Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, May 27, 1843, Image 4

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    SISSY of 101:: 'corns WAREHOWSE, Fear
ILL St, Moo doors from the U. IL'S:ask. Wm Tr
*tit Undertaker respectfutly informs the public that h
as removed hls eady made cotha warehouse to the \
Hiding recently recopied by Mr. R. G. Rertord,directly
oppo.sitebis oldst sod, where he is always srepared to at • I
end promptly to any orders in his line, and 11 trier at•
tention to all the details of the business cif an Undertak e r
&hopes to merit fluidic confide ce. Ile will he prepared
&Ueda. OOJRS to provide Hearses. Biers. C io : zes and
eery requtsite on the ato4 liberal tet ma. Calls from the
tint nt ry wilt be pro:aptly a:tented io.
ills residence Is ;i the same w his ware
house, where those who need his wrvices troy
at any Hine. RRrICRhNCE
'vitas RIDDLE,
ISAAC 114111t11,
Plep 10
Jro n,.,„,. A:Nu:V: 4 TEN I) 'l4)
ritontice OR ACID R ATI:: DISE VA E....Li10,
classAf individuals bt very nu nerous• y are IlitiAe
WI", Work'in an n ote t i- h WM I±ollere. Printer. work
men In rettief StOrezr, stone cullers, Ititlier•i, white
manufacturers, are all more or Ibci , itthject to disease
carding to the streintii or their cnii-ititot ion. 'Pte only
otekitod to prevent disi!a.te, is the o.icaiitiontil I.IAP of a
me dicine W hich *maracas from th e cirmilation att &tele
rious humors, and expels them by the bowels. T‘inic,
In-any form are injurions, as they onlythe evil
day to make it more fatal. The use of Branilretli's Pills
will insure health, !recluse they, lake all impure matter
out of the blond; and the body Is not weakened but
streuzlitemed by their operation, fir these valuable Pills
do not farce. but they assi4 nature, and are not opoased,
but harmonize with her.
Saki at Or. Bran Teeth". Na. St's Wood sticel,
Pitisho reit. Price 25 centit per hot, with full directinns.
MARK—The only place in rittslioreh where the
GENUINR Pills can be obtatned,ls the Doctor's
sep own
10 Of•
f10e.N0.93 Wood street.
La ! what inak , 4 yoor teeth so nonztiaily while?
ClitOth dulcinia to hint Col her
To make yours look so, with a grin, replied Irish,
I've brought you a bottle of Than,'"'mutt I,Vn4r,
'Pis the beat now in use, so the gent lefoiks say,
And-since they have tried this, ca,t all ethers away.
But to provett the hen, to stake the teeth stone,
Look again, my dear ?al, at the Ityt re -a no:w.
Then try Is great tooth wash, I i
The Teaherry tooth wash,
- And see if this l'onth Wash of •I'lorti's is nut fine.
Baying tried Dr.. , Thorn'a 'Pea nerry Tooth W
old become acutrainied with he itt7,;edietit; of its romp , '
'Won, I cheerfully say, 1 consider It one of the stied, as
!OS one of the moat rdea=ant T‘nn It Wool es new in it,a,
Pittsburgh Scp. 15. Ift 12 D \Viii HUNT, Dent,t.
I take pleasure in at wine. having made liar of-'T tot o's
Tea Berry Tooth Wash," it:A it is one of the beat den
triftces in use. Bain, in a lignil form, it cqinh.nr: neat-
new with convenience. While it cleat, ,s the enamel
and removes the tartar from the teeth, its perfume s
a rragranFte peculiarly desirable. J. P. Tt I; BETTS. M D.
The undersigned have "Thor ii's Compound Tea
Berry l'ooth Wash," and have found it to he an eat
iy pleasant dentifrice, exerrisin , .t a most salutary ratio.
ence Over the Teeth and Gn ter'; the-e
peosable members front premat fire decay, prevent inz the
necuttittlation of Tartar, and rrurifyin2 the Breath. Ilav
irr4 thoroughly tested its virtue.. we take pleasure In re
roOnithendintt it lo the putitir, helteeing it to be The le,t
tide of the kind new in use.
L RING WAL T, 1. S .1011. vs,
Prepared and sold ha WILLI ti Tilt N. not
ry.and Chemist, Na 5.1 Mat net at rert: Ott'
at all the principa Druggists', and Tuttle', Medical .N
ey, ronrili street. rep
rjERESTING CURE performc•l byDr,zruy-e
uspostuat Syrup of Pea' us el r,7i , ..ar , 4r, vr Cher.
ff. Having made tie of this invaluable Syl ni, in my l.itntly
which entirely cared my child. The i•g
wheezing and choking, of pole m. y
of bi rail
atteaded With Ceeri tit ,pa , n)s,
Of which I had given upall Itope , of its recovery o
was advised to make trial of this invaluable ITlCtil6lll`
Atter seein: the effects it had upon my child, and rot
chiding to make the same trial upon toy,eif, wllicli ii
irely relieved me ()fa cough that I wag, afflicted with In
nt years Any person wishio7 to see me can ra a
my house In Beach Street, above the al arkrt, KeitsinOon
SWAVNE'S SYRUP OF 1VILitt:11E 11 R ) ".
Mt call the attention of the public ro the nitnirroli3
eartificates which have been in circulation in our paper
, Sad Some others of thin dry, hhthly recointnentling Dr .
Climpounil Syrup of Wild Cherry.—We have
seen ilia original certificates , and have no doubt 101 l iu u ,,
coral from truly grateful hearts.expre4tuve of ti henefits
whkh they have received from ti.at valuable compound.
. We hale acquaintances who have frequently used the
above medicine. who ran speak with confidence of its
,{lll W.-560046Y Chronicle.
FILLI.OW CITVETNS: Atinrerit y I would advise
you, one and all, l•oth sick and well, alwat s to have a
battle of Dr Syr/antes Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry
ip year hours—lt is Invaluable in cases of etnergeney,
sued as Spitting of Blood, Asthma, attacks of violent
Coughing, which Is often the cause of spitting of Moon,
Viokst Nervous Affections, which occasionally come
from fright , and various other causes, producing !teat
Plum. sudden colds from improper eXpO.II.C. which
are often let run to an alarming extent, for want of
means being ready at hand;—and rts I have ti d Dr.
SWAYPIC.II Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry repeat!. lly
In my family, and always with marked success—l can
reeommeod it with confidence. as twine one of the best
Wally medicines which has ever been offered to the
publir.—Satarday Chronicle.
Sold by Wm. Thorn. Wholesale /c Retail, only ri , mn)
for ritlAburgh. N 0.53 Markel Street. sep 10
- .
J • Diostivo—Du Friday, liw3o l l l of In.it • zotil
9 o'clock at night,the Planing.Groovter rind Sn , h Man
olfactory, owned by Gay, Dilworth k co, wti n
quantity of dressed and undressed loather, was all con,ii
teed by fire.
