ttIIADT mfius cot= rts .'essuovsz , p.m ix. two mixers /row the r/. G. Bank. 1,0 Tr WITII. Unlartaker respectfully Informs the puldielhat h sa removed Ills eody snails coffin warehouse to the 341 Iain: recoretly Jccupled try Mr. R• fil• Berfy opposite his old/Rind, or here he le always orepared to at• •ad promptly to an yrrders in his line, and , 11 strict at• lention to 'all the det:kl+3 of the huiiness of an Undertaker et, twos to went Trtlblie, confidence. lie wilt he prepared , at.eatiicetrais tivprovlde Itearses, filers,..o lages and .iirery requirite on tile MD* Ilheral terms. Calls [tom the vvitotery will he promptly attended to. Ms residence Is to the same building with his ware find human, whets those who need his oerviccs may him *limy time. Itztivt.sact.,: W.V. IRWIN. XXV. JOILD 111LkCX.D. D. 11.10011RIDDLX. • ASV, 11.01VRT DRUCK, D. V. XOOOl earrox. XXV. if.%Vit. WILI.ILIti, D W.S. IIeCUCIXX, arr. JOSIPII trAIL. 1,114.6.0 DARRAS., N.L.V• //ASS t(• DiVI3, XeD 10 "' ItSV• X. T. *Wirt rlr----Ir----------r----D Tlit),3E t nude, th..liJl. A l'lttNS TSENE,.D TO PIIODUCP.,-OR. Ittlf: ft AV ATE Dirt P. I,This ehss of 'individuals is very nutuerous. They are those whn work in an'unhellthy at mlsphers. Printers white tea, workd • wen In ftrather stores, stone cutters, baker s, mminatteturare. are all nom or leas sulsleet to disease or.• voirdinir to the Arensth of their constitittion. The only method to prevent disease, is the oecasional u4e o f a sesdlelue which abstracts from the circulation all delete rigratthrnorsn expel. them by th e bowels. Touter, in any forts are iniorlous, as they only ;at off the evil day to at:Omit more fatal. The Uge Ofßra n Pills •WM, because they take nre mat ter emit at the blood; and the body is not weakened lint onen4thentt by their operation, fir these valuable PM!, o.oot forted they asAst nature, and are not opposed , hat IserglOntte with her. SOMAS De.Artwrireth't Office, No. 93 Wood street, ritLsbursn, tries 25 cents per hos, with full directions. • MARK--The only place In Pittsburgh where the 1 l'q ii Pills can be obtained,is the Doctor's own asp -10 Of. eon. 610.98 Wood it'e La 1 what makes your teeth so 11110.3;01y white? Qooth Josh's dulclnia to him CO' her night, To make yours look so, with a er:o, rep!icil fish, I've brought you s bottle of Thorns' Tooth Wash, 'Tts the best now In 114 P, 50•lltirfOlkS And since they have tried this, cast all others away But to proseit the hest, to make the tee stone, Look apt°, my dear Jai, at the lezt re of mine, Th . cit try t, is great tooth wash, The Teabetry tooth %Vasil, And see if thisTotith Wash of Thorn's Is not fine. Dayintr:ied BrotThorit's Tea Ileiry Tooth Vi and %mime acquaintedwith the ingrd tent s of it safest, s entnto as altlon,l cheerfully say, 1 consider it e otter of the his ate Of the mostpleasant Ttioth Wast es now in tine. Ni. , 1 to Bap. 15, IR42 1 DAVID HUNT, Delli take pleasure in stating, having made use of-t Thorn's Test Berrittapth Wash,' ant il is one of the hest den trifk,es triuso.. 'Being In a liquid form, it comii.nes neat wets with convenience. While It cteahses the enamel 411stil*MOvets the tartar from te teeth. its perfr ETTS. ime velds [i. ilk.fragrahee peculiarly deslratihle..J. The undersigned have used "Tho,h's Compound 'rea Berry TOoth Wash." and have found it to he an extreme. ly pleasant dentifrice, P NefriSiir4 a most salutary infiti. since over the 'reettl and Gums; preserving those Intils• peasable memlters from prernatit re decay. preventing the accumulation oCTarter, and purifying the Brest 11. Ilay. In; thoroughly tested its virtues, we take plen•mre in re. too:Mending it to the public, Itelieeing it to het he bet ar tiele of the kind new in use. AI ROBERTSON, JAMF:S P C ROB'T B PEEBLES, CHAS ft SPULLY, C DARRAGH. MC.4.VD J. Alt AfOORHEAD, JAS S C I L RINGWALT. L S JOHNS, Prepared and sold by WI LIA 1114.11iittt N. Apo rgli;t hees• ry and Chemist, No. 5:3 Market street,' rlin and at all the prineipa Druggi.ts', and Tuttle's Medical Agen • est, fourth street. sea ERESTING CUREperform,d ttgl),Strar.e's Mipousid Syrup of Prunus Virilisiana, or Wild Cher• ry. Roving made ire of this invaluable Syrup In toy family, I which entirely careAsmy child. The symptoms write wheezing and choking of phlegm, difficulty of breathing, attended with constant couch, spasms, co/01.4 fr, Of which t had given upall hopes of its recovery until I was.advised to make T hadtria this weritcinr. After seeing theefreets it upon toy child, and can• chiding to make the name trial upon which eti• !rely relieved me of a cough that I was afflicted withra a for m•ny years Any person within,. to sro eati t my holm in Beach Street, above th.e. Market, Kensington. J.Vit.cox. Dt. SWAYIkiE'S SYRUP Ur WILDNIV , RRY. We call the attention of the pnblir to ilie mutterer's estitficutes which have been in circulation in our pane!' and some otters of city, hitzhly rrrommendie2 Dr. BWaVitu's Comported Syrnp of Wild Cherry have *nen the original certifi,ate, end have no doom lint tr e y womb hoe truly gratefitl hearexpre,stve of iho benrlit. whiLla they have received from that valnattle comported. We have acquaintances who have frequently lived the &neve medicine. who can speak with confidence of its VIM ex.--Satarday Chronicle. liat,t,cias erriveast —With sincerity 1 woul , a vie pm, one and all, both sick and weyll, rup alwatWilds to havheerry a ilattte of Dr. Sw.rora'sCompound S uf C in your house—St is Invalnahle In cases of emercency. *WA es Splttinz of Blood, Asthma, attacks Coughing, which is often the cause of spittingof ofviole hloon.nt Violent Nervous Affections, which occasionally come from fright, and various other causer., producing ^ real alarm. sudden colds from improper exposure, which are often let run to on alarming extent, for want of meats being ready at hand;—and na I have aced Dr. Swattais Compound syrup of Wild Cherry repeatedly In ply family, and always with marked success—l can recommend it wills confidence. as neing one of the best fa m ily imediclnes which has ever been offered to the publie.—Saturday Chronicle. Sold by Wm. Thorn, Wholesale ¢ Retail, tt 10 only arlent tor Pittsburgh. N 0.53 Market Street. se DENNING'S FIRE PROOF IRON CHESTS. riTTSBURGII, OCT. 22, 18-12. J. Dronno—On Friday, the 30 1 n of la!t month, a bout 9 o'clock at nl2ht.the Pla nin gSlroovina and with F.l‘l a 1 1 N arzane ofaetory, owned hy Gay, Dilworth d• Co. quantity of dressed and undre,seed lumber, was all consu, Med by Are. The Iron Safe which T hough) of von grime lime I,ack was In the most esnoged sitnatlon doting lie fire, and woe entirely red hot —I am pleatted to Inform you it w.,, opened at the close of the Are, and all the Look=, pa or ke.oeved;—thls Is the bent recommendation I can give of tbe lanky of your sates. oet24--tf erzszrectit i o - res 17nrivalled Blacking, MANUFACTURD and sold whole...vile and retail SECTid thIt,F.IT, E one door helms , Smithfield. oct 21—iy JOHN BUT TB-RV/OWN!, Auctioneer anti Commie. nine Merchant, Louisville, R l.. will attend to tII sifter !Leal 114 tale, Dry Gonds,Gt °caries. Furniure, k e. itc. rtegklarsales every Tue.tlay, Tritqeday, and Fri day awnings, at 10 o'clock ,A. M. Cash advances made *a corshiscrients. sep 10 ---------- REMOVAL cAwFrELD has removed h , . frart , 'P Pwent to wood st. opoosite Fahnes,orlt'v 11,11'.1 Se!gtrkere he will keep constantly on ha 9 nd Tomb Ospietylionnments etc. op 1 POILTRAI'r PAIN T 1 NG • togioaxi , -Pertroit Pairttr, Fourth at., 3,1 story ay 01111111,18a1ld1alt., .1. Osborne woulc toilet a call Ise awe wile itreifit rowels. Ppecirnena can be oily 5• —Zrir4t° ititlifkatAbirt;;al. ,3.-'. teril ow insportant it Is that; ysits; ; ClS Woe syltbont loss of lime with _Be stiziaren's rtkka..-. They mildly but surely remove ell impurities trout the blood,and - noesse of sickness can affect -the human Cramer that these Cele- Mated Pills do not relieve as much It Medicine east do. Colds and coughs are more benehtied by the. Brandreth Pills than by lozenges and eannies. Very well, per paliatives, but worth nothing as eradicators of diseases from the human system. The BitanialltrrUrft.te cure, they do not merely relit ye, they cure diseases, whether chronic or recent, infections or otherwise, will certalaly he cured by the use of these all sufficient Pills. CURE Or A CANCEROUS SORE. Firm Stan, January 21..18 43 Doctor Benjamin Beasdreek—lionored Sir:Owing to you a debt of gratitude that money cannot pay,. I am induced to make a public ttek now ledgemlint of the benefit my wife has derived from your Invaluable pills. About three years this winter she Was taken with a pain in her ankte, which soon became very much 'inflamed and swollen, so much so that we became alarmed. and pent for the doctor. During hisatiendance the pain and swell ing Increased to an alara!tit degree. and id three weeks C, om its first commenclnt it became a running sore She could get. no rest at night the pai w n as' so great.— Ourrirat Doctor attended her for sir, mouths, and she received no benefit whatever, the Fain growing worse, and the sore larger all the white. He said if ili was heal ed op it would be her death, hut he appeared to t a loss how to proceed, and my poor wife still co b n e tin a ued to stiffer the most terrible tortures. We therefore sought other nidln a Rol nnical doctor, who said when he first yaw it that he could soot , cure the sore.. and . give her ease at once, To our surprise he vac hei . an relief, and ark nowletigeri I hat it baffled all his eltill'. --. Thus we felt after having tried during one whole year the experience of two celebrated physiciant rit vain, in ith•olute despair. My poor wife's conatilutlon rapidly It i‘. , • --- •- - _ tailing in the prime of her years from her continued REMOV AL.; undersigned lif;steave to inform se [Prins. Under these circumstances we eonefilded that the public , 1 hat lie has removed from his old stand. we would try your Universal Veget itile Pills,delermined to the cornor of Penn anal St. Clair sts., oppositethe EX to fairly let' their curative effcts. To my wire's :real ' change Ilotel, where he has filled lip a large t'1.1.10 FORTZ comfort- the first few doves afforded great relief of the \ Waltz Room. and now °O'er; for sate the most splendid pain. Wit nin one week, to the astonishment of our assortment of PIANOP evcr offered in Chi! market. T selves and every one who Knew of the ease.tbeswelling ilk and the inflammation began to cease sn 'belittle felt quite Rose Wood nod Mallogan y, besot Ifull y fi nished and mo pin tins consist of different patterns, of sitherior easy. and would steep comfortbly, and, •sir, after six deleil, and roost I titled throughout of the very ife•t ma } week,' use she was able to go through the house. and 1 terlak,which.for durability, and quality of tone, as well again :11100•1 to the management of her family. which she had not done for nearly 14 montlig. In a little over l t ier ,. I as touch, lie warrants to be superior to any ever seen 1t wo inoeths from lifetime she first comineltred the use 1 A.. he has c n'arged his manufactory, and made arrange. if your invaluable Pills, her ankle was quite souitil,:ool 1 ~,,,,o; ~, —,;,,,!,- I lie increasing demand for this lost rit ; her health better than It had been in quite a number of \ , moot, hr r- ', , , , f1i'l V rove. , s thri-e intending to or. ' years before. I send you this statement after t.wo year I : chase to rail an! !famine his asvortnient before f elia. test of the mire. considering it only an act of Instiee 10 ,i i , ,1., , f"•.„.. a , t ie fe d e termined to cell eowsa, tor you itlui the public ai large. t cash, Oa n aoy fit nor establishment east or syeia of the 1 We are, with much gra ltude, motintatt --. F. BLITME, I Very respectfully, • Corner of Penn and St. Clair streets, osite t 131 R. MI N (i- 1t A M 1 TIMOTHY 4 ELIzA A. LITTLE- se plO Ctii,ihe Exchange lintel. Pittsburgh. Pa. P. S. The fintanical Doctor pronounced the sore tam 7 LOCK AND SCREW FACTORY. 1 re. 00., and finally said no good elattfrtle done.nol e i 4 the whob• of the 11 ,- all wit: cut otT,aad. irbe bone Scraped , — I' VHF; subscriber havitor 0f q.,,,,t ~ .1,,,., N o fj Z. F er o, 1 f mini, a kind Providence. otspsede ug resort to your 11. RI reei,l.elsveon Market and Wood I tir•ets,Pittsfurgh . \I n connectic n whit tee FiIrICTV In It fro, aigharn. respect. pi n ' . which saved us from ail._ filiifibi zliorry• and for I Nile thrum his friend• and the colon-, that he will to 1 w l i lell we hotel 1* th 3 nitin t r f. • . T• it F.