00A1316X VAlDitalsgo A man named James M. Dobbs, of Pearson's Court, Diamond alley, was robbed on Tuesday night last, of 303 dollars in specie. It was taken from the cup•buard where it was deposited in a tin box. The thief must have been well acquain ted with the house. No suspicions are entertain ed as to who the thitf is. Some small change which was lying in the bottom of tl,e box VidS not taken. The loss will be severely (-I ,as the unlortunatc MILD lB poor, and the money taken was the price of years of hard labor; and which he was saving up to buy a farm. Tire building of Nichols' Amphitheatre, at Broadhurst's, has been torn down. Many a smart thing has beet- done and said within its wars du ring the evenings of the part winter. Mr' fake the beet of a bad bargain.—Th e new• Wa— ft' %Vocals cost a great deal, that's certain, but as the saying is "there is no n.-c in crying over spit_ led milk," and so since the people of Pittsburgh must pay for it, we advise them to make as imich use of the magnificent building as they can. There N a first rate promenade on the top, and the ex - trance to it ea- , y,where ladies and gentlemen might amuse themselves when they hive nothing e'se to do, They can have a splendid view of ail the surrounding neighborhood, Allegheny in particu lar,which city, just now, looks magi ilicent. T' 'here was a considerable fail of r lin in these parts on Wec:ncaJay night. The river will rire and the largrst boats can continue their trip without interruptinn,tor borne xe,.ks 'he Sun says that Johnston, who escaped from jail last winter, has been captu-ed and is again Again locked up. tj e have heard nothing for same weeks atm opening Dvqnesne Way. His the excitement of the subject died awe) ? The peoople of Birmingham anticipate ruck sport on next Munday. The trial of th e military characters who paraded the streets of that place on Sunday last, c3mes on; and it is cieAtiog much excitement in the neighborhood as the Mc. Kenzie case. We intend to have "a cor d s of re- porters" nn the ground t. H. EATON appears to n'ghr as Riell inn 111 Coreroa and Mr. P CKE:RING al=o appear. li EA4ores name don't draw good houses, we think it will be hard times for the actors. Ran horse atteched to a dray ran off in Market street yesterday. N) wonder, for the dray was loaded with coon akin& No decent horse would consent to haul there cast off principles of whiggery now. Yesterday Was a very warn) day ;,fret the rain Y.:titer.' Ay, w'4 ex .iaite 1 l.i the windo.v of Mr Wail, on -WI st, a Lir fratne, about fect slu.tre, ile•og - ned and executed by the mein )eri of the A !._!, , rileny Fire (3 ). nt Ihis c , ty,auLl i fur t St. Lmis Fire C J. of St 1. wis. It is to u. sent inrnediately. It i, simkea of as a augnifice it p'ece of furniture and does credit to the indefatipble me , n'iers of Cie Anegheny. The Crops.—Allhottgli the season has been very backward, we are informed by tome of our country friend s that the present appearance of the fall grain, indi cates an abundant harvest., The protract. el cold weather interfered greatly with the farmers in getting in of their spring crops, and ?wily feared th it they would be unlble to get their corn arid oats plant. ! el in proper season, but all are now done! with this portion of their labor, and if such weather as we have had for the p,st! week continues, the evils o f th e l a • e sea son will soon vanish. Frank Johnson gives another Soriee at Temperance Hall to night for account of the Temperance society. 11 those having the control of this matter, behave no bet• ter than last night, we advise all persons to keep away. To believe the manaor.rs or their police,those who attend have but one of two alternntives—to be smothered or stoned to death. We not believe about the stoning, but we know something about the smothering. The above gratuitous piece of abuse ap peared in the American of Wednesday.— That your potillntler bath provided himself with cm teria's for ilir, arroniinodat ion nil ravelerrother,, We cannot divine the object or an editor hotter, A n 1,,e is wit e lttp a fereza. t i , and In thus insulting the members of Frank pr ' is !hat your honors mill _runt him 11 license to keep Johnson's Band, and the members of the a public house of enterlainnieut. And your petitioner as In duly hound will pray, society. He is the only persln who atten- JA M ES MACKEY. mip , iths-.iherr,ritizen s of 4th ward. Pitish'll. cer• ded that has made complaint about the en. ' ' Itfy,l hat the ahoy. petitioner iv nf eond repute for I 0 e:ty and temperanre , and is well - provitlel With ho l ii7e tertainment, and if he was smothered, he 11 Vl`fllencies for the accommodation or Loy_ must attribute it to Cie vastness of his cor• room and C 0 viers and stranzers, and that raid tavern is nereeeary. pnration.and not to the Washingtonians. J"" John Mrflwaine,John Harley, Jos O'Brien, 51, Merulinueu. Jas A rrust roorr. A, C. Bell, Dennis rd, J. T. roopoily. Jac NicKenna. Thos Scot!, may 24: —d,tw W. Miicheliree, Bad for the Coons.