7- , • 7,c ?`t PVRLISHED BY I*OS. PHILLIPS & W. H. SMITH, CORNER OF WOOD 4. FIFTH STS IreaMs.......FIVE DOLLARS a year, irayslde In itilvtate e Single copies TWO CENTS—for !aide at the Ilinistr ter:the office, and by fleas Boys. ' 4 1194e, Mercury and Manufacturer e peiblisited WEEKLY, at the same office, on a dsitinte Ineditom abaft., at TWO DOLLARS a year, in ad. wanes: elogte copies, SIX CENI.IS. • ' Terms ti • PILIt'SQUA Rll OP TW :. , Ona Insertion. 0.50 I :,11 . 14 laeartions, 0.75 iress Insertions, 1,00 lie week, 1,50 1 we weeks, 3.00 ' I- , tkree weeks. 4,00 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS CRAMEN•Int k? rtt►eest. ..OAR &mgrs. 7104. Squares fir taantits. er.:-. $13.K1 I Six mouthy, $23.00 Oie year. • 25.00 t One year. 35,00 reLarger athreri hsementa in prornrOon. CA RtiS of,fitar 'lines S Dotcatt a year. PUB 14 1 O'F'F ICE S, &C. -:Om Pon , Orrice. Third het ween Market and Wood Riddle, Postmaster. Caveat R4ctsa, WaterAth door from Wood St. Peter likeehnChilals--Nalor John Wittoek. Collector. Tesausits, Wood between First and Second trusta--Ineses A. Bartrarn, Treasurer. Gomm Taaaattas. Third street, next door to the Third Fr esbytarmn Chtirett—.'n. R. Johnston, TrerlSllrcr. Ilanos'a Oretcn, Fourth, between Market and Wood iltelrll-41rxrinder flay, Mayor, ntatestier's &scanting, Fourth. near Market at: RANKS. Frrreenressa,itetareen Market and Wond streets, on ratrd add - reatidt streets. Idearraasrre Astra MikattrarTattatts' FARI4IIIIII . Dr. .1111 T Manx, (fortastly Saving Feed,) Fourth, betwcen iraesd and Market atreete. CSCHaIt.% Fifth street, near Wood. MOTCI.S. SIONONGILIHIC4/. Clouse. Water street, near the Bridge. Excetimaa Rom.. corner of Penn and St. Clair. Illaitcstaters' Heise, corner of Third and Wood. Astaittcast HoTat.,conner of Third and Smithfield, ......___tferma.SlßPres. corner of Penn street and Canal. -- lia.satearatar., Liberty street, near Seeenth. Omuta. illattetes Souse, Liberty St. opposite Wayne .11pumnaossr Mattmcm House, Penn St. opposite Canal, kitCNSERT WOODS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW.—Office remo te& Xi !aßesents's offices on Grant st., neatly opposite tie maw Coact Holm, next rooms to John D. Mahon, tt 000 r. sets 10 MR TONER, Attot Rev at Lam. North to=t corner Offintthlkeld and Fourth street*. sep 10—ly bircA.NDLESS & M'CLURE, Attorpeys and eounsitiors at Law: 0111ce in the IharittruL hack tile Mt evert House, Pittsbarzh . . *PP 10 411141117NR. it FINDLAY. Attorneys at Law. Fourth at., ND above wood. Patsbur:h. sep 10-Iy. Attorney at Law, Firth, between Wood and Smithfield sta., Plttatiorgh. sap 10-1 y %WA. O'HARA. ROBINSON, Attorney at Law; Office on the await side of the Dia mond.netwee9 Antal and Union streets, up stairs rep 10 .f. DURBORA.W, Attorney at Law; lenders - mir e - his prormionalservices to the public. Office on Plllll Street. above Wood, Pittskicelt, sep 10 ipYSTEIIt 1. BUCH Attyriteys at Law, office resmwed from the Dtsetond, to "Attiworey'sitow," ilady side of Fourth street, between Market and Wood tarp 10 BUCKMA.STER, AT'ILNEY AT LAW, i mss' basrimotred his ottice to Rea res's I.aw Build .begs, !Werth street, sieve m , ['Au:burgh. wplA I GRIM W. L.At TWO. Attorney a; Law, Office PO. 54 Filth street. sear the Theatre, eittiJur g ii. _volit—fy • - *ICAO?. AISIIINGT ON, 1117TORXRY AT LA rr. —Office in Bakenielo4 Grant street, Pittsburgh. Nov. 5. 1842. 11011iti MITCHELL— Attorney at Laic, office OUP corner of Smithfield and sth els Pittsburgh. Irr Collections made. A I 11t18111C35 entrusted to his are wilt be promptly attended to. feb 16-19* E.IIIOV AL. -a. Morrow, Alderman; otti e north MAW' Ade of Fifth it., between Wood and Smithfield INN F4tAharth seP I 0 Ink R. B. R. HOLM ES, Office in Second street, next door to Wilvany 4. Co's Glass Warehouse Rep 10-1 y TWINS ruN trr I'OCKTON, llootrAeilers, Printers an 11. ' Palley illanufaciarers, No. 37. Market st. sep 10-1 y jr,ati ANDERSON . Smithfield Fonstdry, Waler st. pear the Allonongab.la House. Pittslamb. sep 10-ly T1K511418 B FRANC/8 1., YOUNG. YOUNCr St CO., Furniture Ware -Rownit, turner of Hand at. it Exchange Alley. rirpottu slaiihing to purchase Furniture, will find it to thir ad van, nue to give us a call, helot , Cully satisfied that weens please as to quality and olive. rep 10 66 BBLS. PLANTATION MOLASSES.S. nseieed per Steamers Little 'Den and Feln - rn, and fur J. C. k A . GORDON 12 Water street male by en• 27 %least*, D. Corstave........ • LOYD R. COLEMAN eg WAWA/V . 4. CO.,clene:s. Agents, Forwarding and . Commission Meretasts Levee Street. Vicksburg Wu They respnetruilyso.tet t consignments. 1122 T 'Of CLOSEYO Buet and Shoe 111 a nufacto. . • r y,No. 83 Fourth St., next door to the U. States ..latitikt. Ladies Prune's, Kid and Satin Shoes made ;n quit neatestmanner, and by the nevrestlrrench patterns. *sap 10 A@DEN TOOLS, ennsisting of Hoes. Fancy Spades Transptanting Trowels, Eddiny Tools, Budding n her Prnning Knives, Craning Shears. etc., Jost re. berablied -and tor ale by F. L. SNOWDEN. lisp le Ig4 Liberty street, head of Wood. ASINTRATES'iILANKS, for Twoceedlnps in At 4.M lacilwa4tnt under theUtte law, for sale at this Office "• JE PETITIONS, NOTICES, &C.-- 1 = tined In Bankruptcy proceedings, printed on • ,autd In teat forms approved by t he Con rt,for sate ' - •Cpte Mercury and Democrat. pep 10 WH. HUBBARD, Ladies' fashionable boot and -shoe Manufacturer, No.lol, Third :•reel, between 'Mood audiihnithfield streets, Pittsburgh aep 10 .IrAB. PATTERSON, J r., Birmln;ham, near Palsbargh, IP --Pa., Manufacturer of Locks, Hinges and Bolts: To. "Ow. lalkr . Mill and Timber Screws: Hottoon Screws for , 11,41gg Mills, kc. sep 10—Iv -I[OIIIXJPOLOSKEY. TIAN:or and Clothier. Liber.y ihlir „mos, between Sixth and Itlizia alley, Sonia side. NO j it 4 'A GORDON. Commission aad Forwarding fli Willeiritits, Water at., Pittsburgh. sep 10--1 y Hi Ingham ar. Co. N AND FOA WAADLNO NKR. , Ft , No 60 Water street, Pillsbargh Pa. M and Shipping 5 cents per 100 lbs. oa horeltsus and sales 2/ per east. -UM _ B. MORROW 9 :ktilternAltelVlCEß of Ton, Copper and Shaet Trot gwe v Go. 17, Fifth at., between Wood and Val a?; • - 4000114iontontittly on hand a good Ram Uncut of wares, ilts a ihare of public patronage. Alle. on hand, ag a itielei: Shovels. Pokers, Tongs. Gridirons, ._4.1 6. I Tnaltatuen, Pots, Ovens, Coffee Hills te. Het others are invilnd to call and examine for . , at