Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, May 12, 1843, Image 3

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    Concert.—Frank Johnston & CO:
Zrt. . •
gist thei r third Concert...this nvenitigv
H all. ,It is unnecessary 1.16 - : say any
tlifttg in their praise. The announcement
'tiliraithilent to cause a full at etidance.
Theatre.--W e. refer to the bill for to-night
4 . * gooi one, and in the hands via
geoid east.
The strikes.
'' .- 4141r persons are endeavor ing to con.
Thige the working men that the - course
thiy are now pursuing will injure them..
• 7. *edam more than their employers.
- •41 art have already conferred, all strikes
forninie wages or better money than the
titteatet affords will be injutious to the
era(kiagmett but in the present case, the
:Waits ask nothing more than they should
will get, if they hold out.
itia indeed a bar I case if employers are
p , • .
rivileged to "strike" against their work -
„eriets.. 7 -to tell then, to take less or quit
work , when a depression conies on, and
„,. then prevent the workmen from demanding
tittle more when the times revive. Did
a nal eMployer ecet volu atily raise the
ites_re"nf those in his employ? Never.
I Would the factory girls have now heen
gett'pg $2 25 in cash if they had not s'ruck
And 'tamed nut in procession? No! —SI
/5 in:orders on stores would have been
tie *Mount oftheir weekly pittance. The
"boss" carpenters of Allegheny have
jitidetto the demands of the lours," and
the order system Las been abolished in that
city. • Wou'd this eve) have been acconi
lished without -trikine? Never.
Has ever any r vil been, or is any likely
tithe; done by the• numerous strikes that
„.,bake riCcurred• in this city and vieinity!—
life hear of none, except it be that 'the
4,4101 . 410ra are compelled, at some inron.
to pay good money t...) those
rtio eon their wealth. Until some new,
argument is furnished, we shall
.till . orie mechanics to 'strike while their
Irtrit4day the Journey(' en Carpenters
liata.cled . . 4 'the streets of . Allegheny and
Pittsburgh, accompanied by music, 'lit)!
n ilililarralmeners. bearing appropriate Ito(
.seittioria. The first one was "Buryins
cerdez Spiem;" and had a coffin in a
coutipiettous place. The ethers Ik're the
softhose employers who bad rout
plied widiihe demands of the journeymen
the procession ,yesoerday die
liota:ts:irt'.a wagon inTnir I str , •et tonk.fright
soil tali iffi; injuti.ig the wagon consider
ii-Sty:;anirnt•arly killing one of the !Hoses.
No otherArnage was done.,
A VW: fellow fell into a coal Tatilt in
4Penniiit. Tuevi ty, and vas t a ken home
very aiuch hurt. •ont (.14 . 1zerltic y howtver
Lies' Musical Library Bet ford .lia4
Cecritged 1.4 May nu al bei and
tleigatit periodical. It c .ntains 16 pi.'ces of
'flinait• k arbieh are thosfurnished at ahout a
cent .aptl a half a piece. The selections
aro ma ,ae•by an accornplkhed professor of
music, and the mechanical execution of the
awork it first rate.
The Largest Liberty.
butt 7af the candidates for ilie off ice o f
Sjietiftle this courtly announces inhis ad-
AteitistSetent ,tit the pubhe i a declaration 'of
jprincipits, eltiong which is, • 4 thvi the Jail
- ,• . 0u,g'41. to ' be untrammelled, and there,.
stforellieleeted (he) is determi , :e.l it shall
- 8 .64" iiVitichmeans,we suppose,that lie will
Aetno:itat! e which encloses il,--teat
the gratings ft.om the window s and abolish
the ore of bars and bolts so lhat the l imates
mar have free egress and ingress. Slrh
Irlitslion, we think, cannot fail to be popu ,
fiir in certain regiotiS of our city not un
known-al die Mayor's office. TRUTH:
2nd Night of Mrs. KENT.
both appal-am* of Mrs FLYNN since her it.clis;,o
Thi s p‘i v i lig , May ilth, be presented
Stranger, Mr.llatniltan; Mu; Haller, Ms Fly. n,
, .ftlk RIM' , 5 rears old copper distil.
TiocronJo.vi's• ACADEMY, S. Wen ail. of 1 ; - )ufz y , vt h'-key oi , c0u .,i,.,,,,,,,,,,, ,
IL/ Matl; et and - ft li sirens. Morning C asitei lit '
J. %V. IR r
Frencli.Gteelc, air, on rver y oilier day, vir Gentlemen , i , L
Water between Wool
ott•o• e day and Ladies en the other. Bouts of admix-----
- -
sion from 7 to 84 a. tn.
a COXES II iiii,el arid Robe , i -on's No. 5 LUMP TO
Day School for Loth sues, hours from 9 a. rn, III; 21- , li ACFO.
noon, arid 60,., 2 to 5 p. tn. 20 for PS a-sorted
Evening (.71.1•Aei Id English Grammar, Composition, Just received, tovither tvn dn.
li a al asmrnient of
Rook lieripin a . Geom e t r y. Algeb ra 4.e. 1101.1 t, of amen- every thing In the Groeery Ike, and for sale on i the inn-I
dance, from 8 to 10 p. ni . for Gentlemen, for the Ladies I accommodatiiii: terms.
(i to 8.
Tire tootle of teaching the above branches will lie ay 29 43 Wool at,
chielly by lirtures and the underiitanding will lie ad
- THIRD 'GRAND ...SOIREE MUSICALE, dressed fir4t andt he memory afterwards Ile will al- - ' 4 ' 4.. ' -.. -st
1 ,,, FRANK JOHNSON A. CO., must ri•speetrully ' ways aim al finning the theory 4- the practice together • •;,i.,011'. AN I) DUBUQUE.
' —the rule first and then its application. The steamboat CICERO, T. c.
Inform the eitii•ns of , Pitisbo,gh and its vici ity
May, Master; will leave for the above and inlet ter diate
/oars holds t o limn of his qiillificatinnit
that the, will: gibe • their third Soiree Mus'cale
1 for ri. ' ; ' i c t i e ° d r. iseltar.e of . the ditties h . a - .t from .
Joseph ports on S.tiorday next, 13th . 010 al ten o'clock a, m
(hi& Friday ° "aing. Ma y 12 ° 1, at rbil. 1 " 1 ' 'R. Chandler, editor of the U. S.eG-i.,42,...,,u,";ee. Gen. L. Ash _ For freight or passage apply on board
Finale—F.L.ibus on and Co., will, for the hist mead E-q
at Law; John W. Aslintead, do ; may 11.
liiim in Ilia comitry. with tl.e Brass Band, 1.,tr0.. rA . R„hoidg. q . (104 . AA• Rtowne Em. do; Edw. l'll'' OC,rO i+
at with Evans , .
dime the descriptive military piece, , >ntitled c the D. Ingraham Em. tin.: W. L. Norton,
brit' the P revent "r"' lon Boilers %
Salle of Prague, by , Kota rcra. Peace 272 South Front sieeet; Richard McCuilec, Prin. ' —.-.- ---
Description of the 111111c-1. Grand March; .t.}. dual of the Western Acallemy.•,'ef Philadelphia. , ,
1 ... ,--... The steamboat CUTTER, Collins me
Word of command; 3 First si;!nal cannon, bugle ' He also refers ter the lion A- G. Marchand, H. D. - •
~ _
e will depart for the above and Inter.
0 r; . i ti ::. A E5q ..„ .... , A , iElodr:ecy,ol,l„tal:.,,acw: Jasl:ohrision El! , Editor
Calf for Cavalry: 4 Anawcr to the signal cannon,
i o r purls tit PriclaY at 10 ,'clack a. nt For frciphi
S Trumpet call and three cannon; 6 Flying bul-
Oreenshot r" reA, Ile can like;i7e At t orn ey
7 a '''
I t aw nia ; : , - or passage apply on board or to RIP NI INGft A M 4-Co.
Jets, trumpet and Kettle drum; 7 Attack with citizens of ritisburrih. - - it,r ,, a
may 11.
Water street.
swords and horse gallop, 8 Trumpet , Drag ions The larger the clitsm. the moremoderate wilt the terms
. 00000 .
*draining .
be; and should the hours above mentiimeil not suit . , they 4-:11 PACKET.
9, Heavy canormadc, cannon and drum.; 10. will be readi'y changed for i hose whirl' may " Ew er ' .11 4 6 • 6111.1k3P 1ie canal packet ER I F., J.' M. Shave master,' will run
Rtiataiug firer 11-. 'Fromm. of recall and three beltc•
as a regtil..r tri.weeklv packet between (lip
at ;
To commence on May 13th . Terme moderate.
stannous; 12. Cries of the Avow ded; 13 Trumpet
norm Weer, Beaver on Alondn•vs; Wednesdays, Frlfth a;
of Victory; 14 Trlrki , liQeick-atep; 15. Go tiebed TO TH E GE N 'IL EVEN OF Pl'l"l'S. re:urni.,t,-kait , s Warren on Tnmdays, Thursdays and
Tom; 16. Trumpet 1.7. Fut.l , .! 'l . urki'sh Quick-
BURG H. Sairtrdays;'conneceing with the Stage Lines to Cleveland
direct. - For frr.rzlit or parsenze apply on board or to
istep. - N. B. This piece was cornposed in ho:tor
MTH subscriber most respectfully informs tile gentle, BIRMINGIIAIf Sc CO., Pittsburgh,
elf ft decided. virtory pained over the Au•trians by i men of thi , city and vicinity that he has-commnced
J. S. DICKEY, Beaver.
Tntderiek the Great, /ring of Prussia, in the spring the ROOT and SHOE making nosiness in Fourth street,
lif 175:7, and is one i.f the Eldest productiori s of that otiposit e the Mayors office. Having been foreman In may 10.
its**fill illiary nilleiC. ror•whi'ch the Ger mans are too !Owe of the most fashionably limit Shops'in the Eastern •-a.,._ , FOR CLEVELAND DIRECT,
eelibrat:d. • -
ettie•riand having furnished:himself with thehest French
by his attention to
T i seksts sOct., to be had at the, principal Huttls and American Calf Skins. he hopes ; :. " -77- 1ic.r...i., -
~..ni s ..T hei Canal Boat Jig Ell A. Vag.
zee, ...........,.:_. „ 7 . ter, will learii3 fir the above and
et amities- music store and at the Door, business to merit a share of public patronage. To th ose
intermedjate,porti, on Saturday I.lth last, in tow
gentt,.men who have kindly patronised him he 'cams th S,, 0.6,efai...
44otna open at halfpast 7. Soiree to eontmeime
. . hie Ampere Unlike and can With Confidence appeal Vol the ilr
it tt- it b eloeit •
For particulars see small bills. .
goodness of his work and knowiedgect bit baldness. For fi. ight or passags apply-m boardor to
, .
. ~
After Which the FHrre of
boors open of 7 o'clock, Perrurmaace to e , irn-
Ineneo,.. pa-t 7
Loser I
Boxes t .50 cent.' Second 'Fief , 37 3 cenis
25. — " Gallery. 12 . 4 cents
s 1 -00.15214 i vrosu
MAI 12, MO
ALM. XUWll':CiEit.O
6 fCet water in the' channel
All I3odta eiiirk6d tbus(*) aro provided with
Evana sapy Guard.
Reported by SIiEnLZ Sc MircitEL, General S. B
Agi.nts, No .5, Market street.
*Cutter Collins Cincinnati
Allegheny Belle Hanna Franklin
Diana Swager St Louie
Belmiint Pee Whveling
Link , Ben Franklin Gaty Cincinnati
New Ork Greenlee Nashville
•C•leveland, Hemphill, Beaver,
'Michigan, lloies. Beaver
Al l ine,iirkhurn, B
Li' le Mail, Gackili, dn.
North Quven, McClean, il'e,
aClevelar d, Hemphill, Beaver,
*Michivan, Rik's, do
Tinge, Blasflird, St Louis,
Forrest, flaz'on, Franklin,
•Swili,tire; Robinson. Cincinnati
Julitin Morrison St Louis
North Quern Melillo. Well: ; M o
Spariviii Redder Kanaw.l
Litt'e Mail G-isk ill Brownsvi le
Belmont Po: IVlierl , ng
Richard Clayton Hough Nashville
Tae River at Nashville on the 4th WAS
in good navigable order.
The Mississippi was rising at St. Louis
On the 21 ir.•t. The cellars on Front
strew were partly filled with water, arid a
rise of one lint m')re would inundate the
American Bottom. The Mississippi But•
toms were oveiflown, arid the inhabitants
forced to remove to the bluffs.
The Et Louis Organ of the 3J inst. says:
Gen Grati it's trial closed on Saturday.—
The jury, under the instructio n 1) 1 t h e
cowl, gave a verdict in favour of the Uni•
t•d States for about $30,000.
Maly Ann Lee and J IN( Field, or
...Straws," are playing in Cincinnati.
A shock of an Earthquake w 1.3 felt at
Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, on the 18th ult.
John Smith (a negro) has been killed in
Georgetown, 1). C.
Forrest and Allis Clifton are at Ho
virrsßUlt(: II :NI ARE E I'.
Reported for the Mornino /'art ay lean( 111,-, is
FRIDAY , 110ROIING, May 12 It, 1,*;43
We have had a good deal of rain during the
weed, which h s been a considerable dr:mita, k
on the out-of door nosiness, and will make our
12 Per rise, and likewise if it goes off wi'l diumelt
good to the farmers and navigation .
The husinees of Ili- w , ck in the Grocery and
Produce department has been good, and a good
many talcs in id.', the works id groceries are lirge
and good and prices low,and the extensise Groce
ry houses are doing q ,its a la rze and active facs
tors businef, at small nr. , tits, hot ge twi ally to
ca h, p 0 1 11/Cll 1U short ere Ills for gond paper.— .
we will( e a good malty sub's no ido liv our whole-
L. 4110 F 7 a n d well ti,it..lt.•ti Dwelling nonce 'mint
..ult Diy - Goods, II eidware, Shoe nod lon a , .
noel ; ,11.1, fur a Ati ,r/11"7 . 111,11+P rolit ~ ,,1111 ell Van rO4/110r I
:VII: l ' .l .Wislirri-iitg. ..i g , O I , 'e,ll tl' !roc, Niills woo name:, with kitchen on 11, tira door with l ily
.tn t chaos is Fel LIT and taiiildifrg to the Nor') iii ; 11r.31 4e ke, t.i tilted 14, !tie M.1.,111,,..it0r,, Nl , l of ihe ril y
the () Lin C - arial nod (let C:,1!.(1
`, ti nod. I .elwern 3 I toot ini. , trotti...l, Root low .
Flour—this mi , .rtaril art cais at a.,at nl, ~,I, s ' _9lst, the s o re room sii ;4; mine u 1 it to the ahoy,
.1 181 lad- a I .st.' ) 87A ; and . th-r , ale. (rt.,. htio'. 'f"'"'" V, 1,11 ra.l 'a rowed IA nil .• a w rill lc rtt t't I.
and w woos at.:..? dl a 2,87,:, ii.liteh is the pr, aerkf I arate, I''''''"'"" risen l'''''h".'''''
ot lii n I prier.
1,11 of ti•••• ~,,ft ()hi., i ~, /-on tor
i l a on and Pork—The sales rot - Hittite g,0.1 nod Bognor of
"17 .
con,taot, priee.i firm, c ittotry cored :41 arid it, „...._-
FOR RI.. ....\ - 1. -.% cull.futi.,•!., er r 11(11'4 dwell_
lc ; o fj hog round sales of about 41119 o f par'', _
.. 11 ,t., - - - i,,- hi, i„ i . , ,,,,, , c o il Lane near I'lli street
kind II these price- f or ea.!' by one house. 25 reel for term:, %%ditch will be moderate. applt• I o
bloirt Ohio 11.1010 il 5 and 25 lilt& .4100/let, a' 21 ..
all 0 j.j, tit tds, 63 ea-k. , of bulk Pork, hams aid 4 " - 3n--"• 1011 V 11 4 1'1,0:4R
Throe. fli , l floor, ttl•ortv .1
strou!ders at 1 cent per lb.
Cotton sales-113 bates of Alabama at 6 cents, TO LET.
at :3 winntlis. rivti: 3.1 story of the hiiitilinr occupied by R. A .
1 Rali<l.l:lr ) :13, an 4 ne.ion store--kereinfore known
ri a, •otiesiniih's Long Roam,'' corner of Wood and :oh
~,Gro.eries—, d r,cks large and gond; peen firm
but low, C..tree—ssles of Rio nt 83 to 9j cents ''''''' Impure of R. Morrow. 5 , 11 Nt .
.0111 2).
pc r lb, in I its to the city, and Ilc to ba g s tn the j OTS roll F. ‘LE--rott , Lots In Manche- l er. fliii
country. 1 I are) n fourth Sere, of I,nall on flottnex' still. Let.
Sutia• firm and a Iles of 111.. Week or about 100
1, and 6 a fi nr4l, 41,52 53 54,181, 182 and 184, In , Cents's plan
littd.g..nd for salsa for specie nod good funds at 53 of
t., '"'"" "()I " . * "
. I " A"
l '
L°I" " 26 "d 27 • '
a 6 by the 1,
rook's pan co f.rm‘ on high tree:, near the new 1 , nun
tioutrie. For terms apply to Z. W. REMINGI'ON
Mnlas.ies--'-salcs of 100 hblF at 2lc per gill ape. 9 , pr. 10
de, and other sales in smarer lots 211 a 22; to
the Country by the bill at 21 a 25c.
RFO It It IE ill 'r .
ND ;
20c at 4 nonnllts.
Feathers—sales of 2004 = good Kentricky al Donee po , sirmiion _ teen on the 1:1 of April next
e on the bank ohilie Allellieny river.
T. bacco—
twnatorte4 o.iii, 4 road - old:1We rooms, hesides cellar and
Kenlu:ky leaf rather improving, 23 knot/en. It la ver y pleas:lolly allowed purl out able the
to 4C.
coy tine. will, a in :l vo w of theory
p i e mi er , in d „ i ,,, ' wi , iiin2o inionte4• walk of the ' , art of the rill y —re.ni
Ashes—Seorchings getting
at 3. a 4c. Pot ashes 43 a sz. Pearl 3 a 3J i . r "rY 1 "" . ' JIIIE
mar 1.3 .
House Agent, Stli Ward.
----- -
Iron and Nails—a go 4 deal of Iron and Nails '
selling farther West and more for the North via I raNr; brick dwolllng house, enioaliiln: a lane
~. Z ball, two parlonrs, 4 ennuis op Fl 11ra, will, gm
.I I igked garret. d.nine room and ki ellen. with ear.
Bloorna—sa!es 48 tons at $l5 cash currency, I
! nate it. , 11 , 4`,4,. This bowe r is pleasantly hie:lid with
at 4 months . , and a lat at $5O in barter.
, yard in front and rear, on the canal bank• corner of
$lB Pig rtieial—sales so t..ris good Allegheny at , eimsnnr droll. leadin g to uppor hrldr, now In the or-
Wiei months: 19 I.olli Hanging Rock Lid cash:' elipatiry i it NI r. tilei•lorz. r,n, to snit itic time,- Enquire
per , el l
far. Whtaker, Al/egheny City. mar R.
liags—sa'es 26 sacks good at 3 cents cash
_ ..
I For /teas I.
! CONVF.NI ENT three story toirk theetilno loots,
IA 11l PEACHEs . -50 bushels, Dry Peat-Ilex, Ins( rr- , A situate on Ross street near Fourth• Rent *125,
ilreived 4- for sale by II Al LMA IC,IENNINGP kCo 1 at
111, Ande to
may 11. 4.1 Wool street. i -------- .. i __ . IA NIES MAY
inertial Ict
Rank o f' Pittsburgh. par
Meryl). it Man. bk. par
Etchange hank, par
Bk. of Germantowt
Easton lank.
Lancaster hank, dls I
Bank of Cheater Co. par'
Farmers' bk Bucks Co. •
Doylestown bk do_
nk of N America Phil.
Bk of Northern Libeities,"
Commercial Irk, of Pa. "
Far., 4. Mechanics bk
Kensington Irk.
PhiladriPlila bk.
chuylkill Irk.
Slitithw3rk Irk. i•
%Yemeni Mr.
Bk. 0( Penn,sylvailla i I
Ilk of ['ban par
Man. Mecpaniti bk. par
bk. par
Moyamensing bk. 3
Girard 4,5 j
U. States hank. 50 1
Luml.ermens', Warren,
Frank. bk Washington, par
Miners bk of Poi Isvlie,
Bk of Montgomery Co. par
Mon. bk Brownsville,
Erie Bank, 5
ilarrigimpzil bank. 41
Far. Irk Lancaster, l i
Ilk or Middletown, 41
Ilk. of Chanil.creliur:h, 4 1
Carlisle hank, 4
Rk of Northumberland, 5
Columbia bk 4' Bridge cc. 2
Bk Su•litchanita Co• 15
flknf Delaware Co. parr
Lebanon bk.
All Ranks, par
All Ranks, Par and
nly R..ukt, P
Counlry banks,
(safety fund) it a
Red Hack, f to
_ . „Poston Ranks, P;
Currency note,. 51Counlry ••
Cf!Fi . S slalrgh hk.
York bank,
Far.Sr Droverg I.k. of
Country do do
Rerks to. ban.,
!quit ni p!eay.int
Far. k Ilk of Witco
rielniont bk of St. Claire,
NI 11'111G.1 N
Rk. of St. Clair, 10
notes. !l
do Ciirrene ino• dn.! kH. Smith 2
notes y , If CANADA
i Colombians I.lc New Lis Good Looks. Bi, 10
1 bon Demand, 11 Kitxtern Etch:: egr.
do Pont notes, If. Phibtelelphia,
Cincionali specie pay- New York:
Itt: hanks, I liallimore, i
Mech. 4. Traders lik of I Boston. i
Cimittneti. . :I AVeNternEtch:lnce.
! (Tintonltk of Colombo!, it 'lncinontl, pat
Demand notes. If Lottisviite, hat
ICircleville, (11. Lawrence C Illeveland, i dis
, a-Miert 1+ Witeelini, par
Zanesville Ik. ii,coLn rND SI IN rn, par
rilarirtta 1 k, Armand
_ _
11 HE noller:i:ford offers for Fain a number of building
Inlr adjoiffl o . the property of Col WIT) Rohlntov
and Dale. In bent,' cif v. A 'pon amount win
hr required m hand, i he balance In iwo 'quit paymenit
o f Iwo and five yr,r4 with interest from dale of sale .
payable !marls'. ('or furtherp rtirulars nolfly 10 The
4,..crflutr who fun! be seen riffle tiny t S. FAinestort,
4- Co,'. Auction R O Ollll, corncr of Wood and 5111 s.reft,
where a plan of the lois Man ,Cen, wall their prices
lo! whole of the above property I. Rol , ' to on.•
inirrlia.er, nn arlvanln_eon• Im r2nin
1713 V 9-2 W. • I'II( S. WV NNE.
'cal OW
IRAmsa s lunatioit7-11ECsa rs
Post notes,
Fran. IA Columbus,
Com. tik. Lake Crle,
Far. bk:of Canton,
State bk.¢ (intim u.
Stale t3crip,
_ .
State hk it Branches, 81
iSilawneeioven, 71
'Bank Of Virginia,
do Valley, I
Far. bk. of Virginia, I
Urbane bank, 1
N. lVe4i: hank 1
Mir. 4 , NM.. On, 1
Baltimore Honks, par
Country Bankp, ,
House B kpt encv.
No. 8 west of the tvi ifotise i Penn st.
A T Auction on Frichiy morning next, at 10 sth 'ward, Pittsburgh Pa.
.111. o'clock, will be ofte!ed the best and most /111 FIR siihsertber bovine for a number oryears been en.
c..lensive aszt.rtment of genuine English cloths 11. palled In renting cPri property, cnilerting rents 4 - e.
ever bc'hre offered at Aucti n in this mat ket— :.nti wishing Maven/1 his hastiness In Ibis way, resproc.
u . f ['cowers blear/tit-ices In those persons owning, or who
C...n sisti i g of 75 pieces as..nricd colors, and qu.lo- ,
piny have elsor . .se of prnnetilv as Executors, Adminiatra
lies, comprising extra Blue, Sax-my. superfine fora
or coo . dio - 0.. In 11,
r .. ,
it or suburb., and who may
'Wool Med black, Coiling Olive, Invisible and not have leisure In attend in it i hrmarlyea.lo rent dwiell.
!title Green, Dahlia.Colron, Olive London Smoked, in.s, Warelintiaert. Farina, Lots, kr. Alan, in rollect
Steel and Mixed. 'I he above clothes are fresh . rents. dividends, Ground rents 4-e. A register k kept
and r. c.•weo direct (coin the importer. where a description or all properties for rent will he en-
A !so, 100 bales brown SqrleCtirign, I.IVII , free ofchnrige, rpr.rettre In rPcoPrlfUlly offered to
5 cases Prints; Kentucky Jeans. :' the followine 2eot:ernea fir whnni the Flillnetiiwr haa
Drillings,and a 9 nant:tv if ober season- teen 0,144 for I.OIOP years oast-Messrs Michael Allen,
i F. McCormick and James S. Craft . Esq., Pistehnrcb;Jas
ab'e Dry Goods. S. FARNESTOCK 4- (.0.
' Sissort,Erig , European Arent. Phllad ;Mess. John crown,
May 10. Corner of ,sth and Wood. , pineingitaw; B. Polel.enan, Ctlnelnnati; Daniel Potter
- —-- - - Si edbenyillmin.eph Millar. Lowrr,orevitt e: Jame , Jones
1NGR.91.1 7 4- I 7 ENITIAN CARPET v i
8 ' - a*. i•thertY: Daniel Rasher, NMI° township; [brief
A Nn
i peplums, Fewiektey.