—We saw a dray load of "whigprinciples," (Coon skins) hauled from the warehouse of Birming ham & Co. yesterday, destined fJr same foreign market. We suppose they have been kept in the city since 1840, and are a portion of the emblems that figured in the memorable campaign of that year.— They have been carefully stowed away until a proper season would arrive t) exhibit them again to the "public eye," but as the ''blue noses" have resolved to straddle the abolition ho bby in the next contest, their old principles are discarded, and the . skins of "them same old , coons" that added so much to the glory of the bard cider tri umph, are east aside as aimless. MAY. 26, 184:3. ROBBERY THEATRE First night of ,fir C. EATON Mr E. S. CONNOR furone night Tins evening, May 26, will he perrirmed RICHARD 111. Richard, Mr Eaton; —Queen Elinbeth,Mrs Flynn. Riehmond,Mr Connor;— ilockingham,M r Picktning. To conclude ‘‘ ith !he farce of RAISING TUE WIND. Doors open at 7 o'clock, Performance to com mence at I.llr pa't 7 Lower Boxe=, 511 cents 1 second Tie, 37!,ecnts 25 ~I Gallery mono Zuction ('LIANCE FOR A SPECULA'CIoN. Will he so Id at A iirtion, Corner or Wood and fifth 'I leetr, nn Tue , d. , y next, at 3 o'c , ork r IlotNes and Lots, weasantly siluated in Scott', Pields. (Ire On Ito st on n 101 l It jot, the otlwr mt rat penler's al'ry, , both opened. The lion , es have 5 rooms and pond rel_ lars each, putt atrl of pool son waier r o , Ihe rro,,, tone, are in rood repair, the lower rnotilq newly papered, Fe' kr. Tl,' lots nee 24 by So 0. The I'll, t, ^nml and free Gum all enctiml,:ith e. II i: the same property ately advert keti rlaheLlin, at whose (ttiro the tulle pn per? only be :yr n.—Trrtn:. one hair rn.th Cl/ bury, %Own the deed is made, (3 per rent to he paid at the time of the sdle,) the other half, pond entlor , ed notes At 2 :3 ti- 4 month , ; or 2 pr cent ti. , rolint for ra,di If paid down. may 21, S. FA 11 N Eizl'OCK & CO. TO C R. 9 X.l) CITY .41 F:R C TS. 1 1 1;11S and In- morrow,'lntr,lay ft Htl Friday ttinrninl:, at 111 o'clock, ❑ Ittr?r lot ni L)ry Gond , ;wit how re , rrVr) rnnsis of Flothq Cas,intrres, Surtmtrrltnits7,Tll-40,1t.rr, sinterivr eruttet. RiiWort.. Pa. Trot 'Thread Sewing aik. Littril ,v Ddktiv, swi s : Book and Candwic 7110.1'n.. Brown and Birachtni Shrel ‘Vilitt and colored 11,70, 6 - r.. 4r, S. FAIINESTOI'B 4 - Co Anril. corner of \'.nod :Ind 51 It •dc A nct F. 9 FI.VEE TO C K :5- Co , J Si . S• rie, rorper Wnod ;1: havipg romplied WS iii the trrrii,riorp, Pill, new lion Law, i re prepared t.. 111 711,e nJ , 1 , 1C1.' menu and to sell on terms . Th r , holy b_v continuing to make readv and prom!,, to receive a fair p.rlipp or hu-i l'ut , i.itr.lll, A pH! let 1043 In rrtirinz from the Auction t I take:J.., ptrarti re In recommend ine to the m',. Jr came, IF:11111e. , 0 , k 4 . Co.. who have romp itul %vitt' the require ',emu of lip new Aurt tort Law and will An ht,inrca at my old coand. J. It. f UT if I: I C. april TO HO US E K El' E 114 VE in ilir iriii.lery and Mail ra•s Vl'arr!:no , r. IRennvnter Co, ele.inie2 Mc,' arid Ord and mon! resorr? ' ll‘ invite inn., lire nr morn Ll' a nPar. , ll ly usele , s.ln vend and br ye l heel r I undertake to reOore II rnt ;ind tl.rm pe/reelly can , el and clean. aro! in Like thal opp-r*iVe which beds Inn: in n.e arvirlite, Irnm tl ir• 1101 brine properly rarer! at tir.r . ho ilt1)1•1•11ii. the pirrrinf,, dnr:my ‘v.ls!r• n e,jere rv: yr! reoinves lb, math nod dirt. errs re.? ari• of their ex^e-sive RO-lure :Ind rllll, 11,1 n'., I\V Ng -I. IV., Ist near river. v la r2P 5•,.. nn ha N (( )01)S1 E W (;(:)( )1 )S ! ! p,()..4::: rettlrnyd from I) e I:l ,, erot and is now r0,•, , n: stnpi • no:! , . I '“e f :11 ❑ f.'"..1, rha-e I rtpl, 6:•-••rrd en, n• hv •.11,,I,• PIC? I, E.l D. P v 9 -" N 1111 `Sk E 11/ PO liT.l:\:T () \t'N 1? S SA \V •11 I f ,s. tl ri ir s,,!ln rr.j .• :18T1' /11:1, Su 011.5 [l,l TkAP , - , 111 C . "I• ""v Unrrti SIVe., „rT , 111 , 1 n „r " A lez [IP ",,.rn r,,,,,h 0 n :51 ~ n ,w • r d,! "r" ‘ll'i 1, 111'1?1,1:Y. 11111: in I I,k 1,1211', t .mr, f . Si?. ; 1 1 It i. 1i',,!, , ,,1i ill, "ill: On 1. 1 . 1111 St.: ai flowatlii ,i. , 'llaril',,,' Le & .T. 1). IV ICIi, Pie 'poor A 11, , :iirily 1tri,',:,..,,,,1 rii M.tr,,,,,...: , i:'S oil flarpt., 1 5 i,,,,d . ,,,t "11,. T hf , , , NV 1101e•tlie tr,;l4l( . l.ttt, k sivri 1ei . ..1 in P r()4.1 nee 1 , ,, tt ,ii , e•,l ii,ii r , , I, I to tvort4 t , tr,,l t 4 11,tri, nhove ri.th ..I. rail s.^ r o,l ',l , lrgl It V. 11'. lVa' , :ort , ': 5.11.1 i, 'it, 1. , ' ,,, ‘ , t PITT , ISUNGEI. ton'ir C - titi liriel,t. %vile,' it I, liliin op, nil ty ,, r" tilitrititie wiii 1... rt)r,,intllv kepi on 1i,i1114. ' F.____ Sityler or %V. IV ~ P. lV:,1,;. _ __ Cai•riage% ti);• Sale. o PH:ST rage Int of 1'...-te•rn a I 111 :M .. t.m rah ma Ca r rlages— fc 0111` oi I 0 rOr JONES 4. COI,EII N. may 22-I‘r . j - ..) — .A'sr) far, ,ri!r. ~r Sprieli-11 FOt;Nf) A NO•11-', of hand riir hn v Iln r. tl2-1. 'rho ry ran have It 1 . 1 , 1111 11,, ad,orli-riinetit. :II lie ri•Firi , lie r v _ • ; 7 a IIE(WLAR FOR cINCINNATI. Swillsorr, Icavrs even• Tholsday at 11) o'clock a. The Cloter, Collins, 11a4ier, Lac', even' Fti,!ay ai 11) o'clock a. m The 17,0 1 , ,,ronnery, fienuelt, 11a Bier, leaves every Sai tr nth v at 10 o'clock rt. hi. The trre.s, Parkiason, Ntas'r r, leave: every Sun day ;IT 10 n', lurk a. JOAN NIINGITAM & Co T o ,„.