allowed the freet!orn
or the colony
The v..ry Rev. Dr 0:C own. ,oiled from iNtvi
York, in the packet Rh\ p Wadii:tor on the 22nd
For OM pest.
The boneficial re.ttlts of the resolution
of the Democratic Cwnlnittee, to postpone
the choice of Delegates to a late dAv, are
already perceived. Candidates now will
be induced to come out openly before the
people, and announce themselves in print,
so that the voters ran have full time to
weigh their merits—no taking the party
this time by surprise. It is a good thing,
too, for the printers, who may now ex.
pect whole columns of adverti•ements by
the candidates, who, of course, if they ex ,
pect to be nominated, will zenerally pay
the printer. THINK%VINK.
rrio the Honorable the Judges ofthe court of General
Quarter Sessions of the Peace In and for the county
of Allegheny,
Tim omition of 11. 51. Moodie, of the 4th ward of the
city of Pittsburgh, in the county aforesaid, humbly sitew
That your petitioner has provided himself with
materials for t h • accommodation of travelers and others,
at their dwelling house in Ile city and ward aforesaid,
and prays that your honors will be pleased to grant him
n license to keep a public house of entertainment,
your petitioner as In duty bound will pray.
We, the subscribers, citizens attic 9th ward of the
city of Pius! urzh, do certify that the above petitioner
Is of good repot(' for honesty and temperance, and are
well provided with house room and conveniencles for
the accommodation and lodging of strangers and others,
and that said tavern is necessary.
Dennis Leonard, Frederick Fltike,
James McShane, James McKenna,
V. Fehl, Riehard Weldon,
Geo. W. Smith, Robert Duffy, •
James Armstrong, Thomas Scott,
Dawson Downy, D. Drennan.
Pittsburgh, :11:iy 31. 5
'''he river is in a lira: rate stage now for
boats (dal; classes, and is still rising.
There were yesterday 12 or 13 boats load•
ing at the wharf: They still continue to
arrive, and depart well loaded with freight
seal pat,seriers.
erscr.c.x:rri, 27, 1843.
Ricer Intelligence.—Th ere was cun , itl•
e r ode animation on t.•e landing yesterday.
There were more boats taking in freig! , *t
that: we have seen at one time for several
days. The majority of them are hound for
St Louis. The Diarn. , nd left for New
()Hems with a pretty g va.l freight. The
river is sin wt v on the decline.-21 Message,
DI Y. a. v. day mortittig, at 10 o'c:ork. Mr. SAtlegf.
Tnomrsos, a21•,1 61) year.. fits funeral will leave his
reeidel.re in hit tow rship this day at 3 oclock. The
()lead. of 'tie rtaihy are respectfully invited to attend.
;nay 31.
P R 07'110 NO R
I respectfully elkr myself a• a candidate for the Office
of Prothonotary of Allegheny Cuun ly, sulject tO the •c
I ion of the Denaucralie county coneention which meets
on the 311th Atiust nest. CEO. R. RIDDLE.
may 31
Allegheny City.
AN ORDINANCE in reference to the Plitsburjh and
Coniiel,svllle Railroad.
Re It ordained ci• enacleil.l.fr the citizens of Pitle'gh, In Se
beta 4- cot/mono...di ii , sembled,That an election shall
he held for the purpose of ascertaining the wishes of the
"taxable inhabitants" of the city of Pittsburgh, on the
suldoci Or an additional lax of I weiity.hee thousand dol.
