Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, May 20, 1843, Image 4

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    ii•-` - '.]; 7 l• 7 ii.W
St. two doors frost tAa U. S. Beak. Wet Tr
Cladsrtaker reqpretfrltly.informv the public that h
kg removed his catty made coffin warehouse to the
rerently ,erupted hy Mr. R. G. Berford,direetly
Opposite his oldst Intl, where he la always arepared to at
•nd promptly to any orders in his line, and by strict at.
lantion to alt the detalla of the hostile:is of an Undertaker
Ile hopes to merit politic confidence, He wilt he prepared
at ♦terioaas to provide Hearses, Biers. C I laces end
every requtsite on the mos 'literal let ins. Calls from the
twentry will he promptly attended to.
file residence Is In the same building with his ware
kottee, where thole - who need his services may find him
st any time. 111.r.1 , 2116210E5:
W. W. IRWIN, RV/. JOTIM ra.krlC.D. D.
Strztor Parron.
W.l. 3ect.vitz,
elm of indlVidnal9ls very numerous. They are those
whowork in en unheilthy otino.iiere. Printers. work
leen in feather 1000.3, stone ruiners, bakers, white lead
paa y aa r arer ,, arc all MOM or 16.1.. Allillf`rt 10 illseaso ac
cortlintr.to the st reneth of their constitution. The only
method to prevent discaot, is the °erosional use of a
medicine which elhoracts from the circalat ion all &deft
sinus homers, anti expels thein by the bowels. Tonics'
In any form are injurious, as they note dir (lie evil
}lay to make it more fatal. Tire use of rantiret It's Pills
will insure health, because they take all impure matter
nut of the blond; and the hotly It not wenke fled Mil
strensthenett by their operation, f,r the,te vain ible Pills
do not force,tut they artsig nature, and are not oppesed,
but Itanaoatze with her.
Rohl at Dr. ilrandrPth's .e. No. 93 Wood street,
Piti.thursn. Price 25 cents per !Inv, with Nil divert ions.
111 ARK—The only place In Putstoirch where the
GRAM N E Pills ran he obtained, is the Doctor's own tf
Wood street. sep 10
Ls ! what In:lk ,, )(Jur teeth so 'tonsil:lily w ;tile 7
JOSlt's dulrinia to lino t'o;lter
To make yours toots so, with a :trio, replied TOO.
I've brought you a bottle of l'ltorns' Toot ti Wash,
'Cis the best now in One, so the 7,t-tntlecoilis say,
And shire they have tried itin, cant all (Pi 11,r= away
But to prove it the bent, to make i 1,1.4.111i:1one,
Look attain, toy dear pa!, at the ionic of mine.
Then try t: is great tooth want,
The Teaherry tooth tv.1,11,
And see if this Tooth Wash of Thorn's is not fine
liatrittz tried Dr. "Thoru's Tea Berry Toren IV 3sl),'
and become nertainied with the in2redienis of its compo
sition,l cheerfully say, f compile, it one of tie safest, 00
It is our of the most pleasant Tooth Waol - en now in use.
Pittsburgh Sep. 15,1842 0 %V IDIIIIN 'l', Dent kt.
- 1 take pleasure In staling, having made use of , Thorn's
Tea Berry Tooth Wash," It:A it is one of the bet den
trincee in use. Being in a liquid form. it combnes neat
ness with convenience. While It clear.ses the enamel
and remaves the tartar from the teeth, its perfume velds
a fragrance peculiarly desiraMe. J. P. 12TTS. N. D.
Tke undersianed have used nTho , n's rompnund Tea
Berry Tooth Wash," and have (mind ii to be an extreme.
ly pleasant dentifrice, esercieing a most salutary Min.
'care over MC Teeth and Cum.; preservin: linen
pensable members from premature decay. preventing the
oecomitintion of Tartar. and purifying the Breath. liar
thoron;hly tested its virtues, we take pleasure In re
commenilintt It in t he public. lielieeing it to be the beet at
tide of the kind nnw in use
Prtrmred and sold by t4ILLI XNITI I( N. Anotheca ,
ry and Chemist, N 53 Markel yi reel,' Potshnrgh; and
at nll Ihe printipa Draggi.te, and Tull le's Nledlcal Agen.
sr. Fourth street. Rep
111TER ESTI \GCUR Enerformed byDr.Swayne's
Compound Syrup of Prunus Vrginiano,or Wild Chi:,
rgt.sitaving made u..w of this invaluable Syrup in my family,
which entirely eared my child. The symptoms "pre
wheezing and choking of phlegm, difficulty of
attended with constant conch, spains, coo v. l-ions. A.l
OrWhICII t had given upall hopes of its recovery until I
was advised to make trial of this iiivalualde
After Seeing the effecls it had upon Inv child, nod con
cluding togr w ake the sawn trial upon my- , .f, width PI,.
ire's , relieved me Fifa rough that I was lallicied with for
Tarn) , years. Ann person tv knit, 7to see me ran ra at
En, bouse in Beach Strtei, ahove the Market, Kensington.
J. Witxo.t.
We call the attention ot . .he public to the numerous
eeettfieates which have hero In circulation in our paper
and some otters of this city, hizhly recommending Dr.
Bvesssu's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry.—We have
seen th^ original cerl ifirates. and have im ilonht but thee
tome ream truly grateful heartz.expre.:Rive of I h••
whit h they have received iron tt.al vainnble contl , ound.
We have acquaintances who have frequently need the
above medicine. who ran .pe.ik with confidence of its
vim ei—Sotarday Chronzele.
Fra.t,ow Crnzunc—With sincerity I would advise
you. one and all. I - 01h nick and well, ahl'alß to have a
biettleof Dr Sw►vss'sromponnd t3yrup of Wild Chem
In ynur hones—it le invaluable in cases of ernercenry,
such as SpWhiz of Rood, otta , k9
Couzhliir, whirl is often the ',Mk' of spittinc of bloom
Vloltut Nerydifs Affection., which occasionnlly come
from fright, and various other image., producing :real
•farm. MildNl Cottle from improper ezmrfire. which
are erten let run to an altirtninz extent, for want of
meats bring ready at liand;—and an I have flit Dr.
SwATHE's Compound Syrup of tVild Cherry repeatellY
In my family, and always with marked noccens—l can
recommend it with confidence as neina tine of Ihe lien
family medicine. which hae ever been offered to the
public.—Saturdau Chroniclr.
Ford by Wm. Thorn. Wholecale ,j• Retail, only nterl
Inr Pqrsburtili. N 0.53 Markm cep 10
7. Durertno—On Friday, the 30th of laa month, about
9 o'clock at nicht, the Planine.Groovins and :Iqll Nlan
ufactory, owned by Gay, nilwarlli 4- co, wit-h a large
quantity of dressed and indressed lumber, was all consu
wed by fire.
The Iron Safe which T hou2ht of yon some ti me hark
vras in the most ernosed situation &Irina the fire, and
Was entirely red hot —I am pleased to inform you it was
opened at the close of the fire,and all the hooks, miner,.
/te.sayett —this is the best recommendation
,I can" give of
the utility of your safes.
oet 24—i I. Trio Nt A S 01 COTT
Unrivalled Blacking,
MANUFACTURE() and sold whole•tale and retail
Sin Bt T, one door below Smithfield.
net 21-1,1.
TOEIN BUT reßworcrti. .Ructioneer and Cc/runic.
tit* A/o-chant, Louisville, KY.. will attend to the
sale °Meal Estate, Dry Goods,G.oceries, rnli tire, fe•
le. Regular sales every Tuesday, Thursday. and Frl
day mornings, at 10 o'clock. A. M. Cash advances made
won coinlgnments. - sep 10
• P caw FrELD has removed his trartill risiahlish•
mint to Wood et. opposlie Fahnesiork's Diu2
fribbeowbese be will keep constantly on hand Tomb
inttliff i ntkustrietsUrr C. op 10-Iyr
ononom. Portrait rai•tcr, Fourth Ft.. 3.1 .1 nrz.
Aro alerkiegliiiihfing. Ophorne would Imlielt a trill
min *me who oraif• rortrottg. Pporlerterls ran ha
lan at Ma mama. may S.
J.A.MES P tr.
C 11.15 Y SCULLY.
- - • AllgOLU'rE HEAI4 - 41.1.; -, : -. :
1 ,00U
TRMLS and di sueeinitot prove
TRACTOR Inemirnaltle, It not oafl earesquicker, hut
gives no additional pant, nor leaves a %rear. Fire Is post.
lively rendered harmless. ($lO tuts been offered sin
months to any person returning an empty box, and !laying
that all:I:any on anointing is not extracted i.. a few min -
'ties, yei not one from thousands of trials since has claim
ed the bonus.) Parents an xious to guard against genera
injnries, and save time, fortune and life, and prevent
their offspring .from being disfigured by burns, or even
small pox pu*tules, (It possessing the enviable power to
replace thecellutary organs destroyed.) can do so by oh
, Ininingt.qs inimitable salve. Maay deeFly burnt cases
1 la the city can be seen, and oneentire face burnt over and
Wounded three distinit idines in the same spot while Heal
in!, yet In no case can be traced the least cleat rice or
markt For all kinds of hurls its rarrd soothing effects are
also importantleven sore eyes. all inflamations arid !no
ken breasts world he unknown. The toilet and nursery,
, or rienring the skin of pimples. removing chafe, etc., w ill
find II indispensable. One using only will forever e,tal
lisp it iltesovereign HEAL-ALL quality. Ater this no
, lice, heads of (unities allowing torture for months, and
i nil imately diitor'ed features. ran never n lire away re.
proach, Juicily tittered by a disabied child, for neglecting
to triumph ewer file.
['Altered :treading In act of Congress, A. D. 11141, by
contatsek 4- Co , in I lie rim 1..':, I 'flit. of the DiKtriet Court
of the Culled Stales fur Hie Southern District of New
Warranted the only gentilne.
Conisiork 4. Co., oilinh-iale Drio.zigisiii, N. York, have hri•
come ti,. .o'e azenis for NI r Dailey, in i
ra for :111 Alinrdera most he addec•ae•d in ihe•m.
The only In be had at TuTTLE'S V , • dical
Nov 15
Av.ney, $t:Z Pt .:rlll street
1R OBERT PORTER, .ittorney at ha al. —office
IL on the corner of Fort 11 And 51161101..1,1 ser 10
Looking Glass Manufactory.
A n d 11,,use Furm,h;eg Warehouse, 101 IVo.'d
Slr"et, near s:h
riiiir. his arranivm , q,t,
at new stand, I: now to offer to his
d lle pu ntic, a la r:e nod complete I.l 4 lloriglipt,l
of Lookinv. Glasses. and lloiwelerni•hing Hardware.
Cat prices to slut the times)
Pier and Mawr.' Clacleit in Gilt and Ilniwilany
Pramee,ofthe must approved and supe iur workman
Tnikt Gla.ses wtt h 1. :2, 3. 4 and 5 dr3wer,,
Common. stained, anted, and p Ilar (ranted Glasses
snitahte for Mershanls. (nr those want 1, rt, ar , )
Japanned Hailers and Trays oralt rotors and patterns.
!saly handle Knives and Forks. in setis or dozens.
Burk and Bone Imitate Table Cutlery.
Carving Knives fi nd Forks. do.
Dixoti's Britiania aleial lea rand CWT.-, Pate (sin-
pert or 0rta1 . 1..)
American Mannfaciu ;elm in t rtes, or stogie plerett.
Getman Silver ' Tea and Table Spoons,
Silver lasted and Brasq Canclle= Irk=. Semretrt do,
Rrittania Lamm - r, roc bar - tong Sperm or Lard Os!
ItrasQ ar d Wire Fire Fenrlm., ,ention:
Fcc Shnvrla and Ton_., !Pon , . kr,
WWI a Variety of miter tiri :00 1111merou , In M•n
ion, aII of ,r,..ch I.ltrf.rf..l 31 1110 '1,W1,1 cunh pri
N.P I'or:rat?, nihrr T'ra min_ otnt, r
gliorteo oolice,repalti.la oral] In. Lank
1tp2(31.• , 2 pinl, c,hv Inr InIX nr ,irlVe Print.. for Fla
rot,taialy on rand
Headache! Headache !
Dr. BR01).11.:'S DI - 5PEP7 . 111 PILLS.
R E 11.11 V n lit ihon , ind , 11101 , 1 plzrani
nllll^t ion al %,•••' I 1,./11 -
I roverlilOrf.)ri a I iinir Dl's7.l:pst t '.ViIl
~. urTerlng only :1 , 1; a mon hri. Mier,d. II I hut II IV( 1,1
known of the positlre efert.: of Q:0,2 P,?!.1. ~,r1 Ii Ili c
do not hear flior , 1V:1 , 11 0v pr:ii,4l on , l
too! Ihnn any other, 11 , .en Ir t I!vn, 1,1 lanv „
row remark+, all (Ailey or itoa7e,' e‘edoded,
and n 01.111112 tvi'.l 111' .ail rf tile;r roe, 0. at am tone
but what ed n lie fairly proved by re , perdo mlrt loci Tit err 01
Read Ihr folowinz rrflifirale 2h.3.3 by a r,port3' le
elliZ ,- 33 of 11.1ailpriv r3ly, 0 11., 11•11 1 , 1, 0 , .•
eq of the etairt crCnitimm, 1'1,19 of ‘ll4 -, 21 ,, ,y
A LLEGnyNy lily, ry 9. 1":43•
DR. Bizornic.
Dear Sir—l 11:,r0 fur a vr..fr .1 , 10 Fern
fllrlyd with a s'vim and ano
rlvranue , ll. , .iii of Anniaell and neit
thriozli I 11,1%, .;tkpla lie rlt every kind of M re ,
commended r'or ila core. hdvr Ile‘er niale
riot fii awl! I Ige.' Amite of your truly Valtral.:e An .
II Di havefaker quilt! I wo 11. , ce.4 and
rn,lhdrr myself perferily relieved 1 . 1,1151 ;lint din!rrs..ll2
' , Mill:dill. I have no ia r.ckYrinielidlll.2. 0111
Pills a• the lies( medicine I have aver
I am a , piloced ‘rith Mr, IiI) i)eit
Don in rortifyluz Dial I consider ill, statement , of rilr,
T. rt - sitsct in: I)r. iftwitu ' s • its. as ent Wed In tor 1110,11
pPrrer rlfl en , ire er1,111,11,,r. fire:ll D
ror fli tad al Dir 9rodutilan Pill
; on 1 Ly all authorised a
smuts I tlr ' on, , 2l , mit I 111 ,
alle'r oily Jan 9
Adams' Patent "ItauThphy"
now been lip Core
Ito! 3 years dis•
ring which time
have lirrn sold
and in daily use, We are
tieing sustain, d
in is:ly ing they are the best
L'otTre Mills in the United
States, any way you 'fin it.'
Several modifications are
mildew suit the fancy of
wives and the purses of
Sold by the :roes or dozen
at the Inn nitractory.---
Malleable Castings made to
Fairbanks , Patent Platform Scales.
These genuine articles, of all slzr.s, and most improved
varieties,constantly on hand and for nal , at very reduced
prices try the manufacturer, L. It. LIVINGSTON,
roar 2. —if Pront het ween Ilo=9 and Grant stn.
Upholstery Furnishings.
TILE sub.crilyer respectfully tnforms his Friends and
the Pu!die that he has Just opened the store No•
30 Fifth street. near the Exchange Bank, and adjoining
Mr J D Williams' Grocery—where he intends to manu•
facture In the beet style, and have ready for sale a full
assortment of the first quality of Upholstery Furrlish•
ingt, seen as Hair, Shuck and Straw" alattra•rm.. Fcath•
er fled...ttarkingq. Rre.n. bleb he whl sell for Cash at near
ly 100 per cent less than former prices.
ALSO:Sofas, Chairs, ete Upholstered. carpet? madc.
and Curtains arranged eller the newt it fashions—All of
which he offers iu execute in a manner unequaled In
Mixer unsurpassed In any other eity. •
'y-Hots important It is that pan contmenie without
toss OrlilTle with BRAIIDIULT/e• PILLS. They mildly but
surely remove all Impurities from the blood,and encase
of sickness can affect the human frame, that these cele-
Mated Pills do not relieve as much as medicine can do.
Colds and coughs are more henehtied by the Brandreth
Pills than by focengee and cannies. Very well, per
haps.as paliatives, but worth nothing as eradicators of
diseases from the human syltem. The Bearinerrn Pads
cure, they do not merely relieve, they cure diseases,
whether chronic or recent•, infectious or otherwise, will
certainly he cured by the use of these all sufficient Pills.
SING Sin°, January 21,1843.
Doctor Benjamin Brandretk—Honored Sir: Owing to
you a dein of gratitude that money cannot pay, 1 ern
Induced to make a public aeknowledgemlint of the benefit
my wife has derived from your invaluable pills. About
three years this winter she was taken with a pain in her
ankle, which soon became very much inflamed and
swollen, so much Kittle( we became alarmed, and eent
for the doctor. During hisattendance the pain and swell
ing increased to an alarming degree, and In three weeks
from RA first commencing it became a running sore
She meld get no rest at night the pain was so great.—
Our firt.i. Doctor attended her for six months, and she
received no benefit whatever, the pin growing worse,
and tine sore larger till the while. Dc said if it was heal
ed up it would be her death, but he appeared to he at a
loss how ID proceed, and my poor wife stilt continued
to sneer the most terrible tortures. We therefore .ought
oilier aid In a Botanical doctor, who said when he first
,aw it that he could soon cure the sore, anti give tier
rase al Once. To our surprise he gi ye her no relief.
ant acknowledged that it baffled all hi. , skill.
11' it nit; one week, to the astemiglitnent of onr.
gelves and every one who knew of the race.
and the in thinner; ion began ;o rem, go that she gone
cagy. and would glee', enorfortably. and, Rir, alter `O,
wrrki' tine dile Won OLdf. 10 an tllrott It IhC hou.re, and
again attend to the management ol • her faintly %Odell
ghe hail not done for nearly 14 Mout lig. In a little over
two monitor from the 'line she lirgl rommenced the use
of your invaluable Mlle, her ankle wos untie Round, and
her !mann berer than it had been I•t guile Oen t im e r of
yeare before. I send yon 11114 statement wo yr are
lest of the cure. cangidering it only an act of Jn+ti , •e to
von and the public ar large,
We are, with much gra nude,
Very re,rect
'IIM(1T11 4- r.T.IzA A. I.ITI'I.E.
_ _
P. R. The Botanical Dortor prnnunnred the note can•
felotln. anti tinatly said no ;plod ron'd Lr done. unless IPr
whole of the flesh was rut ofT, and the hone scraped.—
Thank a kind Providence, thi: made re:ort In ynor
ollls, who'll saved its frnm all Iturthrr mistily . , and lir
which we hope t lie thankful.
rrSofil at 25 rents per hoc, la it h dtrertion,
ots, eve the new laheis, earl' havina• Upon it Iwo Si 2
natures of Dr. Ilrandreth. So earl itt. of the genttlite
ha: sly signalutes-1 firer! Brij onto Brain44oh and three
It Rrandreth upon it.
The only plat.' let Plltshort:ll whirr the real Bran
!'inn roll I.' the DOi Inc'..Own office,
Nn. 9'l. ‘Vooil street, het wee!, t ill and D , ntsto, d a Iry
Mark the ernulne Bra ildreth Pill, can never he obtained
in any ilrnz store.
The roli.,vin z are I k :Proe appniniptt by Dr. I
Minnilrtith, for ibr Fa:, Vrlriable Univer , al
in Ileghriny count):
Judson & Finnegan,
TTORXE IS AT 1-4 if. Smohfiosl near 7th rr el.
:IL.Cnitr tinns rnude on mode•ule trrnor. ref 13,10,14
f o r widows /nf Nd soldiers under the late art of von_
vr.e, olitalncd r:rpror:nrl drritylitv for Ihe of
mar 17—tv
fire. prepared
I II N 1,,d n I l.rr and r oil 11.1,ortril
1 . 1•/101.STEll , V r: a! z; 0...1
vointLer Idt , iness. rind 1111 prrpaf.,ln, .hors ' , Wire ui Are
all orders eni rusted TO rue. My stork in mitre!). new.
mails of Ihe 1.ef.1 inatertak, vCI hr sold nt prices to mtill
llr i Imes. NTerriiints will find Inc well prep.,. d
their orders on the rest term:, for any deer rl;dion of I'p
toil.oer v 1,0411. 1 .. .., their eli:Cionier , , and l6r co 1700 4 wow.
1,4 N,ry arlir'r 11 ery line, will he nrotilplly se; ved. and
heir Incur , Thankfully Ter. , . ed.
'V i Nit rt I.E. I'lio/.tr•rer.
Wood st . Dear I he river.
I k R.E.MIEItRITT,DCNTIST,uyicr asmith
brtlvre, Second and 1'.1,,f SI,, Hours of
byto , s,fra.m 9 A. M. WI 4 r.
Dr. E. M. n•antifart• re, rrnrelain and \llneral teeth.
, Ulll.ll , (11 , v t he lOU unit,cle t•,•th. k.
ni r , .01. ‘, ,, h a 'wan' suit, or nart•
of s. will he ninele In triter a! il,e khorto.i 1101 ire. it,
t•lnCi linr.re,lon of the mouth.
,a 6• a rew ,v1:1) Pnp•ry '11•F.I,1 for v - Ivtlitiz
t , 1nr ,, •:,1 If (1:1 so dScful 10 the Dentill_al.
rold In% for c.,dt. der .23.
1)1I,IfR cow l ! by the lee of Dr. !farOrb'. rompouoil
Flren2lllPoing and
Ire. !farlich —Dear Stir oiler 1 ,eceived the
12ene, fooln you for the Pale for VOW' inedn Ice, I
, 1n,•41 an Arun:moaner , wi It a lady of Mk place, whu
w:,,,verely afflicted will, the Pllc.. ro' r 1:11t! or lon
,1 eats this Indy was p 11110.6 frequent painful attacks,
I,r phrdcian considered her cane , c) comPliraled.
very seldom presco !bed medicine for her. Thron2ll
I. , perPlia.lon. she commenced usinu your Pills, and was
perfrrur eltlrd• Vow , . kr. JAMES R.KIRRY
(11.1.‘tq, 1 110. Chnmberebuf, Pa.
FT - A ittire and I:enera I Depot, No. 19. North Ei;hl It
t‘ll rect. Philadelphia. And by Sa mite! Frew, rorner of
Lihert v and Wood SiT II)
F_OP. carrying Merrill:onolige and Produce In and from
Pillsl.lll2ll. Phitodelplba, ll.olt 'noire, New York and
Potion, by Inc Prodooslvailia Canal and Rail road, on
cnliray temperate priorip . v:
5• , ,/ !: of Ilia lint ronsho . - of opt,. lar2e Tidewater boats
Ilt,Fly for I Mir Nome, with all the modern iin
prfr'ellil analbuilding; of a .11/e1:11111,1113Ill Sti ppt y
of forg rate cars on the Porta,te Railroad; awl a lull sap
ply of , drong and rommooliomi Pennsylvania hours be.
litres Johnoitawn and Pittsburgh; all of which wig he
conducted by nflir. industrious mod experienced captains
iod osoperinicoodenis, Charges will he paid on all good;
intended lo be shipped from Pioi,Moirr h to Philadelphia,
Pa iimnre, New York or limiton, and consigned Lo James
Diakev M., Cu, nal Basin, corner of I,lloerty and I,Voyne
and will he prom pi ly attended to and forwarded with
d,...pair h.
j , )13--ly
All Goods. and produce Intended to he shipped from
Philadelphia roastwi,e, or via the Delaware and' Rari
lan Canal.land consigned to Sart, Andrew and McKever,
will be received at their warehouse, first wharf above
Rare street, Philadelphia, and shipped directly from
thence without additional handling or expense; a lineof
Boston packets connects with the line at this point--
Shippers are invited to examine the stork of this line
and judge for themselves,before shipping by any other,
as their Interest will be advanced by shipping by it, the
proprietors being determined to exert themselves to the
utmost of their ability for the interest of their custo
mers and prosperity of theirline.
Insurance can he effected clipper by this line than any
other, as the route Is considered the safest.
Hart, Andrews j. tdrKever, from Philadelphia and Bal
timore to lionlaystinrg.
Henry L. Patterson, from Hoilidaysitgrg to Pittsburgh.
Hart, Andrew• 4- MeKever, Philadelphia
Elder, Celston 4- Co.. Baltimore.
lleury L. Patterson, Hollidaysburg.
Jessee Patterson, Johnstown.
James Dickey 4• Co. Pittsburgh.
JAMES BLAKELY, tonlinties to execute all kinds of
effl wriiines,*nch ax Deeds, Mortgages, Apprentices In•
dentures, Articles of Partnership, Letters of Attorney,
WitiFotC. ¢',in a neat and legal manner, and at Italia
ormer et:target, at his 414 stand Peon street, near the St It
ward market house. kb, 2.5.
Thus we fell Liner having iried diirimr, one who!c year
the experience of two eelehrai ed physicians in vain, In
iMMlnte despair. My poor wife's eunalil wins' rapidly
lanina .p the prime of her years from her condoned
suirmlni Under these circuoistaores we rnmoluded !bat
we would try your Universal Veget t l ie Pilhalelefinlned
In fairly I PF , their rural iv, effect:, To my wif e . ; :real
comfort the first few do-es afforded great relief of lie
p Lin
PRINCIP•L OrEtcr. Nil 9!=, Wood •troet,ritisbur..oi
Mr. John G'n.tg—.l!lezhenv.
Itattert Itnnran—
C. F. U rlll—F,l , l3nellifutvn.
11 Rnwlard—Mlinoppot 1.
I'rce Iv Irwin—rie.ivAnt 11111.
John Johnonn—Nntilertown.
I'he.[man Fp:1,11.11oz -Stesynrimott
k Connell —Clin.on.
ttoltert Smith rnrier --Tarcnium.
Grorttn Power —Frtirte or w.
David It Coon- Plum tnirt.rochip.
fra Or! Nrffint —17.3r1 Liter!
Edward Thomp , on-- tt•ilk ins,lnorgli
Wm. 0 Ilunittr—AHert's Min
A fAlt 1).
' C oP lget, W ire A r 16111"worna.--", 79
" klie jr" sirl ' L k .
f p
TWo doors from the corner of Wood street. COu
Inanity on hand an assortment of 100 ready made
COFFINS, ofevery six( and description; covered
ones, with Cloth: Mahogany, Cherry, Black
Walnut, Poplar, and PineCorfins.
ALSO, Plates neatly engraved; Hearses and Carriages
furnished; Graves procured; and all services rendered
that friends may requite.
A credit given in all CUM., either ormiffinsor carriages,
requested. HENRY BEARES, Undertaker.
sep 10
S MUM ENTS!— T. McCarthy, Cutler and Sargiea/
Instrument .Maker ‘ Third street. nearly opposite the
Post Office, Pietshurgh
Physicians. Dentists and Druggists can have their in•
strumenis made by the subscriber of a superior quality
and at Eastern prices.
Tailors' Patent Shears and Scissors always on hand.
also Hatters Shears, a superior article. Orders respect.
fully solicited.
N. B. Allartielet warranted of the best 'quality. and
Jobbing done ni usual. slip 10
ALLEN KRANIER, Exchange Broker, No. 46, Cor•
ner of Wood and Third Streets, Pittsburgh Po.—
Gold, Sliver. nud Solvent Rank nines, nought and gold.
Sight cheeks on the Eastern cities', for rule. Drafts,
notes and hills, collected.
Pittsbul gh,Pa, Bell 4. Co., John D. Davis, F
Lorenz. J. Painter* CO., Jo, , epli Woodwell, James May
Philadelphia, Alexander Bronson 4- Co., John 11. Brown
4" Co. Cincinnati, 0., James IWCarldleFS. Si. Louis,
Mo., J. R. Nl'Donald. Louisville, W. H. Pope, DN.
Preml Bank Ky. yrp to
REMO V A L.—The undersigned Inrgs ve io tofur."
the ['ohne, t lint lie has ',moved from his old Mond,
IC) the corn• r or Penn and St. Clair sta.. oppmdtettie Ci
floiel, where lie has fitted up a lar2e PtAno PORTZ
R'Ane R onN, and now offers for sale toe moot splendid
a , morinient of PIANOS ever offered in Ink market.
Ilia oi:•on=cnn=i;l of dltf••rent rmeros, of superior
Ro=e Wood and Mantel:illy. beautifully finished and rno•
doled. and etan•ti i noted ihrouithout of the very heel nun
terint,,wnien,l'or doraldllty, and quality of [One, as well
as touch, he warrants to he superior to any ever seen
As he has en!Arged hie manitf.ictory, and made arrange.
mew. to .11prIly the increa , ing, demand for this instru
ment, he respectfully reqttroo. thmte Intending to pur.
chant' to rail and, I:1171111C hit as , ortment before ptirrha.
elii, elsewhere, as lie in determined to cell Lowert, for
eanh, than any other e,lablishment east or Went of the
Corner of Penn and St. Clair streets,
Sep 10 Opooqlte the P.aehange Hotel, Pitt shn rgli.
EvalWa Camomile Pill?.
t • CRII►I(' ATE 9. —LP ler ff o/fll ' l
he I A 1011'm M 'll,l.
la n,cu My:, County, East 'Fri; ne;Fee, em he, of Cow , res....
ASIIINGTON, July 31. 1833.
Sir—Since I have been in this city I Imre ivied some of
your Dyspeptic wedlcine with infinite benefit and yalis
faction, and believe it to he a mast valuable remedy, One
of my :onmi Weals, Dr. A. CI Niel', of Campbell county,
Tentiee,e. wrote to tun to send him some. which I did •
arid he bas niiibiyed it very ,teceaslully in his practice,
and says it 1., Invaluable. Mr. Johnson, your agent at
this place,- thinks you would probably like an agent In
Tennessee. If co.! would recommend Dr. A Carden, as
a pruner per-nu 13 ullicinte for the sale of your celebrated
medicine. Should you commission lilm lie Is willing lo
art for trot. Toil ran send the medicine by water to the
rare of Rohert K ine ,' Sons. Knoxville count y. TYIIOI,.
see, or by land to Graham 4- Houston, Tazewell. East
renne.see. I have no doubt but If you had agents In
several count its 111 East Tennessee. a great deal of metli.
rine would lie sold. lam going to take some of it home
for my own 1150. 311 that of my friend., and should
like 10 hear from you w nether you would like an agent
at fltuntville.ill'llVarl Count v. East Tennessee; I ran get
snme of the merchants In art for you as I live near there.
Vturs respectfully,
ARRAHASI M AN. of Ten nex.see.
Pot sale NV Itolexale and Retail, by
R C BELT ERS. Agent,
tin. 20. iVond reet,lielow Second.
Ilk . 1. 1 :11.1.1 A%I EV a NS'S 6001'11i It
TII IA inf.rlllide remedy has lyres, veil hundred.
when thoughi past recovery, Gum convol.don:. As soon
as the Syrup I. rultheil on the !urn r, I he child will reel v.
er. Thin 'reparation logo Innocent, Fo effiraelnum, and so
pleasant. that 110 rbi/11 will refuse to Tel les •znols he rub
Intl with it. When lolantr, it the ace of four 0,0 0 t0.,
t ho' there 1. ° pirearanee or tenth. one !mute of the
Sr rip rthrm Id he used to open the pore.. rnrents pfronld
ever 1.. tvithnut the t) nip in Illy nursery where 'hetes
are von toz chodren, for II a child w:dres i, it, rtiztil with
path ut Ihu the t. , vritp tionterlyttelv ;:tee race, 1 1 ,
open: - t.? the p 4 r , •:. :mod heallo: the •zoto-; the - r.hy prevent
to! roovu 410 n., Fey..., r. Far Sale 1 A . 1,01,a le and
Grind by P E ‘zeht,
mar 23, 1943
p 111 NA. 211. re. I. he 10... Second
C 0 ['CZ. U.S.COLIJS and CU.VSL I I/P7II)X —The sea
*41,, 1 . • , r Ihr at.ove complaints is no al hand,: Ott all
person! •nni.jertetl 'o the iorlemency of nip
w,4111.-r are rv-pertiolly illl4/1' Med I I4:11 Iltey ran hind.
Covrs is li,tl.M or LIVE vii,rh lu uell 1;hotto TO have
elife+l Tnoer t. is, who were In line inst Qt.nges or n.
umption. Cern ilivate± eon prol'orrd of its wonderfu
T.stoß's 11•1. cot or Livrßwna - : k another remrd
for 1.. rer Complar..fa. Cau l • h• and Colds. It cum,
It nvnu tOrllded by all W ho an d i s pl eas:in ,
, ake. nod %pertly in etrertin2 a cure.
I'vAses floss HOUND C CC UV i 5 a highly viiittlahlr
and plea , anl medicine; it mil effert n iiirdiive and erriain
tire for Conx'lls. Colds. CO, umplion.and is an effectual
rove Or Ille 11'7'001'1So CO , nIIN. I.l 'k lF a very pl. ac
.101 medicine, al: are fund of ii, arid rhildren never reins:
to lake si; us cure is sure and uosoive. Thr
ha, n tel of ilenc) diirrt f noi J. franc.( Fnit.
ae iliere rah lie fin mistake. All persuns who :rt e effected
are invilrit he rall and n... 1 delay, for the tin eto lake
utedirine le at Ihe romniencrinent.
All the al.ove rnedirntra tan a be prof tired :II
77.717'1,Vti , 1 11:DICALAGENCr. fib. Fourth Vrert
1 10 11311 I.E: 4 .—theie i: a large class of Females in
HOY yl% h. , from their continued 4itting, to which
I heir orrii pLi twirl triril2e• !tem.,. e a (reel ed with costiveness
whicl.givrs roe to palpitation at the !wait on the leas; ex.
ertion, sense of lieaviite,o , extending over the whole head,
intolerance of light and sound .an inability of fixing the
;mention to any mental operations; runtliiiiig futile bow
els, sometimes a wave of suntration, especially alter
mra In when any exertion Is used, a..; going quickly op
sfairs; lempre fickle; these are symptoms which yield at
once to a few doses 01 the Bra ntiret h The or en
sional tlr , e Or hill.. IrlelliCirle W.llllll Save a deal of trouhle
and year: of suffering. One, or Iwo, or even three of
the Ilrdridroli Lefore dinner, :try of en found
highly beneti-ial; e 1,, I hew very nrivaro,,,,,iy In
huts Wa :lid and a F.tisi iil2,llop, realore Iheroach,
to a proper condition. enilyr n the spirit:, impa r t C l ear
ne,rl to t ire fon' Wel lon, purily ihe Hood, and promote a
generni.freliryt of health and happiness.
sold at Dr. Ilsatidreth's Other. No 911 il'ond stn. et,
Piitsburgli_.Prire 23 rent per box, wll h full directions.
11ARli—'I'heonly place in l'ittriburgli, where the
ENUI N E Pills rant he obtained, Is t he Doctor's own Of.
fire. No 911 Wood street. cep 10
LIVER COM l' I.A INT (tired by the use of Dr, liar•
iich'.l compound St renal firming and Aperient rills.
Mr. Win. Richard., of Vittsburali, Pa., entirely cured of
the above dietres.ing disea.m. Bic !yin pt oars were pain
and weialit in the left side, lore of nrpelite, vomiting, acid
eruclatione. n distension of the sioni.ich. sick headache,
furred tonally, countenance changed Ina citron color, iiifß•
roily of breathing, disturbed rest, attended with a rough,
great debility, with other symptoms indicating great de.
rangentent of the functions of the liver. Mr. Richard ,
had the advice of several physicians, but received no
relief, until using Dr. Ilarlich's Medicine, which lerntina.
led in effectina a pe•feet cure.
Principal Office, 19 Nodlt Eighth Street, Philadelphia
For sale In PittMJurgli by Samuel Frew, corner of Litter
ty and Wood streets. sep 10
These Pills are composed of herbs, which exert
a specific. action upon the heart, give 'mauls., or
strength to the arterial system; the blood is quickened
and equalized In its circulation through all the vessels,
whether nf the skin, the parts situated internally, or the
extremities; and as all the secretions of the body are
drawn from the blood, there is a consequent increase of
every seccelion, and a quickened action of the absorbent•
and exhalent, or discharging vessels. Any morbid action
which may hive taken place Is corrected. all °Nona,
Lions are reoured, the blood is a unified. and the body
regimes a k taltkPel Cate. For 4 axe Wholesale and Re
tall by R E SF LLERS, Agent,
sap 10 ) W‘find et. below Second.
the mnsi valuable ointment for Burns, Sores, kr.. ever
Invented: no mailer how badly a person may he burnt
or scalded—this will heal them immediately, without
leaving any SCAR. Every family should have a box in
their house, no nneshould he without ft.—Every one
who has tried It recommends IL To be had only at
TUTTLE'S; 88 Fourth street,' ft . dee 8
For as Transportation 'of Xerchandize and ProilllCB
ErINE McANULTY respectfully inform ihe pub
lic that they have completed their arrangernehts
for the above Line on
The public lima long wished for Individual competition
in Transportation on the Public Works, by which alone
It can be freed front unnecessary expenses and reduced
to Its lowest ratesf that wish will now be realized; the
Stale of Pennsylvania having placed Trucks on her Rail
Hoods, Individuais owning. Portable Boats tire enabled
to bid for the Carrying Trade nad successfully to com
pete with contpan•es.
This line iscomposed of Twenty new, Four Section
Portable Boats, owned by the Captains who command
them and writ known as enterprising, industrious and
experienced Boatmen.
The superiority and advantas,es of the Portable Boat
over every other mode of Transportation, are too well
known to shlimers generally, to require comment; suf
fice it to say, t hat the detention, loos,separation and dam•
age to Ooods, invariably attending three Transhipments
between Piti..bureli and Philadelphia are by the Portable
Boat most effectually removed
The Portable Boat possesses the great advantage too,
of beinz well ventilated and cool in Summer; which pre.
vanls Flour from soaring, and Bacon and Tobacco from
Devine 4- MeAnu'lv, stendlm; as they de,hetween the
owners (ti aood4 nd the Boatmen who carry them, mid
egantly interested in nrnieetin2 the interests of both. will
mike no prutni,:es to the public they will not faithfully
per n r.
They are now prepared to receive and forward Pro
duce to Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York, and Boston
to Iheshorte,wt time, and pledge themselves to enter Into
no comhinat ion with other Lines,but always stand ready
to carry out the principles of their Line,and contract for
freight on the very lowest terms.
Kr-To give nndonbted•security to owners and shippers
of goods an open policy of insurance has been effected.
by which all mei chandivi shipped by this Line will be
cd without an/ additional expense to the owner.
Dev ille k Me 4 milt y will receive ail produce consigned
lo them at Pitishureh, pay freight and eh:trees to Steam
Boats nod forward the same without delay to Philadel
phia, Baltimore. New York, and Boston without any
charge for advancing or roonnlksion.
Canal Basin, Liberty street, Pittsburgh.
THOS 808 RIDGE, Agent,
272 Market street, Philaeelphia.
Narch 10, 1242 75 Rowley's Wharf, Baltimore.
!: - "Itt$11:::
(r - - Why will ye live at this pool
dying rate?" _IA
4 4 zi 4 4
To be had at Tu ri Les !tledicil Agency, 86 Fourth st,
the only azent in Paishurgh.
Feb 22.
1 011 X .M'CL' SR E Y. the old original. boson hand the
ost splendid a.sortment of Clothing ever offered
ti y ~ tork k large, and I am disposed to sell at the
ow.. I possible price My stork is heavy, and as the ECU
'nit iNadvaneing. I will cell at lower prices than ever. I
ask only the pleasure of a call, feeling confident that n
took is Fllfrlrierll. Beware or Counterfeits. Rementher
PAYE. As - NT. nov 23.184
R. DANIEL Afc.ll EA L. Office on Fifth Ft ref.
4-/tioi wee!) Wood and Smithfield streets, Pitishur:h.
der 10-Iy.
untler.ticrird respect ft) Ily in lot ni the pit Hie Iha
1. alter several yearn experience in the hest shops in
the eastern cities hey have opened their New a 1:1 mode
rn ''bird st., one door from Market, and nearly opposite'
,he po,t otpre, where they are prepared to execute alt
the tailoriniz line, in a manner unsurpassed
'iv any oilier est ultli-hnietil in the rity. Flavin!, made
matiemitents for the i eception of the most modern stye
gentlemen wishing clothes made in a super
for style. would find it to their Interest to give them a
lSe wish 1110 public to understand that this Is not In•
tended to tank among the ful.nme gull advertisements of
be d: v; ror as to style antrivorkmanship they challenge
compell~l n.
Mnrrli 1- dlv. Scumx oNTAGuE.
R E 110 VA IL.
lemovrd their Paper Store from Market
street to No. 64 Wood street, one door from the
, orner of -1111, where they k.eri on hands their usual as
4t, me, t of WA LI. PAPERS, for mtheries, partors,en
ail of o' her offer for sale on accommodating to runs,
(eh 14.1 S-1.3. r
Caveat entered 9th Jane, 3843—Patent granted to
DentAmin B. a trired:,'2ool January, 1843.
The extracts of which firandreth's Pals are com
posed are obtained by this unsv patented prneess,
withoutt boiling or any applienoinn . , i hear. The ac—
tive puinriple of the herbs is t Ito Sced the same
as it is in the
The Public should be cautious of medicines Ter—
cuinmende 1 in advertisment. S'Oleit ( rOM me, in
,vh;e l , the CONTEMPTIBI.F. IZOBBFRS Steals my lan
merelv rilterinz the name. Time will show
wlo,lesa'e deceik ers in their tree light,
,"•••-• BR A NDR ETH'S PILLS are the People's
Medic itte, prn , ,,rl by th , u'aud who daily tecrom
nienti them to the afflicted. 'rhe BR A NOR ETH
PILLS are grrnxi, , g 'leery day more popill,tr, their
si,tues are extend their ti.elttlness. The sirk
both sexes are dai:y deriving benefit from them
No case nt disease but the% can he used with advan
tage. Blotches rtr ha id lumps of the skin they speed.
ity rure, so with erysipelas, sn with salt rheum, so
with indigestion, so %%jib roughs and colds, so with
cos•iveness, so with cancer, so with hot parched lips
end canker in the mouth. Let the afflicted use this
medicine, and they will find they require no other.
Sold at 25 cents per box, with directions.
Obcerve the new labels each having upon it two
signatures of Dr. Brandreth. So each box of the
genuine has six signatures—three Benjamin Brand
reth and three B. Brandreth upon it.
The ONLY PLACE in Pittsburgh where the REAL
Brandreth Pills CAN BE OBTAINED, is the Doctor's
own Office, No 98 'Wood street, between Fifth
and Dianwnd Alley, //fork, the GENUINE Brandreth
Pills can never be obtaked in any DRUG cnirte.
The following are the ONLY AGENTS appoint
er] by Dr. B. Brandreth, for the sale of his Vegeta
ble Univer.Bl Palls in Allegheny County.
Principal Office, No. 98 Wood st. Pittsburgh.
Mr John Glass—Allegheny.
Robert Dunean—Birminghant.
C. F. Diehl—Elizabethtown.
H. Rowland—McKeesport.
Press!) , Irwin—Pleasant dill
Jchn Johnsim-Noblestnwn
ChegMall & Spaulding—StewallinOWn.
Asrlell de Connell— Ciintoa •
Robert Smith Porter—Tarentum•
George Power—Fairview
David R. Coon—Plum Township.
Daniel Nraley—East Liberty.
Edward Thompson—Wilkinsburgh.
Win. 0. Hunter—Altou's
-,, ":.:7,7 - J:M':,:•,,,,r...: _6 ; , 1',7 , " . 7 • - • ., M -, ,. - • •S ,
~ '''' • ~i ..`Z
, r HE subscriber has Just received bis annual sappy a
IL Landreth's Garden Seeds, consisting in part nab
following kluds--all of the hist year., crop 4. slimmed
Egg Plant,
Meter Melon,
&c. &c. &C.
Together wl th o variety of Pot 4. Sweet herbs ■r.d deem
Rhubarb, Cal bags,
Balmily, Carrot,
Cauliflower, Bpiusela,
Celery, Okra,
Cu. led Cress, Onion,
Cucumber, Parsley,
Mustard, (white and brown) ,
rr rde rs for Seeds, Shrubs; Trees, kc. from Garden.
ere and others will be received and promptly /Mended
No. 184 Liheriy. heed of Wood et.
T. PRICE, Wholesale and/Retail Raker. Com,
feetioner and Fruiterer, Federal street, near Ik.
Diamond, Allegheny city.
Every variety of Confectionary and OrosMettle,
Cakee, suitaltie for werldinett and parties, manaraetared
from the hest materials, at short antler.. COW 16
Vi A It M FUR 1,,1.6
'.—The undersigned offers Cereals
his farm, lying in Bora Township 44 miles from the
City of Pittsburgh, containing 114 acres ofland of which
60 are cleared and wide- fence, I • or 15 to 20 acres of
meadow. 2 gcod Orchards of Apples ♦ few Peach and
Cherry trees—the Improvements are a ..tree frame house
containing 10 rooms well furnished, ralroariled for a Ta
vern o•. private Dwelling.,s frame Para 2R by 60. stone
tia.cenott, and sialitina. sheds r nd other out houses suit.
aide for a tenement!-2 good Gardens surrounded With
currant hushes and a well of excellent water, with
pump In at the front door. In relation to the Pittsburgh
and A Ite;:heny market. there is no place now offered for
gale with more indorement to those wishing to purchase
near Pittsburgh, the terms will be made moderate, for
further particularsapply to the proprietor at his Clothing
Store, Liberty street, corner of Virgin Alley.
N. E. If not gold before the IFt of October next. It
will be divided into 10 and 20 acre lota tosolt mamba
dna 10
JAMES HOWARD * CO„ ifartufacturers of Wit
al Paper. No. 18, Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.—
Have always on hand an extensive assortment of sattr
Glazed and plain PAPER HANGINGS, Telvel—weste -
Imitation Borders, of the !west style and handsome
patterus, for papering halls, parlors and chambers.
They manufacture and have on hand at alt times—
Printing. W riling, Letter. W tapping and Tea Paper,Beta •
net and Fullers' Boards--all of which they offer fur sill
on the most accommodating terms; and to which they
invite the anent ton of merchants and ethers.
ALSO—Blank Books of ail kinds and the hest quality.
School Rooks, si c. always on hand and lot sale as ' , wife.
N. R. Rates' nd Tatners'Seraps' taken In exchange.
MAGR A W 4.llAMlLTON,Attorttegs at Law. have
removed their Otlire to the nesidenee of H. S. Ma•
•I w, nn FOll WI et, two doors above Sm it htlFld. rep 10
Cincinnati. February 15. 1840
Dr. SWATNit—Dear Fir:—Permit me to take the libr rig
of writing to you at Ibis time to express my apprchation
and to recommend to the attention of heads of families
and others your invaluable medicine—the Compound
syrup of Prunus Varginiana. or Wild Cherry Bark. In
my travels of late I have seen In a grehl inany . instaneeo
the wonderful e ff ects of your medicine in relieving chit
dren of very obstinate complaints, such as Coughing,
Wheezing, Choaking of Phlegm, Asthmatic attacks, itc.
ke. I should not have written this letter. howevet , tit
presen• although I have felt h my duty to add my ieatt
mony to II for some time, had it not been for a Pale la.
%Inner where the medicine above alluded to yeas instru•
mental In restoring to perfect health an -only child,"
WhORP rase was almost Itopelres, In a family of my ae
quainfanre. "I thank Heaven," sald lire doating meth.
, •r,"rny child is saved from the Jaws of dent hl 0 how
feared the relentless ravager But My ehlkila safe! is
Beyond all doubt Dr. Swavne's Compound Syrup o
ild Cherry Is the most valuable 'medicine in this or any
other country. lam certain I`. ave witnessed more than
one hundred ca*.s where It has been attended with tom.
plete surresl.t. I am using It myself In an obstinate at.
tart; of Bronchitis, In which It proved effectual in a isx.
reedingly s;sort time. considering the seventy of the rare.
I ran reromend It in the fullest confidence ofits superior
virtues; I would advise that no family should he without
tt; it is very pleasant and always beneficial—worth
double-and often ten times its price. The eubllc are at.
sured there is no quackery abont It. R. J•caiala, D. D.
Formerly Pastor of the First Presbyterian Chard!,
N. Y.
Snld by WM. THORN. wholesate ¢ reialt, only 'rent
for Phi:mop...h. No rA Na•ket Street. PPP 10_,.
what will destroy Life, and yea are a resat tarn.
Discover what will prolong Life, and the world slit
call you Impostor."
There are faculties, bodily and intellectual. within ILO
. with which certain herbs have affinity, and over which
they have power."
Dr. B. Rraniirmlt's External Remedy, or Liniment
which • by Its extraordinary powers, abstracin Pein s ete
Sorene-s; than Sprains, Stiff Sinews, White Swetilhp,
Rheumatic Paine, or Stiffness, Stiffness of the Joints,
Tumors, Unnatural Hardness, Stiff Neck Sore Throat,
Croup. Contractions of the miracles, Scrofulous err*
tareements, Tender Feet, and every description of in•
Jury affecting the Exterior of the Homan Flame, are
cured or greatly relieved by his never-to be sufficient!,
extolled remedy.
CLATIIICATI.—The following. letter from Major Rea
eras Sandford, as to the qualities of the External Reme
dy, speaks volumes:
Dear Sir—Will you oblige me with another bottle 01
your excellent Liniment? It is certainly the beat of the
kind I have ever seen. It has cured entirely my ven's
knee, about which I was so uneasy,and I have found It
productive of immediate relief in several cases. of ester•
nal injury In my family. A few evenings since, my
youngest child was seized with a violent attack of Cramp,
which was entirely removed in Lye-v.ly ',giants:, by rub:
bin her chest and throat freely with the External Rem.
edy. I think you might to manufacture this Liniment
for general use, instead of confining the use of it. as yot
have Itrrethfore done, to your particular acquaintancelr
Yours truty, C. W. SANDFORD.
DR. R. BR*Rnßttrn.24l Broadway, N. Y.
Err—For sale at 241 Broadway, New York, and at bid
office ,No. 93 Wood street.Pittstitargh. PRICE-50 cent/
per bottle with directions. rep 10
/FOE subscriber would respectfully inform the 01404
cf Pittsburgh, Allegheny and their •ieir hies, that hi
bos commenced manufacturing the article of Lard 01
and Candles. He intends making but one quality, which
w Ii tgonl the best made in the Union and not surpassed
by the best winter strained sperm oil either for machinery
or burning, without its offensive properties, and one
third the riper. THE ABOVE Is WARRANTED re
ber wishes to impress distinctly on the public mind that
it isnot necessary to purchase any new fa ngled lamps that
ore daily palmed upon them as being requisite tertiary*,
lard oil in. Persons wishing a pore and brilliant iterg
can obtain it by calling at the old stand,3d street, needy
opposite the Post Office.
The attention of Whoterate dealer., Churches and
ehlnia.a reapnelfully
N. o.—All the barrels will bear the manufacturer'.
name. Jan 2: 1343—tf.
10 BELS. Spirits rurpottire, this day received and
for sale by J• G. 4. A. GORDON,
mar 8. 13 Water street.
BPERRY takes this method of Informing the publle
In general that he volition to carry on the
above btriness in the Moiroxossigts, Horn Bonouista
No 1 Water street, where, vt It h I.lriet perronal attention
he hopes to please all who will favor him whb V sty pa,
ironage. From ids lone experience in the business, he
Ratters himself that his work cannot be excriled In seat.
Rewind dorahitlty,at least west of the Iticualalas; but
it is tweets to beast— a fair trial is the best earldoms
,so it the Owes be „manufactures Boots at various pd.
test from as low is f irs da//eys up to hie tea qoauKT
irbieb be &ford, uneven dollars per pair. ap 2e,30
Parrs {p,
New Yoee, Feb. 9.1842.