.i-. A - ... _ . - .., 4 ... . . _ . ..., ..• - 0 . . -.-. .. • • . , , .OL L-NO, 221 PUBLISHED BY -. THOS.. PHILLIPS & W. H. SMITH, X. IV. &omega. OF WOOD 4 FIFTH STS TE511.318.--FIVE DOLLARS a year, paythie in advance. Is; ogle copies TWO CENT:3—for aalc at the master of the office, and by News Boys. The 'Mercury and Manufacturer 8 published WEEKLY, at the !nine office, on n doutite riaidlttea Pheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in ad -ranee. dinf,le copies, SIX CENTS. Terms of A _PIM . SQUARE, OF TWE '3,lne ineertion, 0.50 1 Two Insertions. 0,75 Virea insertions, 1,00 One week. 1.50 rwo weeks, 3,00 W.lstrie weeks. 4.00 YEARLY A DVERTISEM F.NY3 ctiwnsetems AT et v.v.turtE. One Square. Two Svcares air months, 7I SAO Six months, $23.00 DM , year, 23.00 One year. 35,00 Irriasmer adverliSecnents In sirorortion. CA RI)13 of four lines Six Dot.t.sits a year. PUBLIC OFFICES, &C. Ctrs' roil' Ornct. Third het ween Market and Wood woreoi—R, M Riddle. Postmroter. CuiTomi Nauss, \Valet', 4th dour from Wood st. l'eter 111511's buildings—Major John Willork, Collector. CITY Titinsantr, Wood between First and Second treell—Janice A. Rartram, Treasnr , r. Cover? TitzAsoßT, Third street, next door to the rhio. r,p.byt,rian cimrch—S. R. Johnston, Treasurer. MrtveresOirirtCr, Paartlt, I.etWeen Market and Wood Streets—Aiiriander flay, Mayor. IritcHatlT's Exciumar. Fourth, near Market Al: RA:4I.C.S. rrrTaatraos,betiveen Market and Wood streets, on rulrd and Fourth streeti. BIZRDBANTS' AND 11ANUVAeTCRENS' AND FARNICAS' Ple• lONtt BANS. (formerly Sarin; Fund,) Fourth, betvrten 'food and Market suretA. Eicaotor, Fifth tireei, near Wood. iv r the CriA:e. • MoltrMaknet.h. tIOCAr., Wotor street, near EXCHOice6 Horeb, corner or Penn and St. Clair, IlltiltC•iLleT3' HOTEL, corner of Third and 1V trod. TIOTEL,COrfIef of Third and Emit bfn•ld. ' — "lgiatcein k-nt 4. corner of Penn vtreri and Syßfi k to EnGLIS, Liberty street, near Seventh. Sltt;taito 111.oratsvt House, Liberiy St. opnovite IV a sine ettill4DMllter HOWIL Penh St. oppo3ite Canal fi llononT wooDs, ATTORNEY AN COLINEWIAA3II AT r,llv..—Arve row ,*d tollikesseit's offices on Grant st., neatly onmisife toe nictty Coort. Bono, next rooms to Jolla 11. !tiallot,, dog ,—lrrisol. Oloor. otl, 10 TON.BR, Atto.ney al JUL , 41F-ermltlefielit and Fourth rrets. NrcALNDLEss & wcLuttE, Aitorneys and Counsellors at Lair: Office in the Dininond, hack elf the old Court (louse, tillsbargh.. sep 10 SWINK. 4- FIND,. Y. Attorneys at Law, Fourth Ft above Wood, ['Mi. - burgh. .sep 10-Iy. -T.,. AM I LTON , Attorney at Law, Fill 11, het wren Wood and Smithfield sta., Pittshurzh. sect 10-1 y 14AfT M. O'HARA. ROBINSON; Auornev al Law; Often an the no rt tt Side a I he Did mon &bpi IV l'e albaket and Union streets. upstairs FeP 10 AI. VUEIIIO.IIA.W, Attorney nt Law; tenders • biltprolesstonal st;rvices to thL public. Unice on aliove Wood, ritisltr.jli, 511, 111 rill'itsT ea irr 1tU , 211 ‘N AN, Attorneys e. 1.4 x. 0111,-, riensoged crow the Conntond. to •&At orney'-Row," ttitsiiiide of Fourth street, between Market and %Vona streets !"'n I !WC tiMA.S AT' IIN EY .41' LAN V, tll , 1,1110V , 11 In± 01t1CP 10 I:4:f IP,': inpc. Fowl bteeci, above SmilllfiCA, 1 , 01,NA,44. Per 10 _ GEOI2 EW. LA V.VO. tol Dry al Law, Otfiri Na. 54 I'lsi nr,l. near tt Theatre. ettieoungli seri i 7 —1 y READM NV ASIIINGTON, AT'T'ORNEY AT LAX'. —titlice Grant street, PntstrArgn. Nov. 5, 18-12. 1013 N J. MITCHELL --Al tor bey at law, bliire acorner or Solithkeld and Sth f.ts rittsburgli. irr Ceti-colon% made. A I bulginess ebtrusled to Lila are will be promptly attended to. ire% 16-1 y• REMOVA.L.— it. :%torrow. Alderman; odi north Me of Fifth at,, between Wood and S:nithfirld Tea. rillshocch, sep 10 D.. S. R. lial,NtS. Office in SCCOlifi street, nex? door to Mulvany 4- CO'S Glass ‘Varc - iintise for) 10-1 y J a r Foct:oN, isooit4el;ers, Pi !liters an T Paper Mattufaciniers, No. :37. NI a flirt nt. sep 10-1 y TOHN ANDERSON, Smqhfield Foundry, IValer st.. geP .nenr Ilee Mononttutoda House, sep 10-1 y Ty 041.0 NYoIING. FRANCIS 1.. YOUNG. TILOS. B. I'OUNG & CO., Furniture Ware Room-4, t,ortier of Hand ,t. a,- Exchange AlteF. Pergons wishing to unrclin , e Furniturn. will find it to heir advantoee to give us a call. being fully _,aniofted that we can please at to quality and 'trice. — uep 10 - --- 66 BBLS. PLANTATION MOLASSES. received per Steamers blab Bcn acid Folloii, and for J G. 4. A. GORDON 12 Water street sate by mar 27 NIDONOLA! D. Cocr.bassi......