• 1f1,111,11.ir J 11.1::••• I,lllrl 01 f;,,wrul fjwirter SeS , 11)11S111;1,.! /'r: n• in and for the Coll.ly of liezhroy The v..iitinn of inc Mnrkey ni , he 4th wan! of the riiy l'ittsburg,i l l the comoy aforesaid, lidititq ',hew /110 the Honorable ttte Judges of the t null of General Quarter Session= of the Peace in and for the county or Allegheny. The petition of David Ritchey of the Ist ward of the city of Pittsburgh, in the county afore said, humbly strew. eth, That your petitioner line provided himself vvith materials for (II • accommodation of travelers and others, at their dwelling house in ttC city and ward aforesaid, and prays that your honors will be pleased to grant him a license to keep a public hones of enterta nment. your petitioner as In duty bound will pray. We. the subscribers, citizens of the Ist ward of the city of Pittst•urgh, do certify that the above'pet II toner is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and are well provided with house room and tconveniencies for the accommodation and iodgitur of strangers and others, and that said tavern is necessary. T. J. Duncan, A . b . yvilson, D. W. Davis, W. J. Carothers, R. tduszrave, A Holton, Nath, Sormes, Tbos White, Jas Cotinelly, David ld'Ree, N. McDonald, John Patterson, way 24. HEATRE erg =EMI CU: I c( ' , I I j?. -r• il/11 1 , 1 • a 111 , llirill ~1 raft !f“111, !NOT% (Y. r'll' y fellow di z”1 r 11%.11:111i,Almter. rty sr1,1:11./•, -t I I, n rfr, stood, 41 , 1 hrr ag 10 1.1.1011;11 or pr , •; 1 , .• I - re, In ,r.v iltrl I ItaVe Itrn WI no. It, i. 11( II•11, Wl] ln ( , ILA] I I:I t he t . t•Cy fn n SI,CLoir DAVID RICHEY TO THE GENTLEMEN OF Pirrs•• BURGH. T HE subscriber tonal respectfully inform? the gentle.. men of thi. , city and vicinity that he tins enismieneed the HOOT and SHOE making business In Fourth street, opposite the Mayors office. Having been Foreman in some of the most fashionable Boot Shops in the Eastern cities; and having furnished himself With the best French and American Calf skins. he hopes by his attention to business to merit a share of public pat ronal , e. To those gentlemen who have kindly patronized him he returns his sincere thanks and can with confidence appeal for the goodness of his work and knowledge cf his business, may I I. P. KERRIGAN. CHEESE! CHEESE!! rnimE of Western Reserve Chem' :vine weigh 2.11...1ug one hundred pounds, fat sale low for cash by STA CY LLOYD, 140 tiberly street. o I IIE PUBLIC. To certify hat the subscriber has been for Rome _-- rime afflicted with the Rhrwitosilsto very severely , from who In' could get no relief, sintli, helm; ndvisi.d t 0 pro cure some of Dr. Pilch's !N DI .1 N VEGETA BEE ELI XI R, whieli he accordingly and from which alter a ii`W doses, hc wns entirely mitered. Coln Ai 16, 1752. SA NI E ns:E: Near nice Creel; Spring, itienlaod , April 311. 1:33d I erotify, that toy Ron, i'lloataa Mach,-1, Jr., aged 1.5 ' , has been ,rOntded far right yenrs pahl with ,111 Y Itheontalisrn, and for the last threy years has her o ono' tr. to help him--If- his pain sins very severe, , 0 th at he roit'd not be moved withote great agony; Ills Ilnibq were narNlized and drawn up, and he pres'ented an oh. Jeri hopeless to all who knew lorn I resorted to :several I'llystelno, for redyf for him, wit how effort flaring I heard of lie. A, Fifth's Indian tr'ego•table I pro_ I cored the some for nips' son. On iaku,g it be was much relieved and Ivy eoniiouin 7 it In the fourth bottle, ha s rnlfreiv relonved Is restored and hr is now erjs. Im, _and henßh, I would, In a rase or earnestly reennimend if to time,* wit() nre afire. Try exrrnri oath. TM'S. MI CCHEM. and ar ptointanees of Mr l'lroinas and having °lien , een the :1:11'ilion Or his son, foe, yorr..honey the ahory ra. r. as we believe las been ruled by Illy Indio Ve,7ctable Elixir SANII• EL NI FA'S, DAVIIO TO HAI', lift ITE( SIT,LI,INC, FlOllF:frf 1110M1 SON , ItritK,NER 11 'llf3Onit . Thr td,nve selfhn ro.ot 4ortrrient or va liable hary just h.en rerrived and are f', r the tinatoily or single [none, nt Fount, so NE %V 'I'E Al PELLA & S. SCHOOL 13()0IiS A NI) TIZA C"I'S. I ' ST rrrnf vod iron' Sr..' York .30,;(1 .11111',, dve. ell rate and Journal for ..!a1: 11 1 0.1, yrn. Harp:, 11 ,1 , 1111 , and any i- Illlnlanotit Trio r 614. “. dur linient9. and glide a variety lare“ Tempel a nr, T.llOl, al loos. A m.f.. -24 parka•: ,,, aa , nrrad Er,21,0 tracts wr , rl 204)0 rest a rd. library and II ”In Hooks g , l the -Imero,n z;,nlial I• mon. for Temp. ranee 1111,11 r rr how., a,,d Ilse frier ds of 'rein!. ranee ant; tLr henevolr n t pear I ally ,ale in nny Sr/P(1101, I.y I - ' \ .1.7r.,1 and Com r‘ri. rit1,1.111:!11. may 1' HOCEIZ IES : It()( ERLES a .plentiiti 11,11 front thn 1 - :,1 -Ind lig !Ix ri , rer Horrid, no ',Mg for o,irr4r •11 h 111:1 VI, I,x:writ:a. ra!l nI 1411 Li' , rrtv r.av It; SIAcY I.LOY IN F'ORNIAI'ION \VA NT E 1). )N fire ?Milt day of Novorhhe r .roll of Ihe iber rah.rrif .!'1111•>: Wlillll I 1,41 ri F4•l ll' wlarrnr,r.r in i r..hirr ll liar+a Glr r.ra, r , , ,arrir r and 1., Irair .:..d H ra , to, I. I.llllr. ,:h h .. r liar, S. rr, r., away e It I) K Vf.l.v: hr. h , rr rf ar, I dr, Pvt—l. II r, II lle c I, Ilpr a'h 1 , 1)S 111 I;,r 1111,ii• .11,1 oti!d nni .Pll Wit 11.