MAY 29, 1842. * O'Ciamell's History ot Ireland.—The Sexton of St. Patrick's Crur ch has teceivs ed a few copies of Casserly and Son's edi■ Lion of O'Connell's History of Ireland, a nd they are now for eale at the Sacristy of the Church: This is the most powerfully written book of the day, and the amount of labor and research that was necessary in it's preparation of its contents shows the de votion of its author to his ceuntry. Theatre.--Since the engagement of Mr Eaton the houses have been unusual' • good. He is still a favorite with the lov ers of the drama in this city; and he de serves the warmest support of all who have a taste for gOod acting. To-night he apo pears as Sir Edward Mortimer, in the Iron Chest. This is one of Ilia master pieces, and should ensure a large and fashionable audience, particularly as the whole piece is strongly cast. La Jeanne Canadientie, the celebrated danseuse, appears to night. This announcement will be received with pleasure by those who are fond of dancing, The evening's entertainments to conclude with the laughable farce of '•P. P." “Jeck.ko.sot" in company with N. B. Clarke, is expected to. day. P S---.. Since the above was in type Jac Ica Sothae arrived and will appear in n drama written expressly for the display of his physical power , .— To the r admirers of the Indian race a greater treat need not be offered. One thiingend diillars the Manager pays for six nights of his, and we have no doubt the public will remunerate his enterprise by filling the house in every quur• ter "The Home: or lamily Cares and Fam ily Joys," translated from the Swedish of Fredericka Bremer, by Mary Hewitt, has been received and is now for sale at Ber ford's Literary Depository. It is eq , ,al in interest to "The Neighbors," a recently published work from the same authoress, and will no doubt be read with pleasure by those who were delighted with Miss Bre mer's previous work. Berford has also received the Jour- nal kept by Lady Sale, of the disasters of the .3668'1 army in Aff, , hanistan; which contains particular accounts of all the scenes, hardships and dangers which they had toencoutver. Price 121 cents. The Musical Library fur Julie is flow received at 13, /ford's. It contains fifieru well chosca pieces of music. False—The alarm of fire un Saturday night. The echtot lid the Ametican sap h,! - dom reads the "Post." This, we sup- pose, is to revenge himself upon the pub lic who refuse to read his paper. We don't wonder at the duloes3 chalac, terizea the American. sVairs iii Canada.— Kingston, May I2th.—Her Majesty's Birth Day, the 2411 i of May, will be a great dtty fur Kingston. Hie Excellency, the Governor General, Sir Charles T. Metcalfe, Iris a, , poitited That day on which tie will lay the corner atone of the New Market Buildings, and the Col.poration are inaking giett prepar.- tions to enable the event to carne off with dueisolerrittitv. The Hon. H. H. Kiilaiy , President of tae 'Board of Works,' accompanied by N. H. Baird, Esq , Civil E.lgineef, passed through Kingston on Thursday last, on his way down the River 'new, ran a tour of inspection. We learn from gund authority, that in addi ion to the work no a lit prugrez4s, 'Slides,' adapted to the sof , . conveyance o' Lumber in Drams liver the flea!y. and High Falls (the only serious obstruc Lions to the Lumber Trade on this noble river)will be immediately constructed— which, when complete, together with the Plank Road from Rice Lake to Pott finrie, and branch to Coburgh, will afford ample facilities of transit, for the present,between the navigable waters of this District and Lake Ontario. I:l3'The Albany Theatre is open under the man agemeet or John Adams. Yonne Booth is stage manager; and D - ch Creighton, a Pittsburgh ge Diu?, belongs Lo the company. C7'The husband of Tagliuni is &dd. .irrA boat on (he Eric Canal haq made two tripe by steam. The application of a screw pro peller has succeeded. Commercial Nelms. R=AT. .. NEIL. 4i feet water in the channel All Boats marked thus ( 1 ') are provided with Evane's Safety Guard. Reported by SHEBLE & Mircnai., General S. B. Agents, No 5, Market street. ARRIVED. 'Cleveland, Hemphill, Beaver, 'Michigan, Niles, Beaver Alpine Cockburn Briiwnsville 'Columbiana, Murdock, Wheeling. North Queen, NicCain, Etna, Hendricks, Morgantown, Arcade, Bennet, Cincinnati. Belmont. Poe, Wheeling, DEPARTED. 