Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, May 18, 1843, Image 2

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    -- - _
%lap Of•the eyes, and consequent loss of vision,
truce in many of these young women, as the ' A g
'reettlt ofterteessive labor, with the follow,ng ex 111:1!upied 0 IU 411.;41 - 1 sa
limp's: ^ A fair and delicate girl, about seventeen Subject teittle decision or a Nattenal Conventron.
"Plea of age, was brought to witness in conse.
!issues of a total los/ of a vision. She bad expe• I DAILT - 31011,NING POST
timLto eel the train of symptoms that Rave been de
tailed tollie - TUTTest extmt. 0.1 exaMinalion, bOPh PIIILLIPS 4" WIC 11. MTH, ZDITTILS &MD PROPRIWTOR
eyes, were found disr , rganizsd, and recovery,
therefore was hopeles.. She had been nn appren
tice as a dressmaker, at the west end ef the town;
and soma time before her vision became affected,
her, general health had been materially deranged
from too dose confinement and excessive work.—
The immediate cause of the disease in the eye
was excessive and con' ined application to making,
mourniag. - She stated that she had been compel
led to remain withoi,t changing her dress for
nine days and nighta consecutively. That during
this period she had been perrnitted only occasion.'
ally to rest on a mattress, placed on . jhe fluor, for
an boar or two at a time; and that her meals
ware placed at her side, cut up, an that as little
tiara as possible should be spent in their con.
Aitkpiion, Witness regrets that lie did nat, in
Ate. and in a few other cases nearly as fragrant
end distressing, induce the sufferers to t• pee! t o
a tot compensation.
• Waiting is the great business of life. We be- ,
gin to wait before we come into the world, and
We keep waiting until we go out of' it. Every
body is always waiting for something. The child
Waite to grow big. the boy waits to b • a man, the
young woman waits to be married, and the young
titian walla to get into business and make money.
Married pen t to wait fir children, and when' they
have them, they wait to see them grow up, and
get settled in the world. The merch int waits for
MS customers, the urchanic waits for a job, the
eartman waits lot a load, and the cabman waits
for his fare. The lawyer waits for clients, and,
when he has got them he waits for his closes and
hie clients wait for him The d.ietor waits for
patients, and patients wait to Set well. When we
rot op in the morning we wait fir breakf,,st, or
else the breakfast waits for us. We watt r;ir one
thiug or another till dinner time, arid then, 'h se
of us who wait down town. go to a r hopsh-ti4e to
dine. There we wait 'Or tin wetter who is criza
ed mailing on somebody els-. We order our
rara,ao4 then wait 11:1 we get if. In the evening
it we attend a lecture or a pace of amusement,
re wait the commencement, ant then, bein.; ti
red before it is half over, we wait to get aw ty.—
Alter that we watt for bed ti Ire. and then wait to
get to steep. Ir we dream or hive the nigh•mare
we are sure t be w itin, IT so nobody nr Home-
Alting. Rogues, wait for an oppo-tu .ity of p!Un.
derinr. and when they fall into the hands of the
taw, they wait for t-eir trial, fi they get in the
jug they wa t to get out, anti b .gin their o d coot
ace. Banta Wait fur offerings, and then they wait
till their notes run to maturity.
Creditors wait for their debtors, and debtors wait
till they are fl rsh of money before th"y pay up,
and sometimes they wait for a chance of cheating
their creditore. Newspapers wait for news and
advertisers, and then they wait to go to prev,and
,printers wait for copy. Poets wilt for inspira
tion, and anthers wait for a bright idoa. The lover
,waita fur the smile pf his sweetheart, and the po;
'Melee jest reedy to expire with a plethora O r
virtuous patriotism, is only waiting C.d. a goo I fat
4ir Of rile When it rains, we wall till it holds up.
And when. 'ti, cold, we wait until it moderates a
The farmer plants a-ed, and waits till it
pornes up, and thee he waits till the grain is fit to
reap. The ship waits for.a wind, and so does the
miller, and the angler waits all day for 'a glorious
; nibble.' And so we all op on, waiting alorg,fr im
the cradle to the grave until by any bye, old
.grim Death comes along,end da.ts not WAIT for
apy body.
From the Backnoolvn7n.
Give us a Veteran Candatnte.
EDITOR:—As it is custolnary and
- proper to recommend suitable persons kir
the office of C'Tovertior before a nomination
to made, permit an old soldier of F.Tt
and one who luves his country, to
recommend to public notice. the name of
Gen. ROBERT ORR. of Armstrong co.
much my esteemed and w , ll-tried compan
ion in arms, for that station. In this sec
tion of country, where h- is known, it
would be Tzite unnecessary to eulogize
•him, but, for the information of other por
-jions of the State where he is less known.
/ will give a brief history of his meritorious
Gen. ORR, was born in Westmoreland
~ county, and is the son of Rob3rt Oi r, Esq.,
' who helped to fight the battles of his, precious humbug.-11 , isselt , the Tip
country during the' Revolutionary and In- _dian Wars; he was at the burning of Han- Pecanoo V -ocalist ' has starle d a report in
the east, that when last in 1..3nd0n a hand
nah's Town, at which place he then reel- -
dad, and where he afterwards held the of. some service of silver Plate was presented
fice of Sheriff. He sh) held the office of to him by the n7,51/ity, as a testimonial of
'judge in Armstrong county for many the respect in which they held the great
"tears; to which place he emigrated at an
early period of our country's settlement,— i • Imerican vocalist! His any body seen
Thus you wi'l see the worthy a m o f a n 0.., the plate or read the names of the contrib.
ble sire.
tutors'? If Russell's story is true, the whigs
During the time of the last war, Gener, whom he plucked in 1810, may console!
,a 1 Orr, like his patriotic father, took up ,
tnemaelves with the re ff ecrioa that they
-,arms, was elected Major. and marched at
the head of a Battalion to Fort Meigs .ender were not the only persons hu nbugged by
f ltteneril Crooks, and there, it is said, ren.. the gentleman.
:dared much Pervice to the American cause,
:Anvil the close of the war, enduring a'l the' Return . or shipmau. II
toils and privations to which the brave sol• The Philadelphia correwpondent of the
',..flier is subject; and especially, kt a wilder. Baltimore Sun in giving an account of;
' l ie g e where the almost insurmounta'rle dif-
I the return of "Jake Shipman," the ab- I
fiCulties which attended the Spartans of the
sconding:Bank messenger. says, "lie was
= Northwestern army, were well calculated
td - try men's souls. He was beloved for e'lr4i.a,ll l' greeted by his old friends, and
, 2.:
' his generosity, as well as bravery, among turspidatwre at h meeting appeared mu
- his men, at all times rendering personal tuarattlaund. "Jake" went to the office
aid to the sick, and sharing his last his- lid his 01. l friend, Johnsor, whose funds, to '
-suit with the suffering soldiers; and when ,
we, were discharged from further duty.' the amount of some 85000, are still among
there being no money in the Purser's hands Or missing, and before he had concluded
r to pal us, (a hard circumstance to many I n narration of his trip, the causes and its
_otos; who having - separsted from our fam-, consevenees. Mr Johnson called witness.
..flies on ',Pry short ri•-tice, left them in a
destitute condition as to living,) the Gen-- es to notice that he had arrest , d him. This
'ilia, advanced us money to return home
• Imovement, I presume is to secure the re
wand to himself, or to prevent any difficul.
Ansi took our words for his pay.
Out to the sequel,—honest merit. never ty that may at ise.by others claitaing it.—
, goes unrewarded. After he returned borne Shipman says he is now at ease, and expes
he was elected successively to the Legis, riences a peace of mind he has not known
Atture, Aenate and Congress—also Brigade within four years. His first deficit was in .
Inspector, Judge of the court, and Cot*. 1839, and was then, only $BOO, but has
missionlson Court, all of viiliich eadually widened until et the tirne of his'
ea,, he fi'led with credit to bimself: and departure it reached the large sum of $12...
benefit to the people. Let such a man be 500. all of which he had abstracted from
our candidate far Governorin 1814 and the the $15,000 of gold belonging to the Union
h mast yeomanry, the spirited mechanic, Bank, N.Y., and paid his debts with. All
and wan of profession, who are always jeal- other funds en'rusted to him, be - says, are
(sus of their blood-bought liberties, will ra'... sife. with . bia,Terra Haute captors ,
ly in his support to a marl , and elect him •He was caked:Vote . the Mayor by. Mr
by a good old Jackson rnsj.lrity. -, Johnson, and xfter a partial - examination
A soLDIER or FORT MEWS the Lase was continued to 3 o'clock. He
Rose 1 p.._14, 1843. ..
will probably be held - to bad, and there the
matter mast likely will rest. No one of
the . brokers or banks here evince tire
slightest disposition to disturb:.hini; on the
I c bim ontrary, I behey4 would glapr 4, screen
." ' ' -'
is playing in Boston,
.• MN Kent had a good - hone on her ben
- .
iligre StritifiAgs- . -- Ws Atli in formed tb a(- - ' Anotrik*" —l O v e —_lo l - H.
the Journeymen cordWiliners of this city
t , lt
.mntlutrel* of ./ ~ .set:nr..l4l . s .
have had a meeting for the puipose of or
ganizing a "strike" against :the order
- - h.-...:;_i
.„--- l ,4 2''',:_
ri . '. , ..,
"There was a rlntor ocfsnir Exeliargir‘yes
system' Which has been carried to such an terday afterno 40-is that. -: hir Jew -
Every person who can filch a few hours from '
extent as to almost starve their families.— don, late of the United States Bank,.is go.
They adjourned to meet at the Washing ing out by the "Hibernia," to negotiate in
, his business, should pay a visit to the country just
-...; now. It is too pretty to talk about, wilt° about,
some way with Eu:opean holders o f th
ton Hotel on . next Monday evening, when
; or, we were about to may, think about. Ever •
,____ j . y a "bill of prices" will be agreed upon
Pennsylvania State Stocks, in relation to
1 poor soul whose whole life is being spent within which they wi'l ask their employers to ace
See First Page.
••-•emt..._ gloomy walls of the city, fi nds relief in a trip of ced e to,
the public improvements snit debt of the
We are told that great irregularity ex- State, and with a view to plac e the whole
(}7 l " A "non-resident taxpayer," need 1 five 0: six miles cut. ': . 'o all we say One
matter in a position that shall be mutually
lets in prices now paid to journeymen in
not put himr.if to the trouble of lay 1 A line of packets is about to be establhhed by
auvantageons to both the State and her
trig down rules of "logic" to govern a con- l i Government to ply between Pensacola and Cha- this city; some employers paying more
than others for the same quality of work.
creditors. It is said, 'also, that Mr Jau,
troversy on the contemplated subscription gres. Correspondence Isitt. , iveen the United States
This is wrong, and should be remedied;
to the Rail Road by the city, as we have no 1 and the Pacific ports wilt limn be conveyed with a
the jours should be paid, the hightst duo's expedition is undertaken with the
regularity, and an immense saving ortime,
disposition to waste time in discussing a ;
_______ rate course.
make the folowin
- What is h . eto do, and wh at power .is en
consent of novernor Purser ,"
question, which if gained, would be of no The New Orleans Herald says that President
trustyetrletcoolhieimets btyheGaoivd.
g P iv o e r n ter b ? y
Jaudon g extract ore let
Boyer did not forget the needful when he absquat- to received from a friend by the 'Mary Ellen,' at
advantage to either the improvement or our
New York, and dated
selves, Full power is given to the Coon- elated (or rather abnevated) from Jamaica. He
Macao, Jan 15.
; took with him about $3,000,000 in the hard, for
to Biddle in cola swinaling operation on the
rile by the terms of the Charter to make
"The waters about hero aro infested with La
,. . .
I pocket change.
drones or pirates which makes it unsafe to be
Stock holders of the U. S. 'lnk and to
such a subscription, and the proper mode I
travelling about unless in a vessel that is welt
Edwin Format, the great to is soon t o
is provided to ascertain the feelings of the I
arined• Several am ill vesaels have been attacked
1 deliver a rie lee v tu y re r i k ie c fo it r y e
. the
T .
h F e r e 7 e oo Trade
f -
t a pi moil
a a w very i lhoc u ki ng ,ia i 7 t i t n e m e /i li d 8
e la d rle share of profits which he receiv
citizens on the subject, and so long as we
s em rvir n es. hi3 s fi he to have a nother
find the proposed Roil !gad regarded with
about a week it:,‘, intending to go to Hong Kong, chance vs, nat. crieerninngtale nts
the society are making rapid strides in national re,
and fro:n thence up to Whampria. Taere were
as much favor as it is at present by the : forms.
in plucking the y people o
nn hoard a Mr. Wits m, an E madishm tn. a pas.
Ranger; the captain, named Sharp, alati an En- A little time will show.
resident tax payers, it would he labor lost 1
Col. iobert Carer Nicholas, the Secretary of
glishman, -end a Chinese wont in; th m crow were
to con' i .ue a lon g r ot a rover.) , for the par- I the State of Louisiana, has inherited a fortune
~ I
partly Moodi e men and pinta , Chinese. The
pose mof convict, a citizen of Wheeling from a rela'ive in the iiild country,' equal to near Loretta never reached Hong Ko ng,. a n d w as sup.
posed to have been cut off by pirates. Eight men
that the people of Pittsburgh have a right ; ly a ..£1,000,00 steeling•
were seized in Macao, who were selling op'um
4.1 employ every epecies 4 honorable aro. The last case ofabsence of mind is that of a which was supposed to have been on board the
A day or two alter, a party of fishermen
terprise fir the purpose of improving their . ship carpenter, who bit rff the end of a copper vessel b •
se r e n o ug oo t
p a report
otuy a that
a li t Nisi;
island shout
peens titswehlayde
spike, and drove a plug or tobacco into a vessel'
own busittess. When a non-resident LaX•
payer consents in let our citizens know his bot'om. .se %laces. This report had some foundation, for
the day before yesterday Mr Wilson, the pal!.
The city election in Providence resulted in the
"local habitation. and his name," and en.
senger, arrived at Macao, brought by some fi sh•
success of ail the Algerine candidates—in fact erman. All that Mr Wilkie knows of the matter,
lightens them as to the means used to ob.
nixed opposition, is, the he and the C tptain were boo, asleep in
tain the net wealth which he thinks ren . there
no organised
the cabin at night, when he was awakened by
dens him so much superior to them, We The imports of specie into New Orleans, from the ecresfns of the China women. He jumped up
the Ist of g"p'ember to the Ist of May, amounted and. m the Captain lying dead, with his throat
may perhaps be more "logical" i i our
to $8,975,876. cut. "'le attempted to get up on deck. bat was
comments on his impertinent interference
knockeJ down and left senseless on the eabin floor.
A cerrespo ident of the Boston Post denies the , When he cams to his senses, he found himself in
with our local matters,
the pantry with the steward, who was badly
;statement of that paper, in regard to the conver
wounded, but who had dragged him into the pan.
A correspondent of the Advocate. in slon of the whole Methodist Society at East Cam• try, and slroened than , olace from observati on by
giving some very feeling advice to the bridge, to Episcopacy.
some large bags of rice. They lay there lilt that
: day while the pirates wore ransackin g the rest
men and women who have lately The Bangor Courier states that the cost f
0 re- sc r ee vessel. At night they heard the women
struck for good *aged. says:
pairing the Aroostook buidge, carried away in the I nioz nit I, an ion y.•nturin g out of their
"If they are treated tinj ietly by their ernoiny • laid freshet, is estimated at 4.000 dollars. It Was I hidin g place found the seat •1 in flames. The pi
ra Pc had plundered her, set her on fire, and tbe 1
ere, 1, t them reason and estiestolate, hut let them 780 feet long, and cost originally ever 80,000 del- /
beware how they resort to vi dent measures."
, deserted her. M is, p•o•identially they ;Otio i till
s ti ill b I tt bel 'twig to the I, ,rcn. t we, still tow
"X" should "tell this to the marines," for
ing astern. they got into it, te'l the wreck, and
0. A. Brownson is preaching in Boston. r
the Factory girls, jout nermen carpenters
reached th, i lint! of Puny. The poor steward
m 1111.14 w 11 .
ibadlyeinjhureidvihal h? n die , d of his wounds.
dr.l. won't believe it. What men can be in the case of .1. Fennitromre Cooper c l ainat
thinking about when they commit such Webb, the trial of which came on on Tuesday wonderful escape. ' It is 41°Upp011aCdetiTh'eaciriflaCOO moat
St3fr to paper we are al a Liss to conceive. week, before Jade Wilson, 44 Fonda, N. Y., the board the Loretta mutt have:twee leagued with the
; s p e tlis :re: we l l and ranaar m
m her ,,d . info lad i t ,/ me i
a ir , ; 1 . 0
o t e r
o h
w e s .
and Th e,
i s ;
The simple fact that by striking they have jury were unable to avert and were discharged.
gal l ed all they demanded, one wo.ild deem Mrs. Wilson, who has been on trial in Portland, have m s ,
de a sic !..i.fol rePs' me: if s'ie had not
: been betrayed . W. have j ist heard that some
sufficient evidence of the practieability of Maine, for time murder of her husband has been
more f the pirates have hien arrested at Wham•
their course, but it does oat satisf; the big , aegoitted.
; it, are all ca•ught •nd eutaishd it ItlnV
fish who claim all the Intel iience.
Thorn has been sentenced to undergo a ye ar ' s / pr event many other robberies aid murders, and
, will make it mac • saf,r for those wh i are ohltzild
imprisonment and then be hanged.
to grt often to Whamp i or Min g Kong "—Devon
THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1843
I It is supposed that Gov. Porter thinks
that he has •.headed" his enemies at last;
by refusing to approve the bonds of the
printers elected at the late Session, and that
he can now appoint a pri 'ter to do the
fork until the meeting of the next Logis
; lature. This might do fir the present, bu t
perhaps the Legislature when it meets,
might consider the G ivernor's conduct un
authorized, illegal and tyrannical, and re-1
fuse to pay the printer that lie may appoint,
His Excellency would thus be "headed"
in turn, and placed in a very unpleasant
predicaMeht, from which it would be dif
ficult .to escape. unles+ he can get a svffi
clew number of friends into the Legisla.
ore to have things his own way, a con.
ingency, which from late indi,atuna we
consider extremely doubtful
Pali mita!
e ~, ifdesli e l l, " and the candidates for
(ifri:e, have had busy times for the l as t
week or ten days. The first in displayin g
their military skill, and the latter in con•
vincing the cornstalk heroes how admira
bly they (the candidates) are calculated to
discharge the duties, of thc fat public of f ices
that are to be voted for at the fall election.
To a mere looker-on,the amusement is first
rate, and we do not know a place where as
many amusing sights can be seen as at a
parade of Peunsylvania Militia. We would
advise those who have no other way of
killing time, and have a taste for the ridic•
ulOus.and ludicrous, to attend these gath
erings, and if they feel politically inclined
they might help the candidates to election
eer, provided they speak= in favor of our
men, wh , ) are first rate fellows, and will
make much) better officers than any whig
or blue nose within the bounds of the
; ETA right mind and . generous affection has
more beauty anti rharms . thnn all other
tries ia tie world hairdos; and &grain of h o nesty
and native worth is of . inore Talus than all the
vAnttitiotas ornaments of **Jut.* or prefer*
istanlio. : -.
lErther •. ed, NA_ id of informedthe- Boston P.Let is
that protiiiiite he ally to wee duly
duly performed one morith:ego. We refer him
to accompknyii g d
.tion of Cincinnati •nd vicinity is
63 000.
Judge Jones of the Criminal Cour t
Philadelphia, has got into a snarl with the
Grand Jury. The Spirit of the Times. a
paper which seems to have a mortal antip.
athy to Judges, particularly those of Cri n..
ion! Courts, to dusting Mr. Jones in the
mo4t familiar manner.
The Virginia Mi•isc?e/s are perAbrming
at the Arch street Thf.atre. Phila. When
will they he cut this way?
Repeal in the !rouse of Common,,—On
I the 27th April, in the House of Commxis,
amongst the notices, there was one by Mr
Line Fox, for the llth of Aim nf a motion
calling the attention of the House to the
agitation in Ireland, with respect to the
Repeal of the Union, with a view of put.
t ing a stop to it.
American Meted Calicoes.
Prom the MT Tribune we glean the following
gratifying intelligence:
The quantify of Calicoes printed in this coat -
try is now estimated at 100,000 pieces, nr 3,000,.
000 yards per week, and such is the 'rent of the
trade in these goods that they aro begining to
lean a distinct and separate branch of business,
and a large warehouse has been opened in Pearl
a trim, by Messrs Lee & Brewster, es will be Peen
by referring to our advertising columns, for the
purpose of dealing in this article exclusively; and
I the proprietors atate to us that, though they would
gladly improve their assortment by adding any
foreign print. which might h.! desirable, yet that
the market aff 'rd. few or n me of th tr rh free er.
Their assortment, without the aid of foreign
goods, amounts to near 1000 different patterns
and colorings.
N. legs thun 20,000 packages of various do
mestic cotton goods have been sold within a few
thys tier export to Chin 1, ani a considerable
quartity have tnen shipped to E tgland.
Professors.—lt is wond rful, the rapid
increase among tli of professore, of every
thing. If a man turns a somerset, tie styles
himself professor of gymnastics; if he char
ges a dollar for feeling a man's head, ha is
a professor of phrenology, if, with the aid
of the sun and a little box, he lakes likes
nessess, he is a professor of plintoerAphy ,
All this wsggery is admilably bit off in
'Aldgate Purnp•' . A stre e t sweepe r it, that
styles himself professo r of mud. A
friend of ou rs slys that the oublic is a great
fdt goose which these professors of hem.
bugs pluck now. cruelly, Is he right or
wrong? —[N V Morning Chronicle.
Hon. Judge Shafer. For the Poit.
The period approaches when the demo.
erotic republican party cf this county will
nominate candidates to be supported at the
(Jill elections. And iii anticipation of the
nominations by the convention, it has been
customary ta. suggest the names of gentle
men entitled to considetation i on grounds
of capability and integrity.
That this manufacturing district should
be represented upon the floor of' Congres s
by talents of the first otder,—emllraci ng a
fruitful and creative imagination; an active,
vigorous and patient understanding, and a
sound disctiminating judgment, all parties
adinit. The democracy of Allegheny can
with pride and pleasure present Judge
SIIALER, as eminently qiralified, in thos e
Near Rice Creek Springs.i
respects, to represent this district in the Rlenland District S. C . April 30. 1838 .
I certify. that my son, Thomas Mitchel, Jr.. aged 15
next Congress.
n .routa r ed for eight years last with
It would. perhap!, b 3 euperluous to :" h e ,." R % h ,, a ,"" e i
m h a e tz ;m a
. l e t c d t
r. o t r oe the a
i l n ai ,i t , a t i : i v r e e; y ee ea v r p a re bay o hen
h t
speak, on this occasion the Judge's vs- unot.re to
I he rould 1101 b e moved without great agony ; his limbs
rinds attainments. The opposition have not
one in their ranks superior, if his equal, it) I
.1 7. r e i re lio na n r e a le i ss ize4 10 . a l l n l d w 1 drawnto k ne w u phw'Rmint and
0 he
t roan
e P ir ie .. r s e t e e i n d I ed i
0 i se::le i u m n t :i
all the requiremeot s essential and neressa. l Physicians ritr relief for hini,
heard of Dr. A. Fitelt's Indian Vegetabl e El.gir, I pro.
ry to an efficient and honorable represent
ye,,,,ed the same for my son, On takin g it be was much
at ion of this intelligent portion of Pennsyl., tirved, and by continuin g It to the fourth bottle has
entirely removed the pain, his flesh is restored and he is
now . enjoyin g good health. I would, In a ease of R hen-
But inJicati ins not to he mistaken give n
17,,iiezahrit,teesxtlfyrirleecLotminuriepnadinit to T t n h o ose s
m w t h .r o c a fT n (fee.
assurance that questions of no ordinary in- fe t e "
terest to the integrity of the Ifni in, will tar bein g neighbors and acquaintances of Mr ThEoLrnLati
f lt , l o i i teh c e o i r l, r, a o,o nd a h t av i l h n g % o ften seen the situation of sir so n,
command the &liberations of the next !
betters bap
Congress. How deplorable, in such an i bee: ra red by the Indian Ve ve e n n e;a e lh . i n e n E d i'l a g g i r we
event, would be our position, if chance or l . SAMUEL MEEK,
111 i Vitt D. HAY,
blind party zeal, should have imposed 1
upon Allegheny a representative,—a 'dumb
BI7CKNER 13 'moon .
d ig,' characterised by puritanical cant and I T he above ,
1 va?itilnlebiaebmoveedicirinipt.h, nhavveerjyu.firge afgortgieng of is - flippant narrative of 'Morgan's illusiras
ie e n
ll t
T a T a in
L d
E a .
s r e for
clone of Masonry.' The farmers, med lar ,. sale by the quantity or sin g le b ottle r
Forth it.
ies and working nten of this district need .
the services of an able ex - °under of the ; ICE CREAM SALOONS.
constitution in the national councils, The A IsIDW. HUNKER eel ertfuity gives notice that - as
peculiar interests of Pittsburgh require the
kh rx ei.,.c ir opened hie lee Cream Saloons for the season, at
d ry c o e n nt F l ifth street. a few doors from Mar.
most fervid eloquence in support of home T r 's: l dle itit'intrl ea a n ny he peeved
oa r
or w l i h t h e a D s s n y pe o r r .
industry, when those interests are put in for artier of Ice Cream , at
Evening. Their paitona ge is solicited.
je)pardy, either by treaty stipulations or
immediate acts of legislation. N. R.—On hand ; as item, a choice assortment of
• "lla r
and c at euced prices.
The nomination of Judge Shafer for aba i s 17— Iw onfectionaries
Congress would be 'acceptable to the de-
mocracy of this County, and in view of his
whole character, public and private, his
election could not fail, where the proper
estimate is made of a profound Jurist and
wcrthy citizen. -
BOOKS .111,1.1.) TRACTS.
_ ~
ountry. JUST received irons New *orb, 3050 Youth's Advo
cate and Journal for Ina,: 100 Lyres and Harps,
nEaccinenhtlissaaandd amt-Baochus, permanent Temperance doc.
lathe Negative.—'YOU hart% none
quite,* variety of the latest Temperance
you seen nothing of no hat nowhere about offboraffoov. t owa rd Rieke:ea assorted English tracts
andAl9o mall, library and Hymn Books or the
Dallnibiosen. forils'enalaintrerSocie.
here upon none of these_aeata, han't you?'
inquired a Yankee.
." I ,ye ban% none of :tiv n ii . t s ir ram t i h nt h sla l
us seen nothing - of nu kind,. k'no where -on of ties,
eatperanne and the Be ath
genataity. e. yr:t iC k,:l lB :
DonfirofibOaa . seati, nor nowhere the he is anyesism Wit by , MAO HAAR'S, Ageit and.
ins it 31ere et, No 9, Fifth street, Pittabarth,
isi , e know Op p ...
may 17
it Voieefrom the
The young men of the city of Pittsburgh, who
are in favor.of organizing a young men's Total
Abstinence Association, are respectfully reques
te I to meet in one of the basement rooms of the
German Lutheran Church, on !him evening at Ti
By ord..r of
May 18. Corn. of Arrangement.
irst night of Mr E. S. CONNER
Mrs FLYNN, se Pan:iup, in the
Mr C.nner as Claud Melnoue.
Thursday, Shy. 13th, will be performed by genera
request, Hulwers 13ealitirul Play of the
Claud Me !mute, :$ll. Connec; f Pauline, Mrs Flynn
coneliorP with tip. Favn,Frit. Farce of
note open at 7 "clock, Performance to com
mence at half pa-t
Lower Mae.; 5(1 cent: 1 Secnne Tic, 37i cent%
Pit 25 " 1 Gnllery 121 cent
5 0 KEGS' of SHOT actioJted, for rata by
may 18
PIG L EA 6 . --
500 PIG LEAD for pale by
mall is
l be received until Thursday 25th IL knit.;
by lie building Committee of the Methodist
Protecant Church of tbe ell y of AMP:Then]; (or the whole
buititiny. or fur the Stone 'Work, Brick Work, Carpenter
Work. Plaslerin ? and Pa intina separately, Including all
the materist.. Plane and r i necifleations may he seen al
the office of James Kerr in Alle;ltenv.
itheny,"llay 13, 1543, (meylll.) Bxildinr Cole.
? 'eel the Ilonnrable the
JnA.ri of the Celli! of General
I Quarter SePSIOII3 of the P, ace, In and for the county
of A lii.olen•.
I . lw pelilloo of Rurzaln Brokaw of the .29e ward of
the ell) , of Pirt.liorth. In the county aforesaid, hn,hty
the ti
h. that roar ppliitnner hall] provided himsel f with
material. for the secommodatiu n of travelers and others
al ht. darer - ling house. In the city and ward aloretmle,
and , "raps that your Honors will he pleasrd to emu him
1 license to keep a public lions," nf entertainment,
cit Wee, l Pittshureh be morscribers, citizens of the 2nd ward of the
of do certify, that the ;thane petitioner
;one good repti e for honesty and temperance and is
wel provided with hroos e room and conveniently. for
the accommodation and lottzinz of stringent and travel
ers, and that said raven la nenen.ary.
Htigh Duffy, John Birmingham,
Geo Mathews; J. D Rhoads,
.14?. Wilkinson, Hoods.
John McCanicas, Andw Kirkwood,
John Snvage, D Kelly,
F,dw Fenderieh, Jacob Wagner.
may 18-3td&w.
Thla la to earl Ify 1 hat etic subscriber hen been for some
lime afflicted with the (thrums! iMTI very weverely , from
which he could set no relief, until, being advised to pro..
rm . .. some or Dr. Vitch'e, INDI AN VEGETABLE
ELIXIR. whieh he item:intim:ly did. and from which
after n few dose., hewsa entirely re lieved,
Columbia. Aprli 1752. BAN% rEARSE:
I ERR tNGS ¢ SHAD..—A fresh lot of the above. just
, reelved and for vale by .1, W. BUR BRIDG'S it Co.
may 17, Wnter. between Wood 4 , firmitliarld.
..._ . .
__ , ,
ptrimic sorter,: - , ...
ankx the 14th liiPl. an !agora. atetrordrni tit_
himr. fete
Ir 11 -1. made In nreeettee of the tinderolened UPON & view
or a di/Mr/tan fOntiti in the 01)10 rlvtr. at a rink, deft
noted •ilog Istat.d.' about eievon mile,' frotr P-e city of
Pittsittzrgh. The Ilnding of the Jury In, —ghee hie fa
[thcrazed:cat deoweed in a ray aa traumas, stohmemen to . '
em; bat. in nitro of the fettle eallseted, they hiliiii
that the ulfsrtanataoccurrawee were sat *4
ateditatrd ;alit by hop indrcidaati.' &et Itr Fre.
I'he col lences upon the person nf tbe deermsed to war*
an Indent try satisfactory to distant relatives 'are airll4.:
lowa, to wit:
Clothing: pair of black pantaloons—grey coat . AU
black buttons—rest or red and Week s t rip•--10ilp.. lilt
crnvat—one watch lately cleansed at Jaroessoen,
Other personal property, sundry due hills, Jallieot*
tpat the name of the unfortunate man, ts jossailiyaa
Serra la. •Foorteen dollars N. York current, litft
Warren rounty shinplaster or ni) GYMS Were
In hlo pocketbook.
The friends of tile deceased will learn farther
wars on anpiicatioa In the Commissioners or Allidift.
ith whoa. the papers of the deceased, illedftest
may 16 31: JAISES CALLAN:
_ . .
AT NO, 86 JiMiIBET STREET. T , . .
E subscriber weed respectfully Inform bialviii T HE
nnd the public la general, that he is now rectiollog
from New York and Philadelphia, a large and wafter - qv.
led stock of Fancy and Variety Goods, which will Magid
wholesale and retail at reduced prices for cash only. 'llkor
stock comprises In part as follows:
Tortoise shell, 'Pack, Twist, Side,Dressing and Potion
Combs; Buffalo Dorn, Twist, Side. Dresslne and Poefill
',myths; ivory Fine, Dressing and P.icket Comb.;
Tuck, Twist,Side, Dres , ing and Pocket Conde, 1:2
Cunibs, Tapes. Hooks and Eves, Phis, Needles, Tbrande
of all kinds; Thimbles, Sanpenders, Percussion Om%
Sewing Slik. Buttons, Pocket Bmkiii, Pen Knives. Piiias:
sors,Cotton-Cord, Boot and Shoe Laces,Plitmtika -
ll&M. •
German Silver Table and Tea Spoons , Fanny and ams
man Fans. Fancy Soap, Cologrfe Water, Slate Pencils,
Willow, Straw and Manilla Work Baskets; Basket Wag
gons, Chairs and Cradles.
... ..
, .
Also, a large ansoitrrent of Rosenrood,Wrlting Dealtm,
Dressing Capes, Work Boxes, Floe Shaving emit sing
boxes, Backgammon boards, Chessmen, Walking Canna ..
A ccordea ns, Fine Hair and Tooth Bribilis..s,Pin.cnsbilinlis•
Fancy boxes, Cigar-eases, Gold Finger-vials; ilnamt
Pins and Ear•rings, Gold and Silver Pe Cill., Hair Pie;
Bogner Holds re and Fancy Buffalo comb*. • .
The above articles may be had in connection wit/sag.
ery article In the variety dtparrater.t. emit and tusks.
m .av Iti
L. dr J. D. WICK,JOON D sacs.
Wholesale Grocers A; Dealers in Prod uce,
116 Wood Street. 4 doors abuse nab rt.
Farina lo Lease.
T riE nndersteted will lease two Fermis sitsited East 11.er township, with the necessary timelies Im
and front 75 to 100 arres cleared on earl,. Alsrr i ms
farm shoaled in West Deer township Allentieny eotivity
with from 50 to 75 acres cleared. Tte abase dert
property Is In reasonably ;nod reparr, laying *bes ed
red 18
miles from the city of PP islmrgh, and within Itrs bars
of the Prnn'a Canal, and will be leased oc reassligu e
terms for from Ito three jean, to good t enaints. -
March 131 h—tr.
d FINE: TOCII ¢ C.., sueteuors lo R.. 40.1-
rip, at the old stand corner 015th and Wood eta,
having complied with- the- requieltions or the new A.
lion Law. 're prepared to make advances on Comfits
ments and to sell on favorable terms. They hopwhy
eonlinning to make ready sales and prompt returns, to
receive a fair portion or business.
In r Pitt. omit, A prii lid 1843
pleasure eti
r ring from the Auction tusinegv. I take, t•
in ecommending to the puhile. Mesas , Sage.
FahneflOCk tt Co., who have compiled with the require
mentg of the new Anglian 14W and will do hesitant at
my old stand.
sprit 31143.
A T the solicitation of a nomner of frrendn of *WOO
ttical patties, I respectfully offer myself Gr tie con
sideration of my fellow-ritliens ror the offire U Camp, r
Commissioner. That my sentiments may tad be alien
&towed, either as to path icalor private, offal's. I 'l*tke
free to say that II have leen alt toy lire a constsliteAlte.
pnblioan, in the true sense of the word.A• t ciility
is somewhat enthorrzwred In Its fi r•anci t he
at an. the
redoellon of salaries otput , lia nicer. bat rrrflorrill
approbation of three natijoritles of the people, the IWO
.visaed would not Ph, flirt he be so fortnnot twin Feeler.
tr.& in Any manner otrempt to resist this falconry 111.
form; should it reach the office of County Crontniasknokr.
apr 6 :
► 1
sobreriber having opened a shop hltt Se street. het ween Market and Wood str nit eetr.Plttshurgh.
In eonnectit n with the Paeteey In Flinn illut.
fully infcrme his friends and the ; Odle, that ht sr la
:inn,rit to be favored with their orders for aP) ertieleirib•
Door Locke and Fasteners, n varlet), dt rerlptirreito
hand and made to order.
Tohnren Mill and Timber Screwy. Z
Lirp. Screws, for Iron Works,.nd Fr_lews for . r . n4rs.
ade an may he required,
Carpenters and Buildent are.. 'requested 10-e=
contracting for Jobs. and examine bib brittle* and
ocks repaired and Jobbing tenerttity (WM ht S
ms n ner. and on the lowest terms.
mar 2-64 n
"'UST R ECEIVED, 2 large i.epply of tfr'ilk . ..
of Wfld eb.erry , and for safe fibolisi r
rela;l hi
an 2f. WM. rtiats,,
No 53. Illarkstert.
- F ,
1.1 Hun of Data and Caps on hand. a ndfor vale. Wt..
role and retail, at priers to Butt the t inns, at the old! Ma&
of Douglas ¢ )Moro. 73 Wood rtrert. sup
r_____________ ,
iCt the Honorable Judges of the Court of`Ctilferoh
Quarter Seselona of the Peace. in and for the ition
4 11 pgheny
The petition of Wm McKeever -of tne 4lh warded-the
rfiy of Pittsburgh, in the county aforesaid, burnhlyonirw-
MIN that your petitioner bath provided hinurelf witkint
terials for the accommodation of travelers and ollteNN at
his dwelling how* In the city and ward aforesaid,. and
prayg that your honors will grant hint it ikenoe 19 YeeP•
a public bombe ofenterminment. -end yoor petitioner
as in duty bound Will pray.
W WM. MeKEEVEirte the subscribers citizens ofthe dtb ward Pitts
mite for honest burgh do certify that the above petitioner Is of good K.
with house room sbd tor vettlenees for the sennsupodn
lion and lodging ofstruosers and„travelers.slad t bat Oa
said tavern :a necessary.
Henry Kennedy John Gray
INMes MeAffee James McKee:Hs
David McGonnigle Geo, W. Smilh. .:.•
John Ferrell James Parke r
Jag. Atm:gran( . Robert Bell: . ^
Daweon Downing Jima Anderson jr
..___mey 17 3t
, .
9110 the Honorable Judges of the Court of Generale
I Quarter Bess: ons of the Pesten. hlt, 'DO loydirdMptik
of Allegheny. *
The pe , ition of Henry Enoz of the
_3d„ ward
of Pitt burgh, in the county aforesaid, humbly shreretb.
That your petitioner bath -provided filmset( wittsia—
Leila,. for the accommodation of travelers andothentad
his dwelling house In the city and ward a4mataid,. lad
onyx that your honors will Ara nt hint a Unmet . to ben*
a Public House of Entertainment. And yen. poiltleatur
as la duly bound wilipotty.. - htERBY-11$1.
We the sof scribers. citizens of the 3d ward Pithitbordb.
do certify that the shove petitioner is of good repute : (be.
honesty and te mperanco.and Is wet' provided With hillso
t01:1113 and co nveniencies for the accommodation and
lodging of rtra.nreta And traaelers, sad .: that the aetll,
tavern es necessary. • ,
Chas Von Bullhorn, It Of Poter Wm Glintore:',.
James Mackerat 4 Jackson ilesson A Cupolas
Wm Steventon Wm Paul James EirheY
may 16 Rob; Paul
0.75 Cherry E Ricd
--44 w3t•
ft 51 1 BBC:SA ,. . 0. .1110/,,,ygi
7 Carksßacon Hansa Ns day roteeiveafaid- AK,
sate by
J, G. 4. A 06tDdie.
may 15
12 Wake*:
TUOT openid splendid lot of Grandes,. fiesitigeon
el/ the Bast nod se_the robserther
„set!hrt Ist
eotdirg oast; beigaliii be. -
rr DOW:I forget to eel at 1 - 41) _ isyeek
may 16
.Obto Towirtadp,