%Mt: COFI , I v WAREIIt)I‘ISE, Four St. two , , /oore from the e. 8. !tack. Wm Tr ►:llo, CfnleriVi r , rr.qwetfullo hiformo the puldie *Wit h 1.• removed his endy made coffin ‘varednufie to the lulJlo. recce II .c •uolvd Loy Mr. R. G. lierfortlotirectly 3 PO , P-tite hitt older ilia where! he IA always - .repo/cif to et • end prom:illy t t any order/ in Moline, and II , trict at- In•ti ion to oil the .t..t.til.t of lire let , ilec.; of an Undertaker 'tut hopes 111 tnorit rottn lo.itee. Ite will be prepared at ra. nouns to arovide lloarzont, itres and every re.lnt aite lie tl to .n.t.t IPelral , eitria. Cans from the Cyanic! will he prompt ly atien , bort to. 111/ reundenre in the acme Imildt wit Is ware hni re, where tho..e wbn tel 4ervie.tn , 4ll .y find him al any time. : 1:2=1 Jr nag IF,UAltac Jobac.i.xiron w. *. x'cLoni, ifiA ,07 IRRRIS y—pitti.te; tit'UtTP ft) - Pit'V/UCI: Olt %GC: It %V 111:4F; \:E,—Thin elms Of individuals Is very iiii Tiwy are I lose W irk to an 11 doe Why atm , sphere. [`rioters, work • mon in feather snores, stone cutter:, bakers, white te.wt manufacturer,,, are all itiort or lens subject to ili,ease on coedine tutile,treu.,..th or their comtiliiiion The only method in pitivont dineam, is the oremionol me of a tondiclue which abstracts, from the circulation all if-hue riot's humors, and expel,. them liy the how- , k• In any form are ligation% an they only 7..11 Use evil d'ay to make it more fatal: Tlia use of It rand re li's Pills Will inso re health, ',realism they take all impure niai ter oat of the, blond; and the.: holy is not wvakriteil hot alren4lheittui by their operation, f,r these valuable l'ills do not forte, hut they assi-t nature, and are not opposed, bit tiartnonize with her. sold ut Or. ftratelretn's Nn. 93 Wool street, Pit iThrtrars. Price 2.5 cents per line, with full directions, M ItlC_The oulv place in rittsbureh where the GENUINE Pills can be obtained, Is the Doctor's own (Of. flee. N 0.911 Wood street La ! what mato., your teeth so ti uut ley whit..? (Plat h dalrinia 10 him Co , her ui ; :to, TO make yours tookso, with a grin, retitled lost', I've brought you a bottle of l'horas' Tooth Wash, 'Pia the best now in use, so the g. , iitlefo'ks say, And shire they have triad Ibis, coo aunt lels o way But to proveit the best, to make lip tee; h shine, Look amain, Ill y d•'ar sal, at the liUtre al mine, Then try I. is great tooth wash, The Teaberry tooth wash, And !tee if ilf:s Tooth IVasli of Thor 14 . e k not floe Ilavinl I o I Dr.•'Tuont's Tea Berry Tooth '.V sit,' and %ermine acquain•el with the Ingredients of its comp() lOW - m.l cheerfully say, 'I considw it one of the safest, a• It is one of the most pleasant Toolh Was! PA now in use • Pittsburgh Sep. 15, 1842 DAVID BUNT, Dennis. I take plea•nre in stating, havin_ made use of••Tttortt's Tea Berry T 0 ,3111 Wash," it v.t it is one of the hest den Irineekin use. Beim: in a liqui.l form, it comb:nes neat• MPS with convenience. ‘Viti!e it cleanses the enamel and removes the tartar from the teeth, its p••rfnme cells a fragranee peculiarly desiralde. .1. P. TIRIILTTS. M. B. The owlersigned have. oast(' "Tho-n's Comiinund Tea Barry Tenth Wash," and have found it to be an extreme. ly pleasant dentifrice, exercising a most sa•ntary elate over the Teeth and Gum?; preserving those indis pensable weathers from premature decay. preventing the accumulation of Tartar, and purifying the Breath. flay. in; thoroughly tested its virtue... We take pleasure in re. etwnenentltn: tr. to the public, beheeing it to be the best ar• tleleof the kind new-in use. X ROBERTSON, 110B 4 T H PREBLES, C DARRAGH; .7 ..41.11WORIIEAD, L TrEpared and sold by WI lAA NI Tilt 111 N. poi beta • lry and Chemist, No. 5.3 Market saran', Pittshn rglt; and at all the prineipa firtiggiste, and Tut! le's :‘l..alical A gen. ey. Fourth Wert- Nei) INTERESTING CURE performed bypr.Swayne's Cimpoand Syrup of Prumt3 Virgioiona, or Wild Cher• ry. Haviv,gmade use of this invaluable Syrup in iny Calmly, which entirety cared my child. The symptom.; were wheezing and choking of phlegm, difficulty of breathing, attended with constant cough, spasms, convulsions, kr. of which I had given upall hopes of Its recovery until was advised to make trial of this invaluable medicine. After seeing the effects it had upon my child, and con• eluding to make the same trial upon myseif, which en. irely relieved me ofa cough that 1 was afflicted with for m•nyyears A ny person wishing to see me can ca at my house In Beach Street, above the M arket, Kensington. J. Wit.cox. Dd• MAYNE'S SYRUP oF WILD CHERRY Wt call the attention of the public to the numerous certhie.ites which have been In circulation In our paper and son3e otters of tide city, hizhlv recommending Dr. Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry .—We have seen the original certificates. and have no donla but they Come front truly grateful hearts, expressive of the benefits width they have received from tl.at valuable compound. We have acquaintances w.lO h ave fretinent Iv treed the above medicine. who ran speak with confidence of its trirtre3.—Saturday Chronicle. Fiu.ow CITIZENR:—Wnii sincerity I would advice you. one and aH, both sick and well, altyr”s to have a Wide of Dr Svr.tvnt's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry In your tibuse—ii Is Invaluable in cases of emeicemy, such all Spitting of Blood, Asthma, attacks of violent Coughing, which is often the cause of spittins of hloon. ViOlolt Nervous AfTertions, which occasionally conic from fright, and various other causes, producing swat alarm. sudden colds from improper exposure. which are ellen let run to nn alarmins extent, for want or meats being ready at hand;—and as I have ti , col Dr. Bwavates Compound syrup of Wild Cherry repeatedly In my family, and always with insrked ca n recommend it with COolfotenee no Dein one of the 1,,,f family Medicines which has ever been oflere.l to the publir„ . —Saturday Cltronicte. S'old by Wm. Thorn. Wltotr , ale 4- finial?, only %mil) for Pillethttrgh. N 0.53 Markt , . street. rep 19 FIRE PROOF IRON lIESTS. DENNING'S TTSEltlllall, OCT. 22, 1842 J • Deitmito—nn Friday. the 30th of at wont how 9 o'clock at ni2lit, the Planing. Groovio2 and Saab Man nfactory, owned by Gay, Dilworth k Co. with a law quantity of dressed and indressed lumber, was all consu med by fire. The iron safe which 11.nuest of yon some 11 , rir hark was in the must expo.ed sitnalion dada! the fire, and Was entirely red hot ant pleased to inform you it tvm opened at the rinse of the fire, and all the hooks, natter-, ke.ratved; t—this is the hem recommendation 1 can give oh the utility of your safes. 0et24.-1 f THOMAS r& COTT PILICINGTOWS Unrivalled !Blacking, MANUFACTURED and sold wlinle=lle and retail Srrrn Smear. one door below Smithfield. oct 21-1 Y JOAN BUTTERWORTH. -Auctioneer gird Sion Alercharit, l.oniscilh. KY., will ;Mend to the male of Real eirate, Dry Goods,Gtoceries, Furniture, kc rte. Regularsates every Tuesday, Thursday. and Fri day mornings, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Cashodertrices made on cut elan me. S. Fep 10 REMOVAI, PCAWFIELD has removed his n arble meat to Wood A. ()motile Fahneslock's Dm: arov ese rret be will keep constantly on hand Tomb Ittlstfornitark•Mr. ap 19-Iyr PORTRAIT PAINTING r OSBORNE. Portrait Paiotcr, Fourth st.. 311 story airke'sßulkling. J. Osborne would soHek a call rem those who desire Fortralis. Fpecimeos can he eat it his rooms. may 5. REV. .10104 R1...1K. D. P MeV. RORCRT DR VCIIC. D. D KIEV. StMI'Ml. WILLIAMS, D JAMKS M. DIV'S, REV. X P R,VIFT JAMES P JACK, CHAS f: SCULLY, RM.U'CANDLF.SS, JAS S CRAFT. L S JOHNS, NEW ESTABLISHMENT Upholstery Furnishings. THE subtxriber respectfully informs his Friends and the rul.lic that lie has just *petted the store No• 30 Fifth street, near the Exchange Bank, and adjoining Mr. J D illiains' Grocery—whera he intends to manu• facture in the best style, amthave teady.for sale a full assortment of, the first quality of UpbotsterY Parlish. inlrs, sue!! as Hair, Shuck and Straw Alattrasses, Feath• er Beds,`Sarking., tr.which he wid sell for Cask at neat iy 100 rer cent less than former prices. _ 41.80; Sofas, Chatrs,etc. Upholstered, carpets mad., and Cut talus arranged after the newest fashions—All of which he °fent to execute in a manner uoeqialed In this or onpurpastk , d in any other city. mar 20 ly, JOHN T. STEWART. Ails°LuVE HEAL ALL. • 10 ,000 TR D / 4 .9LS E y a , n s tl l a ! F e u decLessku I'RAC I'OR re t only eurt s quicker, Ind gives no addlt oval 11:1111, nor leaves a et7llr. l'lre is posi lively remitted harmless. ($!1.1 has been offered six months to any person returning a n empty box, and 4 3ying hat ~ yun allOillllll7, Is not est raLted I a fewinin ittes,ye• nut one from Ilion-ands of trials since has claim .1 the bonus.) Parents anx ion , to gun rd against genera injorie , , and save time, fortune and life, and prevent tli, ir misfiring fi nm heing disfigured by burns, or ven twill Pon pnstulrs, (ii possessing the envialhe pots er to replace theeellutary organs destroyed.) can do so by oh. ""1"2 t " salve. Many deerly burnt cases in the env an seen, and oneentire face bunt over and wonntled three dint Intl times in the same spot while heal mg, Vet in no ca4e can be traced the least cleat rice or oiarlt , For all kinds of hurts its rap d soothing effectuate Ilan important ;even slit(' eyes. all indanintions and tiro keit breasts tsmild lie unknown. The toilet and nursery, or vb.:bring %lie skin of pimples. removhig chafe, etc., lt UI tin-t it indispensable. One using only will forever estal lish it Iliesioverrivi HEAL ALL finality. A fler this no tire, heads of Cmillies allowing iortutre for months, ntol tihimatrlydt , torted features. can never vb {pc away fe• proicli, justly tittered by a disabled child, for neglecting to triumph aver foe. • Entered .terording to act. of Congress. A. D. 1941, by own.: •rt.: , In the Clerk's oftic, ofthe District Court ”f the united Stales furtne Southern District of New York." Warranted the only :cilium.. comsto , ,k ,s• Co., wholesale [)ra;= , sis • N. York, have he• rome the sn'e holv.ale agenis for Mr. Dalley, in A nimi ru 1.,r 21) yea's. All orders must be nildrep.md in ilierni gronine only to he had nt TUTTLE'S Medical Po••rth street. Nov 15 CU.VS7'..9 XTL Yon !laid a superior article of 1.7. rd Oi', warranted to horn at any tentormture. and .rival to the hest winter strained Fpertn Ott, wlt hoot otrvitritve qua'llies, and nue third cLoaper. inapt. by the ,uthscrii.er at lit old stand, Thlrd st., nwl,lV nprnsile the Post OlTice• M. EDI.: . J in 1.13-1.; . PRICE .% . 3 4, - - D I VII' safe and retain Loire for C'onei Culds .I, , thmq. Sore Throat. Poi,x and fr - ,44 - ness of the ficc.iat Cent4rh. Iloarstotss. frrtto ion of the Throat, rind maoy 1 , 1 , 1 , d1'^ i I , ' C,, camp!lot Try' roll—nrrpnred ;Ind ‘,Vnole cilefind R by 11. T. PR Conferoinner,Fed..ral \ lir Cily, and the principal Drii4.,:ists of I'itts hvir7ii. fir -u r' you ask for f' Componud Coney Candy no• 17 ) OBEItT PORTER, .91 tor pre y at Lota,—nfficr Itit on the corner of Cori, tul Satii Wield :Vs. ger. 10 PITTSBURGH Looking Glass 'Manufactory, And House Furnishing Warehouse, 101 Wood Street, near Call 1111 IE Sulnn iher having ronn letrd his arraneements at Ins uric stand, I: now onmated to offer to Ins fr.e, , ds, and the pubtic.a lane unit enmplete assortment of Looking Glasses. and Ilon , e fund-l ong ria rawar ,.. (at priers to suit the tines ) Pier and Mantel GlaPies in Ctlt and Malincany FrAmes, °Nile must approved and sure. tur workman .hip. Gla.:sra with 1. 2, 3. 4 and 5 draw Pr; Cniiitnrin. stained, fluied, and p Ilar framed Clain., snit:dee (Or Mere lianic (nr thn=e wants ne chew p glasses.> Japanned Wailer. and "fray _s of all collar; and patterns. Ivory handle Kuive=and rfirkii. in sells or dozens, Burk aad Bone hanole Table l'ullery. Carving Knives and Forks, do, thiuit's Brittania Metal lea and Coffee Setts citi• nerinr rinal‘ty American Mannfartu do, in setter, or single nieces. Gernin to Silver Tea and 'FaMe Spoons, Silver plated and Brass Candb•s' ickv, tatenfreis dn. Brit !ankle NI vial Lamp., for feu r ning Sperm or Let ref Oil. nraerci nu cl ‘Virc Fire Fendeeer. (carion• patterns.) Fire Shovel., need Tong., line el Inns, 4.r, VVil It a variety of other art irk.. eon eleimeruu, to men tion. al; of w Welt will lee oircireel at the lowest cash pri rmr. Portrnit,Mittiatore.and other Framiny done nt Ihr t.thortem notice, repatt toe 01811 Linde ui tended to. Look. in?Ghtss plates.hy tne hoz or ' , lngle tight. Prints for Fro. ot;tri ronqnntly on hood feta 23 1110 S. A 1111. LI EEL Headache! Headache Dr. BRODIE'S ANTI DYSPEPTIC PILLS. A E now known to thousands as a most extraordina ry remedy for this affliction as well as the incon trovertible fact of their curing. DVS(' EPSI A . Will those suffering only ask among I heir friends if they have nut known of the positive effects of said Pills. and if they do not hear them more warmly praked (and deservedly too) than any other, then let them net hit), them. In these few remarks, all fancy or imagination is excluded, and nothing, will he said of their merits nt any time but what can he fairly proved by respectaltle menders of our community. Read the foiliovinz certificate ziyen by a revert:tide Cll iZen of A fingliony city, and attested by one of lir JUdg. en of the Court cf Common Pleas of co. A LLEGIIILNY Chr, January 9, 13-43. Dn. (Nome. Dear Sir—l have (or a 110111hCr of years pact hero] al dieted with a severe and almost constant Dearlarlie, a rising from derangement of momach and howels and al though I have taken nearly every kind of Medicine re commended fur its cure, have never derived any mare Hal benefit until I used some of your truly valuntile An li Dycpeptic fill. I have not taken pole two bout's ant consider myself perfeeily relieved from that Ilistresin complaint. I have nn hesitation in recommending you PillS as the best medicine I have ever used. Yours, Respect rutty, J Ii TURNER, I ant ;term:Lit:ea with Mr, Turne - , F have nn liesila lion In reritfring that I consider the statements of Mr I'. respcciing Dr. Brod irt's P Ik, as entitled to tiro most perfert and entire confidence. 01VIS. Ror 14 holesa le and RI tail at the Brnitnnian Pit Rs' ;il , ll , llmeol pitt , i , o-..th Pa ; aul by all authorised a. hrnuelintil the Union. Alle'v coy Jan 9 1:;-15 jan y. Adams' Patent "I3Caugtphy" now born before the putt it :3 year , dm rm..: which tinir se yr cal th0.i...an.:4 have been s o ld ❑i,rl in daily use, IrVe are r nutidrnl of being 511.0:Wird In saying they are the bcst Cotren Milk in the United States, any way yiiht , fix it.' Si'Verll modifications are mallet° snit the fancy of and the purses of ho n 11: Said h% the gross Cu dozen AI I lie. Ina nil Castings made to order. Fairbanks' Patent Platform Scales. These genuine at Hetes, of a'l sizes, and most improved varieties,eonstantly on hand and For sale at vet y tedured prices by the manufacturer, I. R. LIVINGSTON. mar 2. —l f Front between Ro-zs and Grant ste. ge'TO INVA,aws. Daw important It is Mat you comnience without 10 8 / 1 Of time With lIRANDGCTII'S They n Has!, but rarely remove all impurities from the tilood,and no case of sickne, - 1 can affect the bunion frame, that these rele. Mated Pulls do not relieve as !tenet as medicine caw Ro. Colds and coughs are more benehtled by the Brandreth Pills than -by lozenges and canaies. Very well, per. Inips.as pallat Ives. hut worth nothing as eradicators of diseases f rom t he human system. The BRANDS CT!! PILLS cure. they do not merely relic ve, they cure disease., whether chronic or recent, infectious or otherwise, will certainly lie cured by the use of these an gnincier i t CURE Or A CANCEROUS SORE. Firm SING, January 21.1843. Doctor BENPllffilt Brandretk—Ooliored Sir: Owing to yon a debt of gratitude that money cannot pay, i am induced to make a public aeknowledgeothut of the benefit my wile has derived from your Invaluable pills. About three Yeats this winter she was taken with a pain in her ankle, which soon became very much inflamed and swollen, sib much so that we became alarmed, and sent for the doctor During his attendance the pain swell tog increased to atiVarming degree,and in three weeks om Its first commencing It became a running sore— She could get no rest at night the pain was so great.— Our first Doctor attended tier for sii months, and she received no benefit whatever, the rain growing worse, and the sore larger all the while. Re said if It was heal ed up it would be her death, hut he appeared to Ise at a loss how t'a proceed, and my poor wife still continued to stirrer the most terrible tortures. We I herefore sought other aid In a Botanical doctor, who said when he first satv it that he could soon cure the sore, and give her ease at once, To our surprise he g: ye her no relief, and acknowledged that it baffled alt nis skill. Thus we felt after having tried during one whote year the experience of two celebrated physicians In vain. in absolute despair. My poor wife's coastitutlon rapidly tailing in the prime of her years from her continued I suir, ring • 1' oder these CirCUMRIIIIICPS we conelnded that we would try your Universal Veget itile to fairly test their curative effeets. To my wife's great comfort the first few doses afforded great relief of the n yin. Wilnin one week, to the astonishment of our selves and every one who knew of the case. he swelling :Ind the in Humiliation Regan to Cease So I hat she fell quite easy. and would sleep comfortably, and, sir, after six weeks' use she was al.le to go through the house, and again attend to the management of her family which she had not done for nearly 14 months: In a little over two 'omit from the time she first commenced the use cf your invaluable rills, her ankle was quite s'ounil, a rid her health heVer than it had been In unite a number of year. before. I semi yon this statement after , wo eearS test of the cure, considering it only an act of Justice to you and the public a , large. We are, Willi tilliell bra illider Very respectfully, TIMOTHY 4- ELIZA A. LiTTLE. r. Ti! fintaniral Doctor pronounced Ilic Aare ea rt. rerun". and fina!lv said no zond cou'd I. done. IlliIPSSII•e whole of the flesh wa.i cut off, and the 'nine scraped. "Thank a kind Providence, this made lie re .011. 10 r/111' pin., w6teh sayeilos from all lurtlicr misery, and for which "e ti"pe t lie thankful. T. it E. L. irrSold al q., rents p..r Igon. Kith directions. (1,.w.rv0 having upnn it two 4iz matures of (Jr. Vrandrel h. $o inch 1,0% of the vouisine Im , .I•Ziln I 111'1.S—three Brandreilt and three It lirandreili iino, it. The only Ware in Piiightir.zli where the real Bran &nth I'M.. :In In ohtninett i... the Ilocior's own office, No. 9.1. %S'ond et reel • heiween Sib nod Dlanin...l .1 try Mark Ihe Itranarrth Pills con never he obtained in oily Orn.z The followin2 are the only a-lents appointed by 11r. R Brainlrelh, for the sale of his Vegetable Uniyer , al Pills in Allegheny enmity: PRINCIPAL °news, No 911, Wood street, Pittsburgh C. P. Welil—Elizincililuivn. H. Rowland —M'Ker=prirt. rressly Hill. John elte,,rinan -Slcwarlslnw•n Connell—Clin.on. R.,hell t3,nilh Porter—Tarefillim. Georg.• Power Pairvicw. Davnl R Conn Plum Inwli<6ll,. - Daniel Ne2le‘ Edward Thomp-on--W ilk inslourgli o.lliiriler—Allen'-i Mill Juid*on 41c. Flancgisi, 4 T7'ORNF: rs AT LA W. Smithli..l.l near 71h alrrri. Colle leans made ou mode air Prtiginll, for widows /of old Poi/tiers under the lale art or zress, obloin rel. Papris and drawings for the Pollen' of are. ger elm reel . firir 17—I v. A tA RD. I II %yr. nn hand a Parer and • ell aasorled •lock of I'IIOI.STER V W.-%ft ni•le for the litn.er ' , wane's, and am prriinced a •hrnrl notice in flit all orders entrusted in nor. My stork is entirely n ew made of the best inatemil , . Will lie sold at prices In -nit e times. Merchants will find me well prepared In lit' their orders on the hest terms, for any dear r ion of Up iloGiery coeds (Jr their enstniners; and thee', ir.ene ivaiii. in:: any artic'e inn my tine, will he pronwily se; ved, and their favors thankfully received. WM NOOLE.l7linkterre. ant 29, No. 4 Wood at near the river. I,R. E.IIF RRITI', DENTIST, office , * Suit field, between .Freund and TAird SIA., flown of in.nt 9 A. M. till 4 P. M. Dr. E. M. manufact"rn,Procelnln and Allneral teeth. Dew ißlgen n he supplied by the 101) or single teeth. Block. of teeth with a Imam Ifni runt In full sets, or paid!. of Cots., will be made in order at Ihe cliortest notice, by Corwarilina an exact impression of the mouth. 4 Inn, for sale a few machines with emery w!seela grinding and dithia mineral tenth so useful to the Deni lilt—all will tie sold low for cash. dcc 23. PILES cured by the tse of Dr. 11 it ..ar..e.h .'s rompou n d Si rem:therm': and German Aperient Plita Or. Ilarlich— Dear Sir—Shortly after 1 received the Agency from ytte for the Pale of your medicine. I formed an aronaminnre wi.h a lady of this place. who was severely afflicted with the Piles. rot eight or ten years this lady was subject to frerptent painful attacks, and her physician considered her case so complicated, flint he very seldom prescribed medicine for tier. Through my perstia-tioo, she commenced using vow Pills, and was perfectly ruled. Yours, .tc. JANIES R. K IRBY October :3. 11310. Chambersbn7., Pa q -- 7—office and General Depot, No. 19. North Eight! Street, Philadelphia. And by Samuel Frew, corner o Liberty and Wood street.. Plitshurgh. !telt 10 INDEPENDENT TIDE WATER LINE FOR carrying Nlerchandive and Produce to and from PP Ishii rgli, Philadelpilct, Baliimore, New Yurk and Boston. by the Peansylvaiiia Canal and Rail road, on enl iiely temperate principles. S!ock of lids tine COnSIPP, of new larze Tidewater hunts 'ntiu expre•sly for I his route. with all Cur modern inr provenienls in hoot Mtilding; of a au pel ahundant supply of tir,t rate cars Oil the Portage Railroad; and a full sup ply of strong and commodious Pennsylvania boats bee itVlen Jolin , town and Pittsburgh; all of which oriel be conducled lIY volter. Milos: lions and experienced captains a lid , liperintentlents. Charges will lie pald on all ..or/o1:: into m1r.,1 to he shipped from Piitsburl h to Philadelphia, It,, I ininre, New York or Boston, and consi?ned to James Dickey 4- r, o. , Canal Rani n, corner of Liberty and Wayne 'as. and will he promptly attended to and forwarded with despatch. All Goods and produce intended to he shipped from Philadelphia coastwise, or via the Delaware and Rani tan Canal,land consigned to Hart, Andrew and Mcgever, will he received at their warehouse, first wharf above Race street, Philadelphia, and shipped directly from thence without additional handling dr expense; a lineof Boston packets connects with the line at this point- Shippers are Invited to examine the stock of this line and judge for themselves, before shipping by any other, as then' interest will be advanced by shipping by it, the proprietors being determined to exert themselves to the utmost of their ability for the interest of their custo mers and prosperity oil heir line. Insurance can be ef f ected cheaper by this line than any other, as the route is considered the safest PROPRIETORS. Hari, Andrews 4 McKever, from Philadelphia and Bal -1 !more to Hollidaysburg. Henry L. Patterson, from Hollidaysburg to Pittsburgh. AGENTS. Hart, Andrews dr MeKever, Philadelphia. Elder, Celiton 4- Co., Baltimore. Henry L Patterson, Hollidaysburg. Jessec Patterson, Johnstown James Dicker R Co. Pittsburgh Conveyancing. J4.M s BLAKELY,-.outinues to execute all kinds of writings. such u Deeds, lkirtga,ges. Apprentices In. dentimui. Articles of Partnership. betters of Attorney, Wi10,4.c. 4-, in a neat and legal manner, and at half of orates charges, at his old stand Penn street, near the SDI ward market house. fcb, 2s, IPCO PF IN WAR EH ouo E. —Xs, - 79, Fourth Street, Betwees Wood and Bwillfiehl its. Two doors from the corner of Wood street. Con scantly on hand an assortment of 100 ready made COFFINS, of every size and description; covered ones, with Cloth; Mahogany, Cherry, Black ...Walnut, Poplar. and PineCoMns. ALSO, Plates neatly engraved; Hearses and Carriages furnished; Gives procured; and all services renderee that friends may requite. A credit given in alt ra-zes, either orcuMns or carriages, requested. HENRY BEAR ES, Undertaker. sep 10 ' SURGICAL.INSTRUM ENTS! SURGICAL. IN. rR UM ENTS!— r. McCarthy, Cattier and Surgical Instrument Mater, Third street, nearly opposite the Post Office, Pittsitargh (SIGN OF THE GOLDEN StIEA RS.) Physicians, Dentists and Drilfgkis can have their in• strninents madeby the subscriber of a superior quality and at Eastern prices. Tailors' Patent Shears and Scissors always on hand. also Hatters Shears, a superior article. Orders reaped fully voliched. N. B. Allartlcles warranted of the hest qnality, and Jobbing done as usual. sep 10 ALLEN KRAMER, Exchange Broker, No. 46, Cor. wer of Wood end Third Streets,Pittsbnirgh Po.— Gotd, Silver, and Solvent Rawl( noire, bought and sold. Sighs cirvke on the Eastern cities, for sale. Draf e, notes and bills, collected. Pittsbrergle.Pa, Win. Bell 4- Co., John D. Davis, F Lorenz. J. Painter k CO., Jn , eph Woodwell, James May Philadelphia, Alexander Bronson 4- Co.. John 11. Brown 4 - Co. Ci.cixnati, 0., James M'eamilers. St. Louis. Ale., J. B. bl'Donald. Louisville, W. B. Pope, Esq. Pres'i Bank Ky. rep 10 RE - movAL.—The uoidergigited Itry leave lo Worm the public, t hat lie teas removed from Ills old stand, in the corn r of Penn and St. Clair sla., oppositethe change lintel, where he has filled tip a large PiArio FORls WARE Roost, and now otters for sale the most splendid assort meta of PtArros ever offered in Ihir market. pintos eminist of different patterns, of superior Rose Wood and Malne2atty, beautifully finished and tno. dried. and entourneted ihrottehout of the very bent ma ierial,,which, for durability, and quality of lone, as well an touch, he warrants to he superior to ally ever seen here. As he has en!arged his mantif.octory, and made arrange. meats 10 5 , apply Ihe increasing demand for this Ins, rit• m,•nt, he regrwel folly reatteals those Intending 10 pur. chase to cal,l and, xamine his asQortment before purcha. i rol etsewhere, as he is determined In pelt I.OWieR, for rash, than any oilier establishment cast or weft or the mountains. F. BLUME, Corner of Penn anti Si. Clair streets, 000 10 0000010 the Exchange lintel. Fittsbnren, WARR INTED GENUINE.—Dr. WlAram Evatig'd Camomile Plifq. Czartrieszes.— Letter from the lion. A Wien, M'Clel lan,Sio Mean County, 11131 nessee, klembeo of Congress. Wssuorcrotr, July 3d. 1833. Sir—Since I have been in this city I have used some of your Dyspeptic mcii ne with infinite ' , mien( and nook faction, and believe it to lien most valuable remedy. One of my tuents, Or. A. Carden, of Campbell county. Tennessee, wrote to rue to send him some. which I did, and lie has noployed it very .iiccessfully in his practice. aed says It is invaluable. Mr. Johnson, your agent at this place," thinks you would probably like on agent In Tennessee. If so. I would recommend Dr. A Carden, as a proper per=on I a of ciote for the sale of your celebrated medicine. Should you commission hint he la willing 10 act for you. You can vend the medicine by wooer to the care of r,olirri King I f Sons. Knotvipeconid v. Tenni, .re, or by laud tra.Graham 4. Houston, Tazewell, Ea.i Tennessee. I hove no doubt but if you had agents In several counties In East Tennessee; great deal of rine would be sold. lam going to lake sonic of It home for toy own we, and that of my frieitilA, and should to hear from you whether you would like an agent al Filtitilville,Suilivan County, East Tennessee; I can get sonic of tbe merchants 10 act for you as I live near there. Yours respectfully, A II A VIA M M'CLEI.I.A N, of Tenn.:we. For sole Wholrsale and Retail, by sep 10 lIR. WI lAA AM EVA Ngi'S sy Thio inn remedy has pre. vest hundred when thought pool recovery, f our convirkion:. As soon as the Syrup Is ruliherl no the ;oiler, t he filth] will reef v er. Thlo pro!parat ion is so 10 0 0,0 0 1, . 0 ..(jj,fleg,,.. Q. a n d s ., pleasant • that on ellll4 will refnoe to let he tII 111 he nth tied with it. %When i Want, ri re at the age of fenr month= I ho' here iv o appearance of teeth. nor tautly of the Syrup ol be it , ed 10 open rite pores. Pa 'Tors R 11 0 ,11.1 eV..? lie t he spnrp In tbr, nursery wltrre I here mar 23, 143 are vonnr. , children, for ir a child wakes in lie nittil will, pain in lltr p r the Syrup hiliniatiaielv npeniag the heOlihi.4 the 911111 , ; t hereby preveni ins. Cowin nons, Fevers, 4-c, Par• Sale Wholesale and Cplailbv R. I SELLERS. %Tent, se plO Nn. 20. Wcp..l rvt.t. hP10..• Serottrl gr - 1 OUG ('OLDS nod CONSU.,I/P7'/Mlf —The pea f.w the shove romplaioils IS Pow al hand, nd all .persons who are •ciliecled the inrieniency of the weal her are respectfully Informed I hai l icy ran hod. Covecrr's liscsi or Lir': which la wall known to ,lave cored Tones Sans, Who were in lime Insl siages or c...- ..mptioo. Certificalcs ran he prcn'uccd of lig wonderfo, cores. T.orhon'is BALSAM or I.lvKawoaT Is another remelt fo r Liere Camp/ate/s. Caught. and Cobh. It comes hitth Iy recon 111C11111!li by :II; who have ti .ell it. and is pleasant to take. nnth.pertly itt etrertirt2 a rare. PICAPIeI HOAR 1101'19D CANDY.--This is a highly valuable and pleasant medicine:it will effect a positive and certain 'ore for Caniyha. Cold., Con saltation And la an effectual cure for the Witooeilso Corona. This isa Very picas ant Medicine, all are fond of it, and children TIP ver tefuse to take te; iis cure is sure and positive. The anhuerilnr has a cell ifirate of Agency direct from J. Pease k son, PO there ran lie no mistake. All persons who are effected, are invited to call and nut delay, for the tiwe to take medicine is at the commencement. All the above medicines tan always be procured at WitobcsAtt oR RETAITiIt 7'UTTLF.'S MEDICAL AGEXCY. 86. Fourth street. /110 FE\I A LES..—There is a large class of Females In this City who from their continued silting, to which their occurn. t ions ohligi. hern,are affect ed wit costiveness which gives rise to palpitation at the heart on the least ex ertion, sense of heaviness extending over the whole head, intolerance of light and sound .an inability of usin g thr attention to any mental operattons; rumbling In the bow. els, sometimes a sense of suffocation, especially after meals when any exertion is used, as going quickly up stairs; lenipre fickle; these are symptoms which yield at once to a few doses of the. Firandreth Pills The ocert. sional it , e of this medicine would !raven deal of trouble and year , of suffering, One, or two, or even three of the Brandreth o,lls ins, before dinner, are of en found higlhly ben e fH a I; many rase them very advantageously in this y; hey aid and assl.d digestion, restore the how els to n proper condition,ettliven the spirits, impart clear ness to the complexion, purify tile blood, and promote a general feeling of health and happiness. Sold at Dr. li-autiret It's Office. No. 98 Wood sir( el, Pit isburg 11—. Price 25cent per box, with full directions. MARK—The only place in Pittsburgh, where the , CF.NIIINEPiIIscan he obtained, is he Doctor's own Of. fire. No 98 Wood street. sep 10 3 - ' yr:Ll comPLAINT cured hy the use of Dr: liar. IL/ i:ch's compound Stirengthening and Aperient Pills. r. Wm. Richards, of l'itt,burgli,Pa„ entirely cured of the above distressing disea , e. Ills symptoms were pain and weight in the left side, loss of appetite, vomiting, acid eructations, a distension of the stomach. sick headache, furred tongue. countenance changed ton citron color,difft cult y oftireathing. disturbed rest, attended with a cough, great debility, with other symptoms indicating great de rangement of the functions of the liver. Mr. Richards had the advice of several physicians, hut received no relief, until using Dr. Ilarlich's Medicine, which terminal. ted in effecting a pe-feet cure. Principal Office. 19 North Eighth Street, Philadelphia For sale in Pittsburgh by Samuel Frcw, corner of Later ty and Wood streets. sep 10 BARON VON HUTCHELEN HERB PILLS.._ These Pills are romposed 'of herbs, whtch exert a specific, action upon the heart, give Impulse or strength to the arterial system; the blood is quickened and equalized in its circulation through all the vessels, whether of the skin, the parts situated internally,or the extremities; and as all the secretions of the body are drawn from the blood, there Is a consequent iitcrease of every secretion, and a quickened action of the absorbent and exhalent, or discharging vessels. Any morbid action which may have taken place is corrected. all obstruc tbna are reatirved, the blood is p u rifted. and the body regimes at tkle state. Fora ale Wholesale and R e• kall by R E SELLERS. Agent, sap 10 tkil 1 Wood at. below Second. "OrDALLErS :JAIN EXTR.SCTOR is certainly the most valuable ointment for Burns, Bores, ke.„ ever invented: no matter how badly a person may be burnt or sealtied—this will heal them histnedintaly, without leaving any scsa. Every amity !Mould have * box in their honse, no one should be without it.—Every one who has tried it recommends it. To be had only at TUTTLE'S; 86 Fourth streel.l • dee 8 Cl= R 17. sal ER S. A zont, No. 20. Wood m roc, .hrdow Sernn4 IN DIVIDU .UNITED STATES PORTABLE BOAT LINE., For the Transportation of .Merchandise and Produce Boween PITTSBURGH AND PHILADEL 'ILIA AND PITTSBURGH AND BALTIAIORE, NEW YORK. AND BOSTON DEVINE 4- fiIcANULTY re/peettolly inform itte pub. lic !hat they have coin:Acted their arrangement/ for the above Line on INDIVIDUAL AND INDEPENDENT PRINCIPLES, The public has long wished for Individual competition in Transportation on the Public Woiks, by which alone it can be freed from unnecessary expenses and reduced to its lowest rates; that wish will now be realized; the Stale of Pennsylvania having placed Trucks on her Bail Roads, Individums owning Portable Boats are enah:ed to bid for the Carrying Trade and successfully to corn. pete with commits es. This line iscomposed of Twenty new, Pour Section Portable Boats, owned by the Captains who command them and well known an enterprising, industrious and experienced Boatmen. The superiority and advantages of the Portable Boat over every other mode of Teansportation, are too well known to shippers generally. to require comment; suf. lice it foray, that the detention, luss,separation and data• age to (goods, invariably attending three Transhipments het wren Pilledtergit and Phiadelphia are by the Portable Boat most effect - a:illy restored The Portable Float ptssesses Ihe great advantage ton, of being well ventilated and cool in Simmer; whKll per. yards Flonr from souring, and Baron and Tobacco from sweating. Devine gr McAnn'tv, standing as they ds,hetween the owners of goods and the Boatmen who carry them, and egnally intrrr,trtl in protertlng the interitsts of both, will make no promises to thr public they will not faithfully perf.nrir, They are now prepared to receive and Poward Pro done to ['Mimi. !tibia. Baltimore. New York, and Reston in the shortest time. and pledge themselves to enter into no combination with other Lines,lot always stand ready to carry out the principlesof their Line, and contract for freight on, the very lowest terms. ,-'t'o give otoloulned•securtly to owners and shippers of goods an open policy of Insurance has been effected. by which all mereltandtvt shipped by this Late will be Instned with( at any additional expense to the owner. Devine 4' Me %milt y will receive alt produce consigned to them at Pittsburgh, pay freight and charges to Steam Boats and forward the shoe without delay to Philadel. pith, Baltimore, New York, and Boston withont any charge fur advancing or comniksion. DEVINE k NIcANUUPY. Atents., Canal Basin, Liberty street, Pittsburgh. THOS BOR RIDGE, Agent, 272 Market et see I. Philar'elphia. MOORE k CEASE Agents, Narrh 10. E:42 75 Ilowley's Wharf, Baltimore. 41.t$J i - 1-: , .''. - ';:.i:It; CO— "11'hy trill ye lire al this jpfin dying rate?'' zi zi I?: r. HUMPHREY'S VEGET.9 IILE OINTMENT, FOR PILES. FISSURES, 4c. To he had at rtirTLICS Ittedical Agency, R 6 Fourth it, the only agent in Pillslaugh. Fell -21 A FEW MORE FTILL 1011 X Al'CL',SKEY.theold original. has on hand the 0-1 splendid assortment of Clothing ever offered Wes 31y +sock k large, and lam disposed to sell at the ovir, I possible mire My stork is heavy, and as the pea. son advancing. I will sell at lower prices than ever. ask only the pi asure of a call, feeling confident that a look is suilielent. n 1•1111/. of Counterfeits. flementher thr TPREF: RIO DOORS, and the SION IN THE PAPE.% ENT. nov 23.184 R. DANIEL Afe,TIFIAL, Offire on Filth sirre LlFlnowern Wood and endildield streets, Pittsburgh. drr 10--ly. NEW A LA MODE /11111 , . ustlersignrd respeclfully in fn,m the. lul lir tin, after several years experience. In the heat phone in ihe easier , ' finest. they have opened their NPW 11 1.1 mode in Third a., (11IP door from Market, and nearly opposite' he pot oilier, witr,e INV are prepared lo execute all 01 /lets in Ike tailor in: line, in a manner unsurpassed 'iv ant' ni her in the rily. Flavinx made irr:oi2rinetit,e for the ieccption of the most ipodcr n it y'e fashiona, gentlemen wlahina. Holing made in asuper ior style. wouid hind it to their int ex eat to :Iva. them a We wish the public to nntlerFland that this Is not In• tended in tank anion: the fulsome gull advertisements Gf lie dad•; for tb .tyl'e ant workmanship they challenge cononei n. March 4 oily RE, 1 OVA L. HOLDSHIP & BROWNE HA VE removed their Paper Store from Market street to No. 64 Wood t o reet, one door from the eorner of 4th, where they keep on hands their U?llai as sort mee I of WALL PA PERS. for papering partors,en• iries.chanthers. kr, and also PRINTING ! IVRITING arid WRAPPING PAPERS, BONNET BOARDS, kc. all of whirl, they offer for sale our accommodating le ring, fel, 14. 1843. —dr f B R ANDREI' H'S PILLS, SECURED BY LETTERS PATENT OF THE UNITED STATES. THE METHOD OF PREPARING THE BRANDRETHIAN VEGETABLE EX TRACTS. Caveat entered 9th June, 1842—Patent granted to 13.,9491111 tyi r e , F.,2oth January. 1843. The'extracts of which Branatetti's Yills are com posed are obtained by this now patented process, without hoiling or any applicetinn of heal. TIN ac tive pi ioriple of the herbs is thus secured the same as it is in the LIVING VEGETABLE The Public shou'd be cautious of medicines rer cominetufei in advertisments stolen from me, in which the CONTEMPTIBLE ROBBERS steals my lan guage, merely a Itenn; the name. Time will show these wholesale decei , ers in their true light., THE MEDICINE OF THE PEOPLE. Bit AN METH'S, PILLS are the People's Medicine, proved by timucands who daily rectum mend them to the afflicted. The BRANDRETI-I PILLS are growi..g every day more popukr, their yii toes are extendilig their usefulness. The sick of both sexes are daisy deriving benefit from them. No case of disease but they can be used with advan tage. Blotches cis hard lumps of lhe idrin they speed ily cure, so with erysipelas, so with salt rheum, so with indigestion, so with coughs and colds., so with costiveness, so with ca ncer, so with hot parched lips and canker in the month. Let the afflicted use this medicine, and they will find they require no other. Sold at 25 cents per b ,, x, with directions. Ohgerve the new labels each having upon it two signatures of Dr. Brandreth. So each box of the genuine hassix signatures—three Beni imin Brand refit and three B. Brandse,l l upon it. The-ONLY PLACE in Pittsburgh where the REAL Brandreth MS CAN BE OBTAINED, is the Doctor's own Office, No. 98 Wood street, between Fifth and DIEM , nd Alley, Mark, the Gt.:Norm Brandreth Pi le ran never be f.btair.ed in any DRUG M u AE. The following ate the ONLY AGENTS appoint ed hi Dr. B. Brandreth, for the side of his Vegeta ble Universal Pills in Allegheny County. Principal Office, No. 98 Wood st. Pittsburgh. Mr John Glass—Allegheny. Robert Duncan—Birmingham: C. F. Diehl—Elizabethtown. H. Rowland—McKeesport. Pressly Irwin—Pleasant Hill Jchn. Johnson—Noblestown. Chelan:roan & Spaulding—Stewaitstown. Asdell & Connell—Clinton. Robert Smith Porter—Tarentum. G r enrge Power—Fairview. David R. Coon—Plum Township. Daniel NPRley—East Liberty. Edward Thompson—Wilkimburgh. Wm. 0. fitinter*Altoll'a Mills. 1 4' zi SCULLY k AIONTAGUE r p, 4 clts ..i, .0 s r- 7....:1;i ...,/otiov,. ... _,..`"/ 111 HE subscriber has Just received Ho annual supply Landreth's Garden Sreds, conniving In part 0(11, following Made—all of the last year•serop t 'rammed renuine: Bearags Beets, Leans, Leek, Wnece, Mater Melon, Egg Plant, Endive, Kale, Pumpkin-, Radish, Rhubarb, Ca' bar, &Inf.'', efif MI, Cauliflower, Spinach, Celery, Okra, Cuo led Clefs, Onion, Cucumber, Parsley; Mustard, (white and brown.) . busk, nsturtiom, Squa.h, Tomatoes, Turnip, Corn. &c. &c. &cc Together with ,A varlet y or POI ¢ Bwret herb* and dearer 10-Orders for Seeds, Shrubs, Tr. ea, 4r.. front Cardits. era and others will he received and promptly aucadtd F ta NOW DE,N, No. 184 Liberty. head of Wood N. EI T. PRICE, Mr:Or:male and Retail Raker. Con. feelioner and Fruiterer, Federal surrul,netur Diamond,Allegheny thy. Every voile', of Confectionary and Ocnameolal Cakes, suitable for weddings and patties, inoastfaciesed from the hest materials, at short notice. *431.16 FA It NI 10K SA LE.—Tbe undersoord offers for sale his farm, lying in Roe Township 4i miles frogs tbe City of Pittsbnrgh, containing 114 acres ofiand of which 60 ate cleared and node- fence,- I • m acres of meadow. 2 good Orchards of Apple,g few Peat.* mad Cherry trces—the itttprovettients are a ~tree frame boast containing 10 rooms wellfurnisheti,ealcolated fora Ta rem ok private Dwelling, A frame Para 28 by 60.slente basenbott, and stabling, sheds, nd other out boareasadi• 21,1 e fur a tenement:-2 good Gardens surmunded with currant hushes and a well of swine'', water, with • pump in at the front door. In relation tu the Pittsburgh and Allegheny market, there is no place now offered for gate with mere Inducemeint to those wishing t• porches( near Pittsburgh, the terms will be made moderato, for further particularsapply to the proprietor at his Clothing Store, Liberty street, corner of Virgin Ailey. LAWRENCE strrcntu.. N. It, if not sold before the Ist of October test. it will be divided into 10 and 20 acre lots tonit por e tig sets. lial 10 1 AM ES HOWARD m .Msnalitetiersra of Mei Paper, No. 18, Wood Street, Pittsburott. Pa.— Have always nn hand an extensive assortment of Salle Glazed and Wain PAPER HANGINGS. Velvet Imitation Border., of the lal,st style and handsome patterns, for pa perin: parlors anti chamber*. • They manufacture and have on hand al all thrtelPro Printing. Writing. Letter. Wrapping and Tea Paper,Siati• net and Fullers' Floalds—all of which theyofer for sale on the MOM accommodating terms; and to which they invite the attention of merchant, and others. ALSO—Blank Books °fail kinds and the twit quality, Schnoi Rooks, etc_ always on hand and for sale assayer. N. B. Rags.' nd Tarnsta• Scraps' taken In rubel:gr. 11. S. INIACIR/AV 6FO. P. MAXILTOX 3,,AGRA W 'III L'I'ON Iffielltrle at Lau. have removed their Office to the resident.' of 11. S. Ma. ,law, on Foil st, two doors ahoie Bmlth6old. imp 10 Cincinnati, February .1.5, 184$. nr. SwAyse—Dear Fir:—•Pernsit me to take the liberty of writing to you at this time to express my aypicibelior and to'recomniciid to the attention of heads of families and others your invaluable inedlchse—the Compound Syrup of Prunus Virginian*. or Wild Cherry Bark. In my travels of late I have area in RV eat many lintalieri The wonderful effects of your medicine in relieving chit. dren of very obstinate complaints, such as Coughing. Wheezing, Cho:Alps of Phlegm, Asthmatic nitarks. ie. kr. I should not have written this letter, boweva, Mt presen. :1111:m0i I have fon it my duly to add my tevtiii ninny t., it for some time, had it D been for a laic in. stance where the medicine above untitled to was ►natrtl. mental in restoring to perfect health an ••only child." whore ease was almost Impel, SC in a fatuity of say at quaintanre. .•1 thank Ileaven," said the denting wok. r,••my child is saved from the jaws of death! 0 bow reared the relentless rava;er But my child is safe! *- safe!" Beyond all doubt Dr. Swavne's Compound Syrup e - tt ild Cherry Is live most valuable medicine In thistle lisy other country. lam certain I "-ave witnessed MON thell one hundred cases where it has been attended with sets. plete sue, eve. I ant using myself in an ohstissite, go. tart; of Bronchitis, In which it proved elTeetitst In-a nqt. rite/Jingly sOort lime. considering the severity of Ohl tato. I can reeoniend it {tithe fullest conndenee of its stskrkar virtues; I would advise that no family should be within( it; h is very pleasant and always beneficial—y(olk double and often ten limes its price. The mane ere aa stared there is tits quackery shoot It. R. Jikersaa, b. P. Formerly Pastor of the First Presbyterian Cbartb, N. Y. Sold by WM. THORN. wholesale 4. retail, Wyss.* for Pittsburgh. No. 53. Market Ft reel. seqlo ABOON TO THE DUMAN ACEl—ett rir what wall destroy Life, and you area great ihms t “Discover what will prolong Life, Mod the swill call you Imposter." ..There are faculties, bodily and intelleetiad," *WA b . wit h which certain herbs have bid bible whim§ they hare power." Dr. B. Brandreth's Eilernal Remedy, or Linl at which, by its eitraordinary powers, abstracts Para le Sorene=s; thus Sprains. Stiff Sinews, White sweat*, Rheumatic Pains, or Stiffness, Stiffness of the MGM, Tumors, Unnatural Hardness, Stiff Neck Sore Thrall * Croup, Contractions of the muscles, sesames, ea. largements. Tender Feet, and every description olf fe- Jury affecting the Exterior of the Human Fume, ate cured or greatly relieved by his never•to be sofficiwitlly extolled remedy. CERTITICATIC.-Thr following letter front Major Gem era, Sandford, as to the qualities of the External RCM dy, speaks volumes: New Yonx, Feb. 9,1843. Dear you oblige me with another bottle of your excellent Liniment? It is certainly the lent of the kind I have ever seen. It has cured entirely my nee knee, about which I was so uneasy,and I have found It productive of immediate relief in several eases of miter. nal Injury in my family. A few evenings since. my youngest child was seized with a violent attack of Crump. which was entirely removed In trenty wilswtest, by rub. bin: her chest and throat freely with the External Rent. Hy. I think you ought to manufacture this Liniment for r. enera I use, Instead of eonfinint the use ufit, is' pill have heretcipre dune, to your particular admirtittaneen. Yours truly, C. W. SANDFORD. Da. B. Bxaxnxrrn.24l Broadway. N. Y. rr - For rale at 241 Broadway, New York, sad al his office,No. 93 Wood street,Pittshory,h. Pr, ICE-50 eesis per bottle with directions. sep 10 PITTSBURGH LARD OIL MA-1117- FACTORY. rip ri E subscriber would respectfully inform the citizeaft cf Pitishurgh, Allegheny and their virirtliar , That hf has commenced manufacturing the article of Lard 01 and Candles. He intends malting hut one quality, which wall equal the best made in the Union and not surpassed by the best winter strained sperm oil either for meehhcrity or burning, sailboat its offensive properties, and eine third cheaper. TEE ABOVE IS WARRANTED 20 BURN fir ANY TEMPERATURE. The sobscrl. her wishes to Impress distinctly on the public mind that it is not necessary to purchase any new Tangled lamps that are daily palmed upon them as being requisite to bars the lard oh? in. Persons wishing a pure and brilliant light can obtain it by calling at the old atand,3d street, newel opposite the Post Office. IL C. The at rentlon of Wholesale dealers, Churches and ROBY: ehrnlr.p teeosei folly solicited. N. B.—All the barrels will bear the manvfaeituret'li name. /ant 1343—tG 10 BELB. Spirit, Turpertive, Ibis day received and for sale by J. G. it A. GORDON. mar 8. 13 Water street: FASHIONABLE BOOT MAKING. B PERRY lakes this method of Informtna the puhlid hi general -that he continues to carry on the above business in the hloaolicuartA, Horst ihmanites No 1 Water street, where, wit h strict Personal *throttle* he hopes to please all who will favor him wish gear gm ! tronarm. From tilt lone experience In the business, b Ratters himself that his work cannot be exalted in wait nese and durability, at least west of the MAIM/4c bit R lir useless to boast—a fair trial Is the test eiidepre To suit the times he manufacturts Roots at Varian lolii4„ ces; tram as toe. as Ire dollafs up to his teat quelltfr width he affords attest's dollars pelf pelt. , 'paa! • Parsnip, Peas, Pe mitt, ft emeoli, Borrealr,