'Cleveland, Hemphill, Beaver, • !'hlicbigan, Boles, do Montgomery, Gregg. Cin. Rolfe of Patel:no-oh. McCullough, St Louis, . North Queen. McClean, Wellsville, • Zanesville, Duval, Ma'ietta, Atoisie, Cockburn, B ownsville, • .4 74. glillatitisoa, Murdock, Wheeling. hittle Mail, Geskill, 4 We;, Hendricks, Morgantown. • THEATRE. Third night of Mr C. H. EATON. appearance of LA JEUNNE CANADIENNE, MLLE ZARAH COHEN. The celebrated Danseuse. Tim: evening, May 29, will be performed Colma's Celebrated Play of the IRON CHEST Or, The Mysterious Murder. LA JEUNNE CANADIENNE will dance an ori ginal GRAND PASS - MILE, Composed by herself, To be followed by the laughable farre. of P. P.; Or, the MAN AND THE TIGER. JOCK-K 0 SOT, The celebrated 'lmmo Bra% e, has been engaged. Doors open at 7 o'clock, Performance to com mence at ball past 7 Lower Boxe., 50 cents I See,ma Tie, 37;eents Pa 25 " IGHoery 12i cens §ltiction alto. POSITIVE SALE. grIN Monday morning all° o'clock, a large Int of Dry 1..../Good;. consisting °Win; Cassineta, Jeans, B own and Bleached Muslins, superior Prints„and a lot of a , - , oried Goods. being the remains of a retail Dry Goods TVESD.II" A FTERXOON, AT : O'CLOCK, New nod serumd hand luriiiinre, wrapping paper, Tumhlers, Plales, Jars, ri-e. 1 3 lock, same afternoon, a In of ground in Allegheny city, 30 feet on Veneer st, running hack 1011 feel to n3O feet alley, Terms at sale. F lINF.,zTIW6 Aitilionvers, corner of l\ ted and 5111. CHANCE FOR A SPECULATP)N ISfll be sold at Anotion, C truer of ll'.lltl and Ftreers, out Ttiesd.ry near, at .3 k Al, Two Houses and Lots, foragantly Scout I irldA. (me on ,itosa at on a lull It 'of, the other out Carpenter's altry, , both opened. The houseok have 5 rooms nn.l cool col lars each, and a t el of good soft water before the front lone, are In rood repair, the lower rooms newly papered, 4., Sc. 'Cr.• lots re by 50 r! . The title Is ;.tool and (roe onountbranre. It is the same moiler! v atol,t ~ 'verinred by Judson 4- Plane:in. at v. ho , e cake the tune papers may be set n.—Terms. ono half emit cur tenry, whon the deed is 111:1d1•, :3 per rent to hr paid Ili he Uwe ofihe sale,) the other hall, good endorsed note, at 2 3 4- 4 months.; or 2 pr cent itscount lur rash if paid down. may 24 A net ion . FINES TOC K Co , Suote,,ore in .1 h 1.:7• rie, at the old si ,t 1 corner of 5 , h :cod Wood g!... !riving complied with the reqoeor hoe, or the new tic• tion Law, re prepared to male advaece: metric and 10 ~•1i cur, 'l'hec to. pr I,y r 41,1 1 , 1111,1g to make ready valet and prompt rrlurn to receive a rail' portion of lwoness. A prll Ist 1,:;4.1 in rethinz from the Auction tu‘nne % P. 1 lake plea.urr in n•t io !lip A. Co.. who have 1•011 , 11,,t1 tvlth Ihr mrntsof the new Am HMI Law and will do 1.11,m-- at my ohi J. H. CI - I'lllll april 3 I f',43. TO 1 10 1 7SEKEEI)E RS. VE in my ['; hnl,tr n and Mnl,ra.q Warr ontnvni Crai;ot•2 Ite,tt ;1,1 Ohl itt , a. ti 0- I r (.1..11k in, I, 1.1., 2 I , l', tt I t•tt Ott orn npparenily T 141.11.0 ;114 111 t 1 re- ,,, re. IH. 111 :inti E=I==IMMIEMI =ME v •in.• ; . .r 4 r A I 1 , ! It. v. 0. 114tol NE \‘' GC)I)f)S ! NV )01)S ! ! I 3HILI f' RftSS ha, relit rro,l (Mel he I:, ern r,to and IF 110, V ref7 ,1, : , -!a ,pi, foli of Fnot and : 4 12111 , . Dry Good,. lu 1, loch iI, airrnlinn of ph, ultar•er. resperitlillv iucl,r J. Tht=o Ciiridq will lir Pr,/ late prier. !lie them at a great .4,r, her . Po find it to Nor!1)-14 , 1.-1 rornry or .11;u I,r , and Fourill ! ,•11. better I...r;:aills %%II! le tdtrred illnn cal. he air,' ayd by /1 ny oc her e.tablishrueld 11, rily. may 19. f Carriage% for gale. fins r rain lot ui Ea,dern aud rgli mad , Camaqes —rot OM! Of ian JUNES roi.Em _ I'a rill% 10 I.V:tSf'. rriti P, Ira o Farnot sitoaind llCra Irn,r avilh l lie neresorary Innennn t FOfTNI), and fro,. Ti to 1011 rirrf, rh ared on earn. A k t,n, onfarm din 1% e,“ I Innr lova. lo , hip A Ilt , 4litlly rontily A NO of hand Cro rryr y Dot,i tR , ." Thr. nwnrr ' from 51) to 75 arrrs a • ed. TI n :thorn dr 9rri rd .Z - S. ran have ha v IA In reaqonat, , , 20orl 0, lir, la v l hut I ;Id:ern-0111, w r,,,,nii re at Ibr f /WC,' 11l ffromrep M!,l Within two r. or e r.oa mnd hr cs rea —! I nrtn , for from Ito rarY, to coot, tenanf.. mar —1 w irr A's) for , alr, a fr is h. 1, 1 1 . R EGUT,AR PA' 'I,7F, 1 S, rzt- - • r, FOR cINCINNATI. Tl,blaster,'raves r:r ry Thursday at It) o'rlork a. in The Culler, Collins, Niamey., Lave, every F. id a y a t 10 o'clock a, in The Mon; flennell, Master, leaves every Sat. u rday at 10 o'clock a, The Express, Parkinson, Nlaster, leaves every Sun day at 10 o'clock a, m. JOI IN RIRMINGIIAM & Co. .14 - rien t e , C : - .) — TO 7'llF: LADIES,—WIIy do vou not rernovt , ;hal so perflonos hair you have, upon yoor knelieuils and tipper lip ? Ity callituz ar Tt Le's, 8r; Fourth st,, and o'klainioa a bui Ile of Ifrfriratfrl' , : Pondres Folsiles, which will remove li al once without atrectilig the skin: You can also oluain Cottraud's truly velnerated Eau. it Befiure, winch Dill at OM, 1 , 111')Ve all freckles. 1111111 O P ,, f . lllll. lifil, 0 4. 1 he •kie, and make your fare look pc:O'er - I ly fair; oil to lima.. who wish assort nalure 1:v adnirg more color in ; heir elterkt:, they ran otn:un ,:ome ot Gouratiol,A celebrated I.sqn id Rouge, whirl, cannot be rtilWed off even by a well cloth, Also may be found n ,mod assortment of Perfumery, such a., Coogne, Bears' Oil, A !mond, PE IrVir.dsor; and oilier Soaps, Remember, at l'uttle's Medical Agency, 86 4!I; streeld Drue7antsanti others can be supplied alWholesale and retail lerms. 13ROPOSALS will he rereived at the office of the City Water Woks until ue,,day, the 30111 of May, at 6 o'clock, fin:grad:rig nod paying O'Hara street from the Engine House of the New Water /Vol 10, to ihe east side of Liberty street. ROST. MOORS Pittsdurglt, May 26 d4t - Superintendent. Regular Morning Packet FOR BEAVER. - f l • as. running and well knowr Sirsamer CLEVELAND, sIiARP Hantrittu., Master, will depart daily from Pitt-- burgh at 9 o'clock, A. M„ and Beaver at 1 o'clock P.M. For freight cr pa ss.tge, apply on board, or to 'Jr, CO. No GO Water wlreet. N. B,—The real) Jar canal packet to Cleveland, 01)10 Greenville and Meadville Pa ; and Massillon on the Ohio Canal, connect:ire, with steamer Cleveland at Rea ver.will be in Olwratioll immediately on openinz of nav ivation, mar l6—ir. 1" /L'A RDSE II I:NT, Dentists Liberty street. a • fe. door, he St npr 6 1814. FRESH HERRINGS. 881 Fresh Herrings. just received nnd for safe by HAILMAN, JENNINGS co., may 27. 43 Wood en reet. 0 110XEt3 Young flyson Yee, just received and for 2 114 lie by HAILbtAli, JZNNINGS 4 CO. may 27. 03 Wood at, S. FA N EsTocK &c 0 .."hirtionfers 1 . Ur all 11 N 1 Inltl. I; I liEMME=!lllifil 12111111=13 of :,.n i<h may 26 1'842 G.F t IiTLEMEN OF P BURGH. T HE subscriber most respectfully informs th e gentle men °NIA , city and vicinity that he has commenced the BOOT and SHOE making business in ,Fourth street, opposite the Mayors office. Having been foremin In some of the most fashionable Boot Shops la the Eastern cities; and having furnished himself with the best French and American Calf Skins, he hopes by his attention to business to merit a share of public. patronage, To those gentlemen who have kindly patronized him he returns his .incere thanks and can with confidence appeal for the goodness of his work and knots ledge cf bin business. may 11. P. ICEII,IIIGAN. CHEESE! CHEESE!! A PR !ME htt of Western Reserve Cheetr, some weigh .Zaing, one hundred pounds, lot sale low for cash by STACY LLOYD, 190 Liberty street. TO I HE PUBLIC. This Is to certify that the subscriber has been for some time afflicted with the Rheumatism very severely, front which lie could get no relief, until, being adviaLd to pro. cure some of Dr. Pitch's, INDIAN VEGETABLE ELIXIR, which he accoNin,sly did, and from which after a few doses, he was entirely relieved. Columbia, April ti, 1752. SA MI, PEARS E: Near Rire Creek Springs,) Rirnland Ilidrict S. C, April ;PI. 1238 5 certify, that my son 'Thomas Slttrin I, Jr., aged 15 year , . has been iroubled for eight years last past with the Itherintati,m, and for the hat three years has been unable To help his pa In was Very severe, rro that , he you'd riot he moved without great agony; his limbs were paralized and drawn up, and he presented an ob ject hopeless to all who knew him I reitorled to several Physician, for relief for 111111, willlolll. effect, Having heard of Dr. A. Filclt's Indian Vegetable Elixir, I pro icored the same for my son. On taktne it he was much relieved, arid by continuing it to the fourth bottle, has entirely removed the pale, bin !teal] is restored and lie is now enjoying good health. I would, In a cage of Rheu matism, earnestly recommend it to those who are arree. tee VOlh thin eXererl ling pain. THCS. MITCHELL W being neighbors ano acquaintance, of Sir Thwita, Slitrbell, and having often :ern the sitnation of his son, fidly eorrobionte I I.e ,hove case, and, an we believe has been cured hy I he Ve:7 , 1,1,1e rukie. S.S \it'f:t. Al EVE', %Vitt II lIiV Bit I I I. iN SPELLING' tlirlt I' 'l'll, '-4:N ICnerll The alinee with a err/ Cf. j,,,r by the quantity or NEW'I'E PEIZ ANcE & S. SCHOOL BOOKS AN I) '1'1? A C"CS. recr.ived from Xrty V° , 1,. :1050 Yaul AdVO - rate and Jon rl , al far 'tia, 100 1.% rrs Hart•bus 1,1 an. lo•rina 11111ent,, and nni,e Teiniwranre pliblvatior,Q A on. - 21 parka scs na-orfed En:01-11 trariP and 2000 ?mall reward, Ill.rary and ITV flirt Ilooka the h Union. for Ttonin.rance to Ivale 14.1101,1 th !Schnol,, and Thy fricvd, of To•mn , ranre nad ILr bynevolenl r!, For in any s-red No. Al' II A V IS, A and Conl- Nl , rflini.l, Noy, 1. mireirf, I truly 17 It(iC IES ! GROCERIES ! ! 'Si' .pl , r.dol lot of Crorerms, ft•,ll Irony r.,sr fill 11, I.e , ttkeerik•r io.corl, selling for nh l y 1., ex .ertrd. Don't juracl to rail al 141) I.ll , erly strort. loav It; I.f,OVD. _ • IN FOR 1. , 1"I'ION \VA NTE I). d., r.r Novery her la.l, a stir sir !he r:!.er J h NIES K 1::.I.V, t :00.1 I r , h tl,l`. 110 I':14 5r r , n n fo, il,ys afro rr I /!.• 11,1 s S i nn end i :y .1w .311th .1 I/ , I, 9a nlr • r. a I/0 I lien :11'fi St',llllYl l •111 ,111,11. 1:1,1•A K F:1.1.1 . : he 1111, ol psi.. Itl tint 1.(1 , !Le ho roac y • df•il, 1114 II 11 y In:, irl 1•1 r• I ,7 iilf 111 ,Vl,l rvr. Ivrif it , r, 0,1 Jrifl.N -:1.1.\, I ay (1 rt i. OWN . 1 C(0.1 \ , ll:ii.),\; ER „,, II , 4• , 4,v „4 i'r I I Tital Pit I 'tit it y ft.., i r Ii If I-If; • .u. 1• r ;II 1.11 'lr I r -a ~ , n 1 et 0 an 0. I,'• 1•••!.,,,••• • :11 I i•••' ,•f 5,,•n1 t0t.•,,1t 1 • , .1 :I I r 11l lj It, r.•^. r Ihr trt :1 , 2e I, it, lix 4,ple, I T. , undr -12.11,1 t I NI, !CAI -o ir in t•ir , 1,11, li, lIIIV 111,111il, ;11',11.1,1 Ito rr.1.1 1111: ,1 11 , 11? re for fr): It li•ui Il lilt' =BEMS .1. I). Wholes:lle Grnc , r• 10,n let. in produen. I Ib %Vood 1-'lrt•vi. 4 tlo,or, rOt,ve Pi th PI T. -: 1;t:Ii(; if. M”. 15. 1,3111_,r. I),,CTOR .. 9 C.41)F2.111, S. ro ore of N1(1161.1 ;11111 F flit si re,t9 Morning Fienrh,Creek. kr, 0 , 1 r vet y other flay. viz: Cs hll.•oich on 01 C . flay 111(1 Ladies en 'lie other. !lows of adrok• from 7 to 8.!.• a. to. I)ay School for bulb sexez, hours from 9 a. tn., till noon, and fro., 2 lo 3 P. m. . . 1..:Vt!,111,R C1:199e9 in English Grammar, Composition, Rook keeping. Gimmetry, Algebra k . 11,11, len . ilanre (loin Bto 11) p. 111. for Gentlemen, c Ladies 6 to 8. The mode of teaching ilie above branches will lie chiefly by I. tures, and the ittoier , tatitling will e ad dressed first and Ihe memory afterwards lie will ill wars aim al joining the 1114 ory arid the pracilre together —the rule first and then It applicat,on, for Jones holds tesiimoritale of his mmitry a ti o , fur the disrhatee of the duties he :195 , 111r1W1 from Joseph It. Chandler, Editor of the 11. S, GiIZVIIV CVO. L. Ash mead E4q %firtriley at Law; John TV. Astimend, do ; F. A. Rayhotil E.q. du.; 1. A. Iltowne, Esq. do,; Edw. D. Ingraham. E , q. do.; W. 1. Norton, Jusitee of the Peace. ;272 Smith Front street; Richard rtlcCtiory, Prin cipal of the ‘Vestern Academy., of PhiThdtn'phio . 11,, also refers to the !lon A. G Nlarrharol, IL D. Foster. 14; 4 4 44 Aitornew at Law: Jas 1111)(INI On Esq. Editor of the Argus; Edw. Cowan, Esq,, Attorney at Law, of Greens - burgh. Ile rail likewise refer t a great many eilizens of Pittsburgh. The larger the classes the more moderate will the terms b e ; and show ( ' the hours above mentioned not suit, they will be readily changed for those which may answer he tier. To coinmenee on May 13th . Terms moderate, T If.H subscriber has just received from Philadelphia and New York, wan a general and exteri.ive assort ment of DRUGS. CIIEMIC.3I.,S, PERFUMERY, and every article in his line of business, which lie is deter. opined to sell on the lutist reasonable inns for cash.— Ile Believes he can offer stronger inducements than any simila - establishmeni In this city to country Physicians and Merchants, who wish to supply themselves with Druzs and Medicines, His articles have horn selected with the utmost ca,, and are warranted of the best qual. ity and uniform sirensth. Orders wit he tilled It'll ac curacy and elegance. F'aiiiili s can be supplied with Fine and Fancy Soaps of every conceivable varim y, and of the most exquisite perfumes; likewise with Perfumery and Cosmetic. of every desetip' ion. The undersigned returns his t hanks for the liberal sup port heretofore extended to him, and hopes by a constant disposition to please and aecommo dale—a rare in pro— curing and selling only what is excellent and genuine—a close supervision of the sales and transaction of the estab lishment—precaution and accuracy in compounding med. icines—and by industry and perseverance, to merit an in crease of public patronage. may 25. WILLIAM THORN FREEMAN'S FIRE BRICK FOR SALE. J UST received, 5000 Freeman's best Fire Brick. which wtil hereafter be kept constantly 04-hand and so'd low for rash. 1y BIRMINGHA M 4. CO. may 3•7. No. 60 Water st. ,or,o,Poot op; 1111,er vs d fur T I -1 "11.1:',7 4 , :-;1; it: 12:11ZEITI CIA RIT,A MUR CHEAP COMB, BASKET AND VA). RIETI STORE. No. 10S, Market street, near Liberty. son,rrihrr re , rreet hilly I o forms;his customers and the nubile ._! , rita ally, I lid t he has just returned from the east will) a large and elegant mufortment 'of goods In his line to w hich he invites Merchars and others who wi , h to noreirm.c whelesale or Wait:very tow for cash, The fulMwing comprises part of its stock, with a very large ussoriment of fancy gr,oda and toys. 40 gross steel pens; 3 gros4 Woodward's celebrated pen holders; , With a general assortment of ail kinds of variety goods, such as willow wagons. chuirs.eradles, market and other baskets. c-e. 4.c. C. Y. would in particular Invite the attention or the ladies to his fine and large assortment of shell and nuffa to combs. Also, Gra.lam's celebrated six cord spool cotton. the best article msde; persons pur. chasing canretum u if not as represented, Also, the he. t counter drilledeyed needles, which have been purchased especially for retail, and fine American flat and round head pins, (may 24.) C. YEAGER. acAsKs Bacon Hams. 5 Ito: round, 1,, Shaiedets, limatucky eared, received this day per steamer Byidgekikter g and..tor sale by 'la. C. 4- A. GOADON, Water street. . . FICIDSOII.I' DlLPAtTlfillfT, may 8, /693. .11- N a deserlpiige flat if Treasury Mies._ et:lnstitut i ng package Made up al the Custom House. New 0 leans, and zilled2ell to have been transmitted to the Fir .4ntiltor ut the Treasury, published on the 22d ult. the following errors exist: No 602, 8.21 May, 184], should he 23d Mac,lB4l. No 3489.0. should he 3490, and No 57, A. should be nee papers that were authorized topuhtlsh the bil ginal list will mike this correction. J. C, SPENCER. Secretary of the Treastill. ,kICKS made expressly for powder magazine., but /se ry sultnhle for Pork HOUSPS, as the materials of which they ore constructed will not rust from (lie action of the MR, will be sold low for cash. may 2-6 m MS. PATTERSON. DRS - PRACRES.-50 bushels Dry Penehes, just re eelvcd 4. for sale by H A ILMAN.IENNINGS 4. Co. may 11. " 43 Wood street, MYSTERIOUS ! A GENTLEMAN. belonging to one orate most ancient and wealthy families of this City, who must be well known Ito.nom3roug friends, having since the year 1210 up to recently. been hen! nearly double, and for several years continued in his bed, ha= been restored to good health—hag regained his natural erect position—and has quitted his carriage. and now walks with ease I We believe this Is the gentleman's own description and there is no exaggeration in it. We will give enquirers his address. and douht not his humane feelings will excuse the liberty; no that any one doubting may know these facts —tlarnig,ll lie requests Ma name may not appear In print. Among other stint ar inaonnces, Mr James G.Rey• nolds, 144 Chrystie-street, has been restored, and will aide personal asaurances heft - acts of the ease, Roth were rheumatism, and contracted corda and sinews. how has this been done? .inaracii., —fly the Indian Vegetable Elixir internally, and Hewes' Nerve and Bone Liniment externally, from rootstock. For sale wholesale an 1 Fetal' at TUTTLE'S Sr; Fourth St. TO MY CREDITORS. rp %KR NoTirE, that I have applied to the Court of R. Common Picas or Armerone county, for the here. hi ref the laws of this Commonwealth, for the relief of In-,.1 vent flehltre, and that the said Court have are mewed the 3d Monday. the 19th day-,of June, next for the heArtaf! aloe and tar rreditnre,-nt the enuirt rouge In 'I. hOrOligh or Kitinonio g , when and where you nun ••n, lid II you think prone-. CHAS, SANDERS. tear 23.—Crate Dem. IH BARGAINS THAN EVER ♦T Tilt THREE BIG DOORS. T rig ,„ hscribl7 woald rePperl fully his Nisi 0 niers a nil tie public generally, that not w it ii,ta nil rng the unprecedented rates at the Three Rig Doors, during the present season; he hos sail on tined the largest and most varied assorlisaint of elegant CLOTH ING !hat can Le !Knight west of the mountains. The public may rest a'surei Halt an articles offered at la.. store are ma nu Inc tared Irani FRESH (MODS. purchased in lit Eastern werlieni thla Sping and made into garments by Pais burgh workmen, In r onsroornev Or the . multiplication of slop whops in On r rile. filled with paVen - brokers.rlot hes and the musty. rani zarmenlsof former ''ti ens, from Ills easter n ei. i.e ooldicortoold he entll 'oll* In nvrerla in llie char actor 01' the establishments in which they are ',lilted In h.ll , before they port whh !low motley. ar 110e, 4 , trf:rea al sereral of the MI., rfiß 'II I hi. city, are Ih e to, re otTale of 'New York and f hiladelphia..lop •I.ops, and !relit out hereto ha' palmed "Iron the f its 6u r_h pofi lie. Purehavers chon Id be on their mare a galn. - 1 I hese ImpOttiliOns.arld Ibry may rely on the fart that no establishment that advertises eastern wade Clot • int, ran glveas good an article or as advantageous bar. :a Ins as can be hod at the "Three Big D00r.." The public will pleave remember that all the 1111Ingeri t er's lw:eta:lre made In this city, he compeleet work men. and not gathered up like the zoodsnow otiered by -hints of passage" from the shreds and natehet of iot•tern slopshops. It will always he Ilia endeavor to maintain the re,ottation that the "Three niz Door.' Dave i, for nu rnishinz a cu Fleri.r style orCLOTII I fir, respect, and at priers 'intrs/ thane of any oil,. r CRI;;Idi,) rt,t,t• return his Ili:ink:ln his friniiils atld th, rn,• tin,reenlunlen irtlrnr:nte LeSIOWI'd //1 , 1.1. an,l I ,, ocrlor that 1. , : h. , r ndranln' , • In with him. he ‘vnii,i! at Hui I !ttl, ac 1 , 0 Wish to purrim,, g!r,rr iro :It Ihe Irlltlr',l IlrII•fs In rill I;;l.l.irs:R7r Sr Ni Ft Nrc.7l.(lF , I( V, t tkaet !VII al Plate i.) Ific r;,.•11.0”, a:.• 2t. EXCII.I\GIi II(ITEL. Corner l'enn Chlir .sis. Pittsb'gh. T rtrrii.tor: of ell.2nni and mom, odious r,- e 111 :inn:mitre In 11,ir fNendr 111) y,t•ir pnn• 1'1°,1111)1s date. r. /1,1,11 1,1 ONE 11111.L4R PER DA V. From of chi: hou.e , helm,: situated :say bri ITOI ll.r ('.0,11 and Sleamboal landiriza, at ,1 on 1,1 _rear ilairetiJiiiiirr 10 oy city. ILr pr, , 100, or, uo , I, 11,1 Kith ronlinurdrierliollQ On their part will it' oli.iht,d to afford every attention and (aril fur the comfort and convenience of Iheir _term., and hope in merit a criatteprare of the patron a2o that has hit tiprto been RC Itherfllly extrodre, in them, The principal Slaze Par Let uffire , , a e reerretied with the (fiord, and for the better arcimmpodallnn of their an Qmigibtiff will at till times be in read,. near to (-finery them to acid f rimi the House air 25-3nt. McK I P.rtlN 2110 packs German and American pins; Ino limns:lnd hest needles; 600 dozen tapes; •• all colors spool cotton; 160 ll's, patent thread; 25 lbs. sewing silk, 70 lbs. best shoe thread; TOO Ilts. skein cotton thread; 750 thousand percussion raps; 161bgross gill anti lasting buttons; 1:30 gross pearl shirt buttons; 120 gross shoe lae, , ,r ; 100 doz, tortoise shell combs; 25 doz tortoise shell, tuck and BolfialO combs; 136 doz. fine Ivory combs; 200 doz. dressing conths; 350 doz, combs; 6 gross tooth brushes; 20 dos assorted hair and clothes brushes; 7.; dos smrpendets; 40 cross white silvered hooks and eyes; 20 gross common hook; and eyes; 50 dnz. assorted scissors; 30 doz. speetar les; 50 gross assorted whalebone; 250 dog assorted sizes slates; _ . 13ATIVII NOT* 4 1 11 D A NCO ILIST DintacTlS PAULY.sT ALL/AStrwrrac ,. txr IlaZtal •RC Elf; PF.:NNSYLV,A Eta 'I of Pittslib r f). pa l Mewl. 4. Man. fir , par Exchance bank, par Ilk. of Germantowt. Minton hank, Lancaster bank, dla Bank of Chester Co. Farmers' bk Bucks Co. Doylestown bk do Bk of N A merica •• Bk of Northern Liberties,' Commercial bk. of Pa. Far.4* Mechanics bk Kensington bk. Philadelphia bk Schuylkill bk. Southwark bk. Western bk. Bk. of Pennsylvania, 1 Bk of Penn T. par Man.,- Mechanic, bk. par Mechanics bk. par Moyamensing bk. 3 Girard ba.,k, 451 IL Stales bank. 50. Lumbermens', Warren, -- i Frank. hk Washington, par Miners hk of Pottsvile, 5 ißk of Montgomery Co. par Mon. hk Brownsville. Erie Rank, 5 Harrisburgh bank, 41 Far. bk Lancaster, 11 Rk of Middielown, 41 Bk. of Chainhershurgh, 4 1 Carlisle hank, 4 Rk of Northumberland, S Columbia bk dr Bridge co. 2 Bk Susquehanna Co- 15 Bkof Delaware CO. par Lebanon bk. 4 1 Cbitysburgb bk. 4 York bank, 4 Far. d• Drovers bk. of Waynesburg h, 5 .• Currency notes. 5 llonesdaie, 2 Wyoming hank, 10 Pltisli'gh Slate Scrip 4,1 Country do do 41: 1 51 Barks to hank, 70 1 Lewistown, 731 Towanda. 801 _ _ Mountpleasant hk If Far. 4- Mech. hk of Steu. If Belmont hk of St. Claim Vile, If Marietta I.k. Demand notes, 11 do Currene y notes,' If , Columbiana Lk Sew Lis hon Demand, 11 do Post notes, If Cinria nail specie pay• Iniz hanks, 1 Nlrrli. d• Traders Lk or Cineltinni. S Minton Lk of Columbus, Demand norep. If Circleville, (11. Lawrence I , Cashier) 11 Zanesville bk. 11 FOR SALE OR TO RENT. TO LET. rp // Fr, 3d story of the Li , .1k; Ceiarliod by R. A. Baa,nan as an Authors store.liescor.”.e knovir” ..Seginha's Lone Room." corner - of Wood and sth It reels Inquire of R. Morrow. sth st. jan 23. ICYI4I FOR SA LE,—Ponr Lots in 31anebooer. 0111 4 and a fourth Acres or Landon Il r olines' 11i11. Lot. 'nns. 4r, 42,52, 53. 54,181, 182 and 184. in Cenk'a plan or nn Holmes Fill Also, Lots nca. 26 and 27. in Cook's plan el Lois on Ilignstreez, near the new Conn tlntwe. For terms apply to Z. W. RCM INGTON sap 111 E 0 e REN 'T. • „„„:,„„ _even on the Ist of .Ai‘rl I next A brick 'loose nn the lank of tliA Alle2heny river two stories hhh. 4 comfortable rooms, besides cellar and k lichen. It is very pleasantly situuted Just out side the ,ry line. with n full view of tiredly of A Ilegheny, and ‘viibin 20 minutes . ' walk of the (wart of the riiy—rent very low. J .I BLA K ELY, mar 13 Fl wpm Azent, Stir Ward. TO LET. - . I rick dwelling house, cnnlaiuin' a tar? two parlours, 4 tonms up st tirs. with fin 9'l ished garret. doling room and kitchen. with car ranee huitie. s r c. This anise is pleasantly located wit t void in front and rear, on the canal hank, corner o Chtsnut streel.leallina TO upper bridle, now in the oc cupancy I Mr. McClurg. rent to suit the times-- Et•quit tit Fir \V hittu ke r, A Ileuheny City. mar 3, For Rent. A T CONVENIEN three story hrirk dwelling house La.sittnteon Po=a street near Fourth• Rent $125, nr ltt. A pply to JAME-1 MAY. WHISKEY. 