• br ,r) Y:1111,1, :1•Ic 1 , .• le Irai•rii% go I.4.•:ise. tl ranSI111:11,11 in 11,•• r lo“V11,1)1O, I I lip 11fICI`A,:lry Ivurnrn and in 111(1 arrr< rlearrd cm car h. Al,O. mie Gann , ititated in We.' h•er low n<hll Aite2 'pi n y e miniy a illl llon, 51) In 7,5 ar rrs eieili ed. e above &seri rd rninpliv l+ln I,li-no.al,lv 7nr3(l repair, laying ab tut rriml Inr rill and Within Iwo unllc „r 011 * .I I *opal, will he It or, rell.ol4:thle le'rlf)C fil 1 In e lifer yrar-. in h _I r. rii4, oi I),G,lvral Ur :I, t`.,ions of till I'ence, in and for t ~f Altez The twit , ion of John ll'att, ortirri .11 ward of the rile r it Ihe ronet v a rore.nid, humble .hrwc h, TI :it Lech petitioner provided einisellsvii for I lie arroveniodo lion of travelers and n ih, rc, al Isis dwoni,,,: the coy and sandi,fnres, :Itl prays. that your 111111,11 0.111 urd loin a lo•ro 1., el; a pu'ilic house of eiriertainnicno. And he will .e pray. kr. j()IIN \VAT Ire., flit, nnderralrrned. riti7,ll9 of the ward. to rcr illV, t hal I be allor.• prlii loner Is of ',nod reprire for hon esty and lemisnralire. rind is well provided with house room and Cony inlente4 for the arroruntoilat lon of strati izeriiir and traveler?, and limit sail tavern i+ nrees , art• . win >I ar,Joni) Nle•Claren, H MrNlastr,s, Mrrlareti, havid 8/111R,Ja mes 116-11/1, XVIII PI/ Chard., Ilearni Jarl,on 711ns Moorlirr.d, Jr.cciri Prstrrn. 1101 V /110 the llonorahle the Judges of the Conte of Eeriereil _i.. Quarter Sessions orlhe Peace, in and for the coons ly of Allegheny: Tire tif ition of Ja - oh Bo it on, of the 3d ward of Ihe rit v of Pittsburgh, In the county aforesaid, humLlp sliew. e:11 That your petitioner hail, provided himself with male rials for the accononorlation of travelers and others, at his dwelling house, In the city and ward n‘oresairt, and prays that your liono-s will grant hint a license to keep a puhlic housie of eniertainment . A nd lie will pro', 4-r, I JACOB BOSTON. re, the ser,,riliers citizens of the 3d ward, do reri try that I lie above petit loner is of good reptile for honesty and tempera nee, arid is well provided will, 11011FC morn and rnnvenienrrx fo i t he nrroriunodat ion and lodging of straw, gera arid traveler•, and that said tavern Is necess arc. Jackson Hansen, E Trovillo, James fired, W Ault house, T A Hillier, John Watt W'm Sirweii, ni Paul, lease Walker, John Bishop. David Sims, Charles Ream, may 25--31 Fre the HOnOratde the Judges of the Court 01 General Quarter ScFS i ours of the Peace, in and for the noun• ty of A:leglienyi The pet P Intl of James Newell, of Pine township, in the county afo.esaid, humbly sheweth, That your petitioner Instil provided himself with ma. terials for the accommodation of travelers and others at Iris dwelling house in the township aforesaid, and prays that your honors will grant him a itcereze to keep a puhlic home of entertainment. And your petitioner as in dn. ty hound, will pray. J Is NEWELL We, the utdcrs±aned„ citizens of Pine township. do cer. ttfy, that the above petitioner is of good repute for hon esty and temperance, and is well provided with house roost and conveniences for the accommodation and lortg. tng ofrurangers and travelers,nnd that said tavern is 'lc- Thos Gthson. John McGee. SALMI Henry, Chas Ansi in. Ha, Vogel, Jos Martin, Jaw Wetintoek, TR A Illttne Henry Good, J Ferguson, Anthony Hood, .14eob Deer. Henry Deer. may 25-34 r:. [ - Wk. rf,o ' NELLy. ..S II I , IIIV re JOllk _____ k'OR REN'T. 4 -VD on,cossola zivrn on the 10. of A aril next; a 211. hock lietive ml !no lank of the A ilezhenv river. Iwo - , loro, hozli, 4 comfortable roomy, hosides cellar:lnd kitchen. II 14 very plea•lantly Airooled Jost out side fl ue ...0 11:- :i': 4 1111... strarner , ,ire tine. with a full view of the yof A Ilezheny, and ; whhin 20 coin 11e0 walk of the heart or tlip rhy—rent CLEVELAND, `'cry!ow. J t NI EF , 1i1,..1 k cr,v, mar 1:5 Dative Asen I. ..5111 Ward. SnAnr PEArtur.r., Maiiit r, will depart dolly from Pit)* litirzli ni 9 o'clock, A. 111 „ and Beaver, I I n'tlork P M. ; TO For fri•i . 4lll or na,ti.ize, nithiy on hoard, or to Bilt lil I NG!! AAI & CO. . ON Elirick dwrillinz honite, entitaininz ala rze PE..I. hall, two partniir.. 4 ioniom lip stairs, with fin• No fin Water Or ret. , kaaklied zarret,dminc, mono and klichen, with car. , river thince.,s.r. Thls rinni.e is pleasant lv localnd with --The reze 'or renal par! rt in Clo Vela lid. Ohio Greenville :u rd ‘I undriPc Pa ; and " a ' ain "a ° a th e i %:1111i in front and rear, nn the canal hank, corner of Ohio Canal, Tonnertitiz with On:truer DlTTeland al Rea. : eht,tott vireo, lendinz to upper liride, now in these. ver.w ill hr in mo•ratmo immediate Iv ha ortentnz of nav• I ~• r ll nanev, ifm r. NleCtiir. , . rent to vitit. the lirnev-- Ent - 1111re friar " 3-1 '• iii Dr. Whilia her, .Allezheny Fitt.. tear 0 13 .l 1' R.lll NI 1:1: R 1 FIEF,, 7'E.