Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, May 17, 1843, Image 2

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d of suet dotal autocracy and supreme.
cy. They will be an many friunds that we
shall have among our enemies._
`l3 Sweden dismembered, Persia con
quered, Poland suhjugated, Turkey' van
quished, our enemies assembled, the Black
sea and the Dakir: guarded by our vessels, it
will be necessary to propose, secretly, first
to the court of Versailles, then to that of
—Vienna, to share with her empire of the
'universe. If one of the two accepts,
(which will infallibly be the case, by flat
•tering their ambition and self-love,) make
-sae of that one to crush the other, by en.,
'gaging her in a struggle. the issue of
which ann-t be doubtful, Russia posses
sing ail the East and a great portion of
•l 4 If (which is not at all probable) both
refuse the offer of Russia, the latter must
know how to raise quatre!s between them,
and make them exhauit each other. Then
profiting by a decisive movement, Russia
should fall u7on Germany with her troops
prepared beforehand, at the same tiree
that two considerable fleets should sail—
one from the sea of Azirf, the other from
• the port of Archangel, freighted with Asia-
antic hordes, under the convoy of the army
ed fleets of the Black Sea and the Baltic.
Advancing by the Mediterranean and the
ocean, they would overrun France on one
side, while Germany was so on the othe , ; .
and these two countries vanquished, the
rest of Europe would pass easily, without
striking a b'ow, under the yoke.
`Thus may, and ought, Europt: to be
Subject to the declbon or a 7 , :al lona! roltvetit ion
We think there is now no doubt but
Gov. Porter will refuse to approve the
bonds of the State Pr inter elected by the
Legislature, a few days be tot e the adjourn
ment. We publish to-day ihe opinion of
Attorney General Johnson, which may be
regardel as shad twing forth the views of
the Governor on this vuestion.
We bad supposed that this fruitful
source of annoyance and discord was set
tled for at least three years; and that
the annual opening of our L egisla.
ture would not be disgraced by the scenes
of intrigue and corruption that generally
attended the election of a puLlic printer.
But it appears that his Excellency desires
it to be otherwise, and will have the ques
tion once more brought into the Legisla,
ture, to disturb its deliberations and to
' waste its time
The best cure for hard times.— A Maine
paper gives the following prescription for
the cure , of that affecting malady called
''Hard Times;" which is surely innocent
-_in itself and can do no barn if it should
• fail to cure. We comme id it to the atten
tion of all, and as it is a personal af f air,
we hope that nrne will decline giving it a
- trial, merely because his neighbors may
be Ece plie of its medical qualities. Here
all the drones and loafers,
'.T -Ind unemployed men into some useful bu
-- ainess or work—bring down salaries to the
level wi h other things at the time being
—reduce professional feee—be careful of
health, that no time be lost by sickness—
buy what is absolutely necessary, and pny
for it down—rise eatly work steadily—
live prudently—wear your own clothes
yourself, as lor.g as they will do to wear—
• payevery dollar you owe, if you possibly
can d 6 it—buy what is raised or made in
your town, county or state, rather than
what is imported, and thus keep all the
money in circulation in your midst that you
ran—live honestly with yourself, your ft-I'
low men and your God;—and when you do
all these things the times will improvt.'
.MysteriouB—Drowning. himself to save
hialife:—The Grand Gu'f Advertiser says,
—Some of our citizens descried a large
log floating down the Mississippi, and up
on which there appeared a human being.
A skiff was manned and rowed out within
a abort distance of the log, when lo! a stout
negro fellow was astraddle of it. In at
tempting to relieve the darkie from his
'perilous situation,' he merely waved I is
hand, as much as to say, 'thank you sirs,'
slipped off the log, like a turtle, and %%mit
down, down below, and did not make his
appearance again. He is either drowned,
or concluded to yursue his journey by laud
taking the bed of the river as the beet high.
way. It is supposed that he was a runa
way from some
_plantation above; or it
might have been (.'arkie Graves. But let
It have been whom it may, he will not see
much more trouble on earth.
eed of doubtful propricly.—Writing
a long editorial about the weather. There
is nothing more uncertain now-a-days;
no soon , r do )ou lay down your pen after
having written an item on the sul.ject than
a change comes on.
Why was Solomon when he .had the
rheumatism like a - favorite article of food?
Because he was a sore sage (sausage.)—
'lesion Pat, of course.
4ee First PnZ(
State Printer
'l'he . .Gszette and Advocate are engaged t Close ksoming.--Atkirnson, Democrat.
iria- furious controversy as to whOther a has barn elected to Congress from Virgin
certain Henry Clay, senior, who advertises is by 4 majority. Gilmer, Dem , has been
a runaway slave named Somerset,"is Hen• elected by 21 majority
ry Clay, the candidate for the Presidency.
They publish a copy of the advertisement,
which is dated ' Bourbon County, Ky."
If we mistake not, the great Clay lives
in Fayette county, Ky. This fact would
seem to us conclusive enough that Henry
Clay the bargainer is not the advertiser fur
Somerset, and we are sot ry our neighbors
should have quarrelled so much about a
matter so easily settled
To those who wish to join an Industrial
Association, we rec.)mmend the Sylvania,
(located in Pike county, Pa.) which is now
in complete operation. Young men with
small families, or none at all, who are able
to purchase oae or two hundred dollars,
worth cl stock, and who can give good
testimonials of character, would be Well
received at i hat 'dice. As it is not pos
sible that the Exchange Company will get
into our ,tion f s e months, if indeed
durin g the pi there are many
who feel torwilliN to %%ail so long, and
who d es ), to i ai , an A.4:oei itiom already
in the full tide id experi net. The one at
Syivinia offers greater inducements than
any o her within our knowledge.
Money Plenty.—Front notice given in
the New York papers, it would seem that
money is going a begging in that city.—
Commissioners of the Canal fund offer to
redeem the five and six per cent stocks
issued for the construction of the Erie arid
Champlain Canals, payable in 1845. im
mediately, on surrender and transfer of the
original certificates of the Manhattan
We wish some of our Pittsburgh ?mends
would try an•l get a loin; it would suit
many of them "uncommon" for the sur
plus f u ode in New YOT k to corn: "a beg
ging" out this way.
3 fish( for a Bride-3 plot for a plait,
—where's Bane ister?—Yot long ago, sav,,
the Caledonia Mercury, a hide of th ,
parish of Libster and her party set out to
meet her intended ; they had to cross au
unfrequented moor, and u ben about hair
way were attacked by a party armed with
Ltuns and other ofr2tisive wi•aprns. The
bride's party at first imagining thati wz,s
a frolic, passed quietly on; matters aseat.
ruing a somewhat alsrming appearance,
the males of the bri le's party fell to the
i-ear, and determined to a. , 1 on the defen
sive. The aggress 'rs were headed by the
bride's rejected, and as "dernier a resort,"
he adopted this mode of n•ooing, A scan , -
ensued, and after a keen contest the ag
gressors were defeate t i, and their guns
bruken. This•aetion was fought on the
identical spot that the Keiths and Gunns
fought for •'Helen," the beauty of Brae.
more, in which the former was defeated•
A b tter from Cub t in the Charleston
Courier states that the number of slaves
killed, or who committed suicide, during
the late insurrection near Cardenas, is
about 300. Tne writer says, '"the scene
a few days afterwards was very revolting;
none of the dead were buried, and their
swollen corpses lying on tlur ground, or
hanging fro.n the limbs of trees, presented
a horrible spectacle; while the deserted es
tates, the burnt fields and dwelling,s, added
still more to the air of desolwion spread
The fratren Murder.—The Trenton
Gazette says that the funeral of the vic_
!finis took place on Thursday last. About
two thousand persons were present, an imp
mense concourse to he gathered in an ag
iicultural district. The discourse was
well suited to the occasi,m, was preached
in the open air, and made a most thrill ng
impression. The boy, Jesse Farce, had
recovered so as to walk about on Monday.
Alarming.—Th e New Orleans Tropic
of the 10th inst., has the following very
alarming statemeur
"We learn that a gentleman from Wash
inaton county in this State, over the Lake,
arrived in this city last night, with a de
mand upon Governor Mouton, for a detach
ment of 110.1p s to aid in quelling a most
alarming insurrection, attended with se,
ions loss f life. The facts, as we un,
derstand ilo'rn, are as follows;
Several hurrdred men from Hancock co. ;
Mississippi, joined by many from Wash.
ington county, in this State, had formed
therns , lve s into a band of freebooters, for
the pillage of property and the destruclion
of life. It is stated that they are well ors
ganiz e d an i armed—and are regularly eo
earnped. Many lives have already been
taken, and extensive robberies have beet'
We take it for granted that a detach
ment of troops will be ordered to Ihe scene
of dif f
iculty in accordance with the demand
made upon the Governor."
Broke Down.— The Canal bridge on
Race street, Cincinnati, broke down on the
10th inst. A the ee horse team with a load
of sand, dropped through into the canal.
but were rescued by the citizens.. One of
the horses died of the injuries received.
3notker Outrage in New York.—A
young girl, the daughter of a Porter House
keeper in Davidson street, N. Y.. deposed
that a fellow nan,ed Margeson, had viola
ted her person• He was arrested.
The London papers state that insanity
is decidedly on the increase in England.
Can it he, as Othello says, that "the
moon comes nearer the earth than she has
wont, and drives men mad?"
The Delaware Peach Orchards are said
to be in flog condition, and give promise of
an abundant crop.
Some of the eastern papers are predict
ing that this year (1843) is "locust year."
A slight mistake, we think. We may look
out for them in 1846.
A gentleman, the other day, on asking
a market man the price of eggs, was an—
swered, 'Eggs are eggs now.' lam glad
to hear it; wi!h all my heart; for the last I
blught of you were half chickons.'—Bost.
Shad are so plenty in Philadel , hia that
the fishermen were compelled to desist'
their labor long before the usual time, for
fear of having a great number spoiled in
their hands.
A French Cook at the U. S. Hotel, hi
Philadelphia, receives 1,000 dollars per
year. This is as good as a berth in the
Custom House.
The city of ew Yotk is now crowded
with clergymen of all denominations.—
We hope they may he able to effect some
gond, for no place in this world needs re
formation more.
Mr Secretary Upshur was at Norfolk on
Monday, and visited the vari il/s ships of
war at that anrhora'ze.
The mint at. New 0 leans, during die
molth April, ciined $380,000 in gold
and 567,000 in silver.
Wheat Was sold in Peoria on the 3,1 inst
for 40 :rents
Th..re is a report that Lord Brougham
intends visiting the United States.
)an Marble is in Philadelphia at the
Walnut Ftreet
The London Literoy Fund Socie'y has
expended since 1790,in dona , ions to d's•
tresed authors and their families, 619.1
Miss Sedgyrick, the all horess, has gone
to E u rope
Lou, Enough.—The prire of admission
to the People's Theatr., Cincinrati,
Box 20 cents. Pit 10 cents.
It is said that the streets of New York
are infested al night wiih tit omen in men's
rI Jthes, who keep the company of gamb.
lei .9 and pick-pockets.
,3ood Example.—Th e following resolu
tion was adopted by the Board of Tins•
te - 's of the village of Jamestowi", N Y at
S a meeting held on the 10th of May, 1842:
"Resolved, That every person who
shall, within c tie year from the first of June
j next, set out or caused to be set out and
protected, one or more good and thrifty
trees, siade or ornamental, upon the outer
edge or verge ofihe side walks opp site
their village lots in this village, said trees
to be locust, sugar maple, horse chesnut,
mulberry, elm, syeamoro, willow, bass•
w 0.).), butternut, hickory or chesnut, which
shell be in good he - dthy condition on the
first day of June, 1844, shall be entitled to
a rebate c f one hafday, upon his or her
highway tax for the )ear 1844, for each
rice to be set Out arid protected, provided
that in no instance shall any person be al
lowed for any number of trees a sum
greater than h or her tax for the year
Very good, indeed. Let it be U ied
whetlmr bounty will not overcom e th a t
deadly hostility to every thing in the shape
of trees, which has descended to our peo
ple from the pioners. There are folks
who regard trees and birds as sort of skin,
and kill both whenever opportunity pre
sents itself. Can they not be bribed into
better taste—coaxed into a little shade—
te warded into fancy by the picturesque?.—
And then as for the little birds—are there
no means of interposing a plea of mercy
for them? Are great lumbering boobies,
with long guns, to exterminate every tom
tit in the land?—Pennsylvanian.
A murder was committed at the 90 miles
station of the Georgia Central Rail Roid,
n Tuesday evening, 2d May, on the body
of a Mr. Ifirbard. It appears that Mr.
H. had some difficulty with a Mr. Gould
ing, and went to his house for the por.
pose of inflicting chastisement. Goultbrg,
however, had prepared hiirself with
double barreled gun, with which he Licht).-
erately shot Harbard, as he approached
his house.
Look °W.—Mr. E. Cheever, Pastor of
the S.cond Preshv.te:ian Church at New•
ark, N. J. cautions the public against a
voung man. ag,el 18 years, calling himself
Hugh Carli-le, who pret•incts that he ratne
to this country from Ireland, in order to
obtain an eduration fur the Ministry.
United States Government Stocks have
been sold in Londoa at 107.
_ ..... _ _
1 Tud State Printer a•Asctplonlialt o r the Attu'. -, ___ _. 2
_ o:fit PtltyC. • - iT.., 1 :: .4 . .t.'..-',
• ney Getterni. r This is to certify that the saisatilier betels. ti , ll* . „..teme
I Attorney Gc neral's O ffi ce, }.
P .iladelphia, May Bth, 1843. . lima °Misted wit h rtailtheutteoam very Laeverety. : frem
• , width he could get no t end; ;filth : being edisbk.d.te pro.
:cure some of Or. Fitch's - !NOON VifltlitAßLE
Charles McClure, Esq , Secretary of the Corn- ELIXIR, %OHM, be accordingly did, and from which
monwealtli—llear Sir:-1 had the honor to re. ! after a few doses
Columbia. Aprahtie, i l v; s s 2 e . intrely relieved.
ceive yours of the' sth ult. in due time, sub :lit- SAM'L PEARSE:
ling for my conaideintion the question, whether
the election of I. G. M'Kin!ey as Grate Prir.ter to Near Rice Creek Springs 4
do the English Printing, on the I sth day of April. l Rionlood District.S. 13 , Aprll3o. 1838. sl'
i I certify, that my:son. Thomas Mitehel, Jr., aged IS
was such a Valid election, under the Act or t! e
t y h e e ars ß s. h h e as been .roubled fur eight years last past
i with e
211 h March lest, entitled, "An Act to create per
manently the office ofState Printer," as will justi- enable to"-nhaellipenhjima s il l
f lo i r s
i t s h
p e a
i l n as t t e
atstivreceryysecavres, has so that
fy the approval of his bond by the Governor, pre- lie
co y
not tie moved without great agony; his limbs
paratory to his . entering on the duties of his of- ' were paralized and drawn up, and he presented on oh_
fire? As the anewer to this question involves the Ject hopeless to all who knew him. 1 resorted to several
legality of a solemn act, pet formed by the joint Physicians for relief for him, without effect. Having
concurrence of the members of the two Houses of heard of Dr. A. Fitch's Indian Vegetable Elixir, I pro_
the Legislature, I have given it the most careful cured the same for nit , son. On taking it he was much
relieved, and by continuing it to the fourth bottle, has
examination, and have arrived at a conclusion tip- e ntire l y removed the pain, his flesh Is restored and he Is
on what appear t,r my own mind, to be the most n ow enjoying good health. I would, in a case of f; heu
clear and solid legal gro ii.ds. ' mat ism, earnestly recommend it to those who are affee.
The first section of the Act providing for the tee whh this exernel. ling pain. THOS. ItITECIIELL
election of Slate Pont( re, prescribes in gener a l ! W being neighhors and aconaintances of Mr Thouias
terms that "there shall her, after b 3 el, sled, in the Mitchell, and having often seen the situation of his son,
manner now provided by law for the election of fully corroborate the above case, rind, as we believe has
State Treasurer, two :Sul,: Printers," etc„ etc.—
been eared by the Indian Vegetable Elixir.
No tune is fixed in this section for such election, SAMUEL MEEK,
nor is any authority given to the two Houses to DtVID D. HAY,
fix ihe time. This section simply prescribes the Be i TEO:4 SPELLING,
m r m
anne or ode, or fonts in which the State Prin. ROR
tors arc lo be c lict( d, to wit.; as the Stale Treasii- The above, with a eery large KN
assortment of other
rer is elected by I iw. :1 tid how is this? In the %. itiatde medicines, have Jost been received and are for
fallowing "manner:" each house of the Legisla• sate by the quantity or sie,:le bottle, at TUTI'LE'S, 86
tire shall choose: one tell, r and furnish a minute I. ' ll " I 8. •
of the choice t, the other. At the hour n' t .vt lee ICE CREAM SALOONS.
on corms day to he des , g. , algid, the Senate and NDIv. DUNKER ref ertfully gives entire that he
House of Flew
i 0-en tatty, s shall meet in etinvon'it n A hill 0 tined his ice Crearn Saloons for the season, at
in the Cli . tuber of the fiou,o of Reines his Coo feet inuary mi Fain street. - a few doors nom Mar
sentatives; the Speaker of Lie Senate., or in his kro. Ladie. andCenthimen eau tie served with a super.
ab-etice Me Svelter of the [louse of itepr.:- for artieLi of lee Cream, at any hour of the Day or
scot itt•tes ' , hull preside, an I when the convent ton , Ev'Mml• Their patronage is solicited,
N. R.—On hand, a. 4 usual, a choice assortment of
is organ z-d. the members shill proe-ed t° elect
viva voce, and the ballotinga are tohe conducted,. Fruit: and Confectionaries at re need prices.
and the r Null annourfced in the rondo desc ribed ' taael7--liv
This is obvioubly all that is infant or provided for ' Li E Rit I NGS A S- SHAD, -A fresh lot of the above, ju s t
in this first section We have not yet a word said , 11tereived at for sole by J. W. BUR BRIDG E 4 Co
in relatirm to 'he lime at which the election is to' may 17 ' Water. between Wood 4 Smithfield .
take place. The MANNER, II IStroe, is prescribed,
but if no TIME be firceu, them. can lie no election.
The Legislature was not so negligent of its anti, ' : I3OOKS AND TRACTS.
as to leave this glaring defect in the law. Turn: jusT received from New York, 3050 Youth's A (Ivo_
to the thirteenth arction, which is drawn in these rate and Journal for slay; 100 Lyres and Harps,
election of
plain ter Baerhus and soot-Baerhu., permanent Temperance disc_ ins— w rlie first Sate Printers
hall lake place on the third day alter the
pami..' ... . uments, and quite a variety of the latest Temperance
v i
of this A .t, unless that da b publval lons. Ai.o. -23 rmekases asmrfed English tracts
y e Sun.lay. in wb:eli and 2000 small reward, library and Demo Books of the
ease it shall talc.: place on the Monday following, :.,finertea n rabbet', achoot Union. for Temperance Smiles
anil they shall he elected on the fist Monday of ties, private Notifies. Sal math Schools, and the friends
Marsh in every third year there's her, and th. it of Temperance and the benevolent Centrally, For sale
term o'' "dice shall commence on the first day of in any sized tots by ISAAC HARRIS, Agent and Com
mission Merchant, No 9, Fifth street, Pittsburgh.
July nrxt succeeding this election "
lire then we have the lime clearly and tine- may 17
qui•oeally prescribed, No "tie earl mistake it._ 11110 the Honorable the Judges of the Court of
The fi rst election is to Ink: place on the third day 1. General Quarter Sessions of the Peace,in and
a free the passage i f the I iw, unless that dry lie 'TI e p eiwy of Allegheny.
Funday, arJ in sueli ens ~ the e:eetion is to take 'rm. ve.i.ion of frobr.rt. y,,,,0 g (lithe third ward
1 .1,, , , on th e M.. Jay r.llywieL , .. N . authority is of cliy of Pittsburgh Allegheny c-...hninbly showed)
g 'ten to Ihe ivy., ll.,iisiis to adjourn from day t, i That he is well provided with house room and other
day. The law pa- , c Ib v the two Mose+ and , rooveniencest for the ace onmodatinit Or st, angers
sltietioned by tie Execo.,v e b an 11,,,,vi a tc,1 1110 lid Era elers, at Ihe house now peen oleo by him as
day. The two lion,. on, cannot ch ,n, o, n, or out at la, ern; and being day, evil to continue in that bu
emiren ige , ' al i t, Miller i h.• law by thei r hare ' siiings he prays your honors to grant him a license to
r, solution. If they could, tile Es :cutive is anni- It-ep an lon or house of Public Entertartimen!--.
I ilated, and the constitution 1 eadered the ortere ' And lie will pray, iif.r.
sport Jrill mocket v for the majwity in them. ROBT. YOUNG.
Against such legislatve (Iv...roar:lint nts there Toe undersigned citizens of the 3d ward of clay of
cot, Id he neither •alety nor protect ioo. B u t t h e Pittsburgh respectfolly certify that the above named
absurdity o! such a pr,tence is to.) plain to require ophili , ant is a gent:einen of Bond reptile fault honesty
argument for its exposure, The whole question i ard temlierane.e, and is well prceided with hob - e
here is, whistler the provis•nn in the fie +l section, room and c ,.l . , eniettees for the ace. , mmodatien f or
tii.,t the siuie p rinter 5 h,, 11 he e i e ,..,,,,i i n, ,/,,. ,„„, lodging or strangers and travelers, and that saie.av,
nee' the Sidte T. e-‘l,er is Heeled, qualifies tlit• i eh" I '' m ''''''`"'Y•
day destgriated in the 13th section, so .5 to ails W m Gil m're,
thorise the tw . 11. IlifLP in Canirention to adjourn S tu Plfil,
from day to day nod elect on the I.sth day of A - Samuel Harper,
pril instAd of the t - 270, „r Mar ( !a, tne thir.l flak TIV
''' O'Neill,
arer the l iti.,oo)2l`. o t •the law. I think , 1 do -s ant;Samuel !hied.
i;.' t h e first sermon has sole reference to the mode Jas llootood ),
of erg in zing the C m•• niirm and conductinz its_ rni v l7
o;ierations, and not 1,, the day on whirl, it is t.'
meet, and to which its puler is hurtled and c. , 11
N nlimgr is clearer than that when the law has
do iginated ad.y on which an act IA t h) done,
without cloth arttt• t perform it on anoilier day, it
is void if d , no on any other day Wyo....that preseri
bed --uch I conceive to be the cdi , ein ibis in,
The fret amounts t) nothing, that the State
Treasurer, if not elected on the day di signaled,
may be r.lected on such other day as the Conven
ton adjourns to. The law specially pro, ides fur
Oita contingency; but in the election of State
Printer, it does hot It looks to no other than the
one trained, and doubtless it is a st isc and sahra
ry prov•si Surely it is no more impracticable
Ibr the Legislature to elect a sate Printer in one
day, thur. it is fur the people of Pennsylvania to
elect a Governor and members of the Legislature
on one day. lithe members of the Legislature
k - tow it is their duty to elect un a particular day,
they is LII unquestionably perf . orm it. But let
ihein uneerstand they may adjruro loin time to
time, as whim, caprice or management happens to
dictate, and there is a field open for comb:nation
,ntt i:!tie and bargaining which raay tend to pro.
dues the roast disastrous results to the public In- 1
terest,kl say nothing of what has in tact nr irl elks
gation characterised the present election: I tut,
sl r aking in the abstract of the sound, wholes- me
policy of the law, is I interpret its meaning. It is
niir iodide of conch uctii n not to be overlookcc; it
ci one ct the fundamental canons of statuary con
struction in doubtful cases if this he so,to advance
right and repress wrong. It cannot be tio rigid
ly applied.
In this view of the case, the election of llr
ICiffiey was invalid, and the governor ught riot
to approve of his b inr . Fortunately little it :my
Me) iveuieucc can result trim thit , ctinstruetion of
the law, for no public printing to any consalere.
We amount, will be requited to be done before the
in cling of the next Legislature, and it wit; rest
with teat led% to c-rreet the interpretation of the
low a hieli I hive given, if it be dt'emed wrong.—
I feel 1 as reluctance in expressing the t,
Pinion I have forme I on this suhject, while there
is an appeal ripen to the rt presentat!ves of the
people, el ...tted with this oticatton fresh hetbre
them, for all parties in ho may be dissatisfied, than
I Would it it was to he final and conclusive upon
their rights. I do not of course expect to convince I
those whose interests may lie deii:y affected by
this opinion, but entertaining not tt,e 81101te,t
doubt as in the entirt, soundness of every position
maintained, I commit it with great c tnfidenee to
the juttgement of the en:ighteoed and impartial, 1
regarding with perfect indifference whatever
course others may see fit to pursue.
Yours, &c ,
Very respectfully,
OVID F. Joinfßor
/110 the Honorable Judges of the Court of General
Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in and for the court y
The petition of Win McKeLver of tne 4th ward of the
city of Pittsburgh, in the county aforesaid, humbly shew
etii, that your petitioner hat h provided himself with ma
terials for the accommodation of travelers end others at
his dwelling house In the city and ward aforesaid, arid
prays that your honors will grant him a license to keep
a public house of entertainment. And your petitioner
as in duly hound will pray.
We the sUbscribers chizem of theW M.
4th McK war E d V Puts
burgh, do certify that the above petitioner Is of good re
pute 'or houwity and temperance and is well provided
with house room slut corvenienee= for the accommodn.
lion and lodging of strangers and.traveters, altd that the
said tavern ,o nereasary,
Henry Kennedy John Gray
James Mcifffo James AlcKenns
David MeGonnigle gGeo..W. Smith
John Fe,rall James Parker
Jac. At InStroOg r Robert Bell
Dawson Downing James - Anderson Jr.
may 17 - _
'll RE'L'S.r. 0. . 1 10L.R$SES.
•3 1 1 Caeks flacon Hams thi.; day received and for
.4311! 1, J. G. 4 A. GORDON.
may 13
12 Water SI.
'timed a splendid lot or Grorgrles, fie.rilt from
nist,atid aq the subscriber Intenik selling for
not Ring but cash, bargain. itiav Ite expected.
ri•Don's forget to call at 140 Liberty Ft r..et
tnnv 16 I'ACY LLOYD
r 1
ne Honorable Judgo, of the Court of General
Quiirier Se.csami of Ilse Peace, iu and-for the county
The pe.itina of Henry Knox of the 3d ward
of 1 lic2 tieny. in the county aforesaid. humbly sheweth.
That vour nciftinner Rath provided hlmself.with 11/3-
I , riala for the accommodation of travelers and others at
Iris dweliing !loos, in the City and ward afore=ald, ald
prays +hat your honors will Iran( him a license to keep
a Public ilouqe of Entertainment. And your petitioner
as in duly bound will pray, HENRY KNOX-
We the siii seillier3, citizens of the 4th ward A l i eallenY•
an certify that the ahoy(' petitioner is of ;loaf repute for
honesty and temperancs.arid is wet' provided with house
room and convenierwlec for the accommodation and
lorhzintr of Ftraarrers and travelers, end that the said
tavern to neceswary.
Chas Vnn Ronhorst, Rohl rorter WM Gilmore
James Marshall Jackson [lesson A Cripples
Wm Stevenson Wni Pciii James Kirbey
nOil: Paul Jae Cherry E Rind
may 11 —(l4 - w3t•
11 11VING made extensive arrangements for the man.
ofacture of the above a, brie. I am now prepared
In fill nil orders for COPPER AND IRON RIVETED
PosE,and which I intend shall lie made of the very lest
material and workmanship, equal in quality, and len
per cent, less than the Eivlern manu 'acture•
Oiders 'eft wi , h A Potion, Brass "Oil o.der,-2nd street.
or at Inv Saddle, Harness and Trunk Store. No. 36
Wood street, rorner of Diamond alley, will he promptly
attendnd In, 11 H HARTLEY.
N. It. —lll kinds of rlvited Mnrhinr Bands made as
a' ovi; also, all kinds of Hoac repaired.
may 15-4 t
rilnu ,uhswriber wo*Ad respectfully Inform his eusto
IL niers and the puhl is generally, that not withstanding
the unprecedented sales at the Three Big, Doors, during
the present season; lie has still on hand the largest and
most varied assortment of elegant CLOTHING that can
he bought west of the mountains. The public may rest
a`Silrei that ail articles offered at 6ia store are manufac
tured from FRESH GOODS, purchaseein the Eastern
markets this Sp - Ing and made into garments by Pius
burgh workmen.
In consrunence of the n.ultiplication of slop shops In
our city, tilled with pa w n•brukers.clothes and the musty,
cast off garments of former seasons. from th• eastern el.
ties, the public should be caution= to ascertain the char.
:icier of theestablishments in which they are invited to
putehase, before they part with their money. The ar
ticles offered at several of the concerns in this city. are
the mere offal! of New York and Philadelphia stop
(hops, and sent out here to be palmed uff on the Pitts.
burgh pue•lic. rurcha•ers should be on their guard n.
gains' these impositions. and they may rely on the fact
that no eqabitshment that advertises eastern made Clot •
Ina, can give as good an article or as advantageousbar.
gains as can be had at the "Three Big Doors."
The public will please remember that all the subseri•
g trmetts are made In this city, by competent work
and not gathered up like the goods now offered by
the -birds of passage" from the shreds and !latches of
eastern slop shops. It well always be his endeavor to
maintain the reoutal lon that the "Three Big Doors'
have oldai nee for furnishings superior style of CV/TH
ING in every respect, and at prices below those of any
other estaidishment.
He would nain•relurn his thanks to him friends and
the public for the unprecedented patronage bestowed
upon his eetalillshment; and believing that they have
found 0 to their advantage to deal with him, he would
repeat his invitation to all those who wish id purchase
Clothing of every description at the lowest price to call
l 7 Observe Metal Plate In the pavement. a; 26.
James Cherry,
Alex Copples,
R , tht [mean,
C Von Bonhorst,'
W,n Stevenson,
James Kerber.
rner of Penn ,k St. Clair Os. Pitl6'o.
rpflE Proprietors of this elegant and comet Odio
IL tablshment, beg leave to announce Io their friesd
and !e public, that their prire for Board, from this (Jule, s
is reduced to ONE DOLLAR PER DAY.
Prom the locality of this house, being situated mid.
way between the canal and Steamboat landings, a, d Ow
the great thoroughfare to Alit:luny city, the praprle.
tors trust, that with continued exertions on their part, .
they will he enabled to afford avers attention and toll.
Ity required for the comfort and convenience °nixie
guests. and hope to merit a contlnuvrice of the patron.
age that has hitherto been so liberally extended to them.
The principal Siace and Pactet offices, ate connected
with the Hotel, and for the better aecommodatiow or
their guests, an Ontvibus will at al I times be In read,.
ness to convey them to and front the House.
an 25-3 m. IiteKIRBIN ¢ 86tiT8.
Regular Morning Packet
z s The fast running and well known
Sn.ar Haterruct„ Allister will depart daily from PlN
tireli at o'clot k, A. al„ and Beaver at 1 o'clock P. 111,,
For freight er pass , lge,anply on hoard, or to
No 60 Water ilreet.
F he ten, Inr canal No
to Cleveland, ell%
Greenville and Meadville Pa.; and Maraillaa - as Ike
cltdo conneetint with strainer Cieveiaati•at !kW
ver,will be in operation immediately on.opeoingetemeo.
• •
- a sting to lawores
1 0 ma th d e e 11n4nibtri:e"'rt,C:::f u lt ad ' e - r - S err i:l r ted upon
or a dead men found in the Ohio rivtr. at a point • eteig.
naiad 'ring Island.' shout eleven mites from lq,e city eir
Pltishurgh. Toe finding of ilia Jury in , —.that tat dral
c eared 1048 drowned in a lealf and manner , swkwoWlS na
them; bet, in view of the fact: collo. tett, 'Aar baths* or
t kat the uvfortwnatc .ecarreees was net an gag #l4-
‘inztt by any inSividitaf.'
The evidences upon the person on he deceased to Ml*
an ktlentity satisfactory to distant relatives are as rot
lows, to wit:
Clothing: pair of black pantaloons—grey oast whit
black buttons—vest of red and black stripe—black silk
cravat—one watch lately cleansed at Jamestown N. T.
Other personal property. sundry due bills, indhshlhir
tpat the name of the unfortunate man, is Jonvewah
Sityrn JR. Fourteen dollars N. York curreney walls
Warren county shinplaster cf .513 cent■ were Med
In his pocketbook.
The friends of the deceased will learn further mile.
wars on application to the Commissioners of Athergheity
county, with whoa. the papers of the dereased, timbale
depordird JAMES CALLIN.
may 16 31. ,Ohio Township:
P HE subscriber would respectfully inform his Meads
IL and the public In general, that he is now revel,*
from New York and Philadelphia, a large and welt
ted stock of Fancy and Variety Goods, which will be sate
wholesale and retail at reduced prices for cash may. Thll
clock comprises In part as follow.:
Tortoise shell, Tuck, Twist. Side,Dressing and Pocket
Combs; Buffalo Horn, Twist, Side. Dressing and Pocket
Conti's; Ivory Fine, Dressing and P.icket Comb=; Beni
Tuck, Twist,Side. Dressing and Pocket Combs, Wong
ettolitg,Tapes, Honks and Eves, Pins, Needles, Threads
of all kinds; Thimbles, Suspenders, Pereuulert..eapk,
Sewing Silk. Buttons, Pocket Bouks, Pen Knives,. en*.
Fors Cotten Cord. Boot and Shoe Laces, Palm Leaf Hats,
German Sliver Table and Tea Spoons, Fancy ahd COM..
mon Fans Fancy Soap, Coloone Water, Slate Pencils,
Willow Straw and Manilla Work Baskets; Basket Wag
gon., Chairs and eroding.
Iso„ a la •ge assortment of Rosewood Writing Desks,
Dre.sinn, Cases, Work Boxes, Fine Shaving Moen 'Slid
hoses. B.irkaa m mon tioards, Chessmen, Walking Canon.
‘cc. rdrans, Fine Hair'and Tooth Broshes.Fin-egshiwag.
Fanry boxes, Cignr-rases, Gold Fingcr.rinfs; /Rag
Pins and Ear-rings, Gold and Silver Pe ells, Hair fiat;
Bogner Hold( rs and Fancy Buffalo romps.
The above articles may be had in connection with
ery article in the variety dcparlmeiit. Call and main*
may 16 Z. BINS EY.
L. & J. D. WICK,
Wholesole Grocers Sr. Dealers in ProdiliNii
116 Wood Streri. 4 doors above Filth at.
may 1 5.
Farms to Lease.
T FIE underslgued will lease two Farms situated In
East Deer township, with the necessary tenersenta,
and from 75 to 100 acres cleared on each. Also, One
farm situated In West Deer township Allegheny county
with from 50 to 75 acres ecated. Tie above desert ell
property la in reasonably good repair, laying alum. 13
mites from the city of Pit tsburgh, and within two piles
of the Penn's Canal. and will be leased on reasonable
terms for from 1 to ihrec years, tu gond tenants,
March Lith—tr.
A uction-
Q FA TINES TOC K - CO Sueeelmors to J. . Guth
t,,7• rie, at the old stand corner of .sth and Wood sts.
having complied with the refinish ions of thc new. MSC.
tion Law, ^re prepared to make advances on Consiga•
menlv and to sellion favorable terms. They hope by
continuing to make ready sales and prompt returns, to
receive a fair portion of bushier*.
Pittsburgh, A pr Ist 180-
In retirinz from the Auction kuainests, il
pleasure in recotnmendina to the puni if! Messrs. Salim.
Fahnestrick CO., Who have complied with the remain ,
men!a of the new Auction Law and will do Initiate/ at
my oid stand. J. B. GUTHRIE.
a pril 3 1843.
A'l' the solicitation of n romper of frirnds pion -
II lent anti IFO, re=pert fully offer ro3velf t tht
videration of my fellow•eltleens .or the office et Voitnilf
Commiseinner. That my vent imente mny not be Adel*.
derstond, either ne to Wit teal or private affairs.. F Man
free to say that f hove teen all my life a COneaaelill tat.
pithliean, in the true:4'lm! oft*...! word. An the eennly
Is somewhat e 7 liilitM2Frd In he finaarlat a ffitira spertbs
reduction of apiaries of r oldie off:cerft has received lb"
approbation of tarae majorities ofthe people, tae under.
signed would not ell( uld he he ro fe'rtu on na to te elee
led, In any manner attempt to revio this As latarropi .
form; should It reach the office of County Cranntaaktntda;;=
- -
/SIRE subscriber Navin: nrenPd a shop no 6R , Peened
1 at met. lietween Market andWond sireetr,Pllll44Slib.
in corincrtic n with the Partery in PirininaLain,
fully Informs his friends and the ruhile, that he will le
!mops to he favond with their orders for any attic*, it
his line,
Door Locks and Paste nets, o various dcreripl!or
hand and made to order.
Tolviren. 11111 - 11 and Timber Screwy.
ree Screws, for iron Works . , and Screws for Presses
ade as may he reqUirefi,
Carpenters and Builders are requested to eatl beam
cont rartine for job., and riandne hap articles and price&
ork s repair e d and jobbing renerully (one In :bebent
ma otter. and on the lowest TWIT'S.
may 2-6.4 JAS. PATTCRSON.
UST RECEIVED. a large supply of hr SoraitHirs
al Scrap of Wild Cl:erry,and for sale svtioltsale *Rd
rela;l by
ap 2f. W 1110LN.
No 53', Market M.
N OTICE to Steam Boat Oasners.—The rubserther, in
consequence of the difficulty of the times. has rein.
ern the price of has Safety Guard for the prevention •I
the explosion of steam boilers, to $1,50 her boat.
I t is hoped that nit tkatt owners will avail thenwelyee
of these reasonable tering, not only on account or the
perfect Wei) , they afford, but also In point of economy.
Rollers with the apparatus attached will weer Mem
wire as tai, as those not provided with them.
Ninret , l-3m
Mon or Dots Rod Caps ott tin nd. ondror vole. whole.
. - ale and rpfn II ntoriees insult t lie I Imes, al ilte old.siend
of D0w...4m ¢ Mooro. 73 Wood *lief% mu
WELL furnished Brick troti , e, with a well told.
valed Flower Garden of about half an acre, lad
fIICIVIII , II wit It all necessary stables and outbuilding*, is
ntfi•red for rent ft mit the present lime until the firm of
April next. It is pleasantly situated on the batiks of tt e
Ohio, a short distance from the city, and for conven
ience:lnd comfort Is not excelled by any other in the
neizhborliond of Pittsburgh. For tt, small family who
will take gond care of the premises, Ihla is one of the
I ost desirable locations that could he carved., For fur.
ther information apply at this office, or to N. Kane, Jr,
LII erty reel. may 9.-Iw,"
' 172,4: :7771k 7 4,7=iftr .