The Iron Safe whirl) I bought of you somr lime
wax in the must exported situation dui ine the fire, and
Was entirely ced hot —t am pleased to Inform you it was
opened at the close of the tire. and all the books,
rive o 1
is the best recommendation I can give 01
the utility of your safes
ANANUFACTURED and sold whole,ale and
.1-YlStrrn Brain - , one door below Smithfield. retail
oet 21—iy.
TORN BUTTERWORTH, Auctioneer and COMM /8.
vies dlerehaut, laaienilie, IC Y., will ;Mend to the
Sala of Real Eallte, Dry Goods,G•ocerips. rurnii tire, kc
ke. Regular sale." every Tuesday, Thursday , and Fri
day alOraings, all° o'clock, A. M. Cash advances made
on cor..lgnments. sep 10
p CA nt to W WFIELD has
st removed.
opposite his warble Establish
meood Faltuesioek's Drua
E 4 here he will keep constantly on hand Tomb
lit'44lllonoments me. an
JOSBORN.% Partroit Faisacr, Fourth it, $ d atocy
: gusto's But:ding. J. Osborne would solicit a can
rout Oboe who deotte Fortraits. Specimen;n be
'Wit HO rooms. 5.
IttV• tiEna
N, P. OWII,r
T110:11 AS w COTT
TRIALS, and all vtleeessta prove ,
TRACTOR Inestimable. It not only euresquicker,hut
gives no a• Pii.nnal pain, nor leaves a sear. fire Is post
tiyety rend , ted harmless. ($lO has been offered six
month. , to any person returnive4 an empty hos, and saying
t i„, l „;) a . : onv oti a tiointin:t. j 9 not extracted it stew
e, from thousands of trials since has claim
ed the boons ) Parents mix inn. to guard against genera
;not ec. anti save time, forms:, and life, and prevent
their offspring (tom twins disft2nred by burns, or c yen
small pox pustules, (It possessing, the enviable power to
replace I Isecelltilary organs destroyed.) can do so by ob-
Inittitt4 ie inimitable salve. Many tieeyly burnt cases
ut the city can to. seen, rind one eittite face burnt over and
wounded three distinct times in the sante spot while heel
'IV:, yet in no case can be traced the lea!' cicalrice or
markt l'or all kinds of hurts it: rap d effects are
also import:int:even core eyes, all tit dantations and bro
ken breasts would he unknown. The toilet and nursery,
'or ele:iril4 I he Akio of phonies, removing clia le, etc., will
lied II indispensable. fine tisiin only will forever estal •
lisp it the .overeigo iiEAL-ALL quality. After this no
t irl., twdds of foinilles allmvini l °rime for Montle:, One
lii-tort! Icatures. can never wipe away re
prod, i t , :dot), nOereit by a do:third child. for neglectio;
1.) I, i.l.iorth OVer tiff%
• l:t.i,red accordin , 2 to rict (.It:iingrv , ..7.. A. D. 1841, by
cotust lc!, Cn tn ihe Clerk's of the Dkirlyt Couo
he United States for tne Southern District of New
Warranted the only 2CIIIIIfIP.
CnotAtoek s't'n., wholetiale Iletox.i.s , , N. York, have be•
the sore wholeFale a ents l'or Mr. Dailey, in Attertri
ca Gar 211 yeat R. All orders notst be addre , tool In lloon.
The gennine only to he had nt Turri. rs Medtcal
Agency, I tCt rut:o h street. NnY 15
c 1 O_ ^ s c hand a ,1110 , rior art ;04, or ;
OW watranlo,l t,l hunt at 0110 tollorr;,111r0,
olhal to lie 1,04 ‘‘ in, yr s‘r,tiove, no, w ir how
•ifir,,, ,, 0 Ipta , iitri , , 110,1 one tfiir.l 0.00110 0 , than.
I,y 11,0 ;he ul,ll'hlr,l rt.,
nclrly (1111,111.111 C the 1.'0,4 Ofrion- M. C. In
LOCK %NI) S('ItIEAV F.t('Ti ) nY4
rrii :‘
s: roe?. I.PI ween Niaikt•l nriciWwid
I n roan rtir n will tile Foricry in
lolly lii rLj his ft tentislir %ill I•e
liiippv to ne favnrcil or(1,• , - ;in!,
ra.leners, n I II n
trwil aO.l 10 °Nit,.
'11;i1 :111.1 Ttm ,, er
I.lr - ve Scrrw.. for I ron %Voris . rrws for rff`,,,,
adelv br ree,mred,-
rridOlder. ,e r,rprr,..ted I n ra n h e ro,
rota,. 0,17 for j, examine lit. :iflirirs arid prirerr
re; ,. tired and one ~, .he ',est
Manner, and nil the 10v,,,q
tunv J PATTI:I; i 3 ON. Jr.
I 41 1, OB tT r. PO 1 1 7 0 C , :dt )17,
PIT I'rlSl' R~:I
Looking Glass Manufactory.
And II ,uc Wdr,hou,e,
near sth
1,1 hiq
;n1 111 F. ',err r•. J. is tl..vv 1.4 ep, , , 1 I.) oVro,
I „ a++ntimrnl
Pt (k. and II .0 1‘111.1,P. 311. 1 rnm p'.
Glac- ,, and 111.41. , furnl,ll Ilarlwarr.
' •elt f the rune,
irr ;ma NI ant vi ola C. n %InI:ozn
mce,c3C ihe nn )-1. ippruvcJ anti znr ert.,r worktn.in-
T ot ki ,N...th 1. 2. .3. 4 3111 111,1
COII,I-11011. 110 • “(1. and 11
Nterrluini • ;or 1110.. e tylot r'oe:lP
.I!1 and
Ivory 111,11 e 111111 to :01 , or 11"7.1211S.
B.11' 1 ; nad 11.,nr -r.we cuorry.
carv,.,c arol rt,!,. do.
111x.on's. •.1e1:11 • 0 0001
Mmitll7.t,; single I,,eref.
man Sdvcr 'fl
:Ind Iti.r. Candle -',-1. , ,? 2 ,1 , 71•1 , /10.
\l , ' ti o' 0,
\,r. ‘v.i,
'm+, I. and Td 'lard
I‘ . oll a v., ri.•IV ”I u l is, :10 1r ,on Ittp
l/c I h, r,a
N it P,lrt nit
Dr. BRO/HL's -IST/ I)/NPi:PTIC 11/ /
note nin than , Ind , a. a 1111••ry r pmcdy for I in , a till , ' I I , n o'n ,l a, no 1/I,qII
-11'0,4,104e fact of It riwz I) N . : 4 "1:1`,1 1. %VIII 11,0—
~ ,t itferin2 only 3 , 1: 311101L7 110 If fl I,ml, %Utley liv,. not
known of the TlOSltire rit,r, n,..1 'IC q,..y
Jo ,rd h e ar 11 1 ,11 MO, worn , . it,i-cll 1111 do.orvoel
too) n any Milt, Illrn Int I In'to rol hnr I loon. In
1 hey, 1.1 pry nr lon I , r
,1011 ,10,10".4 •.3i,1 I 1 Ilp-r ;if 'iv lipp•
hp! wpat hi. 1.0 rly pro, II by lc .1010 1 , 1, n 1
0111' rollllllll , l' I y
Grnd 14.• fo'lf,A•lwz rt•rlifi% 1r,pe,1.1111,
ciliz,n or ‘11,1,210, roy,:111,!
ca of the Court of (*.mown of 11,411 , try 4 - 1,.