-1 .11 BO 7' A D .1 1? 1.) E Ito Sir. • in t..117.\ - 17 made extensive a rrah^_ea, ente for the lifael II re. of the shove aetirin. I now prepared in till all order, for COPPER XD IRON' RikE7'ED HOSE, and which I intend shall he made of lhe very !.ea material and worlimaniflilp, (Anal in quality, and len per rent than MC. Ea=tern manic r actnre- Order, 'eft with A Pitlion, F 1 rtf.a Pounder...lnd street. nr at my Saddle, Harneen and Trunk Stow. No. 26 Wood Alert, corner of Diamond alley, will he promptly nt lettolrod in . R R HARTLEY. N. R. —All kind: of riviled Machin, Rands 'node ne a'.ovr; also, qll kind 9 of [lose repaired. may 15-4 l 110 R kL E . —Lots on the North eorner of Con Lane and 111:0 street. Apple to seri 10 BENJ. O.IR LiNGTON. Mar krt. near 4th s %AARI) & HUNT, neHfist3 Liberty stree , . V tees doors beforr St cur. npr 6-IU4. NEW GOODS, dT ..VO, SG 11.9RKE7' STREET. ripti F. subscriber wou'd respectfully inform his friends and the nutilic in general, that lie iv now receiving from New York and Philadelphia, a large and well selec ted stock of Fancy and Variety COllll9, which Will be sold wholesale and retail at reduced price: for cash only. The stock rompripes In oart a. follow s ! Tortoise shell, Turk, Twist, Side. Dressing and Pocket r Combs; Buffalo florn,Twl:r, Side. DresAing. and Pocket combs; Ivory Fine, Dressing and P ckrt Comb ; Horn Tuck, 'Pwist.Side, Dressing and Pocket Combs, Vv cod i Coitbs,Tapes, Honks and Eye'', Pins, Needles, Threads of all kinds; Thimbles, Suspenders, Percussion caned Sewing Silk. Buttons. Pocket Banks, Pen Rnivea, Scis sors,Cotion Cord, Dont and Shoe Laces, Palm Leaf Hats, I German Silver Table and Ten Spoons, Fanny and Com mon Fans. Fancy Soap, Cologne Water, Slate Pencil s , Willow, Straw and Manilla Work Baskets; Basket Wag. Bons, Chairs and Cradles. Also, a large assortment of Rosewood Writing Deske, Dressing Cases, Work Boles, Fine Shaving mitres and.] hoxes, Backgammon hoards, Chessmen, Walking Canes, s iccordeans, Fine Hair and Tooth Brushes, Pin-cmihioni., Fancy boxes, Cigar-rases, Gold Finger-tints; Brea s t Pins and Ear-ring.s, Gold and Silver Pe 'Min, Hair Fins; I Bogue, Hold( la and Fancy Buffalo tombs. The above articles may he had in connection with ev- Pry article in the variety dt partmeitt. Call and examine. may 16 Z. g .S' IS Y WILLIAM DOUGLASS, i J'AT AND CAP fIIA NIJFArTUR r.R. Every deserip tion or Fiats and Cape on hand. andfor vale. whole. rale and retail, atpriona to volt the he at the old rand of Doagta, 4. Mooro, 78 Wood atm.,. ,Ma! 5. 1. ra tan/IX DaPaRTYSIIT, 80843. Na descriptive l ist Treasury o Notes. May constituting package made up at the Custom Howe. New 0 leans, and ulledged to have been transmitted to the nr. .4ndltor of the Treasury, published on the 22d ult. the following errors exist: No 602, 2 ' l May, 1841, should he 23d Al a r,1941. No 3489, C. should he 3490, and No 37, A. should be N 0.67. rhe papers that Were authorized topubllA the ori ginal list %OH mike thla enrrection. J. C. SPENCER. Sreretary of tAe Treasury, tUi5 LOCKS made expressly for powder magazines, l.ut e...-P,ery suitable for Pork Houses, as the materials of vrhieh they are constructed will not rust from the action of the sail, whit be sold low for cash. may JAS. PATTERSON- DR PEACIIF:S.-50 hilsliels Dry l'enehen, pist re reivrd 4- for sale by 11A l I.IIIA N.JEN . NINGS 4- C o may 11. 43 Woo,l in rcpt. MYSTERIOUS ! 4ENTI.I7NI N belonging Inane of the men, ancient !S.. and wealthy families of Ihig city, who must he well known to nunnrnits friends, having since the year lfllB op to recently, herr, bent nearly double, and for several Years continued fn ttia tied, has been restored to good health—has regained his natural erect position—and has quitted hist carriage, and now walks with ease! believe this is the gentleman's own description and there is no exaggeration In it. We will give enquirers his address, and doubt not his humane feelings will elruse the liberty; so that any one doubt in, may Leos,' these Geis —though he requests his came may not appear in print. Among other simi to instances, Mr James C,Re• notds, 144 Chrystie-street, has been restored, and will give personal nssurances lithe farts of the rase Both inier., rheumatism, snit contracted cords and sinews. flow has this been done? ..imetter.-11v thr Indian l'egntable Eti r i r iniern,u v, and He .Ift rre and Bove Liniment eVernalty, from 41 or k. For sale wholesaleand ietal' at TUTTLE's S` Forth Rt. may 20 fiO NIY CREDITORS. TAKE NO I'ICE, that 1 have applied to ihe Court of Common Pleric of Arm.!' rong county, for the het, fit or the law: of tTtly Commonwealth, for the relief of Detaitity, nod that The slid Court have nin nomi,l lb, la o tinutlay. the 19th day of .1 title. next for the 11/Mrill7, of me nod one eroditora, nt the Court honer In the lottrotelt of k ilia 'ming, when and where You Mfi - wet' it von think prope - . CHAS, S ANDERS mat_':i.—brace Deer. . BErrfER BARGAINS TITAN :VEIL AT Tll rirrike BIG boons rpm: nr•lrt respert inrorm his roan mere:led the public generally. that not ‘..11 I , tanding ihe nnpreeedented sates at the Three rtiz Door.. during a lip present FP3COD: he has on hand I Ire largest autt thog vrt( ied a=sortment of eleennt 11.0111iNG that rno Lr hntlzhi , rest of MP nomomins. The public may rest a-.urea thal all nritc ie. offered al hi. on, are mnnufne tared Crum FR F.SII 1:1)01 - 1S. iturelor.ed In Ht. Ea.tern n'arke's Bala Sp-Ing and made into garments by Ip-elr work Merl In eons, (punt, of the nultiplicalinn of slop shop.. In nor rite, tilled with pawn h , ukere.Clothestand the musty. cast ; virmenre of former eeneons, from the enetern cis lies, the public should he raul tone in ascertain the char art. r of the e: 4 ,l l, listituents, in which they are Invited In porele•se, before they Part WI; h their money. The Tu. t ,ete, offered at several of the concerns •n tl,l. ru v, are 11, °lnc: of New 'York and rhilmietphia slop • hops. ated s.•nt nut litre 10 he 1•0/Mell Or 00 the ripe horeli prlallr. Purchmers should he on their znard Ca lost I ile-e in•Ta6sd ions, nett I hey setae rely nn the fart that no e.taitlishrderd the! advertises ro,tern Mode C!ol • itez. ran give an _mod an:tritere or an advanineeolts Lar s ! z.t in. as ran le frail at I ha "Three 1R,2 Door. will pleats remendter that all the sober her's t 1,11 , r tg are made in thilt rniwwlew *ork. Incur, hlt,ll,of seed tip like the ..2nod.. now nff, red he the -HO* of paqcnze" frnte) the shreds and tintrhe , 2 of em.lero e'op•hops. I; tell always le• hie eyrie:lvor In twoll,tairl re, , l , :oirm 11131 the “Three ftrotre' for ;411pert,Ir I 'NC; 1,1 ev,•re reerert, and al ;•riree hr low ?Wee of an , ' niluv Ile Ivtttott a..tatt. re•urn hi= than:, in friend: and p•' ''r (or the unprecedented nairntta L te I rstowrd •:;•to II ; l ,; 11/) .. 11, and Itetirytt:t! lhnt Iltev ,! r.; I; ndv7l , 1.1 ail 6 Hitt. he It nit'd • :1, : ' •: • r 1 .,,,,, 11 , 11 ill I ill• f• r7Ol 1 • -C; Alt t:11 he ply MOW. r a:- cxcli or,,rr of Penn A. St. Clar sls. - I • • • I r, r ;0:•,0•10r= 01 I iris i . IOVIIO and enoro nrfirt.: i 'pare to an moon''' In Ihrir frii•hrlir it.rlllo roe tt, , arrt. from 11101d:0e r•,;hr. tl (1 \f; firm: t)%v. 10ra'ilv orlhie hoti.e, 1 , 002 ! , i11131r41 nolo ray hr;‘‘ ern Ihr am( Flea inhoni landitivr, a. d on 00 .7,31 111,0021:13, hy rile.the proprie that with rohtirord rxertinr,t on their part thry will lir en,iltird 10 alter! rvery 3 , lnolinn nod farile; :Ty mgnirr 4 for the rniolort and ronventerwe of their ;Ind hope in tort it a rnnl;rtiptire of the patron :h2r that line haiserlo ',ern cc 171.eralIV encoded In 'hum T!..r• pr iaripal !.. , ta f r and Par , 4 , 1 3 'led ,v;111 110. 1101c1, and ear the better nerommodni fon of it 11-0 r 1,..15, an Chlkyibys at all tiro', hr , in readi_ ronvry 11,3110 and Ire., 0.0. 31, 23-31 n. cK 11 fll N Sit !TH. ite:Tti r Mornint: Pauliet FOR BEAVER. Thr ram runni, and trell k nowt .. M.4~ BANK NOTE AND EICHANIgk' O RRE CTUIDAILT. ay ♦LLIR Muni.lt. stacit•lgelt P NSYLW A : , 1/ Blink of Pillsburell. par Merck. 4. Man. bk. part Exchange bank, par Bk. of Germantowc Easton lank. Lancaster bank, din 1 Bank of Chester Co. par Farmers'bk Bucks Co. • Doylestown bk do Bk of N America Phil. Bk of Northern I:Mettles,- Commercial bk, of Far. 4. Mcelranles bk Kensington bk. Philadelphia bk. Schuylkill bk. Soot liWark bk. VVesterh bit. Bk. of Pennsylvania, 1 Bk of Peon Tl'. Par. Man. 4.• Mechanics btc. par Mechanic. bk. par Moyamensing bk. 3 Girard bark , 451 fT.Sta les bank, Mi immimrrnens', Warren, --I Frank. bk par Miners bk of Poil.viie, 5 Bk of Moni.zomery Co. par Mon. bk Brownsville. Erie Rank, liarrisburzb bank. 4 5 Far. hk Lancaster, I Bk of NI 41 Bk. of Cliami ersliorgh, 4 1 Carlisle bank, 4 Bk of Northumberland, L.. Columbia bk* Br id.le cu. 2 flk Stiwpielin nun Co• 15 Ilkof Delaware Co. par Leliahon bk . 411 Cett vsiiiircli bk. 4 York bank, 4 Far. ,fr orover. Ilk. of Waynrshu h. 5 • •' Currency note.. 5. flane.dn le, Wyoming bank, Pitish'zli State Scrip 4 Country do do 41a. Berke 1 n fans LewiA Ow Towanda hk Far. M'ch. hk of Str•ti. A 1 ,413.11141 (rood Ranks, 2-t: I'ENINESSCt. ', \II hanks, 4 MI CU AN 'k. of St. Clair, 10 notes. 11 no. do. JA• H. Smii h 2 do Correne y notes, I+ CANAD.I Columbiana Itk Nev Lie Conti hanks, Stoll/ bon Demand, I: Eastern Exchange. do Post ntues, It Philadelphia. ti Cincionali spec:e pay- Vett" . York: A hitt hanks, 1 ltaltimore, Mech. ti• Traders I , k of Roston. 3 Cincinnati. 3 %Vesterft i ElChatnre• rii oi on hk of Color:thus, IClnclirmil, par Demand owe,. I+ Lottisville, Circleville, (11. Law reit ' nar ._ .. Iwnvlifp. IS Belmont bk of St. Claire. "Pie, 1+ Marirt In bk. Penland Ca.l)ler) I.k FOR ALL OR TO RIIINTT. LOTS FOR. SALE. tinderOzned ofrers for sale a oumber er ImiMine IL lots adjoininz the properly of Col %Arm Rohinsos and Dr Dale, in A Ilezheny city. A small :monk will he required in hand, I he balance in two equal payments o f three and flee nears, with interest from dale o f payahle rearly. Rair further p rliculars nnply to the .itti.rrititir who rosy be seen each dal,' at S. Fahneslnck CO:: .'tu't ion n nom:, corner of 'Vriorl and slh ssreels wince 1 pan of the lots mna , eeri, with their priers fr• r i r lite wlisl e of the a , torp property it: :mid In one mirth:lSe r, cl sYania7„eoug bargain wilt ninv iv TO BE LET. LAR ned well finP•heii Dweflinz rlmme LIP fora horirdinz Iloiige. rootamine PlrvPn eniniont_ mom , . with kltrhrn on The fist floor, with wash lw.mie •Puideit In the most MisineFs Marl of the (my 'll nod, het 341 arid dth streets.] Rent Abio . Tim t-Tne room No 56' n , lach,cl to the aims, whirls rail he rented Witthe log or sem n rate. Po“-m-smn civrn immetl4ltMv. Lot of fine anti Ohie rig Iron for Enqiiire of 1 P c ru.,VRT. No 5G Wood at. f i~ .1; E T. T I/F1 3d etery of.i Ire anilding °templed by R. A. an A itelion inore.