Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, May 23, 1843, Image 4

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- St, ha; log , * front tke U. 8. Bank. Wm Tr
'Xs; - Cfn le , taker ren;aertrally incurras the public. that h
its removed his eerily made coffin warehouse to the
recently ieranted by Mr. B. G. Herford,directly
Opposite hla otdst Ind, where Ile is always prepared to at •
endiartimptly to any orders i n his line, and by strict at•
tentiewto all the details of the bitsines °Fan Undertaker
krehtiqves to merit palate confidence, Hesvill be prepared
ett.a.t.T.ITOORS to provide Hearses, Hier!, C inges and
emery requisite on the mom liberal terms. Calls from the
country will be promptly attended to.
Flit residence is in thu same building with his ware
house, where those who need tits services may find him
at any time. tweet:secs,
W. tams,
atia ItnioDblt,
, 1104011 PATTON
fiff i 11. IeCLURE,
eltsseAS intividnals Is very numerous. They are those
whoork In an unhealthy atmosphere. Printers, work
en In feather stores, stone cutters, bakers, white lead
anufatturers, are all more. or less subject to disease or
confine to the strength of their conatitution. The only
method to prevent disease. is the occasional use of a
medicine which abstracts from the circulation all delete
rions humors, and expels them by the bowels. Tonics
In any form are Injurious, as they only 7.41 off the evil
day to make it more fatal. The use of Brandreth's Pills
will insure health, because they lake all impure matter
out Or the blond; and tile body is not weakened but
attenzthened by their operation, fir these valuable Pills
do not force. hut they assist nature, and are not opposed,
bet harmonize with her.
Sold at Dr. Brandreth't Office, No. 03 Wood street,
Pillshurith. Price 25 cents per hot, with full directions.
MARK—The only place In Pittsburgh where the
ENVINE Pills can he obtatned,ls the Doctor's own Of.
flee, 5t0.03 Wood street. sep 10
La I what tnaloss your teeth so unusually white?
Quoth Josh's dulninia to him ruttier night, -
To make yours look so, with a grin, replied fosh,
brought you a bottle of Thorns' Tooth Wash,
'Tim the bet now in use, so the gentlefolks say,
And since they have tried this, cast all others away
lint to provelt the best; to make the teeth shine,
Look azain, my dear Sal, at the lustre of tnine.
Then try II is great tooth wash,
The Teaberry tooth wash,
And see if this Tooth Wash of Thorn's is not fine
Saving tried 'Dr. "Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wish,'
and become acquainted with the ingredients of Its comp°.
sition, 1 cheerfully say, I consider it one of the safest, as
It is one of the most pleasant Tooth IVa.l en now in use.
Pittsburgh Sep. 13,18-12 DAVID HUNT, Dentist.
I lake pleasure in stating, having made use of"Thorii's
Tea Berry Tooth Wash," thr.t it in one of the best den
triflers in rite. Being in a liquid form, it combines neat-
UM with convenience. White it cleanses the enamel
and removes (he tartar from the teeth, its perfume yelds
a fragrance peculiarly desirable. .1. P. TIBBETTS. M.D.
- Tae tindersigned have used •Thorn's Compound Tea
Berry Tooth Wash," and have found it to bean extreme.
ly pleasant dentifrice, exercising a meet salutary halo.
ante over the Teeth and Gums; preserving those indis
pensable members from premature decay. preventing the
.accumulation of Tartar, and purifying the Breath. flay.
in; thoroughly tested its virtues, we take pleasure In re.
-commending It to the public, heliceing it to be the best ar•
tide of the kind now In use.
Papared and sold by WILLI VM THORN. Apotheca•
IT and Chemist, No. 5.1 Market wept: Pittsburgh; and
at ail she principa Druggists', and Tuttle's _Medical Alen.
op, Fourth street. Sep
INTERESTING CURE performed byDr.Stoagness
Compound ..Syrup of Prunus Virginiana,or Wild Cher-
Having made use of thistovaluable Syrup in my family,
which entirely rarcd my child. The symptoms were
wheezing and choking of phlegm, difficulty of breathing,
attended with coustant cough, spasms, convulsions, ells,
orwhich I had given upall hopes of its recovery until I
was advised to make trial of this invaluable medicine.
After seeing the effects it had upon my child, and con
cluding to make the same trial upon myself, which en•
irely relieved me ofa cough that I was afflicted with for
m years Any person wishing to see me can ra at
my house In Beach Street, above the Market, Kensington.
J. Wmcox.
We call the allenlion of the public to the numerous
certificates which have been In circulation In our paper
and some Whore of this city, highly recommending Dr.
STVATMCB Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry.—We have
seen the original certificates, and have no doubt but they
coin from truly grateful hearts, expre.sive of the benefits
which they have received from tl.at valuable compound.
We have acquaintances who have frequently need the
above medicine. who can speak with confidence of its
viraGl.—Soteeday Chronic/6.
Fax.t.ow Crrizsgs:—With sincerity I would advise
you, one and alt, both sick and well, always to have a
battle of Dr. SwAggig'sCompound Syrup of Wild Cherry
In your house—it is Invaluable in cases of emergency,
such as Spitting of Blood, Asthma, attack, of violent
ami g hln g , which is often the cause of spitting of blooa,
Violent Nervous Affections, which occasionally come
from fright, and various other causes, producing great
alarm. sudden colds from improper exposure. which
are often let run to an alarming extent, for want of
HMV/ being ready at hand;—and as I have used Dr.
SwAyNg's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry repeatedly
In my family, and always with marked success—l can
recommend It with confidence. as bring one of the best
family medicines which has ens( been offered to the
public.—Saturday CAI-oxide. ""...
Sold by Wm. Thorn, Whoregale 4- Etetall, only atreni
orritisburgh. N 0.53 Market Street. sep 10
1. DINNING—On Friday, the 30th of last month, a b out
9 o'clock at oieht,the Planing.Gronvins and Sash Man
ofitetory, owned by Gay, Dilworth 4- Co, will, a l arge
quataity of dressed and 4ndressed lumber, was all consu.
med by fire.
The Iron Safe which 1 bought of you some time back
was in the must exposed situation during the fire, and
was entirely red hot —1 am pleased to inform you it was
opened at the close ofthe fire,and all the hooks, papers,
kc.saved;—this is the best recommendation I can give of
the utility of your safes.
oet24--tf THOMAS &D COTT
Unrivalled Blacking,
MA NUFACT URED and sold wholesale and retail
Strre STFAZT, one door below Smithfield.
140111 Merchant, Louisville, KY., will attend to Ihr
sale of Real Eitatc, Dry Goodr,Gi oceries, - ru rnlin re. 4.c
-tfe. Regular sales every Tue;clay, Thursday. end Fri
day Mornings, at 10 o'clock; A. At it advances made
on cornltntnents. sett 10
PCAWFIFLD has rcenov : - is n arble Establish
'tient to Wood st. opposite Fahnestock's DEng
Ffircle bete be will keep constantly on hand Tomb
Ft etc. ap 19-Iyr
OSBORNE. Pirtriit Paist.cr, Fourth st.. 3d story
tlt aurke`sßutlaini. J. Osborne would solicit a rail
1 51411 IJIMWO who deify Tortrabs. Pperimrt.F can be
tilik sahib Mum slay 5.
ILIA. 11•11C00 , WILLWIII, I)
Admits' Patent "Ranghphy"
HAVE now been before
the public 3 years dit•
ring which time several
thousands have been sold
and in daily use, We are
confident of being sustained
In saying they are the best
Coffee Mills In the United
States, any way you fir it.'
Several modifications are
madeto suit the fancy of
wives and the purses of
Bold by the gross or dozen
at the manufactory.--
Malleable Castings made to
Fa Platform Scales.
These genuine articles, of all sizes, and most improved
varieties, constantly on hand and for sale at very reduced
prices by the manufacturer, L. R. LIVINGSTON,
m a r 2. —ll Front between Ross and Grant sta.
Upholstery Furnishings.
THE suhmriber respectfully informs his Friends end
the Politic that he has jest opened the store No'
30 rim, street, near the Exchange Bank, and adjoining
Mr. J Williams' Grocery—where he Intends to menu.
facture in the hest style, and have ready for sale a full
assortment or the first quality of Upholstery l'ornish•
sneh as Hair, Shuck and Straw Mattresses, Festli•
er Redc,lSaeking., Web he will sell for Casket...near
ly 100 per cent less than former prices..
ALSO; Sofas, Chairs, etc. Upholstered, carpets made,
and Cut mina arranged after the newest fasbious—All of
which he otters to cxecute In a manner unequaled In
this or unsurpaaned In ail other nay.
mar 211 ly JOHN T. STEWART.
105000 TR D I A II ifE r an S d N o 4 n atr i LL P.Qui/XprEovze.
TRACTOR inestimable, It not onli euresquleker, but
gives no additional pain, nor leaves a scar. Fire is posi.
tively remitted harmless. ($lO has been offered six
months to any person returning an empty box, and saying
that all a;ony on anointing is not extracted h a few min•
utes,yet nut one from thousands of trials since has claim•
ed rite bonus.) Parents anxious to guardagalmagenera
ininrlea, and save time, - fortune end life, and prevent
their offspring from being disfigured by burns, or even
small pox pustules, (it possessing the enviable power to
replace thecellutary orr,anajestroyed.) can do so by ob.
tninfn;l'.l3 inimitable salve. Many deeply burnt eases
lu the city cnn be seen, and one entire face burnt over and
wounded three distinct times in the same spot while heal
log, yet In no ease can be traced the least Menhirs or
mark! For all kinds of bores its ramd soothing effects are
also importantteven sore eyes. all inflamations and bro
ken breasts would he unknown. The toilet and nursery,
for efrarltig t he skin of pimples, removing chafe, etc., a lit
fin.l It indispensable. One using only will forever esial •
fish it the sovereign HEAL•AL'L quality. A fler this no
tire, heads of families allowing torture for months, and
ultimately distorted features, can never wipe away re.
proach, junly uttered by a disabled child, for neglecting
to triumph Over fits,
Entered according to act of Congress, A. D. 1841, by
rotn:stack 4- Co , In the Clerk's °Mee of the Districteourt
of the Untied States for the Southern District of New
Warranted the only :leonine.
Comstock 4- Co., wholesale Druggists, N.York, have be.
come the sole wholesale agents for Mr. Dailey, in Amerl
ca for 20 years. All orders must be addressed to them,
The gennine only to be had at TUTTLE'S Medical
Agency, 86 Fourth street. Nov 15
Pittobtirch Lard Oil Manufactory.
CONST.INTLY on hand a superior article of hard
Oil, warranted to burn at any temeratnre, and
rqual to the hest winter strained Sperm Oil, without
its offensive qualittes, and one third eltnarter, man.
ulactu red by the subscriber al the old stand, Third at.,
nearly opposite the Post Office. M. C. EDEY.
jan 4.1843
. pRICE/s
V°l3o ll " atiff D •-•
frIIIS is a safe and certain cure for Corgis, Colds
.4sthina, Sore Throat, Pains and Weakness of the
Breast Whooping Cough'. Hoarseness, irritation of tits
7'hroat, and many diseases leading to the Censoseptios.
Tty it—only 6; per roll—prepared and sold Whole.
saleand Retail hy H. T. PRICE, Confectioner, Federal
sl...l.lleigheny City, and the principal Druggists of Pitts.
Be cure you ask for Prire's Compound Cough Candy.
now 17-4 f.
1119 BERT PORTER, informer at Law.—Otrier
lA, on the corner of Forth and Bmithfleld sin. nec 10
Looking Glass Manufactory.
And Hquse Furnishing Warehouse, 109 Wotd
Street, near sth.
1 IIE Subscriber haying rrinirleted his arransements
IL tit his new stand, Is now prepared to offer to his
friends, and the pantie, a !arse and complete assortment
of Lookins Glasses and 110.15 f 111111Aillg Hardware,
(at priers to suit the times )
Pier and Mantel Glances In Gilt and Mahosany
Praines, orthe most approved and superior workman
Toikt Glasses with 1. 2. 3. 4 and 5 drawers.
Common. stained, fluted. and p liar (*rained Glasses
suitahte for Merchants. (or those wanting cheap :laws.)
Japanned Waiters and Trays °fail colors and patterns.
Ivory handle Knives and Forks. in setts or dozens,
Rork and Bone handle Table Cutlery.
Carving Knives and Forks, do.
DiXon's Brittania Metal Ira and Cot Tee Setts (sn•
perlor onattly.)
American Maniffartu 7, do, in setts, or single pieces.
German Silver Tin and Table Spoons,
Silver plated and Brass Candlest ickv,Snuffets do,
Firlitnnia Metal Lantos. for horning Sperms or Lard Oil.
Bras; and Wire Fire Fenders, (various patterns.)
Fire Shovels and Tongs, Hand Irons, c,
Willi a variety (limiter articles too numerous to men
tion, all of - which willlre offered at the lowest cash prl
N.B. Port rait,Mittiature,and ether Framing done at Ihr
shortest notice...repairing of all kinds nttended tn. Look.
IngGlass plates.hy tne box or single light. Prints for Frn.
nting constantly on hand
Gen 23
Headache, ! Headache !
ACE now known to thousands as a most extraordina•
ry remedy for this affliction ne well as the incon
trovertible fact of their curing DYSPEPSIA. Will those
suffering only ask among their friends if they have not
known of the positive effects of said Pills. and if they
do not hear them more warmly praised (and deservedly
too) than any other, then let them net buy them. In
these few remarks, all fancy or imagination is excluded,
and nothing will he said of their merlts at any time
but what can his fairly proved by respectable memters of
our community.
Rear! tile following certificate given by a respectable
citizen of Allogbeny city, and attested by one ofittejudg.
es of the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny to.
A LLZGUILNY Clrv, January 9,1343
Dear Sir—f have for a number of years past been af
flicted with a severe and almost constant Headache, a
rising from derangement of stomach and bowels and al.
though I have taken nearly every kind of Mediche re•
commended for Its cure, have never derived any mate.
rial benefit until I used some of your truly valuable An.
ti Dyspeptic Pills. I have not taken quite two boxes and
consider myself perfectly relieved from that diatresitng
complaint. I have no hesitation in recommending your
Pills as the beer medicine I have ever used.
Yours, Respectfully,
I am acqua,nted with Mr, 'Purim-, I have no healta
lion In certifying that I consider the statements of Mr
T. respsclirt2 Dr. Brodie's Pills, as entitled to the mosi
perfect and entire confidence. HUGH DAVIS.
For sale. Wholesale and Retail at the Brodonlan Pill
Establishment Pittsburgh Pa ;an by all authorised a
newt: throughout the Union
Alley city Jan 9 1845
Judson & Flanegin,
ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Smithfield near 7111
Colle liqns made on mode , ale terms. Pensions
fur W111(11911 /of old soldiers under the late net of •nn
vette, obtained. rapers and drawings for the Patent of
fice. prepared. mar 17-Iy.
H %yr, on hand a inert. and IR ell assorted stork of
UPHOLSTERY WARE. nut aide for the spring and
summer titsinesc anti am prepared oil pliant notice to flit
all orders entrusted , lo me. My stock is entirely new:
made of 'he hest materials. will he sold at prices Insult
the times. Merchants will find we well prepared to fill
their orders on the hest terme, for any description °flip.
holetery goods f.tr theiretomers; and the citizens want
ing any article in my I will he promptly 'wive'. and
their favors thankfully received.
D R. E. MERRITT, DENTIST, office in Smith
field, between Second and Third Sts., flours of
hnsinses front 9 A. M. till 4 P. M.
Dr. P.. M. manufact — resProcelain and Mineral teeth.
Dentists can he supplied by the 100 or Pingleireth. Blocks
of teeth with a beautiful gum in full sets, or parts
of setts, will be made to order at the shortest notice, by
forwarding an exact impression of the mouth. Also.
for sate a few machines with emery wheels for grinding
and lilting mineral teeth so useful to the Dentist allw lithe sold low for cash. dec 23
ILES cured by the t ae of Dr. Harlich's Compound
Strengthening and German Aperient Pine
Dr. Harnett —Dear Sir—Shortly after I received the
Agency from you for the sale of your medicine, I
formed an acquaintance wi;h a lady of this place, who
wasseverely afflicted with the Piles. For eight or ten
years this lady was subject to frequent, painful attacks,
and her phyvielan considered her case so complicated,
that he very seldom prescribed medicine for her. Through
my persuasion, she commenced using your Pills, and was
perfectly cured. Yours, tc. JAMES R.KIR BY
October 3. 1840. Chambeeabug, Pa.
:nl)fflcit and General Depot, No. 19. North Eighth
Street, Philadelphia. And by Samuel Frew, corner of
Liberty and Wood streets. Pittsburgh. sep 10
FOR carrying Mereliandize and Produce to and from
Pittsburgh, Philadelpiha, Baltimore, New York and
Boston, by the Pennsylvania Canal and Bail road, on
entirely temperate principles.
Block of this line consists of new large Tidewater boats
built expressly for ibis mule, with all the modern im•
provenients in boat building; of a impel abundant supply
of first rate ears on the Portage Railroad; and a full sup
ply of strong and commodious Pennsylvania boats be.
tween Johnstown and Pittsburgh; all of which will be
conducted by sober, initnstrlous and experienced captain■
and superintendents • Charges will be paid on all goods
intended to he shipped from Pittsburth to Philadelphia,
Baltimore, New York or Boston, and consisned to James
Dickey 4- Co., Canal Basin, corner of Liberty and Wayne
sts. and will be promptly attended to and forwarded with
jan 13-19
All Goods and produce intended to he shipped . from
Philadelphia coastwise, or via the Delaware and Rani
tan Canal4rind consigned to Hart, Andrew and alcKever,
will he received at their warehouse, first wharf above
Race street, Philadelphia, and shipped directly from
thence without additional handling or expense; a line of
Boston packets connects with the line at this point-
Shippers are invited to examine the stock of this line
and judge for themselves, before shipping by any other,
as their interest will be advanced by shipping by It, the
proprietors being determined to exert themselves to the
utmost of their ability for the Interest of their custo
mers arid prosperity &Their iloe.
Insurance can be'effected cheaper by this line than any
other, as the route is considered the safest.
Hart, Andrews 4 NeKever, from Philadelphia andßal
. timore to Hollidaysbnrg.
Henry L. Patterson, from Hollidaysburg to Pittsburgh.
Hart, Andrews 4- McKever, Philadelphia.
Bider, Ceiston 4. Co., Baltimore.
Henry L. Patterson, Hollidaysburg.
Jessee Patterson, Johnstown.
James Dickey 4. Co. Pittsburgh. mar 84
J14X1.?:? BLAKEL Y,.tontinnes to execute all kinds of
mitt op. inch as Deed*, Idortpge a, Apprentices In-
dentures. Articles of Partnership, Letters of Attorney,
Wine*. it., in a nest and legal ntatiner. and at half of
Ofintr ebarges. at his old stand Penn street, wear the sth
ward markatiiorie. feb, 25.
v`How important it k that you commence without,
loss of time wild Baartztarres Pmts. They mildly but
surely remove all impurities from tlte bloOd,end no case
of sickness can affect Use human frame, that these cele
brated Pills do not relieve as much ar medicine can do.
Colds and coughs are more benchtted by the Brandreth
Pills than by lozenges and eanales. Very well, per
haps.as palletises, hut worth nothing as eradicators of
diseases from the human system. The Bas.avarrn Pius
cure, they do not merely relit ve, they cure diseases,
whether chronic or recent, infectious or otherwise, will
certainly he cured by the use of these all sufficient Pitts.
Sum Staa, January2l.lB43.
Dente,. Bea jamis BsaadestA—Honored Sir: Owing to
you a dent of gratitude that money cannot pay, I am
induced to make a public aeknowledgemhnt of the benefit
my wife has derived from your invaluable pills. About
three Yeats this winter she was taken with a pain io her
ankle, which soon becante very much inflamed and
swollen, so much so that we became alarmed, and sent
for the doctor. During his attenda ace the pain and swell
ing increased to an alarming degree, and In three weeks
from Its first commencing it became a running sore--
She could get no rest at night the pain was so great.—
Our first Doctor attended her for six months, and she
received no benefit whatever, the pain growing worse,
and the sore larger all the while. Be said if it was heal
ed up it would be her death, bat Xe appeared to be at a
loss how to proceed, and my poor wife still continued
to sorer the most terrible tortures. We therefore sought
other aid In a Botanical doctor, who said when he first
saw it that he could soon core the sore, and give her
ease at once, To our surprise he gave her nn relief,
and acknowledged that It baffled all his skill.
Thus we felt after having tried during one whole year
the experience of two celebrtted physicians In vain, in
absolute despair. My poor wife's constitution rapidly
tailing In the prime of her years from her continued
suffering, Under these circumstances we concluded that
we would try your Universal Vegetable Pills.determined
to fairly test their curative effects. To my wife's_ gresd
comfort the first few doses afforded great rsdierOf the
pain. Within one week, to the astonishmitni of our.
selves and every one who knew of the ealle,lhesiftllloS
and the inflammation began to cease so !halo , * , ignite
easy, and would sleep comfortably, and.' , 11 4 q tdi
weeks' use the was able to go through iii, . ,and
again attend to the management of her risidlf., 'which
she had not done for nearly 14 months. In a little over
two months from the time she first commented the tue
of your invaluable Pills, her ankle was quite Sound, and
her health better than it had been in quite a number of
years before. I send you this statement after 'um years
test of the cure, considering it only an act of peke to
you and the public at large.
We arc, with ninth gra Etude,
Very respectfully,
P. P. The Botanical Doctor pronounced the sore can
cerous. and finally paid no good could to. done, unless the
whole of the flesh was rut off, and the bone scrolled--
Thank a kind Providence, this made us resort to your
pill.', winch saved us from nil flintier misery, and for
which we hope 1 , he thankfui. T. 4. E. L.
Sold at 25 cent, per box, with dirertione.
Observe the new labels, each having upon it two sig.
natures of Dr. Itrandret h. Ho each hoc of the genuine
has six signatures—three Benjamin Brandreth and three
R. Brandreth upon it.
The only place in where the real ftran
dreth rills can he obtained, i 6 the Doctor's own office,
N 0.98. Wood street, between St h and Diamond a ley
Mark, i he qennine Brandrcth Pills can never be obtained
in any ern: Store.
The following, are the only isgents appointed by Dr. Ft
Rrandreth, for the vale of his Vegetable Universal Pills
in Allegheny county:
PR/NCIP•t, O►CICC, No 9R, Wood street, Pitistinret
Mr. John Glasts—Allegheny,
Robert Etti nean—Birtnina ham.
C. P. Weltl—Elizabethtown.
11. Rowland—Wßeesport.
Pressly Irwin—Pleasant Hill.
John Johnston—Noblestown.
Chmstnan f Spaulding -Stewattstown
A►dell 4. Connell—Clinton.
Robert Smith Porter—Tarentum.
George Power—Fairview.
David R Coon- Plain township.
Daniel Nrxle% —Er , ' Liberty.
Edward Thompson—Witklnsburgli
Win. 0. Hunter—A I len's Mill
WM. NOBLE. Uho[new.
No. 4 Wood at . Sear I Ile river
.lgerellf. Between Weed and SnatAjfe/41 sta.
Two doors from the corner of Wood street. COlll.
stantly on hand an assortment of 100 ready made
COFFINS, of every sine and description; covered
ones, with Cloth: Mahogany, Cherry, Black
Poplar, and Pine Coding.
A LSO,'Plates neatly engraved; Hearses and Carriages
furnished; Graves procured; and all services rendered
that friends may require.