, 9,11;13.
Da. Itannik.
Dear Sir—l have far a tortirher of yr-dr . ..past Mimi af -
flitted with a 5, mre and altmrst i on , ' Jilt Ile:id:belie. -
rlain2 from deramprink.nt of , iirmarli and trowel. , arid a i.
t60rr2.11 I have taken nearly every kind of Medic re
commended Per ilp cure. have never derived any mate
rial until I used Poore of vane truly valuable An.
ti Dyitpeplic Pills. I have not taken quite two box., and
consider in y , elf perfectly relieved from that dottres , ing
romplaint. I have no Ire,trailon in recommending yon,
Pills as the lost medicine I have ever
Von re, Respertnitly,
J. It
ant arquarnted with Mr, "Pane - , I have no
lion to cvritrying that I consider the ttlalvinent , of 'lllr,
T. re. , o.ctity.t Dr. Itt o4llr 'A Ils. as (tot tiled to tile mom
portent and entire o•Ith,lonro.
For oate, %Vli , rlesa le and Cc tail at the !Sri - Moral
Erttabil,nment Pastrurttlr ;an I try all atithorieed a
gents t hromiliout the l'roon.
Alle'y city Jan 9 Jan 13-Ir.
Adams' Patent "Haug,hphy"lls.
ITAVE now been before
ite :3 years dit•
which tittle several
t h , ,d4arols have been sold
and in daily use, ‘Ve are
intiiirrit of being sustained
In saying they are the bent
("tier. Mills in the United
States, arty way you.fix it.'
Several modifications are
niaileto snit the fancy of
wives and the purses of
Sold by the aroFt* or dozen
nt the inanufactory, ---
Malleable Castings made to
Platform Scales.
These 2eituine a r icl es, of an sizes, and most improved
varieties, constanily on hand and for gale al very minced
prices by the tstarm fact II re r I. 11.1,1 Vi Nc sTo
mar - 2. --tf Front between Ro , s and Grant six.
Upholstery Turnishittg.„s.
THE subscriber respect fully informs his Friends and
the rtildic that he has just opened the store No•
30 Fifth street. near the Exchange Bank, and adjoining
111 r. J D illiams' GrOcery—where he intends to itiantt•
facture in the best style, and have ready for sale a ful
as s ortment of the first quality of Upkestera Farnis h•
int:. such as Hair, Shuck and Straw Mattrasaes, Featlt
er Beds, Sackings, te.which he will sell for Cask at near
ly 100 per cent less than former prices.
ALSO:Sofas, Chalre,me: Upholstered, carpets made.
and Curtains arranged afler the newest fashions—All of
which he offers to execute in a m an er unequaled In
this or unsurpassed In any other
mar 20 iT JOHN T. IS,TtWAST.
11,11`r 11`131 .)
i,r. i'or.
• -
Wlovv , important it is that yaw,. commence without
1053oflime with lIIIAMORETWEI Pmts. They mildly but
sure'," remove all impurities from the blood, and no case
of Malta.; Yid can Welt the human frame, that these rele•
Mated Pills do not relieve as : much ac medic he call do.
Colds and coughs are more henehtted by the Brandrerh
Pills than by lozenges and canaics. Very well, per
haps.as pallatives, but worth nolltims, as eradicators of
diseases from the human system. The. BRtNDRETII PILLS
cure, they do not merely retiree, they cure diseases,
whether chronic or recent, infectious or otherwise, will
certainly be cured by the use of these all sufficient Pills.
FINa Stan, January 21. 1843
. Doctor Benjamin Braildreth—llonored Sir: Owing to
you a debt of gratitude that money cannot pay, I am
induced to make a public acknowled•reinhot of the benefit
my wl:e tins derived from yen!' Invaluable pills. About
three years his winter she was taken with a pain In ber
ankle, which soon became very much inflamed and
swollen, so much so that we became alarmed, and sent
for the doctor. During hisattentlaticc the pain and swell
ing increased to an alarming degree, and to three weeks
from its first commencing it became a running sore
She could get no rest at night the pain was no great.—
Our first Doctor attended ter for sin months, and she
received no bei.efit whatever, the rain growing wore,
and the sore larger all the while. he said if It was heal.
ell fip it would be her death, but be appeared to ke at a
loss how to proceed, and my poor wife still continued
to suffer the most terrible tortures, We therefore sought
other rii.l Ina Botanical doctor,-who said when he first
saw it that he could noun cure the sore, and give her
ease at once, To our surprise lie entre tier no relief,
and acknowledged that it battled all his skill.
Titus we fell eller having tried during, one whole year
the experience of two celebrated physicians in vain, in
alt,mlittc despair. My poor wife's constiintlon rapidly
tailin•A in the tonne of her yearn front her confirmed
suffering, L.' whet these circumstances we conclirded that
we would try your lint versalVes,et able Pills,determined
to foirly test their curative effects. To my wife's great
control t the first few do-es afforded great relief of the
rain. ICitnin one week, to the astonishment of onr
sew., and every one who knew of thy case. the Rteelling
;tint lire iollamotation began to cease SO that she felt quite
easy, and tvottld sleep comfortably, and, sir, slier sin
weeks' use she was able to go through the house, and
avin attend to the management of her faintly. which
she had not done for nearly 14 n - milts, Ina lute over
two months from the time she first commenced the lice
of yotir invaluable Pills, her ankle wan mine stand, and
her health ',ever than it had been It quite a °limber of
years liefure. l 4,111 you this stalemeol after •wo years
test of the cure, considering it only an act or justice to
you and the online at large.
We are, with notch gra itude,
Very re , pect
P. S. The Botanical pronounced the Sore cam
re,/),IS. y sai d no goodhe done.
whnie of the flesh wa , rut 0:1', and the bone scraped.—
Thank a kind Providence, tilt; made u 4 re.mrt to your
pins, which !raved its from all (Luther misery, and for
winch we hope t be !haul, rul. 'l'. 4. E.
00"SoIti aI,1' I , IIS, w ith direction.,
I!ltr Irt wv Ight r iz.faril hav i ng upon it Iwo
of lir. CL• each bo, of the zenith) ,
ilft.jlll.lllllfarldrrlil and three
only pinrr 1n riirrniirzli where the real Bran
d r . il l It i lk ran I ,Mauled, thr. Dori," 's own office,
No. 9';, 1Co•1•1 SI "'PI, 111115,011 511, am! Dirithernd tt try
\lark I lie ?.. , 1111Itle Ilrandrclit Pile can Slyer he obtained
in any Oro: ioore.
