a _ _ .. t'Vg. "'Mint" -13" ' VOL L- NO. 2.10 1 PBBLISIIED BY Mite PHILLIPS & W. H. SMITH, CORNFiR OF WOOD 4 FIFTH ST$ elgßAt4.---FIVE DOLLARS a year, payilde In idareace r 'Simile enpies TWO CENTS—forleat the selbeter Atilt, Ace, and by Nerve Bays. • - 4.1._ IPike.m.ercury and illannfactnrer filpotigked WEEKLY, at the same office, on a rlJuhle Mil edigm 'sheet,. of TWO DOLL, IES a year, .In ad. iieneak,i . Sin2le•eople4. SIX CENTS. • - Terms of Advertising. ..pgR Ilgl.lAltE OF TWELVE LINTS Oft LESS: `Di, Ineeiflon, 0,50 I One month, C`,.00 rico InArtione, 0,75 Two mom', 6.00 Ilwee !Amnion% 1,00 Three months, 7,00 Noe weallie, 1,30 Four months. 8,110 Ton weletii, 3.00 I Six months, 10,00 rim neettke. 4.00 One year, 15,00 , ... VE %MN ADVERTISEMENTS. . CLI•NOTAIII.1 AT Pt XASORT.. ' r4 (WIT 8,1141:11. nes synares Pit ; tanitillig, $14,00 1 Six months, 1123.00 04e yeii, . 25.00 One year. 35,00 iFf"Lsrienr advorliAements in prorort 4 on. f %R thit of four tines Ste Dott.atts a year. et.l B 1. 10 OFFICE S. &C. ITY Orricz. Third hetwnen Market and Wood M Riddle, Postmaster. 47orcip411 Asa, Water. dth door from Wood rt. Peier• Io hltildiniv—llajor John W Mock, Collecior. CITY TAILMIORT. Wood between Fir.d and Second tterita,]amen A. Sartram, Treasurer. AloorrrY TRICASORT, Third street. next door to the PKhd raeshyterein Church—F., R. Johnston, Treasurer. ,14Ayo,iidnyrteit. Fourth, between Markel and Wood teoes—,Atesander Say, Mayor. Jtoluncsta,irr's ExcnAson. Fourth. near Market st. 11A NKS totersisswrio.between ‘larket and Wood streets, on rtbrd and Fourth streeti. 11111t.41ANTA' MAN , IFACTURINIO ♦ND F&R`tcßl' DN- Paprr Riirg., (formerly Gavin; Pond.) Fourth, between Meal awd ,Market stlerts. NarcaiWen, ric; itreel. NeXT Wood. firiTEL,S. 444.7mitimaiss• iloomc, Water street, near The erldge :AcalitArs floret., cOrner of Penn and Se. Alrateitionre turner of Third and Wood. :./tIIIIRICAM lloTat.,corner of Third and Smithfield. A .......EstriesSrs•res. corner of Penn a trprd and C a nal. Cant's, Liberty street. near Seventh. Vacua*. M •Irsiorr !loom, Litieriy St oppos.lite Wayne ,Orto tmtuarr M MIA() a florae. Penn St. opposite Canal. 111 Ong Err WOODS, ATTORNEY AND * COUNSELLOR AT L W. —Offi , e remo red to 11akewett's offices on Grant st., neatly opposite tee new Doan House, next rooms to John D. Mahon, dog ,—Pliat door. nsit 10 OS. li. ELLIOTT, M. D. —Office resueed t o St. Clair street, between. Penn and Liberty SIE, /Pt+ bsetk. P 10 Walt :TONI ER, Arlo , nr.v al lotw. North and Foul , h strreip. ItrICYLNDLINS & 31PC LU it E., Attorneys and 11UL. 00aagietiorn at Law: Office in the Manton& hack *CAM Wit Cou rt [louse. r ittsltargh. sep 10 Stium!c FIND'. Attorneys at Late, Fourth at.. near the Nlnyty's Office. rhisherrh, asp 10-1 y riltios•HANIILT ,, s ,Altorney al La w. it, briween JR: Wood and Smithfield sta..Pitt,htirzh. !ill 10-1 y ROBINSON, ‘l‘orittv at Law; 'Mr , an 'the nod of the Di:nnnnd.het wee, 1111 ket Aid 11te inn streets, up 1,1 a irs sep 10 ii.-1301.TRata):11117, A‘torney at 1,1 w; trotter. ;sla).rvice. to the pahtir. (011,..cor er of 1 7 )(44:144 Nlarket Sirects. shove 1). 1.1ov.1(70'.) if arr. Pit lidairth, Pa. .) - 1 - ) 10 ET YSER k in.7•ll‘N 'I N. Afro, 'ie.! ii at Low, inflii, reliiii&iiril from I ii•ii Din 11111 l id, in - %II iir iiiiiyi-Rnw,' hiiity aide of Fourth si tee , brit mien Mii 0,0 Rod W.nd 0 rtfiliii ' ...11 111 A'PRNEY Al' LAW, iv • . tias retiwv...l hie mike to the corm rof Foivrtli tract a nil Cherry Allr.y, bet were Suil!Wield aWI Grant Orwell., Pittsburgh. !kep 10 w. LA YXO. Altai net; at lines. Otlie No. 54 Firth At reel, near the Theatrn, Pitislitit2ll step 27-;-1y .04111111iG lON, rtoßxer AT LAW. —Office in Itcare finikting Fourth street. rlitAlinrub. Nov ..5. 1842. 0 111ffir J. MITCHELL --Aiirm.ey Imo', Mike 111 ,- coroor or Smithfield and 50 sts . Pittsburgh. COSections made. A I nuttiness entrusted to his sit, will he promptly attended to. fel) 16=•;1 r tt. Morrow, Aldern:An; oft a nnriti sidle of Fifth et,, between 3Vood a l lid Smithfield vie; Pinsbergh. . B efi 10 rift. S.E. 1101.51 ES. Offire in Second street, next door to hi Olvane 4- Co's Glam. Warelionoe gep 10-1 y utvis Owl s I'ON, Hoot.tel;orp.PrlolerF An J Dinnuracturerg, No. 37,,Markri Ft. Rep JOHN ANDERSON. Smithfield Foundry, Water st.. lee, ut2h. pep 10-1 y tnIARAS 11. 'ft/UN • VILA "i'l9 1.. YOUNG. 11 1 11103. B. YOUNt. Sc CO., Furniture Ware I. Rooms, uortier of Hand ,it, sr Exchan.2e Alley. Persons wishing to purchase Furniture. wilt find it to beitradynntatte to :ire us a call, tieing folly - gal isfied that *e *in please as to quality and price. Fep 10 neon- s D. Couctutx • .....Loyn R. Courigan oLEArix c0 ., Ge .,,.. t A g en ts , Forwarding and C VOMITihiSIOP Met ettaill ZArVer Sirect, Vicki bur g 'Mimi They reipee; fugYeo tct t ronFizt.ments. Edit .CLOSEYA Boot and Shoe Manor:too ry,tio. 83 Fourth St., nexi door to the U. Slates Anoka LAdlci Pritoella„ Kid and Satin Shoes made in he nentestrnanner, and by tile newestirrenr h patterns. ep 10 dill Mt DEIN TOOLS, consisting of Does. Fancy Spade? Tiansplatiiing Trowch. Ethfinr Took. findding Knives% Pestatrii 3 O Pt filir es , Pruning Shears. vie., Juan re ‘Oeived ant for sale by F. L SNOWDEN. sep /0 184 Liberty street. head of tVood. /1111 4.CISTRATES'IILANKSI , for proceellinvt in At I.li. 'Guillotine under the late law, for sale at this Office BLA.NIE PETITIONS, NOTICES, &C.— to be tined i• Bankruptcy proceedings, primed on /nod p:iper,affil is Vie forms approved by i he Courtior vale t theolllee of the Mercury end Democrat. ecp 10 latn. UTTBBARD, Lldieerastilonable hoot and V shoe Maaufacturcr,Ng,,lin_ wootanasiew.c-....treets, rlttzburgh sea 10 JAS. PATTERSON, Jr.. Birmingham, ',car Pot*burgh, Pa., Manufacturer of hocks. Hinges and Bolts; To. acce, : raller. Mill and Timber Screws; Monsen Screws for Mllla,4c. se p 10-41'y JOHN BETLOSKEY. Tailor and Cli.thier, Liber.y Elreet,:between Sixth aim Virgin alley, South Ode, Imp 10 JG. 4. A. GORDON. Commission and Forwarding • Merchants, Water at., Pittsburgh. sep 10--ly Illemingham 4L-, Co. COADIUSION AND FOR WARDING .41F.R. CHANTS, No. 60 Water street, Pittsburgh. Ps. Tenite—lteceirleg awl Clipping 5 cents per 100 lbs. Ceollithostons ors IPercbeees and sales 2i per cent. rear "1,2.,•43 S. MORROW , 1/I . 4IIrUFJC 7417 R EAR of Tin, Copperttani ebant. (rot /TA Ware, fia. 17 Fifth it., between Wood and Mar— Knew; constantly ors hand a good also' twat of ware , . aedroliehss share of pabiie patronage. Also. on haind. thtrulearlialtAtticlers: Shovels, Colliers. Tonga, Gridirons, 8 11 .1 111 sta t Tesistatles, Pots, Ovens. Coffee kc. Mar .ehaaltasrd others are invited to call and examine 'Olie abenattliftw as he is determined Wien stamp foe web ox approna .1 41t. akeir4.. --If . .. . . .„. . • • ' , 4,... , ,z1.4'• •....... ••;.........., te a( .. . . . ........ . . . - - ._:, --,- --.: - -%:• ---, .. - 7"r- .::.- :,... ,- . , '::?.!-.1 4 .-,- . :!:& - `'...! ,-,0 - . "'"•+-, -.,:1.:,..71'... -- . - 3 _ .. .. I • . . . .1 . . .. .. -.1 4 . . . . ..... - ~ . .... , ~ .... • ...,. HALLMAN, JEN.); INGS & CQ Wholesale Grocers, Commlsslon and Pro duce Merchant., wind °paters b. Pittehirek NaNsisenapee No, 43 Wood street. Pittsburgh. HAIGMAN, JENNINGS &CO., Cotton Yarn Warehouse, No. 43 Wood street. Agentefor the sate of the Eagle Cotton Factory Yarne March 17, '43. nicooson FIANNA J•111111TURIMIL L. HANNA k TURNBULL'S Paper Warehouse. No. 104, Wood st.. where may he had a general supply of wri , ing wrappinzorinting. whll paper, blank books. school books, ke, d c. sep 10—ly DI C. TOWNSEND ¢ CO., Wire Workers and Manufatt irers No. Market street, between 2d and 3d streets. sep 10—]y EXCHANGE HOTEL, Corner or Penn and St. Clair st reels, by 4. SMITH. rep 10-1 y BROWNSVILLE JUNI Al'A I ROSI WORKS--Ed wa'd 11,1211,,. Manufacturer of Iron and Nails Warehouse N 0.25, Wood At., riltPhtlflit. aep II) —ly NE IV GOO DS. —r resion ¢ Mackry, wlwlesale :tad retail dealers in F.ivish, French, and Domestic Dry floods, No. ra., Market st , Pittsburgh. een 111 JOHN M'L)EVITT, WholPiate Grocer Ing Diatiller, And Dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh 11annfactUred Article?, No. 224 Liberty Street, Pitts ettrifk. Pep 10 M S. D.WORIII WILLT.Ams & DILWORTIL—Wholesale !CU i I Crocerg Prorincr and Corn rni.:lon Merck:int 9, and ienfrrs in Piii,+burgit Manoraciured articles. No. '2O. Wood bt ter t. een 10 Joni, R.Snenirr .A<.N. Kicee QM:RIFF & KE.% Ma nurartu rerg of Copper. kJ Tin, nu I Sheet Iron Ware, No Ftti. Front et., Fitt!, burgh. !louse Spouting and Sic:110,0;11 work vornuile executed, Neu 10 AilIA AVID SANDS, VY ATCH & CLOCK • V/ MAKER, No. 7, St. Clair street, Pitt,- r 4,•, burgh, DF. 4 LER IX WATCHES, cLorKs, BR FASTPINS FINGER RIXGS, CHAINS. KEYS. COMBS, 4.c. sep 10 LANDRETH'S tRI)EN SEEDS.- A full anpnly of kanieln'A Carden Reeds, always OH hand, and for sate at his agency, t ile Mut; store of F. L. SNOW DEN, Pep 10 184 Lihert y streel,head of Wood. CMOVAL.—Slatlhew Jonrs, Barber and Hair Drecp -11, rr, has removed to roortn reel, opposileihe May ors office, where he wilt tie happy to:wait upon dertminent or transient customers. Ile solicits a share or public oat rona2e, pep 10 1 OLIN WV ARL %ND, Upholnierir and Cot/tett ILI Maker. Third at. Setscrew Weed e r Market streets, totprriftil inflrmn his friends and the puhtle that he is prepared to execute nil orders for sofas, Sideboards Elm reaus,Chnlrs, Tables, Be.l.learls. Stands. lislr and ' , min: Mattrrisser, Curtains. Carpets, all mils of l'pholsterim: worst, which he will warrant equal .o auy made In the city. and on reasonable terms. Pet) 10 Ea , t comer imp 10-1 y ItE.MOVAL!—Thr 4 1 11,:rrit.er. have remnv. d to W. ler between %Vilna and Smithfield sireeto, where they wilt condone the IChok,ale Grneery and Commen t:lon ho•lne:a and would r..41.e. tlnlty vniie it the nal rn n. ace ()I - their friends J W. BUR Rfi I EWE 4. Dec 3 D r.. A w. P E on Smithfield sl rrel near Sixth. ■ep 1(1 _ 43. F‘t:F. RErwt)r.o. s vial. 1.,,F. k‘n R roknc.n,, Cr.,,,, v.. Betifo , ti. l'onolletiellot.2, II irrtMor2 rim! I a tira-ler, Io PIIIIiIIIOI phia, ratatiert in: «withll,r 1%1.111(r:it. of I it,. ro N V. C. Duly 1511 tml.. rind rioe 111211( out. the Itirert lino 141 Furl, In Plitlaite'rittt Baltimore. 9. Leaves daily at :1 o'r I% 1. M. °Rive s.erntid Mror ham ti IM el Wend tt. AI ENI)EI.I.. GI All %NI, W,SU(II iv+ 23. 11143 —1 y. Itropttelorlt. THE (TR E ChTNTIt AT• ROI E. VIA N: VI lON RO %IA ANT) I.llllofi.E. ()TIM TT %11. no C).) PA NY. • rft :40. 1 0i5a(1.110.i 'LW !EW liue of S. MII Colelloc for Iras:i efoT Cif iv Ratimorr. rhi:adrlpkia anti .Vw York. This life I<in frill operation and n avr vrittabrar:ll daily at 6 o'clock A. NI., via %I'nFliinttlrin ?a. a ;4 national roll to Cumberland. conrivcling here with the rail rand Co.a In all the above plaree: l'ravollers will find a <pef dv and comfortable route, It 1,0112 a ornarate and di<Tlnrl Pistsbuil.lh and ruin! erland linc, farilitten vvlll be afforded which have not 'tern heretofore erijoved. Et Ira coarbea rarati.ini•l at 1114. slinrlpef noire, 11110 the Privilett" or prink throutth direct, or Inking cue night's rent al their option For lickrts, apo'y at oar office al ilw‘looroo2akela fl rm L. W STC N • Fe h. NEW ROUTE. ENTIRE NEW COACHES! FROM PITTSBDROIi TO BALTIMORE AND BBILADELPIIM. United States Express Line Lemrea it 2 o'clock, r. x, via Si boat in RroWriFyille• thence in splendid new coacher' TO Cumberland, ovrr thr grr at Naiional Road, and from there Icy RAILROAD, in sttperMr new right whorled ram lo Baltimore. %Y:lentil:2lor rite ant Th e a!‘m,,, Line r , presented 10 the traveling nubile as Laing unequalled between the Ohm River and Eastern elites for comfort and expedition. having made a•range merits to ronvey pa,engers through in two days, and no 1112111 travel. either by Stage or Railroad Cars.-- l'hink of it! Only 73 111/IC9 StAIZC travelling, and 56 mil e s ie.e than the Wheeling rmilr, and that in superb new coachre. Fare in Minn e, *lO. Office in the Monongatiel a Ilottge. A. II eNnarsors; ,S• co., Stage Propr fel° ml (13 aIIF.IK FOR TREAISELVFS--TRUTH IS CONVLYCKNO•- Having been afflicted fur nearly two yearn, with a hard swelling on the cap of my knee. which produced much pain, and U.ei variona appnca tiona recommended by the Faculty-all in vain .wa, cured completely by the one of one bottle of Dr. Brand reth'sLinament, or Ex'ernal Remedy. Witneve m , • hand JAMES TAYLOR, Ohba ip A Ile2heny co, Pa. Jan. 10E11.1840. Dr. Brandrettes External Remrdy or Linament; sold at Ids office, No. 9R Wood street, Piltiburgli, PRICE -50 cents per bottle. feb 8. JUST RECEIVED, Twelve boxes of Or a nges and Lemons, of the finest quality. for sate wholesale and retail. try WM. THORN, leb 22—if. 53 Market 20 000 LABS Cotton Yarns, assorted 2,000 1134. 2,000 " Candle Wick, 1,000 " Carpet Chain, and 500 " Cotton Twine. From the Eagle Facto. ry. For sale by HAILMAN, JENNING:;; & Co Cotton Yarn Warehouse, mar 17 No. 43 .Wood street, ~ETAWL 7011 SAILIC7=A rusi Clinker bout Yawl (NeNauitten's build) for sale low far ealb; Ap. MY to BIRMINGHAM it Co: sp 18" • No fl) Watered. Pre-idoot of S. R. C. _-:= r .w PITTSBURGH, MAY 15, 1843; ANIEL 31. CURRY, Anorneyet Low. or. flee on sth et Letween and s m ithfi c id. ap B. EASE'S HOARHOUND CANDY.—Ttrr - rut has received this day from New York, a (troll supply o. the abort. celebrated cure fur Coughs, Coldsand Con Aumption; and is ready . to !apply cu 4 totheriat wholesale or retail, at his ✓Medical Agencit, Sei Fourth et. nov 12 DAVI I) CLARK, eaekionable Boot Matter,— slow removed to N 0,34 Market street. between Second and Third streets, where he would be happy to see his old customers. and all others whofeel dispos. cd to patronise him. He uses nothlng bat first rate stock. and employs the best of workmen; and as ha gives luc conctant personal a (lent lon to business, he truststhat he will deserve aid receive a fair share of patronage. seri 10 ICE tit KAM. 4. CONFECTION A RY.— A flanker respectfully Informs his friends and the public that they can always 'lnd the best quality of Ice Creams. together with al; kinds of confectionary and 6'019. In their .en• on, at his estattlislitnent —No. 11, Fifth street, betere h Wood and Market. N. B.—paroles supplied on ohe slimiest notiee, with mikes, or anything on loisline. Also families furnished woo to Bread. rep 10 L'VANS'S CAMOMILE PILL LS.—ABKA HAM J. CLEM ER, residing at 66 Molt street, New York, was afflicted with tlyspep , la In its most aggravated form. The symptoms were violent head. ache. great debility. fever, costiveness, congh, burn, pain In the chest and stomach always oiler eating, Impaired appetite, serration of sinking 31 the alomarh, furred tonette, nausea, with frequent vomitings.dizziness towards night end restlettess. These had continued up ward of a twelvemonth, when, on consulting Dr. Wm. Evan...looomi hatn street, and submitting to his ever successful And agreeable mode of treatment, the patient was completely restored to health in the short space of one muto h. and grateful for the incalculable benefit deriv. ed. gladly came forward and votnnteered the above state For sale Wholesale and Retail by R. EL SELLERS, gen , , No 20. Wood street. bolo or Second Cheap for Cash. UNION COTTON F3CTORY. Prices Seduced. Short Rerl rap,. Lone Reel rrir, No. 5 at 14 cis. per lb 5410 at 8 cts per dz. 6 nt 14 ditto I 600 at 9 ditto 7 at 14 ditto 700 at 6 ditto 8 at 14 ditto 800 at 5 ditto 9 at 14 ditto 9041 at 4} ditto 10 at 14 ditto 10041 at 4 ditto 11 at 14 ditto 12 at 14 ditto l'andlrwick at 15 eta per lb. 13 at 14} ditto Com 11.10 in; • 8 ditto 14 at 15 ditto Patally do. • 12 ditto 15 at 151 ditto Carp% I•beln • 19 ditto 16 at 16 ditto corn *l*.sittr • 25 ditto 17 nt 16 ditto slocltina Vara and 18 nt 17 CM.° roarrlet Yarn always on 19 at 171 ditto hand 20 at 18 ditto i(;Otlmt Warp. made to Ortfrr. tlrriers ernmpily ..iientlrd In. I: 1..11 at 1.4 C Pa inter'.. I,n:flu 4. nr •hr Poet nffirr. attar., feh 27, I. K. MOOR II D 4 CO. It emova I. -nhsci der ha. 4 rernov , rl hn r.ulttnnalde rialortn; flonlitlehmeot to the Mononvitsrla .`id door from firm Ft. on • mil htietd al.where 1140 M coalomere and nil other. who mn't favor hint wtth n call may d , twnd nn having their "cork door Inn outlet - Mr F, not I. lonr, t ‘in,lencn in t he fitiodne“ in thk city. in nanny other ft-Itionaldr Mlle, in Encore :Ind or irn. he feel, coolidenl that Ito can r.i•e aal,fartlon to all who may olen,e I o favor him wall the it coolant. Flt rte in attention to buine.n and superior worktonnelt ill he hr pm, to merit nod receive n altar,. apahlic pal ,00nr.e. lle trienti Ip.enunr: on hand n 41tiode or ,aorts nod t r inoninex snit a'de for the rusnemer tra.ic with h w all he sold at very r r .dm ed po re .. R. DON li V. ecars or the Knife In 3. Ininnerly tenutecti 1,12 211 at , . of lur , n,•Calnl- , 2111/ ivonnd., W 11,•• nuotuffic.l tva 4 aulprol endu•d. Tl..' 111f , 11 ., 10" , 1.. .1111 .hnr p pray 00 1,1,r, Tito %la.:lcrui P,,ln 1 . ..1 1 131 . 161 - . (Wm Unis,a or k 71 11.unIcn Lanc I. a far icor- •ttinrnl prrvrn 11C. , of nourullwalion 11.32 cold r 1 or notate of •OV.I• Tlll , :112.11 , 21212 n. ituuuu x outdcriutl r 1T1T1.211111 0020 ly tell , l/,lllle. lof:11 1.3111.11,1 fillip 2,21,1 nenutl, u,ttrnt or 11/111.e 1211.1121 1. fur,' •on.e vital nur..un *0 a. In rondo) ruff. 12, 24.1 . 1 e, It IR 10 in 71 Vel v 101Crl 111,,, of r ump fc•'aue Ike nacl arr. - toed 10 a rotund and hl nulls ntalc Wl l ll ,l lll 112. /, unpin I coin,' Thu. Nova 'nu ton In a'ana enrualn ounn , dur for 1101,2,1 rtes , /.;,,,/022 22r, , crr2, Ilrytketi 1,0 0 3-1 :11,1 •0/1^ 1111 . 2 0 P and 1111 eluranuroun and r minium. of the nucceen an a cure for the put" . llnu.uralltled Stud the vouclurrs for Iti c.una lino properiirn Sir (cull Or 11l St 1,21,11411 e and en lozlutel.ed Fnr sale at Twtle's, PG erlic.ll ntrrel; EXtti I 4 EXON IX C I STK East I odta the blur and will not the skit. This Dv, is Milos form of a Pow tier wh:ch in ',tail, mane. of Mel may he apt lied to the hair over nbllit, the first nir.bi I urbioz the 11211 test or :cry hair to dark brown; and by ri•nentw7 a .errand or t hind night, to a Jet black. Any. person may, therefore. With the ten=t porerihte troublel leen hi, hail any dark shade or a perfect black, with the positive assurance I Itai I lie powder If applied to the skin will not color it. There is no eolorina in this statement. SS any one may easily test. These Cacti, are warranted by the chemist who manufactures it, For sate at TTITTI.F.'S,I flf; Fourth street, where lar , jr nc,nrlMenl of patent ediriara may always he had al uillier who're; to or retail Dvn't forret ' !;t3 FtpurtA street ,' COPARINERSHW. Am s w . 11.9 II J mix F J JENNINGS r/ have entered tato partnership for the purpose of transact lux n Wholesale Groury; produce sod ewmois. =inn Ins.ine.s under the firm and rtyle of II AILNIAN JENNINGS 4- C0.,a1 No 43 Wood street, opkw=lie the Merchan s' lintel, where a supply of Grocerteg nod Pitts burgh M ,ufact tired Articles can always he had on lihe al terms. March 17 '43. D. NI. DA WSON. Manufacturer of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. No 61 Liberty, - between illniket anti 6th streets WOULD recperifielly inform the citizen! , of Pills burzh. and the public in general.ihat,he row Inge.; tnrarr v on the above huoiinefe in all ps varloni branches al the al. nve wand: where he will alaravp keep a voter al ni4 , nriiiieni of all agilely* to Ilia line, all of which' will he made in the Fame manner and of 7noil inateriak, and will ne dkp.erd of„on the 1110 A moderato and ac. eOlll modal i tnrine Country Merenant and otlirr dealers will find it In theirtutvantage to call and examine his stuck before pur. chaginy, elFewetre. Pleam!mats. and rorticeee roofed with topper. ninezi 11., lead and iron on the shortest notice; Cutters and Cone - lot:int ntade and put tap with despatch ta apr 5. •• 'DOHERTY, rand Cap Mannlo , tnrer. I4R Llherty st., between H Market and Sixth. HP 10— 6m. J. M. Sand erson & Son, FRANKLIN HOE, PIIILAD.gLPRIA. 11111.t$ elegant estahltshment has been in operation dur. ing the last nine months, and notwithstanding the setter-al depression of business, it has met and sustain ed the nprrohation or the public and yielded to tile pro prietors a (1111 rompensation for their labor and alien lion Its loration tieing, In Chestnut street, In the im mediate neighborhood of the Post oftire, the Etchange, Banks, the Steamboat landing, the most business part of Mat ket street and the places of amusement, It presents to :he business community or thusogisiting the city on pleasure, all the facilities and comforts so desirable to the travelling public. Its arraogment. also, enables the guest to regulate his expenses, and to live in A style of &evince or economy suited to his notions or dlspoettion. The facility of procarin.g meals at any hour, and of peo• ling that which the appetite craves, is also a saver of lime which the bagfuls' portion of the gueSts know how to appreciate. The proprietors, therefore, solicit the custom of their old Canada, and . promise a contuittance of tali exertions to make them comfortable. a p 25-3 m. . For Rent. FORa term of yeams. Two banding lots on thOgnk of the Allegheny river. adjoining the DIY hne. Apply at the house Agency, Penn strW, 6th Ward Ns mar 1.. JAMES ALATIZT, R. GOODE'S Celebrated Female Pills. 7 hese V Pills arestrongly recommended to the notice of the ladles asa safe and efficient remed# in removing those complaints peculiar to their sex, from want of ex• ercise, or general debility -of the system. They obviate costiveness, and counteract all Hysterical and Nervous akclions.' These Pills have gained the sanction and approbation of the most eminent Physicians In the HO. tsel States, and many Mothers. For sale Wholesale and Uetsil. by R. E. 'SELLERS, Agent sep 10 No. 20. Wood Street. below Second. WM. ADAIR, Boot nod Shoe Naker, opposite the head of Smithfield et., Pittoburgh.— Tl.e suliscrtherhaving bought out the stock of the late Thomas Rafferty, deceased, has commenced business In the old giant! of Me; R.. and Is prepared to execute all de.erlations of work in his line, In the hest manner and on the. slimiest notice. Ile kerps cot stnntly on hand a !near: nssoriment ofshoe findings of all dcAcripilow. and oftite best quality. Ile sonelir the patronate of the pub lic and of thr creft. WM. ADAIR. sop 10 porrrsrturtGliMANUFACTOß.l%—Spring , and Arles for Carriages at Easter* Prlees. The sittnteriberA manneartnre and keeps constantly on hand Conett,C and Ellptle Springs (warranted.) Juniata Iron Axles. Silver and Brass plated Dash Frames, Brass and plated Huh Bands, Stump Joints, Patent Leather, Silver rind Brass Lamps. Three fold Pteps, Malleable Iron, Poor Handles and Hinges. (•e. JONES & COLEMAN. sea 1(I St. Clair et.. near 11 a itiritiway 'fridge. n.sELLERs, M. office and dwellin2 in Fourth, R.I. near Perry et reel. rep IS-1y I,OOTC AT THIS The attention •fUto•e who have been somewhat seep. deal in reference to the numerous certificates published in favor of Dr. Swavne'a Cnmpound Syrup of Wild Cher ry, on account of the persona helnz unknown in this are lion of 11rr State, IN ren)PCI inn,. directed to Ilia followina rert Mettle, the writer of - which hag been n rlilzen of this hornuzh fo rat yeara, and is known as a gentleman of intrzrily and responsibility. To rite .9Artirt, Mr. J. KIRBY I have URrIl Dr Et wavne'a Comp and Syrup of Wild Cherry for a coital!, with which I have been severely al flirted for allow four month., anti I hav• no healtrolon In !ravine that it lathe most effective medicine that I have heen aide to procure. It cnmpo•n. all uneaalnrstr, and azreea well with my diet,—and mnninlna a reviler and e ond appetite. I ran freely recommend It to all others similarly si filleted. J. kites we, Borough of Cliamberah'e. March!). 11411. "P 23 rot •n'e by WILLI 1 . 11 THORN No. 53 Market street. FRUIT, SHADE, A NT) ORNAMENTAL TREES'. Pll.3ONg denroutt of proenrinr Fruit. Sllnde. and Ornamental Tref.. or Shrubbery, from ritiladel plia or New York. are reottened to make application as .torta poaailde, at the Prot and Feed Fiore of the ants. .mrll,er, where ran he hod Trattilionolv. of the most •Iccellent f le. F. 1,. SNOWDEN, PoO IR4 Lihort y revi brad Wood; WILLIAM C. WALL. F./plot sad Fancy Portrait and Picture Frame ifeNufffrirrer, No: R 7, Amok Street Pittsbirri. Rrit.hei Varnb , h Ire.. for Artiste. ilwavi on hind. Looking Cta.cre. ¢r, prnmplly framed to order. Repairing done LI the short eit notice. ra rtirn tar alien! lon paid In re:lldlng and jnltidng ofev ery derrrlivinn. rer=un. rot int! Ilp Fleam float. or hourer will find It In irnd wit In I,IT. rep 10 IN pj srE,g, 11 in H. Al'elottkey' i Fnvh font %I Piker. Llllrrty wt., 24 rfnnr from VI - 2ln ‘llPy. I'lw 4uharrd.er rewiwel run, infnrmw.he ahnvr hitsinev. In the .hop fornt , tly oft - n. 1.11 Henry 111 1 1:lonkry, ihal he iv now prepared to :.trend to all nwlPrs In hi. Iln • 0 runo with at•vtint ela and on IAP mows re:wenn able term... Front tojii loon pvtawirnerin lAP wannfartnrn of rir•imittalOP Rnot•, hr ref!. enflndent 1 11:11 211 ninth.) iron, enttitatithiiirnt Hilt rive vativfnctinn in hitt pn Icon.. A shatr nt pt] , dir pa , ronaze trip/T(l . '4lh , wilkit. rd Per In 111 Ift D SEP:DS A r rt.r lF ,, o r, rn n of rannry ntn 'l,ld Cap.; 1 , ..t rel. 9. F I. tallo%VhF.S. 143 Libre. r wt. Porta:3e Plat form Scales on ivlif eta, to wel.gk 2,500 11,s, at • 155 00. do to do do 2.005 at'-15 00 do do do do 1.500 at 35 00 do do do do 1.000 at 30 00 do do do do 500 at 25 00 WI , II ra king levers an ;Milk inn of $3 to each ,cafr. formlot •c leg for the it , e of IVarelionseq, Flouring Mills. 4 - r—the qame prices as above. A 1,0, While's Patent Counter 'rule. with 0. Young's improvements. and a variety of whet counter scales, which i hey will sell for from 8 to $l5, They also manufacture Strain Engines for Flouring Mills. Pans Milts, Salt Works, kr „ double and singe geared slide Int hes,foot and other lather for wood turning Machines for tenanting chairs, planing machines. door and sash machines, liall's paten& horse power, with or without thrashing machines, a superior article: circular saw shafts, machines for sawing lath. Tinner's ma rllllll'' and tools until descriptions. also for making black lag hoses,a superior article; governors for steam engine• stork,. laps and dies, entree mills. bedstead or joint bole and machinery for making the enure. cotton factory Ma chinery made or repaired; printing press plaltens turned and printing pre , ses repaired JA M MAY, Agent. salt 22—if NrOUNC 4 RR %DRURY M . E. AUSTIN, Attorney at Law. Pittsburgh, Fa. Olfice in 4th street, opposite Burke's Builling. WiLkiars E. A VITIN.E.O., Will giro hisattentlorto my unfinished business, anti 1 recommend him to the patron. age of lily friends. WALTER FORWARD. set, 10-1 y DITTSItt.IOOII CIRCULATING AND REPERENCE URSA Vof Reflgious,Histaileal,Pollileal,and Ws c, I laneous Worke, wilt he open every day, Sabbath ex. corded. - tom 7 o'clock, A. M..uni II 9, P. M., In the Ex change Ballding,corner of St ',Clair streetand Exchange alley, Iv nere punctual attendance .4,111 ern 10 1. GP.M16117.. ----- NEW YORK DYER. OSCC, MAIER, would respertftttly inform hl friends and the ptililic In general,that lie dire Ladies' dresses, Habits and Mantels of every description, black—and warrants item not to smut, and to look equal to new good.. He dyes fancy colors of Ali deserlptiatiA on silk and carpet yarn. Also, cleans and reAtores the colors of gentletnen's dot hina, so es to resemble new goods, Mr. H. flatters himself thrt he can please the public, al he has done an eitensive business In tileiv York fop twenty years: All work done ort moderate terms at Ms establishment in sth sr, between Wood and Smithfield ne re the Theatre. CERTIFICATE. U - 'Thi+ is to ccrtgy that OSEE HIMES has done work for us, which has flirty ansWered our expectations, and we consider him a competent dyer. S. Hemphill, Wm. Barnes, J. B. Shurtleff, David Hall, B. F. Mann, Davi Boles, Joseph French, jr., Andrew Purdy, %V. B. Blies, Wm Porter, H H. Smith, Henry Javene, A. li3hockey,. jr., Joseph Vera, George Barnes. ap 20th. JbIiNSON & DUVAL. Roar RtitflEßV ANZ) PJPER RULERS. CONTINVE batmen at the stand late of McCandless 4. Johnson. Every description of work in their line a sally and promptly eteentedT may FP- lir For publishing a n ew Daily Pop 'is...the City of Pitts loatrolt, las ey.:fitipt'the DAILY MORNING POST% ,FlESubscrlheiir hn‘ving made arrangements lo merge the American Matihfaethrer :hid Pittsburgh Mereu• ry into one Journal, have concluded to publish a daily paper with the title of the Daily Noraiwg , Past. The leading object of the "Pus's" will be I he dissemina (ion and defence of the Volit feu! priniiples thathdye be t e tofore been maintained by the tditers: ln oeir respective papers. and their best efforts will still he devoted to the advancement and success of those doctrines. Although, in politics. the paper will he thoroughly democratic, yet the Editors hope. by giving an honest, cnndid history of passing Political events. Foreign and Domestic intelligence, and brief notices of all mat= ters and occurrences that come prortertv theanhere ofa Public Journal, to make their pope' siiiiiciently in eresting to entitle it to the patronage of the public, it respective of party considerations. In addition to the political and general news that will be found in the ...Morning Post.," the Editors will take pains to furnish the hosinessts community with the latest and most Interesting CostarnetLL IxrZLLI• easer from all parts of the country, and to have preps• red such accounts of the Markets and the Slate of Trade as will beadvanlageons to our Merchants and Business Men in their several callings. Terms.—The PoeT will he published on a large Imperi al sheet of fine paper, (manufactrirell especially, for this Journli) at tits unusually low rate of FIVE DOLLARS per annum,payable in advance. It will also be sold by news.hoys at the low rate of TIVO CENTS a copy. Advertisements will he in;erted At the lowest rates charged by the other daily papers of the city. fry-TWENTY active lads are wanted to Fell the Poet, who will be engrtged on the most !instal term! Auvel 34, 1R42 BY Morrison k Co. London, for sale only by N Wickert , barn, corner of Wond street and Vit..lit. alley Piltsbarr,h N. and H. Ilarwood, Beaver Pa. who IP pole turn, for Western PennpOvanla. app 10 a ~ 4f iwula Li IN\ Travelers shoal,' setes.l Boats provide'? with FII4IIVI Safety Girard', fee preventing Esti?felon ?If Steam Boilers. IT would he well for the traveling community to beat lit mind that their security depends entirety upon their own encouraectrumi of boats that have or may he at the ripen•e of prin tiring the ahove apparatus. And that every individual making *itch peter, ion is ecintribn - nog towards a eenc•al introduction of an invention ad• milled by all men who it ndeto rtri the principle. of the steam Kti:lne, to lw a sure preventative against those dreadful disasters You have ce talnly, Is the hund•rds of explosions that nave already liken place, their almost daily neen•rence, and the thousands of lives that have already Men Imo, a sufficirm warning, and indticeme.nt to make inquiry for a Safety guard Roil, and in every ease to give it the preference. They have went to an addit lona! ex pense that your lives may be secure_ Ought you not therefore In meet them with a corresponding. degree or rinerality, and he your preference show that yi.o appreciate their laudably endeavors to stop this aw foil sactincr of Mimeo They do not chars , more than rubel bums: their accommodations In other respects ateega.t.and In many cases superior; anti as there is one leaving Pittsburgh every day, why will you rout any rink, when It is so corn tetchy In your own power to avoid those d'amsters. reproved flat' tnnfortored Ile 'heir Mnehint t wren Lila• ,1111 reirrel, two tee flail, Pitt• intearture and ond the tol'ow itg,teales(whol. nornvosed of tal): Nu. I, Port iatrorm u 0 0 001 3500 owl 00. Ali boats marked thus ra) in the Lim of Arrivals and Del enures, in another part of this pai.er, are supplied with flue Safety/ Guar ~ List of Boats pooriJed with the Sofa). Guard ALPS. MENTOR. AGNES. MICHIG AMARANTH, MARIETTA. BRILLIANT, NI A RQUETTE. BREAKWATER MUNGO PARK, CASPIAN, MESSENGER, CECILIA, MONTGOMEY CANTON, NORTH BEND, CICERO. NEPTUNE, C A D DO, NARAGANSETT, DUKE of ORLEANS, NIAGARA, DUQUESNE., OSPREY. EXPRESS MAIL, ORPHAN-BOY, ECLIPSE. WHO. FORMOSA, ORLEANS, FORT PITT, PENELOPE, GALLANT, PANAMA. GALENA, QUEEN of the SOUTH, J. 11. BILLS, ROWINA. JEWESS. RA RITAN, IDA SARAH ANN, INDIAN QUEEN, SARATOGA, ILLINOIS. S. '"ANNA, LADY OF LYONS, ' LLEYRAND, VICTRE S, At LEY FORGE, XVEsT WIND ASHLAND, BhIDGEWATER MISSOURI XI A IL, CLEVELAND, OLIVE BRA N." - 11, COLUMBUS ('UTTER, EDWIN HICKMAN, EMMA, GENE.. BROOK, TOBACCO PI ANT. JAMES ROSS, ADELAIDE. BRUNETTE, COLUMBIAN X. CLLIppEn, mar 22 FOWLER'S PATENt BED- NIA NUFACTU RED at WIC LtYBORN . I3 Cabinet Shop N°. Fa Second at reel, between Wood any Smithfield, where general assortment of Furniture may be bad at reduced priers for cash, The superiority of these ned , teads, consist in the ening, which for dnrahility ahtl ease in Milling Up and taking down. In not ego illpA by any other now in nse —and to all *deb as would consult their own comfort in their ni2litly *lambing, it should be remembered that all classes of the bug family are fattened os by these fastenings. "High's for Counties, Qjetyleis or Stases for sale JOHN FOWLER. Patentee. 14re, the undersisned. db certify that eve hatre etam. fined the above &domed Fastenings. end have An he'll'. than In prononoefnetheet the beet now in one. —corning ttp folly to the representation In the above adiertitte. meat. Wm. Grahar, Ir., JorphColtart, Jacob Vagditc. John A. 011. &myth Stager; ap 47. —lli PROSPECTUS! THOS. PHILLIPS, W. H. SMITH. FOR SAFETY. STEAD PRICE TWO CENTS DAILY NIORNING POST• The Scotch Major. six!y or seventy years age', scotch Alajor in the British army was sta tioned at Maar - ea] in Lower Canada. He 'ad from'his "cuarrelsorne dispositionfoughi several duels, and in every instance killed his man. Indeed, 'from 'his bullying diPp& iition, he atluired "suc'h a character that it was deemed the ieight of folly for - any one" to contradict his word. Yankee 'pedlars abounded fid those 'dayi theeas d g e that a Ch hi one a..4 ta v t o h i f e n :t Y n h t h e c l e i tch n o h: o a w :d usre l o a vo c n a a l d i. t a e c i n d t otn e h n vh i ee nt h rs : a ti o l a p e ft l p ri f o e o n rim i d the major observed— 'The Yankees ire all 'cowarde'r 'You're a liar,' ci led the pedlar. _ All eves were tuned upon the last speak er. He was Mb' med of the courage and performances of the major, And advised to retract his words . ; bill all In no ti'orPosis.-=./ He persisted in his assertions,Sandthe con- sequence was the challenge to a duel WEI next morning which was instantly accept: ed by our Yankee, hn condition that the battle should he fought without seconds; Matters being !hits agreed upon-, the ma jor repaired to the ground the next morning at the time appointed, where he found the Yankee walking to and fro With a shoul-; dered rifle. On the major's appearance: with a pair of hair trigger piatols,lbb Tab-. kee presented his riffle and said . : 'Lay down yoUr arms, darn yo . u . r skinior I'll blow your tainel brains out.' 'That is downright murder,' said tbel major, po mail of honor would require an/ such thing.' The. Yankee persisted in his demand, and the result was, the pistols were laid at his feet. 'NoVv. ; said Jonathan.‘l'll_ deal fair With vnit; have the pistolS, and you shall have the rifle,' The maj r gladly made the exebanjte and seiiing the weapon, corked it, and tiled at the tireast of his antagnnist,exclaim; 'Deliver. rr I'll blow you through.' 'Blew and be hanged.' says the Yankees The major sn.l,.pped the plebe, it wda not loaded! lie becathe so mortified from the circum4 stanch that he left the service. and Michigan canal: The New York Herald, tinder its A'nari; cirri head, in giving a synopsiS of the lava passed tiy the Legisliture atoitti session Pmr the completion ..r this stir pen• dot's undertaking, gives anneked des= cription of its s'idcture, design, and impor tancei .'The canal itself is one of the innq portent in the Whole country, inasmuch - as it cuts the strip of land dividing the great chain of lakes froin the valley of the Mis 4 sissippi, with a channel navigable for boats of one hundred tons burthen; thus corn— , pleting a circle of water carriage around the linion. Its importance to England and Canada is also immense. It has" issi justly considered as a continuation of those immense works in progress in Canada fot facilitating the trade of the Great West with England. Vlllten the Canadian ship.; canal is completed, a vessel mas ° !dad at ChitagO ‘‘ith the produce poured into its bosom, and colitintle heF cJurce to Liver.' pool without breaking bulk-4aturalizingi under the nit* British law, it 'carp at Quebec. The cabal it"elf is Tolltrniles I , ing, GO fait wide on the'sutfate, atidt Feet deep. It has cost, hitherto, $5,000,000, and reFluires $1,600,000; making a total cwt. of $6,00,000 The geographical position of the work is as foltowsi The General Government was the orig. , tnal proprietor of the n hole ten itoty, and directed a tract 100 miles in lengfh; and 10 wide, to be surveyed and diVided ilttd sections of one mile square, or 640 acres. The canal runs lengthwise of this slip, di viding in the Micidle. The Federal Croyy erntilent gbanted, in aid of its construction, each alternate section, 5 milee, on each side of the canal; amounting. to 480,006 acres. The intermediate sections were sold to individuals by the Federal ' overn. then[, and gib now in proaress O' Lion. Ofthe 480,000 acres, the• State has sold '250,000 acres, and there relhains 230,• 060 acres Which N given up to the (rein tors under the new law. these lands ate the most Valuable, beratiSe no lands within hair a mile of the canal, on either side. have been allowed to be sold. There are also lots it, Chicago, one of the Most thrill' *ling cities (if the West, on Lake Michigan. One a the line of the -canal are the cities of Lockport, Juliet, Dupago Morris, Mrr seines Ottawa, arid L a Salle—four of which are countY towns. 'the water•pow• ers created by the canal are invaluable. They ate immediately on the canal, and a bdat of 100 tons, loaded with grain, may have its freight carried Out, floured, and te turned to the boat, almost without delaying its passaoe to Chicago, *here it will meet vessels fro.n Europe with rherchandFze and passengers that have passed up the St. Lawrence•" Ihvoklyn Contirion ou n6l Grand Flare up:—The grave and reverend rsths ers of nut sister city, have fairly split, sep. arated, divided and Organiied into twti Sep• arate and distinct Common Councils, each claiming chartered rtinotionS and legisla tive prerooativet. Yesterday afteritnon they met to try and adjust mattent, but it *as the old story. 9 to 9, 9 to 9, every vote. vote, and nothing could be done. It soon became evident that a storm was brewing: !owl words was flying, and gestures were being tnade # the import of vbtiicb ml l / 4 1 not
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers