Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, May 13, 1843, Image 2

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    - • _
corn sixty bushels of pota:oes; (the pink
eye, a vet ) , good sort, excellent boilers.)
ao.l a wolon load of yellow.tih'ted pump,.
kins—(seed from pa.) Plenty of butter
atd milk.- : -The baby Eye gods and'
desses of hie Olympus; another baby?]
is now about a year old —fat as one of Ha.'
phael's cupids—dark eyes. light hair. [of
course, all backwoods' babies have while
hair, for that's what she means,] and the
very image of my dear John. (Hard look
ing customer!] He sends hiB respects to
Bob, ar.d would like to see high; wants him
tocome out,' &c-' Mints him to come out,'
ehl Can't come air; can't make it eonves
ni'ent—it would be a bore. ' The baby is
MIMI' about a year old.' Are these things,
to be tolertod? Is the pmphet abroad
prophesying; is the comet at its pereheli
on? Are the 'books about to opened, and
the jr.dginent set;' and ate men and aro
men thus 'married and given iu maitiage.'
•and babies multiplied anon 'tbs face of the
earth? 'Send his respects to Bob!' Why
not send the sponge and vinegar et once I
Couldn't make it convenient to 'come out'
at present, sir. I should like to kiss the
baby ; Good gracious? 'yellowstibbed
pumpkins' and 'pinked-eyed potatoes.'
arAstus TO JULIA.
There', a light in Julia's eyes,
,Like the earliest beams that break,
From the deep blue morn;ng skies,
O'er the Die mountain Init..;
And a depth of beauty there,
unrathoalabte too,
114 the eternal arch of sir
In its ;west midnight Mum
The depths, the diamind., of the skies,
Seem lovelier still in I.llitee ryes,
I have kisscd Oat ripan'uz cheek.
And have stolen from that nirmill
That sweetness which w, seek
From the z•plyrs of th 5.411 . 11,
Whrn we huil the corrvng spring,
With her sunshine and II -r shower
And the rustlin g of her winz
And her breathings wake the flttivtr-
Surh life du hp. tut:4•l4l,
, •
Such raptures to the 10:4; 3 ,11 4 heart.
Wh-n purple wings
Are Hitting oc'r the stream,
• And the rim'iln.v moonlight bring,
To the heart its ii•ippv dream;
A.Ol vu , ecs round me b /Ist
And lair forms of the past—
Thine image CI - 7,IMS the fir,t,
Arid thy voice rem•iini the last—
' F.ziling as sweet in such hours
As dews upon the fainting flowers.— isn.
Norz.—Julia was the daughter of a
• Cincinnati banker, and scarcely sixteen;
• Blender figure, elegantly moulded. later.
'eating creature! possessing the accomplish
lamas and graces of an educated woman,
with the confiding innocence of a child.—
Contour of her face—delicate, well-defined
And harmonious. Shining light hair. [not
white like 'the baby's,' far from it,] wreath
ed, in company, most tastefully around the
organ of philoprogenitiveness, after the fash
ion of the goddcss of Liberty, but in aunt
Harriet's parlour, sufrlred to droop around
her shoulders. Deponent admitted into
the sanctom- Julia's voice thrilling meld
diem, in conversation—in song transport -
inglY mellifluous. Deponent fairly entrap
ped. Drawn game. It was a, dream,
sentimental, romantic and spiritual, wholly
disassociated from earth and its 'beggarly
elements.' The very thought of ma:rimo..
_ny would have killed if 'dead as a het ring,'
Haven't heard of Julia for an ace. D. , o't
desire it. Tired of this sickly tranecen
deutalism. It is utterly anti-uoltunan,
o/d , maidish and obsolete. 'A change
came o'er the spit-it of my dream,' as p, r
Tor:musts Aliar.—Extract from a familior lel
I love your wild home in the mountains, eoz,
The creek, and :he gloomy ravine,
And the old gray cliffs, with their castle walls,
And the puns on their ruminits so green.
And the green mossy rocks, and the mistletoe,
Hung around on the old shaggy trees,
-And the flowering vines that festoon the high
Where they drramiTy awing in the bret ze.
Add the annnal and evergreen creeper., eoz,
• In the ebitiks of the rock Time has made;
Ot that cling to the trees' fluted columns, or go
Trailing o'er the brown Ina, to the waters below,
Which warble unseen in the shade.
'How delightful has been my anjnurn, tez,
I can't help but think since away;
.Our rides and our walks, our sting..., and our
In the porch at the close of the day.
And Pre a confession to make, cos—
Dost remember that day oflato 1811,
When we went ont to gather—(what glorious
grapes in the bread forest hall?
And the nymph, who, to win the new gloves,
Drooped over my head with her curbs;
And breaking my dream, with her notable
Ran screaming away to the girls?
I heard the whole plot, and I eaw, e, z,
The wink and the blink; and,'til true,
That boom, so modestly veiled to rude eyes,
Voloptuouly swelled into view.
That trick was a lake.lrick, (electric) my fair
'Gamst which I have honestly striven;
But, despite my own will, I have lovcd thee—d o
And cannot forgive thee, by beaten. -1841.
Extract of a letter from Cousin Mary to
the plaintiff in error, at Washington,
'Portsmouth, Warren County, Va, Feb 5,
1843.'—tPoor, dear, Cousin Bob,' &c.
[Did you ever henr of such audacity in a
married woman.] will tell you some
old news. I was married on the morning
of the sixth December, to (Mr So and so.)
lam very happy. [Well, what deers that
signify to met] I hope that your health
and spirits ate fine. f'fbank you, madam;
hope you'll be blest with children.] Now,
cousin Bob, I claim those magazines; and
I should be grateful for the more import
strtof the Congressional documents !
rimed politician, bless you ! or, perad
venture, she speaks for his lordsdip.l
Csn't send them, madam. Nut- to be bad!
yrrite me a letter! l ant not yet quite
net nfthe world: but still rour mountain
ikc. [But then madam, you are
mother Dun's wife, so 'the Isst lit t k is hro
ken tlufrt tiottriti me to thee'---'l'wus a wnrt
fitly iiolc.en, 'That rernie t ed me free,']
Gentl e m e n, the court's , Vjourned.
1 1 Acitcr.on 808
J A 31'ES Cli AN
tr, the tiecisfPn of a Nail/mai Convrbt ion.
SATURDAY, MAY 13, 1843
Association.—'Th e N Y Sun
contains some exceedingly interesting infor •
illation of an associatintl of merchants,
agriculturists and laborers, which left New
York a few days since fur the purpose of
locating themselves upon a tract Situ
ated on the west bank of the Delaware ri
ver, at the month of the Lackawaxen
creek, in the township of Lackawaxen,
Pike county. Pennsylvania. 'For this
tract of 2,500 acres, abundantly watered,
with a goo ! mill s!rear n run big through
it, be , i.in the 1, tvk t vax..n and Delaware
on 'is b rrilers, with the Delaware and
Hudson Canal running by it, and the New
York and Erie Rail Rued certain to pass
within 16 miles, and probably within one
mile of it, wit r a saw mill, grist mill, and
several other dwelling s of thee value upon
it, the Asscciatiun are to pay $7OOO, $2lOO
of which is subscribe.' to its stork, so that
he cash required is less than $5OOO. There
a abundant and convenient water pnwrr
for all manufacturing perrees. while the
Canal furnishes a medium of cheap :tans
' portation to and from Ne Vol k, Albany,
the Pennsylvania coal ne,!1,.11,
The advantages of the locatiu n so near the
Elie Rail Road, will b-ing it wi bin a few
hours of New York at all seasons, when
that Road is completed; which will proba
' bly be within five years from this time.—
This Association is started upon the prin..
ciple of a Joint Stock Company, each per
son interes:ed according to the capital he
has invested, and according to the value of
what he or she may produce by their indiv
vidual labor.
Harpswell illurder.--The trial of
T(tomas Thorn for the murder of Elisha
Wilson at Harps well, Me., on the sth of
February, commenced at Pint:and on the
3d inst. The circumstances of this ease
will be remembered by our reenters.—
Thorn had been engaged to Wilson's wife
before her marriage to Wilson, but had
been absent for some years. On hia return
he lived in the same house with them, and
was very intimate with Mrs W. On the
morning of the sth of February, the neigh
hors wre called into the house by Wil--
sa,t's wife, and Thorn, and Wilson was
found dead. They said that in attempting
to rise from h's bed, he had fallen and
struck his heal against a c:.air, which had
caused his death. They were suspected
of having murdered him, and were com
muted to prison. The physician s who ex
amined the wound testified that it could
not have been made in the manner alleged.
but must have been the effect of a blow.
The most impel tant testimony given thus
far is that of Samuel Toothaker, a man
who was called by Thorn on the morning
of Wilson's death to go to his house. He
says Thorn told him at first that Wilson
had b en seized by a fit, that be raved like
mad—man, and cut his head by thrashing
Axneelieut. —CT' ov. Cleveland, who is a
it against the bedstead. Mrs Wilson said
still detained at borne in conserpren re of nothing like this. On going to the houso,
the reeent fracture of a l'inb, transmitted the btd•clothes (in which nne rrson had
apparently lain) were found stained with
his message to the Legislature on Friday.
blocW; no bed clothing but a sheet were on
The condition of the state, fivancially and
otherwise, under democratic auspices, as; the bed. Coverlets, pillow—cases,
blond-stained were found in a tub; and two
presented in the mes , age, leaves nothing i severe wounds were found on the side of
to be desired. Connecticut is without a IV ilson's he,:rd. Into (rue of the wounds a
_ .
!dollar of debt, The receipts into the mass of cotton had been thrust.
Madam , . Rorial —Tlos rec. nti ,ersona et thn
reaaury during the la.t year, exceeds the
&eat. it e ciiim nstanees of her e i r
sent g ve . rt
disbUratrents hy 823,105. Tha reeenu e and wrete ,, edee- s The la tfl ii : 1 :! of liep P r 'l esen V
t ‘ o t tive r s ,( pas i;r d , an adi s, fo i r ,
C her b relief y as
l ite r a id : ~ 14'
from the school fund, (which now amounts
ut r
at, d
to two millings and upwards) have been the:s, rem. 'I h h is rY eztra c t is rr,,,. he ' r taper
"Th ' e
for the last year nearly $125,000 ct i "" t "":"
t•Tl.e elfir c of 1.1:e Bar i:ess ;s one of the pa, a t
which 8118,496 has been distribut e d among - h
art!l gcs Ittr a •iI I • e that ever pap r was wn !cod
the school districts —being about ; $1,40 to (11 - iri Lei, g I life feller titan lite t pro air. TM
paper—s o
r, cent sru w was as ,
e ,, i ) ii the rre4s room as it
each scholar, arid exceediog by mitre than Hie
~p „ n f ie , d. This,
nn rl
ihe ,
vi e:t
$.lOOO, airy dividend firstofor e thad e . thin ( La lit n'o't' not lieu- its t.wo ti, , ti ; l it who n
g o
The who's number of aildr , n beta (en wet, to say nottyn g of its freezin g V: form, which
we are otol z ,(d to bot with hot brick-, and han g
4 and 16 years of age, enumerated in Au- oki d's a round the gapin g walk ; with our old
gust last, visa 84, 640. TLe
t t , y ol! : d .
e ll r o
t d ha n t on w e e but e little f at,
i t: oayts
w pr i i i :i t t e it ti ; le it ot i h s e a ,
at ‘Vethersfield has yielded ati u r phis r ev. rer , dutiona r y widows receive three hundred arid
onus du ei g hty thoti.and d illar.! many of them wealthy.
wards, over its expenses, ring the year, of 86000 arid up,
and some whose husbands never fi red a pistol in
Seventeen sorrier!
deaf and dam's pupils had during the year i. "With a heavy rent to pay for a house that lets
in snow and rain ns fist as Yet falls, we could nut
received the benefit of the state appropra- ; surriv e a dry in ro.sene e of Congress, were it not
1. r the kindne , s of the private eitirms and a pub
tion for their education in the Asylu n at
lie officer— a nd so.ry we are to he still a tourthen
upon their goodness!"
Among the ream mendations of the mes• !
A Remarkabl mn.
At a temperance meeting re
ecen a tly held in Ala
sage are t r wi , i )4 .11: Cr tax law, and of
bans, Col Lahmanousky, who had been twenty.
t he militias ystarn —l'l,-, appropriation of three years a soldier in the armies nf Napoleon
t he state's distributive share in the p ro .. Bonaparte: addressed the meeting. fie arose he
; forr the audience; tall, erect and vigorous with
seeds of the public lands, to the purposes :the glow of health in his face, and said: %You
of common school education, and farther see before you a man seventyrnin e years 01d......j
provision for the relief of insane poor, I halm fimght two hundred battles, have fourteen
wounds on my body, have lived thirty days on
horse flesh, with the bark of tree(' for my bread,
snow and ice for my .frink, the satrapy of Heaven
for my euvering, witham stockinp or shoes on
The way of the Transgressor is hard i
—Blake, who was mentencel t.) prison for
' fifteen years on Saturday, at Philadelphia,
A New callow.
says the Sentinel , is the only married one 1 When Lord Wellington was abut
of the three who were similarly punished. , beating Napoleon at Waterloo, he only
He requested to see his wife and children, '`"ailed for Blucher to come up with the
and after beings •ntunced they hail a met - Prussians. We have waited for r
ancholy and sad meetin
Mathew to come up with the Irish, and he
g. They CO7l- is now bringing into the field almost as
:nutted together for the space of half an ' large an al my as Xerxes had. fie has al
hour, mingling each ( ther's tears. At . I ready near FOUR MILLIONS. A new
leigth the officer summoned the convict, e"' Ps is "'ling up to the COLD WA.
who arose, f ER. A new corps is corning up to the, presenting the very picture of . Cold Water Army here, from all the Irish
distreAs, and sfter pressing his wife close- b o aad girls. d a fio will be
ly to his hoi , :m , and imprinting a kiss up,. , for ys
true hearts, for An
there to
is no ne
heart it
on h-r ,I•ilitglil cheek, to , .k his leave, giv.. i
bid them welcome? They will find a the "Irish heart." Well, who
ing at the same lime his coat to her,
with 'dial greeting in all the temperance ranks,
the request To r
Self it and provide food f o and put many a s'xpence into their pock
his children. What a scene fur cottet, etwhich hasformer ly gone to the grog.,
I s,
sellers. Five tboosand Irish' boys in
America saving cash! Six and a quarter
cents a day from liquor, will save in a
$120,000. Who dues not see that this is
better pay than they ever got from Queen
• norm si.ANn. —The Democrati c State Cm
-1 vowion convened at Newp , rt on Tuesday evening
last, authorized the State Central Committee to
appoint a Sub-Committee to cclket all the cvi
dente of proscription and i "proper influence at
the late erection in that State, and transmit the
'seine to Congress. with a giemorial, praying that
a full investigation may be innde of the griev a n. '
ccs complained of, This is a bright idea. Th-
Ccovehtion also resolved that they were in favor of
a National Convention, to be Iteldltitnore in
May. 1844, to nominate candida the Presi.
dency, and authorized the State Committee to ca.
a Convention far the purpose of. choosing dole
An elephant got mad with his keeper
the other day in philadelphia, and knocked
him down wibth hie trunk.
'lee Firg
A gentleman engaged in taking the census of
Louisville, informs the editor of the Kentuckian,
that he elm,: across a man who is 55 years old;
he has been married then e times; by his first wife
he had eleven, by his second wife he had ton, and
twelve by his last wire, making thirty three chtl
dren, and his wife is now i, most interesting
state. Twenty three of his children are beys,snd
ten girls, nineteen boys and 6 girls ars living.--
He married in his 18th peer, and remained in a
UP 16 of widow hood three years.
iegare, it is said, is to act as Secre
L ary ot,Staie =in the event oftllr. Web,
titers resignation. *-
ciolony. Cross Tiinkrs, nags - -A
great marry emigrants from the U. Stearn
started some mouths ago. The most rem
cent informaiino with regaril to the reg 01,
is given by the Standard, published at
U:at It•vi'le, Texis.
'.Durirz our stay at Fannin, week be
fore last, we ascertained the condition of
this Colony, froin whose establishment we
had anticipated great bent-fit to this section
of country. It seems, that notwithstanding
the large number of emigrants who have
from time to time been to it, with the decla
red intention or eel dement, it is now near
ly depopulated. Great numbers of those
wha came out were entirely unfitted for
the settement of a wild country, and the
occupations and management necessary to
the advantageous prosecution of such an
adventure, and finding out in,a short time
their unfitness, they returned. Then
others came out to take a look, without
any determinate intention of settlement
The original cor.tractors themselves, being
men of no capital, arid giving liitle atten
tion to the settlement. have rather retard
ed than rdvanced the scheme. There are
now but four or five families, and fifteen
or twenty single persons in the Settlement.
Within six or eight weeks, three men have
been killed by Indians.
14 / l entsver we take lt Lancaster pa-
I pi , r, we always look first st the marriages.
eon any one ttII why!_ Phila. Forum.
We can. You have a sweetheart do re
atd you're afraid she'll slide with some
other loafer.
The Mil!ernes of Boiton have applied
for the insui ante of their temple fur eeven
The Ladies, Cord wainers of Phila•lelphia
have struck fur high wages.
The price of freight will be reduced
very much on the Lakes this season as
there are now no combinations to keep it
The Upper Lakes are now open. A
vessel reached Detroit on the 27th ult.
The N. Y. Sun has again been enlarg
ed. It is now the very tallest specimen of
a penny paper in the United States.
The late Mr. Ridgway left nothing for
charitable porpoises, as has been stated.
The Dorritea are going to nominate a
ticket in Providence for city officers.
Thirty-eight persons in Davenp9l ,
'lowa, have formed themselves into a corn
pany "for Oreg n."
Thames Tunnel, Lon• - 'oo, April 18.—
From twelve o'clock on Sunday up to the
same hour yesterday, 28 642 persons went
through the Tunnel, and since the opening,
upwards of 320.000. The holiday folks
have given employment to three or four
3raves sl.►ped, in
female attire; in order to be fashionable he
had a hustle made of United States Treas.
ury Notes and State script, amounting to
one hundred and forty : five thousand dol
lars, the amount whirl] he stole out of
the Treasury
'he entire Bible for the use of the Win(
has been completed by the American lii
ble Society, under the superi.itendenre
Sarnuel Howe. It has been a work n
great labor and cost.
A Washington lettor states that i he Pres
dent's sister,Mrs Waggiman.lately joined
he Roman Catholic Church.
The Cincinnati MePsavt c.dis Henry
Colman 'one of nature's noblemen.' Why
dont he• pay the printer then.
Circulation of Reiser issues.
Harrisburg, April 29, 1842.
Thiq day the Treasurer caused to be
cancelled, and delivered to the Au !itor Gen
eral, fifiy thousand dollars, iisuoll untie r
act of 4th Nlay, 1841, by the following
named Banks, to wit:
Barks County Bank, 16,362
Mnyamensing Dirac, 8,930
Manufacturers and Mechanics B'k. 6 560'
Ton a.nla Bank,
Penn Township B ;nk,5,058
Vest Branch Bank, 4.474
Eri e Bank,
The above amount I f fifty 'thousa n Bs d dol
Los was cancelled under the provisio ns of
an art of the General Asaembly of P.3an
sylvatiia, entitled 'an act to provide for the
payment of the Domestic Creditors of this
Commonwealth, sale of State Storks, and
for other purposes,' passrd Bth April, 1843.
JOB MANN. Treasurer.
1 acknowledg e to have received from
he State Treasurer, for destruclion, fifty
housand dollars, agreeably to the provi
ions of the art ahoy,. named.
Wit F PACKER, And. Gen.
Per J KRAUSE, Ch. Clk.
F OR S.fLE -Two hnu4es and lots pleasantly pli aa
led 1,, Sco.t's Fle/fs. on Rots street, near the 4th st.
road, In rood repair, and have rented for 8160. They
cost $25 (1 0 and will he sold for /MO each. Tftle—fce
five front all incumbrance.' Tern,a -rash. En
quire of Judson.l. Flannigan, Ailorneystal Law, Fralth
&ld street, n, nr 71h. may 13-31.•
itt)-.1 Temperance Meeting will he held on Sunday
the 14 1 1; inst. at Arlhursville Chnrch, Pitt township;
m commence at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The friends
of the cause and the patine In general are invited to at
By or of Be. Corn.
rilo the Honorable the Judges of the Court of Can
eral Quarter tteasions of the Peace, in and for the
County of A Ilechenv.
The petition of Richard Dossett,of the Fifth Ward or
the city of Pittsburgh, in the county aforesaid, humbly
sheweth: That your petitioner bath provided himself
with materials for the accommodation of travelers and
others, at his dwelling house, in the ward aforesaid, and
prnys that your honors will be pleased to grant him a
lirenzo to keep a public house of entertainment. And
your petitioner a.. In duty hound, will pray.
tWe, the su t, scribers, citizens of the Fifth Ward or
th e city of Pitishursh.do certify. that theahovc petition
er is of good repute for honesty and temperance. and IS
Well provided with houseroom and conveniencies for the
necommodation and lodging of strangers and traveler',
and that said tavern 1. necessary.
Roht Flaming, A Mangle, Win Glass
Jas Ormston, Anthony Brnllz , Geor,re Stewart
R Moore, James Wilson, Jos Tufrree
F R Kremer, Join) Young, Ernannel Reis,
IVO the honorable the Judges of the Cou,t of General
Quarter Se=sions of the Peace in and for Ahegheny
The petition of Joseph C. Cordon of the Fourth Ward
or the city aforesaid. humbly sheweth, That your pelf
flutter had provided himself with materials for the ac
commodation of travelers and others, at his dwellieg
house In the ward aforesaid and pray, that your honors
will be pleas d to grant him a licenser° keep a public
butte of entertainment. And your petitioner as is duty
bound, wilt pray. JOS. C. GORDON.
We, the subscribers, alums of the Fourth Ward of
Allegheny city do certify, that the above petlikiner It
of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well
provided with house room and convenhuseies for the
accommodation and lodging ofstmngers and travelers,
and that maid tavern Is necessary.
Hugh Sweeny, D M Evans, 8 M Dawson
E Derbey S Lightcap, Jas Ryed,
'N o, llRobinson,J B Turner, itoht-Bemitie:
Wm Ward. D Young, Thos Gardner
may 13-31cleir
• - /NOTICE:
k I
April 22,1843. ; letter.
INFOR M A TION ha. been received, tltt:t or. Ibe 26th 4469
1 day of July ba-t, a narkafe rya' made tip at the of. 447 0
flee of the Coller.lor of the I'llBton:sat \ew Orleans. con. 1733 A
lainlng treasury notes of the United Stales, which 1739
tad been received at that office, and had been paid and 1963 A
catdelled by welling upon their lace, and by a receipt 12119 B
endorsed name them, which package has not beet. reedy. 23fMt , B
ed, It has been ascertained that some of the notes thus 333 t,
paid and cancelled have been paid into the cusiont.homies 606 C
and to receivers of publi<isioneys, bearing very slight .525
.8 •
indications, if gay , of a prior eat cellation; from which 4,526 A
It is apprehended that others, of the samn description 331 A tr
may is In clrculallon. As these notes are wirolly loyal. 4391 B 49
id, and cannot he received, or in any way acknowledged 4479 c
by the Treasury, it It deemed proper to publish- the fol. 4816 A 14 February.
lacing abstract of I hcm, that the public may be on their 5174
guard against receiving them. 2849 8 18 "
3.597 C
3599 g di
3680 C
3536 g AO
List of Treasury Notes referred to in tle a►ove wotiee
r mounl gat e
Date of Note. i
a te
Letter. or a t e
L cent.
335.1 C 10 November, 1837
692 9 B 23 June, 1838
6643 A 2.5 August,
388 A 1 May,
252 C 6 't
260 El 13 "
213 C 11"
252 C 5 March,
734 8 29 July,
327 C 24 October,
2:321 B 17 December,
66 2 January
C 12 February,
200 8 16
158 8 14
154 A Al
1761381 23
3 / 4 Ch "
1230 C 6 14
134 8
135 0
240 C
249 0
19 A 9
77 8 11
78 C
76 A
81 C
64 A 12
557 B 31
700 A
527 B 5 Ap t ',
528 C
537 c
553 A ..
772 03 23 ••
200 8 30 ..
602 B 23 May
457 A 3
806 B 5 •,
404 8 6 ••
805 A 5 ••
39. i B 6 ••
396 C 6 4.
408 C 6 ••
879 C 3 ••
394 A 6 ••
673 A 13..
675 11
679 ft
579 C 26w
30 C 31••
:33 c
160 B 7 JUMP,
75 1 A 15 •
35 6 B 18
112 A 28
55 8 C 7 Jelly,
610 A 12 ••
2 20 A
221 a
642 C ••
537 L ••
129 C
8 3 B ••
691 A "
520 A ••
399 c
983 C ••
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