The follow inz are the only 3.triiip nphniiiiril by Dr. e
Poitindrelli, for i lir fair al his Vegriatile Univer-al
in Alir:livny voitio3:
Orricc, %n 9::, ‘Von,l ortiri , Pittsburgh
til r. .101111
C, Relit— n.
II Itiovlaril—\l'Kersport
I rwin—l'ivaii.int
jii.lll fI,N. 11.
It 1610,2 - SICW3 t•il/Wll
It 0 1 .'1'11 tooth rOrl (
Ciroar Pivrr—Fniry .•
It Coon- lotini
lei v.,
- k
%Vol 0. tinnier— Alien' , NI in
A Tr0u.v,:)...., Smith:l , l.l n..“ 7111 glro rl.
l'olle ‘II3 F• ale !p c ilr.', t'•IM ,
;01 r,, .l 11111/1, I hr•l.,llt 011-
11, r 17—Iv
A(• .t I).
I II V,: 1.• vij k (.1
I'l 11()I. , ..411::1' \V \1: ,'•!, •1 , 1 ,4 4 nod
4trirm rr 1,1,111.“. and ::II pr. pnl.•d ;I , • llnet poi trr 1.1
;01 or der. rorit.leAboille. v ,otirr:v nes,
n,n,te IA tire 1••••.1 in,ll I,— 1.1
MCI/ 11,111 , 14 n 111 fi r ,/ 1111 .. %A VII Olt 1• II InIII
hrir onf r,n. I 1,1 1 . ..1 ier III:, tor :cly 11•••• I !IV I.lf, 11(1',
y 1 , 1,r r11410m,,, Of r 111,114 cans
112 'l,l' 1 . 1 1114 . 14,e, pr nnpt 1p s, I ved.
h.., laver, r..
‘V M I 't:ol.. , rer.
N 0 4 %% on4l . • IV,'
) 11. "11Ell1t1rr, Ninlth
Ar!iirren Srrond a"( Taird S:e., flour- of
A. NI. lilt .1 I'. SI
Dr. M. lila I'rnrr'ion and '‘llorral It.
r:trl 'o‘ -topplied Ily 11111 Or ~,,alr tilnf
nl Ita•111 ,1111 111,111111 . 111 711111 1110111 ,1 1 1 ,1 , or part%
wolllll . 111311 ,10 OrilYr 111 the horieft
evict trtipre , ..it)ti of the twilit h. Ak,,,
fnr ;ale a few 111314111, - Wlllll.Ol ll ll I.r ner•l
01 1 4 11111.1.! 111111P11 1 11. , 111 no 11: , 1411 1 10 111 1 1 14 . 1111 . 4 —all
II he “I1(1 low for rash. der 23.
pi lA'S mired try the 1 of In. ;fart, In'a romp mrill
shrenlrlicnine met lir collo inirrent Ville
fir Harlich—llear Sir—Shortly an. r I received the
Azerrey from you for lire sale of y our moil,. roc. I
lint reed ritainairrianre Will a lady of this Mace, who
w , r , sere, ely antlered With Ilin rites. Poi rl_lll or 1 , 11
rears I his lady IA Is Ln4iectlll frfqllPlll painful attacks,
and her Irby-iris. fllll,ilJ , Frd her rte.e conihlrcared,
i hat 111` very seldom ',reser shed medicine for her. Throuch
m•rsuasion. she enIIIIII I. IIC ,I I USIII2 your Cllle, and was
periodiic mired. Yours, /cc. JAM PS R.KIRBY
Octolmr 3, 11340. Chamber-bug, Pa.
tirruhre and general Prepoi. No. Mr.:North Ei;h111
Sf reef, Philadelphia. And by Samuel Frew, corner of
Irtheliv and IVood steeds,srm
()11 carrying Merchandiee nod Produce In and front
Pittsburgh, Phi!ado New Yolk and
Roston, by the rentislvania Canal and Rail road, on
111111,1 y temperate principles.
Stock of I hi+ liuc consist's of new large Tidewaler boats
expre-sly for this route, with all the modern
provemunt+ in boat Minding; of a su pet abundant supply
of first rate cars oil tile Portage Railroad; and a Intl sop
ply of strong and cominodious Pennsylvania boats be-
I wren Johnstown and Pittsburgh; all or which tie
conducted by sober, indii al rfous and experienced captains
and superintendents. Charges will be paid on all goods
intended to be shipped Iron Pii tOnirl h to Philadelphia,
FLOitoore, Now York or Boston, and consigned to James
Dickey co., Canal Basin, corner of Liberty and Wayne
as. and will be promptly attended to and forwarded with
All Good. and produce intended to he shipped from
Philadelphia coastwise, or via the Delaware and Rani
tail Canal,land consigned to Hart, Andrew and fileKever,
will be received at their warehouse. fir -4. wharf above
Race street, Philadelphia. and shipped directly from
thence without additional handling dr expense; . a line of
Boston packets connects with the line at this point •
Shippers are Invited to examine the stork of this line
and judge for themselves,tiefore shipping by any other,
us their interest will be advanced by shipping by It, the
proprietors being determined to exert themselves to the
utmost of their ability for the interest of their custo
mers and prosperity of their line.
Insurance can be effected cheaper by this line than any
other, as the route is considered the safest•
dart, Andrews k McKever, from Philadelphia and Bal
timore to llollidaysimrg.
Henry L. Patterson, from Hollidaysburg to Pittsburgh
Hart, Andrew. k McKever, Philadelphia
Elder, Ceteton 4• Co., Baltimore.
!leery L. Patterson, Hollidaysburg
Jensen Patterson, Johnstown.
James Dickey 4• Co. Pittsburgh
AMES BLAKELY,:ontinues to execute all kinds of
e) writings. sneh an Deeds, Mortgages. Apprentices In
dentures!. Articles of Partnership, Letters of Attorney,
7-•, In * neat and lege manner, and at half of
ormer charges, at his old stand Penn street, near the sth
ward market hoUtiC• feb, 25.
illTdr4ol/TIN ' 'Yd . A R EHOUB)I.-4Ver, '79, pods*
11, -) Street, ItemeesWood and Smithfield sts.
wo doors from the corner of Wood street. Con
stantly on hand an assortment of 100 ready made
COFFINS, ot every size and •description; covered
ones, with Cloth: Mahogany, Cherry, Black
Walnut, Poplar, and Pine Coffins.
ALSO, Plates neatly engraved; Hearses and Carriages
furnished; Graves procured; and all services rendered
that friends may require.
A credit given in ail ca=rs, either of coffins or carriages,
requested. HENRY BEARE:4, Undertaker.
sep 10 __
-STRUM ENTS!— T. McCarthy, Catlerand Surgical
Instrument Jlakir, Third street, nearly opposite the
Post Office, Pittsburgh
Physicians. Dentists an* Drugeists can have their in
struments made by the sutiscriber of d superiol'Auality
and at Eastern prices. •
Tailors' Patent Shears and Scissors always on hand..
also Ilatters Shears, a superior article. Orders respect.
fully solicited.
N. B. Allarticles warranted of the hest quality, and
jobbing done as usual. seri II)
_ -
- - - _ -
A LLE.N KRAMER, Ercbange BPaker, No. 4G, Car
li ner of Wand and Third Streets, Pittsburgh Pa.
Gold, Silver, and Solvent Rank 'KAN.., bought and sold
Sight cheeks on the Eastern cities, for sale. Malts
notes and bills, collected.
Pittsburg h,ra, Wm. Bell Sr Co., John D. Davis, F
Lorenz. J. rainier Jo-epir Woodwell, J anies May
Philadelphia. Alexander Bronson ¢ Co., John IL Brown
d• Co. Cincinnati, 0., James M`Candless. St. Louis,
Mo., J. K. M'Donald. Louisville, W. IL Pope, E,q.
Pres't Bank Ky. sep 10
It) MOV A L.—Tlir totoolosr-ogned how. icay e 10 0000.,. o•.
.Ilte public, t hat lie has removed front his old :Omni
to the corner of Penn and St. Clair sl=., oppositethe Ex
change Hotel, where he has filled up a large rtAso FORTE I omen' Dog.
WARR Room. and now oilers for sale the most splendid Devine k ItleAnto'tv, standing: r 0 I heY dc,hetween the
assortment of vi ATMS ever offered in Doi, market. owners of goods and the Boatmen who carry them, nild
Ills pianos consist of different patterns, of superior eqaally int( resit din ',Meriting the inlerests of both, will
Rose Wood and Mahogany, beautifully finished and mo• I make no prouniees to the public they with nut faithfully
dried, and en not I iieted throughout of the very best run- . perform.
terials,wloirli,lbr durability, and quality of tone, no well They are now prepared to receive and forward Pro
, no toed', he warrants to be superior to any ever seen duce to Phoiado Iphi. Baltimore, New York, and Boston
here. ', in the shortes I time, a :tool pledge them rlo.oes to enter lobo
As In. has fool:if4rd his manufactory. and made arrange. ' no common' ion with other Lines,toul always stand ready
ments in supply the increa.ii log demand for this 'astral.. to carry out the principles of their Line,and contract for
nett, he reopeelftilly requests 1110,e lilt ending la Mir. freight on the very lowest terns.
chase to call and , VtlnillelliA as-ortAlletll before iiiirc ha. Cr„-'l',l give midi - mined-scrim% yto owners anti shippers
sing elsewhere. as hp is determined to fell Lowcn, lor or goods an open policy of lie=iirttnee hat been effected.
rash, than any oilier establlsliMent earl or west or the lo i ninc all nierchandlz - =binned hY 'hi' , Lille will he
F. pLum F., qed without Any additional expense io the owner.
Corner (if Penn and Si. Clair streets, I Devine , `' Me A mon y will receive all produce consigned
.. , 'mane the Exchange Hotel, Pittsburgh, PA. to them at Pittsburgh, pay freight and charges to Stearn
WA Irtft;tNll.;:n
it(.:Ir;:iNI.UINE.—Dr. William ft . oa t s a nd (or% ar i l the same williont delay to Philadel
phia, Baltimore, New York, and Creston without any
charge for advancing. or room misoion.
CKRTIYI,STES.-I,olcr from the Hon. Ali'li'm M'ciri onv 1s E ..N- Sic NNULTY, Agents.,
ian,Stillovan County, East Troll - mover, Stenobeiof Congress. Canal Basin, Liberty vireo'', Pittsburgh.
- WAstutrwron, duly 3d. I'i33. I'IIOS EsoinincE, Agent,
Sir—Slncr 1 have Men In this rill/ I have rived some no 272 Atail,ei at re , I, Philadelphia.
your Dyspeptic. medicine with infinite benefit and soils MOORE A-XIIASE Agents.
fart fern, and believe it to ben mast valuable remedy. Doe
Ns roooll 10, 1 of-12 7.", Rowlev's Wharf, Baltimore
of my tonsiiiiieniv, Dr. A. C..r010 n, of Campbell coo.' v.
Tennessee, wrole to ate to , end hint Ronne. which I did.
and lie lons mploy NI it very stirces4filliy in his practice,
and +aro It Is HY:OII3IAP. S 1 r. Johnson, your agent al
this Mace,. thanks you would probably like nn agent in
Tetincoome. If on,l would recommend lir. A Carden. as
a Proper permil I 3 Oti,illll for the oatr of four celebrated
medicine. Should you romnils,ion him he is wllllnr to
art for N MI. 'V too Call -end Ihr Ittrllif ill( by water to lite
rare of Robert King A- sons. Knoxville ronni v. Ten ne,
cr,, or by land in Craimon 4- Houston, Tazewell. Ea-I
Tennrosee. I have no doubt but If you had agent,l in
.everat rounlir. in Cast Tennessee. a grrat deal of nirill.
Moe would hr sold. I ano going 10 lake ,r,,,,c, o f ii m-,,,,,,
for toy own use, aid that of my fete ads. and
. o, of ild
like to hear Iron, you whether you would like ;In :igen,
at Itoolootrille.Fulivan Conon v, Cash 'pen ne.s.•e; I r .,,, get
some of the ineri - lisoi. in act for you as I nye or ai there
Y(.tir4 recpertfully,
A 1:11 M M CLELLAN.of Tenn..Fsee.
For sal , R I;o!rs3 , r apd Rt lail. by
N., 20. ‘Vnost street,hrlow Second
11 )It. I‘ . I 1:1' a Ns's sr - yoTif 'NG sytt
Th:c remedy mi.: ormouvod hoodred ,
',Oro timozld l , a.t tr - 1 °very till eonvol-ddr , ..moo
ac Ihr r4,-eoo ,:111:,,1 he I M.d will ref, v.
Pr. Thia nreitar ‘ll,ll o r . e111e11.001.115. and so
pirmsot that o 1 , 1 To 41 ilc :urn, he rrth
l•••11.r.•:.l me ace of Colic month,
Ihn'there it .11.1o,it.111ri . of teeth. one hnilre of the
syrup .1,„11'd to open tbe pores. Parent: shnnhl
ever 6r oil Wort t Ito rap in the nOrgery where there
pre moo,: C.111.1ren.1..11( a dill" In She nizht iv 'oh
lip ,„ Ttlo sires rose. ds
tart.? .m 1 M. ~ : o 1.• ~ ,A rt vent
'N.. 410,.. Fe 1,14. r. r.fr ii.11,01 , ' :1111,
11 11
N" , 211. %V.. ,1 t,
, t: , 1::,.i
1 111
COL .101
lor the al ovo 00:001.00 1, Ic 11 , 111 :11111011.. 111 .01
1,1•1 ,1 1111, Wll4, ~ ul j,crtra .o 1110 .4
r oidorool that ll.ey carl hrd
011. - tfl 1.•1 1a I.trt ,‘ ilich t< t 5 . 0.1 to 11:1 ,,
.•tiroti• o'l,o ,Voro 111,1• 1:1-1 r •
rurnp,ol., .11, 1,0 y101'11,111.1 IIS 1! ontierltil
'1•,y(,,, • 4 tM Or 30011,0 r rem,d,
1.,000 C0r7,11,71,(...('0rtif rorllo- tlizt)
I t rf•,,,11 I'S :111 \V I," 11.1 v, n.rd 11. :11,1
Kprf 11 . 1 111 I cure.
1101 tiu (', s -110- a 10,!ItIv vAlti:t!tl‘
an d iticaKaot medirtor rtlert a po-otv , and u
rore fottons empt,,,n.antl if all effectual
nice fur the VV HON, PI (701 . 011, 11.14 vet y pk,) ,
aul t t i.,lte toe, :111 are fond of 11, ant reit 'lever t•forz , !
to lake ewe It Mire ;11111 110,1 ,, V, The 4111.,
hos a CYl{lfir.li, fir) direct from J re,e ,011.
,11111.', Mao be un 1111..+tat, II fler,lllll , 1,110 :Mr' eireCTP.l
are invited lit eel and yt,,t de!,n, (or lire tore to take
medicine al I lie comitlencemeut.
Al: I Ile :1111/Ve Illellielfleß tan a! Wn yS lie procured -al
HOLE.%I IX Ott f. LI AIT at
7777"FLE'S .11Y1)1C.91..10EXCI. fl.;. Fourth etre('
Tv() I'F,XI i. a large class of l'enales in
this City who from Ihrir continued sitting„ to which
their o r cu p:tions oblige t hem,are affected tel costiyeneS9
Whirl] gives rise In palpitation at the heart oil the teal ex•
senor of heaviness. extending over the while head.
Intolerance of light and simml .an of 11Xing the
atterittott to any mental operations; run - 1101m; In 'lie Ow
els, sometime , . a semi: of stillocat fait , especially after
meals when any exertion is iiArd, as 2,oing qa lekly
stairs; trnipre fickle; these are symptoms which yield at
once to a few doses of the Itrandrctli l'ills The ocea
sinnal a=c of this medicine would nave a deal of trouble
and of suffering, One, or two, or even tithe of
th e it t .,,nd r ,th pm,. Just heron• dinner, are of found
LMhly beneli , ini; many 'i.e them very advantageously
I hits wu y; they aid and a.d-t digest ion, re.o ore the bowels
to a proper comlition,entlyen the spirits, Impart clear
nr , s to the complexion, pit illy the Mood, and promote a
general feeling of health and happineFs.
Sold at Dr. 11-aisdreth',..: Office. No. 98 Wood strict,
Piti,lnir2li_Tl ire 25(cto per box, with full directions.
MARK—The only place in Pittsburgh, where the
GENUINE ;s ran he obtained, is the Doctor's own Of.
flee. Nu 98 Wood street. sep
LIVER COMPLAINT cured by the use of Dr. liar
itch's compound Strengthening, and Aperient Pills.
Mr. Wm. Richards, of Pitt,burgli, entirely mired of
the above distressing disease. Ills symptoms were pain
and weight in the left side, loss of appetite, vomiting, acid
eructations, a distension of the stomach, sick bend-ache,
furred tongue, countenance changed Ina citron color, diffi•
culty of breathing. disturbed rest, attended with a cough,
ereat debility, with other symptoms indicating great de
rangement of the functions of the liver. Mr. Richards
had the advice of several physicians, but received no
relief, until using Dr. Darlich's Medicine, which termina
ted in effecting a perfect cure.
Principal Office, 19 North Eighth Street, Philadelphia.
For sale in Pittsburgh by Samuel Frew, corner of [Aber
ty and Wood streets. sep 10
These Pills are composed of hell's, which exert
a specific action upon the heart, give impulse ,or
strength to the arterial system; the blood is quickened
and equalized in its circulation through all the vessels,
whether Mike skin, the parts situated internally, or the
extremities; and as all the secretions of the body are
drawn from the blood, there is a consequent increase of
every secretion, and a quickened action of the absorbent
and exhalent, or discharging, vessels. Any morbid action
which may have taken place is corrected, all obstrut:
dans are marled, the blond is p unified, and the body
nommen all cattleal s:ate. Pori ale Wholesale a:afyw
tall by R E SELLERS. Amen ,
seplo lea ) Wood Si. below Second.
[I::rDALLErS PAIN EXTRACTOR is certainly
the most valuable ointment for Burns, Sores, kc... ever
Invented: no matter how badly a person may be burnt
or scalded—this will heal them immediately, without
leaving any scaa. Every family should have a box Is
their house, no uneahould be without it.—Every one
who has tried it recommends It: TO be 110 poly at
TUTTLE'S; 86 Fourth street., • stet 8
N 1)1111DVAL ENTE4eltlizt.
For the Transportation of Jiferchandi:e and Produce
McA I.Tv respectfully infotni the pub
lic that they have completed their arrangements
for the above Line on
_ .
The public has long wished for I intividnal competition
in Transportation on the Public. Works, try which alone
it can be freed front unnecessary expenses and reduced
to Its lowest rates; that wish will now be realized; the
State of Pennsylvania having placed Trucks on her Rail
Bonds, ludividua.s owning Portable floats are enabled
to bid for the Carrying 'trade and successful l y to com
pete with compan . es.
Tids line is composed of Twenty new, Pour Section
Portable Boats, ow tied by the Captains who command
them and will known as enterprising, industrious and
(experienced Boatmen.
The superiority and advantages of the Portable Boat
,over every other mode of Transportation, are too well
i known to shippers generally, to require comment; suf
free it to say, that lire detention, loss,separation and dam.
a ,t, , c to Goods, invariably attending three Trams hipments
between Piitql,ertOirtrid Phiailelphia are by the Portable
Boat most et - recut:illy removed
The Port:lWe Punt p)sqesses the great advantage tAo,
of twin' , well eentitated and cool in Sommer; which pre.
vants Flour from souring, arid Bacon and Tobacco from
-11"hy trill
. 1„;c hre (It %hi:: poor
444 4 4
II t 73.0 [IRE r S rE GET.I
To 1, 11,1.1 At Tr -ILK., voty, 36 Fourth st,
I ilr only a:,tint in PiosloNel.
no, 22.
A I'EW )1018E STILL.
J 011-V 11 . C1,/ - SEEY.the,tld or;,2lnat, harem hand the
a..:nrintent of ciolerect
Weg !tly d0..1; and I ara d , .itoFed In sell the
nw, I pn,..<0.1, prjr, y work . 1.1 heavy, and as the sea.
