Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, May 13, 1843, Image 3

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MAY 13:1843
The Procession Yesterday.—The Jour
neymen carpenters of Allegheny. Pit's
burgh, and Pitt town shi2,rnarched through
the principal streets in procession, yester
day. In Allegheny the triumr h is corn.
• plete, all the employers, we believe, bay,
ibg yielded. In the city we are told that
many of the "bosses" have conceded to
• *lit hands what they demandsd,cash pay
ments and no orders, and we presume they
will nearly all commence work on Monday.
The destruction of the order system is a
Consummation that wi'l give satisfaction to
every class of citizens, and we believe that
in short time the employers themselv.•s
still find that its abandonment will he to
- their own advantage. The demands of
that workm9l have been extremely reason
atiPle, and while their movements in.iicate a
skiernaioation to destroy a arum that has
beefs plundering them of a large portion of
the profits of their toil, they have a'so evin-
cad a disposition to make the change as
easy and convenient to the employers as
possible. We are gratified to understand
tits Ibis courteous conduct is likely to
obtain all that was demanded, and tl'e ern , .
ployers who have so promptly yielded to
what was so imperatively demanded by jus
tice and public opinion,deserve much cred.
Ia a few days all will be q•siet again;the
workmen will bare their rights and every
thing will goon cheerfully and prosperous•
Theatre.—Mrs Kent still maintains her
veputatian as an actress, and looks as well
sad as funny as ever. She is, and always
has a favorite in this city, and Flynn
sill gain something hatitbnime by her en.
gagement. Tonight she arpears again in
taofa'tori.e pie( Es.
• Air Foster.—This gentleinan, well
knowtrin Pittsburgh as a clever actor and
a good citizen, takes a benefit at the The
--sire on Monday night. His personal and
professional merits entitle him to a bump.
errand we loubt not but he will get one.
Let his friends exert themselves, partiru
hfly ashe is now a resident of this city
ina.one of us. "Encourage home indds
, try" on this occasion.
• The weather has beco lie fine once
miie. Rain may be expe , te , l, with thun•
der, to-morrow, the day before nr the day
- after, but more Flcrieto-morrotv, as it ap•
Ifsaiiito be the regular day.
• Many ciitens appear very anxious to
owl of what utiliiy the ire 11 , 111 on
the td envy athe new Water Works. It
CICOMMidit)UB rnough fin about h•ilf a d o ,,
zen'Hanis,,n Convelitioto., and We pre-
AMMO it will be neatly an I i , stefully fitte
„asp. a s Mr John Sheriff' is the
lather' ni the brilliant idea that has reared
this magnificent building tnubi tint he ex
plain this matter for the edification of tht.
Abegheny has not risen any, Dot
riithatanding the recent heavy rains. 'I he
Mobobgahela river is rising.
There were two alarms on Thurday
*veining; both were false, and g , tup ex
pressly forthe purpose of having a fight•
WchOre heart) of no marked inj.iry tieing
done to any of the fist icurr. gladiators, ex_
apt one black eye, which was received
viiith tottcb composure and dignity. We
must here state that the Firemen proper,
bed nothing to do with the disgraceful pro
evsedings; ts they are all, with very few
e*eeptions, quiet and orderly citizens, and
fried themselves on all occasions to pre
vent disturbances. To prevent such dis
rse,eful scenes in future, vety member
who at.-atty,time so far forgets himself as
to engage in a brawl should be expelled.
No entertainments have been given in
*his city fora song time, that mec with
*nth general approbation, as the Concerts
or Frank Johnson and his cel.brated
Band. We understand that on next Tues
idayood Wednesday evenings, they will
Oorforen at the Washington Ark, in Mir
wirbeay, for the benefit of the Temperance
cause. Afhey will no doubt have crowded
"the Philadelphia Firemen's Qaud
tly Frank Johnson's Ba id, is the
greatest thing yet. It is worth 50 cents
itself to aw enthusiastic member of a fire
an pally:
file Carpenters..
Tbs Ca pesters had a very enthusiastic
insetting at the old Court House on Thurs
day sight, Mr Rea, was Chairman and Mr
Coyle, Secretary. Several speeches were
imead•q , Strong resolutions were adopted.
&daring that they would accept no less
Ores g Ciullass per week from their employ..
yrs, is cash. until the first of July, after
which; nothing but cash was to be taken.
Thin is `Tittle stronger than the Allegbe
ay etiq resolutions, though $4 is little e.
The fine farm of the late 'Edward Cole•
man, three miles from Philadelphia, com
prising ninety-seven acres, wad sold at one
hundred and ninety-three dollars an acre,
making a sum of eighteen thousand seven
hundred and twentrone.dollars, for what
is said to be one of the finest farms in
Pennsylvania. It rents for one ihnusand
one hundred dollars a year. A short time
since forty thousand dollars was refused
or -it.
The Birds.—The Ploughman makes the
following appeal to sportsmen:—"Don't
shoot the birds, if you have any mercy—
their songs are worth more than their meat.
‘NNI want every one of them to pick cat
erpillars, canker worms, and all horts of
gruhS. You may shoot the crow (if you
can) 4A the phoebe; une eats young
the other ears bees.
Unprecedented,—Capt. Judkins, of the
steamship Hibernia, left B.)ston April 2d,
for Liverpool, and returned May 4th. he.
biz absent from Boßton but 31 days, four
of which he was in Liverpool.
J Q Adams has arrived in Boston.
Breham is giA nie concerts to crowded
houses in various parts of England.
The Workingmen': Centrai C ,, tntnirtee are
requested to meet at the house o' John F.,x, cor
ner of 4 h and Roes eta. on Monday evening next
at 7 o'clock P M.
EC:rA CONCERT of Sacred Mti-ic will be given in
i he .sth rreshyieriari Church, fttnitl.ll.ld !treei,:ott Tue,
day Evening, May 16, uttder the Ali eelioll of Mr Wright
for the hen.-81 of raid church. rerfo.mance to cont
inence at 8 o'clock. Tickels, 75 cents; to be had •I the
boolcvtorel, the offices of the Chronicle, and .I•2e and at
Mrs. Flynn as Geo. Barnwell
Mrs. Kent in S.x Obaractets.
This rverling, May l3th, will be presented for the
first time th.s season the Trezerir f
George Barnwell tiles NN,
A(t•r whidi tho In o, lie inierhie or
The whole to crecimie wi.h the t rt)..l4r Drama of
Doors open at 7 o'clock, Performance to com
mence at half pa.t 7
Lower Dole., 50 cents I Second Tier, 37icent,.
Pit 25 •• I Gallery, 124 recta
etottinurcial Nrbist.
6 feet watrr in the channel
Al Coals marked (hos ( 2 ) are provided with
Ev salty Guard.
lie, rated be SFIERLE & MfTCREL, General S. 13
A,7,. tits, N.. 5, 11,,r1t. t
•• levehtnt, 11,11 1 h 11, B •river,
1N , .r.110,.. en, U. W •
, e.,
17,,n1z,,rner,, (..1“,11110,.
111:111:1StVager St
1...t . e B n FRlV , klin (Gary Cinc:nnati
New ()rk Greenlee NaQnville
C, 1:,,, s
Alh•Kt,.ny Illona
*.nevetn..d, firm chill, B ai rt e
B .1..1.3, do
Al in', 'ocklmr , ‘, B own-vine,
II r 4( hell, A ren, Flnre• re.
Z n r , uiHe, Duvni, M..r c•t.t
krttan Q tern. Br ck• 11. I...atiovile.
Nl.n t z.) 1, Devinny,Whe , .ling.
Bridgewkt. r. Et 1,..tt do
TatAsi-141' Ince• arm ONT. Slay 8, Itt-I
N n de,ierintive Ilst of Tie.intry Noes. eonsi I", a
package made tip at the Custom flou-e. New Or
and a Ileibled in have been trittistmitied to the. First
Andttor of sloe Tresiury, published on the 22d ult. the
followin:Prrors prints
No 6 0; R. 21 May, 1341. should but 234 Mae, 1841.
No 8489. C. should be 3490, and No .57, A. Plieuld lie
No, 87.
Plie papers that were authorized topuhlish the ori
ginal list will mike this rorrect;nti.
.1, C. SPENCER. Secretary of the Treasury
11111 Y APERCHES.---50 1.111 , 11P1S Dry t•e“ lusi re
for 1.31 C by 11 1131 A N.I F:NN ING Co.
may 11. 43 WooJ street.
DOCTOR ACADENY, S. W. en ner of
kla tliet and fifth streets. Morning Ctasses hi
French, Greek. on (wet y other day, •iz: Gentlemen
on e day and Ladies en the other. Gouts of
11011 1(01137 to B 4 a. tn.
Day gehool for both se:es, hours from 9 a. in, till
noon, and fro.. 2 to 5 p.
Evening Cla.ses In £ngltsh Grammar, Composition,
Cook keeping, Geomutry, Hours of atten
dance flout 8 le 10 p. nt. for Gentlemen, for the Ladles
6 to 8.
The mode of teaching the above branches will be
chiefly by lectures and the understanding will be ad.
dressed first and the memory afterwards He will al
ways aim at juicing the theory 4' the practi-e together
—the rule first and then its application_
Doctor Jones holds testimonials of los qualification.
for the diseharceof the duties he assumes from Joseph
R. Chandler, Editor of the U. S, Gazette; Geo. L. Ash
mead E-q Attorney at Law; John W. Astitnend, do ;1
P A, Raybold.E•q. du.; 1. A, R,owne Esq. do,; UV/
D. In rahant Esq. do.; W. L. Norton, Justine of the
Peace 72 Howl) Front street; Richard MeCuney. Prin
cipal o he 'estern Academy.. cf Philadelphia.
He also era to the Hon A, G, Flarchand, H. D.
Foster. Esq. Attorney at Law: Jae Johnston Esq. Editor
of the Argils! Erive Cowan Esq, Attorney at Law ;of
Geestetriatret, He can likewise refer t a great man
citizens of Pittsburgh.
The larger theelassest he more modirate will the terms
be; and should the hours above nientiowed lint suit, they
will be readily changed for those which may answer
To commence on May 15th . Terms moderate
Tsubscriber most respectfully inibrass the gentle
men of thli city and vicinity that he bag commenced
Use ROOT sod SHOE making busmen in Fourth street,
opposite the Mayors office. Having been Gateman in
some of the most fashioaabte Boot Shops In the Eastern
titian sad having furnished biumelfwlth the beat French
and American Skins, he hopes by his attention to
business to merit a share of public patronage, To throe
gentleman who have kindly patronised Mai he returns
his Macau Utast' and can with confidence appeal tier the
goodness of hie work and knowledge tf his basinees.
may 11. P. KERRIGAN.
I 0 KRECTED DUCT, lirt ALLYN icirtLAPIGI Diliikt
reSssyLvA N 7.1
Bonk or Pittsburgh. par
March. 4• Man. bk. par
Eccliatit:e bank, par
Ilk. or Cermanlowt
ra=tcn tank,
Lancastt r bank, dis 1
Bank of Cheater Co. par
Farmers' bk Bucks Co.
Doylestown bk do
Ilk of N America Phil.
Itk of Northern I:Aletliea;•
Commercial bk. or Pa. •
rar. Br Alechanlcs bk
Philadelphia bk.
Schuylkill bk.
Soutliwsrk bk.
Western bk.
Bk. of Pennsylvania,
Bk of Penn Ti par
Man. 4- Mechanics bk. par
Me.shanics hk. par
Moyannensing bk. 3
G irnrd ha.,k, 45
IT. Stales bank. 50
Lumbermens', Warren, --
Frank. Irk Washington, par
iners bk of Pot lavile, 5
Bk of Montgomery Co. par
Mon bk Rrownaville.
Erie Rank, 5
Itarrlstoirgh bank. 4
Far. hk Lancaster, 1
Bk of Middletown, 4
Pk. of Chambersburgh, 4
Carlisle bank, 4
Elk of Northumberland.
Columhiabk Q Rridgeco. 2
Rk Susquehanna Co. 1.5
Rkof Delaware Co. par
Lebanon hk. 4
Celt yslitirah bk. 4
York bank, 4
Far. .1- Drovers bk. of
CIII rency notes. 5
floneetinie, 2
Wyoming bank, 11)
PitistOgli Slate scrip 41
Country do do 4. , ,a5
Berke Co bona, 791
Towanda. 81;
11 Inuntolrapant hk 14
Far. 4- Nh.ch. Ilk of Simi.
11 , 11011 e.
Belmont Mk cf St. Flair 24.
viOn, 14
rttariella bk. Demand
worst. 11
dr, Currency no , r•. 1#
rolii 'tibia !la I , k New Lis
Iron Demand, 1; I
do Punt mars, I f
Ci nu i a nail 41,12 C IC pay-
Mech. k 'l'radcr• bk of
Demand notes.
Cirrl.•vHlr, (11. Lawreiirc
7.i tie.vio, bk
fIIDE under.it ned offers for sate a number of A:01Mo!
loin adjoining the properly of Col Wm R. 31.1118011
and Dr Dale, in A Ile.:lleny city, A •stall amount will
he required In hand, the balance in Iwo equal paymehie
o r three and five years, with intere s t from date of ra.e,
payable vtieriy. For further p..rticulars apply to the
suh , criher who may he seen each da♦ at 8, Fabitetiloirk
Co.'s Auction Rooms, corner of 'Vood nod sth ssreetr
where a plan of the lots aria tie seen, with their prices
Mr.". KENT
If the I.llole ori6e above property I, sold to one
purrhaser t in advantageous bargain will be 2iv , n.
mav9-4c.„ Tlif E. VVVNIcr,.
A LARac: and wpil fi u.hc i Derefting Ilnu.e oniin
.ttble for a boarilimf house. rant Moine comfort
aide room.. with kilt hrn on ilie firLi timer with vt-al
limit' 4-c. Cheated In the most demur,. 1.111 of t he cit e
:If nail, lintwern 3d and pre <1,...,1,1 tt,ot low.
lie atrue rnron .76 nMr1....1 to flip al
vrlitrli rat, It renird eeritt , t i de.
P0...e,t011 :iyen diare'y
Lot of ft. :OnDila li t Iron 1.,r
Enquire of
tip 17
Fon R ExT... —A 1-4,11 1 1 - o,lwo r new hr
4;tz to Curl Lin,. I:car 7th cirri
LEA f'or ter . ll , , WIWI! NO% to
rtii/F: 3.1 aiirrr of Ow orcupied by 11..1,
un an A nitire.--bereiolore know
Win Loll , : on•,,'• corner - of an d
quire of ft. NlOl roW. 5 , 11 of. fait 21.
o) r. )1: 5.%
Loin 1,, M , lllCler , lrr, 11,,f
and a foori It N,res of Lail,' on Holmes' Mil. Lni.
M.A. 41, 42.52. 53. 54.181, 182 ;led 184. in Cetili'll ptnn
of Loin, on Alno, Loin nos 38 and 27, iu
( nok's pan of Loin on High street, near the new Coon
aims, For terms apply to Z. W. RE:tIINGTON
.«.t. 111
Ole It [:N 11'.
11, -/VD pozenmiion 'yen on the j.t or .I;tril near;
brick lireine on 1110 lank aft: Alirttliynv river.
11,'n glories; Ii 1,, 4 romlorta!Ve rnont.:, h.-glans crlinr nor,
kitchen. It invert , vlea.tantly niiihtly.l Just our side the
rile line. wiin a fn Ivuw or iheeti y or Ai IleLtheny, and
within :0 nlionten• walk of the ItY, - rt of the rile—riot
very low.
.1111F.S BLA K ELY.
mar 13 noose A.zew, sth Word.
ONE hrick dwelling house, containing s lame
• Li:c hall, two parlours. 4 'nom!' lir Pt tirs, with fin•
5 11' 1 Iislurti g,arret, rit nine, room and /a , chen. with car
wee House. kr. Thiq house is oleatood ly located wit h
yard in front and rear, on the ranal hank. corner of
Chesnut street, leading to upper bridse, now in the or•
( - it:saucy t.f Mc. McClurg. cent to suit the times-- Enquire
ui Dr, Whittaker, Allegheny City. mar
For Item.
A CONVENIENT three story brick dwellin_ house
pltuateun Ross street near Fourth• Rent $125.
npr 11 - 1. Ant& to JAMES MAY.
seare oh! copper distilled I o e :i , :rvoncogHupro,.drz :
J W. EsuRRR war.,
Water bel %veva Wont' and Smd
20 P.OXE3 Russel and Fiqlkeriou's N 0.5 LUAIP TO
20 Boxes a saort4d dn.
Jost received. together with a :eneral asanrtntent o
every thing In the Groff: , y line, and for sale on the too:,
accoturnodatinz terms.
43 Wood RI.
The steamboat CICERO, r., c.
May, toaster; will leave for the above and Wet mediate
44.0 , 15 on Saturday next, 13th, i“su at ten e‘clork a. m.
For freight nr passage apply on board or to
tole it. JAMES -WAY.
The Cicero is furnished whip Evanq's Safety guard to
prevent explosion or Boilers.
^ l 4lvit, The steamboat CUTTER. Collins map
;er. will depari for the ahuve and inter_
medial.. polls co rridav at 10 o'clock a. m. For freithl
or pa:.sace apply on board or to /11CM I NCIII A3l -Co.
may 11. Wafer vi reef.
The canal packet ERIE, J. N. Shaw twister, will run
as a regul.•r 01-weekly packet between the ate 7e named
porta, leaves Bearer on alorida3 14, Wed neAdayip, Frith a;
returning, leaves Warren on Tuesdays, Thomas's. and
Elainrdayn connecting with the Stage Lines to Cle►aland
direct. For frei2ht or passage apply on board or to
BIRMIIIGHAM & CO., Pittsburgh.
.1. S. DICKEY & Beaver.
may 10
The canal Boat JANET A. VitA.
LET, McGinn, Master, will leave for the alsirm one
intermediate ports, on Saturday 13th Mat, in tow
with S B Cktvelaw 4 .
For (night or passage apply on board or to
!Wooster, ik
Mauiton. do
Sanduvky, de
Cealiga, do
Norwalk, do
Xenia, do
Dayton, do
Scioto, 35
Post times, It
Chibflambe. 3.134
Fran. kk Columbus, li
l.m.easter, 30
Hamilton, 95
Granville, 80
Cum. bk. Lake Crie, 3t)
Far. liktor Canton, 45
Urbana 67
State bk. 4. Branches 1k
Stale Scrip, 35
All hank.,
gate Lk & Brandies, 60
3huw neeiown, 70
Hank of Virginia, I
do Valley, I
Far. hk. of Virginia '
Exrhan '
e hank I
N. Weei, hank: I
Mer. 4- Mee. dn. I
Baltimore Ranks,
Country. Banks,
All Banks,
All Ba . nl_, - !,.. par and 1
City R.‘okt.
(Fakty fund.) j a
Red Back, to 1
8011011 nail kx, p;ir
Orleans RankF, !nod.
auks, 2A
Coud Rat, ks
1 111 t7IIIC A N
Ilk. of St. Clair, 111
J 11. Smith 2
(.I.ld hank, fttn
Eastern E.zehulg
New Vnrk.
we' , lern richanae
Louie% MP
I'/rye ljna,
Why's Ill.!. I.:1
1 1
Nr, If nud
J 011 N I.Y.
Tlirre Rl_ floor, Liberl
To the Peters of dfiloptitity Covaily;—t ra'siwriffillYar•
fee aysoft o yogi- consideration as a raridtdat (indopoio•
dela of parties) for the- office of PROTI:ONOTARY of
Allegheny county, at the ensuing election. A• Ido not
roam heroic yr u iecommended icy CoinVeliti . U . o . , Wee Of
Sou whom I ant not perionn ty known will please
amine into my qualifications, 4-c.; and if so fortunate its
to obtain a 'Delany, of your suffrages, I shall - cndearior
by strict attention to 'lie duties of ilie afice• to aaiia r y Y"
with your choice ALEX. NiIIA.AE.
may It) —lE* Of Patpbiirgh:
soon AND u on
N. TV Corner of Wood 4. Fifth Sta.
Tax proprletots .the Illortrouro POST and MERCORT
AND MANDFACTPRED respectfully Inform their friende
and the pat ronsof those papers, that they have a large
and well chosen apaortniet.t 01
ellrilollolll3ll "11E"lik'.11P"MM,
affr),Ezz, conamal RUCOM - agdayra ,
Necessary to a Job rrinting Office, and that they are pro
pa:ed to execute
Books. Bills or Lading, Cireutarp,
Pamphlets, Rill Heads. Cards,
Handbills, Blank Cheeks. I Flat Tips.
Mitts of Blanks,
Stops, Slaisathoal, and Canal Boat Bills, with apps.
jpriate Cats,
Printed on the shortest neatened mast reasonableterms.
We respectfully ask the patronage of our friends and
he public in general In this branch of nor business.
Plitsbursh. Sep'. 3S. 11142. PHILLIPS k SMITH.
Suction lto.
T Auction on Friday morning next, at 10
o'clock, will be offered the best and moat
e-tensive assortment of genuine English cloths
ever Wore offered at Aucti n in this market—
Con sii,ting of 75 pieces assorted colors. and quali
ties, comprising .extra Blue. Saxony. superfine
Wool Owed black, Coburg Olive. lovii•ible and
Green.Dahlia.Citroo. Olive. London Smoked,
Steel or.d !If i 'cod. The above clothes are fresh
and r, coivert direct from the importer.
Also, 100 bales brown Sheetings,
5 cases Prints; Kentucky Jeans.
Drillinge,and a quantity see.on
rib'c Dry Goode. S. FAIINF:STOCK 4. CO.
may 10. Corner of sth and Wood.
.51 the new Auction Relent& Xo. 61 and 63 Wood street.
1471 lA. he sold All Friday May 12. at the above place.
* commencing at 10 a. tr.. 3500 Yard. Ingrain and
Venitian Carpels. or cludre patterns and colors. The
aQs.t. !moot const.t. of tine, anper.fine and three and
double plrtopertine, Ingrain Carpi tine; Venitian and
ilento do.; Flax and firn,'Esells Run,: Oil Cloths, 4-c, 4-c„
They will be sold In any patterns to .110 norebasers .
Also. lairnedualely after the carpeig , 1.50 ple , es Hroad
Cloths direct from the Importers and punitively In be .0./1
to 'the htelleat bidder. They consist of Wool nyed
Illarks; InvisildeCreens; Cadets; Browns; Olives; Lon.
don Smoke; Indian Rlttrs, kr.
These Goods will he exhibited on the morning of the
eale hetwten the licnrsof )3 and 10. Terms of .ale: cash,
They 11.-2 t
W ARD &IJUNT , Mutltts Liberty stree*.•
few doors below EtrCibir. •pr 6 1 FCI4.
3 LOCKS made Plorresly for powder Illageldnes, Lot
very peitaidp for Perk Hoopes. as the materials of
which they are come roved will not rust from that aciloo
of the Mill, wilt he sold tow for cash.
sone 2-13 w
280 BAGS 010 COFFEE.
50 Val, PI, Moolop,o do., Not recrived and
(or vale elite:lse!) , low for en,4g.
11,411.11 A C , JENNINCS 4. co .
43 Wood
A new and nthrh I•nprnvrd form n' FOnnk Li.n9e., for
- or , al The nffirr of the •'llnruin: Poet,•'
E. IN, Ileastingv,
Err Rf i vf; lr ECITf..IT OR and Sqtv , yor. Office
111 in .11h titre, l, next dlfilr In the rank ritighurell.
or 24-1 m
t: CASKS 11.1C0.K HAMS.
JP 6 1111 'llc r 5 ,, fins &iv freeived and for
f•v J. G. er A. coßnwkr,
may 6
12 Water vt.
Af.l DURBORAIV, AT Tnr: EY AT t hng
„ removed hie °Aire to No 6 . 3 rint, atreel,
ImeenWood and Sthitlifielthatt next door to Alderman
apr 7,
BirinC o
A nd Clevelan Line,
March 22,'43.
•J. W . B rbridge & Co.
ACENTS for the Pnle of Heftily's Powder. ‘Vater
between Wood and Smithfield.
Marrh 30. 1f:43.
o n BU.'//t:/.S Dried Peache.
For Ph!e Tow by JAMES MAY
mu 14.
/tit rr.AN rATroN NIOLASAES, receiver:
per Steamers Little Pen and Fulton, and for
.1 C. 4 A GORDON'
ma 27.
12 Water street
A NEAT convenient Coiimtn built frame bowie. /din.
AL • are a ithorrAisla nee below the canal In A Ilezheny
city Enqui'e tif 11E8 111 IY.
mar 2R.
11 TON` S oft Pig Iron, hot Magi, for nip by
ill mar 2R. Jlllll34llVr
50 Rox„,„AisiNs.
Sit Matta ea , 9ln;pnrt rperived and for sale by
43 Wood at.
REV! FLOUR.--96 Idda jtuo received for wile low
F "
f., cosh. 11 I kILIMAN,JENNINGS 4. co.
_p 24,
43 Wood st.
J £
nient,,and for sale low for es.ll.
-43 Woolf et.
60 Boxrs Imperial and Gunpowder; just received
.14111 for sale low for cash.
4.3 Wood sl.
10 RIMS. A WM.
2 ("croons tncii;!o.
2 Caskl Aladder: just rec.& vcci and for snip by
11A11.51AN, JENNINGS ¢ Co.
43 Wood st
LOOMIS, Axent, Publisher, Bookseller and
Binder, N0,:19 Wuod street. Pittsburgh, has always
or hand a general assortment of School Books, Blank
Books, and Stationary,
Job Printing and Binding done at short notice.
(O The highest price allowed for Rags, Tat.ner's Sc raps
and Beeswax. may 1.4 t
gIOR RENT—Severe) houses lo town and country.
I` A good mill property client to a man with a small
capital, Wanted two or three men with small families
to go loth.: country. Places wonted to • number of
lahOrifer, men; mechaniest faithers; coachmen: old and
middle aged men for light work. Also: for cook; cham
ber mettle; wet and dry mines; and for gmall hoys and
girls, Wanted to horror/on mortgage or good security
Aileen hundred to twe thodealtd dollars; Ail Rinds of
Agency andlotelligence Dare hdeinem attendmi to at
abort [write—alt &Mrs pest laid Promptly attended to;
3AAC HARRIS, Geoerol Arent
St. Intelligence Office, No. 9, Sth st.
may 10
I it BALE..—Lote on I beNorth East corner of Co.!
Lase and III:h street. Appiy to
le#slo BENJ. DA a LING roN, valet, near *hat
1 543:
Stan 'daft; Iri iithltat & do..
FORW.C. EA .9x1.) CO.V. INF To' njc•nc
1E:o.. .
Compered of ihe er'elialor Line. tate Cane!.
, .Washinaion
Hunter, ralmer te`s.Line Sleet Boats re
Feb , nn the Lakee..
Cl...veland Line Pennri fratilii and Ohio Canal.
Proprimnr. of the Merchants Line Ohio Cana'.
snit ro—
Wacjrst.h ENSIVOATII, Nii.9, CeenCes Slip, N.
R. HUNTER 4.1'0. Albany.
°TIP CHAT,. Boston.
IStorree, Palatine ¢ ('n. Punk).
81, T. WILLIANI ¢ Dow, Cleveland.
J. S. DICKEY, Beaver.
nuish,Wit i t 4- Co.; Pittsburgh
nyi 1 1843-IY.
DIAN V EGET %FILE combine.
tion nt R 1 , 1C.11 appliention with an infernal mu:ri
fle, vrotke like a charm in cases of rheurnstfam,
run, contrarted muscle and paralysis. Messrs.
Comstock & Cn. 71 Maiden Lane. have in their
p-as esisn a cer , ifi- a t e n Ethan C. Corning. a
respectable citizen r.f Q.lebec, stating that rifler
having been a bedridden cripple fur upwards of
fourteen years hews,. enabled to rise up and walk
by applying the Linement to hie shrnnken limbs,
and takinz the Elixir in conformity with the di
rections. The cure at. Tars to border on the mi
raculous, but attestatint.: cannot he noeutioned
In cases of gout and ens vaetion of the mniclee
and ligament ofthe Linime ' end Elixir have been
rfloollY henP fictilft.—{Ernref , .l—For sale only at
Turrt.r.'sl36 Fourth street.
Neale geacy.
No. 6 mpat of the AllartiPt IlnutiP. Penn et.
sth WArd, Plttalonreh PA.
T HE snhceriber basins for a nutither at years been en.
gaged In retitle! el' v properly, collecting rents &e,
and wi , hina to asteed his business In title way, respect,
Ihlly niTers his cervices to those persona owning, or who
may hive shares of nrortertv as Eserntors. Administru
tors or Cua.dians. In the city or suburb., and who may
not havetehtore to at tend In It thrtnnelve..ln rent dwell.
Woreltoneett. Farms, Lots. &r, Also. In polies'
rents. dividends, Ground rents &e. A resister lc kept
where n tlerrriptlnn of all prnnrrtlen for rent will hr en•
teterl free of chnrso, referepre I. reFnertfttll• offered to
the following ennttemen for whom the I ,, tho , rriber
been agent far come rears rtat..._Stesars tiliehnel
P. Ilicenrm irk and Jame. R, ('raft, Eon., Pit Ishursb: inn
Sinn rt. r., 1 nu-open n Arent, Plittnit ;Merit. John Rrnwn,
Rtrminehom; eleelnnal It Daniel Potter
Stelthe , orilM,Jn-rnb Mlilar . T.awreereviPe: Jame-Jnnec
Liberty; Daniel Rasher, Mifflin township; Darts!
rid) 23. IMES rLAFCELY.
' otrogrAmgx._,At II ner.ong who may he affected
with Rheumatism Gout, Concrittrated coot. or i.imlip,
can tind a sure and effectual remedy. by using Hewes`
Nerve and Bone Liniment and indiAn Elilrr Hundreds
in thi. city nod virt atty. who have been tal , orfne for
years under the pains of theme dreadful eninntaints, and
have been under the hoods of the moat nkillMltl Dontors
without receivin% any benefit. have tried it, and Peen
cured by. h• Ili!' of only one bottle ol each of the alwrve.
The eenttine ran be procured only at TITTTLB'S.
Fourth pt reel, Pit triturett. apTO
TUST RECEITED. a large >uppty of trr Swayne
dr syrup of Wild CEerry,and for sale whote•rie and
retail by Vt'ltf 'MORN,
ap 21. No 53. Mark et
N OTICE t• Senn Beet Owners.—The rubserther, in
conseunente of the dlilkalty of the times. has redo
red the peat of Me Safety Curd for Us prevention of
tit oxidation of oleo* boilers, to *l5O per host.
It is hoped that atth..at owners will small themnelves
of these reasonahte term., not only on account of the
Perfect safety they anvil, hat also to point of economy.
Bolters with the apparlitus attaelte.l will wear abou
Wire as lonia* those not moulded with them.
Marchl -3m C . EVANS
111 AT ANDC 1P al lINUFAr TURER. Every deterio
IL tion of linl, and cape on ha net, and tor sale, orhole.
sole and retail. a 'orient in milt the times, at the old stand
of Dolielria 4- Itnoro, 73 Wood ' , tier,. mot) 5.
F OR SME, terns to salt purchasers-500 rut s or
purple and yellow chain; 5:30 l by 109 by 12; and
10 by 14 window sash, mid flaps to gull if' wanted; 30
reams of wrapping, letter and writing paper; 60(/ dozen
sickle.; 40 dozen fond brooms; 500 qr. anfors; one huu.
Bred Ibis , lookville Lime; with an assortment of tub.;
r half bushel and prcks;shnve Is, spades;
dung and tiny finks;eow-holls; axes; mattneke; tea
h ti
ake Leps.; pots nails; window rtac.; coffer milk
i k it e l l ii i s i rr;; !toed le-y, a small assortotrot of Books and pin_
Ilona ry „c.e. for Pale on accommodating tome for cash;
PillfitUrgh Manufacture, or country nrodcre to snit Cllll.
ISkAC 11411111 A.
10 Rota Loaf Sugar;
5 13118. Crushed do ; just received and rnr sale
at. 29 43 Wnnd
TU , :I'ARAIVED—A freth ratpply of
O'Neil'A celebrated Catlinlkno,
" Pheil mat ic Decoction,
I.ei4ly's Sar.apartlla flood Pill.,
Mrs Reed', Female Elixir, at the store of
E. FENDER ICH, Dmx3l3l,
may 9-24 , earner of the Monongahela House.
A WELL furnished Brick !louse, with a well cold
vated Flower Garden of about half an acre, and
plovidod with all necessary stables and outhaildinas, 13
offered for rent Moot the present time until the firm of
Aprilnext. It Is pleasantly situated on the hanks 0111 e
Ohio, a short distance from the city, and for ronven•
tenon and eomforl is not excelled by any other in the
net:Manhood of Pittsburgh. For a small family 'who
will Mae _nod care of the premises, this Is one of the
MOPE OSIIIIIIIO !orations that could be ofreied. For fur
ther inforimmon apply at this office, or to M. Katie, Jr.
Ll' arty reel. may 9.-Iw.
rvo the Honorable Judges of Court of General
- 1 1. Quarter se•aions of the Peace, in and for the county
of Allegheny.
The pe.ltion of A 'ex:soder Stewart of the 4th ward
of. ‘lle.:hony, In the county aforesaid. humbly shew s t
That your petitioner bath provided himself will, um
t,rlals for the accommodation of travelers and Whets al
big dwelling house in the city and ward aihreQald, aid
Prays that you r honors will areal him a Memo.; to keep
a Politic flom;(.. of Entertainment. And your net it
a : i n duly hound will pray, ALEX. STEWART.
We the so' scribers. citizens of he 4th ward Allegheny,
do certify that the above petitioner is of cood repute for
honesty and tesnperanreAnd Is wet' provided with house
room nod conveniencles for the aecommodatino and
iodate_ of ■traagers and travelers. •nd that the Pa id
tavern iss accessary,
Samuel Hamilton,
Mich Crawford,
Robt Beattie,
Hozh Sweeny,
E Derby,
S Liebtean i
may 12-3 t
MlO the H ,, n , ,rable the. Jude!. of the Court of
Genera 1 (tastier Sessionl of the Peare,in
the cour t ly of A Ileehene.
The petition of Jas McDonnell of the township
of Lnwer St. Clair, it, s•tirl county, I.unthly showeth
That he is well prnvided-, with hLuse room and other
conveniences far the ticcommorlation or .I , ll"ge's
nd fret. , elei s, at the hou►e witis Or:Tulsa& by him as
tavern; dud being dr►lrobe to continue in that boy
sines! he prays your honors to grant him a lierrik'' to
keep an Inn or lunt4e of Public Entettainment
And he will prey ace, ,
The ttinibliiined citizens of the township of Loser
St Clair, res= t aty certify that the shove named
ifintlilrent ill 4 nowt of on mon i forb honesty
and temperance, and is wt.!, pre 'Wed with fovea
room end conveniences for the are immodatinn for
lodging of strangeti and travelers, and that Bat I.ays
ern is necessary.
Bernard ifianigan, John Silk,
Julio Graham, Owen thinolvin,
John Allison, fiPh Jonts,
J P Rees, Jeremiah Mossy,
Michael Carlin, Nelson Jon-it
Daniel Henghey, B Hogan,
may 11--3 t.
G L D arle,
Jnines Wilso..
J3me. Orr,
Jas E Gradan
' l -:: 1 '-,q"' ' :P I :f-• :;..--..-T. ' . "..t.. ,,
Farms to 11,rnse-.
'Tint undersigned will lease two FArnis titillated
L East Deer township, wtlti the necessary trorntithr,
and from 75 to 101) acre, 'cleared on eticli. Alto , one
farm *hosted inlVertt Deer trownithie ran nt
with from 50 to 75 aercs e-Ea t ed. Ti e rt. tit rat elf
property la In reat . onahly :nod repair, titylos Opall%
miles from thr of Pittybursh, and within tin, mite'
Of the P,mn't c'anal, and wicl be lelyed on reatomtbil
leiala for from 1 to firer year*, to Rood 'ono roe.
WWI 1.301-If.
PARXESTOCK 4- co.. Eitteepiwirt in 3. R Guth
• rip, nt the old nand rorner of 5I and Woodstat
luirinkromplied with the reepthillione of the new Atte.-
thin f.niv.7 is prepared to make advineen on Connige
m.nt,n,,,, In p oll on dtvorahle term,. They hope itir
'continuing to make ready !Wen :Ind prompt retnree,l4
reeelie a fair portion of !distil PO.
I : lti.hurch, April ht 184 i
In roirinc froM the Auction tllllllPga. I taker; rat:
pleasure tr m`romincredinc to the until ic .Alengri.. Solana.
Fnhnitinnck 4- Co.. ivho Ileac romMird with tife tijuire•
men(' of the new Nuctlou Law and mill do tit:sincea at
my n'idonrinit.
emit 3 VA% .1. B. GUTDitIE.
A T ifie ItO 11(.111%1 Inn of n noloner of frtende of :tit 'pal
PR it Iraillertien,l reepertfotly offer mytelf to the eon.
Pbteralitin of my,fellew-citizena , or the office et Connty
c. - tm . ruheictre . r. That any sentiments may not be totem',
deretood, either ipt to political or private affairs, I Mnite
free to' Pay that I have kern all my life a consistent Re.
publleap, in the true settee of the word. l ids the conniy
Ir vomewheuemharrapped In its flea ncint nfinira. and the
reduction of ralarfea (41111'11c officers hate rerefved the
approbation of larite . majorli lee of the penpte. the tinder.
alerted would not alienist he be s 6 fort unnt P OF tp'h e d ee .
led. In any Manner attempt to resi s t this ea lutary re.
form; Mould it reach the office of County Crmmlteloner:
npr 6: SA MUFL TIUBLE,'.
aul•serihrr tinvine opened n "hop No SR, ger oita
tireet.lietween Market and Wood at reelF,Piitshorgh,
ronnrrtir n Ihe Flirter, in Rlrn.ine ham. reeperi.
Infornie his friends art' the tI i ilr , that he will
happy to he favored 16 hh their order. for any articles In
his line.
Door Locks and rardenere, ' vatic us diteriptloet. oat
hand and made to order.
Toliarco. Milt and Timber Pereira..
I•eree Screws, for Iron WorkF, a nii Screws for Preases.
ade ne may he required,
Carpenter% and Rullderii are rrqnested' . lo call berate
cunt reel I rig for Jay, and r :anti ne his articles and prices.
I tyke repaired and johhine eenerung tore In he best
manner, an•l on the lowest tprnin.
nine 2-6 m JAS. PATTUNI PON, Jr,
newt far letornlint PROMS
The' raw rennin_ and well know*
Peeiav N r s trettt .Mn,frr, will depart daily .frOm
harsh el 9 o'clock, A P.I„ and Feiver o'clock P. M.
For freight er pass..;e.onply on hoard. or.to
Er R MINGH & Co.
No 60 Water street.N rest Inc canal pai Lel to Cleveland, Ohio
Greenville and Meadville Pa ; and Ittaosillon on the
Ohio Cana/. connect;ne with sieainre • Clcveland at Bea.
ver.will he 111 operation immediately on Opeolne ornav
mar to—tf.
A pi - operation made in England, ant *sad through
MIL the tire casic:n oak, or the United Stater,
for the ligeetig_ and certain core of Coughs, Colds
Anthma. dr,c.. it *tends unrivalled, the price be
ing only 25.ce,nis per lamtln, Plaers within the
means of eny one **ranting medieine for those
.li. t . a s e c Th e salve is irn pirasitn't that childtvii
cry tar it, aftrrphee taking it , and mwhers of
famklici shritid keep it in the house, an it is an
exceitentartirin for the cnr" of the Whooping
Cougi;a. to be had only at Ttrrrtz'a 86 Fourth.
. •T zee
lirliE ful , s , riber wwild respeetfully Inform ids
meta aril the piihlic zenerally, that . tint.ts It hstanding
the It npreeptichted sales at Vie Three Rig float's, during
the pri4enl Season; he Isis Mill on hand the largest end
most varied assatiment of elegant CLOTriiNil Itiel Can
I.e hali2llf WPM Of Ilia 01600 1aina. The {While tniv rest
nQsitrei ihit nth tirtletee offered at lA= store are tunnu
Ittrett rrnm FhESH ' C001):4, porcliit=eil in the Carters
warliwit .a nd tondo into garmentit• by paw
Imre. workrten.
In eons. unence of the n.uttiplieallen of slop shops In
nor cite, filled with pa wn•lookers.entites and the mussy , ,
east err cnrmeribt of former seasons. front lb- eastern rt.
timilir public sleuth' lie cingiou. to ascertain the eller.
Deter of the mtialtlishments in which they are lnyited to
purehave„ hefbre they part with their moiteY. The or.
'Wei offered at several of Ihe concerns In tpla 'City, are
the nitre iatfaie of. New York and h ' hiendelphia OOP
t.lityps. and vest ant here In he palmed off on the Phis.
burgh putillr. Tiercimers should be on their 7,11111 R 4a-
Sain.l these impositions. and t bey rimy rely on thetict
that nn tett Ishreen l'hni advert ises eaiterti iiroftrelet -
inn ran rive as 'good an tiril!le or en rlAValllngeOuabaj.
gains as ran le nail at the "There 1117. Driors."
The public will please remember stint all the snbserl
her's wmet is are made in this dry, by competent work•
men. and not gatl:errd up like the goods now offered by
the ebirds of promge" front the shred:" and patr.hes of
earlerti slop shops. It will always his endeavor to
maintain tie .e.tutatino that the oThire Shr firsollarr
have oldainen for fornishitig, superior style of CWITII
- lit every revPret, ititd at Prices ' , finite those of nity
Other rulablisitmeiii:
. . • •
Ile would again return his thanks to his friends and
the public for the unprecedented patronage bestowed
upon his estoldlshoient, and- hollevire that they have
found it to.their advantage trit.deal with him, he would
repent his Invitition to all those Who wish to porches's
Clothing of every dreYrigilion at the lowest price to call
al No. 151. LIIIZRTT Sr. j . 'OllN
rP•Observe 11 tint Plate in the pavemorit. a:: 28.
Corner of Penn St. Cfcrii. aPh. Pitteb'gh.
C rillE Preprietnrc of this elegant and eemitiorkioes
tali i ishinent, beg tenve t.O announCe lb their friends
and I'p politic, that their price for !turd trots& [huddle,
is reduced to OXP, DOLL %II PER DAY.
From the locality of this house, being sitnaled mid.
way between the Canal and Steamboat landings, at don
the great thornogitfare to Allcglirny city, the ['cupric.
tors trust, that with continued exertions on their part.
they will he estahled to afford every attention and hell.
lay required for the comfort and convenience of 'belt
[merle. and hope to merit a continuance of the patron.
age that has hitherto been PO Itherally extended to them.
The prineipal Slav' and Pact et offices, a:e connected
with the lintel, and far the better accommodation of
their guests. an Ow•ibus will at all times be in readt.,
netts tp convey them to and from the House.
ap eictStßlON*
• • 1111- .1 lie old stand of Mali hew Palely/E.
(Lately accnried ey Jahn front.)
nutKeriher w whin to inform the citizens of pit' s.
A Muth, and the trabelliop pnbire, that lie has l ease d
the shove well known Fiend. (dmal.d nn nab c r p e i .
between Marker ,nd Wood.) where tie will he happy to
aeromnindate all his old friends. and aa litany n ew once
as will he li!i`hßed (C)2ek:thWlT'jSP him as r.,eir bast.--
His terms will be moderate, soiled to the tint... in s
fable will be ►uppliei w 111, the hell Mal the Markel at.
fords. flighar will he furniehed with the ehotreel of
liquor". hab domestic and foreign. His glandes are spa.
Mous and commodious, condo eted by exper:enced an!
allenlive oaten..
'-He wontd info - m the thistle; that he Is prepared
to acemaseedate a numb., of Weetty.,loathly of Year*
ry boarders at P's/laced prices
RATIN nr soAav:
Single Meal, 25 cents. Lodging, 11.24
Boast. per Week, *2.50.
nom R-3m. Mien. rortimimi.
(IN the 28th of November bust a son of the seleterl.
'Viler named JAN E 8 KELLY, ilen ;theta 9 yurabf
ate, left his house•, he was seen a few days liner la
Sharparureb, He has a fair enflame:ton artdSrfr 9.14,
and fa rattier heavily bunt. On the hiredelse same
=oath, hit brother, a boy thon nedsLeni terteate,rase
want away. Ills 111111111, I• COW ARD KF.LI.V:
cad hair and dark atm, It to prnhible that bole the
bays may deiV tedlr tree names and assume Wiwi's% Agin
hateeematb - -• corwevelog them will be aralodidlB rat:omM
by their wilfbeted patent,. JOHN ItILLY,
maw 9 3f Pinsipmel
..'.1 , ;;
4 / 1 -4, ;...•.:- . 1•: -
• .:..,,. .-.
, .