• • LOYD R. COLO.! , IN COLEMAN if CO.,Gene7a Agents, Soma rding and Commission Merchants Z...eivee St rect. Vicksburg lliie They respectfullyso t consignments. WEBB CLOSEYrS Boot and Shoe Manufario. ry, No. 83 Fuurth St., next door to the IL Stairs oanks Ladies Prithella, Kid and Satin Shoes made ; lie neatest nianncr, and by the newestiPrench mai erns. GARDEN TOOLS, erranifting of Hoes. Fancy Spade!! Transpiantiag Trowels, Took, Building NW es Pruning Knives, Pruning Shears, etc., just re ceived and for sate by F. L. SNOW DEN. iseP7o 184 Liberty street, head of wood. MitGISTIR.ATIES'BLANKS, for proceedings is Al tschaseat under the late law, for sale at this Office BLANK PETITIONS, NOTICES, lo be used in Bankruptcy proceedings, printed on 'good paper,and in the forms approved by the Court,for sa le t the Office of the Mercury and Democrat. sep 10 AVM. HUBBARD, ladies' fashionable boot and shoe Manufacturer. No. WI, Third s , riot, between Wood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh rep 10 JAS. PATTERSON, Jr., Birmingham, near Pittsburgh, Pa., Manufacturer of Locks, Hinges and Bolts; To• 13 eta, Faller. Mill and Timber Screws; Housen Screws for Rolling ¢c. sep 10—ly JOHN lIIICLOSKEY i 10I" and Clothier, Ltlreny stueet, between Sixth and Virgin alley, South side, sep 10 .11 G. 4- A. GORDON, Commission and Forwardin: 3 bleribanta, Water at.. Pittsburgh, Imp I (i—ly Birmingham & Co. comusnoN AND FORWARDING NES, MUM, No. 60 Water street, PittsburgO Pa. 'le—Litecelviag and Shipping 5 cents per 100 LCOotallolocia.oerurehaus and sales 2.4 percent. ,mar Is S. MORROW' e.trafteCTURZR of Tin, Copper and Sheet liar Were. No; 17, rum it., between Wood and Mar - le Seale itoitaucclr on band a good assaitment of ware& ;god sisiiehta a share of public patronage. Alpo, on hand, .161. llllirwista tildes: Shovels. Pokers, Tons. Gridirons, ggitinata. Teakettles, Pots,_Waltir. Poffee Milk , bc• M& 41 11110 rkortsrbera iiittWall sad examine for msslP ill ik ' - . I{ . c pp fPf -.4a411 sr dvertising, LVC LINES Ott LESS: One month, $5,00 Two moms, 14.00 Three months, 7,00 Four months. 8,00 Six months, 10,00 One year, 15,00 E 31,4 corner sep 10—ly HAILIVIAN, JENNINGS & Co, NVhOlesale Grocers, Commission and Pro duce Merchants, And Dealers ir. Pittsburgh Alanufectures No, 43 Wwd street, Plitshurgit AMMAN, JENNINGS .:Co., Cotton Yarn Warehouse, No. 43 Wood street. Agents for the sale of the Eagle Cotton Factory Yarns March 17, '43. I=l HANNA 'rlißtillt_Tl.L'S Paper \Sar,•hoose. No. 1114, ‘Vood st., where may he had a general <npply of writing,. wrapping, printing. wall paper, blank books, school hooks, 4-c, 4-c. , rl l 10--ly I{ C. TOWN.SEND 4. CO., Wire Workers and .4fonnfacturers, So. 23 Market street, between - 2. d and ;id streets. sep 10-19 rXCHA NG E HOTEL, Corner of Penn and Clair _a streei9, by lel( lIMIN 9:11111.1. sep r)ROWNSVII.I.II 117S1 AT A IRON WORKS wald HusllcS. Slaiitifacittrer of Iron and Noit9 Warchouse N 0.2.5. NVJod et., ritteburg h. sep 10 -ly VEW G001),S• —PreFiott 4- Mackey, whulesole and LI retail deulerl I t Elialtslt. Pre twit, at d Domestic, Dry CondA, No. :1. Nlatket a , P,D"nr;:.ll• STP 10 roux ‘Yholegale Grocer Rectif‘ ing t/ Distiller, And Dealer in Produce and I'ititt6tir•2ll Mann (lir:lured Articles, Ne. 221 Liberty Street, Pitts ber‘h. sup It) oi 11. Wtf,Li.ots Icon Dit.wortio I ATILLIA.IIIS & holesair V Grocers Product', and Commission NI tor Irttntis, and Jea !erg in Pnlslonrgli Manufaciortsd article,, No. 2, Wood street. sep JOHN B.Stucairy QUER IF F & KE.IN, n 1 anocartoret , ni Copper. Tut, :toil Sheet Iron Ware, No 80, ['root nt, r burgh. House Spoutitez and Steamboat work peompitv pxrented. sep 10 AV II) SANDS, IV ATCI & C LOCK 1, -r - F4 Ink lJ M I,l{ ER, No. 7, St. Ul,ir SI r.•ct, /, !: IX if 'A TCHF: S.CLOCIiS.fiII S ELVG Lk /UXGS, CLIALVS, CU.II/35, p 1(1 LANDIIETIPS SEEDS.—A fnu supply of T.:lndio li's Card,n Soplls, always on I and, and for salsa( Ills agcncy the Drug store of F. L. SNOWDEN, Liberty sirect,lo•ad ‘Vood pIIIEMOV AL —Mat II, v loorst, Fart er and flair Urr:s• r r, has removtol to Foort listrect o optaat r t h e May on office, where tic will he happy t Wwalt upon ,tertnaneot or transient rust lie SOlir it . a shale of public vat • gep 111 JOTIN 31'1 7 A NN 13, Upholsterer and Cabinet ..If-ker, Third st. between. Wood _Varlet streetr, retTerlfol informs his friends and the public that he is prepared to execute all miters for Sofas, Sideboards. lilt I teallS.CliailS, Tattles, (led:leads, Stands, (lair and gliklirst. CllloVai. Maii ravims, Curtains, Carpels, all ' , or's of t'l' ll . l sle rriTIE iber Iran reninvnd his Fashionable Tinloring wort:, whirl, he will warrant cuttal .0 any' made In t Estabilslooent la the M04101,23111.:11 t1011.3e. 341 door city, awl on reasonable 14'1'1119. S4'l' 10 from first st. on %nth Ithehl st.w tiers i1i,40141 customers ard • all others who may favor him with a call may depend on ~vingtbeic work dohe in a cup' nor Sly 'e. From his , - , Nperlente In the business in tut,: city, and i n ~,,,,, other fashionable eines Itt Europe and met - Ica, be feels confident that tin ran give sathrriction to all who may ply ase to favor him w:its hurl, Clltlolll. Rv Ft chef pnention iu ih<inecS and rupri for .cur kola ll,l111) hr 1/f4p , ', to !Item and receive • 'diary of I,lll,iir pal roitoge. fir intend keeping on hand a siopplyi of and t rountingssitita'ite for the usthmes 'rale which with he sold of corp rodorril pr '..