I , adva , teinz. I will ,ell at lower prices than ever.ack I
only the nteasnee el a tali, feeltrei confident thrit a
h,hk 11,,v•Ire of CnnaterCeitg. ReMember
lb • TPRF:F: BIG EOOll5. null the SIGN IN TI/E
In. Yr.lt F:.9 f., Office on
..L.P10. , IN re, :111,1 Stiiiiltra•ld 91 reel?, 111.14Kit:h.
der -- Y
N1:1V A LA
r,—;,,c,i‘,y Ift F
'. 0 , 11, 111 e rui
ler coovoorn I year , r X itertcnre in the hest shops in
...-•••n r .. 1 hoy have ottrtted their NeW nln 1100111
ot Thlroi -t one dour from Markel, and 'lt arty opposite'
he le,t a:Tt . uenne they are prepared In exec ele
1, tit e tt—z it, a manner unt-urptlsred
'ty 11111 101 1.1 stoololl'l.llo,lll the I 11y. 11011/r
oott'oolot:o•to,101, jar Ilse of•rpool lon 0(1110 11111 , 1 modern style
e len.eh rlr,l hr s made in a • 1 11(ter
loot . It., ri 01101 lied 11 10 1111:1( /1111 . 1 , 1. 10 then; a
T H, r
\Ve wt-11 the 1,11 6 tt to understand that !hi ,
I, advert iSI•111* OIS Of
the tht‘; fiot ant(x.orl:ttlati-hip they challenge
Wirch d I
1-101,1)S111P & lIIZOWNE
'HAVE remos,ll riper SlOre from Markel
10 No. I\'oo4 h lrret, one door from the
corner of arts- whr,e hr.% op On hands their tt.nlal
.mrilll,l 'flr WALT, l' A PEES, lor patkerlo2 parlors, en
',"1,.,hat1.1,N.,'{-, and al-0 PRINTING. IVEITING
and WII P1'1".0: l'A PEE,. F:(,NNET 10)A RDS, !c.c.
111 or Wlocllllo, tiller lLr Snil' Olt I,rommodoliwz
feb 14. 1' 1 4.1. --all.
Pa li tt ii i ii3 t s.
The extract agrantedrecontin
caveat en „,, e I filth June, IS4''_--Patent
Be‘,o min Ilt ap,,,lty,i,ill,.,:c2itiblit;rJaant:ittietttriy,:s
no s ed are ntoained by this unto patented process,
without lanling or any apptinntioll of heat. Tic ac
tive pliori;.le oldie herbs is ibut•secured the same
:IS It IS lil the
The Public should be catittui , s ol utrdiciucs rec—
counnrndr!ad net tisinents stolen f r o m me, in
which the CONTEMPTIBLE: ROBBERS steals my lan
guage, merely alterin.; the name. Time will show
these wholesale deceivers in their true light,
L-1,;:7- BRAN DRETIES PILLS are the People's
Medicine, proved by thousands who daily reccom
mend them to the aftlicied. The RR ANDREPH
PILLS are growing iivery day more popular, their
vii tues are emending their usefulness. The sick of
both sexes are dai;y deriving benefit from them.
No case of disease but they can be used with advan
tage. Blotches or hal d lumps of the skin they speed-
ill/ cure, so with erysipelas, so with salt rheum, 50
With indigestion, so Kith coughs and colds, so with
coviveness, so with cancer, so with hot parched lips
and canker in the month. Let the afflicted use this
medicine, and they will find they require no other.
Sold at 25 cents per box, with directions.
Observe the new labels each liavitig upon it two
signatures of Dr. Brand reth. So each box of the
genuine has six signatures—three Benjamin Brand
reth and three 13. Brandt-eat upon it.
The ONLY PLACE in Pittsburgh where the RRAL
Brandreth Pills CAN BE OBTAINED, is the Doctor's
own Office, No 93 Wood street, between Fifth
and Diamond Alley, Mark, the GENUINE Brandreth
Pills ran never be obtained in any mien STORE.
The following are the ONLY AGENTS appoint
ed by Dr. B. Brandreth, for the si.le of his Vegeta
ble Universal Pills in Allegheny County.
Principal Office, No. 98 Wood st. Pittsburgh.
Mr. John Glass—Allegheny.
Rohm t Duncan—Birmingham.
C. F. Diehl—Elizabethtown.
H. Rowland—McKeesport.
Pressly Irwin—Pleasant - Hill.
ichu .Johnson—Noblestown. tit
Chessman & Spaulding—Stewar
Asdell & Connell—Clinton.
Robert Smith Porter—Tarentum.
George Power--Fairview.
David R. eoen—Plum Township.
Daniel Negley—East Liberty.
Edward Tbompson.—Wilkinsburgb.,
Win, fluntor--Aitou's -
rHE subscriber has just receive , a an ~,
Landreth's Garden seeds, consisting In part ono
fotlowtng kluds—ali of the last years crop it..otarkalsteri
Bearagg Egg Plant, Perkily% '
Beets, Endive, Peas,
Leans, Kale, Pepper,
Leek, Pumpkin, Breezed',
Wttuee, Radish, Dovecote,
Mater Melon, Rhubarb, Cal huge,
Nusk, .. Salsafy, . .Carrot, ,
asturiium, Cauliflower, Spinach,
Squat.h, Celery, Okft; '
Tomatov., Coded Ciess, Oninn,
Turnip, Cucumber, Perrier,
Corn, Mustard, (white and brown)
&c. &e. &c.
Together %nit tb a varlet y of rot dy Sweet herbs ar4 . 4S*et
Xy-Orders for Seeds, Shrubs; Trees, it c. from Gtl4llllll.
ers and others will Le received and promptly attended
•- r. L• SNOWDEN,
No. 1.54 Liberty. head of Wood at.
lIT. PRICE, Wholesale and Betait Baker, COM
. feetioner and rallierer, Federal street, neat tla
Diamond, Allegheny city.
Every variety of Confectionary and Ornamental
Cates, suitable for weddings anil parties, mandfactuted
from the best nraterials, at short notice. novl6!
FA H M FOR SALE.— rhe undersigned offersfrom fermis
his farm, lying In Roes Township 0 miles the
City of Pittsburgh, containing, 11 , 1 acres ofland of which
60 ate eteared and under fence, 1.. m'l6 to 20 Dern of
meadow, 2 good Orchards of A ppte,. A few Peach mad.
Cherry trees—the improvements are a isrge frame house
containing 10 rooms well furnished, ealculat ed for a Ta
cern di. private Dwelling, a frame Porn 28 by ge,stolte
baQem,,,ni, and stabling, sheds tad other out houses sult,
able for n terirmentf-2 good Gardens surrounded With
currant bashes. and a well of excellent water, with A
pump in at the front door. In relation to the Plitshirght
and A ile;hrity market, there Is no pines now offered fir
sate with more in
tll du e terms will cement to those
be made moderate, wishing to purchafor
near t l ittslnirch,
Inns her pact iculars apply to the proprietor at his MMus
Store, Liberty street, corn of Virgin Atleu.
N. B. If not sold before the Ist of October next. it
will tie divided into 10 and 20 acre lots to suit porc o
sera. 4 ,
. das 1
JA MES HOWARD q - CO., Afatrufactoreert of Wm
Paper, No. IS, Wood Street, PittshirsA,
Have always on hand an extensive assortment of Fails
G1az,.,1 and p!ain PAPER II A-NCINGS, Velvet and
Imitation Borders. nt the la'rst style and bandannas
patterns. for papering halts, parlors and chambers.
They Inanufacinrc ard have on band at all times—
Psi nil n 2. W rit int!. Letter, V rapping and Tea l'aper,Ben•
net and Fullers' Boards—all of which they Or!
for Pale
on the most arcommodattns, terms; and to which they
invite the attention of merchnnts and others.
A LSO—Blank Books of ail kinds anti the host quality,
School Books, etc. always on hand and for sale as above.
N. B. Ba2.t nil Tar.:ters' Scraps' takenin exchange.
31A,G,R0A,„%pvdt'cliA, -`o'fl-',l;,E°:;hirti e reosrrtirnitrcartorLeriDli h
.S. a ve
211IW , Gll Von rth Ft, Iwo doors ahove Smithfield. sep 10
Cincinnati, Farr ltarf 115, 1840.
Tir. SWAY ss—Dear ir:—. Permit me to take the libirly
ruing to you at this time to expres, my apprthation
and to recommend to the attention of heads of families
and others your invaluable medicine—the Compound
Syrup of Prunus Vireinitina, or Wild Cherry Bark. is
my travels of late I have seen in a great many liditancea
Ihe wonderful effects of your medicine in relieving dal
drill of very obstinate complaints, such as Coughing
11V iwcrinz, rho:Airs of Plilerm, Asthmatic attacks, 4:g.
;, i ,imuld not have written this letter, hovvevet.at
pr,•=en• oilbon0) I have felt it my duty to add my testi.
nymy 4. it for some time, had it not been for a late 15.
I , 1311 Ce where the medicine above alluded to was metre•
mental in reMoring to perfect health an ~.only child,"
, v m.se rase was almost hopeless, in a family of my no
'•I thank !leaven," said the denting moth.
r.. tai child is saved front the jaws of death! 0 how 1
reared tine relentless. ravager But my child is tare! es
Beyond all doubt fir. Swavne's Compound Syrup' o
R lid Cherry Is the most vatnahle medicine In this or tiny
other con tit ry. lam certain I t ave witnessed more than
nue hundred cases where It lins been :wended with roe.
oleic snci cs, - . I am using it myself in an obstinate al.
tart, of Bronchitis, in which it roved effectual In a es.
reedingly snort time, considering the severity of the ease.
ran rerompnll it in the fullest confidence of its soperier
virtues; I would advise that no family should be without
it; It is Very pleasant anti always beneficial—worth
double and often ten times its price. The public are
surcd there is no quackery about it. R. Jscasort„, D. D.
Formerly Pastor of the First Presbyterian Cloirch,
Sold by AVM. THORN. wholesale 4- retail, only nein
for Pittsburgh. No. 53, Market street. IMP
what leal destroy Life. and you are a greet W . *.
Drscovcr what will protoltg Life, and the world SO
call you Impostor,"
“There are faculties, bodily and intellectual, utit
kit it
with which certain hcrbe have affinity, and ever WWII
they kart power."
Dr. B. ißmitireth's External Remedy, or Unhinge&
which, by its extraordinary powers; abstracts Pais ,OS
Sorenr,s; thus Sprains, Stiff Sinews, While Sive
Rheumatic Pains, or Stiffness, Stiffness of the.
Tumors, Unnatural Hardness, Stiff* Neck Sore Throat.
Croup, Contractions of the muscles, Scrofulous est.
iargements, Tender Feet, and every description of
jury affecting the Exterior of the Human name. lfe
cured or greatly relieved by his never-ts is soffietiestl,
extolled remedy.
CIERTIFICATIC.—The following letter front Major Gait
eras Sandford, as to the qualities of the External Rout
dy, speaks volumes.
Dear Sir—Will you oblige me with another Willi of
your excellent Liniment? It is certainly the hest of the
Lind 1 have ever seen. It has cured entirely my mem
knee, about which Iwasso uneasy,and I have found 11
productive of Immediate relief in several eases of ettler•
nal injury in my family. A few evenings Mote, my
youngest child was seized with a violent attack ofercsap.
which was entirely removed in tiorwty ninnies, by , rat.
hint; her chest and throat freely with the External Ness.
( - qty. I IOW: you ought to manufacture this Llntraeit
for general use, instead of confining the use of it, as you
have heretofore done, to your parilcular acquaintances.
Pa. B. Ilnxisnacrit.24l Broadway. N. Y.
IrrFor sale at 241 Broadivay, New York, and al hhi
office ,No. 91 Wood street,Pittahury,h. PRICE-50 centa
per bottle with directions. sertlO
THE subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens
cf Pittsburgh, Allegheny and titer!' vicin ities, that he
has emmenced manufacturing OKarticle of Lard 01
and Candles. He intends making but one quality, whieh
will equal the hest made in the Union and not surpassed
hv the best winter strained sperm 01l either for saaehleery
or burning, without its 'offensive properties., and one
her wishes to Impress distinctly on the public mind that
it is not necessary to purchase any new fangled lames that
are daily palmed upon them 21 being requisite to burp the
lard oil in. Persons wishing a pure sod brilliant tfribt
can obtain it by calling at the old stand,3ll street, scull
opposite the Post Office
The attention of Wholesale dealers, Churches sad
chinists respectfully solicited.
N. 13.—A1l the barrels will bear the mansfaciirrees
WIMP. Jan 2: 1343.—5 f.
10 BELS. Spirits Turpsiti•e, Obi day received aad
for sale by J. G. et A. GOILDOIC
mar 8. 12 Water street,
BPERRY takes this method of informing the .publip
is general that he continues to curry pa thp
above business in the blonompsosti, Horse Stritmaras
No I Water street, where, with strict personal attention
he hopes to please all who will favor him alai Ireir pa
'voyage: From his long experience In the bailees% lap
tarter* hlreselfthat his work cannot be excelled to Sakti
nesaand tiersbility,at least west of th e Mountains; tow
it Ii Blokes to boast—a fair trig/ Is tht best eviiiiieca
To quit thallium:she 'manufactures )!opts Ast paratnntiwg
co; from Ile low as Poo rtfilirs tsi sbout.
be affords atseme& dollars PIII,IO/. eplinft
Mery YORK, Feb. 9,184 t