A credit given in all cages, eli her or coffins or carriages,
requested. • HENRY BEARER, Undertaker.
rep 10
SFRUSIENTSI— T. McCarthy, Cutler and Suryiral
instrument Maksr, Third street. nearly opposite the
Post Office, Pitteistrgh
rhysicians. Dentists and Druggists can have their in,
strumentsmadehy the subscriber of a superior quality
and at Eastern prices.
Tailors' Patent Shears and Scissors aldvnys on hand.
also Hatters Shears. a superior article. Orders respect.
folly solicited.
N. B. Allarticles warranted of the hest quality, and
Jobbing done as usual. • eep 10
A -
LLEN KRA kin, P.zakarga Broker, Xs. 46, Car.
oar of Wood aad Third Streets, Pittsburgh Pa.—
Gold, Silver, and Solvent Rank notes, bought and sold.
Sight checks on the Eastern cities, for sale. Drafts,
ootes and bills, collected.
Pitteburpk,pa, Wm. Bell 4- Co., John D. Davit, F
Lorenz.J. Palmer if Co.. Joseph Woodwell, James May
Philasielpkia, Alexander Bronson Co., John H. Brown
4' co- Cißcinivagi, 0., James M'Candless. St. Louis,
No., J. IL. kl'Donald. Louisville, W. H. Pope, Esq.
Preel Bank Ky. sep 10
REMOVAL.—The undersigned twasienve to inform
the public, that lie has removed from his old stand,
to the corner of Penn and St. Clair sty., opposite the Ex
change Hotel, where he has Sited up a large Puska PORTZ
WAR! ROOK. aad now offers for sale the most splendid
assortment of NAXOS ever offered in this market.
`Rift pianos consist of different patterns, of superior
Rose Wood and Mahogany, beautifully finishetrand mo•
dried. rind constructed throughout of the very be.t ma•
terials,which,for durability, and quality of tone, as well
RI touch, he warrants to be superior to any ever seen
As be has enlarg,eil his manufactory, and made arrange.
meuts to supply the Increasing demand for this Instru•
ment, he respettfully 111111IPAIS those Intending to pur.
chase to call and examine lits assortment before purcha.
Ong elsewhere. a,, he is determined to cell xowmt, (or
each, than any other establishment east or west of the
mountains. F. BLUME,
Corner of Penn and Si. Clair streets,
sap 10 Opposite the Exchange Rotel, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Evans': Camomile Pills.
Corrine/vers.—Letter from the Hon. A h'ii'm M'Clei
lan,Sullivan County, East Tennessee, Memberof Congress.
WAFIIIINGTON, itliy 3d. 1838.
Sir—Sinre T have been in this city I have used some of
your Dyspeptic medicine with infinite benefit and salts
faction, and believe it to be a mast valuable remedy. One
of my :onstiluents, Dr. A. Carden, of Campbell county,
Tennessee. wrote to me to send him some. which I did.
and he has mpinyed it very successfully in his practice,
and sopa% is invaluable. Mr. Johnson, your agent at
this place," thinks you would probably like an *gent In
Tennessee. If so. I would recommend Dr. A Carden, as
• proper person to officiate for the stile of your celebrated
medicine. Should you commission him he Is willing to
act for you. Yon can send the medicine by water to the
care of Robert King 4. Sons. Knoxville county. Tennes.
see, or by land to Graham 4. Houston, Tazewell, East
Tennessee. I have no doubt hut If you had agents in
several counties in East Tennessee, a great deal of medi•
cies wonld lie sold. lam going to take some of it home
for my own use. and that of my friends, and should
like to hear from you whether you would like nn agent
at Blunlville. Sullivan County. East Tennessee; T can get
some of the merchants to act for you as I live near there.
Worm respectfully,
ABRAHAM iII'CLELT.AN.of Tennessee.
For sale Wholesale and Retail, by
R E SELL ERS, Agent,
No. 20. Wood street.below Second.
This infallible remedy has preserved hundreds
when thought past recovery, from convulsions. As soon
as the Syrup is rubbed on the innis, the child will reec v.
er. Thlr preparation is so Innocent, so efficacious, and se
pleasant, that nochlid will refuse to let its 2111116 be rub
bed with It. Then Infants are at the age of four months
at& there is appearance of teeth. one bottle of the
Syrup should he used to open the pores. Parents alton hl
never be without the syrup in the nursery where there
are voting children, for if a child wakes in the night with
pain in the gums. the Syrup immediately gives case, by
opening the pores, and healing the gums; thereby prevent
ing Convu stone, Fevers, §•e. Far Sale Wholesale and .
Retail by R. E. SELLERS, Agent,
sep 10 No. 20. WOO 4 street, below Second
mar 23, 1R43
son for the above cornplaints Is now at hand, r 'ld all
persons who are collected to the Inclemency of the
weather are respectfully Informed that they can find.
COVZRT * III BALM 01 , LITZ which is Pell known to have
cured THOCPANDB. who were In the twatages of Cox.
gumption. Cert Mattes can he produced Orli' wonderful
TAYLOR'S B•LSANI or LIMING!, another remedy
for Liver Complaints, Congas awl . Cade. It comes high•
ly recoil mended by all who have flied It, and Is pleasant
to take,andspeedy in effecting a cure. •
PRAMS'S HOAR fIOOND CANDY.--ThiS IS a highly valuable
and pleasant mediclne;lt will effect a positive and certain
cure for Coughs, Colds, Cons amplion,and is an effectual
cure for the Wm:forma COrOOS. This ion very ptras
ant medicine, all are fond of it, and children never refuse
to take in; its cure is sure and positive. The subscriber
has a certificate of Agency direct from J. Pease 4• son,
so there can be no mistake, All persons who are effected,
are Invited to tan and not delay, (or the titre to take
medicine is at the commencement.
- .
All the above medicines can always be procured a
WHOLES/OA 01 Rsrar nt
TUTTLE'S MEDICAL RGE.NTY. 86. Fourth street
7 O FE% A LES.—There is a large class of Females In
this City who from their continued sitting, to which
their occupttions oblige I hem,areattected with costiveness
which elites rise to palpitation at the heart onthe !eagles.
ettion, sense of heaviness extending over the whole head,
Intolerance of light and sound .an inability of fixing the
attention to any mental operations; rumbling In the bow
els, sometimes a sense of suffocation, especially after
meals when any exertion Is used, as going quickly op
stairs; tempre fickle; these are symptoms which yield at
once to a few dosesof the Brandreth Pills. The occa.
atonal use of this medicine would save a deal of trouble
and yeatoof suffermg. One, or two, or even three of
the Brandreth Piligiust before dinner, are ofen found
highly beneficial; many use them very advantageously In
this wny; they aid and assist digestion, restore the bowels
to a proper condition,enliven the spirits, Impart clear.
netts to thecomplexion, purify the blood, and promote a
general feeling of health and happiness.
Sold at Dr. B-audreth's Office. No. 98 Wood street,
Pitishurgh—Price 25 cenit per box, with full directions.
MARK—The only place In Pittsburgh, where the
GENUINE Pills can be obtained,ts the Doctor's own Of.
Bee. No. 98 Wood street. sep 10
LIVER COMPLAINT cured by the use of Dr. Har-
Itch's compound Strengthening and Aperient rills.
Mr. Wm. Richards, of Pittsburgh, Pa„ entirely cured of
the above distressing disea.e. His symptoms were pain
and weight in the left aide, loss of appetite, vomiting, acid
eructations, a distension of the stomach, sick ltead•ache,
furred tongue, countenance changed toa citron color,diffi.
cult) , of breathing, disturbed rest, attended with a cough,
great debility, with other symptoms indicating great de
rangement of the functions of the liver. Mr. Richards
had tbe advice of several physicians, but received no
relief, until lain Dr. Harnett's Medicine, which !ermine
ted In effecting a perfect cure.
Principal Office, 19 North Eighth Street, Philadelphia
For sale In Pittsburgh by Samuel Frew, corner of Llber
ty and Wood streets. sep 10
T hese Pills are , omposed of herbs, which exert
a specific action upon the heart, give impulse ,or
strength to the arterial system; the blood is quickened
and equalised In its circulation through all the vessels,
whether nf the skin, the parts situated internally, or the
extremities; and as all the secretions of the body are
drawn from the blood, there is a consequent increase of
every secretion, and a quickened action of the absorbent•
and exhalent, or discharging vessels. Any morbid action
which may have taken place is corrected. all °barns
(bns are nu/re - red, the blond is p urified. and the body
rerames a k PrLlkfal Cate. Ford ale Wholesale and Re-
Sail by R E SELLERS, Agent,
Sep le sra ) Wood ci. below Second.
iKrIIALLErS rillAr EXTRACTOR is certainty
the most valuable ointment for Burns, Sores, 4.c., ever
Invented: no ►latter bow badly a person may be burnt
or scalded—this will heal them immediately, without
leaving any scxa. Every family should have a box in
their house, no Vie should be without it.—Every one
who has tried it recommends IL - To be had only at
TUTTLE'S:BB Fourth streeLl I doe 8
For Ike Trassiortation'of Merchandizs and Prod
DEVINE ¢ McANULTY respectfully inform the pub
lic that they have completed their arrangements
for the above Line on
The public has long wished for I ndtvldu.ll competition
in Transportation on the Public Works, by which alone
it can be freed from unnecessary expenses and reduced
to Its lowest rater; that wish will now be realized; the
State of Pennsylvania having placed Trucks on her Rail
Roads, ndividuaccownlng Portable Boats are enabled
to hitirtir the Carrying Trade and successfully to com•
pete with companies.
This line iseomposed or Twenty new, Four Section
Portable Boats, owned by the Captains who command
them and weil known as enterprising, industrious and
experienced Boatmen.
The superiority and advantages of the Portable Boat
over every other ;node of Transportation, are too well
known to shippers generally, to require comment; suf
fice it to say, that the detention, loos,separation and dam.
age is Goods, Invariably attending three Transhipments
between Pittsburgh and Phiadelphia are by the Portable
Boat most effectually removed
The Portable Boat possesses the great advantage too,
or kin: well ventilated and cool in asessaree; which prr.
va nig Flour from soaring, and Bacon and Tobacco from
Devine 4- Mc Anufly, standing as they de,between the
owners ofgoods and the Boatmen who carry them, and
intrrevted in protectingthe interests of both, will
make no promises to the public they will not faithfully
They are now prepared to receive and forward Pro
duce to Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York, and Boston
In the shortest time, and pledge themselves to enter into
no combination with other Lines,hnt always stand ready
to carry ont the principles a their Li ne, and contract for
frei!ht on the very lowest terms.
CO-To sive undonhted•aeenrity to owners and shippers
of pods an open policy or tolerance has been effected.
by which all merchandise shipped by this Line will be
!tinned without any additional expense to the owner.
DeVine 4- Me a nully will receive all produce consigned
to them at Pittsburgh, pay freight and charges to Bieam
Boats and forward the same without delay to Philadel•
pitta, Baltimore, New York, and Coston without any
charge for advancing or commission.
DEVINE ei• McANULTY, Ag'nts,
Canal Basin, Liberty street, Pittsburgh
272 Market to rect. Philneelphia
MOORE k . CI-I.ISE Agents,
Narch 10. 1342 75 flowley's Wharf, Baltimore
tt~'Why will ye live al this poor
dying rater' ..4:0
To he had at Tar-rues Medical Agency, 86 Fourth et.
the Only agent In Pittsburgh.
Feh 22.
OLIN N'CLOSKEY. th e old original, boson hand the
rust splendid assortment of Clothing ever offered
Wes My clock is large, and lam disposed to sell at the
owt, f possible price. My stock is heavy, and as the sea.
son isadvancing. I will sell at lower prices than ever. I
ask only the pleasure of a call, cretins, confident that a
look Is sufficient. Beware of Connterfeits. Rememher
P.ll/VE.4 rxr. nov 23.184
DR. DANIEL, .111c)IfF:AL, Office on Fifth 'tree
Imitceen Wood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh.
undersignrd respectfully inform the public tha
1 after several years experience In the best shops in
the eastern elties,they have opened their New a la mode
In Third ',Lone door from Market. and nearly opposite'
the post office, whete they arc prepared to execute all
orders In the tailoring line, in a manner unsurpassed
by any other establishment in the city. Having made
arrangements for the reception of the most modern style
of fashions, gentlemen wishing clothes made in simper.
ior style, would find It to their interest to give them a
We wish the public to understand that this la not In.
tended to rank among the fulsome gull advertisements of
he day; for as to style and - workmanship they challenge
March 4 dly. SCULLY 4- MONTAGUE.
HAVE remoYed their Paper Store from Market
street to No. CAL Wood street, one door from the
corner of 4th, where they keep on hands their usual as
sortment of WALL PAPERS, for papering parlors,en
trim chambers. 4•c- and also PRINTING, WRITING
all of which they offer for sale on accommodating to rms,
feb 14. 1343.—dt f
Caveat entered 9th June, 184:2--Pa lent granted to
Benjamin B andreth,2oth Janua •y. 1843.
The extracts of which Brandrettes Pills are COM-.
posed are obtained" by this now patented process,
without boiling or any application of heat. The ac
tive principle of the herbs is thussecured the same
as it is in the
The Public should be cautious of medicines rec—
commendel in advertisments stolen from me, in
which the CONTEMPTIBLE ROBBERS steals my lan—
guage, merely altering the name. Time will show
these wholesale deceivers in their true light,
BRAN DRETEPS PILLS are the People's
Medicine, proved by thousands who daily reecom
mend them to the afflicted. The BRANDRETH
PILLS are growing every day mere popular, their
viitues are extending their usefulness. The sick of
both sexes are daiiy deriving benefit from them.
No case of disease but they can be used with advan
tage. Blotches r,r hal lumps of the skin they speed
ily cure so with erysipelas, so with salt rheum, so
with indigestion, so with coughs and colds, so with
costiveness, so with cancer, so with hot parched lips
and canker in the mouth. Let the afflicted use this
medicine, and they will find they require no other.
Sold at 25 cents per box, with directions.
Observe the new labels each having upon it two
signatures of Dr. Brandreth. So each box of the
genuine has.six signatures—three Benjamin Brand
reth and three B. Brandreth upon it.
The ONLY PLACE in Pittsburgh where the REAL
Brandreth Pills CAN BE OBTAINED, is the Doctor's
own Office, No. 98 Wood street, between Fifth
and Diamend Alley, Mark, the GENUINE Brandreth
Pills can never be obtained in any nano STORE.
The following are the ONLY AGENTS appoint.
ed by Dr. B. Brandreth, for the stile of his Vegeta
ble Universal Pills in Allegheny County.
Principal Office, No. 98 Wood st. Pittsburgh
Mr. John Glass—Allegheny.
Robert Duncan—Birmingham
C. F. Diehl—Elizabethtown,
H. Rowland—McKeesport.
Presely Irwin—Pleasant Jlill
Jchn Johnson—Nohlestown
Chessman & Spaulding—Stewartstown.
Asdell & Connell—Clinton.
Robert Smith Porter—Tarentutn
George Power—Fairview.
David R. Coon—Plum Township.
Daniel Negley--East Liberty.
Edward Thompeon—Wilkinsbuegb.
Wm. 0. flunter-a—Atton's
IlinHE subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens
AIL of Pittsburgh, Allegheny and their virirlties, that his
has emmenced manufacturing the article of Lard Di
and Candles. He intends making, hut one quality, which
will equal the best made in the Union and not margmasmikos
by the best winter strained sperm 01l either for machinery
or burning, without Its 'offensive properties, arid Atte
ber wishes to impress distinctly on the public mind that
it Is not necessary to purchase any new tangled latiapalhad
are daily palmed upon them as being requisite to.baratho
lard oil In. Persons wishing a pure and brilliant light
can obtain it by calling at the old staad,3d street, wady
opposite the Post Office.
The attention of Wholesale dealers, Churehai and •
chlnleas respectfully solicited.
N. B.—All the barrels will bear the manalleturetli
name. Jaa 1343--tf.
10 BBLS. Spirit/ Ts ryinthre, tbla day received and
for sale by J. G. 4. A. GORDON,
mar 8. 12 Water street.
i o p PERRY iakes this method of informing the — psiblibe ;
IL) in general that he continues to tarp On the
above business in the blonospanxta Notes liminiStos
No I Water street, where, with strict personal ettantioe
he hopes to please all who will favor him wl.h tt eir pa •
tronage. From his lons experience In the tests's% be
Batters himself that his work cannot be exec Tiesi Ia seal.
tiesaand dorability.at least west of the licentaleaq bud ~,
It fa psalms to hoist—a fair trial IT the best 'Ota go
To sett the times be umentrisioie4 Boots at viric" .
cm; from as low as fins tip to Ide ,
44 . gee 4
which he affords at set *Man per pair,
, pHE subscriber hasjust received big annliat.sirtplyo,
IL Landreth's Garden Seeds, consisting In pad of tit
following Mods-811a the last years crop it wariatreit
Beerags W,g Plant,
Beets, Dthve,
Leans, Kale
Mater Melon,
Corn ,
&c. &c. &e.
Together with variety of Pot 4- gweet herbs sod lierwr,
Orders for Seeds, Shrubs; Trees, 4.C. from Garter;
era and others will be received and prating? atiaskel
P. L. eErowIEN,
No. 189 Liberty. head of Wilmaild,
HT. PRICE, Wlrotesale and Detail Baker, Cous,„!
. feetioser and Fruiterer, Federal street, near the
Diamond, Allegheny city,
Every variety of confectionary and Ornaments..
Cakes, suitable for weddinrgs and parties, massfsetsred
from the best materials, at short notice. nov IS -
ARM POI: SALE .— The undersigned o ff ers HAIR Fhie farm, lying In Ross Tervr aship 41 miles frois the
City of Pittsburgh, containing 114 acres °flan( of which
60 are cleared and under fence, I,t ml 5 to 20 aeres of
meadow, 2 gcod Orchards of Apple.. '1 few Peach, salt'
Cherry trees—the improvements are a .arga framebiams•
containing 10 rooms well furn ished, calculated far • Ta
vern cp. private Dwelling, A frame ear. 28 by 60,sfswe
hasemoit, and stabling, sheds end other oat housessalt,
able for a tenement:-2 good Gardens sarroandad with
currant bushel', and a well of excellent water, whit a
pomp in at the front door. In relation to the nilldaStrgkk
and Allegheny market, there Is no place now offersillliw
sale with more inducement to those wishing to jaapp
near Pittsburgh, the terms will be made moderate, ati
further particularsapply to the proprietor at WBOllOO4
Store, Liberty street, corner of Virgin Alley.
N. B. If not sold before the Ist of October wezt.ill
will be divided into 10 and 20 acre Inis beau wells
sera. des
JAMES HOWARD *CO., Afaskfacturirsk of Wet'
Paper, No. 18, Weed Street, Pittsburg*. Piti !•
Have always on hand an extensive assortment or
Glazed and plain PAPER HANGINGS, Velvet_ a
imitation Borders, of the laicat style and banikOtaa
patterns, for papering halls, parlors and chambers.
They manufacture and have on hand at all tionen.l.;
Printing, Writing, Letter, Wrappinr and Tea Paperjhoa
net and Fullers' Boards—all of which they ofer forsake
on the most accommodating terms; and to which they
invite the attention of merchants and ethers.
ALSO—Blank Books ofail kinds and the beat.qoattly.
School Rooks, etc. always on hand and for sale minimise.
N. B, Ragu nd Tanners' Scraps' taken In ezebano.
U. I. xaaeaw CEO. T. HAMILTON
MAGRAW 4HAMILTON, Attorneys at Lae. AVM
removed their Office to the residence of H. 9: Ma.
et w, on Poo ret vt, two doors above Smithfield. sep 10
Cineinnati, February:lb, 1840,
Hr. SwAirns—Dear Sir—Permit me to take the likens
of writing to you at this time to express my a rprobstims
and to recommend lo the attention of heads of famines
and others your Invaluable medicine—the CotapNad
Syrup of PrunusVirginiann, or Wild Cherry Bark. 11
my travels of late I have seen in a great many instancy
the wonderful effects of your medicine in relieving Ott
dreg of very obstinate complaints, such as cougbltts
Wheezing, Choaking of Phlegm, Asthmatic attacks,
kr. I should not have written this letter, howeven t it
presen• although I have felt it my duty to add my testi
mony lc, it for some time, had it not been for • tale
stance where the medicine above alluded to was main•
mental in restoring to perfect health an "only
whose case was almost tumefies, in a family of wrist
quaintanee. thank Heaven," said the dusting ,moSh..
er,"my child is saved from the jaws of death! 0 how V
feared the relentless ravager But my child is saAtt
Beyond all doubt Dr. Swoyne's Compound Byeap S
Wild Cherry fa the most valuable medicine in thtil orals?
other country. lam certain I tave witnessed Meirtih4lll
one hundred cases where It lina been attended with eats
plete suceess. I am using it myself in an obstinate I.
tack of Bronchitis, In which it proved effectual In ta , ix. -
ceedingly short time. considering the severity of the emit,
I ran recomend it in the fullest confidence °fits superb*
virtues; I would advise that no family should be whitest
it; It is very pleasant and always beneficial—worth
double and often ten times its price. The public are 11..
cured there is ne quackery about it. R. heaves, D. D.
Formerly Pastor of the First Presbyterian Murat,
N. '.
Sold by WM. THORN, wholesale 4- retail, only aunt
for Pittsburgh. No. 53, Slorket street. sep 1
rhtu trill destroy Life. and yen area treat mu.
"Diacever what will proles, Life, and the tumid ow
Cali you /opener."
"There are faculties, /rally and intellectual, within
~ with which certain Atria have affinity, and ever !WO
they have power."
Dr. B. Brandreth's External Remedy, or Linimisil
which, by Its extraordinary powers. abstracts Pair, t
Sorenes - s; thus Sprains, Stiff finely's, White Swellkikpi,
Rheumatic Pains, or Stiffness, Stiffness of the Joists,
Tumors, Unnatural Hardness, Stiff Neck Sore Throat,
Croup, Contractions of the muscles, Scrofulou ea
largements, Tender Feet, and every description of hi:
jury affecting the Exterior of the Human Fume, are
cured or greatly relieved by his never•to be *officinal,
extolled remedy.
Curt - Irv:Am—The following letter from Major Celt
erai Sandford, as to the qualities of the Enema Beer
dy, speaks volumes;
New Yost, Feb. 9, 194
Dear Sir—Witlyou oblige me with another borne of
your excellent Liniment': It is certainly the hest of the
kind I have ever seen. It has cured entirely my met
knee, about which I was so uneasy,and I have foam, le
productive of immediate relief in , several eases of eater
nal injury In my family ; A few evenings since; sty
youngest child was seized with a violent attack of Cetteir.
which was entirely removed In tweety stito.tes, by sulk
bing her chest and throat freely with the External Reps.
edy. I think you ought to manufacture Ibis Matinees
for general use, instead of confining the ure of it, as yes
have heretofore done, to your particular acquaintance,.
You rs truly, C. W. BANDFOIOI.
Da. B. Baltroarre.24l Broadway, N. Y.
V'For sale at 241 Broadway, New York, sat at kik,
office ,No. 9FI Wood strret,Pittaburgh. PRICE-50 emir"
per bottle with directions. seple
Pumpkin,Etri ..
Radish, . 7 ' Bores.ler,
Rhubarb, CObi**,
Salsify, Carrek
Cauliflower, 8. ;
Celery, 01Era.
Curled Cress, Oniimm, '
Cucumber, Pardel, :
Mustard, (white and brows) . _