furs per annum, proposed to he assessed to pay the inter
c..4 on the SUnscription oft tree hundred thousand dollars
to the capital stock of said Company, by the city afore•
That the Mayor shall issue Ws proclamation for
such eleel ion, as in other cases, giving at least ten days
notice thereof, and such elecidin shall be held on the
thirteenth day of June, at the usual places hi the several
warts if artid cdc; and shall be candacted as nearly as,
may Ire, like other elections, by the Judges and Jasper._
tors of said wards; arid he opened and closed al the Fame
hours, And in case of the neglect or refusal of said
Judges and Inspectors to attend at the proper time in
their respective wards for tire purpose of holding said
elecilon.theit the taxable talinhitanta on tile ground shall
proceed to elect other Judges and Inspectors whose duty
it shall lie to conduct yard election
3d That all persona shalt le entitled to vcve at such
election who may he legally ant lierhard to vote for May
or and Councils of the city, and shall in , ireover have
paid a las to the said city within the last twelve months,
and the tickets nr bittota shall be in the following form
rind usba:ii n d with the proper signatures of the persons
th,4 me, v:z:
I And tile Mayor is authorized and required to have such
;tickets printed n o eoad writing paper, and distributed
in •uffi. lent nu tnhers amongst the several wards in equal
4th. Duplicate returns of said election shall be made
within twenty-four hours front the clasmg of the polls,
by th e offices atoresaid, to the PreAdetits of the Select
and Common Councils respectively, nod said Presidents
shall call a meeting of their respective councils in joint
convention to be held on the sixteenth day of June, A.
D. 1843, In the room of the Common Council, when and
where said returns shall be opened and read, after which
the result shall he entered on the records of the res.
pective Councils,
sth. It shall likewise be the duty of said Judges and
Inspectors, immediately after counting the ballots and
making up the returns as aforesaid, to return the ballots
to their boxes, which shalt be se.tted up, and deposited
with one or other of the Clerks of Councils, who shall
prnduce the same at tile said meetings of the Councils In
joint convention as aforesaid, at which time said ballots
may again be counted, should any doubt exist of the ae.
curacy or fairness of the returns. or a majority of the
convention should deem it expedient.
Stli. The sum of Fftv Doha is, or Ten Dollars fur each
ward, Is hereby appropriated to defray the expenses of
said e'ectlon, and the Mayor Is authorised to draw his
warrant on the Treasury for the same, to be paid out
ofany money not otherwise appropriated,and be charged
to the contingent fund,
Ordained and Enacted into a Law In Councils this
39th day of May, A, D. 1843.
Attest, E. J. RODZIMS,
JNO. &UPTON, President
A. MILLAR. Select Council.
Clerk. tali', 31 )
Conialtiore,isfihe Teaks sloop:of war Austin, in
a letter to thi editors of the New Orleans Tropic,
dated "Off Lerma,kl- y 5 says
ttOn_the 21st April I commenced carrying out
the sentences of the court martial—released }red
; crick Shepherd,and pardoned John W .
who was sentenced to receive Wty lashes with the
cats, but strongly recommei.ded to mercy. 22d,
into effect the sentence in the case of W . Barrintz
tan—one hundred lashes with cats. 25th, carried
, into effect the sentence of Edward Keenan—one
hundred lashes with the eats; and informed the
prisoners, A•i , onio Landois, James Iludgins,lsaac
All , n, and William Simpson, that the etmit had
sentenced them to death, ana that they would be
hung at the fore yard on the following day, at
meri tian,whieh was carried into effect on the 26th
at the tune eppointed, in tat 23 31 N., and long 88
19 22 W. I shall not attempt to describe to you
the preparation or my feelings on the occasion. I
had never seen a man executed—the btig Whar
ton was not in sight, and there never was a crew
that performed the awful, painful duty with better
decorum and discipline. They evidently thought
that they would be pardoned to the last moment.
and protested to their innocence of the murder of
Lieut. Futler, or the wounding of either of the
midshipmen. The bodies were left hanging at
the fore yard, (the ship laying to with the . lore.
topsail to the mn-t,) for one hour, (during which
time the crew got their dinner,) when they were
lowered on deck and given to their messes, for the
purpose of preparing them for interment, and we
filled away on our course. At 230 the ship was
again hove to, (w;th the main top nilto the mast.)
and the bodies committed to the deep, each one
separately: the funeral service was read by Thos.
P Anderson, surgeon. At 255 filled away on
our course."
el cotton factory has been establish
ed at Louisville, Kyntucky.
Commercial Nelms'.
M .1, M.r.NVI
6 feet water in the channel.
All Boats marked thus (•) are provided with
Evan A's Safety Guard.
Reported by SHEOLT & Mr . rcrist,, General S. B
Agmts, No 5, Market street.
*Cleveland, Hemphill, Beaver,
*Michig in, oies, Beaver
Ali in.. Cockburn, B o•wnsville,
North Q ecu, McClain, Wellsville,
Leli , g 1, Price, CM.
• , 24 , 1umblaria, :Murdock, Wheeling.
•Cleveland, Hemphill, Beaver,
•Michizan, Boles, do
Oelia, Bowman; Brownsville,
All. glieny, Darn, Cincinnati,
•Brdgewtiter, Ebberf Wheeling,
N.irth Qin! n. McClain, Wel Isville
Manli.man King, St Louis.
For the Tux of $25,0:10 per annum
"41,7a.nst the Tax of 23,000 per annum
W. EICHB SUM, President
Common Council.
Of this well known and commodious hourm Filtrated's*
the north end 01 the o:d /.11eglieny Midge, reform@ his
friends and !Le public, that he has every thing in tont
plete order fur the recent on Liid entertainment of iramtddr
lent guests and perihnnent boarders. His charges are
moderate and co excrtions Will be ' , tared to make .0.
Jour 6' comfortable and keep up the former typstalkia
of liie house.
CoLdi,tabling for any number of horses,
DID not Emmet:
r➢\HE patrons oft Ms pleasant retreat :lariat{ who
1 pleasure in the pure air of the country, are Informed
that the Mount Emmet House he now open for Visitors
A carriage will leave the Mt, Emmet Hotel every day
at half past 2, and half pas'. 3 o'clock, Seedily' excep
may 31—thtwlm.
W E would invite the attention of Oar friends and
the rublic generally to our assortment of Goods,
which we have just received from ihe East, all of which
we are.determit eg to sell at a small advance eVeoss.
Customers may rely on having cheap, good, ire* Wade
and handsome articles, warranted to fit, which'. toe :retry
desirable ccnibination.
Persons who visit this establishment can depend od
finding an entirely new assortment of spring and summitr
goods; we do not say one thing and mean another; *bee
we sae nur assortment Is large, fashionable, handsome
and cheap, w mean that they are so, and cannot be ter
passed in Ibis or any other city.
may 31— tf, A LGEO?deOUIRE,
A FEW copies of ils highly interesting work has
beet received, and are for sale at St. Patrick's
Church s hy the sexton. may 29.—1 t
Now landing from S. B. Massachusetts, a lot of NIP.
sour' dried Hides.
Also. n lot of dressed Deer Skins. Apply to
may 29-41 A, BEBLEN.
A LL persons indebted to the estate of Astra Dart
deceased, fate of Pitt township, are requested to
make payment to the undersigned Executor, and those
having claims or demands against said Estate are re
quested to present the came for settlement.
N 0.26 Wood st.
may 29-3wilk w
EIgROPOSALS will be received until the 10th day of
Jt. June next, for comptetinx forks and dams numbers
Three and Pour of this work. The eontramors to And
the necessary mat^rials, labor ctc., and to receive pay,
meat tram the 10'14 or the Inekl after the work is finished.
The proposals to he - a:'.hrfl , 4 l l t o the enb,erlher.
Elrii RA UM, President
linard of Managers.
ma t• —lot
To If m R Lecky,
H'e, the undernigt riI,VOIPt A of A Ileel.eny rourty, with.
out distinction of party, %you'd .tiggest our williagnetot
to support y. Hit you milf,r yourself to become a
candidate for the office of Shertfil
In silecting candidates for county officers, we should be
more influenced by the qua:ifications of the indisitinabi
than by their party politics.
Having known you for a number of years as an a®.
cient deputy sheritfoftlils county, and having perfect con.
fidence in your ability and worth, we pieties ourselves
Ii u -, e all honorable means to secure your election,
should you offer youiself as a Citizen's Candidata.
Respectfully, your fellow•citlzens,
.I.serts BARR,
J Fox.
PITTSBUG/I, April 15, 143.
G entlemen—lll:lye received your ß
kind comseunicBation
mum- still!! MO to oiler myself as a Cittzett's Candidate for
Ili- office of Sheriff.
LC ills feeliej, of erathurie I return you* ins thanks for
the mark of distirt non which you have been p'eased to
rot& ron me, and hi emptying with your re quest, I
W 1115141 trltrlPClTtllly state that sh aid I Pc m fortunate aa
to he elected by my fellow citizens, I pledge myself to
perform the clutter, of the offire to the b , Pi or my sillily
anwit boot d
hat partiality or itnitlical belie•ing as Ido
T the roaniy officers or other public set Innis should
be eneerited by the interests of the people Instead of
party f
YOft have thonzlit proper in your rail to compliment
toe on my quatifiCations tofill the office of sheriff ,for
which I feel litytoelf curb flattered, and can only say
that I have filled the offire 01 D•puty Fheriffof this MlD
ty for a number of }ears past, and ...luring the same time
I am pinaned to hear that my services have recessed the
approbation of the pnhlle.
With sentiments or esteem,
I suhaerihe myself
Your Cello— citizen
To James Ram Alex Miller, Duman lUalb aft% John
W,T, Wmff'ilki neon, Jan Rulong and others.
50 K . EGS of SHOT aasoite
1A .f;; . . E7 mlebiy.
Allegheny city on Funday evenin g t he 21 it inst.
1 a Gold Pencil, which the owner can have by cellist
at Smith 4. Spaiisler'sTailo r shop, Federal sheet, and
End payin g expenses.
may 23-3 t.
Office, corner of Smithfield and Third Street*,
Pt rilißuß ON, NINA.
may 25, 1843,--Iy.*
At the Westren Exchange, No 9, Mars
ket street.
may 27
.Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
''Fill anent] pronto, ly t o lie eoltem lon or enmity
of cniiine, no 1 all professional I.usiness entrusted to hie
rare in the rounlies of Harrison, Jefferson, Beinsintt,
Onerneey, Tuacorotras, Holmes, Coshocton ; car r ot.
Stark and Wayne.
Refer to: • Metcalf and !Jimmie,
'Milne!! and Fleming,
John El:triter. Pt, tebitrzh.
P. T. Morgan,
A DAMS 4. co. respectfully anunuc ce to the pitt s h art h
mitotic, t hat having effected an engageMent with the
•'Ptaneer and Express Packet Lino," !hey will start an
Eireakse for the above cities on Monday the 29th of hlayr
which will run through to Philadelphia ix three days
axd a half.
R. G. BERFORD, 85 Four lb street, will act as the
aceot of Adams 4. Co, ix Pittsburgh.• Packages and
parcels should he left at his office before 6 o'clock p. an,
ADA MS 4. co. will receive and forward either bytheir
own Express, or by eonnexion vitt!) other Exprersev,
packages and paresis for Philadclphia, New York, Bal
Goitre, Washington, Albany, Troy, and every city and
town in New Evziand,
ADA MS AND CO. possess great facilities for making
Collections, and will pay particular attention to collecting
or paying Notes, Drafts, Bills, etc. Competent persona
are always employed lo attend to orders of goods, etc:,
Boxes or bales of go 'Els too large for transportation in
the Ezprese Chests, may he left at D. Leech and Co's of
fief', Per .n st. marked Adams and Co's Express, They
will he handed over to Adams and Co, at Follalelphla,
and forwarded to 'heir destination with the almost des.
patch, and at very low rates.
A DAMS AND co. will endeavor to transact alt hewn.
es.; entrusted to them in ranch a manner as shall rive tat
lefaclion to their employers, and obtain for they:lBoSe*
the cantiderwe of the community.
may - 26---dlw
BOXES Young Sy.on Tea, )net reeelvfd and for
may 27.
UNT, neettrir Liberty omit. a
W • few doer, below SiClair, !Pr 6,1234.