--.llereinfore known ae -Neßialt a's Lon!! Room.' Corner of wood and 5111 ~,iireeic 'enquire of Morrow. n 13. oTs Port PA LE.—Fonr Lots in Manche -der. One nrid a foiirth Afire. of Laid on Ilolineii' 11111. Lot. no '. 41. 42.52 51 54,181, 182 and 184. in Iteoles plan of Lot., on lloline% 11111 Also, Loin nos. 26 and 27. In Cook's plan al Lot' , on !Ugh slreri, near the new Court dons,'. For term. apply Io Z. W. REMINGTON For Rent. — CONVENIENT three story brick dtvellinz house .2111_ situate on floss street near Conrih• Rent $125. n i" 10 . Andy roJ A M Rs: MAY. \VHISKEY. ;11 ''Onnr' 1 r ears old copper Corned 7 1 1nnonznItpla ftye l't Ittkkry on cottstrztiment, and for .n'e by .1 IN'. RrIIRRIIIr:P., V. Ipr ho wee 6t ' oo/i and Snill b'd , l ' °OBOX F. , Ihisz , el nod Robert, , ott'sNO.s LUMP TO m 11 ACC°. 20 now Pc ni usn do. J i i rereirril, Inzrt her wi , li rt r.rnerdi Aiizznrinient or carry thin!! in the G rnrei y Nee, and for sale on tile moi , l acrommodatinq terms. HAILSI.AN. JENNINGS S• Cn €•••,.,;a7 BEAVER AND WARREN PACKET. The cuttal parker ERIE, J. M. thaw roaster, will run an a rentl r packet between the aLo ,e named ports, leaven Seaver nn Aloottayn, Frida s; reutrntrr,, leaves Warren On Ttn . .days, Thorsdnys and Saltirdays; connerting with the Stage Lines to Cleveland direct. For freight or nansage apply on bottrd or to BiRMINE4fI A M C. CO., Pittsburgh. J. S. DICKEY, Beaver. ,4,l,may 10 IRON CITY HOTEL; The old stand of 14, - .ttliew Pal rick, (Latel# o4enpied by John Irons.) rim E stibberlber wishes to inform the citizens of Pills. burgh, and the travelling white. that he has leased the above well known stand, Minato rl on Pint) street. between Merkel and Wood,) where he will loe happy to aceomnoodate ail his old friends, and as many nett , one 3 as will be pleased to atknowledge him as hom.— His terms wilt he moderate, suited to the times. His fahic will he "PPlied with the hest that the Market al fords. Hi! bar will be furnished With the choicest of liquors, both domestic and foreivn. Htsstables are SPA dons and commodious, conducted by eviler:eared and attentive ostlers. i',l;:r w•onld inform the citizen, that he iN prepared to neeommodate a number of Weekly, Monthly or Year. ly boarders at reduced prices. It ATLI 0.1 , BOARD • Si ng e 25 cents. Lodging, 124 et. Bawd per Week. mit V it--3m. MICH. PORTSES 10 TIERCES ft/CE. 10 Rows Loaf Sugar; 5 131 hr. Crashed dn.:join rinaatrnd and ter salt BAILVIA.R. JENNIIO36# Co. a Wised s). 111' onster ' Ma Sandusky at-zing:l, or walk. Xenia, Dayton, fScicoo, Post notes, Chillicothe, Fran. Fic Coro cm, La. caster, Hamilton, Granville. 80 Coin. bk. Lake Eric, 30 Par. bk:of Canton. 45 Urbana INDIANA State hk.4. Branches Slate Scrip. 35 KENTUCKY. All hanks. fELINOItt iisslare hk 4- /Stanches. CO Situ wneelown, 70 VinntNiA. namc of Virginia, do Valley, Par. bk. of Virginia, Ezell:lnge hank, N. lVest, Lank 11 rt.. 4- NI ea. do. MARYLAND Baltimore Batiks, l;oniilry Bank. I -:: JV A R EAll:a:' N:' JERSEY. " : Ailna : pt and N1'I0k.I1 :: R 7 . t;c tylnni NEW RsP(ieIIIF r F a . n .N 'ki ENGLAND. i ~ , 11 !a A tib. 1:11' 1 r Flo.ton Ranks, rrr Country t• 1. TTISiASA A 6fle ns Ranks. .700 d. NORTII CAROLINA Ea nkq, SOUTH CAROLINA Ranks, I 1 , 18. COLUM BIA Ranks. Ire Cleveland 11- %VlifTllnff. par P sitNER, pnr 2100.11 i 41111) 103 - PRINTING OFFICE ) N. fr. Cornet. of Wood 4- Fifth so. Tntt proprletottof the ilounttra Pore snd Bizacirif •tio 111AncerLei-emu?. respectfully Inforit Mitt friends and the paironsof those papers, that they have a tarsi and well chogen erportment of do do 35 It. 304 arecomei r3or-iiclesi.3lECo AA hit k. 1113 0 ITZTARI VEA.EM1121,412.111 Necessary to a Job Printing Office, and that they are pee pared to execute • LETTER PRESS PRINTING, OP EVERY DESCRIPTION, Rooks. Bills of Lading, Circulars, Pamphlets, RU! Heads, I Cards, Handbills, I flank Checks. Hat Tips all itittbs of astantts, Stare, Steamboat, and Canal Boat Bite), with apgreln prfate Cute, Prinledon the . hortegt nottceand mast reasonabletmai. We respecifully roc the patronage of our friends sahN he nubile in general in ibis branch of oar balineep. S'Pn' 11142. PHILLIPS ,fr SMITH.. PR OTHONOTARY. To the raters of rille4,heny County:—T reapecifollyor• far myself to your ronsiertratton ns a candidate ((adarm dvit of parties) for the office of PROTHONOTARY of' Allegheny county, at the ensuing election. A. 