- n. N AC, lII'. RE.4/03"111..;--The ,titi, r un., ..i have rerun, d In 11'.1. ler bet ween Wood and : 4 11101111, 1 d slre,l , . where . they o ill continue the W liolesale Grocery and Cimino , - ~. - i li bil-ine- , and would rt-iiiert cony solicit the uni i . ) ,,. nr.te of i heir friendi 1. W. 11(11:13111 in 3 E ..y to Dec' R. A. \V. PAT PEI:: )\. ....'rlire on SwilltflrOl F-tr , •••1, _EI near 'Sixth. seo 10 S -13 F.ir 1.4 !tl,ll. 1:0Ar. i•AR•. f.. 1111 11.(:Hi ( - 211, vit ”ti I tv NI:6; 123 N (toly 11111. , (1,12111:: 1111(1 01/4 1 !light 011 1 . Al,O. I lir frirrct li nr lo Parc to l'iliindetottift 1131lintnrP. 4. Lenv , •s &illy at 8 o'rlork NI. ( Wive se , onct door bpi", th, 7tlet,l,nll l : Ilnlrl IV4)nd :=1 SI ESiIELL. (;1; A 11.551, WAUGH A' Co frli 2.3,13-1:3-1p. l' writ morn. TII F. E CENT R \t, Rol• 1:, N:\•i \ Ito AI) A NO BALT./ 01110 n EC) A 11 COMPANY. .. Ns t .4; tu . •=l. l c: • f i ,ri i s ! N Elf line 0117. S. M. 11 CnneftPs (or War hi n gton Citv 11 Baltimore, la a end Alm York. • line is in fall otiera!loo nod linvesrittshurgli daily at 6 o'clock A. Pd., via Wa s hington Pa. nail national rod to Cumberland. contorting iiFire with the rail Fond Co't, to all 11* alcove rilaceg: Traccllork will bud thi= a speedy and comfort:llde route, sii, - inratv at d end cornherland Noe, facile if , will be DlToriled which have not been Stereirrfore enjoyed. Es Ira eciathes factil , he.ii at the flioriesi It ice, wilt the nrivitegr of gr.ing through direct, or taking cite night's mei at their option. For tickets, ripply at our office ni ilicNionnogalicla stop se. 1.. W. STOCICIION• Feb.. 3ii—titf_ p resident of N. R. Stage Co. NEW ROUTE. ENTIRE NEW COACHES! -ZFfft FRO.II PITTSBURGH TO BALTIMORE AND PIIILADEI PIMA 'United States Expresa Line Leaves Pluto art..ll dat , y, at 2 o'ctor;; • p. M, via Si earn. b oa t t o B rown sville, thence. in splt•ndid new eoaelleg to Cumberland, over the great National Read, and from there by _ RAILROAD, in superior new wliceled cars, to nalliniore tVasiiiiuzion city a.ul The aliovi Line i= r , presented to the traveling public as bring unequalled between the Ohio River and 1 7 ... stern cities for conifort and expedition, having Made arrange rus , titz to convey passengers through in two days, and na iii7ht travel, either by stage or Railroad Cars.— Think of it! Only 75 mites Btage travelling, and 56 miles lees than the Wheeling route, and that In superb new coaeltio. Fare to flaninto , e, 810. Office in the "Monongahela llottQe. A. ti DEPSON CO., Stake Proprieto n 1 d 3 ILYACTS SPEAK colt THEMSELVES--TRUTII IS CONVINCLYO: [laving been afflicted for nearly two years, with a hard swellinz on the cap am): knee. which produced much pain, and used carious appiica lions recomm ended by the Fnculty--all in vain wa• cured completely by the use of uric bottle of Dr. Grand• rellt'sLinatuent, or External Remedy. Witness m,• baud JANIE'S TAYLOR, Ohio tp A IleOteny co, Pa. Jan. 10th,1840. Dr. Brandreth's Enter oat Returdy or Linament; sold at his office, N 0.98 Wood street, Pittsburet, PRIM-- 50 cents per bottle. feb 8. JUST RECEIVED, Twelve hoyes of Oranges and Lemons, of the finest quality. for Fa le w holveale and retail. by WM. THORN, feb 22—tr. 53 Mai ket st. 20'000 V o . S "it" Yarns' assorted 2,000 lb.. Batting, 2,000 " Candle Wick, 1,000 " Carpet Chain, and 500 " Cotton Twine. From the Eagle Facto ry. For sale by HAILMAN. JENNING,-; & c o ., Cotton YarolVarehonse, mar 17 Nu. 43 Wood street. ‘7II7eCFOI2 8.11/S.—A atw Clinker bull Yawl (Meriangbtea!sitiMid) for sale low for cub: Ap. PIPto BIRMINGHAM ¢aP $0.6.0 Water st PITTSBURGH, MAY' 27 , 1843. DANIE L M. CURRY, Atiorneyal Law. 01. Drice on .5111 st between Word and Smithfield. ap S. 110111:ASE'S 110ARHOUND CANDY.—TeTrLie has received this day from New York. a fresti supply o che above celebrated cure fur Coughs, Colds and Con sumption; and is ready to supply cu , lomersal wholesale or retail, at Lis Medical Agency, 3t; Fourth st. nov 12 D A , I) CLARK, "asiLianable Boot Jllaker, tiaA removed to No, 34 Market street, between Second and Third streets, where he wou!d be happy to sce his old customers. and all others who feel dispon. ed to patronize hint. He ttqes nothinz - hnt first rate stock, and employs t he first of workmen; and as lie gives his eon , tant per‘onal attention to business, he truststhat he will deserve ar.d rccelve a fair share of patronage. ..ett 10 FRUITS, ICE EA k CON VP,I,I•IONARY. A flanker reepertfully informs his friends and the pultlic that they can always find the best quality of Ice Crrarns. together with al: kinds of confectionary and fruits, In their tr, on. at his establishment—No. 11, Fifth street, het we it Wood and Market. N. B.—Partirs supplied on the shortest notice, with cnke4. or anything in his line. Also families furnished with !trend. set) 10 1 - 4 1 V A NS'S CAMOMILE PILL LS.—ABli A II AM J. CLEM Ell., residing at 66 Molt street, New York, was afflicted with Dyspepsia in its most aggravated furor. The symptoms were violect head• arlir, arra( drbillly, fever, costive teas, cough. heart. horn, train In the rtte , t and stomach always after eating, impaired apvtite, scesat ion of sinking at the stomach, fn Fred tongue, nausea, with frequent vomiting!, dizziness Tvarda night and testleness. These had rontinned up. ward or a twelvemont it, when, on consult iug Dr. Wm. Evans. 1110171 tat ham street, and submitting to his ever successful and agreeable mode of Irentment,the patios; was com,pletely rrsiorell In health in the short space of one mom It, and ttratelut for the incalculable benefit ileriv. rd, eladle crime forward and volunteered the above state For sale Wholesale and Retail try R. R. FiELLERS, Agenv , No 20, wood street, below Second. kAti Cheap fat Cash. UNION COTTON F./I(,'TOR..Y. • Prices Reduced. Short I.!fel Yarn. Long Reel Yarn. No- t 1 I . per ih f 500 at 8 1s per dz. i; at 14 ditto I GOO at ii ditto 7 at 14 ditto 7011 at 8 ditto I: at 14 ditto SOU :it ditto 9 :it 1 1 dolt) 900 at .1! ditto 10 at 1-1 11410 1000 at 1 ditto 11 at 14 it al° 12 at I I ditto Candlewick at 15 cis per 11, 1.1 al 14i ditto Coin Balling • ft ditto 1.4 at 15 ditto family do. • 1' ditto 13 at ISt ditto Caro't Chain • 18 ditto it) at 18 it ttio Tv. inn • 25 ditto 17 at lt;} ditto .. 4 toct,iiiz Tarn and 13 at 17 Otto Covet let Yarn alWayn on 19 at 171 ditto hand. 18 ditto Cotton \Varpz made to order. Orders promptly Atendoi to, If Ittit at J. 4- C. united) nr the Post Miter, :111111,1 felt 27. J. K. MOOR EA Dq• co. 4 ,— /A r s77 o or z h, Knife c„ ro Lure F, 111111 IN•o!,Tril... 1,1411.. 11,0 t t ',I :.1111 . 1 rnti. -lon r p rat' 1 i4l. 1 , 0 TlO. !Art....1 ,- 01 l'Ain 1:01n. 1.. t, fnun 4 k 71 Nl:o.h.n rll . is 0 'lor 11.0 r. prevc c,f .t , itt, I 1..til 4-11111 Art.! 4ir I 11 rate ill silos,. Thy 0!puir:11i011 Ill', wort.lt , r;,ll ,vhoo+l,ol innpnllc ottlove !,, .4111,f11.(1 if lite WOllllll. tr.,141, ht not (14' V11:11 •liri• 1111; 44,- - in fl vco y s lir I ,pno• of par! nrl; Plc.' In a A,rllntl and ‘ctiltnsit leat-inl the cirritt itc I riitrl. Tit's preparation is also a Certain trio , rly for toittrintri rt . t. r ancetons sore , , tr'rrr , r ;1,1 , 1 - Ke nipple and all thrasiorts :tort I,l4plim, of Irk... liP snrress 119 a cure fur the unp t;11‘4.1,i and the vonrhe, for it: c Ica. 1,011 , 111.'S frnni lite no Ft rrtsto t11,1.1r and Ip:lttetied ,r , ltrC, —Herald. Fur sale at Titltle l F., Rli Fear; 1 street: 13nExo.irE,vom ix enc.:m:7'n y—Error (,d,. Jfnie Dir--rolnts the hair and will tint the skin This tlre is in the Coral of a Powder which in plait) matte. of titer nine hr :welled to the hair over ni.4111, the first o i2hl Ilifilinc 111 e 1121i1r.A or rretr hair to Bork brown; and by reseal r_ a second or third ni;ibl, to a Jet black. Any person may. therefore, with the least possible trouklei Jeep hip hart any dark shade or a perfect black, with the posit iye assurance that the powder if applied to the skin trill tot color it. There is no colorina in this statement. an any nor may cardy test. These facts are warranted by the rhendst *Ow, manufactures it. For sale at Fourth street, where a larvillk=snrl aof Patent Medicines may always he had n 1 cilller Wl , r) l e,3le or retail FS Ir. // .VAX 4- JOHN F` J ENNIXO S *9 have entered lato partnership for the purpose of Ir:lnsa Clingy Wholranic Grocery; Produce and Commis, Finn business under the Bun and slyly. of II AI LM AN. ENN I SGS 4. co., at No 4.3 Wood street. oPPoille the Nlerchan lioi el, where a supply of Groceries and Pitts burgh M nufaelured Articles can aiwnya he had on like al i unto,. Mardi 17 '43- Illoutifacturer of Tin, Copper and Skeet Iron lVare. Nn 61 Liberty, between Alaiket and Gth streets Wl o e L r 7 . l l l : r e a t i t i t, v i of fo ni P in it u '3 l; toes v on ill- shove business in all Its various branches ;011ie at ore stand; where he wili always keep 2 gener al ns=ortiveni of all articles in tibi line, ail of which will be made in the same nionner and of good malerlak, and will he (IL:priced ni on the most moderate and ac cornmorlatlng terms. Country Itlerulants and other dealers will null it to t heir:atlya Wage to call and examine his stock before pur. chasing elseweere. Steatillinats.illonsus and sorticees roofed with copper. ginedi ie. lead and iron on the s hortest notice; Guiter, and Conductoistuade and put up with despatch as usual. apr 5. WILLI .t DOITERTY, Li 9 T and Cap Mannt,etutcr. 148 Lihert y st, between Market nail Sixth. ttp 10— 6m. J. AI. Sanderson & Son, FRANKLIN DOUSE, PIIILADELPIIIA. ►IV/IS clegani establishment has been in operation dur. 1 ing tlir last nine months, and notwithstanding, the general depression of toi.ine=s, it has met and sustain ed the approbation of the public and yielded to the pro. prietors :Outl conipen,mtion for their labor and alien tion . Its location being in Chestnut street, in the im mediate neighborhood of the Post office, the Exchange. Ranks, the Steamboat landing, the most business part of Market street and the places of amusement, it presents to the business community or those visiting the city on pleasure, all the facilities and comforts so desirable to the travelling public. its arrantment, also, enables thr guest to regulate his expenses, and to live in a style of elegance or economy suited to his notions or disposition. The factitty , of procuring, meats at any hour, and of set. ting that which the appetite' craves, is also a saver of time which the business portion of the guests know how to appreciate. The proprietors, therefore, solicit the CUstOM of their old fri.nds. and promise a contmuance of their exertions to make them comfortable. rip 15-3 m. For Bent. OR a term of years. Tinxbuildleg lots-on the bank F of the Allegheny river, arAjainiag Ilk City line; Apply at the house Agency, Peso street, Sth ward, mar X. 1/11102 IIL411;ELY; Dow'tforget ! :16 nurth Street P' t'OPArt I NERSIIII". NI. DAWSON. DR. GOODE'S Cslebruted Female Pills. '1 hese . Pills arestrongly recommended to the notice of the ladies as a safe and efficient remedy In removing those complaints peculiar to their sex, from want of ex• ercke, or general debility of the system. They obviate costiveness, and counteract all Hysterical and Nervous affections: These Pills have gained the sanction and approbation of the most eminent Physicians In the HO. Led States, and ninny Mothers. For sale Wholesale and Retail. by R. E. SELLERS, Agent. Teo 10 No. 20. Wood Street,below Second. WM. ADAIR, Boot and Shoe .Maker, Liberty St., opposite the head of Smithfield st., Pittsburgh.— Vi a having bought out the stock of the late Thomas Rafferty, deceased, has commenced business in the aid stand of Mr. R., and is prepared to execute all descriptions of work in his line, in the hest manner and on the shortest notice. Ile keeps cot stantly on hand a large assort Inefil of shoe findings of all descriptions and of the best quality. solinits the patronage of the nub• lic and of the creft. WM. ADAIR. sep 10 PITTS BT TR G H 111 ANU F A CTORY.—Springs and Arles for Carriages at Easte7t Prices. Thd subscribers manufacture and keeps constantly on hand Coach.o anti Eliptic Springs (warranted,) Juniata Iron A xtes, Silver and Brass plated Dash Frames, Brass and plated Bub Bands, Slump Joints, Patent Leather, Silver anti Brass lamps, Three fold Steps, Malleable Iron, Door Handles and Hinges. . ic'c• JONES COLEMAN. St. Clair it.. near e A 'u/betty Bridge. D. SF.I.LERS, M. D.,office and dtvellina In Fourth, H . near Ferry street. sep 13-1 y LOOK AT THIS The attention sftho.e who have been somewhat seen• tint in reference to the numerous certificates published in favor of fir. S‘vavne's Compound syrup of Wild Cher. rv,nn account of the persona being unknown in this arc ion of the State, is reqprciftilly directed to the following certificate, the writer of which has been a elitzen of Ills bornittzh for several years, and is knot+ n as a gentleman of Integrity and responsibility. To the ilAtent,M , . J. KIRBY. • f have used Pr. Swavne's Corot) nod Syrup of Wi l d Cherry for a rough, with which I have been severely nf flirted for altnat four months, and I trt VP no hesitation In Payln". that It Istitr most effective medicine that I have been able to procure. It composes all wiesslnrvv, and avertg well with my dirt.—a ad mantaintl a regaTar nod Ennd appetite. I ran freely recommend It to all others Similar! v afflicted. J. Mta Klux , Borough of Cliambersh'g. March 9. 1 8411. set, 23 For 4alf , by W I 1.T.1 A M THORN No. 53 Market strut FRUIT, SHADE, AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. PERSONS de.nrnits of o rrworioe Fruit, Shade. and Ornamental Trees, or Shriiblierv, from rbilndel• Tibia or New York, are rennezted to make application n• soon nit poc.cible. at the Drn2 and Seed More of the Fill , scriber, where ran lie had ratalopric, eratollointle. or the ntriM excellent .arlet Irs. F. 1.. SNOWDEN, Perl 21 No 184 Liberty st reel. head of Woo.' WILLIAM C. WA LL, Plain and Fancy Portrait and Picture Frame Manufacturer, No. 87, Fourth Street Pttiattnrgh. —Canvass 13rnslirsx. Varnish Qr., for Artists, always on hand. I.noltio7 Glat. , e,, kr, promptly framed to artier. Repairing, done at the short ell notice. • rattirnlar attention paid to regilding and jobbing of , v cry dr.erini ion. rersnns fist Utz up 'tram Boats or houses will (Ina it In briradosn; , !otn roll. terp 10 irvm. sTEnt.r.. (.Itrcessor to M'Closkey', fissh• lo.la de Boot Maker, Lihrtty st., 2d door from Vl-sin Alley. 'I he subscriber respectfully informs the tundirtlial he Ims commented the above hn.inr•ps in the Ton formerly occupied by Mr. Ilenr v IWCIoAkey, rind that he is now ornnaregi lo nitend to nll orders in his and nu the `no=t reasonable Prom hl= Inn: en i)nrirnre In the mann fart ire Of ra-Itif ,,, :khle flouts, he feels roundenl that all articles from Id: esinidlshment mill dive satisfaction to his pa eons. A , hare or public tritronn•ze re=pent (011, erlt 10 1111.'1, SR F.DS A f-estt .upply of ft , ri Seeds, ron •lalint! of ranor% and Ca pr; Joai rsreivett Ist, 3. F SNOLVDEfst, 148 Libtrtv st. IMING"s Improved Hay z.o • - form Scales, ninnufartured he the sith.criherff, nt their NI achint Shop, Smithfield Ftreet hctween Tror,(l Alley and Fifth a reef, two floor; shove Tempernnre Ilatl, Pitts ho rah, where they inn nitlartnre and r kvep roll.innlly on hand the fol!ow. Porlatde Platform Scales on v. heels, to weigh 2,500 tits, at 855 00. do do do do 2,005 at q 45 00 do do do do 1,500 at 35 00 do do do do 1,0410 at 30 00 do do du do 5110 at 25 00 With raising levers an addition of $3 to each scale. Dormant scales for the use of Warehouses. Flouring Mills, .1-e.,the same prices as above. A Iso,White's Patent Counter Scale, with 0. Young's improvements, and a variety of other counter scales, which they will sell for from B to $l5, They also manufacture Steam Engines for Flouring Mills. Saw Mills. Salt Works, kc,. doutle and singe geared slide tat hes,font and other lathes for wood turning notehiims for tenanting chairs, planing machines, door and sash machines. Hall's patent horse power, with or without thrashing machines, a superlor article; circular saw shafts, machines for sawing lath, Tinner's chine, - and tools nfall descriptions.also for making black ing boxes, a , uiterior article.; governors fur steam engine• stocks. laps and dies, coffee mills, berialead orjoint hots and machinery for making the same, cotton factory ma chinery made or repaired; printing press plattens turned and printing presses repaired. JAMES MAY, Agent. seo22—lf YOUNG df BR ADBURY M . 17 M . E. AUSTIN, Attorney at Law, Pittsburg Pa. Iry Office in 4th street, opposite Burke's Witmisst E. A rilTl.ll, Esq., will give hisaltention to my unfinished business, and I recommend him to the patron- age of my friends. WALTER VORWAR D. cep 10—ly PITTSBURGH CIRCULATING AND REFERENCE 1. LIBRARY of Religious,Historical,Pollikal,and Mis cellaneous Works, will be open every day, Sahbath ex cepted, "torn 7 o'clock, A. M „until 9, P. M., in the Es• change Buildinz,corner of St (Clair street and Eschange alley, wnere punctual attendance will be given by Pep 10 DEMMIL. NEW YORK DYER. OSEE HIM ES, would respectfully inform his friends and the public in generaLthat he dies Ladies' dresses, Habits and Mantels of every description, black—and warrants item not to smut, and to look equal to new goods. He dyes fancy colors of all deseriptians on silk and carpet yarn. Also, cleans and restores the colors of gentlemen's clothing, so as to resemble new goods. Mr. H. flatters himself thrt he can please the public, as he has done an extensive business in New York Ins twenty years: All work done on moderate terms at his establishment in sth at, between Wood and Smithfield near the Theatre. _ CERTIFICATE 117' Thi is to certify that O.SEE HIMEB has done work for us, which has fully answered oar expectations, and we consider him a competent dyer. S. Hemphill, Wm, Barnes, J. B. Shurtleff, David Hall, B. F. Mane, Davi Boles, Joseph French, jr., Andrew Purdy, W. B. Mos, Win Porter, A H. Smith, Henry Javens, A. Shockey,. jr., Joseph Vera, Gorge Barnes. sp 20th. JOHNSON & DUVAL. BOOILBI,NDERB AND PAPER RULERS ONTINIIIi business at the stand late of McCandless C fobison. Every description of work In their lln neatly and littOnsfity executed. ally 8- For publishing a New Daily Paper in the City of Pitts bargh, to be entitled the DAILY MORNING IPOST. THESulvitcribers having made arrangements to merge the American Manufacturer and Pittsburgh Mercu ry Into one Journal, have concluded to publish a daily paper with the title of the Daily-Morning Post. The trading object of the "Pore" will be the dissemina tion and defence of the political principles that have here tofore been maintained by the Editors, In their rspective papers, and their best efforts will still be devoted to the advancement and success of those doctrines. Although, in politics, the paper will be thoroughly democratic, yet the Editors hope. by giving an honest, candid history of passing Political events, Foreign and Domestic Intelligence, and brief notices of all mat ters and occurrences that come properly within the sphere of a Public Journal, to make their poem sufficientty In• cresting to entitle it to the patronage of the public, Ir respective of party considerations. In addition to the political and general news that will be found in the ••Jlforning Post," the Editors will lake pains to furnish the hitsinesss community with the latest and most lottresting Cotonou:Litt, Irrrettt• orNot from all parts of the country, and to have prepa red such accounts of the Markets and the State of Trade as will be advantageous to our Merchants and Business Men in their several callings. Terms.—The POST wilt he published on a large imperi• al sheet aline paper, (manufactured especially for this Journal) at the unusually low rate of FIVE DOLLARS per annum, payable In advance. It will also be sold by news.boys at the low rate of TWO CENTS a copy. Advertisements will he in, , erted at the lowest rates charged by the other daily papers of the city. Tw EN Tv active lads are wanted to sell the Post, who will be engaged on the most liberal terms THOS. PHILLIPS, W.U. SMITH. Augosi 31, 1842 BY Morrison 4- c o . London, for sale only by S. Wickersham, corner of Wood street and Virgil, alley Pittsburgh Pa. and H. Harwood, Beaver Pa. who is sole agent for Western Pennsylvania. set, 10 Air '4\ \, e 0 Travelers should select Boats provided with Fran.s Safety Guards. fur preventing Explosion etf Strum Boilers. IT would lie well for the traveling comionnity to beat 1 in torrid that their security depends entirely upon their own encouragement of boats Ihal have or lll3y at the espeme of procuring the above apparatus. Arid that every individual making such selee ion is contribu ting, towards a general Introduction of an invention ad mitted by all men who understand the principles of the Steam Engine, to be a sure preventative against thole dreadful disasters You have ce. Willy, in the hundeeds of explosions that nave already taken place, their almost daily occurrence, and the thousands of lives that have already been lost, a sufficient warning, and inducement to make Inquiry for n Safely guard Boar. nod In every case to give it the preference. They have went to an additional expense that dour lives may be secure Ought you not therefore to tr a ct them with a corresponding degree of iinctality, and by your preference show that ymi appreciate their laudable endeavors to stop this aw fill sacrifice of humaa They do not charge more than (II ilet boats; their acrominodat ions in other respects alert/nal, and in marry casessuperior; and as there is one leaving Pittsburgh owery day, why will you run arty risk, when it Is so con. letely in your own power to avoid those disasters. Alt boars marked thus (s) in the List of Arrivals and Derartures, in another part of this paler, are supplied with the Safety Guar r. List of Boats provided with the Safety Guard. ALPS, MENTOR. AGNES. MICHIGAN, AM A RANTH, MARIETTA. BRILLIANT, M A IZQUET'rE , BREAKWATER. M (INGO PARK, CASPIAN, MESSENGER, CECILIA, MONTGOMEY CANTON, NORTH BEND, CICERO, NEPTUNE, CADDO, • . NAR AGANSETT, DUKE of ORLEANS, ,NIAGARA, DUQUESNE, OSPREY. EXPRESS MAIL, ,ORPHAN BOY, ECLIPSE S , OHIO, ORLEANS, FORT PITT, PENELOPE, GALLANT, PANAMA. GALENA, QUEEN of the SOUTH, J. H. BILLS, ROWINA, JEWESS. RARITAN, IDA, SARAH ANN, INDIAN QUEEN, SARATOGA, ILLINOIS, 3 .S? — ANNA, LADY OF LYONS, " LLE RAND, VICTRE S, :ALLEY FORGE, wEsT WEND. ASHLAND, • BkIDGEWATER MISSOURI MAIL, CLEVELAND, OLIVE BRANCH, COLUMBUS. CUTTER EDWIN HICKMAN, EMMA, GENL. BROOK, TOBACCO PI ANT. JAMES ROSS, ADELAIDE. BRUNETTE, COLUMBIAN \. cLLippEn, mar. 22 ogscales(w no!. ly corn! osed of tan: No. 1, Port able Platform 6c:Alt, ou w to %%eigli j 51.111 130Ui1d.,,al $65, FOWLER'S PATENT BED STEAD. MANUFACTUREDat Wet. LirractstesCabinet Shop No. 69 Second st reef ;hes weea WooJ ant Smithfield, where a general assortment' of Furniture may be had at reduced prices for cash. The superiority of these Bedsteads, consist In the fast. enings, which for durability and ease in putting up and taking down. IF not eon tiled by any other now in use —and to all inch as wouid consult their own comfort in their nightly siumburs, It should be remembered that all classes of the bug family are /anima as by these fastenings. gtr-Sigh's for Counties, 015lTiel , or States for sale by JOHN FOWLER, Patentee. We, the undersigned. do certify that we have exam. Ivied the above Bedstead Fastenjugs, and have no besets. Lion In pronouncing them the beat now in use. —coming up folly to the representation le' the, above 'advertise. meat. Wm. Graham, Jr., r Joseptißostiart, Wm.lrvie, Aux*. WV*: Jobn A. Gilt, €4,-Irge.lslBor, PROSPECTUS FOR ' SAFETY. PRICE TWO CENTS. DAILY MORNING POSD From the Richmond Enguirer. keply to sir. soli's. Sins: In an article above the eignaturit of 'John M Botts,' which appezued in the 'Richmond Whig' of the 10th inst, and to . :he truth of Which Mr Botts hait made aole, emu bath, there is a charge igen:lit me of a serious character. Affecting as it 'doee my private, and not my political conduct, I • feel constrained to notice it. In doing this, 1 disclaim all intention of entering i 1 inton a personal controversy with Mr. Botts: llf it pleases him to continue a course of abuse t.f me, in which he has now indulged for a period of two years, while I May pity his malignity, I shall not intimate his ex- ample; I propose . nothing more than to give a plain narrative, which the record . . that Mr Botts says he has had in his poaa session since last felt, will either sustain - a or contradict. I have not the record bee fore me, and have to draW entirel) upon i a memory which is not apt to deceive me. The language used by Mr Botts is the following in reference to myself: 'Whir it shall have been charged uperi — Me. by ' the most eminent and honorable , inernbtra of the Bar, and made d mattir of 'record, . . that I have obtained by fraud a Bond front an idiot ward, and fhat 'charge AO be sustained by the high Conreof Chariee4 - _ in Virginia, I shall be perpetually:enjoin ed and restrained from ever realiiing the amount of my bond, thus fraudulently ob= tained from the estate of a confiding and unfoitu:nate young, friend, Who looked up to me as hisfricnd and second father, then it. will be time enough - for me to shrink from such a controVeray.' N.O* Mr Botts has made eeference to the 'rec— ord in the suit of Blakely vs Tyler, which he says he has had in his po - asesSion ainezt last fall, and avouches the truth of the fore going statement, by way of making it more - - - imposing ) under all the solemnities of ea _ oath. The puLlic, doubtless, are wilting . --. to believe all that Mr Botts, saga since he has sworn to it, arid declares Et han, that what he has thus solemnly affirmed, is anti- • tainel lay the recuirl. He has,, in a fe* words declared under oath, that I obtditiect 'a bond by fraud of'tny idiot ward, a . ccinfi ding and unfortunate young friend, - telici looked up to me as a second father, dad _ that bond thus obtained, was perpelitallg enjoined by the high Court of Chancery. - - Can you believe, sirs, that there isnot 'one word of truth iu this atatement, to which this unhappy Man hes thus soternat ly sworn'? 1 never Was the guardian of - Lightfoot, whoil alluded to as: niyiisfio; ward. There Was no particular link of frieedslip to bled me to him, 'or him t% ine—not a drop of kindred blood in nut veins to my knoWledge, and he had net the remotest cAuse to look epee me in 'the light of a second 'father. There hid note lin fact, been the slightest ietercOurie bey itwein us for some years anterior 'to 'Ole I transaction which '1 shall presently 'relate. From ISI3, when my 'father, who ivia'etC etutor to h:s father, and acted as-pia giiii dian died, up to : 1319, ape:Thad of six years, Ido not remember to have seen him, and -- certainly held no'correspondeede with Hiatt of any soft. Mr George Blakely, liiir brother-in-law, was his guatdian, and 1 . had nothing 'to do with him or his. I need not add that, no 'such bond as that sibeee described by Mr 'Botts ever :hiving been in existence, al: the rest of his staterrient is equally fabutou - s—and.yetthat statement is made under'i)ath,.by a person who-clitt'l lenges the belief of all; and 'that, too, With a record in his possession for the space'df six months, Whiai he avouches t 6 sustain e these allegations. I will notitrust 'Myself to speak further in 'reference to this. I rather pity 'the mere who can tie so far misled by intemperate' passion, as toririter- polate statements as facts into a tradeace Lion, otherwiie perfectly innocent, in ors der to injure annther. If I had obtained a bond of an idiot ward, wholooked up to me as 'his second father, by fraudulent practices, then, indeed, - should 4 1 be the wretch I was nt born to be.' I will give the public an account date transaction, which led to the 'suit df Makes ly vs. Tyler, as nearly as my memory wilt enable me to do it. if I fall into an erriii,may answer in the case can be readily 'turned: to, in order to correct the inaccuracy. The suit originated more than twenty years ago in the Chancery Cciurt of WillismshOrkand was transferred some years afterwards to the'Chancery Court at Richmond, where it, hen lingered ever since, until tired of the contest, I compromised w a i, some of the parties, and finally settled 'th others the whole matter in dispute. It grew out of the following facts: A few clays after my retut n from Washington, in the year I°l9, where I was then serving as a member of the House of Representatives from the Richmond District, I was waited upon, in my character of an Attorney at ''Law, by Philip J Lightfoot, then fully of - age, and ' his fatberain law, Willian Hall, to consult with me in relation to the affairs of the said Philip J Lightfoot. :Lightfoot _had made a deed to Mr George Blakely, constituting, hiniv hie trustee over all his ':ratites, by which it was stipulated, that Mr Blakely should receive 5 per cent. up- n all sales. and by which it was further stipulated that . Lightfoot should forfeit s6o,ooo—`not in the nature Of a penalty, but as stipulated damages,' if he interfered in illy manner - ' with the managementer control of hisspro- , perty. Lightfoot, after the execution of this deed, had married, greatly below his •-• tate, and just expectation ,if his friend, the daughter of William Hall, a small Kier- Ghent in the county of Charles City, and ~i a (lewd bad beenobtained from him under P.- MEIN 1. , -- - , 3 :3~~ `
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers