Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, May 18, 1843, Image 3

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    20MM4iIr P
jy. `.::Out ra ge in Allegheny City.—
.., •." lon F. Johnson's - Band.
Oa rills lay itonin; isst, a Frank Johnson
and bielltha ird were retuning t.-1 the city. fr4a3
their Siiree in Allegheny city, a most ruffianly
-siwardly assault was made upon them by a
t ettruelAf rowdies elation :el la squads along the
Xrest. Stones end missiles of every description
wvisteharled at the Omnibus, in which moat of the
Baud - were. None of them were injured however,
nit*pi - the driver, who, we understand, suffered
qualm Those of the Band on foot, fired nut so
Weir- Kr Ritchie received a bad wound in the
forthead, and Mr Coarser had his head cut by a
61°119. This assault on unoffending men, while
waning a respectable vocation, le disgraceful to
oriecity. in all the Eastern and Western cities,
and lb Europe their talents have secured them
compact. and certain we are, that they will never
!I/nifty of any act to forfeit the goo I opinion o
the public .
The outrage was commi led the neighbor
.ficiO4 of the Market House, an t, of course, by this!
Iklobristed gen; of revs/lies known by the cogn.,
meet orkkots" It was purely a spirit or ruffian
`slim tint prompted to this violence. The mem
l imn or Frank Johnson's Company, than whom a
Ailors . gentlemanly set of men are net to be found,
41a4 oilseed them no insult. directly or indirectly.
gave their Concert in the Ark at the request
_fifths Washingtonians, and were guilty of no im•
'rhpriety in going there. The Mayor was active
.:initterelay in ende tvoring to hnd out the perpetra.
lore of the nerrage with a vi w to inflict upon
:Own the penalty of the law.
- -The Police of Alleg . '•eny City is wofully,defi
4it.nt. We are t .ld that there is mil). one consta
. Weiss the city, now sines the Councils 'headed'
the Mayor by taking the appointing 1 uw. r out of
bia bands . The expense of keeping the usual
ntintber of peace officers is the reason urged in dc'
' . fintite a this move. We are the advocate" of
-tarnany— ... -the most rigid economy—but such
- .
migordlyness meets with our disapprobation.-
4 , 0111 k, %ha matter of 600 dollars a year, the citizens
Omani unprotected from the cowardly assaults of
the taaratiding two•legged 'Rats' that Lightly incest
the maiket house. A city thut can subscribe one
brad thousand dollars to a Rail, Road should
4nertisidly aff xrd a feu- hundred dollars per annum
..firot the Irevention such outrages as that en
- ^ e lrseaday night. •
„ •
- Two - bnsP carpenters have refused to
.. - Aseede to the terms of the jnura. Who
'';igte, they t
' rse,Rairters had a sp'endid house on
Tves4ky evening and the siugers were re
' 'vivid" with a hearty welcome.
, Frank AAA, b tn.! wai well receiv_
th, Ark on Tiles] ty evening. and
:lave great aatisfacti , sn to the large audience.
'.ilanoie who attended the Concert deeply re
: ref the ruffianly insultlet which the perfor
iters - Pfere subjected while on thetrret urn to
'the cite.
• Concert in the sth Presbyterian Chureli
. We were unab'e to attend the Concert at ,
'!he sth Pt eshytet ian Church on Tuesday F F a i t T s / 7 1 ,..:3, 1 . 1 1
~.msinrg. bat we learn from those who were Fri g ,,r miz , s € tit
o ; there that the performances were quite in.
I ,FB I r t
z g e u , 9 :: i n n n A n , David
Inciting, and lighly creditable to those who Fitzpram Wm
Fisher miss Mary
iondeeted the Concert.
; s,m..pi
Fla a_an 13.11.4
Flonl Thomas
A correspondent wants to kn iw why
our friend Sweeny has "gotten behind F; z ratrirk Uckvari
F.,,b,uner m s Jane
time in opening the Mount Emmet Hotel." I() vier
We suppose it is no account of the bad
=linsaiher; but in a few days wl expect t. o
- .hielmaist.the "conveyance" is pieced on the
.fOlllll. and that "mine host" of the Mount is
-toody to serve his friends with his usual ,
Aiwa humor, good taste and good fare.
lit aria be observed by the bills that this favor
kits performer makes his appearance to-night,hav
ing effected an engagement for a few nights. It
is needless for as 1.3 say anything commendatory
of Mr. Conn it. a■ wo all know him to be, a good
.oreourse the Theatre will be well attend• '
red doting his engagement.
e.—About 9 o'cl..ck yesterday morning
iire broke not in a drying honor in Point street.
TUB damage was slight, the engines being on the
figment in good time.
• " ANOTHER.—Yesterday about two o'clock, a
ire broke out in Llng's blacksmitn shop, on the
•ertser of Ferry sod Third streets, but was extin•
:vritarod before any injury was done. It was cau
.4olll by the sparks from the; chimney falling upon
The now engine belonging to the Duquesne co.,
• will soon be finished. By those is ho have seen her,
_Am is thought to be one of tho best mo tell in the
eity; and in the control of the efficient company
will prove an inveloable addition to our fire ap.
pantos. The new Duquesne will be an engine of
- ,/be iirst wafer.
The •Uncle Sam' was at the fire yesterday mar.
Inirrir. We are gild to hear from her once more.
Vie Palaski.—The Age says that the bodies
ottwo more of the personedrowo.rl be the Pulaski
'aissiantity were foond on Sun-lay morning a short
.-adisitaneebekiw Where the eolliaion took pirce. The
' D uos!: of mut of them is John Dunham. The other
was a young man whose name is not knowr..
Their Horrors seem determined that 120 taverns
nisi absolutely necessary *hill be licensed at the
Cpresutil!berm- We are told !hat not more than
of the applicants will be sum maul.
county arenaurer.
As the time for holding delegate meet
isstp iadreiying nigh. allow me teapectful
',lrsti s.artrslolin Fleming of Allegheny
at 4 suit,able percm to fill the office of
r , Ailialety Treasurer. Hie character & qual.
'Winne are faiorably known to the citi
-11111" Seawall'' , and if nominated by the
I. 4 Densemutic efrnueution will receive the
of the whole party.
.REMAINING IN' Lemon ichaet Lyon T
I_4 rEWPOST OFFICE A r PirlSitial tacky - hire Catherine " Levant nies Karla' .- - •
PENNSYLVANIA, MA r15th,"1843 - Leatock John - Lewis Catherine - -
otr PesSorts calling for letters ox this Livipgston Joseph 2 Leake Rev Elztnued
list tiiltplease ow they tire ativeetited.. M
A - MeilattJtmes Mitchell Sarah - A
Markenstem Daniel Mitchell Joh n •
Abernethy John or Thos A n d rei " um i hi
Marsh Wm 0 Miller Amelia
Adams Mars Eliza Aoderson Joseph Mar-elas John A- Moody Henry M
Adams...lames Anderson James Tarten John Moorhead James S
Adams George Anderson mrs Bridget
Marlett A J Morton Robt
Agnew mrs Catherine Anderson mrs Rosennah Mabery Hiram Mowry miss Martha
Allen mrs Eecte Anderson Rachel
Mastin'Re. E Monegan Charles
Allan Barney Anderson Fanny Marten John M Montgomery miss EN
AlbeatzJr,seph Anderson miss Mary A Marten line P Montgomery Mrs Mary
Arthur's James & Bro Atwell mrs Nahcy Marten Daniel hi Morgan Rev W
Ames Michael Assell 3 Marten Thomas Morrow Paul
Ards Jean Ashton Eimund Marten miss Anna M Morrison W H
Armstrong George Ayres Johualhati Meetian mrs Mary Moor John
Aughinbaugh Wm IMehatry miss Sarah Jane Moor P
Milton John Moor John
Mitchell James Munson mr
Murdock Davit I Murphy mrs ,on
Mn Jdock Rebecca
Banning Dr E P Bell Joseph
Ballwin Henry Bach R R
Ba'dwin Thomas Beecher Mary L
Rallantihe Wm Beeler H C
B ire Win Bech H F
Baker Saml R Blacken James
Belford David Blarkadore Gao'
Baldwin Nathan Blasdell Aaron
Barclay miss Margret Bishop John
Barklie Robt Blume Philip
Parker Wm II Brigham F
Barker William Black Wilson .1
Barnes Jas F Black Wm
Bartley William Blair John W
Bassett George Boyd John
Bateman Abraham Boyd Capt inmas F
Bayna Wm Recinit Thomas
Bell Wm Bowniti C
Bell Basil Bothwell Lamle,
Boyle James Burns Erancis
Bowman Joseph Butler George
Bolen lois , Elise Ann Burton Charles
Boyd David Barret Wm J
Bowman Joseph Butler John
Bongtten miss Mary Bradley Alesan - ler
Brown Wm Brnolra James
Brown R C Breydim Wm
B. lets Chat it s Bryan Margret
Brubaker J B Brooks Elias
Bradley James Brooks Robert
Bradley J H Bradley G W
~ o m John R Cooper Robert
Charles Cooper mrs
Casey Patck Cochr an John
Cameron James Collins mrs Jane
Carley Mary Coale mrs Louisa
Campbell Wm Cole rev A
Campbell Bartley Cohen Aaron
C am pbell Bartholemm Cooks m mrs Sarah
rialwell „Tamers C4llll'llll C
ChllWiCk H S. Conne'y John
Chapman Joel Conoelv Margaret
Chester George. Cowan Christopher
Chriruy S B Cordell Allen
C 11.11701 col S—U S A 2Courtlai J o e
ChWett Cromwell Jacob G
Christy lairs Mary R Creighton Jamey A
Chettmaii Wells A Craig Lydia
Cie k John N Creny Charles
Clark Ann Crawford Reber t
Clegeo Thcs B Cross James
Clark John 2 Crocker Henry
Clatwor thy Hngh Curry George
Cochran rorsCathsrine Curry Wm B
Cooper S Cunningham mrs
Jonah Patriek
Dobler M trim
Dmitely Hugh
Dougherty Bernard :2
Drina Thomas
0 atm Peter
nr ew
Dutra Co
Di.rhraw A W
Dottlap David
Dunn Widow
Dittlar M W
Dailey John
Dalzell Ruben
David Justice
!)ales Jahn S
Dane. James
Daviatarnline 2
Davis Alfred
Devil Even
Devlyer U L
Dixon .1 , fin
Dunn James
Di gledrne Margsrvis
Diumun I John
Dick on ThAtlas
E iiwards F
Eaier .1 , hrt C
t•: watdgJenuingq
Edwards Paul
Ga. drier John
Corworyi Joseph
Gei.ry Win
G. tiler John C
Galley T M Green James 13
G a ines miss Mary Gregg R oht J
Gainer Charloite Green miss Jane
Gardiner P G Grant mr
Gar , i•alo Margaret Graham John
Gabler Jahn U Graham William
Gaily Thomas M Graham Grafton
G lle , pie mrs Mary Anti Gray Ralph
GaleLpie Jane God win Rev mr
Gdiespie Jemima Goner J.cob
Gibion Jame* Gwdi G
Gmgas N Gamier George
Hamilton James Haroke Gel P
Hamilton Roht I lasley Wm 11
Hague midi Sally 2 Ilawke George
llaqinett Mary Iliyes Samuel
Huger& John Hawkins Wm G
' Hailestock Itobt Lies try Wm H
Haffiii ltn g er Heath miss Bersheba
I laff .: ty James Ilenger Wm
HAlzell Henry H Ilerbrich Felix
Harper John Hill Nancy
Harmon C M Hindman Ann
Ila.ry Hugh Hill James
Harper Nancy Higs John
Hari is Abraham , Hogan T k Co
Harr;um Andrew Holmes mrs S R
Haves Thomas Hohnrs W W
Hatellioe M ices G M D Hornish James
Hazard John Horn Leonard
Hailer L R House S 'mud ,
Hongh David Homer Miss M AI
Mhz Hi. am Humbert Geo
Hull Jnhn Ilntit DrJam h
1 Huntineon Joseph 0 h: Hughes miss Margret
['win M F
Irwin Ropert
Johnson Dr R A
Johnston Win 2
Johnston John
Johnston C
Johnston C Co
Johumon H. a
Kerby Wm J Kerr in'ss Mary E
Kerby Wm King Robert
Ken ina Andiony Kenyon Cyrus F
Kerby James Kidd Joint
Kemp Wm Kng Henty
Keil George King A,
Kane mis *try Knox 8t• McKee
Kelly James Kinloch James
Kerr Danl F King D C 2
Lao btl•si , Brady &Lamb Li I tie Joseph
Latimer Sametetif . Litne Elias
Lanbach Abritklus Lindsey Andrew
Tine Diary D. Lockwood A W
Lattimore James Low .1
Lerman Hugh Lockheed John
Latibie James Lamsden Ni c h o i a ,
Large Brig. Goal. Jona. Lat 4 Wur
Louis miss Fanny Lone Ar, F < -
Lemon James -• Long:Aim
Mcßaine Nancy McKenna Stephen
Mcßride mrs Amelia McKenry William
McCann Catharine McLean Matthew
McClurg Thomas J McLean David
McClurg John McLaughlin Isabella
McCarthy Nally McLean James 13
McCartney John McMaaters James
McCarty Catharine McMullen David
McCoy Stephen " McMunis William
McCully Mary McMahan Robert
McCully John McMater Samuel
McCoy Nancy McNair Denning
McOrd Davison McTath MI s M
McCord A McFarland Catharine
McCune Robt McGill John
McCormick II MrGuffy Robt "
McCormick James McGarahill miss SarahA
McCully John Mclntire John
McD ulna!! James Mclntire James
NicOmme.ll John IVlcllhenny miss G
McDonnell Martin McDermitt Charles
McDoun4ll Lout II kt Cullough Martha Jane
McDonnell Mary McFadden John
McDonnell WM McEilrny James
McKenzie John Mcia•irc Wm
Mckee Mary Jane McKeiver Alex
Mckee Sarah McKinley Satn•iel
1 McKeown James
English Thomas
E,lpp mire Dorcas
Ennt. James
Everett John
Ft,x s Ira
Fox Sam]
Fostrr Cal. b
Franklin Wm
Freeborn John
Fiend Thendare
Frisbee Cita.l s S
F moon George
Fitlleetott J k Co
F or r e ster Robt Ii 2
Faretnao mrs L
Ft. tern., ti Geo I)
Fortune (leory
Cormly Win
Grace 'like Il nisaret
Grant II W
Grioell George
Irwin mis R
lqgalls Harriet
Johnston MAtilda
Jones Branson
Jones Robert -
Jomm Thomas
Jones Isaac
Nets-in James 2 Newlin A
Nei-on John 2 Noble El M
Neil Robert Nock Win
Nesheit Rosannah i'• Nichol; Wm Y
Nash mr ....---. l
I .
O'B . Dennis
Osgood Anil), we
Owen 0 J
Palmer Wm 2 Philp, Alex
Parry Edward Ph,lips David E
Parke John Phelan James
ParksJamea Plat Mary Jane
Patterson Alex Pollo••k Thrones
Patterson Geo R 2 Prr•land airs R.
Patterson Eliza Agnes Potxer Michael
Pents Henry Pope lbw P
Peterson H H Procr r Win
Perkins John B Powell 0 L
Pertery Henry Poindexter N C
Philand & Tisdale Pyle G. orge 2
Rankin Sami Robins , n
Ray Mary Rogers Win H
Ralph Chat less Rule mrs Caroline
Ream Sam! Russell Patrick
Ricoardson Joseph Ryan Edward
Rich Henry Robinson John
Ruchie AIMS RON , PI9 o W 11
Ridows \Vin Robimon D & 11
Rincv John Robin-on Alexr
Ri , itardsJani-a Rot , ins •n Capt
R der Capt Roller Wit
Rnekei•zieres Fleury RainsJ cub
Sarver miss Sarah Ann Spence Marmon
Sanderson Joint Sdencar miss Jilhirrret
&naelibei ger John Sprott in ant
Sanders Henry Speais %Vol
Scott Robert Spears Wm L
1 Scott miss Mary Ann M Spars Joan
, 'Feit Alpert Stephens Elijah
Sentt Graham Stephens S C
Schell Win Stephen. Saba
Severance miss Slary J StAitens4l
Se.ty D.liil Smiler Myers
Shaw P R. Stirling tors Janet
1 Sharkey niiss Sarah Ste , ard Anna L
Slaner mts Matilda Smith Eli
Siiims,in James So ith iniss Lucinda
! Sledgef ird Sand Smith inns. Jane
Smith Mr Siiodgra•s miss El za
Smith Wm Sno.mons W S
Smith George N Smith Ro: lard
Stewait mi.: A C: Stirn Lo ids
Stevenson I.aac Suminerion Benj or Dant
1 Stevenson Fraud II 51111 . 1%1111 P J
i Stevenson James Sweeny Hugh
Strickler John S Sweetly James
StrauOn J It Sweaty mr Ross
Swam tz A
Taylor George 'robin Michml
Taylor Wm Totten James
Terry Mrs Torrence mts Elizabeth
Thornhill F W Trout mns Utz tbeth
Thomas Benjß Tnrhett James
Thomas Daol Torbert' Win
Thompson Gilhert F Turner A 4
Thmnpsnit term Charlotte Tomer Mary Jane
Thompson Semi C Todd Ines Mary
Tillie Benj Turner & Young
Upperman mrs Erzabeth
Vanr,saon Arnold
Vanderpool Jacob 2
Wadsworth Dawson Wallace John 3
Wakefield Charles A 3 Wallace George A
Waggoner Frederick Walker Rnbt
Ward Capt. W Walter Wm
Wald Miss Eliza WalkeeJarnes
Weldm James Watson Win
Werim.re & Havens Watsnn Hook
Whiteside' Thomas Watson A J 2
Whitton James - Wilber a mrs Hannah
While Isaac 2 Williams Jonn
Whitebin Ralph Williams Thom/tab
White Michael Wilson Solomon
\Vei Ben Joseph Witherspoon Samuel
Wilson John S Wieldman W
Wilson Wm J mrs C
Wilson Simple EI W"ndbury miss Lury
Wilkins David Wyman John
Young John Yining SA I ah
Ychoig James
May 16th, 1843.
lAM au th orised 10 Invest n sum of money In Real
lEstate In cr near Pittsburgh; a block of city, or
elnity of city. Lots, Improved or unimproved; or In a
Farm of two or three hundred acres. P'ease address
per Post Office, or call at my office in 4th street above
may 16-If.
/VIM subscriber most respectfully informs the gentle
men of OWE city and vicinity that he has commenced
the BOOT and SHOE making business in Fourth street,
opposite the Mayors once. Having been foreman in
ensue of the most fashionable Boot Shops in the Eastern
citief; and having furnished himself with the best French
and American Calf Skins, he hopes by his attosition to
business to merit a share of public patronage. To those
gentlemen who have kindly patronised him he returns
his sincere thanks and can with confidence *Out for the
goodness of his work and know ledge cf his business.
may 11. P, KEtPIGAN.
A rimusiutot Welvteto Reistvoebeesr, mins weigh
;Wog ono beaked pottmis, tot oils low for wilt by
Cried, fuer.
All Boats marked thus (s) are provided with
Evans salty Guard.
Reported by Sass Ls & MyrcuaL, General tell
Agents, No 5, Market street.
*Cleveland, Hemphill, Beaver,
*Michigan, [Mies. Beaver.
Zainsville Duval Marietta
Little Mail Galling Brownsville
Harrisburgh Smith Florence_
Mevsenger Ball4win St Louie
Belmont Poe Wheeling
Swißsure Robinson Cin.
North Queen McLain Wellsville
°Clevelaiid, Hemphill, Beaver,
•Michigan, Boies, do
'Columbiana, Murdock, Wheeling.
Lehigh, Price,
Chariot Irwin St Louis
The Meredian broke her shunt at the Trap on
Mondaj , ,but name up with one wheel.
TREASURY May 8, 1843.
N a descriptive list of Treasury Notes. constituting a
1 package made op at the (Almon' Huuw. New Or
leans, and alledged to have been transmitted to the First
Auditor of the Treasury, published on the 22d utt. the
following errors exist:
No 602. 8. 21 May, 1841, should be 23d DI av,1841.
No 3989. C. should be 3990, and No 57, A. should be
N 0,67.
fhe papery that were authorized topubllih the oil
Irinai ilet wilt mire Ws correction.
J. C. SPENCER. Secretary of tke Treasury
3LOCKS made expressly for powder magazines, lot
very aulta . tle for Pork 110USPI, 113 the ziaterials of
which they are constructed will not lust from the action
of the sail, will be sold low for cash
muy 2-6 w
R 3 PF:ACIIES.-50 bushels Dry Peaches, just re
..lgeelved 4- for sale by lIAILMAN,IENNINGS Co,
may 11. 43 Wood street.
Market and Ffth streets. Morning Moves hi
French,Greek, kr, on caret y other day. viz: Gentlemen
on or e day and Lndtescn the other. Route of admi3
sion from, to 84 a. in.
Day School for both sexe., hours fruit. 9 a. In, tlli
noon, and fro.. 2 to S p. m.
Evening CIa.ICS in English Grammar, Composition,
Rook keeping, Geometry, Algebra tre• Hours of at len
dance from ti to 10 p. ni, for Gentlemen, for the Ladies
6 to 8.
The mode of leaching the shove branches will be
chiefly by lectures and the understanding will le ad
dressed. first and the memory afterwards lie will al
w aye aim at Joining the !limey 4. the practi^e together
—the rule first and then its application.
Doctor Jones holds testimonials of his qualifications
for the discharge of the duties he 31 , flItlieS front Joseph
R. Cbandler.Editur of the U. E , Gazette; Geo. L. Asir
mead Efq. Attorney at Law; John W. Aslimead, do;
F A, Rayhold.E-q. du.; A. A. Rtowne Erq. do,; Edw
D. Ingraham Erq. do.; W. L. Norton, Juatite of the
Peace 272 South Front street; Richard McCuney, Prin
cipal of the Western Academy., of Philadelphia.
Varlens Mr
AUL AL - Ifir 3EO NM •
5 feet water in the "channel.
He also refers to the Hon A, G, Marchand, H. D.
Foster. Esq. Attorney at Law: Jas Johnston Esq. Edt for
of the Argur! Edw Cowan Erq, Attorney at Law, of
Grecosbnerk. He call likewise refer t a great in any
citizens of Pittsburgh.
The laQer the rhis.e.the more moderate will tie terms
lie; and should the hours alrive mentioned not suit, they
will he really changed for t hose ty !itch may 11114 e er
To conmenrr on May kith . TeelllEmod.rate
/rift E fuhscrlber wonld respectfully Inform his custo
1. mere and the public generally, that not withstanding
the unprecedented Pelell•t the Tbrce Hie Doors, during
the present season; he Iran sill on hand the la•geat and
moat varied ;imminent of elegant CLOTHING that can
he bought west of the mountains. The public may rest
assure: that ell articles offered at lale store are manufac•
lured from FRESH coons. purchased In tire Eastern
markets this Fp - Mg and made Into garments by Pitts
buillt workmen,
In ronsrqneoce of the n.ultiplication of slop shops In
out city. tilled with rtwit•lit okers,clot hes and the musty.
cast off yarMeats of fornter seasolis. from tit' eruitern ci
ties, the public sitoulti he cautious to ascertain the char
, timer of the establishments in which they are Invited to
purchaee, before they part with their money. The tir
tides offered at several of the concerns in I his city, are
the mere °trait of New Tort and Philadelphia stop
Owes, anti seat nut here to be palmed IT on the Pitts
I , urgh l'Utrha Cr. should is on their guard a .
gains? these Impositions. and they ninv rely on the fact
that no estntilishment that advertises centres wade Clot -
In:, can give as good an article orss advantagemtbar,
gains as can be nail at the "Three Bt: Doors."
The public will please remember that all the subwri
bees: irmects are nia)te in this eieg,hv competent work•
men, and not :ntLered liplike the goods now offered by
the ..birds of passage" from the shreds .and palettes of
eastern atop shops. It will always he his endeavor to
maintain the redulation that the "Three 111: Doors'
have obtained for furnishing • superior style of CLOTH
iNG la every respect, and at prices below those of any
other establishment.
- • .
Ile would again return his thanks to life friends and
the public for the unprecedented patronnee . Lestowed
upon hie establishment, and believing that they have
found it to their advantar to deal with him, he would
repeat his invitation to all those who wish to purchase
Clothing o r every description at the lowest price to call
lEssObserve Metal Plate in the pavemont. ap 26.
Corner of Penn St. Clair sts. Pittsb'gh.
Tit E Proprietors of this elegant and commodious es
lah'ishment, heg leave to announce to their friends
and I'. a public, that their - price for Board, from tbis date ,
Is reduced to ONE DOLLAR PER DAY.
Froucthe locality of this house, being situated mid•
way between the Canal and Steamboat landing!, dan
Mat thoroughfare to Allichtity city, the proprle.
tore trust, that with continued exertion! on their part.
they will be enabled to afford every attention anti faril.
Ity required for the comfort and convenience of their
guests, and hope to merit a continuance of the patron
age that has hitherto been so liberally extended to them.
The principal Stage and Packet omens. a e connected
with the lintel, and for the better arcommodation of
their pests, an Omnibus will at all limes he in read,.
flees to convey them to and front the House.
Regular Morning Packet
• -- The fast running and well knows
- &comer
EINARp HastrntLL, Master, will depart daily from Pitt.,
burgh at 9 o'clock, A. M„ and Beaver at 1 o'clock P. M.
For freight or pasedge, apply on board, or to
No 60 Water street.
N. B.—The rent ler canal pacLet to Cleveland, Ohio
Greenville and Meadville Pa ; and Massillon on the
Ohio Canal, connecilng with steamer Cleveland at Bea
ver,will he in operation immediately on opening or nay
igation, mar 16—lf.
HAVING made extensive arrangements for the man
ufactore of the above article. I am now prepared
to MI all orders for COPPER AND IRON RIVETED
HOSE, and which I Intend shall be made of very hem
material and workmanship, equal In quality, and ten
per . Cent. less than the Eastern mans facture
°triers 'eft with A Fulton, Brass Founder,2nd street.
or at my Saddle, Harness and Trunk Store. No. l 6
Wood street, corner of Diamond alley. will be promptly
attendod to. it II HARTLEY.
N, B. —Pitt kinds of stilted Machine Bands mada as
above; also, all kinds of Pose repaired.
may 15-41•
R SALE.—Lots on the North East corner of Coa
tans and UPitretreet. Apply to
sep to litsra-. DAiLINCTON, Market, near 40 a
IXTARD & HURT, Poetises Ltberty street.*
WV /sr deers belbwilt.Cl4ir. spr6 1834.
'GE Lin '
oit"Wrln DA,gmr. tI ♦LL.IOI lA. . XICVAXIII. BALZA!
Rauh of Pitiskurg It. oar
Mord). ir Man. bk. par
Eachance batik, par
Bk. of Germantow I. ~
Salton 1 ank. ..
Lancaster bank. dis 1
Bank of Chester Co. par
Farmers' bk Bucks Co. 4 ,
.Doylestown bk do ~I
Bk of N America Phil.
13k of Northern Liberties,”
Commercial bk. of Pa. tt
Far. it Mechanics bk "
Kensington bk.
Philadelphia bk. ' "
Schuylkill Ilk.
Southwark bk. t•
Western bk. '
Bk. of Pennsylvania. I
Bk of Penn Ti - .
Illan..t Mechanic, bk. par
Mechanics bk.
- par
Moyamensing bk.
Girard ha..k, 45
U. States hank. 50
Lumbermens', Warren, --I
Frank. bk Washington, part
Miners bk of Pottsvile, 5
Bk of Mont:ornery CO. par
Mon. bk Brownsville, 1
Erie Bank, 5
Harrishurgh bank. 4
Far. hk Lancaster, I
Bk of Middletown, 4
Bk. of Chambershurgh, 4 1
Carlisle hank, 4
Bk of Northumberland, 5
Columbia bk 4. Bridals co. 2
Bk Susquehanna Co. 115
Bkof Delaware Co. par
Lebanon bk. 4
Ceityshurgh bk. 4
York bank, 4
Par. 4. Drovers bk. of
Waynesbursh, 5
.. ... Currency notes. 5
Honesdale. 2 I
Wyoming bank. 10
Pitisb•gb Slate Scrip 41
Country do do 41n5
Berke CO i41,1K, 79
Lewistown. 3
Towanda. 80
Muuntpleasant bk 1i
Par.* Mech. hk of Sten.
benvitle, 11
Belmont bk of St. Claim
%life. If
Marietta bk. Demand
notes. 11
do Curreney nines, 1*
COlUmbiana hk New Lis
hon Demand, 1.1
do Post Wel., 4:
Cincinnati specie pay
ing hanks, 1
Mech. 4. Traders hk of
Cincinnati. 3
Clinton hit of Columbus, I
Demand notes. 1*
Circleville, (H. Lawrence
Cashier) 111
Zanesville hk. 11,
riIHE undersigned offers for sale a number of IntikDna
lots adjoining the property of Col Wm Robinsol
and Dr Dale, in A Ilezheny city, A small amount will
he required In hand, the balance in two equal payments
of three •nd five year?, with interest from date of sale,
payable yearly. For further particulars apply to the
subscriber who may he seen each day at S. Fahnestoch
4. Co.'a Auction Rooms, corner of Wood and sth ssreets
where a plan of the 101 l man be seen, with their prices
, WOoSI et . II
Ma , Ir. 11. elo
r3 c. a . n a d u r n k, y ,
Ncorralk, do
"Ceuta. do
Da) ton, do
I Srictio, 35
Post notes, lit
Chillicothe, 304
Fran.bk Columbus, If
Laocaater, 30
Hamilton, 45
Grenville, 80
Cotio. bk. Lake Erie, 30
Far. 6k:of Canton, 45
Urbana 67
State bk.¢ Branches 1
hale Scrip. 35
All banks,
State bk ¢ Branches, 60
ShaWneelOwn, 70
Rank of Virginia,
do Valley,
Far. bk. of Virginia,
Earbange bank, 1
N. Went. hank 1
Ater. 4 Mee. do
Baltimore Books,
Country Banks,
All Ranks,
All Banks, par and
City 114.ukir.
Ccuni ry banks,
(tardy fault.) I a
Red Rack, to
Roston Ranke, Pt
Orleans Ranks, ..?ood,
Hanks' 2
Good Rank?.
All Banks 2, 4
Rk. of St. Clair; 10
no. dn.) df R. Suitt h 2
(I ^ o4 Wank,. tito 111
Eastern Siehatige. I
• New. York:
VVesiern Exchange.
Louisville. par
Cleveland. die
0/beeline. par
cif the whole of ihe shove noperty Is sold 10 one
purchaser, an advantageous bargain wilt be elven.
may 9-2 w, THCI. WYNNE,
ALARGE and well finished Dwelling floosie suita•
lihe for a boarding house. mantnining eleven comfort
able rooms, with kitchen on the first floor. with wash
house .t e. shunted In the most business malt of the city.
:flood. between 3d and 4th streciv.) Rent low.
Akio. the store room No 56 attached to the above
dwelling. which can be rented wittlie dwelling Or sep.
prate. P.::oession given Immediately.
Lut of ftive-soft Ohio Pig Iron fur sa!e.
Enquire of .1 P. S MART.
No 56 Wood nt
THF; 3d diary of the building occupied by R. A.
Bailsman as an Aut.i on store.:-heretofore known
as t•Nestniili's Long Room,' corner - of Wood and sth
streets , Inquire of R. Morrow. sth st. jan 23.
lO'FIS FOR SA LC.—Four Lois in Manchester. -One
I zed a fourth 'terns of I.aml on Holmes' Hill. Lots
nos.,54,181,182 and 184. In Cook's plan
of Lots, on Ho line's Hill Also, Lois nod. 26 and 27. In
Cook's plan of LOLA on High at reel, near the new Court
House. For terms apply to Z. W. REM INGTON
sen 111
AND puttwavon !men on the 14 of Anvil neat; a
hrirk hone on the bank °Nita Alle . glienv river.
two stories high, 4 comfortable rooms, besides cellar and
kitchen• It is very pleasantly •hauled Jo 4 out side the
city tine, with a full view of dwelt y of A Ileahery, and
within 20 minutes' walk of the heart of the city—rent
very low.
mar 13
OV F prick dwelling house, containing a large
-;:E E hail, twoparloors,4 mama upstairs, with fin•
hilted garret, riming room and klichen, with car.
riage huttse,d.c. Tuts house la pleasantly located with
yard in front and rear, on the canal bank, corner of
Chesnut street, leading to upper bridge, now in the oc
cupancy t f Mr, McClurg. rent to suit the tilues-- Enquire
oh Dr, Whittaker, Allegheny City, mar R,
For Rent.
ACONVENIENT three story brlek dwelling house
situate un Ro•qt street near Fourth• Rent $125.
npr 10. Apply to JAMES MAY.
50 rßy":l,.L;,.eta,"ooni 6 coett:ls'irrevirrplif:::: ll eadnd l4l l°Z"Zaie h tt::
Wnter heiWPfll Wood and Smith'd
20 BOXIER. Russel and Robertson's N 0.5 LUMP TO
20 Box OR assorted do.
Just received, together wtb a general assortment of
every thing in the Grocery line, and for sale on the most
aceonimodatlng terms. .•
H A 111. M AN. JBKNI B 4 Co.
Wood at.
PAN "---
The canal packet Cal E, J. M. ghaia taken, will run
an a regul r tii.weekly packet between ilie abei le named
ports. leaven Beaver on WiAiienrinyn, rrida
returning, leaves Warren o n Tite.dnye, Thuredayr and
Elaiordayn; connecting with ihe Singe Linea to Cleveland
direct. For freight or rtaiongea,pply on board or to
BIRMINGHAM & CO., Pittsbutgh.
J. S. DICKEY, Beaver.
may 10.
The old stand of Matthew Patrick,
(Lately °Unpin! by Jahn Irons.)
rilue Puhsc fiber wtshes to Inform the citizens of Pitts.
1 burgh, and the travelling public, that he bat' tented
the above well known stand, (shoaled on Fifth 'street,
between Market and Wood,) where he will he happy to
accommodate all his old friends. and as many new ones
as will he pleased to acknowledge him se t..elr host.—
H" terths will be moderate, suited to the times• flit
table Will be supplied with the hest !het the Market of
His bar will be furnished with the choicest of
liquors. both domestic and foreign. His 'tables are spa
cious and commodious, conducted by exper:eneed aed
attentive ostler&
irrtle wonld Inform the citizens that he Is prepared
to necommodate a number of Weekly, Monthly or Years
ly hoarders at redness! priest.
nerartsw POIRD:
Single Meal, 2.5 mamas. 1 Lodging, 12i
e ta.
Bawd per Weak. 50:
may it—Sat-
10 Saes Loa( BogLe
5 BIN. Crrostied dO reertred and Tor sale
43 Wet.. d
1 1 . 29
N. W. Corner of Wood 4 , Fifth Sl*.
Tuk proprlelots of the Miner tie Pert and Mgricral.
min Manoracruttate respertfolty inform their (Outride
and the patronsbf those papers, that they hate s tette
and welt chosen agent-intent 01
ar113.3113111 7111.7"1irW P ..11E
awn AIM oirm:l3a REAVAIRIIS - CAsga
Necessary to a dub rrlntin g Office...and I hal they are pit
Rooks, ruins of Lading, riircularw,
Pamphlets,l Rill Beads, Cards,
Ilandbllla, i Blank Checks, lat TIM'
Zit ktnbs of Wanksi.
Stage, Steamboat, gad Canal Boat Bills, sigh epee.
priate Oaf • .
144 W
'rimed on the shortest notice and most reasonab4etersta•
We respectfully ask the patronage of onr friends", * . , ~...'.,
he public in general in 11113 branch of our bull . '''' . e.
~..,.., ......,.
PHiPbursii. Sea'. 39. MEI PHILLIPS A- 0: - -1 "!'"' 4 ;
7 s l',, --.
Ts the Voters of Allegheny County : —1 respect
fer myself t o your consideration as a candidate (indipea•
dent of parties) for the office of PROTHONOTARY of
Allegheny county, at the ensuing civet ion. As Ido WA
come before you tecommended by a Convention, rhore ot
you to whom I nm not personally known will please et•
lamina Into my quallficailons, kr.; and if so fortunate as
to obtain a majority of your suffrages, I shall rodeavnt
by strict at rent ion to the dillies of the otter., to satisfy pc*
with your choice. • ALEX. %MAAR.
may 10 —IE. Pitlpbttrirh!
NTOTICE to Steals Boat Otonest.—The't.ubst fitter,- In
111 consequence of tint difficulty of the es. I.ns rettu•
eed the prste of has Safety Guard for tRe pefretttrien of
the explosion of steal,' boilers,ia t 150 Per
It is hoped ihnt aHh,•at owners will snail themselves
or these reamnahle lento, not only on account of the
perfect safety they afford, hut also In point of economy.
Bolters with the apparatus rotaeltel will wear ahem
Wire as Inn/ a* those cot provided with them.
51111'014m (.. EV A VP
. E. H. Ileastings f
ECOR R P.CUL Al - Ott and stortryor. Offer ß .ll.lLin 4141 street, next door to the Bitnk orPilisbargb.
np 24-1 m
JP 6 do shou!der., tins day rrctivrd and (or
sale by
may 8
'J punßolt.vv, AvrouNcv AT T.‘l,v has re.
2111. removed Ida office to No 63 Pifth street. be
iweenWood and Stoltlineld six. next door to Anierman
Morrow. apr 7.
Birmingham & Co.,
And Cleveland Line.
a'. W. Burbridge & CO.
AGENTS for the sale of ❑eattv'+ Powder. Water at
heitseen Wood and Smithfield.
March :10. l:14:1
50 noxis.sß,,,...
511 Matti Ca=sin; just reerired and fbr satiety"
fi.3tt.Sf 117, JESNINGS it Co.
43 Wend at.
r 4 III.ESH FLOUR —9S lads jut received for sale tow
for rush. 11%1LM.Vst,JENNINGS df co.
a I, 24. 43 Woad rt.
-I 63 KEGS sioßTii CAROLINA TA!i.oncooilt
J nienlAnd fur sale low fur cash.
43 wcod
50 DAL :1
60 Env.* I nwerlai and Gannon dei; pal readied
and for salt low for cash.
4.3 Wood rt.
10 1181.8. ALUM.
2 Cement. Indira.
2 CaA3 Madder 1,10 recei vrd and for sale by,
48 Wixvi
LUKE 1.00)11A, Afent, Bookseller and
Bi n d er , 4 1 0 ,119 w,, 0 ,1 s treet, Pittsintreh, has always
or hand a eeoetal as=ori trent of BCII4OI Hooka, Ratak
Books ' and Stationary,
Priiiiin?„ and /Rioting done at short antler.
Kr'rnenly,liest price allowed for Rags, Ta Lanes Se rape
and Beeswax. may 1.41.
J %11165111LAKE:LY,
!loam Alen!. sth Ward
pared to execute
J. G. 4. 4. COR DoN,
12 Water it
. _
Standart. Ingraham & Co.
CtsvgLorn. lttto
A (TEXTS fora he MerrhantsTa ansporial inn Company
Computed of the Merchants Line. Erie Canal.
Washington Line.
Busier, Palmer it Co's. Line (A Steam Goats a-e era
eels on. the Lakes.
Cleveland Line PennelVania and Oi.io Cana , .
Proprietors .51 the Merchants Line Ohio -•
Reams - • -
WILK!' Eltswoßru. K 0.9. Coeuties, EO N N. V
R. HUNTZR et CO. Albany.
One Case,. Roston.
M.T. WILLIAMS k bow, Cleveland.
How Joan M. Attax. do.
.I.S. Ditlev, Beaver.
FIRXIMOBArIt Co., Pittsburgh :*
an 1 1843-Iy.
Boit se A gen cy.
No. 0 went-of the Market Howse, Pea St.
sth Weirdy.l.lttshorgh PA.
THE pth.oriber having for a unrulier of year/been en•
!aged In renting, cry property, collecting rents ke,
and wishing to attend his Mist nest In this way, respect..
fully offers his services to those nerpons owning. Of who
may have charge cilrpropeciy as Executors, Admlntstra
tors or Guirdirins, In the city or sulairlis. and who may
not have letsure to attend la it thc MFeiVet. to rent dwelt.
logs, Warehouses. Paring, Lots, kr. Also, to collect
rents, dividends. Grobed rents 4-e. A reeletee is kept
where a description of all properi les for rent will be en.
belied free of tharse, reference Is respectfully olitred to
the following ,T.etit!emen fur whom the Fulwerihot has
to-en neeillefor some years pnst—Mesers Stirtisel Allen.
P. Meemailick end James S. Craft. Esq., Pittstesrah:Joss
Smile rt. Elm En*openn Agent, Philad.; Mess. John Prawn,
Itlrminnhant; B. MeLennn, Cleelnnaii; Dnniel totter
Fieuhel‘vlite:Jri•eph Miller. la cvre.epTine: jnnte- Jones
Enet I.iberty; Daniel Rnsher. Mifflin tarvoshlpt Diehl
Depot eust4Petelekley
it4,4'48.151VED-4 fresh supply of
Cr relebraled Critholirrip,
‘Pheismatie Derortion,
t.eley's Sitrsuparilla Blood Pill.,
Mrs nerd's rt male Elixir, at thesture of
Fevosetctl, El•uggiat.
r4rlvi Ci tie Kciort.t.loa Lowe.
111E3 9-2*
F 0 the floitorable the: J nav■ of the Cburt o
General Quarter Ser.HCAIS 4t the Pence,in aid
the canary of Allegheny.
The oenifinct of Hobert Young ul the third ward
()reify of Pittsburgh Allegheny n-..htimbly elmareth
That he is well provided with bowie team mid other
conveniences fltr the accAsemodation of strangers
nd tra &eta, et the house tarty orrupierl by him bora
tavern; end being de.irotts to continue 10 that
shiers he prays you.- honors Oant him a-Piet - fro to,
keep an Inn or Ina , e of Public Entertatebbeat.—..
And he will pray, &c
-Th e nu ciers;g ge d c iti ze ns of the $d ward r f eiry of
Pittebtirgh res [ _eer folly certi'y that tie Above named
applicant ica gentleman r f Ko. rt repot,. fork honoty
and temperance, and is well prEviried erirh hem.
room And e , even;enees for tic arcAnntodation r or
lodging of strangers and ttdvelek 5, and thivaairi:r l ,,,,
ern is necessary,
Wm Gilmore,
Wm Paul,
Sarney! Harper,
Than O'Neill,
Samuel Baird.
Ju Mtroute6th,
my 17
James Cherry,
Alex rmr‘Plerrk
Rohr Lotigns,, •
C Von Fonkores,
Jaarr, Kerbe7•• • - :