Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, May 10, 1843, Image 2

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    ship rote to them, and they
,der her, heaving her well down,
at letting her touch the bottom
again. In anothrr - moment we • were all
Our of them, and the ship in fifteen fath
oms if ate r, running from them as though
stair were a creature of life, instead of a
mast of wood and iron. We could hard
ir own eyes, on looking bark
at thtktf
l atkplace we had escaped froth—
ier trust, we were all thankful to
Alaiigh*God. Not a soul could have
been saved had the ship stopped when
abek:.•fiest touched the grcund. The
place where this happened was a little a
bove Point Calaan, on a sand at the north-
ern extremity of a line of rocky breakers,
. ten miles in length. The sand breakers
.1. , ;-virere a mile in diameter—then deep wa
to the main land, a distance of three
" 'des; and, of course, no boat could I):,ve
.';dyed a moment in such a field of high
The circumstances of our zttiking so fas
shore Polk Capones, where tile ship a•as
aundliwn, in so short a time, when heats
- Ist - he- was owing to a rap
root setting her 36
tours. We had stood
, ae s five hours, and I
to fetch in to the
;xt tack; instead of
boor and a half after
Pis of Point Calaan.
if the breakers, we
pumps, irti.ss I had auticipa•
ted, found no water in her. We sounded
%very half hour for a day or two, an•l
ftwod her j-erfectly tight.
Balijeet to the decision of n Nni lona f Convention
rms. rnittci PS Ws. H. 8 MIIII, 1/3 , 1T0R 4.1.:n PR OPR I ivrons
.Aileen Ihriz.—Th44 perstm, eho recent
ly murdered his wife near Baltimore, has ,
bees claimed by the authorities of Ohio
on the charge of having murdered a In
viol", wife while residing in that State.—
The Sheriff of Logan county arrived in
Baltimore this day week past, with a te
qttieition from Gov. Shannon, and recogni
•zed Horn at once as the same person
who w&s charged with committing the mur.
der in Logan. In Ohio he went by the
name of Hellman. It appears that ho has
a son in Ohio, about 19 years of age; he
made many inquiri , s of the Sheriff in ref.
erence to him, and appeared anxious . to
know . how he was getting on. It-is said
..- that these cannot be the slighest doubt of
Horn's conviction for the murder of his
wife in Ohio; all the circumstances being
of peel) a direct character. The dead ho
•.tly was found in his own house, the head
being nearly severed from it—the print of
her bloody hand was found on the wristband
of his shirt—and there were various other
circumstances so connecting him with the
deed, that his escape is deemed almost im
-possityle. It is thought that the Governor
of Maryland will nt t give Horn up until
;._ after his trial for the recent murder.
The Freshets.—The Boston Times says
that the mails from the east continue to
bring intelligence of darnags dime by the
flood. Bridges and mills have been car
ried away in every direction. 0./ the Sa.
no river, seven brides have ben carried
away inure space , if fifteen miles. The
bridge at the Bar Mills has been carried
away and the mills swept ca and tuinetl.
it is impassible to estimate at this time all
the damage dame, but there has not been
such a destructive freshet since 1814
Tremendous Whig Victory. —The w higs
of New York and Philadelphia announce'
with a loud flourish of trumpets, that they
have elected a • Burgess in the village of
West Troy. This is the first streak of luck
they have had fur some tim', and although
it is rather 10an, it has cheered their spirits
Seeking Shelter:—The Boston Demo
crat states, that a man vt as convicted lust
week, in VPrmont for bigamy, and eenten•
ced to two years imprisonment in the State
prison, and that alter sentence, he willing
ly cartied his own commitment to the jail;
satisfied, no doubt, to be locked in, if the
State would only be kind enough to lock
hiswives out of doors,
U. S. Steamer Union.—The Madisnni•
an, in speakinz of the recent performace of
Lieut. Hunter's experimental steamboat
says:—The experiment of Lieut. Hunter
.has besn satisfactorily tote'', and he can
justly claim the high honor of having ea
tailished a low era in the application of
steam. His plan was long the desideratum
for armed v'ssels. and his discovery way
deenvd as but. little inferior to that of
Fulton." •
Trotting !hatch Aver the Beacon Course.
- =—A match came off over the course, on
Tuesday, between Dutchesli, Hector and
8 :MI6, for a subscription purse of 5200
two mile heat* in harness. ,Dutcbegs 'won
with ease.