5 veors old copper distilled ➢lonon_ahela nye Whiskey on consi2ninenl, rind for so'e by • J. %V. BURBRIVI P., ap 1. %ValPr bet weiert Wood and SmitlN 0 ROXP,s Russel arid Robertson ' s N 0.5 LUMP TO r•lrt It A CCO. 20 Boxes a,sorted do. Just received, together oh It a :corral assortment o every tiling in the Grocery line. and for sale on the mo:: accommodatins. terms. AA ILM N. JENNINGS d- CO. 43 Wood s AND WARREN PACKET. The eanai packet ERIE , J. M. Shaw master, will run as a regul r tri.weekly packet between the ato7e named ports, leaves Beaver on Mondays, Wednesdays, Frida s; returning, leaves Warren on Tuesdays, Thursdays and S.:int-days; connecting with the Frage Lines to Cleveland direct. For ir..iatit or passage apply on board or to 818 MINGFIANI& CO., Pittsburgh. J. S. DICKEY, Beaver. m a y 10 IRON CITY HOTEL; The old stand of Matthew Patrick, 4:1•••, • % (Lately occupied by John Irons.) riin El subscriber wishes. to inform the ciiizrusufPitls hureh, and the travelling public, that tie has teased the above well known stand, (•tituatfd on Filth street. between Markel and Wood,) where he will he happy to accommodate all his old friends, and as marry new one' as will he pleased to acknowledge him as 11,eir host.- 1114 terms will he rnitderate, suited to Ihe fines. His talile will he supplied with the Kent that the Alarket of fords. nin bar will he furnished with the elm - west of liquors, both domevtle and foreign. His stalilcs are spa cious and commodious, conducted by exper:enced and attentive ostlers. Ctzle•He would inform the cltitens that he he prepared to accommodate a number of Weekly, Monthly or Year. ly boarder's at reduced prices. R•TL'B OF BOARD' Single -Veal, 25 cents. I Lodging, 1 els Bonin, per Week, *2,50. may• PORDSER 10 TIERCES rticn. 10 BOXPS 11:11 Suzar; 5 6143.01/SllPd do.; inst rPCPIVPd rind for Mgt HAIL:WAN, JENNINGS dr co 43 Wood s,. FIRE, 5TE.9,11 BO AT A.AD GARDEN HOSE. made extensive arrangements for the man -11 ufdeture of the 8 1, 111/P article. I am now prepared to fill all orders for COPPER ANIS IROJV RIVETED HOSE. and which I Intend shall be made of the very bent material and workmanship, equal In quality, and ten per cent, less than the Eastern manu facture.. Orders 'eft with A Fulton, Brass Fon iider, - 2nd street or at my Saddle, Harness and Trunk Store. No. 36 Wood street, corner of Diamond alley, will prompth at tendod to. FI HARTLEY.. N, D. --A n kinds of rlvited Machine Banda made as above; also, all kinds of Dose repaired. may 15-4 t F OR SALE.—Lots on the North East corner of Co Lane and fligh street. Apply to sep I() BENJ. DARLINGTON, Markel. near 4t h WILLIAM DOUGLASS, - Li T AND CAP MANUFACTURER. Every deseri 11 Mon of and Caps on hand.andfot SIP,. bols, sate and retall,atpriees to suit ibe times, at the old mane of Douglas it Mooto, 73 Wood street., - ma) 5. Wow I , T, Sfindtliikr, Ge•maga, \ orwalk. . . Xenia, do Dayton, do Seioto, 35 Post notes, It Chillicothe, 3ia4 Fran. hk Columbus, It La"carter, 30 Hamilton, 45 'Cronyllle, BO Com. bk. Lake Erie, 30 Far. bk:of Canton, 95 Urbana 67 INDIANA. State bk. 4. Branch ea If State Scrip, 35 KENTUCKY. All banks. ILLINOIS State hk ¢ Brans. Bea, 60 iShawneelown, 70 VIRGINIA. 'Rank of Virginia. 1 do Valley, I Far. bk. of Virginia, I Exchange hank, 1 N. Wettt, hank 1 Mer. 4- Mee . do. - 1 MARYLAND. Baltimore Banks, par Country Banks, 1102 DELA WARE. Ail Banks, par NEW JERSEY. AB Banks, par and 1 NEW YORK. City Banks, par Country hanks. (safety fluid.) a 1 Red Bark, Ito 1 NEW ENGLAND. 'Boston Banks, ptr Conn try ,• LOUISIANA ,Orleans Ranks, pond, 3 NORTH CAROLINA Banks, 2.1 SOUTH CAROLINA Ranks, PIS. COLUMBIA ALABAMA Good Ranks, TENNESSEE All Banks, MICHIGAN Rk. or St. Clair, 10 no. do. i 4, H. Smith 2 CANADA Good Lank.. Rto I Eastern Exchange pi , anaelphla. New York: ,lVp%tern rxchaliZe. pat Lntllttvlite, • ail. par GOLD P ';D FII.VER, par Douse Agency. N 0.6 west of the Market House, Penn at: sth Ward, Plttsitorgb. Pa. 11l HE' subscriber having for a number of yearsbeen illaard In renting ePy property, collectiny rents 4e, god wishing to attend his business In this tray. respect. fully offers his services to those persons owning, or who may have charge of oropesty as Executors, Admlnisita• tors or Cua•dlans, in the city or suburbs, and who may not hare leb.tire to nt tend In it 'herr:selves, to rent dwell. rigs. Warehouses. Farms, Lots, kr, A 1,,, to collect rents. dividends, Ground tents 40c. A inkier is kept where a description cif all properties Tor relit wit! bee p n* feted free el-charge, reference Is respeciTnlle steered to the following gentlemen for whom the subscriber hail been agent for some years past_Messrs Michael Allen. P. McCormick nod James S. Croft, Feq.• Pittsbuggh;ble, Stuart. Esq En rop,an Agent, Philad ; Mess. John grown. nirnitncitam; IL McLellan, Cirtrirlonti; Daniel Potter Qtrubenvilly: Millar. Lawrencevill lame- lone• Earl Liberty; Ititnlel Rasher, ..Slittlin townshlpz Mo t el Depot ron, Sewickley, ("eh 21 JUST ARAIVED—A fresh Purply or celebrated Cathollann, it Pneumatic Decoction, Leidy's Sarcanarllla Rlood Pfhc r Mra Reed's Female Elixir, at the ardle of PENbEtrtlell, Dnx::l9l, rrer PI Irr•rl•t; t•rr.r 5 n REL'SJir. 0. .AROLASSES. lir 7 Cat' o Bacon Hams 'llls day reerivad and raw J, G. 4. A„,004.D0N. 12 Water et. la ER MNGS ¢ SRA fresb tot of the *WM its 11 ved and for sale by J. W. tILTF:OItIDIP may 17. Water. between Wood 4- Smith ,1 -. "4, NM& • • EAGLE . !"ii• A.:1111 GROCERY ' " - • STORE. Qr.ficr LLOYD, Jr,. Weeilieukte and 'email Grocer s.7and Fruiterer, No 140 Liberty Street, Fittsburrh. may 20. PEACH TREES. 