'do not come before yru terorumendrd hg a Corvertion, those 01 you to whom I am not Personally known will please amine into my qualifications, .Fe.: end ifeet for - Monte at to obtain n majority of Foal- miffrages. I shall endewtok by strict attention to the (folks of the offiee:to eatisfy yot witll your choler, ALEX. mtr.rAft. may 10—tE* Pitiaborzi)! oT it: n to Steam Boat Oteners.—The subscriber, la ron.equenre of the d 411 i-tiny of the three. NIS ltdia• rthe ed the pr!re of his Safety Guard for the prevention .1 rzplosion of *team boilers,to $l5O per boot. It bf k hoped that all h,at owners will avail themeeliaa lheae reasonable terms, not only on account of thi Orrfer't safely they aiibrd, hitt /16 . 0 In poiht of economy: ftonere with the apperatne attached Will wear aboo "ire ng lona as those not provided with l ' hestt. Morel - I -3m EVANS E. It. lleastings, Ecoß P.ING REGULATOR and Survrior. Otici n 4th street, next door to the Bank of Plusbargh. ap24-1m CASE'S BACON 11:RitIS. it 6 d o shoulders, this day rYeelved and l'ot calf! by J. G, COR DON. 12 Water at REMOVAL. •.7 DORBORiI W. ATTORNEY ATLlwheti*. removed lila office to No 63 Fifth tetreet. he t wren Wood and Smithfield sta. next (tool. to Aldermad Ittorrnr.-. apr 7. Birmingham &. Co.. AG'TS FOR STEAMER CLEVELAND; 4 nd Clereland tone' 31arcli '2 - 2, '43. litirbridge dt. - Co. qy r; ENTS for !lir sare of neat, Powder. water az. 1111 hr, moon Wrh)fl and Smillhfield. %In rrh '7(). UF nox-rs n A ISINS. 50 Alntts Cflv9in; illFl raeoivrq and for , Paleby HAILISLA N 3 JEVNINC:9 d•Co, 43 Wood at. FRESH FLOUR Jim received for rare 100 for rash. 11 11LNIAN, JEN -24 NINCS 4. co. . 43 Wood et. TAR. 6 - REG'S NORTH CAROLINA ITAR, on-conoitt 3 lid for g:.lr low for ca , h. IL Li! AN, JENNINGS k C o. 43 Wood et, p."' i rk 11 EST:: YOCT:s:(1 IIYSON TEA: and for sale Imv ror ra •31/ I mprsh. ial and CtlnpAct c 1 ,9; just reeve& A ILMAN, JENNINGS . Co 4:3 Wood fk 1;131.S. A X.. 7 2 CP•onng 2 Cask.; N1:t.!,1, , r: JUcl recP;verl (or ita le by IiAii.m.AN,JrNNINcs (o. 43 Wood it SrIIOOT. nook DEP(I:-.4TORY. T'KE LOGIIIS, A zont, Pnittistirr, Bookseller snit J B i ndr.r,f',9 Wood street,Tit h rf tuh. h as aiw a t o i t or hand a 2opora I a , orintent of School Books, Blank Doak. and Stationary, Jt , h Prii,iina and Birdie ! done nt ahorl Tire Itigbrat price allowed for Rags, tat. ner's Script and Deeswak. may 1.4 e 1843! Standart, Inzraham tg CO?' FORWARDING AND Cojlf. .1/ERCIMNTB. CLIVICLAND. qauil A OF.VTRfor he MerrhantsTtansnortalionCoMpaajt Composed of the 'Merchants Line, tile Canal. Washington Line. Partner 4. Co's. Line of Steatn imata Feb: on voland Lino Pennevt vanla and Ohio Canal. Propribtors of the i llerchants Line Ohio Cana:. 'REFER 7 II) V71.7C1E ¢ ENSWORTIT, N 0.9, Coenree Slip, N. V R. Huirrea 4- ro. Albany. ()FIN roArr. floglon. PALMER CO. 13111ru10. 51, T. WILMA mg 4. now, Cleveland. HON JOHN M. A lAter. do. riIARLER M.Ctnis-qs, do; J. DirICRY, RtrimlNoll , ol 4 . CO.; PItImbo17:11 nn 1 1843-IY. liron§te A gency. No. 6 [Beet of the llarket Roane, Penn Os sth Ward, Plltsblatith Pa. subscriber having fora nuinher of years been en. gaged In renting cl'y property, rollerting rente 4'cand ~;,:lon z to pxlrnii h l 9l>ii , llf.9? in this wny, respect. eft , niters itlx services to those persons owning; or whd may have charge of propetly as Executors, Adminlstra• tors or Dna , dianti, In the city or sulturbs, and Who may not bac e lcisure to attend to it ‘hernselveq.to rent dwelt. ing¢, WarebOUSPS. Farms, Lots, kr, Alan, 10 coped rents. diiiiitends, Ground rents ace. A resister in kept where a deserlpi ion of all properties for rent will been. teted free of charge. reference 19 respectfully offered id the following gentlemen for whom the subscriber has been agent ('r some years past—Messrs ?dictum( Allen; P. McCernlick and Tames S. Craft, EN., Pittstturginink Stuart, Egg European Agent, Phitad.;Mrst..lobn Proirfit Pirminelia m; Ti. Me-Len:in, Cllnettinati; Daniel Potter sieub e r 7 Me; Mar, Lawrenceville; Ja mec /enrol P.a. , t Liberty; Daniel Rasher, Mann township; Deruitron, Sewickley, felt 2R JUS 7 '. 9 I26IVED A fregh eirnply of relehriiipil Cat liolirno, it Drent r•elev's pii Blood pip.. Mrs neeiV z i Pt male Elixir, nt flip xfors of E. FENDER ICH, [Mitelac rtr, lIP !Oft, I •. T CST R.PCFIVTD, n farce , appry or Ur Pr*aynerii oil Syr* or Wild Clwry,and sirbole.rt le an d ,eiao I.k•itt. THORN. p 2r. Na 53. Mark et pt. (1 sRL S J%, A.e 0. OLssrx. 51J 7 GaAs Paton Hams this itss rsrptv..4 mkt (or .1, c. - A. COIIDON. 12 Wafer 111 t: U ] EttRING:"I SH fruch lot of i showe r just' rjrerpived and for hy J. W. Pt.11:1131tIltE Co. may 17, Water, between Wood 8- fenittiffo'd 1 -- ,- ~.. . EAGLE ~-.- -I ; \' '.G ROCERY t• * -.,- ‘lt'.•• , 'l • 1• • • . ....... - :411.,..,-;. STORE. • .....-, . - ST.RCT L1,0;17), Jr.. 1 1:i:we...air. and ROPil Grneer and Fruiterer. Nu i 44 I...J.:rty .1 reet, Fittsbarrit, y 20. PEACH TREES. enhaerll , er orruktst reertive.t f , orn llrof Lendreth and Potton rear Phi'edsiphie. it let of the choicest vertettes of Pesch Trees, to •hich be *note call the atteudon of the r &Yee f" L. SNOWDEN. map e No IE4, Litevy a head or ;reed. FIMM JAN7EIS nr,Agrr.v
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers