Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, May 30, 1843, Image 3

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    tatigroxime Neva.
MAY 30,.1843
.) - -.. THEATRE.
If the Theatre -is not crammed this ,
fhors,lay, May 30, 1843. - To Commerce with tha
week, it will not be for want of attraction.! TH I:brining Drama of
_Gook at the array of talent: Mr Eaton, EES
JocAto.tiot,M.r Clarke,Mr Pickering, Miss' Or, The Orphan of Geneva.
\ Carwin, Mr Paton; Therese, Mrs Flynn.
Cohen and Mrs Flynn.
The bill for to.night is rich. Theree LA JEUNNE CANADIENNE will dance an
llasti LILT with ori;itial figures, composed by
Lithe first piece. Mr Eaton as Carwin•i
sTocAto-sot appears; also Miss Cohen, who
it one of the prettiest little dancers in the
world. Messrs Pickering & Clarke, and
Mrs Flynn each appear in favolite char ac
"Tickers to be had at the principal Hole
This short sentence, which footed the advertise- 1
meat of the Temperance Concerts lately given by
Frank Johnson, has created considerable talk in
some circles in the city. To preserve the repo-
tation of the Washingtonians fur consiatenev,
must state that they had no control over the tick
eta, that being left to Fr ank Johnson, with whom
it was no doubt an oversight.
Wondet ful,
A morning paper tclk a' horrible' , story about
twu boys who had a fight in sth street, which re
sulted in one of them getting his nose bitten, &c.
The point of it is that they were urged on by some
men who were luoking on, whose conduct is very
severely deprecated. We see nothing stiangr
all this. Fights occur at almost every boor of the
day, and the cosibritants are always prompted to
it by men, who look on fos sport.
A gentle Flint.
111 The Sptrit of the Age suggests t ; the editor o
Chronicle to take down that piece of standing mat
ter at the head of his paper, which t eginA thus:
The circulation f THE MORNING CHRON
IrILE is greater than that of any paper in Weitert
Pennsylvania, &c.
The Age thinks it is not true now. We doub
if it ever was.
The mao who was robbed of 303 dollars in site.
cie the other night in Diamond alley has heard
. nothing of either, the money or the thier,
It rained during Sunday, day and mg It I
and yesterday. The Rivers will be very
high. It wag a cheering rain to the coal
buat men. a great many of whom have
been waiting for a rise for sometime.
The Millerites are increasing in num -
bens in this city, by imporuitiot.s from a
broad. There are now sevelal lectutere ,
raisinh, the cty; or trying to, fur they t•till
fail to create much sensation am .iig
our populatinn. As soon as they have
sold off their stock of books,&-c., N e -advise
them to decamp. _
Wonder if there was a conce , t, held at
The German Catholc Chwch on Sunday
eite,ning, as advertised in tile Po.st i DLit
Paper of to-day contains no con
._the error; it it V, as one, nor cry refer
ence to a concert this evening. \V ha;
goes it mean
The above is from the G iz2tte of yekter-
Alay• To set the eLlitoCr, miq , l at tort
this Bullied, we will state there" was no
•C newt on Sun lay evening. The corn,
mittee at one lime resolved to Irive, rt ot,
-that evening, and so advertised it. The
time was subsequently changed, at the tle
sire of the Catholic clef gymer., (as we are
informed) and the concert to•ilt place last
41 - l'Al
111 1 1
: 4 1 ' r
~! -,: ? A' l' .1-1 I . • E I. S
fr..K:i7-=,.- • rlik% 10 riernSes
zpri E mil e t•-.:int il. it ii t le :, two 1 ":1 111 a- --0111 ,1 :
FOR CINCINN A T I. u 1..,“ p r14,V11,11111, Wail 11, 11f,,,,11y letir,if iii,i,
'Ili? Swill,tir",
a. ii Mnstir, lenveii even aid Irani '7 i tii 100, arts-. Pit iiil.ll 011 e:1111. A 1.0. Oet
T im ~,,,i,-, y ; 44 141 o lotk a. to carol el' ii.ileil iii l\ r-1 liiii r ion loiliiii 4llviiii' IV,' ~.11 11l V
The l'itiler. CO'llitt, II a.,ter, I,avri, every Fiblay al with 1,0111 50 10 75 tree's r't to t tl. 'I'I c ntii.ve 11i srri mil
10 oteloril; ii. to property is In ren,ienlit, ::0051 rep,if , lit' illg :11l /ill 1:,
'l ay %.,,,,,20111Prv. Bennett, 'Ali'isli r. le: yr. , ' every Sat. ' girl's front 111 city (ii Viitiibti , 2.ll, aiiil within Iwo mills
urilay al 10 o'rioi k a. tn. or 41, P1.1111'.1 Ir . :le:II. arid will lip le Iscil 00 re11 , 011111 , 11l
For the Slorritng Post. , Tire Pcpress, Parkinson. Ilaster, leaves' every Sun- 'elm' for 1.,°", lin 'l'll'o Yi'ars•lo C o i l i l tr'irmii - '.
GlitiTs:-711onday iv ix n:‘ , s i ereat a I'l -.y in day al lit o'clock n. to. It ARTIIAII MCI:IIYr
JUIIN 11-IP.AIINGITA7,I & CO. Mtiri'it I Itit—tf.
i n
for as von exo••eted. Mr R D one ,in.the, i ..
.1,:r.,/ , .
informer, hart all the g lory to himself. I wider • , n''''Y .0. I 1 (tc / till ,10. V! .S . ...1C)//,1•:.111. S. IV Co limp of
.. --- - -
ptaind - i t t . t t h ere j, a n as ,rieitti inn forotin , for , Al Nl,, . t,,1 :nut u fli t .1,,,,,is iarpi,,, c ,,,,,,.., ,
sending ptiople of aCCIt li eta-Lt., who -e etlnentittn iiir.:,.,7:.),(17:,1,1,,1:, LAl)l77s;—"hts. do y°° °‘° ''''l°'°'' ,1•,•(....'1,. !, , , '..'l vet i tither day, Va. Get Il e teert
1, 00 s 011 11:1Y0 111100 0111 tll-I'ltl 111 '. 11 ' 1 ' 00 1111- doe :1110 ' ,lli, t 0 leo of Itcr, ileitis' 01' :Idlooo
has neglected , to Europe, there to ttcutre upper I ,: p ? ~,,, c,,1in:‘,...,,,, Tta.,,,E., w; 1 . , ,,,,.„
~., ,
~,,,,, 7
sumo knowledge of discretion and 0101 unlit V.
cu al n Itol Ile oil 1: out r axia l < Poilllre- F.ol , llcs, which 1 ) ,.
...i.,, „,,1 for I,lh -exec. h our , from 9 a. in., tilt
Dt) NI E 4 1 .11-:: T Al,Eti T • , scull 4,44 , 444,44-4 oat niter. IA-111011 1 11111-01-1012 bite'kill. Vim ' ',on:and l it ,„, .2 in 5 11. 111.
ran also &pain Con r h ild'ir 11,11 v 'ellwrittitl Eau Jr Brain' F. ,,,,,,,, 17 c j. ,,.,,,, i,, 1.:„.1,1, Gr . ~,,,,, , cruni ,,,,i,,,,,,
rr Tile Neri Yolk Coultni rcitil tkevi rttser re• which will at once row ive all freckles. piluP ll ". "'tit - Book Iceeiiiiil. Geonielry, A 1i,..r0,, A. c . ii n „„ „ t u ,,,.„.
of air Ackwrigm, who died a
.t,i,n,idistoo:-Itinbgees,k,:ihni., ri,striiit‘ri,,:)k",",iric:l,ll,f,..l,i'weniri,"ll,l,.l'7,:ifor,',',ltziji,f,•::::, t i l . .t i nri; 3. fintil /110 1;) p. in. for Centicinen, for the Lailati
short time since in England, le,iving b e hind him c olor to t heir cheeks, they ran 01 , ain noon . of Genrnoll,:i The mode of ienclilioz ibe illinve 14norl;••,.. Will I e
alwaysne of some forty m ilions or dollars. lle ''''e l '"'"' l L i cl" i ' l 11 "'''•'" Ich (""""' ''' '," . " 1 "" t (''''."'". rllirti by 1., toreir, and 1 lle Ile tle,1:1101111L1 , 11 11 I C 111 1 -11 V
11V :1 wet cloth, Also may lip ' OOlOl 0 t!"" i i "`"'"'''"""l' I dressed firo and ihe !limner., iiineroiniii, Ile will :ll
al ass2mb'ed his children at the ChrisZmas Perimpery, sock as Cologne. Bra•s' OIL A Intolidi l'l l - '•,'war: unto ni jai 1:11ii! the iliriory nail the prnri i e Imre-tire' .
dinner, according to the pleasant Em,listi fasition ‘ l l'..kor; and ollwr :400P, —the rule (1, 1 a hil then its 1 1111liValt011.
i 1e ,„,, p 1,,,,-, „ I 11, 01 1,', M er e, i i A .l erir ii, 116 •4' It 'trend Dorier .I‘IIIPS 11011/11 le,itneei;ils 01 hid qualMeations
His family was large, c onsisting, of sever I inar., ,--,
..1"11V.!0 1 ::-: :11111 0111,- Call 111. -1111;11111111.11\1'llo:c.,-ale and for !iii di.viiar•le of the tho les he ti .haiiiii, f r on t espy
rjed sons and daughters; but on one Christmas
retail oi 010. 11. I B iller,a Editor ri m
the IT, S. ca--ant; Gem I. Airli
ma y2O 1342 mead E•q...ltiorney at I..tivir', John tV. Asitniend, do ;
-day, when they sat down to dinner, (-very o ne o f ----- F. A. tta% tiotd. E.g. ilo.; I. A. glower, Evil. ito,; F.tiw.
the childron found under his or her plate, a Rank pi ROPOS. ,7 L , S will he received ai the oill.e of lire City D . ip,r rii i i iiiii. E-q. do.; VV. I. Norton, imitirie of the
Front street; II ie f li i r t rbilit,il,clV:it,to..y , ',rill
ofEngland note fora li und red thouea-cl pontids.— o'clo ‘ r \ k ' a l'filir"tilri‘arik'neull"lllllllllllleV.'lll‘.'?o!/h/el r 3 a ol - I :tre o r f it N l .l. ; ‘ i ' i . n ' t '''
I t
the P i "e i r o ' (.27112 Sou tt : l 1 i
An admirable sauee,t hat, for the roast beef. Wo Euzine llou:e of the New Water Iroiks,to the enit side , Pile also re f er ' , ,:, 1 1, 'II„".'. C . m a „,::,:„I'.. D . 1 ).
. of Liberty street, Roll . r. 1.41 am: E,
'would like to leave been at that dinr,er. • Foso.r. j'.qii . AI I (Intr.' :11. Law:
Pit (Fdurczit, Ilay 2ft - d•-1 1 - Superintendent. • a th , A ,,„,„ E , 1 ,. Cowan, 1 , ..i.q., Attorney at Law; v."
,reensburirh al
. fie malt likewlse refer tt a great many
Regular Mrn vii
tern e'.iet •
, 41
, citizens or r04,44r211.
FOR BE AV ER. 1 citi
I 0 i Thand =e laMont (' roer th
thee el hou asite , t hemar' inure
mentioned linte will
e the terms
iVil.k...,_ The fast ranni re: aunt w w
l ill Irpol , I,rs :O uit, they
- !.. I I will Ire readily changed for i lierre whirl) may nom% er
I im trer.
Trtratronenre an May 15111
The prtemeution of the persona who took part in
the parade in Birtnin,Olum. we undersiand,
ended ii. imposing a fin , on one individual, only,
The tank and tile go scot! frre, and the commend•
er alone suffered for &splaying It military artlo:
following in rela
at an improper season
lion is fro'n unc who know,
Important Legal, Decision.—T homas
Sage, of Lockport, was last March indices
ted by the grand jury of Niagara for per., -- _ scorner
jury in swearing to his schelules, in hank- I , c /7, ErEl, A N 1). .. . Torwo modorate.
ruptcy, and was thereupon arrested and i'a.st. II E"rtIll T., 1111 t, r, will depart 11.1iiv from Bills- , r . .
ittli.-aa.-,llkPr 1111,iN4 rel,ol,lll.lllllllillkalielpllianild
latrlli ai 9 o'clock A in , ;11.d Befloef .3 1 o't lock l l ' SI,
',held to bail. On Saturday the 7th 11151, For 11.10," .
-If 1 . r pd. , - , ;f. ar,p'y 11i11,1111r11.,f 10 New Vorl , , aft o a ii/ ner.ll on I exle..ive a<-ort
mow of I , i,r - tis clirilicAl,:, l' ER I. ( . ..:1712 1, a:,I
Ibis bail surrendered him, and he was bro't tau mt - ,t;tl ‘NI 5.... Ca evert' .;!11 , le In I,i , 111,...1 1...451,,..,11;111 111.1 , Otter.
No Gil ‘Valer -.10 el. ,i, ‘,, mile ~1 , ~,,., i‘. _ ,•., ~ ,
before Elias Ransom, Est , first Judge of N. n._-rli .re i ' tar
' ,t ' - " ," ."-°'
A ~r 3'
tilt} I
..,' i.l. k• vr -- iii. ea. •s 1• r ..;,ree2el .1,..10,010011.5. .01111 till} ,
Niagsra county, on a writ ~1 !admits cor-
I.i re; ;""1 VI
"'iv" ra ; a"li " sill"" " 1" soi"in e-I;f"I-1,11,.."1 ill l!,"'", 10 o'afilry rii,%siclan< I
' Oltio Can.'', room. f , ou with <ii•filkf'l" f . 1J 1:0 , 11• 11 al liva - ;mod ‘l,r, bano , who «I Ito ,iipply Ilion-elf., o nth ;
pus. From a notice of the case in the vet,w‘nh,.: I. overall°. Mined Lit , Iy on over° , 2 of nnV• it, 0. 1 .. on. \t, ,i;, i l ,OO, if ~,, ,Irtirle., f,;,ve, 1,,,,, ...,.I,•,•fed
v.:wino, imir 'Cf —l 1 . wills 11-C 1111110 - 1 1 . 11, ;M111111: Wllrf.ll.led allfe 1,,,iqui11..
Lackport Courier, we learn that the pri- . - -
_ osTARD
..k. iIuNT, 1,,,1i,i, Li ,, , , 0y
~,,.,,, a Ity ailti 11,11,1,,,Wrettelli 1i , 11. , - , WIII I,' 1.1,.t1 %Nall at- \
soner s counsel insisted on sAeral points , IV
_ leN ;loot 9 I , elo A/ St 1'11..1r. nr , sis ,. 1 . ‘ 11r/IPV .111 t 1.1,.!;110., jiollll f 1 t ,fll la , .flonifod oitti Fine ,
' ' d ,,,i t;,,,,n, ~..,,,,,,,,., of est' y COlO , IV .111 1 , ',Milli.. nllll Of
• •
for his discharge, but the main ground Cam' 40 noNns Youtia flv , on Tea, • ' . 1 ' ' i ' ''''
- ' is ' ' • '
),,:l leeelee,, and toe il , 111 0 , 1 PN. 011,1 . p1.. , 111 1, , :I f A :1-1! Mllll I errl.ll7lPry
HAIL:11 AN, .1 EN NI. Nt::' , ~S. CO. , ai3l Cm-mii,- of ovr rt . do. , rT,•,,,,
:ken - ls'as a want of jurisdiction in the state '''''' ''' .Y
way 27. J 3 Wood gt. The under-laved Feint.< hi, fliant , <l ll or tlte liberal <up. .
courts to take cognizance of crimes against --,-,-,---, ~, ..,., . pp.; boreiofore PX.1111 , 11 , 1 10 10111. arl,l fouls.< by a con<taid
IM t- iiit'i. vi t, i' TO OW NE liS OF 111- - o,ltiOn 10 plea- , and ,Crot.i.eenle—:, rare In pro- I
. i -
the laws of the United States. SA \V -MILLS. , „„„ n r,, „, ;4 „„ I IIn E only Wllnt ;,; el.:0 1 1 - W. not: ;tenoine—a
close <upervi<inti of the :+.01 ,- - and t .'ar , :rilri it'll) Of the e.,:tab , 1
His Honor deferred hisde c isi on
till :Mon- i—I.VYDE.Ir.S Ittli ,v.,'1 , 1 Self m ti.r< for Saw mills wltich
.41_..‘tot Pt` brio .O 1 . 1111. le-ted In different pang of the , "glIme"t—P"""il"" and
v "'
' "";""'"I'" "wd-
day aLernoon following, when the parties Ufoll`ii 1"11111 , ••• , 1" , "" 3 .1 111 1111" I tiles of pitisburo, an d . icitiesk—and by toriti-try and peivo ., or:I noo 1.., morit an in
Alleglien!,. Call be gee. In opt? allon at a number of r'rei7e, o f public
again aPPt- --- --.11 and the prison, was dis- rftLl.l.'ol THORN
.rb , s de-- . • . !toils In 111 r, Ilel2hboi hood, v 17.; al :dr Wirkershatu's ''° '
—_ _ _ _____-----_—
tbsistea. -- E l; one of some. ten mi n, 01l Peon td,; allitiowntatt A- 1•1,,,,„,1,„, a d 0,.. ,, near .
. as it peat* - . 1 ' -..„, _ __. of the Inc Oooer AlleoV ot ridge , and at Mort i<na's mill< on
pOrtallc e,
U• Staies have, exclu4sire of Ku:, flare', island. and of nor-. The above named mar-dim SALE.
i crirneN and offisliV"rts' can be obtained .it W. W. Wallace's tribip on Liliert!, 51.. NUS, ? received, 5 0 00 Freeman's hest Fire Brick. Witirdi
sole cognizance o ---,, Q: near SITII litield. where it is fitting up. and where Ole , will hereafter be kept constantly on hand and sold
-4.,machine Win be constantly kept on bands. Apply to B. l o w f or y BIAMINGH.Vit k CO.
der the ilnitiia States laW•
1 --linyder, or W. W. Wallace.- may b - may '27. No. 60 Water Ft.
- .
. ' Tagypapar Dlr.T.A.Rinalrfer, larlY -. • BANS, 1110^ J.-
11,,desqriptive list of Treanor) 11citaii• con" n t in ortadteTltDilAlLll:lll( •wri,
raiikt.ge made up at the 6tittont 1-10tV.'h. New otr
t u il i e t. r t i l r le ' Rant rf?' ol lN r - - I S t t Y a 1 1: ;u \ L A n : . 4; .‘
. Oa ,
team!, arid alledged to have been transtnitte d 2z in d
j u
. Meech .
o r ili ib l un an n,
: . 1, bk. t pa r
Auditor of the Treasury, published on 1116
folloWitt2 errors exist:
No 602, 8.24 May, 1811, should he 2i3d Mav,lB4l. ~_ _. i par
No 5489,C. should be 3490, and No 51, A. should be
No 1
.67. I Easton l ank,
Lancaster bank, die 1,
Lite papers that were authorized topuhilsb the ord. ,
' Bank oi - cheater co. par
ginaviist will make this correction. j Farmers:hit Bucks Co. ..\
- J. C. SPENCER. Secretary of the Treaeuelt.
Doylestown bk dn ..
Bk of N America Phil.
bit.n Lotriteprati.es, ~,
riles IA .•
BF Kensington
Commercial r 4. N
I r e t t I
m e i, r k.
Philadelphia bk.
Schuylkill irk. '' I
111 Southwark bk. t.
Western bk. \
After which, Poslticely for the last time the Indian ',' ---------- -- Bk. of Pennsylvania, 1
To I'llE PUBLIC. -J--------------------
Dratna of th e - k This is to certify that the subscriber has been for some ilk. of Penn Tv.
LAST OF I'HE SH A W NEES. ' !fine afflicted with the Rheumatism very severely, from A- GENTLEMAN belonging to onc of the most an ' Man• 4. Mechanics bk. par
- - c'e nt Mechanicslik. par
Weoonga, Joc-ko- sill; --11.elta, Mrs Flynn, \ which he could get no relief, until, being advised to pro.
.911. and wealthy families of this clty, who must be well Mortmettaile, bk. 3\
cure some of Dr. Fltch's ISM AN VEGETABLE known to numirous friends, having since the year 1118 1
L ~ ,t
a t , ", f t, t( t r X ri t
f il e , w w d h o liy i i i c e it , e .,, e
s o r e d n l ' i tt i g ,
e l y i y did,
ev a c e d d front which Girard . hark, 45i
up to recently , been bent nearly double, and for several
conclude with the CR NCOVIENNE By yearscantinued In his bed, has been restored to rood U. Stales bank, 50j
JEUNNE CAN ADIENNE. Columbia. April 6, 1752.
1 SA M‘l ' PEAIIsE: health-MIS regained his natural Neel position-rind has
qtlitted his carriage, and now walks with ease I We Lumbermens', W arren,--'
Frank. bit Washington, par
lilt( arsal, the CIIAMPWS OF CORDOVA.
N'ear R Creek Springs.Z I Miners bk of Poi tsvile, 5
believe this le the gentleintin'e own description and there ; ilk i m
1 0 pnizomel v Co., par
Rirolaad lii,dricl., S. C , A pril 341. 11138. i is no exagl erallon in n. We will give enquirers his ; Mon. bit Brownsville,
i certify. Ilia! itiv'son, Thomas Morii , i, Jr., need 15 address. and doubt not his humane feelings will excuse i Erie Bank, 5\
Doors open at 7 o'clock, Perfermancer to ctun- i knave these I Ilarrisburrh bank.
mince at Lill pa -t 7 years. has been , ran d for eight )(tars laSt pa , ' with ! the liberty; FO that any one Wolf bring may 41
, , ~..e n.... 1,,,,.., , the II lied matisto, and (Or the last three years has been facts -though he rro l lesis his ciftme may not apn ea ' In I Far. III( Lancaster I j
Lower Flo Ye s -, 50 cents i Seconn 11 ~ .5 1, ut,
Pit t - 25 '' 1 G tllery 1.2 1
l i e to help hirt-elf.. his pain was very severe, so that print. Among other . mod ar in. lance. ,Mr Jame. G.liev
' ; lie could um 1,, mov,i without emit aerniy; his Iltrths c o lds, 144 Chrystie-etreet, has been rest orNI, and \ ilk of Middletown.. 41
will Ilk. of Chamhershurgh, 41
_____.......__—••=mmosllmamm..______________ ..... ‘ , V1.1" , Par , ffiZ" ll :1,1,1 drawn up, and he presented an oh. I give personal assurances af tbefarts of the rase. Both Carlisle hank, 4
Jeri hopeless to ail who knew him. 1 resorted to several Were rhe.timatiJon. anti contracted cords and sinews. Bk of Northumberland, 5
tt (lion Am -- alto. 1 physicians for relief for him, without effect. 'laving now has thin k e en do""7 j Columbia bk 4- firikeco• 2
----- ' beard of Dr. A. Fief
Indian Vegetable. El xtr, 1 pro_
- w has
the Indian Vegetal/7e 17/Lrie internally, ,
.--=----- --- _— ______—__ Ilk Susquehanna Co. 15
, T ' cored tile tr.aroe for niv son. On tak ing it be was much
and Hewes' Nrrre and Bone Liniment externally. from ' likof Delaware Co. Par
relieved, and by continuing it In the foort h bottle. h a , Coirmlork. For Sale wholesale an i 1 etaT at I'UTTEE'r; Lebanon bk. ;
Will he sold at Vici , in, Corner of Wood and Fifth , fiery en,
streets, on Titesdoy next, at 3 oriock P MTii o (tile=rs no , s . ( ~,i ,yj o f : ar,lnd lwalt VI. i would. in a case of litteu- -- - -----
and Lots, we:is:ltaly shun ol iii Scott S rielits• 011 e 01, m ai islii. earliedlly rerominend il in thnse who are 0 free: TO NIY CREDITORS. r hank, 4
, Far. k Drovers bk. of
Boss st on t 1•100 ft 'Ol, Il h ave l on Carpenter' , oPeY , tee ,c , lll this esr rnri. ling pain. Till .S. NIITCHEI,L T ritilE NOTICE, that I have applied to the. Court of wnyn, , , , tnu .,,b , .5
- i ex..totiLkyslltirgb bk.
both opened. ' The houses h sra
ter and good eel_ w brut_ neNlihors and aryl:tinwares of Mr Thomas Comir.on ['tens of A ons' tong county, for the bore
~ •• Currency notes. 5;
oars vac h, ut,d a%ri of good t-oft water before the (rout mit r t,,dt, and having often seen the sittlation of leis son, 11l of the lIIWS of this Contmonwcatt h. for the relief of 1 itoopmatp. cl
one, a l e in :nod TCIIIIII - , 111 C low rD‘lll‘S newly Darrell. folly c orrJttiorate t lie above ease, and. as we believe has in solvent Demers, and that tile said Colirt have an 1
1 Wyoming bank. iti
4 , 4-c• Th, lots are 2411 511 ft. The Idle is good and been ru.ed by 111 C Indian Vegetable Elixir,
painted ttio 3d Monday. the 191 h day "I lune. nett Incl'
Inre from all ellen miira Tire. 11 itl Ille Sal property SA MUM. MEEK, 1 th e hearing of me a nd my creditors, at i lie Court house , .
l Pittsli l fzli State Scrip 44j
. i Country do do 41a51
stile advertised liy Judmil 4- Fla t,eli n, nt whose I thce DtViti D . 11 ST . lln the Iterough of Kittanning, when and where yon nat i Ree ks Fe ~ , a nx, 7th
the title papers mar he sern.-Ter los, one half cash rat I llit 11'D:is sp ELLA NO, •, t.tteed it you think prope,. CIIAS,SANDERS. I
Lewistown. 3
'envy, when the deed is wade, ( i per 110 be 1131 d at I •12.(111F.R.1"11111N11 SON, -• 73.- Cram Dem. I Towanda. Rol
lite liniC of the sale,l; the oilier half, eood endorsed voles i BlicKIN fin li (10000. -- - !
at 234- 4 months; or 2pr emit eisruma lor rash if Paid , The share, wit n vcry I.,rz e• ‘7,q zort rirqt of other;
' valuable medicines, have jeer le ea tort IVerl seal arc fur
ES.COCK.S,:. ( . 0. sale by the quantity or F11141,11.'1111% at TUTTLE'S, 213 1
A urt iopter,. ' r o „,,r, 0,
on the same' Evening.
To conclude with the CR \COVIENNE By LA
Rehearsal, the CIIAMPIOls; OF CORDOVA•
:traction. . D'N :\V TE IPERA , NCE & S. SCHOOL
Siii•ei,,cii: I” i B .fliiiii. ,
• , i. , ,al the old l ire nil corner 01 31i., od Wood , BOOKS AN!) TB AC 'FS.
having romplied with requisil IMO , 01 . 1110 Itt , N• A 0C• IFF-T received from New York. 5050 l ' iiiiiii's A dye.-
lion Law, •re prepared lo iiiiike ailyiiiire‘• an i'ori,,izi, .cr vale and 3i:urea' for M a ; linl LI re? , rind Ilrir;,,
nient ,, and I 0 S , l l 01, raVoriill,e term. They hope by F l a' lint` and an' i - llar'eliii .=. permanent Temper:dire dor
cotitinuiti4 i o inake ready Sale: , and prompt retnins, it
1 ll.n.'nl•'. until wide a I•lileiv , f ill, lain-i l'eniperalwe
receive a fair portion of liosine,s. ', potiliratiooii. A ,:u. 24 p.irkiii:e. a=-oried Eniri-ti iracis
. --------------__
l'itlslitirgli , A pril lot 1 11.13 I'
~.4":111i2:1-iiil.):°.1171;:iiblari'll"',14;I:In'rill'll'it3ii'oYii!uf':)%l'il'‘eli'oni'ie"r‘aikrse ( S il o - i l .i i i n i e .
In retiring from ilm Auction t uiiness, I tokelrd i I lie . . pi 'vale Citeiiirs. Salizeoli Scloiel-i, and the (Herds
pleasure in reeottiniendioi: to the puiiiie Mesrs. Satiric, ',
01 . Tempi roof, unit il,e 14.0te1-dee; Ceileiliiiy. 1 7 1 , snle
Falineatork ey CO., , 11,lee COOlll led with the require , urn rinY ",7"/I^',-* l l I S A A l* ll.‘11111:4, A zenl and Coin
ilivilLs of the new Auri toil Law and will do imoos. an , iiiinii Merehatil, No 9, Fail. streri, Pius: ii igli,
illy oil stand. 3. 11. crrii nil:. j may 17
arrll 3 1!14.1.
TO 140ITSEK EE P E RS.. J UST or. I,ed a soltootill lot of (:enemies, ( w o.l. ( r um
n.\ v p, ,„ ,„ y c, i ,„ 1 ,,•,,, nail \I al 1 ra, ,, IVaryhoty , e. a OwCrs! and , l.
o! a, it sh.eri , or 'wend: =riling fu
IFlcnovltor for cleat log yclY awl old rual lio. and I : yr et hi ~..,- i ut 0,1, ,11,1rr4a,....., 111:iv 1,0 f xi. elya.
roost fI - lile , 11. III; lIIv or "OF. , 11.,V1,11 1 4 ' , 1s or reailter, 1 --. lull Itotut to rail al 1411 1.0, ray ,irout.
worn 4- apparently i1af'11.1....,10 Vulill and i1,V1,1.1t111 (.11,1i. ', 11121' 11.; 1 ACV 1.1.0vn.
1 ~,,,, lake In .t...1, - .• 1111.111 :111.1 taker hem Ityrfrooly I ---
,voet and Heal, and It; lake Iliat onrYe.orive smell which 1 INFOII7\IATION \V A INTE I).
!,,,,i... inn 2 iii 11 -, c acquire from ilia Feather,' 11,1 Ileir , l ,OS 1,0 , 2:;11111.1v of Novoolhol lazi, a ...HI i.i the ...,,1
!ooperly cored at ftr.o. 'I IS onro. Boo r e lulls t.list, et si he .o ~twr ; awed J\ \I E.: 4 I . I:1.1,Y . I Iwo ale , ol 9 yo,
011 r. OFt . i wended: doe, 1.1) , %\ ;...le or njure 1111 l'e.Llliers. . C a. , ..e. I. O Ii• : r. hoo , Y; he W:... Ff . ... :1 fry ,I at .r af•er
FYI removes the to II :iod dire. N:roy Fe.oll.•f , 111, I'o'l.'l --.1.:,1,-1.u.:1i 1. , 1r.1 4 :1 I'M 1,,:t.',1! , [..,.. and 1 - ...... 1.,
,4 . 111,.ir UN.......F.:Vt. 11i...1-:11r , :MI 1.•,..• fir..l rali., - ...,1, Ult. .1, , :It i;1 ~I ihe vzi
\\ \I . '1)',',1.1:,1.,:“., -,ii ~
v 21
NEW (;()( )I)s ! N W (It )( )I)S ! !
Rilrts 1,1%11110d r1;11.:.
itt r,t3v!trz hp!t3,tl 11,111 t•r Fat , S
and SlaH• Dry Gollik. IT 11. ..11.1.1111011 01 pur
113.er, i; rr>prctl .01.
ip ~.Id 01 rrrft /toe
II r9l r': II Pt.
Viiti 1 . 1110 it 1.1 11 Vlr .(4
Co'h"" V .
".r " I O„1„ 1,0 rrtlnirstr.i ,- .
ra" '""" f„ in ,av $1 „ I I,n ye votl „
w 11(.1 e,w,ltsotro y. 11. n i 9.
; 1 e 14.1—, ,1,4. r 1
0, 1.1
Cal•ri:r.P:e% fir:.
'l4l li I ‘,l
A l.t.rraze,-1,,r to ss4, o .— r e l%
t I r,l
. . •
_____ __________
Ft) I' N I). ..,, , ,,,:i. \V A.
4 N( ri'll of ;la r.,.1 rur riy.v D.,1.1 .Ik4. The L. & .T. 1). NVI(Iil,
.:1 n hay , it :irliiti by di, o “,,4 ply,,r.! 1, r %Vitt:des:lly (:iocor , :: litt.oler% to produce,
11, :ItiVPrll.,,weill. 1:11tqllii , at tlle I.•rr , , ~I . I lie I O,T. 116 ‘V 001 i 7'i ,, f• , . .1 JO 1r: .0,,,v, F . , 1 ;, ..t.
VI 1 - I', , Er Itt;II.
subscriber most respectfullrinforms the gentle.
ill men of this city and vicinity that he has comnietteed
the [MOT and SHOE making business in Fourth street,
opposite the Mayors office. Having been I - 01E1117111 In
some of the most fashionable Boot Shops in the Eastern
chic and having furnished hintQelfwitli the best French
and American Calf f.kins. he hopes by. his attention to
business to merit a share of putific patronage. To those
gentlemen who have kindly patronized him he returns
Ihis.iincere thanks and can with confidence appeal for the
goodness of his work and knowledge cf his
may 11. P. N.
PRIM E i.ll of Western Reserve Cheese, ,once weigh_
Alng one hundred pounds, for s saITACY L e low fo
LO r rash by
may 16 140 Liberty street.
N, 1. IC. , cri , r ;ye r
:1111 , v 11,i ,1 lett
mov.i• A RI/ K 111.1. Y : hr I
hat: ev•
11‘1•111 011. c ;!ra 1.111 , v re. (...l
C( )1 . N'l ('t )AI ISS1()N ER.
A a,ion Illf C
• t
I I' 11r. ti It
lot• ,nrv• 111,jorl$,. P. 11 ,
1.11/Ii j I ,11( i.e 1,, 1.,
le& this
:10$.11i1 it II '1,•I CrU$Ml,-1 ~.•
LOCKS made expressly for powdci magazines, Lut
3very sultaiile for Pork (louses. 09 the materials of
which they are constructed will not rust from the action
of the salt, wilt he sold low for cash.
may 2-6 w JAS. PATTERSON.
RF PEACHES.-50 bushels Dry Peaches, joss re
ifieelved 4- for sale by II A I LNI A N,JEN NING - o.
may H. 43 Woo.l st B
Mountnleasant bk
AT yental Far. •!.I Mech. ilk of Stcu.
TrillI: s nltzerilter ,VO" Ili rr51,1,11.1111%. inform bin end 0 I Belmont bk of St. 'Tatra.
-E.- leers: ol the public ntocrally, that not withstanding I ville. 1.
. ihe ntiptereticnt.,l salc: at the Thrre flip Doors, during . I
Marietta bk. Demand
tootrsent Sel.oll; he has still on band the largest and i notes. 11
' mos varied n-sortnteht or rle cant CLOTHING iliat can I do Correne. y notes, lil
Le boult.t we , t or (I.e m onetaiits. The public tune res.t Colnmlttatia Itk IN eW Lis
% I asstitel that nth articles offeted at bis store arc mann far • % bon demand,
Illted front rPt P5ll coons. p orriiiioid in the Pastern ‘, do Post morn,
ntarkes this Sp' ing and made into garments by Pitts t Ciiirimmti siatrie pay-
burgh workmen. 1 lira Lanka. %I
i n Co ns, rittr tire of tli.! multiplication of step shops in Meell• sc" Traiirrs bk of
rut nit v:t - IPc( 1 with pa wn•brokt.rs.clot hes add the musty. Cincinnati. 3
cn , l, crr garments of former seasons. front the e mletn ci. Clinton bk Of r o liirnbus,
vies, the puldir ! mould be cautions to ascertain the char Demand notes. 1*
arier of the eslnl•liSlltnetilS ill which they are invited to Circleville. (H. Lawrence I
mu rhase, before they rail with their money. The or- . Canhier) 1;
. titles offered ;111 several of the concerns in I hin city, are I 'ZIIIIP . vI IIP l'k • 1;
I I:I. no re oda', of N'etv %York and Philadelphia slop i
-Imps. 111111 Selil nut he , i 0 be palmed off on thr Pitts I wl
1,,,,i, p,, ..i,.. I'lll'dt:hers should tie on their Guard n ,
gains , 1111-r imp , -pions. and they may rely on the fact •
thal rlo alto`.e,t,,l.lrol Ilhal ntiVerike, eastern made Clot • TO LET.
iw. , . ran Ltive sghod an article or an adtrtnianeon,har. • rit , F. 3d cicry of the build T ^, occupied by B. A
: am.= a.: tam e I cad ho Ihe "Three it Donis " Balisnoin it. an the clore.--Ileretnfore know.
The pulMc t, 111 plen , e remember that all the 9til,Frri a, -Sesittil It's Long Room," corner'of Wood an !i..1
I.' '''. ' r in , tln are il nlll , In t hin city. Inc rompetetit work- slrPets Inquire of R. Morrow, sth st. j and 3
..1 not gat e.c.t up like the goods now offered lty - -- ---
OTS rot: s \ I.E.—Fotir Lots in 7tlanchester. Om
of n nssac" front the shred= and P at riles of , 1 -
, I and n fourth Amen of 1.111.1 on Ilotmei.' Bill. Lot.
o p shops. It wt'l always be hit endeavor to
111,`1.111 ill 10 , .1...111:II in., 111n1 Ihe -Three Dig floor,' norlI• 41,42. r,2. 53.5.1,131,182 and 184, in e.1c01t . 3 plat
ttO Liit. , t, cor forittslii tor •I superior t w e of (ILI ail :of 1...1., on Holum% MU Also, lois nos '26 and 27, it
—i., e y, ~.; ~......,, e i, ;nu ! a t 1 .6 e.., b e l o 1 1,,,,, o f ~,,,, i Cook's plan of Lots on High strer;, near the new Cour
, t ionse. For terms Ilrpl yto
- 1 senlll
the I r. .‘
ra r , cl,
+titer c-0.,i.ii.-Ittvt td.
lin It. , tn i ti :-. - 11r , r,liin , 1,1: i1...': , to 11 t. friends and : '-, -
it, i, i dir for Ili , 1111',TP,,:10,1 pilrnnnae lest OW. d . — ---s,tt.ss its s _,. ‘k ii
tiptot dis c-I titit-ttrtno, apd Iteticrtr. ihat I Ley hate 'a , (UP kik Wit la', .4 f a l e
f,•,...,1 i. 1,,,,,,, ~,, , ,,,,,,e lo elo'il 1.1, WI Itni. he woo=d , tND pn,tt•stttinn tlO,ll on illy 1- 1 of April next,
--• .•.,t Pic ,nvitatinn it, :; 11 I ii(of• Ai: 110 w‘sti in pnrclia=e briek hrh, Co 011 t 11 ,• ' :ink a the Alletilienv river
, .„11,1,,, oc,,•ry dr•-r, ipi ~,, at Ille ~5,,,,1 pdi r 111 rail ' tloo:tories high, .1 comfortable ronsw. itesides cellar 1111(1
)(MN: M.CI,iIFI( v. litichen. It In very pleasantly sittio.ed )ist outside the
- ttit,cryc Itir tai I int , ,n for p.,o.•mant .
a: - 26. coy line, wit It n Oil view Of the rit yof A Ile:rheny, nod
tt N.t 151. I.IFFP , V p,
within 20 minutes' walk of the Itett‘rt tif Ike eity—r,nt
'very low. .1 %Al ES !ALA IL 111,A ' ,
1 !louse Acent. sth AVard•
1:XCII .INi; i: illiTri.
Cororr of l'eno ,S. ;;1. Clair .sls. Pillsh'zli.. l —
I 'I , IF. l'iopiio.ii .' a 1 t,, , , cl, ;: nyd n nil cr.'''. ‘,14.1.i, r...-- TO I,ET.
te ~C.'1..1.wriP.,',... 1e. , :.. 1. , f
ir r.. , ...r r. lo I I..•ir fr.e.T.'is Amok,. ON c , n . lck dwellintr. honor, entitninin2 a lar
null I' . pu'.. ir.t . ..ii 1 '.oir !qt., I. fir flop'''. ft um 11,15 , date, ! T 7 .,' -, Er hall, two oirloors. 4 mows up ~ I tiro. will) fly
1... ',di:rod in 0 \ 1 . . TWILL \ ILPER 11 1 . Y. '
_lLX.l.i.owit ..zarri-1.4,,iiii4 room and Iti.rlirn. with ear
Frr,” It,v 1,....C.ti . of 110., lool.e , t 0 ,002 si'oalcd mid • rt,,ge Innt4e. kr. 'Tilt- , iinti , e is plep , ant 1y located with
,ny 1 i n1,,,, ll,i• i' ;‘ ,,al , l i,l Steami,o.,,t lauditvzs, a. ii on ,aril in front and To, 11. cc tie Canal beak. corner of
Ill : ! u,t 11,, , n2 .:..it. to Alletl , t ny rite. 11,e preprie. elnesuul street. lettllteC 10 licll,l(lf i11'1412( . . now ill lilt! 00
~.: , ,1 , 0 _ .1. 1 ,,,,, w oi, r .,,,i,0,,,1 ~,,, i io n , on their part ' rtipat.uy , I Mr. S1(1'11112. Trill bruit tile liltlC- - El'quir ,
' t.el.' ti .11 I.e ..v...'1'1,`, to ittroud i vertu :It tentinit and fatal ‘, tii Du. Whilliaker. Al,o 4 ,!lirily ritv. tear 3,
it rt qt:it (,I for hit rruulort and convenience of their ,
runt and l'og'o tnet 0 a ttnattnuanre of the patron ', 11 ;' Or @tent.
:1 , 2, - . l lilt! 11. , 110 I,IrIFI 1,"... ,r. W....1:111v extract ' e. 10 then, ';
.1k CoNV F.NIF,NT ilir,..-tory brick AVellinff lion ,
V,. r ,,,,,,pat -tt..,_^ ,I l'ar' ut t titres, al. (.0111,1lCled ', :.'IL- Sitlllitfl Llll R").. , ,' , . street near Fourtlt• Rent ~ c , 125,
will ,
lie 44 , . 1,1 . : , ,i4 c: , r the t.eitur arc•atitnodattnn of nitt" 141. A rink , in .I , OIE - MAY
4 14. , ir ~.,,,,,,..,.. :in (+l/llli'lll , tV` ,l al ltl aloud bl• in read)
,e,.. In enneey turn 1., and 1i..' , . il, II Ini:o•
2 niIN D
nir 27,
~.._ BEAVER. A N I) W MIRE .!`i
_ I . ! ,,i.ii‘:
Cll U.: % P C(1 \III, LIASIi E'r IN I) V As , IL;: -.7 P Acl: FIT.
' Flea pleket ERIE. 3, 70.Sh;lw master, will run
RI ET Y . sT()RE. 1 as a reatit rtr I_ weel;lv porkel Irehyren the. aim ;e named
Na. 111 „Ifer,l•et stre,?t, nail Liberty. ' .
i ports. leaves Bearer no !slooria% a, Wednesdays, Frida a;
ri l l ; r, ~,,.., row r rer-pertruo) 1.6,,,,,,p,i,.inmer.9 and , re•nrrtiroz, troves Warren nn Tner•days, Thltrattnya and
t ti,e r,rrt,tre .2,er,..r011y. Owl be has prat Tel arced from s•vorday,,; aotk „, e ti„, With the Forr2e Linea to Cleveland
the e•,st ooh o lore and 1 tr:;. ,- , el osr-ort went of gm - hi , divert, For freillit or pos.:lee :Tidy on boor(' or torn
in It,: line to w hiylr Lc invites Nlerellant, and Wirers who PrIR :\T I .. :Ci (111 A M S. - .. G 1.,
‘vi-a, ter r nieno-r• v:lrvirrs,rle rrr retr,i!. very Inw for I resh, J. S. DICKEY, Beaver.
.1 h., h.r.,, , ,,,, , z, ronipriao , NO Irl hi- sr er•k . with a vim \
• may 10.
hire , trastn^rit rrf Coney r2,rorls and toya.
* ..
ifk el 11111
. •
2110 parks Eneh,ll, German and American pito;
11:0 ilionsand best needlts;
r, 00 dozen tape.;
1000 =wool Colton;
NO If , patent thread;
25 s , wint ,
70 best gboo t Mead;
1110 skein roll:in thread;
750 Glow:, inl purr usslOU raps.:
1606::rmss Oh and la.ting buttons;
1911 g 10 , F peat' S'loll 100011 F,
120 frOQ , .I,oe Inces;
1141 (107.. WTI oi3O shell ran.R;
25 (1t 7. tot toke tuck and Iltlttito
1.4; dhz. Ivory romp;
21-1 do 7 (I(
Al' !NG amide a at ,, t.Ave arra rte.c.nam' s for the loan
, I • itcaci sirs, of the alinvi• ~ tirin, I am %KM tOOraf , l
to lit) all order. for COPPER AND IRON RIVETED
It ()SE, and whi,ll I thief.) fih.i It a f; ,:l4tP (little yr ry I e•ii
i) pens i..i.. i ,ff lift; i malerial and WOrtiOlarl•ftfift, f qU'lf iti f i ti.itilV, and len
3 , :s 0z... Wilothviirir- ceiessratol pets hAders: ' per cent. le , . than tits Easlern it., an fay turn.
With :. ,-,..1,,1 n,ii,iriniessi of ail kinds of variety gr" 9. Olders 'ell wig it A ninon, Itra, Fun 0.d..r..2nd at r ff•ef
surd fl -f w ttl f m. wnOffq", Lll:lifAXradlc,. market and
" thar ' or at my Z. , :iiiiiiii, Iln.v.esii and Trunk :4'nfr. NO. A
1,,,,L,,, ~,., ~..,,. c v . ...qmod i u pa:tit ti'ar invite the , wth
earner of Friamo,d aiICV. W.) . " rirods:' , lY
attest ~ i f°, It,. !.ffliff , 10 Ist, it
and lar:e a " n “ me " °C. ; at letidnd tn. it II II A RI'I.EY. ,
0 . ,11 ,„ a 1,,,1T, a, r o all.f.. Also, Gra.' k:/ ,' S celebrated sit .
N. R. —All kinds of rici!e.l Machine Bands , made as
cord , ;.owl ad 1 0, ,• l',t .lucre wilt"; PerseusPupunj ahovr; also, all kiwis of 1:0,-e repaired.
„h a - a ., ~,„ ~.t3 r, it I,
.5 . sod a> repres , rsted. Also. thf• hel-I. ; 1 ,,,,,,
counter Jrilled t...., d itcetiles, which have twen purchased I
. ....-------—------
especially for co:.ii, as) fi ne A inf . f iral. flat and routs() E:10R. :5 AL E.-1..nt.. on Is.e N 4 cn: . . ,.
, E ,
:t.st corner of COa
bend ;.inn. trnaY 72.1) e. YEAGER. , il . Lane and litzh srrevt. rs; 1
_ : <.p 11, !Ir.'. i . n'ti /: t.INCIToN, Mar ket, near dtl,
ti 1410111
II:0 r and CIO) Le• 11111,11 PI,
30 r ugg e: hire e11v19 ,. .1 hooks and ry(
1:t) ;110,41.0.1111,1 .11.1
50 2 14.". d sylluldiotte
2:),1 thrt n--)gtcd sd;tits;
-- ' - .
I I C6KS Bacon US, - . ,
II 5o• hog round, NVI LLIAM DOUGLASS,
i i,T AND c i , r V A cI;FAr 1 Ult CR. EVrry OeSerir
l' Shoulders, Kentucky cured, recelied this day i 1
l 0, , i•. - it Cap. , oil lino& 'ending fiues. winos.
ion ',it: aii
per steamer Bridgewater, and for vale toy .dle and esquil.aipriees to Mit therillteP, /lithe old iiland
GC)ra)"' t i
,' D0n..., 4. Moor°, la waco,t•eo. mz ) 6.
Wale: ::.ferC. 1 " •••• '
oh! Conner iliorllerl Morton2abela
7 31. , Rye 55 Ill , kry on cor,rierloutori,
ergo. by
an 1 w,i, s h e r wr r s ii Wood rind slnilth'il
9 1 111 rotir.,= 1111,-el and Robertson's N 0.5 LUMP TO
rvilY pII V(1
21113 r, n: a -sort od do.
j Jurrt re,eived, Iw:ether n i.lr a reneral ri ,, orrinent
every ititur. in the Grocery liar. and for sale on the most
1 -, 29
The old 411141 of Mat , her" l'atrirk,
,_ _ (Lately orrapird by Joirn fronx.)
rilli r..t0,,....i1ik, w is!, 10 inform Ille cilizeiti of f r itla
I_ litirall, and the I rayellinir titiliiir,ilial lie Fifth lin; leannt ,
the almce writ know. stand, (-il nat. it on street
lelworri 11a rl,el and IVinid.) where he will he tl'Appy to
areoloniodniir all 1115 t old lrielids, and 39 wally new one ,
a: will I,r iv.e.,0,1 to arkilowlrdv . hint as . I..eir host.—
lit- terms null le iiioderale, ,lII , PII 111 I lie times. Il i`
I:ii,le will he .upiiiii•il wtili Coe fdirri 'fiat tiir 1131 he! l
l'ord.r. 111 , bar will lie furnished with 11.9 Cool...eat of
i itiviorrA, both d0,,,, , tie and foreirii. 111 , =table.; are spa
\ r.iiiin; and ennintorlions, conduct...l hr experlenced ant
attentive o,lli.ra.
{rlle vvontd inform the eitr...e,,,: Ilint lie in prepared
In accninmodal r a nornher of 11.eilily,Slontiti} or Year•
ly hoarders at reduced prices.
R•TICS at Boxitai l
Sitia'c . I fenl, 25 cents. 1 Lodging, 12 1 els.
lioaid per Week. . 52..7.0.
ma a l!--ilin. 1/ lelli POII'I'SER.
-_ _____
10 Tit: I;? RIL.E.
10 rox,s 1.0,1 f i. , , , , I : ------
, VS7' REerIFFP,:, 14,,tr• -1.1,10 Y IS lir Swaymerr
,"..," Bl!A.CruFt.ed an : j-1.1 mr..i.vpii an d co r ~.4 1 ,. ,IL rut, of Wile eke rry.and for 5..0 , wholtsnle end
H A 11.1,1 ‘S, Ji".`;SINGS .N. Co 1 r0,..1 14 V. M. TrlOßst„
41 ‘V..0,1 ar 21. No 53, M•trtet *I.
. - -- ----..._.
..,-;,n Bp.i...s_y. 0. ...,,01.2.,,,,5.
... 7 Cast 9 Pactm nawi ..t.-. day rrer'Nei and roil
J, G. 4. A. Glin DON;
1 .i' W.lter St,
101,10 , 1 1 : 11 .•
Da} TOO?
riot 0,
Post noses.
Chlllicnt he,
\Fran. Columbus,
La ..ea,ter ,
.G ranv tile,
Coat. bk. Lake Erie.
Far. bk: of Canton,
State hk. sr Branches 11
,State Scrip, 35
AB banks,
,Siate hk & Branches,
$ ha w neetown.
,hank of Viral..
do Valley,
I Far. bk. of Virginia,
G s,: x . r w ita , n i z . e l.,, lia u n,
Mer. Fr Mee. do.
italtlinore Ranks,
Colint ry flanks,
Ra D n E ks t: A WARE.
All Banks,
City ks,
(safety fund.) 1 lit P'
Red Back, } to
I Rosi on Banks.
Country 4:
Orleans Ranks, _nod.
Good na,.k., 20
Ftl.:. of St. (71:11r, 10
Pb. do. J fitttillt
r.mul Sto 10
Eastern Eachange•
Philadelphia. .
New York: i
Baltimnre, i
Boston, t
Wegtern Exchange.
Wlneinnati, par
Lonisville, Pa r
r N everand,
heellne. 1 dis
(101.0 I` 'ND SILVE; par
itrot ,
43 Wood 0.
c y~
zoos AND OB
N. W Corner of Wood 4- Fifth SP.
Tits nroprietois of the Monsitio ro* . r and litr...qt,
ARD SlAnoramoiva respectfully inform their fries&
and the Dairomi of hoe papers, that they have a Llif:l3
and well elleoen assortment of
fe_ - etre Via r - JilL"'"7lW - 311E"'31W.
)B,Ezga , ) A7E,7 ogai , j. - ... gp. 1 .5 - writvxnakaAmill
Necessdry to a Jub Vrlntlep; Offce. and that they are pra
pared to ezecule
Books. Dills of Lading, Circulars,
Pamphlets, Bill B e ad , , Cards,
Ilandhillo, ,- I Blank Checks. that Tips .
Zit Ititfos of 331ituts,
Stage, Steamboat, aad Canal Float dills, 'pith stititbi:
priate Cuts,
Printed on the shortest notice and moat tessombleterinsi
We respeelfully ash the patronage of our friend"' iyild
he public , in general in this branch of our basins's'.
P i lu ' h n r e h • Sep'. - 39. IR,l im 'S * . t i ."
To the rotern of Allegheny Cntintyt-1 re.imrthilly of:
fer myFelf t o your ronridcratton an a candidate (forrepint•
drat of parties) for the attire of PROTHONOTARY of
Al leghany nt y, at the east - tine cirri inn. At Jona
come heforV. you teromtuended by a Cnnmention, thew
yon to whom i am not pet gnnally known win nterme
amine into my rinnlificatic'lts, kr.: and ir,n foram:lla at,
to bbtain a majority o f Your Nuffragett, I ?halt trnBFat,or
by strict attention to the ent ILE of t otikeStn fatiEryjred
with your choice. ALEX. NIILLAR.
may in —tEi ; , 01 Pithimrah:
ATOTIC E to Steam Boat Meners.—The stili.erther, tn
con.eq ne nee of I lie +biro - tilt yof the limea, has coda.,
rrd the price of hilt &edit , Guard jar the .preventioa cif
the explosion of steam boileri,to $1.50 ott boat. •
It In hoped that all 11,nt owners will avail themselved
of theße rearonahle terms. not (tidy on ae,eount of 04
perfect safely they afford, lint 81 , 0 In poled of economy;
EollerA with the apparatua attached will wear abed
wiry as lona as those not provided with
Marehl—Sht EVANP
E. 11. Ilenstingß,
sand Surveyor. Offred
in 4111 strer4, next door to th nk of Pittsburgh:
no 24-1 m
91 6do Slionnifc., tins day rcrrived and lot
ttle lby 3„ G, 11. GORDON.
may B . :12 K'at , r s i.
------ --- -
A :1 fI( BORAH'. Ai"rORNEY AT LAW hasYto•
• removrA (Aire 10 No 63 -Fifth "itter.t.
tween Wood and Srr,ithfirld nest door to Akiet r rimpl
rmipghorn tit Co-.
A nd Cleveland Line&
T§rarCh 22, 1:3
W. Phrbridge & Co'
CENTS for the gale of Beatty powder. %V arerrei
het win Won(' and Smithfield.
111arrh 1!1.1:3
fo , n,
au? $„ o=l rkeivnii and rnr. , aleby
11A11.5 1 A lit JESSINGS
Wo Co.
-43 R.
roi at.
RES!" FLOUR 1,1.14 frrPiVl`Fi for sale 194,
for en,ll. 11‘11.M.‘;`,1,JENNI:s;,(1S
n 4:3 WOA
-• •
e rcs \ - .. nTrT ItnLl N TAR, on coh.le
OILP 1. ,nr•t0,a , 4 , 1 (elf ctile lnw for rash..
Fl IFSNINn:% en.
nr 29
11.'1.F ynt7 , : e. iIYSO!si TIIA.
1:r, rll I PO.:11 awl Cuoiffiu din; Jvvt received
:mil for sale lun ror rush.
11.111.NIAN,Jr.SNIN C:=.
4.1 Wend st.
la I:131.S A LUNI.
VI 2 reronn. ,
2 I'o ,l c 3 Ml.ttofp.r: rere;yrd and NI . Palo lr,
43 tVood,pt .
Frii(vm, Dr,rq--)!-T-rofrir.
y I'NELOONIN. Avnt, Bnottsriler Rya
A Binder. Ne , .'!ll Nand r brig ntwaYfi
In,d neperr.ti aF.--nurenl of Snitnol Rooks, Blank;
J•ok I'riniin2 and 1i 1.11'.7 0.11, t , linrt nnt
irt-Tnn nltnwed for Rn;4 , ,Tni nnr'gStrarut
and B.' •:o rnPy 1-41
11 (S._ 13:
Standart, Xnqraharn dz. Co.
FOR B.D1:111 Co.llE(' lIAXTS.
A G EXTS for the ninnannnortalinn company'
Pt- Coliwwpd or ,ne MP,P1 . 3(115' 1 ,1
IP. ' Erie
I•Cnchinalnii Ilor.
!looter, rnlfiler Co's. Lim! of SI , nnl floats ye.*
nn tha Lakes.
CI, :eland Line Pennnvivania and 01,1 n Carlo.
Pronrirtn ihe Atrelinnis Line Oltin Canal.
IT F T V' TT. 'Y 0
WILKIE R . EN zWOT! TIT. 10.9. COCTIT.O. Slip, 14 if
R. MINI YR k co. A: l •Nov•
o,ls , cn.sr. floc , nn. , .
II UNTVII . PAT M kik k Co. no fr , to.
M .T. WILLI 4 ,IS A - Pow Cleveland. ..
PON Jon M. MII.I.ZN, do.
l'n kr LETT M.OITTITCCT., dn., .
J. S. ilirgi:v, Renver
iltrtmnann.in q• c o .; PlMPl•urzh
an 1 1841-Iv. _ _..__—______
- N0.6 Rost of the NlOrket pent!' M.
sth lvard, ritiolurzh
rplIE sait..rrit - er having for n number of ypnrsi,(4o
en , ! ,, 1 In re pro pert,„ r oifteting re m. k e ,
end 'xi-hint I n pv,.r.j 10a 1.i1,411rn, , in tills way. respect.
fnity offers his servi - in In 11105 r. pennons owninn, Of whO
may have rliart, of Gino . •in an Etter ittnr., Ariminlstra
torn nr (311A•11.;11.. , in the lily or t.ttlintlis, and who-luny
not I,r,rolri , nre in alisiu! lion selvt.S.io rent tivrelt.
mtt.s. Warehouse.. Farm., Lots, &r. Alfa', 10 collnet
ilivirirnds. Grnnnd 'llls &T. A ree.ister is kept
where a ilesrripi inn of all prourriiss for rent Will'heft.•
Ifte.! frr, refery ore Is rrsP , 'Clrt/11{ , °tiered 10
the r,ilii , isitia 2,111 r men for rviitol, 1110 stittscritte. hes
been aunt far , 01nr• Vr , arr. pao--Nler•rra Mifllol.l Anent .
P. MrCorinich null .1a amen : 4 . Esq., Pittsimse.ll;inS•
Si tort, 13.1 13o•orran Philan ;Mess. Jcilio Prawn. ,
Virinitutliam; ii, \ l rl roan. trriiinoi I; Ilanirl Potter
1.a%% renee yil le: Jame- 3Cfni . ll
r a .:l labsriv; its.-tier, 3011111 a township; Dataet
Del - intro", S'Vi,
f•-i. 2.3. .3 %NIES C.LAKCI,Y,
Tuc;7...01/2/aVED —A f,r.11 soipp!y of
1,11 O'Neil'? relPhrale , l Cntholivoo,
‘• Pheithirlf ir Derortion.
Lei,' N.'o4 1:1 , ,t;f! P.
Mrs RePtt's Ff mole Elixlr, at the vsere
VE:',:nr.o P• 070.%.
r, Il• i f t,,
v. 4-2 v.,
ERING . = 6. ,01 f: ;'.2sf'dir
er R e:yea:o:d far s:,te. maim-
K .
may 17. woe, f,ef roo -'l"'ll,' I
E A f;
Lic ,l
S T Oil
CY 1.1.011), r : . l t,(ll;tl . .litCtoter ,
1 , 41 Frulw.er, No :40 I.t4tn,' trcet. Pittshurrh.
- .
p v, '1111?,1:S".
sal.:, ,tiwr .1 Vg. . j. gen. .1, pe Nur.640114 -
.4116 r4411-oz. , rar ; •-• t o 4 "
the ehr it,4l Het .'•I r=aril Tree-wAst-tt ho 0 11. 1 1.
colt the olltiution c.f . the rubtee, r . v.:co:vbes.
1319 8 :` ,70 18 ,1 tt..fr•y t,*ld or SreCte•
Howe ,tgency.
, 1