A—Meeting , of working men w:11 be held at the !Jonah end of the Monongahela hridze, in the open air, oo Monday afternoon, at 4 c'e.ock. A gener4 attendance of workingmen is requested,as matters! ,oriotriortance to their interests will be discussed b the meeting. =•-• !Allay 20. TheAtre. On Saturday night Mr. Charles had just sAith a house as he deserved—good. The ...ettitertainments were satisfactory to the audience. Mr. Connor's Richard was nitackadmired. The afterpiece was amu, sing, notwithstanding the appmach of 12 o'clock compelled the company to cut it Irery materially. . . -To-mght, the famous Plby of Rnmeo ; and Juliet will be performed, with Pow ers laughable Drama of the "White Horse . .,01t/uit Peppers." At a meeting of the subscrit.ers !sa the Regatta iittld en Saturday night. it was resolved that it Altould come off on the 17th of June over the usu 'id cower; to be open to elf sir and eight o3r boats , . , Aft 'boat. are to enter on or before V.e first %day io Jane. The prize for the first winnine imatle.a Silver Goblet. and the second a stand oft `Colors. - ( -Tiv le story of 'killing Bowden, in our fur of Saturday, turns out, as we su4ested it (night possibly be—wholly inco,tect, the com rade, left him with the stsconcting creditor in .charge. Saireve Musit . lale --Frabk Johnson Ki.cs a scarce Ito.inerrow night for the benefit oi the 'Temperance nq Sec bit, card. irjr-The Rainera - give their Farewell Concert to•aight. They will doubtlesi have a crowded image. sosus.j'arieir on t/ Teeth,-11 La &turtle ascertain that washing the teeth with vinegar and a Staab will ins few days remove the Carta.., ihu; eibiPiiiting the necessity fir filing or iscra pi ig them, - 00fttfi Itits often injures the enamel- Ile recom -mends the nee of powiered charcoal, and tincture afterwards, which effectually, in his ojtip o. prevents its fiirmation. al Feat --At Philadelphia .4;n Sa'ureay waalthittir, between six and seven o'clock, a colored *Au named "George Burton, aged about f.rty yintitt;"underto o k for a wager, to ascend to t'ita u teio.topgallant.naast of the barque Lbuiwa , at a lasts between South and Lombard streets • fie iwaii , eicentlen but a short distance when his foot 4 adiwsteli t and he sr..' precipitated to the deek, he id striking the gaff, which broke his ttOseik: lfie fell with such force as to stave in e . 11C10).. th upon which he struck• His face and skull ireeecited a frlg'itfui spectacle. . G ROC E R IL'S ! GROCERIES! ! ITUST opened a splendid lot of Cirrbeeriis, fiel ) fro m oif, e Riot, and a s toe Fahooriber Intends ,kili ng r o , 10 the Han, iib' e the , ind.,:,e:t of the COLO t nt . 1 nothirrr but c , bh,liargaing may I. expel-led. • General Quarter Sessions of the Peare,iii a , d 17 - Don't forget to tall at 140 Liberty rart,rt the courtly of Alleghe n y. may 16 et l'A elf 1.1.0 li a The pe:irio n of Ro:,: rt Y:0: -J, of !lie third ward INFORMATION Nt r il NTE D. n'ei:y oi Pi•tsburgh Allegheny cn-launbly showe d 1 , l'A 4;140 ght It r.h4t.' of November lag, a bun of the sail,- Tliitt he iv well provided with 11. , ..Re room and oti er O ger nwi r ,,, ,,, , I t „ F . , ,, KELLy. beui shout . , ~,, r, iiiveelees 1 the arrooroodalio 1 or 4 , :!l, g er- I e iO l age . lan hint.r: he le:, Peen A fey tf: - .},ti , o r irr ad irri e:iii a, at the hoo t .:: n .I.v 41,7 c -t i lde. iby him ii. 3 1., . , sitarp , nrirli He 113. a f air conini,x arid fair hair !A Yens Sul heiiig. de-iiiniv to enotimee in 0.11 but. i .iiiil to rather lienwly i•ii,it, O a .It^ :311th of I lie sai n t, vi , ess be pi Ays your donor. ~,L r.ini 1 / 1 1,1 a 11 , ..11, to month t o k tor", ioo r, :, hot' Ition hgod al. nit len $ eats, ni.“. it , :ep an liiii Or honce Of PubliC Ett* , rtawrii, i i . --- , 1 wont away Ili-, bailie is ED t‘ Anti at he hag rind be will pray, , Sc c, and l-nir arid dart, evr-•, It I, tiria'Abl e that isuli tip ~, Row's. \ - ou NG. I rail; deny ilir i r 1 rue - nam es rind nes" it r ~I tscr ..lti In. for ion ronrort•in2 thew will 11. , gr a enilly ro•rrv o / toy The rooh.rciqned eiticella ttr (h.: 3d wird iir ril l . ni JOHN 'CELLI% Pittsburgh reetieerciilir certify 111.,' the a l,„ ‘ „, ~,m ~,d their ,Inirled paryos. Pri - ,t-rrt Flrof-I. aPltit'liftt 'too n g..ntleina. l of goon 1,_.„„.,... r„,i, limie "'" 9 _____--- it,cirimillitilaliiin l'or and temperance, and i, well try rile whh h, not. TO BUILD Eit S. room And e ,,,, eni,,,,e5. for the Din rims I p re - reit:4-d my it Thu reility 21ritli iodgittz orgranger4 VII trivelers, and thtt Said . tuvg I II 3 , st., by Ii e buildin g I rormlttre of the Aythodist rrolrrnli , Church of llto thy of A Ilyzaen: ;Inc the tyliw e ern N firCessaly. 1 hoildin 7 nr fur ille Stone Wort,. Prirk Work. Cari,rt.tr, Win Gilmore, JO mei Cherry, 4 1 Work. rhiglerine and Paintin g pop:lra/eh', lo.rloillioi r , ;VI 4 . in Paul, Alen Coiiptea, 1 the material, Plans arid .Pecificatinii, nay I. sera at ti:mitel harper R 'lit I,a2aa, the office of James Kerr in Aiirohenv, Thin; O'Neill, C Virt 131 nhariit , 1 I 11.1 S. %VERN', 1 Sarno. I Bird, Win Stevenson, E AV. STErfIENS, Jae 11 WI t.o,h, James Kerbev. I J AS. MENNEN , may 17 I AV M . K All NS, AV Al, T A E, i ypo the Itana, :a hl e h e Jo. ges of 'be court of General Aneßhen.r.MO Y 13, 1/143. (rnaylll.) Bnildisz,Corn. IJIL aliarer Segotonit of the Prato in and for the county i ------- - ------------- - of ,fellpgi.cnv. I CCPIN l'Y COM NI I SSION ER. _______ . it3:nhwur,i.:,•nir:).o,l smith of Ille Ohio 'Warble. —A n extensive strata of I 4 (1 ! „t ., r ri d ' o b r m , " l, : e i 1 i sl v e ,) " f r r ' T the otilieitation of a nuinner of fur ads of :ill pot the county afore. I A viral padre., 1 reepert fully oiler my self 1 , . the can 4104r, 5 t hi illisot Marble have been - discover- . raid. ItunlMY alleweth, A•fer a t ion or rry fellow citizen!, or th e of fi c e r I Count," i Thai your petitioner., :lave provided themeelve, whit V .. - 4 1 114EICkilOn county , Olijo. 1 romnikair. Thal my pent intents niny riot he iniguti materlate for lb. ncrotnatothitio n of travbferg and nil - 1 -- • .'"^, I derolonit. mis erci rot in political or private a ff airs, 1 ine al their dwelling house in t le city and ward aforesaid j tree , r , say that I have fern all illy lure a cononnent Ile and ',rave that y,ti r honors wilt lie picnib et t in Itra tit then , ' natoi,•, in , i n 11,p 1,,,, ,rust of the word. i Ag the enOnly n Iic , •IN C to krPp a pnhtir hooey of ewer:, tnihrill. :loft 1, ,r0m0.,101 ,toll:, in ils financial silo ire, and the your nett loneritao hi duly hound ~i 'l t" 3 t' E l reolllrl Iro n of ,:t la ries of pit , lie deicers has received the Mi N-1 n BEN & smITIr• npooroolonfin oo of !ar e .. major- I t ire of Ilp people, Inc under --- 1 Aizooftll I A ()It'd 1101 FIII old he hr so fortunrit no tn he etee I We, the enh, ei l liersiCOO7,l. 6 of the 411, ward of the ,! led. in ally o nto t o ro t o r Ooll , lll l it In resi s t Ibis ea luratv no ____, • city of Pitts, uri!ii i do certify shot I lkt. ab V.. pet' , t,,,,,. r ,, I form; should II reach th e o ffi ce or 1 'oltaly Crinniinnioner Woman's S'aperiority• — That Woman 1J n r ,.. „ r „,5„, 1 ~,,u, for lioem=te and temperacep. and are Isr 6: SA 111JEL lIIIBLEY ____ _____ die superior of man, two to one, 1.9 wltltly well provided will, ballot , room and roliventenries for I tatnied ,r atti,ais.o:idt:iivtenrnnain,,doeiod t. e of strangers and others, establish by a fair correspondent. '..Suphia' .arguas:—Bosto n Post. wiiiimnr e ,t. w.nr, Waite, ai Ftrvant,. ! A. C. Bell, 11. 1,.. Srliweppe, • Why term the fair the .weaker sex?' 1 Robert NlrCulehvOn. 11, Coulter 4- Co, (A foul aspersion, falsely cast!) Ivo) ‘lrcutriteon, John Alr,ll hews% Behold, when wordly storms pe,plea, . fi'm Alit'er, J. R. Irwin, - How bravely they can bide ti blast ! C. ft', ftirkelson, !Pm. l'armann Hi:, v :,'.O ConTn;ottnn,Mass., btit'e appmpriated 82,500, for ciefra ing thP expenee of relebrating the eneuing the 4th July in that ci:y. Governer C'avelantl, of Connecticut, in his r ecent message .to the re , gisliture, re- Cr/mrnends the passel:fp ova 11w ab.,l s hi nz capt(a p utshment in that Stmt., and sub• 41L1tatigg irppriannment for life. 'Ay. Thomas, of Arkansas, was latelv itirl4 by the kick of a h , ree. It is said the horse was insane. The body of a man, supposed to be that or Richard Bromley, was found flostin2 in the North River, at New York, on Mon day. ie Democratic majority in the Vugtuta Legistatuie will be about 20. s, avoid Abe night aiii—Lpceming Gas. And all other airs.—Ciitinnati lifes '-j:Sartioularly wild heirs. 'Lord or_ereation,' I iwcr tit y crest ! Strive IN yOU may—d o what you can— , Womatt g with all her fault.. c.ores , , Alkyst still he daub e VA!. 0 Van." '‘ll ST n 101J'--1---------. Z) A G" ENT I.EIIA N to - loir.rrirg to one of rhe airs! ancient : -. X . :led wca filly irrinirirs or ti to r•li . r , . who nn 1-t i4+ w, II known In no ,, ,,rnu: fi rends, !rosin.: since !Ire tear 13IR __ ..„_..„.... pp to reePn'iY• bean ' , fit meter V' double, and In, several . heart coi l ', mired in his had. Ira- , ticen restored to rood ~ • _DIED- w-t 4/ Stiil , 'll V the 2 , 1 4 . d t . a G rui , pt r . ca A pe A c ß u r a q i , e , , , i ; 1 etd—ii his his - re2 . aiiied his nal ut a / , reel posil lori—andlia. AliilitT. seed 63 ytere an carze, and nnw walks with ease I We . ..., 714r01 Pittsbutg h. heiler e tinf,, Is i lie ge n ' ie rra w s 0 „. .4 r r ir uPbf /IN 1(41 71i there isplynatwona friends and acqua i ntance, are re • i" no •rac "ratio,, in P. We will aive enquirers his llpillitea liasliasiod his funerfil at 4 o'vl ck P. M., athlr.-ss sod dour not his littinaiin frelin2s will el - ruse this .x., from hircittie reside, et ., un GI 0 ,,,, , Hi d. the, ither.y ; so film :the non doubting' may know the ir % . 4- , , 7 • ....... 7 ......_..........._ . _ ......... filrill ..- 111 (na7,11 ho rNil,st,, lii4 rams may tint apponr ~. • - •': 4 ' . NOTICE. print Annuls Other Ylllll ar Insianres, Mr James C. R cy. nolds, 144 C hrysile- , treet, has been restored, and will • salikeWorteral of Mr W Walker will take place zi „ e r e t. pe t r i solia I :ISSIIrn nees lr I hettraels of the rave. Both irciejWresidenoe, on Grant st., at 4 o'clock P. : 1,)L... ~ embers of I. () of 0. F, is requcated to iwion, iirase;;,sistah=,,inzt ? contracted cor.ll and sinews. t• .41 4 4#L - 00 7 1he ban .13 o'clock P.M. in full regalia. .inessee.—lty Ilte fudilrt Vegetable Er internally, . r, . ~,, .12 . and Berme Nerve and Bone Liniment eXternalle, train -,-. ComslOrk rOr I I . . sa e w tolesale an / retail at TUTTLE'S . , 8g FY/firth st :fi,l .'- • LOST. may 5.'0 • :... Arms; of sundry articles weighing 80 INltinds, mark beta tee eanai,. / 41 1101r:di, and Federal creel, Alit- r may ihr , Judges of the Court (.1 or t h e cottony of Allegheny. e•iebellaworth" unloc k : e a to he lost offs Dray TGGlehrieeral Q.lai ler Stssifin of the Peace in and ~ lillopor e - -A A nd person finding raid keg and leaving it at ' The petiti , in of Patrick Itignldsbey, oldie Ist Ward .4gssia t sod Gehintit's;Liberty street. will he liberal - Iv re- i .of the city of Patiburgh, in the county aforesaid, • I 'sengele•• may ?.n. . ...._ n•ou,dvstieweth, ..:'.IItepRTAN r •TO OWNERS OF That your petitioner bath provided himself wi;h .. r •' : ',.!' . 1:,.. '. aSA.W. itl IL LS. materiels for the accommodation of traveleta and _,. others, at hut dwelling house in the city afitressid. Itr ava nowtefinerivatied Self Setters for Sawmills which , prays that yonr honors wilt grant him a lecense alesig,sd fully tested in different parts of the 1 and to keep a public house of entertainment. And your ow* prop. aVilrell as in the elites of Pittsburgh and etitioner es in dwy hound will pray. leVeent:. can kesto In operation at a number of petitio ner , _ Allo* nelaiteorhood , viz: at Mr Wickersham's PATRICK I NGOLDSBY. al: 41 Sawmill* rtrambers• mills. near We, ate subscribers, citizens of the let Ward. ;Ajtes,marritidcoond at Monition' s mills on Pittsburgh, do certify that the above petitioner is of k tri, illoonitgotocaissl'ether , . The above named machine good repute for honesty slid temperance, and is eat-utriaici at pp ; w, wsitare's shop on Liberty et, w.. 11 (1/sided with o h n on_so room and conveniences mikat , wilere ft is fitting op. and where the ers and strangers, and 1 7, r the P a mm • gissmailliii - *PI becenetitnify kept on bands . Asset, to n, t °" - --cla ti of trave l avert] is necessary. may $ i 1° • :_. :, ._._.__„...*."....,.._.........,______________.._.______' P rdis A lirllV ' W- Wallace' 3111e9 Poland, ' • • -,,.. ~_•: . PEACH TREES. 8 Clemmer , Irlassernisor nail jaw received from the - Nursery Jamee CePsily, !, Leediesli eat reltoefleurfattlatleiphia,a he of Geo Stevenson, tie eSeillets eleletief ofteddi' Then to wheelie world Wm McMullin, volt VOlMlliroutifkit iklikpaisseei - P.l. SNOWDEN, A Wilson, - No, JB4, Warty' et head of Wood. may " 20_41 3 L ts • • .7 7 _ , ....„„!!_tmmftwisamomm tt r arVikVER6I POO MAY 22, 1843. Regatta. ILast tuglit but rout or Mr:tionnor's Engagement M°11433Y BVeni ng , WaY Zind, will he performed :Shakspeare's celebiuted T , ngedy of ROMEO AND JULIET. Romeo, Mr Connor. I Jinirt, Mrs. Flynn. The whble to conclude with the Melo Drama and high Legend 01 the WHITE HORSE OF THE PEPPERS. In rehearsal—RlCHLlEU Doors open at 7 o'clock, Performance to corn. mence at 'Alf past 7 Lower Boxes, 60 cents I Secona Tic, 37icents Pit 25 ". Gallery 12i cans Auction. F.VINEETOCK ,t Co, Suecessots to J R rie, otd stand corner of St h and Wood sts having com at plied with the requisitions of the new Aucii' tiun Law, •re prepared to make advances on Consign• ments and to sett on favoralne terms. They hope by cm/dittoing to make ready Fairy and prompt returns, to receive a fair poriin n of business. Pittsburgh. A pril let 1843 In retirinz from the Auction Lusitteo. I take ;re pleasure In recommending to the peril ic iiteesre. comae. Fabsteemek 4. Co.. who have romp tea with the require mcnis of the new Auction Law and will do bus mss at toy old stand. J. 13. april 3 184:3. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! pinup ROSS has returned from th e Eastern cities, I and Is now receiving a splendid asaort merit of Fancy and Staple Dry Coods. to which the attention of pur cha,erts is respectfully Invited. These Goods will he sold at very low prices, the moat is !Item at a Areas sacrifice. Pe, sons wisittn., to par chart! will find it to their advantaee to call al N 0.59 Noult—wert coerce of Market and Fourth streeta, where henry ti raairs wit! he offered Iliad can be afforded by any n het e•la , duotrneo I the ei,y. 11,R1' 50K EGS of SHOT riaso.iteri, fir by •Ti, v JAMi..S MAN FOR C min INCiNNATI. The steamboat CUTTER. Co mat , .'er. will depart for the above and iifier_ oue.ll4te p 0.14 cn Frid ry allo o'clock n. m, For fru or p ougauze apply on board or to 13111 It N(7 , 11.‘M ti•Cn. now 19. rothe. Hotior.title the Judges of cuti•t /3 f..ora I Quarter Sessions orate Pe.tce in arid for the G county of A lieg na tt y l'lterpetition of Win. Warren.of Pitt township, in the county aforesaid, !ninthly shewelli, Thai your p-titioner hall' provided liiriluelf with ma ieria!s for the a c commodation oft raven'', and others, at hi