.. .
.1.131E8 BLAKELY.
_ ......_ _______
~le the new Arction Rollos, Aro. 61 and 63 Wood street. ,
frrßnrevartam -All peraons who may be affected
IL /17 1 lA , be aotd on Friday Ma v_l2. at the above place. will, Rhelloialinfn Grum Concentrated cords or Limlia,
V V eninmenciti; at 10 a, in.. 3.xUO Ys he
Ingrain and I ran find a sure and effeettlai remedy. Ily iininr He en'
Verittian Carpets, or [butte patterns and colors. Tin'
11 ^ eroe and Bone Liniment and Indi .11 Mixer Hundreds
" ) ""' Phl e e'r n " , "Per-rine aid three and in thla city and.vp - f.III v, who have been laboring for
doable ply mpertine, Ingrain Carp( tine; Venitlan and
Ilemp tin; Flax and lirtisselle Rugs; Oil nollle. ke. ltf- I have been tinder the hand, of the most skillful
years tinder the, li:int. or 'hone dreadful complaint., and
Thr r will he 'old In any patterns In suit purchasers,
&so. imairdtately filer the carpel., 11.50 pie. es Broad without receiving any benefit, have tried it, andneured by thy use nf only one Inuits co each (trifle above.
Clutha direr: from the impnriere and pft.itively tow ao'd
The genuine ran he prorured only at TUTTLE'S. R 6
" the I."41"I l'iddel% They eon'isi of "'nob " Y" , Fourth street, Pittsburgh. ap 20
fltart;•; Inviallile Green.; Cadets; Browns; Olives; Lftft
ifrol Smoke; I nilirn Blur a, k r
i t UST RRCE.II 7 I:I3. a large supply of Ur swayoe's
These Good s will he exhibited out the morning or Oir el Syrup of Wild Cherry ,and for sale wholt ante and
sale between the hours of 8 and 10. Terme of -air: cash, rel ,; l t,„,
currency. C. S RICK LEY,
art 21.
No 53, Market st.
may 11.-2 I
N OTICE to Stettni .110,,t Owners.-The subscriber, in
has redu
1 11I l lt , ' „ NT st , r n i. , , :er/es L i I n s. p r r t
.6 v
1 gt; 1 1: 1 P . ' . a
red ic,7,'",,7, 11 : 'r,' ere, io. f sl-:;:rdyithcUi (ward iY
J O :: i t ' e h
e l in y:r ' e s Oention of
3 tAo explosion of steam boilers, to $l5O per boat.
I.oi 'B d made ea pressly for powdet magnetite., I til
I i is hoped th at all at owners will avail themselves
, ert , aro:vac fur Pork llnuties. as the naierials o f
ord, but also
~,,,,..a.0„,10, i„,,, , not only on seen of the
tailurli they are inns: ritiritsi ft ill not rust from the action
lloV Illri, In point or proooroy.
,q. the Fall, will he sold low for ra•h. perreri Wifely I
Boilers Yet h the apparnitsa attached will wear abou
mar 2-6 w J AS. P ITTERF. I ON.
Meg a. long P't. III , )Re not prov'ded will, them.
ajil BAGS RlO ( rtrppp.,
II a rriii-3in C. EV %NS
, yr(..- 1 .50 l'ites RI, !tondos.
inr Pate extremely inyy re, tali,
43 Worm
Orlra 1) s Pan kF. zood
flanks, 2
In:thk,, 1
Good ►tanks.
NII Banks.
E. 11. Ileatittintr*
llonB t I'1: R1:1:171.A1 Olt ;Ind S,,rv , yor nfßce
in 41h kt reel, nt.tt door to tilt. Bank of rilt,hurzli.
if (4.,i
•JI 6do stlo.rdr.rsl, turn day rrroiyed and (or
.ale by
J. .1- A CORDON,
It/V:l'er 51.
AA 1.1 MIRRORAW, A'II'ORNEY AT % has re.
La., removed hi■ office io No fi3 Fifth otreel,
imeen%Vood and Sts,itl,field sta. next dear io Alderman
cipr 7,
di. Co.,
A nd Clevelan Line.
March 22,'43.
- -
J. rbridge dt. Co.
A ENTS fur the ' , ale of Beat Powder.
between Wood and Smithfield. Water
%lord) 1443.
nnien PE3CHES.
on I S Dried reaeli,c
17 Fur .h le low by
6 a Enr,s-. PI. AN r A 'MN 11t1I . 19nIi3 . reeetver;
per Sienment Little Ben nod Fulton, and for
An le hy
J C. Gott DoN
nm• 27.
12 11•nter street
4 SEIT convenient Collage !milt flame linn.e.niiu•
ale abort distance below the cannt in A liezhetly
city Ent eof
iiinr -2n. J AMES M IY.
60 TONS Soft Pig Iron, hot Magi. far eatr. by
mar 2R. J m A V
ro'fi TIOXES ft !SINS.
just rPCP 111111 fur sale by
iN, JENNINGS 4•(,a.
-13 Wood st.
Iled Monon:ahrla
and for , n'e hr
ni and Snnth'd.
R Fl UU (( —96 hhIA JoAti rrreived for sole low
for rash. fl 1 I WWI A N, J ENNINGS
op Co.
43 Wood
Ment,and for Pale low (or raot.
11.11131 AN, JENNINGS ¢ Co.
43 Wrod pt.
all hfl ROKI'S Imperial and Gunpors der; just received
aiof for sale, low for rapli.
43 Wood si.
1 (1 BBI.S. 1.1731.
2 Ceroons
2 Casks Madder: jo,i rere.ved and ror sale by
43 Wood.si
or to
s Safily Cuttrti to
L UKE LOOMS, Act•nt, Publisher, Bookseller and
Binder, N 0,89 Wood street, Pittsburgh, has alwa vs
nr hand a 2Pltcral nasordicent of School Books, Blaak
Books, and Seal
Job Priniina nd Binding (Nnr at shore notice.
hizliest peke allowed for Rags, Tat.ner'a c rape
and Beeswax. way 11.4 t
- -
viitt It —Severe! houses In town and country.'
A good mill property cheap to a man with a small
capital, Wanted Iwo or three inert with small families
to go to, ho country. Placed Wonted rot a number or
lahoring men; mechanics: limiters; Coachmen: old iOOl
middle agi.d men for light work. Also: rot cook; chant.;
h er maid, ; wet arid dry nurses; and fdr small hoya at
girls. Wanted to borrow on mortgage or good security
fifteen handred to two thousand dollars. Ali kinds of
Agency and Intelligence office ltudiness attended to a,
short notice-011614ra Vail mid riromptli alien/led to.
I iAAC HARRIS, Genertri kierit
& Intelligence Office, N s o. 9, .sth at.
may {Q'
r,IOR —Lois on the KCI Enst coiner of Coil
L' Lane snit High street. Apply to •
sip 16 BENJ. DA 7411-ket, nen; 9140111
To CS e Figaro of Allogiimq Comity: —I
respertfully ur
fer inywdlt o your considerat 1041 US a ea udidalq linAtalton
gent of parties) fur the office of 1'ROT11011.01:ARY, of
Allegheny county, at the ensuing election. As Ido not
cone isefore you recommended by a convention, those of
you to whom I nm not personnlly known 1%111 please ex
amine into my qualifications, .4' and ifso fortunate as
to obtatn , a majority of your suffrages, I shall endeavor
by strictat.estion to tie duties of the office. to satisfy ycu
with your choirs, ALEX. MILLAR
may 10 —tE• 01 Pittsburgh:
,AND 1108
N. IV. Corner of Wood 4- Fifth Sta.
Tar proprietors of the aloitsisto PORT and MIRCURT
•ND MANUFACTDRICR respectretly Inform their friends
and the patronaof those paperer, that they have a large
and well chosen assorlment of
e7B-1111311131136 711E•712-31V°1-11
IiTNE) Aligs ZIOERiAra Rdlk.`lf.Oz raSAYA
Neeelotary to a Job rrint Ina Office, and that they are prt
pared to execute
Rooks. I Rills of Lading, Citeulars,
Pamphlets, I Hill Heads, I Cards,
Handbills, t Blank Checks, fiat Tips.
itittbs of 361attfts,
Stage, Steamboat, and Canal Boat Bills, with appro.
priate Cate,
Printed on ,he shortest noileeand mast reasonable term?.
We respectfully ask the patronage of our friends and
he public in general In flits branch of our business.
Pittfliurelt. Sent. 39. 11142. PIIILLIP9 dr SMITH.
union* *al(
13 r. ANN: i , EASES.
A nem , and mttrlt Intprovod form of Lortre., for
to :V 1 11$10Mre ni 111. "Morsiine VORt.”
do,, jtipt rewired and
Mnv 2, 184.3.
The PrrFhf en( awl nir..tin.s of Ilik Rank have thin
I day derlar,-ita If i V i.1 ,. .141 of Ihreo per cent on the certi
' flraieß of ill' , raniial ,tnelt for 'lit% last sip inoollts, prty.
n bin ro c lnekliolderg of their len, reorthorhiativr. on or
a ner the 12? Ii ino. JOIN , : SNYDER.
may 4 la
- - Caalairr.
_____ ..____
Ezrnasnr RANK.
ri , 131M1.211. May 2. 1843.1
The Ihrectors have this day cleelarrol a dividend or
three per ren.. and of Inc roell. , or the la:d :it months.
payable ICI stockholders on Will after the 12111 hug.
111 J V 3--td TIIOS. M. HOWE Caghier
Pill.l.llefil, Slay 2 , 1g43.
Toe 11irrrInrs or this PRO; have ohiA (ivy deelared
or three per rent oat of il.e protir a oft he
Inet 51X moniha, payable oil or nflpr the 10th.
ma: 3 W. H. DENSY, Canhiar.
The pe.iiioil of „hot E. Kilhourn of the bit llVatra
Pitt-burgh, in said roontv, reverittilly shnweth—
That he is well provided with hours room and
1 other o. nvenienops fir the acenin.nod.tion of f. tra n
gi.r.4 and travellers. And he prar vntir honor.; tt.
g, ant him a lee. Sc to keep no Inn or hott%e of Pub
!ic Entertaininerv. And its will prar, 3;c
J AS E. ii . IL ItOURN.
The und..riighed ritlzens of the fir!.t Wald Pins
Ini gh, resorotiolly co lifyolia..l E kill - Ham. the a
bove 'IA turd applicant, 19 a gentleman of gond repine i
for honesty and temperance, and i+ %volt prnvided onl. 1
heuuno /woo Red (tee rett.t ell( es for the neeonnnoda
lino a. d lodging of . ..n:lllyr- and I , avelets, and thin
said tay...rn is, ntvres...ai v for the a - conianxiltiOn of
the ptihti,.
Jttlitt Minh' n,
If. ratio P Young,
G. U. Vass .y,
John L twtnn,
Mouthy tVa!lloo.
Roca C. Tae - n.elid,
Dinid Clark
- FIAT AND (.7 M NUE.% ( - TIT It Eft. Every deser
lion of Ilal nod Cans oi, hand, andfor parr., whole<
vale and I e•lail niprire: to snit the time., at the old Maud
of Ihoollas Mnorn. 13 Wood vi re. I. -
LI OR .5.57, E, 1, roe In sail lain haws-- 500 ring of
purple : and yellow Chair; 5;;08 by 109 by 12; ;Ind
10 by 14 window sa=h, and _lag, to suit if wattled; 30
reamer of wrapping, leper and writ int: paper; 600 dozen
sickle': 40 dozen gond broom,: 500 ur. atignri„; one lion_
tired 1.105 . Lonisville Litor; wit It an a..ort mem of tilltr;
butt krt.•; churn s ; half bushel and pecks; shove 1., spadel;
thing nod tiny forkit; row.ltelts: zr:; maitorke;
kell let,, bake cvent, pots nails; window ula.itt; coffee mill::
blushes; saddlo-y, a antall art , orltn,snt of Books and sip_
tinttary t far tittle on accommodating terms for earth;
Pittsburgh Manufacture, n r caunl rc prtnince to coil eon.
sittertr,„ IS CAC II tO RIx
10 Rnxt-i Loaf So2:.r ;
5 BHP. Cruslwd do ; jnnl rftr.•lver? nod I'nr nee
al , 29 43 Woad •I.
Ms7' aIR WED— A fresh Fll pply of
relebraied Catlvoirno ,
Plieumal it Decoction ,
Leiev Mood Pak,
frg Female uhe siorn of
FENDERICR, D•nitict,
corner Or the 9lot.on2nhela
1 E 12
mar 9 —2,v
A WELL rornislird Prick House , with a welt ( . o'll-
vated Flower Garden or ribi.ut half an acre, and
Pt ovid,4l with all neres.ary atuldes and ontbutidires, is
()Mred for rent firm the present time until the fires of
April neii,.. 11. Is pleasantly situated on the hanks °rile
01110, a abort diatanCe from thr dry, and for ronv,ti
ieneeand comfort is not excelled by Any other In the
neiSitla"whond of FlitsSurgli. For a small family who
will lairs fond care or rhe prethises, this is one or the I
moat destralde local inns That could le &Teter,: For far.
liter information apply at this (tier,-or to M, Kane, Jr!
Llerty d treel. may 9. —1 iv. j
LEFT the premises or the su4sr rit , er on EA ta Mar
lint. a white Cow Whit small red sump, long slim
horns, a hole in the I ight ftm; abort' 10 years o!J, and
,elippo.eri:to• be near ealslne, Any person who will re.
turn said c9w to the Fitt.Fri iher, or will feint word at
the warehduie /awes ,cprnor of Irwrio k Penn
streets, so ',that hi may ge".t tier, srttlbe lihero"4' re
warded. OWEN IN;rIt S TNA,
may 10 Corner of Penn &lairin at 3.
..11uriAtorn_ Co..
R WhirDlA 4,V7, CONE
CLE.vtLAxt , .9z. - ,:o.
. .
A G ‘ E..NTSfor the IlerrhantsTiansportation.;nuipant
Cuu.pused of :Ise Line. E. ie Canal.
." • •• •Wnshinglon Line. •
Hunter, Palmer Co's. Line of SI ant Boats rrl
eels on the Lakes,
Chvelend Line Penns. Ivanlit and 01.10 Canal.
Proprietors of the 4 1ereita Ills Line Ohio Cana'.
WILRIZ ¢ ENAWORTH, N 0.9, Coenties Blip, N. Y
B. Hum at fr o . Albany.
arta Ours, Boston.
BUNTER, BALMER 4- co. nocrolo.
111. T. Witadums 4 , Dow, Cleveland.
Firm dorm M. ALLEN, dn.
J. S. DICKEY, Beaver.
BIRMINGHAM 4. co.; Pittsburgh
an 1 1843-IY.
tion nf a I.ted application with an infernal speci
fic, works like a charm in eases of rheumatism.
gout, contracted muscle and paralysis. Meaars.
Comatock & Cn. 71 Maiden Lane, have in their
p-ss RQinn a cerlifi-ate fr o n Ethan C, Corning. a
reQpec.able citizen r ,( trbec, stating that after
haying been a bedriddenQ• cripple for upwards of
fourteen yearn hewa,, enabled to rise up
,and walk
by applying the Linntnenf In his shrunken .limba,
and taking the Elixir in conformity withihe de
reetinns. The-care a t ears to border on the mi
raculous, hut atfesfatiot.: canrnt be questioned
In cases of gout and cot , action of the mnseles
and ligament ofthe LinimeA• and Elixir have been
equally brnr futird.--(Exprest,l--F a r sale only at
TUTTLE'S 86 Fourth street.
S. R. fl-dm
noel Keller,
I). Brueklorker
A M cCammon,
G. W. Bradley,
may 9-3 t
Fr 11,E undersigned will lease Iwo. farm/. siiint.4l II
ra,t beer township, wail the necessary ;ern-arms,
end, from 7510 100 acres, cleared on each, ..31.0, one
flcm,cittintcd In ,West Deer lownship A lie:tv/ny coenly
with from to to 7.5 acrrs e'en/W. e alioc q e , ! • grl ed
properly la in rea.obality :and repair, laying Li
miles from . int city of I'Pb/burgh, and wilt/in/two miles
orate Portn'a Canal. and will be le./Fed. 00 rellsl7lllablfi
terms for from 1 o .hree yea rp,Bo good tenants.
Mardi 1301—if. DARTRA3I 111U1IRVI
A tic tion.
S- PANNE. TOOK Co., Suecessois lb J. II G.pli•
rile, at the old stsild corner of Sib zilid Wood &t.
:taxing cumplied with the reqiiisitiorni,of the new Auc•
lion Law, ':re piepared to, ninke advances nn Consign ;
mmitsand In Drltoll favorable terms. They hope by
enntinuing tomaile really salesand prompt returns, to
receive a fair portion of business.
itts, A 1843
In reliant. Rom the Auction burgh tueiness.Ml
pleasure lit recommendlne to the puttilc.Meest*. sante,.
Fahnertork %. Coo, who have ecupptied with the require
ment• of the new Auction Law and ,wilt do. linalitraa, at
my old land.
null' 31843.
• - •
T the solicitation of a 'tumors of frwn of all poi
tlical [motifs, 1 O e pertfully offer myself t / the con.
sidernilon of toy fellow•citizens , or the office et Count))
Conimbritioner. Thai my sentiment, may not be rnitun
riersiond,eitber as to political or private affairs, I int!fie
free io say that I have i'erm nit my life a cone:stern Re.
publican, in i he lime sense of the Word. ,; As the county
is somewhat cmhormssed in Its financial affairs, and lb.
reduction of salaries arm' , lie officers has received the
approbation Of large trminrltirsorilie people, toe under..
sizned woultknot ahrtild be tie so fortn not e an to t•eclec•
led, in any Manner attempt to resi s t this salutary re.
form; s h ould it reach the office erectility cnoniNqper.
/ME stiascriber having Own a .hop No 6', Second
..i. street. aetwern Market and Wand strects.Prtsburgil,
i h CORM' rti(ll IVIIII ibe Fortcry ,i, flirmiasi sin. C. Fhff C.
AMY Informs.hi s friends sad iLe (Whiff, that he will le
i WWI' in he favored with their orders for any articles to
hia line..
, .
Door Locks .s ad Pasterms,n various descriptions. or/
band and made to order.
.. .
Tobacco, Mill and •Tinthe r Scri.ws , .
Large Screw s , for Iron Works, and ScreWs for Pressre:
ade as may be required,
Carpenters and Builders are reqnesied to call Warn
coat rapt ing for Jobs, and examine his a rIICIFS and prices,
I ocks repaired sad jolkine. ronerully t one in he best
manner, and o n the lowest terms.
easy 2 6m JAS. PATTERSON, Jr,
-.. Regular Morning l'aeLet
4.14-I._ -;... i'he 115 . 1 runnl , l2 and Nell it !twirl
HARP I' rm6ut., Maforr, will tteporl daily from nu,:
ho , cll at 9 o ' clock, A. 1‘1„ and !leaver Pt.., n•rtork P. MI
Por jiass.,ze, apply on 1:00 rd. or, to
Nn GO Wafe r 'drool.
N. 13.—The rent lmr ra nal pat Let to Cleveland, 01IL
Greenville and 31 rndville Pn ; and !%, 1F ‘ 5 , 111 . 0n on tit
(Ai) Ca tut eon iteci:tig wit!, steamer pleveltind q i. B en :
ver.wiil lie In operation itninedialrly on oprninn of nn••
mar 16—If.
A preparyi..n made in England, und.iised thrnughl
not the
.1711..1e eastern part of the United States;
for the Speedy and certain cure
Asthmii. &c., it, sitimt s the price be*
ing.mily.,2s cents per bailie, placi.s it witirp
mesns of aqy one waniing medicine for thost?
, 4 iseases.. The tai.e is so pl. want that chili:U . 2n,,
cry for it, after core lasting .t. and mo hey= of
families keep it in the hottse. as it is an
excelle , .l fur the enr..,of the Wh•toping;
Cough. To be lied tiny at TurrLes 86 Fourth.
ri p If El
respertfrWy Inr.rarr Lis CLl74O'
;nett act/ the pu , d,c genera ry • that nntwithslandimi
the nnpreeede tired sujes at ow Three Of; Dourk, during
the preieht pe;::on; hive ~iri uu band the kirzcat and
iltOn varied :v• - s..,Pri menu of elegant Ci.QIIIING t bat ra n
bought WeSt of Mr ninnutaing. The public may "bet
:I ,, oirei 'Lai alt, irucleg orThied al hi4.slore are manatee
th red from F 1: flpH GOOIiS, purchased in the Eastern'
marke'i tbiF Fp frig iunde into r.af trielliS hp ruts ,
burgh workmen. .
roruwournce of the n.ultiplicati., t i of etc?) shops 111
our city, tined with pi,wit.ltrulier,c.m,he.4 and the musly.
rani ~(1' zartneutßof former seasotts. front tti easlcru el•
Potair sisttuld Le cfautOo• in avrettain
;Trier ru:theeltahltOinte.nC7 In which they are invite to
purehase : before Vicy part Wilt their money. The ar
ticles offered al reveral of the concern,' rp this cq,,are
he nn rr, offal± of New York and t hiutrielnhia lion(
•hops, and tent ottt hetes() he palmed utron the
burgh puttllr. rurrha era should he,ern Itiefe„rguaerli
.ernsthew. Irrepreltlops t• and th ey, may rely
,on.the tire
That ror mdaphehrale,or that adveritses-eastern made
in:, ran
„,,, ..... givens goad an artlete or as advaningeuusber.
trtinsav ran be ilidat the wrltree litg floors.”
The iihilillc will please remember that all the tothsrrt
bee rri••
e 7 r• Is are mode in this city, Iv rotnpelent work •
men, and nor fat , .ert rl rip like.the good. now, Offered tt:,
il k , •• birds or rrnssage" front the shreds and patches ne
ea•tern stop shops. It wilt always be Ids Pruleavar In
malbtain the teduta9or t that the. “Three Rig, floors' :
have obtaltice for furnish:lnc 1 sitperfor style 11TH
ISt; In every. r . espeet, and at prices below tiNse ()rani
I other establishment.. , .
fie would stain return his ihstyks to his friends and
!Ilir pubile for the Unprecedented qatronsge LeStowedf
I Upon his establlshtnent, and belfry:rig thAt if i f.
found it to their advantago iv deal svlth
„lihn, lie would
repeat his invitation to aft (have Who wish to purchase
flouting of evert , de , vription at the lowest . prlee to Nati
at No 151. Link:llly Sr. , , . J9IIN fII'CLOSKY.
r7 - oliserve Mein, Nate in the p.11, - einont. n n 00
Corner of Penn 4- St. Clair sts'.
F. proprietor, of title elegant an d
,c oniniod lour es
tah'i-tonent, heg leave to announce to their friend*
and t!e With. that their price for Hoar.; front this dale;
is reduced in ONE 1101.1. l R PER DAY..
Front the lorality Of I his house, suelitz.slltinicd
way between the Canal and Ste,anthpat,landidgrit at d orf
the great blare In A /leg tly rily. the oiii.
tor. tract, that With continuer., exertion , : on i t ther port.
they will tip enAled matron! very attention and fidi.
tly requlrrd fur, the comfort and - enneentence of their
ctirpts, and hope In merit a continua nee or th e patron.
age that htl 11,1herto.beea,sc111d:rally eitender: to I hear...
The principal Stage and Pact. el ertig c , r , a e epeee,l e d" ,
with the lintel, and far the better arcuniatodailon or
their gtreAts', an Orarribus will at An thwil be In read/.
111"q:i If convey Ibr nt to and front the tr;u4,•.
/lentil stand of Matt hen/ Patrick.
(Gaiety orerPied by John lions,)
sub,e fiber wishes to Inform the eiliaens of Pitts,
1 burgh, and the Iraveililig foible. Ilia, he lokA leaned
.the above well known at a . 04, Oil nat. d on two, street,
between Market and Wood ) tHtem tie will be happy to
1 , arrow,' odaie all WS old„frolole. and as many new One ,
a, will ),„ p ,,: e d to acknowledge bon as t . ..ele host.—*
I,,hderate. soloed to t he tinges.
,:itile in ,lipplicA With the he.l that the pia r k, l
ford, tar tr.ll he furnished will. the elinirtst of
lopoos, both ffiltrlPSllC and foreirn. 11,5,0 . '1h:ea are spa,
chit , and eotninotliOns, conducted by experienced
wirntive wt;rr,.
—Hr wonhl ihrwm tl:e eliiren. that lie 1 . 4 prepared
10 :. ,- condrioiale a toth,b. ref Weekly, Monday 0, Year.
ly hoarder", at reduced prices
Singe Meal, 3.i c e nip. I.nd:zing, 12 4 cis
Hu:u d per k.
may 8--3 m. ICII. POll ST ER
O N , th e -2flth or Nbiernber big son of the sotacri,.
ber named J II ES K I:Lf.l' I hen nhout 9 t enrol qf
nee, left hag hotte; he was peer, R few daye
Sharps! ore), lit Ittot a fa'r entopieclort and fat''' . Moir,
and rather heavily On
. tbe .10111 of the same
monl hi r brother, n hoy t hen 17L1 about ter vears,alee
went away.. Ms name Kol , l' it 1n K Fr.4l;ir: f n has
red hair and dark e)e.. It to orob.,lite fltro Loth the
bnys may deny a eir trot. en me:; and rNsult,e nun re. Any
inform/1M COriCerrittig hem- 114 1 . 21111e401y rreekftrie
by their 4 61leted patents. Jr tiN NEf.LY,
any 9'
Preq.K.ft tf
anti* to Leas'