• L. happy to ife favored with their orders for any articles It- Vrt l oiil at 25 "n"' per lai r allth directions. Om serve I be now labels, each harlot upon it two 11g. If, •i„,.. natures of Dr. Pram! ref h. Sn oath hex of the genuine Darr T.orks and rnstenen , .,n : various d rcript ions. or I 1 'l.l , sit signatures—three. lienliasin Brandre th and three hand l i and in ifie to lirrlcr. llt Br:lndy - Oh tip-ill il. T01,, , ,n M ill and Timber Frrs, s •I•li•• only place in Pittsburgh where the real Pray r• t n Pills can le obtained, is the Doctor's own ogler., I 1.,,3e Screws, for Iron 'Work -.lint So re mys for Press , . 1 see as nisy be r onifired, ' c ar p...,,,, and P,,fia e r: ry e rf no,' ed to call brfo.rf ; .`:‘, 9 '• \ ‘''''' ,l t"reet• bet n'ecn fith and Diamond a Icy I . ~, soil p. ,„.. tl ~ it .b. genuine Brandreill Nils can never be obtained cool ta ,l tog. for jobs. and rxrino nr ft. or I arks rep:tire-I and Johifing -..efforwly t one in he It'F.l in '" "to:: `'•ire• I The follow:0g art ilm only agenteappetinted by Ilr. Fi. manner, nod 011 the lowest tern,. may 2-4301 1 itS. PATTI:RSON. Jr. i Mandl , ' ti, for i lir 'nth , of his Vegetable POD, in Allegheny comity: PRINCIPAL OFTICT.. Mn 9R, Wood streettrittsbarg h. Mr. John Glees—. Allegheny, Robert Duncan—Birmingham: C, F. D rill—El.?. fbethlowa. 11. Rowlar d—Ml•Zeesport. Prestit Irwin—Pleasant Hill. Join lolio,ion—NobleslCArn. 1711, , sm:in i. Spabbline —Slewartrtown. sodell Iv Connell—Clinton. Robert Smith Porter—Tater:tuna. Georg , Power --Fairy fr w. David ft Conn- l'itim township. Daniel Ne. Los, —F.11.1 I.therl v . Edward Thootipoln --WO; ioi6iirgli R e m 0 Ilun,sr— Alien's Still. ABSOLUTE HEAL ALL. 10,000 .TR D I A A L L L S E . r en s d d z il o i sa c c. A c L eas p f d ul l pine . TRACTOR inestimat“e. It not only *utesquicker , lnd gives On addluonal pain, nor leaves a scar. Fire is post lively remitted harmless. (SID has been offered six months to any person returnine an empty hoz, and ~aying that all agony on anointing is not extracted 1. a few min tiles, yet nut one from tlimpraurts of trio ts since has claim . ed the bonus.) Pareotsailainu . t to guardagolnatgenera injuries, and save time, fortune and life, and prevent their offspring, from being disfigured by burns, or even ‘mall pox pustules, (it possessing the enviabte power to replace the.'ellattary organs destroyed.) can do so by ob. mining Ctis Inlinttable salve. Many deeply burnt Canes in the city cant e seen, and one entire face burnt over and wounded three distinct times In the same gpot while heal Mg, yet in no rase can be traced the lensl cicatrlce or markt For all kinds of hurts its rawd soothing effects are als important;evert e eyes, all Inflamations bro lieun breasts wotild he unknown. The toilet and nursery, •or i 1 aria; the skin of pimples, rentovlng chafe, etc., a ill find it Indispensable. One using only will forever esial • lish it the sovereign HEAL•ALL quality. After title no heads of families allowing torture for months, and ' ultimately distorted features , can never wipe away re proach. justly uttered by a disabled child, for neglecting to triumph eiver hie. • Entered according to s act of Congress. A. D. I R. 41 , by ComF,tlek Co .10 the Clerk's cite , • of the DistrictCouri of the United States fur the Southern District of New York." Warranted the only genuine. Comstock k Co., wholesale Druggists, N, York, have he. come the sole wholesale agents for Mr. Dailey, in A nivri ca for .20 years. Ali orders must be addressed in them, The genuine only to he had at -ruTTLE,s Medical Agency, 8l Fee.rth street, Nov 15 ONS T.INTL Ittled Oil, warranted In burn al any tonleUre. nti ftnd equal to the, best winser Mrai:kect Spprni rhen O tler. man il, OtiendaiVe rina'lll('A. oqe I u last it rrll by Ihr tell,srrilter tLe old Oa lII{, Third st.. nearlV onrm.e the Vest (41,, M EDEN'. h tin 4.1R4.; - 171 OBERT PORTER, At r.,rneu at Lars—. on the cOr tier of rolltlrtnd 5,1101111(0,1 %rr. 10 PITTSBURGII Looking Glass Manufactory. And House. Furnishing Warehowe, 104 Wood Strew, near sth. wrnen coml . kirel his arransF TUE at fs"ull•atrritortter nvintz ls ta stand, 15 now rt,eparrtt to otirr to hi t s frtet , ds, a IA the pohlic. 1 ar:e110.1 relirplete Z.1,10/Iment 0r toolon, and how.c.furilt-hine hardware. rat priers to snit rhe t Imes ) Pier and Mantel C , a,r. In COT and 11allotar Pr:lmo , , or the most approved and cti;'etior t‘orktnan- hip. Toil pt GlaYsrs with 1,2, 3. 4 am' 5 drawer: , Y'ined, fliced. and p liar Framed C'a , ses a (at er.ihants. tho, ward iioz rt.e;ip Japanned Wailers and Trays of all (Hip- aid all r Ivory ImnAle Knive , and Fnric.i. in seliis or dozens. Burl: nail Bane handl , Table I'lo lery. ('arcing Knives and Fork., do Brand and pericir final I).1 American rdnooforio in .11, or Plo;:le Her, Geronno Sllvor T., and Tal,te 7=poooF, idotrd 3 nil Brae.: Ca inn ere,. dii, il tiar titLamp". or I,orni,a Sperm Of La , d O r d I %V ire Fire Fo f nde,.. , potterns.) firm' SlMVelll an d ":11 mi 1.0,1 ,1 , S r. ‘V ir h n lei VOl 0111 Pf arlli °'•tn° flume roni !ton, all of which trill 6c offo.Te.l :it Ihe , oweit ro,ll re, ,R Porirnit,,.lltkiattite,and Whet rrnmin2 door all) 4110rie,1 Tiollre,repwrin,! nfall I.lndell.ll 01 m. Look tnelw.Z or prints fur F la 111412 rOtl,lantly on 1 . 0...11 fen 23 . lIIR.. F.. Iit:HAITI', IIENTIST, u.,,, , . smit n field. between Second nerd Third Sirs., Hours of no , t,...trtm. 9 % • M• MI 1 P. M • 1 Dr. E N. nolnufiact . Frig Procel3itt and NI Ineral lee' h. Ileadaehe ! Illea(laclie ! ,Di n i 1,. r f,l ~i • ,rtlllplird by lb.. MO br Pin7,lbirl,ol. rtlOckot Dr, . BROW V'S ...I.VTI DINP EPTIC I' ILLS• 'of (relit "'l'll S he:wilful runt in full ert.i, or part. 4 P.E now known To limo... Ands ;Ica roo , t ettra.iia at. ''"'• " . " 11-i ' . n'ad"'" or dry at "n".." n°11""•" - S_ , v reruedv for liii.: atllictiust u.: ,eii ;,.; th,. 1,,,,,,_ 1 1 6.,,,,,,i.,,1 ai , ream Imtu-Avfion of the mouth. A Tao. t roveliitTlerael of the3r ciirinu IIYT.EI,,ri% %yin " 0 „, , for ~ : of. n few initehiorui with erb.,l, w%geet.; for vinditiar sutferiniz fluty auk anion!? their fri.' ,, l. if they it-tve n „, 1 ~': fitti.,:t mineral terth so earful to the 11•1111.1 —all known of the positive effect: of ,tiil Pillo. ai.d ii . the% 1 w ' ih ' e '" )1.1 lOW for " I" do ttot hair IbbINI 111.11 , War nil, priii.ed (and deFervedi, too) than uny other, then let then. u e , hoc Ti 11..,,. I „ the., few remark.. all litury or iiou2initi ton is excluded. ~,,,i nr uhinz w oi ii,‘ aid r 1 illo-r riterlia ill aov (lice but what r an he fairly , proved by r e4prciaile nICTITT era ol our reruntunitv. Read the fodorylna rertifirate 7iven h.; rettperthide CltiZvri %Ilogiti.nS. v, itrord hy nt,r oft he judg C 3 of the Court cf rnuttude l'lvnin of 114901 ,1 y LLEGIILNY (Ars, January 9, 131'3. Da. flanDte, Drar Sir—l have for a number of veal - . pant been af flicted with FeVere and altnant coru.r to 14,d:tette, a r:sing from derangement of -rotor - tell and bowel , . and al. though I have taken nearly every kind of Medicine re conitorrided fur its cure. have never de, iced any mate vial b on , fit nn t I t oed atone Of v t r truly valuable 'in. Dv,pptic il I have not tak ol en quite two boxes and ennaider nir"elf perfeciiv relieved from that dinar es.ung romplaint. I have no itcuiarimi in r ectontneirding your Pills as the beat InerliCine \M I !lase tver IR!, Renpecr J ft TURNER. 1 ant arquatuted Avith Mr, Turtle - , 1 hare nn liesiin lion In rrriift lug that I croinirler the it:Wive/lig of Mr, I'. re=p4ct lag Dr. ftrodie'.4 l' .11s. al entitled to Inc Moat perfect and entire r.colfitienee. For :ale, holes:Ile and Rrtnil at the Bren Inninn Pill P..taltibttinieni Thu51,11 , 1:11 Pa ; ald by all author - bred a rgenta ihronglinut the Union Alir'y city 13n 9 1::4.i ----- Adams ' Patent "Eaughphy" Mills. n ti r elr: t r u e . rmrlz which time uerc, thud,andy hare been told aid in daily ‘Ve are e,nfdlent ,•I 11•Ing in s;‘,. in!! they are the bet? (:‘,trpc Mills in the Uniied St.iles, any way you , fix it.' Several modifications are madeto snit the CA ncy of trim= and the purses of limd , atids Stud M. the zrors or dozen nt the rnanillaelory.--- Malleable Castings made I, order. Ti mm As 7/ COTT Fairbanks, Patent Platform Scales. I'i ePe trenuine artioo , . of a , il7es, and nin.t improved varieties, constantly hand and for znie r y reduced prireq by tile mar tif3ria rrr. P, R I.IV I NGFTO 91. i. N. I '2. —if Fro , ' bet sN e-Tk o Got NE ES'FABLISHMEN T. Upholster" Furviishinv,,s. THE suhscri,.er respectfully Frielll and the that he has just °netted the store No SO rin I. street, near the Excltane mid adinc Mr .1 D GTOCery—where he Intend. to mann facture In the best and have tinily for sale (nit assortment of the first quality of Upholstery Furnis h. surb a. Ilalr, Shuck and Straw Mattracses. Feath• er Bed.,'Etarking, kr.whlch he wit' sell for Cat A at near ly 1(10 per cent to than former prices. ALSO:Sofas, Cho as, et c Upholstered, carpels and Cut talns arranged after the newEit fathinna--led All d of which he oiler. to execute in a manner unequa In this or 110•11rnic..ed Danny ollter city. JOTIN T. STIIW ART. mar 20 ly ,nafactor9• d Oil NI 1'110: 4 A HILLICC .1111(1f:on F11:1111C01111 4 TT(//iNF. FS LAW 1111 , 1t1 bear 7‘ll Ott' el. 17olle nmoLl.• 11.1,11%. ror WitiClol , 4 /Of n!.l uhder the iatr art 01 Con alt drawth.7,‘ for the riOrni Of -1,1:1 r -1 v A ( • A i). •1 I 11 \ I 4,7, 3114 rlt -nrtrit %N . \ I; 1.., ..4:1 f ,, r the 0,,d • er ns,tn,e. 31111 :1111 pret,sl, net :CI all entroeTurl in n r. 'My k entl , etv ni intr . n( he beQl 0131,1131 r. v t•I I,r 1,,,er ,41,1 e Merril:l;op Will 150( 1 TIC porp.ire•i In Id , Cp their oniers the t.ent term,t, for any ion 01 hol,rry r the , rur,nrnorc and tht• ell rienr wahi• ley a rtic II 1111 r. iv 111 be pront;,ll7 %el veil. an,l ti , v;r favors rercryeA. M SnEl.E.ll,nioerer. N 4 Woolf nl . oear nr river. =IN PiLre• cured by the 1, se of 114. Cointrunt SireitObertio2 nod Orman iteilei.t Dr.llarlich—Dear elf—Shortly !titer I received the Aenry (loin you for the rale of ylO our medicine. I med an arqaaintanrewi h a lady of I place, who was severely of with the Piles. For eight or ten rear!. Ibis Inds was suliject to freonent ( complicated , attacks, and her phritclan considered her case so that lie very srldorn prrsrrlLvA medicine for her. Throuch my persna-tion. she rninmeneed using von , Nii.and Y Wan twrfectly cored. Yours, c . J AMES R. K IRB Pa. Or tither :1. 11110. Chamhershoti, )(fire na General Depot, No. 19. North El:lith ?wet, :I Ph A iladelphia. nd by ?art Frew, corner of T.ltrrrlV and Word streets Ploshurah. seri 10 INDEPENDENT TIDE NVATEIL LINE FOR carrying Merchantlite and Produce to and from Pittsburgh, PPiladelptha, Baltimore , New York and flo:tori, by the Peonsylennia Canal and Rail road, on entirely temperate principles. Sock of titl line consisre of new large TidewaTer boats ' , not uxiire,,ly for thin route, with all the modern Im ItrOVP,!, in boat building; of a impel abundant supply of 11,l rare carn on the Portage Railroad; and a fail sap ply i fctron=and commodious Pennyylvahia boats he. to. cen I and Phistirgh; all of which wig be conduced icy ,ober.imlnsirious and experienced ea plains ami .11,,eritdmidenis. Char:es will be paid on all goodi io lir; chipped trim riit,,horgh to Philadelphia, Ba t evv.N' orb or Bo,ton, and consit:ned to James ii, ,•,,., Canal Basin, corner of Liberty rind Wayne -is and w I be promptly attended to and forwarded with pn 13—Av de , ,pat. b. Ail Good and produce Intended to be shipped from Philadelphia fo:ll‘lwi , e, or via the Delaware and Rani (an Canaliand nsigned to Hart, Andrew and IlleKever, will he received co at their warehouse n, first wharf above Race street. Philadelphia, and shipped directly from tile[ire without additional handling or expense; a lineof hos. on packets connects with the line at this poini• Shipper; are invited to examine the stock of this line arid jod.e for theinsriveg,before shipping by any other, Is ;heir io• will be advanced by shipping by lt, the proprietors helm^_ determined to exert themselves to the utmost of their nhiltty for the Interest of their custo mers and prosperity of their line. Insurance can be effected cheaper by this line than alo other, as the route is considered the safest. PPOPRIBTORS. Hart, Andrews k McKever, from Philadelphia and Bal timore to Hollidaysburg. Henry L. Patterson, from Hollidaysburg to Pittaburgh. AGENTg. Hart, Andrew. ,S; NirKever, Philadelphia. F. der, Co., ittiltimore. Ileurt. 1, l'ailrrsOn Hollidaysburg. Jr+s,re P:Otenron, JohrislOWlL Jame. I).k. v C') Pitt,burgit Conveyancing. SATES BLAKELY,..ontlniies to execute all kinds 1n of writioms. such as Deeds. Mortgages, Apprentices • dentures. Articles of Partnership, Letters of Attorney, WillF4c. 4—, In a neat and legal manner, and at half of ismer charges, at his old stand Penn street, nearth war 1 market house. , :r '< ate- - 0 IN 'OHM a. -i * ro. 4 !earn tr' ' - - --:-:- :,* i 9 . 'Sired., Mitritbitireimi .al smitAulatit sta. wo doOrs front the Corner' of Wood Onset. coil, Inanity on hand an aisortment of 100 1 ready made .COFFINS - , of every sisrand descrpton; covered ones, with Cloth: alahogany, Cherry, Black Walnut. Poplar, and Pine Coffins. ALSO, Plates neatly engraved; Hearses and Carriages furnished; Graves procured; and all services rendered that friends may requite. A credit given in all caves, either of coffins or carriages, requested. HENRY BEARES, Undertaker. sep 10 eep k. --------------------------- --------- SII RGICA T, INSTRUMENTS! SUBGICA I. IN STRUM ENTS!— T. AlcCartity, Cutler and Surgical 1""1""'" -Maker. Third street, wearly opposite the Peat Office. Pittsburgh (SIGN OF THE GOLDEN SHEARS.) Thysielans, Dentists and Druw.tists can have their in• strumentsmadeby the subscr,her of a superior quality and at Eastern prices. Tatters' Patent Shears and SCi!fIOTS always on hand. also Hatters Shears, a superior article. Orders respect. fully solicited. N. B. Allarlicles warranted of Wettest quality. and jobbing done as usual. sett 10 A --__ LI.F.Ivi KRAMER, F.reharge :Broker, No. 46, Car. nee of Wood and Third Streets, Pittsbur Gold, Silver, and Solvent Rank notes, bought and sold. Sight cheeks on the Eastern citric!, for sale. Marls, notes and bills, collected. PATICIIANCES: Pittsbur gh,Pa, Wrn, Bell A.• Co., John D. Davis, F Lorcrez. J. l'ainter sr Co., Joseph Wood well, James May Philadelphia, Alexander Bronson A• Co., John 11. Brown 4 Co. Cincinnati, 0., James M'Candlesv. St. Louis . It 310., I. R. M'Donnld. Louisville, WW. H• PoPe• E. ,, 1• Pres't Bank Ky. sep 10 WA RR ANTED 6 ENIIIN E.—Dr . IV ill lalli Eva ll'i Camomile Pills, CaturtricaTcs.-I,eiter from the Don. Ab'll'ut M'Clei lau,Sullivan County , East Tennessee, klul emberof Convess. WastitNotolx, Jy 3d. 1113 R. Sir—Since I have been in this city I have used some of your Dyspeptic. medicine with Infinite benefit and sat is faction, and believe it to ben utast valuable remedy. Doe of my :onstituents, Dr. A. C 11,1.11. of Campbell county. Tenneesee. wrote to tne to r , :end hint POMO. which I did. and he has m plo)ed it very sitccessfuliv in his practice VilZa--4r.':?n\•.'l•''ler;i and . -, ys It is Invaluable. Mr. Johnon, Yuan nEent al ___....arAggai‘ss,-.LyrP\L.&t.-41 this place," thinks you would probably like an rt2ent to iifyi• •• IVi i y w iji ye /IVC (It. (ti i.,: IP ~ .1 TeonerFec. If no, I ,vonlit recommend Pr. A Carden. as a proper pet—on 13 olliciate for the irate of your reii•tontr.l ' (lying - r,t!e?' ,;.1) medicine. Should you cnrunii,,ioli tom lie Is wIlltn:: to art for you. You can send Ihe medicine by water to the 4 4 4 4 c:,r,. of Robert Kin!. A. :zoos. Knoxville count y i Tenneg See, or by land to Graham k Houston, Tatewell, East 1 R : E. 111:31PIIR Ell S T - E GET.I Tennesnree. I ho doubt but if you had ri!etas in BLE OINTMENT, FOR PILES. ...rrrai counties lii Ea 4t l'ennessee, a creat deal of meth rine would be sold. lam Coln! lo take sonic of II home r_ F/ S S LIR ES, ,S• ~. for my own tire, and that of my friends. and should I. obe had at To ria Medic-11 Ar.oey. R 6 Fourth st, like to hear from you whether you would like an aerti the. only a7ent in Pitist ur , 411. at Montville. Fulltvan Count y. F. 051 Tr nnr,,s,e; I rap :Do 1' ,.1, 22. some of the merchant,. tc. Oct lor you as I live near there. Y(1.1,.. r.pertfory, A FEW Nik)l/1.; :,.'i'l LE. AN! ill ANI SI 1'1.r.T.1. %N. of Tennessee. 1 (%/I.\ - .11'cL - SKI.: 1' Ibe old or':'no l . has on hand the For •ale %A bolesale [IA flu tall, l.v I, x, I O ct splen.ticl zi- , .0 1 town' of Clothin , 4 ever wiered R C ER si,. A :en t. t..V(.5. M v iilocl, 'i farce, and Font d sonsed In sell at the No. 20. Wood al rerlitelow Secomt. , t‘vi. I possilile prlee My stuck is heavy, and as the, sea. :op ~.olvaricint, I P:10 w sell at lower iirireA than ever. _ 1 ai , ik only the 10,:opt, of a call, fertiloy. confident th it. a Ou..k id cO , fir lOW. 11 oIV .I ro Of Counterfeits. Remember ti: Tl , [IF P. PM POOR S. and the SIGN 1S 2IN THE 'r',i. NT nov .1. -I —____— mar 21. 1143 A 11.1,1 A %I EV A NS'S S4)011111\11 SY It Thi• in(l , lo , le rant dv ita• iirr‘rrved hulliltrti vehr“ ihottrht pa=t reroverv. Con , ' til.on• A 44 50f441 n.'i to tie till will rrf 4 V ef •111414 1,11471 f 411011 11 111 rr h„ 111,.n,a01t . 111,1 1, 1 child ac o'llrefti, to let 11. tied alllr 11. ‘tLttryi Illo ' iliern :liiiocar..nrr. ot. r Iva 'f 4 11,41144 open tierpit, f. r.drett!, shnnlr r 4 4.4 r i 4 f as llhupl In I ,” 11, a fl.lll In 11, yen' nP.,‘; •7 tle•"1,111: t.••••r• in: win... F. Vrra, ar, it ft .., p lil 2.11. %V.. •.I r•• I. hr“,1•••,,,r0n,t (lOcr.• Hz,. Corns a.,el CO. SUMP Übe lea .on Ihr /r 141••• ron!plainl4 is miry ut It Intl, rul prr!yon, who ;try. .1 1 , i.•t - Inti '0 thr Inclrtnnney n( Wc:r111 , r a,r re.coolfolly Informnd 115a111ny ran 111,1 Covtel.rl D•rr or Ltrc 44115e1l 14 tel known to has.• riirrii who tyre in inn In.rt ,rl..itti • Certificales an he T oo.'ucrd of Its wonderftv curet.. T.v Loa 'II Ekt.. l o l L or LIVER , oRT In amber rerneo j.,, L. es, Csstristsf s. Catt:h3 Ilad Co , do It e0111,11I: II It recoil' inertar•dlri ali who nave tr-ell it, arid Is vitro:ant to rake and.oerdy in ettectint a cure. f`kA•le.'411.1•11110l ND CANDX --Thirst` If biz Id v V s'lmbli - and plearranl tnediettle; II o 11l rtrect 3 oo , itive and ecrroirt cure for rOdrilS. Colds, Coss ternproor.arid or, an eticr tun' rune for the %Vrioorn,rn Cormor • 'I 'sr , Vt't e elt tr ant oredreine. all are fond of tr. A nil children never refit, lo lake sr; 05 core ts .are and ootoirve. The atutrscrilor It , . a rettlDrale of A 1 , , y direct Crops 1. l'e:lse gc . toll. Fr there roll be eo nti , lsit r. All lter.noa whf,,,•,fr,r,,•,, are Invited In call and nut Miry, (or the tin eto take ruediC Ole IS 31 the commenccntent. All the above ITledlCillei can at 50.a'9 be irro,ired al R r - r Ali at TUTTLE'S .31EDIC.11. AGENCY. i;#3. Fourth street r I) rem.% I.ES.—Thei eI. a large claw of Females in this City who from their continued -iittlng, to which their occumitions oblige ihem,are affected with ciwtivenees whirl: ;Ives rice to palpitaon at the heart on the leaet en• ~o• of he rti xtendin2 overthr whole 110311. < , l' light and sonnil .an tnatillity of fixing the ritienito ,, • i , mental operations; rumbling int he bow. YI4, OW , a sense of enfocallon, .specialty after meal , %NI. • sertion is used. as going tpilekly up stairs; le, n,hi.. ;tow) , are sympionis which yield et , after to a , so( the Itrandreth Pills The arra sinnit I 'l ,, ,i - this medicine would save a dent of trouble and ve3r- , of i‘utTertne.. One, or Iwo, or even three of the firandretli before dinner. arc of en found highly henviirial; many use !heft net nety advnntnreotisly in Ibis w”; tnee aid and ;ieekt digest lon. reetore the bowels to a proper ronitillon,enliven the spirits, impart clear nest to tile complexion, purify he ood, and promote a general feeling of health and happi W ness, gold at Dr. 11-andreth's ()trice. No 98 Wood Plitsliiirgh—.Price 25 ceto per lion, with full direction.. MARK—The only place In i'llisitor•gh, where the GENII`INE Pills can he obtained, Is the Dortnee own 01. fire. No 98 Wood street. amp 10 L IV ER COMPLAT cred e he use uf Or. liar• itch's Compound lN Si ron u gt h b enin t 7 and Aperient Pitts . r. Wm. 'Richards, of Pitt,nurch, Pa., entirely cured of the above distressing disease. Ills symptoms were pain and welcht in the left side, loss of appetite, vomiting, acid eructations, a distension of the stomach, sick heartache, furred tongue, countenance changed too citron color, diffi rutty of breathing. disturbed rest, attended with • cough, great debility, with other symptoms Indicating great det rangement of the functions of the liver. Mr. Richards had the advice of several physicians, butt received no relief, until using Dr. Ilarilch's Medicine, which termina. led in effecting a perfeet cure. Princips l Of f ice. 19 North Eighth Street, Philadelphia For For sale In Pittsburgh by Samuel Frew, corner I y and Wood streets. Ileg 10 BARON VO ls N HUTCH ELEA. HERB PILLS. ic These Pil are comp osed of herbs, whh exert a specific action upon the heart, give impulse or strength to the arterial system; the blood is quickened and equalized in its circulation through all the vessels, whether of the skin, the parts situated internally, or the extremities; and as all the secretions of the body are drawn from the blood, there Is a consequent increase of every secretion, and a quickened action of the absorbent and exhalent, or discharging vessels. Any morbid action which may have taken place Is corrected, all obstrut.• tins are remeved, the blood is p untied. and the body vesmmes ait rid Lite*, state. For , ate Wholesale and Em tall by E SE LLERS, Agent, Iva asp 19 Wood st. below Second. - irrnALLErS PAM' EXTRACTOR Is certain ve r y the most valuable ointment for Burns, Sores, . e Invented: no matter bow badly a person may he burnt or scalded—this will heal them immrdiately, without leaving any scat. Every family should have a box in heir house, no one should be without Lt.—Every one who has tried it recommends It, To be had only at TUTTLE'S; 86 Fourth street.' dee - . iNtavluv4 sti-TMiritisc 'UNITED STATES PORTABLE BOAT LINE. For the Transportation of rehandite and Produce Between PITTSBURGH AND PIIILADEL, ?MA AND I PITTSBURGH AND BALrIAITIBE, NEW YORK AND BOSTON. DE111:I P. 4- lilcA NULTY respectfully inform the pub lic that they have completed their arrangements for the nho)re Line on INDIVIDUAL AND INDEPENDENT PRINCIPLES, The public has long wished for I ndividmil competition in Transportation on the Public Works, by which alone it can be freed from unnecessary expenses and reduced to its lowest rates; that wioll will now he r on ealiz hered;Rail the State of Pennsylvania having placed Trucks Roads, Wit/Mums owning Portable Boats are enabled to bid for the Carrying,Trode and successfully to cony pete with comparres. Tills line is composed of Twenty new, tour Section Portable Boats, ow tied by the Captains who command them and well known as enterprising, industrious and experienced Boatmen. The superiority and advantages of the Portable Boat over every other mode of Vansportailon, are too well known to shippers generally, to require comment; suf. fee it loony, that the detention,losts,separation dam. age to Goods, invariably attending three Transhipments nd between Pittsburgh and Phiadelphia are by the Portable Boat Most vIreCIII:Illy removed The POrI3IOP Bunt I)JFSeSSCeI the great advantage too. or twin:: well rentitated and coot in Summer; which pre. vants POW' from souring, and Bacon and Tobacco from. eiweni InR. Devine A. Mr Ann'tv, standing aq they ag,l,etween the owners of gooth; a nd tlu Boatmen who carry them, and egnally intcrev.ted in nrcterting the interi.el bo s of th, will make no proinies to the public they will not raitlifully perform. They arc now prepared to receive and forward Pro duce to Pliitailt Iphia. Baltimore, New York, and Roston in the shortest time. and pledge theinseive. to enter into no comtdimi ion with other I.ines,lut atways stand ready , o carte out the principles. 4 their Live, and contract for freight on tip Very lowest term.. -To give .)nifontPed•seenrtly to o wners and shipper. of goats an open police of liiorance Ira been efFeeted • by which nil mei eliantliz" shipped by this I,ine will be Inotted with( tit an." additional ,:xpemm to the, owner. Devine k Me %null v will receive ail produce consigned to them at Pith-Miran. pay freight and chants to Stearn Boats nod forward the ea nun without dela tty to Philaded Mita, ndllimore. New York, and Boston witotit any charge for advancing or c ommksion. DEVINE k tiIcANULTY. Ag'ids., Canal Basin, Liberty street, Pitlihurgh. TIIO9 TIORBIDE 11, Agent, 272 Markel street, Phitatfelphia. MOORE * Cll VSE Agentq, 73 Rowley? %V ii a r I. nattimo , c. --- - Sarch tn. V 142 Cincinnati. Felorstary",ls. DAC Dr. SsysYtte —Dear .ir.- Permit ice to tate the liberty of %critic , : to you at Oils time to express my aeort.bation and td recommend to the attention of heads of families nod others your invaluable medicine—the Compound Syrop of Prunus Vtrainiana, or Wild Cherry Bark ances . In my travels of late I have seen In a great many Inst the wonderful elTecin of your medicine in Jelieving chit dreti of very rthihittatc complaints, such as Con'ablorr W beezio2. t•hrtaistre 1.11-'l,letit, A stitritatie atisetif, 4e. kr. I ..k. alit rest have writtrn this Inter. however. at 1 . , ....c,.. ~ l ii ott,lt I pave fel it my duly - to add my testi. tt. it id, .otne linty, had it not licen for a lots Itt. otolti . tat. , v 1•., , , I 11,1'.101,1• al.Ove alluded to ,Clr l ~111111111. ..le rini! in perft ,l littatin an ••only chili,' , „.. a ,, ~1 noven as. in a filitrily of try se - --- i•l thank Ileay.n,” said the detatins moth. . , ENV A T. \ NI ODE. r,•iint child is a:,vrd from the Jaws of death, 0 bow f /11. r. ~, der .iliird re=',., 1 - 11'.') , in 10' li Ihr 111 1 I, I ',ta reared the I elentlerif ravager But my child is safe to e • .., veral er ar+ i I to , st ere in Ille beet -11iiii , in ' t sat( . ~,....t wit-, they httyr o-eitcd inch' New a 1.1 made ' I:r , and all doubt Dr. Swat, ne.'s Compound Syrup o . 1 eli-.1-' use inior 1 - iain ' , l a ChM ; and lii aCy i'ltliiii.ihit ii 'lid Cherry is the leo , ' ealoottle medicine In IVO! or spy ~.t r. ,, •. , w , ., , ii, vii re Im.y:tied in ex-cote all ' ril live chilittrv. I ant certain I *rive witnetesed.more ibten „,,, , i „ nI „. „,,,,.,,, i ,„,.. I „ a „.„,, uv ,.. n ri,,,,d l , i.eo niinoireil eases Where it tin , liven attended withsor. •,. a, .. n' , .-,'.1. I nir at If , the ril y. tinviaz lea& , We, .ll''' ear • 1 11111 v.ini.; II 111314 If In an Ohatillll6 11. .rr , i ,r,:,•n rill. , lar tar • erevi ii.n of 111.• atir-1. m odern stir', , lark of Bronchitis. in whirl' it proved efTerinal in • •X. fa-i , hitt, :•etti it it, ti . htittnr, Ho. it/ . red , in a cover i cecititt'l l p so." "me. essside rtst t the seserdY-Or ibtease. ,r to ,'... would bees 11 In the it lilt in _tire them a'l I can rwomenti it le the fullest confidence alto superior virlitc.; I would advice that no family should he without lVe. v.,11 i.e` I Won . in 11.,.1er.111111 that this in not in. i di it is very plea.atit and always beneileiarrorth , e rfted in rank niiiniez the N I onk ~ 2101 advertisements El' double anti often ten limes its price. The rublie are as. the day: fur a: tn ~I!. le and . o orktnate-Itip they challenge sured therein tin quackery about it. R. laertaos, D. D. I Formerly Pastor of the First Presbyterian Chinch, - - ' N. Y. Sold by IV M. THORN. wholesale 4- retail, only astat for Pitist,lllell. Nn. 53. Market street. 4 SeP 10 -----------------"" 11)H. nn Vsllll r vcri %...1,1.1 :11.1 5T111,14'0.141 lit!blst3r7,ll. 111-1 v omvoitt: rt. March - dlv RETIOVAIL,i-- ---- 1-10I,DSHIP & 1111OWNE ABO T ON O TIIE HUMAN RACE! —stDiscsver {AI what tea/ destroy Life, and yea are a great area. Paper ;Stoic from 51arket . n . ctsforer Impostor;' twill„prolong Life, and the world min •I I \ \: met r: "; on "-N".:., 4 (.' }" '‘ r 1; , r s treet, o ne door from the I corner of 411 i, where thee k. op 011 hand, their 11,1131 nil ~,,,,,,, I of Av 1.1. A pArr.Rr,. f ... , , pap , , i , . 4 pv , , ~, r . ~, n eo Twhrhhie,rrheit.hfciPet:iltt,,iien's . herbsbo yhaavnedaiirisetnelilteentuaaidl,:siverawiltroi iriec.eliambers, kr, ant also rgINTING, aN' Ii ITING 1 • they hart power." and \V ft a PIING PAPER,. lloN N El' BOARDS, ,i• I c. i Dr. B. l'auttitreth's External Remedy, or Liniment all of which thee offer fur sale tilt Or crintio,ini lug to on : , i which, by its extraordinary powers, abetment Pain Or Sorene-s; thus Sprains, Stiff Sir,ews. White Swelling!, feli 1 4. 1'14.1. --di f N • 1 1 -- - II BIZANI)RFA II :-) 1 11,U7,, Rheumatic Pains, or Si Stiffness of the Joiner, 1 Ttimors, Cnnataral Hardness, SHIT Neck Fore Throat. , Croup, Contractions of the muscles, ScrocUloSte eon U SECRED BY LF,TT ER S PAT ENT OF 1 iir2ecomr, Tender reel, and every desrription of le• THE UNEFF,I) STATES. i jury affecting the Exterior of the Human Flame. are THE. MEFITOD OF PREPARING Tii E i cured or greatly relieved by his rever•to be sajitehmtlf B r : AN DRETIII i k N VEGETABLE EX- extolled remedy. scar followins letter from Major Geis- TR >CI'S. , era] Sandford, as to the qualities of the External Reim& c avea t entree .1 9th .11111 e, 18.0—Patent granted to i dy, speaks volumes: 13,-,ii.,mili B. an h e.h.2.oift January, 1843. The extract: of n 1,,c1i Brand i etti ti i'ills are rm pn.e(illre oh's ined ho this i ii,av paieioed procrss, without In, ling, or a t.y a ppliontion of lieu,. Th „ ac _ t, e p,i,, , Ili.- of the he ho is that svcii. e I the sa me as It IS ill tl'e LIVING VEGF,TABLE• The Public should be c autious to medicines ter ommende t in ndrertisments stolen from me, in winch the CoNrrtarrtni.E. R °Barns steals my lan gmtge, merely ;literati; the name. Tune will show these whnlesn'e deceivers in the i r true light. THE NIEDICINE OF THE PEOPLE. BR AN DR r.Ttr , PILLS are the P e ople's Mali. me, I roved by timumnd‘ who daily recrOfil mend them to the afflicted. The BR ANDRETII PILLS are e rowieg ,- very day more poputtr, their vii toes are extendill their usefulness. The sick of both sexes are daily deriving benefit from them. No case of &sease bin ihey can be used with advan tage. Blotches ra bald lumps of the skin they speed ily cure, so with erysipelas, PO With salt rheum • so with indigestion, so s ith FOORhS and colds, so with costiveness, so with cancer, so with hot parched lips and canker in the mouth. Let the afflicted use this medicine, and they will find they require no other. I Sold at 25 cents per box. with directions. Observe the new labels each haring upon it two signatures of Dr. Brandreth. Su each boa of the genuine has six signatures—three Benj min Brand ' reth and three B. Brandreth upon it. The neve PLACE in Pittsburgh where the REAL Brandreth rills CAN BE OBTAINED, is the Doctor's own Office, No 98 Wood street, between Fifth and Diamcnd Alley, Mark, the GKNUINE Brandreth Pills ran never be obtaired in any DRUO 4ToRE. The following are the ONLY AGENTS appoint ed by Dr. B. Brandreth, for the st.Je of his Vegeta ble Universal Pills in Allegheny County. • Principal Office, No. 98 Wood st. Pittsburgh. Mr. John Glass—Allegheny. Robert Duncan—Birmingham. C. F. Diehl—Elizabethtown. H. Rowland—McKeesport. Pressly Irwin—Plosant 11.01. Jchn Johnson—Nriblestown. Chessman & Spaulding—Stewartst own. Aildell &lConnell— Clinton • , . . Robert Smith Porter—Tarenttins. --: George Power—Fairview. David. R. Conn—Plum Township. Daniel Negley— East Liberty. EdWard linnter— Thompson Alten—Wilkins's Mills. . Wm. 0 :s. 'VHS sL. 1. Landreth'a Garden Seetis, consisting to , following atolls—all of the fast years crop at warrsakal genuine: ags E e , ...1 Plant, rated Bear * Beets, Endive, P, Leans, Kale, Pewits', Leek, Pumpitiu, Brostmlik . Wttuce, Mater Melon, Rad ash, Berecrele, Rhubarb, Cottage, 'Msk, " Salsafy, Carrot, neturtium, T l, e l S q u as h , a r ta tl a i t p o , e r , Cauliflower, BFiirtieh, Celery, Okra, Culled Creme, Quinn, Cucumber, PersleY, Corn, &c. Sze. &C. Mustard, (white arid brows) • 2 Together with g variety of Pot at Sweet herbs *rad buret seed?. ;0-Orders for Seeds, Shrubs; Trees, 4c.. from Certifs. ers and Whets wilt be receiv and PeemPlir Ole." F. led : IdNOW DEN, • , No. 184 Liberty. bead of tgood st. __--- la T. PRICE, Wholesale and Retail Baker. Con. femioner and Fruiterfs, Federal steet. new duo Diamond, .91legbeny city. Every variety or Confectionary an Ornonentid Cater, suitable for weddings and parties, roanafWarssji rrnm the best material& at short notice. nor 18 --------------- FA it SI MK SA LE.—Tne undersigned offers (brim% his i t lying in Ross Township 41rolles (Mei OA City of Pittsliiirgh, containing 119 acres of land of wbleit 60 are cleared and untie- fence, t t Ert iS to 20 acres of meadow. 2 good Orchards of Apples a few Pesch sso Cherry trees—the Improvements are a iarge frallne house containing 10 rooms well furnished, calculated *wg Ts vern of private DWelline,a frame Pars 28 by 60,stonst haceinent, and stabling, sheds t rid other out holiSell mins aidetn.ont, for a tenriiteni!—.2 good Gardens surrounded wit** currant hutdies and a well of excellent water, with pump in at Ihe front door. In relation to the Pillsintingh and A Ilealmny market, there Is nO place now °Mere& fee sate with more inchtrentent to those wishingto vomits", near Pittslinreli, the terms will he made moderate. Nie further pnrtirulars apply to the proprietor at Ms Cloddy{ store, Liberty street, corner of Vtreitt Alley• LAWRENCE MITCHELL. N. I. 1r not sold hefore the. Ist of October next. It will he divided Into 10 and 20 acre lots tomtit perch& . due 10 ser • AMES HOWARD k CO., .hfanurse:Aro-3 or Wal • paper. No. IS, Wood Street. P411+6100. Ps.—. Have always on hand an extensive EIRROTIOIPOiI Of Salk i11a7...41 and pain rArEn HANGINGS, Velvet and Imitation Itorder.. of the %west style haad ret c and hindtante patterns. 1",” (la nerilnz narlcre and a. lhey a , •ni: I.5Ve. 11:111(i at all tillte• Prlnlin2 I.‘ r (nen' at.d Tr n rsprrigen• net awl roller' P.oa..t--a't of whirl! they 06r twiddle on the tn,•-t acs' terrn,; and io which they write the anent (on of on haw' , and silicas. Rook, .1 Rin(lF and tee heal qtiallly. School honks, plc. a yea on hand anal (or wale e . e we.. R. hal , i ed Tar 'ten...Scraps' taken In escheats., n. L. tut OR k W... . .................. KO. P. HA MILTON IAGRAW 11.M1liLTON, Attorneys at Law, trays removed their Office to the residence of H.S. Oa• ntv on Fou rt st, two doors abode Emit hfield. Pep 10 . F,•11.1 4- 7tION'FACUr. ti . r Nan* YORI, 'Feb. 9, 1842. Dear Sir—Will you oblice toe with another bottle of your excellent Liniment? It is certainly the heal of the kind Iha ye ever seen. It has cured entirely my el knee, about which I was so uneasy • and 1 hove found It productive of immediate relief in several cases of eitear• nal Injury in my family. A OW evenings Moen, y vounzest child waeFriud with a violent attack of Crouah p, which was entirely removed in treaty 'abodes. bY r blog her chest and throat freely with the External lino. edy. I think you onaht to manufacture this Liniment (be acneral Ilse, instead of roofinina the ate alit, yott have heretofore done, to your particular acquaintalOCCll. C. W. SANDFORD.. Yours truly, DR. B. fla•anarra.24l Broadway, N.Y. (For sale at 241 Broadway, New York, end at hfs office ,tio. 9a Wood it reel ,rittshurzh. PRICE-30 tent* iper bottle with directions. 1%1,10 PITTSBURGH LARD OIL MANI.IO FACTORY. TtlEsubicrilier would respectfully inform the citizens of Pittsburgh. Allegheny and their virirtt its, that he has commenced manufacturing the article of Lard 01 and Candles. Ile intends makin: but one quality, wbkh w:ti (Anal the hest made in the Union and formachiner y not sarpained by the best winter strained sperm oil either or burning, without its offensive properties, and one , third che aper. THE ABOVE IS WARRANTED TO ~,,, ' BURN IN ANY TEMPERATURE. The named. her wishes to impress distinctly on the public mind that \ it is not necessary to purchase any new fangled lamps that are daily palmed upon them as being requisite to Vern tlls lard oil in. Persons wishing a pure and brilliant lied ran obtain it by calling at the old stand,3d street, nearly , opposite the Post Office. C :EDW. The attention of Wholesale dealers, Churches aid chinis.s reepPetfully solicited. N. B.—All the barrels will bear the manufacturer's name t han 4: 1343--tr. 10 B ELS. Spirits Turpentine, tblr day received and for gale by 1. G. a. A. GORDON, mar 8. 12 Water street, FASHIONABLE BOOT MAKING. PERRY takes this method of intermit's the piddle B.ln general that he continues to carry on the above buttiness in the Born Ilmtanwes No I Water street, where, with strict personal attention he hams to plean ail who will favor him with %tele pa, tronage. From his long experience la the business, be flatters himself that his work cannot betelerUed la nertto , nrsa and durability, at least west of the 111°w:dater. bat It Is tandem to boast—a fair trial Is Ike best Ire Hisiusui To suit the times be manufactures Boots At Tarbllos pet ea; tram as low as jive Jolters up to his best.fluallty whieh be affords atseven dollen per . pelt'. op ito,sui.