•Alow I Ado) , the e•eaint :t wee zer , as
lias husband said when' surtein
• -
•, _
ee FirM. Pagi
: -
consgment Ir. A meriers.—Enid Bronglsam.
the distinguished scholar s -statesman and plain
thiropis., ib a speech delivered In the klouse,ol
Lords, on he Ashburton treaty, speaks as fe.llnws
of Amcri•'a: "I hope an I trust, for the sake of
Am. rica first, for the sake orEngland next, for
the sake of humanity—ot mankind at large, that
the republic and the prosperity and the happiness
of that great people, whu are descended from ....um,
mutt ancestors with ourselves, will be perpetuated
for ever, (Hear, hear.] fcannot view with in •
difference that magnificent empire. My heart
glows when I refit ct that it is fium 17.0g1in.1 that
Am, rica draws all that is valuable in her laws and
institutions; bu'; above am I gratified when I
reflect that it was from us she inherited that spir
it of liberty—reigious as well as civil, which has
made the Ant rican repuLlic the greatest demo
cratic nation which ever held existence on the
face of the earth; contemplated by itself there is
enough to fi I the heart with hope and admire
d I') n ."
Business is looking up :Al over the
country, without the aid 07 whig legisla.
tion, and without a single promise made
by that party having been fulfilled. The
New York Suit has the following: —Busi
ness in this r•ty is rely fait; our merchants
are gond nail red, and ilteir customer , are
pleased with then bat gaios. The tium')er
of' western and southern traders here this
sprint;—first rate men, with cash in their
itands—exce3ils those who have visited
11$ in any preceding , ' sorts , ni. Never was
there a bettyr tiote for purchasers to my
our market—it is kituely stocked with
goods bottght with great rare, and at the
lowest cash pikes, and they are sold at a
rate which 'makes it an Obj;cl,' to buy.'
The Strikers.—Public opinion abroad
seems to be with the mechanics and opera
fives of ouriari y. who have Struck against
the odious order system. Almost every
paper we open, contains a no.ice coil
mending them fur their courage
Slander.—A poor laboring man, in Bos
ton, was mulcted in f 4184 damages, in con
quence of his wife making too free use of
that "unruly member"—her tongue, a•
gainst a widow lady of that city.
Horrid Accidtrit.—While two young
men, in South Dansvllle, Steuber. county,
N Y, were engaged in cleaning the snow
from the lock of a gun, while hunting, a
few Jays since, one of thi m ventured to
look into the muzzle. At the instant the
gun was discharged, and the ball passed
into the Fk'lll, directly over the eye, com
ing out near the top of the head.
At the.rac - 4 over the Nlnunt Vernon
Course, on Wednesday, Bine Dick took
the purse, in the first rice, two mile 'heats
—beating John Causin.
The keels o f fifteen new steamers are
laid in the several boat yards of Cincinna
ti and its vicinity, to be finished with all
possible despatch.
The quantity of rain which fell at Bruns
wick, Me., during Ilia week ending on
Monday last, wai withi'i a fraction of eight
The P,rthand Advertiser expresses the
opinion that 'every island in the IVist In
dies will ultimate'y b.-! in the hands of the
black race—perhaps in the sight of some
now living ' Very doubtful.
.old Joe Cowell,' the well known Com
edian, is about to publish his forty years
experience cf the stage, in this country,
and in England. This,from the old stager,
will undoubtedly be an amusing work, and
equal to the 'Retrospections of the Stage,'
by that droll genius, Bernard.
The price of a passage from Net► York
to New Orleans, around the coast, is 70
&Hats, Through Pittsburgh,the price is
Samuel Cope, jr., re:siding near the Red
Lion, Washingtcn township, Pa•, not far
from Uniontown, recently committed
cide by hanging hi - nself. lie was a weal
thy farmer, and highly respected. No
cause was avig.ned for the rash act.
More Specie! —The Hibernia brought o
ver upwards of W.) millions of dollars in
gold and specie.
The Caddo Gsz tte states that General
Wil iarnson expects to have the Red River
Raft removed in three or four weeks,—
There are soveral thousand bales of
cotton ahcrvr that (:I•struction to go to mar
A tallow candle introduced into the bung
hole of a h• , ps!te.+d of molasses, it is said
will alp fertnei.tati , n. One candle will
I3st 43 hours.
A reward of one thousand dollars is of
fered for the perpetrator or perpetrators
of the horrid murders in New Jersey.
.9 Venerable Sexton.—A correspondent
of the Salem A3vettiser states that Mr.
Thomas Parrett, the venerable sexton of
the first church in Beverly (R C Thayer,
pastor) now eighty four years old, has bur•
ied 2.259 persons; neatly half the present
population of the town.
Th.re was a frost in Philadelphia on
.Thuralay morning.
• -•---
io Abertille, S C.
Biwal,.4lsatat—A Hog him—
self Geort4 - 7 W: Wood, Whii s pretinded to
be a deaf Mute, Was afreatid at Catskill on
Saturday evening week, charged with a
brutal assault upon a tilde girl nine or ten
years of age.
The Fourier Associations itt Roxbury,
Mendon and Northampton, Mass., and
Hermon, Mo., are in a most flourishing
A Great Mistake.— A young lady inten•
ding to paint her cheeks with rouge, but
all the paint on her nose and did not dis
cover her error until she was requested to
sign the pledge.
Rev. T. C. Levies died in New York,
On the sth inst. lie was a gentleman o f
fine attainments, and as a writer had put
superiors in the country.
A shockinJ and unnatural murder was
committed a short time since in Laurence
comity, Mississippi, by a mother on her
own child. While the child was asleep,
she procured some lead, which she melted
and poured down its throat. The cause of
this inhuman act. is not stated.
Rudeness to a Lady.—M. De Bonne—
ville has been a little to bold in his mesmer.
is manipulations at Ann Harbor,Mtchigan
seject was a lady. She was conscious
of his i "pertinence, but was too much
under the magnetic influence, she says, to
properly repel ti e rudeness.
Murder and Robbery.—The St. L mis
papers of the Ist inst.., give an account of
the murder of one tithe Santa Fe Traders
named Charvis. He was killed by a coup,
pie of desperadoes, named :11c Daniel and
Nlisoo, awl robbed of $32,00. It was
greatly feared that the main body of the
S Inca Fe 'traders had met with a similar
fate, as there was a regularly organized
banditti to prey op in them.
Nu iiewspapvrs are now published on
the Sandwich islands.
The wheat crop is very promising Li
New York.
To those who desire to join ki Fourier Commis
nits, the Ifimni'le ATricuitural nod Mechanical
Association in oWers trrelt. intineein3nts.
It has ohtlincil a charier Irmo the Legislaiure,and
they cordially invite pr.r3iins of good inoral char,
:icier to join them. It is 'oc rtrd within 30 miles
Miss Clarendon has brenme. I,!s3ee and
in Inagere,s o' the lmericui Thealre nt Mobile.
Fineen Miller luna'irs aro nnw .2 ,, tifincd in the
At , sylinn at Bruttieb , rn, VI
F , •rtest nac called out at his benefit in T3,atti•n
night Iwo azn, and made a ,pcech
The Rainer. have hi & ricianrti. Are they
coming to Paisnurg!i?
wd, 1117 othcr (I,y in N Y.,ln •a -
tiring 8 feet 1 ineb, R.
%Vordsx•nrth has been mrpp dnted poet laureate
by the Q teen or cog , . !.
There are 1,159 inlrar ited cellars id 13 or :he
(I.•isse wur.'s of New Y With a populatiqn of
7,19 C.
A sub cription is being kot op for tits purpose
of erectiwz a monument over the grave of the ed
ehrsted John Bunyan, in Bunhig-fields burying
C;_ - . ^ - 7-The court martial fur the trial of Mnj Gen
- e commenced in St. Louts on the Gth utt., and
wi!! continue in scision until the matter is disposed
ThiA year Cie fr,—lltdq have fully equalled those
nrpr e ei mil year::. Nearly $ . 2,000,000 worth of
pro;er;y ha.] hero destroyed.
From the Pennsylvania Keysto Ire
James Buchanan.
This enlightened statesman and pure
patriot stands before the country the ac ,
knowledged champion of American princi
ples. His gt eat talents and illustrious ser
vices place him eminently above the party
feuds and disseutions of the mere politi
cian. Capacious and comprehen-ive in
his views general policy, he is also pow.
erful and convineine in argument, as well
as zealous in maintaining those great and
immutaltle principles which are the basit
of our free institutions. As a statesman,
James Buchanan has few equals; and it is
not disparaging thegreat and gifted of our
country, to say that he has no superiors.
His policy is an enlightened one; his code
of politics of the most popular character,
he recognizes the sovereignty of the peo-4
ple in its broadest sense, and has rig;diY
carried out in practice, what he holds in
theory—that, in public life,the agent ofthe
people is bound to carry out the will of the
people. He is not a latitudinarian in con.:l
stitutional constructions, he has al ways kept
himself within 1A:! letter of that sacted in
strument. True to his support of Pennsyl
vania'principles, he is, however, not sec
tional in his feelings. He has always
vindicated and maintained the integrity of
the Union, and looked to the welfare of
his common coantry. lite claims, there
fore,unon the Democracy of the Union are
equal to those of any of the distinguished
gentlemen named for the high and impor
tant station of President of the United
State's. Pennsylvania will present him to
the national conventit:n, by a united dele
Skeleton l'ound. —The skeleton app.. 2 , 34
)r. O,
41 A
344 B
MS -‘ C
419 C
rently of a young man was found on the V "t t l
ledge of a rock, near the mar ' of the Ni. "sso A --
aghta, at the Ml' e miles beinw i 883 A
a3'® Since, togelbet will- I , 8 25
" a B' B
fr, piece, which had the appearance I - 7
'wing lain there some six or eight years, 2 0 12 ".
clue to their identity was discovered. A ir
AcOiril - Number
„ Cie-
I'IMASURY DlTAnTillrrr. 4'
April 22, 1843. I letter.
I4FORIII A TION has been iecelved, that on the 26th 4469
day of July last, a package was made tip at the or. 4470 C
fire of the Collector of the Cuwomsat New Orleans, con. 173 d. A
taining —treasury notes of the United States, which 1739 B
Dad been received at that °dice, and had been paid and 1963 A
cancelled by writing , upon their face, and by a receipt 1203 B
endorsed upon them, which package has not beet. teceiv- 2300 B
ed, It has been ascertained that some of the notes thus 333 C
paid and cancelled have been paid Imo the custom.honses 606 C
and to receivers of public moneys, bearing very slight 4525 B
indications, if any, of a prior cancellation; from which 4526 A
it is apprehended that others, of the same description 331 A
may be in circulation. As these notes are wholly invat- 4391 B
id, and cannot be received, or in any way acknowledged 4479 C
by the Treasury. It Is dremed proper to publish the fol. 4816 A
!ovine Owl rad. of hem, that the public may be on their 5174 R
guard against receiving them . . 12849 B
3597 C
3599 B
3536 11
3541 A
3.534 c
3538 c
3065 D
235 - 2
4 65 6 C
4528 B
:1014 R
3038 A
3674 B
5303 A
1233 c
1214 B
1217 B
1213 A
1218 c
1232 A
1219 -A
1220 B
1 - 221 c
1 . 229 B
1138 A
1139 11
6206 A
6205 11
8191 A
5194 A
8193 R
8209 A
8210 R
8214 C
8225 B
6550 A
8192 B
6393 C
6547 A
32(10 A
319.3 C
8215 A
8218 A
8 219 B
8226 C
8191 C
1140 C
65 32 A
List of Treasury Notes referred is in the above xotice
4- ].
, Date of Noie
3354 C 10 November, 1837
6929 B 23 Jam., 1838
6643 A 25 August,
388 A 1 May,
252 C 6
260 B 13 "
218 C 11
252 C 5 March,
734 B 29 July,
327 C 21 October,
B 17 December,
2921 B 44
1 .000
50 --
50 5
1,007 6
50 5
100 2
100 2
50 '2
50 2
500 6
64 500 6
611 1.000 6
100 6
1.000 6
1.0:00 6
500 6
61 500 6
100 6
•• 500 6
64 500 6
500 6
• 500 6
1.000 6
• 500 2
50 6
I,o'lo 6
1 000 6
.. 1.009 6
1.000 6
1,000 6
• 500 2
500 6
500 6
• 50 6
1.000 6
100 6
1,000 6
1.000 6
1,000 6
1.0(M) 6
f'• 1.000 6
500 6
500 6
• 500 6
• 50 2
• 1.000 2
•' 1,000 2
7 June, •' 1,000 6
15 . 50 2
5.10 2
28 "1.000
7 July, 04 500
103 5 2_5
• 5110 5 2-5
5.0 5 2-5
104) 5 2-5
• 50 5 2-3
• 50 5 2-5
• 50 5 2-5
• 50 5 2-3
50 5 2-5
646 50 5 2-5
100 5 2.3
100 5 2.3
100 5 2. 5
50 5 2.5
1110 .5 2.3
• 5 0 52.. E
• 50 5 2,5
• 100 .5 2.5
100 5 2.5
• :A/ 5 2_5
100 5 2.5
• 100 5 2.5
• 100 525
• 50 5 2 5
60 5 2 - 5
66 SO 5 2-5
100 5 2-5
• 50 5 2.5
• 50 5 2.5.
50 5 2.5
• 50 5 2.5
411 50 525
•it 50 5 2.51
50 5 2.51
100 5 2.51
66 B 2 January
2942 B 30 "
C 12 February,
200 0 16 "
158 13
154 A
183 A 23
218 R
171 C 3 March,
1230 C 6 "
134 B
135 C
240 C
249 C
19 A 9
77 B
73 C
76 A
RI C 60
64 A 12 "
537 B 31 "
70 , 4 A
5.17 R 5 Are,ll,
528 C
537 C
553 A "
772 A 23"
200 11 30 ••
6112 B 2 May
437 A 3
906 R 5 ••
404 11 6 ••
5.15 A
599 B
591 C
71:3 B
7110 C
511 A
516 C
614 B
205 A 30 Septemt er ,
206 B
717 c 7 October.
1 122 c
1 045 A
1 .303 c 5 November,
1 313 g
1 390 n
1 34 ti B t.
1423 A Is "
865 C 19 ••
15 52 A 24
1653 B 25
1666 A 1 December,
IgB7 B tl
1663 C
1669 A
1670 B It
1671 C
iti7B A ••
440 C 10 "
18114 C 23 "
1867 A '•
1790 B
1954 A
1912 A
1908 C It
1792 A `•
1906 A
500 2
500 2
.500 2
50 2
•• 100 2
• 50 2
• 100 2
1.00 2
41 100 2
50 2
100 2
• 50 2
64 500 2
611 100 2
100 2
100 2
100 2
100 2
61 100 2
• 100 2
46 500 .2
100 2
160 2
50 2
66 180 2
50 2
100 2
1/. 56 2
50 2
500 6
500 6
500 6
500 6
.500 6
500 6
100 6
100 2
50 '2
50 2
66 100 2
100 2
.50 2
50 2
30 2
50 2
100 2
41 100
1842 500 6
50 6
50 6
50 6
500 6
500 6
100 6
100 6
100 6
100 6
100 6
- 99 100 6
.50 6
SO 6
50 6
" - 100 6
100 6
41 100 6
It 100 6
100 6
" 500 6
5 00 6
500 6
500 6
1,000 6
50 6
10 6
543 C 30 "
542 13
541 A
5.311 A
546 C
1616 0 31 ••
boa C
2288 C
2z45 A
2283 C
2326 A ••
2247 C
2248 A ••
t 217 0 A ••
2278 A
2279 Ft
935 A 5 rehronry,
3940 A
R 960 C
1 3469 A
882 C
8739 A
740 B '•
1492 C "
.439 A
or pe•
Note. cent
:I:: . :r.r::'! , ,': - . !::: : __"....1- .
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4. 4 4 500 6
.. 4.
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94 PO 100 6
ft 40 100 6
/1 19 500 6
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'4 19 100 6
14 February, 1842 100 6
64 50 6
16 " „ 100 6
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44- 44 mu 6
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It 64 $
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4A 44 SO 6
IA la 5c 6 ,
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50 6
50 6
11/ 50 6
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8 111 11
500 6
500 6
119 50 6
12 " " LOOO 6
500 6
31 " 100 6
" 1 ,600 6
11 11
100 6
50 6
" 1,000 6
100 6
99 100
100 6
91 100 6
,4 So 6
119 11 100 6
100 6
31 March " 1.000 6
" 1.000 6
" 1.000 6
• • 100 6
100 6
100 6
1 00 6
I April 100 6
100 6
9. ioo 6
300 6
2 " 100 6
70 97 .50 6
19 50 6
.5 IF 52 6
6 " 4 1 4 000 6
" 1.000 6
" 1,000 6
12 " 50 6
13 " " 1,600 6
18 19 100 6
19 " " 1.000 6
" 1-0410 6
" 1•000 6
11 500 6
"4:Soo 6
500 6
11 500 6
500 6
" 500 6
19 500
500 6
540 6
- 100 6
" 100 6
X ate
1140,: ,eent.
Second Night ow. DFSER rED V I LLAGE
3i apperance of MrtFIANN since her indispo—
This Even'i,g, Ally Will t!.c cdeqate'dlaista fiosis
Gt.l.l. , nvii,', Poem 0 in e
To ennclnde with the laughable twee of in .
Doors open at 7 o'clock, Performance to emu.
mence at half past 7
Lower Boxes, 50 cants Second Ticr, .371 e cats
l'it, 25 " G Huy. 12} tints
AT Auction on Friday morning nest, at 10
o'elcet, will be offered the best and most
e-tensive asvortment of genuine English cloth*
ever be'ore offered at Aucii n in this market-..
Consisting of 75 pieces asiFortcci colors, and quA.
ties, comprising extra Blue, Saxony, superfine
'Wool Dyed black, Coburg Olive, Invisible mind
Rifle Green, Dahlia,Citron, Olive. London Smoked,
Steel ai.d Mixed. The above clothes are fresh
and r direr t from the importer.
Ali-o, 100 hales brown Shadi n gs,
5 cases Prin..s; Kentucky Jeans.
Drillings,and a quantity ”f.•ther seisms+
able Dry Goods. FAHNESTOCK 4. CO.
mey 10. Corner ofsth and Wood.
i , r-r j • Felt CINCINNATI
The lineand fast running at eatululat SWIFTEURg.
Robison master, will leave for. he above and Infertile,:
diote ports o n every Thursday morning al - 100
. _
The ranat packet Ell Shaw tnaeter, wilt r Imo
ae a regulur tri-weekly packet Itelmeen the afore named
ports, teaver; Rea vet o t AlundtiF, Wirdaeortnyv, Frida y•f;
Warning., leaves Warren on Tui.t.dan, Thurston a rd
Saturday.; conr.ectliie with the Stege.Lities to eleven rd
direct. For freight or passage apply an hoard or to
may 10
To the Votera of AllegAtng County : --1 reopreirony nr.
er ntveclfto your n rnmlidateliedepon.
dent of parties) for the of PROTHONOTA BY of
Ai inglieny county, at the P.IISII inl election. As Ido not
come berme you .erornmended I,y a convention, these. of
you 10 whom I stn not personally known wilt &ease ex
amine into my qualifications, 4r.: and Ifs° rorianata a.
to °hullo a roljorlly of your suffrages, 1 shall endeavor
by strict :went ion to the dillies of 1 hi! Mitre. to sal ioi r y ymt
with your choice. ALEX. %MAAR.
may 10 Of Pitipburrh:
LUKE Lot) Azool, PaldiOer. Bookseller sod
Binder. N 0,89 Wood street, Pittsburgh, has always
or hand a general assortment of school Books, Mask
Bonk., and Stationary,
Job Prinlin. and Bindlug.ifone at rhnrt notice.
Kr The Itighrst price allowed 1 . .. tr Rags, Tat.aer's Sc rape .
and Ifteo-nwa x. may 1.41
LEFT the premises of the subscriber on Siturfloy,
inst. a white cow with small rel stio's, long Ain
horns, n bole lit the tl-ht. Itzin; about 10 yearn atJ,
1,2 near calvinr. Any per•ou who wilt 're.
Rini 510 cow to the sti.ecrilter, or will leave woril at
the warehonEin of Lime. Bilck earner orimitt di , Penn
Fir,eig. so &hat lie in:ly 7,Cl her; will he ro..rally
Ott RN MrKEVN t ,
Corner of Penn & It-win 41.
mly In
It EN l'--zeverel ItOtt.e. In town snit' country"
11 A COnd ilit , l properly el,ep t twin with It mail
earn:it. Wanted two or lline men with stnaii tatnitirs
in go toot, Country. (time: wanted Coo a nundier of
torn; inerhanits; fainters; comlimen: rod am!,
naiad?, azrri men for light work. Also; for coot; thaw.
her maid-; wet riot dry roarer; and for "mall boy. -and
girl.. Wanted to borrow on mortgage or good security
fir €4.11 hundred to two ilimsand &Ohm+. All kind of
Agency and I otelligenee lin;iness attended Au at
short notice—all letter; post paid promptly attended' tn.
1 ;A -IC IIARRI3 , Gene ral Arent
may 10 & Intelligence Office, Ni.. 9.5 th St.
A HELL furnished Brick flotiFe, with a well culti
vated Flower Garden of about half an sere, and
utovid..ti with alt necessary stables and
offered for rent from the present time - until the firm of
April next. It pleasantly situated on the banks of tie
Ohio, a short distance from the city, and for reatven
lance and comfort is not excelled by any other in fife `
neighborhood of Pittsburgh. For a small family who
will lake gond care of the prenilst s, this Is One of the
most desirable +orations that could be offered. For fur.
ther information ripply at ilia: , c•flice, or to al, Kane Jr.
Li' erty rt reel. may 9.-Iw,
petition of J.IS E. Kilbourn of the Ist Ward
Piet-burgh, in said county, respectfully shneverh--
That he is well provided with house room NO
other convenien , es for the accommr dation of
gers and travellers. And he prays your honors:W .
grant him a 'iceose to keep an )no or Itortre of Pub''
tic Entertainment. And he will pray. &c.
The ontlersitened ritlzens of the first Ward
hip& respectfully cmtify,tha , J. E 1(111 ourr. the a.
hove named applicant, is a gentleman of go , d repute
for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with
house 100111 and conveniences for !he aecommoda—
tion a d lodging of strangers and R avelers, and that
said tavern is necessary for the accommodation of
the public.
John Dunlap,
Horatio P. Young,
G. R.
John Liwtort,
Thomas Welace,
Rees C. Townsend,
Dmiel Clark
T "'partnership heretofore existing. between the
subscribes, In the cabinet mal:lng husimee..wa s
dissolved this by mutual consent. All persons indebted
to the flint wilt pieuse call ut their late warehouse irm
InealatAY. and Celtic their irpettivebills. And all have
in claims will present them for settlement at the. saline
place. Eh her of the late partners Is outline Ized tortilla
accounts. H. P. YOUNG,
ALEX. McClain.
Pdishursh, May 6 .1843.—(may 8,3.)
D R. JONES" ACADEMY. W rorner of Mar.
ket and Fifth streets,—(lasses.ln French, Latinos
Greek 4.c. tati2lit chiefly Ly Irrturea. •
The clauses will attend on allernnte days:
Gentlemen, from 7to6a. m. Ladies,from it to 10
a m.
Also, In the eventivg, iusiructiattp, by lecturing, In
English Grammar4Eomposition, Hook Keeping, Geese.
try, Algebra, 4 . c.
Gcntleinen,from R to 10, p m. I Ladicp,i'romer).oB..p..M.
To commence on Monday, .May R. Terms moderate.
may 6—if,
I HAVE on hand a large and hell assorted stork of
UPHOLSTERY WARE, ant able for the spring and
summer business, anti am prepared at short notice to till
NI orders entrusted to me. My stock to entirely new
made of the hest materials. will be sold at mites to snit
the. times. Merchants will find me well prepared to fill
their orders on the beet terme, for any description of Up.
hoistery toads fsrr their customers; and rite ciriZtll4l want
ing any article II my line, will be prompti; set ved„ Sad
their favors thankfully reccked.
WM. NOBLE, Ulinkterer,, _
No. 4 Wood at . gear the river.
10 Etats Lai Sugar;
slid. Crushed do.; Just received and for sits
43 Wood st.
a p 29
J •
risr . 4 RAIVED-11, fresh *apply of
tr O'Neirs relebraied Cathollimo. •
" Pheumatle Dechetion, •
1.4.10y's Sarsaparilla Blood Pills; -
Mrs Reed's Female Us*, at 'lmplore of • .-- 4-
tay 9-2 w corner of tins tlooonflk* ;.
Suction Salust.
BIRMINGHAM St..CC) , Pittsinugh.
J• :S. DICKEY, Boavir.
Gee Wilson,
S. R. 'felines,
Se•nuel Keller.
1). Brbeklocker, -
A MeGammon,
G. W. Brad'ey.
may 9-3,