1147i4perlher jag, rerel7al Gom Ifire LrtiarPO and Poilon oenr phis, a NV 14 he choicest varletitm of Pi•nrlt Tree -I.u, which he worilid eh* the atiettlion of the ptiltfee PL. tritOMPEN. tow.' 41 ft. 11 4 Llite'tte et head AS Woe*. • .2008 jilaMD ON. PRIN TIN G OFFICE . , A', W. Corner of Wood 4, • na proprletoic of the Mons/ so Posy and Illeaccer Anis MAserac-rusLER re 4 peetrully Inform their friends and the patronsof those papers, that they have a large and well chosen assortment of 011-41011313 "Ar 1 1 1LrlILIn.7111Fif 9 liwn &aim olpaßQlll.3 VATRICASagai Necessary fD a Job Printing Offire, and that theyare pre pared to execute LETTER PRESS PRINTING, OF 'EVERY DEE4CRIPTION, Books, Bills of Lading, C,treularic, Pamphlets, BM Heads, Cards, Handbills, Blank Cheeks, Hat Tip.- , Stage. Steant.Seist, aid itittb C s asa/ of Boa ZI t a B ib s , wit* app... Pr:oto Cuts, Printed on the shortest not fee and most ressonableterms, We respeei fully ask the patronitse of our friends; soill lie nubile in eenTeral in !his braneh of our business— Pittomr.A. RPre. :19. !bet PHILLIPS A. SMITH. PROTHONOTARY. To the Peter* of Allegheny County : respect roily or. fer myself t o yonr consideration sea candidate (indoor dent of parties), or the office of PROTHONOTARY of Allegheny county, at the ensuing election, A, rdo not come before you recommended by a Convention, those or you to whom I no not personally known will please et• amine Into my qualifications, ke.: and lien fortunate at, to obtain a majority of your stiffthges, I ehall enbetmor by strict attention to the duties oirt he office:to satisfy yew with your choice. ALEX. MILLAR. may 10 —tEm iOl Pittsburgh: N°TICE to Steam Boat Otoners.—The subscriber, IA ennsermence of the difficulty of the times. has redo.. red the price of his Safety Ottardfos the pervesthis the explosio7l of steam boilere,to $l5O per boat. • It is hoped that all boat owners will avail Creamiest, of these reasonable terms, not only on account of the perfect Im/fey they afford, but also In point of Prom:ten?. Boilers With the apparatus attached will wear abou wire as font moue not provided with them. Silarchl-Sm C. EVAN! F. IL Re:tiding*, RECOR DI R iILATOR and Bo rvo yor. Office in 4th street, next door to the Bank of Pittsburgh. an 24-1 m aPll*. CASKS 12.9C0N 1f.11.1115. 6do sliotitders, this day reepload end for eby 1. G. R. GOR nom, may ta. 12 /Roelof. REMOVAL. A'J DURBORAW, AT'PORNEY- L W hav e. remov„, Ids office to No 63 Firth street, be I ween Wood and Smithfield rts. next - door to iiiriermart Marrow. apr 7. Birmingham dc AG'TS FOR STEAMER CLEVELAND, and Cleveland Line. March 22. '43. 3. W. Ztembridge dr. Co.A 17 ESTr I for 11i, safe of Bpatt OW de r • Wafers,. green Wnorl and Smithfield. %la reh 311. 1043 6 .'11 PATE , al/ .50 malts ca.pi, ; jna nreeivA f f and for palelity fI AILMANiJEVNiNGS *CO. 43 Woa R ESFI FLOUR. -9R Jost rereuriii for pale low For east'. H ILMAN.JENININGS 4. Co. ap VITor4 TAR. 1 erip fi'FfS NOR TIT CA ROLI NA TAR, Cm etimlig. UP meof,and for q, - 41c; row fore, El A I 1.37 A 'N,JE?iNLNCS: .Cri. - 41" wbod et. 51rk ALnrsTs: Vitit:SC;lltON TEA. , n F. 0 . FO Rratr.imprrial and Gunpoiadv; just received and forsale Itm for rash, fiAII.NI AN, 3 ENNINCS 43 Wood st. __ ______... MILS. A LI , NI. - 2 ("croons Trulizo. , 2 Casks Maddrr: jn.t rere;ved and for sale by 11.% IL M A N, JENNINCS 4. Co. 43 Wood si srriOnt, 1300 E: DEPaSITORY. r UK E I.OOM lg. Agent, Publisher,Bookseller and a_4 Binder. No, S 9 trt.od street. Pittsburgh, has alwajei band a r.enerril ass . otln.ent of School Rooky, Blank Bonkq, and St:pit-mart-. Priniirrs and Binding done at short notice. Oz) - Teehizbr-st price allowed for ttaga,Tal.ner's &Tall* and BP,eg tv . - may 1.4 t • 418 Standart.lS Inzrahant & Co. FOR TE.9 RD .?ND COAX .M.ERCMIN7IL • A GENTS fort Ctievetsen,o2lo. Merrha ntsTramereortatfonpany Composed of the Merchants Linet! Erie Cana Cont l. l,Vashievelon Line. Roarer. Palmer 4 Co'e. Line of Steam Beats a—e reit zek. on the Lakes, Cleveland Line Pennevl valeta and Ohio Carta'. Proprietors of the Merchants Line Ohio Canal. nErER To— ENsrvORTII. N 0.9, COenl Pr Slip, N; t . R. lIIINTER gp I 'o. A Ileany. ()Ile PM. ve^. Ruston. tleNTte, Pie.mkle Co. thllr,do• M..l'. IVILLIAMs 4- Dow, Cleveland, RCN lone rl, ALTAN, do. CHAR Las M.Cenence, dee.r J. S. Do - a£4, Deaver. Rtant.tonot 4- Co.; Pittalturgh an 1 1243-Iv. ev9_q~v UST REormpb, a larze sbpply of Dr Swaytie's , Syrup of Wild Clerry,and for Pale wholumfe find el all by WM. trioam, a p 2t. No 53, Market - JIMP-q RLA RELY
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers